- 2 years ago
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The words wouldn’t come. I’m sure every writer, whatever the genre, has experienced it at some time or another. We might say, ‘my muse has gone on holiday’, or something similar. As if the ability to write comes from outside us. Of course, sometimes a writer’s muse is outside him – or her, mustn’t upset the PC police, must I? – we’ve all read about famous writers, or composers, or sculptors, or whatever, who have fallen in love (usually unrequited, of course) and have produced prodigiously to channel the emotions. I had a wry chuckle to myself. Finding a muse that way isn’t something you can do intentionally. Besides, who wants to be separated from someone you love?
So I did what I always do. I resorted to coffee. That’s a dangerous course. Coffee doesn’t intoxicate, but it is addictive. Some years previously I’d gone to my doctor with a number of physical symptoms which turned out to be caused by my excessive consumption of what I call ‘the elixir of life’.
Merely walking in the park is relaxing, and from time to time I’ve been inspired just by the place, or the people I see day by day. But I walked, and watched the ducks, coot, moorhen and gulls on the old mill-ponds, before calling in at the cafe. I was served by a pretty, plump girl with hair dyed dark red. That sort of dark red which is definitely not natural.
I took my coffee, and a biscuit, to a table and sat there, frowning. I got out my little laptop, but didn’t open it. As I sat there, a woman maybe my own age – thirty-five – with startling, fiery red hair, and a toddler daughter with slightly lighter, but also fiery, red hair, came in. She spoke quietly to the girls behind the counter, with a lot of laughter, especially as she lifted the little girl so she could feel part of the conversation. She collected a cup of tea and a small chocolate milk-shake, and walked over to my table.
“Mind if we join you?”
I looked around. The cafe wasn’t packed, but there weren’t many empty tables. “Feel free.”
She put the drinks on the table and fetched a high-chair for the little girl, whom she lifted into it. The little one promptly slurped at the treat as her mother sat opposite me. “Thank you.” She held out a hand. “I’m Kat. I used to work here. This is Aibhilin,” she pronounced it ‘Aveleen’. I’ve always been fascinated by names and their origins.
“Is that Irish, spelt A I B H I L I N?” I asked, and she smiled warmly.
“It is!”
“Well, hello. I’m Graham,” I said, squeezing the extended hand gently.
The little girl slurped her milkshake. “Grame,” she pronounced. “Wri’er.”
I raised an eyebrow at her mother, who was shaking her head. “Aibhilin, manners.”
Slurp. “He goo’.”
“Sorry,” Kat said, with a resigned smile, “my daughter doesn’t have much restraint.”
“Do! ‘strained!”
Kat chuckled. “Oh, yes. Very restrained. Sorry, Graham.”
“No need. She’s brightened my day.”
“Were you feeling down?” Her expression was odd, and she glanced at the little girl.
“A bit. Aibhilin’s right. I’m a writer. At least, I’m supposed to be. Nothing there right now.”
“Ah. I see. Muse on strike?”
“Something like that.”
“If you can spare a few minutes, we can probably help.”
Well, I wasn’t averse to seeing more of this attractive woman. I was aware she was married – the ring obvious – and had a daughter, but she – and the daughter – were fascinating. “I’m in no hurry.”
I finished the last of my coffee, rather cool, and waited as they finished their drinks. We left together, and sat not far away on a picnic bench. Kat sat opposite me, Aibhilin next to her.
The little girl held out her hand to me, and when I reached out to her, she grasped my index finger and closed her eyes. Kat sat, watching, and smiling. My finger was released, and Aibhilin held her mother’s hand. A small figure appeared in front of them and held an incomprehensible conversation with them, then turned to face me. She – unmistakably female – was about a foot tall. Exquisitely pretty, with a dark complexion, she had an oval face, with full lips, a large nose (but which matched her features perfectly) and large, dark eyes. Glossy dark hair was piled neatly on her head, exposing a long, elegant neck. She was dressed in a long, flowing gown in shades of green and yellow.
“Graham,” Kat said with a smile, “let me introduce Eupheme. She has been overseeing your writing. You understand, there are only nine muses, and they can’t keep up with the plethora of would-be artists of every stripe. She answers to Calliope, who inspired Homer.”
How should I respond to this? I mean, how often does one come face to face with an immortal, especially a foot-tall one standing on a picnic table in a city park? I dug deep. I bent my head in a bow. “I am honoured, beautiful one.”
When I looked at her, her complexion was several shades darker. She spoke, and her voice was as one might expect from such a tiny figure, high and piping, but none the less sweet and mellifluous. “I thank you for your compliment, Graham, though I do not think I am beautiful. I thought you wished to ask about my absence.”
I didn’t know how to respond to that, but after a moment, decided that a discussion of the presumed ‘mythical’ nature of muses was not indicated. “You are here now, and I think you are very beautiful. I am interested in why I have been unable to write recently.”
Her head dipped. “I apologise. I ... I ... was ... I’m sorry ... I was ... bored. You write of things I do not understand. I have been walking the slopes of Olympus, trying to understand.”
“My dear, it is I who should apologise.”
“Graham,” Kat interjected, “perhaps you should get to know Eupheme better? Would you be willing to have her accompany you?”
“I thought she was with me most of the time anyway?”
“Well ... not exactly. Besides, we’re talking about a corporeal presence. I think it would be good for both of you to know each other better.”
I wasn’t at all sure about this. I mean, how was I to have a one-foot tall ... whatever, accompany me?
There was another incomprehensible exchange, this time between Eupheme and Aibhilin. I say incomprehensible. I caught the odd word. They were talking in Greek. Archaic Greek. That... kid... how old was she? And she was conversing in Greek. The tiny figure turned back to me. “Graham, do not worry. I will be the appropriate size for you.”
“Oh...” I took a deep breath. “This is all taking a bit of getting used to. But I’ll be glad to have your company for as long as you like.” I thought that was safe enough. I mean, how long would you expect an immortal to hang around? And, of course, she was very beautiful, if small. A further Grecian colloquy.
“Eupheme is barefoot, and her gown is a little ... outre ... for an English city. Just go home, and when you get there, call her name. I’ll make sure she has the basic necessities of a woman in our world.”
“Well. Thank you, Kat, and Aibhilin. It’s been, um, interesting. An eye-opener, in fact.”
Kat giggled. “And, no. It’s not a trick. It’s magic.” She handed me a card with her name and address. “Call me if you need to.”
I went home to my little two-bedroom house, put my laptop on the dining-room table and went into the kitchen for another cup of coffee. After that, I fired up the laptop and sat looking at it. Since I had no idea where to go with what I was supposedly writing, I opened a new document and wrote a description of my morning, including a glowing description of Eupheme. I confess, I went overboard a bit on that.
I sat back, looking at the screen and sighed. “Oh, Eupheme...”
And a foot-tall pixie, not in a gown, but in t-shirt and jeans, materialised on the table in front of me. “I was wondering when you’d get around to calling! What’re you doin’?” She didn’t wait for and answer, but walked round and peered at the screen.
The t-shirt was stretched over what looked like a very nice pair, and the jeans fitted snugly over wide hips and tapered legs. She read what I’d done so far, fidgeting with the jeans.
“I don’t know how girls live with clothes like these,” she muttered. “Oh, my. Is that what you think?”
I’d written a fanciful description, not having seen her body. I’d said she was slim, with smallish breasts.
“I am not boyish,” she announced, peeling off the t-shirt to reveal bra-less breasts. They weren’t large in proportion to her body, but they certainly weren’t small. She had some difficulty with the jeans, and muttered something under her breath as she skinned them down. Her hips were wide, and she had a nice – not small, but very nice – waist. Everything was in proportion and, human sized, she’d have been perfect for the nose of a wartime bomber. There was a distinct gap between her thighs, topped by a black bush, and when she spun in front of me, I could only gasp at the perfection of her back view.
“Wow...” I sighed, and reached for the keyboard to amend my account.
“Much better,” she announced, watching. “Of course, I could look skinny, if you’d prefer? I can be any shape you like.” As I watched, she changed through a bewildering selection of shapes, skin and hair colours.
“Stop! Please, Eupheme. Just be yourself. Your gorgeous, delightful, self.”
She paused in the progression, at which point she was oriental. “You think?”
“I do. Just be yourself.”
“Oh. Lift me down, please?”
That was an invitation I was delighted to accept. I’d been itching to touch her, but was terrified of offending or hurting her. She was warm, and her skin silky smooth as I carefully picked her up and placed her on the floor. My eyes couldn’t follow what happened and I don’t have the right words anyway, but suddenly she was about five feet and six inches tall, with olive skin, very dark hair, and that perfect figure.
Now, up to that point I’d been responding to her, of course, but I’d been a bit distracted, so hadn’t noticed a growing discomfort in my chinos. But then, she reached past me to pick up the miniature jeans and t-shirt and, in the process, brushed a firm tit against my shoulder.
I was relieved of the embarrassment of having to adjust myself while she watched, as she glanced at the under-sized clothes, and disappeared. I seized the opportunity.
Suddenly, my head was buzzing with ideas, so I closed the file I labelled ‘Eupheme’ opened the original project, and began, frantically, to type. I worked, as it turned out, for nearly four hours, and when I surfaced I ached from being in more or less the same position for that time. I stretched, as you do, and worked my head on my neck. Soft hands massaged my shoulders and neck and my prick, which had calmed down, suddenly sat up and took notice again. What was left of my coffee was long cold.
“Welcome back,” that sweet voice said. “Isn’t it time you stopped to eat?”
A rumble from my mid-section reinforced that idea.
“Yes, I suppose it is.”
“So, where are you going to take me?”
I spun round in my office chair so that I was facing her; her hands, in the process, slid round, remaining on my shoulders. She was wearing another dress, gown, whatever. It was less ... I don’t know. Archaic? I mean, I don’t understand dress design. I have no idea why one long dress looks contemporary, while another looks like something out of a history book. It was spring green, reached below her calves but revealed her ankles and feet, and was in some soft material which followed her curves. She had on sandals.
“You’re gorgeous,” I sighed.
She coloured darkly. “You keep saying that.”
“Because I can’t believe I’m here, like this, with a beautiful woman. A woman who has shown herself to me naked.” I stood, and I was just six inches or so taller than her. “What would you like to eat? We’ve got food from all over the world nowadays.”
“Something with olives, and feta cheese?”
“We can do that.” A mile or so from my house is a Greek restaurant, the ‘Greedy Greek’. I’d never actually been in there, but it seemed the right time to try it.
It was good. I had meat – Gyros – and my companion fish – Glossa. We followed our main course with Baklava. I paid the bill, with a substantial tip – both food and service had been excellent, though Eupheme’s company may have enhanced the experience considerably.
We weren’t far from the park where Eupheme and I had met for the first time, and I needed to walk that lunch off. “Would you mind walking with me?”
“I’d love to walk with you! Among the trees?”
We passed the cafe, which was packed and every outside table was occupied, and past the mill pond, which had more black-headed gulls on it than ducks or coot. We passed the top pond, and crossed Rustlings Road into Bingham Park. In time past, the brook had fed mill ponds, which had supplied water for the wheels that drove machinery. Some had silted up and been grassed over, but others remain, with only traces of their original function, but at the top the Shepherd Wheel has been restored and is open to visitors at weekends. The wheel has been rebuilt and works. I explained to Eupheme, who understood. It made much better sense to her than the later machinery which is part of my everyday life. As we walked, I described the progression of the technology and some of the history and we ended up at Forge Dam, about three miles up the valley, and had ice-cream from the cafe there.
The walk was more than I was used to, but Eupheme was bouncing with energy when we got home and insisted on being shown the kitchen and larder. She then shooed me off to work. Somewhat to my surprise, I was able to get a lot done before she called me to sit down to a salad supper. There was lettuce, and she’d been artistic with tomatoes, cucumber and radishes. She’d steamed new potatoes, and warmed pitta bread. She’d got out cheese – red Leicester – and told me to get some feta, and worked out that there was fish in several tins; I showed her how to open a tin of tuna and drain it before serving. I had to make tea while Eupheme drank fruit juice, having grimaced at the taste of the tap water.
Afterwards, I could only say, “You’re incredible, Eupheme. Quite incredible.”
“Is that good?”
“Oh, yes. That’s very good.”
“Do you know what I am?”
“I suppose you’re a demi-goddess?”
She smiled, “Perhaps a semi-demi-goddess.”
“A very beautiful one, anyway.”
“Thank you.” There was a long pause. I suppose, as a writer, I might say a ‘pregnant pause’ since I could tell there was more to come. “I am an immortal.”
“I supposed so.”
“It is dangerous for an immortal to fall in love with a mortal.”
“That makes sense. It shows in the legends.”
A much longer pause. “I was not entirely honest with you earlier.”
I just raised an eyebrow. She was blushing, rather. “I didn’t leave because I didn’t understand what you were writing. I mean, I didn’t understand, but that’s not why I left.”
I had no idea where she was going with this, but waited for her to continue.
“I went to talk to Calliope. I thought of visiting the Sybil, but that’s fraught with danger too.”
That made sense. In the myths, I couldn’t think of anyone who benefited from consulting the Oracle of Delphi.
“Walking on the slopes of Olympus, there were so many people. Modern people.” She sighed. “It’s almost more peaceful in your parks here.”
“I should take you to visit some of our ancient woodland.”
“I’d like that.” She took a deep breath. “I left because I was falling in love with you.”
It took a few seconds for that to register, then, I don’t know, several minutes to assimilate. This beautiful woman was falling in love with me?
“Is this bad?”
“It could be.” She looked downcast. “You see, I feel sure I could ... seduce you. But if I did, you would never be able to form a complete relationship with a human woman afterwards.”
“Would I want to? Need to? Would you leave me?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t leave you. But you would get old and die. You’d live longer than usual, but you’d die.”
“And you? You would go on?”
“I ... I wouldn’t want to. I think, I think, like others, I would also die.”
I didn’t say that I thought it was already too late for me, that I was already head-over-heels in love with her. The idea that such a lovely creature could lose centuries – even millennia of her life because of me was abhorrent. Perhaps, if we didn’t consummate the relationship she would get over it when I died. “I don’t know about you,” I said, “but there’s been rather a lot of today, and I think I need to sleep. Do you sleep?”
“Well, I’m going to bed. The spare room bed is made up if you want it. There’re books, there’s the t/v and a computer, and I suppose you can take yourself all over the place by magic?”
“I could. But I think I will stay here and probably avail myself of your spare bed. After washing up.”
“Oh ... no need. I usually wash up by hand, since I don’t use much crockery and so on, but I do have a dishwasher.” I showed her how to open and load the machine. We only half-filled it, so I just said we’d wait until after breakfast to run it, resisted a strong temptation to kiss her good-night, and went to bed.
I was tired, physically and mentally, and dropped off quickly. But, as sometimes happens, I woke at about three in the morning with my head buzzing, and got up, went downstairs, and fired up my laptop. I didn’t even consider making coffee. Four hours later, I surfaced to the scent of coffee and the soft pressure of breasts on my back – I hadn’t dressed, so was just wearing the old t-shirt and boxers I usually wear in bed – and Eupheme had somehow got one of my old t-shirts and was wearing that. It did cover her delicate parts, just.
“How is it progressing?”
“Almost finished, thank you.” I thought about that. “Yes. Definitely thank you. I was at a dead end until you turned up. I just need to polish the last chapter a bit, then it can go to my publisher for editing and so on. I’m pretty sure he’ll like it.”
“Good. I’m glad I’m doing my job.”
I took the cup. Sipped. “This is good.”
“I am glad. I wasn’t sure how the machine worked, but there were other things with the coffee.”
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I am generally a good judge of character and can tell who I can poke fun with and who to steer clear of. My house is in an area with very little traffic. On warm mornings I take walks down to a skimpy male bikini and like to tan on my fenced-in deck in next to nothing or completely naked. I also get to see ladies in well-fitting attire as I drive or walk to work, which is always a plus. Every now and then I come across a woman who is special in her own way and has a little devil inside of her....
Humor"What are we going to do about us?" I repeated. "Look," Mary said. "I sort of had a plan when I asked to come out." No kidding. "I kind of thought I'd come out here, get you hooked up with Lisa, maybe as a friend, maybe more. But you would have somebody here. You know?" "Hooked up?" Lisa laughed. "Hooked up?" So what was I going to say? "Ahh," I started in my brilliant way, "What about you and Lisa? Was that part of what you were planning?" I smiled to reassure her it was...
Life has been good this year with such a long hot summer here.I had gotten around most of the houses I look after and was all but done.The one remaining was on a south facing hill overlooking the valley about a mile out of town.I had left it hoping the weather would let up a little as I really didn't want to be working in 30+ degrees Celsius if I could help it. I had done the letter drop to let the tenants know when I would be there so expected no problems upon arrival.I pulled up as usual into...
Imagine laura babysitting a group k**s outside. At the end of the day, when all the other k**s were packing to leave, three k**s go up to Laura and one of them says, 'We saw you naked all over the internet, until my dad found out and beat me for it'. Laura, shocked with a since of sorrow,began to be at a panic. She then tells them to not tell anyone and its very important. 'It's important that no one knows, I could get in a lot of trouble, and I didn't put those pics online. You guys are just...
Wednesday, June 22, 2005 (Continued) At dinnertime, Prof drove to my home in his car, with me following in my trusty Honda to pick up my sisters to take them back to Julia's for our dinner. I had Vanessa and Julia with me so Vanessa could give me her last minute thoughts on what Carol and I might have to say when we had to talk with Mom and Dad about the marriage. At my place, I talked to Mom and Dad about the car purchase and doing my best to appear at ease and unconcerned so they...
Sam Egland didn't have much on his mind as he rode into Julesburg that day. He was just glad to escape the homestead and the continual nagging from his father to "make something of himself" by starting his own homestead. There was no question that, at 18 years of age and 6 feet tall, he was too old and too big to be living on his parents farm. His black hair, last cut poorly by his mother, and his short, black beard made him look like the proverbial "wild man." He was covered with the dust...
The Belleville Falcons are participating in a charity hockey game to benefit the children’s ward at Belleville and Trenton Hospitals. The team was split into two squads, the first and fourth lines playing against the second and third line. The goalies, Jason Bennett and Sam Philips would play against the other. Their home and away sweaters would differentiate the teams and ten non-players made up the remaining line for each team. What would make this game most interesting is the extra...
MAGIC AND MALICE AT THE MOVIES A GENDER SWAP TALE Rachel Rose Parker It's been a loooong time since my first story published on Fictomania, and boy has it been crazy! Thanks to all the wonderful feedback, I went and rewrote my first story (which I hope to post here in the future), but also undertook a brand new story that kinda grew a lot bigger than I expected. Hopefully you will find the post lengths good enough to do until I post the following parts in a few days, but if you...
First off let me tell you something about us and warn you this isn’t a story of one incident in our life but one of several ways we enjoy our life. My wife is a slender woman with perfect boobs, long wavy hair, a gorgeous ass and an amazing pussy. We have been married for a little over three years and it has been fantastic for us. In our prior lives we were married to spouses who didn’t understand us and whom after many wasted years divorced. We found each other on the internet and...
PR9117 CHP1 - Learning the rules Amanda look around the room, there were six girls there, each clutching their files and small bags with their possessions inside. She was scared, but she didn’t want to show it. She wanted to appear disinterested, like the situation didn’t bother her. Prison had a formidable reputation and she didn’t want to be eaten alive. When the door opened, two male and two female guards dressed identically in thick black trousers with starched white shirts contrasted with...
The Emporium was across the street and down a half block. An older, somewhere in his sixties man, hurried to greet them as they entered. "Jesse, come right in. Please buy something. Business is so bad even the shoplifters have started to go elsewhere. I'm so close to closing my doors forever you would not believe it." "Saul, ever since I first started to come in here you have been about ready to close your doors forever. You sold me my first new pair of boots on credit when I was...
Only this very morning, I hadn’t a friend in the world, and to be honest, I didn’t want one. All I knew for sure, was that at this very moment, the girl in front of me, had quite suddenly become, the very centre of my world, I just couldn’t take it in. It was all so new, but for sure, I was enthralled, but I didn’t understand the feelings coursing through my body, why did I feel this way? I thought, that maybe, I just had my first orgasm, but I wasn’t sure. We entered the house, as I...
What doctors assessments I almost shouted. Mine and three others you were assessed according to your written / verbal statements last but not least. Those vile lewd pictures lewd writings you gave to me/ Miss Jacks sealed your fate. Your aunt was physically sick when she was shown them. Told of your behavior including breaking into Miss Jacks hotel room playing with her underwear. I never signed anything I said.Yes you did said Margaret, after my interview with you .If I remember correctly...
It wasn’t going to be easy to not think about having Jessee, from what I could tell she was going to make it very difficult for me. I was unable to retreat to the office for some time to be away from her sexy ass since it was being renovated. I decided to remain in my office so that I would not see her. “Charles, Steve will be coming by later we have some things to discuss. Would you please show him to my office?” It was in the office for as long as I could make out. I had ran out of coffee and...
EroticMen and women both have said they were intimidated by me. Actually, they were concerned, anxious with what I consider to be a very striking appearance, and, the clothes I wear to spotlight that look. Men always take a second glance. In heels, I’m nearly 5-10, with long brown hair which d****s to my bosom, an ample chest which is accentuated by a slender waist and long legs. I favor tight dresses which expose cleavage and thigh and focus on my hourglass silhouette. I don’t need a Wonder bra to...
Monica was a nasty teen slut and had popped her own cherry with a cucumber when she was barely 12 and had been fucking her older brother nearly everyday for five or six months now. They went at it like a pair of stray dogs anytime they could be alone. She had just turned 14 and was as horny as a female cat in heat while her brother was two years older than she was, so you could pretty much guess how he felt. During the summer while they were out of school and old enough to be left alone...
Stoney: She loves me. She REALLY loves me. We're married. I killed a guy. I'm supposed to feel remorse. I'm supposed to receive counseling by caring professionals who will help me grieve or some such crap. Therapy? I'll tell you what therapy is. It's having the woman you just protected put her arms around you and tell you that she loves you. And when the thought crossed my mind that this scum wanted to touch my Johanna, I tensed up. "Stoney?" a little voice said. "Yes,...
Over the next few days, Laurel called several times, but Vickie always seemed to be unavailable or when Andrea convinced her she should at least talk to her mother, her conversations were short and curt. Laurel was having little luck at finding employment. She had had three interviews but so far, her lack of experience was working against her. She was far more troubled however, with Vickie's change of attitude. The girl was almost insolent and seemed as if she could hardly wait to hang up....
I had to take care of some business on the other side of town and on the way home I decided to stop at the ABS where my first couple cock sucking experiences took place. It was still a little before noon when I stopped in but I thought I might be able to catch some of the lunch time crowd. When I pulled in the parking lot there were several cars but not as many as I had expected. I guess the gas prices are taking a toll on all kinds of businesses. I didn't have a lot of time to spare so I opted...
You and your cousin Mark are walking home from school to his house. You get there; and mark pulls the key out of the bag to open the door. When he goes to insert the key his mom opens the door and says "Hi guys I'm home today, I hope you don't mind hanging out with me." Mark seems a bit upset, but you cheerfully reply "Oh we would love to spend a day with you Theresa." You have always had a crush for her; she is a gorgeous woman. She is about 5'4, long blonde hair, sexy green eyes, firm C-cup...
MatureThis is the story of my wife rittu whom I got fucked with my cousin dimpy. I got married to rittu in 1996 and before my marriage me and my cousin dimpy who was 3 years younger to me was very frank with each other. In fact I taught dimpy how to mastubarate in our teenage years….it was I used to hold his dick in my hands and used to stroke his cock and he often used to cum in my hands. Dimpy also stated jacking my hard cock and in fact we used to rub our cocks with each other until we came...
Wow it must have been more than a decade ago when I first discovered Looking Glass Magazine. I was living in Manhattan. Whenever there was a dry spell with the ladies I would visit one of the many random adult book and video stores. Usually I went right for the booths or the live shows but on one ocassion after perusing the current VHS films out I decided to check out the magazines. Juggs, Gent, Over 40, Over 50 all the usual titles were there. Then lo and behold I saw something I had never...
So, there I was, in the middle of eating the dessert of Baked Alaska, while Chloe and Zoe, twins from the adult boutique, were busily sucking my cock under the table. They had both decided that their supper was going to be liquid that night, part of some temporary, high-protein “cum diet” or whatever. I wasn’t entirely convinced that people could normally survive solely off semen, even God’s jizz, but I humored them for now, knowing that if they truly got famished, they’d let me know. “So,...
“I love you, Beth. I love you." The sudden awareness of the time snaps out of my daydream. Three years ago, Mark Taylor told me he loved me and became the first boy to say those three magic words to me. We lasted two years together, braving the perils of a long-distance relationship with me in Boston and him in Chicago. Before the summer of 2012 kicked in, Mark was offered a prestigious internship in a law firm in Hong Kong and accepted it without telling me. The last time I saw him was when I...
First TimeGia is an exotic stunner with a gorgeous face and a busty chest that will drive you crazy. Her tan, tight body is truly a thing of beauty, but whats even more impressive is how she uses it. This Latina sex fiend uses her soft wet tongue and tight warm hole to satisfy this extremely fortunate cock. She gets pounded in a plethora of different positions before draining all she can from his balls into her mouth. Don’t miss her deep, piercing eyes looking up at you while she engulfs this cock...
xmoviesforyouMy downward spiral into a submissive bottom slut started late in life. I'm still very much in the closet and outwardly I appear as the perfect suburban husband, father, employee and neighbor. I love my wife and family but I recently found a new hobby that I crave with a passion; I can't get enough of my neighbor's big hard cock. It all started innocently enough. I'm an economics professor at UC Santa Cruz and my office is in one of the older buildings on campus. The basement of my building has...
Saturday, July 10, 1976 I woke up early, the sun was just rising on the horizon. I dressed for my morning run, and I decided to tempt fate by running at the park once again. I also decided to up my run this morning to three miles instead of two. I didn’t feel that it was much more difficult, but I didn’t want to push too hard too soon. I did my usual cool-down exercises and went back to the hotel. Today I decided I was going to enjoy myself. I got back to the suite, took my shower, and...
I arrived at the prison to collect Eloise de La Zouche early the next morning. Captain Ramsey wanted her aboard, and her dunnage stowed, by 8 am, although we were not due to sail until the afternoon. The prison governor greeted me with the news that she had escaped. He took me to her cell; the door hung open, and on the floor lay the body of the bearded turnkey, his trousers around his ankles and his throat cut. "He was discovered when the morning shift came on duty at five. The surgeon...
It had been a month since Olivia had spoken to Cameron. A whole four weeks without talking to him, seeing him, touching him, and she had been driving herself crazy while trying to forget about him. Every time her mind wandered off to that forbidden territory, she had to remind herself of why they were no longer together. He had called and texted her dozens of times each and every day, but she couldn't find it in herself to talk to him again and to reopen the door that she had tried so hard to...
Love StoriesFor the first time since her divorce Victoria Preston was wishing she still had a husband, or live in lover. Having Just days ago been subjected to the most sexual abuse that she would have believed possible and at the hands of a total stranger at that, a stranger complete with a horrific leather mask, who had beaten and sexually humiliated her, in full view that awful woman Joan and of course her nemesis Sean Brady. Now just an hour ago Sean had simply walked into her home and doing so with...
Jax Slayher is one lucky guy, always getting to bang the hottest chicks and has more hitting him up online to come bang them! What a life, right? Anny Aurora has been sending him private messages but there’s a small issue, she doesn’t speak English, but he doesn’t want to let that stop him since she’s smokin’! Anny knows how to use emoji’s and after sending him a bunch of “snakes”, Jax gets in the car to go meet up with her. She comes out to meet him in the car wearing a sexy zip-up red dress...