Plumber\'s Tape free porn video

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Another episode from my life of self bondage. This is a very recent session (in fact it is only a week old by the time of writing).

I do my best to ensure quality, but I am Danish and not familiar with every nook and cranny of English grammatics and syntax.


I get confused with subtle differences between US and UK English, so bear with me. Enjoy the story (or not) and please overlook any spelling mistakes. Present tense and past tense problems are just that - problems.


I was watching the heat technician install my new boiler system. As usual my husband left the supervision of those visits to me. He usually excuses himself with being busy at work and "they are cheaper if they can come by early in the morning". The plumber (I suppose that's really what he is even if it does say Heat Technician on the ID-card) was installing a water tank which was supposed to stand in a corner and be inconspicuous. We discussed the three puny stumps posing as legs on the tank, and I expressed concerns about whether or not they were good for making sure the tank didn't tip over. Maybe I was a bit pushy, but in the end he rather pointedly produced a strip of metal with holes punched through at regular intervals. He proceeded to secure each end to the wall on either side of the tank and with a satisfied look in his face, he said, "This'll hold it. You couldn't pull it free even if you tried."

My mind seems to be working around the clock to find ways of doing a bit of self bondage, and I realized immediately that this metal strip thingy would be absolutely perfect for some inescapable self bondage. So - very innocently - I asked what the strip was called and where to get some more. "Plumber's tape, or Pipe Strapping", I was told. Any DIY store should stock it and it comes in rolls of 10 or 50 feet. WOW!!!!

So I got a reel with 50 feet of this stuff (although it was called Patent Band in the place where I got it, but that is of course in Denmark.)

While I was searching for this Pipe Strapping, I made good use of the time to find the best spot to use it. My head was filled with possible scenarios and places. I eventually found this strapping thingy and discovered that it could quite easily be broken into smaller pieces by bending it back and forth a few times.

During the next few weeks I planned my new bondage adventure. I discarded loads of ideas, that might be used in new ties, but for this particular tie it had to be a novel tie, something never tried before, a daring tie and not least - it had to incorporate some sort of humiliation (as you probably know by now, I am heavily into humiliation). This humiliation bit can show it's ugly head in different ways. Perhaps discovery. Maybe soiling myself. Or merely having to do a humiliating thing in order to get free or home. You might recall my bus trip in a rather stinky sommer dress.

It was a given that I had to use the strips on a wooden surface. It is so much easier to drive screws into wood than having to pre-drill, plug the hole and then find the hole with the screw tip whilst getting more and more restricted. I have two wooden surfaces at my disposal in or by my house my house, if you don't count the doors and floors. And since my husband probably would be rather annoyed if I used our hardwood floors, I had to resort to the floor in the greenhouse or the garage door. In the end I decided to use the greenhouse floor for the dry run. I could get the strips cut to the correct length and it would be easier to drive the screws in if I was horisontal. After this trial run I had all the necessary strips and a good understanding of how to strap myself in. OHHHH. This would be so much fun.

The bondage had to be inescapable. I shouldn't be able to work myself loose until the allotted time had ended. This gave me an additional head ache. I simply had to work out how to rig up a release mechanism, so that I eventually could get free, but had to wait. It took another week of tossing and turning at night before I finally found the solution. I'm sure you'll agree on the ingenious design, when we get to that bit.

The last bits of preparation took almost four months. You will later learn why.

During my years of self bondage I have only bought two sets of handcuffs and a a couple of vibrators. All the rest of my gear is made from bits and bobs that I made or altered from orignal use. A car tyre inner tube is absolutely brilliant for making a mask. An old leather belt and some padlocks make very good and safe wrist and ankle cuffs. Gaffatape (or Duckt Tape) is also very handy if you want to make a mask. We'll get to that a bit later in this story. I'm getting pretty good at adapting the oddest stuff for my personal use.

My husband (second husband) agrees with my self bondage, but is not very inventful when he ties me. Although he is a good lover, he cannot understand the mechanisms that drive a humilliation bondage session. For some years now I have therefore conducted my self bondage when he is on business travels. Mostly because it isn't very humiliating to be tied in front of your husband and also because he thinks that half an hour is plenty tinme to wait for the "fun stuff". Some could argue that having him as a safe backup release friend would be perfect. But not for me. I have to get really helpless and rely entirely on my own devices. If I miscalculate a release then I will suffer, sometimes for a long time, but eventually he will get back and then he can release me. I have had no mishaps yet I hasten to add even if there has been a couple of close calls. Should he die on his travel I can always use my voice. I can call out for help. I would never use a ballgag or other ways of obstructing my throat. Firstly (mostly) because I instantly gag and almost loose my breakfast if I try anything filling up my mouth (my husband is none too happy about this I can tell you) and secondly because some of my ties are time consuming and I need to drink. And lastly - since I am allergic to grass and other stuff my nose sometimes block up. It can happen pretty fast and with a ballgag or tapegag I could die from asphyxiation.

I could therefore cry out for help. My neighbors are well aware of my strange desires. Crying for help wouldn't be a first.

Well. We'd better get back to the bondage bit, or you'll all become impatient :)

The release mechanism was designed (Yes, yes. We'll get to it in due course). The method of restriction was decided. Now for the difficult choice of outfit.

For this ordeal I wanted to be stark naked. There are reasons for that which will become clear. I also wanted to wear my Gaffatape mask. It is a neat design which is based on a description I found in a sb-novel on the internet. I'd better describe it for you.

You take a plastic bin liner and pull it over your head and attach a strip of Gaffatape around your neck. This is the basic design. Then you make a hole for your nose, so that you can breathe during the construction phase. My ring-gag (made from a large O-ring and some leather straps) was inserted and tied well and tight. Now it was just a question of wrapping my head in Gaffatape. Make sure you do not cover the eyes or your mouth. The plastic bin liner ensures that you can remove the mask in one piece rather than tearing of your hair and skin. After you have finished the wrapping all you need to do is cut with a pair of scissors up the back of your head from the base up to the top.

You might want try to invent some type of protection between your hair and the tape before you make your mask. If you don't you will cut some odd patterns in your otherwise perfect hairdo. Like I did. They are kind of hard to explain, when your co-workers ask about what happened to your hair.

After the mask was removed I smoothed the edges with strips of Gaffatape and made a hole in the plastic where the ring-gag was. The eye parts were still with a film of plastic covering the holes. If you have used a dark bin liner, it'll make you look really spooky and make it difficult for you to see when wearing the mask. For me this is good.

Now I can put the mask on and fasten it with a couple of strips of Gaffatape and it won't budge. If I cover the eyeholes I can't see and it is hard to hear anything. Remember to put a small pad on the strip of tape you put over the eyes, or you will ruin the plastic covering. I now have a mask that fits my head precisely and it is comfortable enough to sleep with.

Back to the garage and the extremely difficult part of trying to describe it so that you can visualize it without thinking - "Hmmm. This can't happen...". Some would call out for pictures or drawings. Well. Keep calling. No pictures - I want to be anonymous. No drawings - I can't draw. I'm trying to learn a 3D-toolkit, so in due time I might be able to illustrate, but for now you have to use your third eye while I stir my second chakra.

In the garage.

The garage door is down and the only light comes from a window set high on the right hand side. You would find the usual clutter and absolutely no room for a car. Don't you find it funny that we leave an expensive car out on the street and lock up rusty lawn movers and boxes full of junk?

There is a high table withing easy reach if I stand with my back to the door. Which I do as I am putting the first strap on my left ankle and screw it into the garage door. Before I even started I made sure that I had measured out all the key points, where the release was, and where my hands should be once I was finished and most of the strips have been pre-positioned according to the measurements found on the floor in the greehouse.

My legs are spread a good four feet apart and it is a bit difficult to reach. I use one of those small battery operated screwdrivers to drive in the screws. It's a good thing the tip is magnetic as I could never balance the strip, myself and the screw, while trying to find the correct hole to insert the screw. Magnetic tip and Torx are the best inventions in the whole world right there with zip-ties.

Now for the right ankle. Phew. As mentioned earlier, I have all the strips ready made in the correct sizes and they are pre positioned so that I easily can fasten them. (Note for next time: Start with the one around the stomack to lend support and help you balance.)

The last couple of strips are ready on the table within reach. Then came the knees. Whirrrr. Whirrrrr. Done.

More straps held the thighs in place. By design I was screwing the straps in so that they were slightly tight. This I like. Tight bondage.

Hips were next then stomack and then below the breasts and above the breasts. I should now write something about my breasts protruding proudly into the room, but alas - I'm an A-cup and I suspect a small one at that, but the store clerks are too polite to mention it. My nipples don't stick out - in fact they look more like they are painted on the bumbs that represents my breasts. I am sometimes irritated that I can't create a great breast bondage, but I flatly refuse to undergo surgery just because I'm a bit flat. My body is mine and no surgeon is going to make money for his holiday or new jaguar on me. Do you know what one surgeon had the nerve to say to me when I had a bit of bother with my secret place? "It looks a bit messy and you are definitely a candidate for surgery". And why? Because my inner labia are sticking out. I love my large labia and he had no right to make me feel "messy". Bastard.

But what I lack in upper body features I have in abundance at my hips (and labia). My first husband used to say that I could give birth to two babies - simultaneously. I'm not exactly overweight, more like under-height.

But I digress.

I am now strapped in to breastheight and I can only just reach the last bits on the table. A black dildo/vibrator, which I tie in a special way. A thin string around the base and tied to the strap around my stomack. Another string tied close to the tip and the other end to the base of the clitoris, which I had already pulled out with the use of a large syrringe with the end cut of, so that i works as a vacuum pump when the plunger is pulled. After the string is tied on with a nice bow to make it easy to remove, I take of the vacuum pump and leave it on the table.

I now attach the handcuffs. One on each wrist. The loose part will eventually click onto two bits of strip that will work as anchors for my wrists. These anchor strips are put below my release boxes which are attached high on the door. The opening in the boxes face the back of the garage and they each have a key for the handcuffs. Double release to be safe. A string from the key leads to a screw about two thirds of the way down to the point where my hands will be able to reach once I'm all strapped in. This ensures that when the keys drop they will hang slight lower than my hands and be easy to get at. However. Getting the keys to drop is the tricky bit (my way is rather clever if you ask me). I have two larger loops of strip attached where my elbows will be when I stick my arms through and bend my arms to get the open part of the handcuffs to lock onto the small loops. I will eventually stand with my legs spread and my arms pointing down at about 45 degrees before angling up from the elbow.

Two more strips where my arms meet the shoulders. I now put the Gaffatape mask on. It gets dark as I have already covered the eye holes and the ring-gag fits perfectly. Two pre-cut pieces of Gaffatape closes the seam in the back. I can feel the tension build inside me. This will be very very special.

This is almost finished. I turn the vibrator onto low setting. It just rests there in front of my mound and although I can feel it, it doesn't really do much for me. But it will. It is operated from the mains and I'm sure it will last for however long I need. My clitoris is not that happy with being tied, but I'll survive.

Next strip across my throat. To make sure I don't choke myself I put a last strip across my forehead and thus make sure I can't turn my head. The screwdriver is now obsolete, at least until I want out, and I let it go after tying it's string around the base of the screwdriver which leaves it hanging from the top of the garage door so that it dangles just out of reach, when I put my arms through the last two loops and attach the handcuffs. And yes - I DID secure the screw bit in the screwdriver with a strip of Gaffatape. It would be a disaster, if the bit fell out wouldn't it?

Even with the careful measurements it was a bit of a chore to get my arms through the elbow loops. All the strips which held me to the garage door made room for very little movement, but eventually I succeded.

I was there. The handcuffs where locked in place and nothing I could do would free me until the keys dropped into my waiting hands. So what could I do to make them drop? The strips made it impossible to move enough to bang the door and get them to slip out of the boxes.

Ah, she says with a cunning smile (with a large ring-gag it probably looked more like an invitation for a blowjob).

As it happens all the bungalows on our street were build at the same time, by the same contractor and from the same blueprints. What we have in our house our neighbors have in their house. Including the garage door opener. My husband was very proud when he adjusted the mechanism when we moved in and he simply had to show me what he'd done. What was wrong then, was that the springs were misadjusted so that the door was difficult to raise even with the electric motor, and it struggled to open the door. He explained to me how he had adjusted the springs so that the weight of the door was balanced by the springs and the motor had no problem raising the door after that. The other problem was simpler. Our neighbor across the street opened his garage door and ours opened with it. Something with the radio frequency of the electronics. Luckily it was easily remedied, by reprogramming it with some small thingys that ... well ... programmed the frequency. Same "thingy-setup" in the remote and we had a working door.

I had adjusted the weight by stringing up a 70 kilo bag to the door (yes - 70 kilos I'm afraid) and have thus balanced the doors to cater for my weight. I had adjusted the frequency by simply testing it with our next door neighbor for reference. This was actually what took the longest time as I couldn't very well tell him that I wanted our garage door working on his frequency. It was trial an error but it paid off.

My neighbor across the street was on holiday and my neighbor on our right was working late every day. When he came home, he always changed his clothes and on wednesdays he went out again to play poker with his buddies. What was interesting about him was that in his garage he had a motorcycle and nothing else. And this motorcycle he used to drive to poker nights. Did I mention that he was in his fourties. :)

Today was wednesday.

I had all my preparations ready probably a couple of hours before he was expected home. The weather was nice and it was about the time where it begins to get dark. I'm not sure. It's already dark for me, so I wait. And wait. The vibrator does some good, but the wait is killing me.

I never heard him come home, but by Gods I noticed him leave for poker. Suddenly my garage door started to raise. The strips cut into my flesh and I felt myself be lifted and tilted at the same time. THIS IS IT.

It works, I'm still hanging there. The door goes up further and further while I tilt more and more. And the tilting does something to the vibrator. It leaves it hanging horisontally - one string on my belly strip and the other - AAArggg - around my clitoris. The vibrating, dancing head of the vibrator exerts a pull on the clitoris while at the same time pull on it with an bumbing, strumming, thumping AAAAAAAHHHH.

I almost completely forget that I'm hanging from a garage door in an open garage. I only hope that I'm sufficiently hidden if anyone come passing by. I know it is dark outside my house and the neighbors across are on holiday and it is highly unlikely that anyone actually will pass my house. But unlikely isn't the same as certainly.

I am hanging horisontally and the straps are biting into me, but it isn't all bad. The number of straps distributes my weight relatively evenly and it soon becomes quite comfortably and I start enjoying my ordeal. The thought of my secret place pointing straight out towards the street between my very spread legs is a real turnon. I start coming. Or rather - I explode. It is so intense that I strain in my strips and I dripple on the floor from both ends. I moan and groan. I can see nothing. I can hear nothing, but I'm absolutely sure that they can see and hear me. My experience from my first self bondage session comes back to me. They watch. They snicker. They laugh. But I can do nothing but come and come and come.

Even if I have called for help from neighbors before it has been to untie me from a tree in our garden when a knot was impossible to loosen. I was dressed then and we could laugh it of as a goofy surprise that I didn't want to go through with after all (my excuse was that I realized that it would take hours before he returned home). Another time it was help with a key that became entangled in it's string when it was supposed to drop into my hands after the ice melted. I was in a bikini then and the excuse was that I was rehearsing for a birthday surprise for hubby.

This was different. I was nude and couldn't pretend a rehearsal. They knew my husband was away and wouldn't be back until the following day. And although I'm into "almost public" bondage, I am in fact a very modest woman and I would never show my secret place to anyone but a lover. Unless I'm forced to do so, which is where the humiliation factor kicks in.

I don't know how long I was hanging there. I have no idea how many times I came. I was by now hurting a bit. The vibrator was still bouncing at the end of the string attached to my clitoris, but is wasn't good anymore. I wanted down. I wanted down so badly. But I could do nothing. If my release mechanism was working the keys were now hanging from their strings less than a foot from my fingers, but there was no way I could get to them. The screwdriver was hanging from it's string somewhere towards the back of the garage.

Eventually I slipped into "otherspace". I was vaguely aware that I was hurting, but endorphins had kicked in and it felt ever so good. I just hung there and groaned. I couldn't really focus my thoughts, and at one point it felt like I was standing outside the garage looking in. There I was. Hanging with my legs spread widely and my secret place moist to a point where my engorged lips reflected what there was of moonlight.

After what seemed like a week my neighbor came back from his pokergame, drove his bike in the garage and lowered the door and my door followed suit. He had absolutely no idea how close he was to the best winning of the night.

The strain in my limbs shifted as the strips cut into my flesh in a different way. The vibrator stopped tormenting my clitoris and then I was vertical again. It took a while for me to locate the strings with the keys and it took forever before I found a keyhole and managed to release the right handcuff from it's anchor point.

The very first thing my right hand did was release my clitoris from captivity by pulling the strings in the neat little bow. MY GODS! I hurt like buggery. I'm never doing that again. It's funny how things seem reasonable when you plan it. Had I had a trial run with this clitoris tie, I'd never have done it for a long time like mine. Never again. Maybe for a short time :)

The left hand was very difficult. The hand didn't want to cooperate and I simply couldn't get the key into the keyhole. (Note to self: Always make sure it is your right hand that recieves the release key.) I also discovered that I couldn't reach over with my right hand until I had unscrewed the strips from head, throat,shoulders and breast. It is also rather difficult to find the screw heads when you can't see them. But I managed.

One thing is certain. This is not the last time I use these strips for self bondage. It is so much better than rope. It is very strict and the rigidity gives it an extra feeling of helplessnes. I'm already considering ways of using them somewhere outdoors. Perhaps a disused farm? A huge barn door that accidentally swings open?

The only bad thing about this whole ordeal is that I forgot to readjust the springs and frequency. This led to our garage being emptied of usuable stuff a couple of days later when our neighbor was away during the daytime on a bike meet. Some people have no respect for property. Tsk. Tsk. I wonder what they would have done had I been hanging from the door when they paid a visit? But I was lucky. I was actually in a hogtie on the kitchen floor and heard them rummage through the garage. I even managed to struggle onto my back so I could be ready should they enter the house. Which of course they didn't. But they might have looked through the window, but I don't know. My Gaffatape mask is my best toy.

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Water in the Sky a TG Mixed Tape

Water in the Sky: a TG Mixed Tape Edited by Trismegistus Shandy Table of Contents "Procedures" by Desert Willow "Remade" by Morrigan Q.R. "Raposa" by MrSimple "Workaround" by Trismegistus Shandy "Retirement" by Dark Sun Morrigan "Ashmedai" by Paradox "Do You Turn Into Your Avatar?" by Desert Willow "Afterword" by Trismegistus Shandy * * * Procedures (An Aside to "Elysium...

2 years ago
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Too Much Tape

Too Much Tape Debra Total encasement. Sensory deprivation bondage. These were things he had never tried and the way his Mistress described them they sounded very exciting. So far the two of them had tried a number of different scenes, even up to transforming him into a French maid named Inga. Each scene always ended up with his having an orgasm and he had no reason to suspect this one would be any different. So he had agreed. Once he was naked, she had him put on a corset and...

2 years ago
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Suspense Slime Strips of Tape

Michelle let out a long sigh through her nose as Hubert hummed to himself contentedly, attending to her restraints. After so many years of playing along with his bizarre little games, one thing she had learned was patience. At every moment she fought the temptation to ask what the hell he was doing, knowing that he had every detail planned in his head before they started, that it wouldn't take too awfully long, and, as usual, she would probably end up enjoying it. Michelle was patient when...

Wife Lovers
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Hanging with my friend and watching a porno tape

I've always felt like I liked both sexes. I love women, but I’m curious about men. I've never really acted on it. Recently, my friend Jack and I were hanging out at my apartment. We were drinking beers and getting high. We were acting very silly and then I threw a porno tape into the DVD player. I wanted to show my friend Jack this girl on the tape who could deep throat really far down her throat. I can’t say I ever watched a porno with a guy, but we're best friends and we were drunk and...

3 years ago
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The Tomboy Tapes

The Tomboy Tapes by Karen Elizabeth L. It was going to be another one of those mornings at the breakfast table, I thought as my mother and sister began arguing. "Why can't you dress up a little bit for school Cindy," Mom sniped. "It wouldn't hurt you to look a little more like a girl now and then you know!" "I look like most of the other girls mom," Cindy replied in between bites of toast. "The days of wearing dresses and heels to school went out with hoop skirts! Do you want...

3 years ago
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Hanging with my friend and watching a porno tape

I’ve always felt like I liked both sexes. I love women, but I’m curious about men. I’ve never really acted on it. Recently, my friend Jack and I were hanging out at my apartment. We were drinking beers and getting high. We were acting very silly and then I threw a porno tape into the DVD player. I wanted to show my friend Jack this girl on the tape who could deep throat really far down her throat. I can’t say I ever watched a porno with a guy, but we’re best friends and we were drunk and...

4 years ago
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Caught on Tape

It was a slow day at work. My eyes drifted between screens,taking in footage of the store. There were less than a dozen customers, so there wasn’t much danger of theft. I started a little game I sometimes play with myself and began finding each employee one by one. I couldn’t help pausing on Abbie. She’s young, probably fresh out of high school, but her body is stunning. She was wearing black spandex pants, and as she bent to pick up a fallen DVD, her plump little ass was enough to catch the...

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Accidently Caught on Tape

I was in a state of shock. All I have been trying to see if it would be okay to record on the tape that was currently in the camcorder. I was planning to use it to record the family picnic our family would be going on this afternoon. I had found the camcorder under some magazines on the coffee table by the couch in the living room. So I picked it up, turned it on, rewound the tape a bit, pressed play, and checked the viewfinder. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next. It appeared...

4 years ago
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Caught on Tape

It was a slow day at work. My eyes drifted between screens,taking in footage of the store. There were less than a dozen customers, so there wasn’t much danger of theft. I started a little game I sometimes play with myself and began finding each employee one by one. I couldn’t help pausing on Abbie. She’s young, probably fresh out of high school, but her body is stunning. She was wearing black spandex pants, and as she bent to pick up a fallen DVD, her plump little ass was enough to catch the...

2 years ago
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Tale of the Tape

The office mail clerk placed a bulky package on Jack's desk. There was no return address. His stomach started to churn. There was no doubt what was in the package - it was a video cassette. What was probably on the video was why his stomach was churning. Oh fuck. What have I done? A slowly dying marriage had led him to the realization that divorce was probably inevitable. Jack had decided that he needed a trump card for the upcoming settlement. He was making a ton of money and was willing to...

2 years ago
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Coming HomeChapter 14 Betsy And Pat The Sexy Tape

The phone rang. They had been kissing deeply for about ten minutes and both were flushed with passion. They decided to ignore it at first but then Pat said, "What if it's an emergency about Tory?" They both rushed into the kitchen to answer. Betsy got there first. "Hello... ?" She said breathlessly. "Who?" A pause. "You must have the wrong number, there's nobody here named Mario." She hung the receiver on the hook, disgusted. "Let's watch the other tape." Betsy suggested, the...

1 year ago
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My mom my aunt and the sex tape

Note : This story is completely fictional! OK so it was the holidays and i was at my aunts house a total BBW and i had brung my camera to film my family having fun. I had gotten bored and went upstairs to use the computer. I was surfing the net and had saw this SUPER hot chick online and immediately had to jerk one out so i went into an upstairs room set the camera down and thought ah what the hell so i just filmed my self masturbating to show to my girlfriend or something funny. I had closed...

3 years ago
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Wife Delivering Porn Tapes

Cheryl was eating her cereal when she heard her husband calling her name from upstairs."CHERYL," he screamed yet again."What honey?" she shouted back.She continued to eat her breakfast. It was nine thirty in the morning, she cleaned the house and sent the k**s to school, she was entitled to some breakfast."Can you come up here for a second?"She slammed her fists down into the table. "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute.""Thanks babe."She swirled her spoon around in her cereal bowl, counting...

1 year ago
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Dads tapes

Her dad didn't even know that she knew about his cache of X-rated videos he had hidden on the top shelf of bed room closet. Danni had found them purely by accident when she was looking for an extra blanket last winter. What she found under the blanket, was a box filled with about twenty videos that had just about every type of sexual orientation you could imagine! When her folks were gone, she would take one out and watch it, totally fascinated by the action on the screen. Being eighteen, she...

4 years ago
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Tapesby Deirdre (address defunct)***Four people who enjoy one-upmanship end up playing and bondage and voyeurism, sometimes even a little blackmail to get their way with each other. (MF-cpls, reluc, bi, anal, bd, voy, blkmail)***I was a bit drunk at that party. That is really my only excuse. As if I really had an excuse when my wife, Sara, caught me outside with Judy, a woman with one thing on her mind that night. And I admit that if Sara hadn't caught us, I can't say how far things would have...

2 years ago
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Pool HouseChapter 8 Watching Tapes

The summer ended and we closed up the pool. We had moved a TV and VCR into the pool house so the kids could watch movies with their friends during the winter months. As far as my voyeurism went, I had to be content with watching tapes that I had made during the summer. My favorite was of course the one of Gena, Rachel and myself. In early November, one of the VCRs broke and I had to replace it. I waited until a weekend when Gena had taken the two kids to visit her parents for the day. I had...

3 years ago
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Bunraku Sex Tape

Disclaimers: Weird Sex. Everyone’s 18. Leave a comment. Tiffany and Sara sit on the couch in their friend’s trashy dorm. Sara has broad frizzed blonde hair and wears a photo shirt of a woman streaming sweat mouth wide in a shout into a microphone. Tiffany too is waxing – peak of her beauty – red ringlets and pouting lips and cheeks, dressed in powder blue. She is small and tight. Veronica pushes the VHS they’d found abandoned in a gutter, pushes it with her hips into the machine. It’s an old...

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The Tape

It was 8 o’clock in the morning. Christian Woodson raised his head from the floor. He looked down at his body. He had nothing on but his red briefs. “Oh, shit,” he whispered loudly. He jumped up and looked around the room.Above where Christian was sleeping was a bed. He presumed a girl was sleeping in said bed. Still wondering what happened last night, he quickly put on the clothes he had on last night and quickly got out of the room.“I can’t believe it. Was it this wild?" he said to...

Group Sex
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The Sex In Sex Tape

We are in the same college and we mostly keep busy with all the studies and other stuff we do not get a lot of time to enjoy ourselves. But we both love to have fun with each other when ever we get a chance. In parties, holidays, movies, etc. This occurred a while back, It was summer of 2014 i remember, and it had been quite a while since we had some good time together. We both were getting horny and wanted to do something. We knew we had a Sunday coming and there was no plan for it. So we just...

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Bukkake Tape

'You want to do bukkake?' Eddie asked. “Cathy's a pig, she'd do it,' Steve added. Derek and Cheryl laughed as they moved over to one side. Then Derek lay back with Cheryl's tongue went between her legs. Cheryl's fingers were making wet sounds in her own slit as I watched. 'You want this pig?' Steve said as he stood. His cock was as hard and stiff as I'd ever seen it before and the tip was wet from his fingering. 'Yes please,' I whispered, as I tilted my face up toward him. I could hardly...

2 years ago
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New Kid this is your tape

New Kid, this is your tape. Side A. I saw you at a party. My first one post split of the hosts. Summer was busy and I missed a couple. I thought you were cute. Crush? Yes, ill be forward here. I immediately told my husband I wanted you. I don't usually play with new people first time I see them. No rule, just a me thing. I like to hang back. Get a feel for the vibe. Whole new crowd with a few old friends peppered in. Shot cups went Over well. We didn't bring enough. I wanted to...

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My husband loved to come with me for my annual physicals. He would make sure that I made them on a Friday afternoon so that he could attend. I always thought this strange and embarrassing to say the least. He would watch as the doctor manipulated my breast and at times he would lean over in his seat to get a glimpse of my privates while I was in the stirrups. I know the Dr. noticed my husbands antics but never said anything.Once my husband asked the nurse if it wasn't true that anal...

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Plumber and my exhibitionist wife

There was a knock at the door. The plumber was on time, which was a pleasant surprise. Not as great of a surprise as what we had planned for him to witness through out his time working today.We had used his services a couple of times in the past so we knew what to expect. Just short of 6 foot tall, he stood in the entrance of the front door. He wore blue overall trousers and a black polo t-shirt which showed off the slight round stomach hidden underneath. Mid 30s, he was slightly stocky, clean...

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It was a normal week day morning and I woke up at my normal time. I read my online news and drank my coffee at the kitchen table when Wife, Donna came walking into the kitchen dressed in a very light night gown. She looked so good and I still felt the sexual tension from our fucking last night. Donna grabbed some coffee and came over to me. She stood next to me and hugged my head. She pressed my head into her tummy and I felt her big breast resting on top of my head. I love this plump woman...

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Plumber Cleans Pipes Even Ones Not in His House

Kitchen Disposal Not Working: Kevin: Just got up and after breakfast, I went to use the garbage disposal in the sink and it won’t work; Fuck. Now, what am I going to do this is a pain in the ass and I don’t have time for this shit? I have a million things to do today and waiting for a repairman was not one of them. Who am I going to call; I know, Jim at work said to give Mike’s Friendly Plumbing a Call? Now; where did I put that card, he gave me; oh here it is. Call Plumber Buddy...

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Video Scenes of My Cheating Wifes Sex Tape

Video starts: No introduction or title, just my naked wife bent over with her hands on a bed. A strong muscular naked black man is standing behind her fucking her pussy hard and fast with his big black cock as she moans. Her body looks amazing with her firm round ass and big tits on her thin frame! The fucking and intense moaning goes on a few minutes then the screen goes black and white text appears with "Your Wife Loves BBC" A quick series of clips appear of the coming scenes. A male voice...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriends Sextape

I discover my Girlfriend’s sex tape. I’m not in it. ‘See you tonight,’ I say and kiss my girlfriend goodbye. She’s off to work in the café, and has just come by to drop some stuff off. We don’t live together, but we have been seeing each other for four years, so we probably are soon. I take her backpack and watch her ass as she runs down the stairs with her bleached blonde hair dancing around her shoulders. A few hours later as I’m watching a Simpsons episode I have seen a thousand times...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriends Sextape

I discover my Girlfriend's sex tape. I'm not in it."See you tonight," I say and kiss my girlfriend goodbye. She's off to work in the café, and has just come by to drop some stuff off. We don't live together, but we have been seeing each other for four years, so we probably are soon. I take her backpack and watch her ass as she runs down the stairs with her bleached blonde hair dancing around her shoulders.A few hours later as I'm watching a Simpsons episode I have seen a thousand times before,...

4 years ago
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Where the Hell is My Tapemeasure

“Jeanie,” her dad called, “Can you run these plans over to Mr. Austin?”I was on the job with my dad. It was summer, school was out and I had nothing else to do. All my friends were gone on vacation. Me, not so much. Truthfully, I wish school would start back sooner. I would be starting the tenth grade. A sophomore, I could hardly believe it. I took the tube of plans from my dad and started to walk them across the site. I  wasn’t on the payroll or anything like that. I was just helping my dad...

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The Sextape

“You’re kidding, right,” Becky said incredulously to her best friend Dana!?! “I’m telling you the truth,” Dana said with a giggle, “just take a look at this,” as she shoved the tape into the VCR and hit the play button!!! Both girls stared at the screen while waiting for the first images to come to appear, which turned out to be part of a bedroom!!! “See,” Dana whispered, “there’s dad, he’s gettin’ into...

2 years ago
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Well, well, well, what do we have here. It looks like Booty Tape is a site that’s meant to be available to everyone who wants to download porn torrents. Well, if that’s the case, then is exactly the type of site that you should be looking forward to. This place has so much amazing content that you’ll be able to download for free, with a caveat. Yeah, caveat, I like big words sometimes. Anyway, the caveat here is that you need to actually make an account on

Porn Torrent Sites
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Banned Sex Tapes! Man, I love celebrity sex tapes! The best kind of porn is the stuff that you were never meant to see. That accidental nude, spying on your hot MILF of a neighbor, an accidental walk into the bathroom after your brother’s girlfriend just got out of the shower. It’s that thrill of seeing something forbidden and not for your eyes. Ever dream of getting a glimpse of Emma Stone’s tight little ass? Or maybe getting your hands on a never before seen sex video of Jennifer Lawrence? I...

Premium Nude Celebrities
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Let me present "X Tapes" to you! Have you ever been in need of an amazing porn tube site that offers some of the best high quality and high production full-length HD porno for absolutely free? I know I have, and boy do I wish I knew about X Tapes back then. Honestly, this website is everything you could want when it comes to having some high-end content. And the best part is that you don’t have to pay for any of it. The site is absolutely free, so you can enjoy as many videos as your heart...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Thot Sextapes! There is an old phrase that says ‘once you go black, you never go back’ but it’s mostly aimed at white girls trying black dicks. Thot Sextapes turns the tables and instead focuses on black amateurs getting dirty and naughty in hardcore scenes that will leave you longing for fucking more. Ebony sluts are known for their nastiness, and the case here is largely the same. The fact that the videos are mostly homemade only adds on the thrill. If you like seeing naughty amateur ebonies...

Black Porn Sites
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Juicy Sex Tapes is a site that describes its offerings as “Hot Juicy Ethnic Porn Sextapes.” But honestly, my dudes, I think the site can be summed up in even fewer words just by pointing at the name. This joint is tailor-made for fans of sex tapes where the girls are juicy! Now, that isn’t so complicated, is it?Just like the name is trying to tell you, is a free sex tube where the babes all have some extra cushion for the pushin’. The domain was registered a few years ago, but...

Black Porn Sites
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I watched a Naija Tape a little while ago, and now I’ve got quite the mess to clean up here at my desk. It’s just that I have this condition where I get very aroused seeing sexy, naked Nigerian women with their big tits out, so I couldn’t really help myself. Honestly, I get the impression you know exactly where I’m coming from. Tell the truth: did you come here today looking for some high-quality amateur African porno movies? If not, well, perhaps you’d find something more suitable for your...

Black Porn Sites
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Plumbers Helper

I took a deep breath, screwed up my courage and knocked on thedoor. It was like seven-thirty in the morning, but if this was the rightaddress, then.... "Who is it?" came the female voice, faint through the closed door. "Roger!" I called back. "Roger! Come on in!" I turned the doorknob and walked in. I'd never been to this housebefore, but this was going to be the first of a long series of suchmornings if this worked out. But the living room was deserted. "Hello!" "In the...

2 years ago
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frist rape n tape

Lucie is about a little over 5 goot and has blond hair,dress'd like a angel,well more like a punk mix thugy preppy angel would.Well that after noon at launch Bobby had broken up with Lucie because she had told him she had the hot's for me,not knowing until a week later.A week later lucie end'd up at my house,i invited her in and we were talkin.You smoke pot Austin she had ask'd.Knowing and paying enough attenion to her knowing she dos as well.Yes i replied.Cool,let's smoke Lucie...

4 years ago
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Overwatch Sluts on Tape

"Muah!" Widowmaker blew a kiss into the camera and watched the red recording light turn off. The shoot was done, and so was she, at least for the rest of the day. Another job well done. She was the best at what she did. "Great work Amelie," the producer, Frank, said. He liked to pretend that no one could see the raging hard-on under his sweatpants, but no one was stupid enough to believe that he wasn't leering after all of his talent. They just knew better than to question him. "Your check will...

2 years ago
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Sex Tape

Yeah I'm back with new one. A lesbian one. Its pretty short but I didnt have many inspirational ideas come to me this time."Have you ever been recorded before?" He held the camera facing me and I shook my head. My stomach was in knots but I kept my expression plain. He laughed. "That figures. Well start however you want. I'm just here to get it on film."I took a deep breath and looked at my best friend. She looked way more excited than I did but that was to be expected. She looked over at the...

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