Preludes Ch 12 Flipped Pt 01
- 2 years ago
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Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head.
Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I’m grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.
At the very least I suggest reading the PROM series first if you haven’t already. It is the main story from which the others are branched so things could be a little confusing (and surprises ruined) if it is skipped over.
For those of you who read Prom, welcome back! This series deals with the two months of Rachel’s life that led up to where Prom began. It will hopefully provide you with some background for why certain events occurred and why Rachel may have acted in ways that she did. Overall it takes on a bit of a darker and less whimsical tone, but if you read the whole Prom series, you already understand why.
As always, I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you’re too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.
I’m kidding.
*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*
PREVIOUS — Prologue
Excerpt from Prom, Chapter 14: Inferno:
‘Rebecca, I’m sorry! Look the whole thing was just crazy! One minute I’m teasing Brad and the next-.’ She swallowed and shouted in wild desperation. ‘It was an accident! You left me! You left me at that party and you went ahead and-!’
Rebecca cut her off with a trembling shout. ‘Don’t you DARE put this back on me! What I do with my-.’ She scoffed again and cut off as her tone dropped from pure rage to mocking disbelief. ‘Wait, did you say ‘accident’?’
She laughed incredulously. ‘So you accidentally sucked Brad’s dick? Oh, and you accidentally went and fucked him and Matt the next day?’ Her laughter grew unnaturally loud. ‘Really? That is what you’re going with here? I think your history in that department shows that it’s usually not an ‘accident’ when you’re on your knees. Should we take a poll? How many dozens of boys around here you think would back me up?’
Rachel felt her cheeks burn as Rebecca mocked her. She didn’t know how much lower she could feel. The girls had never judged each other’s activities and now Rebecca was rubbing it in her face. She deserved it, but she felt a bit of instinctual anger rise. She spoke wildly through her tears.
‘Oh, so you judge me now? The ‘no judgment zone’ no longer in effect? Good to know since you’ve been such a fucking saint as well!’ She tried to sound strong but her voice was cracking. She was defeated. Broken.
Rebecca brought her face right into Rachel’s. Their noses almost touched as she spoke harshly. ‘Yeah, the no judgment zone ended the second you went and fucked two guys at once in some dirty basement. Don’t like it? Tough.’ She was done. She started to pull back and turn.
Rachel made one final attempt and reached out desperately to grab her friend’s shoulder. ‘Becca, please! I get it! I fucked up! I’m sorrier than you can imagine. I’ve wanted to die since yesterday morning! What can I do? Please tell me! Please!!’
Rebecca stared blankly at her scared, desperate friend and set her jaw. She viciously shrugged Rachel’s hand from her shoulder and turned to face her as she smoothed her shirt.
‘What can you do? Well, you know how you’ve been avoiding me all day? Yeah? Well, go ahead and keep doing that.’
‘I’m done with you…’
‘Message saved.’
Rachel’s finger shook as she pressed the button on her phone and numbly placed it back down onto her dresser. She stared unsteadily at her reflection in the mirror and bit down on her lip. No! She was not going to cry again this morning. Not today. She simply wasn’t going to survive if she couldn’t find a way to move beyond the pain every single day. She had to get a grip on all of this!
But it was so hard. It was Friday and a beautiful early-April morning. These were the kinds of days that usually made Rachel so happy. They energized her and put her into a great mood. The weekend would be here in just a few hours, and even school on Fridays seemed light and breezy. There would be a game to go to that night, and surely a party somewhere afterwards. These were Rachel’s favorite things and her favorite times.
But when she thought of them now, she felt nothing but aching pain. She hadn’t been out to a party or anything since-. Blackness gripped her and she shivered in response. Her teeth sunk even deeper into her lip and she closed her eyes to fight back another rush of would-be tears. No, Rachel! Stop! You’re okay. She exhaled deeply through her lips. You. Are. Oh. Kay.
It had been almost two weeks (or, eleven days if you were counting like Rachel was) since her fight with Rebecca in the parking lot. And really, ‘fight’ wasn’t an accurate description, it had been an execution. Rebecca had confronted her over the disturbing implication that she had hooked up with Brad, twice, in the span of the prior day and a half.
She had tearfully confessed, but she’d made it even worse by revealing that Matt had been involved as well and that she’d actually gone beyond her standard oral hookup and allowed Brad to have sex with her. The revelation had rocked both girls to their cores and it was unclear as to which one had suffered the more crushing blow.
Rebecca had been devastated, but her fiery personality had moved quickly to morph her pain into vengeful anger. She had gone on the offense for the rest of the week, skewering Rachel in every way possible. She’d torn her to shreds, revealing her various acts of promiscuity and playing herself up as the victim of an ultimate betrayal. She was bitter and she thirsted for justice, which in her mind, was measured only by the level of Rachel’s suffering.
And Rachel was suffering. She’d repeatedly thrown herself at Rebecca’s mercy and begged for forgiveness. She’d ambushed her in the hallways and in the locker room. She’d called, emailed, texted. She’d even driven to her house once, only to be turned away by Rebecca’s mother. It was clear. Rebecca had cut her out completely. Like a cancerous tumor. She wanted nothing to do with her anymore, with the exception of enjoying her pain from afar.
As far as Rebecca was concerned, she deserved every bit of it. Rachel could get with probably any boy she chose if she put her mind to it, and most would require zero effort at all. And she surely wasn’t shy about ‘spreading the love.’ So why Brad? And why Matt? And at the same time? Rebecca almost dry heaved every time she pictured it. It was horrific and that bitch deserved what came to her.
Rachel scooped her phone back up and pressed her voicemail icon again. She trembled softly as she played back the same message that she had saved. When it stopped, she played it again. And again. And again.
Finally, she swallowed hard and pressed ‘save’ once more as she had done earlier. It was a message that Rebecca had left her a few weeks earlier, before the great fight. It was silly and short and was pretty much just a few joking words. But Rachel couldn’t bring herself to delete it. And now she listened to it every morning to try to remember her friend in a better time.
She sniffed again as her stomach continued to twist. God, it had been less than two weeks (eleven days!) but it
already seemed like a lifetime ago that they had been on good terms. The emotion drove its way to the surface and she finally cracked as a single tear rolled down her soft cheek. She angrily wiped it away and composed herself. With a final, unsure look in the mirror, she grabbed her book bag and turned to leave for school.
Pine Valley had been a different place these past few weeks. Rachel had received countless sideways looks and had been the object of continual whispers. She’d tried her best to remain upbeat and outgoing like she’d always been, but it was hard when she was broken inside.
Thankfully, she was a popular girl, and while her image had taken a direct hit, she still had friends and allies. Mostly casual friends, though. No one nearly as close as Rebecca had been. But it would have to do while she figured out what was next for her. Would Rebecca ever forgive her? It didn’t seem likely. So the real question was: would she forgive herself? She wasn’t sure about that either.
The Friday hours mercifully sped by and Rachel made it through most of the day unscathed. She’d felt the glares and her ears had burned at the whispers, but she was starting to get somewhat used to it. She’d seen Rebecca in her classes as usual, and with the exception of a few disgusted glances, she hadn’t spoken to her either. Rebecca was usually good for at least one smart comment in passing each day. But she hadn’t bothered today or the day before. Maybe she was beginning to get over it?
It was a hopeful thought, but Rachel knew the more likely explanation and it made her stomach sink. No, she wasn’t getting over it. She was moving on. She was now simply ignoring Rachel, which was actually worse in terms of any possible reconciliation. She was drifting further away.
Shaking away the painful thoughts, Rachel closed her locker and prepared to go to her final class of the afternoon. It was a nice day, so she’d worn a pair of light jeans and a solid pink t-shirt. Her hair was down and she looked beautiful, if not for her forlorn expressions. Her top was also tight and fit snuggly around her expansive chest.
She wasn’t trying to dress provocatively these days, she was already enough of a target of disdain. But even a basic outfit made her look curvy and sexy. And there wasn’t much she could do about that besides throw on a sweatshirt every morning. She wasn’t going to become a bag lady. As broken as she was, at her core she was a proud and fiery girl. And she wouldn’t let people think that she was beaten.
She was about to head down the hallway when a hand reached out gently and touched her arm. She turned back towards the touch and smiled in warm response. It was a boy from the football team, Shane. They were in one class together and they were sort of friends.
Shane was a big guy. Tall and imposing with a face that made him look half a decade older than he was. He wasn’t really cute, but sort of rugged in his own way. Rachel had somewhat mixed feeling towards him because she had heard that he could be a dick, but he had never been anything but polite and friendly towards her. Such treatment could have been due to how she looked or the reputation she carried. But Shane had never really broached the subject. However…
‘What’s up, Rachel?’ Shane smiled happily as she looked down at her. ‘Headed over now?’
Rachel nodded back to him. Her next class was the one they had together. She tucked some hair behind her ear as they began to walk side by side.
‘Yup. One final hour until freedom, right?’ She let out a casual laugh.
‘Oh yeah. I hear you.’ Shane grinned along with her as they walked. ‘Last one’s always the longest! Hey, were you going to go to the lacrosse game after school?’
Rachel’s stomach twisted. She usually enjoyed going and watching a game if she could. Especially since she didn’t often have the chance due to her own sports schedules. In the fall, she had made it to a few soccer games as she’d playfully lusted after Chris. There had even been that time in the parking lot afterwards. In his car when she’d-. She shivered pleasurably. It seemed like so long ago.
When she had hooked up with Chris those first two times, the year had been so fresh. So full of possibilities. She thought about how she had jokingly decided that she would marry Chris one day. He was so gorgeous. The thought made her scoff. That certainly hadn’t worked out.
They’d hooked up at that first party, and then again in his car after the soccer game. But they didn’t run into each other all that often, and when she and Rebecca had become closer, she’d kind of lost touch with him. And the final nail in their coffin had come over the winter. But what a nail it had been…
She’d run into Chris at a party one night, right after the turn in semesters. He had started dating some girl at a different school, a girl that Rachel didn’t know. But this particular night, he’d been all mopey and sad. And drunk.
Very, very drunk.
Chris didn’t drink a whole lot due to sports. So when he did, his lack of tolerance showed up rather obviously. When Rachel had approached him, he’d gotten all googly-eyed and given her a huge, extended hug. He’d waxed on about how much he missed her and how he was so sad that they didn’t hang out anymore. He’d told her how he’d got into a big fight with his girlfriend and that he wasn’t sure what that meant and blah blah blah. He was emotional and wasted, and as he’d gotten worked up through his story, he’d ended up trying to leave the party.
He could barely walk straight and Rachel had known that he certainly couldn’t drive. So she’d stopped him and somehow convinced him to hand his keys over to a friend and to let her take him home in her car. She’d driven him back to his house while he’d drunkenly tried to kiss and touch on her the entire time. She’d halfway-fought him back but part of her had also been entirely excited by it. She was still quite attracted to him, and as slurred compliments and playful touches had poured out, she hadn’t exactly shut him down.
When they’d gotten back to his house it had still been relatively early. His parents were out at some charity thing and it appeared that they weren’t expecting him home until curfew. He’d begged Rachel to come inside for a while, and despite her better instincts, she’d found herself submitting.
In fairness, he had been making a loud scene in the front lawn, but that hadn’t forced her hand. She’d wanted to come inside. It had been a bit of a struggle, but after a few minutes of firm patience, she’d gotten him up to his room and began helping him get into bed. Fully knowing the hellish hangover that would be descending upon him in a few hours, she had left him briefly to search his bathroom for some aspirin and a glass of water. But when she’d returned, she’d nearly dropped the glass.
Chris had stripped down to just his socks and was laying on his bed, calling for her in a low, drunken tone. Rachel could still picture it and she shivered every time the image flashed in her brain. He’d looked so hot naked with his excellent body and his dick already rock-hard. But it had been the ridiculous socks that had gotten her. They’d splashed his otherwise intensely sexual aura with a hint of awkward goofiness. And in a strange way, it had been this breaking of the tension that had caused her to shake her head and walk towards the bed with a wide smile.
The next thing she knew, she was completely naked as well and sprawled out over his body with his dick deep in her mouth. She’d begun generously pleasuring him and her body had responded with flashes of vicarious arousal. But not only that. What had started off as an enthusiastic blowjob, with Rachel licking and sucking over every inch of him, had turned into an unexpected round of pleasure for her as well.
Her whole body had pulsed when she’d heard him drunkenly moan that he wanted some of her as well. She’d been scrunched up by the foot of his bed, blowing him vigorous
ly, and she had expected that his level of inebriation would likely have limited his role to simply lying back and enjoying her work. But when he had said what he’d said and had nodded at her wildly, Rachel hadn’t wasted one second.
She’d flipped her body over his and eased her hips down squarely towards his face. She’d cried out and almost choked on him as she’d felt his warm tongue touch her. Sparks shot through her as he moved his mouth wildly across her pussy with an alcohol-enhanced enthusiasm. She didn’t know if it was the drinking or what she had done to him first, but she didn’t care. Her eyes had rolled back and she’d shook with pleasure as they both worked each other in unison.
She came first. Hard. She’d reflexively dropped her body into his face and cried in pleasure as his tongue and lips melted her into a puddle of soothing relief. When her orgasm had finally ebbed away, she’d renewed her efforts on him, and before long, he’d lost control as well. She’d been so into the moment that she’d actually let him slip from her lips just as she’d felt him tensing up. Jerking him as intensely as she could, she’d kept her mouth open and hovering just inches above his cock.
He came forcefully and shot up onto her face and into her mouth, continuing to erupt and flow all over her hand. Rachel had squealed excitedly in response as his orgasm washed over her (in both a literal and figurative sense) and she’d squeezed him tightly with every thrust of his hips. In her zeal, she’d brought her mouth back to him and continued to lick and suck away while he put his fists hard into the headboard and writhed in pleasure.
She hadn’t wanted to stop, but eventually she’d released him and slid her way up to lie next to him in on the pillows. Completely out of breath and electrically turned on, she’d grinned devilishly and wiped a bit of cum from near her lips. With her eyes locked on his, she slid her fingers into her mouth and smoothly cleaned them off as he watched. He’d simply shivered with and exhausted grin and mumbled over and over about how she was the best. Rachel had felt warm and at peace and she’d stayed with him for a long time as they simply took deep breaths and held each other.
Eventually, she got up and cleaned herself off. When she’d come back to the room, she’d found herself wanting more and she couldn’t help it when she’d leaned back over him and given him several more playful sucks. In short order, she was actually blowing him again, and in her pent up lust for him, she’d decided to stick with it and give him a second round.
But Chris had been spent. Even with her incredible skill and mind-blowing naked body on full display, he’d simply had nothing left in the tank. Rachel had eventually stopped as the signals became clear. She had stared at his penis longingly with a silly grin before finally shaking herself free and redressing. She’d needed to get out of there anyway before his parents got back.
She’d helped him put on some gym shorts and a t-shirt and she’d tucked him in before gracefully slipping away and heading back home. She had slept wonderfully that night and had had amazing dreams about having sex with him in the ocean somewhere. She’d wondered if maybe what had happened would re-kindle something between them and perhaps they would finally make seeing each other a regular, like, dating thing. And despite her inclination towards free-spiritedness, she found herself really hoping so.
But that hope had been shattered the following Monday when he’d pulled her aside in the hallway to talk.
Rachel had smiled brightly at his touch, but his face had let her know immediately that their discussion was not going to go as she’d liked. Chris told her that his girlfriend had come over the next morning and apologized tearfully for their fight. He felt so guilty about what he had done with Rachel, and in combination with drinking so much, it had left him with feelings of crushing shame when he thought about her.
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
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It was Friday night and Roger was dropping off his date for the night. Jill Abrahms was the last woman Roger would ask out from the single parent groups. He had already asked out all the rest of the women that interested him. And one date with Jill was enough. Roger felt like he spent half the night just trying to get her to pay attention to him. With The Plan, or what was left of it, running out of steam, Roger wasn’t quite sure what to do next. Well, he still had a couple of women with...
Despite her best intentions to give it one more try, it didn't get better. Terrell pretty much used Ursa's steadfast body as he wished, and by now he could get the best out of her every time — which is a hard thing for any woman to walk away from. When she was alone during the day while Terrell continued to conduct his "business", she hunted for his caches of her milk and blackmail DVDs. Ursa would only be reminded the next night on how many of them she wasn't finding. Ursa also willed...
Captain Kozlowski invited the two green ensigns and their families to meet with him in the wardroom of Copernicus for dinner the day after all of the logistics had been settled and the pods assigned to McKinsey and Nguyen had been secured to Copernicus. The three ship's officers that McKinsey and Nguyen had not yet met introduced themselves while waiting for the captain to arrive. They had barely finished the exchange of social pleasantries when Captain Kozlowski stepped into the...
Monday came and when I came home from work Marissa wasn’t home although her car was in the garage. We’d had a very frigid weekend. She hardly talked to me, so I took the attitude of ‘fuck you too’. She’s the one that needs to apologize, not me. I went upstairs to change out of my work clothes and noticed a shopping bag from Victoria’s Secret. I peeked inside and saw a black lace garter belt and a package of black, fishnet stockings. Marissa showed up four beers later; giving me enough time...
~ I have been asked if I could provide some background to Mason and his family so here is a Prelude to “You Missed a Bit.” Mason and Chanelle. Mason met Chanelle when he was at the CIA training camp, known as “The Farm”. She was a French instructor on a transfer from Interpol. She was a very good at her craft and had a wealth of knowledge to impart to the young recruits. Tall and fit. She could keep up with the men in all areas of physical training. Dressed in fatigues she was alluring and...
Prelude to her Night Several weeks had passed since she had her Night of Pleasure, when she sat down at the table and told me she had something to tell me. She said that she had planned the night before hand and was hoping I’d go along with it, but there was something that she didn’t tell me right away. She felt now was a good time, as we had both enjoyed it. She told me that while she was at work that day, she noticed that her friend was more talkative than usual and he was asking all types...
Conceived as a prequel to the Great Shift story "Genesis" by Morpheus. Based on characters and events created by Morpheus. This may be archived/posted anywhere: Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Prelude to Genesis By Pretzelgirl "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." --Arthur C. Clarke "One" calculated the approach vector a second time before shifting from Astrogator to Sensor Operator. The perspective of this bio-drone's...
****************************************************************** “You lied to me you little cunt! You said 'anything' remember? You were so fucking desperate you promised to do anything so I would help you and now you're fucking backing out on your promise? Fucking lying bitch!” “You're no better than those assholes!” I screamed, “We didn't call you just so you could be a rapist too! Fuck you Chad, get out of here!” He slammed the door to my room so hard it shook the...
It isn’t their fault, their pictures are merely a reflection of their own desires. The risk of exposing yourself, of truly being naked in front of another person is stimulating enough for most any of us. I’m guilty of it myself. I can’t count the times I’ve sent pictures, only to see my words mean more and for those pictures to only be worthy of momentary novelty. The truth is our bodies only scratch at the surface of our sexualities. This is both a good and bad thing. For those of us...
Abby sat looking at a blank screen, trying her best to work on her most recent novel, but finding herself very distracted. Thoughts of him filled her head and she simply couldn’t focus on her work at hand. An image of him, the last time she saw him, came to mind. Her heart began racing just thinking about him. Closing her eyes, she could see his piercing blue eyes staring down at her, feeling his warm breath against her cheek as his lips pressed against hers, and his strong arms wrapping around...
Note: This is a real-life true story that is happening to me personally at this moment: Several months ago, my dearest friend in the world revealed to me that she has come to appreciate the sensual, sexual intimacies of another woman in bed, and that her feelings are very strong for me that way. From then down until now, she’s been patiently, gently, lovingly inviting me into her arms and her bed. I have come to want it very much, and yet I’m so nervous and afraid. These are my feelings — my...
Let me start by saying we are a happily married couple that has enjoyed the lifestyle for the last seven years. We are forty-five and forty-two. She is a five-foot-three, one-hundred-and-ten pound, petite blondeThe idea of her fucking others started after we were married about six months. We had known each for twelve years before we got together. I knew from the grapevine that she was slutty in her younger days and I mean really slutty, as I would find out more after we married.Anyway, one...
Wife LoversAfter Michelle left, I got myself ready for my date with Diana. I had no idea what kind of restaurant she wanted to go to so decided to dress for the plane trip, a simple pair of slacks and one of my favorite satiny shirts. I love the feel of a woman’s hand on that shirt, and I was hoping to feel Diana’s hands on it later.When I met her at her house, I was again taken aback by her big smile. Diana isn’t beautiful like my Michelle, but she’s very pretty in a girl-next-door kind of way. She was...
Wife LoversMichelle called me a little after noon and said she was on her way home. I asked her how the dance was, and she said she’d tell me about it when she got home.I’d been anxious ever since she left the day before. Today was the first day of our forced abstinence and if she had a seriously sexy story to tell me, I knew that I was in grave trouble already. It’d been five days since we made love and I was already seriously horny. I had no clue in hell how I was going to survive the next thirty days...
Wife LoversIn my first two posts, I wrote about what led us to my wife fucking other guys. Quick recap, shortly into our marriage, my wife started telling stories about her slutty past when we would fuck. The more stories I heard, the wilder her stories. In 6-7 months of her telling me stories, she never repeated a story. I have to admit, I was shocked at the magnitude of her sluttyness, and I was obviously totally turned on by the number of cocks that had been in her pussy but it also turned her on...
Last time I posted, I described how about 6 months into our marriage she started telling me stories of her past escapades during our sex sessions. To say she was wild was an understatement. She was a total slut in her younger days and the stories she told were astonishing. I admit that her stories got me very horny and hot and led to our sex life to be amazing.In this post, I thought I would describe in detail some of the favorite stories she told me while we were fucking, before we dove into...
Let me start by saying we are a happily married couple that has enjoyed the lifestyle for the last 7 years. We are 45 and 42. She is 5’3”, 110, petite blondeThe idea of her fucking others started after we were married about 6 months. We had known each for 12 years before we got together and I knew from the g****vine that she was slutty in her younger days and I mean really slutty, as I would find out more after we married. Anyway, one evening after we had hot sex, we started talking about our...
"I suppose you don't know who I am, but I know who you are." I begin and then pause. I don’t know where to begin. I take in a shaky breath while looking at the family picture that had been fished from his wallet. "You have beautiful children." I continue, still trying to gather the courage to state my revelation. "By the time you hear this from other people, the story of how things happened will be distorted. My lover, your husband, he is not the most loyal man." My voice and fingers tremble...
CheatingI shared a secret story with my best friend. She thought it so hot I was told to signup and post here. Yes we were dirnking wine and I was talking in great detail when half way through she tells me she's getting all wet and horny. This was before the parts I find the juciest and relive in my memory. Throughout, names are changed too protect the guilty, of which I am one.Nick & Gus are 1st generation American Greek's whose parents came over after WWII. Both are military via Annapolis...
My series, ""It Started with Tattooed Eyeliner," tells the story of a horny and kinky guy named Jerry, who has his eyes tattooed with dramatic black eyeliner while his wife is out of town. Having put him through some of the most outrageous punishment humiliations I've ever written (which is saying something in my case), she has now cut a deal with his employer to ship him overseas for a sex change and controversial behavior therapy, which will be described in the upcoming series, "The...
Note: This is a real-life true story that is happening to me personally at this moment: Several months ago, my dearest friend in the world revealed to me that she has come to appreciate the sensual, sexual intimacies of another woman in bed, and that her feelings are very strong for me that way. From then down until now, she's been patiently, gently, lovingly inviting me into her arms and her bed. I have come to want it very much, and yet I'm so nervous and afraid. These are my feelings -- my...
LesbianThis story was written as a prequel to "Quartet, Ingrid," or as it is now titled "Ingrid." It was not included in the original story, but it will help fill in some of the blanks. The Walnut Creek rancher was heating up quickly and it was only eleven am. It was going to be another long, hot autumn day. Steve Inhalt was seated at his office desk, his hands propping up his chin as he studied another in a long string of financial reports. He was trying to decide where to move $50,000 U.S....
A prequel of Tears of a Clone by: CSquared Par-al could not help but laugh as his limo-type skycar approached the metal spire that was his new creation. A group of maybe thirty protestors could be seen gathering below, at the base of the building. They were ineffectually hollering and attacking the small army assembled at the ground entrances to the facility, shouting their endless chants that called for the cessation of cloning. These tiny cretins actually believed that they could stop him,...
-- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2005, FINALS WEEK -- "Dawn Evans?" came the confused voice on the other end of the line. "Yes. She's part of the ranch hand program," I replied. "Dawn ... Dawn ... Uhh ... Wait, you said Evans, right? We have a Marie Evans." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but explained patiently, "'Marie' is her middle name." The sounds of pages flipping were audible over the phone, and presently the guy who'd picked up the main telephone line returned. "Here...
Marie hung up the phone with a smile, glad that her wish had come true. She’d already scheduled off Thursday and Friday, and now her four-day weekend had expanded to five with the office shutting down due to the snowstorm. A quick peek out the window revealed that Jim was nearly done digging out her car from the thick blanket of snow that had buried it and her driveway. She almost hated to tell him that he’d done all the work for nothing. Well, not really nothing, she thought as she pulled out...
Hi, i m 29 yrs, i m 6 feet tall, i m fair and handsome, 32″waist, 72 kg…atheletic shaped body stature and 6″ tool and thick…. Possess decent personality traits.. I believe in making good friends.. And loves to explore new horizones of life… As far as my fantasies r concerned.. I love to spend time with like minded loves to get in to a sweet relationship which must me secure and descret.. I would welcome the oppurtunity to meet bm and like minded cpls and females for casual or one...
Friday morning I started work and when Sue came in I sat down for a cup of coffee with her. "I think I have found someone to take over from you." She quickly jumped in, "Really? You found someone since Tuesday?" "Yes I did. Do you remember me telling you about the young lady I rescued the weekend I was out on my boat?" "You said something about her getting drugged and jumping off the boat she was on?" "That's the one. She has housing problems and is in desperate need of either a...
A hard worker, totally diligent and outrageous behind closed doors. Problem was, she didn't have anyone to share that 'craziness' with. She, is Ivy. Ivy is a senior at her high school, and in her own rights beautiful. With mid-length wavy brown hair and penetrating brown eyes. A beautiful smile and perfect teeth. Her breasts are modest, not huge but not tiny. About a 38b. Her only downfall is...her weight. Ivy is a little over weight, but curvy enough to pull it off. Her weight holds her back...
The more I thought about Ginny's lie, the more pissed I became. It wasn't like we were going out every weekend. I wasn't monopolizing her time. If she didn't want to be with me, why didn't she just say so? I could have handled that a lot better than what she was doing. I don't exactly know why I did what I did next, but I did it. I picked up the phone and dialed Georgette's number. I took a long-shot chance she would be home on a Saturday evening. If not, I could call her tomorrow. I...