Expectation free porn video

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Marie hung up the phone with a smile, glad that her wish had come true. She'd already scheduled off Thursday and Friday, and now her four-day weekend had expanded to five with the office shutting down due to the snowstorm.

A quick peek out the window revealed that Jim was nearly done digging out her car from the thick blanket of snow that had buried it and her driveway. She almost hated to tell him that he'd done all the work for nothing.

Well, not really nothing, she thought as she pulled out the clips holding her hair in place, letting the dark tresses spill down to below her shoulder blades. She still felt the loss of a friend, neighbor, and coworker — Jim had lost his mother. He said that doing busy work helped him cope with the loss, and so she was unsurprised to find him already hard at work with his shovel when she first looked out the window upon awakening.

The sound of stomping on the porch let Marie know that he was on his way to the door, and so she retrieved a twenty from her purse. She couldn't help but grin as she headed toward the door to answer it, knowing what was to come.

The first rap of his knock had barely faded before Marie opened the door. "Come in and warm up, Jim."

"Do you want me to go start your car for you?" He asked as he pulled off his stocking cap and shook out his sandy blonde hair.

Marie shook her head. "The office decided it wasn't worth trying to open up today, so I'm staying home where it's warm. I appreciate it, though." She held out the twenty toward him.

Jim waved it away. "No, I don't need that, Marie. Just being neighborly."

She smiled, enjoying the game as always. He also hadn't slipped up and called her Ms. Collins, a habit she'd worked hard to break. "I insist. You've been out there forever. You deserve something for your trouble."

"You managed to save my paper when my laptop hard drive crashed, so we're even."

"No," Marie protested, waggling her finger. "That made us even for you cleaning out my gutters."

"That was for helping me sort through..."

Marie laughed and cut him off. "Okay, but I owe you a favor, and you're not going to talk me out of it. You're also going to have a cup of coffee before you go."

Jim chuckled and responded, "I know, and thank you." as he unbuttoned his coat against the heat of the house.

Marie felt her cheeks warming as he took off his coat. His well-defined muscles rippled beneath the shirt he wore, drawing her eyes like a magnet. She quickly turned toward the kitchen to hide her blush and said, "I'll be right back with that coffee."

Her blush only deepened as she remembered the first time she'd noticed he was no longer a gangly teenager. She'd actually followed him down the aisle of the supermarket like a lioness on the prowl when she saw him. When she turned the corner and saw his face, she'd ducked back into the aisle and quickly hurried in the other direction to hide her embarrassment. The thoughts going through her mind as she followed him were anything but platonic.

I really need to get out, she thought as she poured the coffee, unable to shake those thoughts from her head. Thirty-two, divorced, childless, and I'm getting tingly over a man almost half my age that I've known since he was in the eighth grade.

With a sigh, she picked up the two cups of coffee and walked back out into the living room, wincing when she realized she'd just thought of Jim as a man.

Marie slipped into bed with a book, but not one she planned to read. Three distinct sections of the pages showed parts, revealing that something was pressed between the pages. She opened to the first rose, as she'd done on February 13th for the last two years.

The first time had been a complete surprise. Fresh on the heels of her divorce, the mysterious arrival of a dozen roses and a box of her favorite chocolates on Valentine's Day had helped chase away the bout of melancholy she'd felt all day. There was no card to identify who'd sent the flowers, and she'd never picked up even a hint from anyone that she suspected might be her secret admirer. On impulse, she'd pressed one of the roses before it faded, and it was that flower that she looked at now with a smile.

Flipping to the next rose, she remembered how she'd awakened that year wondering if her mysterious admirer would surprise her again. He had, and she'd immediately placed one of the roses in her book. Last year had continued the pattern, resulting in the third pressed rose that she now observed.

Marie took a deep breath, still able to smell the rose. She wondered if it would happen again this year, and wondered how she would react if it didn't. She looked forward to that moment now each year more than she did Christmas, and the thought that the flowers might not arrive this year caused her chest to tighten.

She shook her head at the silliness of it all. She'd even taken time off from work this year so that she could be home all day. Her coworkers had jokingly asked her who the lucky man was, but she'd put them off with an excuse that she just needed some time to herself. The anticipation had set in only a week into January this year.

Marie slipped the book back into the drawer of her nightstand and turned out the light. She felt like a restless child who knew she was going to Disneyland the next day, and found sleep difficult. Attempts to quiet her mind proved fruitless, and her weariness combined with her racing thoughts to form a vivid daydream.

This time, her mysterious stranger didn't just send the flowers — he brought them to her. She conjured up a stunningly handsome man with eyes full of admiration and intense sexual energy. Marie felt the tingle of wetness between her legs as she imagined him feeding her a chocolate. The liquid center of the candy burst in her mouth, making her think of another eruption that she desired more by the moment.

She started awake for a moment when her hand crept between her thighs to discover her panties were damp. Even in the dim light, she could see her stiff nipples tenting the silky cloth of the chemise she wore to bed. Her body screamed for attention — demanded it. The drawer next to her bed opened again, but this time she retrieved something other than the book — a smooth white vibrator.

Marie traced the parting of her lips with her fingers once more, causing her to shudder. Giving in to the need, she hooked her thumbs beneath her panties and slipped them down. A quick lift of her bottom and a few shifts deposited her panties at her feet, even as she kicked the covers away from her body and parted her legs.

She laid the toy next to her right hip and pulled upward on the hem of her chemise, bunching up the cloth above her ample breasts. Marie moaned as she cupped the firm globes, gently squeezing them. Her fingers moved to the darker tips to trace the oval surrounding them, and then to caress the stiff points as well. Her hips rocked upward and her intimate muscles contracted as the touch heightened the heat building between her legs.

With a gasp, she reached for her vibrator and brought it to her lips. She slipped the tip into her mouth, suckling it to moisten it. A twist of the base caused a quiet hum to break the silence of the night, sending delightful tingles of anticipation flowing throughout her body.

The first touch of the buzzing toy to her damp folds caused a gasp to burst from Marie's lips. The ember of need within her sprang up into a bonfire of desire. She twitched as she glided the smooth tip over her folds, her fires growing higher still. A sharp, almost squealing moan burst from her as the toy made contact with her hood and the swollen bud beneath.

The necessity of the ache within her surged, and Marie answered the call of the void within her with her toy. As the vibrator slipped into her depths, the image of her anonymous admirer in her daydream did the same. Plastic and batteries vanished in her mind, replaced by what she truly needed.

Her lover took her slowly, letting her feel every wonderful inch of him with each thrust and withdrawal. In her mind's eye, she could see the adoration — and almost a sense of wonder — in his features as he made love to her. Marie felt little cold tingles throughout her body, the sensation almost like tiny drops of water falling in a mist on her flushed skin.

The urgency of her need increased with the swelling pressure of climax within her. Marie's hand moved faster, and her imaginary lover responded with equal speed. Now she could see the tightening of his face that indicated his own pleasure mounting as well. The momentum of her fast pumping hand caused the batteries in her toy to clack against the plastic shell, the power of the thrusts overcoming the resistance of the springs inside.

A series of short moans burst from her lips as she neared her peak. She could hear her lover gasping as he followed her on her upward spiral. At last, the bubble of building pleasure within her burst, and she tumbled over the edge into orgasm.

Marie cried out as a rush of heat flooded her body. She held her toy deep inside her, her thighs tightly pressed together as she trembled from head to toe. She could almost feel the hot burst of his cum filling her, and the pulsing of his thick shaft buried inside her. Her orgasm held her in a relentless grip, waxing and waning for what felt like hours, until she finally collapsed to the bed. The vibrator slipped from inside her as her hands fell heavily at her side, the slick plastic surface still buzzing as it rolled down under her bottom.

Eventually, she found the strength to turn off the toy and replace it in the drawer. A flittering thought that she should clean her vibe crossed her mind, but her spent body dissuaded her of that notion almost as soon as it occurred to her. She managed to smooth down her chemise and tug up her panties, and then drifted off into a blissful slumber with a satisfied smile on her face.

Marie awakened early, feeling for all the world like a child rising in anticipation of finding presents from Santa under the tree on Christmas. She shivered as memories of her fantasy from the night before crept into her mind, and then sighed as she considered that it was nothing more than a fantasy. Since her divorce, she'd barely dated, and she could count the number of times she'd had sex on the fingers of one hand with spares.

She treated herself to a breakfast with all the trimmings, a rare treat compared to the usual munching on a muffin as she hurried through the house in preparation for work. Having almost eaten too much, she retired to the couch and turned on the television.

Mixed feelings warred within her as the Valentine themed shows and commercials flashed across the screen. While she couldn't wait for the arrival of her yearly gift, she also felt nervous that it might not come this year. She also knew that she'd feel the touches of melancholy again after the initial warm rush of emotion when the flowers arrived. She had an admirer, but he apparently didn't plan to reveal his identity to her, which meant that she would never get to know him.

A knock on the door interrupted her whirling thoughts for just a second, and then her mind spun anew. She quickly crossed the floor toward the door, her heart beating fast. She felt a flash of disappointment when she opened the door to discover her mailman outside, not someone from the florist.

"Good morning, Ms. Collins. I thought I'd hand this off to you so it wouldn't get bent, since I saw your car here this morning."

"Thank you, Paul," Marie replied, a little curious about why he would hand-deliver something as simple as a couple of magazines that would have fit in the box without much trouble.

"The snow still keeping you away from work, I see?"

"I took some time off, actually."

The mailman grinned and chuckled. "Wish I could, but you know the saying — neither rain, nor snow ... It's a big day too. I wouldn't want to disappoint anyone expecting their Valentine's."

"True," Marie replied, and then shuddered as a gust of cold air whipped against her.

"I should get going and let you close the door before you freeze. Have a happy Valentine's Day, Ms. Collins."

"You too, Paul," she responded as he turned.

Marie closed the door and looked down at the magazines again. She looked out the window to see him glancing back over his shoulder toward the door.

The thought occurred to her that he might very well be her secret admirer. He'd divorced only a few months before her, and he'd immediately turned quite chatty the moment her ex-husband moved out his belongings. He certainly knew her address well enough, and she'd even mentioned her favorite brand of chocolates to him when he delivered a box of them to her.

She grinned and twitched her eyebrows, thinking that it wouldn't be such a bad thing to discover he was the one who sent her flowers. He didn't have movie star good looks, but he was handsome and fit from the daily walk delivering the mail. He had a sense of humor and a touch of chivalry that she certainly found becoming.

She looked out the window again, but he'd already passed out of her range of vision. She did see the paperboy, however. He was late again, and half-heartedly hurled her morning paper toward the house into the snow in the yard.

Grumbling under her breath and crossing her arms over her chest against the cold, she hurried out the door to retrieve the paper. As she bent to exhume it from the pit in the snow, a gust of wind whipped her dress, forcing her to hold it down lest she give the entire neighborhood a fine view of her thong-clad bottom.

When the wind calmed, she snatched up the paper and shook the snow off of it and her hand, scowling toward the paperboy, who was busy tossing everyone else's paper in the snow as he pedaled down the sidewalk. She saw someone out of the corner of her eye, and quickly retreated into the house when she made eye contact with her neighbor across the street. He was staring lecherously in her direction, obviously hoping for another, stronger gust of wind.

The encounter caused her to consider that someone far less desirable might be responsible for her yearly pick-me-up as well. It could be her perverted neighbor, her sleazy co-worker Matt, or her ex-husband's brother who called regularly to ask her out.

Marie scowled and shook her head to dislodge those thoughts. The last thing she wanted to do was ruin this little moment of happiness that visited her every year. She turned off the television and sat down to read the paper, at least happy to note that her portfolio was doing well, despite the volatility of the market in recent days.

Upon finishing the paper, she made a quick lunch of soup to counter the calories from her breakfast, constantly glancing toward the door and willing someone to knock on it. Her wish didn't come true, and the hours continued their slow march.

She nearly surrendered to the notion that nothing was coming this year as the afternoon wore on. Only the snow, the resulting travel difficulty, and the sheer volume of floral deliveries kept her hopes alive, but they were fading fast.

The knock she'd awaited with fading anticipation finally came as she headed toward the bathroom in the late afternoon. She veered toward the door, almost skipping in her eagerness to reach it. After taking a deep breath, she opened the door and smiled wide.

"Happy Valentine's Day," the young woman outside said through chattering teeth, a dozen roses and a box of chocolates held carefully against the cold wind.

"Come inside, you're frozen," Marie insisted as she stepped aside.

"And exhausted," the young woman said with a laugh as she stepped inside. "I love Valentine's Day, but I'm glad it's over right now. I've been up since 3 am, and I've been in the van for almost eight hours now." She handed over the flowers and candy. "Someone certainly loves you. That chocolate is ridiculously expensive, and Mandy said this order was put in before Thanksgiving last year."

Marie opened the box and sniffed the flowers, tingling with emotion. Her eyes widened when she saw a small card inside the box. Did he? She wondered, breathless in her hope that she might finally learn the name of her admirer.

Her finger trembled a little as she opened the card. The momentary flash of disappointment when she saw no name faded as she read the message — To what I wish could be with all my heart and soul.

She smiled and sighed, the words going straight to her heart. "Too bad I have no idea who he is," she said to the delivery woman.

"A secret admirer? That's so romantic," the blonde gushed. She then scowled and said, "If my boyfriend forgot again this year, I'm not speaking to him for a week."

"I don't suppose you could tell me who sent these, could you?" Marie asked with a chuckle.

The delivery woman shook her head. "I don't know, and I'd get in enormous trouble if I did and told you."

"I know. Thank you. Do you want a cup of coffee before you go?"

The blonde shook her head and said, "I should get back and drop the van off so I can go home and see if David's made up for last year."

"Good luck," Marie said as she opened the door.

"Hope you find out who he is," the delivery girl said before hurrying to her van.

Marie put the roses into the same crystal vase she'd used for the last three years, taking all the steps necessary to ensure that they lasted as long as possible. She then placed it on the coffee table in front of the couch and retrieved her book from the nightstand.

With one of the dozen roses carefully pressed in the book, she sat down to enjoy her chocolate. As always, her emotions ran high, prompting her to turn in early. Her toy again replaced her unknown lover to lull her to sleep in the warm afterglow of a powerful orgasm.

Marie started her morning with a chocolate and a lingering sniff of her roses. After running her fingers over the petals for a few moments, she retrieved her paper — which was on time today, though still out in the snow of her yard — and sat down.

The paper sat forgotten in her hand as she stared at the roses, wanting desperately to know whom it was who touched her so, each and every year. She felt like a silly high-school girl again for getting so emotional, but she couldn't help it. Just as she pulled the rubber band from the paper, someone knocked on the door.

"It's me again," Paul said as he handed her the mail. "Pictures — do not bend."

Marie saw the address and knew that the pictures were of her new niece. Wonderful, another reminder that my biological clock is ticking away, she thought, and then silently chided herself for thinking it. "Thank you, Paul."

"Those are some nice flowers," he remarked, nodding toward the vase on the coffee table.

"Thank you. I just wish I knew who sent them," Marie said, carefully studying his face for any hint that he might be responsible.

"Oh — mystery man, eh?" He chuckled and said, "That was how I wooed my wife. Hope it turns out better for you than it did me. Better get going."

"Have a good day."

"You too, Ms. Collins."

Marie shut the door. Nothing in his face had really told her anything, but his mentioning that he'd courted his wife the same way pointed strongly in his direction.

As she watched him walk away through the window, she considered cutting to the chase and hinting that she wouldn't be opposed to him asking her out. That would certainly let her know for sure, and she knew she could do worse than to get over her aversion to dating anyway. He was a bit of a social pariah because he'd left the church to become a vocal atheist after his divorce, but it didn't really concern Marie. She didn't have a great deal of faith in a higher power since her marriage disintegrated, either.

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An Unforgettable Melody Epilogue

Epilogue Song Titles I’ll Fly Away (Johnny Cash) An Unforgettable Melody - Epilogue To the entire world, they appeared to be a normal, if surprisingly healthy, elderly couple. To each other, however, Mike and Melody were still as young and energetic as the day they first met, over one hundred years ago. Still as in love as the day they married, nothing in the universe could ever hope to crack their undying dedication. Their two children, Harry and Maya, had grown into wonderful...

3 years ago
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The Pregnant Bachelor Party Whore Wife

The economy was bad in our small town in Mississippi. The only manufacturing plant in town laid off about a third of the workers. The ones that remained were only able to work partial shifts. My husband, Dave, was one of the lucky ones to still have a job at the reduced hours as an assembler, but that still made it hard for us to pay our bills. An even bigger problem is that I had recently been laid off from my job as a cashier at the super market. With a house and three-month-old baby to...

2 years ago
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Senior Didi Ki Help Karne Ka Phal

Hi…Friends main Shekhar iss ka ek purana reader hun bahut sari kahani padhne ke baad main apni yeh kahani likh raha hun.If you like it then send me a mail at Chaliye kahani pe aate hain main shekhar hun aur main durgapur ek college se btech kar raha hun.Yeh kahani mere 3rd semester ki hai jab main padhai mein zyada dhyan to lagata tha lekin ladkiyon pe comment bhi bahut karta tha.Ek baar class test hone ke dauran mein pahla test deke ghar aa raha tha,main college ki sidhi se utar raha tha to...

2 years ago
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Tales from the SugarBowl 2

I’m divorced and my travels were having a serious effect on my social life too. I was quietly but constantly complaining to my boss about all this…and trying to get the contracts reassigned to somebody else. My boss told me they were working on it…but it would take time. Then he stopped and wrote down the name of a website that I didn’t recognize. “Don’t look at this here”, he said. It was a “sugar bowl” site that put together prospective sugar babies with sugar Daddies. I put some time and...

1 year ago
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Sheeya Danced For 7 Old Men

Hi everyone, my name is Sheeya and I am a sex enthusiast. I am 29 Years old and live alone in Delhi. I have a rocking body, my height is 5’10 with 36DD big juicy boobs, 28” waist, and very soft silky and very fair skin. This is 2 years back event that I enjoyed a lot and thus want to share with you all I always enjoyed the attention of everyone from daily life. From teachers and students in school, my family members, drivers, professors in college and work colleagues. I let everyone enjoy my...

3 years ago
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Time of Eden and ElvesChapter 15

MOUNTAIN CITY Tarifa sat on the edge of Aihola's bed, her eyes gazing on her new Drow lover and Mistress as the sun began to creep up in the horizon and cast light into the small window. Aihola's face was quite peaceful as she slept, her soft pink lips open slightly as she breathed. Tarifa remembered vividly the taste and texture of those wonderful lips as they had kissed her passionately and explored her body. Tarifa shifted her eyes and watched the rise and fall of her chest, Aihola's...

1 year ago
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My date with Matt

My Date With MattMy name is Julie I am 5 ft 2 in, 173 lb, Caucasian, natural C cup, brown hair and brown eyes. I have been told my best feature is my face. Some call it beautiful, others exotic, and some very fuckable. If I had to chose I would say my smile. My good friend Kattie invited me over for dinner at her place tonight. Kattie and my boyfriend did not get along all to well. Kattie thinks I could do alot better, so she is always trying to set me up on dates every time my boyfriend goes...

2 years ago
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Cleaning but first sex

Larna sighed as I ran my fingers over her wet bulging clit. "We're gonna have to fuck soon or the top of my head will blow," she laughed. Ever direct, Larna never left me, or anyone, in any doubt about what she wanted. Lying on a blanket in the grass behind my place the sun was hot on our bodies, not that I intended this but things happen!Earlier I'd collected Larna from her place to do her usual three hours of cleaning and clearing at mine. I lived like a typical bachelor so while clearing up...

2 years ago
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Walking the DogChapter 9

I walked back to the cottage through the fading light. A man and a boy were making their way down to the beach. They were festooned with the arcane gear of beach fishermen. Long Rods, tackle boxes, paraffin lamps and the like seemed to hang everywhere and they were making heavy weather of it, trudging through the soft sand. The boy was animated, obviously excited. His father, for such I supposed the man to be, was patiently plodding in the child's wake. I looked up and tried to spot my...

4 years ago
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Ashleys ghost problem

It was dead of night, not early or late, midnight to be exact. Ashley was asleep in her room, sound that was no less completely bare to what'd soon happen to her. Ashley was a sweet girl a bit ditsy at times but who wasn't. The eighteen year old was naked, butt exposed to the heat the made her strip down into nothing for the night in plain sight for anything that came in. She had soft skim, very to add..the color was a cross between pale and tan with nice tone of peach, hair that came down past...

Mind Control
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For the Love of Lana 2

So I sat, I hadn't really had a real friend since Gregor had been ripped from my life by his father. He listened intensely 'til I got to the part about spanking his sister, then I swear he couldn't stop laughing. "She actually said that?" He gasped for air, another round of all out laughter. When I finished I wore an extremely serious face, "Damn it John, NO! you know how dangerous it is and you being a mage I'm not sure I could do it to your mind. John don't do this! Haven't...

4 years ago
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Milk and Cookies

T'was the night before Christmas, and in MzDominica's house, Santa crouched next to the Christmas tree, pulling packages out of his sack. The ornaments and lights on the tree twinkled and shimmered, even though no one else was in the room to appreciate them. Suddenly, from somewhere in the tree, a light mist, like an air freshener, sprayed into his face. Santa's thoughts went blank for a moment, and he did not realize that MzDominica had entered the room and was standing next to him, until...

1 year ago
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Not Listening Can Get You Into Trouble

Kate liked to be in charge. She was ambitious and became a successful business owner in her mid-twenties. Now she was twenty-nine. She was well-liked by her staff. Today, as always, she strode into the office with a bounce to her step and a noticeable jiggle from her plump breasts. She knew appearances were important so she always tried to project confidence no matter what was on her mind.She wore her chestnut brown hair back in a bun, more business-like, she thought. She had on very little...

Office Sex
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I Tied Knot To My Sister

My sister is elder to me by 5 years. She was married to a school teacher in Chennai. They were enjoying their married life. Soon the sister gave birth to a boy. Years went on. The child started going to school. I was in search of a job. Sister asked me to come to Chennai and search for a job. So I came to Chennai. Within a few weeks, I came to know that the relationship between my sister and brother-in-law was not normal. I came to know from my sister that my brother-in-law had developed a...

1 year ago
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I only know one way to love you

It was a brisk fall Saturday afternoon. I saw her lying on the bed in her favorite pajamas, cuddly pink fleece with big fluffy socks. She was so adorable lying on her side, holding on to her favorite teddy bear, watching the movie First Knight on TBS. Her hair was in a pony tail, she was curled in a semi-circle. She was not wearing any makeup as we had decided to just have a lazy Saturday. I had just gotten out of the shower, freshly shaven I threw on some lounge pants and a comfy t-shirt and...

2 years ago
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Good friends

Wayne and I have been good friends for as long as I can remember. He has always known that I played for the same team but that never stopped him for coming over at least once a week for the last 2 years. I have never even thought of Wayne in a sexual manner until the day I caught him jacking off behind the barn.We had been drinking and smoking weed next to the fire pit on a Friday night. It was only Wayne and myself for the evening and what a better way to spend it but by getting high and...

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The good Dr M2M

Doctor Dan hmmm he was a sexy older gentleman with whom I had my first panty wearing episode, we had met on a website for casual encounters, I was expanding my sexuality and had come to some sort of terms that I was bi sexual. I am very intrigued by the male body and it’s appendages yet I still lust over women and their sexy bodies so I guess that makes me bisexual. Sorry got side tracked. The first time I ever met with Dan was at is place it was a tall tower overlooking a bay a beautiful...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 4

Berwick is an ancient walled town just by the English/Scottish border, redolent with history. The harbour is actually on the wrong side of the river for the town which has spread, as you'd expect, far outside the old walls. We had a bit of a walk to get into the old town and we were tottering a bit. When you've been on a boat in rough weather, you feel the land is moving about under your feet when you do finally make harbour, but we managed. She slipped her hand into mine as we crossed the...

2 years ago
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Inside and Outside Part 2

Only wearing my jockstrap, I had a beer and looked out to the pool in the garden, and heard Lyn coming back downstairs to join me, with the promise of a 'bonus' soon. She walked in, wearing a red bikini, and threw me a towel. "You might as well take your undies off - i'll lick any cum off them". I removed them and showed my hardening cock, which I covered with the towel to rest it a little for the action ahead. Lyn then whispered, "So you got yourself a beer, eh? That means you owe me...

2 years ago
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Something Sweet for Dessert Part II

I watched her and saw the twinkle in her big eyes as she kissed her way down my body. I saw the silky skin of her thighs exposed to me, inch by inch. The tight fabric of her dress hitched higher up her legs as she crouched. The hem rolled high enough to bring a peek of her pink knickers into view. The sight of her panties and flawless skin set my heart racing and my mouth watering. I felt the brush of her lips across my covered manhood. I jumped and she giggled. Wiggling her hips and settling...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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ProeliatorChapter 2

Sextus Aquilinus had the document ready the next day and it was full of errors. All of the errors seemed to favour Sextus though. On new papyrus I wrote out, in detail, what I would do. Some were done for no charge and some were at cost. I was very explicit in that I was the one that was to determine what the cost really was. This too was written down. The ships I drew up were large to the Romans but had a limited tonnage. I could use barges when working in inland waters and turn a better...

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Lottery Winner part 3 new feelings

Go have your privacy. Don't worry tonight we only sleep." While ominous I understood the implication and stood up, then bent over put my hands on his face "Thank you for this adventure," I said and kissed him on the lips. A few months ago I won a significant lottery that was now giving me the chance to live out my fantasy of becoming a woman and a wife overnight. As I woke up I became aware of his body pressed up against mine in the bed. Reflecting on the night prior I was amazed at...

1 year ago
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A Switch to the Right

A Swing to the Right     "General, the city is ours.  We have captured thePresidential Palace.  It appears El Presidenteescaped, but we have found his sister, his wife, andhis son and two daughters, and we have them incustody."     "Good, we can use them as hostages.  If he does notsurrender or go into exile, we will publicly torturehis family."     "My general, there are many Communists still ready tofight, and there are other countries to consider,diplomatic relations.  I suggest we structure...

3 years ago
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ReplayChapter 3

That evening, as was his wont, Jerry went to the Trout for dinner. As usual it was good. He chatted with the usual Friday evening customers. On Saturday he was up at his normal time, collected his newspaper from the village shop and settled down with a mug of coffee to do the puzzles. He found his concentration wandering. His mind kept going back to the previous day, Emma and the fun they had had. He was tempted to ring her and see if she wanted to walk the dogs together again but realised...

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Once Upon an AlienChapter 19 The Chamber

Imam Almasi frowned, as he carefully looked over the hood of the truck. They had chased the Order convoy until they had turned to fight in the Pyramid Complex. He was frowning because the Order wasn't really trapped. They could easily escape to the north, west, or south, despite the teams he had sent to each side to close those options. His main force was still on the shoulders of the Al Ahram highway, but were prevented from attacking. The highway split the Complex by going between the...

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Its Jacis fault

Its Jaci's fault Author's note: I'm calling this one "It's Jaci's fault", because this one came out of a conversation with Jaci where she tried to get me to admit I wanted to be pregnant. The idea simmered in my head at work, and this is what came out ... It was just a stupid joke. I was waiting for an x-ray on my shoulder which I had hurt at work, and to cover my nerves I joked that because I was an overweight dude I should warn the technician that I was pregnant. Then things...

4 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 15

Ed, surrounded by plants, sat on one of the benches in the atrium. Watching Bob transplant flowers along the path was one of the few chances that he had to talk to the man. Bob looked over at Ed and said, “I love this job.” This was the truest thing that anyone had said to Ed in several days. The crystalline pure tone that he heard was extremely sweet to his ears. Ed asked, “Why?” Bob answered, “I used to work as a gardener full time. After that I was an auto mechanic and then a carpenter....

2 years ago
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Broken virginity

My name is LUN, because I do not want to mention my original name. I live in Lahore, Pakistan. The story I am writing here is a true story and of my youth when I was young and virgin. I masturbated first time, when I was in 9th class. Since then I never stopped masturbating, (Although I am married now.) Due to masturbate practice, I got controlled in my discharge which made me a “SEX KING” and helped me a lot during my sex with many girls. I saw BLUE Movies, when I was in first year on VCR. It...

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NobleChapter 6

These men were all very well connected and anyone of them was more than capable of carrying out the attack and to think that they all might be working together was very unsettling. Jen noticed the time and asked if we should call for room service or go out for a late lunch. “Let’s go out to eat. We can pick up a couple of laptops and bring them back using the hotel internet service we can try and look up information on these men. I think we might be able to find out more using the World...

3 years ago
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Oral But Fun With Sita

Many of the stories are real although some of them are just fantasies. Whatever it is since they involve around sex, for me in my age gives lot of opportunities to learn new things. I am Ronit, aged 21 years and with handsome features. They say I am of film star material. My problem is that I am the only male youngster in the whole block to handle 6 to 8 girls/women of my age or around my age. They all like me and wait for an opportunity to talk to me or mingle with me. But I am scared of them....

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Creating My Hot Wife 4

After reading Jim's first three stories about "Creating a Hot Wife" I decided my side needed to be told. First of all, pretty much all of what Jim has said is true. We were and still are good friends. We had and have a great family. Our mutual Faith was and still is important to us. Our sex life had become very predicable and therefore not very erotic, just loving and kind. Alex entered my world in a way I never expected, dreamed of or really wanted...I think. He did however change the...

1 year ago
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Getting Caught In The Act

I had been watching him Ted for weeks and months. Wheneverhe took to the stage there was a presence he held over everyone. He was one to watch. The night was the 13 th of July and it was the second to last night of our production of Shakespeare’s ‘Much Ado About Nothing’. Ted was playing Don Pedro, the Prince who never manages to find love, while I was stage managing it. Friends kept telling me I should try out for a part, but the voyeur in me loves watching others too much. Ted was in his...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 687

The Retreat When the meal was over, Diana and the others who had been in training pitched in to help clean up after supper. Diana stopped by Evie for a moment so she could thank her again. “You do know that this is supposed to last six weeks, right?” When Evie smiled and nodded, Di continued, “Uh, I’m feeling guilty. Our not taking our turn in preparing meals puts way too much on you and the others who aren’t going on the trip.” Evie stopped to hug the Clan Queen. “There is an easily...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Brandi Love Carolina Sweets Mom Takes Charge

Carolina Sweets is visiting her aunt Brandi Love and Brandi’s stepson Alex D. When Alex spies the hot teen admiring herself in a bra and underwear in front of the mirror, he can’t take his eyes off her. Carolina happily beckons him in. Her sweet lips wrap around his fuck stick in a blowjob that is followed by the hardcore pussy pounding both of them crave. They barely finish in time to avoid getting caught by Brandi! Now that the two distant cousins have got a taste for each other...

4 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 40

“Well, that was pretty intense! Alright, someone else’s turn! Who wants a chance to get fucked by Max?” I proposed a new round in the game, “in the bushes, of course!” “Sign me up!” the former Mayor of the town that became Haven, Simone D’Agostino, walked over to us to offer her services now, “I know that I was a naughty mayor, all corrupt and everything, but surely Max can whip me into shape, right, with that big fat cock of his?” “Just understand that this means joining my harem. That’s...

2 years ago
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Next morning Kate was still asleep when I left for work, during the day I got a phone call from Wayne, we discussed the last night and asking if I was happy the way it went, I told him that it couldn't have gone better. Then he mentioned would I like a repeat performance, to which I said. "Yes."Wayne said. "Leave it with me, I'll get back to you with the arrangements," this was ok by me, so I left it at that.When I got home Kate was waiting for me in the living room, dressed only in her thin...

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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 18 Indictment and arrest

I called her to make sure she made it home safe. “You made it home okay,” I asked? “Yeah,” she replied. “Thanks for having your mom take us,” I said. “No problem, sorry I didn’t just drive us myself,” she replied. “Don’t be silly Elizabeth, I totally understand,” I said. “Thanks,” she said. “You’re welcome good night,” I said. “Night, love you,” she said. “Love you too,” I said back. I hung up the phone and was still just so amazed by her. Again here she was apologizing...

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