Harvest Of ExpectationsChapter 9: Passing Through free porn video

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May 1974

April was giving way to May. Jim turned in his final project. He thought it came out well, and Professor Stark did, too. Final exams were looming. Jim knew that he was prepared and that meant that he would do well.

His wrist was healed well enough to put him back on the Track Team. It didn't look good for a letter in his final year. Jim figured he had to get at least a third in one of the three remaining dual meets and a third in the Conference Championship. Points earned in the Conference Finals counted triple those earned in dual meet points.

The two things most on his mind, of course, were Hildy and getting an answer from Douglas Chemical. Hildy had gone up a big notch since their last date when it rained on their picnic. Having declared for each other it seemed natural to think about the future and all that meant. The non-answer from Douglas made him feel like he was walking on quicksand, but Professor Stark told him to be patient, so he was.

Rich was busy at the stove making dinner. Jim wanted to help but Rich told him to stay out of the kitchen because Jim was so nervous that he was driving him crazy.

"They're sure taking their sweet time," he said to Rich. "What could they be waiting for?"

"You asked me that already about fifteen minutes ago," Rich answered, not even looking up from the pot of spaghetti sauce he was stirring.

"I suppose, but..."

"They want to see if they can drive you nuts before they answer you," Rich said. "I think they are. Didn't Stark tell you not to worry?"

"If they weren't interested in you they would have sent you a 'no thanks' letter long ago and put an end to it," Jim's professor had told him.

"Why don't you think of Hildy, and how you're going to get her into bed? That should make you feel better."

Jim knew Rich was right. He had to admit that he wasn't thinking enough about Hildy in recent days.

"Just don't re-injure your wrist while you're making yourself feel better," Rich said as an afterthought.

"If you weren't making dinner I'd throw something at you. Why don't you pass me a beer," Jim said.

Rich shook his head.

"Beer is not allowed with spaghetti. There's a bottle of Chianti over there. Drink some of that."

Jim poured himself a glass of the dry wine and one for Rich and brought it over to him. He sat at the kitchen table. He took a sip.

"So, you and Hildy are officially a couple," Rich mused. "I wouldn't have believed it last September, but here you are."

"I suppose so," Jim said. "I wouldn't have thought it. It's just working out that way."

"Just tell me something," Rich said as he set two plates of spaghetti and sauce on the table. "Would you buy a pair of pants without trying them on first?"

"Maybe," Jim said.

"Would you buy a car without taking it out for a test drive?" Rich asked again.

"You never know, Rich. Stranger things have happened."

"Would you consider riding a horse before checking out the saddle?"

"The answer is 'yes', Rich. Hildy and I are a couple now, even though we haven't made love," Jim said.

"I wasn't talking about 'making love'," Rich said thorough a mouthful of spaghetti. "I was talking about..."

"I get it, Rich. Now that Hildy and I have a different status, I have to call it that. Anything else wouldn't be right."

Rich was chuckling as he twirled the spaghetti around his fork.

"I know it's not how a lot of people would do it. If we were starting over we might not do it the same way. But Hildy has just gotten inside me so deep that I don't even want to think about being without her."

"I'm going to start calling you 'Rainbow Trout'," Rich laughed, "because she's got you hooked and she's reeling you in."

Jim couldn't help but laugh a little bit as Rich pretended to turn the crank on an imaginary fishing reel.

"I suppose it's true," Jim admitted. "But so far I've gotten the better of it. She does a lot for me and I'm always scrambling to make things up to her after I've screwed up. She accepts getting the short end and never complains. I just hope I can make it up to her before she figures it out."

"You didn't utter the "M" word, did you?"

"No, but it was a close call. Hildy picked up on it and she said it. I told her I couldn't propose to her without a job in hand first."

Rich shook his head and began winding his imaginary fishing reel again.

"Promise me one thing," Rich said. "You two are actually going to do it someday, aren't you? This isn't some sort of priest-nun thing, is it?"

"You can bet on that. It may be soon. I think I'm going to ask her to come down for the formal dinner-dance."

"Two virgins going at it," Rich laughed. "If I had any money I'd pay it all for the movie rights."

"Don't worry Rich, we'll figure it out."

"Well, if you need any help..."

"Don't worry Rich, we'll figure it out," Jim said again for effect. "By the way, are you taking Chelsea? It will be your last chance to take her anywhere decent before you graduate."

"I already asked her. We'll be going to her place later, so you and Hildy can have the whole place to yourself."

Jim thought a moment while he finished off his Chianti. He poured himself another glass and filled up Rich's glass, too.

"So you and Chelsea are becoming a couple, too."

Rich held up his hand like a traffic cop.

"Whoa," he said, "for us it's strictly recreation. I'm heading for my job in Illinois after graduation and she has another year to go. After that she says she's wants to work in New York City, so never the 'tween shall meet."

"Chelsea seems to be alright, even after living in the same apartment as Ashley for two years."

"Ashley's not so bad. You just got off on the wrong foot with her," Rich said. "She taught Chelsea a lot of things and for that I'm grateful."

"Who's taking Ashley to the formal? I've never known her to be without a date at this event."

"Stevie Sadowski," Rich answered, "a good match if there ever was one. She'll trim the horns off that little weasel."

On the second Saturday of every May the fraternity held a formal dinner-dance to celebrate the end of classes. Most of the brothers rented tuxes or dinner jackets. Their dates would wear formal gowns made of some kind of silky, shiny, showy, pastel-colored fabric with matching cleavage.

Jim had only taken a date to the affair a single time and that didn't turn out like he'd hoped. In his first, as a freshman, he waited table at the event as all pledges were required to do. The other two years he sat with the contingent of brothers who went stag and borrowed the other brothers' dates for a dance every so often. Later, when they tired of dancing (which could be sooner rather than later), they would retire to the basement of the frat lodge where a keg of beer was waiting.

It was going to be Jim's last spring formal dinner dance, and for some reason that he couldn't completely understand, he decided to forgo the keg in the basement and wanted to take Hildy. He was hoping that Hildy might be able to pry herself loose from her father's house.

Hildy had been ready to move out of the house to Darlene's apartment until Darlene developed landlord problems. She was becoming less afraid and her parents seemed to accept it. He was sure she would be home after the dinner hour, so he gave her a call.

The conversation started with small talk and she asked if had heard from Douglas Chemical. After saying 'not yet' he told her about the Track Meet with Bucknell the following weekend and how he needed at least a third to have any hope for a letter. Then he got to the point.

Jim: "Hildy, what are you doing a week from Saturday?"

Hildy: "Nothing; not yet at least. I promised that I would go to Aunt Mildred's birthday party the next day. Her age is catching up with her, so I don't want to miss it."

Jim: "How about coming down here for a visit. There's a formal dinner-dance Saturday night. It will be my last one before I graduate. How about it?"

Hildy: "I don't have anything to wear to something like that."

Jim: "You must have something. Maybe you could pick up..."

Hildy: "Jim, a gown like that will cost a lot of money—more than a week's pay. Do you really want me to..."

Jim: "I didn't realize that. But..."

Hildy: "I do have a long, pink skirt that I wore to a Valentine's party once. It should still fit. I could wear it with my silk, ruffled blouse. Would that be okay?"

Jim: "Perfect!"

Hildy: "There are hearts embroidered on it. I'll have to take them off."

Jim: "If it's all the same to you, I think I'll wear my navy suit, instead of rent a tux."

Hildy: "Sounds like a fine idea to me. We'll both slum it."

Jim: "What about your father? Are you going to get away?"

Hildy: "I'll do it. I'll work something out. I'll worry about that."

They spent a few more minutes talking about other things.

Jim: "Hildy, we've got to hang up. I could drive up there for the money I'm eating up in Long Distance."

Hildy: "I'll see you soon. I'll write to you tomorrow."

Jim left his key for Hildy under the doormat on the Saturday morning of the formal dinner-dance. He didn't think that he would be there when she arrived. He didn't think that Rich would be there, either, because he had to pick up his tux and do some other errands that afternoon.


Jim couldn't be there to meet her because he was competing in the final dual meet of the season against Bucknell. Before the meet he thought he had a good chance to score a third. As it turned out, Jim scored a second as he got over seventeen feet for the first time and Bucknell's best vaulter didn't compete because of an injury. Jim re-injured his wrist on his final attempt in which he hit the bar. He had already cinched his second place in his second try.

After his event was finished Jim went to the locker room to get treatment on his wrist. He was sitting alone with an ice pack on it with nothing to do but think.

"That could have been my last meet ever if this wrist doesn't shape up in time for the Conference Finals."

It would have been a shame to finish his athletic career that way, but the possibility didn't bother him all that much. He sensed that his life was changing. Graduation would be in less than a month. A job offer might be on the table by then. He and Hildy were a new item, though few people knew it. He included her every time he thought about his future plans. Track meets and fraternity parties were fading fast in his priorities list.

"Hildy! I almost forgot. She must be at the apartment by now."

He wanted to call her to be sure she had found the key he hid for her. There was no phone in the locker room that he could find. He knew there was one in the coach's office. If it was open he would just give the apartment a quick ring. He got up from the chair, complete with ice-pack and walked to the coaches' suite of offices.

"I knew it would be locked."

He tried them all—even the head football coach's door. They were all locked.

"It's getting to be three-thirty. I'm wasting time."

He was hoping that someone with a key would show up and let him into an office where he could use a phone. He could hear the muted public address outdoors announce that the relays were beginning. That was the culmination of the meet and would take about an hour to do all of them. He knew no one would be coming back to the locker room until they were done.

"I'm not waiting around."

The trainer had told him to leave the ice-pack on his wrist until he came back to look at it. Jim didn't care.

"What's he going to see when he 'looks at it', anyway?"

The wrist would have to heal with or without the ice. He thought that it felt better. He tossed the ice-bag aside. He showered and then left for his apartment.

It was after four in the afternoon before Jim was able to coax his Rustmobile to the crest of the hill where his apartment sat. As he did he saw Hildy's purple Duster in the driveway. Rich's car wasn't there, but Jim knew that he would be retuning soon. He parked and then hurried down the terrace steps. He looked in the picture window and saw Hildy sitting at the kitchen table working on a sandwich and a glass of milk.

He borrowed a few seconds to look at her before he went in the door. Hildy was dressed in shorts and a top, just right for the late spring weather. Jim could see that her hair had grown just a bit hair longer than when he'd last seen her. She looked nice. Most of all, Jim liked something that he saw that couldn't quite explain.

Maybe it was that she looked more comfortable in being where she was, like she belonged there. She seemed unworried and that was something that Jim had seen too few times. Perhaps, she looked a bit older. He had seen enough. Time was wasting and he opened the door.

"I found the key right where you left it under the mat," she said as Jim walked into the apartment. "I was hungry so I made myself a sandwich. I hope you don't mind."

"Hildy, I'm glad you're here."

She rose to her feet and a broad smile etched across her face.

"Me, too," she said.

Jim moved to where she was standing and held out his arms. She stepped forward and into them. Jim felt her arms encircle him and her hands on his back. They shared a long, gentle kiss. To Jim it felt good and he decided on the spot that the stab of pain in his wrist was worth cutting short the ice treatment.

"Let's make tonight the night," she whispered in his ear.

Jim felt himself begin to shake. He wondered if Hildy could feel it.

"I'm sure she can feel it. How could she not feel it?"

"Hildy, are you sure?" he asked, "Because, if you're not ready, it's okay. We could..."

"Don't you want to?" she pleaded.

"Of course," he answered.

"Well, I sure do," Hildy said before he could say any more. "I decided it the moment I hung up the phone the night you asked m to go to this party. I was thinking about it so much driving down here today that I had to pinch myself every so often so that I could concentrate on the road."

"Then, tonight it will be," Jim said.

It seemed so final to Jim after the months of telling himself why they were right to put it off. A whispered proposition and an 'of course' meant that the longing for the first time would soon be ended. Of course he desired the end of waiting, but it seemed to him a perfunctory 'good-bye'.

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May 1974 They arrived late, but not too much. The fraternity house parking lot had always been undersized so Jim had a difficult time wedging the Rustmobile into a space. "I'm glad we took this car instead of the Duster," Jim said. "The old Rustmobile can take a few more dents and no one would notice, but the Duster doesn't have any yet. He turned off the motor and they were about to climb the back steps of the fraternity house when a pick up truck towing a trailer ambled into the...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 11 The Happy Times

May 1974 It was Friday and it had been almost a week since Hildy returned to Rochester for her Aunt Mildred's birthday ... Jim had just finished his last final exam and returned to his apartment. The days of Rich being his room mate were waning and Jim was thinking that the two of them might make a final tour of the bars that they had frequented throughout their academic careers. As he fixed himself a sandwich Jim was remembering the prior Sunday taking Ashley back to her apartment as the...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 12 Take a Stand

June 1974 May had come and gone, and graduation, too. Jim stayed in town through it all. For one thing, he wanted to see Rich's parents one last time and help him load his gear into the trailer they'd rented to haul it all back to New Jersey. Rich was going to have two weeks at home before beginning his new job in Illinois. Another reason Jim stayed in his apartment was that he was waiting for the Douglas Company credit card to show up in the mail. He couldn't hope to make it to Central...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 13 Commencement

August 1974 It was four in the Saturday afternoon of August 24. Jim was in the driver's seat and Hildy was next to him in the passenger's bucket seat of the '71 Mercury Cougar that Douglas Chemical had sold to him. They were in the parking lot of the Erie Canal Inn as about a dozen people surrounded the car, wishing them well. After a few moments, the small crowd stepped aside. Jim put the car in gear and it was official that he and Hildy were on their honeymoon. "You can't get on the...

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July 1973 Jim liked to get a fix in his minds eye how events would go. It helped him make sure that they always went just right. Jim watched Hildy drive out of the parking lot and turn onto the main road. He started his own car and put it in gear. Soon he was headed home, to his parents' house, which was in the opposite direction, where he stayed during his summers and school vacations. It was nearly midnight, so his parents wouldn't be up waiting for him, which Jim considered to be a...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 3 Second Opinion

September 1973 Any time Jim had a project or an assignment he tried everything he could to meet the expectations of those who expected him to perform. He tried his best every time, but he wasn't successful on each and every occasion, of course. When that happened he felt bad and hoped for another chance. "Hey Rich—hey Rich, are you here?" Jim had his arms full with two suitcases as he shouted out his roommate's name. "Yeah, I'm here," was the muffled reply. "I'm in the can. Keep...

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September 1973 Jim had learned over the years that there times when he would do things and have second thoughts afterward. When that happened he would think over what he should have done and faced up to the consequences of his own acts. "Thunderpussy is sure mad at you," Rich told him as he slurped down a cup of coffee. He stretched and the muscles in his shoulders pressed at his tee shirt. "She came storming in to her apartment just as Chelsea and I were starting to relate to one...

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December 1973 Jim knew that life and all its events was a proposition of give and take. He strove to hold up his end by giving, lest he err in the taking. It was his last chance. It was nine in the evening and the stores would be open for anther thirty minutes. It would be no good to wait until the next day. The next day would be December 24 and he planned to use that as a travel day. Besides, as he looked around the big box store he could see that the shelves were starting to look...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 6 Confrontation

March 1974 January and February swept by fast, like the snowstorms that turned the roads to glorified ski trails that year. Jim hadn't seen Hildy since the date he had with her the night after Christmas. He tried a few times to drive up for a visit, but something got in the way. Sometimes it was the weather and other times he was working on his project. On top of that, he was working out in preparation for the final season he would be on the University's Track and Field team. Hildy...

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Select your gender before continuing. Your choice will effect the content you will read. Author's Notes: This story is still in development and thus is still in it's infancy. I tend to write in bulk, so expect to see more than one thread added at a time. Harvested is currently a private story.

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Altered Fates Just passing through

After Faith, I decided to do something more with the medallion, showing how it passes from one person to another, in 3 short tales. I was in a rather dark mood as I wrote this one, so you've been warned. If anyone else wishes to archive this, please contact me. Altered Fates: Just Passing Through By Morpheus Mother Catherine looked down her elderly nose towards the dirty old man sitting on the ground in front of her. Disgusting, she thought, that any human would let themselves...

2 years ago
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Harvesting Rachel

Scanning the picturesque scene from the window of the third floor, Rachel smiled. The rich, autumn colours radiated from the countryside. The burnt orange leaves were descending from the ageing trees, and drifting slightly in the September wind. The tranquil landscape made her lose herself, deep in her thoughts. Looking out into the cornfields she reminisced about how she used to play chasing games with her friends, hiding in amongst the overgrown ears of corn. She could almost hear the...

1 year ago
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Harvesting Orchids My Gourmet Gonads

This is the invitation to my special party back in April, the ritual beginning of my erotic expedition from M to It to F: "Ball of Balls" LeMensa Jette Maison requests the honor of your presence as she is beautifully sent off to be gelded with her wonderful friends to witness the sensual ceremony will take place beginning at 3 a.m. on April 8, 2002, at 1800 Rue Devon, Toronto strictly formal half-attire required (tuxedoed men without pants, and gowned women showing breasts) This blooming...

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Trespassing Track Star

Sarah didn’t tell anyone that she had booked a remote cabin in Monongahela National Forest. Sarah had just gotten out of a long relationship and as a sophomore runner on the West Virginia University’s cross-country team, she only wanted to focus on getting faster. She was the second fastest runner on the team. She wanted to be the fastest. The nineteen-year-old's training plan was simple. From her cabin in the middle of the forest, she would run to the different surrounding peaks, or knobs....

1 year ago
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Just Passing Through

Note : This story is completely fictional! Part 1--Just Passing Through During my childhood a great many women stick out in my memory. Some for what they looked like, (there are so many gorgeous women in this world) and some for what happened while I was around them,(they taught me everything I would soon need to know). It all seems like a blur when I look back on it now. This excerpt from my life starts when I was nineteen. Life then was fairly simple. It consisted of work and trying to get...

3 years ago
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Prayer for Passing of a Loved One

To the reader: There is no sex in this story. It’s the story of a brief encounter between two men at the gravesite of the woman they both loved, each in their own way. Please remember, this is fiction. ******** ‘Grant your forgiveness oh Lord, to the soul of your servant Samantha that, being dead to this world, she may live now to you alone, and whatever sins she committed through human frailty, do you, in your mercy, absolve. I pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.’ In my life I’ve had to say...

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iCarlyVictorious I Didnt See Her Passing

iCarly/Victorious: I Didn't See Her Passing[An appearance on iCarly leads to new encounters, now and possibly in the future for Tori and Carly. Companion story to "I Didn't See That Coming".]I suppose ignoring Jade and being ignored by her is hardly anything new. But it's never been in circumstances like this. It's two in the morning in a strange apartment and Jade is completely and gloriously naked as she passes me in the hall with her head turned to examine the wall.Of course, I'm not in much...

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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 23 Double Breakthrough

Once Ki Jung got back home, she informs Auntie and little brother that she was going to cultivate in seclusion for the next couple of days. She wants to attempt to breakthrough with both her Blessed Whole arts to further improve her inner body and the depth and breadth of her Dantians and meridians. Ki Jung hopes to achieve this through intense cultivation while in seclusion at the Pergola at the Academy. As an instructor, she has full-time access to the academy grounds and most of its...

4 years ago
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PASSINGPart One - A journey to work, a surprise, a deal, and a party.It was already going to be a good day I knew as I stood waiting for theearly morning tube to the office. The big deal I'd had my people working onfor some days was going to happen today, as my client assured me in a"secret" conversation last night (we're not supposed to talk to clientsother than using the company phones and company computers because of therequirements of the Financial Authority to be able to trace everything...

2 years ago
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430 After the passing pt1

430 After the passing pt1 After the passing of Melvin, the son takes on the aunt and …well you`ll see pt 12548 words total 9531 words“DEAD what do you mean dead he was ok when he left here this morning!” the young constable stepped back at the verbal onslaught, he was not experienced in death messages and her reaction had caught him un-prepared, “Erm…yes I`m sure he was, but the tanker of molasses tipping over onto his car meant he came to a sticky end…!” he realised what he had said and...

2 years ago
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The Passing Of An Age

The Passing of an Age By Hypatia [email protected] "All our times have come Here but now they're gone Seasons don't fear the reaper Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain... We can be like they are Come on baby...don't fear the reaper Baby take my hand...don't fear the reaper We'll be able to fly...don't fear the reaper Baby I'm your man..." Blue Oyster Cult-Don't Fear The Reaper (1987) One who is without hope is bequeathed a power, and a purpose in life. They...

3 years ago
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Altered Fates Just Passing Through II

Altered Fates: Just Passing Through II By Morpheus Thirty year old Ellen Reilly was still a very good looking woman, even if she was beginning to go soft around the middle. And though she sometimes worried that she was getting old and losing her looks, her husband Ron frequently told her that she'd never looked better, much to her pleasure if not belief. Ellen couldn't wait to get home, grinning to herself as she contemplated having some fun that night with Ron. Once he...

4 years ago
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Passing the Baton

Passing the Baton Passing the Baton Prologue    ?Paul is going to snuff me on my birthday?  Sarah?s comment caused her two friends to stare at her in astonished silence. ?That?s impossible Sara? said Juggy ?Paul loves you. He would never snuff you. He doesn?t even like snuff, not very much anyway? ?Why would he ever want to snuff you?? asked Lila ?You are her oldest slave, and you run his household for him? ?I never said he wanted to snuff me? Sarah continued soberly ?I know he loves...

3 years ago
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Pop Party Pt 1 Passing On

The exterior was featureless, a plain pink sphere that dully reflected the warehouse lights overhead. In texture it felt almost like greased rubber, yet no residue remained on her fingertips as she caressed it. Squeezing it in her palm, she briefly hid it from view as her olive-skinned fingers curled tightly around it. No part of it gave in the slightest, utterly incompressible. It was surprisingly light and small, feeling almost as if she held a solid gumball, the type given out by...

1 year ago
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Passing the Class

I can't wait to go to college! I have such a crazy party girl side and I want to let loose. Graduation is not too far away. Most of my classes are fine, but I am in big trouble when it comes to my math class. You see, math is the 8th period of school for me. This is the final class of the day. This is the class I tend to skip most often because it's when a lot of my older boyfriends want to hook up. I saw my progress report and saw that there was no way I could pass math in time for graduation....

3 years ago
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Passing My College History Class

I am eighteen and a college freshman and finals are coming up. I am not doing well in my history class, and I am super stressed. I heard through a rumor mill, that the professor will up a grade of any girl who sits on the front row of class without any panties on. I always wear my panties, but when a friend suggested I give it a try, well . . .The thought of showing off my most personal part of my body horrified me, but with a grade point average and a scholarship on the line, I had to consider...

College Sex
2 years ago
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431 After the passing pt2

431 After the passing pt2He stared hard at the images, flipping the pages, checking each image carefully Ann of Hull, Sarah of Liverpool, and Tina of kings-Lynn all leered at him as he turned the readers wives pages. That took about two minutes as laughing he picked her easily, her face more youthful and smiling but recognisably her, he then looked at the clothed body, now beside him, markedly more robust, but to him still most attractive. She was flattered that he recognised her so easily. “Do...

3 years ago
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Just a Passing Fantasy

Just a passing fantasy... I live near a Marine base, and there are always young jarheads out on the prowl. I tend to get invited to lots of parties and stuff because I'm just an easy going kinda guy. I'm tall and thin with fairly short hair and have a knack for words and good humor. It makes me easy to get along with. The fact that I usually bring quantity and quality beverage doesn't hurt either. So, I'm at this get together and the grunts are getting groggy with booze, music and...

4 years ago
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Two Ships Passing

A gentle sea breeze caresses me as a light appears in the distance, piercing the dark night. Some time later it is directly abreast; I see the ship glowing with lights and hear the faint sound of music. I spot a person waving at our ship—maybe even at me. Minutes pass and the light turns to a glow in the distance and then disappears. I reflect whether that waving person could have been the one—my best friend, my lover, my world. I will never know the answer—we were two ships passing in the...

2 years ago
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Passing of SeasonsChapter 13

Their faces glowed in the amber fire light as they watched us approach. Quiet, intensely curious expressions that were so inviting at the same time. This was the right place for me, I knew almost immediately. No designer fashions, no perfect makeup, just the kind of people that I grew up with. They were a sight for sore eyes. "Hi!" I beamed with a smile stretching across my face. "Welcome." A voice said. The voice of John, the one they called "Junior". Jenny introduced me. "Hi...

3 years ago
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432 AFTER the PASSING 3 It was Monday soon enough, together they had shopped on Saturday, and done little on Sunday, Oh young Roger had hinted but mother unknown to her son had been ‘on’ one of her last periods of the change, and Maud had a headache, bordering on a migraine all day. The bus was hot stuffy and noisy and Roger as he left her, said he would be at her works before five, to which she had just nodded. The day rumbled on, after school he caught a different bus into town. He was a...

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No Trespassing

NO TRESPASSING By Nnm The battered black pick-up turned silently of the road and pulled up behind a copse of trees, hidden from the view of any other traffic which may pass, which was very unlikely on this isolated area of the moor. The two doors open and out stepped a pair of untidy passengers. One was a short, 5' 2" woman with unkempt blonde shoulder length hair. She was wearing a pair of skintight Levis and a dark t-shirt, which seemed to be a size too small for her 32b breasts...

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Passing The Laws

Initial arguments: Let’s say that I am called Alexandra. I am a gorgeous young woman, with round face and breasts. People tell me that my body should be in calendars or pin-ups in which the girls wear bikinis or even fewer clothes. But my parents insisted that my older brother and I should pursue dignified or lucrative careers, so I followed my father’s footsteps, as a lawyer. My mother was a typical high-society lady, elegant and dignified, after having started a career in high-fashion...

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434 after the passing 5

434 after the passing 5A day or two passed, the lad having sex alternately with his mother and her sister and it was taking its toll, Maud though, had on his suggestion, fetched home some samples from her work, nothing special, just a couple of vibrators, some wrist cuffs and a video or two that included a lot of bondage, the videos had been shared with Beryl. Though it had been all vanilla sex, so far it had eased to; after the initial session each evening, it had been a case of sleep broken...

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Passing my Driving Test

I was 19 and I’d taken 30 driving lessons and I knew I was ready for my test. The day dawned quickly and as I made my way to the test centre it was warm and sunny perfect conditions for the test. After waiting around ten minutes the test examiner introduced himself. Mr. Jones, he was wearing a shirt and slacks, we shook hands and then made our way outside to the car.I sat in the driver’s seat and Mr. Jones, Ted, said to move on when I was ready. As we drove he made small talk and gave me...

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Boarding school punished for passing notes

My high-school was fantastic. It was a boarding school with allowed physical punishment. The punishment was mostly more humiliation and public shame with which they tried to make us behave properly and learn. I never had problems with learning and grades but I did stuff on purpose to get punished.The boarding school was relatively close to our home and I was at home on weekends. They had loose rules on uniforms which can be broken down to "girls wear skirts and shirts but still decent". This is...

2 years ago
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Passing the Torch

Moira was like a tiny mole digging through my wife's sumptuous clothes closet. Tossing clothes rapid fire through the open closet doorway, creating three large piles on the bed. One pile each for the Goodwill, the Consignment Store and the "Suits for Success" charity. I watched Moira's actions detachedly while sitting on the edge of the king size bed that I had shared with my late wife Sharon. Moira burrowed deeper into the depths of the large walk-in closet. Each piece of clothing...

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