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“You got to help me out here!” Alexander pleaded.

“Helping you out is the last thing I have to do. Consider yourself lucky that I even took this call. Should have blocked you a long time ago!”

There was no chance, Lillian thought.

“Come on! Don’t be like that! I'm really desperate. My landlord threw me out. Suddenly, she’s afraid of Europeans. I might carry the virus, she says.”

“You’re saying she found out that there is something toxic about you? Welcome to the club! She’s a bit late, though.”

“Lil, honey! Come on! Don’t be like that! I’m fucking homeless.”

“Well, just go back to Europe! As far as I’m concerned you should have never come here!”

“I don’t have the money, and there are no flights going out.”

“Then take a hotel. This is not my problem! You are not my problem anymore. You must be crazy to think that I could take you in again! Don’t want anything to do with you!”

“Lillian, I don’t want to move in with you. I was thinking about that cabin, your parents own. Can I maybe stay there? Please? Only for a couple of weeks, until this Corona thing has blown over? Please? I’m really in need of some help here!”

“Sorry, pal. I don’t want any part of you in my life. And besides, the cabin is not available anyway. My little sister is staying there. End of story.”

“Oh, okay… But I mean, it’s a big cabin. It’s easily big enough for two people. And I don’t need much. Can’t you just ask her?”

“You want to move in with my little sister? Forget it! Just forget it. I won’t let you near her.”

“Come on, Lillian. Your little sister is not that little and innocent. I remember your stories about her. You think she is a psycho! Your words! A fucked up bitch you called her!”

“She is still family. You are not. And by the way, you are a fucked up pervert!”

“Okay, listen. I didn’t want to do this, but you are leaving me no choice here. Remember, that you still owe me? For New York? You remember that, right? You said you’d owe me for what I did there. I’m calling that favor now. Please!”

There was silence on the other end of the line. Alexander knew he had a point and so did Lillian. Their relationship had turned toxic but there was still a glimmer of the passion they had shared once and it was this tiny memory of their better days that finally moved Lillian.

“All I’m asking is that you ask her. Okay? That’s all. If she says no, I’ll… I don’t know what I will do, but you won’t ever hear from me again!”

“If I do that, then we are done! I’ll block you on my phone, on Instagram, on Facebook, everywhere! I’ll get a restraining order!”

“Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really appreciate it!”

But Lillian had already hung up.

Alex didn’t expect to hear from Lillian for another day and maybe never, as he didn’t know whether she would actually make the call, but twenty minutes later, his phone rang.

“She says, it’s fine.”

“Great! Thank you very much!”

“Under one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“You can stay there with her, but on her terms.”

“What does that mean, her terms? What are they?”

“Dude, I don’t know. Her terms! Not mine! Her terms! I wouldn’t give you the fucking time of day! You can stay there but she makes the rules!”

“Okay. Sounds… interesting.”

“I knew that this would turn you on. “

“What do you mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean. Your kink. Your perversion. You like women treating you like shit. You get off on that. Fucking creepy. Never liked that about you. What kind of a man lets his woman walk all over him?”


“So she knows about you. And your kink.”

“You told her? Are you crazy? I mean that was between the two of us!”

“Apparently not. And she needs to know who she invites into her home. Relax, it’s not all that new to her. I told her about you ages ago. When we were still a thing. She was always weird like that. Into gothic stuff and black and all that morbid shit. You’ll probably get along just fine.”

Alexander didn’t know about that, and in his situation he didn’t really care. He just needed a place to stay. Actually, Alexander didn’t remember much of Lilian’s sister. He had met her once. Very briefly when he had picked Lillian up. She opened the door and they exchanged a few words. He hadn’t paid much attention, though. All he remembered was her pale skin and the dyed black hair, and she had worn black sweatpants. She had a small, cute nose, he remembered that. And her name: Samantha. That was essentially all. Lillian didn’t talk much about her. He got the impression that they weren’t all that close. Alexander sensed that Lillian might even be a bit embarrassed about her sister’s nerdiness.

“Oh god, does it turn you on, when I talk to you like that? Are you hard right now? You’re better not jerking off right now!”

“No, trust me. You are not turning me on. You are plain rude. There’s a difference.”

“Fine, asshole! Whatever. But you better behave yourself with my sister!”

Before Alexander could reply, she had already hung up. Maybe Alexander hadn’t always treated Lillian as nicely as he could. But when she hung up, he questioned his taste a little regarding her

Well, he got, what a wanted. A place to stay.

That was the end of the conversation, and the end of a relationship that had started quite passionately and ended in the same way. But every ending is the beginning of something new and this unpleasant ending of one relationship marked the beginning of a new one, which offered more excitement but also a little more struggles to Alexander’s life.

But all that was many hours of driving on empty roads away:

“So you are the infamous Alex. And we are going to bunk together for the next couple of… weeks, months, maybe years?”

“Let’s hope it’s not years or months. I mean, it’s just a virus, right?”

“I don’t really care how long it takes. I’m on a break from life here in the wilderness. Anyway. What do you bring to the team?”

“What team?”

“Our team. You and me.”

“We are a team? Cool, good to know!”

“I’m serious. What are your strengths, your assets? If this turns into a zombie apocalypse, I want to know what you can provide. You know… are you part of the solution or the problem. That sort of thing.”

“I’ll definitely be part of the solution!”

“We’ll see. You are quite athletic. I can see that.”

“I’d be able to outrun the zombies.”

“Really? Would be bad for me though.”


“Well, if they chase us and you are faster than me, who are they going to eat?”

“I’ll be carrying you,” he laughed.

“Sweet! You better.”

Alexander instantly liked Samantha’s nerdiness. She was almost exactly like he remembered her. Small, pale, had long black hair with a hint of purple. It had grown out a little though and a faint dirty blond appeared. She once again wore sweatpants and a tight tank top. He could see the nipples of her small, perky breasts poke through the fabric. He wondered whether she was aware of that.

For a brief second, he felt bad for those thoughts. After all she was Lillian’s little sister. And he wasn’t there to hook up with his ex’s sister. But then again, he felt silly. Samantha was only a few years younger. Around twenty-one or twenty-two, he guessed. She was cute, he had to admit that.

Alexander was quite tired when he got out of the car. He stretched his legs. The drive had been longer than he had anticipated. Although the roads were empty. People stuck to the stay home advice.

“Well, come on in, infamous Alex! You must be tired.”

“Infamous? Really? That’s what Lill called me?”

“She called you a lot of things. Infamous was not exactly her choice of words. Let’s say she was less enthusiastic about you.”

“So, I’m that bad?”

“You want to hear a few?”

“Not really.”

“No problem, I’ll tell you anyway. Shithead was one. Fuckface, Dipshit, European asshole.”

“Yeah, okay, I get it.”

“It’s no problem, really. I only remember a few of them: Scum was one. Human garbage and finally… perv.”

She looked at him, and her eyes seemed to pierce him on her last word. Alexander felt awkward.

“Perv? That’s what she called me? What has she told you?”

“A lot. Trust me. But your secret is safe with me.”

“Well, I assure you that I’m no perv.”

“We’ll see about that, she said and smiled after a few long seconds of a dry, sober look.”

Alexander felt uneasy. He had just got out of his car after a long drive and that girl that he barely knew already made a bunch of comments that he couldn’t quite place. Innuendos that he had to adjust to. He wasn’t sure where this was leading, but the longer this went on the more he became familiar with them.

Samantha felt his unease as well, and at the same time, she enjoyed it and wondered whether she was a little too straight forward with him. She decided to take it a little more slowly.

“Come on in, I’m just fucking with you.”

She smiled.

“Alright, Samantha! That sounds good!”

He smiled back, but couldn’t find the right words. Somehow, he felt interrogated and the fact that she knew more about him and than him about her, didn’t help. Alexander didn’t think that Lillian and Samantha had a very close relationship and that they would talk about him. But now he felt very insecure about her remarks.

Alexander followed her into the cabin, relieved not to be under her scrutiny any longer. But the feeling didn’t last for long.

“Samantha? Ugh, nobody calls me that.”

“Sorry. What do you want to be called?”

“Sam. Just call me Sam.”

“Okay, Sam. Is that a masculinity thing?”

“No, it’s a short thing.”

“What’s wrong with Samantha?”

“Samantha sounds dainty and petite and like a flower. Pretty and delicate and all that shit.”

“Well you are pretty and dainty and all that.”

He realized what he had said but it was already too late. The words were out.

“Thanks, but no thanks. I wasn’t fishing.”

“Sure. Apologies.”

She opened the door and he followed her inside.

“So you two have been here before? Lil and you?”

“Yeah, couple of times.”

“To do your little pervy games?”

She looked at him and then broke into a smile.

“Dude, relax! You are so tense! I’m not going to bite.”


“Well, not too much, anyway! You are cute when you are nervous.”

“Am I nervous?”

“You are literally shaking.”

She stared at him without saying another word.

“So here’s how it’s going to be. You can have the small room. I’ll have the big one.”


“I expect you to pitch in. With work and shit around this place. No slacking. And you better not be grumpy or moody or in any way uncooperative, understood?”

“Or else?”

“You’re out.”


“Out in the cold Covid-19 zombie apocalypse.”

“Wouldn’t want that. Definitely not! Your rules. I’ll…“ He paused. “…follow your lead.”

Alexander didn’t want to say “obey” and so he changed his words to sound less submissive.

“Yeah, you better follow my lead!”

She smirked.

“You must feel tired. I made hot water. If you want to freshen up. I’ll fix dinner in the meantime. Pasta. Quarantine food.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“It better. Now go! Take a shower!”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

He bit his tongue. The words had just slipped out. Unintended. Or maybe not all that unintentionally. His hope that maybe she hadn’t noticed was crushed immediately.

“Keep it up! I like where this is going!”

He couldn’t find the right a catchy reply, and so he remained quiet.

Alexander went into the bathroom to take his shower, glad to get some time to get a grip on things.

He did warm up to her verbal jabs though. It was just quite unexpected for him. He hadn’t expected to come to a friendly place. Or a place that would accommodate to his more intimate interests.

Thinking about all that, he now felt a stirring in his groin, a sensation he hadn’t felt for quite some time. Maybe since the beginning of the pandemic and all the stress that had come with it.

The water on his body felt refreshing. It was hot and brought him back to life. It washed away the exhaustion and the grime of his journey. He got into some comfortable pants and a shirt and was ready to take Samantha on. Alexander felt invigorated when he left the bathroom.

“Sit! Dinner’s almost ready.”

Alexander noticed her casual, commanding language, and he liked it and took a seat.

It wasn’t the first time he sat at that table. Lillian and he had been here several times in the course of their relationship. A lot of memories were attached to this place. The first time they stayed here was spent almost entirely in the bedroom with loads of passionate sex in early spring last year. The next time they came here was during the summer. It was mostly too hot to do anything, and still they were so crazy for each other that they had done nothing but have sweaty and lazy sex all day. Lilian was a bit embarrassed about it. She didn’t want to be seen sweaty and in disorder. She was very self-conscious and always afraid to smell or sweat or have unwanted hair or any other imperfection. Alexander didn’t mind. He remembered how he had taken her right on the table he was sitting at. It was late afternoon and searing hot and Lillian had ordered him to pick her up, and he did what she had asked. Gladly. Their naked bodies pressed against each other, coated by a thin layer of sweat that lubricated their skin. He carried her through the cabin, her legs wrapped around his hips. Alexander remembered the warm smell of her hair and the fresh sweat and arousal.

They fucked like animals. Like they were out of their minds. He remembered how Lillian dug her fingernails into his shoulders so deep that they drew blood. Days later, they still hurt, he didn’t mind. She told him what to do, and he obeyed. She didn’t call him a perv back then. He remembered being her “toy boy”, her “sex slave”. And these terms fired him up like nothing else, and she liked it as well. She liked the attention he gave her. How he could lay between her thighs for hours, worshipping her pussy with his tongue. It was heaven for him just to be there between her legs, her arousal surrounding him, her scent, her silky legs, her womanhood. The things she didn’t like about herself. He loved it. He loved to be her pet, to please her, to be her toy boy, to satisfy her without asking for anything. When she was in the mood to play with him, it was true bliss, and in these moments he wanted to savor this forever. He could really see himself serving her forever.

But Lillian wasn’t like that. There were times when she wanted to be in charge, but they were really few. She often pictured sex to be too clean, like in movies. He didn’t mind, but it often felt fake, like she was pretending, not really having sex but acting like they had sex. Just to meet her expectation of what sex was like. He was sure that she was faking it. And to be fair, at times, it turned him off so much that even he faked it himself, wearing a condom. He didn’t feel like coming, he just acted like he did and then got rid of the empty rubber. But that was towards the end of their relationship, when it was already clear that they didn’t have a future but were not ready to admit it to themselves.

Eventually, she told him to fuck her on the large oak table, and he did. He still remembered his thrusts and her cries for more, how the cabin seemed to shake under their sex. Later, there was a small pool of her sweat and her juices on the table in the shape of her butt.

“Wipe it away!,” she said. “It’s disgusting!”

He didn’t wipe it away. Instead, he got down on the table and licked it up. And she didn’t call him a perv, instead, she liked what he did and said, “That’s right! Lap it up! My little lapdog! That’s what you are!”

When he was done, she pulled him by the hair and directed him between her thighs, and his tongue continued its service there. He remembered this cacophony of smells between her legs. The musky scent of her skin, the slight and refreshing bitterness of her pussy. It was warm there, the heat and her scent encased him. Like a prisoner in a golden cage. He remembered thinking that he could stay there for the rest his life. Between her thighs, servicing her. He remembered bringing her to multiple orgasms with his tongue that afternoon. His hands wrapped around her thighs, coated by their sweat. When she finally pushed him away at the height of her last orgasm, he looked up, past her belly button. Between her breasts in the distance, there was her chin. Her moans sounded unlike anything he had ever heard. Like the cry of an insane animal. She let herself go. He was surprised. Lillian was always so careful not to let her guard down, and here she was at the height of her pleasure sounding like nothing he had ever heard before. He was proud that he was able to bring her to a place where she shed all her pretense and was herself. A real woman, not a pretend supermodel on the cover of a glossy magazine.

Her back was arched backwards almost unnaturally. It looked painful. All her muscles seemed to have contracted to preserve this sensation of lust.

For quite some time, they lay there, she draped on the table recovering from her orgasm, he rested between her thighs in the warmth, the humidity and the abundant smell of her sex. And like an addict, he just wanted to hold on to that moment for the rest of his life. He thought she’d appreciate what he was able to do to her, what pleasure he was able to give her. He thought that his sexual power might be some sort of currency with which he could make her buy some affection for him.

That he was totally different to all these other guys who only cared about themselves.

He was wrong. Of course, it was all too elusive and so that moment evaporated into the humid air. Like his desire to be prisoner between her thighs for the rest of his life.

Towards the end of their relationship, they had come here once more, both hoping to revitalize their relationship. Lillian had labeled the cabin their private paradise. But it completely misfired and all they did was fight. Paradise was lost. There was some make-up-sex, but it wasn’t able to erase the ugly things they had said to each other. Both of them knew that it was over. And the only thing left to do was to find a way to quit.

They didn’t have to say much. It was clear that it was over. Alexander would have preferred to just accept this, but somehow Lillian needed to find someone to blame, and so instead of just going their separate ways, she started to blame him, and instead of just walking away, he engaged in these accusations.

But all that was gone now.

Alexander’s fingertips tried to trace the long evaporated contours of Lillian’s juices while he looked at her little sister who seemed so very different. So casual, so authentic and real. His fingers tried to track the past while his eyes looked at the future.

The light caught her hair and made it glow blue and purple, somewhat angelic. It looked so silky and soft, inviting him to stroke it gently. Her whole body seemed so inviting. Although it was hidden under her baggy sweatpants, he could sense the curves of her petite body. There was something fragile about her and at the same time, she emitted a radiating confidence.

Alexander liked women who knew their business.

Lillian, however, wasn’t as sure about herself as Alexander thought. She wasn’t quite certain what this world was about and what her place in it was. She had some ideas but then felt like things didn’t quite compute. That’s why she retreated to the cabin, to readjust herself. What she did know though, was what she wanted sexually. She wanted to command over a guy. She wanted to dominate him, she wanted what Alexander apparently offered. And she was willing to grasp that opportunity.

“Are you checking me out?”


“Are you ogling me?”

“Wha… no!”

“You better not.”

“I’m not!”

“Don’t think that you can have your way with me.”

“I don’t. I’m sorry! What does that even mean?”

“You know exactly what that means. You big man, me a small little girl. I’m in charge here, get that?”

“Yes, your terms. I remember!”

“Okay, good. Now eat. By the way, you are doing the dishes. And you are making breakfast. In fact, you’ll be doing most of the chores while you are here. Consider it rent. You’ll be my… maid. My servant. Okay?”

It wasn’t the best food in the world, the pasta was actually quite bland, but it was the first time in a while that Alexander shared a meal and had a conversation with a human being.

“Yes, of course. Thank you.”

“You’re right! You should thank me for giving you the opportunity to do all the work here. You should thank me for letting you stay here!

“Yes, of course. I am really grateful.”

“Good. Can you cook? Because I might make you do the cooking.”

He was about to say something like: Better than you. But he knew better and instead said, “A little. I’ll try to make you happy.”

“You better!”

At this point, they both knew where this whole thing was about to go, and they both enjoyed the hidden messages that were floating in the room. There wasn’t really any ambiguity anymore. They were flirting, testing the waters.

But then their conversation shifted to something less obvious. It was small talk to bond. They had a casual chat about their Corona-experience. Alexander had staid in his apartment until he was kicked out by his landlord and then drove straight here without talking to anybody. Samantha had taken a break from college. She didn’t say why, but to Alexander, it sounded like she had to battle some sort of personal crisis.

“So we both haven’t had any contact to anyone in a while.”

“Kind of sad, isn’t it?”

“Well, at least we know that we probably don’t have the virus and can’t pass it on to each other.”

“So no social distancing for us?”

“I’d say we are so far away from the rest of the world that it’s enough distancing.”

“You’re probably right.”

They continued to have a casual conversation about nothing really, but it was just what both of them needed after their long stints of solitude.

Eventually, she told him to do the dishes and clean up the cabin, and he did. Sam went to her room.

When he was done he was unsure what to do and decided to go to her room. It was the room that he and Lillian had stayed in.

It obviously hadn’t changed much. The bed with the brass frame was the centerpiece of the room. And there was a desk and a drawer next to the window.

That’s where Samantha sat, hunched over her iPad, drawing something.

She ignored him, although he had shuffled his feet loud enough for her to hear him.

So he looked around, not knowing what to do and of course, he noticed the handcuffs that hung from the bedframe. They were invitingly open and Alexander couldn’t keep his eyes from them, and he looked at them like a deer into the headlights of a car.

He didn’t know what to think of them.

“You have interesting… toys.”

“Yeah, well, people have… toys,” she mocked him.

“What do you do with these cuffs?”

“You restrain people with them.”

Samantha didn’t look up, she pretended not to pay any attention to him, but secretly she was gleaming. He had clearly taken the bait.

Alexander had stepped into Samantha’s room, his eyes still fixed to the two sets of cuffs. One of each attached to the board of the old brass bed.

Alexander knew the bed quite well, had slept in it with Lillian multiple times. It was squealing like an angry pig when you moved in it. And Lillian and him had moved quite a lot in that bed when they were together.

“But I mean… what are these for?”

She heard him pick up one of the cuffs.

“It’s kind of a silly question, don’t you think?”

“I guess. But… why do you have them? I mean, are you tying up yourself or what?”

“That’s also a dumb question. Why do you care?”

“Just curious, I guess.”

“Yeah, I can see a lot of curiosity.”

“Have you ever tied someone up?”

“You want to be my first?”

“What do you mean?”

“You are clearly very, very interested.”

“But what would you do to me?”

“I guess you’d have to find out.”

He kept looking at the device, fascinated with the possibilities it promised but also cautions, even afraid.

“I suppose it is all about trust. Can I trust you?”

“I don’t know. Only you can answer that.”

“You’re right, I guess.”

Samantha still pretended to work on her iPad.

“So… how do they work?”

“You put your wrist in the thing and close it.”


“Try it!”

“You’re sure?”

“Yeah, absolutely.”


He sat on the bed, took the steel cuffs, heard the jangling of the chain. It reminded him of a rattlesnake and it was just as fascinating.

He put his wrist into it and then finally closed it. Just as she had suggested. There wasn’t a reason for this, he just did it because she told him to. And he really, really wanted to be restraint and helpless.

“And now?”

“Now you get on the bed and put the other wrist in the other cuff.”

He did as told. Although only one hand was restrained, he already had some problems positioning himself on the bed.

“Like this?”

Samantha didn’t look. She pretended to still work on her tablet, although in reality, she had long put down the pen was listening closely to what Alexander was doing, pretending to be all innocent and naive.

She heard him struggle to close the second cuff without his other hand.

“Can’t do it with one hand.”

“Alright, let me help you.”

Samantha got up and closed the cuff on his other wrist.

Another clicking sound. It closed the handcuff around Alexander’s wrist but it also sealed his fate.

“How does it feel?”

“Kind of strange. Restricted.”

“Good? I mean, do you like it?”


“Well, you are tied to the bed now.”

“Yeah. I guess. So what happens next?”

“Try to get out.”

Alexander tested the chains, struggled against his bonds, kicked up his legs, tried to reach the cuff on his other wrist, but all he produced were noises of the bed squeaking and metal clanking against metal. And of course there were his frustrated groans.

Samantha smiled mischievously and watched him struggle with a lot of satisfaction.

“You look cute. All helpless and at my disposal.”

“What are you going to do to me? I mean, does it turn you on to see me like that?”

She smiled. “See, the difference between you and me is the shift of power. You have to ask me, what I feel. You don’t know. You can’t tell. I just have to look at the bulge in your pants to know that you fucking love being tied up.”

“That obvious?”

“Yes, sugar.”

“So will you let me out?”

“Do you really want out?”


“You better think about your next words very carefully.”

Alexander chose not to reply at all.

“Let me help you with your decision.”

Samantha got up and gently grabbed his legs and straightened them. Then she reached under the bed and produced two more cuffs and locked his feet to the footboard.

Alexander didn’t object, nor did he struggle. He kept still.

“Try to get out now!”

Of course, being even more immobilized didn’t increase his chances, but still he tried. But this time, being unable to even kick, it was even more futile and the only thing that increased was his frustrating groans. And it was this frustration that he really craved.

“No chance, huh?”

“No. Can’t free myself. I’m totally helpless. Please, let me out!”

“I think you protest too much.”

“Please, let me out. Please! I’m begging you!”

“Really, begging? Wow! That’s quick. See, we have a problem here!”

Once again, she smiled mischievously.

“You tell me, you want out. But your pants say the exact opposite. So which one is it? Alright, hang on. Don’t answer yet! We’ll have a little talk, okay? And then maybe it’ll be easier for you to decide what you want.”

Samantha sat on the bed next to Alexander, kissed her index finger and then slowly laid it on his lips. And then she left the room, and she took longer than necessary. She opened a bottle of wine, poured herself a large glass, sat at the dinner table to finish it, looking out of the window watching the sun go down. All just to stall for time. She wanted him to feel his predicament and his helplessness.

Samantha wasn’t as calm, as she pretended to be. In fact, she was quite excited herself. The prospects of this guy tied to her bed were endless. She had dreamt of this, phantasies about it. And now quite suddenly and unexpectantly somebody had actually locked himself to the bed. It was beyond perfect. But still, some portion of her self-confidence was totally faked. She wasn’t really sure what to do with him. After all, she had never done anything like that to anyone. All her self-confidence was totally faked. The plan that she had hinted at was just a few random thoughts. But that was the beauty of things. She could just make things up. She was in charge, and he wanted her to be!

She wanted to let him stew a little in his predicament, so she poured herself another glass of wine.

Samantha had been a recluse in that cabin for quite some time. About three months before the virus hit, she had taken a break and hid in her parents’ cabin. She suffered from a mild crisis, some social anxiety that had suddenly crept up on her. Nothing major, but she was frustrated enough to take a break from her studies to find something that still eluded her.

Finally, she poured herself another glass of wine, took a sip to gain some courage for what was about to come and casually walked back into the room and sat next to him on the bed.

He was still there, looking at her pleadingly, squirming a little on the bed. That bulge in his pants was also still there, she noticed with great pleasure.

For the next few moments, Samantha had more at stake. She had to play her cards right not to scare him off but to completely lure him in, she thought. Although his obvious excitement made him a bad poker player.

“Where have you been?” he asked.

“Shush! Let me do the talking, okay?”

Once again she put her finger on his mouth and he nodded obediently.

“You have to relax a little here. And you need to listen to me!”

She caressed his cheeks with her index finger, ran her fingers through his hair, soothed him, turned him on, showed her a new, soft and seductive side, and he at the same time relaxed and became uncomfortable, if that is possible.

“See, I don’t think that you understand the situation you are in,” she casually stated.

Her finger ran along his nose, and when it reached the tip of his nose, she stopped.

“I really am in charge at the moment.”

She casually pinched his nostrils with two fingers and then cut off his air supply through the nose.

“Wouldn’t you agree that you are at my mercy? All tied up and helpless?”

He could have just opened his mouth and breathe through his mouth, but instead, he played along and handed her the reigns over his breathing.

Instead he nodded and looked up at her with big questioning eyes.

“I like that look. It’s fear. You fear me. You are actually afraid of me! That is so cool! Because I am in charge. I could just keep going until you are… you know. Done. And then I’ll just bury you here somewhere in the woods. No one knows you are here!”

She smiled and tried to put a pinch of insanity into the corners of her mouth, and his eyes widened.

“But then again, I can also be totally nice and sweet. It all depends on you!”

She took her fingers from his nose, and he greedily breathed in.

Samantha smiled.

“Okay, I’m not crazy or anything. I’m really quite reasonable. Although I must admit, I’m a bit disappointed. What do you say, when someone gives you something?”

“Thank you?”

“There you go! You have some manners after all. That is nice. I like well-mannered men.”

But she couldn’t resist her newly found powers over him. Not yet. And so she put her hand on his nostrils again and blocked his airstream once more. And this time she put her other hand over his mouth to take it to another level.

Alexander understood. He was unable to speak, but his eyes widened, and his body became tense as his lungs were longing for oxygen.

Watching this, Samantha felt something new. A rush of some drug through her system. Adrenalin, estrogen, endorphins. She didn’t know. All she knew was that she wanted this. The fear in his eyes, her towering over him with absolute power.

Her sister had told her about him. About his submissive side and how he wanted to be controlled and how Samantha didn’t think it was very manly or masculine. Even way back when the two of them were still together, she had complained. Lillian didn’t like this at all. She had chosen Alexander for his posture and his muscles. But then she wondered how such a hunk of a man could be such a wimp. It resonated with Samantha though. It had turned her on. It sounded so fucking erotic to be in charge of some big strong man, to make him do whatever she wanted, to be the boss. She wasn’t the most social person in the world, not the most savvy in dealing with people, but she totally could see herself dominating a guy. Somehow she never found the opportunity though, and she didn’t really feel like looking for a guy specifically into that sort of kink. She had no problem going on Pornhub to look for femdom porn. It didn’t mean though, that this was the only thing she was looking for in a guy. And she didn’t want to end up being some ridiculous dominatrix strutting around in leather boots and dressed in latex; she was a nerd, and it would look ridiculous on her. There was no way. When all she wanted was some fun without any strings. Well, maybe strings wrapped around the guy’s body!

When her sister had called to ask her whether she would share the cabin with Alexander, it didn’t need much convincing to make her agree. Not that Lillian actually made much of an effort. Maybe she felt a vague sense of obligation towards Alexander. But Lillian jumped at the opportunity.

Alexander under her watched her with wide eyes.

He didn’t panic yet, he didn’t try to break free, but tried to remain calm.

“Sometimes it’s a game, and sometimes it is not,” Samantha said with a low voice.

She didn’t want to push him too far and lifted her hands.

He breathed in greedily, thanked her, and this time he sounded like he actually meant it, like he was truly grateful for her gift of oxygen.

“Earlier you begged to be released, but your cock said something else. See, there is a problem here. Some disconnect. Fortunately, there is a solution to you saying No but maybe meaning Yes. And the solution is strawberry.”

“I don’t get it.”

“Strawberry! See, if you say: Please no! - you might not actually mean No. You just like to say No. But if you say strawberry, I know that you are serious, because strawberry means No, whereas No might mean Yes. Sounds confusing, but it’s really simple.”

“You’re talking about a safe word.”

“Hey! You are not as innocent as you pretend to be!”

“Yeah, well, maybe I have used the internet before.”

“I bet you have. So, you’re okay with that? With strawberries?”

Alexander nodded.

“Great! First lesson over! Let’s move on. The terms!”

“I’ve heard of those. I have learned that they are yours.”

“Great! Everything here happens on my terms! It’s really simple. You can stay here, as long as you do as I tell you.”

“That’s a bit vague. I mean, what does that actually mean?”

“You can always pull your strawberry-card, and I’ll stop, and you are free to go!”

“Free to go into the cold of the Corona-world?”

“Free to go wherever you want.“

She smiled.

“But we both know that you fucking want this. You are begging to be at my feet. Let’s face it: this is the best proposition you have ever heard. I’m the most erotic creature you have ever met! Fucking trust me!” she said.

Samantha wasn’t completely convinced about her words and hid it under her cursing, but Alexander didn’t need any more convincing.

“I’ll show you!” she continued.

Samantha got on the bed, straddled him and sat on Alexander’s chest, and then she pinned down his arms and lowered her head over his.

“It turns me on to have you at my mercy. But I can tell that it must be a hundred times better on your end. How powerless you are! You love that. You adore it. You don’t even have to admit it, it’s so obvious!”

She reached behind Alexander and grabbed his cock firmly.

“You are hard as a rock!”

Samantha found his balls under his sweatpants and squeezed them.

Immediately his body tightened and his eyes widened.

She loved the feeling of all those muscles flexing at her command. Although he was so well-trained and strong he was completely at her mercy.

Samantha looked down at him and put her evil smile on.

“Nothing you can do now! All on my terms!”

She closed her fist tighter around his balls, and the dull pain shot through his groin. He raised his hips, tried to make her fall over, but she just ignored it and rode him like a bucking rodeo bull.

She laughed, as she stared at him and enjoyed his frustration and his torment. It only made her press her fist tighter and increase his pain.

“Please, please stop! I beg you!”

But she only laughed and enjoyed his bucking and squirming. She could sense that he struggled a little too much against his restraints, and his begging was a little too dramatic. After all she wasn’t poking him with a red hot iron. She was just squeezing his balls.

When she stopped, he lay on the bed, catching his breath, felt the pain slowly subside from his groin, and as it rinsed from his body it almost felt like pleasure.

“Is that pain real? When a girl kicks your balls? All that squirming and wailing. Is that real? I can never tell. Or is it just some male pride thing? That your precious jewels are in danger? Seems excessive to me how you guys react when a girl puts a little pressure on them.”

He didn’t reply, and it didn’t really matter to her. It certainly felt like pleasure to Samantha who was feeling his muscles contract between her thighs. She enjoyed his physical powers and her emotional powers over him. Like she was riding a tiger.

“Tell me you didn’t fucking enjoy this, big boy! To be at my mercy, my helpless little toy! A slave to a pixie little pale goth girl!”

Alexander just groaned and avoided her gaze.

“You don’t have to admit it. I can see that I am right! There’s nothing you can hide from me!”

And she was right. As she gently stroked his cock under his pants, it was still hard.

He wanted it. There was no resistance. There are very few defining moments in life, but this was one. The realization of something he had fancied but never fully understood. A kink, he had thought. But now laying there all helpless, he realized how deep it ran, how it defined him. It was an earth-shattering revelation. And not only for him but also for her. She relished it, she bathed in her power and words poured out of her that she had never thought before.

“You know why I hurt you?”

He shook his head.


“I don’t know. Because I disobeyed you?”

“Because I fucking can! There is no reason for me to do anything that I do to you. I do it because I can. I don’t need reasons to hurt you. All I need is you to know that I can do to you whatever I want, and you will beg for more!”

Alexander just stared at her.

“You are still miles away from the strawberries. And I doubt, you will ever get there! I can see you want this, and you just want more.”

She laughed, pinned his wrists again and bent down until their faces were close and he could smell the red wine in her breath.

All the while she stared into his eyes, and he squirmed, was unable to stand her stare but at the same time too mesmerized by her eyes to look away.

It felt like she stared right into his soul and devoured it, ripped it out of him and left an empty shell.

“I have a gift for you!”

There was that wicked smile again.

With loud guttural noises she gathered a gob of spit in her mouth. Not very feminine, not elegant at all. She didn’t want to be. She just wanted to be a bad-ass bitch, and she was.

Slowly she pushed that blob out of her mouth, let it drop from her lips onto his face.

It landed on his nose and slowly ran down his cheek.

Alexander had closed his eyes in disgust, but worse than the feeling of the warm liquid on his face was the evil laughter from Samantha.

“I bet this will feel really humiliating! A girl spitting in your face. And you can do nothing about it! I bet my spit feels like acid burning on your face! It humiliates you, and it should! It robs you of your dignity! Am I right? You want to be stripped of your dignity. You want to be bare and stripped for me to see you! You want to be helpless! And I will strip you of your dignity and your soul!

She laughed and although this was just a game she played with him, they both believed her words. It made her feel stronger and more self-confident and him smaller and more vulnerable.

But then she changed it up again. She didn’t just want to be mean. And so she began to stroke his cock over his pants. And she did it very slowly.

“You like that?”

He nodded. “Yes… thank you!”

“Ah, you’re sweet!” she cooed.

She held his gaze in her eyes, while she stroked his dick rhythmically. Samantha didn’t need long to find his rhythm. He pressed his hips into her movement.

Eventually, she let go and slid her hand under the waistband of his sweatpants and then on under his shorts.

Her slim fingers crawled on his dick like a spider, and Alexander felt that she was just as dangerous with him being tied and at her whim as an angry arachnoid.

“If you’re nice, then I am nice. It’s really simple.”

Those warm hands on him were something he had craved for a long time. She knew what she was doing, and so he didn’t need long to feel an orgasm approaching.

“I can tell that you like it!”

Her voice all seductive, her smile irresistible.

Samantha’s hand increased the pressure and the speed on him, and soon he began to moan in a steady rhythm, until he was close, so very close!

“Please, yes! Please!”

But when he came close to the edge, she suddenly withdrew her hand.

Alexander had already retreated into his private realm to enjoy what was about to come. Now he opened his eyes in surprise and disappointment. He pleaded, “No please! Please!”

Samantha smiled.

“You like it?”

“Oh, yes, yes! But, please, don’t stop! Please!”

She slid her hand back in his pants.

“Oh yes, thank you!”

But her hand rested on his shaft motionlessly.

“See, I like how polite you are. It’s really sweet of you to say ‘please’ and all. But you have to understand that I am in charge here.”

“Of course, you are! Of course!”

She started to stroke him again, and immediately he responded to her touch. It didn’t take long for his breathing to become heavier, and when he closed his eyes again to welcome his orgasm, she once again stopped.

He groaned in frustration and once again stared at her, this time disapprovingly.

“Do I see some disagreement here?”

“No, no disagreement here!”

“Remember: on my terms! I decide about your pleasure.”

“Of course! I understand. Totally!”

“Alright! Cool! I like that you agree to my terms! But you know what, I want to see what I got here!”

She grabbed the waistband of his sweatpants and shorts and commanded, “Lift!”

He raised his hips and she pulled down his pants to his thighs.

His hard cock popped up and he felt the cool air and the heat of her piercing examination on his exposed member.


She smiled and he became insecure about her words.

“Who’s little dick is this?”

He didn’t understand at first, and so she had to repeat the question.

“It’s yours.”

“Really? Aw, you’re so sweet! So this is my gift from you! Are you sure?”

She didn’t expect a reply. Instead, Samantha delicately stroked his cock again and Alexander responded right away to her touch.

“Don’t get over-excited!”

“I won’t!” he croaked.

“If you let my cock come before I allow it, then this will be the last time you get to have that pleasure for a long, long time!”

He nodded.

“And I mean, a really long time! They’ll have found a vaccine for the coronavirus before I let you come again! You get that?”

“Yes. Of course!”


She started to stroke him again. Her threatening words didn’t exactly help him to keep control of his feelings. Faster than before he reached the brink, and she had to stop again.

“Oh, F…!”

He caught himself just in time.

“What were you about to say?”

“Nothing, nothing! I’m sorry, but please, let me come. I’ll do anything! Please!”

“You’ll do anything, really? Bit of a cliché, isn’t it?”

But he wasn’t ready to argue.

“I am sorry, I am so sorry. But please!”

Samantha felt like some sorceress who had put a spell on him. She bathed in that power, and at the same time started to pity him for all the edging.

One last time, she brought him close to the orgasm and stopped, and then she had mercy. She didn’t want to ruin his orgasm. She knew that it would be so easy to just pump him to climax and then punish him for it. But it was so obvious that he didn’t have control over himself that it felt cheap to do so. She wanted to save that move for later, because hopefully there’d be more opportunities to manipulate him.

Her fingers gripped him harder, she caressed his already tip that was already moist from precum, and when she felt his body became tense and he pleaded her to give him permission, she commanded, “Come for me! Come now!”

And in the same moment he pumped his semen into the air with an intense grimace like he was about to succumb to a pleasurable death.

He bucked his hips, and his groans echoed through the whole cabin.

Samantha just sat there and enjoyed the show.

It took him a few moments to regain his control and she didn’t interfere with the aftermath of his climax in any way.

“Thank you! Thank you, very much!”

“You’re welcome!”

She smiled.

“This was really intense! Thank you!”

“Quite a mess you made there.”

“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry!”

“Don’t worry. But you know what, there is one more thing you need to do.”

“You want me to come again?”

She shook her head.

“As a token of your gratitude and to seal our… treaty, there is one last thing you need to do.”

Her index finger played with the tip of his cock that had become somewhat flaccid, and then she moved up to his navel where she scooped up some of his semen and brought it to his face.

She could see the discomfort in his eyes and knew that he had never tasted his own cum.

“You know what to do!” she said.

Samantha moved her finger closer to his mouth. She wasn’t sure whether she was asking too much or what she would do if he refused, but she kept going.

And Alexander hoped that she wouldn’t. He was looking for some way out. He had never done what she was about to ask from him. He didn’t want to do it. He was hoping that she was joking, maybe smearing his jizz on his face and laughing at him. He could live with that sort of humiliation. But he knew that this wasn’t likely. He knew what she was asking, and she knew what it would mean if he obeyed. He’d be hers. Her little bitch, her cum-eater. Whatever she was going to call him from that point on. He would submit to her totally. This was a huge ask.

Samantha was wondering the same. Would she push him too far? Would eating his own cum be his breaking point? Would he drop the strawberries on her and stop it all?

She kind of regretted that she had moved this fast. They had known each other for a couple of hours, and already she had tied him to the bed, made him come and now asked him to eat his own cum. Samantha really wanted this, but she couldn’t back off now.

There was a little nagging feeling that she might not be hot enough for the price she was asking. She felt like a kid. A nerd. She was definitely not the sex bomb who could ask anything.

But we all know that sometimes, our fears are completely unfounded and occasionally things are quite the opposite of how we feel them. And this was the case here. Alexander ranked her as fucking hot, and the fact that she was younger, and a little geeky only made her so much more desirable. The idea that a petite girl could boss him around was more than he had ever hoped for.

She asked a lot of him. But this was also incredibly hot. No matter how big this price was, he was going to pay it.

And although her finger seemed like it carried a toxin, eventually he opened his mouth and sucked his own juices off her finger. All that time she looked into his eyes while she fed him his own cum.

It tasted vaguely salty, but the disgusting taste he expected, didn’t come.

“Wasn’t that hard, was it? And it looks like you didn’t mind too much.”

She looked at his crotch and smiled.

“At least we got that uncertainty out of our way. You’re my bitch now! You are mine! I mean, we’ve established that already: my terms. But now it’s sealed. You swallowing your own cum at my command pretty much seals that, wouldn’t you think?”

She smiled, looked straight into his eyes until he lowered his.

“You’re cute, when you are submissive! You know, when my sister told me about you, I didn’t realize, just how much of a slut you really are! Are you a slut?”

He still looked away.

“Come on, answer me! I want to hear it!”

“Yes, I am a slut. I am your slut.”

His voice croaked, almost broke, but Samantha was happy, and when the words were out.

“Look at me, when you talk to me!”

He obeyed, looked up and repeated his words, while once again, he felt like she was feasting on his soul with her eyes.

“Alright! Wasn’t that hard, was it?”

It was clear that he was uncomfortable with these words, but still, his expression and his cock sent different messages.

“Anyway. See, this is not only about your pleasure. It should be about me first, don’t you think?”

“Yes, you are right.”

“Of course, I am! I should be first! So let’s get to that!”

Samantha slid off him and got something from a drawer by the window. Alexander couldn’t see what it was.

When she presented the black cock to him from behind her back, his eyes widened! It had veins and looked truly intimidating.

She laughed, a bit surprised about his reaction.

“You want this?” she said as she climbed back on the bed and straddled him.

Samantha poked his face with this rubber cock.

She could feel his reluctance. It was so huge that she felt like she had to say something.

“Don’t worry. This is for me, not for you, okay? Being my bitch doesn’t make you gay, you know. But you also need to earn my pussy. And you haven’t yet. So you are not going to fuck me with your limp dick! …at least not today. Got that?”

He nodded yes.

“But you know, if you want to be on my good side, you can help me and lubricate it. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, though.”

She held the cock in front of his mouth.

He looked at her, at the tip of the cock and this moment was another one in which it felt like their hearts beat slower and in synchronicity as they both wondered what would happen next.

Samantha was right, though. She had understood the depths of his devotion, and so she watched with great pleasure how he slowly opened his mouth to take the cock she pushed into his mouth.

“Good boy,” she cooed. “You’re doing great! Yes, make it wet with your little pussy mouth!”

The words stung, but they also excited him in some twisted way.

She pushed the cock in and out as if she was fucking him with it.

At the same time, her fingers were buried in her crotch and her fingers caressed her own clit. She wouldn’t need long. Her panties had been wet for some time now. This was the best thing she had experienced and more than she ever dreamed of.

She presented her sticky fingers to him, and he eagerly lapped up her juices.

“Seems like you like this more than your own gunk. Glad to see that!”

A couple of times more, she fingered herself and fed him her own juices.

Finally, she pushed the cock one more time into his mouth, ordered him to lubricate it with his mouth. Then she turned it around and put it in his mouth again with the tip sticking out.


He did.

“You know, if you’re losing your grip, this thing will go really deep into your throat. So you better focus. I really don’t want you to make a mess!”

He nodded, and the cock in his mouth bobbed back and forth.

Samantha suddenly felt a little self-conscious about taking off her pants and panties. But she had gone too far with this already, and she had to admit that Alexander had taken much bigger leaps for her than she would have to, just because she felt a little insecure about her looks down there.

She thought about putting her wet panties over his head, to blindfold him, but she really wanted him to see what he was not able to feel.

And so she climbed on top of him, his head between her thighs and slowly lowered herself on the dildo he held between his teeth.

It slid into her very easily, and it made a slurping noise that was probably very audible to Alexander. She didn’t care anymore. She had a plastic cock in her pussy held by her sex slave’s mouth who was tied to her bed. She didn’t care at all.

This thought made her incredibly hot, and it felt like that insight made its way down from her head to her hips, and like gasoline, it fueled her desire and she forgot about Alexander beneath her but instead focused on her lust, and it brought her to the brink of a monumental climax.

And once again, it was her own thoughts that gave her that extra push of arousal to send her over the edge.

She screamed, “What does it feel like to be my helpless cock slave? How does it feel like? Yeah, right! You don’t feel anything! You feel fucking nothing! Because I am riding a big fat plastic cock instead of your measly thing! You are my fucking sex slave!”

More than the cock in her pussy, her words sent her over the edge and brought her a massive orgasm.

Samantha collapsed on his face, as her body was shaken with lust.

When she finally recovered and lifted herself up, Alexander’s face was all wet, coated with her juices. Samantha thought about wiping them off his face, but then decided to keep them there. He should wear her juices as a token of her appreciation and a badge of honor.

She climbed off him and lay beside him. He was, of course, still tied to the bedposts. She wrapped her arm around his muscular chest and gently stroked it.

They lay next to each other both lost in their own thoughts, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

Finally, she spoke, “I hope you enjoyed the show.”

She smiled and gave Alexander a kiss. It was their first kiss and she tasted herself on his lips, which was strange but also oddly satisfying.

“Very much so. It was like, I don’t know, a delicious rain of your nectar of love.”

She laughed.

“Really, my nectar of love? That sounds delicious indeed!”

“It is! Can I ask you where all these toys are coming from? I mean these handcuffs and the dildo? Are you often having guys over for some… mistreatment? That you have all these toys?”

“Of course! I’m running a dominatrix shop here. Don’t think you are my first! In fact, you need to get out. I’ve got Jeremiah the lumberjack coming over at eight.”

Alexander rattled his handcuffs.

“Sorry, no can do!”

“Don’t worry. Matthew the machinist is my nine o’clock appointment. He always brings his tools. If you know, what I mean.”

She chuckled, but then became serious.

“But honestly, you are my first, actually. Not, you know, my very first in general, but my first kinky slavey guy. I’ve always wanted to do something like that with a man, but never had the opportunity. But still, I got online and bought all that shit just to be… you know… prepared. And to… fire up my imagination, you know.”

“So you got more in that drawer over there?”

“You want to find out? You can always ask for strawberries.”

“I hate strawberries,” he said.

“Well, then I’ve got more treats for you in that drawer!”

They both smiled.

The end


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Tim was bored out of his mind listening to student after student reading paragraph after paragraph out loud for the rest of the class. Apparently, his disdain was plastered all over his face. “Are we keeping you from something, Mr. Murphy?” Ms. Holmes, the English teacher, was looking directly at Tim, who had been staring out the window. “Uh, no, ma’am. I’m just sitting here listening to our reading assignment.” His emphasis on listening and reading was easy to detect, even for the most...

2 years ago
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After School Without Rules

He had a grin on his face as he took her hand and led her into the media center. To her surprise it was completely deserted, normally it was packed after school then she saw why. As Teal walked by he flipped the sign to "closed" and locked the door behind them. She became suspicious pulling gout of his grip behind one of the bookshelves "what are we doing?" Without any warning what so ever Teal pushed her against the bookcase in a long kiss. Surprise shot though her body as he pushed...

3 years ago
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All in one1

Having said that I had the wonderful experience the other day when arriving home, she sat down next to me and something told me that she really felt like performing a deep throat on me. In a moment she guided my hand to her pussy area and I could feel the lubricant of fresh semen dripping down her legs. “Oh that’s ok” she whispered, “had Mike lay me and he shot his cum inside before he could retract and fill my mouth”. “It was a bit disappointing though, that I didn’t get the chance to swallow...

1 year ago
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Lilly and I have dated for awhile Impregnation st

Lilly and I have dated for a couple of months. I think we are serious, but she says she takes it day by day. She is like that. She is a bit younger than me, she is just out of high school. We work together at a restaurant in our town. She is a server and I am one of the managers. That might be why she doesn't want to be so serious, our company "Forbids" dating between managers and team members.Lilly is very attractive to me. Her eyes sparkle like jewels. She has some curves, and her...

4 years ago
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Blacks teen are my toys

I let two black boys fuck me in the woods behind my house. I was walking up the path that leads to our backyard and saw them standing there smoking pot.I had a rough week at work, and I needed a mental brakeMy husband was having problems getting hard. SoI had no way to get stress off of my chest or out of myNeedy pussy. I was washing dishes an smelled a faint scent Of weed coming from the woods behind the house.I don’t know what made me walked outside and check. I Had smoked pot in high school...

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Lesbian Paradise at Lands End Part 2

After their incredible first encounter last evening, they didn’t even talk. Landra just kissed her on the cheek, stood up, gathered her clothes and disappeared amid the darkness. Kea remained lying on the sand for a few minutes, trying to assimilate the unbelievable moment she had just lived. Her first lesbian experience, and with a complete stranger in a remote beach far from anywhere! When she finally came back to reality, she walked to the rock, took her clothes, got dressed and slowly...

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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 28 Fertile

FERTILE Laura didn't remember when she had stopped trying to resist the Mayim Clinic treatment. It must have been after they adjusted her collar to help her keep wet all the time. It had been a month now since her cunt had last been dry. She found it hard to think straight now, and when she did think it was mostly to concentrate on how good her pussy felt or where she could get some sperm from. The idea of resisting the Clinic seemed silly to her now. The Clinic was teaching Laura...

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Love Letters in the Sand

A pinkish-orange glow decorated the distant horizon where ocean met early morning sky. That carpet of color would soon become the rising sun, and his northerly journey would have to commence not long afterwards. The cool dawn’s gentle breeze slapped the loose legs of his sweat pants and chilled his bare chest as he stood trance-like on the wet sand where they had walked hand-in-hand in the early winter moonlight a mere twelve hours earlier. The night’s tide had long since erased the two pairs...

4 years ago
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The Last Summer Party of 1969

There were twelve of us in the summer of 1969. Six guys and six girls. We were lifeguards for Milwaukee County Parks and Rec at Bradford Beach. Although we had all just graduated high school, we took our jobs very seriously. This was evidenced by the fact that we had only two drownings that summer and 92 rescues. The rescues were usually because the water was cold and some folk’s cardiac system couldn’t handle the temperature, or they got out too far and couldn’t swim well enough to get back...

2 years ago
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A Thousand BucksChapter 3

As I mentioned earlier, I offered a thousand dollars to boyfriends if they agreed to let me have sex with their girlfriends. I had sex with over thirty single women with their boyfriends' approval. I also made the same offer to husbands of a thousand dollars to fuck their wives. I couldn't believe the takers that I received. Another thing was even though they took the money, most didn't do it for that reason. They had fantasies and wanted to see their wife having sex with another man. The...

1 year ago
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My Addiction To My Boss Chapter 2

The buzz of my alarm wakes me, pulling me out of my dream. As soon as I fully wake, the dream is gone and I click off my alarm. I groan as I stretch, taking up most of my queen sized bed with my outstretched limbs. I sigh, completely content, and roll onto my tummy, crawling toward Clyde who is asleep on the end of the bed. "Good morning, my little boy," I coo as I scratch behind his ears, smiling as he purrs and leans into my hand. I kiss him straight on his nose and roll out of bed. After...

Office Sex
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HandsOnHardcore Cherry Kiss Gagged And Double Penetrated

Blonde stunner Cherry Kiss goes through a breakup with her lover. Is there a better way to deal with the pain than releasing tension through some Hardcore BDSM fucking? Vince Carter handcuffs that leggy brown-eyed hot babe and starts spanking her perky butt before licking her shaved pussy. Soon, Yanick Shaft joins the two for an epic must-see BDSM threesome extraordinaire. The pierced Serbian bombshell craves some ass fisting and crams her entire hand into her butthole before she’s ready...

3 years ago
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Sexual Awakening of Inverness

The big log fire on the riverbank illuminated the night. Inverness could see the bodies of her parents and brother strewn on the sand and she could see and hear the four drunken voices of the men who’d shot them and commandeered the family’s Jeep. The Starke Family’s possessions of any value from the vehicle were being shared. The captive seventeen-year old waited sullenly, simmering in terror, to learn her fate. She was tied to a tree and was unable to move her body, just her head. She...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 56

12/13/2019 Hi, Things have been surreal. That is why I haven’t updated for awhile. I don’t know where to start. I promised I’d keep it 100 so here we are. We are still working on disability. We had to fill out paperwork on my condition. I had to do a self assesment. My wife had to do an assesment on me as well. She let me read it before we mailed it. All I can say is ouch. She wasn’t being mean. Her language was neutral and she answered the questions honestly. It hurt to see it all laid...

3 years ago
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Deep Secret Ch 19 Basement

‘That was just what I needed,’ Simone told me, licking her lips as the receding sound of Consuela’s van had remade the street into a quiet, dark, and lonely space. ‘You know,’ I replied, ‘at first I was freaked out when you took our cocks and were licking them both. I’ve never touched another guy’s cock, especially with my own!’ I laughed a little uncomfortably as I said it, almost surprised at myself for thinking or at least saying it. ‘Consider it as being liberated,’ she responded. Then...

1 year ago
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Serving Mistress

A day of punishmentsAs the day when i am to see You again draws closer i feel more and more excited but also slightly worried about what You have planned for this submissive. i know i am being punished for upsetting You by being banished and this has become harder and harder to bear - it is the worst punishment and worse than i could have imagined it being.The days go by, it has now been 19 days and my anticipation increases until the time finally arrives and i am able to see You again. As i am...

3 years ago
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British Brothers Buggeed in Bolivia

My brother Peter was a year older than me. He had taken a gap year before starting at university, and had been working on an urban support project in Chile. I intended to go straight to uni from school, so we would both start together. That summer I flew out to Santiago as we had made plans to tour Chile, Peru and Bolivia. We kept well off the tourist route, traveling by local trains and busses, staying at cheap hotels and hostels. After going north along the coast we crossed into Peru,...

2 years ago
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To Her Surprise 8211 Cousin 8211 Part I

Hello readers this is Robin, 5.10 ft, slim, normal Indian guy, 20 yrs. old from Kerala currently living in Chennai. This incident of mine which I’m narrating is more like a page from my dairy. I came to Chennai two years back to pursue my college and i go to Kerala for my vacations. I’m a guy who spends his most of the time in solitude and walks around observing and enjoying nature. This is a short description about me. This particular incident happened when it went back to my home after...

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BecChapter 20 Early Friday Morning

I kind of half-woke when Dan rolled over. I kept myself back out of his way as he wriggled and turned. I waited until he finally settled, lying on his back. Then I wrapped my arm back around him and moved my head so it was resting on his chest. I snuggled back in close beside him and sighed contentedly. Half asleep, I vaguely thought that I understood why Dan wore so little clothing to bed. He was putting off heat like a furnace. It was like sleeping with a large man-shaped hot-water bottle –...

3 years ago
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Slut Camilla enjoys my ass

That afternoon I was at my office when I received a phone call from Camilla; one of my wife’s best girlfriends. She told me to hurry up to his home, because she was in the mood for enjoying a nice piece of dick as mine…I knew she was bisexual and sometimes had some encounters with my sweet Ana; but her request really surprised me. She had divorced recently; so I imagined she really was in the search of a hard dick. My wife would come home after seven that evening; so, I had plenty time to pay a...

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Meri Dastaan 8211 Salma

Main Salma ek baar phir apne readers ke liye apni story ka part-4 lekar hazir hoon. Main aap sabka bahut bahut shukriya adaa karna chahungi ki mujhe ab tak aap logo se bahut hi achchha response mila hai. Main koshish karti hoon ki sabhi mails ka fauran jawaab deti jaun. Agar kabhi thodi der ho jaye to mujhe maaf kariyega. Par aap logo se yehi gujarish hai isi tarah meri hausla afzai karte rahiyega. Meri pichhli story mein aapne padha tha ki kaise Saira ne apni ungli se meri gaand mari thi. Yeh...

2 years ago
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I was 12 when I first wore my mothers underwear. I’d been born In the 1950’s so it was the 60’s and she wore a lot of what were called foundation garments, corsets to you and me. My dad had walked out on us when I was 5 and contrary to what you would expect my mother was not that close to me. Don’t get me wrong she was a good mum but not loving. That’s why started the cross dressing I think I felt closer to her that way. Fortunately my dad was rich and looked after us well so my mum had...

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A Rough Night

A ROUGH NIGHT   After peering thru the window at your sleeping form on the couch I carefully sneak in the front door. I am very glad that you left the door unlocked for me tonight. And that I gave you a few days in a row to leave it unlocked. I know this is gonna be a real suprize for you. I take a mental inventory of my supplies as I sneak towards you. Thinking back to our past conversations I know you will enjoy this immensely. I carefully reach your side without making a noise to wake you. I...

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Sears IslandChapter 20 Martial Arts and woodland skills

I wanted to start some organized exercises. I'd always been interested in Tai'Chi. The library had a DVD on it. I took it home, studied it and did my best. I wasn't very good, but I kept trying. I found a self-defense shop that specialized in TaiQuanDo. The young fellow running it knew Tai'Chi and was willing to give me some pointers—for a price. What the hell. He was a business-man and we both knew it. He got me going on the right path. After four weeks of practice, once per day under...

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You Are a Meany Chapter 27

Fred had many emotions after getting off the phone with Luke. There were many reasons for the father to be happy to get a call from his son. He got to talk with Luke. His son stood up for himself. Then Luke called him at work, instead of waiting until he got home to not inform him of what just occurred. Another reason for the happiness was hearing about Lori's growth as a person. His daughter stood up for and defended her brother. Yes, having your sibling's back was something which...

1 year ago
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Late Night Movies chapter 16

I thought I would've had a hard time falling asleep after so much had happened the previous day but I was wrong. A dreamless sleep took my right from laying down to the annoying buzz of a Monday morning alarm. I wanted to fake sick, get a couple more hours sleep and spend the day at home watching "movies" but I knew that'd never work so begrudgingly I got out of bed. I threw some clothes on, poured a bowl of cereal and turned the tv. Me and the Cap'n made it happen while I watched Tom and...

3 years ago
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Mom Saves Me From Strict Principal

I was 19 years old when this incidence happened. I was then studying in college or should I say rarely studying. During that time I had no girlfriend and my testosterones were at an all-time high. I was desperately looking for a partner to enjoy. I had a crush on few of the girls from my college but I could not get into a relationship with anyone of them. One such girl even slapped in front of a crowded canteen and called me a pervert. She later did apologize to me but I was very hurt deep...

2 years ago
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Bang Bang Reloaded In Bangalore

Hi everyone. Thanks for appreciating my first story “BANG BANG IN BANGALORE”. Let me reintroduce myself. I’m Aditya, nickname Adi from Bangalore. I stay in BTM area and work in a MNC. Here I’m gonna tell you all about another of my crazy sexperience which was connected to my previous babe Mitali. So continuing from the last story, me and Mitali continued our sexcapades in mind boggling fashion. We became sex addicts for each other. Even once I fucked her on our terrace while her hubby was busy...

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Sex With Unsatisfied Neighbour Janaki

Hi all, This is sravan from Hyderabad. i am 28 years old and staying in near KPHB-JNTU. i am a married person. This story about how i fucked my neighbour aunty Janaki. This is my first story in ISS. I have been regular reader of ISS since one month only. Coming to the story: Janaki is very beautiful and gorgeous. she is my neighbour and she is having 2 years kid. Her husband runs business in near KPHB. He always spends his time in shop only regularly I used to go for morning walk. She also...

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Tricked by a Black Man

Joyce and I had been married about three years. The incident I'm about to describe took place almost 15 months ago. Joyce was a virgin when we got married and neither of us had much experience sexually. I was aware from seeing other guys in the shower after gym class at school, that most if not all the other guys were much bigger than me when it came to penis size. To be quite honest, that was one of the reasons I was glad Joyce hadn't had any premarital experience.I always felt that someone...

1 year ago
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Teacher pupil and me

It was back when I was sixteen and at school.There was a sexy girl in my class who had the biggest tits I had seen in the school.Before this happened I was meeting Katherine and sneakly put my hands up and felt her tits.They were great. But today I was luckly and got to have Katherine and a teacher I have fantisied about Mrs Benallal.We were getting are class photograph taken and were just finished.Everybody else was away including the photographer.Katherine was talking to Mrs Benallal and I...

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Amber Yates is just twenty-four years old and practically fresh out of college. With red hair and a banging body she could be a runway model rather than a therapist working in alien affairs on Sierra OneOne. With a tiny waist, generous by perky breasts and a wonderful petite ass with just the right amount of flair to her hips, she is the talk and the envy of the office. Overall she looks delicious. Ustir has been aching to get to see what other human qualities she has other than helping him...

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Second Chances Ch 05

I saw her car pull up at the arrivals pick up lane just as I walked out of the terminal. Cell phones make getting picked up at the airports so much easier, especially after 911. I tossed my bags in the back seat and jumped in my sister-in-law’s car. ‘Terry, thanks for picking me up at the airport and letting me hang out till Jerry gets off of work.’ ‘No problem Sandy, I took the day off and the kids are at my mother’s house for the afternoon. She doesn’t get to see them as often as she’d...

1 year ago
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Fall of The Femme Fatales Ch 03

The Pharmacist laid on his bed, thinking deeply even as he watched his 2 sluts taking turns licking and sucking his swollen cock. He was trying to think of a way to deal with his next target, the Femme Fatale known as Ruby. She would be even more difficult than Jade and Amber had been. Ruby could make her body as insubstantial as a ghost, which meant that she would not remain solid for him long enough to make her climax. He gave up thinking about it for the time being and focused on the lovely...

2 years ago
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The Weekend Part Six

After Gail had teased me to an intense orgasm, we cleaned up, and Gail re-did her hair. She wanted to put on make-up, but I encouraged her to keep her natural look as it was very seductive. I grabbed the digital camera. “Start anyway you want,” I said, “I’ll just start taking pictures.” Gail sat on the sofa chair, spread her legs, and using two fingers she spread her pussy lips. “Like this?” she asked. I took pictures of her pussy, then a few of her clit, as she retracted its little hood...

1 year ago
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Evelin Stone 170000

Tiny and fuckable Evelin Stone was born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on September 10th, 1993. She has Native American blood, which might help explain her skills in the bedroom. Perhaps her ancient ancestors mastered the art of fucking and have shared their secrets with her so she may bring honor to the bloodline one dick at a time.Medician PussyAlternate theory: Her abilities aren't natural but result from her skills as a medician woman. She blends herbs and animal bone inside a mortar and...

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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Battlemage Book 10 Darkness Under a Scarlet MoonChapter 3

"So what the hell happened here?" exclaimed Terrance as he looked around the ransacked camp area. It was a creepy looking site, not because of its layout, it was a large site, but because of the men who lay in all type of grotesque poses on the ground. Looks of horror were etched on their faces and their eyes were rolled back in their heads, but yet they remained wide open. Impossibly wide open. "Not one of them is alive. Who could have killed them all like this? It was as if they just...

4 years ago
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My First BBW

This occurred in October 1973.At the time I was in the military and had just got off duty and was leaving Nellis at about 7pm, it was already dark. As I exited the base and made a left turn on to N. Las Vegas Blvd, my headlights caught a pair of bare legs in flip-flops. I slowed and saw she had dirty blonde hair and was a BBW with her thumb up hitch hiking. I pulled over by her and stopped the car. I asked her if she need a ride somewhere. She said she did and got in. She got out a...

1 year ago
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Daddys Best Friend Pt 2

“Jesus Christ Em, his cum is literally dripping out of your ass,” Vinny could barely breathe. “I know, I’ve been such a bad girl,” Em smirked and bit her lip. “Please fuck me- show me how a real man would use me.” It didn’t take Vinny long to think. He had been hoping for this night since the last time they were together. He was happy to follow her lead when she said it was a one time thing. Trying to give her space, he dated other woman. But none compared to Em. He felt ruined by her. He spun...

4 years ago
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Hot Horny Family

For, once again, the young, teenage blonde had had a sexy wet dream about Wayne, her sexy, older brother. She sighed heavily, wondering how much longer she would have to just dream about her big brother popping her cherry. She would give anything if he actually would ram his big cock right up her virgin pussy! She reached down and felt the warm juices oozing from her cuntlips onto the sheet below. God, how she would love to be fucked by her brother. They had always been so close anyway, and...

3 years ago
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Lady in Black

I woke up early so I could get ready to get down to the conference room to set up for the last day of meetings. I was still tired, I had been up most of the night with Leslie. She loved to fuck all night and in the mornings she still looked fresh as a daisy. Me on the other hand I looked like 40 shades of hell with no sleep. I jumped into the shower, brushed out my long hair, applied some light make-up and slipped into my suit. I grabbed my computer and my bag and headed out my hotel room door....

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Mistress Jessica and her Asian boytoy

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. I always welcome comments and suggestions so please feel free to email me – kace.lee at gmail dot com. Thanks!Lee was bored. He was a 14 year-old student at Osborne High, a large high school that catered for thousands of students, and in his freshman year. Like most Asians, he was a top student in most of his subjects, but also like most Asians, he sometimes found it hard to score with western girls. Not that there were many good-looking ones in this...

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Road Rules

Copyright© Chapter 1 The first day I met the others at the starting point. There were just six of us and we came from all over the country. Donnel was a 23 year old, heavyweight black man with a great sense of humor and an equally great appetite. Sean was a 22 year old Italian American who was rather moody but athletic. Mary Beth was a 21 year old college student with long brown hair and better looks than most high fashion models. Brittany was a 20 year old with short blonde hair and...

2 years ago
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Her First BDSM Experience

It all started on a dark and stormy night. No, seriously it did. I attended college along the coast of Florida and experienced more than my share of thunder filled nights and soaking afternoon rains. However, this storm was much more than that. For several days, my roommate and I stayed glued to weather channel as the hurricane swirled its way towards us. My parents wanted me to come home. I wanted to experience my first hurricane party. When it became clear the storm’s landfall wouldn’t be on...

2 years ago
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Alessa Lombardi Free At Last

My husband had finally packed all of his things, and was now standing at the front door, staring at me from behind dark sunglasses. His mouth was a straight line, tight, his eyebrows drawn together. I wasn’t sure if he’d been angry or feeling regret. I couldn’t have cared any less at that point. I just wanted him to walk out of that door, and hopefully out of my life. He opened his mouth to speak, but I held up a hand.        ‘No, Chayton. Just leave,’ I said.        ‘Alessa, come on, we can...

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