Harvest Of Expectations Ch. 03 free porn video

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Chapter 3 — Second Opinion

September 1973

Any time Jim had a project or an assignment he tried everything he could to meet the expectations of those who expected him to perform. He tried his best every time, but he wasn’t successful on each and every occasion, of course. When that happened he felt bad and hoped for another chance.

‘Hey Rich—hey Rich, are you here?’

Jim had his arms full with two suitcases as he shouted out his roommate’s name.

‘Yeah, I’m here,’ was the muffled reply. ‘I’m in the can. Keep your shirt on.’

Jim went back to the car to fetch another load of boxes while Rich finished up his business.

As Jim returned with more of his gear Rich was standing in the living room of the apartment he and Rich would be sharing for the second year in a row.

Rich Garland and Jim were well-suited to be roommates, having been pals for the entire previous four years of their college careers. They were tuned in to each other’s attitudes and probably knew more details of each other’s private lives than their respective parents.

They had a lot in common, too. They both studied engineering and understood the academic demands of that field. Rich, like Jim, was athletic and had been on the university’s rowing team when he had been eligible. In their younger years they had enjoyed the rough and tumble of fraternity house life, but the years had mellowed them.

Like Jim, he was clean-cut, a bit bigger than Jim at just over six feet and had a big frame. He had good—but not pretty boy—looks, fair-complected with dark hair. It was probably his easy-going personality mixed with his air of self-confidence that drew girls to him.

‘How much more stuff you got to bring in?’

One more trip if you give me a hand,’ Jim answered.

‘Let’s do it,’ his roommate said and soon they had Jim’s gear sitting in the middle of the living room floor.

‘I got tired of waiting for you,’ Rich said. ‘I was about to go down to the frat lodge.’

Rich and Jim had pledged the same college fraternity five years before when they were freshmen. They still belonged, but had found that the ‘frat lodge’, as they liked to call it, was a good place to visit but not to live in if a person had some serious studying to do. Rich had already earned his degree in Mechanical Engineering the year before and was staying an extra year to earn his Masters.

‘I’ll start putting this stuff away,’ Jim said.

‘That can wait,’ Rich answered. ‘Let’s have a beer first.’

He reached into the refrigerator and pulled out two cans of brew. He tossed one to Jim and they each found a place to sit amid the clutter.

The apartment, which was attached to the landlord’s house in the hills overlooking the town, was also a good place for them to pursue the kind of social life that suited them. After three years of fraternity house life, something a little more refined was to their liking.

‘So,’ Rich began, ‘are you ready for the ‘big push’?’

‘As ready as I’ll ever be,’ Jim answered. ‘I’ve got my Fifth Year Design Project ahead of me. That’s going to be a bear. I haven’t even outlined a project to submit to the faculty committee. I’d like to get my track letter this year, too.’

The ‘Fifth Year Project’ was a sort of final thesis for Chemical Engineering Degree candidates about to graduate. Instead of a discourse it consisted of a plant design that encompassed all of what they’d learned during their first four years.

‘You’ll get through it,’ Rich said. ‘You’ve got the chops for it.’

It was true. Jim had always been a good student and often tutored his less-talented fraternity brothers.

‘No time to back off now,’ Jim said.

‘You can do it,’ Rich repeated.

‘Winning the Track letter might be more of a long shot,’ Jim admitted. ‘I need ten points and last year I just barely made it.’

Jim liked being on the Track and Field team. He could do most of the workouts early in the morning, before class, which left most of the time for academics. He played football and basketball in high school, too, but those sports meant a big time commitment. Five years ago the football coach asked him to walk on and Jim had turned him down. It had been a tough decision.

Track wasn’t Jim’s best sport. His only event was the Pole Vault. He had a final year of eligibility because he had to sit out a year after injuring his shoulder when he was a sophomore. He missed his letter as a junior but made it as a senior. A member of the Track and Field Team had to earn ten points during the season, based on placing in the track meets. Jim worked hard, but at the level he was competing an occasional third was his best hope and Third Place was usually only worth one point.

‘Maybe you should try to get into a second event,’ Rich said, ‘like a relay or something.’

Jim nodded. It wasn’t a bad idea.

‘We haven’t talked about the main thing,’ Rich said.

‘Main thing?’

‘C’mon, man, you know what I’m talking about. You were going to resolve a certain—uh—physical deficiency over the summer.’

Of course Jim knew what the ‘main thing’ was. He and Rich had talked about it over a few beers many-a-time before they parted for their summer jobs. Jim had been dreading the question as he drove the Rustmobile from his parents’ home to the apartment overlooking the University town that day. He didn’t think it would come up so soon, although he should have realized that it would.

‘Oh, that,’ Jim started, ‘Well…’

‘I already know the answer by the way you’re avoiding it,’ Rich said.

Rich was more experienced in sex than Jim. It was no secret. In fact, he was a lot more experienced. If they gave out Master’s Degrees for bedding pretty co-eds, then Rich would probably be a candidate for it. But, alas, Mechanical Engineering would have to do.

‘Well, I tried,’ Jim pled. ‘I tried hard—and I nearly hit pay dirt, too. But in the end things just didn’t work out.’

Rich shook his head. He’d heard the ‘almost made it’ stories from Jim a number of times. But, they were fraternity brothers, bound to mutual understanding, and Rich was a patient man.

‘Well, what happened this time?’ he asked.

Jim drew a deep breath.

‘I was dating this girl named Hildy for most of the summer. In fact, I just saw her night before last. She’s a receptionist at the company I worked for last summer.’

‘A working girl,’ Rich proclaimed, ‘sounds promising.’

‘It was,’ Jim went on. ‘One night I had her in my car. Her panties were down around her ankles and my pants were down around mine. I was on top of her, ready to go in. At the last second, I just couldn’t do it.’

Rich shook his head and stared out the window.

‘How could you not do it?’

‘Well, I didn’t have any Trojans and I asked her if she was on the pill. She said ‘no’ and a chill ran down my spine. I backed off.’

‘Didn’t want to hear the ‘pitter-patter’ of little receptionist feet? I can understand that. But why didn’t you go for it another time?’

‘She let it slip that she’s a virgin, too. I didn’t want to pop her cherry in a car in a parking lot. She might have regretted it, and remembered me in a bad way for the rest of her life as the guy who popped her when she didn’t want to be popped.’

Rich was laughing to himself and shaking his head again.

‘You’ll never learn. All girls guard their cherries, but they’re all glad it happened after the deed is done. It takes a big load off their shoulders. They’re a lot happier when it’s over. They can relax because they don’t have anything to guard anymore.’

‘I don’t know, Rich…’

Jim’s friend turned and faced him all of a sudden.

‘You didn’t let her know that you’re a virgin, too, did you?’

Jim shook his head.

Rich settled back down.

‘Good,’ he said, ‘never admit that.

He opened the refrigerator and drew out two more cans of beer.

‘We’re going to have to deal with this,’ Rich said. ‘I think I’m going to have to give Ashley a call.’


Jim always appreciated the help and advice from his friends, and especially from Rich, whom he had known so long.

‘Ashley—are you sure it has to be Ashley?’

‘Yup,’ Rich pronounced as he gulped down a swallow of beer. ‘Ashley’s the best for this job.’

‘But, Ashley…’

‘Who else would you suggest?’ Rich shot back at him.

Ashley Woods was a coed starting her senior year at the University. She was one of the girls who hung around the fraternity house. Jim knew her a little, but not real well.

She had good looks. Her makeup was always perfect, so her face was always set in the classic beauty look, framed by jet-black hair that reached past her shoulders. She was average in height with a slender form. Despite her thin build, she had ample volume inside her bra. It pressed out against her always-tightly-tucked-in blouse in an aggressive pose that served as an introduction to men whom she hadn’t yet met.

‘She’s in town,’ Rich went on, ‘arrived a few days ago. I helped her move in her furniture.’

Ashley had a nickname the fraternity brothers called her when she wasn’t within earshot. It was ‘Thunderpussy’—and she didn’t acquire the nickname by owning a cat who made a lot of noise.

‘Who else would you suggest?’ Rich asked again after emptying the last drops out of his beer can.

Jim sighed. He knew Rich was determined.

‘Well, I thought that Hildy and I were heading in that direction when the time was right…’

‘And you are,’ Rich insisted. ‘In the meantime you owe it to this Hildy-person to get some experience under your belt so you can break her in right.’

What Rich said seemed to make sense to Jim, but something wasn’t fitting together just the right way. He sat in a chair, nursing his beer, thinking it over. One advantage about Ashley was that she never expected anything more from her bed partners except breakfast the next morning.

‘Then, it’s settled,’ Rich shouted, seizing the moment of indecision. ‘Ashley will do a fantastic job for you, too. She’s looking forward to it. She has her eye on you. I spoke to her about it the other day after I helped her with her furniture.

‘Spoke to her?’ Jim gasped. ‘You didn’t tell about my problem, did you?’

Well, yeah,’ Rich admitted. ‘I had to.’

‘You told me never admit that to anyone,’ Jim answered.

‘I know,’ Rich said, ‘but Ashley has this thing she does with her tongue. When she does that a man is helpless.’

‘And she did it to you the other night?’

‘She sure did,’ Rich replied with a big grin. ‘Besides, this problem thing of yours has Ashley all revved up. She can hardly wait.’

Jim knew he was roped in, and the tongue-thing had him curious.

‘I owe it to Hildy, like you said.’

Jim finished his beer and started putting his things away. In the background he could hear Rich phoning Ashley and inviting her and her roommate out to their apartment for a casual dinner and some drinks and music.

‘All set,’ Rich announced as Jim was stowing the last of his gear.


Jim would have liked to say that it had been a leisurely dinner with lots of good conversation. That wouldn’t have been accurate. It seemed like the meal was a preliminary exercise, a formality to be serviced and then put aside.

After the four of them finished their dinners they decided to go into the living room for some drinks.

‘Hey, we don’t have any wine,’ Rich exclaimed. ‘For sure, these girls don’t want beer.’

‘Well, we’ve got some scotch,’ Jim said. ‘They could mix it with ginger ale, or something.’

The two girls looked at one another and made a face.

‘We don’t have any ginger ale, either,’ Rich corrected. ‘We need wine.’

Jim shrugged. He hadn’t thought of it. It occurred to him that Hildy wouldn’t have been so finicky.

‘I’m going into the bathroom to powder my nose,’ Ashley said. ‘You three figure out what to do.’

‘I know,’ Rich said. ‘Chelsea and I can take a drive into town and find a liquor store. You and Ashley stay here and find some music to listen to.’

‘You better hurry up before the liquor stores close,’ Ashley yelled out from the bathroom.

Rich took Chelsea by the hand and as quick as that, they were gone. Jim pawed through some records while Ashley stayed silent in the bathroom.

For sure, they would want to play the Moody Blues album, and maybe a Fifth Dimension. He was wondering if he would have to ease into the act with Ashley, or if she would be ready to go.

He kept looking through the albums, reminding himself that he wasn’t selecting music that he liked, but for the mood.

‘They’re not coming back, you know.’

It was Ashley, having emerged from the bathroom. He had nearly forgotten that she was in the apartment, he was so engrossed in the music selection. She was making her way over to him, standing at the stereo, in a slow walk. Jim noticed that she had fixed her makeup, applied some perfume and released her hair which had been tied back in a pony tail.

The black tresses flowed over her shoulders, in contrast with her white blouse. He also noted that she had taken off her bra. She was sure a lot different from Hildy.

‘I figured that,’ Jim said.

He stood there, not knowing how to get started, hoping that she might lead the way. The sun was beginning to set. Jim tried to read the expression on her face, but in the semi-darkness it was no use.

‘Do you want me to go, too?’ she asked.

‘No, of course not.’

‘Good,’ she replied, ‘I was hoping not.’

By that time she had sidled up next to him, as close as they could be without touching. It was time, he knew, and she was going to make him make it happen.

‘Do you want a drink?’ he asked.

‘Maybe later, not now.’

‘Do you want to see what I picked out for music?’

She leaned even closer, leaning against him. Jim thought he could feel her braless breasts pressing against him. What did it matter? Soon he would have them in his hands. Her perfume smelled strong and it seemed to make him dizzy. He wondered if she could hear his heart pounding, like he could.

‘Surprise me,’ she whispered in his ear, and as he was about to take her in his arms she floated onto the coach.

Jim flipped the switch and The Moody Blues dropped onto the turntable to help him. In a few seconds ‘Voices in the Sky’ would start getting them in the mood. By the time ‘Om’ was finished his problem would be solved.


Jim was a guy who liked to make sure that he did things well.

Ashley was quick to arouse. As they were making out on the couch she pressed harder against him. She was panting and her perfume was stronger than ever. Jim thought, at first, it was The Moody Blues. She had unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse and he reached inside. He helped himself to a handful and it seemed to set Ashley on fire. They might not make to ‘Om’.

‘What would be the right time to move to the bedroom?’ he asked himself.

He decided that Rich had been right about Ashley’s libido. He had never known Hildy to be so excited. He felt her unbuckling his belt.

‘Would you like to move to the bedroom?’ he asked her.

She kept struggling with the zipper and it seemed like she hadn’t heard him. She pushed him back so that she could line it up better. Jim wished that she’d wait until they got into the bedroom. It would have been so undignified to shuffle in with his pants around his ankles.

‘I’m so horny,’ she gasped. ‘I want it.’

It seemed like she was expecting a lot from him and he became unsure of himself.

‘Ashley,’ he sai
d as she undid the button on his jeans, ‘maybe I should tell you something.’

‘What’s that?’ she answered as she was nudging him to lift up so she could pull his jeans down.

‘You seem to be expecting a lot out of this and I…I don’t know how to say this—I don’t have…’

She stopped for a moment.

‘You’re trying to tell me you’ve never done it,’ she confirmed. ‘That’s why I’m so horny.’

‘I don’t get it.’

She stopped again and made a face at the delay.

‘It’s like this,’ she began. ‘I get to have your first one. Girls don’t get many chances at this. Most guys are more experienced by the time we get to them. And as we get older the chances get fewer and farther between.’

‘I never thought about it that way.’

Ashley ignored him.

‘When we’re done, I’ll have it—you’re first lay. And you’ll never have sex with another girl without comparing her to me.’

‘And, believe me,’ she added as if to reassure him, ‘I know what I’m doing, so when you start comparing I’ll come out on top every time.’

Ashley looked at him for a moment, as if expecting another question. She resumed tugging his jeans down over his hips.

‘So that’s it?’ Jim asked.

Ashley sat up straight and huffed

‘Maybe you’d better get me that drink now. All these questions have gotten me out of the mood.’

Jim searched in a cabinet and found the bottle of scotch he’d offered earlier in the evening. He clinked some ice cubes in a glass, poured some whiskey over the ice and offered her the glass, which she took from him.

‘Ice and everything, how suave,’ she said and than tossed down the whole shot in one gulp.

For a reason that Jim couldn’t understand, Jim recalled Hildy and how she’d turned down another mixed drink at the Shakespeare Room.

‘Now that you’re standing up you can push those jeans down the rest of the way,’ Ashley sneered. ‘Take the boxers with them. Let’s get on with it.’

Jim looked down at his unbuttoned jeans, and then Ashley, whose face seemed less eager than it had a few minutes before.

‘Look, Ashley,’ Jim said, ‘I appreciate you trying to do this for me and…’

Ashley sprang up from the couch and bounded to where Jim was standing. She grabbed his open jeans and began pulling them down.

‘It’s okay, I said a few things I shouldn’t have. We’ll get things going again. Let’s go into the bedroom.’

She let go of Jim’s jeans and unbuttoned her blouse the rest of the way.

‘It’s just that I was listening to what you were saying and I started thinking of someone else. It’s this girl I met…’

Ashley’s eyes got big and she bit her lower lip.

‘You’re turning me down?’ she yelled.

‘Shhh, Ashley. My landlord will hear you.’

‘No one turns me down!’

‘Really, Ashley, it wouldn’t be fair to you and….’

‘I’m going in the bedroom and you’d better be right behind me,’ she said as she wagged her finger at him.

With that she marched away from him into the bedroom. Jim stayed behind. He waited for her for about three minutes although it seemed longer. He rebuttoned his jeans and buckled his belt .

Ashley emerged from the bedroom. Her blouse was buttoned again.

‘You’ll regret this,’ she hissed as she marched past him.

She slammed the door as she left and a half minute later Jim heard her car start.

‘Drive safely, Ashley,’ he said, although no one was there to hear him.

He was happy with his decision, although his problem remained unsolved.

He sighed because he knew that he would never experience Ashley’s tongue thing, but it would just have to be that way.

He had a new plan. He would ask Hildy to visit him for a football weekend. The first one would be in three weeks.



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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 12 Take a Stand

June 1974 May had come and gone, and graduation, too. Jim stayed in town through it all. For one thing, he wanted to see Rich's parents one last time and help him load his gear into the trailer they'd rented to haul it all back to New Jersey. Rich was going to have two weeks at home before beginning his new job in Illinois. Another reason Jim stayed in his apartment was that he was waiting for the Douglas Company credit card to show up in the mail. He couldn't hope to make it to Central...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 13 Commencement

August 1974 It was four in the Saturday afternoon of August 24. Jim was in the driver's seat and Hildy was next to him in the passenger's bucket seat of the '71 Mercury Cougar that Douglas Chemical had sold to him. They were in the parking lot of the Erie Canal Inn as about a dozen people surrounded the car, wishing them well. After a few moments, the small crowd stepped aside. Jim put the car in gear and it was official that he and Hildy were on their honeymoon. "You can't get on the...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 2 The Next Step

July 1973 Jim liked to get a fix in his minds eye how events would go. It helped him make sure that they always went just right. Jim watched Hildy drive out of the parking lot and turn onto the main road. He started his own car and put it in gear. Soon he was headed home, to his parents' house, which was in the opposite direction, where he stayed during his summers and school vacations. It was nearly midnight, so his parents wouldn't be up waiting for him, which Jim considered to be a...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 3 Second Opinion

September 1973 Any time Jim had a project or an assignment he tried everything he could to meet the expectations of those who expected him to perform. He tried his best every time, but he wasn't successful on each and every occasion, of course. When that happened he felt bad and hoped for another chance. "Hey Rich—hey Rich, are you here?" Jim had his arms full with two suitcases as he shouted out his roommate's name. "Yeah, I'm here," was the muffled reply. "I'm in the can. Keep...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 4 Time of Reckoning

September 1973 Jim had learned over the years that there times when he would do things and have second thoughts afterward. When that happened he would think over what he should have done and faced up to the consequences of his own acts. "Thunderpussy is sure mad at you," Rich told him as he slurped down a cup of coffee. He stretched and the muscles in his shoulders pressed at his tee shirt. "She came storming in to her apartment just as Chelsea and I were starting to relate to one...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 5 Merry Christmas

December 1973 Jim knew that life and all its events was a proposition of give and take. He strove to hold up his end by giving, lest he err in the taking. It was his last chance. It was nine in the evening and the stores would be open for anther thirty minutes. It would be no good to wait until the next day. The next day would be December 24 and he planned to use that as a travel day. Besides, as he looked around the big box store he could see that the shelves were starting to look...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 6 Confrontation

March 1974 January and February swept by fast, like the snowstorms that turned the roads to glorified ski trails that year. Jim hadn't seen Hildy since the date he had with her the night after Christmas. He tried a few times to drive up for a visit, but something got in the way. Sometimes it was the weather and other times he was working on his project. On top of that, he was working out in preparation for the final season he would be on the University's Track and Field team. Hildy...

4 years ago
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Select your gender before continuing. Your choice will effect the content you will read. Author's Notes: This story is still in development and thus is still in it's infancy. I tend to write in bulk, so expect to see more than one thread added at a time. Harvested is currently a private story.

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Expectations -- I. My life has been shaped by boobs. I'm unsure why now is suddenly the time to declare that. I mean, it is certainly true as I'm about to explain. But why now? Why not three days ago after Emily and I finally fucked each other's brains out and I was on top of the world? Or yesterday when I was beneath it after she didn't answer my texts until midday? Perhaps it is because of what occurred at her 30th birthday the week before. But that is getting ahead...

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Greater Than Expectations

Greater Than Expectations By Supposition Life I was born four months premature and spent my first six months of my life in the hospital. My early birth was brought on by a car wreck that my mother Mary Kinsman Raul, didn't survive but before she died she named me Sean Kinsman Raul. She was sole heir to the Kinsman fortune which was large and very old money. My father William Raul was from old money too and his parents were dead also. I had the best medical care at birth that money...

3 years ago
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Great Expectations

With apologies to the great Charles Dickens, I've borrow some of his words and thoughts for this story. It was my seventeenth birthday and it was suppose to be the best of times, but the evening was young and my expectations were high. My name is Raymond Chandler, but everyone just calls me Ray. I am just entering my senior year at Paso Robles High School in mid-state California and tonight I was out on a date with Missy Adams. Missy and I had been an item for over three months and everyone...

2 years ago
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Delivering Dominance Book 2 Setting Expectations

“Kelly…what the FUCK was going on at your place with videocall…when did he leave? I expected you over here earlier than your husband getting home!” “Lori, my puss is HIS…I have given myself to him, COMPLETELY! It felt so easy to give myself to him, to give him control of me…it was so liberating to take control of my puss…to knowingly take control and give it to him…I have never felt so in control of myself, and comfortable with giving that control to someone…” “Kelly…what the actual...

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An Ordinary College Sex LifeChapter 13 Expectations

OCTOBER 2003, SOPHOMORE YEAR I thrust forward a final time, grunting my orgasm into Adrienne's ear as a quart of spunk flowed out of me and into my adoptive sister's sucking pussy. The stunningly gorgeous blonde, fully naked with a fine sheen of sweat coating her skin, stayed on all fours in front of me until I'd finished busting my nut inside her, and then both her arms and legs collapsed as she fell face-down on my bed. Even though I was standing on my own two feet next to the bed, my...

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Harvesting Kim

Damn! Who would of thought that could happen in the garden? Definitely not me! But everytime I think about it I get those little bumps all over. You know the ones. Not the ones that make your skin crawl, the one's that give you a shiver of excitement. Just thinking about what happened that day long ago and I still get those damn bumps. You ever gardened? I don't mean the small flower beds or a couple plants in a pot. I'm talking about a decent size plot that you have to fence in to keep the...

3 years ago
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Small Expectations

It was just as Wendy was leaving the classroom where she’d been attending her antenatal class that it finally became too much for her. Throughout the whole class, on whatever it was she’d already forgotten, her mind had drifted well away from the subject on discussion. She envied the self-satisfied expressions on the faces of the other mothers to be. There was just nothing for Wendy to feel smug about. Not for her, a husband or supportive partner. It was going to be left to her, and only her,...

4 years ago
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College Expectations

College Expectations Part 1 Jeremy Sanders was a fairly normal eighteen-year-old, who had lived in the same small Midwest town for most of his life. Jeremy had just recently graduated high school, finishing with a fairly high GPA and a few academic honors. The boy had always thought of himself as a good student, even though he never had to try very hard to earn good grades. Ultimately he felt that it was his ability to "skate" through life that had contributed to many of his...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 5 Great unexpectations

On the appointed day, at the appointed time, I was seated in the same anteroom to the office of the Commander in Chief of His Britannic Majesty’s Army as when summoned in December of 1816, after the duel where I had killed Jarvis Braxton-Clark. It seemed if little had changed in the room since then; the same gilded, brocaded, and uncomfortable, chairs designed by Mister Chippendale, and a bevy of seemingly moribund senior officers waiting to see the Commander in Chief — possibly the self-same...

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Harvesting Rachel

Scanning the picturesque scene from the window of the third floor, Rachel smiled. The rich, autumn colours radiated from the countryside. The burnt orange leaves were descending from the ageing trees, and drifting slightly in the September wind. The tranquil landscape made her lose herself, deep in her thoughts. Looking out into the cornfields she reminisced about how she used to play chasing games with her friends, hiding in amongst the overgrown ears of corn. She could almost hear the...

1 year ago
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Harvesting Orchids My Gourmet Gonads

This is the invitation to my special party back in April, the ritual beginning of my erotic expedition from M to It to F: "Ball of Balls" LeMensa Jette Maison requests the honor of your presence as she is beautifully sent off to be gelded with her wonderful friends to witness the sensual ceremony will take place beginning at 3 a.m. on April 8, 2002, at 1800 Rue Devon, Toronto strictly formal half-attire required (tuxedoed men without pants, and gowned women showing breasts) This blooming...

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Preludes Ch 01 Expectations

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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Memories of a Mortician Part 7Skewered Expectations

Year: 1989 Name: K.L. Age: 25 Cause of Death: Internal bleeding caused by punctured liver and spleen. Other Injuries: Puncture mark in lower left abdomen. Sewn up C-Section scar in lower abdomen Time between death and delivery to mortician: 14hrs Case Notes: A young pregnant woman was at a poolside barbeque with her group of friends. Amongst them is her ex-boyfriend who is jealous of her marriage and impending child with his rival. He stuck out a foot to trip her as she walked pass...

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Explorations beyond my expectations

I was nineteen at the time and Lili was my first college girlfriend. She was a virgin when we met. I had only had one intimate girlfriend before her. We loved to explore together and every weekend her roommate would leave town on Friday night and wouldn't return until Sunday evening, giving us plenty of time to explore and play. She knew I liked ass play from conversations about things we'd done in the past and I held no secrets back about how I really wanted to explore those feelings further....

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Tim recalled the conversation as though it had happened yesterday. "Jesus," Paul had said. "Man, I just don't get you. You let a golden opportunity slip right through your fingers." Walter, the third member of the group, had nodded a knowing agreement. "Opportunity for what?" Tim had asked. "Are you k**ding? I have told you about the time Carolyn invited me in, right?" "Many times," Tim had said, but his friend wouldn't be stopped. "Man, we left a trail of clothes from the front door to her...

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Destination AzaharChapter 28 Adjustment of Expectations

It took Commander Denise Williams three days to modify the basic Aurora-class specifications to be configurable for bulk loads and heavy pods as well as standard pods. The AI was getting easier to work with and Celeste had replicator files created by the end of the week. Williams didn't have much to do while the drawings were being converted and accepted a lunch invitation from Constance McKinsey. She was a little surprised to see Kim Nguyen and Bobby Wallace at the table. Bobby had taken...

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Beyond The Expectations

Hi friends, this Ajai from Vijayawada. This is my first story so please excuse me if there are any mistakes.If I talk about my physique, I have a toned bod body,broad chest with full of hairs,age 23,height 5.8 and finally my dick size is 7-8 inches.So far my family is concerned, we are 4 members including my parents.My mother got married at very younger and now her age is 38 and my sisters age is 21. I will describe their structures after sometime. I love my family very much. Coming into the...

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Lofty Expectations

"Strip,” he said with only a hint of a smile.  “The dress is lovely as usual, but you know I prefer you strictly in heels and jewelry.”Ariel turned. “Unzip me then.”Eric found the tiny zipper and pulled down slowly, then let out a gasp.  Ariel turned and dropped the little black dress to the floor, putting a hand on her hip as she did.“Voila!” she exclaimed. She was indeed in heels and jewelry: Black three-inch open-toed sling-backs and a black pearl choker.  In between were, not clothes, or...

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Small Expectations

It was just as Wendy was leaving the classroom where she'd been attending her antenatal class that it finally became too much for her. Throughout the whole class, on whatever it was she'd already forgotten, her mind had drifted well away from the subject on discussion. She envied the self-satisfied expressions on the faces of the other mothers to be. There was just nothing for Wendy to feel smug about. Not for her, a husband or supportive partner. It was going to be left to her, and only her,...

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Party well beyond my expectations

I went to a party with a girlfriend that was at my friend Kelsey’s house. A lot of sexy college kids all around 18 or 19 but were there. I wore a fox tee shirt, skinny jeans, green panties & a blue sports bra. I thought I looked pretty hot! I was talking and joking with a few of my friends and making some new ones. Some were smoking and drinking , a few had found the hot tub but I stayed I the house. I had like 3 beers when I met up with this really cute guy. The music was loud and we started...

4 years ago
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Explorations beyond my expectations

I was nineteen at the time and Lili was my first college girlfriend. She was a virgin when we met. I had only had one intimate girlfriend before her. We loved to explore together and every weekend her roommate would leave town on Friday night and wouldn’t return until Sunday evening, giving us plenty of time to explore and play. She knew I liked ass play from conversations about things we’d done in the past and I held no secrets back about how I really wanted to explore those feelings...

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Party well beyond my expectations

I went to a party with a girlfriend that was at my friend Kelsey’s house. A lot of sexy college kids all around 18 or 19 but were there.I wore a fox tee shirt, skinny jeans, green panties & a blue sports bra. I thought I looked pretty hot!I was talking and joking with a few of my friends and making some new ones. Some were smoking and drinking , a few had found the hot tub but I stayed I the house.I had like 3 beers when I met up with this really cute guy. The music was loud and we started...

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Prom Expectations

Date rape. It’s probably the most under reported crime in high school, usually due to embarrassment. No victim wants to be known as “that student that was raped.” Also if the perpetrator happens to be in sports, it seems harder to get people to believe you. That’s me. Eighteen years old, 6’ 3”, 175 lbs., blond hair, blue eyed Senior and the catcher on the varsity baseball team. Actually I am pushing 6’ 4”, my published height was taken at the beginning of the year and I am still growing. You...

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New BeginningChapter 8 Expectations

It was Friday night and Roger was dropping off his date for the night. Jill Abrahms was the last woman Roger would ask out from the single parent groups. He had already asked out all the rest of the women that interested him. And one date with Jill was enough. Roger felt like he spent half the night just trying to get her to pay attention to him. With The Plan, or what was left of it, running out of steam, Roger wasn’t quite sure what to do next. Well, he still had a couple of women with...

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Ursas Downward SpiralChapter 11 Hopeless Expectations

Despite her best intentions to give it one more try, it didn't get better. Terrell pretty much used Ursa's steadfast body as he wished, and by now he could get the best out of her every time — which is a hard thing for any woman to walk away from. When she was alone during the day while Terrell continued to conduct his "business", she hunted for his caches of her milk and blackmail DVDs. Ursa would only be reminded the next night on how many of them she wasn't finding. Ursa also willed...

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Destination AzaharChapter 6 Managing Expectations

Captain Kozlowski invited the two green ensigns and their families to meet with him in the wardroom of Copernicus for dinner the day after all of the logistics had been settled and the pods assigned to McKinsey and Nguyen had been secured to Copernicus. The three ship's officers that McKinsey and Nguyen had not yet met introduced themselves while waiting for the captain to arrive. They had barely finished the exchange of social pleasantries when Captain Kozlowski stepped into the...

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There Goes the NeighborhoodChapter 13 Great and Small Expectations

Monday came and when I came home from work Marissa wasn’t home although her car was in the garage. We’d had a very frigid weekend. She hardly talked to me, so I took the attitude of ‘fuck you too’. She’s the one that needs to apologize, not me. I went upstairs to change out of my work clothes and noticed a shopping bag from Victoria’s Secret. I peeked inside and saw a black lace garter belt and a package of black, fishnet stockings. Marissa showed up four beers later; giving me enough time...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 9 Expecting

-- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2005, FINALS WEEK -- "Dawn Evans?" came the confused voice on the other end of the line. "Yes. She's part of the ranch hand program," I replied. "Dawn ... Dawn ... Uhh ... Wait, you said Evans, right? We have a Marie Evans." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but explained patiently, "'Marie' is her middle name." The sounds of pages flipping were audible over the phone, and presently the guy who'd picked up the main telephone line returned. "Here...

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