- 2 years ago
- 387
- 0
by captv8td
Chapter 1
She crept slowly along the rocky trail. She had to be very careful here. The path took her up higher on the mountain and, therefore, to a safer position. But the slightest misstep could send her spilling down the side of the mountain hundreds of feet. It would surely mean death for her if that happened. But, then again, maybe that was preferable to being captured by the savages who had been stalking her all morning. Her first choice, she decided, however, was to escape.
She came to a fissure in the rock face of the mountain. After looking at it more closely, though, she saw that it was actually a small cave. She crawled in to hide for a few moments to catch her breath. Inside, she found a spring in the cave and drank thirstily from it. It had been hours since she drank anything at all. It had been two days since she had eaten anything.
The mountain tribes in this land were primitive and warring. She did not belong to any of these tribes but had somehow gotten entangled in their feuds when she accidentally wandered into their disputed hunting grounds. She had been chased by both sides for the past two days and it was a miracle that she had not been captured or killed.
Anna peeked out through the mouth of the cave after she had rested for a few moments. She could see her destination off in the distance. She was an anthropologist and she could see smoke rising from the fire in her base camp several miles away. It would provide her safety if she could reach it. It was not far at all but it might have been a million miles away. For the time being, she was trapped up on this mountain with natives down below. And right now, they were probably climbing the mountain to try to capture her.
She tried to figure out what to do next. She could keep climbing but who knew what she would find higher on the mountain. Plus, that meant that she would have to climb back down all that distance eventually.
She could start her descent now in hopes that the natives had given up looking for her. Then it would be a quick dash across the hills and fields to the safety of her base camp. But she realized that it was just wishful thinking that the natives might have given up. They had chased her for almost two days so it was unlikely that they would let her go now.
Her other choice seemed to be staying where she was. There was a chance that the natives would walk right by her little cave. After all, she had almost missed it completely. Plus, the cave had plenty of water. She could survive here for several days and, hopefully by then, her pursuers would give up. She decided to make the cave her temporary home.
She sat by the mouth of the cave and used the light streaming in from the opening to take stock of her situation. She had a knife, so that was good. She was wearing serviceable shoes which meant that she could run if she had to. Those shoes had already saved her life many times as she darted among trees earlier in the morning and managed to evade the many arrows that had been shot at her.
She shuddered as she remembered the arrows. These people were playing for keeps! They weren’t just trying to chase her away. They were trying to kill or capture her!
The rest of her clothing was a mess. Yesterday, one of them had ambushed her and grabbed her shirt. It had been torn away, along with her bra. The shoulder strap of the bra had prevented her from losing the garment but it was pretty useless with the way the back had been torn.
The shirt was in no better shape than the bra. The native had grasped the back of her shirt and pulled downward. She assumed he was trying to pull her down to the ground at the same time. But the well-worn shirt gave way easily and tore down the back. One of the sleeves was torn at the same time. Since it had been tucked into her shorts, she still had most of the cloth but it was now in tatters as it hung from her waistband.
The shorts had met a much more natural death. They too were old and well worn. The crotch had split open as she leaped and stretched to clear a small stream. She had caught one of the legs on a limb and it had ripped up the side. Now, her shorts consisted of a waistband, one leg, and some shredded fabric where the other leg of the shorts was supposed to be.
She realized that she should have worn panties. In hindsight, that would have been a very good idea. But she had also learned that wearing panties in the jungle created their own hazards. Things could slither or crawl in there. And sand always seemed to be getting caught in them, causing chafing. She had learned that it was more comfortable and safer to go without.
She stripped out of her clothes and spread them out in the sliver of light that entered the cave through the narrow opening. Surely, there must be something to do with the remaining cloth.
The bra was clearly useless as a bra. Her heavy breasts would never be constrained by some kind of makeshift fastener. And her shirt could no longer be used a shirt either. She thought about the pieces of material in front of her and kept shifting them around, hoping that some kind of outfit came to mind. She would hold a piece of cloth up to her naked body and then set it down to try another one.
Finally, she settled on what she thought would be her best bet. She got out her knife and set to work.
The result was a cross between hillbilly and American Indian. She used the shoulder straps from the bra and a side of the shirt. She cut off the shirt sleeve and then started tying her garment together. The result was a halter top that would provide her at least a little bit of modesty. It would do nothing to support her bountiful breasts but she had already lasted for a full day without the support. She had even been able to endure the bouncing and jiggling of those generous orbs as she ran.
The lower half of her clothing was a loin cloth. She sliced up the remaining leg of her torn shorts and cut little holes in the tops of the rectangles of cloth. She fished the belt through the holes and then fastened the belt around her waist. It did not provide a lot of protection but it gave her a little coverage.
There was leftover material which she tied together. Maybe it would be useful in the future. In the meantime, she used the little clump of cloth as a pillow and lay down to take a nap. Her plan was to try to sneak back down the mountain after it grew dark. Hopefully, if she didn’t fall down the mountain, she could reach the bottom. And if nobody was around to interfere with her movement, she could make her way back to her base camp. If she did detect people, she would climb back up the mountain and wait it out in her cave until later.
It was dark when she woke up. She crawled to the mouth of the cave again and listened. When she heard nothing, she poked her head out and looked around. It was safe.
She went back to the spring and gulped down some more water. She did not know when she would have another chance for that. She tied the little package of extra cloth to her belt on one side and then secured her knife to the other side of the belt before crawling out of the cave.
There was enough light to see for the first hour of her descent but it was still slow going. By the time it got truly dark, she was less than a hundred feet high. She paused to rest and to wait for everyone to go to bed. She could hear drums but they were off in the distance.
Finally, she started down the path again. The path became wider and was less steep at this point. Eventually, the terrain leveled out and she oriented herself. She didn’t hear anyone around her so she started toward her camp. But only took two steps into her escape, two sets of arms emerged from the darkness and grabbed her by the upper arms. The natives lifted her and other arms reached out, stripping her almost instantly.
She shrieked and struggled against her captors but they were too strong for her. Her wrists were bound behind her back and she was marched off to where they had set up camp for the night, protesting her treatment the whole way. She was indignant at the way she was being treated but they ignored her complaints and just kept prodding her whenever she slowed down.
Anna gasped as she was pulled into their camp and saw what they had built in the center of their camp. Firewood was piled up around a pole that they had erected and she saw ropes dangling from the top of the pole. They were going to burn her at the stake! They were going to roast her!
But it turned out that they had other plans for her first. She struggled again as they hauled her to a beam that they had placed between two trees. She was draped over the beam and her arms and legs were stretched wide. Her bottom was in the air and she was completely exposed and vulnerable. For the next two hours, they ravished her. Cock after cock was plunged into her sex as they raped her continuously. She shuddered as each new cock erupted in her, spewing its savage seed into her womb and she shouted profanities at her rapists throughout the entire ordeal.
Each of them had his way with her and she was exhausted and sweaty by the time the last one climaxed in her. She felt filthy and used. They released her bindings and carried her to the pole, securing her wrists to the top. One of the males brought a flaming torch to the pole and pressed it into the firewood. It started to catch fire and she could feel the heat increasing.
?No!!!!? she cried out.
?Anna? Are you all right??
Anna shook her head to clear it and looked around. Every face in the classroom was turned toward her. She blushed furiously as she realized that she had been daydreaming in class? again.
?Yes, Professor Wallings,? she replied sheepishly. ?I’m sorry for the interruption. But everything is fine.?
?Good,? said the professor. ?Then let’s continue.? Anna paid attention to the rest of the class and got up to go when the class was over. Jill Wallings called her over to her desk, however, before she could escape.
?Was it the wild men of Borneo this time?? the professor asked. ?Or maybe a savage African tribe??
Anna was by far the most gifted anthropology student that Jill had ever taught in her classes. But she also seemed to lack focus. She was always drifting off into some exotic culture in her daydreams and getting lost in her fantasies. At least her dreams are anthropologic in nature, thought Jill.
?Sorry again, Professor,? apologized Anna. ?I think it was somewhere in South America, though. I was in the mountains this time.?
?I see,? said Dr. Wallings, trying to be as serious as she could. She meant to be stern with her student but it was very difficult with Anna. She was such a good student. And she had such a love of anthropology, Jill’s specialty. Plus, she was an adorable girl. Everyone at the school loved her.
?Anna, you must really learn to focus better,? advised the professor. ?You are the most talented student in the department but you are constantly taking these little trips into fantasyland. You are only hurting yourself.?
?I am planning on a field expedition next month and you would be a logical research assistant,? the professor continued. ?But I can’t risk taking you if you keep getting lost in your imagination. It would not be fair to you or the rest of the expedition.?
?Sorry, Professor,? said Anna sheepishly. ?I’ll do better. I promise.?
?I certainly hope so, Anna.?
Chapter 2
Anna was so embarrassed as she finally left the classroom. This was not the first time that this had happened. And each time it had been embarrassing.
She desperately wanted to be an anthropologist, just like Dr. Wallings. She viewed the professor as both an idol and her mentor and she felt awful that she kept disappointing Dr. Wallings. She just had to do better. She didn’t know how she would manage it, but she knew she had to.
And she would love to go on the field research with the professor. That was something that was usually reserved for graduate students. But, if she heard the professor correctly, she viewed Anna as the logical choice.
Wouldn’t that be something?!?!? As a Junior, she would get to do primary research in the field! She knew that the professor studied South Pacific tribes and that, in itself, would be exciting.
She also knew that Dr. Wallings was famous for her research. She was Leopard Girl. A year earlier, she had changed her research techniques and now fully immersed herself in the culture of the tribe that she researched. That sounded thrilling to Anna.
And Dr. Wallings was like a heroine to her. She had fought alongside the tribe that she studied and had even saved its chief’s life at one point. Anna even had a Leopard Girl poster that had been tacked up all over campus after one of her returns from researching the tribe. She stared at it for hours at times.
Professor Wallings was beyond beautiful as far as Anna was concerned. She was the epitome of what a woman should be. She was strong and confident and loving and oh so beautiful.
The picture had been taken without Dr. Wallings’ knowledge or permission and had been made into a poster. But Anna was so glad that the picture had been taken. It perfectly defined what Anna wanted to become when she grew up.
In the picture, Dr. Wallings’ long red hair was a wild mane as it flowed down over her shoulders. She was naked and her body glistened with the perspiration of the tropical heat. She had one foot planted on a half-naked male who was obviously injured. She was holding him down and hovering over him protectively.
Her bow was drawn and three armed men were obviously her intended targets. And the expression on her face could only be described as calm determination. There was no sign of weakness or panic. She was in total control of her emotions. And there was no way that she would allow the three men to advance on the man who she was protecting.
Anna sighed as she walked across campus. She wanted to be just like Dr. Wallings someday. And she desperately wanted to go on this research trip. She would have to find a way to demonstrate that she was worthy.
?Dr. Wallings,? Anna said the next day when she visited the professor’s office. ?I’m terribly sorry that I have let you down. I know that I have let my mind wander in the past but that’s behind me now. I plan to buckle down and concentrate from now on.?
Jill smiled back at her student. ?That’s very good to hear, Anna. I worry about you often. Concentration is needed in any field. It’s especially important during anthropological field studies. Not all societies are friendly. And even when the people come to accept you, there are always their enemies and the wildlife to worry about. It can be very dangerous out there.?
?Yes, Professor,? nodded Anna. ?I understand. And I will make sure that my actions never put myself or anyone else in danger.?
?That’s good,? Jill responded. ?And I appreciate your stopping by to let me know that.?
?Well, there is something else,? Anna said. ?Yesterday, you said that I was the natural choice to go with you on your next field trip. I would very much like you to consider taking me with you.?
?Oh,? replied a surprised Jill. She wasn’t quite sure how to respond. She did not want to hurt Anna’s feeling. But at the same time, she wasn’t sure that the girl had enough maturity to handle a field expedition. Lately, she had just seemed too flighty.
?I see,? Jill went on. ?Do you know anything about the tribe that I am studying??
?I only know what you have written, Professor,? Anna said. ?But I have read everything you have written about them. I find them fascinating.?
?You do?? Jill was surprised again. She genuinely loved her tribe but she knew that they were a chauvinistic lot who treated their women more like slaves than daughters and wives. Even she was treated as a slave when she visited the island. She was a very special slave: a katahua. But she was still essentially a slave.
?Yes, I do,? said Anna quickly. ?They are so very different from us, but that’s what makes them fascinating. It would not be very challenging to study a tribe that acted a lot like us.?
?Yes, I suppose that’s true,? nodded Jill. ?But how can I be sure you will concentrate? How can I know you won’t endanger the rest of us or the tribe??
?I’ll prove it to you,? said Anna. ?I’ll be the very model of focus and concentration for you. And if I fail, then I want you to leave me behind. But if I can prove it to you, I
would dearly love being part of your expedition.?
?Okay,? smiled Jill. ?You prove it to me and I will consider you. But there will be a lot of preparation needed. You will have to spend a lot of time getting ready. Do you have the time for that??
?I’ll make the time,? answered Anna. ?I really want to be an anthropologist, just like you.?
?That’s very flattering, Anna.? Jill opened her desk drawer and pulled out a folder which she handed to Anna. ?Here’s your first test. Complete this and meet me on Friday. We can discuss it more then.?
Anna smiled brightly at the opportunity she was being given. She had viewed this meeting as a lost cause. But now it was looking like she really might have a chance. ?Thank you, Professor. Thank you so much. I’ll make you proud.?
Jill smiled back at her. ?Anna, there’s one last thing before you go. You said that you have read all of my works regarding the tribe.?
?Yes, Dr. Wallings. I have.?
?Then how would you describe the sexual morays of the Incunu??
Anna blushed at the question and paused as she tried to come up with a response. ?Libertine? Free love? Uninhibited??
Jill laughed softly at the answer. ?Yes, they are all of that. And are you okay with that??
Anna’s blush deepened even further at that question. ?Well, Professor, it’s not the way that I live. But I remember what you told us in one of your first lectures of the semester. ‘Leave your sense of morals and your cultural norms and your judgment at home when you go into the field. You are there to observe and understand; not evaluate or critique.’ So I’m okay with that aspect of their culture and any other aspects that they have. It’s their culture. I’m not there to change it. I just want to fit in and see what I can learn.?
Jill smiled at her student. This girl really was the cream of the crop in the anthropology department. She quickly and easily grasped the technical aspects of the discipline. But more importantly, she understood the softer side of anthropology. So many people failed to grasp that. Even some of her colleagues on the faculty missed it completely. They would completely trample a small society in order to write a paper. Entire cultures had been ransacked in the past in the name of academia.
Jill’s preferred method of studying a culture was as an outside observer. Until a year earlier, that had been her relationship with her tribe. And until a year ago, it had been her tribe in her mind only. But the head of the anthropology department at Gulf States University at the time had forced her into trying ‘immersion research.’ Through that process, she had become a member of the tribe. Thankfully, the head of the department had left the university since then.
But there was no going back to being an impartial observer at this point. She was Leopard Girl now. She was part of the tribe’s history and lore. She had killed for her tribe. There was no putting the toothpaste back in the tube at this point. She would have to remain with immersion research for as long as she studied this tribe.
?You make me sound so smart when you quote me,? kidded Jill. ?But what I said is true. We have to accept them as they are. We should not try to change them.?
?Yes, Professor,? nodded Anna. ?But I have been wondering something ever since you told us that. Didn’t you change their culture when you became Leopard Girl??
Jill sighed and nodded. ?Yes, I did. And I deeply regret that. But you also have to understand the circumstances. My tribe was under attack. My chief was about to be murdered. I simply followed my instincts. That does not excuse my behavior but hopefully it explains it.?
?Yes, Professor,? Anna nodded again. ?But your tribe? Your chief? Is that how you think of them now??
?Yes, it very much is,? affirmed Jill. ?I am Leopard Girl. I am the chief’s katahua. I am Incunu.?
?But enough chit chat,? announced Jill. ?You have work to do. And then we both have a lot of work to do together if you convince me to take you.?
?Work?? asked Anna with a puzzled look on her face.
?Yes, work,? confirmed Jill. ?What do you think you’re holding in your hands??
?Oh that,? said Anna as she held up the folder and looked at it. ?I’ll have it completed by Friday.?
?Good,? nodded Jill. ?Keep your weekends and evenings open after that. That’s where the real work begins.?
Anna raised her eyebrows at that comment. How much could there be to preparing for this research trip, especially since they didn’t need to pack much in the way of clothes. Jill saw her confusion and spoke up.
?There’s the conditioning. I can’t take a powder puff into the field with me so I have to check your strength and stamina. I have to see how you adapt and react in different situations. I can’t be guessing about your reactions in the field and there usually won’t be time to talk things over. And there’s a certain amount of team building involved. You’ll be very busy for the next month if I select you.?
?Yes, Professor,? said Anna. ?I won’t let you down.? Then she left with her folder and headed back to her dorm room.
Anna spent all of her free time over the next three days working on the contents of the folder. The first thing she tackled was a one inch thick document. These were some unpublished notes about the tribe and its culture that the professor had made during her years of studying the South Pacific islanders.
She read the notes carefully, making notes of her own and highlighting items of importance. Several times, the document brought a blush to her cheeks. She wasn’t sure that the tribe members were complete hedonists, but they were pretty close to it. It seemed that everything they did had some kind of sexual undercurrent. That would probably be the hardest thing for her to adapt to. She was not a virgin but she was far from being promiscuous. Living in this culture, however, would take her way beyond promiscuity.
She finished reading the notes for the second time and then sat back on her bed trying to imagine what this immersion research would be like. Part of her was thrilled to be considered for it. It would literally be stepping into another world, complete with different languages, different rules and different morals. That was so exciting in her mind. But it was also those things that made it terrifying to her at the same time. It was all so unknown.
She looked up at the wall opposite the foot of her bed. The poster of Professor Wallings hung there and she looked closely at it. It had been her inspiration for the past year. Actually, Dr. Wallings had been her inspiration but this was a constant reminder to her.
Her eyes slowly traveled down the nude body shown in the poster. Every muscle was tensed as if the professor was about to spring into action. Her eyes blazed with energy but the expression on her face was so calm and determined.
She’s so beautiful, thought Anna. Her gaze moved up the finely muscled legs to the professor’s tight ass. From there, they moved up over the flat but very feminine belly. And above that, her eyes once again found the perfectly curved swells of the professor’s magnificent breasts. They were large but incredibly firm and they stood out proudly as she held her bow high and aimed at the invaders. Each breast was capped with a nipple that was stiff, almost as if she was highly aroused.
Anna shivered as she looked at the gorgeous figure in the picture. She wanted to be just like Dr. Wallings. She got off the bed and stripped out of her clothes. She stood before the full length mirror in her room and inspected what she had to work with.
She had to admit that it was not bad at all. She unfastened her ponytail, letting her long brunette mane tumble freely over her shoulders and chest. She tucked her hair back over her shoulders and then stood upright with her chest thrust forward.
Her C-cup breasts were not as large as her professor’s but they were full and very firm. She lifted them in her palms, giving them a squeeze and feeling a little shiver of excitement rush through her. She wondered what it would be like to have this body on display constantly when she was on the island and what it would be like to have her body essentially owned by one of the tribal males. A soft moan escaped her lips as she imagined life with the tribe.
But she stopped herself before her imagination got the better of her. She had promised the professor that she would concentrate. She could not afford to let her daydreaming to get out of hand. She could do that after the expedition had completed its work.
She went to her desk to work on the rest of the packet that Dr. Wallings had given her. But she didn’t put her clothes back on. She figured that she might as well get used to constant nudity.
Some parts of the assignment were to be expected. She had to complete a medical history. She had to sign a consent form that acknowledged that the university could not be held liable for anything that happened during the expedition or in preparation for it. And she had to write an essay on why she wanted to participate in the research and what she hoped to get out of it. These were easy and she completed those assignments that night.
The other two assignments were more difficult. The first was that she had to put together a packing list of things that she would take on the expedition. She would need to share this list, along with her logic, with Dr. Wallings on Friday.
The last item caused her to blush. It was a five page questionnaire. Parts of it were clearly designed to help build a personality profile. That was understandable. Parts of it, however, asked about sexual experiences and likes and dislikes. Had she ever had sexual intercourse? On a scale of one to ten, how would she view sex with a woman? The same was asked about anal intercourse and bondage and whippings and forced nudity and dozens of other things. She was having difficulty imagining all of these things and was having second thoughts about the expedition.
She set the folder aside for the night and picked it up again on Wednesday. She worked on it some more on Thursday. On Friday, she was sitting in the professor’s office again, across the desk from her, as Jill slowly read her assignments.
?That’s not much stuff,? commented Jill as she looked over the packing list. ?Why so little? We’re going to be gone for a month, after all.?
?Well,? started Anna. ?That was a tough assignment since I’ve never been on one of these before. But here’s how I finally decided on what to bring. First, I wanted to make sure that I didn’t introduce any new technology to the tribe. So that eliminated things like watches and combs and sunglasses. The only thing new that I might be introducing is the composition books and pens I will be using to take notes. And I will try to use those only when people are not around.?
?As far as clothes were concerned,? she continued, ?I realized that I wouldn’t need any for the whole month. I read through your notes several times and it appeared that you were naked the entire time. And I figured that if I did need anything, they would provide it to me since I think I’ll essentially be owned by one of them while we’re there.?
?Yes,? interjected Jill. ?It’s true that you’ll be naked for the whole month. How do you feel about that??
?To be honest,? said Jill as she looked up at Dr. Wallings bashfully. ?I’m a little nervous about it. It’s so different from what I’m used to. But that’s how they live so that’s how I’ll live.?
Jill smiled. ?Good girl. Go on with your list.?
?So I didn’t need much in the end. Other than the notebooks and pens, all that I will be bringing is birth control pills, a bunch of leather thongs, and the clothes on my back. Oh, and I wanted to ask you about a knife. Should I bring one??
?No, you should leave the knife behind. They will give us knives if they want us to use them. Now, I understand the birth control pills. But why the leather thongs??
?Well,? Anna started again. ?I didn’t want to bring rope because I wasn’t sure if they had it. But I did want to be able to tie things, like my hair. And I figured I could use them for other things too. They just seemed very handy and yet very primitive too.?
?That’s a good list,? Jill complimented her charge after she was finished reciting her list. ?You may be the first person to ever pack for a month in a shoebox.?
This caused Anna to giggle. ?Yeah, it’s not much. How much do you usually bring on one of these things??
?Ever since I started immersion research, that’s about how much personal stuff I bring too. I like your idea about the thongs, though. I’ll have to add it to my list. The only other thing I bring is sunscreen. I burn pretty easily.?
?Oh,? Anna responded. ?I want to get nice and toasty brown. I want to get as dark as the islanders by the time I leave.?
?Oh you will be,? said Jill. ?Trust me. In that tropical sun, you’ll be a little brown berry quickly. You’ll just have to be careful that you don’t burn.?
?Now let’s look at the rest of your assignment,? said Jill as she picked up the folder. ?You can put your clothes over there on the table for the rest of the meeting.?
Anna gasped. ?Professor??
Jill raised her eyebrows and looked at her student. ?Yes, Anna??
?You want me to take off my clothes??
?Yes, please,? replied Jill. ?And then take your seat again.?
?Ummmm,? said Anna. Her cheeks were blushing as she stared at the floor in front of her.
?Anna, I understand if you can’t do it,? said Jill. ?This kind of research isn’t for everyone. But it’s best if we find that out now rather than once you get to the island. It would be very uncomfortable for you to learn that there. And it might end up insulting those in the tribe.?
?No, no, no,? said Anna. ?I can do it.? Anna stood up and walked to the table. Then, reluctantly, she peeled off her clothes and folded them, creating a little neat pile before she turned back around.
Jill watched the girl undress. She wanted to see how difficult it would be for her. This would be a very telling moment. It would give her a good indication about what kinds of inhibitions she was dealing with. There was a bit of blushing but, for the most part, Anna dealt with the task bravely.
Jill also wanted to see the girl’s body. A few years earlier, she would have had no interest whatsoever in another feminine form. She was never attracted to other girls. But after her boss had blackmailed her into slavery, she found herself paired up with other females frequently. Over time, she grew to enjoy the soft warmth of another girl cuddled up to her and now liked sex with women as much as she did with men.
Anna completed her task and then stepped back to the desk. She waited until her professor instructed her to be seated again and then sat back in the chair. She kept instinctively trying to cover herself with her arms but then would will them to the arm rests as she waited for the next step.
?I just looked over your consent form and your medical history. Everything seems to be in order there. We will need you to have a full physical before we leave and you will need some vaccinations too.?
Anna smiled brightly. ?Does that mean that I’m going??
?It means so far so good. Remember that you still have to prove to me that you can maintain your focus.?
?Oh, I can!? gushed Anna, very excited about the opportunity. ?I can!?
?I look forward to seeing that.?
?Now,? Jill continued. ?Let’s move on to the questionnaire. Are you comfortable telling me about your responses??
Anna blushed again. ?Probably not. But let’s do it anyways. Nothing could keep me from this expedition.?
?It looks like you are not a virgin,? said Jill. ?Is that correct??
More blushing spread across the girl’s cheeks. ?That’s correct. I am not a virgin.?
?Tell me how you view sex,? said Jill. She purposefully let her eyes wander down to Anna’s chest. She wanted to see how uncomfortable she could make the girl feel and how she would react. Plus, she thought that the girl was beautiful and especially liked the firm breasts that were being displayed to her.?
?Sometimes I like it. Sometimes I don’t. It’s as simple as that.?
?What happens when you like it?? asked Jill.
?Fireworks?? replied Anna sheepishly.
Jill laughed. ?That’s a good description. What I meant, though, was what causes the fireworks??
?Oh,? said Anna. Then she paused to think. ?I think it’s when I guy gets inside my head. When he can create a mood or a scene, I am totally into it. If he just wants to fuck, then I don’t get much out of it.?
?I see,? said Jill. ?Tell me about some of the scenes or moods.?
?Well,? said Anna. ?One was skinny dipping. It was naughty and risky. I was like a little firecracker that night. Another time was after a bunch of us streaked through campus. Two of us snuck off into the bushes after that and were like a pair of rabbits for hours.?
?So you like a little bit of adventure.?
Anna grinned. ?I guess so.?
?Good,? said Jill. ?You will need that spirit for an expedition like this. Come around to this side of the desk.?
Anna gulped at that command but arose and moved to the opposite side of the desk. Jill turned her so she was facing away and then gathered her hands together, locking leather cuffs around her wrists. ?You may be seated again.?
Anna went back around the desk and sat down. ?Why did you tie me up??
?I bound you because that is the way you will be kept during much of your time on the island. I assume that you read that in my notes. How does that make you feel??
?Honestly?? asked Anna.
?Honestly,? replied Jill.
Anna blushed again before responding. ?It makes me feel all gushy inside.?
Jill laughed softly. ?Good girl. It does the same to me.?
Anna gasped. ?It does? I thought I was weird for feeling that way.?
?No, you weren’t weird. You’re just honest.?
They continued to go through the questionnaire and, eventually, Anna’s blushes died away. She soon forgot that she was even naked as the two of them sat and talked about Anna’s responses.
Finally, the meeting was drawing to a close. ?You did very well, Anna. I’m looking forward to being on the field trip with you. I just hope that you continue to focus.?
?Oh, I will, Professor,? she replied. ?I definitely will.?
?Good girl,? smiled Jill. ?Tomorrow, we start preparations for our trip. I will need you at my house for the weekend. Do you have a car or should I pick you up??
?I have a car,? replied Anna. ?What should I bring??
?Your leather thongs and your birth control pills.?
Anna blinked at that response but just nodded slowly. This should be some unusual preparations; exciting maybe, but definitely unusual.
Chapter 3
Anna struggled to get to sleep that night. She was excited. She was nervous. She was excited. She was nervous. She wasn’t sure exactly what she was. But she definitely felt that she was starting off on an adventure.
She arrived at Dr. Wallings’ house the next morning, bright and early. As instructed, she brought only the leather thongs and her pills. Jill met her at the door and let her into the house where she instructed her student to remove her clothes.
?Wow!? breathed Anna.
?Abrupt, huh?? smiled Jill.
?Yeah, kinda, Professor.?
?Get used to it. The chief will expect us to strip as soon as we set foot on the beach. They’ll hold our clothes for us until we’re ready to leave. But it will be buck naked time until then.?
Anna handed the last article of her clothing to the professor and then fought with her arms to keep them by her sides. Once again, Jill let her eyes roam over the nudity, trying to see if she could make her student uncomfortable. All she was able to elicit, however, was a blush and averted eyes. Anna even surprised her by clasping her hands behind her back, leaving her even more exposed and vulnerable.
?Good girl,? said Jill. ?Now come with me. I want you to meet my chief and my katahua.?
Anna started to follow and then stopped and gasped. ?Wait! Your chief is here? And you have a katahua??
Jill laughed lightly. ?This is my home chief. He’s my main chief. I also have one on the island with the tribe. And yes, I have a katahua. I rescued her from another island tribe. She did not want to go home. She wanted to remain with me so I sort of own her now.?
?Wow!? breathed Anna again. Anthropology was much different than she had ever imagined. And it was sending wild thrills through her body. She followed Dr. Wallings through the house into the backyard. There, she saw a man dressed in shorts, holding up a tent, as a naked brunette woman was busy pounding stakes into the ground.
?Honey,? called out Jill. ?I’d like you to meet Anna. She’s the one I told you about. She’s going to Papaluana with me and will be spending her weekends with us until we go.?
?Oh my gosh!? muttered Anna under her breath. She couldn’t believe this was happening. How could her teacher be so casual about bringing her naked into the back yard in front of her husband. And who was the other naked woman there? Was she the katahua? This was all so unreal!
Bill turned his head briefly toward Anna. ?Hi, Anna.? Then as soon as he had turned back to his work, he whipped it back again to look at the new girl again. ?Wow!? he declared. His lack of concentration on his work, however, caused him to lose his balance and he teetered over backward, falling with the tent material ballooning up around him.
Anna had to stifle a giggle, despite the embarrassment that she felt at being displayed naked to him.
?I’m blessed,? he declared as he struggled to his feet. He kept his eyes on the new girl the entire time. The beauty who had just entered his yard was gorgeous; not necessarily more gorgeous than his wife or his wife’s slave girl, but gorgeous nonetheless. He couldn’t believe his good fortune at having his life filled with so many beautiful women. And he knew that all three of them were his to enjoy during the time that they were preparing for the upcoming trip.
?Very nice to meet you, Anna,? he said as he walked toward her. Anna blushed as she saw that his eyes remained fixed on his chest and felt her blush deepening even more than before.
?It’s very nice to meet you too, Mr. Wallings,? Anna managed to say in response.
?And this is Emily,? said Jill, walking to the other naked girl who was still kneeling and placing her hand on her head. ?She’s my pride and joy.?
?Hi, Emily.?
?Cheers, Anna. It’s very nice to meet you,? replied Emily. Anna was surprised by the British accent but she liked the sound of it.
Then Anna turned back to Dr. Wallings. ?Is Emily your katahua??
Jill nodded. ?Yes, Emily is my katahua. She’s my girl; my most valued treasure.?
?And she has work to do,? continued Jill, causing Emily to gasp. ?Why don’t you help them put the tent up? If my chief can keep his eyes off of my naked beauties long enough to finish the task, this will be our home while we prepare for the trip.?
?Oh,? remarked Bill. ?Well, keeping my eyes to myself will be tough. But we should be able to get the tent up.?
They quickly finished the task and then Bill stood back to admire the two girls who were moving around the tent, making final adjustments. Both were remarkably beautiful. He had grown to adore Emily’s petite, cuddly body. And he could tell that he would equally adore Anna’s taller, lithe form. There certainly were advantages to being married to an anthropology professor; advantages that he never would have dreamed of.
?The first order of business,? Jill announced, ?is language lessons. Anna, Emily will start to teach you some basic Incunu. You two can work wherever you want as long as you remain outside.?
?Mistress,? said Emily. This caused Anna’s ears to perk up. Was Emily really a slave? ?Can we use the picnic table??
?No, probably not,? replied Jill. ?They don’t have anything like that on the island.?
?Yes, Mistress,? nodded Emily. ?Come along, Anna. We’ll start over here.?
The two naked girls found a spot of ground under a tree. Emily sat down, cross-legged, causing Anna to blush once again as she saw how immodestly her tutor was sitting. She kept standing, trying to figure out the best way to position herself, until Emily patted the ground beside her.
?Come along,? she said. ?I won’t bite. Sit down and we’ll begin.?
Anna sighed and sat down with her legs straight out in front of her and together. It provided the most amount of coverage and she would try to keep this position as long as she could.
?It’s a little different being naked, isn’t it?? smiled Emily.
Anna nodded. ?Yeah, it takes some getting used to. But I guess that’s why Dr. Wallings will be having me spend so much time here.?
?Probably,? agreed Emily. ?But you get used to it eventually. It’s actually liberating after awhile. Mistress can’t stand wearing clothes for the first week that we return from the island. She considers bras to be sadistic instruments of torture.?
Anna giggled, relaxing a bit with her naked partner. ?Yeah, I’ve seen her walking around campus and bouncing her way to her next meeting. She seems to take awhile to get used to shoes and combs again too.?
It was Emily’s turn to giggle. ?Yes. She would go around completely naked if she could. And don’t you just love her hair when it’s wild and free like that??
Anna smiled and nodded. ?Yeah, I do. And it usually takes awhile for her spots to wear off. She always looks so exotic and sexy when she returns to campus.?
Emily nodded and sighed. ?Yes, she’s definitely all of that.?
?She called you her katahua,? said Anna. ?And yet you call her mistress. Are you her katahua or her slave??
?Hmmm,? pondered Emily. ?I’m both, I guess. To the Incunu, there’s really no difference. Women are treated as property. And I’m her property. But I’m her property by choice. She has tried to give me back my freedom a number of times. But I want to belong to her.?
?Well, I love her for one thing,? explained Emily. ?And she saved my life.?
?How did she save your life??
Emily explained the rescue mission where the Incunus rescued Jill and then she would not leave the island until they had rescued all of the other women who were being held prisoner there.
?You should have seen her charging forward with her bow drawn and aimed at the guy who was holding me. She looked primal. She looked feral. She looked like a mighty warrior.?
?Then she tried to release me and send me home. But I had no home left. There was nothing to go back to. So I begged to stay and be able to serve her. She agreed but only reluctantly. And she still periodically gives me the opportunity to be free. But I can’t imagine ever choosing that. I love her. And I love Bill too, now. Plus, they’re both great lovers.?
This caused Anna to gasp. ?You have sex with them??
?Oh my, yes,? replied Emily with a grin. ?You will too, I’m sure. They’re both wonderful.?
?Wow,? breathed Anna. ?I had no idea the professor was so kinky.?
?She’s actually not kinky at all,? said Emily. ?And she started off even conservative. I’ll let her tell you her story if she wants you to know. Now, she’s just very uninhibited and very loving. She’s Incunu. But we should get to work. I need to teach you Incunu.?
The two girls spent three hours on the language lesson. Anna proved to be a good student of the language although it was a very difficult dialect to master. They started with common nouns such as food and people and items that would typically be found in the village. They added verbs after awhile and soon Anna was forming crude sentences. At the end, Emily gave Anna a small translation dictionary that Jill had created and told her to study it.
?We’ll probably only be allowed to speak Incunu at some point,? said Emily. ?That won’t be so hard for me because I lived with them for years. But you need to study hard unless you want to be eating sandals or calling people great lizards.?
Anna furrowed her brow. ?Calling people great lizards??
Emily giggled. ?Mistress should tell you the story. She tells it much better than I do. But her boss went with her on one of her trips and didn’t learn the language very well. He called the chief a great lizard by mistake and almost got himself killed.?
?Oh,? nodded Anna. She would have to study hard.
Lunch time came around and Jill carried a basket out to the yard where the two girls were still sitting under the tree. Anna sucked in her breath when she saw her professor. She was completely naked now and had let her hair loose, allowing it to flow freely over her shoulders.
?Hungry?? asked Jill as she sat down with the basket.
?Y? y? yessss,? stammered Anna as she stared up at the beauty before her.
Emily giggled at Anna’s response. ?Me too. I’m starved. Teaching is hard work!?
?How’s she doing?? asked Jill as she started to set the pieces of fruit onto the grass between them.
?She’s doing great,? said Emily honestly. ?She’s picking it up much faster than I did. But then again, she has a great teacher.?
Jill smiled and reached out, tweaking one of Emily’s nipples. ?Yes, she does have a great teacher.?
Anna gasped at the sight of the intimate touch. That was a total surprise to her. Were they lesbians? No, that couldn’t be right. Dr. Wallings was married. And Emily had talked about having sex with Mr. Wallings. Wow, they sure were into free love, it seemed. This would take some getting used to.
Jill laid out the rest of the basket contents, spreading them across the grass. ?Eat up, girls.?
Anna just looked at the stuff and wrinkled her nose. She didn’t recognize any of it. All of the fruits were foreign to her. They were colorful enough but she had never seen any of them before. The rest of the stuff was foreign too. Some brown strips looked like they might be some kind of dried meat. There were some dried fish but she had no idea what kind and their grayish color made them look uniquely unappealing. And there were some white balls of stuff that looked like foamy baseballs.
?What is it?? asked Anna.
?It’s lunch,? said Jill. ?It’s as close to Incunu as I could find.?
?It looks delicious, Mistress,? said Emily as she reached out and picked up one of the yellow fruits. Anna watched her pick some green spikes off of the fruit and then sink her teeth into the thing. ?Mmmmm.?
Anna continued to wrinkle her nose as she stared at the unappetizing looking items on the grass. She couldn’t believe that Dr. Wallings would set the food items on the ground like that. And she couldn’t even really believe that this was food.
?Try it,? encouraged Jill. ?You might find that you like it.?
Anna pointed to what she believed was a fruit. It was oblong and red and had a bumpy surface. ?What’s that??
?That’s a paganga,? answered Emily. ?They’re delicious.?
?Here, I’ll show you how to eat it,? offered Jill. She picked it up and dug her fingernails into one end. Red juice came squirting out and hit her in the cheek, causing her to giggle. The drop of juice fell from her cheek and landed on her left breast and Emily leaned forward to lick it off. This caused Anna to raise her eyebrows. The fruit peeled like a banana and Jill held the red, pulpy center to Anna’s lips.
Anna opened her mouth and leaned forward slightly, biting a small bit of the tip off of it. The fruit was both very sweet and very tart, causing her jaw to clench up and her lips to pucker.
?Good, isn’t it?? asked Jill.
Anna nodded slowly as she let her mouth adjust to the onslaught of tastes. ?It’s got a lot of taste.?
Jill laughed and nodded. ?It does take some getting used to. Try some of the pig or the fish.?
?Ummmm,? stammered Anna. ?I’m not really all that hungry right now.?
?Suit yourself,? said Jill as she picked up one of the dried fish and bit into it. ?But this is what we’ll be eating on the island. So you better get used to it.?
Jill and Emily happily munched away on their lunches as Anna just stared at the food and occasionally poked at it with her finger. Eventually, she picked up one of the brown strips and bit into it. It was very dry and very chewy, but at least it seemed edible. She became more adventurous and tried some of the other fruits and, in the end, she had tried everything but the white balls and the fish. Nobody had touched the white balls.
After most of the food was gone, Jill handed a white ball to each of them. ?Here, have some Banka for dessert.? Then she bit into it. It looked like it was made of Styrofoam or some kind of foam rubber.
?Oooooo!? squealed Emily as she bit into her own ball. Then she chewed it up and swallowed. ?We’re going to have a fun afternoon. Is Master having some Banka too??
Jill laughed. ?We’ll give him some later.?
Jill turned to Anna and saw her studying the ball in her hand. ?Go ahead and try it. It’s a favorite on the island.?
Anna bit into the ball. It was somewhat like a dry custard. It had a sweet ricey flavor and was actually pretty good. She smiled at her professor with a full mouth and the three of them continued to eat their Banka. Jill finished first and leaned back, stretching her legs forward and supporting herself with her arms.
?This is how Saturdays were meant to be spent,? said Jill as she relaxed and looked at the two naked girls. Both would be going with her to Papaluana. Emily had already been there with her several times in the past. Plus she had been held prisoner by a rival tribe for a couple of years. So Jill knew that Emily would do well. She knew the culture and the language. She was used to the food. And she would have fun. She viewed the island as a sexual amusement park.
Jill hoped that Anna would do well also. The girl certainly had the drive to become a successful anthropologist. And, while she was somewhat reluctant about things, she would eventually plunge in and seemed to be fine once she did.
The Banka would be Anna’s next test. The Incunu liked to enhance their sexual play with the white puffy drug. It stripped away inhibitions and heightened the sensations. Jill did not use it often at all but, when she did, it was almost like nonstop orgasms for her.
Jill started feeling the effects of the aphrodisiac. It always began with a warm rush over her chest and a pulsing in her pussy. She could tell by Emily’s dreamy look that she was feeling the drug also. Anna had a furrowed brow and a confused look, which told Jill that she was feeling something also.
?Ooooo,? cooed Anna. ?I feel kind of dizzy.?
?Just relax, Anna,? said Jill. ?Take a deep breath and relax.?
Anna complied and took in a deep breath. She did feel more relaxed. Then she felt a flash of warmth rush over her chest.
She sat there and took the last bite of the white ball, chewing it and then swallowing it. Then she watched Emily start to move. Emily leaned forward and then stretched her body toward Dr. Wallings. She might have been a short girl but she was very well proportioned. She was all sleek, elegant, almost feline curves. She slinked forward and ran a hand up the inside of Jill’s leg, sliding it to the top of the thigh once she reached the juncture of the two legs.
Anna blushed as she saw another intimate touch between the two of them. But it was so erotic and so loving that she could not tear her eyes away. Emily placed a hand on the ground on the other side of the professor and then lowered her head, kissing Jill’s belly. She snaked out her tongue and licked upward to the belly button before letting her tongue circle the little indentation.
Anna sucked in her breath as she saw Emily lift her head again and then use her tongue to paint the rounded lower swells of the professor’s right breast. Then she sucked in her breath again when Emily turned her head and looked at Anna, beckoning her closer with her hand.
Anna seemed propelled by some unknown force as she leaned forward and then slinked toward the reclining woman as Emily had just done before. She repeated Emily’s actions by gliding her hand up the soft inside of Jill’s leg and then leaned forward to let her tongue swab the curves under Jill’s left breast.
What was she doing? She had never done anything like this before! Why was she touching another woman like this now?
But she had no time to think. Her body was moving on its own. Her head lifted and she rubbed her lips back and forth across Jill’s nipple, feeling it stiff and rubbery to the touch. She parted her lips and sucked the little nubbin in, hearing Jill moan softly.
Jill let the two girls feast on her breasts for several minutes, enjoying the soft warmth of their lips and tongues. Then she tucked her fingers beneath Anna’s chin and lifted it, drawing the girl’s lips upward to her own. She was surprised by the passion that was present when their lips touched and she was easily able to snake her tongue into her student’s mouth, tasting her sweetness.
Emily moved behind Anna and reached around her, grasping her firm breasts. She squeezed them, extracting a moan from Anna, before stroking them and finally gripping her nipples. She rolled the nipples back and forth and Anna continued to moan.
Jill had determined to let Anna move at her own pace. She could go as far and as fast as she wanted. But Jill was surprised at the initiative that her student showed. Anna shifted her head and kissed each of Jill’s eyelids before returning to kiss her again passionately, letting her tongue explore her teacher’s mouth. Then she kissed her way down Jill’s neck to reach the full, firm breasts again. And she did not stop there. Her lips kept moving downward until her lips found Jill’s sex which was positively flowing at this point.
Jill reached out and stroked Anna’s cheek as she watched the girl’s tongue snake out again and felt it scooping up between her labia. The drug gave her a detached view of the scene, almost as if she was an observer rather than a full participant. It was like watching an erotic movie as she saw Anna’s tongue touch her clit as the girl looked up into her eyes and saw Emily kneeling behind Anna’s bottom which was thrust up in the air by her knees.
She could see that one of Emily’s hands was between Anna’s thighs and heard her student moaning as Emily obviously played with her sex. Jill rocked her head back, enjoying the fluttering and scooping and stabbing of Anna’s sweet tongue. She was soooooo good!
The orgasm came quickly and Jill let out a groan and fell back onto the grass as the tremors shook her body. But Anna kept working, toying with her professor’s sex. The only thing that ended the sweet torment was Emily’s manipulation of Anna’s sex which quickly elicited an orgasm. Anna shook and groaned but Emily continued to stroke and probe. Eventually, Anna rocked her body onto its side and clamped her thighs together to try to protect her sex and maintain her sanity.
Emily was the next victim and both other females attacked her. Anna kissed her lips and suckled her breasts as Jill dove between her legs. Jill fluttered her tongue, concentrating on her girl’s clit, as she watched Anna kissing and stroking Emily. In Anna’s questionnaire, she indicated that she had some limited experience with other girls. But the way her hands traveled over Emily’s naked flesh and the way she kissed and licked and nibbled, Jill was convinced that the experience must be more than just limited. Either that or she was an extremely quick study.
Jill slid a finger into Emily’s sex and started slowly pumping, eliciting a long, low groan from her katahua. As always, Emily was positively swampy. She was constantly ready for sex, it seemed. She kept sliding her finger in and out as she fluttered her tongue over and around the juicy clit. She watched Anna languidly moving from lips to throat to breasts, using her lips and fingers to further arouse the prone girl. Anna appeared to be totally into the Sapphic festivities in the backyard.
Emily erupted without notice, catching Jill and Anna off guard. Her body tensed and she groaned as the orgasm shot through her. But they kept up their exquisite torment, prolonging the climax until Emily was babbling incoherently. It was only then that they paused.
Jill lay on her side in the grass and patted the spot in front of her. Anna slid into the spot and spooned with her naked professor as Jill stroked and squeezed the soft breasts that were made available. When Emily came back to her senses, she slid into the spot in front of Anna and the three of them lay together, caressing one another.
?I liked that,? said Jill, finally breaking the silence.
?Mmmm, me too,? said Emily.
Jill swatted her slave girl’s bottom playfully. ?I know you liked it, pet. You like sex in any form. What about you, Anna??
?Mmmm, yes,? cooed Anna. ?I loved it. Can we do it again??
?I hope you’re saving some for the chief,? said Bill. He was standing over them and they had not even heard him arrive. He was naked now and his cock was thick and hard, pointing straight out in front of him.
?Yes, my chief,? giggled Jill in Incunu. Then she realized that her husband did not understand the language and she repeated it in English. ?Which katahua do you want??
?All of them, of course,? he replied. ?But I will start with the new one.?
Jill and Emily peeled away from Anna and rolled her onto her back. They each grasped an arm and a leg and stretched her open into a spread eagle positioning the grass. Then Bill knelt between her legs and slowly lowered himself, impaling her smoothly with a single stroke.
Anna let out a slow hiss as the thick cock opened her and then filled her. The drug was still coursing through her veins and she completely abandoned herself to the impalement. She climaxed shortly after he entered her and then twice more as he continued to fuck her. The other two women just held her and showered her with little kisses during the coupling.
The remainder of the weekend was a blur of sex with moments of language lessons and planning sessions sprinkled in between. Finally, Sunday evening came around and it was time for Anna to leave.
?So are you still interested in going?? asked Jill as she sat on a step in the front hallway and watched Anna getting dressed.
Anna paused and looked at her professor, surprised at the question. ?Are you kidding? Now I really, really want to go. I’m just worried that I might not want to come back at the end.?
Jill smiled and stood up. She was still naked as she hugged her clothed student. ?I’m glad. I’m looking forward to having you.?
Anna giggled. ?Well, you had me plenty this weekend. You can have me any time you want.?
Jill kissed Anna. ?I plan to do just that. And don’t worry. We’ll be sure to bring you back with us.?
Chapter 4
?Mistress,? said Emily as she was repacking one of the video cameras. She and Jill had been checking out the equipment one more time in preparation for the trip. They were to leave in four days. ?Are you sure it’s a good idea to include Anna in the hunt??
?No,? replied Jill. ?I’m never sure about things like that. It’s a risk, I know. But I’m hoping that it lets me see how she handles herself under pressure.?
?Yes, Mistress,? nodded Emily. ?I just hope she doesn’t get offended by it. It’s pretty graphic and pretty lewd at times.?
?That’s true,? agreed Jill. ?But other than the paint ball guns and the occasional dog, there’s not a lot different from life on the islands. Girls are slaves. And you remember that tribe that owned you. The hunters will be mild compared to that.?
?Will you be a hunter or prey, Mistress?? asked Emily.
Jill laughed. ?I’m not sure. I’ve never been a hunter before. But I’m not sure if it would be appropriate for a mistress to be prey. What do you think I should do??
?Be hunted,? piped up Bill who had been lounging on a couch, watching the two women in his life working on their gear.
?Oh?? said Jill. ?Why is that, dear??
?I love the stories afterwards,? he said. ?Especially if I’m not included as prey in the hunt.?
Both of them had been slaves to Jill’s boss until a year ago. Bill absolutely hated the hunts because two gay hunters always seemed to make a point of targeting him. But the boss, Hal, had ultimately released them and now they were completely free.
?I see,? said Jill. ?Maybe you’d like to participate in the hunt tomorrow too.?
Jill laughed as she saw the blood drain from her husband’s face. ?Oh, I think my days of being hunted are over,? he said. Emily giggled at the comment.
?I was thinking of you as a hunter, actually,? Jill said. ?You qualify, you know. You own a girl who will be contributed. And we’ll be contributing Anna. Just think. You could bag Anna and have her all to yourself for the night. Or you could bag Charity. You seemed to like her when she stayed with us that time.?
?Hmmm,? he pondered. ?Yes, I suppose I could hunt this time. Maybe I’ll do that. So what are you going to do? Hunt or be hunted??
Jill turned to Emily. ?I don’t know. What do you think, pet??
?I think my mistress should do whatever she wants,? replied Emily diplomatically.
?That’s no answer,? scolded Jill. ?I would love to be a hunter at least once. But I think it will be easier on Anna if all three of us were prey. It might help her get over any fears she has about it.?
?What fears does she have?? asked Emily.
?Well, none right now,? said Jill. ?She doesn’t even know that she’s going to be hunted yet. She’ll learn about that tomorrow morning.?
?Oh wow,? said Emily. This was going to be a huge surprise for Anna.
Anna arrived the next morning at eight. She was surprised that she was not stripped naked upon her arrival. Jill explained that, for this last weekend of preparation, they would be focusing on survival training.
?I have arranged for us to participate in a hunt,? Jill explained as she sat at the kitchen table with Bill and the two girls. ?It will let us all experience being chased and hunted so that we hopefully don’t panic if anyone attacks the tribe while we are there.?
Anna smiled. ?That sounds like fun.?
?Oooo!? squealed Emily. ?It is. I love the hunts!? It was true. Emily did love the hunts. Even though she always got caught and frequently ended up getting abused by whoever caught her, she loved the excitement of the hunt and always had explosive orgasms during those weekends.
Jill shook her head and then continued. ?Not everyone enjoys them. In fact, I think that Emily might be the only prey who does enjoy them.?
?Why is that, Professor?? asked Anna.
?It can be pretty humiliating,? explained Jill. Then she went on to describe how the prey is always naked and how the hunters would be armed with paintball guns. ?And whoever shoots you gets to keep you for the night. You are their slave.?
Anna gasped. She couldn’t believe what she just heard. This seemed like an entirely new and entirely kinky world that she was entering.
?Wow!? breathed Anna. ?Do you do this often, Dr. Wallings?? That response helped Jill decide what her role should be today. She would be prey so that she could provide some reassurance to her student. She could always be a hunter when she returned.
?I used to,? said Jill. ?We haven’t done it in over a year though.?
?Wow!? breathed Anna again. ?Will there be many people there??
?I don’t know,? replied Jill. ?Probably between forty and fifty. There are usually a few more hunters than slaves.?
?Slaves,? whispered Anna. This really was a whole new world.
They arrived at the ranch at about nine. The hunt would start at ten. Each of the three women removed their clothes and put them in the back of the car. Then Bill went into the ranch house to meet up with the rest of the hunters. The girls went into the barn where the slaves were congregating.
Anna gasped again and her eyes opened wide in surprise as she saw the sea of naked flesh. There were about thirty nude bodies in there already and about a third of them were male. ?Wow,? she whispered.
Anna’s eyes opened wide again and she blushed as she saw someone from school who she recognized. Charity came up and hugged Jill, giving her a long kiss on the lips. ?Hiya, Teach. I didn’t expect to see you out here today. At least not like this.?
Jill gave Charity’s butt a swat before responding. ?I’m just reliving old times. Besides, this is preparation for my next expedition.?
?Preparation, huh?? asked Charity with her eyebrows raised. ?Are you going to be studying some kind of sadistic, orgiastic society??
?Hmmffff,? Jill snorted. ?Same tribe. Charity, do you know Anna??
Charity turned and saw Anna blushing furiously. ?Oh, hi Anna. I didn’t recognize you without your clothes.?
Then Charity turned back to Jill. ?Yes, I know Anna. We have been in classes together. I didn’t even know she was owned, though.?
?She’s not,? replied Jill. ?At least not yet. Someone from the tribe will definitely claim her but she’s not owned here. This is just for training.?
Charity giggled and gave Anna a squeeze. ?This is real good slut training.?
?Charity!? admonished Jill. ?It’s not slut training.? Then she turned to Anna.
?Anna,? she said. ?You already know that whoever shots you owns you. Just try to stay free as long as you can. After that, keep an open mind.?
?Yeah,? said Charity. ?An open mind. An open mouth. An open pussy. An open asshole. It should be fun.?
?Charity!? scolded Jill again.
Ten rolled around and it was time for things to begin. The first activity was viewing time. Just prior to ten o’clock, two males came into the barn and fastened the slaves to overhead beams. When the dominants arrived at ten, they found thirty four naked bodies standing with their arms stretched above them. Eleven of them were male and twenty three were female. The dominants would have thirty minutes to inspect the prey and determine which prizes they wanted to claim this day.
Jill endured the squeezes and pokes and probes as the dominants milled about, assessing her body. She was used to this and tried to ignore the indignities. She focused, instead, on Anna. The girl had been subjected to a whole string of new experiences over the past month. The pattern for each of them had been the same. It always started with embarrassment and reluctance. From there, she migrated into tentative experimentation. She always ended up fully embracing whatever the new activity was and seemed to be totally thrilled by it.
Jill was curious to see if the pattern would continue today. In reality, she just wanted to see how Anna would react to stressful situations and she couldn’t think of anything more stressful than being hunted into temporary slavery. But she also wanted to see if Anna would end up enjoying the experience like she had with the other activities that she had been introduced to lately.
Anna was blushing and squirming as hands touched her and lifted her breasts. She looked truly uncomfortable as people plunged their fingers into her pussy or ass. And she closed her eyes to shut out the embarrassing scene as people talked about her among themselves.
?Oh look,? a female dominant said as she lifted one of Anna’s breasts by the nipple. ?Fresh meat.?
?Tight cunt,? declared a male as she plunged a finger into her sex. ?This is where my gun will be aimed today.?
?I just love blushing girls,? a female said to her as she patted a cheek. ?You’ll spend the night with me.?
On and on it went until it was time to release the slaves. Jill counted no fewer than a dozen dominants who declared that they were going to claim Anna. She only hoped that the girl was not terrified at this point. But she could see that Anna’s inner thighs were slick with her juices. She might be terrified but she was also highly aroused.
Jill had Anna go with Charity once they were released. Jill and Emily stuck together and stayed behind the other two. She wanted to observe Anna’s actions and reactions.
The two girls sprinted across the field to the cover of the woods. Jill and Emily entered the woods in a different place but not too far away. Jill saw Anna pull Charity to a stop and then start gesturing. Anna leaned over and started drawing on her palm with her finger and pausing occasionally to point. Charity would nod and occasionally point in another direction.
Jill viewed this as a good sign. Instead of running off willy-nilly, Anna was keeping her wits about her and appeared to be trying to make a plan. And she was making use of the only resource that she had available to her: Charity. Once again, Jill felt good about her choice of Anna for the expedition. And Anna appeared to be completely focused on the task at hand; no fantasies or lapses in concentration.
?How do they usually advance?? asked Anna as she stood up and looked back toward the barn and ranch house.
?I don’t know,? replied Charity. ?I always run as fast and as far as I can and then look for hiding places.?
?Well, I’m thinking that if we can let them get past us, we can hide near the ranch house,? explained Anna. ?I saw an old cart out in the middle of the field we just crossed. Once they all get into the woods, we could go back and hide under that. We could pile up some grass to make a natural looking barrier that should hide us. I doubt that they would ever even think of looking some place so close to where they started.?
?Have you done this before?? asked Charity, skeptically.
?No. Did I say something stupid??
?No, not at all,? said Charity. ?I think it’s brilliant. How do we let them get past us??
?Hmm,? said Anna. ?I haven’t figured that out yet.?
?I have an idea,? offered Charity. ?Let’s let them get past us but not here. There are some rocks near here. They never seem to look there until the end because all of the slaves run as far as they can. We hide there and watch. Once they’re all gone, we go back to your cart.?
Jill watched, perplexed, as she saw Anna and Charity leisurely strolling hand in hand off in a direction that she did not view as overly safe. Then she and Emily took off in another direction to find safety for themselves. She would have to ask Anna later what that was all about.
Anna and Charity crouched down in the small pile of boulders and waited. Ten minutes later, they watched as the hunters emerged from the barn. Charity had been right. They headed out to the woods as a group and started to fan out from there, heading off to the far corners of the ranch. The closest that any of them came to the two naked girls was a couple hundred feet. Anna had the duty of watching. They figured that her brown hair would be less conspicuous than Charity’s fair blonde head.
They waited ten minutes after they saw the last hunter and then dashed back across the field to their little shelter. They madly pulled up grasses and arranged them at various openings where wood slats had been knocked away. Finally, they crawled into their little haven and made themselves comfortable.
?Are you sure you’ve never done this before?? asked Charity suspiciously.
Anna laughed. ?I’m sure. I’m just surprised that you have. It’s not something that most college kids do on weekends.?
Charity nodded. ?Yeah, I know. But my mistress likes the hunts. So each month, she enters me. Then she goes hunting for a girl for the night. I figure it’s her way of getting a little variety.?
?Wow! You have a mistress??
Charity nodded. ?I do. She has owned me for almost two years now.?
?Wow!? Anna repeated. ?I never would have guessed.?
The girls made a little mat of grass and straw and lay down to figure out their next move. Their bodies touched at hips and shoulders as they looked out toward the woods. They chatted quietly, considering various alternatives. About twenty minutes after they settled in, they saw the first victim of the day. A small Asian girl had been bagged by a bearded male who had the girl slung over his shoulder. He walked across the field, passing several hundred feet away from them and ultimately disappeared into the barn.
?He’s a good one to have out of the way,? said Charity. ?He caught me one time and he’s pretty brutal.?
?Poor girl,? said Anna.
?Better her than us,? advised Charity.
?Well he could still come out and find us.?
?No,? said Charity. ?They are only allowed one kill. Once they bag a slave, they’re done for the day.?
Over the next hour, ten or so more slaves were brought in. Some were carried like the first one. Some walked with their wrists bound behind their backs. Some were just led by a crude rope leash tied around their necks. Emily was one of the ones caught relatively early in the day. She was led by a rope lead around her neck and had her arms bound behind her back. A red paintball splotch colored one of her bottom cheeks.
?I get so horny during these things,? announced Charity who had rolled onto her back and was lazily stroking her clit as a hand cupped and squeezed a breast. ?Wanna make love??
?You’ve got to be kidding!? gasped Anna incredulously. ?We’re being hunted and you want to fuck??
Charity grinned sheepishly. ?I was thinking more of licking and kissing and fondling than fucking, actually.?
Anna rolled her eyes. ?You’ve got to be kidding! People are prowling around trying to shoot us and enslave us and you want sex??
?Ooooo yeah!? giggled Charity as she reached out to run her hand down Anna’s naked back. ?It turns me all gooey inside. Aren’t you excited too??
?Oh, I can tell from here that you are,? Charity continued. ?Your nipples are hard as pebbles.?
?Char,? said Anna, pronouncing it as Chair. ?It’s no wonder you always get caught. You aren’t concentrating.?
It was Charity’s turn to roll her eyes. ?Everyone gets caught, silly. Concentration has nothing to do with it. In the end, we all get shot. We all get caught. We all get owned. And we all get fucked. That’s how they play this game.?
?Well, I don’t plan on getting caught,? said Anna. ?Ssshhhh. More people are being brought back.?
Charity wriggled up to the window that they had created in one of the holes in the cart. ?They got Sandy. She’s another girl from school. How many do you figure have been caught so far??
?Somewhere between fifteen and twenty, I guess,? replied Anna. ?And she’s from school? How many other people who I know do this??
?Beats me. I’m always surprised when I discover that someone I know is owned.? Charity turned her head and kissed Anna’s cheek and draped an arm across her back, letting her hand glide down to squeeze the other girl’s bottom. ?I need sex,? she whispered huskily. ?If I don’t get sex, I think I’m going to scream.?
Anna gasped. She didn’t know if Charity was kidding or not. She couldn’t believe that anyone would surrender like that but she also couldn’t afford to find out if Charity was bluffing.
?Okay, okay,? said Anna in resignation. ?If I get you off, will you settle down??
?I will for a little while,? grinned Charity. ?I might need it again later if they don’t catch us by then.?
Anna rolled her eyes yet again. ?Okay. Lie down. Do I need to worry about you making any sounds??
?I don’t think I make a lot of noise.?
?Never mind,? said Anna. ?I’ll take care of you.?
Anna straddled Charity’s head with her sex above the blonde girl’s face. She could always sit down on Charity’s mouth if she started making noise. Then she lowered her head and snaked out her tongue, running it over the bald mound.
?Ooooooommmmffff,? Charity started to coo as soon as Anna’s tongue came in contact with her skin and Anna immediately silenced her by squatting down and driving her own sex into Charity’s lips. Anna started again and Charity cooed and mewled again, causing Anna to squat again to silence her partner. This was repeated several more times.
?Okay, okay,? whispered Charity. ?I get the message. I’ll be quiet. Just stop smothering me.?
Anna went back to work. She stabbed her tongue into Charity’s sex, tasting her slave sister for the day. She listened and Charity remained silent. She scooped her tongue between the slick petals and still heard no words or sounds. Finally, she started concentrating on the girl’s clit but she kept her crotch poised to be ready to silence Charity if she piped up again.
Charity did not just lie there, though. She was fascinated by the juicy sex above her face. She simply had to enjoy it.
Charity lifted her head and touched her tongue to one of the slick petals, causing Anna to jump. She giggled silently and then repeated her action to the other petal. This time, Anna lowered her hips, pressing Charity’s head to the ground to have her stop. Charity had to work hard to keep from laughing.
Her hands were free and she put them to good use. She reached down and found Anna’s dangling breasts which she captured and held. Anna hummed a protest and lifted her hips again, letting Charity voice the warning this time. ?Sssshhhh.?
Again, Charity almost giggled but she was truly enjoying the talented tongue that was scooping into her sex and fluttering over her clit. Charity looked up and saw the cute, tight asshole of her current lover winking at her. She released one of the breasts and moved her hand to Anna’s bottom, letting her finger circle the little pucker.
?Mmmffff,? grunted Anna as she felt the finger exploring.
?Ssshhhh!? whispered Charity again. She circled the little rosebud again and then dipped her finger into Anna’s juicy sex. She did this several more times, each time painting the cute little asshole with the girl’s juices.
Anna’s mind was swirling at this point. She didn’t know what to do. She was not used to anyone touching her there. But she couldn’t make a stink about it either, for fear of being discovered. She decided to concentrate on bringing Charity to climax and then she could end the assault.
Charity pointed her finger and then pushed. Anna bit her lower lip to stifle the groan that was sure to escape as she felt the finger violating her bottom. Then she started her tongue moving again. It took only a few more flicks before Charity groaned but the sound was muffled by Anna’s sex draped over her mouth.
?That wasn’t very nice,? said Anna as they lay side by side afterwards, peeking out of the little window.
?Mmmm,? cooed Charity. ?That’s where you’re wrong. That was very, very nice.?
?I meant the asshole thing.?
?Oh,? said Charity innocently. ?It just looked so inviting. I couldn’t help myself.? Anna just rolled her eyes.
The day dragged on. At several points, Charity recommended that they move to a different hiding place. She was getting bored being cooped up in the little cave that they had created. Anna told her to go ahead if she wanted but she was staying put. Her goal was to evade capture. Charity agreed to stay but only if Anna would have sex with her again. Every hour or so, Anna would have to service her cell mate to keep her content and to keep her from complaining.
They continued to see slaves being carried or led from the hunting grounds. One of the last ones they saw was Jill who was walking proudly as a male held onto her leash. After that, they didn’t see anyone for about an hour.
?I wouldn’t bother with that,? they heard a female voice say. Charity gasped as she heard Claire, her mistress’ best friend. ?We all saw all of them go into the woods.?
?Let me just check,? another voice said. ?It’s the only place we haven’t looked so far.? Charity gasped again. This was the voice of her Aunt Janice, her mistress.
Both girls tensed and pressed their bodies together, as if that would make them harder to see. They heard a pair of footsteps coming closer and then saw the grasses that they had arranged moving. Suddenly, sunlight was streaming into their little makeshift cave and they both groaned.
?Hello, girls,? smiled Aunt Janice. Then the head disappeared for a moment and they heard her call out. ?They’re over here, Claire. I’m taking the new one. Do you want Charity??
?Oh, my, yes,? they heard Claire’s reply. ?I can never get enough of that cute little body.?
The head reappeared. ?We can shoot you if you would like,? said Janice. ?But that seems silly at this point. Will you surrender to us??
?Yes, Mistress,? sighed Charity. Anna just blinked.
?What about you, beautiful girl?? asked Janice as she looked at Anna.
Anna quickly glanced around but, just as quickly, realized that there was no way to escape. ?Yes, I surrender too.?
?That’s yes Mistress,? corrected Janice.
?Yes, Mistress,? repeated Anna. She didn’t know why but a little thrill rushed through her body as she spoke the words. ?I surrender.?
Both girls were extracted from under the cart and their wrists were bound behind them. Claire groped and fondled the two girls as Janice tied them. Then they were led back to the barn.
Jill smiled as Anna and Charity were brought into the barn on their leashes. They were the last two captured that day and it had been over an hour since Jill was caught. She was the third from the last. It was clear that Anna had been focused and thinking because Charity was usually caught early in the day at these events. Jill was very proud of her young student.
The slaves were taken away to be cleaned up and used as their new owners saw fit. Then they were brought back together for dinner and entertainment. As always, the ones caught early in the day received the harshest treatment and Anna’s jaw gaped as she watched slaves being sodomized and fisted and whipped. She blanched as she watched a girl being fucked by a dog and wondered what torment lay ahead for her.
Emily suffered the worst of the four of them since she was one of the earlier ones caught. She was bound to an X-shaped cross with her limbs stretched tightly. Leather bands were wound around her chest, above and below her breasts, securing her tightly to the frame. Then Anna watched with horror in her eyes as she saw one of the mistresses pushing long slender needles into Emily’s perfectly formed breasts.
Emily whimpered with each new needle but did not cry out. Anna thought she was very brave to be enduring the punishment so stoically. The mistress inserted all of the needles near the base of the poor girl’s breasts. She would lift the breast in one hand, cradling it and instructing Emily to look down and watch as the next needle was pushed slowly into the tender flesh. That must have been the worst part, thought Anna; having to watch your breasts being skewered. She saw tears rolling down Emily’s cheeks as each new needle was pushed home. Eventually, there were eight needles through the base of each breast, each pushed from a different angle.
Once that was completed, the mistress inserted four more in each breast, halfway between the base and the nipple. Again, they were arranged symmetrically and were pushed from different directions. And again, Emily acted very bravely.
But Anna had been wrong about what the worst part was. After the mistress had finished with the needles that penetrated the soft swells of the girl’s breasts, she had two more to plant. Emily did cry out at these as one needle, shorter than the others, was pushed inward through the tip of each of her nipples. Tears were flowing freely at this point.
The mistress stood back and curtseyed to the crowd once she was finished torturing the girl. The crowd erupted in applause and Anna just stared in disbelief. She would never have been able to endure that!
Jill was caught near the end. For her part of the entertainment, she was mounted on a pole that stood upright with a dildo mounted on the end. A clothespin was attached to each of her nipples and Anna could tell by the grimace on her professor’s face that the clamps must be very painful.
Jill was instructed to fuck herself on the pole which she started doing immediately. Again, Anna looked on in awe. Here was her beautiful professor, her idol and mentor, performing so lewdly in front of the crowd. Jill’s whole body was tense as her legs propelled her up and down on the shaft that was buried deep in her body.
As Jill pumped the dildo in and out, the master who was giving her the punishment amused himself with a long slender whip. He used the clothespins for target practice. Occasionally, he would knock one off, causing Jill to squeal, but he would immediately replace it and begin again. Occasionally, he would miss the clothespin altogether and, depending on the angle that he was using, the whip would slash into her taut belly below or crash into the soft, tender upper swells of the professor’s breasts, eliciting a screech.
Anna wasn’t sure how her professor did it but eventually Jill climaxed. It was obvious as her entire body tensed and she let out a low guttural groan. That marked the end of Jill’s part of the entertainment. But Anna had no idea how she could have climaxed with all of those eyes watching and that master punishing her so much.
Anna was trembling at this point. It was only her and Charity left. She didn’t know who they would pick next or what they would do. But she was sure that she could not handle whatever it was. Everything she had seen so far had been so horrible.
But the last ones caught were always treated lightly. For her contribution to the entertainment, she had to sixty-nine with Charity so it was simply a repeat of what they had done throughout the day in the security of the little shelter they had made. After the last of the entertainment, the dominants took their temporary slaves to their rooms. Once again, Anna’s tongue was called into action as she serviced Charity’s mistress and brought her to several orgasms. Janice reciprocated and rewarded Anna with several very satisfying orgasms of her own.
Wow, thought Anna as she lay in bed cuddled up to Janice at the end of the evening. ?Anthropology is wild!!!?
To be continued.
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First TimeWednesday Morning: Four Days After the Anniversary.Annie worked the bullet against her clit, starting to push uncomfortably hard into her folds to get a little more buzz from it. It didn't help that her left hand wasn't quite as dexterous as her right, or that she been frigging her ever needier pussy every day since a hard go on Saturday with Sam.She'd even stunned herself on Sunday when she slipped two fingers deep inside herself while getting off in the shower after everyone was in...
Wife LoversAndy from the adult sex shop invited Cindy to attend the BDSM ball for the following Saturday night, She would have to decide at the door whether to be her normal submissive self or break new ground trying to be Dominant. She was advised that she could on this occasion merely observe or take part as she wished; but she was made aware of the one stringent rule. If she decided to take part as a submissive, the general safe word was 'PERFUMED PARSLEY' but if she used it she would immediately...
Hello friends myself honey age 22 I am average looking guy with average body this is purely a fantasy story so girls and ladies start pinching your nipples and clit it’s time to punish them for making you horny and boys grab your dick and start pumping give me your precious feedback on The queen of this story is geeta aunty who is our family friend.Her age is 37 despite her she still rocks she and I go to gym together she is also our family friend I have a huge fantasy for her to make her my...
IncestLauren had been ill at ease since her encounter with Miss Beatty. Five days had past since she was spanked and fucked on her teacher's desk. She trembled with lust at every thought of it. She had to sit through Liz Beatty's class twice since her experience, and that had proven to be very difficult. She couldn't keep her eyes off of the young teaches ass and her mind was a clutter of thoughts. Lauren's pussy poured out her juice and soaked her panties for nearly the entire 40 minutes of BOTH...
This clearly blew me away, seeing actual proof that she was into other guys. But it also was fascinating to me, that she could be planning this while acting totally normal towards me. From what I saw, she was hooking up with this guy, including previous times in our own apartment. I was completely hard reading this, and enticed. I heard the shower turn off, so quickly scanned what I could, seeing that Nathan was arriving at 8. The rest of the day was normal, with Amy acting completely...
Doll, using her dainty left hand, gently stroked the length of my prick and on reaching it's zenith, spied a droplet of my seed appear at the tip. I pursed my lips and waited tensely to see what would transpire. I say this because women tend to react differently to the actions of a man's prick. While almost all but the most jaded are somewhat fascinated by this wondrous instrument, they go about handling one differently. That Dolly was no stranger to a man's pride and joy was evident from...
I’m wondering what she’s thinking as she sits there looking off into the distance. The sun is going down and the sunset over London is beautiful. She rolls her eyes to the side and tilts her head back slightly so that she’s looking directly at me. Our eyes lock. Her deep, doe-eyed gaze is completely captivating as it searches my face for answers. My stare lingers as I admire her unrivalled beauty, seizing the opportunity while I can.“What?” she remarks as she grins, pretending my attention had...
Love StoriesBedtime on My 18th Birthdaybybigwomenrule©Growing up in a small village of close families, he behavior of myself and my mother never seemed unusual.I knew we were closer than most as it was just her and I, and we did everything together, more than I did with my own friends.I can unashamedly say that my mother was my best friend.I had my own bedroom, but that was mostly for show, as I spent nearly every night in her bed with her, snuggling and sleeping together.My eighteenth birthday fell on a...
Hi All, This is Ravi from Hyderabad. I am not very regular reader of stories in this section. Today I got mood and read few stories and after that decided to write mine also. This story is about my neighbor dated 2001 when I was doing my engineering. I used to live in an apartment in Chennai which has three floors and I lived on the second floor. After a weeks time, I came to know that there is a malayali family comprised of an aunt and their two kids. Aunt’s husband is working in Dubai and...
I adored my mother. She had taken care of me by herself ever since my dad had left nine years ago. Mum went out and found work as a shop assistant. All I know is I never went hungry or barefoot a day since 'dear old dad' left thanks to my mum. She worked hard and did a great job of raising me without a man around making sure I made it off to school before she'd race for her own bus and somehow managing to get home in the afternoon in time put together a meal for two. Nothing fancy, often just...
CHAPTER 2: When the dog nipped at it, again, it jerked …After a couple years of riding, he had become reasonably comfortable in the saddle. When he saw the foot, it was enough to make him unsteady, but when it jerked, he nearly fell off the horse. As it was, he slid off quickly to investigate for himself. A part of him still wasn’t believing the human foot, much less that it belonged to a live person. But, if it was … how could it be if it was buried?He pushed the pawing dog aside and took its...
This is the first part of my first story, inspired by a friend of mine serving in the Canadian army. No sex in this one. ******************* Now a newly minted Captain, Matt Young stared out of the bar’s window, looking at the rain softly flow down the pane of glass as the night took hold. After what seemed like an eternity, he quietly turned back to the bar and stared down at his drink, stirring it slowly like he would a coffee. Coffee. There was something he hoped he wouldn’t have to...
It had been a few years since we had last managed to get together, so it was a great surprise to get opportunity to get an opportunity to combine work with a visit to the north east wear Darryl now lives. I went to my hotel to freshen up after the long drive, before taking a taxi to her home a small but perfectly formed terrace house in Whitley bay, I knocked on the door at 6pm, do be greeted with the big smile that I fell for all those years ago, as expected a bottle was opened and a second...
Xi Pegasi Survey Team 1.2 September 1, 2057 “Roger?” Yamina sounded worried, and Roger plucked his PDA from his vest pocket. “What is it, honey?” “I’m feeling sick this morning. If I don’t feel better when the helicopter arrives, I may go back with them.” “I’ll miss you.” “Flatterer.” Roger chucked. “I will. But, since you’re leaving, I want to hike to the next survey site from here. It’ll only take a couple of days, and I have plenty of supplies.” “Be careful, Roger. Seriously. You...
I hung up the phone. "Mom!" I yelled out. "That was Colossal Chicken. I have a job!" This was my very first job. A month ago, I waited two hours in line for a chance to work at the new Colossal Chicken. I was 16 1/2 years old with no work experience but management hired me anyway. A week later on a Saturday, there were a whole bunch of us at the store. Today was a training day for all the hired applicants. I listened intently to the introductions of the store managers and to the...
I had just finished packing for the trip home when I heard the front door. "Hey, Trev, are you here?", Margaret called out. I walked to the landing at the top of the stairs and said, "Yes...just finished packing." She set her pirse down, and started up the stairs saying, "I invited a few people over tonight for a small farewell party for you and Pat...I sent him to the store to pick up some some things." As she reached the landing, she leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Did you...
First thing Aric noticed was that he heard a soft crackling fire as he tried to open his eyes. The pain was extremely intense behind his eyes and it felt like someone was trying to beat their way out from inside his head for a few moments. Taking a couple deep breathes he tried to move again, and even though the pain was just as intense, he found he could start to sit up. The thick blanket that was over him fell away and he realized that it felt as if he was on top of a couple more blankets...
Hello, friends of indian sex stories dot net mera name Virat hai. Main Punjab se belong krta hu bt filhaal delhi study kr rha hu. Meri age 23year height 5’6 hai and lund satisfy ke kaafi hai kisi ko b. Toh meri kahani ki heroine Anjali hai. Uski age 34 year hai married a figure 36 boobs 32 kamar 36 gand hai. Uske husband b kisi aur hospital mein helper the uska koi bacha nhi tha. Ab kahani pr aate hai. Kuch time pehle mere friend ka accident ho gya toh wo hospital mein admit tha. Main usse...
As the first hint of daylight appeared in the partially opened window, I had already climbed out of bed. Monica and Cat were insatiable, I’ve never had so much sex at one time. Standing there for a moment, I gazed at their naked beauty as they slept soundly and then went to take a shower. I felt rested as the shower rejuvenated me, even though we didn’t stop satisfying our carnal desires until two o’clock in the morning.After showering, slipped into a pair of red swim trunks and a gray T-shirt....
TeenNote : This story is completely fictional! Hi reader here again I comes to meet you with another erotic Incest. read and write to me. this story is posted me by a fan of my stories. I make some edited and reposted it here read in his words. I just read your stories for the first time, and may I say thank you for bringing mother and son incest out of the closet. My story concerns my mother and myself. My father deserted us shortly after I had my eighteenth birthday. Let me describe my mother to...
IncestAmanda let Carol lead her and Wendy through the house, pointing out antiques and other items of obvious pride or sentimental stature among all the furnishings and decorations. Graciously acknowledging the presentations while limiting her questions and comments seemed to Amanda to be the best way to expedite the tour, and allow her to get back to Sean. When Carol led them into the basement of the house, Amanda was prepared to excuse herself in order to bring the tour to an end. However, when...
It had been a very busy week and I needed to relax for the evening. It was Friday night and Keith had invited me to a party at his apartment. Just a few friends he said, a few drinks, finger food and music. It sounded very inviting so I decided to go. Keith and I had once had a relationship, but once it ended we became good friends so I was looking forward to seeing him. Life had been a bit lonely since I split up with Don. Don and I had been together when ever he could get away from his wife...
Monica and I continued being BFFs having coffee from time to time and running. She signed up for the 10k program which surprised me, that little vixen was hooked on running. She even signed on for the half marathon before we ran the 10k goal race. The 10k was more of a fun run. Instead of racing for time, we did intervals the entire six point two miles. Running fast then walking, we played leapfrog with a couple of other ladies talking to them when either of us would catch the other if that...
LesbianI am working in a town. My sister is married and is living with her family in a city. She is having a daughter. Yearly twice or thrice, sister used to come to our house. Sister is looking very bright and sexy after marriage. Meanwhile I was transferred to the same city where sister is residing. Till I get an accommodation, I decided to stay in my sister’s house, When knowing my transfer , my brother-in-law told me to come and stay with them as his job required overstay in the night and...
IncestBrandon had moved to the city two months earlier to start college and had gotten a day job for the summer to pay rent on his new apartment- he had decided against living on campus and with a roommate because he'd always dreamed about living alone in the city and exploring all that it had to offer away from his small town upbringing. He had worked as a lifeguard back home and was in great shape, boyish looks and a small muscular frame. He had decorated his small apartment modestly with a couch...
August 17, 2004 - I stood naked, hidden, watching intently as Maria Celeste Molloy, or sister Maria as she now preferred to be called, slowly disrobed, unaware of my evil intentions, unaware she would soon be thrashing under my hard unforgiving body, pierced by my throbbing cock. I had taken the young woman, soon to turn 22 years old, out to dinner in one of the nicer French restaurants in Cleveland and then escorted her back to my home where we had spent the rest of the evening reminiscing as...
Here is my fiction. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Although safe sex is not practiced in this story, please remember to ALWAYS practice safe sex until you and your partner(s) have been tested! Peace & Love, Nicolette __________________________________________________________________ As I awoke on this rainy day, I knew it was time for another burglary. In recent weeks I had done about 6 residential burglaries. Little did I know today would...
This is my wife, she’s in her late thirties and as you will agree extremely attractive. Our story started some while ago when an old friend of mine contacted me from prison, he had been serving a 5 year stretch and was up for parole. He had contacted me to see if I could help with his parole application. I am a middle class well educated business man with several companies operating very lucratively. My friends name is Toby, we were very good friends in my earlier years but had lost touch...
When he looked up again, Oleg savored the scene with all his senses. The small room was hot and humid, countless candles were strewn about, providing a flickering, cozy atmosphere. The young woman slowly rotated around herself, her eyes obscured by a crimson leather blindfold. Oleg couldn't get enough of the view. The color of that blindfold contrasted so well with the model's short, blond bob and her flawless, pearly-white skin. Drool was seeping out of her stuffed mouth and made its way...
“You want me to do what?" Dawn’s eyes looked like saucers, her mouth fell open and her body froze, book forgotten in her hand."I want to see you play with another man's cock. You don't have to fuck him, just make him cum," Colin, her husband of five years, who was beside her in the bed said, almost in a whisper. "You know we have fantasized about a stranger fucking you. Well, all I am asking is you wank one-off. Come on babe, just to make your old man happy. Just a one-off, I promise,...
MasturbationEnslavement of the Amazon Princesses The Earl, still decked in his combat amour watched the erstwhile twin princesses of the Amazons kneeling naked, bound, lovely and humbled at his feet. Their heads bowed before the man who now owned them, the beautiful loose curls of their hair; one blond the other brunette flowed down in cascades to the pert round orbs of their tits. He looked down at his new slave girls with a smile that wasn’t cruel. True they had caused him a lot of trouble but they were...
You're kinda pretty. "Okay. I understand. I'll call you on Sunday. Bye." I sighed into my cell-phone. Liz my best friend had been called back to work instead of meeting me for a girlie lunch and an afternoon shopping. As I looked at my watch and fresh cup of cappuccino I was aware of two guys running across the road towards me as I sat at the pavement café. "Wow! You're so pretty! You must be a model!" The shorter one gasped breathlessly taking hold of my free hand as he sat next to me. The o...
Group Sex