Small Improvements free porn video

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Small Improvements It started gradually, so discreet at first, that I hardly noticed anything was changing. Just a simple comment on the state of my dry skin. "You know, you really ought to moisturise Jon. That skin around your forehead and nose is getting so dry. It really turns me off. I mean, if you leave it like that, in a few years you'll be like a prune." Judith was a new girl friend - we'd only been going out a few months, but I wanted to stay on her good side. After all, I'd been single for a year now. It was getting kind of boring, staying in most nights with the old DVD collection. "Okay," I remember saying to her. "I'll get one of those men's' moisturizers on the way home from work tonight." It was no big deal, right? Loads of men moisturize these days. "No, no. You'll get the wrong one," she answered with a knowing smile. "I know what you men are like. You'll either forget or you'll get the wrong sort. I'll pick it up for you." So, that night, there on my bedside cabinet was a large tub of moisturizer. I didn't recognise the make, but it sure wasn't any of the men's' ones from TV. Before going to bed that night, Judith made me sit in front of the mirror on her dresser and apply the moisturizer. She even gave me a lesson on the correct way to apply it. She handed me a pack of make-up removing cotton pads. "Not like you're washing your face," she laughed. "Like this. Small dabs, and rub it up your cheeks toward your eyes, otherwise you'll end up with wrinkles. Be gentle on your eyelids, they're very sensitive." Judith informed me that I'd now be applying this stuff to my face every morning and night. It was a bit of pain, but it did keep my face lovely and soft, and that night in bed she commented on how soft and attractive my skin was. It took a bit of getting used to, but after a week or so it became part of my daily routine, and soon Judith and I were fighting for the one stool that stood in front of her small dressing table. My skin became so soft on my face and I took to moisturizing my legs and chest and arms after a hot shower. Pretty soon the small tub of moisturizer was almost empty. I mentioned this to Judith one night before turning in, and she promised to get more in the morning. The next night when I got in from work and was getting undressed, I noticed a fresh, smaller tub sitting on the bedside cabinet. It was a different colour to the old one, and the cream itself wasn't white. More of a tan, skin colour. "Judith, this isn't the usual brand of moisturizer is it?" I shouted downstairs to her. "No," she answered. "It's a special one, just for the face. It's really expensive too, so only put a tiny bit on, and just first thing in a morning." "What about the rest of my body, though?" I sulked. I'd really got into this looking after my body thing. "I have some body butter there on the top shelf in the bathroom. It may smell a little girly, but we can't afford any more until pay day, Jon." Pay day was three whole weeks away, and money was tight, so after my shower I used the body butter. It did smell a bit girly, but it reminded me of Judith, and it did make my skin feel so much softer. That night Judith commented on how nice I smelled, and how it turned her on. We had the most amazing sex, and I resolved to forget the regular moisturizer even after pay day. The next morning I tried putting on the new moisturizer, but found that it left brown streaks. "Judith, this stuff sucks!" I moaned. Judith put down her eyeliner that she had been in the middle of applying in the bathroom mirror, and came over and sat next to me on the small stool. "It's these cheap make-up removal pads," she cursed. "That's the last time I'm buying them. Try one of my little sponges." "But they're for putting on make up," I moaned. "I know, but they're designed for this sort of thing. Just try it; it'll work so much better. I promise." I looked at the 'moisturizer' on the make-up sponge dubiously. "Are you sure this is moisturizer and not foundation?" I asked her. "Of course not," she snapped. "It's really expensive moisturizer. It just has a little tanning agent in it. To give your pale cheeks a little colour." She turned away, and I thought I saw her wipe a tear away from her face. "Judith?" I asked "Are you alright?" "It's just I work so hard trying to please you," she sobbed. "I try and help you, buying you expensive moisturizer, and you throw it back in my face." "I'm not throwing it back in your face," I promised, grabbing her around her waist and hugging her tight. "I'll wear it. I was only asking. If you say it's moisturizer, it's moisturizer." So I carefully applied the 'moisturizer', noticing the slight brown tint it gave my face, also hiding the small blemishes. At work, in the office, I was given a few odd looks, but some of the women smiled warmly at me, and seemed to notice me for the first time. Normally, I was the quiet one in the corner of the office; the one that no-one noticed. Now they were smiling at me, and talking to me. I silently realised that Judith had been right, this moisturizer was good stuff. I wasn't ever going to leave the house without it. That night however, Judith had another small improvement to make.... On the way home from work, whilst getting off the train, I felt a slight twinge in my lower back. All the way home I winced as I walked, noticing the pain with every step. Surely I was too young to suffer from back pain? My dad had always had back pain from an early age though. Maybe I'd suffer the same fate. When I got home, Judith was very pleased to see me. She commented on how nice my skin looked, now that I was using the new 'moisturizer'. She noticed, however, that I was moving slightly awkwardly, due to the pain in my back. "What have you done?" she asked, rubbing my back and kissing me on the lips. "I don't know, Jude, I must have just twisted the wrong way when I got off the train." "You need a back support!" she announced. "Ah, yes, I've seen those in all the health shops," I answered. "Big belt type things that fasten around your waist?" "Yes, that's right," said Judith with a small smile. "But since we're a little tight on the money this month, we can't afford one of those. Maybe on pay day." "We don't want my back to get any worse, do we?" I moaned. "Couldn't we stretch to one now?" "No!" she stated. "I've pored through the bills, and we barely have enough money to eat until pay day, never mind fork out for back supports. I have a good idea though. I do agree that we need to do something." With that statement, Judith went off up the stairs, leaving me in the hallway wondering what she had in mind. She returned a few minutes later holding her sexy PVC corset. "I can't wear that," I told her. "It's a woman's corset." "Jon, it does the same damned job. Let's face it, do you really care, as long as it helps your back? Do you want to make your back worse by NOT wearing it?" "No, but--" "So put it on!" She held it out to me and waited until I took it from her. I undid my shirt and dropped it to the floor. I then held the black corset in my hands and tried to fathom out how to put it on. "Here, let me help," she smiled. She pulled the corset around my waist and pulled the strings at the back so tight, I gasped. When it was fastened, I could barely breathe, and mentioned this to Judith. "Does your back feel better though?" I nodded. "Well then, forget about it, you'll get used to it. You didn't used to care when I wore it. It was just the same for me." "Yes, but you looked sexy in it," I blushed. She reached forward and caressed my PVC encased upper body. "You look sexy too. In fact let's go upstairs now, seeing you in that makes me horny." Sure enough, we went upstairs and had the most amazing sex. My wearing the corset definitely turned her on! Plus it really did help my bad back. I didn't see why I had to sleep in it though. "You'll need to wear it all the time, sweetie," she informed me. "That way it'll help your back more." The next morning, as I was getting ready for work, I realised that you could see the corset under my thin work shirt. Judith told me to wear a t-shirt, and sure enough this hid it well. After I had finished applying my 'moisturizer', Judith handed me a small business card. "I made you an appointment at the Hair salon in town for one o'clock. It's time we did something with those split ends of yours." "Oh, Judith, I've told you, I love my long hair, I've had it this way since I was a teenager." "You can keep your long hair," she ruffled my hair that I had tied into a long pony tail. "We just need to start looking after it. It looks very drab at the moment, we'll just give it a little trim." "Okay, what shall I ask for when I get there then?" "Oh, don't worry," she smiled. "I've a friend that works there. Just mention my name, and she'll know what to do. I had a little word with her yesterday. Just tell your work that you might be a little late back from lunch, that's all." I told my boss at work that I'd be taking a longer lunch that day. When she asked why, and I told her that I had an appointment at the hair salon, she looked at me a little strangely, but shrugged her shoulders. I found that moving about the office, bending down and stretching was a little harder wearing the corset. It forced me to keep my back straight at all times, almost like I'd been to deportment classes. In fact, one of the girls in the office, a pretty blonde named Becky, even offered to help me carry a heavy box of A4 paper from the store cupboard to the photocopier. When we both bent over at the same time, I felt my shirt ride up at the back, exposing the PVC of my corset. "Jon is that a women's corset you're wearing?" she asked with a smirk. "Yes," I said, matter-of-factly. "It's for my bad back. It helps lots." "It's very sexy." She reached over and felt the material, caressing my body. "It does feel nice," I admitted. Becky went off and carried on with her work, but pretty soon all the girls in the office were talking about my PVC corset. The few men in the office smirked every time they walked past, and one even winked at me and smiled as he passed my desk. I felt so embarrassed and decided to leave the corset at home tomorrow. At lunchtime I was pleased to get out of the office, and away from all the gossip about me. It was a short walk to the salon that Judith had picked out, and I arrived feeling slightly apprehensive about what she had planned. I gave the girl at reception the card and mentioned Judith's name. The girl smiled and whisked me off to the back to sit in one of the chairs facing a mirror. "Judith mentioned a trim," I said nervously, as the girl tied the cape around my neck. The girl said nothing, and left me there in the chair whilst she went off back to reception. A few minutes later, a tall redhead walked out of a door in the back, and smiled when she saw me. "Ah, Jon, Judith has told me SO much about you. I'm Elizabeth, and I understand that you need a bit of a makeover, eh?" "Err - n-no," I stuttered. "J-just a trim." "Okay," she nodded, taking my hair out of the pony tail, picking up a brush, and brushing my long brown hair out. Just wash and a trim." She spun the seat I was sitting on, and I whirled around until I was facing into the room, and couldn't see myself in the mirror. She commenced cutting my hair, just a few snips here, and a few there. After ten minutes she seemed happy and started applying this foul- smelling solution to my hair and wrapping it into small foil parcels. "What are they?" I asked, starting to get up from the seat. "I thought I was just getting a trim!" "You are, Jon, calm down, these just condition your hair a bit, give it life. You want to look good don't you?" I nodded, sat back down, and closed my eyes. When I awoke she asked me to stand, and we went to the sink where I sat in another chair and she washed my hair, dried it and started putting in these bendy foam-like bright pink strips. I asked what they were, but Elizabeth ignored me. My hair felt tight on my head when she had finished. I asked Elizabeth what she had done, but she just smiled and escorted me over to a drier. She plonked me in the seat, placed the drier over my head, gave me a 'Cosmo' magazine, and walked off. Half an hour later she returned. "Jon, whilst we're waiting have you thought about tidying up your eyebrows? Judith mentioned that they were a bit unruly, but I never thought that they were that bad." "I think that my eyebrows are fine," I said flatly. "Look," she said, producing a handful of photos of Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, and Keifer Sutherland. "See how their eyebrows are nice and neat?" I nodded. "Now look at yours." She held up a small mirror and sure enough my eyebrows were way unruly compared to theirs. I even had a bit of a mono-brow thing going on. "I see what you mean," I told her. "Would you be able to sort that out?" "Sure thing, you just stay there and I'll get the wax." "WAX?" I almost screeched. "Calm down, there's nothing to it. I'm a trained professional, honey." Elizabeth turned the drier off and had me lean back in the chair whilst she applied the sticky wax to my eyebrows. "Not all of the eyebrows," I blurted. "Just a little bit!" "Of course," she smiled. The wax felt lovely and hot when it went on. Elizabeth applied it so softly and gently. She then placed a small strip of something over the wax and waited for a while. Then BAM, she ripped it off, causing me the most unbelievable pain. I screamed and went to clutch my face, yet Elizabeth held my hand. "Wait, one more to go. You don't want to look like a freak with only one eyebrow done, do you?" "I don't care." I told her. "I just want that stuff off." "Okay," she smiled, and ripped the second strip off, taking the wax and part of my eyebrows with it. "There," she soothed. "All done. That wasn't so bad, was it?" I felt my face, tracing a thin line of eyebrow with my finger. "How much did you take?" I screeched. "They feel really thin." "Yes," she winced. "I did, didn't I? Never mind, we can cover that up with make up. Come over here and I'll finish your hair off." I went to sit in the chair that Elizabeth had turned away from the mirror. She immediately started taking out the bendy foam-like bright pink strips from my hair. When they were all out, and the tension was relieved from my head, Elizabeth took me to the styling chair and started combing it and twirling it. Some hair fell in front of my face and I was shocked to see it was curled. I closed my eyes, and despite the feeling of doom that was emerging in the pit of my stomach, just patiently waited for her to finish. Elizabeth emptied almost an entire can of hairspray on my head, tweaking my hair here and there, before she finally stepped back and proclaimed it finished. When she turned the chair around to face the mirror, I almost thought I was looking through a window at one of the women on the far side of the salon. I blinked and the woman in the mirror blinked. My eyebrows that had once been bushy and manly, were now a thin, feminine arch over each eye. My hair, where before it had been plain, brown and long, was now highlighted with blonde streaks and very curly. My hair and my eyebrows made me look like a woman. "Wh-what about the eyebrows?" I asked numbly staring at the attractive woman before me. "Ah, yes." Elizabeth reached over, and taking a small black pencil in one hand, pencilled in my eyebrows, making them stand out even more, and look even more feminine. "Here, you take this pencil with you." Elizabeth helped me stand, and I got my wallet out of my pocket, but she shook her head and told me that Judith had taken care of everything. She escorted me to the door and I stepped outside, smelling and looking very feminine. A man walking past even whistled at me. I had a sudden sinking feeling and realised that I had to go back to work. What was I going to say? The first thing that I did was get my phone out, and call Judith. "What's going on?" I practically shouted down the phone when she picked up. "My appointment at the salon turned into girly hour. You should see what she's done to me!" I detected a faint hint of laughter her end. "It's not funny!" I snapped, pushing the long, curly, blonde streaked hair from my face. "Sorry sweetie," she soothed. "I asked for Elizabeth, as she's the best. Wasn't she there? Didn't she give you the trim?" "Oh she was there alright. She gave me the trim like I asked for, but she also gave me a perm - a damned BIG perm. And blonde streaks." "I asked her to give you a surfer dude look. I thought that that would look sexy on you. If it looks too girly...well it'll always grow out in a few weeks. I can't wait to see. What is it you're so angry about?" "She did my eyebrows too!" "Whoa there, sweetie. I didn't mention anything about eyebrows. What exactly did she do to them?" Her voice was suddenly excited and eager to hear. "She showed me loads of pictures of film star men and how neat their eyebrows were. Then she showed me mine. I mean they were bushy." "Darling, you practically had a rain forest going on up there," she laughed. "Not any more!" I told her angrily. "She waxed them! Now I have the tiniest line that curves gently over each eye. What with the hair and the eyebrows I look like a woman! When I walked out of the salon, a man actually whistled at me!" My voice was getting higher and higher pitched. I felt tears coming, almost as if the hair style had made my emotions more womanly. "Sweetie, calm down, calm down. Don't go getting upset. I've some make up that can help with your eyes." "Oh, she gave me that!" I blurted. "An eyebrow pencil." "We can take care of your eyes, don't worry. Go back to work, and I'll see you tonight at home. I've got a few nice surprises for you." "I can't go back to work like this!" I almost screamed. "What will they think?" "Jon, you're having a bad hair day, nothing more. If they ask, just laugh and say the stupid blonde at the salon messed up. You have to go back to work, sweetie. We can't afford for you to miss a days pay. I promise I'll make you up to look perfect for tomorrow." "I don't know........." "Jon, it's 2.30 now. You only have 2 and a half hours to go. Just go back to work, and I'll see you at home. I Promise to make it up to you later!" So I found myself heading back to work. As I walked past show windows I found myself staring at my reflection, trying to tell if I looked like a surfer dude or a female model. Wearing the corset forced me to walk straighter and more upright. Part of my brain was silently screaming FEMALE MODEL! Would they believe me at work if I laughed it off and said the salon got it wrong? There was only one way to find out. At first no-one batted an eyelid when I got back to the office. I walked in through the door, went over to my desk and sat down without anyone even looking up from their computers or phones. However, just as I thought that I'd gotten away with it, one of the men in the office, Matt, walked past my desk. He glanced sideways at me, and did a double take. "Jon?" he gasped, stopping right by my desk. "Is that you Jon? Or should I say Joan?" "Yeah, it's me," I nodded with a smile, trying to act like it was no big deal. "Had a bit of an experience at the hair salon over lunch. Stupid woman mistook my instructions and I ended up with this." "What about your eyebrows?" he asked. "They look all...well - girly. Hey Becky!" he shouted across the office. "Jenny! Come see what Jon's done to himself. He's had a girly makeover!" Before I knew it, all of the girls in the office were crowded around my desk. They were all cooing over my hair and eyebrows. Becky put her hands through it, and also felt my eyebrows. "Oh, Jon I love your hair. I wish that I could wear mine like that. And your eyebrows are soooo feminine! What with the corset too! You're so daring. I didn't realise you went this way!" "I don't!" I almost screamed, standing up and running to the toilet, away from the stares and the laughs. In the quiet of the toilet I stood taking deep breaths and staring at my undoubtedly feminine refelection. I cursed my genes for making my face so soft and smooth to begin with. My dad always told me that he didn't need to start shaving until he was 30. Here I was 25 and no sign of stubble. At least if I could have grown a few days stubble, it would have shattered the feminine image. Then I remembered the eyebrow pencil. It was still in my pocket! I reached into my pocket and got out the pencil. I stared into the mirror and winced at the tiny line that curved around my eye. I took the pencil in my right hand and started very slowly highlighting the line. Just then, Matt came in the toilet. "Hey Jon, we were only messing with you - " He stopped mid-sentence when he saw me applying the make up. I stood still, frozen. My very act of applying the make up seemed to convict me. I could think of no defence quick enough. "Hey, man," he said. "I believed you before. I didn't realise you really were....Hey, if this is the way you want to be, it's cool with me. I'll make sure the others don't take it too far." "Matt, please, listen," I started to say. He patted me gently on the shoulder. "No, Jon, we're cool. But I'd apply that stuff in the ladies in future if I were you. Some of the other men aren't as .......... understandable as me." Before I could say any more he'd left, leaving me with the eyebrow pencil still clutched in my fingers. I looked from the pencil up at my eyebrow and saw that I'd made the tiniest mark on the eyebrow-hair line. I shrugged and scrubbed it off, and went back to the office. The others were gone from my desk when I returned. Matt smiled at me as I exited the toilet, and I suspected that he had been the one to say something. I smiled back gratefully and sat back down. Just then my boss, and older woman named Bess, walked by and stopped by my desk. She stared at me for a few seconds, shook her head and then walked off. The end of the day couldn't come soon enough. The walk home from the train station was interesting. Several times I was wolf-whistled by some mindless moron. I was pleased to finally get home and close the door behind me. "Jon!" Judith came running up to me and gave me the biggest hug. "Oh, Jon, I love your hair. It makes you look so much younger." She ran her hands through it and stood back to see it better. "It definitely makes you look like one of those surfer types. I like it." "You really think so?" I asked, looking at my reflection in the hall mirror, twirling from side to side. "I think I look more like .... well Lady Gaga." "That's the eyebrows, honey," she said fingering the tiny line. "A bit of eyebrow pencil will soon sort that out. Come look at what I bought you today." With that she dragged me into the lounge where several shopping bags sat. She pulled a black pair of trousers from one of the bags. "I know that your trousers don't really fit any more, what with having to wear that corset due to your bad back." I pulled on my waistband. "Yeah, they hang off me now. I was going to buy a belt or something." "There's no need, 'cause Judith's here," she smiled. "I bought you a few things that'll fit you a lot better. Here try them on." I pulled my large, baggy trousers down, and she handed me the ones she'd bought. She'd thoughtfully already undone the zip, so I pulled them straight on, noticing straight away that they were very, very tight. I had to force my legs downward to get them in, yet when they were in, I noticed that the very bottoms of the legs flared out. The back seemed to be pulled taut over my ass. "Where's the zip?" I asked. "It's not at the front." "No," she said. "These are the new style. They zip from the side." "You mean women's?" I asked. "They're so tight round my ass, and the material feels almost like black satin." "No, Jon, they're not women's," she sulked. "I looked all lunchtime for these. I went without my lunch to find these for you. They're the latest style, I promise you. Besides," she said. "I LOVE the way they hug your ass." She caressed my ass and fingered down between my cheeks. "I could practically rip them off right now," she growled. "Okay, okay," I smiled. "I'll wear them. What else did you get?" "This." She pulled from the bag a white shirt that was almost see- through. There seemed to be a lace trim on the front, and slight ruffles. I shrugged and put on the shirt, noticing that it too was very tight fitting. The ruffles at the front were lacy and definitely feminine. "Ooh, that looks divine on you," she cooed, running her fingers across my chest. "You've got to keep it on when we go out to dinner with Jemma and Nigel." "But you'll be able to see my corset!" "Everyone knows about it now anyway! There is no shame in having a bad back, Jon. When you explain the situation, with the lack of finances and having to make do they'll appreciate your ingenuity!" "I don't know..........." "Look, look," she said excitedly. Seemingly ignoring my pleas. "I bought you some shoes, as I know you were having trouble walking properly with your corset. These ones have a little heel on them to make you stand perfectly straight." When she got them out of the bag and opened the box, I almost fainted to see the shiny, patent-leather, women's shoes. There was indeed an inch heel on them. "Look, seriously, Judith, this has to stop. I'm not wearing those shoes. They're definitely women's. I'm a man, Judith, I can't wear them." "Come on, Jon," she said, kissing my ear and nibbling on the earlobe. "Just try them on for me. Please? You'll find that they make sure that you're walking perfectly to help your back." So I found myself slipping my shoes off and trying them on. They were slip-ons of course, and I could practically see my face in the patent- leather surface. "They're a bit tight, Judith," I moaned. "Ha, ha, ha, poor sweetie, that's because you have your socks on. You don't wear socks with this type of shoe." Sighing, I took off my socks and tried the left one on. "That feels really uncomfortable though, Jude," I moaned. "My skin rubs against the leather. I'll have a blister in no time." "Ah, yes," she said, as if just that second remembering something. She left the room hurriedly, leaving me there standing in the new trousers and shirt. I felt the tight fabric over my ass, caressing my cheeks. Maybe the trousers WERE a tad feminine, but they sure felt nice to wear. Much sexier than my plain old ones. Judith returned holding up 2 sheer, black stockings. "Here, you can borrow mine until I get you some of your own." "Some of my own?" I gasped. "Well you can't wear your normal socks with those shoes and trousers. These are the only ones that'll go. Here try them on." I sat down as Judith rolled the first stocking up and handed it to me. As I slid it over my foot and rolled it up my leg, I felt a shiver of excitement run up my spine. The cool, soft fabric felt sexy and smooth next to my skin. When I had the stocking all of the way up to my thigh, I stroked my leg, feeling my pants suddenly getting very tight. Judith stroked my leg too, and moaned in pleasure. "Do they excite you as much as they excite me?" she asked. I took the second stocking from her and rolled it up my other leg, getting more and more turned on. I pulled my trouser-legs down and slipped the shoes on. I stood up and immediately felt taller. I took the first step and felt a little uneasy. "Stand straight," she advised. "The way the corset is telling you to." I corrected my stance and sure enough I was standing perfectly. "Give em a try," Judith told me. "Give me a little fashion show. Pretend this is your runway, Supermodel!" I walked from one end of the room to the other, getting the feel of the small heel. Judith told me to step on the heel with my foot pointed straight. I corrected myself, and soon enough I was walking just fine in them. Judith was right, sure enough the shoes along with the corset, forced me to walk tall and straight. "Swing the hips slightly," she smiled. "That's it, work it girl, work it." I had some fun, swinging my hips the way that I'd seen the supermodels do on the catwalk. I felt sexy, and sure enough I was as hard as a rock down there. My pants were getting a little too tight. Judith took both of my hands and pulled me close. She kissed me hard on the mouth, thrusting her tongue into me. Her hands were all over me, caressing my body. "I love your new look," she sighed. "You're so sexy like that. These clothes just turn me on. I'm so wet for you." She pushed my head down, and I went to my knees before her. I pulled her skirt down and pulled her thong aside. Judith put her hands in my long, curly hair and thrust my face into her pussy. "Lick me," she ordered. "Make me cum." I thrust my tongue into her pussy and tasted the bitter-sweet juices. I gently licked up and down. "HARDER," she practically shouted. "Put your tongue inside me. Lick me out!" I thrust my tongue into her as far as it would go, and licked and sucked. Suddenly her body bucked and I felt her cum in my mouth. Her body went into spasms and her passion exploded. She screamed in pleasure and pulled my mouth further into her crotch, fucking my face. She kept my face there for a long time, until the spasms had subsided and her cum was running down my face. "My God, Jon," she sighed as she sat down on the sofa. "That was one of the most intense orgasms I've ever had. Those clothes, the hair, the stockings. They turn me on so much. That blou - I mean shirt is a bit ruined. You can't leave it on to go out tonight. We'll have to find something else for you to wear out." "Do you think that I could wear my jeans tonight?" I asked. "Just be a bit normal for tonight?" "I wouldn't mind," she said. "But that bad back of yours." She shook her head. "You have to leave that corset on, I mean it's for your own health, Jon. I have a pair of jeans you can borrow though. They'll fit your new, thinner waist." The 'jeans' though turned out to be a pair of black velvet, flared trousers that were just as tight around the ass as my new work trousers. Judith made me wear my new shoes and stockings with them. I, however, insisted on wearing one of my own, boring white, baggy shirts. It hid the corset underneath well. Judith started talking about doing up my hair, but I stood solid, refusing to budge on this one. "I'm tying it up, Judith. Just a plain old ponytail. After the day that I've had, people might even believe that I'm a man." Judith sulked, but I stood my ground, and soon, after I had applied more of my moisturizer. "Just to keep your skin looking healthy!" Judith insisted, we were ready to go out. Before leaving the house though, we stood looking in the mirror, side by side. She was wearing a long, thin blue pencil skirt with a revealing white, lacy top. Her straight black hair was combed out, straight down her back, and her eyes were made up dark and seductive. Her glossed red lips turned me on even before we'd left. "What about your eyebrows, Jon?" she asked. "Do you want me to see what I can do with them?" Staring at my highly feminine eyebrows, I realised that I still looked as feminine as this afternoon. "Yes, please, Judith. Nothing garish though. Just a little make up to make them not stand out as much." So she applied a little eyebrow pencil to my thin eyebrows, accentuating the arch if anything. "Oh, Jude, that's made things worse!" I moaned. "Okay, okay," she hissed, and put down the eyebrow pencil and picked up her liquid eyeliner. She then started applying it to my eye. "Whoa, what're you doing?" I asked. "Hold still, hold still," she said. "This is a bit tricky." I could feel her painting a line on my eye-line. When that was done she asked me to close my eyes and started doing the eyelid. "I thought I asked for just a little touch up on the eyebrow?" I asked. "Yeah, but they're so thin, it hardly helps at all." She had finished the first eye and stood back to admire her work. "This makes your eyes really stand out, Jon. It makes your eyebrows not seem as bad." She then started on the second eye, so I held still. When she had finished and stepped back, I looked in the mirror and gasped. My eyes were so beautiful. She had subtly lined both eyes, making them stand out indeed. Now the eyebrows didn't seem as bad. But was that only because the eyes themselves seemed so made up? "There, no-one would guess," she said, sounding satisfied. "Are you sure," I said, not sounding quite as satisfied. "Well what do you suggest?" she asked, sounding angry now. "What would you do to hide the eyebrows? Paint a black, garish line as wide as your old eyebrows?" "No, you're right. This will be fine." "I could always add a little mascara to make the lashes stand out a bit. That might help." "Go on then," I sighed. "Anything to help." So I remained still and opened my eye as she asked me to. She seemed to apply the mascara about three or four times on the same eye. She did the left first, then the right. Then she went back to the left, then back to the right. She continued in this way for about ten or fifteen minutes, until at last she was finished. When she stepped back she looked me in the face and beamed. "You look perfect, Jon." I stared into the mirror and batted my eyelashes, looking at the long, black curled lashes, along with the eyeliner. My eyes looked so feminine now. "I didn't realise you were going to put so much on. I thought it was going to be subtle. This looks too feminine. I look more of a woman than ever." "No you don't," she insisted. I think I'm gong to wash it off, Jude," I said, starting to head for the bathroom. Just then, however, there was the toot of a car horn. "That'll be the taxi," she said excitedly. "Come on." She dragged me from the house and to the waiting taxi. Feeling slightly sick and nervous about the night ahead I climbed into the back of the cab. "Where to, then ladies?" asked the driver. Judith beamed at me, clearly happy, and gave the driver the name of the bar we were going to. It was to be an interesting night. The bar was all the way on the other side of town, and it took the taxi about a half hour to get there. I sat in the back next to Judith, as nervous as if I were going on a first date. Judith had her big handbag with her and I asked to borrow her small compact which had a mirror. In the thin light given off from the overhead light in the back of the taxi I examined my eyes. "Are you sure they look okay?" I asked for the hundredth time, touching the corner of my painted eye with a dainty little finger. "Yes, Jo," for God's sake, Judith replied. "What do you mean, Jo?" I hissed in a whisper. "Well we can't call you Jon if he thinks you're a girl, can we?" she asked quietly, pointing to the taxi driver. "I don't care," I told her loudly. "My name's Jon, and tonight I'm going to be a man!" "With eyes like that? And hair like that? Really?" My heart sank and I looked at my reflection in the small mirror again, hardly able to look away from the beautifully made-up eyes. "Yes," I muttered resolutely. "With eyes like this." We sat and watched the city go by in silence. As the cab approached the bar my stomach turned over and over. "Did you tell Jemma and Nigel about my nightmare at the salon?" I asked, eyeing up the bright blue, neon light of the bar. "I mentioned that you had a new image," she smiled. "I didn't want to spoil the surprise for you." "Thanks," I muttered under my breath as Judith got her purse out and paid the taxi driver. As my new shoes touched the pavement I heard the heel click. I stepped away from the taxi and heard them click clack along, as if I had stilettos on. I stood in front of the bar, the bouncer on the door eyeing me up and down. Judith came from behind and grabbed my arm. "Come on, girlfriend, this is going to be a great night." Judith pulled me past the bouncer who leered at us. I felt his eyes burning into my back. We entered the noisy bar. "Jude, I mean it. I'm Jon tonight. Really!" She smiled back at me and nodded, absently surveying the crowd for our friends. "There they are!" she announced, dragging me over with her toward a table right in the middle of the bar. Jemma was sat with her back to us, her long platinum blonde hair splayed out across her back, but Nigel saw us approach, his eyes wide, and a slight smile on his lips. Judith walked up behind Jemma and grabbed her in a playful hug. "Got you," she laughed. Jemma turned and smiled before taking Judith into her arms. "Jude, Jude, how have you been. It feels like forever since we last got together." "I know," Judith complained. "All I ever do these days is work, work, work. We really should get out more, shouldn't we Jon?" Jemma seemed to see me for the first time, and her mouth opened half in shock. I thought that I saw Judith pinch Jemma's arm, before Jemma smiled and hugged me. "Jon, you look gorgeous. I love what you've done with you eyes, and your hair! It's nice to see that you've done something with that limp, lifeless hair, at long last." "Hey, Jon," Nigel said with a smile, clapping me on the back. "What's with the new image?" "Oh, I don't know. You get into a rut sometimes, you know. I fancied a change, but I think the blonde down the salon went a bit too far. All I asked for was a trim. She really messed my eyes up!" "You look good, Jon," Nigel said, looking me up and down. I couldn't tell if there was a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Nigel had always given me the creeps - there was something about him that I'd never liked. He was a big man who worked out (the complete opposite from me with my small frame), and I always felt intimidated around him. This feeling was intensified tonight, what with my new 'image', and to make things worse he had never seemed to like me. He was often quiet and moody, and had a very strange sense of humour, laughing at his own jokes. Jemma on the other hand was the complete opposite. She was very friendly and easy going. I cleared my throat and asked who wanted drinks. I asked Judith for a little cash, complaining that my new jeans didn't leave any room for a wallet." "That's handy," Nigel frowned, rolling his eyes. Judith handed me a bunch of notes and told me she'd have a large red wine. I took everyone's orders and made my way to the bar. It was crowded close to the bar and so I had to press in tight behind a couple of men to reach it. One of them looked over his shoulder at me and thrust his ass into my crotch. I winced and waved a 20 in the air and tried to catch the bartender's eye. I felt someone pressing up close behind me and turned to see Nigel. "I'll give you a hand with the drinks," he said in my ear over the din of the music that had just come on. I nodded and turned to see the bartender standing with his eyebrows raised. I gave him the order and waited while he poured the drinks. "So what's the real story behind the new image, Jon?" Nigel shouted into my ear. "I told you," I said honestly. "I asked for a trim." "So what's with the new trousers and women's shoes?" he smiled. "Oh, Judith picked me some new clothes out. I guess I'd been so long on my own, you know what it's like; you start to stagnate. She's just injected a little life into my wardrobe." "So you feel okay dressing like that?" he asked amazed. I liked the fact that my appearance had caught him off guard. Usually he was so smug and self-satisfied. So sure of himself. Why shouldn't I enjoy dressing a little crazily for a little while? What harm could it do? "I love it," I told him proudly. "I love the new me." Nigel seemed stunned. I handed him a couple of drinks and he walked off. I then paid the barman and took mine and Judith's over to the table. Judith and Jemma stopped chatting the second that I arrived. Nigel was smiling at what they'd just said, and looked like he was ready to laugh. "What's the joke?" I asked, sitting down carefully in the tight jeans, noticing that they rode high up my back, creasing into the cheeks of my butt. I felt the corset digging uncomfortably into my sides. "I was just telling Jemma that you'd make a nice waitress," Judith smiled, taking a small sip from her glass of red wine and then placing the glass down in the middle of the table. "Shaking your tush up there at the bar." "Those jeans are gorgeous, Jude," Jemma gushed. "Where did you find them?" Judith then went on to explain when and where she had found them to Jemma. Nigel took a swig from his Bud and leaned over close to me. "You look pretty hot there, Jon. Why don't you undo that shirt? Why, you've got it buttoned up right to the chin. You must be roasting." I remembered the corset I wore underneath and squirmed. Even if I undid the shirt a little way, everyone would be able to see the PVC corset that came up over my nonexistent breasts. The black, shiny material would stand out a mile. "No, I'm cool," I said, taking a sip from my own Bud and reaching over the table to place it carefully down on the polished wood. Judith was looking at Jemma and reached for her wine but caught the tall glass with her wrist. The glass toppled over and fell my way, the contents spilling all over my white shirt, right down the front. "Oh, thanks Jude, really!" I jumped up and brushed the shirt with my hand, realising that the white material was now soaked with red wine, ruining it. "Sorry, Jon. Sorry," she said, brushing the material with her own hand. "That'll come out with a little white wine." I stood there in front of them all. "No, it's ruined now. I may as well get a taxi, rush home and get changed." Jemma frowned. "We had a job to find one tonight. And we booked up hours ago. They're really busy tonight, considering it's Thursday." "Yeah," Nigel. "Fully booked. I can give em a try for you, if you want." I smiled. "Yes please, Nigel," I said gratefully, sitting down as the wet material started to turn slightly see-through, showing everyone what I was wearing underneath. Nigel walked away from the table and went outside to make the call. "Is that--?" asked Jemma, staring. I nodded. "I've had a terrible bad back, haven't I Judith? This was the only thing that we could find in an emergency." Judith nodded and whispered to Jemma. "He looks so HOT in it, Jemma. It's done wonders for our sex life." "Ooh, let's see, Jon," Jemma pleaded. "Please?" She batted her eyelids at me. "No, I don't want to look like a freak." "Are you kidding me?" she asked. "You look amazing as it is, what with the eye make-up and the hair. Come on, take off the shirt and get the corset out." Nigel came back to the table. "Sorry, Jon," he smiled sympathetically. "All the firms are fully booked until 11. I asked the guy on the door and he said Thursday is the new Friday. He said there'll be no cabs anywhere." My heart sank. "This bar is miles from our place. I'll have to sit here all night in a wet shirt." "Take it off," Jemma said. She turned to Nigel. "He's wearing a PVC corset. We think he should take it off. He'd pass as a woman, wouldn't he?" The question seemed loaded with double meaning. Nigel nodded and said "yes" straight away. "Sure you would, Jon. There's no need to ruin your night. Just run to the ladies and whip off the shirt." "See," Judith said pulling on my arm. "Come to with me to the ladies and I'll do something with your hair. We'll lose the shirt, and the night doesn't have to be ruined." "Yeah," agreed Nigel. "You said your wardrobe had started to stagnate. I thought you said that you LOVED the new you? Were you wrong?" That did it. Damn him. I stood up and pulled Judith with me. "Come one then," I said excitedly. "Let's do this." Judith stood up with a massive grin on her face and we headed to the ladies. Jemma stood up and came with us. "I'm not missing out on this. Nigel, we'll be back shortly." "Take all the time you need, ladies!" he called out loudly, over the noise of the music. In the toilets, I quickly took off the shirt and rolled it up into a ball. I placed it into one of the sinks but Jemma picked it up and threw it in the bin. "You'll never get those stains out now. You've left them too long. Whoo hoo!" she said, eyes practically popping out of her head. "You've got a pretty nice body, Jon." Judith placed a finger over Jemma's lips. "It's Jo, or Josephine." "Josey!" Jemma smiled, clapping her hands like a giddy schoolgirl. "Let's call her Josey." I sighed, looking into the mirror. "Okay, Josey it is." Judith took my hair out of the ponytail and started to back comb it, giving it more body (not that it needed any, what with the all the tight curls!). Jemma pulled a small can of hairspray out of her handbag and then sprayed my hair until it felt as hard as a rock. Judith got some blusher out of her bag and brushed it across my high cheekbones, creating a red glow. Meanwhile, Jemma applied lots of dark eye shadow in the line of my eye sockets and then applied silver on the eyelids and around the arch, near the eyebrows. Judith applied a dark red lip- liner around my lips and then told me to pout while she painted the lips a slightly lighter shade of red. I was told to blot my lips before Jemma painted lip gloss over them, finishing the look. I turned and looked in the mirror, gobsmacked. I looked HOT, and so damned sexy. My pants started to feel tight as my cock sprang to life. "Hey, he likes it, don't you, Josey?" Jemma asked, rubbing my pants. "This is fun - like dress up when we were girls, eh Judith?" Judith was staring at my reflection and I could see it from the look in her eyes that she wanted me. However, she bit her lip and seemed to have an idea. She reached for the blusher and then applied it to my chest above the corset, creating a shadow where my cleavage might be. When she'd finished it almost looked like I had real tits! "There, finished!" she announced. "Wow, you do look hot!" Jemma sighed. "I'm almost jealous!" "You'll be beating the guys off tonight," Judith said, feeling my ass. "You look sexier than any woman in here tonight." "I don't know about that!" I blushed. Jemma stroked my ass. "You're hot when you blush, Josey." I looked to my feet and felt embarrassed. I wasn't used to all of this attention. Normally I was the shy one in the corner all of the time. I wasn't sure how to handle it. Judith seemed to sense this and led me by the hand out of the toilets. I felt like everyone was staring at me, which in a way they were. Though the men, I sensed, were staring at me with lust in their eyes. The women were staring in envy. We sat back down at the table and Nigel didn't say a word. His mouth was open and he couldn't take his eyes off me. I took a long swig from my Bud and licked my lips, noticing that Jemma and Judith were smiling at each other. "This," Judith announced to Nigel, smiling. "Is Josey." "What are you smiling at?" I asked. "I was just thinking that you make a much more attractive woman than man," Judith said. "I'll second that!" Nigel said, raising his bottle in toast. "Seeing you like this turns me on so much," Judith moaned. I was a little embarrassed that she would talk this way in front of Jemma and Nigel. I glanced their way and shrugged. "It excites me too," I admitted. "I like the attention." "You should go to the bar again," Jemma said excitedly. "I bet you get served straight away." "Yes!" Judith agreed, her eyes lighting up. She handed me a couple of 20's and told me to get another round. "I don't know...." "Go on, Josey" smiled Nigel. "Those guys all thought that you were a chick anyway." "Really?" I asked excitedly. He nodded. "Really. They were staring at your ass when you walked away from the bar, undressing you with their eyes the whole way." I stood and asked if everyone wanted the same drinks. They nodded and so I approached the bar. The guys at the bar parted for me like magic. I got served straight away. Whilst the barman poured the drinks, a man to my left, a tall man with a tiny goatee ran his hand gently over my ass. "Hey, honey," he drawled in a drunken slur. "Is that your boyfriend over there?" The hand felt its way down the crack of my ass, the finger probing. "Yes!" I blurted nervously. "And he gets real jealous." The hand cupped one of my ass cheeks and started to squeeze. Who did this guy think he was? I turned and called to Nigel. "Hey, Nigel, honey," I shouted over the din of the music. "Would you give me a hand with these drinks?" Nigel came over with a smile on his face. "I was just telling this gentleman that you were my boyfriend." I put my arm around Nigel's neck and smiled at him, hoping desperately inside that he played along. I felt out of my depth here and needed his help. "Yes," he said, kissing me on the cheek. I felt the sharp bristles of his face and briefly smelled his powerful aftershave. "She's really something, eh guys?" Nigel pulled me close and kissed my forehead. "Hey, I'll pay for the drinks, honey." He handed the money to the barman and told me to take the drinks to the table. I carried my Bud and Judith's wine away from the bar, shaking my ass from side to side, aware of the rest of the guys at the bar watching me walk away. Back at the table, Judith and Jemma's eyes were on stalks. Jemma patted my leg. "You and Nigel," she gasped. "Way to go!" I blushed and smiled, watching Nigel as he walked over to us with the other drinks. The other guys at the bar were still watching me. Nigel came over, pulled his chair next to me and put his arm around me. "They were telling me," he told me, "what they'd like to do to you." I looked up, alarmed. Panic in my chest. Nigel squeezed my shoulder, his arm protectively around me. "Don't worry though, Josey. You're safe with me." And strangely, I DID feel safe with him. Whereas before I had always felt intimidated by his large frame, now it gave me comfort, knowing that he was there for me. I felt safe in his arms. A small part of my brain was telling me that this was wrong on some level, but when I saw the guys at the bar ogling me, I realised that this was a necessary evil. "You make a lovely couple," smiled Judith, putting her arm around Jemma. "Maybe Jemma and I are together tonight." I reached forward for my drink, but Nigel pointed out the glass that he'd brought from the bar for me. "Ladies," he pointed out, "don't drink from the bottle." I poured my Bud into the small glass and smiled as I drank; thinking that this night was getting weirder and weirder. After that drink, I begged the others to take me to another bar. The guy at the bar were creeping me out - especially the one with the goatee. The girls nodded, and we left the bar, Nigel with his arm around me as we walked past the guys at the bar. Outside, Jemma and Judith walked arm in arm ahead of us and Nigel walked with his arm still around me. I thought about saying something and shrugging his arm off, but felt a little weird about it. He was keeping me warm, too, I told myself. The next bar was more a club, what with a large dance floor. Inside, Nigel got the drinks again whereas Jemma, Judith and I went to the ladies. "I can't believe you and Nigel!" Jemma smiled. "He's never been that protective with me." "Sorry, Jemma," I said, checking out my make up in the large mirror. "It was just those guys in the bar, they were creeping me out. I was actually pleased when he put his arm around me - I felt so safe." Judith, who was touching up her lipstick, raised her eyebrows. "Come on, Jude," I implored. "It's nothing like that. It was just a friend looking after another friend." "You didn't see his hard on!" Jemma smiled, messing with my hair. "I think that he thinks it's more than friends." "But he's with you, Jemma," I said. "And he's a guy. There's no way it's gonna happen. Trust me. I'm with Judith and I love her." "Aw!" Judith pulled me into a big hug. "I love you, too, Josey. You might want to stop hugging Nigel though - he's getting the wrong idea. You let a guy put his arm around you, and he'll think that that gives him the green light, if you know what I mean!" I blushed as we headed back out into the club. Nigel handed out the drinks - all tequila shots. We girls downed ours simultaneously, and headed out onto the dance floor. Nigel came with us and seemed to stick by me. We danced for about four songs, but then the DJ put a slower one on, so we headed off the dance floor. Nigel tried to get me to dance with him, but I shrugged his hand off and pointed to where Jemma and Judith had headed to the bar. Jemma bought us more tequila shots followed by a small, vodka, bottled thing. Judith and Jemma had theirs straight from the bottle, but took great amusement in pouring mine into a girly cocktail glass. We stood at the bar drinking for a while, having a real good time, laughing and joking. I was finally starting to relax as a woman, trying to ignore the lustful stares from a lot of the men. One man - a young guy in his early twenties -approached me and asked if I wanted to dance. I politely shook my head and told him no thanks. As he walked away, Jemma laughed that I was blushing again. Another guy tried to buy me a drink, but again I politely declined. Judith laughed that I'd had more hits that night than either her or Jemma. I smiled and felt secretly proud of myself. Then Matt from work was there. "Hi," he said eyeing up Nigel behind me. "You look great Joan," he smiled. "It's Josey, or Josephine," Judith smiled. "This is Matt," I told everyone. "I work with him." "Matt," Judith said, holding onto my arm. "How do you like Josey's new image?" "It came as a bit of as shock, I've got to tell you, when he - she - came back from lunch like it. But now," he looked me up and down and nodded. "It just gets better and better. I can't see a lot of the guys in the office getting a lot done tomorrow if you turn up like that." "Well, I don't know about--" "Oh, it won't be as slutty as this," Judith said. "But you bet she'll be a knockout." "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow," he smiled, kissing me on the cheek before walking away. For the umpteenth time that night I blushed. I downed my drink and asked Judith for more money for another. The rest of the night went in a blur. I awoke to a slight hangover, my mouth as dry as sticks, lying with my arm over Judith. I got up slowly, so as not to wake her, and went to the bathroom to pee. I stood at the toilet staring at my bedraggled reflection, noticing a big hicky/lovebite on my neck. "Ugh, how did that get there?" "What's that love?" asked Judith coming up behind me and hugging me, staring at our reflections. "This!" I pointed to the big red/ brown patch on my neck. I finished peeing and let Judith use the toilet. "Ah, that was Nigel," she smiled sitting down. "Wha...." She patted my leg. "Only joking, Jo, only joking. That was me last night. Can't you remember?" I thought about correcting her. I was Jon here at home, not Jo or Josey. However, images from last night filtered into my consciousness. I remembered getting home and Judith tearing my clothes off - corset included. I remembered her drunkenly telling me that she'd always fancied having a lesbian affair, before we'd collapsed into bed and had passionate sex. At some point she'd obviously gotten carried away and sucked a little too hard on my neck. "Do you think we can cover it with make up?" I asked, staring in the mirror, wiping off the lipstick from last night. Judith stood up from the toilet and started washing her face. "Probably not. I've a scarf you can wear - it's one of those really thin, feminine ones. That'll keep it covered up." My stomach turned over and over, remembering the events from last night. Seeing Matt from work. Telling him I'd be coming to work as Josey, or Josephine. Nigel's amorous attention. "Nigel was a bit out of order, wasn't he?" I asked Judith who was now cleaning her teeth. "Coming on to me when his girlfriend was there." Judith nodded. "I can't see them lasting." "It was a lot more fun, just the three of us," I said with a smile, remembering the fun we'd had. "You weren't complaining in that bar," Judith pointed out. "All those guys hitting on you." I shrugged, picking up my toothbrush and putting a thin line of toothpaste on it. "Nigel did make me feel safe," I smiled. "But I'd never go there, I mean come on, Jude. You know there's only you. I'm not...." "It's okay to have fun, Josey. I know you love me, that's the most important thing. Seeing this side of you has made me love you even more - if such a thing were possible. Now hurry up we have a lot to do to get you ready for work." I quickly finished my ablutions and went back to the bedroom where Judith had lain out my clothes for the day. Whereas she'd planned for me to wear the frilly shirt that she'd bought me, she smiled that that was dirty now - covered in her cum. So she had laid one of her ladies suits, complete with long skirt. "Jude," I started to complain. "Jo, come on, you promised me," she said with sad eyes. "Don't you remember the last thing you said to me before we went to sleep last night?" Suddenly it came back to me. "I promise I'll go to work in whatever you put on me." "Precisely!" Judith beamed, holding up a white bra. We'll give the corset a miss today - see how you get on without it" I stood staring at the bra for a second. "But I don't have anything to fill a bra," I muttered. "Don't worry; I'll sort that out today." Judith pulled the bra over my arms and started to fasten it at the back. When it was in place she then had me step into the small white thong. I put on the white blouse that seemed awfully tight and very see-through, and started buttoning it up as Judith was holding the black skirt out for me to step into. I tucked the blouse into the skirt and caught my reflection in Judith's dressing table mirror, noticing that the bra was clearly visible through the thin material. Judith rolled the stockings up in her hands, examining them closely. "It's a miracle that these are not damaged. We'll get you some pantyhose-tights, today. Can't go on wearing these. They'll do for today though." She handed them to me and I rolled them onto my legs, taking pleasure in the cool material as it covered my skin. Next she had me sit at her dresser as she applied the 'moisturizer' first, giving an even colour on my face. She then applied a little subtle eye shadow, black liquid eyeliner, and lots of mascara. She then brushed a little bronzer on my cheeks and finally handed me the faded pink lipstick. "You need to start doing this yourself," she told me. I pursed my lips and applied the lipstick evenly, my cock getting hard as I applied it. Judith held out a sheet of tissue. "Blot," she told me, and I blotted my lips on the paper. "As you're Josey now, I'm giving you this handbag," she told me, handing me one of her black handbags. "Keep your purse, keys, make up, phone in here - basically everything." She loaded my handbag with a few make up essentials and even packed in a small compact. I put on my jacket and put the handbag over my shoulder as Judith brushed my hair out and styled it so it flowed down over my back, though still heavily curled and feminine. Finally, she tied a pink, diaphanous scarf around my neck in a little bow. She kissed me goodbye at the door and sprayed me with perfume before I click-clacked my way down the street toward the train station, my stomach turning over and over. At the train station I bought a Latte and sipped it on the train, trying to quell the feeling of sickness that had nothing to do with the hangover I was suffering. Several times I got my little compact out and stared at my reflection, amazed at how feminine I looked. A rough- looking man wearing soiled boots and ripped denim jeans ogled me all the way to my stop. I hurried gladly off the train when it arrived at my station, taking small mincing steps in my long skirt. I carried the handbag in the crook of my arm, my forearm and hand sticking out at the waist at a right angle. As I walked I sort of waved it slightly from the left to right as I had seen women do. I arrived a few minutes early to the office and sat down at my desk, plonking the handbag next to my computer. "Jon?" I turned and saw my boss, Bess, standing staring at me. She didn't look happy. "Erm, I'm c-calling m-myself Jo, Josey, or Josephine," I stammered. "Okay, Josey," she sighed, nodding her head. "I'll go along. We're an equal opportunities employer here. However, down here in the main office, as you know, is where we sometimes bring our best clients. And to make the best impression, to win the best contracts, we can't have a CROSS-DRESSER down here. We're going to have to move you." Becky, one of the girls from the office who had teased me about my hair-do was walking by and she frowned. "You can't tell, Bess," she smiled. "I think Josey looks great." "Be that as it may," Bess frowned. "I'm afraid that you'll have to move upstairs with the other data entry clerks." "Data entry!" I gasped. "But that involves being on the phone all day, typing the orders and stuff. That's not my normal routine. I work down here with Becky and Matt, working on the important financials." Bess, however, was shaking her head. "Not any more you don't. Not like this." She picked up my handbag and handed it to me, pointing to the stairs that led to the data entry floor. Reluctantly I got up from the chair and took my handbag. I followed Bess up the stairs and onto the next floor where there were hundreds of tiny cubicles full of young women, talking away on their headsets and click-clacking away on their keyboards. Some of them paused in the middle of their conversations and chatted excitedly with one another, pointing at me, some smiling and even laughing. Bess sat me down at a tiny workstation and handed me a handful of passwords that would get me onto the company system. There was also a sheet of script that I'd be expected to stick to. She then handed me the headset and I put it on. "You'll be expected to take and enter twenty orders an hour." "But I wasn't hired for my typing skills," I moaned. "There is loads of data entry for just one order. I'll never be able to keep up." "There's always another young girl waiting to take your job if you don't want it." I thought of Judith and nodded. I turned my computer on and took in a deep breath. It took me five minutes to log on and power up the in- house system. A couple of minutes later I was receiving my first call. Bess watched me as I took it. "Belfra Systems, can I take your order?" As the customer gave me their details I clumsily entered the details on the keyboard. After about fifteen minutes the caller rang off, the order complete. "Nowhere near good enough," Bess moaned, pressing a button that stopped the next caller getting through to me. "As you know, all of our operators here are female. Belfra Systems advertises proudly that we have all-female, friendly operators. Your voice must sound female in every way in order to keep this job." But, Bess--" "You insist on this charade, very well, I'll play along. But if you're not up to speed with the typing, and sounding as female as the others by the e

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The house looked so old and creepy compared to the pictures I had seen, someone must have got it on a good day, and extremely good day. Oh well, I was meeting the owner and estate agent, I pushed myself through the rusted gate which howled as an animal in pain. I cringed at the noise but saw the porch light come on and two shadows appeared. I walked towards them, gripping the edge of my skirt, making sure I wasn’t going to flash to them. Stepping up the wooden steps a hand met mine. “Miss...

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Home Improvements

It was still dark outside when Joan rolled over and looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand. 5:30. Mark had at least 30 minutes before he had to get out of bed and get ready for work. Maybe she thought, just maybe she could interest him in an early morning fuck. She remembered that when they were first married he would make love almost every morning, but for the past few years his passion had cooled and he always seemed preoccupied with his work. Well, no harm in trying she thought. She...

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Smalltalking the second chapter

It’s a weird sort of thing where it seems like it makes sense to be as obstructive as possible, taking all the bad things out of a child’s life and keep all of the good things, but realizing that it comes at the risk of stunting your child’s social and personal development. With that said, I am actually twenty. And my mom is almost fourty. Her parents had raised her with the belief that one day she would become an adult, but that this day was not today. So it was a mix of her being...

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I never thought that something like this would even happen. I mean – there are some cheesy, unbelievable romance novels and sitcoms that have some pretty “wacky” situations. But I have never actually heard of or seen anything like the situation I am in right now. I don’t know where to start. So I’ll just start from where my head is at right now. “Aww, Liny, you know you can tell me anything.” my mother said, after a long minute of silence. I had told her that I wanted to tell her...

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(The Ace of Spades after Zatanna Leaves) John watched as Zatanna left, he had sensed her use of Magic a long ways off, he knew she had the potential to help him return to Heaven to save his Family from the Rebels. But she needed to unlock her latent Potential, so he would try to help her in that. She was also very attractive, she reminded him Lucy, before she died. Using his Angelic Powers to Transfigure himself into a Guy wearing a Tuxedo, a White Tuxedo, he went off in search of the...

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(pardon the shortness. This is a set up chapter. I will add to it as soon as it accepted.) Smallville was a silent sleepy town town. Well silent accept for the mutant outbreak. An Asteroid was heading toward smallville again. It was an asteroid of red krytonite. The same thing that made Clark evil. This was differnt. This affect humans as well as aliens. Worst let it gave the humans powers similar to Clark kent It crashed in the a forest by the river. The rocks scattered in across the forest....

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Smallville Strip

The game had nearly not happened, when it was time to begin the group had realized that no one had even brought cards. Luckily after a quick look Lois had found the carefully hidden game box. Inside they found several board games. Strip monopoly, strip life, and strip conquest didn?t sound right so they eventually decided on strip phase ten, the only other game the Kent?s had. Lana surprised everybody except Chloe when she handed Lois a pack of erotic scenario cards. When asked why she had them...

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Smallville Clark loses his memory

It was a nice day in the town of Smallville, Kansas and a boy was stirring in his bed, in a farm. His name is Clark Kent. He would later become superman. Clark wakes up and can't remember who he is or more importantly what his powers are and must start all over. He wakes up and hears " Clark it's time for breakfast" being yelled outside. Should you go and see who it is?

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Smallgasm The dicklette cums again Small Penis H

So, Saturday came and went. Nothing happened, and for virtually a whole month we have had work, visitors and general life go mad. During this whole time I had not cum, any time where I could normally be alone for a wank, my wife would be with me. Or time was pressing, or a hundred other things that simply just got in the way.I had promised myself that I would only be honest with these stories, and make nothing up. So, it has had to wait this long before I can write again, sorry for that -...

1 year ago
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Want to see tiny porn at Exxxtra Small? The term “spinner” has become increasingly popular in the last few years. For those of you whom are unfamiliar, a spinner is a term of endearment used to describe extremely petite girls—tiny girls who you would love to fuck. Why are they called spinners, you ask? Well, that’s easy. Because of the fact that these girls are so small that one could, conceivably, sit them on his hard dick and spin her ‘round and ‘round like a top. Although really small girls...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
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Reddit Dirty Small, aka r/DirtySmall! You may not be a pedophile, but there are few better pleasures in life than being able to pound away at a sweet 18-year old girl who's just begging to feel all of you, deep inside her. Hell, there are even plenty of billionaires who pay top dollar to be able to bang away at barely legal (and probably even underage) cute teen girls on sex resort islands - think Bill Clinton and Jeffery Epstein.You may not have been able to get with the girls in your high...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit XSmallGirls, aka r/XSmallGirls! I feel like such a pervert just checking out this sub. Yo, fuck that, these petite girls had it coming, and I’m about to be cumming to their nude pics for as long as I want! That’s right, today we’re talking about the /r/xsmallgirls community where small babes reign supreme as opposed to other subs where you usually see busty sluts with huge jugs. Here, as the community eloquently states in the description of /r/xsmallgirls, it’s a place where you can see...

Reddit NSFW List
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Smallest Cage Now Too Large

I have not used my boy’s cock in over four years after it was superseded by his tongue and, if I wanted penetration, a strap-on silicone dildo. As I had no use for it anymore and I didn’t want him playing with it because I wanted 100% of his sexual energy directed at my sexual pleasure, I locked it up full-time in a chastity cage to put it out of bounds. I also used quite severe spikes for many months to dissuade any erection attempts. Over the months and years, I have decreased the cage size...

3 years ago
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Smallest cock shes ever seen And a prematu

So I was working the night shift at the hotel (which I normally hate doing!) and in come a couple of very pretty 18 year old girls who had been out in town. One of them went straight upstairs to bed, but the other one decided to stay and chat for a while. I could immediately tell that she was both interested in me and very horny, so when I said I was going outside for a smoke, she asked if she could join me. When we got outside, she made it very clear that she wanted to have some fun and...

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Body ImprovementsThe rarely seen Body Swap episode of Home Improvement

Body Improvements - The rarely seen Body Swap episode of Home Improvement By Caleb Jones & Eric ___ Chapter One - More Power Invention week on Tool Time was just a few weeks away and Tim had built one of his wacky high-powered inventions from a used C.A.T. Scan machine and other miscellaneous used equipment he picked at a sale. Tim was hoping to develop a super C.A.T. Scan which could totally analyze the human body even on an atomic level and pinpoint any problems...

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Dannys Dick Part 2 Some Improvement

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Earths CoreChapter 13 Profound Improvement

The young maid led Zax to the manor's greenhouse. Two figures, Zetsa and Mrs. Edomachi, sat beside the glass table with cold drinks and sweets and had a pleasant chat. The two women, one B level Mist User, the other, E level Mist User, sensed Zax and the young maid long before they arrived and were ready to meet them. "Nura, offer our young guest refreshment and bring a tray of peeled fruits". Mrs. Edomachi requested and the young maid, Nura, nodded her head obediently and left to the...

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Small Opposites Part One

He stood there by the poolside, naked and dripping, his thirty-five year old shaved smooth cock sticking out in front of his body pointing to his hotel room just across the way. There was no one around the pool, but he was hoping tenants saw him. They would mainly see him anyway. He was almost certain nobody would pay attention to his small erection. It had always been unnoticeable.He walked over to the chair, his erection shaking as he walked, and grabbed the towel he had placed in the seat...

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Small Opposites Part Three The Finale

He did not even have to guide his small erection into her tiny opening by hand. His aim was perfect and he felt the head of his hardness slowly pierce her pink cavity. He felt the warmth on the head as it sunk into soft suppleness. She sighed heavily as she felt the tip inside her opening as well. He did not go all the way inside her yet. He took one of his hands and began caressing her hard right nipple, all the while letting the head of his small erection linger just inside her vaginal...

Straight Sex
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Grade Improvement

Grade ImprovementBy: Londebaaz Chohan “Both of you are the Star players of the college Tennis team, both of you are rooming together in the dormitory room and both of you are failing in my class”. Luigi and Paul did listen the loud and clear voice of the Mathematics Professor, who saw them leaving the department premises but gestured them to get back to his office. “Bolt the door behind you”. He ordered. Luigi jumped to obey and then turned to face Prof. Shah who had taken a seat by now behind...

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Horsewoman Felicity gets her seat improved

My English tutor at university recently asked me to describe myself as if talking to a complete stranger. This is what I said:My name is Felicity Benson-Smith and I am almost 20 years old and studying English and Media Studies.Daddy owns a huge country estate and is extremely wealthy and is a financier whilst Mummy looks after things whilst he is away, which is very often.I am very slim and stand little more than five feet tall, even in my highest designer heels and I am the perfect Versace...

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Every now and then in the summer, rather than go to the local beach near the city I’ll hop in my car and drive the hundred kilometres or so over the mountains and spend the day on the beach of a large lake by a small out-of-the-way village. It’s just a change of pace. Something that, for all of us, is occasionally needed in life to help recharge the batteries. There are a few small beaches, all of them sandy, near the village and unless it’s a long weekend they’re usually pretty empty and this...

3 years ago
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Every now and then in the summer, rather than go to the local beach near the city I’ll hop in my car and drive the hundred kilometres or so over the mountains and spend the day on the beach of a large lake by a small out-of-the-way village. It’s just a change of pace. Something that, for all of us, is occasionally needed in life to help recharge the batteries. There are a few small beaches, all of them sandy, near the village and unless it’s a long weekend they’re usually pretty empty and this...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Small Tiny penisdick fucks another pussy with hi

“The writing was all over the wall”. My wife and I kept telling ourselves. We wanted to have sex with Irene for the longest time. It eventually happened. Well, it was really awe inspiring at first and somehow anti-climactic at first but it was well worth the wait. I guess I can say that both women are too much for my 3.5 inch cock.We were in the rockies for a winter holiday last December.To cut the chase short, Irene was onboard with the whole threesome idea. It turns out that it was harder to...

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Small World Isnt It

Struggling in vain against the two garish clowns that hold his arms Jerry Youngblood finds himself being dragged though a dark a place past vats filled with something heaving and unwholesome, the clowns make not a sound as they are joined by two other shadowy figures, a tall woman in a ringmaster costume, and an even taller glowering brute in a red & while shirt stripped just like the dimly seen roof of the circus tent he seems to be in, the two new ones grab his feet and host him...

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Small Town Girls

Two girls, Christa and Sara, decided to spent Christmas at Holiday’s Inn in small mountain town of Brucksberry. They have other school friends to meet there. Both just recently turned eighteen and parents reluctantly allowed them to drive there along in Christa’s new red convertible. “But beware of snow and ice on a roads, it can be nasty in the mountains, told them Sara’s father. Stay on the main road and make sure you have shovel and good pair of warm coats and boots with you. ” “Don’t worry,...

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Small Town Life

At 17 I was happy to be done with high school for the year. Farm life wasn't for me, so my father had helped me find a job with Mr. Green. After years helping on the farm I was fairly strong and able to handle the heavy lifting at Green's. I was 5-10, muscular, sandy blonde hair and gray eyes. Life in a small town has its advantages, but then there was the downside. By luck of the draw Doylesville didn't have many teen girls in my age range. Our small local school was mostly farm boys. So,...

3 years ago
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Small Tight Ready

Author's info: Gender: Male Age: Secret Location: Las Vegas Introduction: My teenage step-sister invites a horny young friend over. Patty Pyle is thirteen and stands around 4'9" tall and weighs about 90 lbs. She has brown eyes and brown hair with small but firm a-cup tits. Her small nipples were usually hard and showing through her top, even when she has a bra on. She was very computer savvy and loved going online to ‘those’ websites that she’d discovered bookmarked on her...

4 years ago
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Small compensations

Small compensations The news spread all over Italy in seconds. Miss Natalia Firenze, the famousjudge in the case against Mafia Boss Mario Botto, El signore, was dead. Themedia immediately suspected his hand behind her accident. Only three days beforeher death, a commando of 40 armed men had rescued their boss assaulting thejail, leaving behind them 17 death guards and more the one hundred injured. The connection seemed clear. But Botto was the first surprised, he was sosurprised he offered 5...

1 year ago
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Small Town Girl Turns into exhibitionist

*** 1. CUMBUCKET WANTS TO DRESS LIKE A SLUT IN PUBLIC; When Cumbucket and I moved from a small town of 500 to a city of a million people I never ever thought Cumbucket would turn into a cum hungry slut . Cumbucket she’s a nice girl inside and out but when she gets into the position of bending over or spreading her leg’s her pussy start dribbling. I love having a quick hard fuck for my pleasure not hers just dump my load inside her right before we go shopping. Then quickly pulling her always too...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Small Tight and Ready part 1 rewrite

Kimmy Pfile is 13 and stands around 4'9" tall and weighs about 90 lbs. with brown eyes and brown hair with small but firm 30B tits. She was getting packed to go over to her friends house for a sleep over, but all she could think about was her friends older step brother, Curtis, He's 14 and stands 5'9, weighing around 120 lbs. with dark brown eyes and dark hair. Then she thought to herself 'maybe I can try and seduce him.' With a wide eyed expression she quickly ran upstairs to her...

2 years ago
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Small-steps The first time I saw them in my drawer, I was puzzled and held them up. They were a plain white pair of women's underwear. A cotton bikini style by Jockey which had been worn before but I couldn't tell if they were my wife's or a pair of my step-daughter. In any case, they did look a little like the male briefs I normally wore. Mine of course were cut for a man, with a kind of pouch in front, but I did have white ones, as well as a few in black, blue, and gray. I never...

2 years ago
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Small Opposites Part Two

She watched the result of their desires that happened on the pool’s concrete deck wash off of him and down the drain of the hot shower in which they both stood. Even though having got him off happened minutes ago, the thought of it was still hot to her. She kept replaying the moment over and over in her brain as she watched the water flow over his hard body. The thought of his small cock pulsing that hot long stream of pure man-juice invigorated her. Just went to prove that a man did not have...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Small Packages

"I just need your help for a second!" "Not this again. Can you just give it up already? That dang machine is never going to work." "I think I've got it this time. The oxaloacetate pump was miscalibrated the last time!" "You always say it's fixed. I'll help you this time. But it had better work." We headed into the basement. When we bought this house, I immediately claimed this space as my own. And Lisa had been all too eager to hide the science stuff from sight. We...

3 years ago
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Small Dick Handjob2

For example, sometimes she'd discreetly start rubbing my knee at lunch, with all our friends seated around us. She would bring her hand higher and higher until she was excruciatingly close to my cock, just barely grazing it with her fingertips. I'd be the last one to leave the lunch table on the days she did this, not wanting any of our friends to see the lump in my pants she had caused. Other times she wasn't so discreet, and she would make a big show out of her teasing in front of...

4 years ago
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Small Tits Nipple Play

Caz was a young woman I met on the internet on one of those dating sites. She was a pretty thing 5'6", 115 lbs., blue eyes, crazy blonde hair, and a naughty side to her. She was pretty open on the message part of the dating site about wanting to be romantic on the first date. She was so open that she invited me to come over to her place for a glass of wine before we went out to eat. I almost got the idea she was a prostitute but was assured by Caz that the fee I paid the dating site was the...

2 years ago
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Small Beginnings Chapter 17

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2016 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is...

2 years ago
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Small Towns and Homecomings

Hey everybody, long time reader, first time poster. I couldn't get this story out of my head the past few weeks so I decided to put it to (digital) paper. Please feel free to leave a review, or you can contact me at [email protected] if you'd prefer. The usual caveats apply, and please don't repost this without permission. Thanks for reading! _________________________ Small Towns and Homecomings By Akira Marx Where was that line from, "You can never go home again?" Maybe it...

4 years ago
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Small And Cute

Being small and cute is a heavy burden to bear if one is a guy. When Stevie was sixteen, he only stood five-feet-two inches tall. The bit of bum-fluff that he had on his face was barely worth mentioning and the few sprigs under his arms and above his cock, rather pathetic. To add to his woes, he was smaller and prettier than most of the girls at school. Everyone always presumed that he was gay, which he had strong reservations about at this time and did his best to sublimate the feelings of his...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Small Side Trip

Copyright 2001 by the Wraith390 Edited by Sara Sue Anne Martin and her daughter Lauren were on the last days of a working vacation, traveling around Mexico City to study the ruins of Tenochtitlan. Lauren needed some field research notes before returning to Yale to write her final dissertation to get her doctorate in archeology. They decided to take a quick morning drive before the flight home the next morning. The two women were enjoying the quiet countryside and just getting out of the big...

2 years ago
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movings not so bad improved

The car pulled into a lane, and Jen got a glimpse of the name of the street where she'd be living. She couldn't get a proper look, but she could have sworn it had said 'NudeVille.' Jen shook the thought out of her head. They pulled into her street but no one was around. It was raining slightly so she figured everyone must be inside. They pulled into their new drive and entered the house. It was nice, and had already been made and furnished. Jen was tired so she went straight to her new...

4 years ago
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Self Improvement

This is another story based all too firmly in real life, there is much fictional about it, but there are uncomfortably real parts. Well, you write what you know, and I know something about this subject. It also came out a bit longer than I had anticipated. I try to corral my characters, as a rule, these refused, and the story kept writing itself until it reached the length you see here. I opened the closet and pulled out the pants. I had not worn them in years, perhaps as long as a decade. So...

2 years ago
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Secondary Education Chapter 3 Self Improvement

Secondary Education By Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 3 Self Improvement Please email me a comment if you are enjoying (or not) my story. Our apartment is dark, hot and empty when I get home. I am a latchkey kid, and have been since my dad went to jail for the penultimate time, when he got his second strike for dealing meth back in '02. Now, he's in for 25, and I am sure Mom is heading back into custody for parole violation. In her waste basket I find used...

1 year ago
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Small And Very Hot

Hi, I am from Karnataka I am from costal part of Karnataka. I studied at Manipal about me I am lesbian from my childhood days. There are 3 friends we are all play together when we are small. This is not a complete on but touching and creasing each others private part o body and we also enjoy a lot when I got admission at Manipal, there I got an hosterl room, whole my education life. I spent with a Chainies girl who is lesbian too. I appreciate myself we do sex daily one time whie sleeping there...

2 years ago
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Small Medium and Large

SMALL, MEDIUM AND LARGE by Throne Glen couldn't believe it. All he had done was to sneak a camera into the sorority house and set it up to take shots of the girls. Was that so bad? They certainly thought so, and they had a unique idea of what punishment would fit his crime. It didn't help him that several of them were connected to scientific research being done in connection with the university. And that some of those students had access to certain drugs. He was standing on the...

1 year ago
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Small town small lie

Hi friends this is raj again this is the story which is sent by one of my friend so please read stories. Life in a small town where everyone knows everyone can be like living in a fish bowel. For instance Mary and Joe Martin had a big fight one night about eight o’clock and by eight o’clock the next morning everyone in town knew about it and why. Joe had made a pass at the new waitress down at the hotel lunch room-bar. So when my Dad got sick and his time on this earth was limited everyone knew...

3 years ago
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Small Town Justice

Jennifer Carmichael looked at her speedometer when she saw the flashing red and blue lights in her rearview mirror and heard the siren behind her.  She had been going nearly seventy-five miles per hour.  She slowed down and pulled to the side of the road.  She waited a few moments as the small town deputy approached her car and asked her for her license and registration.  She handed it to him and smiled.“Do you know how fast you were going, miss?” he asked her.“I guess I was a bit over the...

2 years ago
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Small Town Small StreetChapter 7 Number 13

My next-door neighbour in number 13 was the only active fisherman left in our street. Not that Claus had all that fishing to do in the waters right outside our town, because the outlet of different phosphates and salts from agriculture consumed most of the oxygen in the waters, plus all the toxic wastes from Russia, Poland and Germany that were brought here by the Baltic. During the winters some of the fish returned, and Claus usually spent two or three months every winter here, but the rest...

3 years ago
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Small Town Trouble pt1

Jimmy is a 17 year old teen, in the town of Wilton, NH, a small hick-town way up North in the farthest reaches of New Hampshire’s borders, almost going into Maine. Jimmy is about, 6’3’’, 210lbs, he is a senior in high school and he is on his school’s wrestling team, and is in good shape. This is his story, and his town’s story. When Jimmy awoke, he wiped the grogginess from his eyes and looked at his clock “Ah, 11:50.….still got a few more minutes of sleep.” Jimmy finished his thought...

2 years ago
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Small School PE Teacher Part III

Mission accomplished!  The group met after school to celebrate their success.  They were able to get Mr. Crete hard in class in plain view of everyone.“I’m still jealous of the guys,” Mary said.  “They get to shower with Mr. Crete.  I would give my left tit to shower with him!”“Well, Mary, what are you waiting for?” Chad asked?“What do you mean?  Do you think I’m going to start using the guys’ locker room?”“No, but you could just start swimming at the Y.  Mr. Crete usually swims there late at...

2 years ago
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Small School PE Teacher Part I

Growing up in rural Wisconsin has many advantages.  However, having a large school with lots of course offerings isn’t one of them.  In fact, many of our teachers have to cross departments and teach different content areas to make up a full schedule.  That’s also why we tend to get a lot of new, young teachers who get experience and then move on to larger districts.  Since we were seventeen and eighteen year olds, our teachers were often close in age to us.My senior English teacher, for...

3 years ago
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Small Expectations

It was just as Wendy was leaving the classroom where she’d been attending her antenatal class that it finally became too much for her. Throughout the whole class, on whatever it was she’d already forgotten, her mind had drifted well away from the subject on discussion. She envied the self-satisfied expressions on the faces of the other mothers to be. There was just nothing for Wendy to feel smug about. Not for her, a husband or supportive partner. It was going to be left to her, and only her,...

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Small Town Big Action

Things were going well in the small town thought Austen Penn as he pulled up to the carport in his burgundy 2017 Nissan Altima. The music teacher and band director for the local high school moved here a three years ago after searching for jobs in a limited market. He by no means initially sought out to live in place with a population of just over 9,000 residents. He grew up in a decent sized city and loathed the idea of being limited culturally or sexually. See, the educator was a gay Black...

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small cocks boy wear panty

My mother friend Alice was always too kind and showing off when she was dropping my mom from workshes been working at my mom place for nearly a year nowtall and beautifull black milf with big firm tities it was summer and i land a small job at her place , going to do some paint job she saidI arrive at her place and she was wearing a very sexy white dress kissing me feeling uncomfortable her big tits press of me hugging me her hand on my waist nearly groping my ass''come i have friends over , we...

1 year ago
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It was Friday night and I had had a long week work sucked my boss is an asshole and I just wanted to go out and get laid! I got myself all dolled up brand new wig and it looked amazing with my hair flowing dark red it really brought out my green eyes I painted my all my nails ruby red and matched it with some glossy non smearing lipstick the expensive king that doesn't budge even if your sucking a huge cock and I was going to be baby if I had anything to say about it...My slinky red dress and...

2 years ago
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Small penis which was able to satsify wife

When we first got married, my ex-wife and I had sex normally and I enjoyed myself, although she insisted I wear a condom every time. After half a year of marriage, the "honeymoon glow" wore off, I guess ... and my wife told me that I was too small to satisfy her (I suppose she was faking her orgasms). My wife’s first solution was to purchase a "butt-plug" for herself. It was shaped like a large fat cone and made her vagina squeeze tighter on my erection. That didn't really work for her...

3 years ago
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Small Penis Humiliation Part 1

I am a mid thirties man, married and now very happy.For years I lived life and had girlfriends, sex was great I had loads of it!From "normal" sex to fetishes with Bondage, Feathers, Spanking and more besides I had the luck to try all of this to some degree depending upon the girl I was with.And then I met my wife, we were happy and our sex was varied with light elements of all of the above. Then my wife had an issue with her spine that has since made sex almost non existent. For years now, I...

3 years ago
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Small Town Girl Wanted Anal True Story

For those of you just looking for a quick wank, you should know that all of my stories have a slow build up... but hopefully to a happy ending.It was turning into a pretty rough year for me. Beth and I were fighting every day, and just couldn't live with each other any more. As a quick fix I moved out of our swank Toronto flat back to my home town and took an apartment at the rental property that my family owned. Then I started drinking my way into a bad head-space, with it eventually...

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