Preludes Ch. 13: Flipped Pt. 02 free porn video

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Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I’m grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

At the very least I suggest reading the PROM series first if you haven’t already. It is the main story from which the others are branched so things could be a little confusing (and surprises ruined) if it is skipped over.

For those of you who read Prom, welcome back! This series deals with the two months of Rachel’s life that led up to where Prom began. It will hopefully provide you with some background for why certain events occurred and why Rachel may have acted in ways that she did. Overall it takes on a bit of a darker and less whimsical tone, but if you read the whole Prom series, you already understand why.

As always, I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you’re too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I’m kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS — Chapter 12: Flipped (Pt. 1)


‘Bro! No, look, your job is to get the sniper on the roof before I go and-. No. No, not over ther-! Up on the-. Fuck! Are you looking where I’m pointing? I swear it’s like you-.’

Matt clenched his jaw and looked up at the ceiling in disgust as the TV screen blackened, indicating that his character had died yet again. Taking a moment to gather himself, he lowered his head back down and shot a disdainful glare at his buddy sitting a few feet away on the couch.

‘You’re fucking worthless.’

Flip looked back at his friend and smirked at his insults. It was true that he had kinda screwed up their strategy a few times in a row now. But he didn’t play all the time like Matt did, and even setting that aside, his mind was far from trying to focus on the game. There was something far more intriguing occupying his thoughts.

‘Man, whatever. I’m trying. You’re pointing all over the fucking screen like a spaz.’

Matt continued to glare but he shook his head and turned back towards the TV. He was about to hit a button on his controller when Flip spoke up again.

‘Yo, hold up. When’s that chick coming over anyway? I still gotta see her.’

Matt took his thumb off the button and studied his friend for a moment before shrugging and setting the controller down on the coffee table in front of him. He reached for the phone nearby and flicked a few buttons to read the screen. A dry smirk crossed his lips and he clicked the screen back off as he returned the phone to its place.

‘She’s on her way. Probably like twenty minutes.’

Flip smirked in response and swallowed as a touch of excitement whispered through his veins.

‘So this chick just gives you head on the regular? Like, you just text her and she comes over and blows you whenever you want?’ He shook his head with a disbelieving smile. Matt had already given him the answer in previous conversations but it still seemed too unbelievable to be true.

Matt grinned and shrugged casually. ‘Yeah, pretty much. Or sometimes I’ll bang her.’

He paused and let his grin widen as he sensed his friend’s excited envy.

‘But honestly, bro, she’s so good at sucking dick that usually I’ll just lie back and let her do her thing. Know what I mean?’

Flip swallowed again and scoffed through a grin.

‘Damn, dude. How’d you even get that shit set up?’

Matt shrugged again and scratched idly at his chin.

‘Shit, it just kinda happened. I got some head from her at a party back in the fall. Like, mad easy, too. Just kinda rolled up and asked if I could get some and five minutes later she was blowing me in the bathroom.’

He paused again and momentarily darkened his expression, but it passed quickly and he cleared his throat.

‘After that I didn’t really see her much for a while but then a few months ago I ran into her again, and like-. Yo, you know my boy Brad, right? Goes to PV? Plays attack? So, like, he ended up getting with her at a party and some crazy shit happened and I eventually talked her into a threesome with him. It was fucking hot.’

He smirked to himself as Flip’s eyes widened. Images from that day with Rachel and Brad flashed across his brain and he felt his dick stir.

‘Anyway, ever since that she’s just been down to roll by and, you know, take care of it.’

Flip scoffed again as he felt the blood pump inside his shorts. He hadn’t seen this girl but Matt had said he was really hot and had an amazing rack. And the way he described her incredible willingness to please made her seem even hotter.

‘That’s crazy. And, like, she’s not even your girl? Like, you don’t have to take her out and-?’

Matt cut him off with an eye roll and firm shake of his head.

‘Hell no. Nah, dude, she’s a huge slut. She’s blown, like, tons of guys. And I mean, that’s whatever. I don’t give a shit what she does. But I definitely ain’t gonna date her.’

Flip laughed at Matt’s dismissal of her as ‘girlfriend material’ but he nodded in agreement. Still, it seemed like a pretty sweet situation. Slut or not, if she was as hot as Matt said and she had no problem dropping by to put her skills to use on him so often, she sounded like a dream come true.

‘You’re a lucky bitch. Damn. I need to find me someone like that.’

Matt laughed at his friend’s frustrated remarks. He loved Flip, but his boy certainly wasn’t going to be bagging a girl of Rachel’s caliber any time soon. He’d gotten with a few chicks here and there and scored a couple of blowjobs, but he was far from slick with the ladies. He was real skinny and kinda goofy looking. He also put out this ‘wannabe thug’ kind of image that some girls were into, but most rolled their eyes at.

The thoughts suddenly made his shorts tighten again as an idea formed in his brain. As amazing as it was having Rachel come over and casually suck him off or even climb up into his lab and ride him, he had the constant insatiable urge to push her into newer, more exciting things. He’d had sex with her bent over the tailgate of his truck out in the woods. He’d talked her into sucking his cock while she’d simultaneously held a phone conversation with a friend. He’d even gotten her to stick her tongue in his ass a couple times during blowjobs. And every new line he got her to cross made him cum harder.

But not since that fateful day with Brad had he gotten to satisfy his one particular urge of having another guy watch her service him. Or, the other side of that coin, watching her perform with someone else.

With several girls over the years, Matt had tried to hook his boys up with some action. It wasn’t so much the idea of watching that that got him off, it was more the concept that he’d be the one controlling the situation. That he’d be generously offering to them this gift, this thing he owned, and that they would hold him in reverence as a result.

It had never worked though, and it had often led to ugliness. Most girls didn’t react kindly to being so bluntly objectified, and the ones who weren’t outright insulted, were simply not wild enough to consider such a situation. Fireworks had ensued onc
e or twice. But he’d still kept trying.

As he watched Flip nervously adjust his flat-brimmed hat and obviously try to hide the arousal coursing through his bones, Matt smiled to himself.

‘Well hold up. Maybe you can…’


Rachel’s stomach twisted like a python as she parted her soft lips and lowered her face down over the edge of the couch. Her head spun and everything suddenly felt like it was moving in slow-motion. Flip’s dick appeared painfully erect and his desire was palpable with each strained, throbbing pulse. The air in the room felt thin and dry.

Rachel allowed her eyes to flick momentarily up over Flip’s body and face before returning to focus squarely on her target. She wondered just how long he’d been so forcefully aroused and if he’d been hard from the moment she’d taken off her bra at Matt’s request. She could still vividly picture his lustful stares as she’d slid the straps off her arms and revealed her breasts completely. He’d drunk them in like they were the first set of boobs he’d ever seen.

But despite the perhaps surprising ease with which she had agreed to disrobe in front of him, he couldn’t possibly have imagined that it would lead to where it had. That the sexy girl who had appeared in the basement not thirty minutes prior to blow his friend would now be on her knees seemingly ready and willing to offer him such pleasure as well. He might have fantasized about it, but he couldn’t have actually expected it could be a reality.

It seemed equally as ridiculous to her as well. What she’d done in front of him already was crazy enough, but was she really about to give him head as well? This random boy who’d just happened to be at Matt’s house when she’d shown up? He was going to get a blowjob from her simply by virtue of being present?

The unfathomable thoughts combined with a physical tremble as Rachel’s motion brought her soft lips into firm contact with the tip of his cock. She guided them smoothly around his head and allowed his dick to slip effortlessly into her mouth. She ran her tongue over his opening as she sucked him in and swallowed the first bit of salty fluid. His tip had already been wet and shiny when she’d pulled his shorts off. He’d clearly been aching for her for some time.

His taste sent a shiver through her fingertips and she closed her eyes as her lips slid down his shaft and rested near his base. The shiver morphed into an excited tingle as she felt his whole body jump at her touch. It made her momentarily forget the circumstances of what she was doing and switched her focus only to the fact that she was bringing unimaginable pleasure to someone. Anyone. Her stomach fluttered again.

As she worked her way back up his shaft, she inhaled through her nose and tightened the suction of her lips. His slightly below-average size made the task rather simple, and before long, she was sucking on him with mechanical ease. His cock pulsed firmly as it slid through her mouth and Rachel smiled to herself in the knowledge that she could certainly get him off in no time at all. She lowered her hand and rubbed her palm roughly over his balls, squeezing and playing with them while she sucked away. She listened as his moans came out on cue and she smiled again as she began to bob her head to a steady rhythm.

Up above, Flip was beside himself. He couldn’t believe it was happening. Any of it. But almost as unbelievable as the physical act itself was how Matt had entirely predicted each and every step.

The boys played lacrosse together and Matt had been telling him for a few weeks about this hot chick he’d been hooking up with lately. He’d said that she gave the best head ever and that she did him pretty much whenever he asked. He’d also said she was kind of a big slut, and although he didn’t really care about that as long he got it when he wanted, he also certainly didn’t want to date a girl that sucked as many dicks as she did. Especially as easily as she did it.

A version of this conversation had taken place just an hour prior while the boys had sat in Matt’s basement and played video games. Flip had been bemoaning Matt’s good fortune of landing such a homerun situation when Matt had casually suggested that perhaps this girl might blow him too if they set it up right. Apparently she was on her way over at that very moment.

Telling Flip to simply follow his lead, Matt had said that he’d test the waters with her early on, and if she seemed agreeable to something smaller, that he would do his best to gradually step her up. At the very least, Matt seemed confident that he could get her naked and maybe even talk her into letting Flip watch them fuck or something.

If things were going well, Flip was to pretend to leave and then come back to catch them in the act ‘accidentally.’ Matt had raved about her tits many times before, telling him that they were so nice they looked fake. But the number one thing Matt had raved about was her head game. He said she sucked dick like a pro. Skilled and enthusiastic, and sometimes even strangely grateful it seemed. She always swallowed and she’d even take it on her face or tits whenever he asked. Matt said that he’d had a threesome with her and another guy and it had been so hot. So he was definitely down with trying to get her to suck off one of his friends.

Flip had been pretty skeptical, especially about getting her to actually hook up with him. He figured if she was freaky enough, she might get show her tits, which based on his friend’s description of her body, seemed like a pretty excellent proposition. But he’d doubted that it would go much further. Matt had a strange vibe with some girls and he’d tried to hook his boys up a few times in the past with various chicks he was getting with. But it had never worked out. Surely this one wouldn’t actually be okay with simply being ‘offered up’ to some guy she’d just met, would she? From the moment he’d seen Rachel come down the stairs, Flip had so desperately hoped so.

And now, it was all coming true. She’d popped off her top for him earlier. She’d let him watch her suck Matt’s dick. She’d even stared directly into his eyes while his friend spread her legs and drilled her. And while she’d put up a mild fight over Matt’s final request that she repeat her oral generosity on his friend, sure enough she was kneeling on the basement floor, bringing him unspeakable waves of soothing pleasure.

It was hard for Flip to tell just how good she was at giving head because he had already been more turned on than ever before in his life when she’d begun, but there was no arguing that she knew what she was doing. Her lips and tongue moved skillfully around his shaft and the suction she applied while bobbing over him was incredible. He writhed in pleasure as he felt her smoothly rub and squeeze all over the underside of his balls. He so desperately wanted her mouth down there as well, but he was too lost in the moment to stop her. He closed his eyes and leaned back while the sensations washed over him again and again.

Matt watched the scene from his seat with excited amusement. He wasn’t totally shocked that he’d been able to get Rachel to actually do it, but it was still just a little surprising. It was one thing to text her at a bad time and talk her into rolling by to give him some head. It was totally different to get her blow one of his friends in front of him. She didn’t know Flip at all. And he certainly wasn’t some stud. Matt knew better than anyone how easy Rachel could be but it was still arousingly surreal that she was kneeling in front of his boy just a few feet away. He felt his dick stir again. He made a mental note that he’d have to keep getting her to do freaky things like this in the future.

‘Yo, this shit is fucking hot!’

Matt smiled as both Flip and Rachel turned to react to his words. Flip opened his eyes and only grinned as he stayed almost paralyzed in his state of welcome euphoria. Rachel couldn’t move much in her current po
sition but she adjusted her gaze in Matt’s direction and made eye contact with a sideways glance. She kept her stare locked onto his as she continued to bob away. Her pussy suddenly throbbed pleasurably. Knowing that Matt was watching and enjoying the show was beginning to stoke her arousal again. She reflexively increased the intensity of her motions and she felt herself tremble with excitement. It was strange and confusing, but she was starting to get into it all.

Finally turning back to look at what she was doing, Rachel renewed her focus and pulled her cheeks in tight. She slid her soft lips up and down Flip’s cock with practiced skill and ran her tongue around his shaft while she sucked him with a purpose. She could feel him twitching and she realized that he probably didn’t have much time left, a discovery that ironically tickled her senses with an unexpected a touch of regret. She was enjoying being watched (despite the fucked up circumstances) and Matt’s approving comment had only made her fire burn hotter.

But a familiar sound shot to her ear and the warm confidence she was feeling suddenly trailed off. Flip’s dick still deep in her mouth, her stomach twisted as she flicked her glance back in Matt’s direction and confirmed her suspicions.

Matt was no longer watching her. He had his controller in his hands and was facing the TV. The sound she’d recognized was his game un-pausing. She’d heard that same sound a few times while she’d been down on Matt lately. Apparently he was becoming so used to her blowjobs that he felt comfortable enough to continue playing his game while she’d service him. It was a recent revelation and each time it had made her feel a little cheaper. She’d found herself upping her enthusiasm in response as part of some perverse attempt to win back his attention.

But in this instance, the sinking feeling was even more painful and Rachel felt suddenly low again. She’d thought she was doing this crazy and inappropriate thing because Matt was super into it. The reason she had talked herself into agreeing was because in a bizarre way, she knew it would turn him on and she wanted to please him. But apparently that wasn’t the case. He wasn’t even invested in her enough to give her his full attention.

Being a highly sexual creature, Rachel had dabbled in the reading of the occasional romance novel strictly out of fascinated curiosity. Most of the tales she’d read had come off as eye-rollingly corny or silly and contrived. But there had been one story which contained a theme that had stuck with her ever since and would always make her shiver and stir when she thought of it.

It was about a couple whose sex life had gone cold and the wife had found herself tempted by the thought of straying into the arms of a mysterious stranger. But before she could act on her impulses, guilt overtook her and she confessed her unfaithful desires to her husband.

As it turned out, he had always had a fantasy about watching his wife be with another man. As long as he knew she loved him and wanted to be with him, he was willing to let her satisfy her desires outside of their marriage. His only condition was that he would be allowed to witness the act.

Rachel often thought about the concept with mixed feelings. It seemed so absurd and backwards that anyone would allow (let alone get off while watching) their partner being with someone else. She wondered if it was a fantasy based in reality or simply the outlandish concoction of the novel’s author. For the most part, she’d sided with the latter.

But a small part of her still got completely revved up by the crazy image of performing sexually for the purpose of turning another guy on. The main reason she stayed away from committed relationships was that she wanted to be free to do as she pleased and not feel the crushing guilt and shame that would ensue when she would ultimately succumb to one of her impulses and act unfaithfully. But if some boy she was involved with had ever told her that it would bring him pleasure to watch her be with someone else, she knew that she might just consider it. She already liked the idea of being watched, and the added excitement that she would be fulfilling the desires of two parties through the act made her shiver with arousal.

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Prelude The Other Woman

"I suppose you don't know who I am, but I know who you are." I begin and then pause. I don’t know where to begin. I take in a shaky breath while looking at the family picture that had been fished from his wallet. "You have beautiful children." I continue, still trying to gather the courage to state my revelation. "By the time you hear this from other people, the story of how things happened will be distorted. My lover, your husband, he is not the most loyal man." My voice and fingers tremble...

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Prelude to the Story

I shared a secret story with my best friend. She thought it so hot I was told to signup and post here. Yes we were dirnking wine and I was talking in great detail when half way through she tells me she's getting all wet and horny. This was before the parts I find the juciest and relive in my memory. Throughout, names are changed too protect the guilty, of which I am one.Nick & Gus are 1st generation American Greek's whose parents came over after WWII. Both are military via Annapolis...

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Prelude to new series The Making of a Nympho

My series, ""It Started with Tattooed Eyeliner," tells the story of a horny and kinky guy named Jerry, who has his eyes tattooed with dramatic black eyeliner while his wife is out of town. Having put him through some of the most outrageous punishment humiliations I've ever written (which is saying something in my case), she has now cut a deal with his employer to ship him overseas for a sex change and controversial behavior therapy, which will be described in the upcoming series, "The...

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Prelude to Lesbos

Note: This is a real-life true story that is happening to me personally at this moment: Several months ago, my dearest friend in the world revealed to me that she has come to appreciate the sensual, sexual intimacies of another woman in bed, and that her feelings are very strong for me that way. From then down until now, she's been patiently, gently, lovingly inviting me into her arms and her bed. I have come to want it very much, and yet I'm so nervous and afraid. These are my feelings -- my...

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Prelude to Ingrid

This story was written as a prequel to "Quartet, Ingrid," or as it is now titled "Ingrid." It was not included in the original story, but it will help fill in some of the blanks. The Walnut Creek rancher was heating up quickly and it was only eleven am. It was going to be another long, hot autumn day. Steve Inhalt was seated at his office desk, his hands propping up his chin as he studied another in a long string of financial reports. He was trying to decide where to move $50,000 U.S....

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Prelude to Apocalypse

A prequel of Tears of a Clone by: CSquared Par-al could not help but laugh as his limo-type skycar approached the metal spire that was his new creation. A group of maybe thirty protestors could be seen gathering below, at the base of the building. They were ineffectually hollering and attacking the small army assembled at the ground entrances to the facility, shouting their endless chants that called for the cessation of cloning. These tiny cretins actually believed that they could stop him,...

1 year ago
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Stupid BoyChapter 17 Coin Flip

Mom woke us up so Angie could feed Kyle. I looked at the clock. It was 3:00 am. I grabbed my pillow and went to my living room to sleep on the couch. My alarm went off at 7:00 a.m., which woke Kyle up. I entertained him while Angie took a shower. She stole a pair of shorts and one of my button-up dress shirts. She looked damn fine with her wet hair. She smirked when she saw my morning wood. I just handed her Kyle and took my shower. When I got out, she was gone. I went down to the house for...

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Table Flip

*"Old Fashion games!" "And new fashion friends" "Come on everybody, this is Table Flip!" Welcome to Table Flip. Hosted by the lovely Suzy, and the impeccable Barry. With special guests; Trisha Hershberger, Ash from Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin? and Olivia and Courtney from Smosh! Come along, and let's flip tables!* The ladies sat around the table, naked except for their head pieces. Olivia had a braided pony tail, Courtney had a milk maid braid, Suzy had her little top hat, Trisha had some feathers...

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The Acid Trip Gender Flip

*BUZZ!* *BUZZ!* *BUZZ!* *BUZZ!*... I rolled out of bed in a half daze, and smacked the alarm clock off. While stretching and yawning I suddenly remembered that I get to take LSD for the first time tonight! I was suddently filled with a pleasant anxiety. I've always wanted to try LSD, i've only dabbled with mushrooms a few times and smoke weed regularly. My girlfriend Stacy did some a couple of weeks ago and said it was amazing! She called me last night and asked me to take it with...

4 years ago
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The Flip

“Ready for another game, Terry.” Faith had been thinking hard. Terry would only spank her in role-play, and role-play wasn’t her gift. He’d moved one of the kitchen chairs into the bedroom and put a thick book, The Columbia History of the World, on the seat. The space was ready for a spanking; he must be ready, too. “Well, Faith, I’ve been thinking. Don’t I deserve some games, too? Look!” He brought out a shiny nickel. “How did you get one that bright?” Terry smiled. This game needed some...

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Riverdale Flip

WARNING: Contains adult themes, profanity and sexual situations. This story is intended to become a part of an on-line graphic novel. It is, therefore, dedicated to rusty and his skilled pen! Riverdale Flip By Jacquie Windsor [email protected] Part I Hiram Lodge paced the floor nervously at the vast estate in the wooded hills overlooking Riverdale. It was past 11:00 p.m., and his daughter Veronica was late returning from the rave. She'd been escorted there by the...

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Deepthroat Flip

Deepthroat Flip There are times that I wonder what happened to our little blue planet. Some have called it a curse or a blessing from some higher power. Scientists state that it was the human race trying to preserve itself. Either way I am glad that I kept little notes to myself so that I could see each stage of how it occurred to us during that lovely changing. March 18th: Coffee fueled my day, the taste rather bitter because I didn't really enjoy the silken feel of sugar or cream...

4 years ago
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A Mind Flip

A Mind Flip: It had been a strange evening, my fianc?e, Janet Weiss and I, had been on our way to see our to see our old College Professor Dr Everrett Scott, to tell him of our engagement. He had been like a father to me as my own father had never been there for me and I had been brought up by my Mum. So Mum had always been the one I ran to when I was scared and my source of comfort. We had broken down with a flat tyre near an old abandoned castle. Janet had not wanted to stay in ...

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The TrainerPart 6

That night before Amber went to bed, she turned in her journal. He smiled at her as he accepted it from her and said, "Sleep well lilone, I will see you in the morning." Amber knew that was her cue to leave and without further word, she did as was expected of her. She took a light blanket that was left out for her and a pillow and then proceeded out to the pool. Once she arrived at the pool, she then placed the pillow on a lounging chair by the pool and then lay down on in the chair and...

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The Red Masquerade

-Francois de La Rochefoucauld *** Miranda turned to say something to Richard and saw that he wasn't there. Only then did she realize she had no idea where she was. She was standing on a patio attached to a house she didn't recognize. It was night, and the tide was coming in on the beach below, and the fog was coming with it. She hugged her bare arms and retreated inside, closing the French doors behind her. The lights were off, but the room was lit by a dozen grinning...

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A frustrated wife seeks help

The knock on the door had been gentle. When I opened the door Kay’s voice was very nervous. And now we were sat opposite each other on the arm chairs drinking coffee. And Kay was clearly upset. We had known each other for many years, but not as strong friends. Kay and her husband Tony would sometimes pass the time chatting to either me of my wife Judy when we met, but we didn’t go to each others houses or socialise more than that. It was me who broke the ice. “So what’s...

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A Fresh StartChapter 28 Dueling

Friday, February 8, 1974 It had taken me five years, three months, and three days to get to this point. Everything I had done since I had recycled was aimed at being here, at this point in my life. Nothing else was important. Nothing else mattered. No matter what had changed in my life, I knew one thing. I had met Marilyn Lefleur at the first party spring semester freshman year at a Kegs party at RPI. That was a constant. Up until that point, we had never had any contact, not even in the...

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Alexa Chapter 41 Weve Only Just Begun

Alexa Chapter 41: We've Only Just Begun I woke up to the sound of my name being said with a British accent. And while the voice was familiar, it took me a second to recognize my surroundings. It hit me that I was sitting in Mary's big overstuffed chair by the window looking out on the lake. I finally caught the gaze of my two bridesmaids hovering over me with huge grins on their faces. "Get up," Katie said. "It's here." I sat there for a moment to make sure all of this was real....

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Instagram Cuties Mind Controlled Romp 1 Daughter Becomes a Daddy Slut

Chapter One: Daughter Becomes a Daddy Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Here you go,” Dad said, tossing me my phone. I gasped and scrambled to catch it. My hands grabbed the iPhone rose-hued aluminum case. I fumbled, fear rushing through my body as I fought to keep from dropping it. I pinned it to my breasts beneath the tight, pink tank top I wore. My heart pounding hard. “Dad!” I shrieked. “Don't throw it.” “Oh, yeah, sorry,” he said,...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 15 Joining Forces

The meetings occurred after breakfast in his conference room, adjacent to the bridge. As usual the table was replete with pastries, and there were a variety of drinks to please most tastes. The intelligence group held the floor. “The nearest troops to our target are a mile away. We can’t find an underground tunnel that communicates with the target building. I still have an uneasy feeling that there’s a subterranean connection.” Connie stated with concern evident in her voice. “We can...

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Great Unexpectations Pt 1

(True story - names have been changed to protect the innocent - innocent...who amd I k**ding???)I met Stacey and Derek through a Craigslist ad.Her daughter needed tutoring in math and I needed the supplemental income. When we first met, it sparked the begin of a great friendship with her and her husband. I tutored their daughter for an entire semester, and by the end of the school year, her math grade went up two letters.When I started my summer break, Stacey gave me a call and asked if I would...

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First Cock in hose as a teen

My first cock was as a teen. I had a neighbor that had a ham radio, and I was always interested in the antenna on his house and talking on a radio across the world. As my interest grew, so did his interest on me as a teen. I never really paid much attention to his "advances" until they became obvious when he would walk out with his cock hanging out and act like it was an accident. He would purposely leave out porn for me to find and when I would glance at it, he would grab it and say "lets...

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Friends With Benefits II

*Later that day* Jeremy was watching some TV when Hope walked through the door, slamming it and walked straight towards the kitchen. Utterly confused Jeremy turned the TV off and walked into the kitchen. Hope was standing over the sink while tears slowly rolled down her eyes. ‘Whats wrong?’ Jeremy asked as he put his arms around her in comfort, waiting for her to calm down a little bit. Hope was shaking under his arms but she started to breathe slower and calming down and she finally began to...

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Apni Virgnity Ko Aunty Ki Garam Chut Se Thoda

Hi friend’s main abhi abhi is site se juda hu main bhi apke sath apne sex experience share karna chahta hu. Meri umar abh 27 sal hai height 6 feet rang whitish. Main ludhiana main rehta hu ye 5 sal pehle ki baat hai jab mein college main patda tha. Hum rented house main rehte thai hamare sath ke aur family bhi rehti thi ek unle or ek aunty unki ek bethi thi jiski ab marriage ho chuki thi. Uncle aunty ab akele rehte thai. Uncle ki umar karib 45 sal thi or aunty ki umar takriban 40 sal. Aunty ka...

4 years ago
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That Awkward Question

“You are going to have to push Mrs. Oakley,” the Doctor said, peering up from behind his mask between Farrah’s spread legs, “On three, okay?” The moment had finally come and Farrah was so nervous she wanted to vomit right then and there. Her husband, Jeremey, was right beside her, holding her hand like had promised, encouraging her as he had promised, waiting for his newborn son to come into this world. “One.” Farrah felt so dizzied she might pass out. It was finally happening. All these long...

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Losing your wife to a bet

Jeff had worked at the local pizza joint for a few years and had made a few friends. He had grown closest to Billy who was into gambling. Billy introduced Jeff to poker, craps and all sorts of table games. Billy had hosted a few trips to Vegas and eventually Jeff was a fan gambling but preferred table games. Jeff was too scared to make any major bets at the casinos, but when he played with Billy we was never too scared to double or nothing. He didnt feel the pressure of reality when playing...

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Captain Ahab Harpoons Another

This is the first time I have entered a direct competition with other writers. Please be gentle with me. Although I was trying to fight it, I was pretty excited waiting for my sister. Having turned eighteen a few months earlier, I was being treated to an adult experience by Holly. Slightly less than a year older than me, we were Irish twins. My sister was in her first year of college and was going to a Halloween frat party. Holly had even invited me to attend with her and her friends. We were...

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Road To Heaven Son Losing Virginity To His Mom 8211 Part 1

Hi, welcome to all the ISS readers. I have come here to share my experience about losing my virginity and how I felt about it while losing it. My name is Suresh and I am 18 years old. I have a well-built body, I am 5’10 tall and I weigh 70 kg. My cock size is 7.0 inches and has a decent girth too. My mom is 37 years old. She had me when she was around my age. Dad and mom were pretty intimate and that lead to early pregnancy. Mom and dad are divorced now and dad married another woman and got...

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Beautiful Joy

I was invited to around to their house for a bbq. When I was there I noticed Joy wasn't there and I asked Esther where she was “Oh er.... she'll be here soon she's er...fetching a friend” she said nervously “Oh really a friend is that's what they call it” I said with a chuckle trying to break the tension “Oh yeah it's like that, just be careful talking about around Carl he's not to thrilled” she said “Oh dear, what's he like?” I asked a little worried myself knowing how I felt about...

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Sexual Encounters And Fun In A Bus Journey

I enjoy reading erotic incidents happening between people and I waited for a long time thinking when will such things happen in my life. After the first time, I got used to this kind of adventures. Who cares about my personal details, so I’ll skip all these and go straight to the incident. I was traveling from Chennai to Coimbatore on a semi-sleeper bus. I booked the second window seat which was on the right side. I was hoping that a lady would sit in my front seat and to my luck, a young lady...

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A Brief Encounter

The train was delayed. Again. Outside the night was closing in, and inside the crowds were getting hotter and more agitated. I checked my phone again for the time. I think I might have sighed loudly, because a young lady sat opposite me chuckled to herself, and our eyes me in a brief flicker of shared amusement.She was very pretty. Mid-length brown hair tied up in a neat plait, slim figure, small yet pert and appealing breasts. As she sat opposite on the seat, she crossed her legs. Her skirt...

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Chriss Gangbang

Contact: You may contact the author through this site or via ya-hoo IM as aprincelyfrog. Please do NOT add me as a friend as I get so many IM's its impossible for me to keep up with everyone so my friends list is for family only. On to the story... Chris’s Big Bang My ex-wife had always had a fantasy of being gangbanged and loved to role play being raped… not the violent anger filled rape but one where she was taken and had no control over what, who or when she was forced to do. ...

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From Dildo to Cock pt4

This is part 4 of my story, you can find the first parts on my channel! EnjoyAfter all that happened during the weekend it would be a lie to say I was the same as before. Whenever I would walk in the street, I was wondering if anyone would recognize me with all the filthy shit we did.I actually bumped into my neighbor from across the street at my local supermarket the next weekend. You know, the guy who watched me by his window while I sucked on Lucas’ dick. He was filling a cart with his...

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