Wallpaper free porn video

Wallpaper, that's what the girls called themselves, because they were there to be seen and not heard, and to be perfectly blunt, just plain look pretty for the big spenders who had flown in from every part of the country! It usually took a lot to impress Carolyn, after all the President himself had once made a pass at her so it took more than a handsome face to wind the stem of her watch, so as she was taking a sip of her champagne, she was stunned when her eyes locked with a not particularly good looking man who quite simply took her breath away!!! She shivered uncontrollably for a second, and much to her consternation he slowly began wending his way across the room towards her! She took another drink of wine while trying to figure out who this short little dark haired man could be, but before it registered in her mind he was in front of her and quietly introducing himself, "I couldn't help but notice such a beautiful woman standing all alone, so please, let me introduce myself, my name is Brandle Lincoln, but all my friends call me Bran!!!" Carolyn's knees immediately went weak as the dark flashing eyes of Brandle Lincoln bored hard into her own while she stammered, "I-it's so nice to meet you Mr. Lincoln, I've read so much about you!!!" "Everything good I hope," he replied with a laugh, "but please, call me Bran, and your name is....?!?" "Oh, I'm sorry," she gushed, "my name is Carolyn, Carolyn Chase!!!" They both took sips of their drinks before Brandle Lincoln gently took Carolyn by the arm and whispered, "Come with me, there's something I just have to do!!!"
Carolyn was used to being around the powerful elite, the so called alpha males of business and politics, but this was the first time that she had ever been around someone so powerful and magnetic as Brandle Lincoln, and with good reason too, because if what everything she read was true he was second or third richest man in the world and capable of getting just about anything he wanted!!! While still trying to clear her mind, he led her onto a deserted terrace as the far end of the ball room, and after pulling her around the corner behind a tall stone column, he casually as you please pulled up the front of her dress and slid his hand inside of her panties and furiously fingered her to a stunning orgasm!!! As he stood only five feet eight inches tall, she had no trouble burying her face into his shoulder to muffle the sounds of her scream as the climax shook her to the core!!! He chuckled softly into her ear and whispered, "I always get what I want, and I want you, so be a good girl and get on your knees!!!" Normally Carolyn would have slapped the face of anyone who even hinted at such a crude offering, but for some reason she knew that to resist would have been more than futile, so as if in a trance she dropped to the cool marble floor and took Brandle Lincoln's large thick penis into her mouth and sucked him to a hard quick ejaculation!!!
Two minutes later they were gazing out at the shimmering moon light bouncing off the
Potomac River, and as if he had taken her for his own, Brandle Lincoln let his hand roam
up and down Carolyn's big ass while asking, "Do you have a passport, Carolyn!?!"
Shaking her head from side to side she said no, and much to her shock, he pulled a cell
phone out of his pocket, and while she watched with her mouth agape, he said into the
receiver, "Bill, this is Bran Lincoln, I need a favor, get a passport made for a Carolyn
Chase, she has a Maryland driver's license, get her picture and all the pertinent info from
the Maryland DMV and have it at my private plane at National in two hours, you can,
good, and thanks buddy, I never forget a favor, yeah, Paris, we're leaving at midnight,
seeya!!!" Even from listening to only Brandle Lincoln's half of the conversation Carolyn
knew right away that she was going on a trip overseas, and incredible as it seemed, it was
with one of the world's richest men!!!
While the limousine slid silently through the Washington night, Brandle Lincoln pushed Carolyn back down on the seat, and after gently spreading her thick legs, buried his face into her dripping pussy, bringing her to a convulsive orgasm with in only a matter of seconds while her cunt hurtled out of control under the insistent tonguing from the pussy hungry tycoon!!! "Have you ever been to France," he asked between licks!?! "N-no," she panted as his tongue wrapped itself around her very erect clit, "I've never been to Europe period, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyy that feels nice!!!" "Well," he whispered, "you're in for a real treat, because we'll be staying at my permanent suite in the Ritz!!!" Carolyn was about to respond, but just as she tried opening her mouth, her pussy erupted in yet another brutal climax that left her a disheveled mess in the corner of the back seat!!! She glanced up just in time to see the image of Brandle Lincoln's private 737 coming into view, and as she sat up and smoothed her wrinkled dress, he gave her quick kiss on the cheek and offered, "After we get on the plane Erica will get you settled, I have some phone calls to make but will be with you shortly, okay!?!" As they climbed the portable stairs to the cabin Carolyn simply nodded her head and replied, "Okay!!!"

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