Two Ships Passing free porn video

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A gentle sea breeze caresses me as a light appears in the distance, piercing the dark night. Some time later it is directly abreast; I see the ship glowing with lights and hear the faint sound of music. I spot a person waving at our ship—maybe even at me. Minutes pass and the light turns to a glow in the distance and then disappears.

I reflect whether that waving person could have been the one—my best friend, my lover, my world. I will never know the answer—we were two ships passing in the night.

Yet, at unexpected times, in the right place, at exactly the right time, with the right two people, a tiny spontaneous spark ignites an emotion. Whether that tiny flame instantly vanishes or becomes a roaring fire of love is in the hands of the gods... and in ourselves.

Kai Tak International Airport in Hong Kong was even worse than its usual disaster—crowded with people perspiring from the heat they had just left, or the stress of arriving late. The floor was dirty from the thousands of people who had walked its floors. The smells from oils and strange spices used in the food kiosks added to the ugliness. The picture was complete when you mixed in the incredible noise from announcements and people shouting to one another.

I was first to board the giant Boeing 747 when they finally made the announcement. I turned left into the first class section and found my window seat on the right side of the cabin. The flight attendant took my coat and offered me the choice of champagne, white wine or orange juice. I politely passed and quickly took off my shoes and put on the slipper socks supplied by the airline, grabbed my book, and settled into my seat.

My name is Dave Williams. I'm five-foot-eleven, brown hair, brown eyes and weigh about 180 pounds. My job required a lot of traveling. Fortunately, when I received my last promotion I negotiated the deal that I would travel first class as part of my compensation. In a moment of weakness my company agreed and henceforth I rode in the front of the bus.

The noise of the first class cabin filling was background clutter as I started reading the first of the five paperback books that I had bought to escape the boredom of the thirteen-hour flight back San Francisco. I felt the seat shake as another passenger sat down next to me.

Shit! I was really hoping the seat would stay empty.

I refused to look at my fellow passenger. From past bad experiences, I knew that if you were too friendly up front and your neighbor was a talker, you could be in for a miserable, torturous flight.

The cabin door closed in preparation for the push back, and a stewardess swished by in the aisle toward the front of the cabin for the safety demo. I looked up, not for the demo, but to check out the female giving it; however, my eyes never made it to the front of the cabin.

My nose had caught a whiff of some tantalizing perfume, and instantly I knew that my fellow passenger was a female. From what I could see of her, and trying not to get caught staring, she was absolutely beautiful.

You asshole—old Mr. Unsociable, sitting next to a beautiful woman, and not even knowing it. How dumb can you be?

I guessed this beauty to be about five-foot-seven, short-cut blonde hair, high cheek bones and slim legs. She had on a pants suit that must have cost in the hundreds. The stewardess had taken her coat; she sat there in a white blouse with the top two buttons undone so just a touch of skin was showing. Her breasts pushed against the silken blouse and teased at what pleasures the material was hiding.

She must have sensed my staring as she turned to me; green eyes—beautiful deep emerald-green eyes that left me stunned—and said, "I hope we aren't delayed. I've been in this monstrosity of an airport for over two hours and it was absolutely horrible."

I answered, "I think we're in pretty good shape. This airport is really small with only the one main runway, so once they push you back they really want the plane to leave quickly to free up space for incoming planes."

She nodded her understanding and went back to reading her magazine. I sat there trying to calculate some way to restart the conversation when the stewardess approached our seats. Looking at her sheet she asked, "Mr. Williams? Would you like a drink after take off?"

I answered, "A very light screwdriver would be great."

Again checking her sheet she said, "Mrs. MacMillan? What can I get for you?"

She answered, "Just a white wine; whatever you have open."

The plane had taxied to the end of the runway and was slowly turning to get into position for takeoff.

"This is the Captain ladies and gentlemen. After take off I will be speaking to you about our trip to San Francisco this afternoon. Right now I want to mention that we are going to execute a 'full power' take off. It's a perfectly normal procedure we use when we are at maximum weight.

"The runway length at Kai Tak is within legal tolerance, but just a little bit short of what would be ideal. To get us in the air faster, I'll be applying power to the engines while keeping the brakes on. As we approach full power, I'll disengage the brakes and we'll be off. Please settle back and I'll be talking to you again in a few minutes."

The engines ran up and after a few moments I felt the plane bounce forward as the pilot released the brakes. Regulations state that a runway must be long enough so that when the wheels lift, there is still fifty percent of the runway left so that if the plane has engine failure, there is enough room to set it back down. Hong Kong had somehow pulled a pass. From experience I knew seventy-five percent or more of the runway would be behind us before we left the ground. The plane gathered speed, raced down the runway, and finally lifted.

I watched the nearby apartments that border the end of the runway gradually become smaller as the 747 made a soft bank to the left. Just as I was about to return to my book, I heard a bump.

"Heard a bump" is a strange phrase to use to describe an event in a large jet aircraft. You might "feel" bumps during a flight, but you do not "hear" bumps when flying in a safe plane. I looked up instantly and saw the nearest stewardess. Her face had turned white. My fellow passenger asked, "What was that noise... is something wrong?"

I answered without taking my eyes off the stewardess, "We heard a bump; I think something blew on takeoff." Looking outside the window quickly I continued, "And we aren't going up any more; we should still be climbing."

Just then the pilot came on and said very quickly, "Please be calm everyone. We don't have a major problem... yet. I will be back to you shortly."

The "yet" did it. One of the other woman passengers started to cry. Then I felt someone grabbing me. I looked at my seat companion and saw absolute, complete terror in her eyes. She was gripping my arm and pulling it and gasped, "I hate flying... I hate it. Why do I ever get on one of these things when they scare the hell out of me? Are we going to crash?"

I replied, "I think we're all right so far. We obviously have a problem that the pilot is trying to fix, but the main thing is that we aren't going down."

I didn't mention that, on the other hand, we weren't going up either. My left arm was still inside her right arm, and she had not released my hand. I squeezed her hand and said, "I'm guessing we'll know what's up pretty quick."

I could feel her breast push against my arm as she frantically clutched me. We might be seconds from death, but my body ignored the danger as the feel of her soft breast made me instantly hard. I decided to enjoy it—I knew that there was no way she was going to let go of someone who was able to be somewhat calm in a situation where death was a distinct possibility.

We sat in silence for about three minutes. When a bit of turbulence bumped the plane, she yelped and pressed harder into me—she was terrified.

The pilot finally came back on the intercom and said, "Well folks, sorry about that problem. We are safe, but here is the situation. We blew one of our four engines at about two thousand feet. The bump you heard was the engine exploding. We immediately turned it off and reconfigured the plane to fly on three engines, which it is fully capable of doing. Actually, this 747 could still fly to San Francisco if we had no choice. However, safety regulations and common sense dictate that we return to Hong Kong and repair or replace the engine.

"Unfortunately, we are fully loaded with fuel. If we landed right away, there is a good chance the wings would snap off from the weight of the fuel. So the solution is that we will circle for about three hours dropping fuel, and then land back at Hong Kong. Our representatives will meet us on arrival and take care of you from there. So relax and enjoy three hours of circles. Obviously, the no smoking sign will be on until we land."

I looked at my hand-holding seat companion. She finally realized she was still clutching my arm and hand. She let go and stammered, "I'm sorry to be such a wimp. Flying just scares the hell out of me, and every time I'm required to fly, I'm still petrified. Thanks for being my hand holder. My name is Jill MacMillan."

"I'm Dave Williams. I enjoyed holding your hand—feel free to hold it some more if you want to—but can I ask, if flying upsets you so much, why do you fly?"

Jill gave me a sheepish, little grin and answered, "Money... sometimes my job requires flying; if I don't fly, I don't make any money."

I asked, "What job forces you to fly?"

Jill looked at me and said, "I just want to talk. If I talk, maybe I won't think that this plane is going to crash, although I know this plane is going to crash. Now I'm starting to babble—just tell me to shut up if I talk too much.

"I'm a head hunter who specializes in financial derivatives. Derivatives are the thing in the financial world right now, and every bank has to have a financial derivatives department. Between the banks and the hedge funds, the demand for people who really know what they are doing is much bigger than the supply, so salaries keep going up. When I find a good person and they get hired, I receive an amount equal to thirty percent of their annual starting salary as my compensation.

"Actually, that's not quite true. I have a partner in New York who is the bird dog. He goes to the banks and funds and becomes friends with the top people in each derivatives department. They go drinking, partying, whatever, so when an opening comes up, we get the placement. He gets twenty percent of my compensation."

"Are salaries that high in derivatives?"

Jill answered, "Five years experience is probably worth $175,000 to $275,000 depending on what kind of experience. Thirty percent of $200,000 is $60,000 which is why I'm on this damn plane. We have two openings for one of our clients in New York. I know by reputation two excellent traders in Singapore and three in Hong Kong. I came out here to talk to them and see if they might be willing to switch companies. I was lucky this time—three of them agreed to fly to New York for interviews.

"It could be a big payday for me, if I'm still alive to collect my fee. I was thinking of taking a week off if they hired at least one of my recommendations, but after this fiasco, I'm taking the time off no matter what."

I asked, "How did you ever get into that field?"

"I started as a derivatives trader in a New York Bank right out of college. I was a pretty good trader, but not great. One day I was asked to go to the Ivys to interview the seniors..."

"Ivys?" I interrupted.

"Yes, the Ivy League schools—Yale, Dartmouth, Harvard—the bunch. Though I was a good trader myself, it turns out I had an even better ability to gauge the trading potential of other people. After a few of my picks were put on the fast track, my company convinced me to switch into full time recruiting. After five years of recruiting for my company, I went on my own. It was a friendly parting. My old company is one of my best customers."

Jill stopped talking and looked at me. "I've been doing all the talking. What do you do?"

I answered, "Jill, nothing as glamorous as you. I am the chief of operations for a private aircraft maintenance company. We go to various airlines and offer to give turnkey maintenance to their fleet of planes. And no, my company doesn't service this airline.

"Anyway, China has a terrible maintenance problem as their planes have a better chance of crashing than any country other than Russia. I went with our sales rep to visit my counterpart in China and see if he would give us the contract for their fleet."

"Did you get it?" Jill asked.

"Don't know. The last meeting I had was with the top guy—his name is Mr. Choi. He had no body language and didn't speak English, or pretended not to, so it was impossible for me to read him. Of course, he kept hammering me that our price was too high. Finally I had to go into the heart surgeon routine."

"Heart surgeon routine?"

"Yes, there are various versions of it, but the one I used through the translator was that Mr. Choi was to think of himself as having an extremely serious heart condition and needing immediate and very delicate surgery. I would call ten heart surgeons in Hong Kong and ask what their price would be for the operation. Of course, I would select the doctor who had cheapest price, and he was the one who would operate on Mr. Choi.

"Mr. Choi and I both know that if only one plane goes down every five years because of poor maintenance, the financial damages—even after insurance—and the loss of reputation would overwhelm any price difference between my company and the cheapest one he could find. So the only encouragement I received that we might get the contract was that after I told that story, I finally got Mr. Choi to laugh."

The plane continued to circle, and Jill and I continued to talk. After a couple of hours I finally approached a delicate subject when I asked Jill, "Won't your husband be worried when you don't get home on schedule?"

Jill hesitated and then said, "MacMillan is my maiden name. My husband and I split about a year ago. He didn't like my job, and my traveling. Actually, I think he was also a little jealous that I was making more money than him. It was probably both our fault, but I finally faced up to the fact that whatever relationship we had was gone, so I divorced him."

Jill sat quietly quiet in thought; I obviously had triggered an unpleasant memory. She gave me a sheepish grin to hide her discomfort and asked, "What about your wife? Won't she be worried?"

I thought how to answer that question and then decided on the truth. "Six months ago I came home a day early from a two-week trip. A strange car was in the driveway; a strange man was in my bed. I asked for a divorce and she asked for a good lawyer; she got seventy-five percent of the money and the house."

Jill took my hand and looked at me. She whispered, "I'm so sorry."

The pilot came on again, "Folks, we finally dropped enough fuel and we're going to land in about fifteen minutes. Once you get off the plane, our representative will tell you what is going to happen. I apologize for this inconvenience."

The plane landed without incident, other than my hand being numb from Jill squeezing it. The plane was directed to taxi to a maintenance area, so we were forced to exit by going down outside stairs that had been pushed against the plane. As we descended, I looked at two mechanics peering at one of the engines. One of them was on a tall stepladder and had already opened the engine cowling. The one on the ground yelled, "What's it look like?"

The one on the ladder yelled back, "This baby ain't going to be flying soon."

He was right. All the passengers gathered in a large room where the airline representative briefed us, "Your plane cannot be repaired quickly, and we have no spare plane in Hong Kong. All the other airlines that had planes going to the US have already left, so we are flying one of our surplus planes here, but it won't arrive until tomorrow. The airline has booked rooms for all of you at a nice hotel, and the shuttle buses will be here in minutes to take you there. Your luggage will arrive at the hotel shortly after you. Of course, your hotel meals, if you eat where you are staying, will be on us. Are there any questions?"

After a few complaint questions, the shuttle buses arrived and we boarded. Jill and I stayed together... she was still a little shaky, and I knew that I didn't want to leave her. I was also happy to see that the bus was leaving the area around the airport known as Kowloon City—it was not a place for Westerners at night.

When we arrived at the hotel, airline representatives were there to greet us. Three tables were set up based upon the first letter of our last name. We each went to our designated table and gave the airline representative our name; he checked a sheet and gave us our room keys. They had pre-checked all of us in. Jill and I were both on the sixth floor, but far apart. I was in room 602 and she was in 648.

We were not in a bad section of Hong Kong, and it was mid afternoon with no luggage. I turned to Jill and asked, "We have time to kill. Do you want to take a walk around the neighborhood, window shop, and see the locals?"

Jill grinned, "Good idea. No luggage and an empty room isn't too much fun."

We walked up and down the streets of Hong Kong. It's a funny world. In Russia, the business people are friendly and the people on the streets are rude. In China, the business people are rude, but the people on the streets are friendly. Many young adults and children came up to Jill and me and practiced their English—always grinning. It was a fun hour walk seeing the stores and practicing English with the people.

But then our luck changed. Three blocks from our hotel, a mid-day shower hit us hard. It was a torrential downpour for fifteen minutes, and Jill and I had no protection for five of those minutes—we were soaked.

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Ships Passing In JamaicaChapter 3

Jamie moaned at the intrusion and threw her head back as her first orgasm began to peak. "Gnnnnnnnnnnnn, Oh Ronnie, you love me so good. Bring me home baby, bring me home." Jamie cried. Ronnie nipped at Jamie's clit and then drove her tongue harder into it. The hand on Jamie's belly slid down and pulled her hood back as she sucked right on her clit. "Howa howa howa!" Jamie moaned at the frank stimulation of her tenderest spot. "GNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN," she cried out as her orgasm...

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Ships in the NightChapter 2 Home and Hearth

It was still dark outside when Adam woke up. His diurnal rhythm had him up between five and six every morning, almost regardless of what time he went to bed. After being behind the wheel nearly all of the previous day, his body was screaming for exercise, so he dressed in sweats and sneakers and went for a run along the roadside. Willie was still out cold when he quietly pulled the motel room door closed. He stayed under the street lights so he could be seen by passing drivers. As he jogged...

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Ships in the NightChapter 3 Choices

After a good five-mile run, a hot shower and Denver omelets for breakfast, they climbed into the Volvo and headed back into town to take care of a list of errands. On the way, Willie asked, "Would you be at all interested in helping me shop for a car?" "You mean a new one?" "Um, not necessarily. I was thinking maybe a good four-wheel drive SUV. I get the impression you're pretty much a DIY kind of guy, and you probably know a hell of a lot more about cars than I do. I just don't want...

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Ships in the NightChapter 5 Good News Bad News

It was late in the afternoon of the next day when Torres called. Rather than give him the news over the phone, she asked Adam (Errol) to come into her office the next morning. They showed up a little before nine, and once again, he and Willie were escorted into the board room. Mrs. Torres was already seated at the table writing on a yellow pad. "Good morning, Willie, Errol. You need to be using your real name from now on." He glanced at Willie as they took their seats and agreed. "Yeah,...

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Ships in the NightChapter 6 Harder Choices

Before seeking Margareta's wise counsel, Errol was determined to make Willie sit down with him and listen to his view of her rosy projection for their future. The dishes were in the washer, the pots and pans were clean and hanging from the rack, and the counters were all wiped down. He turned off the lights in the kitchen and wandered into the living room, thinking about how to begin the conversation and how to express his misgivings to her. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her...

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Nacht in Gotham City. Doch friedlich ist es nicht. Während in den Straßen Gangs randalieren und die Polizei alle Hände voll zu tun hat, die Ausschreitungen in Grenzen zu halten. Im riesigen Büroturm des MyersElectronics war es ebenfalls nicht ruhig, auch wenn es von außen den Anschein hatte. Im Treppenhaus des Wolkenkratzers rannte Catwoman so schnell sie konnte die Stufen hoch. Schweiß lief unter ihrer Maske herunter und tropfte auf ihren schwarzen, hautengen Catsuit, der ihren kurvenreichen...

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GENTLEMEN’S CLUB RENDEVOUZNOT BASED ON A TRUE STORY IT IS FICTIONOne day, I woke up from a sexy dream and said to myself there is something that I want to do out the ordinary that no one would have never thought that I would never do. That fantasy is to visit a high-end gentlemen’s club in mid-downtown DC‘s business district. I have always been this ‘good girl’ always expect to do the right thing and follow the rules. Some say that I am somewhat prudish and on a conservative side. I want to...

2 years ago
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Falling for His Lordships daughter

Introduction: She needs me for an alibi but we fall in love Falling for His Lordships Daughter In the 1980s I lived in a tiny cottage on Lord Bs estate near Cheltenham, England while I studied estate management at The Royal Agricultural College Cirencester. The cottage was originally built for a Shepherd. It sat at the roadside a mile or so from the lords imposing neo classical mansion house and it looked out over the fertile valley to the south. Lord B had several children. Two older girls,...

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Waiting for the Longships

Astrid looked across the room at her son illuminated by the fire but obscured by the mist of its smoke. She hoped he wouldn’t wake up and wonder what his parents were doing on the straw mattress opposite. Not that he wasn’t used to the lovemaking Thorvald and she enjoyed together, especially after the long night of feasting that led to this moment of passion. It never bothered Thorvald, of course. And it certainly wouldn’t tonight after all the ale he’d drunk. It was Astrid’s duty to give...

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Waiting for the Longships

Astrid looked across the room at her son illuminated by the fire but obscured by the mist of its smoke. She hoped he wouldn't wake up and wonder what his parents were doing on the straw mattress opposite. Not that he wasn't used to the lovemaking Thorvald and she enjoyed together, especially after the long night of feasting that led to this moment of passion. It never bothered Thorvald, of course. And it certainly wouldn't tonight after all the ale he'd drunk. It was Astrid's duty to give...

1 year ago
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Batman (TAS) – Partnerships “This party is so bo-o-ring...”, was what Selina Kyle whispered to herself inside another fundraiser for some Gotham City’s charity in Gotham’s Museum. She went to the party by invitation of Hamilton Weir, a good friend and former boyfriend of hers. But, by her face, the brunette wasn’t to keen to join the usual chit-chat of celebrities and socialites talking about their lives and how they are rich, nice and bought a new house or a car. The boredom at Selina’s...

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EmergenceChapter 1 Starships and Queens

Joey was weaving through an asteroid belt made of cotton candy when a distant electronic chime gently brought him out of his sweet dream. “Alarm off,” Joey muttered as he rolled onto his side. Twenty minutes later, Joey suddenly snapped his eyes open and gasped, “Shit. Computer. What time is it?” “The time is oh six hours, forty-eight minutes,” the female voice instantly replied. “I still have twelve minutes then,” Joey said with relief, and then proceeded to stretch. After letting out a...

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Sea FenciblesChapter 17 Courtships

The barge was a roomy one with extra cabins for travellers. Elizabeth had persuaded her friends to opt for the Thames River and not for a two horse carriage. With almost 60 miles to go, the barge would arrive within a day whilst a carriage, even with sturdy horses, would need two days at the least. The semaphore signal had once again alerted Sir Robert of Syren's arrival in Sheerness, but this time he had not the time to accompany Elizabeth. Instead, Vanessa had volunteered, eager to have a...

1 year ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart 5 Starships and Queens

Joey was weaving through an asteroid belt made of cotton candy when a distant electronic chime gently brought him out of his sweet dream. "Alarm off," Joey muttered as he rolled onto his side. Twenty minutes later, Joey suddenly snapped his eyes open and gasped, "Shit. Computer. What time is it?" "The time is oh six hours, fifty-two minutes," the female voice instantly replied. "I still have eight minutes then," Joey said with relief, and then proceeded to stretch. After letting...

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Superheroines and Spaceships Lesbians and Lasers

This is a collaborative story collection. Additions by other authors are welcome. Think Flash Gordon, Barbarella, Barsoom, or the covers of dozens of cheesy pulp magazines. It's space opera with lasers and lesbians and spaceships and space-monsters and most of all super-powered super-hot women in scanty clothing. Readers, please comment. Not just about whether you like or dislike what you've read (though if other authors are like me they crave your validation so please comment). You should...

3 years ago
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iCarlyVictorious I Didnt See Her Passing

iCarly/Victorious: I Didn't See Her Passing[An appearance on iCarly leads to new encounters, now and possibly in the future for Tori and Carly. Companion story to "I Didn't See That Coming".]I suppose ignoring Jade and being ignored by her is hardly anything new. But it's never been in circumstances like this. It's two in the morning in a strange apartment and Jade is completely and gloriously naked as she passes me in the hall with her head turned to examine the wall.Of course, I'm not in much...

1 year ago
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Twos Company Threes a Different Story

Two's Company, Three's a Different Story School had been a nightmare for me. The older I became, the more everyone else towered above me. I was slow to grow, slow to fill out, slow to hit puberty and slow with girls. I was small and soft and 'Girly'. All the girls were into the sports Jocks, against whom, I never stood a chance of even being noticed. I was sure that I could give a girl more in the way of a relationship than any of the sports Jocks, that strutted around like Peacocks,...

4 years ago
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Wetwork Ch 01

Chris Bradford had always chased adrenaline, when he was in high school he had been an All-American linebacker with a tendency for big hits. His performance had attracted interest from the major colleges. LSU, Texas, Miami, and USC had all offered him full ride scholarships, and in the end he had chosen to go to USC because it was the furthest away from his small town in Kentucky. While at USC he had studied international relations, and graduated at the top of his class, he had contemplated...

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Wetwork Ch 03

Chris woke up at around 11 and was surprised when he saw the time. He hadn’t slept that late since… well he couldn’t remember. He checked his phone and was again surprised by the number of messages left on his voicemail. He checked his missed calls list didn’t recognize most of the numbers. Most of the messages were news outlets begging for an interview to tell his story. One was from his buddy Mike Williams, an younger ex Delta guy he had helped bring up and train. Mike had seen him on the...

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Wetwork Ch 02

Outside the mall Chris was sat in a squad car, while the SWAT captain was talking to the police chief. A detective was in the conversation and Chris saw the older man nod and walk away from the captain and the chief. He made his way to Chris and pulled out a set of keys and undid the cuffs. ‘I’m Detective Sill I’m the one who’ll be investigating this mess. Several witnesses said you were not the shooter, at least the shooter of the innocents. Your not under arrest but your still gunna have to...

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Wetwork Ch 0405

Chapter 4 Chris stood in Sarah’s kitchen as she looked at him. She was taking the news fairly well seeing as how he had just told her he was going to Chicago for a while, and an NSA agent would be following her while he was gone. He also was leaving his pistol with her. For one he couldn’t get it through the airport, and also he wanted her to have some form of protection. She had nodded through his whole explanation, not quite getting the whole story, but he was able to tell her the gist of...

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Beltworld Ch10

On the belt, they have a saying: Minerals are controlled by capitalists, flesh is controlled by entrepreneurs. They say it's because people preferred the competition of smaller businesses and therefore put corporations at a disadvantage to small businesses. However, it was actually a government regulation put in place in an attempt to distribute more evenly throughout the belt. Either way, anyone with money for decent ship and a few licenses and tickets could start trading the...

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WeTwo Part Three

During the summer following high school graduation, Penny testified for the defense saying Mr. DeLaurier was a gentleman, kind and and generous. The girls and women on the prosecution side didn't agree. That's where Penny met Mr. Dressler, at least that's what everyone in the courtroom called him. Lawyer Dressler lived in the biggest house in town, drove the nicest car and everyone knew he had money. After DeLaurier was found guilty of a minor misdemeanor charge, Mr. Dressler asked her if...

Group Sex
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WeTwo Part Two

On the next Thursday evening, Kirk called and asked if Penny would like to go to a party with him on Saturday night. She wasn’t hesitant when she said, "Yes!"The party was at a private club where they don’t ask for ID’s, primarily because of the older crowd. Kirk explained it was the school's annual Showstopper Gala, a fundraiser for the college’s drama department. There would be important people there, many who have contributed large sums of money to the school. Penny was to wear something...

Straight Sex
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WeTwo Part One

“Oh my God. Oh my God. I’m so sorry guys! I didn’t know you were in here.” Tears rolled down Penny’s cheeks as she ran out of Janice’s bedroom.The girls were now part of a blended family after Penny’s mom had remarried three years earlier. The girls were only two years apart with Janice being the older at nearly twenty. They had become more than close friends. Now they were family, sisters.It was an awkward situation when Penny barged in the room. Janice’s boyfriend, Aaron, was at the point of...

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"Oh no! He’s not here" Luna said pouting. Shaking her head her short honey brown hair bobbed side to side. She walked forward on long shapely legs that matched her slender body. Luna had shocking yellow eyes that was always hard to look away from. She was wearing a pink skirt that went down to mid-thigh and with a tank top with a matching pink cardigan. She climbed onto the platform and looked around but Mewtwo wasn’t there. Dammit Luna thought and sat down on the platform frustrated....

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Nightwolf Part 3

Meanwhile back in Kevin’s room his father had tossed him onto the bed. He leapt onto his son and used his knees to pin him down. His smacks landed hard on his son’s face as he beat him. “So you like fucking slaves huh?” his father growled. Kevin remained perfectly silent and starred up into his father’s empty eyes with a deep and passionate hatred. He hated his father, he always had. His father in return smacked him again. “Challenge me will you?” he growled deeply and began the turn....

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Also this is the begining of an actual book i am writing and if enough people like it i will write more. The day was bright and sunny just like any other day. A young noble named Kevin was on his usual morning walk, his long black hair flowing in the wind. He was good looking and he knew it with his solid 6 ft of height n finely toned slinder body he often caught the eye of many of the females in court and on occasion a few of the males. As he turned the corner of the forest path he...

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westwood cum slut

There to meet the gurl I had longed to finally get to be with, you see Jill was the cd I had been talking to all these months exchanging stories of things we could do to each other, to bring the pleasures to each of us we really needed. The plane ride was awful and I was nervous as all get out, I had no idea What she would look like except she was blonde, tall, and thin with killer legs. Upon off boarding the plane I looked up and there she was with her sign with my name on it, I...

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An abrasive train whistle cuts through your gentle sleep. As you groggily open your eyes, you see the familiar antique decor of your private train compartment. The bench across from you is empty. You sigh: it's been a while since you've had any kind of company, human or otherwise. Hopefully, those administrative privileges and the sexual endurance pill the park gave you will remedy that problem. As you turn and peer out of the crystal window, a small town slides into view: Sweetwater. It looks...

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Wetwoman QA

Originally I used to blog and used the site to link to my now defunct blog. I found trying to blog and respond to people too demanding. I also had some concerns about career sensitive issues. I enjoy occasional visits here and a handful of friendships based on sexual interests. Yes; that began coincidentally or accidentally really. I happened to have had sex outdoors with my husband and to have been observed by a rather sweet elderly man who was walking on the same footpath. He was a widower...

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