ComrieChapter 50 free porn video

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On the day after the choir returned from Boston, the three command staffs were gathering for their weekly review on Dóchas. "Hi Siobhan," said Sarah, "did you enjoy Boston?"

"Yes, we did. The performances were great. The audiences loved the music. In many ways, it was a repeat of the choirs' other performances. The special performance for the patients at Boston Children's Hospital was a big hit."

"Did you see the news from Boston this morning?" asked Terry as she joined the group.

"No. I didn't even think to look as we had quite a bit of catching up to do when we got back to Phoenix. The crew has really accomplished a lot in the short time Phoenix has been in orbit.

"It is my impression that they have found working in space easier than in dry dock. They attribute it to having more room to move around in. What was the news item?"

"One of BCH's key pediatric surgeons was apparently in an automobile accident. His sports car went through a bridge railing at high speed and ended up in the river. No body had been found according to the article, so the speculation is that he died in the accident."

"Who was it?" said Tiff.

"Dr. Conall Downes," replied Terry.

"Interesting? I think I remember Christina telling me that they saw him at the first performance. They were surprised to see him as he was at the children's concert earlier. He was accompanied by a woman who was interested in supporting his research work. They also saw Dr. Evans at the same concert. Louise made the comment that she didn't care for either of their companions. Louise felt that the man with Dr. Evans was a leach, to put it nicely. She was surprised that Dr. Evans would associate with a man like that, although he was very attentive."

"You're talking about Dr. Kathy Evans?" asked May. "I saw her at, I think, Saturday evening's concert. She is a woman who would stand out in any crowd. She is very beautiful with her long auburn hair, and has a delightful personality. Both times I saw her she was wearing tall high heels which surprised me, as they made her as tall as us. She looked very comfortable wearing them, so I suspect she wears them a lot."

"Dr. Evans and her escort left after the second song set," added Aingeal. "She told us the concert was great, but they were going to a party on a cruise boat. The man seemed to be irritated that she spoke to us."

During the conversation, other members of the Command Staffs arrived, with the last being Aoife. As she walked in, she said, "I've been listening to your conversation about Drs. Downes and Evans. When you mention their names, it tweaks an eerie feeling. I am not sure it means anything yet."

"Aoife," said Rusty, "after we get done here go talk to the Caoilinn's and Christina's Security teams about what they observed when they saw Dr. Downes and Dr. Evans. If there is something to your 'feeling' it may get stronger."

"I was thinking of doing that after what I just heard. Security is following up on Selena's observations. They see it as a good test for their analysis techniques."

"For now let's focus on the status of our ships," said Sarah shifting the conversation back to the purpose of the meeting. "Maureen, would you summarize Eagle's progress toward operational status?"

"Crystal and I," said Paula as Maureen nodded to her, "met with the power section yesterday. They have everything installed. Each power unit is being brought on line and tested, before it is moved to standby. They are rotating the use of the power units and bringing more power on line as demand increases. Depending on work load, the power section staff is assisting in other sections. Actually, a number of sections are sharing staff as the work load shifts around."

"All the environmental systems are on-line," said Eibhilin. "Once they had all the systems checked out, the section put their systems in auto mode and went to help other sections. Two staff members stay in the section at all times, with the rest on call."

Courtney of Maureen's Clan said, "We've only brought one flight of Star Fighters up from An Clochán. We aren't going to bring any more up as we can't really use them, and it is easier to complete the support areas without them there. When the areas are complete, the remaining cradles will be installed and the Star Fighters brought up. This is expected to happen in about 180 clock cycles. Currently, cradles for the shuttles are in place and being used. Provisions for docking the Badb Cruisers are nearly complete. The current plan is to bring those up when we bring up the rest of the Star Fighters. Flight Operations Center is operational, in that they are supporting shuttle operations. A systems check agrees with that assessment. Although it may not sound like it, we are moving along nicely."

"Rather than go through the areas piecemeal," said Brandan, "and putting it in terms of clock cycles, currently we are about 190 clock cycles away from Eagle being operationally available. It could be another 100 clock cycles before the living quarters are completely finished and auxiliary ships are on board."

"Nice way to put it, Brandan," said Colleen. "I sometimes have trouble visualizing our longer week, having lived with 7 days or clock cycles in a week for most of my life. I agree that having 10 clock cycles to a week makes sense for us. I think I would have been a bit more definite in stating our operational ability. If need be, we could be operational in slightly more than two weeks. By operational, I mean sufficiently, so that we could defend ourselves, but that is about all."

"I agree," replied Brandan. "Once we are fully operational we want to do a few short excursions as a shakedown effort. We have some preliminary plans to explore this solar system."

"So, if I can summarize," said Sarah, "you are indicating that you can be fully operational in 290 clock cycles from now."

"Yes," replied Brandan, "and I would expect at least another 30 cycles after that before we are truly combat capable in terms of ship's weapons. We intend to exercise the SF Wing and Badb Cruisers, before they are operating from the ship. That way we may avoid adding time for that aspect."

"We hadn't brought this up," said Maureen, "for general discussion. We are thinking that we should do some short solo trips once all three of us are fully operational and have completed a shakedown cruise in this solar system."

"We agree," replied Siobhan. "Before you ask about our progress, let me say Phoenix is at about the same stage as Eagle, unless I missed something."

"We agree," quickly responded Siobhan's Clan in unison.

"Maureen's idea," continued Siobhan, "for us to do some solo excursions is one we have discussed, though it sounds as if her clan is further along in their planning.

"We think solo excursions would be a good opportunity for us to learn more about the ships' operation and handling. It would also give us a better perspective on how well our shields and detectors work. These trips would be an excellent opportunity to test our systems and practice our operational procedures."

"We agree," said Sarah's Clan. "We think the first excursion should only carry a minimum crew. This will keep the maximum number working on our other projects. For any cruises out of the solar system, we should take a full crew compliment. Doing this will impact operations at An Clochán, so we should set a time limit for those trips. An advantage is that we may discover some things we would like to change."

"We talked about that," said Crystal. "For the cruise out of the solar system, why don't we keep it to 20 clock cycles or less? That way we can make several jumps and return from a different direction than the way we left."

"I agree that we should not start doing excursions until Dóchas refit is complete," said Kendra. "It would be wise if only one ship at a time did an excursion out of this solar system. All three could do their initial shakedown at the same time."

"Agreed," replied everyone.

"Let's work up our excursion plans separately and discuss them the next time we get together," said Rusty.

Joyce said, "Do you think everyone knows the difference between a 'day' and a 'clock cycle'? The same question applies to the week and year, since we grew up with the scale used on Earth."

"Good question," replied Kaitlin. "I think we made a smart move in showing both our calendar and Earth's alongside each other. It makes it easier to state a date when scheduling, especially with those on Earth."

Maeve said, "Systems uses seconds as its basic time keeping unit. All log entries are recorded as 'number of seconds since the reference point'. We set the zero reference point to when Sarah's Clan awakened at Comrie. More specifically, it is when our system noted Sarah as waking up. So in summary, a clock cycle, which is conceptually a day, is exactly 24 hours long and fits well with Earth time keeping. Our week is 10 clock cycles. A month is four weeks and a year is twelve months."

Tiff of Siobhan's Clan added, "I've heard some short hand for the weekly position of a clock cycle, such as Firscycle to indicate the first day of a week or Secweek to indicate the second week of a month."

"One advantage is that it distinguishes between Earth, and our ships or Mars. It also happens to be very similar to how the Connemare expressed time."

Colleen of Maureen's Clan said, "Let's be clear. I like our Órarduine calendar. I believe that it was a good move on our part to set it up the way it is. It wouldn't surprise me to see us change it once we find a planet to move to. As Maeve noted, since it is recorded in the log as seconds from a point, any changes are simply a matter of scaling and labeling."

Maeve said, "What do you all think of labeling our calendar with the names Tiff noted some people are already using?"

"I like it, I think," replied Siobhan. "I would like to see what it looks like before going forward." Everyone was nodding, indicating their agreement with Siobhan.

"I'll circulate something later today."

Janet added, "I wonder why we didn't consider naming the calendar positions when we started using clock cycles and ten day weeks."

"We decided on the concept at one of our family meetings," responded Tara, "and I don't think anyone followed up on it. At the time, nearly all of our interactions were with Comrie which uses the Earth calendar. Since then our focus has shifted to revolve around Dóchas, we need to tidy up our decision."

"Good point," responded Crystal of Maureen's Clan.

Just as she finished speaking the lunch chime sounded and Star said, "Siobhan, Clarence would like to talk to you."

"Put him through on the monitor."

Clarence said, "Siobhan, Mr. Jackson of the Boston Police Department asked if he could speak with you."

"Sure, put him through."

"Will do. It will be a few moments as he is talking to James and they are close to finishing up."

A few minutes later, Clarence said, "Siobhan, he is on the line."

"Hello, Blaine. How are things?"

"Well, they could be a lot better. To get to the reason I called, I understand several of your staff saw Dr. Evans and Dr. Downes at one of the concerts."

"Yes, they did. Both were at the Saturday morning concert for the children. They were also at the Saturday evening concert and left just as the second song set was beginning."

"Were they alone?"

"No. Several of the Security teams could give you more details. I understand Dr. Evans was with a man who I don't believe was introduced. Dr. Downes was with an older woman who was a potential donor to the hospital."

"Would you have a photo of who they were with and how they left?"

"We should have. Do you want them on CD or an image?"

"Either would be fine. I understand from James that your Security group is following up on Selena's concerns."


"While I hope it gives us some leads, I am not sure whether we will be able to follow up, but having that data may help with solving some cases."

"I heard Dr. Downes had a fatal accident, but why were you asking about Dr. Evans?"

"First, I don't believe Dr. Downes had an accident. I think it was to cover up something else, perhaps his disappearance. The evidence at the accident scene tends to support my position. As for Dr. Evans, she appears to be missing. Her department head at BCH received an email yesterday morning saying she was taking two weeks off to go on cruise. One of her coworkers who lives near her, told us that Dr. Evans' townhouse appeared to be empty when she walked by it yesterday afternoon."

"That is strange. Why would you empty your townhouse while on a cruise?"

"We don't think she did. We did confirm it was empty and exceptionally clean. The other puzzling item is that another person from their group also disappeared the same night. Nurse Johanna Brown supposedly left on a family emergency. We have been unable to verify where she went."

"It is surprising that you are involved in missing persons cases."

"Ah... , call it political influence. All three fill rather critical roles at BCH and they were well liked by faculty, staff, and patients."

"Your comments about the combination of disappearances and townhouse being emptied out remind me of an incident that Rusty, Sarah and Terry ran across a number of years ago. In short, Terry had been abducted by a person who intended to sell her as a sex toy. Rusty and Sarah assisted in her rescue, but when they went to get her things out of her apartment, it had been cleaned out. The apartment manager told Rusty that he occasionally had renters who left suddenly for some reasonable excuse. Several days or a week later a group shows up and cleans out their apartment or condo. They have the keys, so usually he doesn't know until someone mentions it to him or the rent is past due. He told Rusty that other complex managers had seen the same thing happen."

"So you're saying that people disappearing is more common than one would think."

"Yes. It's possible. If you select people who have no relatives, or none close by, or few friends, then their disappearance will likely go unnoticed."

"I can't disagree with the observation, and with those circumstances it is very possible. In this case, both Dr. Evans and Nurse Brown would be candidates. I think I'll have the detectives ask some questions along those lines when they are out on this case."

"I take it you think there is a link between the three disappearances. I presume they worked the same cases."

"Yes, I think there is a link. If there is, it could be an outgrowth of a case they worked on together. However, we haven't seen much in the way of clues."

"Let us know if you need anything else," said Siobhan.

"Oh, I will. How are our children doing?"

"They have fit in very well and are having a great time. In fact, they may not want to leave."

"I don't think Selena is ready for that, and I'm not sure I am either, although they are nearly adults."

"If you are agreeable, they can stay longer than was first implied. The group they are with are in no hurry to see them leave, as they have been helping out at every opportunity. We could give them regular work assignments, as there are a number of things they can easily do."

"Now, that is a thought. It would give them something to do this summer. We will need to talk about it, if that is what they want to do."

"I'll tell Caoilinn, so her clan can consider the implications. I'll make sure they talk to you before they say anything to the children. Oh, I don't think we mentioned it before. Clarence has two daughters here, and James' girlfriend has her daughter here. I think all three of them are about the same age as your children. They work in our Communications Department with Melinda and the others from the Grand View newspapers."

"Thanks for the help, and tell the children I said 'hi'."

"Will do. Let us know if you need any further assistance."

Siobhan looked around at the group still in the room. "I think he is going to have difficulty solving those cases."

"We agree," said Rusty. "I don't know that we can help, but stay in contact with him."

"Oh, I am sure we will be talking frequently. Adrian, Joanna and Oriel have thought about seeking a way to spend the summer here, or even longer if possible, but they haven't figured out how to raise the question. So, I know we will be speaking to Blaine and Selena a lot."

"If Oriel was sure the children would be safe," said Caoilinn, "she would have already asked to join the crew."

"We need to head for the dining room," said Maureen. "Lunch is being served."

On their approach to Washington DC, Rusty and Sarah were at the controls of Dóchas Alpha1 with Tara and Maeve piloting Alpha2. They had followed Chesapeake Bay and then turned up the Potomac River. They had been in steady contact with WATRCC, ever since entering controlled air space over the Atlantic, East of the entrance to Chesapeake Bay. During the trip, their shuttles were visibly cloaked but still provided a radar echo and transponder id to WATRCC.

Everyone on the two shuttles had spent the time either looking out the windows or watching the monitor at the front of the cabin. At an altitude of 300 feet, they had an excellent view of spring foliage in Virginia on one side and Maryland on the other side.

Initially FAA's WATRCC had refused to accept their flight plan, until the President's Chief of Staff intervened. Even then the Sector ATC manager had been reluctant to agree to it, until Rusty pointed out that the proposed route did not conflict with any established corridors. It did cross several, but well below those corridors minimum altitude. In the discussion, Rusty suggested that they code their flight path-way points to minimize the chance other traffic realizing who they were.

"Washington," said Rusty just as the tidal basin came into sight, "DSTA01 approaching TB."

"Copy," replied the controller. "No traffic in vicinity."

"Beginning turn for approach to WL."


"DSTA01 passing WM. Going to visual." Sarah and Maeve switched off their cloaking just as they passed Washington Monument. Since the conversations were on an open WATRCC channel, Rusty was pleased to see that the coded names for their way points had worked.

"DSTA01 beginning descent to WL."

"Confirmed," replied ATC.

The sudden appearance of the shuttles near the Washington Monument drew the attention of everyone on the White House lawn, and many at the Mall. Conversation at the White House came to a standstill as people watched them approach. When they reached the marked off area on the lawn, Alpha2 pulled alongside Alpha1, but slightly behind. They both then rotated so that the cabin doors were visible to those on the ground. Once in position the shuttles shifted to hover. "Washington, DSTA flight holding at destination."

"Confirmed, have a good evening, sir. It has been a pleasure to work with Spec Ops again."

"We will have a link to the radio while we are on the ground. Thanks and have a good evening."

Rusty turned to Sarah and said loudly, "As we used to say in the Scouts, "We're here..."" He smiled as he heard the laughter from the cabin. He pulled Sarah to him as she was getting up and gave her a kiss. The kiss lasted until someone muttered, "Get a room."

Sarah quickly replied, "We will later. Now we can say we kissed on the White House grounds."

"We aren't on the ground yet," replied Samantha quickly. "We still have twenty feet to go."

"Picky. Picky. We will be in a minute."

"Maeve. Tara. Is your group ready to exit?" asked Joyce.


"Let's do it." On Joyce's command the Shuttle AIs let the shuttles settle until they were just above the ground. Hovering just inches off the grass, the doors opened and a ramp extended until it was just touching the ground. With that, they began exiting the two shuttles simultaneously, meeting in front of them. They paused briefly before walking over to greet the President, his wife and cabinet members. As soon as the last Órarduine stepped off the shuttle ramp, the ramps retracted and the doors closed before the shuttles rose to hover some 10 feet above the ground.

"Good evening, President Ryan," said Maeve and Rusty in unison.

"Good evening, and welcome to the White House," replied the President as they shook hands.

"Mr. President, this is Maeve, she is another one of Dóchas Command Staff and of Sarah's Clan," said Rusty.

"Nice to meet you Maeve," replied President Ryan. "This is my wife, Jackelyn."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Ryan," said Maeve as they shook hands.

"It is good to see you again, Mrs. Ryan," added Rusty.

"Rusty, Maeve," said President Ryan, "why don't we have everyone introduce themselves as they pass through the reception line. It is a little unconventional, but it seems like it would work better in this situation."

"That will work very nicely," replied Rusty.

With that the Órarduine proceeded through the line to meet the President's cabinet and key agency heads. The Órarduine Security teams were interspersed among their group as they did so. As they met each person, they only spoke of their normal duties on one of the Dóchas class ships.

"Remember," said Sarah, "we stay in groups of three or more as we move over to the stage."

"Yes, Mother Sarah," came the quick reply from several causing several others to chuckle.

President Ryan and Mrs. Ryan joined Sarah's Clan for the short walk over to the stage. They were followed by Beyond the Stars Choir and a few of the President's staff. When President Ryan stepped up to the microphone it drew everyone's attention to the stage, even though no announcement had been made. While Sarah's Clan joined him at the microphone, the choir began to gather behind them.

"Good evening," said President Ryan. "It is an honor to have Sarah's Clan and the Beyond the Stars choir join us for a western style barbecue. Mrs. Ryan and I had the pleasure of hearing their concert at FEDEX Stadium. The music we heard then has really stuck with us. There are times when it is quiet that I can still hear strains of their songs. Several who have attended their concerts have made similar comments. One of my staff members told me that he couldn't remember a performance where all the music critics made positive comments.

"In a moment, Sarah's Clan will tell us a little about themselves and then we will hear the choir. Before that, let me comment on our gathering this evening. Many of you have probably realized by now that this is an unusual gathering of agency heads, politicians, business executives, press and a few others. Our ground rules for this evening are, no business, as this is an opportunity to meet and get to know each other. Those from the press have agreed that there will be no unnamed sources or quotes in any story they may write of this gathering.

"All of you have heard me say we would like for the Órarduine to be our friends. By friends, I mean people you like to visit, hang out with, and do things together. Tonight is an opportunity for us to get to know them, their values and the way Órarduine approach life. From what you have seen in the papers, you probably suspect that they already have many friends on Earth. I can assure you, they do. Several times, they have come to the aid of those they consider friends. Each time they rendered assistance, it has been done quietly. When they have assisted others in resolving a situation, they have sought to let those they assisted receive all the credit.

Same as Comrie
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The Advertisement

THE ADVERTISEMENT THE ADVERTISEMENT FEBRUARY 3, 2001Steffi smiled as she worked on the liver and onions. Giles was still going on. "I just don't understand, Stephanie, how you can continue to associate with these working class types. I hoped that living in my house would bring you and Ken up a do, after all like some classical music." Giles looked hopefully at her. "Must you have them over for that silly card game?"  Steffi chortled. "Giles, just don't get...

5 years ago
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Running into Coverage Ch55

A light knocking on the front door interrupted the girls as they sat on the couch watching a reality show. Hadley placed her tea mug on the coffee table and dashed to answer it, figuring it was Marcus. Usually he sent a text after leaving the complex letting her know he was on his way only this time he didn’t. The door swung open swiftly, blowing her hair off of her shoulders. Marcus stood on the other side and looked just as good as he did the night before. Hadley grabbed his hand and pulled...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Der Krpertausch

Am Morgen erwacht die achtzehnjährige Jenny mit einem tierisch dicken Brummschädel, so als ob sie die ganze Nacht durchgezecht hätte. Dabei trinkt sie doch keinen Tropfen Alkohol. Sie setzt sich ächzend auf und sieht sich suchend im Zimmer um. Sie liegt splitterfasernackt im breiten Doppelbett im Schlafzimmer ihrer Mutter. Ganz angestrengt versucht Jenny sich zu erinnern. Wieso hat sie bloß im Bett ihrer Mutter geschlafen? Ein plötzliches lautes Schnarchen lässt sie erschrocken herumfahren. Da...

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Masturbating in my boyfriends bed

I was lying in bed in the afternoon, getting ready to take a nap. My boyfriend wasn’t home and so I tossed and turn in the large empty bed. I had the blankets wrapped around my warm body. I slept completely naked, and so occasionally while I rolled over in bed, the blankets would ride up between my legs. At first I payed no attention to the softness of the cool blankets, but eventually I could feel it arousing me. Eyes closed, I would roll around and purposely allow the blankets to rub into my...

3 years ago
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Home Alone Book 2 Moving on Chapter 2

Home Alone ~ Moving On ~ Chapter 2 His eyes lingered on me for a few seconds and a frown crossed his face. He looked down at the register, looked at me, then Nicola and then his eyes moved on around the room. Breathing a big sigh of relief I relaxed slightly. I needed to speak to my mother and sister as soon as possible, but for now I had to sit through this lesson, hopefully without making my presence felt or attracting too much attention. I looked at Nicola, wondering if I...

4 years ago
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The CircleChapter 25 Escalating Incentives to Motivate Work Crew

The men worked the next day, but not at quite the feverish pace they'd put on the week before. This didn't surprise anyone as the men were really tired, plus they'd each had to masturbate before leaving the house the night before, to even make their lives tolerable. To make things a little better, the incentive tasks for the week had been reduced so that each man could catch their breath, get a good night's sleep, and even have some personal time. No one worked on Sunday, but Bill did...

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Loving surprise

Skyler Peterson has just turned 18 today. His mother Diana Peterson had something very special in store for him this day, a birthday she was sure he'd never forget. Even though she was 36, her body was quite firm and toned due to yoga and other physical activities keeping her lovely ass taut and even more gorgeous rack which was an amazing 40 Double D quite perky, her height was about 6 inches below his own putting her at just the perfect hugging height for him. She stood 5 ft 6 inches. Skyler...

4 years ago
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Late Night Garage Romance

You see, i played football when i was only 7. That very year i met the kid that would turn out to be the best friend that I'd hang out with every weekend. But you see, that kinda came to a halt when i hit that period in my life where my body began to change physically, emotionally, and most of all, sexually. His half-sister, that sweet, innocent, perky girl that had that girl-next-door look changed in my eyes as well. Because she was half black, half white, she was gifted with the best...

3 years ago
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Anger Issues

The Savage Hi, my name is Simon, and I have anger issues. I thought I had mastered them, but it appears I had only suppressed them. As a child, I had had court mandated anger management therapy, and medication, but that was all behind me now, the records sealed. I had always been a fighter. Growing up as the runt of the litter in a family of 6 kids will do that to you. My parents were hard-working folk, salt of the earth but great advocates of the ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’...

4 years ago
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School started again, my first exams marks on science history and maths were down, so I ask my daddy if I could have private lessons, he told me he was very busy, to arrange my self, so at school I asked my maths, science and history teachers if I could have private lessons after school with them once a week, they said ok, so three days a week from 8 to 9 pm I started private maths, science and history lessons, after a few weeks I told Mr Altan, it was hard to keep up with school while working...

2 years ago
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With My Friend

She was my friend and my friend’s wife. What began as a casual friendship extended to late night chats. It was still all casual chats till she asked me if I sext. I told her I was not a fan of sexting. We dropped the topic there and continued our regular chats. The talks were so long we shared most intimate secrets with each other. One night, sexting was again a point of discussion. This night, I too was excited. I told her that I would like to lie down with her and hug her and leave one hand...

5 years ago
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The Summer of LeahChapter 6

I was on my third cup of coffee and finishing the morning paper when the quietness was interrupted by a shrill scream. Leah tore into the room. She tugged down her leotard revealing a long welt on her hip. “Ingrid cropped me,” she wailed. I marched to the gym. Ingrid was at her locker, packing a small bag. She nonchalantly watched me approach. She held up her hand. “Leah must have more time in training! She has become insolent and disrespectful. I will not have it!” she demanded. “She...

4 years ago
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Back in the 80's I drove a town taxi cab for a small Massachusetts town 15 miles northeast of Boston. My day would take me all over the state and out of state sometimes. On slow days I would stay in town and cart most of the elderly everywhere. Those days were busy, they all get their checks and want to go shopping. This one day I remember oh so well. Her name was Martha and she was a sweet lady. It was a snowy day and I picked her up at the complex she lived at. It was...

3 years ago
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24 In Prague

As I was leaving my room in Prague’s Metamorphis Hotel the door latched behind me at exactly the same instant the door to the next room clicked shut. Dressed for my morning run in black tights and a solid aqua colored short-sleeved running shirt, I said good morning to the man who had just emerged from the room next to mine and began down the hall. “Excuse me,” he said in lightly accented American English. I stopped to look back at the tall brown-haired man who was turning his key in the...

5 years ago
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Summer the 2nd time

I had a massive hard on rubbing against my jeans as I walked to nikki's house.The memory of our park meeting was still fresh in my mind ( see summer the 1st time ).I reached the door and knocked quite hard. She smiled at me when she opened it and waved me in,at the same time I could hear her little sister calling out " is that him" which made me laugh a bit.We went into her living room and I sat down on a two seater sofa hoping to be joined by nikki. She did not join me straight away to my...

2 years ago
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Slippery When WetChapter 3

The farm was prospering and they needed more help. Rod’s younger brother Andy had just turned sixteen and he was hired part time. Also a farm boy, he was a big help right away. Like she had done with Rod, Martha took charge of bringing him up to speed. After a while the family got tired of getting dressed when Andy might come to the house so his big brother clued him in. Like his older brother, he was a shy virgin. It took lots of reassurance for him to be OK showing his unavoidable teenage...

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Domes Early LightChapter 2

Cheyenne is the county seat, so I had no trouble collecting my bounties the next day. I picked up a set of wanted posters, the ones with pictures, to take with me. Most of the pictures were good enough to make it possible to identify the man who was wanted. The rest of the posters were filed in the nearest bin of scrap paper used for starting cooking or heating fires. That got me a grateful nod, so I was on my way to becoming a responsible citizen of Cheyenne. Later on that day I went to the...

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My aunt and my fantasy

It was another summer, just like any other, usually boring, and miserable. Every summer I went up to New York to visit my dad because he and my mom got divorced. It just so happend that this summer I was turning 16 and my whole family was getting together to celebrate, it was sure to be a good time, plus i got a tip from my cousin that my aunt had something really special planned, but he didnt know what it was. After hearing this i got really excited i couldnt wait to know what the surprise...

2 years ago
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The Sex Hunter

Greetings. You’re probably wondering what’s going on. Well, let me break it down. I am Gabriel Dominguez. I was your average high schooler senior. I had gotten a full-ride to Princeton, and had the hottest girl as my girlfriend. But, everything change when ‘it’ happened. What happened was that, due to unfortunate circumstances, the world had come undone. A virus was contracted in a lab, and it caused to spread around the country. It killed millions, including my own father. A vaccine was...

4 years ago
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A Road Without EndChapter 2

David washed his body from head to toe standing in the natural basin formed of the hollowed rock next to the oasis far from the cluster of tents scattered like gaming cubes on the hot shifting sands. The oasis was the one used mostly by the travelers on the road and not by the people of his village because the water sometimes was not pure enough for safe drinking and it was too risky to take that chance when they had no physician to tend their needs. David when he was younger had dreamed of...

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She loved him and he loved her

Jake found her on the floor whimpering. She looked at him with the intensity of 10,000 flames. He picked her up with one swift swoop and held her gently in his arms. She could tell that he loved her. He could tell that she loved him. They were looking into each others eyes with so much passion. They knew they were meant to be.She held him tightly and softly wept into his cotton gray t-shirt. He held her tightly and kept comforting her. She knew they could never be together, at least not with...

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July 2006 Austin, TX "All I need ... is everything you are, everything you are..." Do you remember that song? No, I didn't either. Not until I met the singer, and she reminded me. Now I recall it from a while back, a few years ago. Wasn't it on some Internet service commercial? Yeah, it was. The song's still around, still a good one even if people don't remember it. There's emotion in it, heart, feeling. Great lyrics also, and a tempo of diverse chords stunningly blended together....

4 years ago
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Welcome to Attoria, a fantasy world not unlike others. Here, you will find all kinds of creatures, from the standard humans, elves or dwarfs. To the not so standard rarely championed. Every day the inhabitants of this world go about their daily lives. And you, dear reader, can watch them like in a movie. But unlike a movie, you get the chance to guide your chosen hero. Lead him or her to victory against brutal raiders, or make your champion stumble and fall. And we all know what will happen to...

3 years ago
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Bathhouse Cock Adventures

The bathhouse was quite full , men of all ages and shapes , sucking and fucking each other everywhere you looked . Hot guys jacking off and sucking cock in the mini theater , in the sauna , the hot tubs . Men sucking cock and getting ass fucked poolside . My cock was so hard that It was about to melt my zipper as I made my way to my room . The smell of cock and cum was overwhelming as well as the moaning and groaning of hot men . I was naked within seconds , my cock oozing precum as I walked...

2 years ago
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The Friday Night Male Nude Art Club

“Do you find me attractive?”The question sounded like more of an accusation, a reprimand, than anything.Professor Milford eyed me sternly over narrow, rectangular lenses. I wasn’t keen to meet her eye, but it was better than making things worse by staring at the stretches of red nylon visible from half-thigh to calves on her crossed legs.This was what I’d done habitually during lectures, and what I now imagined, given the question, had caused the professor to summon me to her office. There was,...

College Sex
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Supriya Ki Jam Kar Chudai

Hi friends main aap ko apna parichay karata hoon mera naam Sanjay haiaur main bbsr ka rahne bala hoon,Ye story tab ki hai jab main wahan Eng padh raha tha mein bbsr main ek colony main rehta tha wahan pe bahat sare mess tha jisme sare bachelor lade ladkian rahte the. Main wahan aksar ghumta phir ta tha ek din main ghum ne ke wakt maine ek ladki ko dekha phir use line marne laga wske saath aur bhe ek ladke the wo Ye baat notice kar rahe the ye kariba 15 17 din tak chala phir achanak sewo ladke...

2 years ago
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I had an eventful weekend

I had an eventful weekend...I went to my mates to watch football and his sister and her friend was there too. We watched the football and had a few beers and pizza and more beers then watched Joyride with Paul Walker...The film is about 2 brothers that go on a road trip in a car and get a CB radio and have fun with truckers; one of the brothers puts on a girls voice and has fun with a trucker, they arrange to meet at a motel, but then give the hotel room number of a guest that was rude to them....

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How I Got My BootycallTB

It was a pretty warm and shiny day. I was pretty glad that my lecture was over to step out of the lecture hall into the open to enjoy the weather. I just wanted to grad a coke and lay down on the lawn and chill out from this hard day of studying.I went just out of the building when I realized a person walking up to me. The person was a really hot girl: Long, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim, fit figure and some rally nice D-cups. "Hey, what's up b*o?" She asked me. "Well, not much. This time the...

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Our liberating holiday Part 3

Introduction: If you have not read Parts 1 & 2 please do so as this follows on and will make better sense if you read those first. Please read them in part order otherwise there will be no flow. These are purely my fantasies, stories I dream up and hope you enjoy as I share them. As always criticisms good and bad always appreciated but remember I am no professional writer and I have no one to proof read except myself. Adverts not welcome nor appreciated in the comments box. Part 3. Not...

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Logan – Chapter One. I'm John a 28 year old single male, a self confessed little girl lover and a handyman who makes house calls. I had lived in the neighborhood for 2 years with my house mates Lisa and Gary, they worked and traveled the country so they got me in to look after the house and keep it up while they were gone for 6 months at a time. Mostly I stayed rent free as I was always fixing or upgrading something, and earned a good living from the local neighbors and companies I...

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EMails To My MasterChapter 28

TO - Night Nurse FROM - Master NNN The charity Children in Need will be organising their annual collection soon and I am giving you a task to raise funds for that organisation. You have up until the evening of November 16th to persuade as many of your colleagues at work to dress as St Trinian's style schoolgirls as you can. You will encourage them to dress as slutty as possible but you will do your utmost not to be out done anybody. Your pleated school skirt must be the shortest by at...

2 years ago
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The Runners

It was my sixtieth birthday. I was running my fifteenth half marathon in three hundred sixty-five days to qualify for the "Saturn" level in Half Fanatics. I could have gotten by with twelve, but I didn't want to just get in. The level below 'Saturn' is 'Uranus'. I know it's high school humor, but I didn't want to tell anyone I was 'Uranus,' so I did a few more just for the heck of it.It was a cold January Sunday morning. The race started at eight; I was ready to go at seven. My wife used to...

Love Stories
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Santas Christmas

I spent Thanksgiving at my brother's house. Besides my brother, his darling wife, and me, the festivities included our parents, another brother, two sisters, everybody's spouse, and rugrats all around. I was the only one single and childless. I always preferred it that way, but this year I was a little envious of them and their broods. When I got back to the city, I called Susan Worthington. Susan and I go back a long way, nine years to be exact. We met when I was a sophomore stud and she...

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The Great American Bush Company

I was in Phoenix. Not that I especially wanted to be in Phoenix, but that's where the trade show was, and one has to go where one has to go. If one wants to continue doing mundane things like eating regularly, that is. Days weren't bad; I had lots to do and little time to be bored. The evenings were something else entirely. Just what does one do in Phoenix in the evening. The magazine provided by my hotel wasn't any help. It quite blatantly was interested getting me to an expensive...

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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 5

The first thing we did the next morning was clear everything from my new cart. My wives were not allowed to put on clothes until they had washed the stink from themselves and the children. They washed in the stream, and the water was damned cold, but they didn't seem to mind, now that they found that cleanliness was to be the order of the day. The children did mind, but that didn't slow down the washing. I even went in and washed, I knew that I needed it. We were all still naked and this...

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Gone to the mountains for a vacation with some friends. We had a two bedroom condo with the most beautiful view. There was my female friend Kristy and the other couple, Steve and Megan. Kristy's parents spent two nights with us. So I gave them our room, nothing with them being my friends parents. More of how sleeping on the pull out sucks, plus Kristie's mom is extremely hot for 62 years old grandma. Plus I want to smell her moms sent in my bed mmmmmmmm. She has this sweet smell without using...

2 years ago
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Fucked my Unhappy Colleague

Hi I am Jimmy Cooper divorced Parsi Male 37 I will narrate a incident which is true and happened 1 year backi met Kim at work. She was a hot luscious married lady with long legs, great ass and great boobs. We got to talking and found out she wasn’t happily married and wasn’t getting enough. One day I was complaining about my girl and she suggested we have an affair since we were both unhappy. I took her by her hand to the parking lot and kissed her in a dark corner. The next day we went to...

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Watching Anita giving up her ass to Jerome

Watching Anita giving up her ass to JeromeSunday morning after we were up all night fucking, I was really horny and in the mood to see Ana fuck a black guy. I told her my wishes and then she called her old black lover Jerome, who was in town for a few days and was delighted to taste my wife´s pussy again…He arrived in less than half an hour and Anita was not quite ready, so he and me sat on the living room and enjoyed a nice glass of bourbon.When Ana was ready she came out in a sexy black...

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Peeking On Mom

As a boy I was rather shy. Besides that I was a little heavy, and it was “baby fat” I would later grow out of, but at the time it seemed like more than it actually was. Simple things would make me blush and stammer and I lived too far from the school in a one car household to be involved in after school events, dances and the likes. So it added up to I wasn’t very popular with the girls classes and I was a tad socially backward at the age of 13. Dad always worked two or three jobs and wasn’t...

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My Lovely Virgin Venus Lucy Pt 04

I, in turn, had tried to keep my gaze off her lushly rounded figure; but she knew that I could see through her disguise - and that I always liked what I saw! Even with her long blonde hairs that touched her round bottoms, and her skirts and top that she wore whenever in the past she visited to teach my sisters. Ms. Jane couldn't hide her firm round firm breasts, sexy ass, and elegant long shapely legs. Aamir, you don't know - how I have wanted you!" Today noon when I returned to my house...

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