School Girl
By Sissy Baby Paula
Chapter 1 The application and arrival
I had spotted the advertisement in an international exchange news letter. It
seemed to be perfect: A hole free year in an english Hamstead Court fg for
foreign students from around Europe. The idea was to give students there a
bit more knowledge about different countries in Europe and in exchange give
the foreing student a free curriculum and possibility do learn more about
After several years of studies I was more than ready for a change. Just to be
able to brush up my english and mabe go around the country side for a bit.
And all this for free! I had already heard more than enough stories about how
hard it was to get into any decent university or any other school - unless
one was willing to pay astronomical sums for it. Well I wasn't excatly poor,
but still the investment would have eaten up all my savings. So I thought,
that I can always back out, if I don't like the place. I answered the add and
got an application form. Some of the questions were a bit strange - like my
height, weight, eye color. shoe size etc. Then they wanted to know my next of
kin and their age. And they wanted a recent photo too! Well I could
understand the last one: they propably had some sort of identification card
system. But all the measurements felt a bit strange. The only reason I could
come up with was that maybe they had some kind of uniform. For a free year I
can go around in any stupid school jacket and tie I thought and sent in my
I was pleasantly surprised to be accepted. I had informed them, that I could
not start quite at the beginning of their academic year, because I had a job
for summer. But even this was no problem: I could start something like two or
three weeks later than the other students at the beginning of September. The
instructions I received were again slightly strange: I was to take with me
only one suitcase with a minimum amount of clothing. I thought that this was
something to do with the uniform business and simply thought: "Oh boy, what
am I getting into?" Well one suitcase doesn't really take that long to pack
and after farewells to my parents I flew from Finland to Heathrow, London.
The adventure had begun, I felt! From Heathrow it took me half a day to get
to Hamstead Court as I had to travel through London and change trains there.
At last I was in a small country station in a small english town. It seemed
to contain a shopping street, church, quite looking housing areas etc.
Definately not a big place. I had hoped it would have been a bit bigger, as I
hoped to find good bookstores, computer game stores and such places. This
didn't look like the town for that kind of shopping, but maybe there was
something nearby. Maybe I could even borrow a car, if I ever got bold enough
to try the english traffic which is driving on the wrong side of the road for
most of us.
The taxi driver had looked a bit shocked when I told him the addres. We don't
have many gentleman going there, he told me. I wasn't - alas - in any mood
for talking as I was tired after my trip so I simply ignored his remark and
enjoyed the countryside. At last we were at the school: Big iron gates with a
coat of arms and the name "Hamstead Court fg" in bold bronze lettering. And
actually something that looked like a country manor house in the backround.
It did look very impressing, but I hoped that their plumbing was OK and also
the heating too. I had heard many stories about how cold and drafty english
houses can be. Living near the Arctic Circle I was more accustomed to triple
glass windows and central heating. Well in for a penny in for a pound!
I kept looking at the school grounds rolling by the slow moving taxi. I was
amazed by the amount of rather young girls that seemed to playing on the
grounds. They all had this uniform thing on with knee socks and all that sort
of things. I figured out, that they must be a visiting group of children.
Back home in Finland in my "alma mater" there was a lot of school kids around
to find out what kind of higher education they could get in our university
(or perhaps they were enjoying being out of school). Well, these girls are
nothing for me to care about, so I started to look at the main building. It
was four stories high and seemed to have two wings at each end. Then we were
already there, and I got out, took my suitcase and paid the driver. I told he
could go, wondering why he even asked whether he should wait for me. I said I
would be staying which made him chuckle. "Very well miss", he said and drove
off before I could ask him what the hell he meant by calling me - a very
obvious male miss.
Well he was a strange chap, maybe some kind of pervert. I propable won't see
him again so I just took my bag and started up the stairs. I entered the
building and found a small office on the other side of entrance hall. I
figured, that I could get directions from there and so I knocked at the door
and entered when I heard somebody say come in. There was a woman in her mid
thirties or early forthies in the office. She looked at me - like I was dog
turd or something very unpleasant. I had already taken the letter of
acceptance from my coat pocket so I simply introduced my self as a new
student and gave her the letter. I had never before in my life seen a letter
to work miracles, but this one sure seemed to do so! The lady stopped looking
at me like I was somebody with a incurable disease and smiled pleasantly.
"Welcome to Hamstead Court", she said. Then we proceeded out of the room and
up a hallway towards the offices of the student tutor for my year class, as
she informed me. The rector himself would see me, but only later on. The
student tutor would show me the ropes so to speak. Before we entered the
office she informed me that all the students should do courtesy in the school
for certain persons and tutor was one of them. I thought I was supposed to
bow a bit or something like that, but this lady showed me how to do courtesy
- a girls courtesy with bending my knees, looking down and so on. I even had
to practice this a couple of times. I mentally shrugged my shoulders and did
as I was asked.
We entered the offices and I did the expected courtesy as the tutor, Miss
Bellamy rose from her chair to greet us. My escort gave her the letter I had
given her and left. The tutor kindly asked me to be seated and started to
tell me something about the school history, how the classes were run, outdoor
activities etc. There seemed to be a lot to do and somewhat less free time I
had hoped. And the discipline seemed to be a bit strict, but she didn't
really enlighten me about that as it was to be the rector's job to tell me
all about rules and regulations. I had arrived in her office around two in
the afternoon and we staid there for about half an hour. All this time I
hardly said a word and simply listened to tutors explanations. Thank god, I
had eaten on the train as I would otherwise have been very hungry. At last
the tutor came to end of her little introduction speach, as she called it. I
had no questions yet, I told her and so she told me to follow her. We were
going to have You fitted in Your new school uniform. Oh, just as I thought -
well I hope they don't have something rediculous like shorts with knee socks.
I had figured that a school jacket with an emblem wouldn't be that bad, but I
wasn't really into shorts and stuff. I like my own trousers better, thank You
very much! I was to be "pleasantly" surprised as there would be no talk of
shorts or new trousers either. Still that could have been a better option or
even just walking out right there and then. I do not know to this day why I
didn't walk out, start a riot or anything. Maybe it had something to do with
the strict kindness of the tutor and the staff in charge of the school
clothing department.
Oh, I am getting a bit ahead of what was happening. I was still in my
thoughts, a bit tired and just hoping to find a toilet and something to eat
in that order. I even wondered wether they had a bar here and if there was a
change for a beer. I happened to be a fan of english and irish beers with
Newcastle Brown Ale at the top of my favorites. Somehow I didn't think that
this school allowed drinking on the grounds - so perhaps something was going
through my thick scull. Well, anyhow I didn't have a long time for all these
thoughts as we came to uniform shop, as Miss Bellamy called it. She reminded
me that I should do courtesy to the women inside and then we went in. There
was two elderly ladies and a younger one inside. I did the expected courtesy
as Miss Bellamy introduced me as a new student. Then she said to one of the
women - I think this lady was in charge here - that as a new student I needed
everything. The ladies kind of giggled a bit at me and went to shelves to get
whatever I was supposed to be wearing. Even at this time it was still a
mystery to me. I silently thanked God, that I had changed to clean underwear
and has gone to sauna yesterday evening. If I had to undress to my
undercloths I would still be decent and clean enough. Well, the state of my
underpants shouldn't have worried me!
Turning towards me Mss Bellamy told me in no uncertain terms to strip.
Everything off, she said. I started to undress. First I gave her my overcoat,
which I was still carrying. Then shoes, pants and shirt. Then I looked at
here thinking that this must be enough. But it wasn't - everything she
repeated and reminded me that in this school a repetition of any order was a
black mark for the student. As a foreign student, I had perhaps not
understood the rules clearly, so she would let it go by now, if I obeyd
instantly. Feeling rather embarrased and blushing - with my rather fair skin
and golden or slightly reddish hair I do blush easily and noticeably - I did
as I was told. It felt strange as I had only been naked among my family
members in the sauna. After every stich was of me I noticed that Miss Bellamy
had given my clothes to somebody and they were quickly dissappearing. They
would be burned in the trash burner, but I thought that they were being put
into storage.
Now it was time for my new clothes. Miss Bellamy instructed me that I must do
a courtesy everytime I was given an item to try on. We would be spending
quite a while here, as I was to try the usual school uniform, sports outfit
and a formal uniform. And these all had different accessories so there would
be a lot of changing. I asked Miss Bellamy if there was a changing room, but
she stated that I must do it onto spot in front of all the ladies. "We girls
can't be shy", she said which I tought meant her and the staff. But then my
illusions were shattered completely: I was given a pair of panties or
regulation knickers as they were called. I started protesting, that these are
for girls and I am not a girl! Miss Bellamy simply asked calmly, that did I
now what "fg" in the school name stands for? I didn't and for that matter
didn't care about, but it turned out to be enlightening: fg stands for "for
girls". This was a girl school and I had enrolled in it without checking what
I was getting into!
Miss Bellamy wasn't about to leave me there standing and trying to but my
world back in some kind of order. She said in a very stern voice, that if I
liked to start my time in the school with a severe corporal punishment, fine!
Otherwise, do as You are told, young lady! With my clothes gone I really
couldn't face the idea of being arrested in a girls school stark naked so I
figured I really don't have a choice. I took the knickers and thanking for
them as instructed started to put them on. Now I understood all about the
measurements as these knickers fit me perfectly. Miss Bellamy said that it
was lucky that I was small enought to fit right with all the girls and she
thought that with my fair complexion I would make a beatiful lady some day.
But I would need to loose some weight. She then told me not to worry as I was
not the first slightly overweight girl that came to school. They all left the
school looking very trim and proper young ladies, I was told. Loosing some
weight was OK by me, if only the young lady bit could have been left out.
Standing there in my panties, doing a courtesy to thank all the ladies for
the next item of clothing I knew that I must play along with the young lady
bit too!
The next item was a training bra which I put on with some difficulty. When I
was younger I had tried my mom's clothes a couple of times so it wasn't a
complete novelty, but I had no everyday experience of this garment. I even
tried to protest that I really didn't need a bra as I had no breasts. Miss
Bellamy told me that it was part of the regulation dress and any girl without
one would be severely punished. As to the fact that I had no breasts she told
me, that many first year students felt that way as they were a bit behind
other girls in their development. "You will have beatiful breasts in half
years time or so. Girls think that it's a secret that the first classers
compare breasts in their dorm rooms, but of course we teachers know all about
it. You will be as excited as any of the others, when your little buds start
to grow", she told me in a matter of fact tone. I could only stare her. I
knew right then and there, that I would propably be given hormones or
something and my possibilities of ever being a man again might be gone for
good. And I felt so helpless - there was nowhere to run to in a foreign
country with my clothes and papers gone. Even with just passport and wallet I
could have cooked up a story of a robbery or something, if I had been able to
leave the school premises. Miss Bellamy saw the doubts, fears and excitment
in my eyes and smiled briefly. "And do not think, that you are the only one.
In each age group there is usually two or three girls like you. You can't
tell which is which tough, as they all look just like girls. No one will be
able to tell about you either when we are finished", I was told. Now I
understood quite clearly why the school wanted all these measurements and a
picture - they had to judge whether I could be girlish enough. Evidently they
tought I could be!
Next item was a slip - something no proper girl goes without. I thought it
was a bit far fetched because my mom didn't use slips al the time. But in
this school I really had no option and actually I didn't really care anymore
what I would be wearing. It would be girls clothes anyhow and I would be a
girl. I was already thinking more about whether I would make a passable girl,
because the fear of discovery was actually greater than the fear for being a
girl. I mean some of my best friends have been girls and they weren't beings
from another planet! But a male as a girl... that would really have hit the
roof back home! While I was going through these thoughts I put on the slip, a
white blouse and a gray, pleated skirt, knee socks and black shoes - Mary
Janes I was told. And of course the school cardigan. Quite automatically I
thanked for each new item and did the expected courtesy. I could see a shadow
of a smile playing on Miss Bellamy's lips as she stood there watching me.
It would be nice to tell you, that this was the end of my period of horror,
but no! After I was made to parade for all the ladies - everything seemed to
fit nicely - I was told to undress again. I almost started protesting, but
one look of Miss Bellamy's now rather stern face stopped me on my tracks. And
anyway - what difference did it make? I was wearing a total girl outfit
already so anything more was simply adding insult to injury. So I undressed
and again everything had to go as it was time to try the sports outfit with
sports bra and knickers, white tennis skirt with a matching top and tennis
shoes. These latter actually felt funny, because it was closest to man's
attire I had so far gotten into. Naturally this wasn't the end. I was
grateful that swimming suit and nightie only had to be checked against my
body without trying on. But then we started with the formal out fit: it
included a rather finer looking variant of panties and bra, a very silky
feeling slip, a blouse with lots of ruffles (it would really have looked
beatiful on a girl...) and dark blue skirt and blazer. The last touch was the
school tie - the only thing that any male should have worn. There would also
be a formal gown for parties and more formal dancing, but that wasn't for us
little girls. I was rather pleasantly surprised, that this was to be the last
outfit to try on.
I felt that I needed to find a bathroom and fast. So I simply asked, where's
the bathroom? This almost got me into trouble big time before Miss Bellamy
again figured out, that I was still only an ignorant boy at best. "You must
ask politely for permission to go to bathroom and where it is", she told me
in tone that promised a swift punishment, if would follow this advice. So I
asked politely and was given permission and directions. After relieving
myself (sitting of course) I came back to find a new girl chatting with Miss
Bellamy. She was beatiful! This young lady introduced herself as Julia Wells,
my new classmate and as the girl who would sleep below me in the dorm. Mrs
Selfbridge (the lady in the hall) had fetched her to welcome her new friend
and there she was to give me some friendly hints. With her dark brown hair,
smiling face and a ready chuckle she was a very needed liftoff for my
spirits. Miss Bellamy told me that Julia and the other girls would know that
I am "special", but they would treat me as the girl I am becoming. So there
would be no reason to hold anything back from her or my classfriends. Julia
told me that she had been waiting for my arrival as it was funny not to have
anyone sleeping in the upper bed (and not whispering with her after lights
out). Her smile and wormness took most of my fears and recentment away. I
found myself thanking her and smiling broadly. Then I noticed the difference
between our clothing as I was dressed in the formal version and she was
wearing the everyday one. A puzzled look, and Miss Bellamy told, that the
rector wanted to see all the new girls in their finests clothes. And I would
be seeing the head of the school after tea break. Before this Julia and I
would have time to put all my new clothes into my locker and she could also
"breaf me in" the happenings and ways of the school.
Chapter 2 New experiences - new friends
The last thing to do before starting towards my new "bedroom" was the fixing
of my hair. It wasn't really long enough, but I had been kind of lazy in
having it cut. For a man it looked messy and for a girl a disaster. But some
brushing and two small pigtails started to form. They were awfully short and
I found them acutely embarrasing. I mean, to see my hair was to laugh at me!
But Miss Bellamy didn't share my opinion which she must have seen in my
terrorized eyes as I looked at the mirror she hold for me. "Well, dear, you
are not the only tomboyish girl to come here. It will definately grow and
these pigtails are only for the first year. By second year you will have a
nice hair to try some different styles". The reference to a second year
really scared me! I did notice that Julia had the same kind of pigtails with
pink ribbons so perhaps it wasn't the end of the world. Miss Bellamy turned
to Julia and told her that I must see the nurse before teatime so we couldn't
stay in our dorm room too long.
So off we went carrying a pile (a neat pile!) of clothes with us. I thanked
my lucky stars, that even in the formal dress us smaller girls didn't have to
wear any heels. I was quite happy with the Mary Janes and their one inch
heel. Even that felt funny as I couldn't walk on the backs of my feet but
more with the front. I giggled a bit and Julia asked me what I was thinking.
I told her that I used to know a girl (I didn't give her any time reference
as that would have given away my true age). This girl had walked on such high
heels that she looked like a ski-jumper. This didn't mean anything to Julia
as she had never watched the sport. So I mimicked it to her: standing almost
on my toes with hands behind my back and looking like I was going to jump
ahead. It had been slippery at that time in Finland and the girl in question
had been forced to walk very very carefully. Now I was in heels too! What
actually happened was that these heels slowed me down some. I had allways
hated slow walking and was accostumed to long striving steps. But even with
these very small heels I was afraid of twisting my ankle so I took shorter
steps. Outrunning Julia would also have been less than polite let alone
strange looking so I slowed down, looked at how she was walking and tried to
copy it. Still I didn't seemed to get the hang of her femine grace and I
think any outsider would have thought me as an ugly duckling.
Julia must have noticed my troubles as she turned to me and told me in a
quiet voice, that she and all the girls in our dorm room already knew my old
status - as a boy! I almost dropped the clothes I was carrying and my face
must have been a mile long! She then told me, that it was OK and I would
simply be one of them from now on. Everyone would help me and they would give
me nightly lessons in the ways of the girls. As for my ... my ... thing (as I
very deeply blushing put it) - that was no problem. It would be tucked
between my legs most of the time and anyway the teachers had told the girls
that this was a diminishing feature anyhow. Oh no, another reference to some
kind of hormone treatment! What if they castrate me? I'll never be a man
again! With these disturbing thoughts in my mind we crossed the court yard
and neared our destination.
We went into one of the wing buildings. This was the dorm side of school
where all we girls live. It had four floors with us small girls living up
top. I wondered why so - are the older girls lazier or in bad condition? But
there was a somewhat logical expression: this would keep the small girls
under control. Before we could get out we would be checked by many older
girls. If we weren't proper there would be swift reminder and punishment.
There was also less of a chance of us getting into any mishaps like trying to
sneak outside to a nearby boys school. I wondered a bit about that - I mean
the older girls had very good reasons to sneak out too - who would stop them?
On the first floor lived the oldest girls and among them the student
prefects, which had a hand band and a stern look (most of the time) to tell
us underlings who is in control. Teachers actually let them run the whole
dorm and would only step in if one of the prefects made an error of judgement
or brake the rules otherwise. Julia kept explaining all this to me as we
climbed higher our arms full of clothes.
I was relieved as we reached my new room that I was to share with Julia and 8
other girls. Julia showed me our bed and how to put the nightie under the
pillow - nice and tidely just like in army. She as the first arrival had
opted the bed below and I would get the upper one. I had already gotten the
impression that Julia was a very nice and warm girl and she reinforced my
view by asking whether I wanted to change the beds - if I had trouble
sleeping up? I said no, upper bed is fine - even though my bed back home
would be much more preferable. She smiled at that and told me, that she was
herself still very homesick at times. "But just wait till you start all the
classes and other activities. The teachers are strict, but we can still have
our fun with them and on the grounds they really don't see everything even if
they seem to think so!". We started to put away all my clothes to my locker
or closet at the end of the room. It already had several things neatly
stashed away: a cosmetics bag, with lipstick, nailpolish and some perfume;
three different towels, for bathing, for hands and face and for intimate
areas; shoe polish; two purses etc. Julia told me that as I was a late comer
she had tought it better to put all these things to their proper places as I
would have been awfully busy to do all this before nightbell. I was overcome
by a rush of warm feeling for her and I hugged her thanking her.
As we kept putting the clothes away - neatly mind you - she kept a running
commentary of things I needed to know. First rule was a courtesy for all the
teachers and prefects one meets. No turning or running away at the sight of
one of them, if I would want to be in a very hot trouble indeed. The school
rule was that girls are always happy to meet each other for a friendly
greating or a little chat. So it was impolite to hide. And a small girl
always acknowledges her superiors, hence the courtesy. Much more stressfull
was that we must do a courtesy everytime when entering a room of an older
student and when we want to speak to them or when they come down from their
'Olympic heights' to great us worms. The only time we wouldn't have to do a
courtesy was when we either had our hands full (like carrying these clothes)
or when we were escorted by a teacher or a prefect. And of course from third
year onwards only teachers were to be courtesied. On the fourth and fifth
years students were regarded as young ladies - hence equal to teachers.
Courtesy only for rector or when introduced to an adult who wasn't part of
the staff. Well it did sound complicated, but we small girls only needed to
do courtesy to practically everyone so it would only be hard for my knees, I
joked to Julia. She started to giggle and I couldn't help giggling too. "You
are funny", she said hugging me. She then warned me of a couple second year
students, who had propably had a hard time in their first year. These had a
habbit of greeting us at every possible oppoturnity. Once they had even
shouted across the yard to a girl and then demanded courtesy threatening the
poor girl for braking the rules. As it had been the very first days my
classmates were in the school, the poor girl was terrified. Hillary and Pam
(the second year students) didn't know that a prefect had seen their trick
and game down on them - hard. They were back in pigtails and first year
courtesy rules for a week, but afterwards they just seemed to get meaner.
Julia tought, that they will sooner or later be thrown out of school as they
simply didn't fit in. Julia could see the gears working in my brain and told
me to stop even thinking about 'misbehaving course of action' as Miss Bellamy
had told her to point to me, that I would be thrown out as a freak - as a
male who had tried to impersonate a girl in order to get into a school for
girls. I dropped the thought as it had been a heavy stone as I could foresee
what would happen: arrested, my face in all the national and international
newspapers either as a queer or worst - some sort of child molester. I had as
much a chance of explainging the situation as a snowball has in hell! Anyway
Julia told me, that she already liked me and would be very sorry to see me go
whatever way that would be. I looked at her and we smiled at each other - and
somehow she was right - leaving this place if it would hurt her would be
Next item on the agenda was the different chores for the girls. Julia didn't
really know what the upper class girls did, but we would have to help in
cooking, serving the food, cleaning the school and washing. There was a
rotary list which assigned each of us from the three first classes to one of
these tasks for a week. First and second classer were there to do the work
and third classers as supervisors and role models (they would do pretty much
what they liked, which meant some fancy cooking but hardly any cleaning). As
a late comer I had been assigned to a toilet cleaning detail, that would do
all the toilets in the main building (there were three of these details - one
for main bulding and one for each of the wings). Julia waited for me to
protest or something, but I simply shrugged and said OK. Julia looked curious
so I explained (bending the thruth to hide my real age again), that I had had
a sommerjob in a cleaning firm helping one of my mothers friends (if Julia
knew anything about the law she would have figured something funny here as 12
to 13 year olds are not allowed to work). This, rather powerful lady had
worked the cleaning machines and I as a nimble teen had washed the toilets
and other tight spots. I also emptied the waste paper baskets etc. Julia
simply stared at me and asked: "You mean, you - as a boy - cleaned womens
toilets?" "Yes, I did", I replied, "it wasn't anything special. I mean the
only real difference is that womens toilets are cleaner as they don't use the
... the thing to play water fountain or something. Men allways seem to mess
up a toilet. And when you have seen one womens toilet you have seen all of
them. And we worked after hours so there was no one to see me." After this
side path we returned to the ways of our present enviroment.
Julia still had loads and loads of information. The punishment system must
have been deviced in the Middle Ages as it included many different options
for corporal punishment. In his welcoming speach the rector had stated to the
girls, that a young filly must be broken in before it can be a beautiful mare
(I started to wonder what kind of a freak this rector really was). Real BAD -
and thank heaven it had to be capitally bad - behaviour could end up with a
public caning in the dining hall. Those were very rare, as it was usually
used only as an option for girls who would otherwise be kicked out of school
and whose parents were willing to agree to litterally anything to keep their
daughter in. One wasn't allowed to talk about these punishments to any
outsider other than one's parents (who already knew, because it had been told
them before their daughter could even start the school - and I quess there
was some kind of selection system to exclude anyone who could blow the
whiste). Much more normal was a hand spanking in classroom or a hit on the
palm of ones hands with a ruler. Some teachers used a system, where a student
would have to go to teachers chamber in the evening and as the rumor had it -
be caned there. The prefects were allowed minor punishming methods like hand
spanking, but in reality yielded the cane when deemed necessary. All this was
some sort of tradition in the school!
Everything was now in place and it was almost time to go and see the nurse. I
still had tiny hopes of an escape so I offhandedly asked Julia, if we ever
get to wear trousers or the girl equivalent - slacks or whatsit. She laughed
a bit, but got more serious as she saw my crestfallen face. "Yes, as you
guessed. No slacks. And don't forget, that Miss Bellamy has a lot of photos
of you 'playing dress up', so even if you could find pants you would be
doomed. They would pull a story where you have applied as a girl and arrived
with the regulation knickers already on so there was no fault in the school
in not noticing your 'maleness'. I am not making this up, I am simply
repeating what Miss Bellamy told me. And anyway, I don't want you to leave. I
like you, you are a nice open hearted girl", she said. I blushed at her last
words and deep down resigned even more to my fate. Who ever had devised this
plan, had been very clever and had tought about every loophole. And somehow I
wasn't even thinking straight: I was bombarded with girlishness - the
clothes, Julia there chatting away, the sight of orderly groups of school
girls going across the yard or playing on the grounds.
So off we went to see the nurse. Julia told me, that she had been excused
from the class and she would wait for me outside. I was greatfull, that at
least the school seemed to understand the need for lots of moral support. On
the way we met one of the dorm prefects and following Julias example I
hastily courtesied. It was still clumsy, but so was actually Julias
performance too (she had told me that courtesing was something that really
went out with the dinosaurs, but not in this school and not with her parents
who wanted the old fashioned discipline and manners). As we had the 'luck' to
meet 'Cane- Moira' (I wondered what had this girl done to get that reputation
in just few weeks of her prefectorship - I didn't want to find out exactly)
we ended up redoing it for couple of times. "So you are Paula, the new girl",
Moira asked turning towards me. I didn't know if she knew the exact truth
about me, so I answered very quitly in what I hoped sounded like a girls
voice: "Yes, Miss". Moira then gave us the works: play the rules, obey, do
your best and keep in good gracess with me or ... She really didn't need to
finish. We dutifully thanked for the advice and after another courtesy we
were excused. As we continued on our merry way, Julia commented the way I was
walking and told me to take a bit more gliding steps. Compared to my normal
walking I was already gliding, but I did try to glide even more. She also
told me to hold my hands still and not look like I was marching on a parade
ground. After these lessons we finally arrived at the nurses offices.
The school nurse, Miss Jennings look to me like a crossing between a dragon
and a particularly strong female lion. She was big for a woman - at least 180
cm long and must have been doing some excersises as her body seemed to be
very well tuned up. Compared to me - 164 cm, bit too much weight and too
little excersise - she had the upper hand, if it came to show of force. She
also sounded very strict and commanding. She didn't like to beat the bush so
I was simply ordered to take of my skirt and uncover my but. I was feeling
emotionally very down by now and didn't have the strength to put up even a
show of resistance (which would have been useless anyhow). So I simply obeyd.
I was given a shot of something and two bottles of pills which I would take
at every mealtime. Very quietly I asked, if the shot had been female hormons
and if the pills are more of the same. The nurse nodded so I simply asked
what will happen. I hoped that she would tell me that this was just in the
name of the game and nothing permanent would happen so I could in time go
back home and laugh about it all - somehow I knew this wasn't going to be the
answer. The option: a girl without any backround and family in a strange
country was simply too horrifying to think of. In a very medical way Miss
Jennings told me, that as I had already gone through puberty, there was some
more work to do as I would be turned around from being a male to go through
an accelarated course of female body chemistry. And to lay the matter at
rest, she pointed, that once my testicules started to shrink the results
would be permanent without dosageses of male hormones. The reason I had to
start from the first class (for 12 and 13 year old girls) was evident: I
would actually be turning out like a girl whose puberty is a bit delayed. So
my option were to play along or to end up as something in between - not
really a woman but not a man either. I would be given these shots weekly and
in about two weeks time a doctor would put a capsule inside of me, that would
help the process. This doctor could later on help me to turn more life like
girl, but that should wait for some time to give me possibility to shrink (by
that time all the jokes boys had ever made about losing their family 'jewels'
had gone through my head and I really felt like crying). And this wasn't the
work of the hormones yet - just lonely old me in a tight corner with just one
way out: to became Paula for as real as I could ever get. I actually cried a
bit and found out that Miss Jennings had a heart after all! She hold me in
her arms and told me in very friendly voice: "It will be alright, you have a
wonderfull life ahead of you. Just think this an opportunity to live your
teenyears again". I thanked her for her kindness and put the skirt back on.
Later on I would become a fast friend with Miss Jennings. She was a
wonderfull person and she was allways there to hear my doubts, fears, hopes
and to offer me a shoulder to cry on.
Now it was time for the first meal in this place. Both Julia and I were
hungry as we had both missed the lunch at two o'clock. She had been preparing
for my arrival and I had been becoming Paula. After teatime there would
usually be time to do homework, all our chores and play a little until dinner
at seven thirty. After dinner us smaller girls would start their evening
rutine and lights out was at ten. The older girls (from third class up) could
stay up until eleven and on weekends until twelwe - and they could wash when
they wanted to. We still had to wait for Miss Bellamy, as she would escort us
to dining room. No first classers were allowed to move from classrooms or any
other place to dining room without a teacher or a prefect as a leader (had
they copied this thing from the British Army?). Naturally Miss Bellamy came
in time - being out of time was as close to capital offence one could get
here and that was a rule for both staff and students. She looked at me and
asked how did I feel?. I had to admit that I felt confused, frightened and
strange. She then did something very unexpected - she hugged me. "My girl,
every journey starts with one step. Yours is perhaps a bit bigger than
usually, but the journey will still be as exciting as any you have ever
taken", she said. Then we went to dining room. On the way I almost did a
courtesy to another teacher, but held my self just in time. Miss Bellamy was
quite happy with me stating that there must be Julia's hand in this. I
blushed and said "Yes miss". Then I was introduced to the biology teacher. As
this was direct introduction I figured I better do a courtesy eventhough I
wasn't quite sure whether it was required or not (I was still with Miss
Bellamy) and told biology teacher that it was nice to meet her. She
acknowledged my greeting and told me that her name was Miss Fischer (it was
hard to keep a straight face as Julia had already told me that she was called
'Miss Cold-Fish by our class). She then continued by asking how well did I
now my biology. I had to honest and tell her, that not very well. "That
deficiency we will most certainly correct, whether you want it or not, young
lady", was the stern answering statement.
Miss Bellamy took us to the teachers table this time. Even Julia was allowed
to join me there to give me some security. Miss Bellamy then introduced me as
the new student Paula to everyone and I did a courtesy. The teachers seemed
to be happy, that I did so because they smiled much more readily. Julia let
out a silent "huh" (she hadn't told me that this would happen and what to do
- she had forgotten all about it in her excitement). As first year girls we
were regarded as 'helpers' and so usually there was two or three first year
girls per table to serve the food. Teacher's table had two girls, but I
wasn't supposed to do anything yet (maybe they thought, that I would drop the
teapot or something). I asked Miss Bellamy, if I could help Julia as I
thought it wouldn't be fair to let her work alone. Miss Bellamy was quite
happy to conceit so I quickly followed Julia into the kitchen. Julia didn't
want me to take the tray of sandwiches so I did end up with the teapot - but
I didn't drop it. Serving the tea was a bit difficult as I had to go first
and I didn't really recall which is the side the eticett demands. I am left
handed or rather much both handed so for me both sides are equal. I served on
the right side and hoped it was correct. At least nobody yelled at me and I
didn't poor hot tea on anyone's lap. After serving everyone we poured
ourselves a cup and as Miss Fischer (at the head of the table) nodded sat
down and eat. I again tried to copy Julia as much as possible, because to eat
my sandwich in three big gulps and just to pour my tea after that might not
have been well received. I must say, that the fear of punishment or even just
to be picked out of the crowd as someone bit different or strange is a very
good method to make one try to fit in.
After tea we girls took away the dishes and left them in the hands of Rachel
and Tina (two of my new classmates). Their chore for today was the dishes.
Then Miss Bellamy took me in tow as it was the time to see the rector. Julia
could go and do her homework. If I quessed correctly, she would be surrounded
by news hungry crowd from our dorm room in just seconds - she was (she told
me later). My tea seemed to be kicking in my stomach and it was full of
butterflies. The short briefing of how strict the rector was and how he
seemed to enjoy punishing girls given by Julia earlier was very much in my
mind. Miss Bellamy knocked and we were told to enter. She then introduced me
to rector (the only male among the teaching staff - what happened to equality
of sexes here?) and was told to leave and come back an hour later. I was to
be given the 'full briefing'. With an encouraging look - you can do it girl!
- she left. Now I was alone with the rector, Mr Hamilton.
He didn't start to molest me or something. He simply stated, that to be
accepted into Hampstead Court fg was a great honour to any girl. In my case
he was willing to explain a little more. The school had a policy of accepting
boys, that needed correction. I wasn't in that category. But they also liked
to get the cream of foreing students - which usually meant real girls who
needed a better start for their life. These came mostly from Latin America or
Eastern- Europe. I didn't quite fit into this group either. So there was a
third very special group, which consisted of mostly foreign boys and males,
who were tought to be a good addition to the school both as hopefully very
good students and for some other reasons (these I would learn only later, but
then I wouldn't be really that mad as I suppose I would have been, if it had
been explained to me in the beginning). This group would become females in
mind and body and all traces of their former lifes would be gone. The system
seemed to be very well thought out, as my old male clothes would be found
somewhere in quite a different part of the country and no trace of ex-me
would ever be seen. Even the taxidriver had been in this and all his chatting
had been just a front (if he really hadn't been willing to give me a last
change). "But sir, this is going to devastating to my parents", I pointed as
it was really cruel. The rector pointed out, that I had (or used to have as I
no longer was my old maleself) a brother and four nieces. So my parents
wouldn't be quite alone and anyway there was no point in discussing it. I
would be going nowhere!
Next I was given the official verson of all the punishments. The only
difference to Julia's was that the prefects caning was not mentioned. Then to
my horror Mr Hamilton showed me the tools of the trade - the canes. He took
one and whished it trough the air. It is a sound that I wouldn't want to hear
in my life. In the future I would be in the receiving end a few times, but
still that sound brought a memory of this moment out. As I had been a good
girl, there was no reason to punish me. "Some of you new girls (a reference
to all ex- boys) have by this time accumalated enough demerites to get a real
caning. You have been tolerable well behaved in changing your outfits,
courtesing when needed and you have dressed properly.", rector said and
continued: "But a reminder of how bad it can be is both good for your soul
and hopefully keeps you out of this room in the future at least as far as
punishments go". Then I was told to kneel over a punishment chair (something
that looked like a patted foot chair). I felt Mr Hamilton lifting my skirt
with some difficulty (as the formal one it went below my knees) and then
lower my knickers. I was told, that the introductory amount was to be six
strokes - minimum punishment would have been twelwe. The first strike was
devastating and I almost jumped up. This brought a stern order to stay still,
if I didn't want this to become real punishment. So I sterned myself and
received the rest of the strokes with tears streaming from my eyes and a loud
yell after each stroke. Then I was allowed to stand up, lift my knickers back
in place and smooth the skirt down. A real punishment would also have ment
half an hour in the corner with the knickers down. As we still had some time
I was told to be seated which I did very carefully not wanting to risk my
poor bottom - but it still hurt! We then had a discussion what I should be
able to do well. I didn't understand how they had gotten my old school
records and university records, but it really didn't matter. Mr Hamilton
actually said that he was pleased to have me, because I was interested in
history and he teached it. He was pleasantly surprised when I told him that I
had read Trevelyan's short history of England and also some books about the
history of Wales and Scotland. His knowledge of Finnish history was - as one
can expect - rather hazy, but at least he knew of Winter war against the
Soviets. Then we heard a knock and Miss Bellamy came for me. After an
encouraging but stern comment, that hopefully I will do well in the school, I
was allowed to leave.
I would now have about 45 minutes to change into the normal school outfit and
then it would be time for dinner. This time she would come to take our dorm
room girls to dinner which usually would be the task of the prefects. As we
came to my room I found, that all the girls very there full of excitment and
waiting eagarly for me. Miss Bellamy left us and then the bombartment begone.
"How many did you get? - Did it hurt? - Do you like the school uniform? - Are
you homesick? - Do you like Miss Bellamy?" It went on and on and I felt my
self starting to smile at all this eagarness. I told, that I hadn't gotten
more than six which drew some comments like "Lucky you, I got 12 - Rectors
pet I got 8". As the hassel died down Julia started to take control. I was
after all her 'charge' and 'bedfellow'. I was entroduced to all of them: Jane
(a shy girl from northern England); Tina (Jane's friend from the same town,
but much more forthcoming); Rachel (a bit wildish girl from Scotland);
Deirdre (also from Scotland. She and Rachel were becoming very fast friends);
Beth (a London 'gal' who really needed to put a sock in her mouth sometimes);
Mary-Ann (not London but somewhere pretty close. Naturally Beth's friend);
Lisa (our first blondie - you are the second from Southern England) and
finally her friend Susanna (she was allways up to something - usually getting
herself punished along the way). Now I understood Julia's eagerness a bit
better. Every one was friendly to one another, but the clicque building had
already started. This was something familiar, as I had been an unofficial
part of a three girl group in my university. They were mostly together and I
used to join them for the Friday night in town. If one is not in the inner
circle, then one doesn't hear all the closest gossip and a best friend seems
to mean so much more for girls than boys. Julia had up to now not had one in
the school. I suppose in this situation we really had no other option than
becoming best friends as I was so very lonely and being able to pour most of
my troubles out to Julia and she wanted to have someone to confide into too.
After all this banter had died down I started to change my clothes. I had
expected them to leave, but Julia whispered to me: "Don't be an idiot. We
will live together in this room for a year or two. We are all girls here and
we'll propably see each other stark naked many times." Well she was right and
so I changed my clothes - regulation knickers and bra on and then the blouse
and skirt. Soon Miss Bellamy arrived and took us to dining room. Here both
Julia and I were again seated in the teacher's table and performed the same
tasks. Julia served the soup (something with vegetables) and I served the
bread. Then the hole school waited for Mrs Grattidge (the religion teacher)
to say the grace. Then we were allowed to eat - again with as much
gracefullness I could I eat small pieces of bread and tried not to 'slurp'
the soup). Dirty dishes away and something like gulash and baked potatoes for
the main course in. I wasn't perhaps your best maid, but I didn't put any
food on anyones lap so I think it went OK. At least tonight I wouldn't need
to do any toilet washing for which I was greatfull. It had been quite a day
even without that chore. After meal Miss Bellamy gathered our flock and back
to our room we went.
Usually the prefects took care of our evening rutines (toilet and washing
etc.), but this time Miss Bellamy stayed there. I think mostly to give me
moral support. I must say that she is really a nice person, even if I can't
fathom why she willingly takes part in these bizarre rutines (eg. turning
boys to girls). So there I was in my knickers and of course my breasts were
nothing to speak of - absolutely nothing! This brought forward a comment from
Rachel: "Look Deirdre! You are no longer the plank among us! She has even
smaller breasts than you do!" This comment made both me and Deirdre blush to
a very deep crimson type of colour. But nobody laughed and Susanna actually
shot back to Rachel: "Yours ain't that big either". Lisa commented, that
Paula has the right hair colour. "Yeah, you are both stupid blondiees..."
came back in a chorus. "Maybe, but we don't have to spend a fortune to have
such golden hair", I volunteered. Miss Bellamy told us to quiet down, as it
was our turn to go to the big bathroom (for the first year we go for wash as
a group). We all had our night time panties with us so we could change. The
regulation ones would be washed and put on a line in the bathroom. In the
bathroom there was a row of wash basings and a couple of bidets in one
corner. By mutual consent I was given the more shielded bidet in the corner
to wash my nether regions - which I did very thoroughly as dirty knickers
would be a good way to punishment and dirty bottom is not becoming to a lady
anyway. I also had to shave my legs and arms as I hadn't been able to do this
when changing from male clothes to school uniform. Then I washed my knickers
and put them on the line. As we weren't allowed to wear make up, there was
nothing in that direction to do so just to wash my face was enough. Only Beth
and Susanna had to do some shaving so all the girls were ready before me.
They all waited chatting away and from some giggles and looks I figured that
I was discussed. Somehow it didn't feel bad about it - they had been friendly
and I thought that I had felt real warm there.
In our room we first put on our nighties, which were rather long (they went a
bit under the knees). As we still had some time for discussion I was pressed
into telling them about Finland. For them it seemed such an alien country in
the far northern corner of Europe. They were amazed to hear, that Finland is
on the forefront in equality between sexes -issues. I told them that, our
women had been the second onesin the whole world to gain the right to vote in
all parliamentary and municipal elections in 1906. They really burshed out
laughing when I told that my dad did most of the sewing back home and that
the all of the family had to help when we cleaned the house. They then told
me some stories about brothers who propably didn't even know what needle and
thread is - let alone how to use them. Soon it was lights out and we all
climbed in to our beds. Dispite liking the girls my new loneliness really hit
me then and I felt tears starting to run down my face. I must have made some
noice as I could feel Julia standing up and whispering to me: "Lay by my side
for a while so you get over it". I came down to her bed and their we were
side by side with Julia softly carressing my hair and telling me how much she
liked me and how much she had waited for her new best friend to arrive. I
took her hand and thanked her and said that I would allways be her best
friend if she wanted me to be. Then I felt a little kiss on my cheek and I
returned it. This was actually to become our ritual - the kiss of sisters
(that was to be a real prophecy, but more about that later). I climbed back
to my own bed and fell asleep dreaming about wild escapes but also about
jumping the rope with the other girls.
Chapter 3 First day in class
I woke to a din of some kind of an alarm. I yawned and stretched to get the
sleep of my body. Then I felt that something was wrong: I hadn't turned off
my alarm, the bed felt different than usual. I opened my eyes to see a bunch
of girls trying desperately get out of bed and there I was in my very own
nightgown. It all came back to me like somebody had opened the floodgates.
Knowing where I was I knew that staying in bed wasn't the option. It must
have been just after 6.30 in the morning as this was the usual wake up time.
Julia turned to me and said good morning with a radiant smile - I suppose she
is one of those morning persons. I am more of a night owl, but I can get up
when necessary. And now it was! So a good morning to Julia with a smile of my
own and then we rushed together towards the bathroom. Thank God,the morning
routine wasn't as guarded as the evening one and we could go to bathroom as
we wished and not as a group from one bedroom. For me this could also mean
trouble as I still had to keep my maleness out of sight (only girls in our
dorm room knew and I wasn't ready to flaunt it to whole school). Still by
keeping my panties on and changing to regulation knickers back in our room
kept the risk at minimum. Without even thinking about it I was soon ready in
my uniform. Julia told me to take my cardigan too as we would go from
breakfast directly to class rooms and we were supposed to wear on the grounds
during brakes. "Hey, what about books and stuff?", I queried. Yesterday had
gone down as one big male to female process so I had actually forgotten that
this is a school and that meant schoolbooks. "They are all in your locker
near the classrooms, so nothing to worry. I readied everything for you",
Julia reassured me. "Oh, thanks ever so much Julia". "Hey, why don't you call
me Ju or J as everyone else does?" "Sure Ju, but then you should call me Pa
or P", I jokingly said. And from then on it stuck: Julia was Ju and I was Pa
and together we were JuPa or J-P.
Today it was Jane's and Mary-Ann's turn to help in the kitchen so they left
before us. Ju reminded me, that I would have to go wash toilets today, but it
was after classes. I came to like these chores, which I could do in the
evenings as one didn't have to hurry so much during the day. Then Ju told me
something very alarming: I would also have to go see two older girls from
fourth class as I would be their personal helper (the word servant or maid
was deemed to be too demeaning). This would include little jobs for those
girls and they would in return teach me about 'big girl' stuff like make up
(and unofficially about boys). Only us first classers did this as it was
thought to be a good training in being a teenage lady. The phrase I would
here again and again was, that there really are no girls in Hamstead Court
only young ladies and you must behave the part! Well I suppose we all did. Ju
was very happy with her 'employers' as they only asked her to clean their
room a bit and were fun to be with. I could only hope that I would be as
Breakfast was past in a jiffy as I started to be more and more nervous about
my first class. Ju and I sat in a normal table now as two other girls doing
the honours at teacher's table. Here there was more people to serve but also
two other girls to help us. They were from another dorm room so I didn't know
them. We only had change to say 'Hi' while fetching things and I learned that
they were Jane (called J-C as we already had another Jane in the class) and
Valery. They both seemed easygoing and they welcomed me to the class. That
was actually something that I must discuss with Ju - I mean they all were so
nice to me - nice to a new girl - nice to outsider. I could recall how tight
a class could be when a stranger joins it. Just a tiny bit of difference like
a funny way to dress or to speak or different habits and the whole group got
simply reject the arrival. And I sure thought myself as different! Lost in
these thoughts I was happy when the breakfast was over and I hadn't dropped
anything. We had only about ten minutes until the first class started and
both Ju and I dashed to a toilet. I had been too scared about somebody
noticing me so I had not done my morning ritual before. Now it was high time
to do so. In the hallway outside of our classroom was two toilets: one for
men (there was something like three male teachers in the school) and the
other one for all us girls. Ju was actually taking care of me and was
watching that I wouldn't do something stupid like going to mens room. Well
for me a toilet is really a toilet and going to the 'ladies' was no big deal
(later on I would learn that a ladies room is more like a general
headquarters for the evening as one could get all the information about boys,
make up, periods and such in there). A quick relieve and then we went to our
lockers (I for one was glad that we weren't allowed to do make up during
school days as it would have meant extra strain for me). Ju had been as good
as her word - my locker was in perfect order. On an impulse I hugged her and
said: "Thanks again Ju". "You are welcome, lady Pa", Ju answered and even did
a little courtesy for me after we had untangled ourselves. We ended up
laughing which had to be cut real fast as the first lesson was about to
I was going to have the most horrible way to start the school one really
could have: the first lesson was in biology! Miss Fischer wasn't known to
suffer fools gladly and what she thought as lazyness even less so. And I had
to jump right in without any prior knowledge what had been going on in the
previous lessons. Ju actually groaned in sympathy as she remembered that she
hadn't had the time to tell me about it. This almost got her into trouble as
Miss Fischer must have heard Ju's groan coming into the classroom. Her
hawkeyes looked at all of us, but now we were all imitating a group of
particularly guiet mice. Even one of my old teachers who taught us swedish
lanquage hadn't had quite that effect - and I had figured her to be the
strigtest teacher possible. As I was the new one Miss Fischer naturally
called me into the front of the class and I had to introduce myself. There I
was telling everyone that I am a twelwe year old girl from Finland and that I
would turn 13 at the end of October. I also had to admit (Miss Fischer asked
it again - she already knew from yesterday that I was no shining light in
biology) my poor knowledge in the subject at hand. Sure I could regocnise
some fish, birds and few flowers, but that was all in finnish lanquage! I
landed in hot water almost immeadetly. The subject of the lesson was the
ecosystem of fields and which kind of flowers grow there. Everyone had to
descripe a flower and it all started from my contribution! I came up with the
name 'Daisy' (from Lucky Luke comics by the way) and tried to descripe its
colors etc. But this simply wouldn't do: I should have been able to give at
least the basic scientific facts about the flower. Well I couldn't - and I
got a hit with a ruler on my both palms as a reminder to do better. I was
only spared a spanking in front of the class as it was my first day!
"Remember, young lady, what waits you, if your attitude doesn't change", I
was sternly reminded by Miss Fischer. Thankfully I could do slightly better
in subjects like what do birds and insects do in this ecosystem, but again I
wasn't able to name or give details of hardly any of them. The little bit
saved me from a spanking and the embarrasment of having everyone in the class
know that I was still a boy. I only got a few more hits on my hands with the
ruler. By the time this torture game to an end with the ringing of the school
bell I had already made vows to myself to study the subject very hard indeed.
Thankfully I had two evenings for this as the next lesson would be on
Now we had a glorious twenty minutes to ourselves. I took Ju to side and
asked her what the next lesson was going to be and should I check something.
It was going to be religion and there was nothing to worry. Miss Graham was a
'softie' as teachers go. We called her 'holy cow' as I think several
generations of school girls had done. She wasn't known to have used any
corporal punishment except once (as the rumor had it). Then it had been a
rather dimwitted girl who had been daydreaming about some boy. She had
answered some question about Moses: "I bet he would have been a good lay"
(the girl was rumored to have been on second or third class). This had
shocked Miss Graham to the very core of her soul and a mild handspanking had
followed. The girl in question had been very humiliated, because it was such
a novelty to get a beating from Miss Graham. Well, this was good to hear and
I didn't think the theme of our lecture 'Mercy and love in the bible' would
be too hard (one can allways bable something about the book of Job - how much
a father loves a son; or maybe that bit that they tend to sitate at weddings
- without love one is empty inside). So we went to our lockers witch were
side by side and put the biology book in and took cardigans out. Ju had a
skipping rope in her locker and with a crooked smile she told me that it was
time for me to learn how to skip rope. "But Ju, I am so terribly akward. What
if I keep falling? It will look ridiculous". "Don't worry Pa. Susanna and
Mary-Ann will join us. Four girls to one skipping rope is plenty so no-one
else will join."So there I was on the school ground looking like any of those
girls I had seen from the taxi when I arrived. I suppose I had propably seen
some of my classfriends then. The four of us found a quiet corner and my
skipping lessons started. First Susanna showed us how to really do it - she
was a real champ! I had problems as revolving the rope too slowly got it
tangled around my neck and trying to do it faster got it tangled round my
ankles. The girls giggled a bit, but as they were friendly giggles so I
didn't mind. When I had managed to do five or six jumpes in a row without
tripping myself, I was proclaimed to be a so and so starter. "You will do
better", said Susanna, "but you simply have to do it more and often. I quess
all we other girls started when we were four or five so we have a lot of
practice." Then they showed me a technique were two girls revolve the
skipping rope and one or more girls jumps in the middle. I tried this, but
got caught by the rope almost at once. Ju wasn't terrible good at this kind
of jumping either, but Susanna was again a real professional. We could (I was
doing the revolving with Ju) revolve faster or slower and she still stayed
with us.
Susanna told us that she had done back home with two ropes at the same time.
I felt a bit flabbergasted as I thought that the cordination needed to even
try to revolve two ropes at the same time would be beyond me. Well I was to
The school alarm sounded the start for the next lesson so we had five minutes
to get the books and go to toilets if necessary. The lesson was easy - we
just discussed things like how God loves all of us and how real love is the
base for everything. I found the teacher a bit of a bore and could well
understand her nickname. She wasn't terrible good at keeping discipline
either and even Ju and I got some little whispering going. As we were almost
on the front row Miss Graham noticed this only told us: "Girls, girls, could
you please follow the lesson?" We chorused a sorry Miss Graham to her and
that was that. In the back rows there was constant little humming going on
and poor Miss Graham was unable to do anything about it. On the next brake we
continued my skipping lessons which didn't seem to be doing me any good. But
it was all good fun with Ju, Susanna and Mary-Ann. I suppose we were doing a
little clique building. Again the alarm sounded and ended all the fun.
Next two lessons were not that bad. I was starting to get hungry so I was
really waiting for lunch. First I had to suffer to english literature with
Mr. Cook. He was one of the few male teachers in