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Her Lips were red, her looks were free,

Her locks were yellow as gold:

Her skin was as white as leprosy,

The Night-mare life-in-death was she,

Who thicks man's blood with cold.

- Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner

"I walk the streets alone. I scan my watch but 3:30 means nothing to me. The night is black and heavy and gives me the only sense of time that I need. It is dark, and that fact alone gives me courage to face the oncoming hours with any sense of pleasure. When the sun breaks, all these marvelous little thoughts of mine will shatter, and the huddled, shivering mass of rich mens' sons and daughters will issue out into these streets, my streets, and talk about money, sex, and football, the only things of importance. But I have the now, the current, and these cold empty hours walking alone in the dark are like heaven to me, compared to the horrid pale face of the sun beating upon my smoked-out, tired, sleepless skull. College can be such a lonely place."

"It seems that the last two years can be strung together as a series of regrets. Missing this party here, skipping that dinner there, not asking this girl or that girl out; these occurrences are the only ones that taint my memory. I'm sure that some joy was had by me during those months and years but the good times sure don't stick around like the bad. But even the bad memories served the purpose of telling me what was happening to me. Now, either because of alcohol or other intoxicants, even remembering the events of the past day can be a chore. I used to have ambition, but now it is gone. I used to feel like there was something special about me, but now I see this "special something" as a raging gap between me and the rest of the world. As privileged as I pretend to feel at being something apart from the generally happy, stuck-up, grown-up youth of this institution, there is something that separation cannot bring you and it is that thing that I long for more than anything. It is not the thing that I expected to find that cold November night, walking the vacant campus paths, but now I realize that it was a matter of it finding me and not the other way around."

"Some men are thrust into greatness and others have greatness thrust upon them. I don't know which truly happened to me that night, but my greatness can no longer be disputed. It almost feels like a dream, a nightmare, but it can only scare me if I wake up. As long as I stay trapped in this reality, this delusion, my separation from everything that I care for will never be fully apparent. All that scares me now is the thought that everything with a beginning undoubtedly has an end."

It's amazing what a pack a day can do to your lungs in two short months. I was an athlete in high school, a football player, but my current state is but a shadow of my former self. I wake up wheezing but relish that time around noon when I feel well and healthy once more, able to renew my body with toxins and make sure that healthy will never again define me at all. It is the night when I inflict the real damage. I get stoned quickly so I can savor every little piece of my sanity as it crumbles from me. How does one reach the point when life is no longer fun, unless seen through the eyes of someone not aware of even what he sees? When masturbation is not what it once was, what then can you turn to for solace? It was this question in particular that I pondered that cold November night, when she came into my life.

I had just settled onto a stone rock on campus, overlooking a small, nonfunctional, fountain and lit up a cigarette, when she stepped out of the shadows and into some more. I saw her frame move onto a rock across from mine and only the blood-red hue of her lips could be discerned from under her hood. I took a drag from my cigarette, wondering what the hell some little rich girl was doing out this late, when she first spoke to me.

"Pondering the intricacies of life?" she asked.

"What intricacies?" I replied. I had hoped that my somber tone would have moved her to leave, but instead I saw those red lips twist into a smile.

"What's come already, what comes next, why does it matter?" she said. I sucked in a deep breath of death while staring at those lips. Fine, I'll bite.

"That's the thing," I said, releasing the cloud of smoke, made even more pronounced by the chattering cold of deep winter, "It doesn't matter. None of it does. Fretting over the past is as equally useless as trying to predict the future. What happens happens, and that's that." As the words came out of my mouth, I became supremely aware of how depressed I sounded. The girl didn't move or speak but sat still and foreboding. There were no movements or reactions to read, but something told me that she was analyzing my words. I peered into that dark hood of hers trying to make out any identifiable "thing" but all I could see were those blood-red lips, emotionless and cold.

"Then what's worth living for?" she replied, her voice startling me. I took another quick puff. If she asked me during the day, I probably would have given here the proper Christian answer that my upbringing had brought me to believe but the dark had its icy grip on me and everything seemed to be black and dead.

"I don't know. Everything seems skewed at night, somehow different."

"Better or worse?" she asked.

"Different." I repeated, starting to become curious, "Who are you?" Then she gave me one last fleeting glance, a twist of her lips into a smile, and then she was gone. I saw her black coat come up over her face as she stood up and then there was nothing. I peered into the darkness, trying to find the girl, and even stood up, as if to follow the nothing I had to lead me, when the smoldering remains of my cigarette bit into my finger.

"Shit," I muttered, tossing the fluorescent orange tip to the ground. I looked up one more time but there was as little there as there was before. How strange...

The next day in class, I could think of little else. While whoever spoke about whatever around me, I scribbled pictures in my notebook of the mysterious woman with crimson lips. I jotted down a little blurb about her even, thinking that she might make an interesting character in one of my many short stories, before class finally ended. Within a few hours, my business on campus was over and I left for home. The sky was overcast that day and I vividly remember the overcast feeling that enveloped me. Some people I knew stopped me for idle talk, but even they noticed that I was gloomier than usual. They kept asking me if I was "OK," trying to be nice, trying to make me think that they would actually remember what they were talking to me about ten minutes from now, but their formalities were wasted on me. I told them "yes," regardless, and continued on my way.

After a sandwich, I immediately felt a surge of weariness wash over me. Within minutes I was out cold, unconscious on my couch. It was a big thing for me, finally being able to sleep, and I slept like the dead. It was after dark before I even woke up. The faint glow of the moon gave my room an eerie luminescent pigment that made my pupils widen. I glanced out at the night before me and my heart started to beat harder. I thought of the poet Rilke that instant and his words that I had once read.

"Only the individual who is solitary is like a thing subject to profound laws, and if he goes out into the morning that is just beginning, or looks out into the evening that is full of things happening, and if he feels what is going on there, then his whole situation drops from him as from a dead man, although he stands in the very midst of life."

The truth of that paragraph had always astounded me but also made me realize yet another difference that I had with everyone else. I liked my solitary situation and felt uneasy without it. Whenever I went to class or walked among others, it's true that my situation fell from me, but walking about at 3AM, wandering the black empty streets, entertaining my endless search for nothing: these things helped me regain my solitude, and returned to me my unique view of things.

A quick dinner, a shower, and a cigarette later I was again stepping quietly through the night and within minutes, I found myself standing near the same broken fountain where I had met the mysterious woman the night before. I had not realized that I was walking there and was strangely surprised to find myself in the same situation as before, sucking on a cigarette, breathing silently in the cold lamplight. Psychology tells us that sometimes the unconscious can make us do things that are unexpected from time to time but looking back at it now, I realize that the reason that I had walked there had nothing to do with me at all.

The supreme silence of that place started to get to me, and the dim light, or lack thereof, was starting to persuade me to leave but just as my heels started twisting on the pavement, she appeared once more. Her appearance was as sudden as last night's disappearance and startled me so much that I almost tripped over my own feet. As before, she was wearing that hood and the subtle motion of her lips was the only thing I could see. "Didn't expect to see you again," she said, "maybe its fate?" I couldn't pinpoint, at that moment, exactly what it was, but something about her tone told me that she was lying.

"Same here," I replied, staring into her hood, growing more and more curious by the second. Neither of us sat, but stood there, several paces apart, studying each other. "You left last night pretty quickly; I never got your name." Her lips smiled, as they did the previous night and she started approaching me.

"My name is Angel," she said, "and you're Billy." She kept walking closer with slow deliberate steps, and her voice was so melodious that I almost felt entranced or drugged. I tried to make out her face, to check if I had seen her before but it was if the shadows deliberately followed her every move. The fact that she knew who I was made me a little uneasy.

"How did you..." I began, but just as I started my question, my mind became flooded with a thousand others as her face came into the light for the first time. As the shadows peeled away, I was shocked by the sheer splendor of her, and a gasp escaped my lips. Her skin was pale, with a flash of pink, and her crimson lips were accentuated as they slowly parted. Her eyes were blue and piercing, and I felt myself trembling as mine fell upon them. Her features were very finely chiseled, and a few loose locks of the most golden hair I had ever beheld seemed to fade into and out of view from behind her hood. She was both beautiful and terrifying at the same time. My heart began to race as she stood several feet away, staring at me intently. Her gaze was penetrating.

"Why did you come here Billy?" I swallowed hard and tried to formulate an answer but she spoke again before I could. "Why do you walk the streets every night trying to find something that can't be found?" My eyes must have been full of questions as she kept speaking but I couldn't think with those beautiful horrible eyes upon me. "Why do you shy away from the light?" As she spoke the word "light" she seemed to hiss and her brilliant white teeth came into view. For some reason, they frightened me immensely. She took one more step forward and laid her hands on my shoulders. While I stood tense and motionless, she brought her face alongside mine, my nostrils noticing a faint scent of lavender. As she whispered into my ear, I shivered involuntarily. "If you're as curious as I am, maybe we could talk some more." She slowly brought her face in front of mine, and again I felt naked against her cold merciless stare. "I may have some answers for you." I blinked once, hard, to break from her gaze, and when I reopened my eyes, she had vanished once again.

"Jesus Christ!" I muttered, "What the fuck." I breathed out hard and started making love to my cigarette as I realized that something was in my other hand. I brought the object to my face, a white card, and made out only one word on the front. "Angel." I flipped it over and there on the back was scribbled an address along with "midnight." She must have slipped it into my palm at some instant. A mingled sense of fear and excitement pumped through my body and despite myself, I started to smile. "Angel," I muttered to myself, turning the card in my hand over and over. I felt like I should ponder the situation and compare the pros and cons of what could happen, but it was useless, my mind was already set.

The next day was a blur. The quick glimpse that I had of Angel was enough to occupy my mind for the entire day. She was more beautiful than anything I had ever beheld in nature and yet still terrified me to the bone. I think it was this combination of two incredibly opposite emotions that I felt for her that interested me the most, and it was this intrigue that propelled me to see her again. She was sublimely fascinating, and, admittedly, that was something that I had begun to think was impossible to find in a college girl. And also, despite my penchant for brunettes, her golden hair was dazzling.

I didn't sleep at all the previous night, and sure enough, by noon I was exhausted. I skipped my last class and went directly home to bed and, yet again, I slept like I hadn't for a long time. However, this sleep was haunted by visions from the past and things I would have liked to forget. I dreamt of my family and that horrible fire, years ago, that claimed them. I dreamt of my sister and my endless screams upon finding her broken body lying dead upon the floor. Visions of my foster father flooded my mind and the pain he beat into me I felt anew like it was the first time. I tossed and turned all night long until finally I saw her in my dreams. She was dressed similarly, as I had seen her before, but the place where she stood was unfamiliar to me. She beckoned to me with an outstretched hand but as I approached her I felt that same fear that I had felt when I had seen her face. This time however, when she laid her hands upon me, I felt the fear suddenly melt away. It was not as if she became less terrifying, but instead, I felt as if I was wizening, and in my understanding, I knew that nothing could do me harm, not anymore. It was this feeling that gripped me as I woke up sweating, panting, and yet rested, at about ten.

The images in my head slowly faded into memory after a shower and two cups of coffee. I glanced at my watch and noticed my hand was visibly shaking. A growing sense of anticipation was playing itself out upon my body and, to be honest, I was frightened at the uncertainty surrounding that night. I had no idea what to expect. I drained the last of the cup and placed it on top of the mound of dishes gathered in the sink. I had wished the dishes, as well as my other responsibilities, would deal with themselves, but life never cuts you breaks like that. I wished that I could drop out of this damn college, but I realized that I would never be satisfied with a high-school graduate's existence. I wished that I enjoyed the social scene of my peers, and could happily live day-to-day like normal people, but, unfortunately, night-to-night seemed to suite me better for some reason. I just felt doomed, whatever choices I made. "Fuck it," I said aloud. Grabbing my coat, I headed for the door.

I must have stood standing there across the street from that old house for an hour before finally summoning up the courage to knock on the door. It was a very old house, Victorian in styling, and painted various shades of black and gray. It was a grim sight to behold but seemed to fit my current mood perfectly. As I walked closer I had initially expected something archaic, like an old-fashioned doorknocker, but, in betrayal to the rest of the exterior, a small gaudy-looking doorbell was mounted on the doorframe. I pushed it, heart racing, and waited. I didn't know what to feel so instead I felt a bit of everything. Anticipation, fear, happiness, loneliness, and even despair danced together inside me to create a most unusual sensation. I still remember it vividly like it was yesterday.

When she finally opened the door, it was like entering a dream. I don't recall what was said, if anything, but I remember being ushered through the hallways into a central parlor and bade to sit in a plush red leather chair, cracking with age. She left for something, I don't recall what, but she soon returned with a steaming cup of tea. After placing it before me on the coffee table, I seemed to become aware of my surroundings for the first time and I let it all sink in.

The room was surreal. It looked like it jumped out of an Alfred Hitchcock film. A large stone fireplace burned brightly against one wall and the picture above it of some dreary old woman made my blood chill. Candles were set up about the room and no outward sign of modern technology could be seen. Two crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling on opposite sides of the room and two doors lead out into the adjoining hallway. About the walls were placed old bookshelves and dressers and above them hung all sorts of paintings and photos of various people and places. Most were depressing and many were quite frightening. A large musty sofa sat in the middle of the room and another chair like the one where I sat was placed on the opposite side of the meticulously carven oak table before me. It is that chair that she walked to and sat down in, sensuously crossing her legs, never taking her eyes off of me.

I was no longer afraid, being not as surprised this time at her brilliant appearance, but stood even more dumbfounded than before at the immense beauty that seemed to radiate from her. She wore no hood tonight and her golden locks cascaded like a waterfall down to her shoulders. Her pale face shown bright and flickered in the firelight while her eyes, steely and blue, almost translucent in the light, never shuddered as they seemed to peer into my soul. Her full red lips shown out as majestically as they had before and in the slight place between her smiling lips, I could almost make out gleaming white teeth. She was dressed very differently that night, much to my surprise and good fortune. Instead of the heavy black cloak, she wore only a very thin white robe, presumably silk, that seemed to show off, in garish detail, every subtle contour of her body. As she sat with her legs crossed, the hem pulled up very high on her left thigh, revealing the most beautiful legs I had ever seen. The strap holding the gown together was tied loosely around her waist and the neck hung very low down her chest, revealing the cleft between her large breasts. Her chest strained against the fabric and her nipples were apparent, even under the thin silk, obviously aroused from rubbing against the material. How I longed to pull away that robe and see her body, as only a glimpse of her face almost reduced me to tears. Beside myself, I felt a slight tingling underneath my jeans.

"I'd imagine you'd have a lot of questions." She said. Her voice was like music and it sent a shiver down my spine. I should have had a lot of questions, but as I gazed upon her, my mind went blank. She raised one eyebrow after a short pause. "Or perhaps, none at all." She leaned forward in her chair, causing her breasts to hang against the firm fabric. "How about we start like this." She said, her cleavage tantalizing me. "Some time ago you realized that you were not like anyone else that you have ever met." She paused briefly looking for some sign of recognition from me. I merely nodded slightly and leaned forward, interested. But doesn't everyone feel that way from time to time?

"You're not sure what it is, but you just can't seem to fit in, no matter how hard you try." She licked her lips before continuing. "You're prone to sleeping in the day and walking the streets at night. You feel like you have to but have no idea why." I had kept my life isolated from others for the past 4 years but she seemed to know all about me. She smiled. "What are you looking for Billy?" My face must have been a mess of confusion.

"I ... I don't know." I stammered. "To be honest, I was hoping you could tell me." She looked away for the first time onto the cup that she had placed in front of me.

"Perhaps. But for now, relax. Drink your tea." I picked up my mug and glanced around for hers.

"Not having any, yourself?" I asked.

"No," she said, "I don't drink tea."

"Then why do have it then?"

"Because you like it." My hand started shaking involuntarily and some of the fear that I had previously felt started creeping back under my skin. I took a sip of the drink and put it back on the table.

"How do you know so much about me?" Her smile dissipated as she heard me ask, and I felt that she was reluctant to answer.

"It's not important Billy," she said, "I'm just going to have to ask you to trust me." Her eyes held mine once more and I felt that, even had I not wanted to, I had to trust her. She didn't wait for an answer before continuing.

"You know Billy; you're not the first person to feel that way."

"I had hoped as much," I said, taking another sip of the tea.

"I felt that way once, and still do in a sense." Her eyes narrowed upon me. "And so did your father." The cup shook in my hand, spilling tea over the sides. I put in down quickly, half in shock, half in anger.

"What do you know of my father?" I yelled, suddenly angry for some reason. I had barely known the man but the subject had always been unusually sensitive.

"What did they tell you about his death, Billy? It was an accident, right?" She again leaned back in her chair, her robe pulling even further up her thigh. Her eyes narrowed and her face went a blank. "That fire was set for a reason, Billy. Your father was murdered."

I stood up suddenly but immediately felt a little dizzy. "How do you know anything about my fatherrr?" The last word sounded slightly skewed and I started to see spots in front of me. "What ... did you... ?" I collapsed on the chair involuntarily, completely exhausted, glancing over towards the cup of tea that she had given me.

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3 years ago
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Cured for Christmas

1 - Miami Beach, Florida, 7:30 pm, Monday November 21st 2011 "SIT," dad ordered as both Paloma and I started to get up from the dinner table. I looked resignedly over at my sister as we both slid back down into our seats. We both had recognized his tone. "Your mother and I want to have a talk with you," dad added unnecessarily. "I'm pretty busy dad ... studying ... I've really got to get going," I protested as I again pushed my chair back from the dining room table. "Me too daddy,...

3 years ago
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Threesum with friendrsquos wife and her lover

Last year, I posted one story “Seduction of wife of Fast Friend”, which was liked by many and replied to me. This was my relation (of course with changed names) with my fast friend’s wife Priya living in Patna, which was developed through a long time seduction since her marriage to my friend and then finally on a holi, I advanced my action which lead to sex with her afterwards. I used to fuck her everytime when her husband go out on tours. My friend was on a job of sales executive in a company...

1 year ago
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Studienergebnisse eines Mannes im Krper heier Girls

Das ist die Geschichte von Walter, einem 48-jährigen Erfinder. Vor kurzem hat er etwas erfunden, was sein Leben für immer verändern wird! Und zwar den iBod, ein Gerät, mit dem man sich beliebig verwandeln kann. Walter hat damit natürlich nichts blöderes zu tun, als sich in heiße junge Fotzen zu verwandeln und das Ganze auch noch wissenschaftlich zu dokumentieren. Das sind seine(?) Abenteuer ;)

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Me Didi during College

Hi, I am Ravi from a Bengali middle-class family. I am a 6ft tall, bit yellowish skin tone, muscular and curly hair guy. I did kickboxing since my teenage, so I have an athletic body. I am handsome, you can say.I am here to describe the incident between me and my virgin didi. After clearing my JEE exams, I got selected in NIT Dur**pur. My dad is a government employee and my mom is a housewife.My sister loves me a lot. She was doing her graduation and wanted to do an MBA. She was very...

2 years ago
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Me My Friend and His Mother

Bill gets seduced by his best friend's mother.My Name is Neal. My earliest sexual experience happened despite the fact that my family was in a super-strict fundementalist church back in the Sixties. Sex was never mentioned -- except that it was wrong, sinful, wicked, and not to be discussed at all. Ever. But, within a few months after I turned 16, I was wanking several times a day, and desperate for any information about sex.My best friend Bill Baker went to a different church and his family...

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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 30 PickUp

Deirdre leaned back and pinched her nose. She stared at the paper sheets in front of her. Should she just return them now or try to find errors? No. At this point she was too tired. She would probably introduce more new errors than she could correct. Rotating her shoulders she sat straight. Then she exhaled and shuffled the forms into a neat pile before she put them in the folder and sealed it. Packing her writing utensils, her pack of tissues, her water bottle, and her box of Mars mini bars,...

1 year ago
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Dyked Kinsley Anne Tia Cyrus Erogenous Zone Education

Kinsley Anne is confused. She has a new boyfriend who she is super attracted to, but whenever they have sex, she does not even get close toan orgasm. Luckily, she has super sexy MILF Tia Cyrus to ask for help. Tia tells her that the female body is full of erogenous zones, many of which an inexperienced guy may not know about. She oils Kinsley up and shows her how working some of these extra sensitive spots can get her in the mood to climax. Kinsley can tell Tia knows what she is talking about,...

2 years ago
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Transformation From A Boy To A Complete Man

Hi once again!!! Thanks for liking my previous story. Today I was alone at home and was thinking about my first time, thought of penning it down for all of you. It all started 10 years back when I was 16 years old and had just finished my 12th Class Boards in March. Since we had a long break and had to join school in July, so my parents asked me to go to my chacha’s place in Bangalore. At that time my Chacha was 35 years and a professor in a reputed college in Bangalore. My Chachi had expired...

Gay Male
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American Dad Problems With CloningChapter 2 Birth of Stephanie Smith

Thursday - Langley Falls’, Stan’s Home: It was a few hours later since he learned about the problem with his son’s clone being a female, whilst it distorted Francine, Stan had other thoughts on his mind. Sure part of him was upset that his son was going to become a female now, but that part was small, thanks to the pills that he had taken over the weekend, he was mainly turned on by the idea. It meant there was another female member of the family that he could fuck once the time was right....

3 years ago
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An Assloving Affair Pt 2

After Rob left, I was on cloud nine for the rest of the day, feeling well-fucked at last. I never knew what I’d been missing out on all this time! I kept wondering if it would be a one-off or I’d get to enjoy Rob's cock again. I felt a bit guilty for cheating on Mark but mostly excited by what happened.Mark came home from work that evening and I took my butt plug out just before we ate dinner, like Rob had said. For once, I didn’t care about Mark’s boring small talk because I was distracted...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Negotiations part two

"But....but what", I asked."I have some terms.", she answered.I got instand rock hard....she giggled....squeezed my dick hard..."Is this all it takes", she smiled...."Me, just talking....and you have not heard my terms yet"She started to kiss my balls, biting..."Terms....yes...what terms....?", I asked."First, I will pick the do not want a I will make a profile on a dating site and find some hunks"....."can you deal with that", she asked."Øh, are...

1 year ago
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Ajnbee Aurat Ki Chudai 8211 Part II

By: Jai.Wannasex Dosto mai 1 bar phir se apni story ke sath aapke samne hoo meri pahli story ke bad aapne jo responce diya use mai kaphi khus ho, khair wo ajnbi aurat ab ajnabi nahi rahi aur uska nam kanika tha. Kanika aur hamari bate ab aksar sms aur phone pe hone lagi aur hmari bate din par din aur garam hoti ja rahi thi. Monday ke din kanika ne mujhe sms kiya want some roll today honey’ maine sms kiya dn sham ko 5 baje at My place bye aur aaj to meri taiyari puri thi uski chut ke sath aaj...

2 years ago
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The Last Rodeo Out Of Town

She was face down ass up on the bed and her tight denim shorts hung from her right ankle.  She had not worn panties.  The cowboy's thick hard cock was deep inside her.  She let her hips bounce freely as the tour bus sped along the rough road, knowing there was no way her rider was going to be unseated.  She had already cum.  She had orgasmed almost as soon as he had entered her.  She knew it was the feeling of leaving, almost as much as his strong body and his long dick, that had made it happen...

Straight Sex
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A Walk in the Park

Ally blushed as he felt the phone in his pocket vibrate briefly, followed by its usual chime. He slipped it from his pocket, glanced at the screen and gulped a little loudly. Someone had responded. The message was brief and simple, the way he'd asked. "Meet @ Park, 2am bench near Lake." the message read, the young male still trying to decide if he would go at all. The idea of being taken by a stranger for his first time seemed strange, almost dangerous, but just the thought of it made his skin...

2 years ago
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Evening Falls

"Did you have to be so rude?" Thea asked with annoyance. "I wasn't the rude one, I was simply retaliating." Holly shot back, "it's what he gets for rubbing up against me." Thea sighed in frustration, blowing her shoulder-length, blonde locks out of her face. "Don't you think that maybe it was an accident caused by the store being so crowded?" "Look, you can be as naïve as you want, but I know men. You didn't see him bumping into that old fat guy, did you?" Holly countered as...

2 years ago
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She Got a Quick Rub in Her Room

He was about to begin massaging her breasts. His slickly warm right hand was resting just below their rise, fingers stretched into her cleavage. His left hand was lightly gripping the top of her right thigh. She was feeling pretty hot about that. She was wearing the bottom half of a pink string bikini. She was hot about that too and even hotter about the certainty that soon she would not be wearing even that. He would pull it down her legs and off over her feet any minute. He had unclipped...

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Cynthia MartinChapter 35

The next morning Cindy stretched and wriggled her body on the bed. It had been one of the most wonderful nights of her life with Dan. Now her quiet movement was all it took to awaken him. He leaned over and kissed her warmly and then with increasing passion. When they separated he asked, "And how would my bride-to-be like to make love this morning?" She reached for his cock and balls and found that he had his usual massive erection and his scrotum seemed to be full. She looked at him and...

3 years ago
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The Quiet LifeChapter 4

When Marie met me at the door, I just froze and gawked at her. She was wearing her blue terrycloth robe. She always wore it when she wanted to surprise me with whatever she was really wearing, because the robe was so big and bulky that it usually hid her figure so well. But not today. Whatever she was wearing, the bulky garment just wasn’t up to the job. Her extra busty and extra curvy form pushed through the drab garment, overwhelming the unflattering cloth and sent my eyes on a wild...

2 years ago
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Varanasi Jaakar Choda Bhabhi Ko

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends. Mera nam rocky hai. Bht din baad main fir se apni story lekar aaya hu. Mjhe puri umeed hai aap sab ko meri story pasand aaegi. Aur pichli stories ke response aache the. Thanks for that. Ab main sidha story par aata hu. Ye baat 3month pehle ki hai. Jab main mumbai gaya tha apne cousin ke shaadi mein. Har koi ladka shaadi mein jaata hai ye soch kar ki kisi ko ladki ko pata kar kuch kar ne ka mauka mil jaae. Main b yahi soch kar gaya tha. Vaha bht se...

4 years ago
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GingerChapter 9

Ginger's prom was coming up. Mom was back from her honeymoon and relieved that Ginger had been okay staying alone while she was away. Immediately Mom went about getting a gown for her to wear. I was a party to all what went on because Maria, Ginger, and I were a triangle connected by the internet. Benny Eden was Ginger's escort of record. He was taking her and knew he would be dancing constantly with others of their classmates. He planned on having his own girlfriend coming too, knowing in...

3 years ago
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Power of Friendship

I had been the water-boy for the varsity football team all four years and was pretty damn positive I loved women. I dreamed about them and saw a fair share of porn, but never actually had a physical encounter with anyone before. There I was a virgin, a senior in high school, and surrounded by dudes all fall season. During the whole season I saw my fair share of guys and their packages. This of course, got me curious and led me to view gay porn. I wasn’t so sure about myself then. I was growing...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 484 A Tale Of Three Sisters

Sadie hugged her sisters, pulled the hood and face-covering back into place, and went with her sisters. Before they got to where I saw the woman who had to be Sadie’s mom, she said, “So you know, the only good thing that came out of her blinding me is David. He is why I didn’t kill myself during the darkest times. I’ve heard everyone talking about him. I knew him before any of them, and David hasn’t changed the least bit since then, except for getting bigger all over.” That caused all three...

1 year ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 4

The following day, after their Intro to Ed class ended, Prof Martins asked her to speak to him. “So, Miss Denison, I hear from your Merritt High School observing class teacher that you are disrupting his class, and then I hear from Principal Leeds that we have to send more students like you; you stopped a rape from happening. Whatever am I to make of this?” “Sir, that the damned Program is all eff-ed up, you’ll excuse me. In the biology class, that damned teacher was trying to have the boys...

3 years ago
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This is just a bit of fun. It was supposed to be quite short, but it sort of got away from me. It pokes a little fun at the cuckold stories on the site. As such it could have found a home in ‘Loving Wives’ but I think that would put the emphasis in the wrong place. It could have gone into ‘Humour and Satire’, I suppose. Yes, I agree the tale is a little far fetched, and the moral issues raised are complex, but don’t let that spoil your fun! If it does – stop reading: there is enough suffering...

4 years ago
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My Ebony Dream

I had to rewrite my story and fix some grammar errors. So just a little background first. My name is Scott. It’s March 2015 in Phoenix, AZ. I’m 28 years old and single. It’s just another Friday night and I’m ready to hit the clubs and search for my dream woman. Growing up in the 2000’s in America sucks when you would like to meet a naturally hairy woman that doesn’t shave. I sometimes wish I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s but without all the racism. Anyway, I’m old school, I been with around 40...

3 years ago
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Makan malik ki ladkibadi didi

Hello friends, Kaise ho ? Ye ek alag kahani hai. Meri kahaniya gay ya desi jaise Devar ka Farz Aap logo ne pasand ki hai. To ek naya experience bi sun lo. Maine Devar ka Farz me bataya tha ki hum log kaise shahar ki galiyaro wali basti me rehte the. Vo makan hamara nahi tha. Papa ne kiraye par rakha tha. Jab se Bhabubhai se chudai kepath padhe tabse mai har aurat aur ladki ko sex ke najariye se hi dekhata aur meri himmat bi khul gai thi. Hamare makan ki malkan widhava thi. Inski Char betiya...

1 year ago
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It Isnt FairChapter 2

Daddy took me to Tokyo one weekend, and to an OBGYN. She fitted me with a small teen size IUD. She noted that I was still a virgin, with my hymen completely intact. I said, “This is just a precaution, because sometimes I feel my hormones trying to betray me and make me a teenage mommy. I have other plans, and I’m not ready for that, so if I have a weak moment, I want to be protected.” The doctor asked, “Does your father approve of you putting yourself in potentially dangerous...

2 years ago
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Fathers Day

(This is a work of fiction) "If I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I'd like to do is to save everyday till eternity passes away, just to spend them with you. If I could make days last forever if words could make wishes come true I'd save everyday like a treasure, and then, Again I would spend them with you." -Jim Croce Scene: Man walking through a graveyard. Carrying a folding chair in his one hand, and flowers in the other. He finds the spot he is looking...

2 years ago
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Red panty

Hello ISS horny readers I am 28 male from Delhi I am trying to write a horny housewife feeling. When I became a sex maniac a few months ago, I immediately worried that the Caveman might not be able to handle me satisfy me. I didn’t see that it would take time for us to really learn how to have sex together (duh!). But over these weeks of having a lot of sex and writing stories about it, we’ve really come along way (couldn’t resist the pun). Every time we have sex it’s a little different, a...

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The Despoliation of Her sissy

The Despoliation of Her sissy. How long had we talked about it? How long had these dark desires overshadowed so many conversations? How long had we both assured each other that we could share our forbidden desires? It's not easy confessing to anyone that you have a rape fantasy. Nor is it easy for someone to confess they want to witness it. More, that they want to facilitate. And yes, to participate. The sweet, not quite so innocent but too shy to act on her desires, little sissy...

2 years ago
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Mother and Daughter

A Chance EncounterI walked out of the airport to the long term parking lot disappointed. Two weeks, two lousy weeks, wasted. I had wanted to see the Minister and all I got was the Under Secretary, blue eyed blond with big tits and no brain. With a bitter memory I now knew who she wanted to be under and it wasn't me, not that I tried. If I didn't change things now, the only way c***dren would see wolves in the future would be in zoo's or even worse, pictures. It had to change.I didn't even argue...

3 years ago
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Hidden Fun Encore

I remember masturbating nearly every day when I was a teenager. It was like a contest sometimes. I’d run home after college, run up to my room, and try to make myself cum before my sisters came home. As I got older, I started being more adventurous. I’d eave the bedroom door open and keep myself on the edge of cumming until I’d hear the front door open and then I’d let myself have a mind blowing climax. I knew I’d have about a minute before they’d head upstairs, and it made the feeling so much...

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My College Professor

It's the beginning of a new semester and Samantha is not happy with the school she is at. You see over the summer Sam's mom had a heart attack and because of that Sam moved home to take care of her. So instead of going to the top notch college that she had loved her freshman year she was going to the local technical college that took anybody.  Being a business major Sam had to take a marketing class that she didn't think she was going to like. When she walked into the class and saw that...

4 years ago
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Afternoon Park Delights

It’s the first day of August, it had been ungodly hot all of July, but today is perfect. Lying on the soft grass, my eyes are closed, I listen and feel everything around me. The breeze is blowing every so often, stirring the smells, enhancing them, if you may. The park is large, and used by all. But for right now, it feels like our little safe haven. The smell of fresh cut grass and a barbecue grill going in the far distances teases my senses. ‘Mmm, what a perfect mix,’ I think to myself....

4 years ago
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Scratches My Back With Pleasure

I am Asholder10,21 M,average guy but I am sure you wouldn't get disappointed by my looks. This goes back to year and half in MSU university,Baroda,Gujarat. I was busy with my life,was having fun being single. As you know being single leads to many oppurtunities,I got one too. Was doing my graduation in arts and there I met this girl Katya,she was charming and hell of a beauty. Well, in our first year I was kinda guy who wasn't as good with words as other guys are. I liked her the way she...

1 year ago
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Are you pervs ready for Tube Teen Cam? 18-year-olds are quite the spectacle. Ooh, the allure of those tight, naked bodies. Everything is so neatly in place; it’s almost sculpted. Being the perv I know you are, it will send tingling sensations down your spine each time you spot one of them in the streets in their tight blue jeans, lifted asses and some mouthwatering titties that sensually bounce up and down as they walk. The thought of those tight pussies! Make no mistake, these sweet little...

Porn Pictures Sites
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The Cabin Part One

If you’re already a friend of mine, you know I have a one track, filthy mind. So imagine my joy when my gorgeous boyfriend, booked us a luxury cabin in the woods, so that I could live out my fantasy of a dirty night away. I thought it is only fair that I write a story based on the events that night in the cabin. I have changed our names to protect our identities, but apart from that there is nothing added, or taken away. I hope you enjoy reading about it, as much as I enjoyed experiencing it.

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