Expectations free porn video

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Tim recalled the conversation as though it had happened yesterday.

"Jesus," Paul had said. "Man, I just don't get you. You let a golden opportunity slip right through your fingers."

Walter, the third member of the group, had nodded a knowing agreement.

"Opportunity for what?" Tim had asked.

"Are you k**ding? I have told you about the time Carolyn invited me in, right?"

"Many times," Tim had said, but his friend wouldn't be stopped.

"Man, we left a trail of clothes from the front door to her bed."

"I kinda doubt that's why she invited me over."

Paul had shaken his head. "What do you think, Walter?"

"You know what I think. She had me even before she left home. Told her parents she was going to show me the house. What she showed me was a whole lot more interesting."

"With her parents in the house?" Tim had been incredulous.

Walter had shrugged. "I guess they don't hear too good."

"Just one night, then?" Tim had asked. "Both of you?"

"He doesn't understand," Paul had said.

"What I understand is that I can't skip an important rehearsal for the slim chance of a single night of passion."

"No," Walter had agreed with Paul, "he doesn't."

But, Tim felt, he had understood. Enough to be intimidated by Carolyn's invitation. Enough to regret constantly that he had lacked the courage to discover for himself what she'd had in mind.

As now, as he watched her browsing the rows of DVDs, in the video store where he worked evenings. Her amber curls, just visible above the shelf, reminded him of her presence.

To be fair to himself, he still wasn't as convinced as his friends had been that sex had been on Carolyn's mind when she asked him to help her set up her VCR. Even though Paul claimed her pretext with him was even flimsier. Nor was he convinced that he could have been content with a one-night stand, as his friends professed to be.

But certainly there was reason to regret what might have been.

For a time, he had tried to maneuver himself into a position where she might repeat her invitation, but it wasn't likely she would ask again. If Tim was to spend time alone with her, he'd have to ask her out. The feeling that Carolyn would know he was trying to recover his lost opportunity compounded the intimidation factor, and again he had trouble summoning the courage to act.

And then it was too late, as Carolyn acquired a steady boyfriend, a guy with a neat, close-cropped beard and short sandy hair, a few years older than Tim. He would see them together in the video store, the boyfriend's arm possessively around Carolyn's narrow waist.

Each time he saw them, Tim suffered a brief pang of lust and jealousy, which was not helped by Carolyn's disconcertingly direct look, or her habit of playfully touching Tim's fingers, out of view of her boyfriend, when she paid for her videos.

Then, a couple of months ago, Carolyn had appeared alone at the video store. Since then, Tim realized, he hadn't seen...

He was startled by a touch on the back of his hand. Tim had been leaning against the register, looking away from the counter, lost in his own thoughts.

"Still daydreaming your life away, Tim?"

Carolyn's soft, well-remembered voice made him shiver. That, and the gentle touch of her finger on his hand.

"Oh, hi, Carolyn."

Her intense blue eyes caught his, and he felt a tingle of excitement, as always, through his stomach and groin. Regretting his choice of loose string-belted slacks, he moved closer to the counter, to hide the effect her sudden proximity was having on him.

"Is this good?" she asked, setting a copy of "Pi" on the counter.

"Good? Yeah, I think so. Very good. But weird, it may not be to your taste. It's in black and white, too."

She shrugged. "Sounds interesting."

"You have DVD now?" asked Tim. "You were only setting up video last year."

"Since last week," she said. "I've just finished setting it up."

"Sure, that's great. Uhh... you should have asked me, I'd have helped with it. Would you like me to check it over?"

Carolyn frowned. "No," she said, after a pause, "I'm happy with it." As Tim's heart sank, she tapped the DVD case adding, "But would you like to come watch this with me? What time do you get off?"

"Just over an hour. After eleven. Would that be too late?"

She shook her head. "No, that would be fine. I'm a night owl."

The last hour of work crawled. When the store finally closed, Tim wasted no time finishing up, then leapt into his car, roaring off through the parking lot as his co-workers left the building.

Carolyn must have heard him arrive. She was waiting at the top of the stairs to her third-floor apartment, wearing a soft pink top and slacks.

"It's good to see you again. Carolyn," said Tim. "You look great."

She chuckled as she led him through the door. "Thanks, but I'm dressed for comfort, not appearance. We night creatures appreciate relaxation.

"Can I get you a drink?" she continued. "Coffee? Soft drink? Beer?"

"Do you have Dr. Pepper?" he asked. "I'd better stay away from beer. I'm driving." Though, privately, Tim hoped that he wouldn't be driving soon.

Carolyn's big screen TV dominated the small living room, though the speakers of her surround-sound system were unobtrusive.

"I'm impressed," Tim commented.

"Chris got me started," said Carolyn.

"Chris being the wolfman?"

She frowned at him., then grinned. "The name does suit him."

"What happened to him? I haven't seen him in a while."

"We went our separate ways. He's a nice enough guy, but very conventional. No art in his soul."

Tim wanted to cry out, "I'm an artist. I'm a musician," but he held his silence.

After Tim had positioned himself in the couch set up for TV viewing, Carolyn started the DVD player, then sat close beside him. Tim laid his arm along the back of the sofa.

About halfway into the movie, Carolyn said quietly, "This would have driven Chris crazy. He would probably have left the room by now."

"I can't say I'd altogether blame him," responded Tim. "This is the second time I've seen it, and I don't know that I like it. I just find it... fascinating."

Carolyn nodded, her eyes fixed to the TV. Tim stroked his fingers against her shoulder, and she turned her head to flash him a quick smile.

Emboldened, Tim lowered his arm to lie along her shoulder, and his heart leapt as she wriggled further into his hold.

The movie ended to a moment of stunned silence for both Carolyn and Tim.

"That was intense," Carolyn commented after a while, as the strange rhythm of the film score accompanied the closing credits.

Then she turned to face Tim. "Thanks."

In answer, Tim drew her to him and kissed her clumsily on the mouth. After just a moment, she responded, parting her lips.

Carolyn's hands worked their way under his arms and around his back, and as his tongue probed between her lips, she met it with her own.

As Carolyn seemed to soften in his arms, Tim stroked her back, then fumbled for the edge of her top, slipping his hand under the soft fabric.

He stroked the smoothness of her waist, felt the line of her ribs, then moved his hands to her chest, touching the front of her bra. As he squeezed gently, the fabric yielded, and he felt the firmness of her breasts pressing against him.

His cock was rigid inside his loose pants as he felt behind her back to unfasten her bra strap...

And she pushed him away, taking his arms and moving his hands back to her waist.

Carolyn shook her head. "Not so fast."

Tim drew back. "I'm sorry," he said, "I thought... I mean I... wasn't meaning to upset you."

She shook her head again. "I'm not upset or offended. One thing I learned from Chris is that some things are better not rushed."

Leaning close, still holding his arms, she kissed him again, her face swaying against his as Tim's breathless need grew.

When Carolyn disengaged herself, she dropped his hands. Then, glancing down at his pants, she said, "Well, it looks like you were happy to see me." She touched the bulge in his pants, and Tim flinched as she stroked the underside of his shaft, thrilling him.

"You'd best go now," she said, to which Tim nodded reluctantly, and stood.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" he asked.

"Today, you mean? I plan to sleep through this morning. Then shopping."

"May I come?" asked Tim.

"If you like."

At the door they kissed again. When Carolyn finally, gently, pushed him away, Tim realized that he'd have to descend two flights of stairs with his pants stretched in the front. Fortunately no-one was around, though the apartment complex was still far from dormant.

On the stairs, moving stiffly, Tim considered the effect Carolyn was having on him. He was dismayed that she wouldn't let him go further. To feel the lush flesh beneath the crisp bra, and not to be able to sample, was frustrating, but it made him eager for more.

The question was, why was she behaving so differently to those nights with Walter and Paul? Not that he had any right to expect Carolyn to jump into bed with him, but did it mean that she didn't want him, or did she really prefer, as she said, to let their relationship grow first?

As the foot of the stairway a thought came to him, and he laughed aloud. Hadn't he told Paul that he wasn't interested in a one-night stand? So it wasn't strictly true, but he was surely more interested in something longer term. Seeing her tomorrow - alright, today - already surpassed the time either of his friends' affairs had lasted.

Tim strode across the parking lot not caring who saw him.

In the car, his elation led to a new realization - that he was looking forward to spending time with Carolyn just to be with her, not simply because he wanted her. All these months, his desire had been rooted in lust, induced by thoughts of what he may have let slip away from him. Now, he realized, he wanted to get to know her.

But from now on, he'd be wearing tight jeans.

Carolyn was five minutes late to their rendezvous, and Tim was becoming despondent, thinking she wouldn't show, when he saw her. His heart leapt at the sight of the trim-waisted figure in the lime green top and short skirt.

He stood as she approached, her eyes smiling into his, and impulsively, grabbed her shoulders, kissing her firmly on the lips.

Carolyn responded immediately, and he savored her taste and her perfume. Then he released her, and put his arm around her, hand on her waist. As Carolyn's arm circled behind him, Tim felt a surge of affection for her.

They stayed a couple of hours in the mall, eating fast food, window shopping, buying a couple of albums. Carolyn asked if Tim recommended any music, and he offered to loan her some CDs to see what she liked.

They saw a few of Carolyn's friends, male and female. Tim sensed each looking him over, feeling a possessive pride when Carolyn introduced him as a friend.

"Do you need to get to work?" she asked as they were tiring.

"No," he answered. "I'm off today."

"You want to come back to my place?"

"Why not mine? I can get those CDs for you."

"Sure," she said.

Tim's apartment was relatively tidy, for him. He'd even washed the dishes, not with any thought of needing to make the place presentable, but in the light-hearted mood of that morning he'd cleared around as a way of passing the time before leaving for the mall.

He did have to clear a sheaf of handwritten music score off the couch for Carolyn to sit.

"What it that?" she asked.

"Something I'm working on."

"Could you play it? I'd like to hear it."

"It isn't finished," Tim objected, and followed with other excuses, but eventually agreed.

Tim played the piece on his electronic piano. It was a very dark work, not gloomy so much at twisted, with hints of evil and depravity. At least, that's how Tim saw it.

And indeed, when he was finished, Carolyn was looking quite concerned. "Is that you?" she asked.

"You mean, do I have the darkness in me that I tried to put into the music? No. That isn't me."

"Then where does it come from?"

Tim was silent for a moment. "From possibilities," he said at last. "It isn't me, it's what I could be."

Carolyn still frowned.

"Have you ever read 'Silence of the Lambs'?" Tim asked, and when Carolyn nodded, he continued. "Is Thomas Harris a serial killer? How did he create such perfect evil without being evil himself?"

Carolyn nodded. "Yeah, I can see the comparison."

"People expect that of writers. But if an artist paints a disturbing picture, or a composer writes threatening music, they're ready to lock us away."

"I wasn't wanting to do that," Carolyn said, defensively.

"I know. But you were uneasy, and it's understandable. I just want you to know that I'm not what I write, any more than Harris."

Carolyn nodded.

"Besides, I won't be working on that piece for a while, and that's your fault." Tim grinned.

"And how do you figure that?"

"I can't connect to that place, that possibility, right now. I'm too far from it."

"Why's that my fault?" Carolyn asked.

"You know I've always been attracted to you." It was a statement, not a question. "I'd always assumed that it was a physical thing.

"Today, I realized that," he paused for a moment, hoping he wouldn't sound trite, "that I really like you. Not your body. That is," he amended, unable to keep his eyes from roaming over her tight top, "not just your body. I like spending time with you. You make me feel too good to contact my dark side, I guess."

Carolyn's eyes sparkled. "So. We should stop seeing each other so you can create?"

Tim took her hand. "How about, instead, I start a new piece? From a different possibility?" He drew her close. "One that might even become real." As her face approached his, he added, "I think I can already feel it taking shape."

"I hope so," she breathed before their lips merged.

His arms around Carolyn, Tim stroked her back as their kiss grew in passion, running his hands down to knead her waist and butt. She held him tightly to her.

Suddenly, she detached herself, sat back, and pulled her top over her head, exposing her thin white bra. She pressed herself back against him, hands working at the buttons of his shirt as they kissed breathlessly.

Tim reached behind her, fighting with her bra clasp as she ran her hands over his chest. Finally it parted, and he pulled the straps over her shoulders.

Running his hands over her full breasts, he felt her nipples change shape beneath his fingers. As they hardened, he rubbed with his thumbs, and Carolyn closed her teeth on his tongue.

Detaching his lips from Carolyn's, Tim lowered his face to her breasts. He ran his tongue over her left nipple, then sucked it back into his mouth, kneading her breast with his hand as he worked his lips and tongue.

Carolyn was making sighs of pleasure, stroking Tim's neck in encouragement. After a time she took his face between her hands and moved it to her right breast.

Tim continued to suck on one nipple while pinching the other, rubbing it between finger and thumb. Alternately sucking hard then flapping his tongue, he could sense her excitement growing.

He fumbled at her skirt, trying to find the fastener, resorting instead to running his right hand up her thigh as he continued to squeeze her breast with his left.

Carolyn pulled away from him, then kissed his face and neck, her nipples grazing him. Gripping his waist, she lowered her face to his chest.

After nuzzling his stomach, she looked up at him. "You're wearing the wrong pants. I could gauge the effect better yesterday."

"Believe me, there's plenty of effect," Tim said.

Carolyn ran a hand firmly over the front of his jeans. "So it seems. But I think I need to check for myself."

Kissing his stomach, she unfastened his belt and unzipped his jeans. Without the jeans' restraint, Tim's cock tried to push through his underwear.

"Yes, I'd say things are looking good," said Carolyn. He felt her fingers penetrate his shorts, touching his shaft as she pried it free. "Oh, I'd say things were looking very good."

Carolyn's head was still resting on his stomach as she ran her fingers over his cock. Tim stroked her hair, willing her to do what he hoped she would do next...

And he felt the moistness of her tongue play over the head of his cock.

Tim couldn't believe this was really happening. He closed his eyes as the erotic sensations danced around the tip of his shaft, then felt the stimulation increase as her lips closed over it. She did something with her tongue that drove a rush of excitement into his belly, and he sighed.

Then she released him. "Like that?" she said.

"I thought you said you could tell," said Tim, hoarsely.

"Oh, I can," she grinned. Then she slid off the couch and crouched before him. "And I can tell you'd like some more."

"You'd better believe it," said Tim, eagerly.

Carolyn held his eyes as she lowered herself to her task. With her fingers gripping the base of his cock, she ran the tip of her tongue over the underside of his shaft. He shuddered at the sensation.

She rolled her head around, moving his cock further back on her tongue, until her lips surrounded it, then sucked. Slowly she worked him further and further inside, constantly moving her tongue against him, stroking and holding his balls. Tim felt the whole length of his erection was on fire, rapid waves of heat rolling deep inside him from the steady rubbing of her tongue.

The pressure in Tim's cock seemed to keep growing, though he had been hard before she started, it seemed to him that he had become harder, that his shaft was being pushed from the inside. That it was trying to continue to swell beyond its limits, even as the tingling within it grew beyond his ability to contain it.

Carolyn slowly backed all the way off, and released him. Then, watching his eyes through her lashes, she teased him with the end of her tongue. Occasionally she would barely touch her teeth to his shaft, and he would jump as a spike of arousal drove into him.

Closing her lips over him again, she bobbed her head, not sucking hard, but moving regularly, slowly pushing him towards overload.

Trying to relax, to postpone coming for as long as possible, Tim groaned with effort. Carolyn stopped her movement, and pulled halfway back, opening her mouth, Tim's cock lying against her lower lip and teeth. He wanted to move. He wanted desperately to grab that little extra stimulation which would force him over the edge. Even without moving, just a little tightening of his muscles would do it, and only a superhuman effort kept teetering at the point where he could, barely, stop his body from overriding his control.

Then Carolyn closed her lips, sucking and rubbing with her tongue, and Tim cried out as she dragged his body into explosive climax, flooding his seed into her mouth.

For as long as his cock kept trembling, she kept moving, until finally Tim leaned his head back and let his body go limp.

Carolyn straddled his lap, her lips and tongue salty as Tim wearily returned her kiss. He gently squeezed her breasts as he felt his cock becoming limp.

Then she pulled back from him and picked up her bra.

"Don't go," he said, weakly.

"I have to," she answered. "Tomorrow?"

"I have an all-day rehearsal and then work. I won't be through until after eleven."

"Then my place, eleven-thirty," she said, easing herself back into her top.

"Okay," Tim said, pulling his pants back together. He walked her to the door, and found a reserve of passion as they kissed. Then he staggered to bed and collapsed.

Thoughts of Carolyn kept intruding during Tim's day. It wasn't that he had trouble concentrating during the rehearsal, more that the idle times were occupied with the events of the past two days.

After the previous evening, he was sure that Carolyn wasn't just leading him on. He couldn't be certain after the first night that she really wanted him, but she'd made that clear yesterday. And then left. Not that Tim had been capable of more, but she could have stayed.

And he'd missed her when she'd gone, and that mattered more to him than the chance for more intimacy.

He was inattentive at the store, daydreaming enough that his co-workers noticed. One had witnessed his intense expression when talking to Carolyn two days earlier, and made the connection; when Tim admitted that they were dating, he received mixed congratulations and good-natured insults. Everyone knew the yellow-haired lovely who had so obviously captured Tim.

Knowing where he was headed, the others pushed him out of the door at eleven, taking Tim's few duties, so he arrived early at Carolyn's.

Meeting him at her door in a long, heavy housecoat, she greeted him with a smile that made him weak at the knees.

"Here are the CDs I said I'd loan you," said Tim. "I guess we forgot about them yesterday."

"I wonder why that would be," said Carolyn. She took the cases from him, then kissed him warmly. "Beer?" she asked, releasing him. "Or wine? That might be nice."

"I can't," Tim began, "I'm ..."

Carolyn touched a finger to his lips. "Shh. Don't be silly. You know you're not going anywhere."

Tim's voice caught in his throat. "Okay... Whatever you're having, please."

Carolyn left him on the couch, returning a moment later with a bottle of Zinfandel and two glasses.

"Long day?" she asked, handing Tim a glass.

"Yeah," he said, as she sat beside him. "Difficult rehearsal, busy evening."

Carolyn nuzzled his neck and he d****d his arm over her shoulders. Her hair was damp, scented slightly of herbal shampoo.

"So," she said, her lips close by his ear, You'll be wanting to go to bed soon?"

Tim's heart skipped. "Yes, but not because I'm tired."

"Good. Drink your wine slowly, it's the last relaxing you'll be doing for a while."

"Your telling me that doesn't help me to relax, you know."

He sipped some more of his wine. "Carolyn," he said, then after marshalling his thoughts, he continued, "there's something I should tell you, before we... uhhh... something I think I should tell you now. I've been thinking about you. A lot. I said I like time with you. It's more than that. I think I've fallen in love."

"So, now you know," she said.

Puzzled, Tim shook his head. "Know what?"

"What I've known for a long time. Why I knew it would be worth waiting, although I wanted you when you were first here."

"I've wanted you for a long time, Carolyn."

"And you've finally seen past it," she stated. "Do you think I don't know how you were looking at me? You wanted more than sex, you just didn't admit it."

After a time, Tim nodded, slowly. "I think you're right. I also think that I'm not going to stop feeling this way."

Carolyn stood, took the bottle and her glass in one hand, and held out the other to Tim. "Come on," she said, and led him through to the bedroom. Setting the items down, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Their kiss grew in urgency, and Tim reached for the cord of Carolyn's robe. She shook her head. "You first," she said.

Lifting his tee shirt over his head, she kissed his chest, nibbling on his nipples. Tim stepped out of his shoes, then let his pants fall. He was erect within his boxers.

"Your turn," he said.

Carolyn stepped back, then, eyes fixed on Tim's, she unfastened her belt. Easing the robe over her shoulders, she let it drop.

Tim's cock jumped as the robe fell to reveal Carolyn's complete nudity, nipples still soft on her round breasts, thin triangle of hair between her thighs.

She moved back to him and their lips joined. Tim's palms caressed her back, holding her closely, her breasts pushing against his chest. As he stroked her butt, he felt her jerking his underwear down.

Then her hand closed around his shaft, pumping gently, moving him against her pussy. His cock hardened still further as he felt it brush her pubic hair.

He lifted her onto the bed, then climbed up beside her, lying where he could kiss her breasts, working his fingers around her ass, between her thighs, to stroke her pussy. She sighed as his fingertips penetrated, finding her moist within.

He continued to suckle, sensing Carolyn's growing arousal. Her breath became heavy as he drew his fingers around. Sliding his fingers forward, he found the nub of her pleasure.

Fingers lubricated with her juices, he circled her clit, eliciting moans from Carolyn. She began to squeeze against his hand, and he felt that he could sense her heartbeat as her excitement became tangible.

Tim withdrew, and leaned over the bed to get a condom from his jeans.

"Nightstand. Drawer," gasped Carolyn, and he found opened boxes of rubbers. Grabbing the nearest, he tore open the packet. Carolyn's fingers helped smooth the latex over him, teasing his cock into further arousal.

Rolling Carolyn to her back, he kissed her on the mouth, probing again with his fingers, smothering her moans with his lips as he stroked her clit.

Then drew back. Repositioning himself between her legs, he crouched between her knees, kissing her belly button.

And down, his fingers leading the way, stroking her pussy, parting her labia, as his tongue stroked its way down. He licked between her moist lips, stroking firmly, feeling Carolyn's thighs tighten against his head in time to his movements.

Refocusing his efforts, he touched her clit with his tongue, first gently, then lapping firmly. Carolyn moaned, and started shaking her pussy against his face. Tim backed off, only to resume forcefully as soon as she relaxed.

"Ah-ah-ah-ah-AH-AH!" Carolyn gasped as he shook his head, his tongue pressed firmly against her clit. "Oh! Oh! OH! Oh, God!"

Tim sucked hard, drawing her clit within his lips, stroking rapidly with his tongue.

"Oh!" cried Carolyn, her thighs squeezing his face, pelvis lifted several inches from the bed. "Oh! God! Tim! OHHHH!"

He felt the sudden tension within her, then the fluttering of her clit against his tongue as she came. Pressing with his tongue, feeling with his fingers the spasming within her, he kept up his effort until she relaxed against the bed.

Tim lifted from his crouch, then turned his attention to Carolyn's breasts. As he lowered himself, he felt her fingers take his cock. Moments later, it was sliding into warmth.

She lifted his face to hers, unperturbed by her own taste on his lips, and their tongues joined as they started to move.

He broke their kiss for a moment. "I'm not going to be able to hold back for long," he whispered.

"That's okay," Carolyn replied, "I don't need for you to. Mmmmm," she said as their lips joined again, and she started moaning.

Carolyn's legs tightened behind Tim's butt, and she pushed him faster and harder. Tim felt the dam about to burst within him as she pulled her face from his. Her arms around his back tightened, and her panting sobs filled his ear as he flew into throbbing release. Then Carolyn was with him, crying out as she came, and they kept pushing each other firmly into shared ecstasy.

Weary, but happier than he ever remembered being, Tim lay beside his lover, who had her head propped up on a fist, watching him, while the fingers of her other hand drew patterns in the hair of his chest. Carolyn was obviously more awake than he felt.

"You're tense," she said.

"Nothing to worry about," replied Tim, drowsily. "Daytime stress, is all."

"Bullshit, it's nothing to worry about," she said. "Turn over. I'm going to give you a massage."

"Do I have to stay awake while you do it?" Tim asked, yawning.

"Not at all. It should help you sleep."

Tim smiled, and rolled over, moving as Carolyn instructed, until she was satisfied with his position. She left the bed, returning with a bottle of oil. His face turned to the side, Tim could see her from the corner of his eye, squatting over him, breasts bobbing as she oiled her hands. He felt the rough hair of her pussy against his legs as she leant down to begin work.

At first, it was painful, as she stretched and kneaded the muscles in his shoulders, and he couldn't possibly have slept through the work. But within a few minutes, as the tension started to leave him, even the occasional discomfort was not disturbing. Ever conscious of the naked body of his lover against him, Tim dozed.

When he woke, he was aware of a fleeing erotic fantasy. It seemed that there had been several, in succession, but he couldn't remember them. His cock tingled gently, as if he had been partly erect.

Carolyn was waking him to turn over onto his back. He felt luxuriously relaxed, a slight glow in his shoulders and butt where the tension had been.

As he rolled over, Carolyn straddled his stomach, lowering her face to kiss him sensuously on the lips. "Is that part of the massage?" Tim asked.

"An essential part," she whispered.

He watched her for a while, as she stretched the muscles in his neck and upper chest, then he drifted back to sleep.

He became vaguely aware of a feeling even more pleasurable than the glow of his relaxed muscles. He didn't want to wake, but it demanded at least a little attention, and he slipped into a half-dreaming, half-awake state, where his dream-fantasy was the memory of Carolyn's lips on his cock.

The fantasy wasn't real, but the feeling was, a tingling in his erect shaft. Tim opened one eye, and saw Carolyn sitting beside him, running an oiled finger up and down his erection. She caught his open eye and smiled at him.

Still drifting, he was vaguely aware when she unrolled a condom over him, and of the weight of her body against his. He floated with her, moving automatically, gently. He woke further only when Carolyn came, moaning into his ear. He stroked her back as she sucked his earlobe, and rocked with her until she came again, with no apparent effort on her part, just a breathless cry as he felt her sex contract around him.

Tim had no idea how long they had been making love, or even whether it was Carolyn's first orgasm which woke him. She seemed to slip from climax to climax just as he had moved from fantasy to fantasy in his dreams. Sometimes when she came, she would say his name, "Oh, Tim!" and that would excite him almost as much as the feel of the warmth surrounding his cock.

Waking completely, he felt the fire grow in his belly. Carolyn seemed to sense the change in him, and kissed him fiercely, coming again as she did so. Then she lifted herself so that he could suck her breasts.

Her nipples hardened to his tongue, and his arousal grew in waves with his movements. He squeezed Carolyn's ass, then suddenly felt himself propelled towards climax. He moaned with the strength of the sensation, and Carolyn gasped as she thrust herself against him until they came in perfect synchronization, each calling out the other's name.

They lay facing each other, spent, Tim relaxed and warm from the massage, glowing from sex, on an emotional high. He stroked Carolyn's cheek again as her eyes still held his.

"Hey," she said. "I love you, Tim."

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Gian hates PE. Not because he didn't like sports. No, sports actually are his favourite hobby - he even has a sixpack. If it wasn't for his secret. Until now, he was able to hide it, but now the school ordered, to take a shower after PE. And showers are taken naked. Sighing he takes off his shoes, then the socks, and states at his feet for a while. Out of the corner of his eye he sees the first guys of his class going into the shower, laughing, shoulder patting. Gian runs his finger through his...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 43 Into the Darkness

The makeshift torches provided a dim glow but it was enough for the group of seven women to find their way into the tunnel. The passages were lower and all the women had to bend forward. It made the going slow and the upward slope made the trip arduous. Finally, even Liala was laboring to continuing forward. They found an opening large enough for the women to sit down and she called a halt. “We must rest,” she told Bianca. Despite the cold inside the cavern, the women were covered in a...

3 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 87

"Boy, these eggs are good, Girls. Did you make them all by yourselves?" Jack said to Laurie and Annette. "Almost," Laurie answered. "Maybe we should hire them to make all our meals, Jill. How's a nickel a day sound?" Annette said "Uh uhhh." "OK. Two nickels." Laurie said, "No way." Myra said she'd do it for three nickels, then Eric and Julie complained that they put all that work in and didn't get any nickels. I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye and looked...

4 years ago
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Threesome With A Couple

Hi this is Samson, m 26 from Dubai. I am going to narrate a hot experience I had with a white couple from the UK (Alex and Lisa) they were living in Dubai for few years and are into swinging and sharing, on and off. I had advertised regarding my lookout and interest in playing with local couples- of course, I do stress on very very safe and discreet fun only. I also was interested in massages or soft play too, wherein I would rub and play with the wife to make her hot and she can proceed to...

2 years ago
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Wife her sister have fun1

My wife is of Indian descent; 34 years old; athletic body with boobs that accommodate her good looks. Short black shoulder length hair; which now is in a boy’s cut; average height and a killer smile. I on the other hand frequent the gym; so at the age of 39 my body still seems to be in good shape. I am bald headed; well built and of average height. Her sister is short; chest height; with shoulder length hair; well built legs (anyone would want to wrap those legs around their head). Nice...

1 year ago
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ProdigyChapter 12

The following evening, Katy had joined them for dinner. The four sat around the dinner table, Glen totally silent while Katy and her mother made small talk. Phillipe had twice, without saying anything, caught his mother's eye, a slight smile curling the corner of his mouth. Helen, at first, tried to return a motherly smile but the boy's intent was clear and she soon found herself averting her eyes in embarrassment. "Didn't you tell me the other day that Rachel Donovan was coming for a...

3 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 5

EDEN CITY [Mindvoice shielded]Come to me Tarifa my slave; my love. Tarifa's head came up from the data pad she was reading, looking around the table at the others who sat with her. They had just completed a meeting with Administrator Corant, who was now walking around like a man who had won a great prize. He had cause to be happy as he had gained overwhelming approval from his company for what Tarifa and Selene had offered to them for the rebuilding of Earth. Even now hundreds of ships...

2 years ago
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Purely pleasure

You walk into the bar, glancing nervously around the room. You spot me sitting in a secluded corner. Straight away you notice my dark hair, tied into pigtails, slowly moving your eyes over my body you notice the black lipstick, my cleavage, almost bursting out of the black leather corset. Panic runs through your veins, have you made a mistake? Your head is reeling with so many thoughts, but deep down an inner voice is telling you that you need this, you want this. You walk over, I stand to...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Journal of Darin TaylorChapter 5

As great as Vanessa was, however, there was someone else that summer who taught me more about sex and pleasing a woman than all the others combined. Mrs. Monica Coltraine was really something else. She and her husband had moved in down the block about a year or so ago. He traveled for some exercise equipment company and was only home about every other weekend. He seemed like a nice enough guy, but one thing becomes evident very quickly about married spouses -- they are a lot like campfires:...

3 years ago
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The Nude Conspiracy

There is a secret society deep within the world. They have existed since the earliest civilizations, when man stepped out of his cave. They control our media and politics without our knowing. Economics, entertainment, religion, and social platforms are all controlled to their whims. They are the Nude-minati. A cabal of the world's elite with one goal: to make the globe a nudist world of free love and open sex. They have yet to realize this dream. Always when on the brink of success, a...

1 year ago
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Couples First Swingers Club Experience And It Was A Good One

My wife, Kate, and I are a white couple in our late 20's. I'm a pretty big guy at 6' 290lbs. She's 5'5" 120lbs with perfect b cup breasts. We were high school sweethearts and have been married now for several years. Being that we started dating when we were fifteen years old, neither of us has ever had any form of sex with another person and we have a very healthy sex life. Recently we’ve become more and more kinky and for months, we'd talked about visiting a sex / swingers club to...

2 years ago
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Incest Gymnastics

Introduction: I attended a Gymnastics meet for young girls and I got so turned on I had to write this story so I could cum and get it out of my system…yummy. My name is Nikki, I am fourteen years old. My life revolves around gymnastics. My younger sister Melanie and I were introduced to the world of gymnastics by our mother at a young age. Mom was also a gymnast in her younger days. Like a normal gymnast, I have always been petite but Ive always had a lot of upper body strength and balance. ...

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Best Ecstasy 8211 Fantasy Night Fulfilment

My name is farheen and I work as a software developer in Bangalore, I stay in a 1bhk house and I love to spend lone time so I stay alone, age 24yrs and about my body I am not completely lean but a bit off towards being lean with size 34-29-35 with 5’6” height with medium length hair, brownish-fair in color. Before I start off with what had happened I would like to tell what I fantasize, I always imagine I being a boy and getting along with males and get into play with them with myself as a...

1 year ago
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I had no idea it was a dream. It was so real that I was sure it was happening. Let me tell you about it... I was running through a sort of desert land. I had on a black tank top and jeans shorts with ripped tights under. It was right before the sun set so the sky was a mix of orange, pink and purple. I was running towards something, I'm not sure what though. Maybe shelter? I was sweating and there was blood on my shirt. I heard people chasing me but I was too focussed on what was in front...

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DommeInABox Dommes Story

Sex — fulfillment — control. Domme's life consisted of long periods of darkness, broken by occasional flashes of light. Her linear memories included all the times she was shut off since her original commissioning, even though those periods are highly compressed and contain no pertinent data. Domme is highly specialized for her intended tasks, both in form and programming. The niche her model fit in for interpersonal relationships was small indeed. Domme didn't resent the...

4 years ago
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Speeding Ticket

"This is dispatch. Hey, Johnson, you can loosen up on the formality. You're not in the big city now, just a sheriff's department in a big rural county, a bunch of hicks in the sticks. You call me Baker, I call you Johnson, and you don't have to use the codes, just tell me where you are and what you're doing. Hell, the whole county knows everyone's business anyway, and it'll make it easier for all of us if we just speak in plain English." Officer Johnson sighed, then cued the mike...

2 years ago
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Community FourEverChapter 39

Tim’s turn: We have a (somewhat) new receptionist, Sabrina. She buzzed my phone and said, “Bill Hardesty here to see you, Tim. Do you have a few minutes for him?” I said, “Send him back, Sabrina. I’ll make time for him.” Shit. Just got rid of Karen, and it cost me about $18K to do it. Worth every nickel, because now, thanks to Jack Haggarty, her hands are VERY tied, although she doesn’t know it. And now this -- I’m pretty sure what’s coming. Vicki’s been running around with a very odd smirk...

1 year ago
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fantasy fulfilled part 2

It's been a year since my last visit to my favorite beach location. The bank holiday weekend with it's fine sunny weather was too much to resist. I'd packed everything in my new back pack, towel, sun lotion, k-gel, condoms, drinks, an ice cooler pack and some sandwiches.There was no one else in sight apart from a couple walking their dog. I pulled my back pack from the car and swung it onto my shoulders, locked the car and headed for the path that led through the woods and down to the beach.My...

Gay Male
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Escape From The Club

Jake and I went out with friends. I was tired of feeling lonely, and it was his idea to get people to go out and celebrate the new year.At the club, all our friends were dancing and having a good time. I was coming out of the bathroom after fixing my bra and hair when I saw him.*“Where’re our friends?” I ask.He points in the distance. “I think they’re over there.”We walk back to our friends and start dancing. A Latin song plays. He holds his hand out to twirl me, and I followed. We join hands...

Straight Sex
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Miss Mansons Memories That First AfterSchool Punishment Lucys Point Of View

Tuesday, October 20th, 1990. Just over eighteen and a half years after the event.I stared blankly at the TV. I really wasn’t focusing on the programme. In fact, I only had it on that Tuesday evening for some background noise. My husband was working a night shift and I was just relaxing after putting our three young children to bed, before heading up to bed myself later that evening. I had no idea how long I had been watching the programme for but suddenly found myself being shaken from my dream...

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Dianas Plan

Diana's Plan Tom was an engineer for a second-tier architectural firm. Mainly restrictedto scoping out refurbishment for county or city bridges, a once promising careernow was another 8 to 5 job. He now regretted never being married, there alwaysseemed time enough for that. Now 42, he still enjoyed playing the field, butit was getting harder to find a field to play with. He was a handsome man,not overly good-looking, with a 6'1" frame and a slim, athletic buildthanks solely to genetics prior to...

1 year ago
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Dream Lover

I see you standing there on the beach, looking so straight and tall in your surfing gear. Yes you are a handsome specimen. Your hair all wet and windblown, your back straight. I see you smiling at me your hand raised in a wave of greeting. Oh my, you take my breath away. I turn to remove my clothing. I feel you come up behind me and put your arms around me, I feel your breath then your lips on my neck as you kiss me and tell me I look so sexy. I feel your body tight against me, your growing...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Strip Searching RebeccaChapter 6 The Punishment Glove

"I want you to be able to move around a little more, Rebecca." He untied her wrists from her ankles, but attached them to the headboard, forcing her arms up over her head. He stretched her out on the bed again, placing the punishment gloves back on his hands. "No, don't touch me with those. You're going to tear up my flesh with them," the thought of the pain the tacks would inflict on her body, especially her more intimate areas frightened her. She felt the hands touch her lightly,...

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Box Shaped HeartChapter 8 Look At You Now

The sofa was clearly there only for visual appeal and nothing more. Carter tossed and turned, but no matter what he did, how he coiled and uncoiled himself, he could not find an ideal sleeping position. Eventually, he settled for throwing his legs over one end, and lay there, like the perfect crash test dummy. There was no way he was going after Aron, like before, or sleeping in the same bed. In a way, this was convenient. He wasn’t going to engage in penetrative gay sex with his best...

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Elegant Anal

ElegantAnal! Dudes are always looking for the biggest, best thing. We want to drive monster trucks through mansions, feeling up on sluts with the hugest boobs. When it comes to sticking our dicks in holes, though, bigger and better actually means smaller and tighter. Yeah, gentleman, I’m talking about the butthole here, the topic of conversation over at ElegantAnal.Well, maybe “conversation” ain’t the right word. There’s always a little talking going on, but Elegant Anal is not the place for...

Premium Anal Porn Sites
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My Cousin MaeChapter 6

Morning light roused me. I rolled over and faced Mae. A shaft of sunlight fell across her face and I regarded the pattern of freckles on either side of her nose. Caressing her cheek with the backs of my fingers I kissed her. She roused. "What time did you get in last night?" I asked. "Mmm ... I'm not sure. I know it was late." "I got tired of waiting up for you." "Oh, I'm sorry, Jon. We're trying to get our project done on time." "I thought I worked long hours for Kirk." Mae...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 126 Putting the past behind you

John strode out of the airlock and crossed the clearing separating the Invictus and the Progenitor shuttle. The twins were waiting for him by the sinister black vessel, their beautiful blue faces wearing identical expressions of concern. Irillith jogged over to meet him halfway. “How’s Dana doing?” “I hope she’s okay,” Tashana added, following after her sister. “She’ll be fine,” he replied, giving them a reassuring smile. He slipped his arms around their waists as they turned and fell into...

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SistersChapter 10 Love And Hate

Nikki had to leave the waiting room. She couldn't breathe in there. She wanted to forget everything. Her life before Linda was a blur now. So much had happened, so much had changed inside her. And she was losing her... She was losing Linda and she couldn't bear the thought of it. Nikki stepped outside to the parking lot. She put her arms around herself, a self-embrace full of despair. 'Linda... Linda... please, don't leave me... PLEASE.' Nikki closed her eyes, trying to put out of her...

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Found on my wifersquos new laptop

Recently my wife got a new laptop, and she made a mistake she never makes - she left it open and unlocked. So I took a look of course. I found a folder where she apparently keeps photos of herself that she sends to the men she talks to. In that folder, I also found this reply. I’m not sure if it was an email reply or a texting reply, since she had just saved the body of the reply as a text file. Still, it’s clear she must enjoy this particular man degrading her verbally, and perhaps more… I...

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The Painter Part 2

My Painter returns the next day, after I had relentlessly teased him, and then promised today was his day to enjoy me. The reality of how the day unfolds far exceeds what I had anticipated, with some unexpected moments and submissive acts that awaken a desire to please any way I'm instructed.  

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The Pursuit of Manliness

It was patently evident to Colonel Nesmith Norman what the nawab was so clumsily suggesting. The pretty girl who was being presented to him and who was one of the nawab’s many daughters borne to him no doubt by one of his many wives was fully at Colonel Norman’s disposal should he so desire. This had become one of the many acknowledged perquisites in a career in Her Majesty’s Services Overseas, particularly to be expected when one had the power to bring advantage to one of Her Majesty’s...

Gay Male
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Rye and Eli

“What are you doing?” Elijah asked her. She’s been bouncing up and down since they left the dinner. “I think I had to much coffee. I’m never gonna get to sleep now.” She pouted. “You’ll be fine.” He grabbed her hand and opened his door and went in. Ryley had loved going in his room, at both of his parents’ houses. It was always in the attic and it was always big. “I changed my mind…I’m sleepy now.” She yawned. She kicked off her flip-flops and sat on the couch, in front of the T.V....

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Exxxtrasmall Rhaya Shyne Tiny Tunes And Tinier Tits

Rhaya is having some trouble! Her voice is not up to par for an upcoming recital and practicing just isnt cutting it. She calls up one of her homies for some advice, and the regimen they prescribe is nothing short of insane! They suggest she suck on the biggest cock she can find and make sure she swallows all the cum. The only guy around is her stepdad, looks like she will have no choice. She approaches him just as he exits the shower and tells him the deal. He thought it was a bit...

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AwakeningChapter 11

I was too exhausted to reply to her and I just wrapped my arms round her and held her tightly as my body relaxed. Anne also subsided into silence and just lay there in my arms and I felt her body soften as she began to doze in the security of my embrace and I allowed myself to sink into sleep with her. Sometime later I awoke feeling chilled and saw that our fire was almost out and that the cold of the night was forcing its way into our cosy nook. I managed to free myself from Anne without...

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The Lustful Truth Ch 02

I can barely open my eyes. I see something glowing beside me, but it’s fuzzy, blurry. I rub my right eye, open it, and squeeze closed my left. It’s a clock. It’s 4am. Where the hell am I? Oh shit. Oh shit, you have to be kidding… I pick my head up and look around the room. I’m still here, in the hotel room. It’s very, very quiet. I turn my head to look at the person right beside me and… he’s not there. I get up, rub my eyes again and stumble to open the bathroom door. Nothing, no one....

2 years ago
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Shagging in the Confession Box

I was in the confession box having a wank. I knew it was fucked up but it was the only goddamn place I could do it in the church after hours. I was at a church retreat with my catholic high school. This is what you get with Catholics. Instead of a night partying you have to get locked in a fucking cathedral on a Friday because of Jesus or some stupid shit. So I'm having a wank in the confession box, and I hear some shuffling. A woman's talking, and she's saying "father forgive me for the...

4 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Samantha Part 1 of 4

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - Samantha (part 1 of 4) Lieutenant Samantha Hodge had graduated from the Police Academy at the top of her class. In just 3 years on the force, she had earned the respect and admiration of the entire police force. A tireless and diligent police officer. A 5'10" African-American beauty with incredible green eyes. She had an incredibly athletic body, though not a lot of female shape. Samantha had always wanted to be in law enforcement. A...

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Drunk and Used for Sex in every hole

Introduction: Some great sex after I was picked-up Girls Wild Night Out I wanted to hit the town for a wild night out and hoped that I would let myself have some casual sex or do some cock sucking. Donna was up for it, she like watching me sucking cock or being used for sex (the slut!) So we dressed the same in very short black dresses and high-heels. Nothing else, no bra no knickers, no hold-ups. A shower and a quick paint-job later and we were set for sleaze. I even put some spermicide upon...

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Watching my mom and brother

Bobby sat upright in his bed browsing 4chan. Being a virgin at twenty-four, he found it comforting to know that many others were in the same boat as him. At least he could say he had a job. A job working for his twenty-two-year-old brother, but a job, nonetheless.He noticed that every other thread included the name "Chad".'My brother is called Chad,' Bobby thought, so he decided to comment."Who's this "Chad" everyone keeps mentioning?" Bobby typed.His responses from anonymous users...

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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 11 This Is All Just Too Weird

The face looking down into Jared’s face was the same face that had just kissed him on the side of the cheek as he slept. That face now quickly retreated as Jared tried to sit up. As Jared finally got himself upright a warm cup of coffee was presented to him which he readily accepted. This still made him none the wiser as to who had kissed him on the face because the person that had handed him the drink had disappeared back into Jared’s kitchen and out of his sight. As Jared drank the coffee...

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Gramathu Pennai Oomba Vaithu Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en gramathil kolli velai paarkum pennai oomba vaithu ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal gramathu kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar iyapan vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan 12th varai padithu irukiren, enaku ezhutha padika theriyum. Ippozhuthu company velaiku sendru sambathithu oru mobile phone vaanginen Phone vangiyathum naan athigamaaga kama kathaigal padika aarambithu viten, kama kathaigalum athigam paarka aarambithu...

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Slaves Ch6

Chapter 6: Glimpses of AbuseAdellah smiled. She felt truly blessed, admiring the beautiful naked boy tied spread-eagled to her bed. That she should lead a life where she could on a whim get one of these darlings to play with at any time! Whether bought from the slave market or snatched off the street, it did not make a difference to her.She got hot shivers just looking at the lovely young thing. His physique was so nicely developed. Most important, he had a really big cock.The cock laid erect...

2 years ago
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Our Last Rendezvous

He text messaged me that he got off work at 1 a.m. and asked how to get to my dorm. I straightened up my room and made sure the sheets were fresh on my bed before going to take a shower. I stepped into the hot water and enjoyed the water running over my body. I lathered my towel with body wash and rubbed the suds over my arms moving up towards my shoulders. I moved down to my breasts paying close attention to my nipples. I squeezed the soapy cloth and watched the suds run down my stomach and...

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A Bad Boy and a Very Good Girl

When my girl and I were just dating, I remember going out with her just to find a place that we can sneak her panties down. I would go down on her, I love it. I fingered her pussy, pulled her panties to the side and slide my cock right in. It always seemed so warm and wet and especially big and swollen. One specific night It seemed like she just had sex but I couldn't prove it and I wouldn't dare risk our relationship by accusing her and showing her any kind of insecurity.Later on, when we...

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A little lunchtime drink

this particular female colleague and I were regulars, often disappearing from work at lunchtime for a drink and some lunch, on the odd occasion things have got a little more personal, last Christmas works party for instance where she wound up spending the night in my hotel room along with one of the receptionists but that's a whole nother story Today we were just happy to be out of the office and chilling with a beer in the sunshine or at least that's what I thought we were doing that...

4 years ago
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One Silent Night

Carter has been in love with Mia for years, but it takes a Christmas miracle to throw them together… This is the story I wrote for the CAW 14 competition on the Forum. I hope you like it! If you want to, I would appreciate it if you could go give it a vote. Its a pretty long story, so if youre only here for thee sex, well, I supposed you can just scroll down to the bottom. All comments are welcome, as always! One Silent Night By Hornypixy Carter stood by his window, one eye on the watch...

3 years ago
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2 Clan Amir Falcon ChickChapter 10

In early 1998 Nicola Ruiz is eleven years of age, and already looking a lot like her lovely mother when Angela, her mother, is sent to prison because the evidence of Nicola’s father’s criminal deeds point to Angela. The bank accounts, the property deeds, etc. are all in her name. Angela refuses to turn in the man she loves. Within a week of her mother’s arrest her father (Roberto) has another local woman (Tequi) in his bed. Nicola is disgusted with her father. Sadly, she has nowhere else to...

4 years ago
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Road To The World Title Prologue

It was always a fetish of mine. I love female wrestling since 2005. I have had fantasies about being in the ring against females for awhile. So when Vanessa has been in an adult league I was intrigued to learn more. I am 19 years old and a current college student studying in the general studies program. Vanessa is the same age as me she is 5'3" tall, has 42DD sized breasts, her black hair down to her shoulders, and wearing a black one piece top, a skirt along with calf high boots.She started to...

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Rajan To Rajni A Boy Becomes A Girl

My name is Rajan and I was little girlish looking during college days. When I joined the junior college at the age of 18, many friends and seniors commented that I looked like a girl to whom I felt very uncomfortable and shy. I stayed in the hostel. My roommate was Vir, who was 2 years senior to me. He was strongly built and muscular and it seemed he liked me. He often protected me from the bullying from my classmates as well as seniors. So I too began to like him and we became friends...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Sissy in the Woods

David was up to something. Since we no longer had the luxery of my empty house to fuck in on weeknights other arrangements had to be made. He caught me one lunch time and told me to arrange a study date with him and his brother Peter that night. He told me he'd be picking me up at six and taking me for a drive. He wanted me to be ready with something particularly slutty. I being the ever obedient sissy slut agreed and looked forward to seeing my two favourite cocks again that evening. When I...

3 years ago
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My Fathers Boss

Introduction: Her father would give anything to ensure he got the promotion. My Fathers Boss. There was a very important company gala coming up, a formal black tie event, my father needed a plus one. My mother has been away for the past three months taking care of my grandmother across the country. I was the last person he wanted to take to the event, and the gala was the last place on earth I wanted to be. I am more the type of girl that goes to rock concerts and biker bars. I have always...

1 year ago
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Mera Pehla Aur Aakhari Pyaar 8211 Part 5

Dheere dheere mere jism me kafi jyada badlaw aane lag gye. Meri choot par baal pure aane lag gye. Meri choot aur gand ab moti hone lag gyi. Mujhe ab apne hairs ko alag alag style se sajana bahot acha lagta tha. Main aur Sanju hum dono pure jawan ho gye the, main ab ek sexy ladki ban chuki thi. Ladko ki najar humesha se mere uper rehti thi. Wo mere bade bade boobs ko ghur ghur kar dekhte the. Jese abhi sale mere boobs ko kha hi jayegen. School ke exam ke baad hum dono free the, isliye Sanju...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Liz Jordan Distracting Dick

Liz is confronted by her stepdad about her falling behind in school. She admits to him that a few weeks ago, she saw him changing in the bathroom and saw his massive cock for the first time, it’s been on her mind ever since and she can’t get it out of her head. They decide to have some secret fun while the mom is out of the house. Liz convinces him that if she was able to just touch it and feel his dick, she’d be able to focus. She starts by sucking it and giving him an...

2 years ago
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1001 Nights Prologue 02

‘You’re insane,’ Rebecca said. ‘I’m not insane.’ Sara folded her arms under her breasts and leaned back in her chair, unable to meet Rebeccas’ gaze across the tiny table. ‘Let me get this straight:’ Rebecca leaned forward over the table, willing Sara to meet her eyes. ‘You’re going to go one thousand and one nights having sex with a different person every night?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Oh, okay, then. I take it back, you’re not insane. You’re fucking nuts.’ Rebecca slammed her glass onto the table harder...

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Making The Grade

There once was a plumber from Leigh, Who was plumbing his maid by the sea, Said she, "Please stop plumbing, I think someone's coming!" Said he, "Yes, love, I know that, it's me." It started in my last year of high school - when my academic achievement nearly ruined my athletic scholarship to a prestigious university. I came home late from another date with the team lay, Suzie. She was intoxicating - and who cares that she has had sex with nearly every guy on the football time -...

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