Last Goddess and her Last Worshipper
- 3 years ago
- 29
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Night has drawn in and the moon casts a silvery glow on the garden. As I sithere naked at the table, I am trying to come to terms with what has happenedtoday. I concentrate on my task.
My left arm is firmly emplaced within the boot; I splay my hand inside thefoot to press against the leather, as my right pushes down with the soft cloth;describing firm circles across the smooth skin. The tang of polish mingleswith the aroma of my mistress; I stop for a millisecond and breathe in deeplythrough my nose, drawing my head up as I do so, feeling enveloped with theheady blend of supple leather and her delicate perfume. I smile to myself asI continue with my work. No, not work, more an act of worship, of devotion;my love for her is expressed in the orbits my fingers continually make throughthe cloth, working the polish in and over. I feel a physical sensation in mystomach and my cheeks tingle, I almost chuckle as I realize the reaction comingover me is pride, stopping again, I admire the shine developing through thetoe of the boot.
A bead of sweat drops from my forehead onto the shiny leather, the moistureballs up, wax repelling it into a semi-sphere. Satisfaction and excitementflow though me, I feel sure she will be pleased with what I have done. I closemy eyes again and recall hearing the steady click clack of her heels tappingacross the wooden floor to where I had lain. The recollection swells me, andI feel the warmth engorging my manhood as I cherish the recent memory of herstriding in her boots across the room to my splayed form. I reach down andbegin stroking myself as I recall that by the time she had returned, my armshad long since stopped burning. She had deftly and expertly tied my left wristto her dining table and the right to the radiator. My legs had been fixed bythe ankles to the bottom of the table and the leg of her settee. I was completelynaked and had felt scared; scared and vulnerable. I continued to massage myselfwith long deliberate strokes as I remembered how I got to be here.
It had all began simply enough, a dropped fork in Pizza Hut, (Pizza Hut!,no-one had told me that was where you were selected by Goddesses for theiramusement, I had always imagined it would be a bar or a nightclub or somewherelike that). I picked up her fork and she took it and looked discerningly.
?Glad to see you know your place'.
A tingle like electricity had gone through my body, and I'm sure I had glowedcrimson. Come to think of it, it wasn't what she said, it was the way thatshe had said it, and how she held my gaze, I had felt myself being devoured.However, that was; how long was it? 13 days, 13 long days ago, 13 days. Sincethen I had seen her twice, this was the third time and I was on a steep learningcurve. The previous encounter had been a flurry of words and exchange of positions,3 hours in a coffee shop had disappeared in an instant. She had been warm andlanguid in her responses, amused at my naiveté but absolute in her authority.I had never been able to say how I felt about being dominated before. She hadbeen at pains to ensure I was clear about safe words and immersement in scenes.I listened and was absorbed. I felt like a fish being reeled in, and I likedit. I liked it a lot.
I had arrived at her house half an hour before we were due to meet. The skywas a dazzling blue, and the sun was bright and high, I'm sure if I had triedhard, I would have been able to hear larks or some such summer bird. I hadn'twanted to be late, so had waited in my car just a few houses down. At 3 O'clocksharp, I knocked on the door, I could feel my palms sweating, my heart washammering inside my chest, and I swear I could hear it beating. I just feltso overwhelmed that she had allowed me to enter her world. I was intoxicatedjust by the thought of being near her.
She opened the door and graced me with a smile; I'm not an effeminate man,but I honestly felt like I was going to faint, all lightheaded and buzzing.
?Come in, come in'.
She motioned me in with her hand; she was wearing cream jodhpurs with a pairof dusty riding boots and an old rugby top. She closed the door behind me andled me into the large room on the right. It was lit by bright sunshine andhad two settees with a large dining table and chairs at one end. A magnificentfull length mirror stood to oneside of the largest settee. Almost immediately,my attention was drawn to a beautiful collection of boots reflected in themirror. They were lined up two deep alongside the far wall. Black, red, creamand even green; she had ankle and knee high boots, chunky heels and stilettos.I let out a low moan crossed with a sigh. She looked at me with a puzzled expressionand then smiled.
?Ahh, you're a retifillic; why am I not surprised'.
I honestly didn't know what she was talking about. My expression must havetold her as much.
?The boots' she gestured curtly.
?Oh' I lamely replied as it dawned on me that retifism must be boot worship.
?Yes that's me', I grinned nervously.
I stood there half in the doorway, the silence settling around me like a shroud.
I desperately wanted to, I don't know, impress her perhaps, and make her seethat I was a genuine devotee, that I had discernment. Whatever it was, I madea mistake and started an avalanche that ended with me on the floor. This wasthe beginning of my first lesson.
I commented how I much preferred the shiny black stilettoed knee high bootsshe had on display to the dirty old things she was wearing. Her expressionchanged, I wasn't quite sure to what, and it was like the clouds had suddenlycovered up the sun in this corner of the room. I stumbled on desperately tryingto fill the silence she had left.
?I love boots'.
?Especially shiny ones, black best of all' my voice trailed off.
Her face had definitely changed, that cloud had just become a hammerhead anvildivining a storm. She looked through me. I tried to continue. Stammering;
?I just, d-d-don't f-f-find'.
?Don't find what', her crisp voice cut right across me.
?I- I- I' stammered.
?Finish what you were going to say'. Her words were deliberate and icy, herimpatience was obvious.
?I just don't like dirty boots, and certainly not flat boots'
The words all arrived at once, tumbling over each other in my haste to getthem out, I finished with a lame;
?Sorry', she spat.
She paused and hurled the word out again as her hand went up, back, and down,hurtling across the void between us and connected with my cheek. It was likea matrix slomo moment; I saw the slap. I felt the slap, and then I saw my headtwist and my body pivot round and down to the floor. I could hear myself thinkingshe slapped me so hard I'm hitting the floor, she hit me, she is wonderful,I love her; the sharp pain is fantastic, I was savoring it as my shoulder andthen my head hit the floor. I tried to rise up on to my elbows, but somehowshe had got down to my level and quickly slapped me on the other cheek knockingme back down. I opened my mouth to speak, I didn't even know what I was goingto say, (I now know that nothing was what I should have done). Even as I hadbegun to open my mouth, she had clenched her fist, drawn it back and broughtit around to punch me just behind my left ear. The sting of it coursed throughmy body and I collapsed. As I did so, she placed one knee on my chest and bentdown so her face was less than a hand span away from mine. Her voice was cold,hard, and completely full of control. The time between me uttering my naiveopinion and feeling the weight of her body on mine must have been less thana minute. I had never ever felt so alive.
?You are a worthless, piece, of, shit'.
Her scorn was absolute. She looked straight at me as she said;
?You have no right to utter anything about anything. You have a choice. Rightnow, you can get up and walk out, or you can stay and take what you deserve.There is no other option.'
With that, she got up and looked down at me. I returned her look, but avertedmy gaze from her eyes, starting from the tops of her dirty riding boots throughher cream jodhpurs to her soiled sweatshirt. I stopped at her neck line andI tried to say sorry, but all that came out was a sibilant mumble. She gazeddown with utter contempt and waved behind her.
?The door is that way'.
A horrified ?no, no' was all I could manage. I swear I saw a smile flit acrossher face as she turned, but just as quick, it was gone, and her face becamea mask of severity.
?You will learn your place'.
Then she turned and walked back out into the hall.
I really didn't know what to do. I had felt lost, rejected, but excited atthe same time; I went up on my elbows and wondered if I should have followedher when I heard the sound of her returning footsteps. She entered carryinga large bucket with what looked like a riding crop poking out of the top. Sittingdown on the settee, she placed the bucket beside her.
?Come here' she commanded.
I went to raise myself up, she sighed.
?Unless I say otherwise you will crawl on all fours in my presence'.
I swallowed and nodded, she sighed again.
?You will acknowledge all commands from me with a ?yes mistress''.
?Yes mistress', I quietly replied and crawled over to her.
She gazed down.
?Let me make this absolutely clear to you, if you stay you will be mine; Iwill treat you as I see fit, and we will begin with your admonishment.'
?Yes mistress' I said again, eagerly this time.
?Good' she replied briskly.
?Take you clothes off and lie down over there', she motioned behind me tothe dining table.
I quickly disrobed and heard her softly sniggered as I almost fell over gettingmy last sock off. She carried the bucket over and kicked my legs and arms intothe position she wanted. Saying nothing, she had draped soft cotton ropes onmy limbs. Kneeling down once more she silently and almost reverently tied theropes around my arms and ankles, quietly asking me if I was comfortable andable to move at all (I was and I couldn't). I felt perplexed, didn't know whatto say, she was almost caressing my arm as she had spoken to me. I thoughtmaybe the severe disciplinarian who had chastised me so vigorously was justa feint, that she was actually just another woman who wanted to be soft andgentle. That I had made a mistake. But she was tying me up, she was in control,she was dictating everything that happened. I felt confused; I wondered ifI was forgiven, and the punishment would just be to be left tied here. ThenI realized it was not me that pleased her, but the act of tying. There wasa distinct ritualistic slant to her devotions. I was part of, but completelyseparate to her consideration. I could just feel the edges of the sublime purityin the perfect moment she appeared to be having. She completed the last knotand stood up surveying her work, a gentle smile played on her face.
?Now we can begin' she murmured softly and moved up to my head. I smiled andfelt good in the warmth in her voice. This abruptly changed when she lookeddown at me.
?Turn your face to look at my boots' she commanded.
I twisted over to look at the flat riding boots. The black leather dull witha coating of dust towered upwards. A thin strip of leather ran vertically thelength of the boot; it was tightened by a buckle at the top and a retainingD-ring at the heel.
She took a step or two backwards, swiveled a chair round and sat on it thewrong way. Leaning over the back of the chair, she cradled her long leg aroundso the travel stained boot lay on my chest.
?You may now demonstrate what little worth you have' she instructed.
?Yes mistress' I replied.
?What are these boots to you worm'.
?They are the centre of my existence mistress'.
She curtly nodded, almost displeased that I had said something right.
?Clean them', she pushed the boot into my face.
I moved my head over and reached out with my tongue, I felt the stiffnessof the leather around the toe and was surprised at its smoothness. The dustwas actually gritty in my mouth and left a sour acrid aftertaste. I could feelmy saliva drying up but I continued moving my tongue and lips as much as Icould. As I did so, she slowly rotated her boot allowing access; shufflingthe seat closer meant I could continue up the side of her boot. She abruptlygrabbed hold of my hair and I winced as she yanked it back and forth wipingthe boot dry. She let go, dropping my head back to the floor and nodded atme to continue. I ran my tongue over the D-ring and sensed its coldness againstthe warmth of the leather; a metallic tang accompanied its chill feel. I tastedthe soapiness of the polish as I worked my way up the side. She moved her bootround again and the inside calf was exposed to my licking; I could barely manageto accommodate any moisture at all, and tried dragging my tongue across myteeth to induce some. I then realized there was a zip and ran my tongue upit, the rough texture rasped alongside my lips as I worked my dry mouth onto the top of her boot, I tried to suck the leather to induce some saliva inmy mouth to complete my task. However, it was no good.
?Mistress I'm dry' I pleaded.
She sighed, removed her leg, and stood up swinging the chair behind her asshe did so. She went to the bucket, picked up the crop then strode over tomy prostrate body and knelt down on my chest. Slowly increasing her weightuntil the pressure pushed all the air out of my lungs, I gasped and she hadbeatifically smiled again. She took her knee off my chest and knelt down belowmy left arm.
?You have so much to learn my darling'.
Her hand reached out and I winced in anticipation, but it was a soft caressthat met my face.
?When you are good, you are rewarded and when you are bad?' she left it unsaidand just scanned my body up and down as she straightened up.
I pleaded with her.
?Please, I'll try harder, please.'
Bending down she had sniffed hard and spat on my face, reflexively I shutmy eyes, her spit splattered across my forehead and my eyelids, the phlegmbegan running down my cheek.
?You really are pathetic, I should just cut you loose and not bother withyou', the sneer in her voice was far far worse than the words.
?No mistress' I whined softy and then;
?Please mistress' again.
?Clean them' she said and lifted the toe of her boot to my mouth.
I tried to lift my head and reach my tongue out to lick the sole of her boot.My lips were cracked and my tongue was dry, I attempted to work some salivaup to wet the toe, but it was all gone, I knew I didn't dare risk saying anything,I whined softly. She pulled her boot back slightly, I moved my head up again,it was excruciating, I barely met the tip of her boot, my tongue just caressedthe leather when she pulled it away again. For a moment, I thought she wasgoing to kick me in the face, a cold shiver ran over me and my nipples becamehard as Goosebumps contracted across my body.
?Are you too dry my pet?' there was a smile to her voice.
I nodded vigorously, she leant down again and spat into my mouth, for somereason this surprised me and I nearly choked and then enjoyed savoring thesensation that she had spat into my mouth, I was still hers. I existed becauseshe willed it. She repeated the maneuver and I felt myself swell and groanedslightly. She looked back at my stiffening cock.
?Pay attention worm', flicking the crop at my member as she did so.
It caught the tip and I winced in reply.
?You will learn' she clearly enunciated.
?These boots will be the entire focus of your being'.
I nodded. She stepped over my arm and stood directly over me placing a bootedfoot on my neck and chin.
?Understand that every stroke of my crop and sting of its kiss is directlyrelated to the lack of reverence you have shown'.
?Yes mistress' I replied.
?Good' she said and moved to a kneeling position on my chest.
?All that happens now is deserved' and she brought the crop down hard on myleft arm, just inside the elbow.
I screamed and tried to rise up, she simultaneously slapped me around my facetwice, fore and back hand, then pressed down harder continuing with her administeringwith her crop; doing the same to the right and the again to left, and backagain each time leaving a red mark in a different place. Each and every strokeof her hand brought an intense flash of pain followed by a brief spell of warmbuzzing sting mixed with real sexual heat. She was deliberately hesitatinga second between each caress of the crop, accentuating the sensations buildingup on my arms. She was an artist creating an image with the canvas of my body.As she brought the crop down, she said :
?You, are, nothing,'
?You, have, no, opinions,'
?My, word, is, all'.
?My, word, is, all', she had then stood up, smiling as she did so.
15 welts were raised on my arms, I stifled a sob, the pain had gone throughso many different changes, it was like my life had been monochrome and suddenlyI had Technicolor. A sharp sting, a dull ache and a tingling (please don'tgo holding onto kind of) throb, all rolled into one, and washed over and aroundme. I could feel the emotion roll over and around me; the muffled sobs werenot because of the pain, but the joy I felt. I was incredibly hard, I was carryingher marks, she had taken me completely, at least so I thought, later I wasto realise that this episode was just her breaking me in before I was really,truly taken by her.
Each stinging contact had been underlined with a word, stringing togetherher wonderful pronouncement on my being, I was being reborn, and she had engulfedme. She pulled herself back off of my body and lowered her head, her hair gentlystroking my face and neck as she moved down; the gentleness of her caressesaccentuated the previous moments of pain. Then an excruciating spasm shot throughme as she clamped her teeth on my right nipple and bit down hard, I cried outin agony; her mouth opened and reclosed around my entire areola drawing theflesh up into her mouth, she sucked more in and drew down harshly sinking hersharp incisors deep into my breast. She released it and returned to the nipple,again causing me to scream, this time she bit even harder. I could actuallysee sparkling lights; flashes of green obscured my vision as she brought herselfup and once again spat into my face. The spit was tinged with red, and I suddenlyrealized it was my blood; she turned to the left nipple and enclosed that withher teeth as well. I waited for the same excruciating pain, but it never came.She teased it with her teeth, I visibly relaxed, she obviously felt the relaxationof my body because she quickly responded with another clenching. Biting hardand drawing more blood, which once more she spat into my face. The second gobbetof phlegm joined the first on the bridge of my nose and together they sliddown my face into my mouth, the coppery taste of blood filled my senses asshe continued to suck hard on my left breast, biting and worrying it with herentire mouth. She pulled herself upwards and looked straight into my face,the spasms of pain in my pecs was overwhelming the dull burning on my arms.Slowly even that began to fade to a monotonous throb in time with my heartbeat; I knew then that she was truly an artiste of sadism as she continuedto gaze into my eyes whilst simultaneously taking hold of my ball sack in herleft hand and squeezing with the points of her nails. It was quick, hard andviscous. I screamed out loud
A tear welled up in my eye and rolled down my cheek as she constricted evenharder and yanked down on the whole scrotum at the same time pulling out severalclumps of pubic hair as she did so. A strangled gasp issued from my clenchedteeth. She smiled broadly. Let go, then immediately slapped my testicles ashard as she could.
Abruptly she got up and once more left the room. I had no idea how long ithad been since I had knocked on her door, I knew only that it had been someoneelse's life when I had entered her realm. I as a person no longer existed.I could feel the warmth of my own blood trickling from each nipple entwinedwith the cold sensation of her saliva cooling on my chest and the dull achingsting from the welts on my arm. The sun was still streaming in the room andit warmed my legs, my cock had gone from being completely rock hard to softagain, I could feel it retracting and shrinking as I lay there. Time passed,how long I couldn't say, the sun had moved up my body to just below my nipples,I couldn't feel any blood flowing from them and my arms had become a mass ofdull aching. Then I heard the staccato sound of stilettos, I was confused,surely she was wearing riding boots; riding boots that I now knew I had toshow respect to, to worship as I worshipped her. I lifted my head as the clickclack of heels drummed their way into the room. I could feel my jaw drop open;her jodhpurs were gone she was now wearing a pair of black patent leather bootsthat came up to her knees. The sweatshirt had been replaced with a cream openneck silk blouse that reached down to below her waist. I vaguely rememberingtaking in the fact that there appeared to be nothing below the blouse. Theboots had my total and undivided attention. She was wearing boots that werethe foundation of most of my fantasies. It seemed karmic, that finally I shouldmeet a woman, no, a mistress who not only knew how to command but was wearingthe very sort of boot that I had only ever dreamt about.
The sun caught her as she strode into the room, its light caught the leadingedge of the leather, dazzling and glinting as she moved. She drew closer andI had been able to take in more detail; the toes were acutely pointed and thefour inch stiletto heel was narrow and stainless steel. It stretched down froma bulge at the base of the boot to a sharp tapering point. It appeared keenenough to cut the air it moved through, the arrow true straightness contrastedwith the round form of her calf through the leather. The subtle smoothnessof its form drew my eye round and down it; I could see the seam cutting downfrom the top, criss crossed by the stitching that looped around the ankle.As I drank in the appearance of those beautiful boots, I realized I had beenmistaken about the patent leather. The texture of the shininess betrayed thefact that they had been meticulously spit shined by someone. A tremor of jealouslyhad gone through me. I put it to the back of my mind as I focused again onthe vision of her boot clad legs. The light played around the soft shape theboot had just under the knee; how I had longed to caress and kiss them. I washard, and could feel myself trembling as I took in the loveliness of thoseboots, the smooth shining leather just begged to be stroked, I imagined rubbingmy face and cheek against them like a cat. I actually wanted to purr, whata wonderful mistress, how could I please her? I desperately wanted to showher that I would do anything she wanted. The glossy silkiness of the bootscompletely entranced me. They were an object of worship; I believed they couldonly bring pleasure into my life. I really had absolutely no idea that bootssuch as those could actually be used to inflict massive amounts of pain. Thathad been my second lesson. What brought pleasure and what gave pain was arbitrary,my mistress decided how things around me rewarded and punished me. I no longerhad any part in those decisions, I was only to receive and give as she so deigned.
As I thought back to those beautiful boots encasing her shapely legs I foundmyself becoming even more aroused. The pale moonlight shone on the riding bootsI was now polishing. I brought my boot encased arm up to my face and inhaleddeeply as I pulled harder on myself. The scent of leather spilled into my mouthand nostrils. I increased the frequency of the strokes as I remembered whatshe had done only an hour ago. Entering the room like a 1000 fantasies distilledinto one distinct vision, her sharp heels had played a tattoo as she crossedthe room to where I had lain. She had straddled me sitting on my chest andcaressed my face as she said;
?I'm going to untie you, and you will then finish cleaning my boots'.
In my fetishtic induced semi-trance, I hadn't even noticed that she had beencarrying her riding boots by their tops.
?When I return they will be spotless and as pleasant to look at as these are.Do you understand?'
I nodded as she placed them on the floor.
?Good. It is so tiresome when I have to underline my requests with sanctions'.
Her fingers traced the raised welts on my arms and her nail gently caressedthe outline her riding crop had made earlier. She slid down my chest slightlyand squeezed my left nipple between her nails,
?Let's not have a repeat of earlier'.
A shower of pain sensations went through my nipple as she squeezed even harder,my bottom lipped buzzed and I could taste a metallic sensation in my mouthas the hurt from previously was reignited. She lightly traced her fingertipsover my bruised scrotum, I whimpered, and this brought a light smile to herlips. She smiled again as I let out another small snivel, gave my nipple anotherhard twist and stood up. I felt the pain catch fire across my chest. She lentdown and caressed the ropes around my wrists, stroking them gently as she undidthem. Using quick movements, she released the slipknots and the pressure onmy arms eased. Swiveling about herself, she did the same for my ankles. Shepicked up all four pieces of soft cotton rope and kissed each as she put theminto her hand. Turning she went and sat down on the sofa gently depositingthe ropes in the bucket as she did so.
I sat up, she looked at me but said nothing, her expression gave little away;although I sensed that I should not have moved without permission, but forsome reason she was letting it go, almost as though something else was on hermind. I went onto all fours. She smoothly and deliberately said
?So you love, black, shiny, high heeled, boots?'
There was an underlying smile in her voice as she slowly uttered each word.I convinced myself it was because she was rewarding me. Her purposeful enunciationof each syllable thrilled me. How little I knew her or understood what my trueposition was. I was such a fool, the fact she was smiling was a warning, thenot punishing me for a minor transgression was a warning with klaxons. Shehad something bigger in mind, something infinitely more humiliating and degradingthan a slap or welt mark on my arm. Oh how I would learn my third lesson aboutunderstanding my mistress. I was to judge nothing, no assumptions, and no values.I was here only to please her, what I wanted, needed, desired, was completelyirrelevant to what was happening and what was going to happen.
She languidly beckoned me over, saying;
Let's see how much you really love, black, shiny, high heeled, boots, shallwe?'
I nodded eagerly, feeling fantastic, like a fat boy who has been locked ina cake shop. I wanted to masturbate right there and then. However, some smallspark of sanity prevented me, some survival instinct kept me low down withmy hands well away from my cock. I crawled over to her. I had an idiotic smileon my face as I gazed at her and her beautiful, shiny encased legs.
?Glad you're pleased' she murmured.
The subtly of her sarcasm completely washed over me in my heightened stateof desire. Reaching back down into the bucket, she pulled out what looked likea thin black belt. She held it up and I realized it was a dog leash. In mynaivety, I wondered what it was for; I had never entertained any fantasiesof being lead round by a leash. However, as I have already said, what I fantasizedabout and wanted was completely irrelevant. She motioned me forward and placedthe loop of the choker around my neck. She shifted her position as I came torest at her feet. Her blouse rose up slightly revealing a short black linenskirt underneath, she placed one leg over the other, and I felt myself glowcrimson as I was rewarded with a small flash of white panties glistening underthe skirt, the smoothness of them suggested silk or satin. I suspect that Imay have even let out a small moan, but I can't be sure. Such is the intensityof the emotion and physical feelings the memories stir up I can only recollectthe beginning of it in thin wisps. The full on power of the following 20 minutesengulfed me.
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Boots bound all dayIn my pursuit for sexual satisfaction i was looking for some fun and tried a local dating forum, i was advertising myself as a sexy cross dressing sub who is disabled, i had a few hello’s and some who were curious about me and my disability, i had 3 pics on the site, one of just my high heel boots and the two others of me in my spandex leggings,boots and gloves and fetish hood.I had a couple of messages from this guy called simon he was a straight guy nice and slim, and he...
In my pursuit for sexual satisfaction i was looking for some fun and tried a local dating forum, i was advertising myself as a sexy cross dressing sub who is disabled, i had a few hello’s and some who were curious about me and my disability, i had 3 pics on the site, one of just my high heel boots and the two others of me in my spandex leggings,boots and gloves and fetish hood.I had a couple of messages from this guy called simon he was a straight guy nice and slim, and he wanted to have fun...
Upon returning to her apt she offered me a bottle of water while I waited for her to change for our playtime. As she handed it to me she gave my crotch a squeeze and said, "my, if you're this hard just thinking about the boots, I can't imagine what you'll be when you see me in them." Off she went to her bedroom while I waited, idly playing with myself through my slacks. I could the rustling of clothing, zippers, and finally she emerged. A black bra, the black leather mini skirt, black thigh...
My heart pounding, I tore through the wrapping paper and lifted the lid of the box. "Daddy!" I shrieked. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" I stared across the living room at my daddy, in shock. "Seriously? But I thought... I thought you said they were too expensive?"Daddy chuckled, no doubt pleased by my reaction. He loved to surprise me like this. Nearly forty-five, he still acted like a wild teenager sometimes, and his unpredictable behavior constantly kept me on my toes. "Well, Princess,"...
Boots"It still makes my bottom tingle when I hear the clip-clop of a woman wearing boots," he said.The interviewer listened attentively. "Take all your clothes off," she instructed.She smiled to herself when he immediately stood up to remove his clothes. She knew that most guys have no reservations about undressing for a female they find attractive, and more so with a submissive male. "Those too," she said, referring to his briefs.For an uncomfortable moment, he stood naked before her with...
For a while I was fairly active in the "hobby" of "dating" escorts. As you might imagine I tried to select ladies with good taste in boots, which believe it or not was harder than it seemed it should be in Chicago. Part of that was probably due to the fact that I couldn't afford the really top end ladies that were more likely to have the excess cash to stock their closets at Macy's, Saks, and Nordstrom’s. At one point I wrote to a lady who lived further out from the city and more in my general...
From Aldo we walked over to Nordstrom. It was now impossible to conceal my erection as visions of the salesgirl helping a rather properly dressed lady (at least on the surface) try on some otk fuck boots danced in my brain, and I made little or no attempt to conceal it. On the way through the mall I caught her glancing down once or twice, perhaps admiring her work. She was a little nervous about Nordstrom as a friend of hers worked in cosmetics, and of course that was the dept at the entrance...
We took the extremely brief drive across the lot to the main mall and found a place to park, commenting on the boots she'd tried on and a few other pairs we saw on the way. Again, once parked, I opened her door for her and was treated to another glimpse of her beneath her skirt. This time was more blatant and while no words were exchanged this time either, I did get a definite "look" from her acknowledging that it was intentional. We stopped to share a cigarette before entering the mall...
Having lived among both, I find that I prefer the working class to the nobles. They know what it is to be in need and are much quicker to help. When we docked in Bootleg, Delray took me home with him. I was another mouth to feed and another body to squeeze into cramped quarters, but I was welcomed with open arms. It was Delray's red faced, harassed mother who hit on a way for me to earn a living. She and some of the other parents in town had vague hopes of their children one day being...
I deliberated a great deal over how to tell this part of my story. I have decided to err on the side of caution and leave a discreet gap here in my history. This is not to protect myself, but to prevent causing undue pain to others, as I will presently explain. In short, they sold me into slavery. The very next morning after Andrew and I were discovered, I was aboard the same slave ship I'd seen from the observation tower the night before. Now -- things went on aboard that ship that I...
Email- [email protected] I'm looking for an assistant apply by emailing. Chapter 2 -- The Choice. Brant Everard was six months younger than I. I haven't seen him for years, but I remember him very clearly. He was tall, slender as a willow, and fair skinned. He wore his dark hair in ringlets and favored lacy collars and cuffs. With a simple handshake between my stepfather and his father, our engagement was arranged. I was livid, but my opinion was of no consequence. The...
Well, that may not do it justice. Ever since I discovered what my dick was for, when I was about twelve, I'd been surfing the web nonstop, watching girls and women do all sorts of things! I guess that's also pretty natural for an American kid left to his own devices in the suburbs, but that habit never really stopped for me. As high school wore on, I began to think of it just as much as a forum for exploration as an easy way to get off. I didn't have much luck with girls (I was a virgin...
What you are now reading are my memoirs of the time I spent in a pirate settlement known as Bootleg. The following tales highlight my sexual adventures during that part of my life, and explain the path that first led me into the buccaneer underground. The narrations vary greatly in content, covering everything from descriptions of romantic interludes, to orgies, to bondage scenes. I offer no apology for the contents, nor do I feel shame. Rather I am proud to have escaped the constraints of...
I’m a horny sexy tranny that loves to get assfucked. As you can see I have a big ass. I loves asses, pussies and dicks. I am a e****t, I date women and men. I dress very slutty in thing like short skirts, slutty shorts, tight jeans. I have a girlfriend and a boyfriend, we stay together. I love to watch them fuck, we r so nasty , I like to lick her ass and pussy after he fucks her, his dick is so big, Ilove to lick his cum out of her ass and they both luv to play in my ass, after I cum home from...
Dinner had been lovely. The wine was decent and the décor was elaborate, just like always. This party had been just as fun and just as boring as those in years past. Iris had been more social than she might have been under other circumstances, though. This year she was without a date. She was alone by choice, but not enjoying it as much as she had hoped she would be. A plan was forming, though. A devious, delicious, drunken one. During dinner, she had been talking to a coworker whom she did not...
Office SexI'm a horny sexy tranny that loves to get assfucked. As you can see I have a big ass. I loves asses, pussies and dicks. I am a escort, I date women and men. I dress very slutty in thing like short skirts, slutty shorts, tight jeans. I have a girlfriend and a boyfriend, we stay together. I love to watch them fuck, we r so nasty , I like to lick her ass and pussy after he fucks her, his dick is so big, Ilove to lick his cum out of her ass and they both luv to play in my ass, after I cum home from...
BOOTLICKING SISSY HUSBAND by Throne Long before she got married, Juno knew what kind of man she had to have. After dating a number of strong assertive types she ruled them out. Why get a spouse who wanted to be your superior? The average sorts were better, willing to compromise, yet still annoyingly ready to stand up for their own desires. What use did she have for someone who expected to be her equal? Then she dated a few that were physical and psychological weaklings, easy to...
BootsyCopyright 2010 by RubberHNote: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, events, etc. is coincidental. IF something like this did actually occur I’d be damned amazed.** Saturday 9:30 AMDarla opened her eyes and smiled. Dan had given her one of the best morning fucks she had ever had before he left to play a round of golf. She had dozed off and had forgotten to reset the alarm.‘Oh, dear.’, she said to herself. ?It’s getting late. I better go out to the garden and get...
Bootleg Wars? Spitman, 2006SCENARIOThe consumption of meat harvested from human females is a major industry in the world of this story, so much so that official agencies have been set up in the USA and elsewhere to control the breeding and harvesting industries, and to maintain the highest possible Real Meat standards. The CRMPA or California Real Meat Processing Authority is the foremost of these authorities. The CRMPA is required by the US government to ensure that Real Meat (human female...
Bootsie - © Spitman, 27th October 1993 The sun blazes down on the rock path as I lead Bootsie down to his feedingplace. I am used to the heat, and my bare feet are hardened after weeks inthe rocky desert. Bootsie is slurping as usual. He knows his food is waiting,and his enthusiasm is irrepressible. So far, Bootsie has behaved himself today. A mischievous dragon would bea handful for anyone, but I am nude and defenceless, so I am grateful thathe is following me with at least an appearance of...
Well, well, well, what do we have here. It looks like Booty Tape is a site that’s meant to be available to everyone who wants to download porn torrents. Well, if that’s the case, then is exactly the type of site that you should be looking forward to. This place has so much amazing content that you’ll be able to download for free, with a caveat. Yeah, caveat, I like big words sometimes. Anyway, the caveat here is that you need to actually make an account on
Porn Torrent SitesBooty Expo! If you are ready for an ad hoc booty call, then you will be interested in what Booty Expo has to offer. There are loads of black and brown beauties with fucking ample asses that will make you drool and leave your cock rock hard and thumping. Call them sweet pear-shaped asses, bubble butts, big black butts, apple butts or whatever the fuck you call them; you are guaranteed to find the kind of delicious nastiness only ebony girls can offer. Because ultimately, what is tastier than...
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Reddit NSFW ListReddit Booty, aka r/Booty! I love a good booty. And don’t lie, you do too! If you’re as big of a fan of a good booty as me, then you’re definitely someone who needs to go to /r/booty and enjoy himself. is known for having a vast array of different content for you to choose from for free. It’s said that there’s a community for pretty much everything on that platform, and if you’re putting it to the test when it comes to having a community that focuses on the biggest asses ever, then...
Reddit NSFW ListBootyOfTheDay! Love big booty girls? I'm not kidding when I say that every man must have found themselves glued at those pleasant money makers jiggling happily on their merry way at one particular, whether consciously or unconsciously. Well, it’s not necessary because we are all pervs or just fancy objectifying women, but those derrieres get us fucking delirious. And just so you know, lust is a moody bitch and you just never know when it hits! Luckily for those of us who countless put our...
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Best Porn GamesJeremy stood outside of a bodega downing a half-liter of guava juice. For some reason that he couldn't explain, he had desperately wanted apple juice. The little store didn't have any in the cooler and he had been afraid to ask. He didn't know why but he didn't want to draw any attention to himself. He stood at the bus station chewing on a meat pie from a street vendor. One of the buses was idling next to the only platform at the station. He asked the vendor where the bus was going and...
Jeremy sat on a pile of rock that had been dumped in a back yard. He was waiting for the backhoe to finish digging the drainage ditch for which the rock would provide the bottom level of filtering. Despite the ugly gash across the yard, the garden was beautiful. Someone knowledgeable had lavished a great deal of time and attention on the plants. He remembered an older man with a grey beard and crooked teeth. The man was explaining to him how to cut back a bush to make the plant grow back...
Early in the afternoon of his third day in the library, Jeremy's internal alarms went off. When he had arrived that morning, he found his usual carrel occupied by a mother and child. Not wanting to be disturbed by nearby patrons, he had chosen a screen in a corner that looked out over the room and the corridor. From that vantage point, he became aware of the increased activity around him. He was racing to finish off another textbook when he felt himself under observation. Having pushed off...
Life upon the Inca Trail was boring and Jeremy couldn't be happier. The two men he interacted with most were his bunkmate and the cook. Ng, his bunkmate, was a man of few words and many grunts. He claimed to be pure Vietnamese but he was big and broad, not slight like the Southeast Asians Jeremy had seen in his digital studies. Abasi would give Jeremy an order and then leave him alone until the next order. Haul, wash, slice, and scrub. The job was straightforward. When he wasn't working...
The captain had assembled the entire crew in the room behind the bridge that he called the afterdeck. Jeremy didn't pretend to understand why the room was called a deck. He just stood in the back of the room, which was his position among the rest of the crew. The senior crew got to sit up front. The captain stomped into the room. "In a few minutes the first mate will hand out the assignments for docking. This is a four-day turnaround now because there is extra cargo to load. There will be...
Nothing of note happened during the two-week voyage to Barcelona except that Jeremy found another porn story with a Shetland pony and an Irish setter. The rest of crew chuckled for days over the lass at the dog and pony show. Jeremy was still the low man on the crew list but he had apparently cemented his place on the ship. Even the captain couldn't hold back a laugh when he passed Jeremy in a passage. The city of Barcelona looked peaceful. Jeremy was standing at the bow as two tugboats...
By the time Jeremy awoke, the sun was already in the western sky. His view from the bedroom window faced south. Looking out of his window, he could see the groves that stretched from one end to the other. To the east was lemon trees which had already been picked but had enough fruit left for him to identify. The olives trees on his right were thick with fruit, which swayed softly in the wind. To the far right, Jeremy could see harvesting bins for the olives. A sense of nostalgia for his time...
The municipal court building was a renovated warehouse on the east side of Geneva, away from the beautiful center of the city. Only civil court judges worked in the building. Without criminals or the need for a jail, security consisted of two guards at the front entrance, looking bored. Standing behind a table, they asked everyone to open their bags and they stuck a stick inside and swirled it around once looking for small weapons, knives and such. Handguns in urban areas had been banned for...
It was just after 9:00 on Monday morning and I was just finishing up with unpacking boxes into my new cubicle when Jocelyn, Mr. Jeffries’ secretary, dropped by and said, “Jane, Mr. Jeffries would like to see you in his office if possible.” “Sure,” I replied, “When?” “Now, if you can.” As I followed her back to his office I asked, “What’s up?” “I don’t know,” she replied. “He just got off his weekly conference call with head office and asked me to see if you were free.” As we approached his...
Straight SexI was away on business last week. It had been a hard week. Work was stressful. School was stressful. I admit I was a bit grumpy after spending 7 days in a swimsuit reading and catching rays. I’d actually not made plans to see anyone the first night I was away. I needed the downtime. I needed to study. I needed to just be alone. I thought. After a long conference day I went to one of my favorite restaurants alone and sat at the bar. I actually was looking forward to a quiet dinner....
Straight SexSometimes I get a craving for cock. And I just want to suck one after the other until my mouths so sore I can't get it around a dick anymore. I also like it anonymous. There's something so very hot about not being able to see the guy whose cock I'm eating and his not being able to see me except the glance of me he gets through the glory hole at the xxx bookstores that I sometimes go to. I like to dress in lingerie. Generally black satin tap pants with a black bra and thigh highs. I...
You slide a dollar in, getting excited. You unzip your pants and pull them down, sitting back down on the stool. You slide another dollar in the machine, your heart starts pumping. The last time you saw her, she was amazing. It had been your birthday and a friend had gotten you into the bar as a present. She danced on the floor, shaking her ass in a school girls outfit, shaking her ass in your face and giving you a private show in the booth when finding out it was your birthday. You only knew...
It's been more than a month since Carla and I had a 3some with Marc. We had a great time, but Carla called me over the weekend and asked me to come by her house. I took a shower and went over. She answered the door wearing a knee length t-shirt, her hair looked damp like she just got out of the shower herself. She let me in and quickly closed the door and pulled me to her, her tongue parted my lips as she passionately kissed me. She was horny and clearly wanted a booty call! I'm good with...
Slurp! Slurp! Suck! Suck! Smooth deepthroating. Ahh! Another satisfied customer. As he rose and headed to the bathroom to clean up. I sat a bath cloth between my chunky thighs. To hold the load inside of me, until I could take my turn. As he walked out fully dressed, John dropped a second envelop down on the table beside the first. Thanked me and said I'd see again the same time the next week. But lets not start there shall me. The last time I updated you, I had just fucked my land lord out of...
"You wanna go outside?"She was cute. Nice tight body packaged and displayed in the latest fuck-me style. Trendy raver-style blond hair, and big blue doe eyes. She wanted to take me out into the back alley of the club and blow me and God knows what else. This is where things get a little complicated for me now. I told her no. She probably never heard that one before...Ever seen the movie "40 days and 40 nights"? The one about the guy who takes a pledge of chastity for 40 days, then of course all...
I stood there, in the cold night. My hands weren’t numb, but my feet were getting there. My jacket was zipped up and my hat was damp from the light shower that lasted only a few minutes and had just stopped. ‘Man, this has to be stupid…’ I thought to myself. ‘She’s going to think I’m some stalker…then she’ll start to scream…..’ I could see my breath as I exhaexhaled I looked up to the sky. The stars were bright and the buildings around the alley way were dark. No one was home, or awake, either...
‘Hello, Nick…you want more, don’t you?’ she asks as the lights turn on. Once again, I sit in the little booth, with my goddess on the other side of the glass. She sits on a chair connected to a small writing desk on her side of the booth, dressed in her school girls outfit. I had just watched her dance, she moved around the stage with silky steps, and when she saw me there, sitting in the crowd, she smiled at me. She swung around the pole in the middle of the stage, and looked at me while...
No Minors allowed to read this story, no posting without byline, no showing this to people who do not wish to read sexual oriented material, no animals were harmed in the writing of this story. * * * * * Brandi didn’t know how, but she was sure she didn’t used to be this way. Sure she had always been a cock-tease, but lately she would flirt with a guy then end up doing him or at least blowing him. She still worked at the restaurant, she was leaving there to go to beauty school, she was sure...
Booty School: Vocabulary Lesson No Minors allowed to read this story, no posting without byline, no showing this to people who do not wish to read sexual oriented material, no animals were harmed in the writing of this story. * * * * * When all eight young women were strapped into the chairs their heads were secured with the head restraining arms that would focus their attention on the large screen. Before lesson began the screen was alive with flowing patterns. Brandy’s eyes were drawn to...