DanicaPart 2A free porn video

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Danica awoke and tried to come to grips with the truth. Celes was gone when she regained consciousness, as was Zoraster.

Danica felt her Art burning inside her. She shuddered as she cast a spell for the first time in so long, a simple telekinesis cantrip that brought a glass of water from the bedside table to her hand.

She drank down the water and filled her cup a second time. All the while, her mind raced as it tried to wrap around the knowledge that every ounce of lust and need she had experienced while here was her own, and not some dark spell of Zoraster's controlling her.

She felt dirty — body and mind — so she drew a bath, settling into it with a content moan. More memories of what she had done came to her as she bathed. No matter how hard she tried to press them away into the back of her mind, the memories just kept coming. With those thoughts came arousal — and need.

Danica's fingers were gently teasing between her legs before she even realized it. She caressed herself in the warm water to a soft, shivering orgasm, knowing that there was no way to deny her body what it wanted.

Her need was not sated, and when the aftershocks started to die down, she slid two fingers deep inside her. She stroked her fingers in and out quickly while she rubbed her clit in fast circles with the other hand.

She came again — a much deeper orgasm this time. It caused her to gasp in pleasure, and she arched her back as it hit her, splashing water from the tub.

For the moment, the heat within cooled somewhat, but still she needed more. She needed to be penetrated, or at the least have warm lips and a tongue on her before she was truly going to feel satisfied.

Danica toweled her body dry, put in a plug to stop her flow, and then dressed. She lay on the bed, continuing to fight back the confusing whirl of thoughts and desires.

She was aching for satisfaction, bored to tears, tormented by her thoughts and memories, and could not sit or lie still. Trying to release the nervous energy inside her, Danica paced the room, finally walking over to the door.

Danica laid a hand on the knob and turned it slightly. To her surprise, it opened. Cracking the door open, she peeked outside the room. The only thing to see was a guard standing just to the left of the door. He looked at her and asked, "What're you about girlie?" The man looked somewhat confused as to what he should do.

The guard was muscular and attractive. He had wavy brown hair and incredible eyes. Danica found her eyes leaving his and centering on his trousers, trying to see beneath them. Her need surged within her.

Too aroused to care, and praying it would take her mind off other more disturbing things she had done, she approached the guard with a sly, sexy smile. Danica strutted to him, using the flimsy silken shift to good advantage. She rubbed the man's muscular arm as she spoke, "Isn't it about time for you to take a break or something? Why not come in and keep me company?"

The guard's eyes widened and then he seemed to think with the head on his shoulders for a moment by some great surge of will. "I'm on duty," he said in perfect military tone.

"Pshaw! There's nobody around at all. Nobody will notice if you're not at your post for ten minutes — or twenty maybe," she said with a grin and a wink. The hand that had been on his arm slid lower, to his trousers.

The guard shuddered and seemed to be wrestling with his thoughts. "I'm on duty," he said again, but it did not sound anywhere near as convincing this time.

Danica was growing frustrated with this military mindlessness. She needed more than her fingers inside her, and she needed it now. She slipped her hand downward even more and wrapped it around his rapidly swelling cock. "You're certainly standing at attention," she said, looking up into his eyes.

The guard glanced back and forth down the hall. The war within him was growing more violent. The side of common sense was slowly losing ground.

Danica pulled the front of his trousers down to rub his bare, and now fully hard cock. "Please," she pleaded as she looked into his eyes with an expression of longing need.

He still did not make a move to take her into the room, so Danica dropped to her knees, licked her lips, and slipped the head of his cock between them.

Two sucks from her warm mouth, and common sense lost the war. The guard pulled her up to her feet and hurried her into the room. He tossed off his clothes quickly, obviously wanting to take care of the throbbing between his legs and be back out into the hall before anyone noticed he was gone.

Danica peeled off the silken shift she wore and let the panties pool to the floor. When the man bent down to watch what he was doing as he kicked all his clothing into one easy to locate pile, she pulled the string and popped out the plug, tossing it into a waste bin by the bed.

She slid onto the bed and said, "Take me," rubbing one hand over her breasts and the other over her sex, parting the labia to give him a good view.

He didn't waste a moment. He climbed up on the bed and mounted her, sliding deep inside her in one push. He was fucking her well, but hurriedly, and she knew he wasn't going to last long.

Danica rubbed her bud in rapid circles, hoping she could keep up with him and come before he filled her up, and went soft. Her moans intertwined with his as he stroked her depths. She could see the signs he was getting close in his eyes and in his movements. Rubbing her clit harder, Danica tried to keep up with him.

It wasn't enough. With a grunt, the guard buried his stiff rod inside her and filled her. Danica growled and wrapped her legs around his back, holding him against her. She rocked her hips against him while she continued to rub her clit with ever-increasing speed and pressure.

She toppled over the edge and came hard — her back arched and her legs tightened around the guard, trying to pull him even deeper inside her. He was gasping as her walls clenched tight around his over-sensitive cock and she bucked beneath him.

Finally, she released him and he jerked back. He was growing flaccid by the moment, and only then noticed the red stain on him, on her labia, and on the sheets. He shook his head and grunted, and then wiped his member clean with the edge of the sheet on the bed.

Once he was cleaned up, he smiled, bent down, and kissed her. She kissed him back passionately, while another aftershock shook her body. He emitted a little growling chuckle and said, "That was fun lass, mayhaps we can do it again sometime."

"Mayhaps," Danica responded with a grin, followed by the shuddering of another aftershock.

He grinned and quickly got dressed, peeked out the door, and let out a sigh of relief. Shutting the door behind him, he left Danica to float in her afterglow, mercifully lost in the warm feeling of her orgasm. For now, her mind was quiet.

A short while later, Danica rose and got another cotton plug because she was making even more of a mess on the bed. She went to the tub to clean up before inserting it, and then returned to the bed to change the bedclothes.

Danica had just finished pulling on her silken shift when she heard muffled voices from outside. The thick door and walls made normal speaking sound like the hints of inarticulate whispers, and what she determined had to be shouts barely audible.

The only thing she heard plainly was a shouted, "No!" Immediately thereafter, she saw a bright flash of light, even through the tightly sealed door. It was followed by a faint thud against the wall, and then silence.

Part of Danica wanted to get up and go look outside to see what had happened. The other half of her was afraid to do so. She sat trying to decide, but the decision was taken from her as the door opened.

Zoraster stepped inside, sweeping the hem of his robe with a flourish. Danica could see a haze of smoke hanging in the air outside the door behind him. A sickly-sweet smell, mixed with the scent of ozone, reached Danica shortly after he closed the door.

"Quite entertaining, little rose," Zoraster said with a smile, "Quite entertaining, indeed." He paused and walked toward the foot of the bed, where he sat down in a nearby chair, which faced Danica.

Danica sat down on the bed, her posture straight and rigid, doing her best to face the madman with poise. She crossed her legs in a well-mannered fashion and laid her hands in her lap. Danica looked at him with what she hoped was an absent look that conveyed she was barely interested.

Zoraster laughed, "Had the fool resisted, I likely would have given him leave when his shift had ended. As it is, he has..." Zoraster paused, staring into Danica's brown eyes intently, "... left my employ on a quite permanent basis." Zoraster punctuated the statement with a laugh that gave Danica the impression he was enjoying his own wit.

Danica knew then what the mixture of scents was — the smell of lightning and burnt flesh. She paled, knowing the guard she had lain with such a short time ago was now dead, burned and twisted outside in the hall.

"Please do refrain from distracting those about their business in the future, little rose. There are plenty about who are at leisure at any given moment. I have decided not to punish you this time. The next time I shall not be so lenient. Do you understand?"

Danica swallowed and said, "Yes," understanding very well that the madman meant every word he said.

"Good, good — now, on to business at hand. My little experiment and ruse is now at an end, though your servitude to me is not. You are still mine, little rose, to do with as I please. However, I have come to make you an offer that will earn you freedoms. Would you like to hear my offer?"

Danica didn't want anything from the bastard, but the thought of continuing this repetitious existence caused her to say, "Yes."

Zoraster nodded, "I shall have tasks for you of quite varied sorts. You will undertake them without argument, save when you feel you have a better way to achieve the same goals. In return, freedoms shall be granted to you. Do you accept this new servitude?"

Danica tried to sort out the whirlwind of thoughts in her head for a moment, and then realized that the other options were worse — indeed non-existent. Her conscience won out, however, and she decided to accept her fate rather than do anything for her torturer.

Zoraster must have seen it in her face. "You are a strong one, little rose. You are willing to accept any manner of horrors I might visit upon you rather than serve me. I wonder how willing you are to risk your family..."

Danica curled her lip and snorted, "I don't care how powerful you are — my sister is strong in her Art, and surrounded by those who are even stronger. You're just making empty threats."

Zoraster laughed, "Ah, you think because I know your sister I would be thinking of her. No, little rose, not Devan. While I am quite sure I could penetrate her defenses, it would be an unnecessary effort when your mother, father, and brother are so delightfully defenseless."

Danica gasped and hung her head. She was trapped. This madman could certainly visit his horrors upon her family, and likely cover it up so her sister would never know of his involvement. She knew she had only one choice now, and so she answered, "I'll do it."

"Excellent, little rose!" Zoraster smiled and clapped, rising from his chair, "You have earned your first freedoms. First, you shall keep your Art. Know that you would be quite foolish to use it against me and mine in any way. Second, you shall have attire more to your liking. Trunks will be brought shortly for you to choose. All will fit you, as I know all your sizes quite well." His smile transformed into a sly grin as he mentioned her sizes.

"Third, you are no longer confined to this room, though I still forbid you to leave this building. In time, perhaps you may earn freedom to move about the entire compound and grounds, but for now, you shall remain here. Finally, you may seek — entertainment — wherever you choose within this building — remembering the instructions I gave you earlier as to such. Do you understand?"

Danica felt heat in her face caused by his insinuations, and the color in her cheeks deepened even more when she realized that she was looking forward to partaking of the last freedom he had mentioned. She nodded and said, "I do."

He pulled a pendant on a chain from his robes and said, "You will wear this at all times. There are numerous spells cast over it. It will provide healing if you are in dire need, and will teleport you here to this room if you are in mortal danger. It will modify your appearance according to my wishes when you are about a task, and will be both invisible and intangible to most people. Finally, it will ensure I am able to keep watch over you. Do not remove it for any reason, at any time."

He slid the pendant over Danica's neck and she felt the icy bite of magic as it touched the skin above her breasts.

"I shall return when I have a task for you. Good day, little rose," he finished, and trailed laughter as he left the room.

"Bastard," Danica whispered when the door closed.

The clothing Zoraster had promised arrived shortly thereafter. Danica decided she had no need to choose, as she could find use for everything that was brought. She told the men who had brought the trunks just to leave them all, and started putting away the clothes.

When she finished, she chose a simple, comfortable outfit and put it on. It was nowhere near as revealing as those she had been wearing, and it felt good to be covered by soft cloth again.

Fed up with being cooped up in the room, she opened the door and looked outside. No guard stood outside her door this time, the hallway was empty. Danica walked out and started to explore the building.

The place was huge. Danica knew the complex was large from her observations before entering that fateful night, but being inside it revealed the truth of the place. There were many closed doors along the long, winding hallway she walked, and she could only assume they were private chambers.

The hallway opened into a room that must be some sort of gathering area. Couches and chairs lined the room, as well as tables and desks. Large windows gave a good view of the outside world.

Danica saw the sun for the first time since she had been here. She could see the various buildings and towers on the grounds, and some small parts of the surrounding wall, but nothing outside the complex. The high walls and large size of the grounds that comprised Zoraster's abode blocked her from seeing farther.

A few people lounged about the common room. Danica could tell that most of them were users of the Art, because one magic user could sense another when they were close. Some were servants without magic, however. Few paid much attention to Danica, though some of the men, and not a small number of the women, looked her body over carefully. Danica passed through the room without a word. A few men in the room sat back down as she swept out of the room, having stood, thinking to talk to her.

Another long twisting hallway greeted her once she left the common area. This one was spaced with open doorways that led to banquet rooms, meeting rooms, and other assorted community rooms. Danica believed that she recognized this hallway as she walked down it. Her memory was confirmed when she passed the library.

Danica entered the room that had begun her downfall with slow, measured steps. She had not come here to steal the books for herself, but now she could browse them at her leisure. A sigh escaped her as she walked slowly around the room. The experience was a sharp contrast to her last, rushed visit. She thumbed through a few books here and there, but her heart was not in study at the moment.

She left the library and continued down the hall, which turned and passed additional private chambers. She knew this hallway as well, and when she glanced to the left, she saw where it led to the large entrance hall with its double doors — the doors of her prison.

Danica turned away from the doors, which only served to remind her of the straits she was in, and then and made her way back to the only intersection she had encountered in the twisted hallways of the building thus far. Walking down the hallway, she glanced at the door that opened into the room of the apprentice whom she had used that day to gain entrance to this place. To her surprise, the door opened.

The young man's eyes went wide when he saw her, "It's you! What happened? I don't remember anything, and when I woke up, you were gone."

Danica felt her body stirring. She remembered the man's body and that she had wished she could have had the time to be with him then. She had that time now.

"You must have had too much wine, you passed out," Danica said with a coy pout. "We could pick up where we left off," she added, offering him a suggestive smile.

The young man's smile was wide and his eyes flashed with lusty desire. "Oh certainly," he responded and opened the door wide for Danica to enter.

Danica shed her clothes as she walked toward the bed. She was completely nude by the time she sat down to wait for him.

The young apprentice only realized he had been standing still, drinking in the sight of her body, when she sat down. He crossed the room with quick steps and started to disrobe.

When he tossed the last of his clothing to the floor, Danica rolled over on her tummy with her head over the edge of the bed. She reached out and guided his cock to her mouth, licking it up and down a few times and looking up into his eyes lustily. Still looking up into his eyes, she gave his glans a final tickle with the tip of her tongue and said, "Fuck my mouth and fill it up."

The man smiled wide and slipped his manhood between her now parted lips. Danica sucked and teased his cock with her tongue as he fucked her face. She moaned around him, the anticipation of his cum flooding her mouth causing her mouth and pussy both to water.

The intensity of Danica's knowing mouth was quickly doing its work. The young apprentice was rapidly approaching his peak. He twined his fingers in her hair and started to pump her mouth faster, hitting her throat. Danica moaned louder and more passionately as she kept him just beyond the point of gagging her, curling a pair of fingers around the base of his shaft.

With a last shove and a gasp, he spurted his juices down Danica's throat. Danica reached around behind him and held him, and then started to suck rapidly on his shaft. He spasmed and gasped as she stroked him with her mouth, making sure she got every last drop of his creamy offering.

She let him free, and he immediately fell forward, catching himself on his arms. He leaned over the bed, panting for breath, his elbows wobbling.

Danica rolled over and slid to the head of the bed, spreading her legs wide and teasing her aching need with her fingertip. "Come taste me. I need your lips on me. I need to feel your tongue inside me."

The apprentice caught his breath and crawled onto the bed toward her. He slipped his head between Danica's legs and snaked his tongue out as soon as he reached her.

Danica moaned long and loud as his tongue touched her. He showed some skill as he lapped and teased her, drawing more moans and exclamations of pleasure from her. Danica looked down at him, licking her lips and smiling when he looked up into her eyes to see the building ecstasy there.

Danica was getting close now and gasped out, "Do it. Lick me. Suck me. Make me come! Do it!"

The young man increased his efforts, licking her faster, spending more time on her sensitive, swollen clit. He slid two fingers inside her and started to pump them in and out as his tongue danced over her.

Danica felt her building pleasure draw ever closer to the edge. Just as she was about to teeter over, she tightened her legs around him and twined her fingers in his hair, holding his face tight against her sex. She pushed when her orgasm hit her and flooded his face with a geyser of her woman cum.

She continued to hold him tight against her as she bucked through her orgasm — only relaxing a little as she started to come down. When he was able to move his head, he looked up at her and exclaimed, "That was incredible."

Danica shuddered through an aftershock, and then pushed down on his face, sensually growling, "More," with a lusty playfulness.

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Hello this is Pabby with my another story.If any female or girls want to contact me or want any type of sexsual or nonsexsual service from me plz mail me at Pabby and Preeti were heading down the highway and I mentioned that there were a lot of trucks that afternoon.”I bet they can see into every car they pass” Preeti said to Pabby as they drove east on the Black Horse Pike.”They probably get to see a lot of flashers.” Pabby answered.”Think I should flash them?” Preeti asked.”I bet you won’t.”...

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As soon as we stepped inside the door, he grabbed me and threw me up against the wall. It was kinda scary, but wildly arousing at the same time. Without a single word he lifted my little black dress, pulled my wet panties to the side and slid his thick cock deep inside my pussy. We groaned simultaneously and quickly found a rhythm. With one hand he covered my mouth, and used the other to pull down the front of my dress so he could put a nipple in his mouth. The furious pounding of his...

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Wanting Tina Back

Randall sat on the park bench with his back straight and wearing crisp, freshly pressed clothes, as if he were about to have a job interview. However, the roses in his hand gave away that he was waiting for a woman he wanted to make his best impression on. One of his knees was bouncing up and down with nervous energy, which made him seem more like a teenager waiting for his first date than a college age man waiting for his girlfriend of over a year. Randall was good looking in a boyish way. He...

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Village Tales Alexia Pt 01

Village Tales Book 1 A Measure of Breeding Alexia: Persuasions and Passions Part 1 Introduction His gleaming and swollen erection thrust eagerly into her responsive slot. Her legs wrapped tightly round his waist as his limber cock stretched her vagina to surfeit and extended into her until his fleece covered balls slapped noisily against her squirming bottom. Small gurgles of passion trickled from her lips as her legs stretched out wide and her pent up orgasm shuddered through her. The...

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Cumberland CheerleadersChapter 3

Gregg, Nita, Abby and Michelle set everything up for the Team Meeting before the girls started arriving at 11 am. As soon as the girls arrived they would immediately shed their clothes in the guest room and run naked out to the pool. Gregg went out and lay on a lounge chair so he could supervise the girls. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Nita, who was still in the kitchen, wondered who that could be. She slipped on a robe so she could answer the door. There stood Carla and Marla with a...

3 years ago
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The Little Dick Game 2

Story Summary – Jared wants to play the game again. Alex doesn’t. Previous Story Summary –Alex and his school friend discover a new game. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other...

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Alycia and her Master

Alycia rolled over sleepily and nuzzled her head against his hand. “Mm, thank you, Master.” The door clicked closed and she jerked upright, suddenly wide awake. Her Master was getting her a new sex toy and she had barely responded! She was determined to make that up to him - after all, she had an almost bottomless appetite for new sex toys! She ran over to where her lead was and clipped it to her collar. She may have been too sleepy when he first told her, but she would be straining at...

2 years ago
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Party girls own story

This happened a few months ago and I haven't told anyone about it, but I can't stop thinking about it.I'm a white women in my early 30s, and I've been with my share of guys, but never more than one at a time, and over the past few years not so much as I have been focusing more on work and been in some steady relationships. So anyway, I had been seeing this (white) guy for about 6 months and it was going okay, but we had a fight and split up so I went out with a girl friend of mine to a club. I...

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I take you in the shower a story for women and g

I would love to have you in there with me, standing just in front of me, my back to the water, its spray gently crashing over my back and dripping down my chest and abs. I grab you tightly around the waist, and pull you in tight with me. Feeling the warmth of the water finally hit your sexy body, and the warmth of my cock, pressing between your legs, just touching the outside of your most beautiful pussy. We hold each other close for what seems like an eternity. Just feeling the water, feeling...

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The Beginning

‘So you want to hear the beginning of the story? Well okay I’ll tell you how it started…’ Based on true story. The names of the characters are changed! Christopher Adams sat on the bed in his hotel room. He threw a quick look at his watch. It was almost 11 PM. The man opened the lid of his laptop and pressed the power button to start it. He took off his tie and unbuttoned a few buttons of his blue shirt. The day was long but very successful. The operating system was ready and few seconds later...

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The Dragons BackboneChapter 4 Dark and Stormy

The first snowfall heralded a great change — winter arrived with a bang. Up to the time of the first snow, we had only had rain twice in five weeks, and otherwise the sun had shone every day, though it had been cold. After the snow, the weather settled down to what Ferret called the winter pattern. Every few days, we would have a storm, which would last about a day, and drop some snow on us. Then it would fine up for a couple of days, and the sun would shine. From the day it first snowed,...

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Hypnotic Sex Slaves

On the bulletin board it was suggested that I was being too conservative. Okay, here is a story that could happen, but certainly shouldn’t happen. Unfortunately, I know of at least two criminal cases where doctors were convicted for taking advantage of their patients. One with drugs, one without drugs. In these stories we only deal with hypnosis. This story did not happen. * * * * * ‘Harry, you never spend any time with your family! You are always at your damned office seeing patients.’ ...

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Diwali Holiday In Badlapur

Mera naam rahul roy hai.mein thane, Mumbai ke pass hai udhar rehtha hu. Mera e-mail id hai Jo real id hai. Mein iss ka big fan hu. Iss padhne ke baad mein ne bhi socha mein mera aapna experience sab ko batha hu. Yeh story diwali holiday 2011 ki hai.. or yeh real story hai Jo bhi ladki bhabhi aunty muje se chuda na chhathi hai toh mere mail mein reply kare. So mein aapna story start kar raha hu, mein diwali holiday mein jab aapne mousi ke ghar badlapur gaya. Toh mein waha boar ho raha tha . so...

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I love pleasing my daddy

Note : This story is completely fictional! My names Samantha, I'm 19 years old. Currently in college trying to get a culinary degree. I am an only child. I'm still living at home for financial reasons. I grew up with my father. My mother left us when I was young. My dad is such a caring person. It hurts to see him so broken hearted all the time. All my life I wanted to cheer him up. And I think I know just how to do it. I secretly like my dad and I know he does to. I know I can make him happy....

2 years ago
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My First Gloryhole

I had a really bad morning. I had a fight with my girlfriend, and an awful day at work. I was extremely horny and pissed off. I needed to cum so I could get on with my day.While driving between job sites I decided to stop at an adult bookstore. I had been to bookstores before a few times to buy magazines, or even jack off in a video booth once or twice. This time I decided to check out a vid.I paid for tokens and nervously went to the back of the store, into the arcade. It was 10am and no one...

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Road Trip Tease

The drive to our little cabin in the middle of nowhere always seemed to take so long, but for some reason it feels exceptionally long this time. We've been driving for three hours, and have about two hours to go. My boyfriend and I have been coming to the cabin twice a summer for years. Our number one rule was, he drove us up, and I drove us back.  Today I can’t seem to get the thought of what we always did whenever we got to the cabin out of my mind. We had passionate sex the moment the door...

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A Fresh StartChapter 129 Home Again Home Again

With that we shut off the mikes and despite the reporters still calling out questions, we all started moving out. Behind me at my feet was the soiled newspaper. Great! I dropped to one knee, to try and roll it up one handed, when the young assistant dropped down next to me and said, “I’ll get that, Congressman.” He already had a small trash can ready. I steadied the trash can for him and he rolled it up and stuffed it inside. “We’re out this way, Congressman.” I looked around and saw that...

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Balcony Mein Didi Ke Sath

Hello friends myself Lavi & my family my mother, father which is work out of country and a big sister. My sister very gud looking , beautiful charming. Her figure is big boobs 36 size and big back also. Jab bi koi ladka dekhta hai to uska lund khada jata hai, pr didi kaa kisi k sath chakkr nahi , bs friends hai. Kafi baar mai bi didi ke bare me sochta hun k didi ke boobs or choot kya maal hai , jisko bi didi apni de gi jannat me hoga wo. Mai sidhe kahani pe aata hu….. Ik din ki baat hai ghar...

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12th GradeChapter 36

"Hi, Brenda, come on in." "Did you decide yet on my money, Kenny?" She was dressed nicely, and I could see she had put on fresh lipstick. Her hair was lustrous from recent brushing. I could never get used to seeing that unusual copper hair coloring. "I didn't call you to discuss money, Brenda. I told you I was horny, and wanted to fuck you." "Good. That's the main reason I came over here, but, I was wondering about those other things we talked about too. You told me you'd call me...

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Rindr Online Chapter One

Chapter One Early into the twenty first century virtual reality, or VR, was released to the public in a basic form. The first generation devices were worn over the eyes and had to be used with ear-buds or a headset for sound, and a hand held controller for movement inside the VR. It was considered to be a breakthrough in motion technology but there was still a lot left to be desired, and as such the technology grew by leaps and bounds over the following years. VR could be...

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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 11

The A-10 came whispering over the ridge and settled into the valley, a second right behind it. If there had been a car on the road on the ridge the driver would have seen the pair ghosting along feet above the river ... if there had been a car on that road. Junior and Connie were on another mission: Let's see how close we can get to the airbase before they catch us. They were flying OPFOR (Opposition Force) Recon as if they were scouting the enemy and intended on guiding attacking forces to...

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The Man With the Magic Touch

Billy was an ordinary guy. He didn't have a great physique that made the girls giggle in sexual arousal when he was around. No, he definitely did not have that asset. He was not charming and able to seduce women with his golden promises of things to be. In fact, Billy was sort of average everything. He was average height, average weight, and he was, unfortunately, of average size in the penis department. Despite all of these negative factors, Billy was able to get any female to literally...

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Piusinka Jhiara Seal Phateili

Hiii friends mor naa butu. Mu issra regular reader. Aji mu mo nijara sata story apana manaka sa share karibaku jauchi. Ye story mu au mo piusi jhia bhauni mealy ra. Mealy mo tharu 3 yr sana. Ame sabu bhai bhauni bahut misu sanga pari. Mealy dekhibaku bahut sundar 5’5″ ht medium health sete mealy ra fig 30.28.30. Ebe kintu 34 32 34 heigalani. Yee kahani 18 yr burbara jetebele mealy matric exam dei ama gharaku bulibaku asithila. Mu b inter exam pare ghare rahuthae. Mo 2 bhauni hostelre rahi...

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Letters from Hannah

Hannah December 28, 2010 at 8:50pm Baby, oh baby its gonna be a long 4 months or 6 months or however long it takes for you to bring your sexy ass back here to me. Just know that when you get here its on like freakin donkey kong. You had better put aside at least 4 days to a week because im sucking you completely dry, you will not be able to walk, move and your brain will not be able to function at a higher capacity once im done with you. i have had to wait 6 months already and had nothing but...

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A Boys Lust

The boy was a typical teenager. Though in his last year of school, instead of worrying about what he would be doing next year in term of going to college or going out to work; ever since his hormones took over, most of the time, all he could think about was sex. In the last year, he had found that he was growing like a beanstalk and was rapidly approaching the six-foot mark. Though still thin, he was starting to fill out but not just his body. His cock had somehow turned from a small worm into...

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His wife cheated, and he did what had to be done.SCENE 1His name was Carl. Carl Montefiore. He was a tall, angular guy--good-looking, I guess--with a smug look. Even if he hadn't been fucking my wife I would probably have wanted to kick the shit out of him.But at the moment his look wasn't smug--it was stunned. When I came into his office he thought he was meeting a prospective client for his software firm, not coming face-to-face with a cuckolded husband. He stood to greet me with an affable...

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The Babe Unmasks

CHAPTER 1 Tired from the long flight from Australia where he’d been on a long working holiday after completing a lucrative management contract, Willis Westwood looked at the exhausted-looking young blonde standing in front of him and grinned as he always did at a pretty face above a pair of great looking tits… er natural ones. ‘Are you collecting for charity?’ he joked before she had time to open her mouth. ‘In a manner of speaking yes. I lost my billfold in this terminal last night. It...

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New buddy Becky

So I was back for a week, trying to finish the Japan trip story when I met Rebecca aka Becky. She is about 160 cm tall with black hair, quite pretty. She was dressed quite openly. At first when I saw her shirt with the top two buttons opened, I thought she would be wearing another t shirt underneath. But when she moved to bend down to pick something up, I saw she was wearing a lingerie bra. It showed most of her b cup from the side. She caught me staring and smiled at me. Embarassed, I looked...

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My sister the festival slut

"You can come along if you like, but be warned that you will see a different side of me than you ever expected. Oh, and you can never tell Mom and Dad."The words were still audible in Mike's head and all he could think was that she had not lied one bit. It was apparent that neither Sarah nor her two best friends Nelly and Vanessa had come here to listen to the music acts, they were here for cold, hard cash."You have no idea how much money we make here, we've moved up from fifty to a hundred and...

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The Trailer Park The Second YearChapter 11

"You slept with her," Tami accused. "Kinda," I admitted. Tami's face kind of dissolved. "That's okay. I'm not mad. I understand. You're a boy; you couldn't help yourself." "You said I could kiss her." "I know," she admitted. I think she was holding back a sob. I reached for her, but she pulled away. The silence was like a wall between us. It filled her living room and felt like it was smothering me. "If you didn't want me to, why'd you say I could?" I had an urge to...

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Just an avergae guy with a special gift part 2

I was sitting in the family room playing a video game and thinking about getting some food when my 15 year old sister, Kim, came in and flopped down on the sectional sofa. She’s a cute kid, just getting a nice figure. With her blond hair and blue eyes, and what were going to be very full breasts combined with long tanned legs, she was going to be a knock out and trouble for all of the boys. But she was still just my sister who I thought of as an annoying brat. “So, bro, what was going on...

4 years ago
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The BoxChapter 5

"His name is Michael James." "Whose name?" "Your date, of course." "But ... No!" "Why not?" Julia looked at me. That familiar knot began to form in my stomach. "I'm not ready ... I'll embarrass myself." "Not ready? Look at you! You look very nice. Demure, well mannered, attentive to your looks. Why, I know men that would pay half their fortune to have you!" It was true, I had progressed significantly since that first day. My hair was now shoulder length and still...

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First trip to gay bath house

I had been hearing rumors of gay bath houses and the uninhibited sex that went on in them, I had to check it out. One Saturday night I went looking for it, the guy inside who checks you in asked if I wanted a room or just a locker, I had no idea but I went for the room. The first room you come to has lockers on both walls where you undress and lock your clothes in a locker and wrap a towel around your waist. I was very excited and turned on my cock was hard and throbbing already. The next room...

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Demetrius Ch 19

Chapter 19 When Alexis entered their apartment she was surprised to find Demetri sitting naked in the living room, staring into the darkness. She sat to his right taking his hand in hers without speaking, leaning her head against his shoulder. Their closeness was all that mattered to them at the time. They had their own thoughts and feelings to resolve, as a result, neither of them felt the need to speak. In time he told her about his dream and how it made him feel when he hated humans. ‘I...

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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Part 1

Upon moving to West Palm Beach from Florida I was able to secure a job as a waitress with no experience.  Needless to say it took some adjusting.  To be honest I had never held a job other than being a swim instructor growing up.  Waitressing was a fun job but very stressful at first - especially for someone who has bouts of anxiety such as myself.  Top it off with having to make new friends and living away from my family and I was a certifiable mess.  One of the things that I found solace in...


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