Mum's Perfume. free porn video

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I adored my mother. She had taken care of me by herself ever since my dad had left nine years ago. Mum went out and found work as a shop assistant. All I know is I never went hungry or barefoot a day since 'dear old dad' left thanks to my mum. She worked hard and did a great job of raising me without a man around making sure I made it off to school before she'd race for her own bus and somehow managing to get home in the afternoon in time put together a meal for two. Nothing fancy, often just Bean on toast or something and chip's, but it was important to her to be there for me at the beginning and the end of the day and I loved her for it. She was something else.

Maybe it was how are bodies made contact in the hallway that morning. Normally, we breezed through our small cottage instinctively knowing each others moves voiding collisions. But this day was different. All fresh smelling from her shower as she made her way to the kitchen the heat from her just washed skin seemed to create an invisible, atmosphere that suspended the fragrance of her bath oils where only the deliberate rubbing of our bodies would unleash.

"Wow, you smell really nice today, Mum," I said out of reaction to the wonderful scent.

She paused and cocked her head a bit. A sheepish smile spread across her still moist lips. "Well thank you darling," she replied. The towel wrapped around her still damp head pulled her hair completely off her face. She glowed with genuine appreciation to my compliment.

I always loved to make her smile and wanted to see it again. Placing my hands squarely on her shoulders, I bent forward to take a long whiff of her neck.

"Mmmm, nice." I breathed. "What's it called?"

"Uh, 'Channel', darling," she said slowly. At f******n, I had sprouted up to 5' 7'' over the summer and I stood nearly an inch or two over her. I pulled back in amazement to see that her face had the look of a c***d opening a Christmas present. Her eyes had slit into a dreamy look and she took a long sucking breath through her teeth. Briefly, confused, I dropped my hands quickly to my sides but I remained transfixed by the effect of my actions upon her.

After a long pause, her eyes popped open and she seemed to spring back to life. Spinning her bare toes in the direction of the kitchen, she whisked off, "Enough flirting now. Get your shower and come eat, darling," she said over her shoulder.

As the smell of her dewy skin trailed away, I noticed something else that was out of the ordinary. Instead her usual terry robe Mum had chosen, perhaps in haste, to put one of my tee shirts on after her bath. It was just a plain white tee with a Nike ‘Just Do It’ logo stitched over the front. I usually bought them large for a loose fit, but her body filled it out in ways that my wiry frame never could. She would be thirty-two in March, but it was apparent that all those years, she had maintain an admirably fit body.

Mum was a fairly modest lady. She would wrap the bathrobe around her body so that she would be mostly covered. However, when she would reach across the kitchen table at breakfast and I would sometimes be treated to a view of her ample 38D cleavage. Thanks to pull of gravity, the tops of her breasts would spill forward held in place only by the 'V' in the neckline. Now dressed in my tee shirt, though no skin was visible, her breasts strained against the thin white fabric as if she were smuggling a pair of succulent ripe melons. Her smooth legs thrust from the hem, alternately flashing a warm cocoa-brown as the natural light in the hallway bounced off them. I was almost embarrassed to find myself looking upon my mother as a woman but my dick didn’t seem to share my feelings of guilt. The reactionary swelling of my teenage cock began to bulge my shorts out into a noticeable tent.

I quickly made my way to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. The reaction of seeing such a lovely arse and legs so soon after getting out bed was just too much. After straining to free my hard young cock from my shorts, it sprung out and plopped against my stomach. The head was aimed at me and the edges of my pee-hole turned up in a sardonic smile.

"Damn," I thought, "Did Mum notice my cock was hard?" My teenage mind then began to ring up thoughts like a cash register, "Did I fuck up grabbing her like that?" "Did she see me staring at her arse?" "What could she be thinking now?"

I pulled a towel from the rack over the bath and began soaking it under a stream of warm water in the sink. "This ain't good", I thought. I had been getting hard-ons since I was nine but, until now, I could manage to conceal my peanut sized erections from her. But now that my dick had stretched out to an 6 inch baton thanks to almost nightly wank offs. As I lathered up my body and ran a soapy hand towel over my erection, the thought of what Mum must look like under that tee shirt caused my stiffy to throb. As I continued to scrub my cock, the fully engorged purplish bulb swelled as I squeezed and stroked the shaft. Thankfully, it seemed too be enough to bring the swelling down enough to fold it over double and stuff back into my shorts.

As I prepared to hang my towel behind the door, I saw that Mum had left her normal dressing gown on the same hook. I d****d the towel over it and smoothed them both down to allow the door to open fully. Peeking from one of the gown's pockets was a pink-colored bras and, stuffed deeper inside, a matching pair of silky knickers. I gently rolled the silky material between my fingers enjoying their smooth, slippery feel. My mouth began to water as I mischievously contemplated taking a quick sniff. “What the fuck?” I thought and I pressed the silken cloth to my nostrils and inhaled. The spicy, sweet aroma of residual womanhood imbedded in the fabric made me delightfully light-headed. Coupled with the image of what I had just seen in the hall, I felt myself experiencing another sensory overload. I felt my young cock stir again but this time I reached down with my free hand and pulled the waist band of my underwear down and set it free.

As I pumped away, hoping to squeeze off a quick one before breakfast I wondered, “Why no bra this morning?", and, “Why did she choose wear one of my tee shirt instead of her favorite and familiar dressing gown?” “Naw, that can't be it”, I thought. “Did she want me to see her like that? Naaww! She couldn't have been cock-teasing her own son, could she?”

I caught a glance of myself in the mirror over the sink and began to assess myself. I was only f******n, but I had matured noticeably over the past year. I had lost a lot of my 'baby fat' and, my torso was lean and smooth. Even my face had lost its c***dish look and become more angular. Perhaps that's what Mum saw in the hallway. Her little boy was becoming a man and the thought of her approval was enough to bring my swollen balls to a full boil. With a few more pumps my hips bucked as I launched a creamy load of juice into the bathroom sink. I lurched forward as I lunged into my mother’s phantom hairy pussy plopping globs of pearly sperm into the sink. Staring into the now steamed over mirror I watched my orgasm-contorted face return to normal. With a sigh, I turned on the sink’s hot water spigot and watched, mournfully, as the expulsion swirled down the drain.

"Mark!" I heard Mum's voice from the outside the door. "Hurry up, darling! Breakfast is getting cold!"

Jolted from my sexual stupor, it was now back-to-reality time. Stuffing the bra and knickers back into the pocket, I quickly hiked up my drawers and snatched a pair of jeans I had laid out on bathtub drying rack the night before.

"Be right out, Mum!" I responded. Without thinking I asked, “Have you seen the white Tshirt I had hung up in here?"

There was an awkward silence and then, "Oh!" came the muffled reply. “I just threw it on. I didn't realize you were going to wear it today."

"That's OK," I called back.

"Just hand out my dressing gown, will you?" she responded. "And get a move on. It’s almost 8 o' clock."

Sensing her urgency, I quickly pulled the gown from the hook on the door and threw the door open to hand it out to her.

I wasn't ready for what I saw on the other side.

My mother was totally naked from the neck down doing what could only be described as a frantic hoochie-coochie dance in the hallway. While I was handing out her dressing gown, she in-turn must have decided at the same time to give back my tee shirt. Assuming I would crack open the door just enough to hand it out to her, she decided to take the shirt off for the swap. As the door swung open, she had managed to roll the shirt above her breasts and was struggling to stretch the collar over her head. She apparently hadn't compensated for the towel she still had wrapped around her wet hair. In her apparent struggle to free herself, she definitely wasn't aware that her son was now standing in front of her in half amusement...and half amazement at the vision before him.

Mum's hips were wide in portion to upper body but well balanced by a pair of full, round tit's that bounced softly in the light now flooding the hall. She had large nipples nestled atop pink areolas. Her lower belly was smooth with just a hint of 'pooch'. A large triangle of black pubic hair covered her pussy.

With a final tug she finally managed to pop the neck of the tee-shirt over her head and with it the towel wrap. Her damp hair, the exact same colour as the curly bush between her legs, burst forth and cascaded around her shoulders and into her face.

"Whew...shit!" she yelped, having almost suffocated herself. "Mark," she called, still not realizing the bathroom door stood wide open, "Here's your shirt. My dressing gown, please."

She gasped and froze as bundled shirt and towel she thrust forwarded didn't hit the hardwood door, but instead, smacked squarely into the softer flesh of my chest. With her free hand she pulled and hair from her eyes blinking and squinting from the light from the bath. As her eyes began to focus, I could see by the slow nodding motion of her head that she was taking my practically naked silhouette in. I could make out her lips mouthing the words, "Daaaaaamn."

"I'm sorry, Mum", I said.

"N-No, don't be" she stuttered, continuing to allow her eyes to examine my body. After a long pause she said, "Don't be sorry at all."

Dropping the shirt to her side, she suddenly realized that she was more exposed as I was and a flash of belated surprise caused her face to flush. "Oh, my god!," she gasped as she brought her arms up in a futile attempt at covering her shapely torso. Realizing that her modesty had come too late, she let the lump of clothes drop to the floor and stood up straight before me, throwing her arms out to her sides in a comical 'wassup' pose.

"Well, this is only fair," she reasoned with a grin, "So, what do you think of your old Mum, then."

I knew that she was trying to make the best of an awkward moment, but it was all too funny, yet, all too sexy a situation to pass up. I played along. "Mmmmmmmm,” I said looking her over, “Very nice, Mum".

Encouraged by my assessment, she pulled her shoulders back thrusting her tits forward and actually jiggled them at me. "What about these," she asked. "Alright for a thirty-sum' sum', Mother?"

Trying hard to act cool, I was secretly thrilled at how relaxed she was. Here was my mother allowing me to check her out and I could tell by her mischievous smile that she was enjoying it. Standing naked together in the hallway, all inhibitions had melted away and I didn't mind pouring it on.

"Nice titties, uh, I mean breasts...nice legs, too, mum" I gushed.

"So, you think your mother’s 'fine', huh?” she urged.

“Mum?” I gulped. This was beginning to cross into the fantasy zone.

“Come on, now. You’re a growing young man, I want to know if I have still ‘got’ it,” she continued.

"Oh, you have definitely...." I answered with an accompanying nod. “Definitely got it!.”

We laughed nervously together to ease the tension. But there was no denying her a definite physical reaction. Her nipples plumped up and jut out like little pencil erasers. Her eyes began to close into that dreamy look that I had seen earlier when I sampled her perfume.

"I can see that you mean it too, darling", she sighed as she again let her gaze wander down my smooth chest and to my crotch. My young cock had once again freed itself from my underpants was now poking out like a rabbit from its burrow. "My," she said with earnest. "I hadn't realized just how much you'd grown...up over the summer."

"Well", she continued in a sexy breathiness, "You might as well see the rest." Casting her arms further out in graceful ballerina pose, she spun to turn her back to me. Her shoulder blades jutted out from her long narrow back. Her arse had two little dimples just at the curve of her spine. Her magnificent cheeks were snow white, round, and luscious. I licked the drool that formed in the corner of my mouth and bit my lower lip to temper my heavy breathing.

"And?" she inquired.

I couldn't say a word. I was just stunned at her brazenness. I had fantasized about 'experienced' older women (Mum's freiends), but I never considered getting a lesson from my own mother. And here, without a care to how right or wrong it might have been, she was presenting me a piece of the finest flesh I had ever seen in my young life and she didn't seem to give a fuck about how I was reacting to it. If this was going to turn out to be more than an ‘anatomy lesson’, I wasn’t about to let the opportunity pass.

I didn’t want to waste time. If Mum wanted to get her body rocked I, as her obedient son, was more than ready to oblige. Jamming my thumbs into the sides of my shorts, I quickly pulled them to the floor and shuffled toward her. With my hard young cock leading the way, I moved in behind my mother and began slowly sliding my engorged prong up and down the crevice of her arse cleavage. Although it appeared firm, her behind was delightfully soft and pliant as my nuts slid into her arse. She shivered in delight as she instinctively lifted off the floor on her toes to adjust to the height difference of our burning crotches.

"Ooooo, I like that answer," she said. Leaning back into me she began to gyrate her arse cheeks against my groin.

“You want me to keep going, Mum?" I asked, still in disbelief of this incredible moment.

Peering at me over shoulder with her devilish-angelic eyes, "Oh yes, darling", she assured me. "I've been needing this for such a long time and now you're ready." She punctuated her assurance by thrusting her hips against mine and rolling them in rhythm.

We spent a few luxurious moments grinding against each other and basking in the intimacy of our body contact. Her hands crept up the wall, tensing and flexing as they went as I humped her unbelievable soft arse. I pressed against her back and rested my hands on top of hers. Once again I plunged my nose to her neck and nuzzled her ear. "Mmmm, Channel", I whispered. " Will you wear it all the time for me, Mum?”

“Yes, my darling,” she answered. Tilting her head back, we kissed. Our tongues slurping hungrily as our lips met.

I couldn't hold out any longer. Consumed with boiling lust, I was ready to bury my cock in her, but her bucking buttocks presented a moving target. I took one hand off the wall and grabbed a handful of cheek in attempt to slow her gyrations. As I clumsily poked and prodded in an attempt to split her fluffy bush she spun around to face me. She looked me straight in the eye with a familiar ‘mother-knows-best’ earnestness.

"Slow down, darling", she admonished me with a sly grin.

“Don’t worry,” she said soothingly. “Today you’ll have all the time to learn what makes a lady’s body feel good.”

Reaching into my crotch with both hands, she clasped my young cock and began to roll it between her palms. "So hard," she sighed in a faraway voice. "And so big and full, too! Half talking to it and half talking to me, she asked in a girlish but sexy voice, "Can mummy suck on her baby's willy"?

I smiled at her sweetness, but I was putty in her hands. She needed absolutely no permission.

"Yes, mummy," I said softly. "Please do it, Mum".

With a smile, she leaned forward and plunged her face into my crotch. Her wide, bright pink tongue flicked from her full lips as she luxuriously slathered the underside of my balls with saliva and made a soft snorting noise as she inhaled the scent between my legs.

"Goodness!" she smacked between licks. "I had [slurp!] almost forgotten [smack!] how delicious a cock and balls tasted [mmmmmm]!" She continued from my balls and proceeded to run her tongue along the thick veins of my shaft. Soon she made her way to my head but took extra time to send me through the ceiling by slurping and sliding her teeth around the sensitive crown before mercifully plopping it into her mouth.

Watching her cheeks expand and contract with the fullness of my flesh was my most erotic experience ever. Mum was sucking me was primal and experienced. She really knew how to suck. My balls twitched with her every moan as beads of perspiration formed on her forehead. Her tiny hands clutched my hard cock like a baby clasping a bottle as she bobbed her head back and forth. Lost in total ecstasy, her eyes closed and nostrils flared she lovingly took me in. Her throat constricted has she simultaneously swallowed droplets of my pre-cum and gulped for air. Although I had come less than fifteen minutes before, Mum’s adept tonguing soon brought me back to full throttle. My balls began to swell as I anticipated another gush of juice, this time not into a cold plumbing fixture, but into my mother’s eagerly awaiting mouth.

Agily, Mum squatted in a flat-footed crotch before me. Using only my dick for balance, her upper torso rocked back and forth into my crotch, her soft hair brushing my belly with each stroke. The skin encasing my balls stretched tightly as I lost my mind in anticipation of hosing down her burning throat with cum. Without losing her balance, she slid her hands from her grip on my penis and grasped my arse cheeks. Her head and face was now a blur as she brought me to my second climax of the morning.

“MMMuuummm!” I gasped. “Oh shit, I can’t hold it…I’m….gonna….cummmm!

A muffled squeal of delight escaped the sides of her lips and she pumped her head and shoulders in slower, but more forceful dips. I could see the impressions of her pupils roll up and back under her tightly shut eyelids as I busted a strong, draining nut into her jaws. My entire body shuddered uncontrollably as she greedily drank in my fluids. A single tear slid down her cheek as she gurgled and choked, but she managed to swallow every drop of what felt like a gallon of cream.

My knees began to sag and it seemed as if every ounce of strength in my body was being sucked out of me. Clutching my arse tightly, mum pulled me by my hips into her face as my dick began to deflate. She made moaning sounds as she savored the softness, swirling her tongue around it as it shrank between her fleshy lips. I had just shot a wad of cum into my own mother’s mouth. I stood motionless, hoping that the weirdness of the moment hadn’t affected Mum to the point of remorse. I was not to be that way at all.

Mum turned her head and leaned into my hips. With her eyes still shut she began to slather her face dreamily against my now limp young cock. “Oh, god,” she whispered hoarsely, “That was beautiful, darling. So beautiful.”

From her crouching position, she climbed my glistening, still heaving body and rested her arms around my neck. We stood there in the hallway, kissing each other sweetly as if we were long, lost lovers. I could still taste the saltyness of my own spunk on her lips.

“And now that we’ve become more than just ‘best friens’, my darling son,” she whispered. “It’s time we share the same bed. Would you like to move in to my bedroom with me, darling?”

“Yes, please Mum. I’d love to.” I answered. The thought excited me to the point that my young cock started to harden again!.

We broke our embrace and, we got dressed, ate a our breakfast, met at the door of what now was to become our own private love nest of erotic education.

“Wait until tonight, darling lover boy” she said as we embraced, fully clothed, for the first time as lovers. “Mummy’s got a special dessert planned just for the two of us.”

And for the first time in a long while, I thought of my father. “What a totally stupid mother-fucker he must have been to leave out on a woman like this.” I thought. She was something else, indeed.

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Last part of book lover. I’ve tried to do it justice and bring it to a satisfying conclusion. Hope it gives you pleasure, that’s what this is all about after all. Feel free to comment. ***** Faye recovered quickly from the surprise of being caught fucking her best friend by her future husband. Besides his expression wasn’t exactly one of disapproval. This could get very interesting and she could use it to her advantage. Jon had just watched the best porn he’d ever seen, that his fiancée and...

4 years ago
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Maybe Mom Should Do It TooChapter 3

The next two days were torture for Jennifer. Aghast at her own behavior, she had run to her bedroom and cried for what seemed like an eternity. It was only after she calmed down, showered and redressed that she could emerge from her room. The thing she dreaded most was seeing Ryan. She didn't know what she would do or say, how she would apologize, what he must think of her. Thankfully when Jennifer came downstairs, she found her son had gone out. Sitting at the kitchen table with a freshly...

2 years ago
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My first climax

My mother passed away when I was a p*****n. My dad, in a fit of misguided sincerity, determined that my brother and I, “…needed a mom!” Therefore, a year later he married the worst possible choice: this woman had already been married at least twice (maybe 3 times?) before Dad showed up and was widely considered to be the poster c***d for White Trailer Trash. Nice lady though. She had a daughter who was about a year older than I was, tall, slim, with a nice rack for her age but a little...

3 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 39

It was the week following Thanksgiving, and Marty and Kelly had been doing some shopping for their upcoming wedding. They had decided to be married before Christmas and would honeymoon on Maui over Christmas and New Year's. Although virtually the entire firm would be out there, too, it was the only place they wanted to go. After the five-man attack on them, the press and the TV stations gave a big play to the young women and their protective tigers. KNBC, of course, had the exclusive...

1 year ago
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BadDaddyPOV Kate Kennedy Blonde Beach Bimbo Wannabe

Sexy blonde teen Kate Kennedy spent the day shopping. She is excited to spend the summer on the beach being a total slut and showing off her hot young body to all the boys passing by. She struts back into the house ready to start her adventure. Kate Kennedy’s step father stops her and asks what she is up to. Kate sees this as a chance to see how enticing her new outfit is. She invites the man of the house into her bedroom to check out what she has in store for this summer. Kate Kennedy...

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BreedersChapter 3

Carolyn sat with frozen horror, her eyes glued to the small movie screen at the end of the long dining room table, her fingers white from clutching the edge of the thick wooden chair on which she sat. On the white-beaded screen not six feet from her eyes, she watched herself being ravished by a great golden dog whose terrible pointed penis dug holes in her body, plunging in and out, stretching the tender pink slit mercilessly. When the camera periodically zoomed in for a close-up, she could...

3 years ago
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Fractured SoulsChapter 1 Unwelcome Home

I seriously regretting sending Lee Vo away. Cleaning up the shitstorm of a mess she left behind was a lot harder to do than I expected. Too many mutes had witnessed what happened and there were fire trucks, ambulances, police, and even worse, the media. We would have been completely fucked if I hadn’t discovered how to throw large blanket commands. I basically rounded up everyone who had seen anything and made everyone else ignore anything unusual about the day. That caused its own problems....

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Carries Story

Carrie's Story by Marci Manseau Chapter One - In the Beginning My name is Charles Ankersby. Well, at least it used to be, and this is the story of my life. It tells the tale of how I came to be Carrie Miller. No, you're wrong. This isn't just another autobiography of a transsexual. I'm a transgerderist and, if you're not aware of it, that's a whole different thing. It's an almost true story. It happened just the way I'm going to tell it to you. I have changed some...

4 years ago
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The Bosss Sister

Everything in my professional life had been turning to pure gold.  I specialized in programming with archaic languages and was also very talented with the most modern languages and databases.  My clients all appreciated my ablity to transform their very old systems into and onto new, modern technology.  One of my current clients, a pharmaceutical, had allowed me over the six years I had worked there to go from twenty hours a week part time, to billing sixty to eighty hour weeks.That was where...

Love Stories
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Lake Cabin Part 20

INTRODUCTION My wife and I had taken a 7 to 9 day vacation in a cabin on a lake in the northern part of the state for the past 20 years. After last year’s vacation we discovered my wife had advanced cancer and she died a few months later. Before she died she had made me promise to go to the cabin at least 1 more time after she died. Sarah one of the housekeeping and restaurant staff for several years had thanked me for helping her over the past 5 years to improve her basketball game by...

2 years ago
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Hilda and Terry

My name is Terry.  I am a 35yr old male Nurse and I enjoy caring for the elderly.I am not a spectacular looking specimen.  I stand about 5”11” and I am a bit chubby, not too much though.  I have black hair and dark blue eyes, which are my outstanding feature. I am told I have a great smile and a good sense of humor. I had been working at the Nursing Home for a few months when I had an experience I will never forget. I am a fully trained Registered Nurse and have always enjoyed working with the...

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Shadi Suda Didi Ki Chudai

Mera naam main yaha paar nahi bataunga lekin main kolkata ka rehene wala hu mera age hain 20 years.Main aplogo ka jayada time nahi lunga main sidha point pe ata hu toh mera ghar main papa mummy bhaiya rehete hai ekdin mera uncle ki beti humare ghar main rehene aayi kyuki mera rishtedar ki ghar pe shadi thi.Mera papa business man hain aur mummy housewife aur bhaiya nokri karte hain toh papa aur bhaiya subha subha nikal jate the main mummy aur meri uncle ki beti rehete the ghar pe. Jab mera...

1 year ago
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locked in and hooded

I have been living with this older gentleman as his boy toy for a while now. I am basically at his beckon call for sex 24/7. He is very well off and I live comfortably. He would only let me leave the house wearing a full leather catsuit that he would lock to keep me from "straying" and I felt awkward out in public wearing this outfit so I hardly left the house anymore. I got in the habit of sneaking out by pulling on some running pants and a baggy hoodie but he caught me a few times and was...

3 years ago
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a South African dogging story

So having a week off work I decided to see if there was any action going on, there is not many spots to go dogging in Pretoria and I have been before to the 2 main ones without any luck but that was about to change, I had played golf at Monument and decided to take a trip via the Fort to see if anybody was there as luck would have it there was a car parked looking out over the valley, I pulled up a little way and noticed an older guy (about 65-70) leaning back looking like he was sleeping. I...

2 years ago
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Harry pays back the farmers wife

Harry pays back the farmer's wifeThe first thing Harry did then he had caught his employer, the farmer's wife, by surprise and had tied her to the fence, was to remove the painful fish hooks from his foreskin and carefully pull the eight nails from his tormented scrotum. The nails had sort of blended with the wood in which they had been hammered and were quite hard - and painful - to remove. He also unlocked the nose ring that had disfigured his face for weeks on end.It made a world of...

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The Undercover Slave

WESTHILL, ABERDEENSHIRE OUTSKIRTS OF ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND 1 MAY 2010The city of Aberdeen was one of the largest cities in Scotland, and the large community on the coast of the North Sea had a long and rich tradition of performing arts, something that translated to make the 2010 Aberdeen Renaissance Faire one of the greatest cultural expos in Scotland for the year. Thousands of volunteers from across the United Kingdom had helped effectively build from the bottom-up a recreation of a...

1 year ago
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Shaved and relaxed

Veronica rolled her shoulders in a vain attempt to ease some pain of the wide bra straps that were cutting into her skin, but no matter how hard she tried, the pain was always persistent and pervasive, especially at the end of a long hard day!!! Most woman would have given their eye teeth to have a chest like Veronica's, but even though most men and women would consider it the ultimate in femininity, Roni had a far different perspective on the matter!!! Yes, she was glad she was well endowed,...

2 years ago
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Parallelalities Take Two

Parallelalities - Take Two (Part 1 of Take 2) by Bill Hart With total disgust, Randy stared at his television. This was unbelievable. There was absolutely nothing worth watching on his new six-foot screen. Everything listed for the rest of the night was total crap or worse. And it wasn't just the six over-the-air networks airing such contemptible garbage. All two hundred channels on his newly expanded digital cable system were showing nothing he'd ever wanted to...

2 years ago
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First Experience Of Gigolo 8211 Part II

Hello ISS readers, this is Vijay from Chandigarh – The city beautiful. Main ek gigolo hu, ek professional gigolo, meri 24 yrs ka 5.8 height aur athletic body , dkhne mein average hu. Yeh meri true story hain jo main aaj aap logo ko bataunga aur meri life ka first exp bhi, aur yahi se meri gigolo banne ki shuruwat bhi hui. Dosto yeh meri frst story hain, jo main likh rha hu isliye age mujhse koi galti ho jae to apne is dost ko maaf kar dena aur job hi galti ho usko btana taaki main next time...

1 year ago
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A Mostly Unpleasant Surprise Part 4 Proper

A Mostly Unwelcome Surprise By Clove Hardwood [email protected] The following story is entirely a work of fiction. It has minor plot elements inspired by my own life, but my real-life partner, Ginger ( has been nothing but respectful to me throughout our open marriage. This story is, in fact, driven by my fantasies of what it would be like if she wasn’t. This is my first-ever adult...

4 years ago
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Hubby watching his wife being filled to overflowing with other men8217s cocks

I guess the best place to start any story is at the beginning. I meet my wife Jan when I was only sixteen and still a virgin. She was a year younger than me but despite her tender age she was already well experienced sexually, having lost her cherry two years before while only aged fourteen. So by the time we meet she had already had taken quite a few cocks up her In the early days I used to be very jealous of these earlier lovers… later I was to learn to love hearing all the juicy...

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I was new in the big city, a country boy through and through and it was the first time I had ever visited London for the sites rather than work, I was nervous just for the fact that I had never been anywhere like it and the place was so big, my town being one hundred houses tops, all of a sudden the bus I was waiting for pulled in and kicked me out of my daze, being the shy and gentle person I am let all the other tourists get on first and just out of the corner of my eye noticed the hair of a...

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Halloween with Mommy

Halloween with Mommy by Princess Panty Boy This is a story of a boy who gets a little surprise from his mommy for Halloween. I just turned 12 last week but I've always looked a lot younger. My brother is two years younger than me and he is way bigger than me. I used to boss him around me being the oldest, but we got into a fight and we were wrestling on floor in the family room. That's when things changed about me bossing him around. "Stop it Jimmy I don't want to play...

4 years ago
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Meine Fickstute

Wie der Zufall es will, so habe auch ich diese junge Verkäuferin kennengelernt. Schnell erkannte ich ihre Veranlagung. Sie steht auf schnellen Sex. Bereits bei unserem zweiten Treffen, habe ich sie auf der Herrentoilette abgefickt. Da sie auf ältere Herren steht, weicht sie mir seitdem nicht mehr von der Seite. Da sie ständig geil ist und ihre Löcher nach Füllmaterial lechzen, habe ich sie nach nur wenigen Wochen zu einer lasziven Dreilochstute eingeritten. In einem Pornokino habe ich...

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Woh Lamhe

Mandira and I had been seeing each other for several weeks and although we had kissed a lot she had not let me see her naked yet. She was 23 years old and still a virgin. But me being an extremely horny guy and being close to this gorgeous woman all the time was wreaking havoc on my nerves. I was trying to be patient and go slow but my cock was doing all the thinking for me, and he wanted her pussy badly. Mandira came over to my place for dinner and then we planned on watching a movie. At least...

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My Sisters Hands PT20

Well, I didn't have to wait very long. Two days later our parents announced that they were going to a business meeting Dad had on the west coast and that Marilyn and I would be staying home. Oh darn... I had just gotten my driver's license so it was my job to take Mom and Dad to the airport. "Take care of your sister," Dad said, " and no parties!" A little voice in my head said, "No problem!" When I got home Marilyn was out laying in a chaise by the pool. She was wearing a thong...

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The Shy Asian Beauty and the White Beast

They say that fiction is stranger than fact and herein lies the evidence. This is the first part of three of the tale that should never be told, the tale that should be consigned to the waste bin of discarded memories such is the intensity of emotion it evokes to this day. Pain, pleasure, lies and deceit of the highest order all played their parts. Yet the two main characters, those terrible twins of guilt and jealousy took the leading roles and ensured the tale of longevity when both of us...

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Irene Tamford drove slowly in the early morning sunlight towards the national park; her eyes scanned the road for hitchhikers as she always did at weekends. In the summer she was nearly always lucky, she felt a tense excitement it was always a thrill to pick up a young adolesent male and her plan seldom failed. Irene pulled up and a tall well built teenager put his rucksack in the back and climbed into the front seat. "Its mighty kind of you to stop I've about ten miles to go to the youth...

2 years ago
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Transformation of LindaChapter 11 The Initiation Continues

As Linda's mouth and tongue bore deeper into her open gash, Kathy's shuddering became a frantic, desperate bucking. Her rounded hips humped down into Linda's face and she shook as if having a fit.Linda could barely hear the moan rise in volume and pitch until it became a shrill wail of pleasure, total and abandoned. She hung suspended like that for long moments while Linda continued teasing at and toying with her tortured clit, unrelentingly driving her further and further in her orgasm....

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I wart ny sister

It all started when my sister moved back into my house. Her husband left her, so her and her daughter moved into my home, with my Mom brother and me.At first I was exited that she moved back in, she was 28, and I was 18. But then after a while my Mom gave her my room and I was stuck on the couch. But nevertheless we spend every second with each other. Weather it was hanging out at the mall, movies, or just at home. I started to develop a crush on her. When she went to work and I was home...

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The Elder Sister8217s Escapades 8211 Part 2

It was the wedding night. Everyone attending the wedding appeared to be enjoying the occasion. For them, it was a nice recreational event, a change from their usual monotonous schedule. From little children to the elderly, everyone seemed cheerful and happy except for one girl. Maneesha quietly sat at one corner of the nicely decorated wedding hall and was lost in her own thoughts. It was not that she didn’t want to spend some quality time on her cousin’s most special day. But the events of the...

4 years ago
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My First Step Into The World Of Sex

Hi everyone, this is my 1st story in Indian sex stories. My name is priyanka (I don’t care to use my real name), my bf’s used to call me sweety. I’m working in a MNC, bangalore. Fair complexion, 5’4 52kg with stats of 34-24-38. I like making friends and I easily mingle with anyone. This incident happened when I was in my 10th. I got a lot of freedom since my mom passed away when I was in my 6th. I used to hangout a lot with my friends. My dad never used to say dont do that, don’t do this and I...

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Saving Her Husbands JobChapter 3

Bob was halfway to the airport when he realized that he'd left a folder full of information that he would need on this trip on his desk at home. He looked at his watch and saw that he still had enough time to get home, get the papers, and still make it to the airport in time for his flight. He turned onto his street just in time to see Tina come down the front steps and get into a long black limo. What the hell is going on he thought as the limo pulled away from the curb and he followed, all...

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GangbangCreampie Raven Vice G340

The moment Raven has been waiting for is finally here!! She’s on the pedestal being straddled by the SIX COCKSMEN with two dicks in her mouth and a tongue on her pussy ready to go. You can tell she’s ready to get FUCKED and FILLED to the brim with creampies in her FIRST GANGBANG EVER. Redd is the first one to enter Raven’s sweet pussy. She starts creaming everywhere, we call that some “sweet frosting.” The action starts heating up as every cocksman wants a turn inside of her, all the while...

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renting you out

We had talked about it and now I thought you were ready for it, I was going to rent you out as a cum slut to whoever wanted to use you cpl’s, groups or singles who just wanted a slave for a day. The only rule was I would be around as you were abused and used as your protector just in case.We put an advert on the web site we used and it was only a matter of hours before the offers came flooding in. We both looked through them deciding which one we wanted fist and which sounded like the...

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Mission Impossible Chapter 8

Mission Impossible? Chapter 8 Amber lifted a slim leg to the little bench in front of her and unzipped the high-heeled boot that came past her knee to mid-thigh. She repeated the process and placed the sexy black vinyl cuissardes under her makeup table. She reached behind her and unbuttoned the sheer bodysuit, pushed it off her arms and down to her tiny waist. She hooked her thumbs on the material and pushed the form-fitting suit down her legs to the floor, leaving on her skin...

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 Tewkesbury Abbey

“How far away would you judge the Abbey to be from us?” I said. Captain Hutton took a moment estimating the distance before replying. “I think somewhere near a furlong, no more than two hundred and fifty yards at the most.” The Royal Progress had reached the ancient city of Tewkesbury, and acting on plans drawn up after the affair at Birmingham, all Loyal Addresses were now given in surroundings more secure than the middle of a crowded city. Hutton and I were in the spacious grounds...

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