No Trespassing free porn video

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NO TRESPASSING By Nnm The battered black pick-up turned silently of the road and pulled up behind a copse of trees, hidden from the view of any other traffic which may pass, which was very unlikely on this isolated area of the moor. The two doors open and out stepped a pair of untidy passengers. One was a short, 5' 2" woman with unkempt blonde shoulder length hair. She was wearing a pair of skintight Levis and a dark t-shirt, which seemed to be a size too small for her 32b breasts outlining a perfect pair of nipples. On her feet was a pair of worn trainers. She circled the van and reached up to the man pulling his lips down to hers. They parted and he smiled at her pretty face. "This is going to be the easiest job we've ever pulled," he remarked. He was a strong looking man, a athletic 5' 10", wearing combat fatigues and a leather blouson jacket, his handsome face was careworn and had a worldly look to it, his shoulder length dark brown hair had been pulled back into a pony tail, he was a man who appeared like he had been there, done it and bought the T-shirt, but underneath if you cared to look a vicious streak could be sensed warning others to tread carefully when handling this man. He carried on. "The house belongs to a scientist or something who works at the local hospital, and if my information is correct which it usual is, she is an out and out lesbian, so we are not likely to be troubled by any unforeseen men running around the house." He took her hand and using all the shadows they crept away from the vehicle back towards the road. There they listened and looked for any disturbance, and hearing none crossed the road and headed toward a distant house. As they neared it the size and shape of it took their breath, it was huge, almost a mansion but styled in the fashion of a gothic home similar to the one owned by the Addams family on the TV. A large stone wall surrounded the grounds, they followed the base of the wall until they came to an iron barred gate through which a path could be seen heading towards the gaunt building. "This is too easy," said the man. He reached up and scaled the gate, pausing at the top to smile down at the girl, before dropping to the ground at the other side. "Come on Paul," said the girl using his name for the first time. "Open it up." The man pulled aside the heavy bolt and opened the gate carefully just wide enough to allow the girl to slip in. He closed it behind her. "Don't need to make it obvious." They slipped into the darkness and headed towards the mansion, little realising that opening the gate had broken the beam of a hidden alarm. Hidden infra red cameras on the eaves of the house swung silently around focusing on the two oblivious intruders. If they had taken little more time they may have also seen the polished brass plaque by the side of the gate which stated in large letters. "Anthea Johnson, Approved Hypnotherapist Specialist in gender and sexual identity problems. Strictly visits by appointment only" The two intruders made their way to the house using every inch of cover as they had done several times before in other break ins. Not realising their approach was being observed on monitors as though it was daylight by a tall figure inside the house. "Hmm, I had better prepare a welcome for my two visitors" the mysterious figure thought to herself. The two figures stealthily made their way to the door and after one final look around Paul tried the handle. "Damn it's locked," he whispered. "You try the windows that way, I'll go this way." They circled around the building trying the ground floor windows one by one until the girl found one slightly open. She hooked her fingers below and slowly raised it revealing a darkened room inside. She stepped back and waved wildly towards to distant figure, but he was too engrossed to notice. She dare not shout to attract his attention so rather than wait she decided to risk the entry then make her way to the front door and open it for Paul. Clambering upon the sill she screwed up her eyes in an effort to make out what the room looked like but the dark enclosed everything. She swung her shapely legs inside and dropped to the floor. Standing there she waited until her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she thought she could make out the shape of a door to the right, so she groped her way carefully towards it. She bumped into something and felt a sharp pain in her arm. "Ouch," she thought before her head swam around and she fell unconscious to the floor. Paul circled the building wondering where the girl had gone, when he stumbled upon the open window. "I bet she's inside already collecting the best stuff." He followed her footsteps and climbed in then dropped to the floor. "Jesus it's bloody dark in here." He felt in his pocket for the penlight he carried for such predicaments. He swung the thin beam around the room until it landed on a figure sprawled on the floor. "What the hell!" Crouching over the recumbent figure, his backside pointing to the ceiling made too good a target to waste. He felt a something like a wasp sting. "Bugger," he thought his hand automatically going towards the source of the pain. He managed to rub it once before collapsing in a heap on top of his partner. The tall figure reached out and flicked on the light switch revealing herself as a tall woman dressed all in black jodhpurs riding boots and sweater. Ignoring the two unconscious figures slumped on the floor, she replaced the hypodermics into a small leather case and closed the lid. She turned back to the two intruders and felt their pulses, noting that they were strong and regular. Opening to the door she called to someone. A young couple entered dressed as a butler and maid entered he bowed and she curtseyed then stood by the woman looking longingly at her. "Take these two to the laboratory I will follow shortly" she requested Paul came around a few hours later and shook his head to try and clear it, but something was restraining it. He tried to move his arms but also found them held fast. He slowly focussed his eyes and the room swam into focus. Squinting he noticed the walls and ceiling which he could manage to see were painted a dazzling white, and a smell of antiseptic was apparent, like a hospital operating room, he thought, "I'm in a hospital bed, but how did I get here?" Straining his eyes to look down he saw that what he thought at first was a sheet was in fact a stainless steel cover which opened down the centre to form two doors, presumably how he had entered the thing. Now the doors were closed and acted as a restraint over his entire body. He strained his eyes to one side and saw his girl also in an identical coffin like arrangement, on her head was a metal helmet with many probes and wires attached which disappeared behind the machine into a large control box behind it. Her head was fallen to one side and her eyes were closed. She seemed to be oblivious to anything at the present time. He assumed that a similar helmet was causing the heaviness on his head. "Why hello Paul," said a voice. "I've learnt your name from a search of your pockets where I found the driving licences of you and your lady friend Jennifer. You may be feeling a little woosy from my special chloral hydrate cocktail but it will soon pass, I also had to take the step to undress you both, as shortly you will be rather damp and sticky, to say the least." He strained his neck and saw a tall beautiful woman dressed in a doctor's gown staring down at him. She continued, "You made the biggest mistake of your young life by picking me to be the target of a robbery. My name is Anthea Johnson. Doctor Anthea Johnson but you may call me Lady Anthea or Mistress, because in a while I will be the object of your total adoration. You will take pleasure in obeying every request I give you. You will carry out my every whim or fancy because you will have no other desire but to please me." "You must be out of your head. When I get out of this contraption, I'm going to wring your scrawny neck," Paul snarled. "Ah yes the contraption as you quaintly call it will not release until I am ready for it to do so. It is a little invention I cooked up in my research. I call it an O.G.A. Which stands for Orgasmic Gender Aligner. Make the most of your final minutes as a man, because you are about to undergo an experience which will totally rewrite your memories and sexual orientation. "You see in my research I discovered that by taking a person to the verge of an orgasm and holding them at that very moment, cause their minds to be completely open to changes and ultra suggestible to alteration." For instance if I have a male patient who has gay tendencies I can place him in the machine and realign his sexuality, so that his masculine side becomes stronger and his feminine side diminishes accordingly. If the patient was a female lesbian, I could increase her feminine side. This treatment would involve being in the machine for only a matter of minutes, and the patient leaves cured and without any knowledge or memory of the treatment involved." "Your treatment," she carried on, "will take a little longer. The apparatus will rewrite your realities. It could make you believe that you are a six year old girl with pigtails with a longing to play with Barbie dolls. or I could make you gay. But you, my pet are going to become a sissy. You're going to become my maidservant. Paul will have never existed in your memories." She pressed a button. A hum could be heard and the covering over Paul glowed and shimmered with a deep blue colour. His entire body felt as though he was being gently stroked by hundreds of feathers, he shivered as his body tensed. "Let us begin. Goodbye Paul, hello Paula." She turned a dial and the humming changed to a pulsing, throbbing sound and he felt waves of pleasure course through his body. He gasped at the intensity of the waves. Every nerve throughout his body was alive and pulsing with sexual pleasure. Sweat began to pour from his forehead and his groin ached with an intensity that could not be believed. His body was tingling from the tip of his toes to the top of his head where the helmet buzzed and probed and examined his now emptying mind. His penis became erect as it became engorged with blood. His body strained against the restraint and liquid rolled down his aching legs. He bucked wildly in torment his eyes wide and staring as he reached the verge of an intense orgasm. But the machine controlled him, holding him back from the release which was so near. His mind became a blank page waiting to be written on. The colour of the machine changed to purple. "Ah your masculinity has been reduced by 25% and your feminine side has increased accordingly," Anthea informed him. "Now things should begin to happen more quickly. He rocked his head in anguish unable to achieve the relief he needed and desired. His mind remained a total blank as his eyes rolled up in blissful feelings. The helmet hummed and the machine changed to a mauve colour. The readings showed his male side was now equal with his female side. "The male testosterone and other Androgen hormones in your body are being altered into female oestrogen and progesterone which will cause natural changes in your body shape, your hips and thighs will become shapely and breasts will form, and your voice will become more female." "If I was to release you now you would be bisexual." Paul's head lolled to one side his mouth open panting loudly droll slipped down his chin his eyes stared dreamily into space as he floated on a cloud of ecstasy. He tried to form a thought but his brain remained blank. The helmet buzzed excitedly and the covers shimmered and slowly turned to a rose red colour. The dials recorded the change showing masculinity at 25% and femininity at 75%. His lank hair was now soaked in sweat and his entire body was shiny with fluids ejecting from every pore and orifice, except the one, which the machine controlled. She turned the dial to the limit His eyes closed and he almost blacked out as a further tsunami of intense pleasure once again brought him to the limit of human pleasure and the machine held him there. He giggled crazily in frustration. But it was a girly giggle which left his mouth. His body no longer had the strength or energy to writhe he simply lay there floating along with the feelings pulsing around his entire body. His eyes were closed his mind empty. The helmet hummed its tune again and the dials flickered to 0% masculine and 100% feminine. "Hello my pet wakey wakey I've not quite finished with you yet," said the doctor. "In your mind you believe that you are now a woman. You think like a woman, you will act like a woman, you will dress as a woman in fact you are a woman in everything way. Your sexual desires are now a lesbian's desires; you need other women to please you." But this is not my wish so I must use my other talent to rescue you and make you of use to me." She pulled a lever. The machine hummed but this time the colour remained the same. The wave of pleasure shot through him once again and his head dropped to one side, eyes close, his mind empty. Anthea smiled and spoke in a dull monotone into a microphone. The voice echoed around the helmet entering the very limits of his being. "Listen closely Paula, for that is now your name. Listen to my voice, you hear only my voice. Paul no longer exists, only Paula. You worship Lady Anthea and only Lady Anthea, You have a deep desire to serve Lady Anthea both domestically and sexually. She is the object of your desire and your only wish is to OBEY HER, OBEY HER, Obey Lady Anthea, your Mistress." She let the suggestions sink deep into his empty mind. She turned a dial and the machine's hum slowly subsided and Paul's entire body jerked violently several times then relaxed and he sagged like a rag doll as his sexual relief finally arrived, and his tormented body could finally find its relief She spoke again into the microphone. "Now open your eyes and look at me. Look at Lady Anthea your Mistress. "Look in my eyes. Look in my eyes Paula. Look deep into the eyes of your Mistress, Lady Anthea." Paul's eyes slowly opened to find the most attractive pair of eyes he had ever seen boring deep into his soul. He could not take his eyes away and sank deeper and deeper into their depth. "Paula your metamorphosis is complete, please rest whilst I have words with your girlfriend." Turning to the other machine, a now conscious Jenny was staring unbelieving of what she had witnessed. "What have you done to Paul, I must be dreaming, this cannot happen." "Oh but it can and did as you saw, and will now experience yourself my little angel," said the tall lady. "NO NO NO Please no," begged Jenny. But it was to no avail Anthea pressed the first button. And the machine hummed into action. The covers shimmered and took on a purple shade of colour. "Ah I see you already swing both ways that should shorten procedures." The first wave of pleasure covered Jenny's naked body and she gasped out loud, then another, then another, causing every nerve ending to spring into life. She squealed with pleasure and her mind became a blank. The helmet buzzed and the dials displayed Masculinity 25% Femininity 75%. Anthea turned the dial a little more and the machine hummed it deep hum Jenny bucked underneath the cover as intense ecstasy ran through her body sweat was teeming from her forehead causing the little make up she wore to run messily over her face. Her nipples stood out in sexual agony. Her pussy was throbbing in time to the pulsing of the machine her juices running in rivulets down her legs she tried to squeeze her thighs together to stem the flow. Her mind was void of all thoughts as the helmet buzzed. The dials registered 100% feminine 0% masculine. The cover shimmered a pretty Barbie pink. Her eyes were wide, and staring into space, her breath coming in short gasps. Her mind a total blank. Now Jenny you are a total woman with no further desires or needs for men, only women. So a small refinement to your mind is also necessary. She pulled a lever and picked up the microphone. The machine hummed but this time the colour remained the same. The wave of pleasure shot through her once again and her head dropped to one side eyes close, her mind empty. Anthea smiled and spoke in a monotone into the microphone "Listen closely Jennifer. You worship Lady Anthea and only Lady Anthea, You have a deep desire to serve Lady Anthea both domestically and sexually. She is the object of your desire and your only wish is to obey her, obey her, obey Lady Anthea your Mistress. She turned a dial and the machine became silent. Jennifer's body tensed then relaxed as her vagina spasmed and pulsed over and over. She could not prevent a squeal of pleasure leaving her lips then a serene satisfied look washed over her face. "Now open your eyes and look at me Look at Lady Anthea your Mistress. Look deep deep into my eyes. Look into my eyes Jennifer. Look deep into the eyes of your Mistress, Lady Anthea." Jenny's eyes slowly opened to find the most sensual pair of blue eyes she had ever seen boring deep into her very soul. She could not look away and sank deeper and deeper into their depth. "Relax Jennifer and enjoy the eyes of your mistress. I am the woman of your dreams. Now Jennifer close your tired eyes and relax." She flicked a switch and the room became silent. Pressing a button on the console caused the two chambers to unlock and slowly swing open. "Now my dears please step out and join me here." The couple stepped wearily from the machines. Jennifer stretched her body out and smiled at Anthea, licking her lips, with a sexy glint in her eyes. She placed one hand on her hip and the other behind her head and sashayed sexily towards her. "I believe you are showboating for me my dear Jennifer, well there will be time for that later," thought the doctor. Paul stood for a second shaking his head, before obeying the order, his hips wiggled girlishly towards her. She examined the sweat soaked twosome and said, "You are a truly awful mess, before I decide what to do with you I think you both need to take a good bath." She clapped her hands and the butler and maid appeared, he made a bow and the girl did a curtsey. They did not seem to acknowledge the presence of the two strangers until the woman said to them, "Please take our guests to the bathroom and bathe them gently, using my special soap for permanently removing body hair, give their hair a thorough wash and I think a little conditioner will not go amiss, then perfume and talc their bodies, dress them and bring them to me in the drawing room." She paused and looked the pair up and down then carried on, "A trim in their special area would be a good thing as well. I suggest a valentine heart for Jennifer and a landing strip for Paula." She appeared to be chuckling as she walked from the room. "Yes Mistress," they chorused, and led the exhausted couple from the room to a large bathroom, with an enormous circular bath, and shower. The butler set the shower and the two were led into them to wash off the now dried sweat and other body fluids. The butler produced a pair of scissors and waited for them to finish. "Sir, Madam. If you could lie on this bench for two minutes I will see to your special hair personally before you bathe." Jennifer lay down and positioned herself. The butler meticulously trimmed her pubic hair to a length of ?." And then taking a heart shaped design he carefully positioned the point over her clitoral area and gently pressed the heart into position. the overflow of hair protruded untidily around the edges. The patch stuck hard like a second skin as the butler pressed it into position. "It will shrink even tighter when you enter the bath," he announced. She stood up and Paul took her place, he seemed a reluctant until the maid stepped forward with the scissors. "Don't worry Paula both of us have been shaped. It is quite painless I assure you, I have a teardrop shape, and Roger has a landing strip, the same as you will have." She took his hand and helped him to lie on the bench. She gently snipped at his wild growth, then she placed the template into position at the base of his penis and pressed it firmly into position, covering a 1?" x ?" strip of hair. Paul looked down at his penis, it seemed smaller and there was no appearance of arousal from the touch of the maid. "It's your new hormone,s" she said with a final press. "You will notice other effects, are your nipples becoming sore? Because you should have started to grow small adolescent breasts, other changes will also occur shortly." Meanwhile the maid had run the bath and was shaking bath salts into the water, the butler turned off the shower and pointing to the bath said, "If you please Madam, Sir." The pair settled into the flower scented water. The butler washed Paul's hair, whilst the maid shampooed Jennifer's. They finally conditioned it and then placed skin tight shower caps on their heads. A bottle of pink liquid soap was produced and poured into the bath instantly causing the water to bubble and fizz, the pair were instructed to submerge to their chins, the frothing water entering every pore, removing all traces of hair follicles instantly. Then the maid shaved Paul's face clean then carefully applied the pink liquid to the same area, it immediately began to foam causing his face to tingle, she left it for a minute then rinsed it clean leaving it soft, smooth and totally hairless. She removed the shower cap and brushed his long hair and fastened it into a high feminine ponytail. Finally she sprayed his genital area with an aerosol and the template dissolved revealing his new pubic shape. The same routine was administered to Jennifer, even down to the face hair removal, the template was removed revealing perfect heart shaped hair. Her hair was brushed out and also tied back in a pony tail. Two bath robes were produced and pairs of fluffy slippers. "Mistress awaits you in the drawing room" said the maid. They led them through the house into a room with a roaring fire blazing in the hearth. The doctor was sitting in a sumptuous armchair reading, but on seeing the foursome enter she placed her book to one side and stood up. The maid did a curtsey and the butler a deep bow. "Thank you Jane, thank you Roger, you seem to have done a fine job," she said, walking slowly around Jennifer and Paul, she opened their robes and nodded her satisfaction. "So all I need to do this evening is to select one of you to be my replacement maid and the other my nursing assistant." She placed her hands on their shoulders. "Now who will be what I wonder?" She took a coin from a pile on the mantelpiece and expertly spun and caught it. "Ha, We have a winner, Paula" She smiled. "Your clothes will be in your room by the morning, I will expect you to be fully dressed in your uniforms and wearing makeup when I next see you at 8-30am. Roger and Jane will assist you on your first few days, He is an expert in all things and Jane is a top class beautician and hair stylist, both are fully versed in etiquette and manners." "Jane please escort them to their rooms, they must be weary, it's been a trying day for them. Sleep well my pets." They were led from the room and taken upstairs where they were shown to separate bedrooms. "We will call you at 6am," she told them both. "There is much to be done before we can prepare breakfast for the Mistress. Goodnight." She left and within minutes the pair were both fast asleep in their rooms. Paula was awoken by a gentle tapping on the door. The maid Jane entered carrying a large box and a vanity case. "Quickly Miss Jennifer we have a lot to do. Mistress has asked me to style your hair, and teach you how to make up your face before you meet her." She placed the items on the dressing table and turned on the shower. Paula rose slowly trying to cover her nakedness with her arms and hands and entered the shower, allowing the warm water to wash away any vestiges of sleep. She felt different somehow. She washed her chest and noticed her breasts were still small but they were definitely breasts, the nipples had formed overnight and were standing proud. She ran her hands over her hips, waist and rear, her body fat was slowly readjusting itself and giving her a shapely female form. "Please Miss Paula, You must sit and let me style your hair, we have very little time," Jane implored her. Paula pulled the bathrobe around her and sat in front of the dresser mirror. Jane fussed around spray dampening her hair, she combed the shoulder length hair straight and cut about two inches from the length, and cut then taking the comb began layering the back, then using scissors began precise snipping, after a few minutes she turned to the sides doing the same. Finally she moved in front of Paula and combed it over her eyes and cut it into a fringe. Paula strained to look around the maid and saw she had been given a ladies bob haircut. She loved it and gave Jane a thankful smile. Jane examined her face and remarked, "Your face is altering your cheeks and lips have become fuller and your eyes appear larger, but those eyebrows must go." She stepped back a pace and studied Paula's face. She opened her vanity case and picked a pair of tweezers and a brown eyebrow pencil, she drew a guide with the pencil and nodded. "Please close your eyes Miss Paula I will not be long." The tweezers moved expertly across her wild growths plucking and pulling and they gradually began to take a feminine arch. "They are perfect," remarked Paula looking in the dresser mirror. "Thank you so much, Jane." "Wait until I make up your face you will be so pretty", answered Jane. She took out some moisturiser and foundation cream and began to apply them in turn to Paula's face and blended them in with a sponge. Then she applied some concealer to her eyelids and nose, before taking some shimmering milky chocolate eye shadow which she applied all over her eyelids and under brow, then she applied a darker brown shade and blended them in with a brush. She then selected A dark brown eyeliner and drew a line on Paula's top eye line and her bottom waterline. She then sroked mascara to her eyelashes, before applying some natural shade lip gloss to her lips. Finally she brushed bronzed to the cheek areas then buffed in a frosty richer shade of highlighter. "There we go," announced the maid. "I hope you were watching closely for you will have to do it every morning yourself from now on." "I'm Beautiful," said Paula, clapping her hands at the reflection. "Now let's get you dressed, ready to greet the Mistress," ordered Jane. She opened the box and removed a light blue nurse's dress. She handed her a pair of cotton knickers to put on, and a pair of training bras. "You are not big enough to warrant wearing these as yet but it will pay you to put them on and get used to them." She held the dress open for Paul. "Step into this dress please Paula," said the maid. He carefully stepped into it and Jane pulled it up and inserted his arms into the sleeves, then proceeded to button the front up to his neck line. "There we go," said the maid stepping back, allowing Paul to see his reflection. The dress was a powder blue colour with a collar and white trims. The sleeves reached half way to the elbows. It had 2 box pleats and hidden pockets. He ran his hands down it trying to remove the creases. "Don't worry Paula, those will soon drop out as you wear it," Jane said. Just then the door opened and the butler entered followed by Jenny wearing a maid uniform. Her makeup was perfect and her hair was pulled back in a pony tail. She smiled sheepishly when she noticed Paul dressed as a nurse. "Ah here we all are," said the butler, "and looking very nice I might add, Mistress will be pleased." He opened the door and made a gesture for everyone to go through it , they walked down a corridor to the stairs and descended, crossing the hall he ushered them to a door. He knocked twice and a voice said, "Come in." The butler opened the door and ushered them forward, standing to one side allowing them to enter the room where they stood quietly confused about what to do next. The room was richly furnished, and several landscape pictures adorned the walls. A dark mahogany table surrounded by six chairs was the focal point of the room. Sitting in one chair was Anthea. She stood and approached the pair circling and appraising them. "Wonderful," she commented. "I think you will make fine replacements for Jane and Roger." She rang a bell and the butler and maid entered. "Hello my dears," she said, "you have done such an amazing job on these newcomers, that I've decided to release you from your obligations to me. Please go and relax in the departure lounge." The two bowed and curtseyed and departed the room quietly closing the door behind them. "Now my dears I hope you realise how hard you will be required to serve me to replace those two." The two lowered their heads and whispered, "Yes ma'am." "Off you go then there is a house waiting to be cleaned. And I will expect my dinner to be ready at 1-30pm sharp as I have a surgery at 3.00pm." "When I have visitors or patients you will carry out your duties in other parts of the building, You will never allow yourselves to be seen." The pair nodded and she waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. The pair exited the room to begin the domestic duties required of them. Anthea went into an adjoining room where the other young couple were now sat staring at a swirling pattern on the wall. She pulled a curtain across it and stood in front of them. "I'm going to count down from 10 to 1 now. When I reach the number one you will be wide awake and believe you are eloping to Scotland to be married, as you are deeply in love with each other. You will have no memory of the 18 months you have been here, and will believe that you've just arrived to ask directions to the nearest town. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, Feelings are returning now, 5, 4, your eyes are opening, 3, becoming aware, 2, remember my words, 1, wide-awake now." The couple smiled up at Anthea as she said "The bus will be along in 15 minutes, the stop is a hundred yards down the road on the left. Ask the driver for the railway station, Trains to Scotland leave every two hours. Good luck in your future lives my dears." She escorted them to the door and waved them off. She had placed ample money in their wallet, and purse. Closing the door she returned to the lab. Paul and Jenny stood naked by the machines. They turned as she entered. "Those two were my previous love slaves, I found them camping in my orchard, without my permission. They were hitching their way down to Glastonbury, but have now no recollection of this or of the last year and a half since they were introduced to my machines." "Now Jennifer, I had better find you both some appropriate clothing." She left the room, returning with two large boxes. "These should be your sizes." Opening the lid she removed two French maid uniforms. "Please put them on." Jenny sorted the uniform into piles, stockings, bra, frilly panties, a white blouse, a satin grey dress, a tiny apron and a pleated cap. She quickly donned the outfit and knelt before Anthea. "Very nice my pet, but I think Paula requires a helping hand." Jenny picked up the knickers and helped Paul to step into them and pulled them up over his manhood. She took the self-supporting stockings and ran them up to his thighs. Picking up the bra, she looked to her mistress, yes my pet the bra as well. She walked to the back of Paul and held them out for Paul's arms then she pulled the strap tight and fastened it. He put the blouse on himself, but needed held with the opposite hand buttons. The dress was easy and he managed it himself apart from the zip up the back. Jenny fastened the apron around his waist and tied a bow around his back; finally she secured the cap with a couple of hairpins and placed a black choker around his neck. A pair of shiny 4-inch heeled court shoes completed the look. I like the way you apply your make up Jennifer will you please teach Paula all your cosmetic secrets. The two swayed back to the bathroom and returned after a while with identical face make up and nail polish. They stood heads bowed before their Mistress. "Now my sweets I believe it is time that you showed your true feelings towards me," remarked the doctor. The two raised their heads and looked at their mistress their faces showed pure adoration as they stepped beside her. Paul draped his arms around her waist and locked his lips to her's his eyes closed in pleasure. When the pair broke apart Jennifer took his place in giving the most sensuous of kisses to her mistress her arms around her neck pulling her forward, when finally she released her, her face was flushed with a sensual glow, Anthea could tell she was very aroused. "Time for more fun later, my loves, you have housework to do. And I have patients to see." The days passed, and turned into weeks, and the weeks into months; the house was cleaned from top to bottom by the two willing slaves. And whenever she desired them for other more personal duties, they were carried out willingly by the two young lovers. They went about their duties happily, and Paula became a quite proficient cook. "Strange how men make the best chefs even though he believes himself a woman" thought Anthea. Whilst Jennifer became an expert beautician and masseuse. One day she had returned from the hospital and went into the lab, where she tinkered about with the two machines, inserting what appeared to be a new motherboard, and modified circuits. She removed the helmets and replaced them with two what at first appeared to be shower caps but on closer examination were covered with head probes. "In theory that should do it," she said to herself. She called out to Jenny and Paul, and they entered dressed in their maids uniforms. "I need two volunteers for an experiment," she said smiling. "I'll do it mistress," they cried together, jumping and clapping their hands in excitement. "I was sure you would," she said. Going to the control panel she opened the doors to the machines. "Please climb in the machine to the right Jenny, and make yourself comfortable. Paula please climb into the left one and lie down." She closed the doors, and went to the skullcaps, placing them carefully onto the couple's heads. She returned to the machine and pressed a button on the control. The cover shimmered Barbie pink over Jenny and the cap seemed to tighten on her head. She pressed the button for the second machine and it shimmered blue and the cap contracted on Paul's head. And they waited for the waves of pleasure but none came. Instead a warm glow seemed to envelop Jenny's entire body and she felt as though she was floating. Paul on the other hand felt as though he was being massaged over his entire body. Anthea noticed their confusion and smiled "Let me explain my pets, a colleague of mine has been researching on DNA strings and their use in cloning. He has had 100% success in his experiments and I thought I would use it in a little trial of my own. You are my guinea pigs. Sit back and enjoy the ride." She stepped to the controls and turned two dials; Penny became warmer and Paul felt the kneading effect increase, Her machine remained pink, but his changed to a purple colour. A dial on his controls read 25%. He felt strangely relaxed and dreamy. She moved the control further over, and the cover turned red the dial now read 50%. Jenny felt no different apart from the pleasant floating feeling, and turned to look at Paul head sticking up from the machine, the cap on his head was glowing and flickering, but his face seemed to have a more soft appearance, his lips seemed fuller and eyes wider. The doctor moved the dial to the 3rd setting, and the machine shimmered a peach colour. The dial showed 75%. Paul felt the massaging easing slightly and he felt some feeling returning to his pummelled body, but something didn't feel the same, something had changed. Jenny stared at his face, it was too smooth and his cheeks were more defined, his hair hanging below the cap seemed longer and if she was not mistaken it was turning blonde. She seemed to know the face, but where from? Anthea looked at the machines and laughed at their confusion. "Nearly done my pets." She screwed the dial to its maximum, and the peach colour slowly changed again to Barbie pink. The floating feeling abated and Jenny began to slowly cool. Paul felt as though he was being stroked by hundreds of feathers and he felt a difference to his body. Jenny was staring at him with a shocked expression. His blonde hair seemed to be growing as she watched, and his face was the face of a girl, a very pretty girl. She'd seen the face many times before in mirrors. It was her face. The doors opened and their Mistress waved them both out Jenny climbed out first and stood beside Anthea watching as Paul stepped out daintily. She removed the cap and his blonde tresses fell to his shoulders. The maids outfit now fitted him as it could only fit a woman. His breasts filled the once shapeless top and his curves showed through the fabric. Where a bulge had once shown under his panties a smooth outline with maybe a hint of camel toe was now evident, and long smooth shapely legs reached the floor. "Jennifer, meet your almost identical twin, unfortunately the machine cannot alter the height of the subject, or unlike with OGA the process is irreversible. So Paula will always be a female twin, two inches taller than you. Which is the only way I can now tell you apart." Come my sweets have a pleasant task for you. She led them to the departure room and had them sit in front of a swirling pattern being projected onto a wall. They quickly fell into trances and could hear their mistress's voice distant, compelling in the background. "Forget everything............So much in love.........Never Happened." Several weeks later the two girls were on a flight to the Greek island of Lesbos. They had come into money on the sale of some shares and were taking a trip they had been planning for many years. A friend of theirs said she may join them for a while. It would be good to see Anthea again after all these years. Paula pulled Jenny to her and they fell into the long lingering kiss of lovers. About a week earlier the walls around a large house had been despoiled by two young graffiti artists out to have a laugh. They have not been seen since. The end

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Crazy Cat Lady

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Horny Stranger Fucked In My Car

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A Strangers Cum Part Two

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Threesome Fun

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Stripjoint Blowjob

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The Week I Went Commando Was Brilliant

Every woman and girl, thinks about her inner curves, especially one that is always feeling down there for a little self entertainment, from ages 12 to 70.I was mid teens when I decided to 'Go Commando', the idea excited me, somehow, the thought of removing that protective layer of cotton, made me groan with sexual titillation, and the very reason for wearing panties, to soak up my girly juices from my vag, had just that effect, I walked around in a semi-state of sexual arousal.Call it self...

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Awesome Threesome 8211 Our First Experiment

Hi, this is Abhijit and this is my first story on ISS. I will keep sharing my real life experiences for people to read. I am born and raised in Kolkata. This story is about me and my fiancée and our first experiment with our sex life. I met Akansha during my Post graduation days in Delhi. It was 5 years back when I was 22 and she was 21. We are now engaged and will be getting married in February. Akansha belongs to Jaipur, Rajasthan and had also come to Delhi to pursue her post graduation. It...

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Sissy Headhunters

SISSY HEADHUNTERS by Kimmie Holland and Meeah Mackenzie**One**Andy tried not to be obvious about it: but it was hard not to notice that there wasn’t another white person in the entire restaurant. He’d let Mr. Asad pick  the place of their lunch meeting.  Maybe that was a mistake. But he wanted to make sure everything was to the black man’s liking. Andy hadn’t landed an account in months so when he’d been contacted by a corporate ?headhunter? he’d been surprised—and relieved. As the fiscal year...

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Sunday Afternoon Alone in the Dunes

Sunday afternoon alone in the dunes, well we thought we were. It's your worst nightmare, that gushing feeling when you suddenly realize that you have been caught in a comprising situation. It had been one of those typical family visits to the relatives, the type of visit which had become routine, with everyone being polite, interjected with moments that were actually enjoyable, such as the trip to the beach after Sunday lunch. As there were quite a few of us, we had to leave in three cars. I...

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PunishTeens Alex Blake Kinky Birthday Desires

Alex was super depressed that her boy toy forgot her birthday… Until he showed up with presents as flowers!!! Boy was Alex impressed, and slightly mad at herself for jumping to conclusions that her boyfriend failed her. It turns out he was there to fill her every desire, even her dream of having some kinky birthday sex. She wanted to get spit on, fucked, and choked. Really hard! Her boy toy did not hesitate to dominate the fuck at of this birthday bitch, squeezing the orgasms out of her...

2 years ago
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Love Department

Tony walked into the office of his processor "Hello Mandleson. Just bringing up your file here. Born in ninety two on March seventh." She read off as Tony sat down not looking at her, she adjusted her glasses and brushed her long hair from her face "Oh your birthday was three days ago. Hope you had fun." She noted "I stole a grenade launcher." Tony replied "And I see you also took thermal vision goggles. Interesting grab." She noted "Yeah I wanted to see the explosions." Tony said...

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Texas Dildo Massacre part4of4

“You’re ok now honey,” the nurse said setting up a saline drip. “You and your girls have been rescued safe and sound. The whole state has been tearing the place up looking for you five.” The Nurse then smiled; pleased with their collective efforts adding; “and now we’ve found you all.” Natasha mouth trembled and she shook her head, bitter memories coming back. “No, you’re mistaken,” she replied solemnly, there’s only been four of us in that house for a long time.” ***** Back...

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First Time Fantasy Story

I could hardly breathe, and I felt dizzy. I was very excited and scared too. He rubbed my ass cheeks and fingered my asshole. Less than an hour ago I wanted a real cock, and now that one was inches from my virgin asshole I was unsure. I had stuck many dildos up my ass, but never a real cock. Just as I felt the head of his cock press against my sphincter I gasped and though back. Back to how my lonely Saturday night had changed.It was Saturday night, around eleven PM and I was eager to try out...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 18 Punishment

Molly rose naked from the bed, watched closely by the Bishop as her movements made her breasts move in interesting and arousing ways. She then knelt beside the bed with her torso resting on the mattress and her back and buttocks perfectly presented for punishment. For some moments the Bishop surveyed the bare flesh of his victim and tried to decide where and how to inflict the maximum of pain with the minimum of damage. He knew Monsignor Flavin needed to press this Merciful Nun into regular...

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MageChapter 10

Roxanne called a full meeting of the team in order to discuss progress on the various items they’d chosen to study and to see whether or not it was time to bring to a close the current mission and move on to a settled Orc world. “We have studied much of their technology,” Tchac’trar, the Veda in charge of their small group, buzzed through his mandibles. “Much of it will be useless to us as it requires a bio-interface in order to make it work, although we magic users can override it, just not...

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Animal UrgeChapter 2

The next day dawned cool and misty but Diane found herself humming a little tune and smiling, almost in spite of herself, as she moved slowly from pen to pen of the kennel in the early morning dampness, feeding the hungry German Shepherds and cleaning out their living quarters. Just as always, after Bill had left on a business trip, she felt her innate resentment toward the big, thoroughbred dogs fading away in the face of their obvious delight in her presence around them. "It's not your...

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