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The words wouldn’t come. I’m sure every writer, whatever the genre, has experienced it at some time or another. We might say, ‘my muse has gone on holiday’, or something similar. As if the ability to write comes from outside us. Of course, sometimes a writer’s muse is outside him – or her, mustn’t upset the PC police, must I? – we’ve all read about famous writers, or composers, or sculptors, or whatever, who have fallen in love (usually unrequited, of course) and have produced prodigiously to channel the emotions. I had a wry chuckle to myself. Finding a muse that way isn’t something you can do intentionally. Besides, who wants to be separated from someone you love?

So I did what I always do. I resorted to coffee. That’s a dangerous course. Coffee doesn’t intoxicate, but it is addictive. Some years previously I’d gone to my doctor with a number of physical symptoms which turned out to be caused by my excessive consumption of what I call ‘the elixir of life’.

Merely walking in the park is relaxing, and from time to time I’ve been inspired just by the place, or the people I see day by day. But I walked, and watched the ducks, coot, moorhen and gulls on the old mill-ponds, before calling in at the cafe. I was served by a pretty, plump girl with hair dyed dark red. That sort of dark red which is definitely not natural.

I took my coffee, and a biscuit, to a table and sat there, frowning. I got out my little laptop, but didn’t open it. As I sat there, a woman maybe my own age – thirty-five – with startling, fiery red hair, and a toddler daughter with slightly lighter, but also fiery, red hair, came in. She spoke quietly to the girls behind the counter, with a lot of laughter, especially as she lifted the little girl so she could feel part of the conversation. She collected a cup of tea and a small chocolate milk-shake, and walked over to my table.

“Mind if we join you?”

I looked around. The cafe wasn’t packed, but there weren’t many empty tables. “Feel free.”

She put the drinks on the table and fetched a high-chair for the little girl, whom she lifted into it. The little one promptly slurped at the treat as her mother sat opposite me. “Thank you.” She held out a hand. “I’m Kat. I used to work here. This is Aibhilin,” she pronounced it ‘Aveleen’. I’ve always been fascinated by names and their origins.

“Is that Irish, spelt A I B H I L I N?” I asked, and she smiled warmly.

“It is!”

“Well, hello. I’m Graham,” I said, squeezing the extended hand gently.
The little girl slurped her milkshake. “Grame,” she pronounced. “Wri’er.”

I raised an eyebrow at her mother, who was shaking her head. “Aibhilin, manners.”

Slurp. “He goo’.”

“Sorry,” Kat said, with a resigned smile, “my daughter doesn’t have much restraint.”

“Do! ‘strained!”

Kat chuckled. “Oh, yes. Very restrained. Sorry, Graham.”

“No need. She’s brightened my day.”

“Were you feeling down?” Her expression was odd, and she glanced at the little girl.

“A bit. Aibhilin’s right. I’m a writer. At least, I’m supposed to be. Nothing there right now.”

“Ah. I see. Muse on strike?”

“Something like that.”

“If you can spare a few minutes, we can probably help.”

Well, I wasn’t averse to seeing more of this attractive woman. I was aware she was married – the ring obvious – and had a daughter, but she – and the daughter – were fascinating. “I’m in no hurry.”

I finished the last of my coffee, rather cool, and waited as they finished their drinks. We left together, and sat not far away on a picnic bench. Kat sat opposite me, Aibhilin next to her.

The little girl held out her hand to me, and when I reached out to her, she grasped my index finger and closed her eyes. Kat sat, watching, and smiling. My finger was released, and Aibhilin held her mother’s hand. A small figure appeared in front of them and held an incomprehensible conversation with them, then turned to face me. She – unmistakably female – was about a foot tall. Exquisitely pretty, with a dark complexion, she had an oval face, with full lips, a large nose (but which matched her features perfectly) and large, dark eyes. Glossy dark hair was piled neatly on her head, exposing a long, elegant neck. She was dressed in a long, flowing gown in shades of green and yellow.

“Graham,” Kat said with a smile, “let me introduce Eupheme. She has been overseeing your writing. You understand, there are only nine muses, and they can’t keep up with the plethora of would-be artists of every stripe. She answers to Calliope, who inspired Homer.”

How should I respond to this? I mean, how often does one come face to face with an immortal, especially a foot-tall one standing on a picnic table in a city park? I dug deep. I bent my head in a bow. “I am honoured, beautiful one.”

When I looked at her, her complexion was several shades darker. She spoke, and her voice was as one might expect from such a tiny figure, high and piping, but none the less sweet and mellifluous. “I thank you for your compliment, Graham, though I do not think I am beautiful. I thought you wished to ask about my absence.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that, but after a moment, decided that a discussion of the presumed ‘mythical’ nature of muses was not indicated. “You are here now, and I think you are very beautiful. I am interested in why I have been unable to write recently.”

Her head dipped. “I apologise. I ... I ... was ... I’m sorry ... I was ... bored. You write of things I do not understand. I have been walking the slopes of Olympus, trying to understand.”

“My dear, it is I who should apologise.”

“Graham,” Kat interjected, “perhaps you should get to know Eupheme better? Would you be willing to have her accompany you?”

“I thought she was with me most of the time anyway?”

“Well ... not exactly. Besides, we’re talking about a corporeal presence. I think it would be good for both of you to know each other better.”

I wasn’t at all sure about this. I mean, how was I to have a one-foot tall ... whatever, accompany me?

There was another incomprehensible exchange, this time between Eupheme and Aibhilin. I say incomprehensible. I caught the odd word. They were talking in Greek. Archaic Greek. That... kid... how old was she? And she was conversing in Greek. The tiny figure turned back to me. “Graham, do not worry. I will be the appropriate size for you.”

“Oh...” I took a deep breath. “This is all taking a bit of getting used to. But I’ll be glad to have your company for as long as you like.” I thought that was safe enough. I mean, how long would you expect an immortal to hang around? And, of course, she was very beautiful, if small. A further Grecian colloquy.

“Eupheme is barefoot, and her gown is a little ... outre ... for an English city. Just go home, and when you get there, call her name. I’ll make sure she has the basic necessities of a woman in our world.”

“Well. Thank you, Kat, and Aibhilin. It’s been, um, interesting. An eye-opener, in fact.”

Kat giggled. “And, no. It’s not a trick. It’s magic.” She handed me a card with her name and address. “Call me if you need to.”

I went home to my little two-bedroom house, put my laptop on the dining-room table and went into the kitchen for another cup of coffee. After that, I fired up the laptop and sat looking at it. Since I had no idea where to go with what I was supposedly writing, I opened a new document and wrote a description of my morning, including a glowing description of Eupheme. I confess, I went overboard a bit on that.

I sat back, looking at the screen and sighed. “Oh, Eupheme...”

And a foot-tall pixie, not in a gown, but in t-shirt and jeans, materialised on the table in front of me. “I was wondering when you’d get around to calling! What’re you doin’?” She didn’t wait for and answer, but walked round and peered at the screen.

The t-shirt was stretched over what looked like a very nice pair, and the jeans fitted snugly over wide hips and tapered legs. She read what I’d done so far, fidgeting with the jeans.

“I don’t know how girls live with clothes like these,” she muttered. “Oh, my. Is that what you think?”

I’d written a fanciful description, not having seen her body. I’d said she was slim, with smallish breasts.

“I am not boyish,” she announced, peeling off the t-shirt to reveal bra-less breasts. They weren’t large in proportion to her body, but they certainly weren’t small. She had some difficulty with the jeans, and muttered something under her breath as she skinned them down. Her hips were wide, and she had a nice – not small, but very nice – waist. Everything was in proportion and, human sized, she’d have been perfect for the nose of a wartime bomber. There was a distinct gap between her thighs, topped by a black bush, and when she spun in front of me, I could only gasp at the perfection of her back view.

“Wow...” I sighed, and reached for the keyboard to amend my account.

“Much better,” she announced, watching. “Of course, I could look skinny, if you’d prefer? I can be any shape you like.” As I watched, she changed through a bewildering selection of shapes, skin and hair colours.

“Stop! Please, Eupheme. Just be yourself. Your gorgeous, delightful, self.”

She paused in the progression, at which point she was oriental. “You think?”

“I do. Just be yourself.”

“Oh. Lift me down, please?”

That was an invitation I was delighted to accept. I’d been itching to touch her, but was terrified of offending or hurting her. She was warm, and her skin silky smooth as I carefully picked her up and placed her on the floor. My eyes couldn’t follow what happened and I don’t have the right words anyway, but suddenly she was about five feet and six inches tall, with olive skin, very dark hair, and that perfect figure.

Now, up to that point I’d been responding to her, of course, but I’d been a bit distracted, so hadn’t noticed a growing discomfort in my chinos. But then, she reached past me to pick up the miniature jeans and t-shirt and, in the process, brushed a firm tit against my shoulder.


I was relieved of the embarrassment of having to adjust myself while she watched, as she glanced at the under-sized clothes, and disappeared. I seized the opportunity.

Suddenly, my head was buzzing with ideas, so I closed the file I labelled ‘Eupheme’ opened the original project, and began, frantically, to type. I worked, as it turned out, for nearly four hours, and when I surfaced I ached from being in more or less the same position for that time. I stretched, as you do, and worked my head on my neck. Soft hands massaged my shoulders and neck and my prick, which had calmed down, suddenly sat up and took notice again. What was left of my coffee was long cold.

“Welcome back,” that sweet voice said. “Isn’t it time you stopped to eat?”

A rumble from my mid-section reinforced that idea.

“Yes, I suppose it is.”

“So, where are you going to take me?”

I spun round in my office chair so that I was facing her; her hands, in the process, slid round, remaining on my shoulders. She was wearing another dress, gown, whatever. It was less ... I don’t know. Archaic? I mean, I don’t understand dress design. I have no idea why one long dress looks contemporary, while another looks like something out of a history book. It was spring green, reached below her calves but revealed her ankles and feet, and was in some soft material which followed her curves. She had on sandals.

“You’re gorgeous,” I sighed.

She coloured darkly. “You keep saying that.”

“Because I can’t believe I’m here, like this, with a beautiful woman. A woman who has shown herself to me naked.” I stood, and I was just six inches or so taller than her. “What would you like to eat? We’ve got food from all over the world nowadays.”

“Something with olives, and feta cheese?”

“We can do that.” A mile or so from my house is a Greek restaurant, the ‘Greedy Greek’. I’d never actually been in there, but it seemed the right time to try it.

It was good. I had meat – Gyros – and my companion fish – Glossa. We followed our main course with Baklava. I paid the bill, with a substantial tip – both food and service had been excellent, though Eupheme’s company may have enhanced the experience considerably.

We weren’t far from the park where Eupheme and I had met for the first time, and I needed to walk that lunch off. “Would you mind walking with me?”

“I’d love to walk with you! Among the trees?”


We passed the cafe, which was packed and every outside table was occupied, and past the mill pond, which had more black-headed gulls on it than ducks or coot. We passed the top pond, and crossed Rustlings Road into Bingham Park. In time past, the brook had fed mill ponds, which had supplied water for the wheels that drove machinery. Some had silted up and been grassed over, but others remain, with only traces of their original function, but at the top the Shepherd Wheel has been restored and is open to visitors at weekends. The wheel has been rebuilt and works. I explained to Eupheme, who understood. It made much better sense to her than the later machinery which is part of my everyday life. As we walked, I described the progression of the technology and some of the history and we ended up at Forge Dam, about three miles up the valley, and had ice-cream from the cafe there.

The walk was more than I was used to, but Eupheme was bouncing with energy when we got home and insisted on being shown the kitchen and larder. She then shooed me off to work. Somewhat to my surprise, I was able to get a lot done before she called me to sit down to a salad supper. There was lettuce, and she’d been artistic with tomatoes, cucumber and radishes. She’d steamed new potatoes, and warmed pitta bread. She’d got out cheese – red Leicester – and told me to get some feta, and worked out that there was fish in several tins; I showed her how to open a tin of tuna and drain it before serving. I had to make tea while Eupheme drank fruit juice, having grimaced at the taste of the tap water.

Afterwards, I could only say, “You’re incredible, Eupheme. Quite incredible.”

“Is that good?”

“Oh, yes. That’s very good.”

“Do you know what I am?”

“I suppose you’re a demi-goddess?”

She smiled, “Perhaps a semi-demi-goddess.”

“A very beautiful one, anyway.”

“Thank you.” There was a long pause. I suppose, as a writer, I might say a ‘pregnant pause’ since I could tell there was more to come. “I am an immortal.”

“I supposed so.”

“It is dangerous for an immortal to fall in love with a mortal.”

“That makes sense. It shows in the legends.”

A much longer pause. “I was not entirely honest with you earlier.”

I just raised an eyebrow. She was blushing, rather. “I didn’t leave because I didn’t understand what you were writing. I mean, I didn’t understand, but that’s not why I left.”

I had no idea where she was going with this, but waited for her to continue.

“I went to talk to Calliope. I thought of visiting the Sybil, but that’s fraught with danger too.”

That made sense. In the myths, I couldn’t think of anyone who benefited from consulting the Oracle of Delphi.

“Walking on the slopes of Olympus, there were so many people. Modern people.” She sighed. “It’s almost more peaceful in your parks here.”

“I should take you to visit some of our ancient woodland.”

“I’d like that.” She took a deep breath. “I left because I was falling in love with you.”

It took a few seconds for that to register, then, I don’t know, several minutes to assimilate. This beautiful woman was falling in love with me?

“Is this bad?”

“It could be.” She looked downcast. “You see, I feel sure I could ... seduce you. But if I did, you would never be able to form a complete relationship with a human woman afterwards.”

“Would I want to? Need to? Would you leave me?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t leave you. But you would get old and die. You’d live longer than usual, but you’d die.”

“And you? You would go on?”

“I ... I wouldn’t want to. I think, I think, like others, I would also die.”

I didn’t say that I thought it was already too late for me, that I was already head-over-heels in love with her. The idea that such a lovely creature could lose centuries – even millennia of her life because of me was abhorrent. Perhaps, if we didn’t consummate the relationship she would get over it when I died. “I don’t know about you,” I said, “but there’s been rather a lot of today, and I think I need to sleep. Do you sleep?”


“Well, I’m going to bed. The spare room bed is made up if you want it. There’re books, there’s the t/v and a computer, and I suppose you can take yourself all over the place by magic?”

“I could. But I think I will stay here and probably avail myself of your spare bed. After washing up.”

“Oh ... no need. I usually wash up by hand, since I don’t use much crockery and so on, but I do have a dishwasher.” I showed her how to open and load the machine. We only half-filled it, so I just said we’d wait until after breakfast to run it, resisted a strong temptation to kiss her good-night, and went to bed.

I was tired, physically and mentally, and dropped off quickly. But, as sometimes happens, I woke at about three in the morning with my head buzzing, and got up, went downstairs, and fired up my laptop. I didn’t even consider making coffee. Four hours later, I surfaced to the scent of coffee and the soft pressure of breasts on my back – I hadn’t dressed, so was just wearing the old t-shirt and boxers I usually wear in bed – and Eupheme had somehow got one of my old t-shirts and was wearing that. It did cover her delicate parts, just.

“How is it progressing?”

“Almost finished, thank you.” I thought about that. “Yes. Definitely thank you. I was at a dead end until you turned up. I just need to polish the last chapter a bit, then it can go to my publisher for editing and so on. I’m pretty sure he’ll like it.”

“Good. I’m glad I’m doing my job.”

I took the cup. Sipped. “This is good.”

“I am glad. I wasn’t sure how the machine worked, but there were other things with the coffee.”

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4 years ago
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How Lucky Can You GetChapter 1

I dove under the table just as the shotgun went off with a thunderous roar. God, that floor was a mess, what with spilled drinks and tobacco spit all over it. But it was a hell of a lot better than being punched full of holes by buckshot. I could wash off the crap I got on my clothes, but I would never have been able to wash off around nine buckshot that were headed in my direction. Now, I'll have you know that I, Hannibal Walker, am a peace-loving, friendly, likeable kind of guy. I want to...

2 years ago
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The Best Convention Ever

The National Education Convention is crowded, as usual, but I’m especially excited to be here this year. I love this town, and I’m looking forward to spending some time with a friend while I’m at the conference. I can hardly wait for that, but first I have to take care of real business. I hoist the heavy canvas tote bag higher up on my shoulder and scan the packed ballroom for a place to sit. Once again, I’m unable to find a seat in the session I’d like to attend. I struggle to disguise my...

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How Helen Learns to Love AnalChapter 3

Dawn’s light through the bedroom window roused me. Helen had rolled over and was lying facing away from me. I regarded her back and shoulder blades; then I kissed her shoulder. “I’m not asleep,” she said. “Did you sleep well?” “Wonderfully well.” I began caressing her. “You have a pretty back, Helen.” “Mmm ... That feels nice. I love backrubs. God, Eric -- I can’t believe it. I can’t believe how our relationship has grown in just a couple weeks. I keep thinking I’ll wake up from some...

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 4

Chastity was waiting for Brock in May as the team debarked at the airport just outside of Seattle. He could see her smile from halfway across the terminal. She still carried the two pieces of luggage that she had taken with her to Calgary, so Brock figured she had just arrived. When he got through the line at security, Chastity was standing in front him with her arms out. He wasted no time before heading to her for a hug and a kiss. "I can't stay," she said sadly. Brock's mouth...

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It Was An Accident

There's a niche for everyone...By Big Daddy BreederI knew my Alpha Bottom was pregnant. I knew that. But what I wasn’t counting on was how one walk would change everything.“He’s nine months today!” said the MPreg Doctor. “Labour could be triggered by a sneeze. The baby is big but very healthy. I want to be there to help bring your bundle of joy into the world.”My Alpha Bottom looked at me lovingly saying, “Any day now we could be parents. I’m so excited.” The truth of the matter; I had more...

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1930s A Sex Story

Man, when you close your eyes, you can still remember the taste of being rich. You used to be the shit, to have moxie. Simply put, no other man in the 20s had more of a presence in New York high society than you, the one and only John Doe. Your father was born from a poor working-class family, of making it big as a theatre actor. As for your mother, she was...well, rich. And hot. She was rich and hot. Because of a clause in my narrating contract whoever, I am legally obligated to also mention...

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Kelly Girl 22 Andies Halloween

Kelly Girl 22: Andie's Halloween By Wanda Cunningham The cabbie, Elise Fremont, looked in her mirror at Andie Mann in the back seat. Such a pretty girl, she thought, why did she mess up her looks with all those tattoos and piercings? Aloud she said, "I ain't never had anybody ask me to follow a cop car before." "Yeah? Well, it won't be hard will it, all that noise and light? I wonder where they're going?" "We'll find out. What's this all about, anyway?" "Um," Andie debated what...

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Writing Prompt Yuuki Mr Takada

In an effort to continually improve my writing, I like to use pictures as writing prompts from time to time. I found one from NYT today. Here it is:This an image of one Japan's growing number of genderless danshi - a group developing an identity out of androgyny. At any rate here is the story that was inspired by this along with writing prompt quote that said, "The student rushed around the corner and bumped immediately into the new school principal....

3 years ago
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Anime Convention Harem Ch 05

‘Hey, s’your foot actually on the gas, Rebecca? Or.. are we just idling forward?’ Emily grumbled, rhythmically tapping the armrest of her friend’s station wagon in irritation. ”Cause we’re movin’ a little slow.’ ‘Really?’ Rebecca asked sleepily, squinting through her unruly tangle of auburn curls. ‘No one’s going faster than us, though.’ ‘Maybe ’cause they’re all stuck behind us? Like, right behind us. That huge line of cars breathing down our exhaust pipe. See all the angry little faces in...

3 years ago
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Gang Bang

Tina stood before the mirror and admired her reflection. What she saw was a sensual, sexy woman. Her dark hair framed her face. Gold dangling earrings added sparkling highlights and directed one's attention downward to her incredible breasts.Her tits were soft hemispheres of erotic perfection, sized like very large g****fruits. A lacy black half bra served to present each breast both visually and erotically. The bra lifted and compressed her breasts forming a deep cleavage and forcing her...

2 years ago
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5 Pages of incest

The whole way I was thinking about the book and was excited to explore the book after reaching home. I forgot about the breakfast and ridded the bike as fast as I could. After reaching home I quietly parked my bike in garage and tried to open the door as if I was a thief entering a house. I was thinking about my 12 year old sister Jade. When I left the house she was sleeping but now she must have been up from the bed and watching her morning TV shows. I sneaked in and saw her sitting in the...

1 year ago
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The Johnsons

If you enjoyed the first two chapters words of the story, feel free to visit my website at - there you can find the entire 34,000 word novella, and other hot femdom action.The Johnson Family - by James P.Table of Contents Chapter One – The Stage is Set Chapter Two – Femdom Bill of Rights Chapter Three – Controlling Big Brother Chapter Four – Diapering Big Brother Chapter Five – Tightening the Screws Chapter Six – The Doctor and the Turkey Chapter Seven – Femdom...

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Troubling Dizyntk 4Chapter 2

Combining Dizyntk Major Anatoly Chapayev looked out at the soldiers as they jogged past with a satisfied smile. It had been three months since the Dizyntk troops had arrived at the base to train with his soldiers. It had been difficult, at first, for them to work together. "We expected that when we started this." he thought to himself. Now they were starting to act like comrades. There were rivalries to be sure. These were all elite soldiers and each thought them self the best at what...

4 years ago
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South Pacific Pt 3 Mike Returns

I'm not going to annoy you with all the boring details of how I ended back in my hometown. Let's say the government didn't really care if I was alive or dead. My passport and driver's license were still valid and that's all I needed to travel.I had tried to contact Susan, by phone, two days after I was aboard the Navy ship. My old number was no longer in service. I tried looking her up on the internet, but the number listed was my old one. I didn't want to contact the university just yet, so I...

Straight Sex
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Second Chances part 1

I walk down the street, watching life go on around me. The street vendors call out prices for goods that only the tourists will buy. A full year I've considered myself a resident here. I’ve done nothing but live here, and I was never a tourist. I was a girl who came here for a fresh start. A new adventure. No horrid past to run from. No sad story of needing a new life. Just the thrill of seeing the country. Funny how it still seems like running away. I stop and fiddle with a small, wooden toy...

1 year ago
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A busy afternoon

Mr Walker stood behind me, pulled my g string to one side and plunged his cock straight into my willing pussy. I returned to the agency website on Wednesday evening to check emails. Tuesday's meeting with Alan had been somewhat successful. Although it had been my first job, I had handled it very well and was feeling a lot more confident . There were about twenty offers to be chosen from. I read through them carefully and deleted most of them. I selected a job for mid day on Thursday. Peter from...

Sex With Stranger
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A Nightmare in Silk and Lace 2

A Nightmare in Silk and Lace 2 (One) Dean wasn't happy about this, but on the other hand going along with the plan meant he now had the key to his penis restraint. After a couple of days locked up, he longed for some sexual relief. Truth be told, certain aspects of his situation were actually quite erotic, though he could never admit as much to Gemma or anyone else. The stockings in particular were very sensual, and it was impossible not to be turned...

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The Doomsday Strain

Chapter 1: Doomsday in Metropolis It was just a normal Tuesday in downtown Metropolis. Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, and Diana Prince were in the middle of ordering coffee at the local superhero themed diner to enjoy civilian life for once. “I’ll take mine black” Bruce said to the waitress that was dressed as Wonderwoman. “Typical, let me guess you’ll have the toast extra dark too.” The real Wonderwoman said in jest at the brooding billionaire. Clark smirked, though they had faced down gods together...

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Moms Help 4

Note : This story is completely fictional! He could feel Angie’s breasts and the long pressing into his chest and Bud could feel her pussy rubbing over his soft cock and belly! Bud knew he would be hard again very quickly. As he looked into her eyes, she smiled and he smiled. “God!” Bud said to himself: “She is the most beautiful woman I have ever had in my life! She is spectacular!” He knew he could never get tired of looking at her body. She was truly a lovely woman! He rolled her over and...

1 year ago
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Sister and law and I go to a nude beach

Note : This story is completely fictional! While vacationing a while ago with our two families my sister in Law and I snuck off to go to a clothing optional beach. When we got there we could see near naked to totally naked bodies of all shapes and sizes. We decided that what the hell we were a long way from home and there was almost no way anyone we knew would see us so we stripped off our clothes and started down the beach. As we were walking I would occasionally drop back so I could watch my...

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Wifes dog one

Introduction: Wife and husband find dog out while hiking My wife loves her doggie (m/f..f/bigdog) My wife and I had been hiking in the mountains East of Modesto when nothing seemed familiar to us. We had gone about three hours on the trail and were headed back. I couldnt see even one point of recognition. After looking for the right trail for an hour or so We had to admit that we were lost. It wouldnt have been so bad just being lost but the sun was getting lower and lower. Even though it was...

2 years ago
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First Time Gay My History fantasy 1

#3Here is my Friday night fantasy for the weekend that never was.....A little background.... I am a mwm 5’9” 190 pounds ( 30’s), I keep myself in decent shape, love to make myself look hot. I am trimmed and partially shaved, I look pretty good. He was in his 20’s, good looking, black and close to 6’. He has a 10” cock that is thick and uncut.I pick him up Friday after work and take him back to my house. He has an overnight bag packed but I don’t think we’re going to need clothes. I have stocked...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Cousin In My Apartment

Hi Indian Sex Stories readers. Vaibhav (changed) here. I love this site because reading stories here help me keep my sexual intentions up always. About me, I am 20 years old. I am a student in a college and live in Rajasthan. I am handsome, 6 feet tall with muscular body and I am fit as I play sports and visit gym regularly. Let us get into the story. This a story about how I made love to my cousin sister. So coming to the story, we live in the same building she lives in the opposite apartment...

1 year ago
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A Little Fishy

Kiel Richardson was a handsome young man and he discovered early in his life that the opposite sex found him to be very charismatic.He started young and had his share of conquests. He also had a few longer-term relationships that ended badly when he found them in the arms of other men. Each time it happened, it created a hole in his heart which he felt could never be healed.Kiel decided that today’s modern women indulged in sexual freedom. In the past, someone who was called a slut was...

3 years ago
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Caught in the act of cross dressing

I'd been fantasizing about my day off for weeks, planning what I would wear and what naughty things I would get up to, home alone for the whole day. I hadn't jerked off in days as I wanted everything to feel that much more sensitive when I finally did touch myself.I woke up early and jumped straight into the shower, shaving my legs and arms, then rinsing myself off with soapy shower gel until I could feel the smoothness of my skin all over. After wrapping the towel around my chest and waist,...

First Time
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A Visit to MatildasChapter 5 Time For Lunch

Although we were all taken into the servants’ hall for some food at the end of the morning session it didn’t turn out to be much of a break. Lunch was a little more appetising than breakfast – a bowl of hearty soup and a chunk of bread - but we had only just started when Mrs Danbury appeared. She stood with her arms folded across her rather frumpy blouse, waited until we were all quiet and then demanded our attention. “While you are in here I have something for you to look at. Do you see...

1 year ago
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New MagusChapter 17

Jordan was gone to get a room and Danielle held me to her gently while we kissed. The thought that kept rolling around in my head was Jordan’s advice to show Danielle that she was wanted and desired. I couldn’t argue with what I was doing. It felt good to kiss Danielle, to be pressed against her like I was, but I didn’t want to push things too far. The real problem with having our lips locked together was that we couldn’t talk. For her part, Danielle made no move to pull away or push me off...

2 years ago
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Dragon WytchChapter 5

There were other meetings underway that evening in Atlanta. The Mayor was in a meeting with the City Council. The Police Chief and the Fire Chief were present. There were also representatives from the business community in attendance as well as those from the several Insurance Companies affected by the attack. All of them had no idea of what the Dragon was or what it had used during the chase and attack. They were sure, however, that Magic was involved, but had no way to prove it, as neither...

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DanicaPart 11A

The companions worked on the details of their plan until nightfall, and then went to their rooms. Mara joined Bear and Janelle, while Nara followed Brandon and Cheron. Danica shared the night — and her body — with Terran. The next day, everyone sat down to hammer out the final points of their plan. By midday, Danica felt that they were ready. Everyone gathered his or her equipment and prepared to head into their most dangerous confrontation yet. Under cloak of invisibility, the group...

2 years ago
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The Ugly Duckling Pt 1

Introduction: 16 yo Lina enjoys her first real sexuell experience at a weekend sports tournament with one of the Trainers after being aroused by listing to her friend having sex Have you ever heard the story of the ugly duckling? The one that is bullied around by the other kids because it is different or ugly but in the end turns into a beautiful swan? Yeah I guess thats me in some way. Although I never turned into a beautiful swan nor did my appearance changed over the time, I turned into...

3 years ago
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Local Affairs 1 MILF and Two Sugars

It was raining heavily by the time Greg Somerfield parked outside Mrs Hemsley’s house. He looked at the distance to the house and cursed himself for not having brought an umbrella or a raincoat. He would have to choose between getting thoroughly wet and making an undignified dash to her front door. Grabbing his briefcase, he decided to hell with dignity. He quickly got out of the car, went to lock the door but fumbled and dropped the keys on the road. They bounced and landed underneath the...

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Through a Glass DimlyChapter 26

We got home and went inside. All six of us loaded Pam's things into the green room. As we left, Linda said softly, "You might want to change and wash the sheets, dear." Pam blushed a deep red. She and Frank quickly stripped the bed and Lisa showed them the washing room. Pam and Lisa joined us in the living room. Pam said, "I was afraid that things would end that way. Actually, I guess I've been preparing for that moment for over three years. I have been paying my own bills including...

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Cheating Gashti caught in Turkey

We went to Turkey on holiday for a week a few years ago, on the plane journey there, I noticed my Gashti Ma checking her phone a lot, I didn't think much of it at the time. Once we got to the apartment, we checked in, unpacked and got ready to go out, the 1st day we went on a boat trip during the day time - a strange man kept staring at my mom as she was sunbathing and then he kept looking at his phone, once he realised I was looking at him he moved away. I thought he may have been a sleazy guy...

2 years ago
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Cumming On To Big brother

Except for the sighing of the breeze and the chirping of the birds it was quiet and all the windows were open to the spring air, softly scented with the cherry and magnolia trees surrounding the house. It was a lovely two story colonial that Dale's mother had gotten when his father had decided to chuck it all and head off to Mexico with his secretary, who happened to be at least half his age. Dale's mother didn't mind, she got the house paid for plus a more than adequate amount of cash, stocks,...

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