UndercoverChapter 2 free porn video

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Joey nodded at Gambini. Mannie handed him his gun. Joey took it and left the Club. Twenty minutes later he was sitting in his car outside the "Golden Arms Hotel." It hadn't been that difficult to find him. All he needed to do was find a cheap yet respectable hotel that was in a central location. The first three places he called on his cell, he drew a blank, the fourth was a bull's eye. He told the clerks that he was desperately seeking his brother. Their mother had just died. The creep who answered the phone told him right away, "Yes, we have a Dino D'angelo. Paid cash up front too. He's in room eight. Too bad about your mother. Do you want me to call him to the phone?" Joey hung up. He sat looking out his window. It wouldn't take him long to come out here looking for him. He was sure the guy had gone to tell him about the call by now.

"Mother?" Dino wrinkled his brow when the guy came to the door.

"Yes, your brother called and said..." the man began.

"Brother? I don't' have any fucking brother. Get out of here," Dino told him, pushing shut the door. He went over to the window and looked out. There he was, his shadow.

Dino closed the curtain and came downstairs. "Next time someone asks you if Im here," he pointed to the guy at the desk, "you don't know me. Fool."

He pulled on his jacket and walked outside and then crossed the street to the car.

Joey watched him as he approached, then pushed the window button down. "Hi there," Joey met his eyes.

"Howdy to you. What in fuck do you want?"

"Ouch. You don't look happy to see me, Dino," Joey cooed at him. "Im disappointed."

"Good. Go be disappointed somewhere else."

Joey laughed. "I should be pissed at you. You have used and abused me, my man."

"You must like it because you came back for more."

"Ya, Im a glutton for punishment. Look, I've got no choice but to stick with you, like it or lump it."

"Well I don't like it and when I get ready to roll, you're not coming," he told him, pointing a finger at him.

"Come have a coffee with me. Im lonely," Joey told him.

Dino studied him. "Are you nuts?"

"Probably. Want to find out?" When Dino didn't answer, Joey said, "Look, you're not planning on hunting down Vincent Delino tonight are you?"


"Well. Doesn't look like either one of us will get much sleep. I have to stick with you and you might learn something if you take the time to get to know me better."

"You're not going to tell me jackshit," Dino walked to the car and peered inside.

"Maybe not but we'll both get a cup of coffee out of it."

"No funny stuff," Dino told him. "And we'll walk. No car."

Joey shrugged and got out of the car. "You want to walk in this neighborhood and you think Im the crazy one?"

He locked the car. They walked, Dino out in front, Joey having to run to catch up.

Dino didn't know why he agreed to the coffee. He supposed it couldn't hurt. Maybe the guy would let something slip. "So," he said, letting Joey catch up. "How did you find me?"

"I made some calls," Joey grinned. "Im not a complete moron."

"You work for Gambini, that means you're complete moron, " Dino remarked.

Joey sucked in some air. "So, tell me more about Vincent Delino and how you think he's involved with your cousin's shooting."

"Its his place. I think they were after him. He double crossed someone."


"I don't know. He got greedy or he owed money to someone."

Joey watched his face. He was deep in thought. He was a good cop. He could tell. He also had no intention of leaving until he saw Vincent. "You might be in danger, Dino," Joey said as they went into the all night coffee shop on the corner.

"Tell me something I don't know. You going to be the one to kill me?" He asked, sliding into a booth near the door.

Joey sat down opposite him. "Let's hope not."

The waitress came over. "What'll you have honey?" She winked at Dino.


"That's it? Sure I can't bring you a nice piece of apple pie, sweetie?" She looked in his face.

Joey tapped her arm. "Hey, Im here too you know?" Joey shook his head, laughing. "He'll only break your heart honey, sweetie," he mocked. "Bring me some coffee too ok?"

She marched off, issuing Joey a dirty look.

"You have this effect on everyone?" Joey asked him, grinning.

Dino shrugged. "Only waitresses."

"I'll bet."

She came back with the coffee. She sat Dino's cup down gently but slammed down Joey's in front of him, slopping half of it on the table. Joey's eyes widened then both men burst into laughter.

"She don't like me at all," Joey managed when he stopped laughing.

Dino shook his head, pushing his long hair back. "She's going to kick your ass out of here if you don't behave."

They were laughing again. It was almost three in the morning and suddenly everything was funny.

"Maybe she'll poison me with this crappy coffee," Joey commented, making a face as he took a sip.

Dino lifted his cup to his mouth and made a similar face. "Mine tastes like it's been around awhile... minus the arsenic," he added.

Joey howled with laughter. "I just don't have the touch with women. Guess they pick up on the fact that they don't do it for me."

Dino sobered a minute and then met his eyes. "You're... gay?" He didn't crack a smile.

Joey blinked. "Come on, don't tell me you didn't know."

"Ah... I suppose I did. You were really hitting on me there when we first met," Dino leaned back in his seat.

Joey looked down into his cup. "I might have been flirting a bit. Come on, don't tell me you just figured it out and you're gay too..." he paused, "right?"

Dino closed his eyes, then opened one. "I don't know. Sometimes I can be gay but other times... Im rather gloomy actually."

Joey sighed. He picked up his napkin, rolled it into a ball and threw it at him. "Asshole."

Dino sat up straight now, then yawned. "Look I hate to break up this little party we're having but I have to sleep." He threw some money on the table and went outside. Joey followed on his heels.

"Thanks for the coffee."

Dino looked at him. "Want a blanket?"

"What?" Joey asked.

"A blanket. I know you're going to sit outside the hotel all night. You don't have to. I'm not going anywhere tonight. Why don't you go home?"

"Right and have you take off on me in the morning? No way. Forget it," Joey said.

"Suit yourself," Dino replied.

"Dino," Joey said, touching his shoulder.

Dino turned to look at him outside the hotel. "Ya?"

"What if Vincent isn't even... here?"

"You know something. What?" Dino urged.

"Nothing." Joey turned to go to the car.

Dino shook his head and went inside the hotel.

Joey sat in the car thinking about Vincent Delino. He had fought with Sidney the night he had come to New York After that, he didn't see him again. Dino said he thought Vincent was the target of the hit in the video store. What if the contract had been put out by Gambini himself? What if Vincent was dead?

He knew Dino was probably thinking the same thing he was. But it worried him. Pursuing this could get someone dead. It could get Dino D'angelo dead. He liked him. To be honest, he more then liked him. If he could have been honest with him tonight, he would have made a move on him. But he was in no position to be making love to Dino D'angelo as much as he would have liked to. He wasn't sure what to do. Should he suggest to Dino that Vincent might be dead? Maybe he could lie and say he knew he was. But D'angelo wouldn't be satisfied with that. They had to talk.

Joey got out of the car. He walked into the hotel and up the stairs to number eight. He knocked but there was no answer. He turned the handle. It was dark. When he turned on the light and said his name, he knew there would be no answer. "Damn," he said. He was gone but he knew where he was headed.

Dino drove out towards the New Jersey turnpike. He turned onto the private road that led to Gambini's home and parked the car near some trees. He'd have to go the rest of the way on foot. The house was like an armed barricade. He took out his magnum 47 and cocked it. He'd just have a look around. It was after four, just before dawn. Perfect. Visibility was at its worst now.

He thought about Joey as he moved forward, he thought about his laugh, his eyes, that curly dark hair. There was no question that he had felt a strong sexual attraction developing between them but nothing could come of it. He had learned long ago that you couldn't change people. Joey had chosen a life of crime just as he had chosen another path. There was no going back.

He stood near the fence, looking around. It was dark except for the flood lights and the cameras. There were two men standing near the front porch smoking cigarettes and talking in low voices. He was sure there were dogs. He took out a pair of binoculars and scanned the windows. There was no movement anywhere. He was pretty sure Vincent Delino was dead. He also suspected that Gambini had ordered the hit. When someone stepped out of line, it didn't matter who they were, they were taken out. Gambini was responsible for almost getting Rickie killed but he couldn't just march in and arrest Gambini. In fact, he had no jurisdiction to arrest anyone here but if Gambini was responsible, all he had to do was get the trigger man to come clean. Immunity in exchange for Gambini, the D.A. would go for that. But he had to make sure before he left New York that this was just a little more then a hunch.

Joey drove up the road to Gambini's house. He pulled over and turned off his headlights before he reached the gate. If Dino was somewhere around, he didn't want to alert the guards. He got out of the car with his gun in his hand. Cautiously he looked around him and quietly made his way along side the bushes. Then hard steel was pressed in the small of his back and a hand came down over his mouth as the gun was wrenched from his hand. It was thrown on the ground a few feet away.

"Stay quiet," the deep voice hissed.

From the feel of the mans hard chest and the size of him, Joey knew it was Dino D'angelo.

"Promise me you'll be quiet and I'll take my hand off your mouth," Dino told him.

Joey nodded and Dino released him.

"How did you know I'd be here?" Dino demanded.

Joey sighed. "Where else would you be?"

"Look, why in the hell don't you give me five minutes to do?"

"Because my ass is on the line," Joey replied hotly. "And what you came here to do is going to get you killed. Just leave Vincent Delino to the authorities. Im sure..."

"Vincent Delino is dead," Dino said. "And you know it."

"I don't know it. I mean, I suspected but..." Joey took a breath.

"They had a fight, didn't they? Delino had become dead weight and Gambini put a contract out on him. But Delino didn't go into work that night cause he hired my cousin. He never suspected Gambini put the hit on him so he came running back here. Then Gambini finished what the shooter didn't, back in LA"

"Well," Joey made a face, "Vinnie was never too bright."

Dino nodded. "Umm, I'll say."

"So, if you know he's dead, then go home," Joey met his eyes in the dark. "There's nothing more you can do here."

"Oh yes there is. If Gambini put a hit on Delino, then the guy they have in custody back home is the key to putting Gambini away for good. I have to make sure that's what happened before I leave here."

Joey stiffened. Jesus. He was right. They had no idea what they had back in LA This could mean the end of this case. This could mean freedom for him and jail for Gambini. "If someone doesn't get to him first..." Joey said out loud.

"You're not going to open your mouth," Dino grabbed his arm roughly. "If you keep your mouth shut, when it comes to arrests, I'll give you a head start to get out of here. But if you blow this..."

Joey nodded. "I won't say anything. I promise. But what are you going to do now? What are you looking for, a body?"

Dino pushed his long hair back over his shoulder. "I have to make sure that Vinnie is dead before I push it any further. A body would be great but I'll never find that. Right now, Gambini has no reason to think Im on to him. As long as I make him believe that I think his Godson is still alive... then..." Suddenly, there was a noise nearby.

"Shus," Joey said.

They both froze. Joey eyed his gun lying on the ground by his feet. If they were discovered, he'd have to make believe that he found Dino sneaking around the grounds.

Three men, heavily armed surrounded them now. "Get your hands up!" One yelled. Dino fired off a shot. Joey scrambled for his gun. One man went down. The other two jumped Dino.

Joey emerged from the tumble with his gun in his hand. As the two men grabbed a struggling Dino by both arms, Joey pointed his gun at Dino D'angelo's head.

"One more move and your dead, cop."

Dino glared at him. "And all the while, I thought maybe there was a second chance waiting for you in all this."

"What if I like the chances I have right now?" Joey sneered. "Sure looks like the odds are in my favor, handsome."

There was blood running down Dino's face. He was angry as the two men hauled him off towards the house. He swore at them in Italian. The dogs barked in the distance as they approached. Joey walked behind, holding the gun steady as he moved close behind him. He looked calm but he was freaking out deep down. They had a potentially explosive situation here.

Gambini waited in the living room in his dressing gown. He was pacing when he saw them enter, then he stopped. Mannie and Frank threw Dino onto his knees in front of Gambini. When he went to stand up, Gambini placed a hand on his head and forced him back down.

"Don't bother to stand," he smiled slyly, much like a snake.

Joey went to stand beside him Gambini. He put his gun away. The other two men backed up.

Dino lifted his chin and looked Gambini in the eye. There was no fear on his face. Joey knew that Gambini admired that. It would help keep him alive for awhile. If he hadn't of been a cop, he'd be dead already. Gambini didn't like wasting cops.

Dino didn't look at Joey. He had been a fool to tell him he had figured out Vinnie Delino was dead. Joey would tell Gambini at the earliest opportunity and his plan to get that punk to spill his guts back in LA would be over.

"Boss," Joey urged, "Let me do it. Let me take him out somewhere and get rid of him."

Dino looked at Joey. "Another homicide added to your list of felonies?"

Mannie reached forward and slugged him in the gut. Dino grunted and went forward, then righted himself again. Joey winced inwardly.

"Patience Joey, patience," Gambini smiled. "First, may I say that you have done some outstanding work for me. I will reward you." "Good, give me the cop. I'll play with him some then waste him. I'll do a good job, I promise," Joey told Gambini. "No one will ever find the body."

"I'll help him, boss," Mannie offered.

"No," Joey shook his head. "He's mine, all mine. Come on boss, reward me. I want to waste him."

"Ah, you find him to your... taste," Gambini smiled.

"Most definitely," Joey looked over at him. He came closer and touched his hair. "You can't blame me for wanting to taste him first." He looked at Dino and ran a tongue over his lips.

The men all laughed.

Dino spit at him, which earned him a slap across the head from Mannie.

"You'll be dead before you touch me... you... piece of..." Dino sputtered.

"No," Joey lifted his chin with his gun. "You'll be dead but only after Im finished doing what ever I want to you."

Their eyes met. Dino's eyes were filled with hate and determination. "Well you'll have to kill me first. I hope you enjoying fucking a corpse."

Gambini clapped his hands and laughed.

Joey moved backwards. Wow, that stung but he couldn't let him get to him. He had to be convincing. The only way he'd get Dino out of here alive was to ask Gambini to let him do the hit. If Gambini suspected he was a cop, they were both dead.

Gambini came close to Dino. "Why couldn't you just let things go, cop? Go back to your city of Angels and stay alive. Now I have to get rid of you and I don't like to do this to such a handsome young man with so much wit and intelligence. Vinnie is my problem, one I had to take care of. Your cousin is alive. He's lucky. Too bad you won't be able to reunite with him."

He turned around and went to the closet. He took out a piece of plastic. Mannie laughed. Joey's heart almost stopped.

Dino gave him a defiant look. "People on the LAPD know where I am, they know who I came out here to get. They'll be a lot of questions."

"Questions I can handle," Gambini smiled.

Joey swallowed. "Boss, you promised... my reward... my..."

"Hire a hooker," he growled at Joey. "Mannie, do it, NOW!"

Mannie stepped forward. Joey cried out, "NOOOOOOOOOO!" and fired straight at Mannies head as Dino grabbed Franks legs and tripped him forward. Frank knocked Gambini over his desk. Mannie lay still, a hole in his forehead the size of a crater, blood and brain matter splattered all over the carpet and all over Dino.

"Come on," Joey yelled, grabbing Dino's arm as he scrambled to his feet. They made for the door, Dino doubling back to grab Mannie's unfired pistol. They ran down the hall.

"Gambini will sound the alarm any second now," Joey told him hastily.

Dino lifted the gun in his hand. "That I buy."

"Follow me," Joey told him, "I know this place like the back of my hand. You're not scared of dogs, are you?" He asked, rounding the corridor. They were both breathing hard.

"Depends on the... ah..." Dino broke off suddenly as two snarling drooling Doberman's faced them.

Joey met Dino's eyes. "I'll ask you again later."

"Good idea," Dino replied. He had no idea what had just happened or why but there was no time for questions now.

The dogs came running towards them, ready to attack. The fact that Dino was soaked in blood didn't help much.

"Shit," Dino muttered, "this is not good."

An alarm sounded.

"The air vents," Joey yelled, dipping into a bedroom. Dino followed on his heels, one dogs teeth grabbing his pant leg, ripping it to shreds before he managed to close the door and lock it.

Dino looked down at his leg to make sure he still had one. "Shit," he said.

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Today My Name is Caprice

He enters the coffee shop at two minutes until two. He enters this same shop at the same time every Thursday afternoon. Sometimes if he’s early he’ll walk around the block, or sit at the bus stop bench and read, until it is time.He is never late. Those are the rules.The coffee shop is crowded, as is the street outside, midtown Manhattan in the afternoon on display through floor to ceiling windows. The room is large and old, brick walls, patterned tin ceiling rusting in several spots. The tables...

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the young girl down the road

mary kate looked at him and smiled, she thought that he was like her and had never seen another person naked before so thats why he was so stunned. but if thats the reason he sure covered it quick he sayed "mary kate what are you doing?" she replied i have no idea i need your help i think i hurt myself. he could see why she would think that because her pussy was just dripping water it was like a water show. "and i dont know why but i feel really weird, weird but good at the same time. he...

1 year ago
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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 12 Dr Mendeleyev

EMAIL: SVETLANA NIKITECHNA TO NEENA ALEXANDROVNA I am conscious that Vyera has a lot to achieve for us. I have arranged with Dr Mendeleyev to review the data we collected before Vyera was taken. Let me know when you feel Vyera has completed sufficient basic training to begin other work? EMAIL: NEENA ALEXANDROVNA TO SVETLANA NIKITECHNA Vyera has been doing relatively well in recent weeks. She has not indulged herself with any further rebellious acts, nor attempted any potentially suicidal...

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Baraknes compendium

Welcome to Barakne's compendium! It's not much at the moment, but I intend to create a series of shorts that I have the impulse to write and to see how I can take the story from there (or if I should choose to do so). Any stories here can of course be used to develop your own story or to be lead on as you see fit. I'm just going to categorize it into 2 main tracks, because I guess it's what I'm into? Of course, feel free to drop a comment or request on an idea or thought you would like to see...

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Babs Alan

Arriving home after being shopping in town I was surprised to see my sixteen year old nephew Alan’s bike leaning against the garage, he was the 16year old schoolboy who I had seduced in the summer-house in our garden a few weeks before. I suddenly had the urge for hopefully a repeat performance at seeing his bike there. Going into the house all was quiet, perhaps he was in the bathroom with my knickers, he’d told me that when he goes to my bathroom, he rummages through my washing basket for my...

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Family EnslavedEpilogue

"Mom?" I couldn't help but stare and then giggle happily, drawing even more attention to us than we already had. "Susan," she smiled back at me and I pressed both of my hands to my mother's swollen tummy, but only for a moment because we really needed to hug. "Hi Daddy," Katrina was taking care of our father for the moment and her voice was almost shy, the way it often is, and Dad took the girl into a gentle hug of his own. His left hand found Katrina's belly, which was bare...

1 year ago
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One Answer

My friend and I grew up together in the city. His family moved to an acreage south of the city when we were in grade nine. We would get together for weekends often. Our families (parents, brothers & sisters) were clueless as to how our relationship was changing from pals to intimate friends. In-deed we were pretty clueless too, but we were keen to explore and learn, especially me.One weekend when we were in grade 11, I got a question answered.He was bunking in our basement guest room two levels...

Gay Male
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Vanna White Queen of Lust

Chapter 1 Vanna White had been burning with lusty sexual need for several days. She normally had no problem in finding some willing horny guy who'd fuck her and get her off whenever she needed it. Sure, she was married and had two children, but Vanna didn't let her marital status get in the way of enjoying herself with lots of guys who were just panting to get between her legs. Vanna put on quite a different public image for the TV camera and the still photographers but she knew that when...

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USAChapter 34

She began by explaining the Watcher Rules: The Watches are for women. The eldest daughter inherited the Watch when she was twelve. The eldest daughter could refuse the Watch but the Watcher HAD to ask once a year if the girl wanted the Watch. Relinquish on demand. The recipient should be trained in Watch protocol. If the present holder didn't want to train, the Powers That Be would perform the service at their base. The watch stopped working if the Watcher refused to give it up. Males...

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Pati Ki Imandari Padi Mahgi 8211 Part 2

Thanks everyone, for your support this means a lot to me.I read each and every mail of yours thanks for loving my work.So here’s the next part enjoy! Tb tk ravi vha pr agya or sb khda- Khda sun raha tha, ravi ko dekh kr Mai toh dar h gye thi. Ravi kuch bola Ni bs mjko ghurte hue tea cup zakir Ko derha tha,fer wo chala gya. Zakir ke aakho mai mjko baibusi se nzar arhe thi wo bhut h tension or gusse mai tha toh mane usse puch ab kya kroge toh zakir khada hogya or bola hani chahe jo v ho, chahe...

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Yankee Swap Chapter 3 Memories

Yankee Swap, Chapter 3: Memories "Hurry up - I'm getting cold!" Ken was hopping from one foot to the other to keep them from freezing on the cold concrete floor. Of course they wouldn't freeze in August, but he was nervous as well. He and his best friend Cindy were in her garage changing their clothes - with each other. It was a silly thing to do, but they were 6 years old and bored. Her clothes were much too small for him anyway, he thought. She passed him her dress and he...

2 years ago
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Getting Out Of The Rut Chapter 11

 What is a cage for?I don’t know what time Carol disengaged herself, I was sound asleep, but she was awake before me. The shower woke me so I threw back the duvet and sat up enough to inspect the damage. Carol came rushing out of the shower, throwing a towel onto the floor so she didn’t soak the carpet.“What’s the emergency?” I said.“I want to see.”“What’s so exciting about a cage wrapped in condoms?“I want to see what’s inside.”She knelt beside the bed and started rolling the condoms off my...

3 years ago
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Summer ProjectChapter 9

Stephanie was weak with the afterglow of her last orgasm. Her whole body felt wrung out with pleasure and she did not think she could endure any more. Yet, the vibrators were still buzzing insider her and she was helpless to stop them. "Are you ready to eat, Slave?" the metallic voice asked. Weakly, the blonde nodded yes. Steph hadn't realized how hungry she really was. Stephanie felt a tug upon her collar, "Come, Slave." The tied woman wriggled up into a sitting position with...

2 years ago
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Privy of the GodsChapter 10

Most of us suffered through the winter, but a number of teenagers, mostly boys, of course, decided to make some additional crossbows. The gang had found a machine shop that they could get into operation because it had an axillary power system that turned out to be a steam engine. Anyway, with all of the energy of a bunch of teens turned on by something that interested them, they managed to put the machine shop back in operation. At first, they didn’t try to do anything special, but simply...

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Lila Aunty

Hi mere naam sandy hai meri age 25 hai me mumbai ( dadar) rehata hu aur mba kar raha hu iss ki sari kahaniya padi hai aur muje bohat achi lagi hai aaj me aap ke samne meri ek ghatna sunane jaa raha hu.. Agar pasand aaye to pls comments karna … Ye baat aaj se 5 saal purani hai jaab me college joint kiya tha mere bagal me ek parivar rehata tha jisme pati patni aur unka ladka jo mere classmat tha … Aunty ki age hogi 35-36 mast sudol bada tha boobs aur gaand to ekdam mast dekhte hi koi bhi dekhega...

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Gone for Black Cock Gay

I have been lucky in my life when it comes to sex, especially when taking into account the small Northern California town I live in. When I say Northern California I mean Northern California; not the Bay Area but so close to the mountains bordering Oregon you can almost hear banjos playing in the forest.The social makeup of the place was definitely Red State; overwhelmingly white, Christian and conservative. It was always amazing to me and yet, at the same time, completely understandable how...

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 34 Last Minute Plans

To say that Greg was confused by his daughter would be an understatement. It seemed that every time he saw Cathy, she was giving him a hug or asking if he needed something. When she had run into the house, he turned to his wife and asked, “What’s up with Cathy?” “What do you mean?” Sharon asked. “Every time I see her, she gives me a hug,” Greg answered. “You might not remember, but you said some very nice things to her the night you came home drunk,” Sharon answered. “That evening is a...

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Better Study Habits Parts 12 and 13

Better Study Habits (Parts 12 and 13) by Vanessa White Part 12 Travis woke up on the floor and immediately knew he was hungover. He had felt this way so many times before. As he struggled to make sense of his surroundings, he soon realized he was in Jonas' room. He rolled over and slowly began to get upright. "Wow," he thought to himself. "I don't remember....anything...." He saw from looking at Jonas' alarm clock that it was nearly 6 a.m. ...

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JamesDeen Iris Rose Iris Rose And James Deen Public Sex

Iris Rose and James Deen are headed to set to shoot some porn. They pull over in a private place so James can pee, because James hates bathrooms and insists on peeing under bridges for some reason. Iris has a camera pointed at her and all of a sudden can’t stop herself from entering porn mode. The all natural blonde teen starts to flash her pussy and tits to the camera. James finishes pissing in and then comes and shoves his cock inside her until she gets enough dick to hold her over for the...

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Meri Pyas Adhuri Rah Gayi

Hello friends how are you? I hope you all fine. My name is Rudra Arya. It’s my frist story. Meri email id hai facebook par bhi yahi id hai. Meri age 20 years hai. I am from Saharanpur. I am doing graduation from JV jain college. I’m from a middle class family chalo aap sab ko bore na karte hue main apni story sunanta hu. Main ssc graduate level ki taiyari bhi kar raha hu. Aor meri coaching ki timing subah 9 to 11 hai. Coaching mere ghar se jyada dur nhi hai isliye main jyadatar paidal hi...

4 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 18

When I regained my seat I said, "How many of these can we get? I want to put out the possibility of letting the current tenants stay in the house until we are ready to upgrade the street." Both were staring at me. Jane was the one that broke first. "Well?" "Well, What?" "The loan?" "Oh, it looks like I got it." "How much?" "It's on a sliding scale. The line of credit is based on what I currently own. When I use the money to buy any particular property then that loan can be...

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A Date with Heather

This story is a sequel to my first story, “Dream Girl Heather”.  I suggest reading that story before continuing with the post below. I was disappointed when I hadn’t heard from Heather after a few days.  She was friendly at work, but made no mention of my visit to her home, or what had happened.  I was worried that my premature ejaculation problem had ruined any chance of another encounter.  I had decided that if another opportunity presented itself that I would jack off several times before...

4 years ago
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Sitzengelassene rcht sich

Nur zwei Wochen vor unserer Hochzeit wurde ich sitzen gelassen und ich war wütend. Die Hochzeitspläne waren fertig, die Kirche war bereit, die Einladungen verschickt, Geschenke kamen an, und Reservierungen für unsere Flitterwochen waren gemacht worden. Das Schlimmste daran war, dass es meine beste Freundin war. Nick hat mich für Jean, meine langjährige Freundin, verlassen. Ich war gedemütigt. Ich konnte nicht glauben, dass ich praktisch am Altar verlassen wurde. Er versuchte, meinen Schock...

1 year ago
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Cumming of age part II

As Leslie laid on her back I began to lick her sweet little pussy. Her pussy was so sweet. As I sucked in all her juices she moaned with pleasure she had never known before. I then slide my finger into her hairless vagina and as I pushed it in further she let out a pleasurable moan of ectasy. She just had her first orgasm. I countinued to finger her little hole licking on her clit, but I now began to play with her virgin ass. Her hole was so pretty, seeing how it had never been touched, I slide...

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Pregnant Teenage Power AngelChapter 2

During that same time period, Tara started to have more encounters with the criminal element. On a Monday when Tara walked home from Thomas's home, she stopped in a convenience store. She had done some oral on Thomas before he entered her pussy and she wanted to get the taste of his pre-cum out of her mouth. A couple of guys were in the store. She bought a soda and left. As she stepped outside, she could still hear voices from the store. "Open the cash register!" said a man "Come on!...

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EBethChapter 2 After the Party

December 2006 It was just another Monday. By my rough calculations, I had already experienced over 170 such Mondays, walking through the employee entrance of Argen Laboratories and waving my badge at the RFID security gate. But never once had I walked through those doors feeling this nervous. Big presentation? No problem. Departmental review? No sweat. Even an audit by the FDA? I could handle them. Sleeping with a co-worker? I was freaked out. To be honest, I'd anticipated that I might...

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Carnal Campus Ch 07

Joe awoke the next morning surprised to see that he had slept until well past 9:00 A.M. He grinned thinking about how that little vixen had worn him out last night. Next to the bed was a small table with a covered dish and a note. Kerri had left him breakfast before leaving for work in the morning. She worked at one of those posh bookstores at the mall that made more profit from their excellent cappuccino bar than the books people always browsed, but never purchased. Along with the breakfast of...

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Stepin Sub

I wake up in my bed with the covers off my curvy, naked body. It's so hot already and the sun is shining in through the curtains. I pull the sheet up to cover my eyes and maybe go back to my dreams but my mobile bleeps with my alarm. I shower quickly, put on my swimming costume and then head down to the community pool as it's perfect having an early morning swim and I'm nearly always alone. I throw my towel on a chair and dive in. As I come back up out of the water, I push my long blonde hair...

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Rain after midnight

It was an early summer night, perfect temperature we had just gotten home from a late night dinner in Toledo. I wanted to toy and tease B so l slipped into a tank dress and came out of the bathroom. He looked at me with a grin and hugged me with one arm as he slid his hand up my dress. He grabbed my pussy as he whispered in my ear, " I was hoping you left my pussy out for me" he tugged at my pussy lips hard as he kissed me but I pulled back and told him I thought I'd have a drink outside it was...

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Need You Now Ch 02

It was Halloween…Kristy’s favorite holiday. She looked forward to this night every year. She had a lot of visitors to her house, from itty bitty pea pods to a guy dressed like Jimmie Johnson. He had two tire tracks over the front of him and a bruised and bloodied face. He scored kudos and an extra handful of candy for his costume! Actually, there were lots of kids dressed like NASCAR drivers this year. Seeing them made her miss Tony even more than she normally did. July seemed like such a...

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Unnamed Act 4 Scene 5

She unlocks her wrists and stops in front of their Slave, gazing deep into the frightened eyes. She leans closer, lips parting, smiling as their Slave instinctively surrenders into the kiss, her body putty in her Mistress' hands, her own hands balled into fists at her side as she struggles not to embrace her in return. She squeezes their Slave's young, firm breasts roughly, illiciting a moan of desperate arrousal as she hears the throaty roar of the engine in the distance, grinning...

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Fast and furious

i'm only writing this because it is a wonderful story and i remain anonymousi am a 33 year old married womannot a cougar, maybe i am a milfi love to dress up because i am blessed with a slim body and large breastsi always wear high heels, and either stockings, pantyhose or leggings without panties to show off my sexy arsethen I usually wear a dress over the top and a see through bra which serves well as an extra little flirty bitmy friends say i am a cock teaser but i just like the feel it...

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First things first: There's Red and... then there are other trainers. My writing will follow Red primarily but, should you prefer to follow someone else, the option is there. And with that out of the way, a brief synopsis: Red (unaffiliated with Ash Ketchum) is an eighteen year old guy who has decided to give life on the go as a pokemon trainer a try. He's well built and the ladies seem to fine him handsome. Raised in a fairly liberal household, it's time to forge his own way and see the world....

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The Abduction Part Three

The Abduction Part 3 My body feels weightless after an orgasm the likes of which I have never known, yet there is no time to waste on an afterglow before the steady rhythm of having both holes worked reawakens my nerves. Just as I begin to explode, I feel strong hands pick me up, and my cunt looses the grip it had on the rod that was pistoning my core. Sweat is everywhere, mine theirs, I’m slick with it but it doesn’t matter. I can tell someone is moving onto the mattress, and...

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Princess of Castile chapter 13

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 13 "Who is talking on the tv daddy?" the little girl asked her father who looked taken aback by what he was seeing. This was the common occurrence in most of the households of Aragon lately. People of Aragon gathered around their televisions and their radios as they heard the voice of Empress Elsa. Alejandra's sister gave a long speech directed at the leadership of Aragon describing their most recent and very expensive scientific...

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