UndercoverChapter 2 free porn video

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Joey nodded at Gambini. Mannie handed him his gun. Joey took it and left the Club. Twenty minutes later he was sitting in his car outside the "Golden Arms Hotel." It hadn't been that difficult to find him. All he needed to do was find a cheap yet respectable hotel that was in a central location. The first three places he called on his cell, he drew a blank, the fourth was a bull's eye. He told the clerks that he was desperately seeking his brother. Their mother had just died. The creep who answered the phone told him right away, "Yes, we have a Dino D'angelo. Paid cash up front too. He's in room eight. Too bad about your mother. Do you want me to call him to the phone?" Joey hung up. He sat looking out his window. It wouldn't take him long to come out here looking for him. He was sure the guy had gone to tell him about the call by now.

"Mother?" Dino wrinkled his brow when the guy came to the door.

"Yes, your brother called and said..." the man began.

"Brother? I don't' have any fucking brother. Get out of here," Dino told him, pushing shut the door. He went over to the window and looked out. There he was, his shadow.

Dino closed the curtain and came downstairs. "Next time someone asks you if Im here," he pointed to the guy at the desk, "you don't know me. Fool."

He pulled on his jacket and walked outside and then crossed the street to the car.

Joey watched him as he approached, then pushed the window button down. "Hi there," Joey met his eyes.

"Howdy to you. What in fuck do you want?"

"Ouch. You don't look happy to see me, Dino," Joey cooed at him. "Im disappointed."

"Good. Go be disappointed somewhere else."

Joey laughed. "I should be pissed at you. You have used and abused me, my man."

"You must like it because you came back for more."

"Ya, Im a glutton for punishment. Look, I've got no choice but to stick with you, like it or lump it."

"Well I don't like it and when I get ready to roll, you're not coming," he told him, pointing a finger at him.

"Come have a coffee with me. Im lonely," Joey told him.

Dino studied him. "Are you nuts?"

"Probably. Want to find out?" When Dino didn't answer, Joey said, "Look, you're not planning on hunting down Vincent Delino tonight are you?"


"Well. Doesn't look like either one of us will get much sleep. I have to stick with you and you might learn something if you take the time to get to know me better."

"You're not going to tell me jackshit," Dino walked to the car and peered inside.

"Maybe not but we'll both get a cup of coffee out of it."

"No funny stuff," Dino told him. "And we'll walk. No car."

Joey shrugged and got out of the car. "You want to walk in this neighborhood and you think Im the crazy one?"

He locked the car. They walked, Dino out in front, Joey having to run to catch up.

Dino didn't know why he agreed to the coffee. He supposed it couldn't hurt. Maybe the guy would let something slip. "So," he said, letting Joey catch up. "How did you find me?"

"I made some calls," Joey grinned. "Im not a complete moron."

"You work for Gambini, that means you're complete moron, " Dino remarked.

Joey sucked in some air. "So, tell me more about Vincent Delino and how you think he's involved with your cousin's shooting."

"Its his place. I think they were after him. He double crossed someone."


"I don't know. He got greedy or he owed money to someone."

Joey watched his face. He was deep in thought. He was a good cop. He could tell. He also had no intention of leaving until he saw Vincent. "You might be in danger, Dino," Joey said as they went into the all night coffee shop on the corner.

"Tell me something I don't know. You going to be the one to kill me?" He asked, sliding into a booth near the door.

Joey sat down opposite him. "Let's hope not."

The waitress came over. "What'll you have honey?" She winked at Dino.


"That's it? Sure I can't bring you a nice piece of apple pie, sweetie?" She looked in his face.

Joey tapped her arm. "Hey, Im here too you know?" Joey shook his head, laughing. "He'll only break your heart honey, sweetie," he mocked. "Bring me some coffee too ok?"

She marched off, issuing Joey a dirty look.

"You have this effect on everyone?" Joey asked him, grinning.

Dino shrugged. "Only waitresses."

"I'll bet."

She came back with the coffee. She sat Dino's cup down gently but slammed down Joey's in front of him, slopping half of it on the table. Joey's eyes widened then both men burst into laughter.

"She don't like me at all," Joey managed when he stopped laughing.

Dino shook his head, pushing his long hair back. "She's going to kick your ass out of here if you don't behave."

They were laughing again. It was almost three in the morning and suddenly everything was funny.

"Maybe she'll poison me with this crappy coffee," Joey commented, making a face as he took a sip.

Dino lifted his cup to his mouth and made a similar face. "Mine tastes like it's been around awhile... minus the arsenic," he added.

Joey howled with laughter. "I just don't have the touch with women. Guess they pick up on the fact that they don't do it for me."

Dino sobered a minute and then met his eyes. "You're... gay?" He didn't crack a smile.

Joey blinked. "Come on, don't tell me you didn't know."

"Ah... I suppose I did. You were really hitting on me there when we first met," Dino leaned back in his seat.

Joey looked down into his cup. "I might have been flirting a bit. Come on, don't tell me you just figured it out and you're gay too..." he paused, "right?"

Dino closed his eyes, then opened one. "I don't know. Sometimes I can be gay but other times... Im rather gloomy actually."

Joey sighed. He picked up his napkin, rolled it into a ball and threw it at him. "Asshole."

Dino sat up straight now, then yawned. "Look I hate to break up this little party we're having but I have to sleep." He threw some money on the table and went outside. Joey followed on his heels.

"Thanks for the coffee."

Dino looked at him. "Want a blanket?"

"What?" Joey asked.

"A blanket. I know you're going to sit outside the hotel all night. You don't have to. I'm not going anywhere tonight. Why don't you go home?"

"Right and have you take off on me in the morning? No way. Forget it," Joey said.

"Suit yourself," Dino replied.

"Dino," Joey said, touching his shoulder.

Dino turned to look at him outside the hotel. "Ya?"

"What if Vincent isn't even... here?"

"You know something. What?" Dino urged.

"Nothing." Joey turned to go to the car.

Dino shook his head and went inside the hotel.

Joey sat in the car thinking about Vincent Delino. He had fought with Sidney the night he had come to New York After that, he didn't see him again. Dino said he thought Vincent was the target of the hit in the video store. What if the contract had been put out by Gambini himself? What if Vincent was dead?

He knew Dino was probably thinking the same thing he was. But it worried him. Pursuing this could get someone dead. It could get Dino D'angelo dead. He liked him. To be honest, he more then liked him. If he could have been honest with him tonight, he would have made a move on him. But he was in no position to be making love to Dino D'angelo as much as he would have liked to. He wasn't sure what to do. Should he suggest to Dino that Vincent might be dead? Maybe he could lie and say he knew he was. But D'angelo wouldn't be satisfied with that. They had to talk.

Joey got out of the car. He walked into the hotel and up the stairs to number eight. He knocked but there was no answer. He turned the handle. It was dark. When he turned on the light and said his name, he knew there would be no answer. "Damn," he said. He was gone but he knew where he was headed.

Dino drove out towards the New Jersey turnpike. He turned onto the private road that led to Gambini's home and parked the car near some trees. He'd have to go the rest of the way on foot. The house was like an armed barricade. He took out his magnum 47 and cocked it. He'd just have a look around. It was after four, just before dawn. Perfect. Visibility was at its worst now.

He thought about Joey as he moved forward, he thought about his laugh, his eyes, that curly dark hair. There was no question that he had felt a strong sexual attraction developing between them but nothing could come of it. He had learned long ago that you couldn't change people. Joey had chosen a life of crime just as he had chosen another path. There was no going back.

He stood near the fence, looking around. It was dark except for the flood lights and the cameras. There were two men standing near the front porch smoking cigarettes and talking in low voices. He was sure there were dogs. He took out a pair of binoculars and scanned the windows. There was no movement anywhere. He was pretty sure Vincent Delino was dead. He also suspected that Gambini had ordered the hit. When someone stepped out of line, it didn't matter who they were, they were taken out. Gambini was responsible for almost getting Rickie killed but he couldn't just march in and arrest Gambini. In fact, he had no jurisdiction to arrest anyone here but if Gambini was responsible, all he had to do was get the trigger man to come clean. Immunity in exchange for Gambini, the D.A. would go for that. But he had to make sure before he left New York that this was just a little more then a hunch.

Joey drove up the road to Gambini's house. He pulled over and turned off his headlights before he reached the gate. If Dino was somewhere around, he didn't want to alert the guards. He got out of the car with his gun in his hand. Cautiously he looked around him and quietly made his way along side the bushes. Then hard steel was pressed in the small of his back and a hand came down over his mouth as the gun was wrenched from his hand. It was thrown on the ground a few feet away.

"Stay quiet," the deep voice hissed.

From the feel of the mans hard chest and the size of him, Joey knew it was Dino D'angelo.

"Promise me you'll be quiet and I'll take my hand off your mouth," Dino told him.

Joey nodded and Dino released him.

"How did you know I'd be here?" Dino demanded.

Joey sighed. "Where else would you be?"

"Look, why in the hell don't you give me five minutes to do?"

"Because my ass is on the line," Joey replied hotly. "And what you came here to do is going to get you killed. Just leave Vincent Delino to the authorities. Im sure..."

"Vincent Delino is dead," Dino said. "And you know it."

"I don't know it. I mean, I suspected but..." Joey took a breath.

"They had a fight, didn't they? Delino had become dead weight and Gambini put a contract out on him. But Delino didn't go into work that night cause he hired my cousin. He never suspected Gambini put the hit on him so he came running back here. Then Gambini finished what the shooter didn't, back in LA"

"Well," Joey made a face, "Vinnie was never too bright."

Dino nodded. "Umm, I'll say."

"So, if you know he's dead, then go home," Joey met his eyes in the dark. "There's nothing more you can do here."

"Oh yes there is. If Gambini put a hit on Delino, then the guy they have in custody back home is the key to putting Gambini away for good. I have to make sure that's what happened before I leave here."

Joey stiffened. Jesus. He was right. They had no idea what they had back in LA This could mean the end of this case. This could mean freedom for him and jail for Gambini. "If someone doesn't get to him first..." Joey said out loud.

"You're not going to open your mouth," Dino grabbed his arm roughly. "If you keep your mouth shut, when it comes to arrests, I'll give you a head start to get out of here. But if you blow this..."

Joey nodded. "I won't say anything. I promise. But what are you going to do now? What are you looking for, a body?"

Dino pushed his long hair back over his shoulder. "I have to make sure that Vinnie is dead before I push it any further. A body would be great but I'll never find that. Right now, Gambini has no reason to think Im on to him. As long as I make him believe that I think his Godson is still alive... then..." Suddenly, there was a noise nearby.

"Shus," Joey said.

They both froze. Joey eyed his gun lying on the ground by his feet. If they were discovered, he'd have to make believe that he found Dino sneaking around the grounds.

Three men, heavily armed surrounded them now. "Get your hands up!" One yelled. Dino fired off a shot. Joey scrambled for his gun. One man went down. The other two jumped Dino.

Joey emerged from the tumble with his gun in his hand. As the two men grabbed a struggling Dino by both arms, Joey pointed his gun at Dino D'angelo's head.

"One more move and your dead, cop."

Dino glared at him. "And all the while, I thought maybe there was a second chance waiting for you in all this."

"What if I like the chances I have right now?" Joey sneered. "Sure looks like the odds are in my favor, handsome."

There was blood running down Dino's face. He was angry as the two men hauled him off towards the house. He swore at them in Italian. The dogs barked in the distance as they approached. Joey walked behind, holding the gun steady as he moved close behind him. He looked calm but he was freaking out deep down. They had a potentially explosive situation here.

Gambini waited in the living room in his dressing gown. He was pacing when he saw them enter, then he stopped. Mannie and Frank threw Dino onto his knees in front of Gambini. When he went to stand up, Gambini placed a hand on his head and forced him back down.

"Don't bother to stand," he smiled slyly, much like a snake.

Joey went to stand beside him Gambini. He put his gun away. The other two men backed up.

Dino lifted his chin and looked Gambini in the eye. There was no fear on his face. Joey knew that Gambini admired that. It would help keep him alive for awhile. If he hadn't of been a cop, he'd be dead already. Gambini didn't like wasting cops.

Dino didn't look at Joey. He had been a fool to tell him he had figured out Vinnie Delino was dead. Joey would tell Gambini at the earliest opportunity and his plan to get that punk to spill his guts back in LA would be over.

"Boss," Joey urged, "Let me do it. Let me take him out somewhere and get rid of him."

Dino looked at Joey. "Another homicide added to your list of felonies?"

Mannie reached forward and slugged him in the gut. Dino grunted and went forward, then righted himself again. Joey winced inwardly.

"Patience Joey, patience," Gambini smiled. "First, may I say that you have done some outstanding work for me. I will reward you." "Good, give me the cop. I'll play with him some then waste him. I'll do a good job, I promise," Joey told Gambini. "No one will ever find the body."

"I'll help him, boss," Mannie offered.

"No," Joey shook his head. "He's mine, all mine. Come on boss, reward me. I want to waste him."

"Ah, you find him to your... taste," Gambini smiled.

"Most definitely," Joey looked over at him. He came closer and touched his hair. "You can't blame me for wanting to taste him first." He looked at Dino and ran a tongue over his lips.

The men all laughed.

Dino spit at him, which earned him a slap across the head from Mannie.

"You'll be dead before you touch me... you... piece of..." Dino sputtered.

"No," Joey lifted his chin with his gun. "You'll be dead but only after Im finished doing what ever I want to you."

Their eyes met. Dino's eyes were filled with hate and determination. "Well you'll have to kill me first. I hope you enjoying fucking a corpse."

Gambini clapped his hands and laughed.

Joey moved backwards. Wow, that stung but he couldn't let him get to him. He had to be convincing. The only way he'd get Dino out of here alive was to ask Gambini to let him do the hit. If Gambini suspected he was a cop, they were both dead.

Gambini came close to Dino. "Why couldn't you just let things go, cop? Go back to your city of Angels and stay alive. Now I have to get rid of you and I don't like to do this to such a handsome young man with so much wit and intelligence. Vinnie is my problem, one I had to take care of. Your cousin is alive. He's lucky. Too bad you won't be able to reunite with him."

He turned around and went to the closet. He took out a piece of plastic. Mannie laughed. Joey's heart almost stopped.

Dino gave him a defiant look. "People on the LAPD know where I am, they know who I came out here to get. They'll be a lot of questions."

"Questions I can handle," Gambini smiled.

Joey swallowed. "Boss, you promised... my reward... my..."

"Hire a hooker," he growled at Joey. "Mannie, do it, NOW!"

Mannie stepped forward. Joey cried out, "NOOOOOOOOOO!" and fired straight at Mannies head as Dino grabbed Franks legs and tripped him forward. Frank knocked Gambini over his desk. Mannie lay still, a hole in his forehead the size of a crater, blood and brain matter splattered all over the carpet and all over Dino.

"Come on," Joey yelled, grabbing Dino's arm as he scrambled to his feet. They made for the door, Dino doubling back to grab Mannie's unfired pistol. They ran down the hall.

"Gambini will sound the alarm any second now," Joey told him hastily.

Dino lifted the gun in his hand. "That I buy."

"Follow me," Joey told him, "I know this place like the back of my hand. You're not scared of dogs, are you?" He asked, rounding the corridor. They were both breathing hard.

"Depends on the... ah..." Dino broke off suddenly as two snarling drooling Doberman's faced them.

Joey met Dino's eyes. "I'll ask you again later."

"Good idea," Dino replied. He had no idea what had just happened or why but there was no time for questions now.

The dogs came running towards them, ready to attack. The fact that Dino was soaked in blood didn't help much.

"Shit," Dino muttered, "this is not good."

An alarm sounded.

"The air vents," Joey yelled, dipping into a bedroom. Dino followed on his heels, one dogs teeth grabbing his pant leg, ripping it to shreds before he managed to close the door and lock it.

Dino looked down at his leg to make sure he still had one. "Shit," he said.

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My Wifes First Time Threesome Pt1

Our sex lives seemed a little routine after almost eight years of marriage. In retrospect, I think I should have been thankful I even had a sex life. It was me who first suggested we try a threesome. My gorgeous wife, Heidi, was against the idea from the start. It took me pressuring and cajoling her for a few months before she even said she would entertain the idea.We, actually more like I, decided to start looking for a suitable woman to join our bed. Surprise, surprise, it was next to...

2 years ago
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How Did This Happen PT I

Hello my name is Greg and I'm 43 years old, about 6'1, 180 lbs, green eyes, and a full head of short brown hair that's starting to gray a bit. I've never found myself to be unattractive, but certainly nothing spectacular. Fortunately for me I got to marry my high school sweet heart in 1990. In 91 we had our son Max and in 94 our daughter Sam.As I'm sure most of you know the divorce rate is pretty high and I'm embarrassed and regretful to say that in 2006 my wife and I became another bad...

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How Did We Even Get Here Chapter 10

Since Amanda’s return a few days earlier, Frankie and Bill seldom spoke to one another. Most of the time, she wasn’t home, and specifics were never given about where she was going or where she went upon her nightly returns. Earlier that morning, Frankie’s male friends from the group encounter Bill witnessed picked her up. Hugs and kisses on the cheek greeted Amanda, but only a perfunctory hand raise to Bill. That moment was when Bill remembered them coming to pick Frankie up during her high...

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My Sade Part 3

I leaned over and kissed her forehead and then buried my nose in the crook of her neck. Inhaling her scent and wanting her so much. She moaned and turned onto her back. I leaned down and flicked my tongue over her nipple. Even through her tank, it hardened and she moaned again. I flicked my tongue over her other nipple and watched it harden as well. Then I kissed her throat and started feathering kisses over her face. Slowly, she woke up and blinked. As her eyes focused, she looked at me and...

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Plumbers Tape

Another episode from my life of self bondage. This is a very recent session (in fact it is only a week old by the time of writing). I do my best to ensure quality, but I am Danish and not familiar with every nook and cranny of English grammatics and syntax.   I get confused with subtle differences between US and UK English, so bear with me. Enjoy the story (or not) and please overlook any spelling mistakes. Present tense and past tense problems are just that - problems.------------I was...

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My Sister Set Me Up on a Blind Date

It was a Friday night at the end of my sophomore year at college. A cop had pulled me over as I was driving home. "Yes it is, Officer." "And your last name is really Chevrolet?" "That's my last name. Just like it was the last name of Louis Chevrolet, the co-founder of the Chevrolet car company." I hated it when people wouldn't believe that my last name was Chevrolet. If it was Ford, they wouldn't think twice. Now if it was "Google" or "FedEx", I could understand...

4 years ago
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Georges secretary

My sweet girlfriend Laura looked upset during lunch time…I asked what problem she had and Laura leaned on the table, looked at me with her very nice green eyes and hissed:“George is cheating on me with that stupid bimbo secretary…”I insisted, asking her if she was sure or just she suspected the whole matter. But Laura then got even angrier and furious…“The bitch is the new girl in the office; I met her two weeks ago…”“A little slut bimbo in her early twenties; a sensual brunette, some killer...

1 year ago
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Pizza girl

I was in a rut. Another Friday night alone. Just like last Friday and the one before that. Sitting here watching some stupid info-mercial aimed at inbred trailer trash. My God- I was watching and thinking of buying the assinine product!!! I needed to do something...quick. Hell, I'll just get a pizza and take it from there. Yeah, a pizza with everything. With shaking hands and trembling fingers, I picked up the telephone and triumphantly placed my order: "Three pizzas - the works, and a six pack...

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01.01 The Secret Court: The secret court had met frequently since it was formed four years ago. Their goal is to dispense justice toward those that could not be prosecuted under the legal system. This would happen when witnesses refused to testify, were afraid to testify or law enforcement official(s) looked the other way. The court has a large, silent following which donates funds to maintain a complex where some of the retributions take place. Eric and Lena are co-owners of an underground...

3 years ago
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Life Changes Chapter 1

Cindy and I met while we were both working for a small company just a couple of years out of college. She was a cute little brunette, about 5’5”, with a tight body. She had B-cup breasts and a nice little bubble butt. I was smitten quickly. Our relationship started slow, but once it got physical, it was fast and furious. We both really enjoyed sex and, although we considered ourselves open-minded, we did not push the limits of our physical relationship. We had vaginal and oral sex several...

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Woodstock 1975

Freedom of the PressWhen I was twenty years old I decided to use a newspaper to improve my romantic life. To be more precise, I wanted to create a romantic life where none had existed before. I had gone to the City College of New York expecting to meet girls - or even just one girl, perhaps - as well as get a degree to improve my chances for some as yet unspecified career.By the summer of 1975 between my sophomore and junior years I had made no progress towards the first goal. I had become an...

First Time
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my first 3some

(all true) I’m 52 and I think I’m the only person on the planet who has never had a threesome. I had always wanted it to be two girls and me, but hell, ya gotta take what comes along. I was on a mission to put together a threesome and live out my fantasy, so I hit Craigslist. I answered an ad a local guy posted about giving BJ’s during the day, I was feeling horny and adventurous so I replied to the ad and later that day went to his place. I was greeted by a 50something half naked guy who...

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Just A Small Town Girl Part 5 Alternative Lifestyles

"I've never been on a plane." "And you'll need a passport, damn I didn't think of that. I don't think we can get one expedited. Sorry, the nude beach will have to wait until summer." Shay happened to be walking from the shower on a Saturday morning. This generally mean her hair in a towel and nothing more. She found that clothes just slowed the process since Kent would be asking for something soon anyway. "Aww the poor people of Spain will be denied this", her hand indicated her...

4 years ago
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RejuvenatedChapter 9

Glossary Fartumult: completely unsettled Shtuss: Nonsense or silliness [rhymes with puss] By 10:00 Abby had finished the quick walk-through of David's tiny apartment. She approved of the cleanliness and tidiness of the rooms, but was appalled at its general condition. She was amazed that he could live under those conditions and taken aback that she was responsible for him having to. The flat seemed tinier still with his office taking up so much of the living room. The new rules of their...

2 years ago
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DaughterSwap Cleo Clementine Brooklyn Gray Domino Dick Down

Brooklyn Gray and her dad are super serious when it comes to dominos. And that is perfect, because Cleo Clementine and her dad, are also hyper competitive. Both come in with a similar strategy. Have the hot daughter seduce the other teams dad to distract them from the game. But as the game progresses, the girls catch each other blowing cock under the table and immediately start to fight. Luckily, these dads are able to put the competition aside and help the girls make piece. The fighting leads...

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High School Hell

The Characters: John: A 5'9 140 pnd 18-year-old man with blonde hair and blue eyes his body isn't nearly as muscular as he'd like but he does have an 8-inch cock. Lives with his mother, stepfather and three stepsisters. Doesn't know who his father is just what his mom has told him that it was a mistake but she never regretted having him. After moving around the northwest for years his family has finally settled in a new place. It was supposed to be a new start away from the teasing and daily...

2 years ago
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Bunk Beds Chapter 1

Disclaimer: All people in this story are fictional and any resemblance to living people is a cryin' shame. It was created to be a pleasant fantasy. Bunk Beds: Chapter One By Isis Eris I was the fifth name on the lease; I was a last minute addition. The thing is that it's only a four bedroom apartment and I'm the fifth person - and the only guy. We figured that I could put some of my stuff in the living room and I could make my own little corner there so I could do stuff on my...

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"I hope this apartment is nice" Dan thought. He had been looking at apartments all day and had seen some real shit holes. This apartment was a little more expensive than what he had planned, but it would be worth it. He had to start work on Monday and it was already Saturday. The new job he was starting in Flagstaff hadn't given him much notice, it was a great opportunity, but it was all such a rush.Driving into the driveway this house looked pretty promising. The ad was about a garage...

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Chelsea and Ronnie 2 Horny Nerds

Chelsea and Ronnie: 2 Horny NerdsRonnie Braxton was like my little brother – he’s 3 years younger than me. He and his family live across the street. My stepmom and I live at 530 Tyson Lane, and they live at number 527. His family and mines are the only blacks for almost 5 miles.My name is Alexandria Rhodes, but everyone calls me Chelsea (my middle name). Me and Ronnie have been friends ever since we were k**s. If you’re reading this, you’ve already figured that I’m gonna tell you about how me...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 62

We left after lunch on Monday in the Land Cruiser. The bags were in the way back and Marion sat up front when her Mom offered to sit in back. We were about half way there and had just turned south off I-4. I slid Marion's skirt up her leg and got a look at the green panties she had on. She seemed a little scared but she'd promised that I could have her anytime anywhere. She knew her Mom was right behind her but her trust in me had always worked out so she just closed her eyes and tried to...

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Letters from a Friend in Paris letters 16

LETTER XVI Harry's de***********ion of Louisa's and Tom's departure for their honeymoon is lacking. Her absence is felt. We had a rather silent dinner, the absence of dear Louisa weighing upon us, and we missed the liveliness and wit for which she was distinguished. After coffee we sat down to a quiet game of whist, previous to which Fred had seized the opportunity of our going together to the terrace to tell me that his father had whispered to Sophie that he should sleep with her that...

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Hidden Town

At this moment Mika is hoping as she stands naked on the platform being eyed by the men who have come to her birthday will find her ugly. Though Mika is not ugly. She had large green eyes and red-pink plump lips. Her raven hair has been groomed and falls to the arch of her back. Her perky breasts young and firm and as her platform slowly turns the men go from seeing her indented hip bones on wide hips to her round curvy buttocks. With milky complexion and strong legs nobody thinks Mika is a...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 21

Saturday This morning, I used the smaller, upstairs study bathroom to perform my morning ablutions so I didn’t wake the others. After I dressed, I acquired two canine followers on my way downstairs and three more once I got downstairs. I’d seen the handlers turn the dogs loose to run and do their business, and I did the same, although I stayed near the back door with the door open. The barking as they frolicked drew three more dogs outside. Juwanna and Mabel just laughed at me as I watched...

5 years ago
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A Work PartyChapter 6

My Voyage of Self-Discovery Ends The alleyway we parked in was actually far more spacious than I ever imagined. The single-lane drive was opened into a fairly large parking lot, with brick or concrete- walled buildings on three sides. There were some dank smells about, and the loud of dripping water somewhere, a steady stream of who knows what. Heavy debris and broken or discarded furniture was littered everywhere, and there were some stacks and piles that appeared to be organized lumps of...

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Sex With Mallu ISS Reader

Hello, there, Indian sex stories dot net readers.Hope y’all doing great sticking with Indian sex stories dot net, the great platform which allows us to share our real experiences, our imaginations, temptations. Well, I have got lotta emails, hang out texts etc from readers of my last story (https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/couple/first-sex-bangalore-malayali/) and people still sending e-mails. Thank you peeps for those responses and love.Here, I just came up with another real incident happened...

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MyFamilyPies Natasha Nice Thicc Sister Challenge

Natasha Nice and her stepbrother Brad Sterling are bored as they hang out on the couch. Eventually, Natasha asks if Brad has heard of the Sis Challenge that’s going around online. Brad hasn’t, so Natasha explains that they both get naked and if Brad pops a boner then he loses and is a freak. Brad is certain that he can control his impulses, so they get naked together. Indeed, his dick is soft even at the sight of his sister’s lush curves and massive titties. Natasha...

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Hypnosis App II Back In Town Part 11 and Epilogue

Author's Note: Here we are in the last section of my "Hypnosis App" sequel. As some of you may have guessed from the way this story was released, the whole story was already completed from the get go and weighed in just a little under 500KB in total. I decided to release it in smaller segments just under 100KB each in order to establish 'bookmarks' that I thought were a good amount of time to read before a break. I'm sorry if that wasn't obvious - I can take some of the suggestions in...

4 years ago
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The Payment

by by Dunchad© Introduction: This story is a piece of fiction that I wrote for a friend from the site. So mandmd, I hope you like this as much as I liked writing. She sat on the back porch, enjoying the cool day and the breeze wafting through the trees. Her husband was out of town again and she was feeling terrible lonely. She wished he did not have to leave so often, but it was the only way to pay the bills, and even it was a bit of a stretch. She had offered many times to get a part...

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My Chithi Latha

This is a real story happend in 2014, when I was 24 year old average brown looking virgin boy with height 6.2 and weight 90kg with a penis length of 7 inch living in chennai in a middle class family consist of mom (45), dad ( 49) & me (24). My chithi lives as our neighbor, her house consist of three members chithapa (40), chithi (38) , and her daughter (7) , my dad and his brother doing business together so they both would leave the house by morning 8 and return only between 8pm to 10pm, my...

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JenniferChapter 9

The two women went back down the stairs and to the kitchen. By now, mid-morning, the house was showing some life, as people woke and began moving. Half a dozen beautiful young women were gathered around a kitchen table. Margaret introduced them to Jennifer. “Most mornings we simply have coffee and juice, fruit, some buns and pastries. You know, sort of a continental breakfast. Lunch is usually sandwiches and soup, or something else of the sort. Mrs. McMurphy prepares a nice dinner before she...

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more crossdresser fantasy

franny again and i am still a pantyhose addict with a lot of wishful thinking - the following is fact with fiction but could be realityso i just can't stop wearing hose all the time and dressing really turns me on and i think i might have sparked some interest with my tentative on line friend - he contacted me immediately and expressed a desire to explore some of his latent feelings -so he said he was going to arrange cover story of guitar shopping to excuse himself for another alternate...

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LucianChapter 10

How to win a fight if all you know is to be charming, sweet and graceful? The room was large and stately. It was a drawing room, really, with paneled walls and high, shuttered windows. The scent of polishing wax reminded Lucian of Bobs working hard to clean it. Maybe the place served as a conference room; or even a boardroom with its huge, shining table and antique chairs under massive chandeliers. Of course, as a mere student, he’d never been there; he didn’t even know it existed. But...

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The busker

The statue of a lovely young woman is standing there in front of big Bo tree near the gate to a temple, as Buddha may have done.    Her shaven head and entire body is white. She may be made from cement but more likely plaster. Her eyes are shut. Her beauty is stunning. Her small shapely body is a vision of perfection in white.    There is a white top hat on the ground in front of the statue.    The busy Chiangmai Sunday market throngs around her, getting into full swing as the sun sets.    A...

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Anthropologyby [email protected] 1She crept slowly along the rocky trail.  She had to be very careful here.  The path took her up higher on the mountain and, therefore, to a safer position.  But the slightest misstep could send her spilling down the side of the mountain hundreds of feet.  It would surely mean death for her if that happened.  But, then again, maybe that was preferable to being captured by the savages who had been stalking her all morning.  Her first choice,...

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Neighbour8217s Wife Had An Unexpected Booty Call 8211 Part I II

I am Rajesh, 35 years of age, 5’7″ and 64kgs. Black hair and black eyes, medium build and smart looking guy, working in a MNC in Bangalore. Anita and Varun my apartment neighbours, late 20s, married for 2 years and no kids. Anita is about 5’3″, curvy with 34-30-36, full perky breasts. She likes to dress well. Varun is about my height and on the heavier than me. We have met multiple times and I always made it a point to look at her curves and breasts, which I think Anita enjoyed since she never...

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