Small Expectations free porn video

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It was just as Wendy was leaving the classroom where she’d been attending her antenatal class that it finally became too much for her. Throughout the whole class, on whatever it was she’d already forgotten, her mind had drifted well away from the subject on discussion. She envied the self-satisfied expressions on the faces of the other mothers to be. There was just nothing for Wendy to feel smug about. Not for her, a husband or supportive partner. It was going to be left to her, and only her, to take care of her unwanted, but hopefully not to be unloved, future son or daughter.

Wendy burst into tears, unstoppable and unpremeditated, while waddling down the corridor, the weight of seven months or more of gravidity weighing on her as perhaps it had never done before. Her face collapsed into a display of utter despair as she put out an arm against the wall to prop herself up. Her legs, still so slender despite the extra fat elsewhere, weren’t enough to take the burden of both a new life and her accumulated misery.

“You all right?” asked a kindly voice, putting an arm around her waist and taking some of the burden off her wobbling legs.

Wendy nodded pathetically and smiled piteously at her guardian angel. It was Woz. God only knows what that was meant to be short for. Another expectant mother, but one who still carried the smell of nicotine about her. So she obviously didn’t pay too much attention to her antenatal classes either.

“Well, you don’t look it. C’mon! Sit down! There’s a bench or summink here.”

“You really shouldn’t bother yourself…” Wendy murmured unconvincingly, but grateful nevertheless to be guided towards a bench that was thankfully only a few yards away.

The two women sat silently on the bench. Wendy gradually gathered herself together as the onrush of depression and anxiety subsided, while Woz supported her with one arm around the shoulder and the other holding her hand in a friendly and sympathetic squeeze.

“Shall I run along and get your husband to help you?” Woz mentioned at last. “He’ll be outside with all the other hubbies, won’t he? Just tell me what he looks like.”

Wendy sniffed. “There is no husband,” she said bitterly.

“Boyfriend, then. I don’t give a toss what he is. Just tell me.”

“There’s no boyfriend, either. There’s nobody. Nobody at all!”

And with that confession, Wendy broke down in another explosion of tears. Her head fell forward into her palms, through the fingers of which the tears seeped through and onto the cotton-silk fabric of the outfit she’d spent so long selecting in Pro-Nuptia.

Woz probably bought her clothes in Top Shop or Gap, and they were undoubtedly designed for a much slender woman. But she was concerned more to brush the tears off Wendy’s face than off her clothes with the ragged paper tissue she had managed to locate in a zipped-up pocket of her bum-length denim jacket.

“No boyfriend. No husband. Split up then?” she asked, as she daubed Wendy’s damp cheeks.

“I don’t know who the father is!” Wendy confessed. She placed a hand on her swelling belly. “It could be anyone. Anyone at all.”

Woz laughed. “Me too! I don’t know who this little bastard’s dad is either. Not sure I really want to know, anyway. Probably a right cunt. So, how’d you get up the duff? You don’t look the sort to be on the game. You look more like the sort to have an MPV and an account in House of Fraser.”

Wendy sniffed and smiled despite herself. “Well, I do have a Scenic. It’s parked outside. And I do have a House of Fraser storecard. You’re absolutely right!”

“So what’s the story, morning glory?”

Wendy frowned. “Sorry?”

“Song title. You don’t know it?”

“I don’t listen to anything much besides Classic FM,” Wendy admitted.

“So, how come you’ve got a bun in your oven? Where’ve you been rolling the pastry?”

“You mean how did I get to be pregnant? It was at a party. I got a bit high. I mean I’d taken stuff before, but not a lot. A few pills, a few lines, you know, just before going to a club or something. But I had a bit more than usual and then I sort of had … I just let … I just don’t know … Somehow, there were loads of men … They all had a turn at me … I don’t know who they were …”

Woz chuckled. “Sounds like you had a good time, girlfriend. No gain without pain though. So whyn’t you have it … you know have an … get it terminated?”

“Abortion? I meant to. I just never got round to it. I was going to. But I didn’t want to tell anyone about it. I didn’t want my parents to know. Or my employer. Or my friends. Or anyone. I guess I hoped I might miscarry or something. But it didn’t happen. And when I went to the doctor at last, it was too late. And now I’m stuck with it!”

And with that confession, a fresh flood of tears broke through the dam of Wendy’s eyelids, gushed down over her cheeks, flowed into her mouth, cascaded off her chin and dribbled onto her Pro-Nuptia dress.

“Me too, dearie! Me too!” sympathised Woz, pressing the soggy mass of tissue onto Wendy’s face. “So, you staying with your Mum then?”

“No! No! I couldn’t face it. My mother still doesn’t know. Neither does my father. They’ve divorced, you know. And I’ve given up my job, even though I originally got the flat to be near the office. I just live by myself. It’s a small place, but it’s okay.”

“So, you sign on then?”

“No. I’ve got an allowance.”

“Allowance? What’s that? How’d you claim that?”

“Claim it?” Wendy was genuinely puzzled by Woz’s remarks. But then it occurred to her that Woz came from quite a different social stratum where one didn’t have independent means. A stratum where if one didn’t work, one had to get money from the state. She shivered slightly as she studied Woz more carefully. She’d always known that Woz was one of the more common women in the antenatal class, not one of those she’d normally speak to at all. There was no subtlety about her at all. Her clothes were both too short and too tight. Her hair was a mess. And her make-up looked like she’d shovelled it on with a trowel. And that voice of hers. Every glottal stop just grated on her. But at the same time, she was genuinely grateful for Woz’s show of kindness towards her.

“I guess I’d better be going back. Do you want a lift? Or do you live nearby?” Wendy hoped the last was true. She didn’t really want to spend too much longer with Woz (and what was the name short for?), but she didn’t want to be impolite either.

“Yeah! A lift’d be fucking fantastic. It’s bloody miles to the bus stop and it’s not so good getting on a bus when you’re preggers. I hate standing. And there aren’t many who’d give their seat up for you. Selfish cunts!”

“Indeed!” exclaimed Wendy, staggering to her feet, but feeling a little uncomfortable with the coarseness of Woz’s language. She hoped that no one else could hear her using these dreadful four-letter words.

It was a long slow walk to the car park and Wendy’s Scenic. Even though Woz was just as gravid as she, her new friend was the much stronger of the two, still taking half Wendy’s weight, while also supporting her own weight. And that of her own unborn child. And finally into the car, two huge bellies swelling towards the dashboard. This was getting quite uncomfortable. Next time, Wendy reflected, she’d have to come to her antenatal class by taxi. She just hoped she could find a good taxi firm. Not one of those ghastly ones where the driver smoked while he drove.

It was quite a long journey to Woz’s council flat. Or seemed to be, although the mileage wasn’t that high really. All those wiggly streets. And those one-way roads that sneaked up on one. And those small roundabouts. And as Wendy drove, everything became progressively rundown: boarded-up shops, houses with cardboard supporting the broken glass of the windows, dilapidated cars parked (badly) on the pavement, gangs of youths hanging around at street corners, a lot more blacks and Asians, rubbish just blowing across the streets and entangling in the wheels of Wendy’s car. But finally they were there. A huge block of flats, wider than it was high, with graffiti sprayed on the walls and dogs rummaging around on the rubbish-strewn lawns.

“You wanna come in for a coffee?” asked Woz when the car stopped.

Wendy hesitated. Half of her just wanted to escape from this hellhole. And she didn’t like the look of a couple of young black men who were leaning against a wall and smoking what she guessed were probably not cigarettes. But the other half had warmed towards Woz during the drive. She’d never known that there were so many good soap operas on television. That ‘East Enders’ didn’t sound bad the way Woz described it. And these rock groups that Woz liked, Coldplay and Blur and the Gorillaz, maybe there was something worth listening to in music that was less than fifty years old.

“What about the car? I can’t just leave it here.”

“Course you can, Wen! Those kids are mates of mine.” Woz indicated the two young men Wendy had noticed. “They’ll make sure no one touches your car. No one would fucking dare, anyway! A friend of mine? No one’d risk it! C’mon!”

Wendy hesitated. But she was actually feeling happier now than she’d been for months. Woz had somehow dispelled the huge cloud that had wholly engulfed her for almost as far back as she could remember. Perhaps back to the first day she knew for sure that she’d missed her period.

“Okay. I’ll come. And then I’ll have to get back.”

However, the pleasure of Woz’s company kept Wendy for much longer than she’d anticipated. Although the flat was pokey, it was, thankfully, on the ground floor and no real distance from where Wendy had parked. And after a while, Wendy didn’t notice just how tiny the flat was, and even more cramped by having an ironing board and a massive wide-screen television filling up about half the living room. And the other half was jammed in by a huge sofa that had lost most of its bounce a long time ago. But Woz entertained Wendy with an unending series of cups of tea and coffee, spiced with the sort of rich biscuits and cake that, before her pregnancy, Wendy would have considered far too fattening. But now she was pretty fat anyway: no longer the slender Wendy who could squeeze into the tightest skirt and whose legs flattered any brand of stockings she might choose to wear. And somehow pregnancy made these sweet sugary things taste so much better.

“You don’t like smoking, do you?” Woz commented, staring at a packet of Marlboro Lights she had on the table. “I guess I oughtta stop too. Being pregnant and all. ‘S difficult though. But you done me real good. I ain’t felt like a ciggie since we got here. I s’pose this gabbing’s taken my mind off things.”

“I suppose it must have done,” admitted Wendy with a smile.

“I ain’t had so much fun in ages, y’know. I’d never thought a posh bint like you, y’know, with your university degree and all, and you having a private income, I never thought I’d enjoy rabbiting with you so much. I mean, I never thought anyone could actually enjoy that classical music stuff. And maybe there’s more to theatre and things than I’d thought. Y’know we must meet up again.”

“Yes, we must!” agreed Wendy, surprising herself by the genuineness of her response.

“You want another cuppa?” Woz asked, picking up the teapot.

Then suddenly the doorbell rang. It was a tinny clattering sound that Wendy had never before associated with doorbells.

“’Scuse us!” said Woz, setting down the teapot and striding over to the door. As she walked by, Wendy regarded Woz in a more sympathetic light. Under all that thick make-up and those cheap flashy clothes, Woz was probably quite an attractive woman, not as slim as Wendy, but few women ever were. Her hair might be a mess, but those curls were thick and had a healthy shine. And like Wendy, her breasts had swollen as a result of pregnancy, but, unlike Wendy, Woz’s breasts had clearly been a reasonable size before pregnancy. And she walked quite elegantly, despite the inelegance of her leopard-skin leather boots.

Wendy could hear a man’s voice in the small hallway that was barely big enough to stand a bicycle, but the conversation was mostly “yeah”, “yeah” and “that’s OK.”

Woz returned, bringing the man in with her. He was a tall black man, with what looked like a nylon tea cosy on his head, with ‘Tommy Hilfiger’ written across it. He was smoking a cigarette and had a sickly grin across his face.

“Hope you don’t mind, Wen sweetest,” Woz said with an apologetic smile. “But a girl’s gotta make a living. You can stay if you like. Trev won’t be long, will you sweetheart? But if I know Trev, it won’t be very quiet here for you.”

“Not if I can fucking help it!” the black man commented with a self-satisfied smirk.

“Should I leave then?” asked Wendy, palpably disappointed.

“You don’t have to, but you know how it is.”

Wendy wasn’t too sure in her mind what transaction was taking place, but she felt sure that Woz’s flat was not a place she should stay a moment longer.

“I’ll get going then.”

“I’ll see you to your car, Wen love. You behave, Trev. I won’t be long. Get yourself ready.”

“You wanna bet, darling. You don’t have to ax me twice.”

Woz and Wendy walked out together, two huge bellies leaning on each other for support, and spoke hardly at all as they crossed the road and Wendy lifted herself into the car, which, true to Woz’s word, was perfectly untouched.

“You don’t mind Trev, do you, Wen love?”

“No. Not at all,” lied Wendy.

“I know what you think. You think I’m some kind of a tart. You know, a pro. But it ain’t like that. It’s just a bit of extra cash, like. I’ve never walked the streets or put cards in phone boxes or nothing. And I really enjoyed chatting with you today. We’ll meet up again, won’t we? Say yes. You don’t know how much I mean it.”

Woz looked positively pathetic, her face reflecting a yearning expression that Wendy found oddly appealing. But Wendy had no plans of returning to the neighbourhood. What a slum! And whatever Woz said, providing sexual services for money seemed to pretty well define her as a prostitute in Wendy’s eyes. She couldn’t very well consort with women like that!

“I will, don’t worry!” Wendy said again, meaning it just as little as before, but nevertheless making a mental note of Woz’s address.

And it was not too many days later that Wendy found she was already sufficiently missing her long conversation with Woz that she retrieved that address from the recesses of her memory, where it remained remarkably vivid, and called a taxi cab to take her there.

“I don’t normally take people to places like this, love,” commented the taxi driver as he let Wendy out of the cab. “There’s all sorts round here. Real rough sorts. But you’re a decent sort of gel. You got a mobile, love? Call us when you want to come back. Here’s my card.”

Wendy took the card with the telephone number on it, feeling suddenly incredibly alone in the road facing Woz’s flat. She could see the hostile stares following her, not knowing whether they were alarmed by her pregnancy or just by the oddity of a woman wearing clothes so well-designed and so well-chosen for her current physical state. She had no choice after the taxi drove off. She strode across the road and pressed the doorbell.

It rang. And there was no response.

She pressed the doorbell again.

Still no response.

And again. And again.

Shit! This meant she’d have to call the taxi back. And so soon! What a wasted journey. At least, she’d kept the card.

Wendy pulled her mobile out of her handbag, a glorious Prada she’d treated herself to on a trip to Florence, and was about to stab in the taxi-driver’s number when the door opened. And there on the other side was not Woz, but a totally naked man, white this time, with a penis wobbling with a near-erection.

“Yeah! What is it?”

Wendy gasped, a hand involuntarily going up to her mouth.

“I … I … er …” she stuttered.

“Who’s there, Baz? It’s not the fucking debt collector again, is it?” Wendy could hear Woz’s voice from inside the flat.

“No. It’s some posh bird. And she’s preggers like you.”

There was a pause. And then when Wendy heard Woz’s voice again, it had an unambiguous tone of delight in it that somehow pleased her more than she would ever have imagined possible. “That’d be Wendy. She’s a mate of mine from the clinic. Bring her in! Don’t let her stand out in the street, Baz. Be a gentleman for the first time in your fucking life.”

“Yeah. Orlright love! You heard the lady. You coming in?”

Wendy nodded, feeling rather dazed. She’d not seen a naked man since … since … Well, not since the day she’d been inseminated. And then she’d seen rather a lot of them. Although what she mostly remembered were the smells, the tastes and, most of all, that insistent pounding into her vagina as man after man queued to take her. She was giggling and laughing and hating herself at the same time as she was loving being fucked by so many different men, most of whom she’d never seen before in her life. She followed Baz into the living room, where she could see Woz wrapping a thin red bathrobe around her, the swell of her belly being far too great to be decorously accommodated.

“Hi there, Wen love!” she said, kissing Wendy on the cheek. “I hope you don’t mind. You caught me doing a bit of business. You don’t mind waiting another five minutes or so, do you? Baz has nearly finished. Ain’t you, love?”

“I can’t be so fucking sure about that!” Baz retorted.

“Well I can,” said Woz in a lower voice. She held Wendy by the arms and gazed at her straight in the face. She had a strangely muted expression, almost like a little girl. “You will stay, won’t you Wen sweetheart? I was scared you’d never call back. And I didn’t have your phone number or nothing. Baz won’t be long. You can make some tea. You know where the kettle is.”

Wendy nodded and watched with mild disgust as Woz and Baz made their way back into Woz’s bedroom. And she felt even more disgust as she heard the raw animal sounds of the two of them fucking in the bedroom, while she stood in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil and hunting out the milk and teabags.

We need better tea than this! Wendy thought to herself with alarm, looking at the breakfast blend tea in circular teabags, which was all that was available. No Earl Grey. No Darjeeling. No Assam. And the milk was full fat. Goodness! Her domestic thoughts were partly a shield against the grunting, panting, thumping noise emanating from the bedroom. Woz certainly seemed to be enjoying herself. And the man! Well, he was grunting and snorting pretty much as loudly as Woz.

Wendy reflected on the remembered image of the man, but all she could really remember was that penis. Fat, slobbery, slightly sticky. And that was what was sliding in and out of Woz at the moment. What a disgusting thought!

But it was a thought that wouldn’t leave Wendy’s mind, even after the thumping stopped and the grunting subsided, and all she could hear now was a kind of muttered conversation between the two people in the bedroom. And uppermost in Wendy’s mind was an image of Woz in her bathroom gown, open at the front because her belly had outgrown it, and under which Wendy could see one huge swollen nipple and under her belly, but hidden by the size of it, what was surely the vagina into which Baz had been thrusting his penis.

After a few minutes more, Baz left the flat and Woz wandered back into the kitchen, this time in jeans and blouse, her huge belly swelling out bare and naked between the two items of clothing.

“Sorry ‘bout that, Wen!” said Woz with a flushed face, somehow hotter and stickier than Wendy imagined it should be. “But you know how it is.”

Wendy smiled sympathetically, passing Woz a cup of tea. “Not really,” she admitted.

“No, I guess you wouldn’t,” sighed Woz sadly. “You must think I’m a real slut, don’t you? Fucking men for money and all.”

Wendy nodded. She had thought enough about Woz’s illicit source of income over the last few days to develop her opinions.

“What surprises me most,” she said as diplomatically as she could, “is that you can continue to have sex when your pregnancy is so advanced.”

Woz grinned cheekily. “Yeah! You’d a thought I’d go off it or summink. ‘Snot quite like that. I mean I probably wouldn’t do it so much if I didn’t need the money. The payments on the telly don’t come cheap! But I sorta like it just as much in a way. I didn’t think I would. And I charge the punters extra. They actually like doing it when you’re pregnant. Funny, in’t it? If you’re fat all the time, it sorta turns the punters off. Fat cows do crap trade! But if you’re fat ’cos you’re about to pop, well, it’s like an extra premium or summink. I just don’t really understand men. But bless them. They pay the bloody bills, don’t they?”

Wendy smiled, only half-comprehending what she heard. She’d never thought of ever doing anything for any reason other than choice. Financial necessity was not something she’d ever had to worry about.

“Shall we sit in the living room, Woz? My legs are really aching!”

“Yeah, sure, Wen! I make a fucking useless host, don’t I?”

“‘Hostess’,” Wendy corrected automatically, but grateful just to get away from the cramped space she’d been squeezed into in the kitchen, between the fridge and the kettle, just by the window with its view onto a rat-infested garbage disposal unit outside.

Wendy’s visits to Woz became much more regular occasions. Although the poverty of the council flat horrified her, and the surrounding area appalled her even more, the time Wendy spent alone in her own much more spacious apartment, even surrounded by the comforts of her much more expensive and luxurious furnishing, somehow didn’t compare to the pleasures of companionship she felt when sitting with Woz, on the ragged, worn sofa, under the dusty glow of the electric lights and accompanied by the constant background murmur of Kiss FM or BBC Radio One.

What it was she enjoyed about her time with Woz, Wendy wasn’t sure. Perhaps it was nothing more than the pleasure of the company of someone who wouldn’t and didn’t condemn her predicament in the subtle unspoken way that her other more affluent friends had done, and which had made it so difficult for her to enjoy spending time with them. Perhaps it was because she was also pregnant and understood better than most exactly how she felt, at least in the physical and hormonal sense. Or perhaps there was something more to Woz that Wendy liked.

“Who’s this girl you’ve got so many pictures of?” Wendy asked, glancing idly at a photograph just above the stereo player.

“You mean Tray?”

“If that’s her name. Is she your sister?”

“Why’d you say that? Do I look like her?”

“No, not really,” admitted Wendy. In fact, the girl was quite short, slightly plump, with cropped black hair, wearing a green tee shirt. “She just doesn’t look like one of what I’d imagine your friends might look like.”

“No. S’pose not!”

Woz sighed and fiddled with the sleeve of a Chemical Brothers CD. She bent her head down as if in thought, and then, as if she’d made some kind of decision, she abruptly raised up her head.

“She doesn’t look like a friend ’cos that’s not what she was.”

“What do you mean, Woz?” wondered Wendy, whose mind was really on other things. She’d only mentioned the photograph because their previous conversation about nightclubs had run dry.

“You won’t think me funny, will you, Wen? She wasn’t my friend, ’cos she was my lover. We were sort of lovers for ages.”

“Lover?” wondered Wendy. “Does that mean she’s a lesbian? And are you one, too?” This didn’t bother Wendy too much. Several of her friends from university were gay or bi, and she’d never been that troubled by it.

“Well, she’s one. I’m not really. I like blokes, too. But I loved her, Wen. I loved her more than anyone I’d ever known. And it wasn’t ’cos she was a girl. It was ’cos she was Tray. D’you know’t I mean?”

“I suppose so,” said Wendy, but not really meaning it. Although she’d often had sex with men, and had even had a few steadies, she’d never really loved them as such. It had never really bothered her, either. Part of her had never really been engaged in any of the sexual or romantic liaisons that had passed through her life.

“She left me for another woman. She said she was fed up of me fucking about with blokes as well. She said I’d have to make my mind up what I was about and be serious about things. By which she meant, being serious about her. And I didn’t care too much at first. I just fucked around a lot more. But I’ve sort of got to miss her more and more, you know. It’s fucking weird.”

Then Woz burst into tears, and this time it was Wendy who had to daub away the tears as her friend sobbed and sobbed, with a face expressing more abject misery than Wendy ever imagined a face could.

“I never talk about it with anyone, you know, Wen. You’re the first, ever. None of my girlfriends’ll talk about it. They just think it’s good that I don’t hang around with a dyke no more. And the blokes. They just think it’s kinky and all. But you, Wen. I can talk about it with you. You’re different!”

It certainly pleased Wendy that Woz had such a high regard for her that she could entrust her confidence. And she sat and listened for hours while Woz spilt out the story of her love for Tracey, and how she’d not really properly appreciated it at the time. It was well into the evening when Wendy eventually called the taxi to take her back home.

It was inevitable really that Woz’s confession would fundamentally change Wendy’s feelings towards her friend. But as they innocently kissed each other goodbye while the taxi purred away outside Woz’s flat, the only hint of the change was a strangely wild look in Woz’s eyes. Wendy knew exactly what it meant, but she pretended not to notice and somehow dismissed it from the forefront of her mind.

But when she visited Woz the following day, bringing with her a cake she’d bought at Marks & Spencer, she saw that her friend had been thinking much harder about their conversation than she had.

She sat opposite Wendy, her brow troubled and furrowed, dressed rather more smartly than she usually did, although her dress sense was still a bad match with the bulge of her pregnancy. Her hands were clasped together between her knees and her eyes were both seeking out Wendy’s own and glancing shyly away.

“What’s wrong, Woz?” Wendy wondered.

“You know we were talking about Tray ’n’ all, yesterday, Wen?”


“And what I felt towards her. And how I’d never felt like it with anyone ’cept her before. And how there’s never been no one like her.”

“I remember.”

“Well, that weren’t strictly true. ’Cos since I known you I’ve been feeling a bit like I did with Tray. I just didn’t sorta see it as the same thing.”

Wendy blinked. Woz was confessing her love for her. Somehow, it didn’t shock her. Perhaps in the back of her mind she’d been expecting it. And she wasn’t certain what she felt. Not displeased, that was for sure.

“Are you saying that you feel the same for me as you did for Tracey?”

Woz nodded sadly. She lifted herself up from the sofa, her huge distended belly grotesquely ahead of her.

“Yeah! That’s it! That’s exactly it! You won’t think I’m weird, will you? I mean, we can continue as friends, can’t we? I’d mean, I’d hate it to be otherwise.”

Wendy stood up in front of Woz, their bellies very nearly touching.

“I don’t see how we can continue to be friends now, Woz,” she said.

“Oh! Wendy!” sighed Woz, a genuine tear of distress seeping out of her eye.

Then from somewhere inside her, Wendy behaved more positively than she imagined she ever would, more positively than on any of those other times she’d consented with a man, her expectations of whatever she could get from sex being normally so very small. She leaned over, with some effort over the massive bellies, and kissed Woz on the lips.

“That’s because we can be lovers now!” Wendy reassured her friend.

And indeed so they were.

It was awkward, of course. Even the business of locking their lips together was made more hazardous by the mass of stomach between them. But Wendy felt more pleasure, more erotic delight, than she had ever imagined possible. Far more than she’d ever had before with a man. And just as much excitement, in a way, as the day she’d lost her inhibitions so foolishly at the party where she’d been impregnated.

The clothes came off with just as much gracelessness as every other action, but when finally the two girls were on the bed, naked and exploring each other with their tongues and fingers, it seemed right and predestined. There was even more pleasure gained just from the fact that the one partner was as pregnant as the other. Wendy thought that her advanced state would have diminished her desires, and perhaps this was true in some sense, but her desire for Woz was so strong that it defeated any hormonal adjustment. She’d never applied her tongue to a vagina or its vulva before, and had never before suspected that there was so much complex detail in something she herself possessed. But as the smells of Woz’s arousal regaled Wendy’s nostrils, it just felt right. Just as it also felt right as Woz licked and tongued and poked Wendy’s own vagina, using the skills she’d surely gained from her love affair with Tracey.

As the two girls collapsed after more hours of pleasure than Wendy had ever had in a single session before, interrupted briefly when Woz turned away a prospective male client, Wendy contemplated, as she put an arm around her lover, how things might be in the future. Their babies were due so soon. And they would need nurturing. But now there would be two people to care for two babies, perhaps helping each other. And as Wendy trailed her fingers over the huge belly beside her, she wondered what it would be like to make love with Woz when she was restored to her original size.

That was a pleasure, Wendy decided, that would be worth waiting for.

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College Expectations

College Expectations Part 1 Jeremy Sanders was a fairly normal eighteen-year-old, who had lived in the same small Midwest town for most of his life. Jeremy had just recently graduated high school, finishing with a fairly high GPA and a few academic honors. The boy had always thought of himself as a good student, even though he never had to try very hard to earn good grades. Ultimately he felt that it was his ability to "skate" through life that had contributed to many of his...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 5 Great unexpectations

On the appointed day, at the appointed time, I was seated in the same anteroom to the office of the Commander in Chief of His Britannic Majesty’s Army as when summoned in December of 1816, after the duel where I had killed Jarvis Braxton-Clark. It seemed if little had changed in the room since then; the same gilded, brocaded, and uncomfortable, chairs designed by Mister Chippendale, and a bevy of seemingly moribund senior officers waiting to see the Commander in Chief — possibly the self-same...

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Preludes Ch 01 Expectations

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

4 years ago
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Memories of a Mortician Part 7Skewered Expectations

Year: 1989 Name: K.L. Age: 25 Cause of Death: Internal bleeding caused by punctured liver and spleen. Other Injuries: Puncture mark in lower left abdomen. Sewn up C-Section scar in lower abdomen Time between death and delivery to mortician: 14hrs Case Notes: A young pregnant woman was at a poolside barbeque with her group of friends. Amongst them is her ex-boyfriend who is jealous of her marriage and impending child with his rival. He stuck out a foot to trip her as she walked pass...

2 years ago
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Explorations beyond my expectations

I was nineteen at the time and Lili was my first college girlfriend. She was a virgin when we met. I had only had one intimate girlfriend before her. We loved to explore together and every weekend her roommate would leave town on Friday night and wouldn't return until Sunday evening, giving us plenty of time to explore and play. She knew I liked ass play from conversations about things we'd done in the past and I held no secrets back about how I really wanted to explore those feelings further....

3 years ago
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Tim recalled the conversation as though it had happened yesterday. "Jesus," Paul had said. "Man, I just don't get you. You let a golden opportunity slip right through your fingers." Walter, the third member of the group, had nodded a knowing agreement. "Opportunity for what?" Tim had asked. "Are you k**ding? I have told you about the time Carolyn invited me in, right?" "Many times," Tim had said, but his friend wouldn't be stopped. "Man, we left a trail of clothes from the front door to her...

2 years ago
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Destination AzaharChapter 28 Adjustment of Expectations

It took Commander Denise Williams three days to modify the basic Aurora-class specifications to be configurable for bulk loads and heavy pods as well as standard pods. The AI was getting easier to work with and Celeste had replicator files created by the end of the week. Williams didn't have much to do while the drawings were being converted and accepted a lunch invitation from Constance McKinsey. She was a little surprised to see Kim Nguyen and Bobby Wallace at the table. Bobby had taken...

3 years ago
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Beyond The Expectations

Hi friends, this Ajai from Vijayawada. This is my first story so please excuse me if there are any mistakes.If I talk about my physique, I have a toned bod body,broad chest with full of hairs,age 23,height 5.8 and finally my dick size is 7-8 inches.So far my family is concerned, we are 4 members including my parents.My mother got married at very younger and now her age is 38 and my sisters age is 21. I will describe their structures after sometime. I love my family very much. Coming into the...

4 years ago
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Lofty Expectations

"Strip,” he said with only a hint of a smile.  “The dress is lovely as usual, but you know I prefer you strictly in heels and jewelry.”Ariel turned. “Unzip me then.”Eric found the tiny zipper and pulled down slowly, then let out a gasp.  Ariel turned and dropped the little black dress to the floor, putting a hand on her hip as she did.“Voila!” she exclaimed. She was indeed in heels and jewelry: Black three-inch open-toed sling-backs and a black pearl choker.  In between were, not clothes, or...

3 years ago
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Party well beyond my expectations

I went to a party with a girlfriend that was at my friend Kelsey’s house. A lot of sexy college kids all around 18 or 19 but were there. I wore a fox tee shirt, skinny jeans, green panties & a blue sports bra. I thought I looked pretty hot! I was talking and joking with a few of my friends and making some new ones. Some were smoking and drinking , a few had found the hot tub but I stayed I the house. I had like 3 beers when I met up with this really cute guy. The music was loud and we started...

4 years ago
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Explorations beyond my expectations

I was nineteen at the time and Lili was my first college girlfriend. She was a virgin when we met. I had only had one intimate girlfriend before her. We loved to explore together and every weekend her roommate would leave town on Friday night and wouldn’t return until Sunday evening, giving us plenty of time to explore and play. She knew I liked ass play from conversations about things we’d done in the past and I held no secrets back about how I really wanted to explore those feelings...

3 years ago
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Party well beyond my expectations

I went to a party with a girlfriend that was at my friend Kelsey’s house. A lot of sexy college kids all around 18 or 19 but were there.I wore a fox tee shirt, skinny jeans, green panties & a blue sports bra. I thought I looked pretty hot!I was talking and joking with a few of my friends and making some new ones. Some were smoking and drinking , a few had found the hot tub but I stayed I the house.I had like 3 beers when I met up with this really cute guy. The music was loud and we started...

4 years ago
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Prom Expectations

Date rape. It’s probably the most under reported crime in high school, usually due to embarrassment. No victim wants to be known as “that student that was raped.” Also if the perpetrator happens to be in sports, it seems harder to get people to believe you. That’s me. Eighteen years old, 6’ 3”, 175 lbs., blond hair, blue eyed Senior and the catcher on the varsity baseball team. Actually I am pushing 6’ 4”, my published height was taken at the beginning of the year and I am still growing. You...

2 years ago
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New BeginningChapter 8 Expectations

It was Friday night and Roger was dropping off his date for the night. Jill Abrahms was the last woman Roger would ask out from the single parent groups. He had already asked out all the rest of the women that interested him. And one date with Jill was enough. Roger felt like he spent half the night just trying to get her to pay attention to him. With The Plan, or what was left of it, running out of steam, Roger wasn’t quite sure what to do next. Well, he still had a couple of women with...

3 years ago
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Ursas Downward SpiralChapter 11 Hopeless Expectations

Despite her best intentions to give it one more try, it didn't get better. Terrell pretty much used Ursa's steadfast body as he wished, and by now he could get the best out of her every time — which is a hard thing for any woman to walk away from. When she was alone during the day while Terrell continued to conduct his "business", she hunted for his caches of her milk and blackmail DVDs. Ursa would only be reminded the next night on how many of them she wasn't finding. Ursa also willed...

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Destination AzaharChapter 6 Managing Expectations

Captain Kozlowski invited the two green ensigns and their families to meet with him in the wardroom of Copernicus for dinner the day after all of the logistics had been settled and the pods assigned to McKinsey and Nguyen had been secured to Copernicus. The three ship's officers that McKinsey and Nguyen had not yet met introduced themselves while waiting for the captain to arrive. They had barely finished the exchange of social pleasantries when Captain Kozlowski stepped into the...

4 years ago
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There Goes the NeighborhoodChapter 13 Great and Small Expectations

Monday came and when I came home from work Marissa wasn’t home although her car was in the garage. We’d had a very frigid weekend. She hardly talked to me, so I took the attitude of ‘fuck you too’. She’s the one that needs to apologize, not me. I went upstairs to change out of my work clothes and noticed a shopping bag from Victoria’s Secret. I peeked inside and saw a black lace garter belt and a package of black, fishnet stockings. Marissa showed up four beers later; giving me enough time...

3 years ago
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Smalltalking the second chapter

It’s a weird sort of thing where it seems like it makes sense to be as obstructive as possible, taking all the bad things out of a child’s life and keep all of the good things, but realizing that it comes at the risk of stunting your child’s social and personal development. With that said, I am actually twenty. And my mom is almost fourty. Her parents had raised her with the belief that one day she would become an adult, but that this day was not today. So it was a mix of her being...

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I never thought that something like this would even happen. I mean – there are some cheesy, unbelievable romance novels and sitcoms that have some pretty “wacky” situations. But I have never actually heard of or seen anything like the situation I am in right now. I don’t know where to start. So I’ll just start from where my head is at right now. “Aww, Liny, you know you can tell me anything.” my mother said, after a long minute of silence. I had told her that I wanted to tell her...

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(The Ace of Spades after Zatanna Leaves) John watched as Zatanna left, he had sensed her use of Magic a long ways off, he knew she had the potential to help him return to Heaven to save his Family from the Rebels. But she needed to unlock her latent Potential, so he would try to help her in that. She was also very attractive, she reminded him Lucy, before she died. Using his Angelic Powers to Transfigure himself into a Guy wearing a Tuxedo, a White Tuxedo, he went off in search of the...

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(pardon the shortness. This is a set up chapter. I will add to it as soon as it accepted.) Smallville was a silent sleepy town town. Well silent accept for the mutant outbreak. An Asteroid was heading toward smallville again. It was an asteroid of red krytonite. The same thing that made Clark evil. This was differnt. This affect humans as well as aliens. Worst let it gave the humans powers similar to Clark kent It crashed in the a forest by the river. The rocks scattered in across the forest....

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Smallville Strip

The game had nearly not happened, when it was time to begin the group had realized that no one had even brought cards. Luckily after a quick look Lois had found the carefully hidden game box. Inside they found several board games. Strip monopoly, strip life, and strip conquest didn?t sound right so they eventually decided on strip phase ten, the only other game the Kent?s had. Lana surprised everybody except Chloe when she handed Lois a pack of erotic scenario cards. When asked why she had them...

2 years ago
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Smallville Clark loses his memory

It was a nice day in the town of Smallville, Kansas and a boy was stirring in his bed, in a farm. His name is Clark Kent. He would later become superman. Clark wakes up and can't remember who he is or more importantly what his powers are and must start all over. He wakes up and hears " Clark it's time for breakfast" being yelled outside. Should you go and see who it is?

4 years ago
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Smallgasm The dicklette cums again Small Penis H

So, Saturday came and went. Nothing happened, and for virtually a whole month we have had work, visitors and general life go mad. During this whole time I had not cum, any time where I could normally be alone for a wank, my wife would be with me. Or time was pressing, or a hundred other things that simply just got in the way.I had promised myself that I would only be honest with these stories, and make nothing up. So, it has had to wait this long before I can write again, sorry for that -...

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Want to see tiny porn at Exxxtra Small? The term “spinner” has become increasingly popular in the last few years. For those of you whom are unfamiliar, a spinner is a term of endearment used to describe extremely petite girls—tiny girls who you would love to fuck. Why are they called spinners, you ask? Well, that’s easy. Because of the fact that these girls are so small that one could, conceivably, sit them on his hard dick and spin her ‘round and ‘round like a top. Although really small girls...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
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Reddit Dirty Small, aka r/DirtySmall! You may not be a pedophile, but there are few better pleasures in life than being able to pound away at a sweet 18-year old girl who's just begging to feel all of you, deep inside her. Hell, there are even plenty of billionaires who pay top dollar to be able to bang away at barely legal (and probably even underage) cute teen girls on sex resort islands - think Bill Clinton and Jeffery Epstein.You may not have been able to get with the girls in your high...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit XSmallGirls, aka r/XSmallGirls! I feel like such a pervert just checking out this sub. Yo, fuck that, these petite girls had it coming, and I’m about to be cumming to their nude pics for as long as I want! That’s right, today we’re talking about the /r/xsmallgirls community where small babes reign supreme as opposed to other subs where you usually see busty sluts with huge jugs. Here, as the community eloquently states in the description of /r/xsmallgirls, it’s a place where you can see...

Reddit NSFW List
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Smallest Cage Now Too Large

I have not used my boy’s cock in over four years after it was superseded by his tongue and, if I wanted penetration, a strap-on silicone dildo. As I had no use for it anymore and I didn’t want him playing with it because I wanted 100% of his sexual energy directed at my sexual pleasure, I locked it up full-time in a chastity cage to put it out of bounds. I also used quite severe spikes for many months to dissuade any erection attempts. Over the months and years, I have decreased the cage size...

4 years ago
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Smallest cock shes ever seen And a prematu

So I was working the night shift at the hotel (which I normally hate doing!) and in come a couple of very pretty 18 year old girls who had been out in town. One of them went straight upstairs to bed, but the other one decided to stay and chat for a while. I could immediately tell that she was both interested in me and very horny, so when I said I was going outside for a smoke, she asked if she could join me. When we got outside, she made it very clear that she wanted to have some fun and...

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Small Opposites Part One

He stood there by the poolside, naked and dripping, his thirty-five year old shaved smooth cock sticking out in front of his body pointing to his hotel room just across the way. There was no one around the pool, but he was hoping tenants saw him. They would mainly see him anyway. He was almost certain nobody would pay attention to his small erection. It had always been unnoticeable.He walked over to the chair, his erection shaking as he walked, and grabbed the towel he had placed in the seat...

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Small Opposites Part Three The Finale

He did not even have to guide his small erection into her tiny opening by hand. His aim was perfect and he felt the head of his hardness slowly pierce her pink cavity. He felt the warmth on the head as it sunk into soft suppleness. She sighed heavily as she felt the tip inside her opening as well. He did not go all the way inside her yet. He took one of his hands and began caressing her hard right nipple, all the while letting the head of his small erection linger just inside her vaginal...

Straight Sex
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Small Improvements

Small Improvements It started gradually, so discreet at first, that I hardly noticed anything was changing. Just a simple comment on the state of my dry skin. "You know, you really ought to moisturise Jon. That skin around your forehead and nose is getting so dry. It really turns me off. I mean, if you leave it like that, in a few years you'll be like a prune." Judith was a new girl friend - we'd only been going out a few months, but I wanted to stay on her good side. After all,...

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Every now and then in the summer, rather than go to the local beach near the city I’ll hop in my car and drive the hundred kilometres or so over the mountains and spend the day on the beach of a large lake by a small out-of-the-way village. It’s just a change of pace. Something that, for all of us, is occasionally needed in life to help recharge the batteries. There are a few small beaches, all of them sandy, near the village and unless it’s a long weekend they’re usually pretty empty and this...

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Every now and then in the summer, rather than go to the local beach near the city I’ll hop in my car and drive the hundred kilometres or so over the mountains and spend the day on the beach of a large lake by a small out-of-the-way village. It’s just a change of pace. Something that, for all of us, is occasionally needed in life to help recharge the batteries. There are a few small beaches, all of them sandy, near the village and unless it’s a long weekend they’re usually pretty empty and this...

Straight Sex
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Small Tiny penisdick fucks another pussy with hi

“The writing was all over the wall”. My wife and I kept telling ourselves. We wanted to have sex with Irene for the longest time. It eventually happened. Well, it was really awe inspiring at first and somehow anti-climactic at first but it was well worth the wait. I guess I can say that both women are too much for my 3.5 inch cock.We were in the rockies for a winter holiday last December.To cut the chase short, Irene was onboard with the whole threesome idea. It turns out that it was harder to...

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Small World Isnt It

Struggling in vain against the two garish clowns that hold his arms Jerry Youngblood finds himself being dragged though a dark a place past vats filled with something heaving and unwholesome, the clowns make not a sound as they are joined by two other shadowy figures, a tall woman in a ringmaster costume, and an even taller glowering brute in a red & while shirt stripped just like the dimly seen roof of the circus tent he seems to be in, the two new ones grab his feet and host him...

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Small Town Girls

Two girls, Christa and Sara, decided to spent Christmas at Holiday’s Inn in small mountain town of Brucksberry. They have other school friends to meet there. Both just recently turned eighteen and parents reluctantly allowed them to drive there along in Christa’s new red convertible. “But beware of snow and ice on a roads, it can be nasty in the mountains, told them Sara’s father. Stay on the main road and make sure you have shovel and good pair of warm coats and boots with you. ” “Don’t worry,...

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Small Town Life

At 17 I was happy to be done with high school for the year. Farm life wasn't for me, so my father had helped me find a job with Mr. Green. After years helping on the farm I was fairly strong and able to handle the heavy lifting at Green's. I was 5-10, muscular, sandy blonde hair and gray eyes. Life in a small town has its advantages, but then there was the downside. By luck of the draw Doylesville didn't have many teen girls in my age range. Our small local school was mostly farm boys. So,...

3 years ago
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Small Tight Ready

Author's info: Gender: Male Age: Secret Location: Las Vegas Introduction: My teenage step-sister invites a horny young friend over. Patty Pyle is thirteen and stands around 4'9" tall and weighs about 90 lbs. She has brown eyes and brown hair with small but firm a-cup tits. Her small nipples were usually hard and showing through her top, even when she has a bra on. She was very computer savvy and loved going online to ‘those’ websites that she’d discovered bookmarked on her...

5 years ago
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Small compensations

Small compensations The news spread all over Italy in seconds. Miss Natalia Firenze, the famousjudge in the case against Mafia Boss Mario Botto, El signore, was dead. Themedia immediately suspected his hand behind her accident. Only three days beforeher death, a commando of 40 armed men had rescued their boss assaulting thejail, leaving behind them 17 death guards and more the one hundred injured. The connection seemed clear. But Botto was the first surprised, he was sosurprised he offered 5...

1 year ago
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Small Town Girl Turns into exhibitionist

*** 1. CUMBUCKET WANTS TO DRESS LIKE A SLUT IN PUBLIC; When Cumbucket and I moved from a small town of 500 to a city of a million people I never ever thought Cumbucket would turn into a cum hungry slut . Cumbucket she’s a nice girl inside and out but when she gets into the position of bending over or spreading her leg’s her pussy start dribbling. I love having a quick hard fuck for my pleasure not hers just dump my load inside her right before we go shopping. Then quickly pulling her always too...

Group Sex
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Small Tight and Ready part 1 rewrite

Kimmy Pfile is 13 and stands around 4'9" tall and weighs about 90 lbs. with brown eyes and brown hair with small but firm 30B tits. She was getting packed to go over to her friends house for a sleep over, but all she could think about was her friends older step brother, Curtis, He's 14 and stands 5'9, weighing around 120 lbs. with dark brown eyes and dark hair. Then she thought to herself 'maybe I can try and seduce him.' With a wide eyed expression she quickly ran upstairs to her...

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Small-steps The first time I saw them in my drawer, I was puzzled and held them up. They were a plain white pair of women's underwear. A cotton bikini style by Jockey which had been worn before but I couldn't tell if they were my wife's or a pair of my step-daughter. In any case, they did look a little like the male briefs I normally wore. Mine of course were cut for a man, with a kind of pouch in front, but I did have white ones, as well as a few in black, blue, and gray. I never...

2 years ago
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Small Opposites Part Two

She watched the result of their desires that happened on the pool’s concrete deck wash off of him and down the drain of the hot shower in which they both stood. Even though having got him off happened minutes ago, the thought of it was still hot to her. She kept replaying the moment over and over in her brain as she watched the water flow over his hard body. The thought of his small cock pulsing that hot long stream of pure man-juice invigorated her. Just went to prove that a man did not have...

Straight Sex
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Small Packages

"I just need your help for a second!" "Not this again. Can you just give it up already? That dang machine is never going to work." "I think I've got it this time. The oxaloacetate pump was miscalibrated the last time!" "You always say it's fixed. I'll help you this time. But it had better work." We headed into the basement. When we bought this house, I immediately claimed this space as my own. And Lisa had been all too eager to hide the science stuff from sight. We...

3 years ago
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Small Dick Handjob2

For example, sometimes she'd discreetly start rubbing my knee at lunch, with all our friends seated around us. She would bring her hand higher and higher until she was excruciatingly close to my cock, just barely grazing it with her fingertips. I'd be the last one to leave the lunch table on the days she did this, not wanting any of our friends to see the lump in my pants she had caused. Other times she wasn't so discreet, and she would make a big show out of her teasing in front of...

4 years ago
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Small Tits Nipple Play

Caz was a young woman I met on the internet on one of those dating sites. She was a pretty thing 5'6", 115 lbs., blue eyes, crazy blonde hair, and a naughty side to her. She was pretty open on the message part of the dating site about wanting to be romantic on the first date. She was so open that she invited me to come over to her place for a glass of wine before we went out to eat. I almost got the idea she was a prostitute but was assured by Caz that the fee I paid the dating site was the...

3 years ago
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Small Beginnings Chapter 17

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2016 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is...

2 years ago
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Small Towns and Homecomings

Hey everybody, long time reader, first time poster. I couldn't get this story out of my head the past few weeks so I decided to put it to (digital) paper. Please feel free to leave a review, or you can contact me at [email protected] if you'd prefer. The usual caveats apply, and please don't repost this without permission. Thanks for reading! _________________________ Small Towns and Homecomings By Akira Marx Where was that line from, "You can never go home again?" Maybe it...

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Small And Cute

Being small and cute is a heavy burden to bear if one is a guy. When Stevie was sixteen, he only stood five-feet-two inches tall. The bit of bum-fluff that he had on his face was barely worth mentioning and the few sprigs under his arms and above his cock, rather pathetic. To add to his woes, he was smaller and prettier than most of the girls at school. Everyone always presumed that he was gay, which he had strong reservations about at this time and did his best to sublimate the feelings of his...

Gay Male
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Small Side Trip

Copyright 2001 by the Wraith390 Edited by Sara Sue Anne Martin and her daughter Lauren were on the last days of a working vacation, traveling around Mexico City to study the ruins of Tenochtitlan. Lauren needed some field research notes before returning to Yale to write her final dissertation to get her doctorate in archeology. They decided to take a quick morning drive before the flight home the next morning. The two women were enjoying the quiet countryside and just getting out of the big...

2 years ago
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Small And Very Hot

Hi, I am from Karnataka I am from costal part of Karnataka. I studied at Manipal about me I am lesbian from my childhood days. There are 3 friends we are all play together when we are small. This is not a complete on but touching and creasing each others private part o body and we also enjoy a lot when I got admission at Manipal, there I got an hosterl room, whole my education life. I spent with a Chainies girl who is lesbian too. I appreciate myself we do sex daily one time whie sleeping there...

3 years ago
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Small Medium and Large

SMALL, MEDIUM AND LARGE by Throne Glen couldn't believe it. All he had done was to sneak a camera into the sorority house and set it up to take shots of the girls. Was that so bad? They certainly thought so, and they had a unique idea of what punishment would fit his crime. It didn't help him that several of them were connected to scientific research being done in connection with the university. And that some of those students had access to certain drugs. He was standing on the...

2 years ago
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Small town small lie

Hi friends this is raj again this is the story which is sent by one of my friend so please read stories. Life in a small town where everyone knows everyone can be like living in a fish bowel. For instance Mary and Joe Martin had a big fight one night about eight o’clock and by eight o’clock the next morning everyone in town knew about it and why. Joe had made a pass at the new waitress down at the hotel lunch room-bar. So when my Dad got sick and his time on this earth was limited everyone knew...

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Small Town Justice

Jennifer Carmichael looked at her speedometer when she saw the flashing red and blue lights in her rearview mirror and heard the siren behind her.  She had been going nearly seventy-five miles per hour.  She slowed down and pulled to the side of the road.  She waited a few moments as the small town deputy approached her car and asked her for her license and registration.  She handed it to him and smiled.“Do you know how fast you were going, miss?” he asked her.“I guess I was a bit over the...


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