Hopelessly Addicted
- 2 years ago
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Hopelessly Devoted
She kneeled on the floor in front of her laptop and watched the words flicker on the screen in complete awe. After years of searching, of being let down, of STD fears from one "Master" to the next, she may have finally found what she was indeed looking for. And she was scared to death.
She had fist met him nearly three months earlier, a charming, quiet sort of man with a sense of humor and, from what she could imagine, a nice easy going smile. She never had any thoughts of being with him, he was not what she normally went for. She was a humiliation slut, and what she craved was the darkest depths of fear, humiliation, and service. And although He seemed to not be the sort of man to dole that out, he was fun, and she liked his company.
While she sat painfully on the large, unlubricated, spade shaped butt plug as He had commanded, she remembered when she first learned of His purpencity toward humiliation and slave ownership. He had accidently posted a link to his website in the main channel, and she curiously looked at it. Everyone in the channel seemed to like him well enough, and she felt stranglely proud when He would show her attentions, minute as they were.
The website opened her eyes to her new friend, and His sadistic streak she had no idea existed. From what He described, the way He wished to torment His property, she thought that perhaps she had found something real behind the shiny facade of her new friend.
Groaning as she attempted to re-adjust, the dry plug began to feel like it was chewing on her insides, she let some pressure of her knees slightly, still unable to get up. When she moved back to her knees, the plug was forced in deeper, the pain shot through her like a TENS unit, and she recalled their conversations leading up to this point.
Once she had stumbled on his website, she began to talk with him in private as often as he would let her, near begging Him to take her as His slave. He had explained the rules, this was not online, that He was interested in offline obedience, and she quickly, maybe too quickly agreed.
Over the next few months, the rules in her life began to grow, and the more rules he laid upon her, the more she craved to be in his service forever, happily sitting at his feet as his dog, or whatever he chose her to be.
By now His rules were ingrained her mind so deeply, she needed to not even think about them anymore, simply obeyed.
Her bed was made every morning, perfectly done, and her entire, tiny apartment was kept spit shined clean. Master, who he had become by now, always warned he could stop by at any moment, and if things were not perfectly in order, she would pay in a way that would make Marquis de Sade cringe, and hide behind furniture. she had never seen his face, or heard his voice, though she had sent him pictures of her, naked, inserting things in to her ass and cunt, mouth, and in various states of pain He ordered her to do to herself. Clothespins, on her nipples, needles through her tit flesh, self-whipping with the belt.
As He took more control of her, her daily routine began to change. As a slave requires zero privacy, she was ordered to purchase a web cam, and have it focused on her wherever she was in the house. For simplicity, she moved a television into her bedroom so she would not have to move the laptop and camera every time she wanted to watch tv, only to have to take it back in the bedroom during the night. The camera was expensive, she made decent money, and it had a wide area of view so Master could see the entire room.
She never knew if He was watching, that was not the point, the point was, Master could watch whenever He wished, and she was afforded no privacy. Using the bathroom, changing tampons, everything was done with the cam on connected to His yahoo.
When she would shower, the shower curtain removed at His request, her routine was always the same. First wet the hair, then shampoo, rinse and repeat. Shave under her arms, her legs, then her cunt, being careful to get all the hair that seemed to grow around her tiny asshole. Then wash herself completely, douching after her period, all in front of the camera. At first it had been humiliating, however, now it was simply normal slave activity.
Over the past few days, things has begun to change, she reflected as the butt plug wiggled in her ass painfully with a sneeze, she had begged for more. She wanted to be His, all His, and have no way of ever coming back. To be trapped, as if her submission was rooted in her desire to please Him, but also knowing she could never leave Him. She thought about captivity, but that seemed so useless, she could walk out the door should He forget to lock it, or scream if someone came in the home. No, she wanted to be trapped, and communicated that to her Master. Today, now, she read, on her knees, what her next step would be. Her eyes lit up when He had commanded her go private with Him, He rarely did anymore, preferring to use her in the main channel, or use others while she watched, and then cleaned up the mess. Today, she was in private, kneeling with hole’s stuffed,(she was on her period, so it has to be her asshole today) and waiting with baited breath as he spoke.
"morning cunt''
"hello Master, your cunt is waiting, kneeling, and so happy you are giving her your attention this morning!"
"shut up bitch and listen"
His tone was so cold, He was like this when He wanted to play, so her heart raced at the possibility of being used in private!
"I have to talk to you about your last email"
His last line interrupted her girlish thoughts of Master using her, and realized in a hurry that there were only two options. she was either fucked, or he intended to honor her earlier begging wishing to come and be with Him forever. She had explained her need to feel trapped, to be hopelessly devoted to Him, and now, it seemed she would get her answer. Either yes, come serve Me, or no, I'm actually a 13 year old kid living at home.
She sat on the plug, that he had sent to her, and waited patiently.
''I wish to have you serve me forever cunt, this is real. I'm tired of fucking around with you online, I want to use, taste and hurt your flesh, in person?
She about fell over with his words, her heart raced, her cunt throbbed, and she allowed herself a small giggle at his typing. Not his strongest suit.
''This is the way it will be. You will be mine, with no way EVER to back out of it. You will think about this for one week, we will NOT speak until then. If you contact me, I will release and never talk to you again. Not until Saturday. You will either respond with 'Master, i am yours' or you will NOT respond. Those are your choices. We either go all the way, or nothing.
her heart again leaped, oh my God, this was happening!
"Today you will get one pair of panties two sizes to small, I want you uncomfortable as much as possible. One pair of 4 inch minimum heels, two sizes too small, one sundress that will be cut with a knife so it looks ragged and slutty, no longer than 6" below your cunt. You will then begin to pack all of your belongings, and prepare them for sale. You will sell everything, every couch, lamp, piece of jewelry...everything.
You will max all of your credit cards out with cash advances as far over the limits as they will go. You will then purchase enough food for one week, getting only one thing per store, and writing checks for the goods, with cash over for the maximum, until your checking account would be drastically overdrawn.
You will then go to the bank, and withdraw all but $5 in cash, to be sure all checks bounce. You will at that point ask for a loan against your 401K at work, and rob the petty cash box. You will never tell ANYONE where you are going or why, and not talk to your landlord about your lease, or even that you are leaving. You will take all the cash you can get, throw your purse and all other personal items except for your ID in the trash, get on a bus, and come to me. .You have the address from the collar and toys I've sent you.
When you arrive here, you will crawl in the dog door in the backyard like an animal, and you will be beat. Beat beyond reason, beyond limits, beyond anything you can imagine. I will sample your holes, sample your flesh, possess, your soul. You will be mine, forever, your life back home will be destroyed, and you will have no place to go. The door will never be locked, only I doubt you will ever try to walk through it.
You have until noon, Saturday, to make up your mind, if I get no response, I will never talk to you again.
''But Master, what if something happens and I can't be online Saturday, like a power failure, I'd die if you could never talk to me again!"
"I don't accept excuses cunt, ever. You will message me Sat between 8 and noon, and no sooner, no calls, nothing. "
With that, he logged went afk, and was silent.
And now she sat, on this awful plug in her asshole, dry and burning, kneeling in front of her machine, his words still in the box he had left her to read, her entire body trembling. It was what she wanted, to be trapped, to be his, to be his object. The beating scared her, scared her bad, and she knew that he was much more depraved then she even knew about.
As she called to secure her emergency 401K loan to give her Master His money, she knew, right then, she had no choice. It was no longer up to her. Her Master had given her a command, and she told herself in the mirror that she was NOT permitted to disobey her Owner.
She collected the things he ordered, maxed her credit out, destroyed her career by stealing form the company, destroyed her good name by writing bad checks, threw away all personal belongings, dressed in what he commanded, boarded a bus, and headed for her Master's home.
She crawled in the doggy door like a good bitch, face close to the ground, praying she would soon see her Master's face, holding the money above her head in a large envelope.
She saw his feet, large fucking feet in black, leather, boots. Then, the delicate high heels and manicured toes of another stood in front of her. Her eyes filled with tears when she heard them talking.
"Master, is this the cunt?"
"Yes, my lovely slave," he responded to the other woman, "we shall enjoy this little whore I think for a long, long time."
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Also, if you liked my story, please up-vote it. If you didn't like it, go ahead and vote but leave a comment as to why. Everyone could use constructive criticism. If the only reason you didn't like my story is because you are jealous, don't vote, just move on. If the reason you didn't like my story was because of the subject matter, why did you even read it in the first place? It is tagged properly, if you didn't read the tags, that's on you, not me. Chapter 3 Wolf sat in the café...
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"Just a final touch and I am ready." "Hurry, Miranda is probably waiting for me already, I don't wanna be late for my date." "Well I don't wanna be late for mine too, but I have to look pretty, right." "Ye, like u ever look ugly" "Lol, thanks for the compliment Justin, I am ready lets go." About 3 hours later Selena storms through the door upset and goes directly to her room, few seconds later I enter also visibly not happy. "What happened with Selena, Justin?: "I...
Kim come on over baby I have a surprise planed for you tonight.'"Oh Ray J 'what's my surprise?""You will see now get that big fat ass of yours over here Princess. I want you to wear the outfit I bought for you tonight."Ray J had recently purchased Kimberly a special outfit a leather fetish costume to celebrate her recent birthday. The leather outfit was hot! It was a leather bustier that squeezed her big boobs together and the bottom part was just a little thong that covered her big Ass.Ray J...
I was awakened the next morning by the phone. It was an almost hysterical Sally. She told me everything that had happened the night before, thinking it was all her fault. I finally got her calmed down and asked how Kat was doing. Sally told me that she had been up crying most of the night because I had gone away. When we got off the phone, I called my office and put out a BOLO for the truck with the rider to locate and report. Within the hour, all law enforcement in the tri-state area would...
"Listen up folks," Rob shouted to get the attention of the extended family gathered in the hospital mess hall. "Time is short and we've had a small change of plans. The Confederacy AIs have been in touch with our assigned AI and we have more capability than we thought. There will be two ships, the Kedah is a fast Darjee vessel and it will be our transportation and temporary home, including all animal life that we wish to take. The second ship is designed by and crewed by humans and a...
Life of Frolic---------------My stories are fictional although based on actual occurrences or pure embellishments of my fantasies. ---------------Sis and I snuggled down into our blankets, and sleep came quickly to us both. My sister sleeps like a log. I however am a light sleeper, waking up at the slightest of sounds. Like any other night, my tossing and turning was no different, but this time, I was certain I heard something at the foot of my bed. Feigning sleep, I watched as a figure...
Saturday I went for coffee at a small mall on the east side. I like the washroom set up there. There are two outer doors so if one gets lucky with a chance encounter, you can hear the outer door open so you don’t get caught. Unless you are deaf, of course. There was a 30 year old guy standing at the left urinal, so I stood beside him at the right urinal. After unzipping and pulling out my cock, I glanced over at his cock. He wasn’t pissing. He was slowly stroking his semi hard erection. As I...
"Arr, Matey!" Malcolm said as Trip let him and Hoshi into his and T'Pol's quarters for dinner. They hadn't said anything about 'the incident' during the shift as the four of them had an agreement to strictly separate duty and private time. "We're never going to live that one down, are we?" Trip asked, rolling his eyes. "Never," Hoshi said with a giggle and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Just do me one favor, don't joke about it when T'Pol is around. She says it doesn't...
My wife Barbara and I’d been fantasizing and talking about swinging for a good while and it would really get things hot while having sex and talking about it. I created a profile on a lifestyle site and started looking around. At first when Barbara found out that I’d done this she was taken back but when she started checking out the site she warmed up to the idea. We started chatting with some single guys and found one, Victor that she really took an interest in. For a month or so she would...
Group SexAap sab ne story ka 8th part padh hoga I hope aap sab ko pasand aaya hoga. Ab story ke next part likh raha hoon. Is part mein btaunga kaise aunty ke naukar Vimal ne mummy ko choda. Sabse pehle aap sab ko sorry ki story ke liye aap sab ko wait karna pada. Lekin meri try yeh hi hoti hai ki aap sab ko achi story mile. Jis se aap sab achi muth aur ladkiya apni chut mein ungli dal sake. Mujhe kafi girlse ke mail bhi mile jo ki padh ke mujhhe acha laga. Ab story par aata hoon. Aunty ke naukar Vimal...
Hello friends, I am a regular reader of this site and incest is my favourite block on this website. After reading many stories I decided to upload my real stories which took place few days back. If you like it please reply me any unsatisfied girl,bhabhi and aunty want to be satisfy do contact me my e.mail id is First of all let me tell your about my self and my family. My name is sahil and my age is 21 years my body is average boy with a fair complection and my dick is 6 inch long and 2.5 inch...
IncestDay 380 Thursday That morning, Dale had to leave early for the office without his normal before breakfast release. Alone in the house, Denise and Victoria had finished breakfast and were drinking coffee. Denise said, "I wish Dale had not gone to work so early. I'm a little horny this morning." "How can you say that?" Victoria asked. "I am feeling horny. That's how I can say it," Denise answered. "I don't understand. You really enjoy sex with Dale," Victoria said. "I think it...
Brian was a married man and had been for about 22 years. He was in his late 40’s and so was his wife.He had a daughter called Sally who was 18. They lived on the outskirts of London where Brian a predominant commuted to daily.One day Sally came home with a new friend.Hi dad this is Emily she said as she came in to the lounge, we can’t stop long I came back for my mobile and then we have to go back to Emily’s as it her 18th birthday party today. Brian looked round, he thought he would be polite...
Hi everyone my name is Divya and I am from Bihar, but I live in Delhi. Family wise I have my dad and my elder brother Gaurav my mom died when I was quite young. I am 25 yrs old and an attractive hot girl people say so. I entered sex world when I was 18yrs. The incident which I am going to narrate to you is my own and happened 4 yrs back with me. I was one of the hottest girl of my college and usual surrounded by boys. Me bohot hi kule vicharo wali Ladki thi. Jahan sari ladkiyan suit ya jeanse...