Boot Worshipper
- 3 years ago
- 32
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He slept like the dead the rest of the night.
Which was good, because the next morning Amber woke him up while it was still dark out. “Daddy said for me to get you up. But you can stay there and sleep if you want to.” she finished.
He felt surprisingly awake for that early in the morning. If his Uncle had sent her to get him up, why would she say he could go back to sleep? She was probably trying to get him in trouble again.
When he didn’t say anything, and she just stood there, he lifted his head and looked at her. The hall light was on, and that washed into the room. Her back was to that light, so he couldn’t see her face, but she was obviously looking down at him.
Then he realized he was still naked from last night’s ... treatment, and had slept naked all night long. She was staring at his morning woody. If she hadn’t been such a bitch to him, he might have felt turned on by her staring at him.
Instead he said, “I don’t think your mother would approve of you staring at me like that.”
She sniffed and turned, her pony tail flying up and around her head with the violence of that turn. Then she marched out. It wasn’t until she got to the door that he realized she was wearing baby doll pajamas, and that if his light had been on he probably would have gotten an eyeful.
When he went down to breakfast, his Uncle was already there. He harumpfed when Bobby came into the kitchen and looked at his watch. It was six in the morning and he grumbled that they’d already lost an hour of work time.
Bobby felt anger burn in his belly. He’d done everything the man had asked up to now and hadn’t complained once. He knew the guy was trying to act tough, and his anger just decided for him that he would out-tough the man.
“Okay, sorry, let’s go. I’m not all that hungry anyway.”
He turned toward the door.
Aunt Jenny’s voice whipped out. “Hold it right there young man.” She turned on her husband. “You haven’t gotten up this early in three years. I know you’re supposed to make his life miserable, but let the boy eat breakfast before you start.” She looked at Bobby. “Sit down and eat!” she ordered.
She turned back around to the stove. Bobby looked at Uncle John, who had a sour look on his face. Instead of doing something stupid, like sticking out his tongue, Bobby shrugged and just sat down across from his Uncle.
“Did you sleep okay?” asked his aunt.
“Yes ma’am, like a log” he said, remembering how good he’d felt when she’d left his room, licking his cum off her hand.
“Good” she said. She turned around with a pan full of eggs and bacon and looked at her husband. “You slept pretty well too. You snored like a bear.”
“Just feed us woman!” he growled. “The men-folk around here have work to do.”
Jenny laughed out loud. “We’re going to have to take in more bad boys like Bobby. You’ve gotten more done in the last two days than you did in the last two months!”
He scowled, but she lessened the rebuke by kissing him soundly. Her hand snaked to his lap and he jumped as she squeezed the front of his jeans. “And you save some of that for me tonight. Got that mister?”
Uncle John’s eyes darted to Bobby’s face, but Bobby, hearing something strange in the comment, kept his eyes on his breakfast. Jenny’s eyes went to Bobby too, and then back to her husband, who was frowning even harder now. In his peripheral vision, Bobby saw her blow Uncle John a kiss and then she went back to the stove.
Something strange was going on. He didn’t know what it was, but it was interesting.
Uncle John led Bobby to the barn, where a tractor was hitched up to a long flatbed wagon. The wagon had wheels and tires on it just like a car did and sat lower to the ground than Bobby would have expected. Uncle John had him climb up and stand to one side of the tractor seat, on the axel housing and they started off. Bobby wasn’t about to ask a bunch of questions, but if all they did today was ride around on a tractor, it wasn’t going to be bad at all.
“We’re going to put up hay today” said his Uncle.
“Where are we going to put it up to ... or at ... or whatever?” asked Bobby.
“I baled it last week, and we have to load it on the wagon and then unload it in the barn.” said John.
Have you ever heard the joke about the Lone Ranger and Tonto, when they were surrounded by hostile Indians and the Lone Ranger says “Tonto, what are we going to do?” and Tonto says, “Who’s this ‘we’ Kemosabe?”
Well, when Uncle John said ‘we’ were going to put up some hay, what he actually meant was that he was going to drive the tractor, while Bobby humped the bales up onto the wagon, and then when they got back to the barn he was going to supervise where Bobby put the bales in stacks four tiers high.
For those of you who don’t know farming, an average hay bale weighs somewhere in the neighborhood of 45 pounds, unless it’s alfalfa, which weighs in from 60 to 90 pounds per bale. John’s hay wagon held roughly a hundred bales.
If they’d have been alfalfa, it probably would have killed Bobby.
They made three trips before lunch. If Bobby would have known he’d humped six and a half tons of hay, he might have been proud of himself. That’s a lot of hay for a young man to hump when he’s not conditioned for it. It was probably good that nobody told him the average hay-hauling operation handles a thousand bales a day.
Course they do it with a lot more than one inexperienced kid and a man riding the tractor.
The point of all this verbiage is that Bobby didn’t have much appetite at lunch.
When Cindy showed up in the barn as they were putting up the third wagonload, announcing that lunch would be ready in half an hour, Bobby almost sobbed with relief at the thought of not lifting anything during lunch. He had given it everything he had, and if his Uncle said they were doing that in the afternoon too, he didn’t know what he’d do.
John, for his part, was also fed up with the idea that this boy was a troublemaker. From what he’d seen this kid had plenty of heart, was a damn good worker, and would drive himself half to death if his pride was involved. As he watched Bobby drag himself up to the house, he decided that boot camp was over for Bobby. He also decided that Bobby’s parents didn’t need to know that.
When they walked in the kitchen and Jenny looked them over, John knew he was in trouble. Bobby sagged into a chair and stared dully at the tall glass of sweet tea his Aunt put in front of him. Her tight-lipped stare skewered John. “He’s not quite dead yet” she said in a brittle voice. “Want me to get your pistol so you can do it quicker?”
John held up his hands. Instead of trying to defend himself he just said, “He’s done for the day.”
“He most certainly is” agreed his wife, her eyes glinting dangerously. She reached out and stroked Bobby’s hair. “Bobby, you just take as long as you want for lunch. When you’re done I’ll draw you a hot bath. You’re going to need some of that salve on your muscles too.”
Bobby would have tensed at her mention of the salve, but he was too tired. Instead he just looked up at her and smiled weakly.
Amber and Cindy bustled into the kitchen animatedly.
“What’s wrong with him?” sneered Amber. “Is the poor little city boy all tired out? Does he need his mamma to kiss it and make it all better?”
“Amber” said her father in a soft voice that somehow sounded loud. “I reckon you and Cindy will be humping bales this afternoon. Bobby here, got about half of them. The other half is up to you.”
Amber looked stricken and Cindy punched her in the ribs. “See what you did now?“
The rest of lunch was a dour affair. Only Jenny seemed to be upbeat and cheerful. After lunch John told the girls to get dressed for hay hauling and hustle out to the barn.
Jenny stood, her arms folded under her breasts, one foot turned outward as she leaned most of her weight on the other leg. “Well, do you think you can drag yourself up to the bathroom? A hot bath will make you feel a lot better.”
“Yes ma’am” said a dejected Bobby. He felt muscles screaming that, before today, he didn’t even know he had. His self-image, that of a strong young man who could take anything, had taken, among other things ... a beating.
His aunt followed him to the bathroom, and inside, and he didn’t even notice. When her hands flickered out to unbutton and remove his clothing, he noticed, but was too tired to get embarrassed or try to tell her he could do it.
He’d pulled up his saggers again this morning, and they’d chafed his thighs where the saddle had rubbed him raw. When she dropped his pants, she could see the skin was red and irritated again. That was nothing compared to what the hay had done to his legs where they weren’t covered. You’d think hay poking your skin wouldn’t be all that horrible.
You’d be wrong.
“Damn that man” she muttered. “He doesn’t have the sense of a goat.”
She wasn’t too surprised when she pulled Bobby’s underwear down and his lifeless penis drooped as much as the rest of him. She made the bath hot enough that he winced as he put a foot in it.
“Just get in it slowly” she warned. “Let your body down little by little. It feels hot now, but in a few minutes you’ll get used to it and it will feel good. I promise.”
He did and sighed as he found out she was right. He felt weightless in the deep bathtub, and the water was so hot on his skin that he couldn’t actually feel the ache in his muscles. He turned his head and, for the first time, realized what his Aunt was wearing.
She had on a halter top that went around her neck and cupped her breasts, lifting them so they stood out proud and firm. The cloth in the front was tied in a big knot between those breasts. She was kneeling on the floor next to the tub and she had a bottle of something in her hand. At lunch she’d had her blond hair in a pony tail. Now it was loose and hanging down past her shoulders.
“Thank you” he said.
“Don’t thank me yet” she said with a glimmer in her eyes. “You just soak for a while and I’ll be back.
Bobby couldn’t believe how good the water felt to his cramping muscles. His Aunt was right about how he stopped feeling the heat after a while. But when he tried to sit up he felt strangely weak. He was about to get concerned about it when she came back into the bathroom.
“Okay, you’ve been in there long enough that you should be weak as a puppy. Let’s get you cleaned up and out of there.”
“Cleaned up?” he said, wondering what she meant.
She looked at him strangely and smiled. She reached over to the counter and picked up a hand mirror. She turned it so he could see. His face was streaked with what looked for all the world like mud!
“It’s the dust from the hay” she laughed. “John should have had you clean up before lunch. He knew better than to bring you to a meal like that. Here, hold your breath and lean back.”
She held her hand behind his neck as she let his head go under the water and pulled him back up. “Now, sit up.” she instructed.
She helped him sit up and reached into the tub to let the water begin to drain. When it was half its original depth she had him hold onto the sides of the tub and she squirted a handful of soap into her hand. She lathered up his hair and then used a cup to draw fresh water to pour over his head, rinsing his hair. She squirted another handful of soap into a hand, rubbed both her hands together, and began to wash her nephew’s body.
Bobby jerked at the feel of her hands on his shoulders. “I can do that” he muttered.
“Of course you can. But you just hold on. You’re still weak from the heat in that water.” she said. Her hands slid down, one to his chest and the other to his back. She spent some time on his arms and shoulders, and then went back to his back and chest. Her hands went in circles as she washed him. They slid lower, into the water. The hand in back slid across his buttocks. The one in front darted between his legs.
“Aunt Jenny” he groaned. His arms fell into the water, splashing some out and onto his Aunt.
“Now look what you’ve done” she said, her voice level. “You’ve gone and gotten my top all wet.”
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The following story is a work of fiction. It contains sexual themes and descriptions. It includes Transgender themes and depictions of Bondage, Domination and Submission. It is meant purely for entertainment and no endorsement or condemnation of the subjects is implied or intended. IF YOU ARE BOTHERED, REPULSED OR OTHERWISE OFFENDED BY THIS SUBJECT MATTER DO NOT READ THIS STORY. My Boots - A Short Story - By: Bootlover I still don?t know how I came to do this. It had to be the...
Hey everyone! I know that it's been a while since my last story and I apologise for that. I took a break for a bit and honestly, I had probably run out of ideas. But on the bright side, since I've gotten back into writing again, I've decided to do a complete reboot of my universe so essentially, ignore everything that has come before and start fresh with this story. With this reboot comes a few changes. I'm trying out a new naming system for the characters which I have developed with a...
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I Love Thigh Boots 3 It has been a whole week since I met my New Mistress, Mistress Sue has changed my life beyond recognition, just a few weeks ago I was a sad and lonely man who lived alone after two failed marriages, drove an old saloon, rarely had much money, yet now I live most of my life feminised by Mistress Sue's boots, I still work at the same place (which is the only time I was allowed to be my male self!), I had no need for the money now, Mistress Sue only took from my...
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DINA'S BOOTS by Throne I knew the first day I met Dina what she was like. How could I not? She loved to talk about herself. About how she was a trust fund girl, totally self involved, and a bitch too. It didn't hurt that she was also attractive. Slender but with a full bust, pretty face with dramatic cheekbones that lent a hint of cruelty, and a fashion sense somewhere between glitzy and slutty. I was in love. I wanted to be with her. At the same time, I wanted to BE her. Hi...
I love Thigh Boots This is the story of my love of thigh boots and the women who love to wear them, the dominance they radiate and how the very thing I love was the making of my dream. If you add to this my ultimate fantasy, to be totally feminised by a woman in boots you will begin to understand my dream. It all started when I was young in the sixties, in my teens. I started to notice that I was very attracted to women who wore knee length boots, the very sight of such a...
Corsets and Boots: Part Two Corset Training for the Young Male Beginner Selection of the Corset Every caring mother should take her young son to a well-known and highly recommended corsetiere who specialises in designing corsets that train and shape the youthful male figure. A good corset maker will be able to give the best advice, and can offer the latest and most scientific ideas regarding the design and manufacture of the best type of corset for a growing boy. Some mothers,...
I would like to thank everyone who left their feedback for me; you are the reason I am continuing! I Love Thigh Boots II Wow, what a day that was! It started like any other day really, boring but normal, then I met Sue and how my life changed, literally! Fascinated by her boots she took me to her place and made my wildest dreams come true, so why am I sitting on my bed wondering whether to return to Sue or just stay here? I don't know why, maybe it's the fear of handing my...
Boots bound all dayIn my pursuit for sexual satisfaction i was looking for some fun and tried a local dating forum, i was advertising myself as a sexy cross dressing sub who is disabled, i had a few hello’s and some who were curious about me and my disability, i had 3 pics on the site, one of just my high heel boots and the two others of me in my spandex leggings,boots and gloves and fetish hood.I had a couple of messages from this guy called simon he was a straight guy nice and slim, and he...
Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and any resemblance between real people and places is unintended. It does deal with Transgender themes and the supernatural. If these are not for you than stop here please! Thanks again to Janet Nolan, Hope, Nellie and Paula for their great work and patience in proofing and first reads. Any mistakes of course are mine. This work was originally named a little different, Boots the Cat's Tale. The reason for the somewhat altered title is I wrote other...
In my pursuit for sexual satisfaction i was looking for some fun and tried a local dating forum, i was advertising myself as a sexy cross dressing sub who is disabled, i had a few hello’s and some who were curious about me and my disability, i had 3 pics on the site, one of just my high heel boots and the two others of me in my spandex leggings,boots and gloves and fetish hood.I had a couple of messages from this guy called simon he was a straight guy nice and slim, and he wanted to have fun...
Lynette’s House, Komoka 9:39pm, Saturday, February 19, 1979 “Should I take them off or... ?” I started to ask. “ ... No, no. Let me do that!” Lynette quickly said as she slowly dropped down, and knelt in front of my sixteen-year-old body. “By the looks of this wet spot, here, he really enjoyed MY show, and final unveiling of my Playboy worthy ass, didn’t he?” “Believe it or not, Lynette, I really enjoy seeing how you respond to the things I do to you, as much as I get pleasure from the...
You know what it’s like; it’s twenty past five on a Saturday afternoon and almost too late it dawns that you have to have a new pair of boots, boots that is with serial killer heels (not boots for wandering aimlessly around in or standing pointlessly in puddles or rivers at low tide) and that you have to have them now, not tomorrow or the day after but now, today. You will not do what a sane person would do and spend hours on the internet patiently trawlling the websites of ‘JustFab’ ‘New Look’...
Corsets and Boots: Part Eight Chapter Fifteen Work We returned to the shop, after our honeymoon, to find that two batches of completed garments had been delivered by the factory and were overdue for dispatch, so we had to roll up our sleeves and start packing them at once. I almost wished that we had accepted Gerald's offer to mail the orders direct to the customers while we were away; but I preferred to deal with this part of the business myself so that I could deal with any...
Pussies and Boots: A Piece of Fairy Tail Colonial America 1760 King George Highway (Prologue) Beggars and Bastards “Kind Sir, may I have a penny for a penny-loaf of bread?” the young man asked. He hung is head in humble surrender hoping against hope he would not receive rebuke. Little chance had he. “Get the hell away from our table, beggar boy!” my eldest brother did indeed reproach. “There is nothing more I detest than beggars!” My other brother objected, “Now,...
Hi, I am Shamil, I am 26 years old and Leather boots, especially the new ones attract me a lot. I don’t remember since when I acquired this fetish sexual attraction to the leather boots but one incidence, from 3 years ago is still fresh in my mind. I was on a trip to Goa with my gang. We walked into the hotel and were waiting in the lobby. I was sitting closer to the gate. A few minutes later the smell of fresh leather teases my nostrils. I turn around and see a woman wearing a short skirt, a...
FetishAls Student hatte ich viel Zeit und war zu einem Segelturn mit einer Gruppe auf Mallorca. Dort in der Gruppe lernte ich Kerstin kennen. Sie war 27 und war gerade mit ihrem Studium fertig, während ich gerade mitten drin steckte. Wir hatten beide, unabhängig von einander, noch eine Verlängerung des Urlaubs geplant. Nach Ende des Turns und Rückgabe des Boots mussten wir beide feststellen, dass die Insel völlig ausgebucht war. Entnervt beschlossen wir als letzte Möglichkeit noch mal ein kleines...
Captain Kim Milowsky. I first met Army Captain Milowsky when she was an ROTC cadet at Fort Knox. A lot of time has passed since I had forged a special bond with the young cadet and now, she was an Army officer and assigned to my Support Battalion at another Army post. I had to be very careful, because Army regulations are very clear about relationships and sexual harassment. The Army Brass does not like for Officers to engage in any conduct that might call their decision-making...
Office SexChapter Seventeen Some Case Histories This is a short selection of the desires expressed by some of our more extreme customers, taken from my files. In each case I asked for and was granted their written permission to relate their stories, and I always gave them my personal assurance that their anonymity would be protected at all times. 1. "PAINKILLERS PAULA." I remember this particular case because it was one of the few that reduced Dorothy to tears. She had booked the...
I Have A Boot Fetish It all started when i was about 15...with hormones racing and being curious i guess. My sister had moved out of the family home, and i was now taking over her bedroom. However she had left some items behind which she had said could be thrown out. As i was going through the items, i found her boots, the leather was lovely and soft, and they had a half length, 6 inch zip. I had always been fascinated by women in boots, like most young boys of that age..i had a few dirty mags...
We share a modest yet clean flat just south of St. Petersburg. I met her two years ago on a rainy Thursday walking along the sidewalk, she was splashing her feet through rain puddles and laughing like a small child. I soon learned she was proud of being a skilled contortionist, we have been together since that very afternoon. "Yuri!" she exclaimed as she burst through the front entrance door carrying several large shopping bags. "Wait till you see, darling! They are so so sexy!" She...
This is a story of one of our leather and boot fucking sessions.We was heading out for the weekly food shop and as the winter weather is beginning to settle in, I can push a little more for her to wear her leather jackets and boots more often.So she asked me what it was like outside,“Bloody cold and wet” I said, “so gonna need to wrap up a bit”“Ok babe. Grab me something to wear then.” She said, knowing full well what I was going to suggest. So I pulled out her tan leather jacket and her light...
Upon returning to her apt she offered me a bottle of water while I waited for her to change for our playtime. As she handed it to me she gave my crotch a squeeze and said, "my, if you're this hard just thinking about the boots, I can't imagine what you'll be when you see me in them." Off she went to her bedroom while I waited, idly playing with myself through my slacks. I could the rustling of clothing, zippers, and finally she emerged. A black bra, the black leather mini skirt, black thigh...
Hey everyone, my first story submission. Hope you’ll like it. So, here it goes. Mera naam arjun (changed) hai. Mai delhi ke ek college se engineering kar raha hu, age 21. Aap sab jaante hai k engineering college mei ladkiyo ki quantity zara kam hoti hai aur jo milti hai woh toh pehle se hi committed hoti hai. Ab story shuru hoti hai jab mai 2nd year mei tha . Story ki heroine ka naam hai sonia(changed). 1st year se ok-ok friends thay but she was committed. Hum dono alag alag departments se...
As usual, all of my stories are true.We were getting ready for bed, per usual. I was already there, and my wife was still finishing up her evening routine. Then she called to me from the closet, "oh, did you see I got new boots?""Hmm. Okay." I responded. I wasn't really that interested. "Sure, show me?"I figured she'd carry out a shoe box. Instead she walked out wearing brown, calf-length, high-heel suede boots. Very soft looking, very sexy to me. She'd paired them with a brown knit dress that...
What is it about the Christmas and New Year time that makes us want to be with the ones we love? I have to admit to getting a bit down around that time, just wanting to be with someone who is so special to me and knowing I was going to have to wait. Partly due to feeling down I decided to treat myself to a pair of black thigh-length PVC boots, and once I’d got them home decided to try them on, just to make sure they fitted properly. I managed to massage them onto my legs and was impressed...
My heart pounding, I tore through the wrapping paper and lifted the lid of the box. "Daddy!" I shrieked. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" I stared across the living room at my daddy, in shock. "Seriously? But I thought... I thought you said they were too expensive?"Daddy chuckled, no doubt pleased by my reaction. He loved to surprise me like this. Nearly forty-five, he still acted like a wild teenager sometimes, and his unpredictable behavior constantly kept me on my toes. "Well, Princess,"...
My grandmothers sister has always been close to me, I have been able to talk to her about everything. She knows everything about my fetish and we have talked allot about it, she seems to be quite curious about it. Lets call her Ella. She is 37 years older than me, she is blond with a fit boddy and everythin. She has shoe size euro 41, I have been borrowing shoes from her manny times. She doesn´t look a day older than 40, I prommise!When I was 19 I was going to her at her house, she lives about...
Boots"It still makes my bottom tingle when I hear the clip-clop of a woman wearing boots," he said.The interviewer listened attentively. "Take all your clothes off," she instructed.She smiled to herself when he immediately stood up to remove his clothes. She knew that most guys have no reservations about undressing for a female they find attractive, and more so with a submissive male. "Those too," she said, referring to his briefs.For an uncomfortable moment, he stood naked before her with...
For a while I was fairly active in the "hobby" of "dating" escorts. As you might imagine I tried to select ladies with good taste in boots, which believe it or not was harder than it seemed it should be in Chicago. Part of that was probably due to the fact that I couldn't afford the really top end ladies that were more likely to have the excess cash to stock their closets at Macy's, Saks, and Nordstrom’s. At one point I wrote to a lady who lived further out from the city and more in my general...