LucianChapter 10 free porn video

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How to win a fight if all you know is to be charming, sweet and graceful?

The room was large and stately.

It was a drawing room, really, with paneled walls and high, shuttered windows. The scent of polishing wax reminded Lucian of Bobs working hard to clean it.

Maybe the place served as a conference room; or even a boardroom with its huge, shining table and antique chairs under massive chandeliers.

Of course, as a mere student, he’d never been there; he didn’t even know it existed.

But that had changed, hadn’t it?

He liked how nervous Parker was as they walked from the building’s entrance to the room. She babbled all the way, but maybe her distress was just wishful thinking on his behalf.

Her Smile had been admiringly intact at their meeting on the terrace, in front of students and colleagues. But ever since she got the message, Parker must have been living a nightmare – feeling so close to losing control, so suddenly.

Control was like her power suits, wasn’t it? Without it she must feel naked.

Did she fear her job was in his hands?

He’d love to think the woman fawned over him. Groveling might be too strong a word, although he’d love to think that too.

The only one being entirely her petite self was Mamselle in her tasteful little black dress and low patent leather heels. She’d just smiled her subtle little smile at Lucian – there’d been no hugging, no hand shaking. But she’d complimented him on his looks and his success, and had welcomed him back.

Then, halfway the wide corridor, she held him back with her small white hand and whispered a line in a foreign language; not French. Latin, maybe. He asked her what it was, and she just smiled a little bit wider.

“Look it up, chéri,” she said, and smiled.

Fontaine was as elegant as Mamselle, but she’d moved as if having a stick up her immaculate ass. In a way, she was herself too: gracious for grace’s sake.

Ah well, they were maybe a little bit shaken by what he’d sneakily let them know through the soft-spoken lawyers he’d sent ahead, only this morning. Sneaky, maybe, but with style.

It must have been an upsetting message with an awkward timing.

On his way to the conference room, Lucian still could hear the clanging and bustling on the great lawn. He’d seen the big sweaty men there, building a stage with spotlights and sound-equipment. Tables and chairs were there, and the other accoutrements for the annual reunion; or, more accurately, for the annual sponsor-pleasuring, millionaire-sucking orgy, he thought.

It would seem that he was a party poop.

Reaching the stateroom, Lucian wished he’d chosen a warmer outfit; the conditioned air gave him goosebumps. His nipples tightened as they moved against his see-through top. Maybe he should ask this cute, vain junior lawyer for his expensive Italian jacket. It looked wonderfully Milanese, a loose and silky version of casual high fashion – supple and slack, with plunging lapels.

All it took for Lucian to make his point, was to rub his bare arms and smile at the man with begging eyebrows. The jacket’s silk lining felt deliciously soft, still warm from its owner. The shoulders hung a bit, of course, and he had to roll up the sleeves – but it suited him like an open-fronted mini dress.

And, most importantly, it stopped his shivering.

“Well,” Parker said, trying to sound as if she still had the initiative. “Let’s sit down and get this out of the way.”

She waved at the empty chairs and walked to the head of the table herself.

Lucian clacked his tongue, saying “uh-uh” and waving a finger.

“I’m afraid those days are over, Ms. Parker,” he said and walked his tapping heels over to the chair she was about to sit on.

“You sit here, to my right, please, darling,” he went on, smiling at Honor and patting the chair. “And you, please, next to her, gentlemen,” addressing his legal representatives – one a wealthy-looking, middle-aged attorney with gray temples, the other his young, ambitious colleague, now in expensive shirt sleeves.

He’d met them in a few conferences, mostly long distance, and despite their posh mannerisms he had the feeling they would pull it off nicely. And most importantly: with grace.

He looked at Honor, next to him. Then he pulled her face closer and kissed her deeply. They both giggled before he turned back to the confused principal and her colleagues who were still standing. Raising his eyebrows in mock surprise he said:

“Please take a seat, ladies, I understand I ruined your time schedule. Don’t let me squander more of your time on this busy day.”

The women muttered amongst each other. Then Ms. Parker shrugged her impressive shoulders and sat to Lucian’s immediate left, flanked on her left by the doctor and the two teachers.

As the younger lawyer distributed rather hefty piles of paper, Lucian bent over to his former principal.

“How is Coach, by the way?” he asked. “Shouldn’t she be here, you know, to keep me in check?”

Parker shook her head.

“You are so hostile, honey,” she said in a low voice. “It doesn’t become you. Was all this necessary? We invited you as our guest of honor. Today was meant for celebration; to let you know how proud we are of your wonderful achievements. And how grateful we are to be part of your success.”

He covered her hand with his, and smiled.

“A part?” he asked. “Oh surely, a 60 percent part, to be precise, isn’t it?” He kept his voice down as he went on. “40 percent for the next four years? Please believe me, I know exactly why you are so proud of me. And of Andrea Pecci and Bobbi Sheering, and all the other girls you sent onto the catwalks and in front of the cameras with a strangling contract.

“I bet you are also proud of the beauticians that work in your sweatshop-salons. How’s Makenzie, by the way? And what about the musicians, the singers and the dancers; the acrobats and the stupid little whores who’re no good for anything else anyway?

“Are you proud of Drew, doing pole-tricks in Vegas, and Charlie, sweet little Charlie who is where now? Abu Dhabi or Riyadh, sucking off Arabs and sending you checks? Or did she make it in the porn industry like so many others?”

He saw a blush rise from Parker’s blouse. Could it really be that she was blinking down tears?

“You are so wrong, Lucian,” she said. “We saved you; we did everything for you; why do you hurt us so much?”

He looked at her for a while. Then he sat straight.

“I’m a sissy,” he said. “You made me one, and you know sissies can’t hurt anybody – you took care of that. All we can do is stop you from hurting us.”

Without knowing he had raised his voice, leaving his gracious, breezy Norton’s volume. It caused the table to fall silent, all eyes turning in his direction.

Raising his hand, he smiled apologetically.

“I’m sorry,” he said, touching Parker’s hand. “I was mean and I hate being mean; it makes people ugly. Can’t have ugliness at Norton’s, can we? So ... where are your lawyers, by the way?”

Which, of course, was a mean question.

He knew they hadn’t had a chance to warn their legal counsel, as he only let them know his true plans by this morning, when his own lawyers arrived.

“They’re on their way,” Parker murmured, her painted lips a narrow line.

“Well,” Lucian said out loud, turning to the assembled group. “Sorry again, but let’s not waste more time. Mr. eh ... Cranston? Please.”

The older lawyer, who’d donned all the expensive paraphernalia of his trade, down to the striped suit, coughed and built a steeple of his long-fingered hands – taking care that his brilliantly white cuffs peeped out of his sleeves just far enough to show off his antique cufflinks with the family seal.

“We are here,” he said in a rich, well-trained baritone, “at the request of a consortium led by Mr. Lucian Gaines, henceforth known as the Third Gender Association, TGA for short. Other members of this consortium wish to remain anonymous until further notice.”

Lucian knew that today would be the finish of a long uphill struggle. The words the lawyer spoke were, let’s say, the opening salvo of the final battle, if one wished to use martial metaphors like that.

He felt how Honor’s plump little hand covered his on the polished table, five pink fingernails spread out like a bracelet. He turned to her, smiling.

Her eyes shone with – well, pride, he guessed.

Pouting his lips, he kissed the air, and she chuckled.

Dragging his attention back to the droning voice, he carefully watched Dr. Kurtz. Maybe he’d been too young and too stupid to see how unhappy she was. Tired, yes, she’d always looked tired, but underneath her puffy, crinkled face he now saw something else. And the reason he saw it now, was that he’d seen a tiredness like hers before, almost a year ago, in Paris.

He’d been there to model in a Dior fashion show and doing a shoot for Elle magazine. The latter had left him exhausted in a dressing room at the back of a photo studio – sipping Spanish Cava. Honor would meet her there after she’d done all the paperwork at the magazine’s headquarters.

He looked forward to a relaxing night in their hotel bed, and the prospect of a day of shopping together, tomorrow.

Leaning back in a rattan chair, he stretched his tired legs, wriggling his toes out of a high-heeled hoof that went with the silver gown he still wore. It had been too much in too short a time; Honor had known that, of course, and had scolded him when he’d accepted the commission anyway.

“Always listen to Honor,” he murmured, chuckling as he took a sip.

They’d been together for a year by then, traveling from one city to another, one hotel room to another. He knew he’d never have been where he was without her.

His thoughts got interrupted by a creaking door, followed by the distant click-clack of stiletto heels. He leaned forward in his chair to look from his dressing room into the studio.

Was it Honor, he wondered.

Then he heard a cough and felt a cold sensation touching his neck. He knew that cough; he knew it well.

“Where are you, Lucian?” a woman said, her voice echoing in the huge studio’s space.

A lump in his throat prevented him from answering.

A low male voice rumbled; one of the assistants, he guessed – Jean Claude, sweet, nerdy guy.

“Je cherche Lucian Gaines.” His mother’s voice rang with the impatience he knew. “I’m looking for Lucian Gaines.”

A new rumble answered her.

“Mais je suis sa mère!” the voice went on, belligerent now. “I’m his mother; take me to him.”

“Mr. Gaines?”

The older lawyer’s voice woke him from his memories. He automatically smiled and excused himself.

“Sorry, I was ... But anyway, thanks for your introduction, Mr. ehm...” He turned to Parker. “Are there any questions? I’m sure there must be.”

He felt Honor’s hand tug at his. She shook her head, giggling.

“What?” he mimed.

She shrugged; it made her breasts wobble a bit.

“Never mind,” she said, winking.

“If you’d care to at least show a bit of attention,” Parker said, “you know, this is about my life’s work, so yes, of course we have questions.”

He hated her pedantic voice and her patronizing demeanor. The old Parker’s trying to get back, he thought.

Smiling, he turned to her.

“I’m afraid you are mistaken, Ms. Parker,” he said, keeping his voice low and sweet, just as Ms. Fontaine had taught him. “Here and now I am the one who does as he pleases. And, right now, it pleases me to tell you to shut up.”

He rose, pushing back the ancient chair.

“This meeting is suspended for an hour. I need to see people I like.”

With Honor in tow he left the room and a bunch of shocked people. The borrowed jacket slid off the chair’s seat, ending on the wooden floor.

Honor brought him to the room Norton’s had prepared for them. It wasn’t unlike the one he’d lived in before; just a bit bigger.

Cursing under his breath, he fell on the bed, rubbing his temples.

Honor knelt beside him, making the mattress move. She brought her face to his, blowing a curl of stray hair away. Then she kissed his brow, while her hand caressed his chest under the wispy top.

“Don’t let them get at you, love,” she whispered, letting her soft lips travel down his nose until she found his mouth.

He took her face in both hands and rose until he sat.

“It wasn’t them,” he said.

She studied his eyes.

“The bitch,” she said, allowing a hiss into her voice. “The fucking bitch again.”

He smiled weakly.

“It’s all right,” he said. “Nothing a shower can’t fix.”

Honor covered his hands with hers and leant in to kiss him.

“Let me know if you need me,” she whispered.

He kissed her back.

Feeling the steaming water splatter on his back and shoulders was heaven. Showers and baths always relaxed him best – massaging the stress and the knots out of his muscles, and out of his mind.

After the Paris memory struck him, he couldn’t just have sat and stayed with the droning lawyers and the hostile teachers – it was too awful and guild-inducing. All he could do was flee and find this shower to be on his own, and try to flush the venom out of his system – again.

It was the memory of his mother visiting him at a photo studio in Paris, a year ago.

When he heard her voice, after – what? – three years, every trace of painfully conquered self-confidence slipped away, leaving a hole as big as his chest.

He should’ve run. Fled. Gotten away.

But he froze in his chair, and the opportunity was lost.

“Here you are, darling.”

He could only stare, his mouth moving without a sound. Time came to a shrieking halt before taking a U-turn and roaring back to days long gone.

She looked different.

Of course, she would, after three years; but how could she look ... younger, and so impossibly perfect? It had to be her; he heard her voice, didn’t he?

He knew only one person who said ‘darling’ like that.

And yet, it was eerie. The pale skin of her face shone with tightness. There wasn’t a wrinkle, not even around her eyes. She looked ... waxen, like a doll.

And her nose was ... different. It was tiny and narrow. Her lips seemed fuller, and her chest ... Her blouse was a creamy silk, exposing a cleavage that had never been there. High and round tits pushed themselves up from her bra.

‘Plastic’ was the word insinuating itself. She’d been lifted and nipped and tucked and pumped.

His mother was gone, and she’d sent this ghostly pale mannequin instead.

It coughed in its fist.

“You look gorgeous,” the mother-doll said in a hoarse voice. “I saw you in Vogue, and in that beautiful Chanel commercial. I hardly recognized you – my son, so gorgeous. I’m so proud of you, darling. Please, why don’t you hold me?”

She came a few steps closer on her patent leather Louboutins. Weren’t they the ones she’d worn when she took him to Norton’s? The ones that swung through the light like a hypnotizer’s pendulum? Of course not.

But the memory jolted him into action.

He rose from his chair; not to meet her, but to get away. She was already on him, though, closing her arms around his body. He felt the alien globes press into him. Her ghostly face was only inches away; he smelled acid tobacco through her perfume.

“Please, mother, I...” he said, having no idea what to say.

He grabbed her shoulders and held her at arm’s length, not trying to see her fake tits – or the new high cheekbones.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered with a cough, her lips trembling. “Oh Lucian, please forgive me. I am so sorry.”

The words were exactly like her: the studied drama, the overdone pathos. But her face no longer supplied the required expressions; no humility, no regret – no puppy eyes, no desperate eyebrows.

Her face was a waxen mask – and her eyes were dead.

He yielded two more steps ­– his bare soles pressing against the cold floor, feeling as numb as his mind. He knew he should be mad, insulted by her cheap apologies, but there was nothing – no feelings at all.

Shouldn’t there be feelings?

He’d admired this woman, adored her. She’d shaped his youth, even when she was never there – or was it because she was away so much? A distant, superior being she’d been, an idol for her fragile little, lonely girly son. She was his secret ideal that became the more desirable with every sneer of his father, or every bloody nose inflicted by his bullies.

But she was still she, remember? The bitch, the cruel bitch. She’d sold him without a blink of her once beautiful eyes; she’d betrayed him with a flourish of her expensive pen.

She’d left him.

Yes, but he’d become what he was because of her, hadn’t he? What would he have been now if she hadn’t left him at Norton’s? Parker and Kurtz said that she must love him; that she saved him from his cruel, crazy father, and risked her own future to give him this chance.

Did she? But she’d lied to him.

She’d allowed those women to cut his body and change it with pills and injections; preparing him for men to be fucked and humiliated.

And now she was here, standing before him; and yet she wasn’t. She was a perfect stranger with the voice of his mother, more distant than ever.

And she said she was sorry. Why?

Why be sorry if you think you did the right thing, out of love? He remembered the last time he heard from her – the already open letter filled with words that were scratched out, blotted with – what – tears? Wine?

“I’m SO sorry!!!” had been the only readable part.

Why was she here, and why now? To tell him she was sorry? Another lie, no doubt. She lied so much, so easy. He felt a tear on his cheek, and it made him furious.

“Why are you here?” he asked, his voice thick.

His mother’s dark eyes went wide.

“Why?” she whispered, her hand clawing in front of her, theatrically, as if reaching for something to hold onto; but her robot face had no expression. “To ... to see you, of course. Does a mother have to have a reason?”

In most lives, it happens maybe once or twice that insanity feels more attractive than keeping your wits about you. In Lucian’s bizarre life there’d been a lot of such moments, but this one still stole the show.

His mother’s wish was so absurd, and yet such a travesty of his deepest longings, that he could only respond by laughing, crying and screaming all at once.

He grabbed her shoulders again, pushed his face into hers and screamed at the top of his lungs. Whore, he screamed, he guessed, and monster, and bitch, of course, and whore again, by lack of better. But it didn’t matter which words he chose, they were all just cannon fodder for his exploding insanity.

When all his energy was spilled, he sagged against her, sobbing.

“I’m ... I’m sorry,” his mother whispered.

The words woke him from his stupor. He rose and looked down on her, studying her phony face.

“No,” he said, his voice calm again. “No mother, you know that is a lie, and you don’t come here after three years to just lie to me. You are here because you want something from me. You look desperate and you need me. Is it money?”

She stared at him, trying to look offended.

“I ... I love you,” she murmured.

Lucian shook his head, making his curls fly.

“No, oh no, no, no,” he said, suddenly smiling a demon’s smile while shaking a finger. “No, mother dear. You know that I know that can’t be true. You know why? Because you don’t know what love ísss!”

He emphasized the last word with a hiss.

The woman just stared at him, her puffed and painted lips trembling.

“I am ill, Lucian,” she then said. “I am dying.” And she bent over, coughing into her perfectly manicured fist.

Back in the shower, Lucian screamed. He arched back, allowing the scalding water to gush over his face, praying it would wash away his pain and guilt and sorrow, together with his tears.

He didn’t hear the glass door open, locked as he was in his memories, but he felt a small and familiar body slide against him – firm, slippery curves, a tongue that licked the water off his nipples.

Honor hugged him tightly, humming an unknown little song, while massaging his aching body.

“It wasn’t your fault, Luce,” she murmured, her voice drowning in the falling water.

She got to her toes and pulled his face down to kiss it – wet lips sliding up and down and left and right – bodies in a tight embrace.

Their eyes locked; Lucian’s red-rimmed.

“But she said she was ill, Honey,” he said. “She told me she would die. And she did!”

Honor tightened the embrace, giving it a feel of desperation.

“Yes, she did,” she agreed, never leaving his eyes. “And, like her whole selfish life, it was all her doing.”

Lucian remembered the letter he received in New York, five months later. It was from a French doctor, informing him his mother had died in Paris. She was 43; her entire body ruined by cancer. It had started in her lungs, of course.

In the days leading up to her death, she hadn’t been able to breath on her own. It had been really a matter of unplugging the machine.

“I should have been there with her,” Lucian said, murmuring the words in the way people do after having repeated them too often – toneless, automatically.

“She never bothered to be with you,” Honor said, knowing it didn’t matter.

“That doesn’t matter,” Lucian objected. “I should have held her hand.”

The memory of his mother standing in front of him, begging, came back to him through the steam and spray of the shower.

“I am dying,” she’d said, and there hadn’t been theatre in the way she said it. She just stood, her shoulders bent, her eyes empty.

He’d stepped forward, taking her hands in his – speechless. His mind was an icy battlefield with spectral enemies fighting over his lost emotions.

‘She’s a bitch’, he thought, holding her hands, and: ‘she’s my mother’. ‘She betrayed you’, he knew, and: ‘she’s dying’.

“Luce? I’m back! Let’s go!”

He remembered Honor standing in the entrance of the room, coming in from the street wearing her short fifties’ cow-print coat over a shining black pencil skirt, dark tights and pretty ankle-boots.

Her eyes flashed from Lucian’s teary eyes to the plastic woman, and she said:

“Oh, wow, sorry; you have a visitor.”

“Who are you?” his mother asked, sounding bitchy – all tragedy gone.

Lucian closed his eyes, knowing the tone – the querulous attitude.

“Honor,” he said, “please meet my mother. Mother, this is Honor, my personal assistant.”

His mother gave the girl a slow once-over.

“Personal, eh?” she then said. “Is he also,” she went on, waving her hand towards Honor’s crotch, “you know ... a sissy? I thought so. He looks real enough, though. Nice boob job, honey. Did you pay for that, Lucian?”

Honor froze, her mouth half-open, her wide eyes moving from his mother to him, like two huge gray question marks.

It was the moment Lucian learnt the truth about his mother. He learnt what she really thought about girls like Honor – which of course was how she thought about him.

He remembered feeling her hands holding him down while Kurtz plunged a needle in his thigh. She’d dumped him at Norton’s, signing for anything they decided to do to him – and then she abandoned him.

Of course, he’d known it all the time: she didn’t give a damn. Not about him, not about anyone.

“Please, leave, mother,” he said. “I don’t want to see you again, ever.”

“But, but Lucian,” she stammered, moving closer, her heel scratching on the floor. “I told you I am ... You can’t ... can’t...”

“Leave,” he said, trembling. “Now.”

“I’m your mother,” she said.

“Yes,” he sighed. “And that is why you leave NOW!”

He hated how his voice broke as he yelled at her, pushing her back and making her stumble.

“But Lucian...” she mumbled.

“Jean-Claude!” he yelled, trying to reach the assistant in the studio.

“All right,” his mother said, clutching her pouch against her new tits. “I get it, you, ungrateful freak. I hope someone catches you and rapes you in a dark alley, and CUTS that useless caricature of a cock off your body and feeds it to your FAGGOT mouth!”

Her words resounded in the empty rooms and could still be heard after she’d left. They resonated to the present day, under a shower on the other side of an ocean – Honor’s arms around him.

Arms that had been there too, when he sank to his knees, crying.

After the shower, they’d made love like they always did when Lucian was depressed by his memories.

Tender love it was, on the bed, after she dried his and her body – kissing and fondling and sucking until the pale, shrieking ghosts returned to their secret place, where they waited for another time, another moment.

Then the two rubbed their bodies with sweet oil and lotion, deciding to return to the meeting: the one fight they’d come to Norton’s for, wielding the weapons they knew how to handle best – charm, grace and beauty.

Lucian put on the second outfit he’d selected before coming to Norton’s – every outfit a perfect choice for each occasion.

Aggression was the ticket for now; a black and studded leather jacket with Parker-sized shoulders, hanging open to show his white, naked chest and belly down to his low-riding leather pants. They felt tight around his ass and thighs, flaring out from his knees to almost cover his five-inch stiletto platform heels.

Honor styled his hair into a greased rock and roll quiff. Then she painted his face in stark contrasts, setting off his white skin with dark Amy Winehouse eyes.

Looking in the mirror he had to bend his knees a bit to fit in the frame. Good, he thought: tall and intimidating; not bad for a bullied shrimp of a loser sissy-boy.

Honor herself picked a mock-secretary uniform, allowing her tits to billow over the edge of a corset she wore under a short jacket. Her skirt was, well, a wide belt, really, and her heels even had an inch on Lucian’s.

“Ready,” she stated, picking up a professional-looking clipboard to press against her bosom. “Let’s eat them.”

Click-clacking down the wide marble corridor, the slanting rays of sunlight flashing on and off on their sashaying bodies, Lucian couldn’t stop feeling like a cowboy hero on his way to high noon.

‘The reckoning’, he thought, and chuckled. He knew they’d all be there; he was ten minutes late to ensure that.

To his satisfaction, they’d kept the seating arrangement he’d imposed. It looked as if they’d never left at all, although there were two new faces ­– no doubt Parker’s lawyers arriving at last. Lucian nodded and welcomed them.

“Well,” he then said, pausing to enjoy the effect of their entry. “Let’s kill this baby.”

It was an awful line, but he couldn’t resist.

“Mister ... ehm...” he went on after seating, smiling and nodding at his elder lawyer, “you so very accurately described the situation before we had this, well, intermission; now please let the ladies hear our proposition.”

Despite his lack of attention, Lucian knew exactly what the man had said before. It had been the meanest, stinking turd of blackmail, wrapped in the smoothest little bag of perfumed silk and velvet.

There was never a direct threat or even a rude insinuation, but it was all there.

Let’s call it a whole new application of the Norton’s Smile.

There’d been references to names and quotes and more, very sensitive, names and facts, and allusions to audio-visual proof, without stating once what they were all about. But Parker knew, and Kurtz knew, and probably the others too.

There had been suggestions of secret audits, of shady book keeping practices with far-away bank accounts.

Half the lawyers’ firm and half an accountants’ firm had dug for months into every innocent-looking corner of Parker’s little empire.

They’d found a lot, each of it an innocent-enough detail, but put together and in the right light it was alarming enough to make Gloria Parker looking even paler now than she usually did.

There wasn’t enough for a lawsuit, but the publicity alone would touch so many vulnerable reputations of so many powerful people and corporations, that the threat alone would suffice quite nicely.

Parker had overreached herself.

Maybe once, years ago, she really had this ideal of saving fragile boys and giving them a future, how bizarre her means might have been. But, as so often, absolute power corrupted absolutely.

Alumni of Norton’s Academy proved to be a gold mine, especially after she kept increasing her share in the fruits of their labor. And, under the flag of her idealism, it became easier and easier to skim Norton’s growing revenues and sluice them away for her own, very unidealistic purposes.

Same as Lucian
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College Education Part 4

College Education - Part 4 Life changed quickly after my night at the club. Before the first Monday back at classes, Stacy and I worked on my hair to make it look less feminine. It wasn't that unusual for a guy to have highlights, and upon returning to class, I actually got a few compliments on my new hairstyle. I wore panties and a camisole under my boys clothes every day, and I kept my legs and underarms shaved smooth. My toenails were always polished bright red or frosted pink,...

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"Well, here we are."My husband Michael holds open the glass door for me to enter the place. The Relaxation Station; a spa in a shopping center. I sigh inwardly; a tacky name, but as this visit is on him I can't complain too much...We approach the reception desk, surrounded by the scent of patchouli and the sound of nondescript New Age music and within a setting of comfortable-looking if anonymous plush chairs and sofas. The young man behind the counter is handsome enough, in a Keanu...

3 years ago
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Best Visit to the Doctor office

This is a true story which just happen to me only a few weeks back...I went into the doctor office for a check up on a injury.. The Dr assisstant walked in and was happy to see me. She was 40-45 yrs old great body n big tits, she told me the office was very slow and that it might take time for the Dr to see me so she wanted to check me first. She closed the door and told me to drop my pants, not very un normal for her to ask that only problem was i didnt wear any underwear. I told her why I...

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Double crossed by my wife still happy

If you read the first part of this story you already know how I was tricked into allowing my beautiful wife to have sex with a black man. Well last Friday evening when I came in from work I was greeted by my wife , she was wearing a pair of dressy shorts , they had a two inch cuff on the legs. The cuff was the entire leg actually. Her legs where covered in suntan colored pantyhose. She was wearing a white button up blouse that was tucked in the waist band of the shorts. A thin belt added to the...

2 years ago
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The Orb of Kanuu Book 2

This is a fictional story about fictional people, it's a perverted story (I hope) so should not be read by anyone under 18. ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18 AND OVER Pairings: Draco/Hermione Codes: M/F, MC, magic. Harry Potter: The Orb of Kanuu Chapter 1. by [email protected] Draco was fuming, Potter, Weasley and that filthy Mud Blood embarrassed him again. He snuck into the dressing room as the teams were playing Quidditch he was going to get revenge. As soon as he entered the room, he say a brown...

Mind Control
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After the 1st trimester had passed Ginger & Oliver virtually lived at Daddy and Maracks, their sex drive was insatiable. As their time for birthing got closer they were fucking every opportunity they could. One morning Ginger walked over to the farm and wanted Daddy & Marack to fuck her pussy and arse. after they had cum in her she got both to double fuck her pussy, all of a sudden there was water all over the bed Gingers waters had broken, they phoned her mum to pick her up and take...

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Taking an XHamster Lover and Teaching Her Pt2

Taking an XHamster Lover and Teaching Her Pt2 In part 1, I took my sexy nymph from the fancy restaurant where we met to the hotel where we enjoyed a very hot evening of sex!!! When I left off the story, we were just getting ready to shower and sit in the in room hot tub. This story picks up just a little while after the tub. I am relaxing she is drying her hair. Can you hear the hair dryer? [/Image]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sitting in my chair I smiled as I swirled the...

3 years ago
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The Ballet Dancer Part 1

She was the kind of woman that drew your eyes to her. She had a long, lithe body and shockingly straight golden hair. Looking for a place to sit in the airport ‘holding pen’ I wanted any seat with a view of her. There was still time before Southwest’s cattle-call to queue up that I could use to make small talk. If that failed, I would find a spot to drink her in with my eyes. Stealing these small pleasures was about the only thing that made these business trips bearable. With luck, the small...

2 years ago
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A Brief Vacation

I wrote this in response to a request / challenge from a very good friend of mine. she liked it well enough. I hope you do too. We have been passionately involved but a short time. We want to do something to cement our connection. The sex is great. Sometimes I can make you come with just a touch. You come over and over and you’re so beautiful. I’m proud I can last hours for you. I’m only sorry our passionate nights sometimes leave us without a lot of sleep. Passion makes us wonder. Do we...

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New Found LustChapter 2

“Well guy’s, I guess you must be pretty proud of the so called man of the house doing such a great job of protecting his family huh?” He said. “Honey... there were four of them, there was nothing you could do.” Jessica replied. “Yeah Dad, your not Superman, they might have killed us all instead of just raping us” Steve said. Hearing Jessica and Steve saying what they said made Dave feel a little better, but Melissa hadn’t said anything so looking at her he asked how she felt. “Mom and...

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Idndian shemale in pakisan

I’m shemale actually name kuch be jo ap ko pasand ho or name main kaya rakha hai or wasa be hamara name o roz change hota hayin, magar mai bilkul larkee lagtee hoain. Quainka maina skin ki surgory karae hai, or maina apni chal dhal sab kuch girls ki tarha kar leya hai, maree 35 age hai kanpoor ki rehna wali hoain akalee rehtee hoain, girls ko cheat kar ka unha chodtee hoain. Mara boobs ka size 36 hai, waste 30 hai, looking average. Lets start. Maree 1st story to ap na parhee or bohat acha reply...

2 years ago
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Katies Awakening 3

Tom saw a silhouette through the crack of Sandy’s bedroom. Oh fuck he thought, closed his laptop and went to her bedroom. He went in and the room was dark but Sandy was sitting up on her bed. Tom lay down on his stomach and hunched himself on his elbows and asked, Hey hun did I wake you? No, I just got up to use the bathroom and I heard you saying good night to Katie. Hmm that’s funny Katie said she got up to use the bathroom and saw me sitting there and came to see what I doing. Ok, were you...

1 year ago
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My Lovely Wife And Friend 8211 Part 2

It is in continuation of my 1st episode “My Lovely Wife And Friend”. In between I call Mita, and asked what they are doing. She told that just watching TV and all. I informed her that I will be leaving soon as my work is over. My intention was to inform them so that she will be clean all the mess so that I won’t doubt. Then I called my friend and asked whether he enjoyed or not. Shrey:: Yeah a lot, but want more. I want her all the time. Please don’t take me wrong. I just pray. Me:: Ok, let’s...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Nicole Kitt Paging Naughty Nympho Nurse

Sublime ebony babe Nicole Kitt certainly knows how to take Nathan Bronson’s mind off an injured foot in this cheeky Penthouse fantasy. Wearing a sexy nurse uniform with high heels and suspenders, the stunning brunette looks incredible as they make out on the couch, giving her lucky guy a deepthroat blowjob with plenty of eye contact before taking his rock hard length into her pussy. This naughty nympho nurse just can’t get enough of fingering her clit while she fucks in doggystyle...

2 years ago
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Born To Sex

Hi, I am Pooja. If u want to sex with me mail me My boyfriend, Nandu; was of built guy with dark hair. He was a lot of fun and treated with me respect. I really liked him a lot. He always used to come to my house on Mondays when we had a holiday and I used to be alone in my house. I am 5ft, 30 B bust, brownish black hair with brown eyes. Nandu loved to kiss. One particular day Nandu was kissing and while he was doing that he’d put his hands up my shorts and lightly touched my wet burning...

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A NOT so Welcomed Guest Ch 10

Quinn Markov - human wife of Ephus ----------------------------------- Norse Deities -------------- Odin - War god, main god of the Norse gods Frigg - Wife of Odin, promoter of marriage and fertility Freya - a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr. Thor - a hammer-wielding god associated with lightning, thunder, storms, sacred groves and trees, strength, the protection of mankind, hallowing, and fertility. Loki - a mischievous god who can...

3 years ago
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Fat FarmChapter 22

Day 200 Saturday Denise woke finding that she had an arm around a nice warm body. She opened her eyes and recognized Karen's hair. She snuggled against the other woman enjoying the warmth. Karen said, "I know you're awake." "Hmm, I don't want to get up yet," Denise said. "You don't have to," Karen said. "It is Saturday. You're leaving today," Denise said. "That's right," Karen replied. Dale had told her earlier that week that she had completed the program and could leave...

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Ghosts and ShadowsChapter 5 Collateral Damage

At Christmas of 2007, I split my time between Peter and Nicole. LA and New York are big cities, major metropolises, but outside of the definition, I don't think you could find two places on earth more alien to each other. It was invigorating – or at least it had been – visiting both cities in the course of December in past years. New York was often snow, frigid winds, surly cabbies and plays; LA a few days later was 70 degree/shirt sleeve weather, hookers in hot-pants on side streets, and...

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Gunslinger a Somewhere in Time NovellaChapter 3 The Unexpected

The world turned upside down overnight. Nothing looked familiar to Clint. As he rotated in a circle, there stood a forest as far as he could see. The organizers took a huge section of land, cleared it and made it an almost flat parcel with a gentle up-slope at the Western edge. Now trees pushed in close to a small glade that held their campsite. Both tents still stood, with the rain-soaked fire ring between them. The sky looked a more brilliant blue with white fluffy clouds gently floating...

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One Thousand Words

You said you want us to do more kinky stuff to spice up our marriage. For the longest time I did not really understand what you were after and even questioned myself. But I have learned, and I enjoy that shift of power in our relationship more than I thought I would. So let us play a game, my love!I have one thousand words here that I will read to you. It takes about four minutes to say them. For your sake, I will read them slowly, though.When I have reached the last one, I want you to come. No...

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My unknown lover

The incessant ringing of the phone pulls me from the shower, I pick it up, and after saying hello, I stop and listen close. That deep southern drawl pulls me in again. “You may not believe this,” he says, “But I can see you, I know exactly where and how your standing. You’re standing with your hand on your hip, trying to look out the window without getting too close. Wondering if you will spot me, finally get to see where I am. Catch me staring at your nakedness. That’s it look harder, you have...

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Barbara Ch 04

Chapter 4 – Barbara’s Porn Interview This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * The next day I was in my photo studio reviewing many of my pictures from the night before. Barbara was truly amazing last night. Only a couple days ago she was here being photographed and agreed to entertain at the frat party. I couldn’t...

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Corrupting Secrets 2

Amy examined herself in the mirror with a critical eye. Her face was adorably cute, with wide green eyes. She had an hourglass body, with big, round, and perfectly formed breasts. Her areolas were very large, surrounding her equally large, erect nipples, and were just dark enough to give a good contrast. Her waist was tiny and gave way to a pair of smoothly rounded hips and a perfect pair of half moon buttocks.Her hair was a dark brown. She wasn't sure if that was on the plus or the minus side....

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Always a Friend

‘Finally, it’s over with!’ Jay thought to himself. ‘I’ve been trying to get this divorce behind me for a lifetime, and despite her best efforts, this horrible marriage is over at last.’ He shook the hand of his lawyer, signed the papers, and walked toward his car. Waiting for him there was his best friend, who had seen him through this whole mess. Wendy was his rock, a pillar of strength, a confidante. In short, she was everything that he needed at the time. They were not a couple, exactly, as...

2 years ago
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My Sisters Friends

My sister was having a pool party with a few friends. I was just a little guy at the time who just wanted to hang out with them but they always said I was too young and always in the way. They always made fun of me because I was little. My sister and her friends were all seniors in high school and were all 18 on their way to college next year. My sister was 6 years older than me. They were all horsing around in the pool in their bikinis but I was too young to notice things like that. ...

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Cum is thicker than Water

First they adopted a three month old girl named Candice. They loved her but it wasn't enough. Two years later, the adopted a six month old boy named Cory. Now, it felt as if their family was complete. They loved the children as if they were thier own. As the kids grew, and their personalities started to develop, it became a disfuntional family. Candice and Cory did not get along at all. Being the older of the two, Candice would take up for Cory. But at times, you would think the two hated...

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John his sexy student his dog Rocco

John and his Dogs it had been a crazy past two months for him as he was getting used to this new school and trying to and aspire to students. He had just gotten his teaching degree the last semester before school started he was likely to get hired at this at this high school. The had been going pretty good at school so far but his personal life had been a wreck him and his longtime girlfriend had been fighting like cats and dogs and finally broke up about a week or two ago.he had a beautiful...

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Honey I am you

As always, Disney owns the characters, and I am merely playing with them without pay, nor charging any money to read this story, as must anyone who wishes to post this story. The actual story, minus the characters and Honey settings is copyrighted to Eric! Since the show has been canceled, our inestimable Caleb Jones has encouraged me to write a fitting finish, giving additional words and editing this story for me. And so with even more editing by Steve Zink, on with what should...

1 year ago
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Robyn Deserves What She Gets

Robyn arrived as a dynamic director of our group, she was also a control freak relatively young she at 31. She was the typical woman on the rise and saw an opportunity to make her mark for future elevation.As you can probably tell I was one of those that fell on the wrong side of her every turn. I had acquired a reputation as a player within the company, I dated a couple of ladies in other dept of the business. It was fun, a good time. however I was not making a play this lady. One of the...

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Rosetta girls nightmareno more Part 4

When Mike got home on Monday he had the evening meal ready to eat and his daughters were doing homework for their classes. Norm Kelly had called to leave update to his last update on the investigation on who did this kidnapping, the FBI was seeking a new warrant to search yet another building for the kidnappers and the two million dollars they took in ransom. It was bedtime for Mike and Linda She got a new hair cut and style today with the shorter hair revealing a delicious longer...

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DoortoDoor SalesmanChapter 5

I drove up and down a dozen streets, I didn't feel like working. I saw a small diner and pulled into the unpaved lot, hitting each pothole. I walked inside and it was cool, and I was the only customer. I sat at a table and the waitress brought me a glass of water. I didn't even look up, and ordered coffee. I saw the cup slid in front of me and heard a voice, "Problems with your women?" she asked. I nodded and looked up for the first time. My eyes stopped at hers, however they didn't...

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Missy Part II

“Morning Alec.” She smiled as she rounded the corner into the kitchen and found him there with no shirt on. Last night’s event still running through her mind.“Morning. Coffee?”“Yes!” she couldn’t help but stare at his bare chest as she sipped her coffee and imagined licking his cum from his chest. “So do you think the pool will be ready? Supposed to be hot today.”“It should be. Probably early this afternoon.” He admired her profile as she peaked out the window. Her thin sun dress almost too...

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Attractive Story

Oh, she was so beautiful. She had long hair as soft as silk. Her eyes as blue as the clearest sky, warm hands and lips. Breasts as soft as pillows. Her cunt as hot as a winter’s stove. She came to me, the evening was young and we had not seen each other in a week. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me gently. I returned the favor touching my lips to hers and gently caressing her neck. I pull her shirt off and her mine. She arches her back as I kiss her neck and down her chest to her...

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The Wedding

Dread it, run from it, but all your friends from high school and college getting married before you is probably gonna happen all the same. You’ve been to three in the past year and now, in the middle of a brutally hot August, you’re set to go to another. This one might actually be fun, you think, it is two of your best friends from high school getting hitched. The worst part of it all, is that you have to be part of the wedding party. You love Jeff and Alex. Them getting together sophomore year...

3 years ago
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The Preacher ManChapter 44 First Contact

Fifteen days later... Time: March 30, 8240 10:32 PM The congregational unions of Qataban sang me a spontaneous farewell hymn this evening, at the end of the cathedral Prayer service. It was an ancient folk melody and an extremely touching gesture. I had to fight to hold back my tears. So many changes are about to happen. I'm flying with my family tomorrow to the Caribbean island township of Dalma, and I can't wait to show my wives the incredible beauty there. And at midnight tonight, we...

4 years ago
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Summer of Love Week 7

“Come on, baby! Come On! Give me that love!” Kerri shouts as she rides cowgirl on J.J. that evening. The stud is seated on the old, beat-up, overstuffed sofa in the hippie’s living room as she bounces up and down on his dick. “Now I’m really going to give it to you! Hold on!” he murmurs breathlessly in the hippie’s ear, and gripping his partner’s hips tightly, he pushes himself up from the sofa, keeping her impaled on his rigid dick. Getting to his feet, the stud bounces the hippie up and down...

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Mein zweites Leben 3

Mein Zweites Leben (3) - Dienstm?dchen Dieses ist der dritte Teil der Geschichte, ich empfehle dringend, zuerst die anderen Teile zu lesen. Dienstm?dchen In aller Fr?he stehle ich mich aus Daniels Zimmer und schleiche leise in den Dienstm?dchentrakt zur?ck. Anke ist auch nicht in ihrem Bett, wor?ber ich ziemlich gl?cklich bin. Noch wieder einschlafen lohnt sich nicht, daher dusche ich ausgiebig bevor ich mich anziehe. F?r die lange Fahrt w?hle ich einen einfachen Pulli, Jeans und flache ...

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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 17

Matt and I were up early the next morning for we knew Yarl and his crew were eager to complete the installation and get back to Vora. I think they were worried that their food would somehow become contaminated by sugar and turn them into sugar addicts. Things didn’t work that way, but many fears are often totally unreasonable. We needed more drivers than I thought, so Matt, Mary, Bill, Sue, and I went into Greely and picked up the rental equipment that Matt had reserved. With Carla and Ken’s...

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Life With Our Mutual Sons

It was on parent’s teachers meeting that I first saw Ajay’s mom. She was so radiant and energetic that she instantly made friendship with me. Her charisma was so overpowering that I invited her to our home. And there started the beginning of a long relationship that changed our life.Let me introduce myself first. I am Sandhya, 35 year old, single mom to my only son Shyam. I am a widower and live alone with my son. I am left to fend myself as I invoked the wrath of my relatives by marrying a...

2 years ago
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I Finally Do It

I Finally Do It She was there again, lying naked on a blanket in her garden with her legs apart and her shaven pussy looking so, so inviting. I have seen her lying there many times, secretly looking up to my window, checking to see if I’m looking and most times I am, kneeling with my hand wrapped around my cock, stroking it as I imagine what it would be like to fuck her. Today though, I wasn’t there when she looked. ‘Shhhh,’ I said quietly as I disrobed and knelt between her still open legs. ...

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Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 2 ReIssued

Introduction: Coninuing adventures of Greg Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 2 Reissued by gregorthegrant True Story, Cheating Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Report: I have listened to all the remarks. I now have an editorial adviser. He is gently editing my stories for gross spelling and sentence structure. I hope that this adds to your reading pleasure. All persons in this story are at least 18 years old. Previously in Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 1...

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Max Shani

Our laughter spilled out onto West 47th Street as we untangled ourselves from the cab and headed toward the lobby door. Water cascaded onto and off the glass ceiling above as we trundled through the street lobby and piled onto the elevator, suddenly enveloped by the trademark electronica music that the W Hotel has seeping from every speaker in the hotel."This is a very sexy hotel," Shani stated with a smile as she wrapped her arms around Max. He reciprocated as he enveloped her in his muscular...

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The Porn Lover

Jake wasn’t exactly a porn addict, but he certainly enjoyed it. He had never told his wife, Maxine, about this for fear of insulting her. It’s not that she was not attractive, not at all. Quite the opposite. From Trinidad and Tobago, her smooth dark skin only accentuated her amazing body, she stood 5’10’, wore a 34D cup and had a perfect ass. Rather, the problem was her routine in bed, she was somewhat…simple in bed. This was the reason why Jake had taken an interest in porn. On this...

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The Apartment

"This should be perfect for your needs, Mr. Parker. It's exactly what you specified. Don't you agree?"The realtor stands in the center of the main room of the empty apartment. The place is bright and airy with an eastern exposure. All the lights are on and none of the wide windows are covered. The sun shines into the space and only a few dust motes can be seen drifting in the scattered rays. Having so much sun and light is a selling point for Blaine Parker. The apartment is immaculate and...

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Every Guy at the Party

Copyright© 2007 by Strickland83. All rights reserved. As I walked around the party, I was surprised that I didn't see any of my friends who were supposed to be there. Then, suddenly Tim bumped into me. Turning and recognizing it was me, he said, "Sean! I've been looking all over for you." "Where is everyone?" I asked him, gesturing with the hand holding a plastic cup of beer. "Upstairs. Come on, man." "What's going on upstairs?" I asked as I followed him. He didn't hear me the...

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HotwifeXXX Harley Haze Harley8217s Husband Hears All The Fun

Cheating wife Harley has some explaining to do to her boyfriend Mark about their love affair and her husband being completely aware of all of it. Luckily Mark was cool with it all and Harley wants to please her husband by fucking Mark and having him listening in on the phone while she gets pounded. Mark takes no umbrage and quickly gets to kissing Harley and she quickly gets his hard cock pulled out and swallows every inch down her throat. Harley goes the extra mile with all her moans of...

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Hooked on Boipussy

“Stop texting and driving, boy,” scolded Deitrick’s mother.“Yes ma’am,” the twenty year-old light-skinned man relented throwing his phone in the cup holder.“I swear you gon’ worry me to death,” she went on.“Look, ma. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again,” he lied.“Alright,” she replied feeling she’d won this battle.Deitrick turned into the parking lot of the large discount store where his mother worked as an assistant manager. He brought the metallic silver 2007 Ford Five Hundred to a halt in front...

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camping with a giant

this is for trevor100aits his huge cock that is generating this story,i was camping by myself way out in the remote woods and it appeared like i was the only one around till some one else arived into the site next to mine ,as i was toiling with some gear i heard foot steps approaching and heard a man's voice behind me ,as i turned my breath was sucked out of me as there stood in front of me the tallest man i ever did see he had to be over nine feet tall ,he could see the excitement on my face...

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Taking Pictures of My Mom 1

…Molly was a hot bodied beautiful mom. She had a super high sexual point in her life when she was younger. The event memories surfaced when her young son wanted to try out his new digital camera, by wanting to take some pictures…of her…. ….Molly…. ….I didn’t realize it at first but I was really getting very sexually excited over this. It slowly came back to me about having my picture taken and the most sexually exciting day of my life…. ….I was camera obsessed when I was young,...

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Saving AmandaChapter 5

I’m glad I thought to bring enough cash so we wouldn’t have to use my debit cards for something like this. The deposit on the vehicle was steep, but it was printed on the lease agreement, so I figured it was legit and paid without a fuss. “Will you be traveling local, Mr. McCaul?” “Yes, I’m from up on the mountain and I’ll only need transportation for a few days while I’m down here.” Before he could continue the conversation, I took the keys to the late model Chevy pickup and left his...

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Love On The Hill

As I got out of the cockpit of the IAF transport plane that I had qualified to fly, I handed over my headset and gear to one of the airmen alongside and climbed into the station jeep that was sent to bring me and my crew back to the hangar to freshen up and write out my report. I was part of the first batch of women pilots inducted into a hitherto-male-only Indian Air Force, and I reveled in my pioneer status. I had been a keen cadet during my NCC days, and dreamed of flying for a living. My...

First Time
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A cuckquean tale

Rick enjoyed going out. Whether it was a trip to the mountains, or a night out on the town, he made the most of every experience. His frequent trips hiking and climbing in the Rocky Mountains afforded him a roughly chiseled mountain man appearance, which always made his evening trips more successful. The combination of his penetrating stare and his warm smile made him the recipient of many flirtatious glances when he made the short trip out the local bar. Kim should have been jealous of those...

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