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CHP1 - Learning the rules

Amanda look around the room, there were six girls there, each clutching their files and small bags with their possessions inside.  She was scared, but she didn’t want to show it. She wanted to appear disinterested, like the situation didn’t bother her. Prison had a formidable reputation and she didn’t want to be eaten alive.

When the door opened, two male and two female guards dressed identically in thick black trousers with starched white shirts contrasted with black tiesentered the room.

?Strip search? One of them said, smiling and tapping his truncheon against his legs, jangling the large bunch of keys that hung from his waist.

Amanda watched as a few of the other girls took the lead.  She didn’t want to be the one to cause any fuss so she began unbuttoning her blouse letting it slip onto the floor

?Bra’s too, come on? one of the women continued, noticing the pause in some the girl’s actions.

Amanda reached behind her and unclasped her bra. she looked at the wall at the side of her as she pulled it from her chest, revealing her smooth rounded breasts. The cool air made her flesh bumpy and her nipples began to harden as they swung freely.

?lift em then? the woman snapped , like they should have known the process.

She wanted to snap something back at her, grab her clothes and run out, but she knew that wouldn’t work. If she didn’t conform, they would enforce their rules. She could imagine what that would mean in this situation.

She turned to watch the other girls and one of the men approached her. She pulled back slightly as he slipped his truncheon down the front of her jeans, leaving it wedged there, the top poking out and pressing against her stomach, while the bottom was being pushed hard into her pubic bone. He brushed his body against hers as he made his way around her. Sliding his hands across the naked flesh of her back, he softly ran them down her sides and traced the outline of her perfectly flat stomach before moving them upwards, grasping her breasts harshly and lifted her bosom high, so as to stretch her skin and lift her onto her tiptoes.

As the rest of the girls complied the guards moved around them, running their hands over them, some girls more than others, the female guards being particularly cruel, grasping at one of her fellow inmates nipples and pinching it hard, making her cry out and pull away.

Amanda watched as the other female guard went over and gabbed the girls hair, yanking her head back viciously to hold her in place as the other one continued her cruel barrage.

?Trousers? the man behind Amanda bellowed out.

Amanda reached down and unbuttoned her jeans, as she did so she watched as the guards snapped on a pair of rubber gloves. The male’s kicked the clothes that were scattered on the floor over into a pile in the corner of the room and the female guards gathered them up one by one, checked the clothes linings and pockets, leaving the men to have fun checking the girls.

Amanda let her jeans slip to the floor, revealing her black, lacy, hipster style underwear.

?well hand em ova then?  one of the men said, snatching them out of her hand and throwing them over into the corner of the room with the other clothes. Amanda watched as the other girls followed suit.

?And the rest?  he demanded, smiling to his partner.

Amanda could feel herself dampen. The rush of excitement she felt as she removed her panties was like pure waves of energy. One of the guards approached her and she pushed her breasts out towards him, proud and pert they stood as he ran his hands between her legs. He could feel how hot and sticky she was, her breathing had changed and her heart was pounding. Taking her by the arm and opening a side door into a smaller room with a desk he led her inside.

Standing there she surveyed his figure as he closed the door. He was a tall man, around six feet, short dark hair with an ageing face, around mid-forties she guessed. He walked over to her and kissed her, Amanda put her arms around him and began to kiss him back.

Lifting her onto the desk he slid the bulk of his body between her thighs, holding her leg high against his waist as he kissed her chest and arms. Gingerly she fumbled with the button and zip on his trousers, struggling a little before she finally got them undone she felt inside for him. She had never held a cock in her hands before. She grasped it tightly as she pulled it from inside his clothing. He knew by the way she was handling him that she had not had much experience and decided to take the situation and her into hand.

Pulling her legs forward so she could lay back, he ran his hand over her body, from the tip of her chin and down the curve of her throat. Letting his hand flow downward, his hands tickled the flesh between her breasts as he let his fingers roll down her stomach to the thick mass of blonde hair between her legs. Pressing his thumb onto the base of her cliterous he rolled the tip of his thumb over the flesh of her tiny mound as he bent down to taste her. Pushing his tongue deep into her tantalizing tight opening, tasting how sweet she had become. How snug and pliant her flesh was, he nibbled the lips of skin that protected her little entry.

She threw her head back, her blonde hair falling on the table, lit only the lamp light outside and moaned, uncontrollably and in perfect rhythm to the waves of pleasure she felt rushing through her being.

He could wait no longer and pushed himself inside her, slowly initially. He pushed the tip of himself inside her then rocked gently in her opening, pushing himself further in on each pass.  Instantly she leant forward as the pain of her breaking flooded her mind. She grasped his head and pulled him into her closely as she let the pain pass her over. Her instant passion excited him further and she could feel his thick shaft thicken as his thrusts became more powerful and rhythmic.

Grasping her thighs tightly he plunged into her deep and held himself there, feeling her tight pussy throbbing in delight around his now engorged shaft, it was all too much for him and he pushed in as hard as he could, right up against the wall of her insides  as he exploded. Watching her writhe beneath him in pleasure, he pulled his trousers up. Grabbing her arm he pulled her to her feet and they left, his juice dripping down her leg, making trails down to her knee’s as she walked.

Amanda was led to her cell. A tiny room, no more than 6 feet by 6 feet, It had a small chest of draws, a bed and a toilet. The toilet was right by the heavy metal door, and it had a large window in it, so anyone who surveyed her cell through the window would be able to see every inch of that room. There was a small barred window above the bedhead and the walls where crudely painted brick. Amanda got into the small cot, and closed her eyes as the she heard the keys jangling, locking the door behind her.

In the morning the bell rang out at seven am and she could hear the doors being unlocked one by one, including hers and the halls suddenly filled with life. Amanda opened her door and peeped out to see the hustle and bustle of girls taking showers, running down the hall with their towels wrapped around them, others waiting by the big gates to be taken onto the yard for exercise.

?PR9117? she heard being yelled down the corridor.

She knew this was her number, it was on several of the documents she had been given just before she had left the holding cells, before her journey to the prison.

?Coming? she said in response. When she got to the end there was a small office with the two male officers from the night before seated at the desk.

?You can collect your towel from the laundry, and work duty is given out on a Friday. As its Monday you will just be in your pad this week. Here’s your request form? said the one she had spent most of her evening with the night before as he stood up, handing her a piece of paper.

?Says here it’s your first time? he asked her smiling

?Yes? she replied

?Sir, Yes Sir? he retorted, looking down at her.

?Yes Sir? she replied, not wanting to cause any fuss.

?So, your nineteen next week, happy birthday? he said, a sort of sick smile on his face, the kind that say’s and you’ve destroyed your life already.

?Yes Sir? she answered.

?Well now, as it’s your birthday let’s see if we can’t line you up some fun work to do? he smiled as he continued ?When this lot have gone ill come down and we will have a chat?

?Yes Sir? she said as she left.

By eight o’clock the halls were silent and it wasn’t long before she heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Her door was pushed open and he came in.

Sitting himself on the bed beside her he smiled kindly.

?Got to keep a face on in here? he said ?I’m a big softy really you know?

She looked at him blankly.

?The girls can be bitchy, it’s probably best to keep your head down for a few days until you learn the pecking order, you want to watch the one with the tattoo on her neck, Sarah, she’s a bit of a fighter, took four of us to drag her down to healthcare last time she kicked off?

?I’ll watch her Sir? Amanda replied.

?You know, life in here isn’t all bad? he said as he reached out and moved her hair from her face. ?It can be hard at first, but if you have any trouble you can always come to me?

?Thank you Sir? she replied

?I know that you feel all alone at the moment, but that will change? he said as he left her room.

Amanda got back into bed.

At four pm the halls filled with life once again and it wasn’t long before there was a tap on her door.

?Can I come in?? said a rather squeaky voice from behind the metal

?Sure? Amanda replied.

?Hiya! I’m Katie, this is Ruby and Alice? she said introducing two more girls as they came in and made themselves at home on her bed.

?George said you were new here and that you could do with some advice? She continued as she began to stroke Amanda’s long blond hair. ?You’re lucky George marked you, Poor Alice came in when Riley was on duty?

Amanda looked at Alice, she was the same age, but somehow looked much older, much more worn.

?What do you mean ‘marked me’?? she asked

?He’s your support officer, he’s so nice and really helpful, got me and Ruby a job in the gardens, it’s the best there is, you definitely don’t want to be in laundry and cooking is such a drag? she said as she began to braid Amanda’s hair.

The girls spent the next few hours’ laughing and chatting and talking about TV shows, they even went to dinner together and Amanda began to relax a little.

The following morning when the girls had gone off to work George came to see her again.

?Bet your bored stiff in here? he announced as he tapped on her door before entering.

?Getting that way Sir? she told him

?Did you have a chance to look over the works request form yet?? he asked her as he sat down.

?A little Sir? she said as she handed him the form.

?Gardens hey, you’ve been chatting to Kate haven’t you! Nice girl that one? he said as he looked down the form.

?Yes Sir, she is? Amanda replied.

?Your such a pretty girl, don’t let this place get you down?

?Thank you Sir, it’s just all so overwhelming? she told him.

He sat on the bed next to her and put his arms around her. At first she wanted to pull away but the warmth of his body was so inviting, she felt so comfortable and relaxed she hugged him back and began to sob.

?It just seems like such a mess? she said through her tears.

He pulled her in tightly.

?Well, bad news I’m afraid? he said squinting a little ?There is no room for work duty next week, so unfortunately you’re just going to have to put up with me!?

?I think that’s great news Sir? she said as she walked over and sat on the bed next to him.

She slipped her hand down into his trousers and felt his thick shaft surrounded by a mass of dense hair. Clasping her hand around it tightly she pulled it out from his trousers and he helped her by sliding them off. As he got up he went to the door and checked the hallway before closing it shut and began removing the rest of his clothing as he came back to the bed.

Amanda had removed her shirt and trousers before he climbed in beside her and he ran his fingers over her, following the outline of her tight, tanned flesh.

His hands felt so warm, so tender on her body and it sent her mind into a wave of excitement.  Kissing his chest she worked her way down, running her fingers through his chest hair as she went. Kissing his belly and following his public line with her tongue down to the shaft of his cock like on the porn videos she had seen before. Rolling her tongue over the end of him as he lay there making low noises of pleasure, she could feel herself dampening again in anticipation. Opening her mouth wide she let him slip inside her, she could feel the head of his cock rub along the roof of her mouth down to her throat while his hand grasped her hair and slightly pushed her down, encouraging her movements. Closing her mouth around his shaft she made her mouth like a vacuum around him and began to rhythmically roll her head along the whole length of him.

As she moved, she could feel his cock thicken. She could feel the pulse of the blood as it fed the hunger of him. He grabbed her and spun her onto her back. Kissing her neck ravenously, he pulled her panties to one side and slipped himself slightly inside her.

She moaned and he kissed her mouth to muffle the sound. Slowly he pushed himself in further, he could feel how tight and wet she was, and she grabbed his shoulders to compose herself. The pain inside was deep, but it wasn’t over powering. He kissed her cheek.

?Slowly? he said, as he gently began to rock backwards and forwards, his thick cock penetrating a little further each time.

Her eyes began to water, she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him in as close as possible, digging her nails into his back as he pushed deeper and deeper inside her.

Kissing her lips every time she moaned, he clasped the flesh on her cheek as he began to push harder, finally getting the whole length of himself inside her. She grit her teeth as she felt him pierce into her.

Then each motion of his body became easier and smoother, his movements more rhythmic and in tune with hers. He felt the need to explode, but he held off, clasping the bedding as he drove himself into her, her tight pussy began to throb and he could feel it contracting as he quickened his pace.

The moans of pain began to turn into moans of pleasure and still he kissed her to dampen the noise, holding onto her shoulders now he lifted himself off her slightly as waves of excitement flooded over his body. His cock began to pound and she was writhing beneath him, grasping her hair and biting her fingers to keep herself quiet. It was too much, he felt himself explode inside her. She could feel the warm liquid begin to ooze between her vaginal crack to her anus.

He slumped beside her and wrapped his arms around her.

?I love you? he said, as he tried to catch his breath.

?I love you too? she replied, cuddling into him and puling the sheet over them.

The following weeks where spent much the same, there seemed to never be any work placement for Amanda, not that she minded. She quiet enjoyed her morning visits with George, he was always happy to see her and he always had something for her. She had acquired quite a few luxury items, even a kettle during her month or so there.

For a few weeks things carried on the way they had done, it wasn’t until she noticed one of the girls walking down the hall one morning with a box of tampons that it even occurred to her. So much had happened in such a short period of time, she hadn’t even thought about her period.

She sat down at her desk and tried to work it out.

Nine weeks, it had been at least nine weeks since she had been on, possibly ten. Her heart began to race. Her mind became mush and then there was a tap at her door.

?Morning sexy!? he exclaimed as he closed the door behind him. He noticed her blank stare, and saw how the colour had gone from her cheeks. She definitely was not her usual perky self.

?Everything ok?? he asked

?I’m fine, I’m just not feeling too great this morning? she replied.

?Ok, well let’s go out into the exercise yard, it can’t be good for you being cooped up in here all the time, let’s get some fresh air? He said as he pushed door open.

Out on the yard she had to talk to him.

?Sir, I think I need an appointment with the doctor? she said.

?Ok, I’ll make the appointment today for you, what’s wrong, is everything alright? Don’t make me panic baby? he declared

?I haven’t come on for a while? she told him. All went quiet.

?Ok, I have to think about this? he said as he stood up and walked over to the gate.

He took her back to her pad and went to make the appointment. When he walked down the hallway a smirk appeared on his face.

?You’re cheerful? Riley said

?I’m always cheerful? George retorted.

It was the doctor who confirmed she was pregnant. Then came the barrage of questions. She wasn’t daft however and George had coached her well. She was to say she had been in a sexual relationship before she came to prison but it had fizzled out when she was convicted. That way there was no trail and no questions.

George had planned this right. He had managed to get her pregnant within the first week or so of her incarceration. Home run!

George proposed the night she told him that she was carrying his baby.

?I know this may seem sudden, but I do love you, I want to be with you, I want our baby to grow up and know who his dad is? George told her ?Will you marry me??

Amanda had not been expecting the proposal, but it was the first real bit of stability she had ever been offered in her life. She liked George, she was in love with him. She threw her arms around him and graciously accepted.

?no-one can know for a bit, you can live with me when you get out of here but we can’t get married for a year or so, or they might start asking questions? he told her. Amanda was fine with that, she was just so happy, for the first time in her life everything seemed to be going just right.

By January she was quiet big, George came to visit her every day and now she was pregnant she was excused from work duties permanently.

?Morning sexy! Morning Baby? he would say as he came in, closing the door behind him. Looking at her standing there in just her blouse, he smiled, went up to her and rubbed her now rather swollen stomach, rubbing the sides of it gently and nibbled playfully on her breast.

?How are you?? he asked as he sat behind her and pulled her blouse up slightly, placing his hands at the base of her spine he massaged the area gently.

?My feet are a little swollen Sir? she said as she bent over to touch them.

?Come here? he said, pulling her feet onto his lap and rubbing them softly, his hands getting further and further up her legs as he did.

She lay back and opened them for him, kissing the inside of her calf muscles first, he began to work his way up her leg, his warm breath already exciting her. Running his hands over her protruding belly he nuzzled his tongue deep into her crotch. Rolling it over her cliterous and teasing her damped entrance, he ran his mouth up her body to her belly and began to kiss and stroke the curved flesh before making his way back down again. Then using his fingers against her reddened throbbing pussy he licked her belly as he excited her, playing with her, pinching her clit gently then rubbing excitedly to get her on the edge.

?Beg me to fuck you? he said to her

?Please Sir, Please fuck me? she begged, grasping onto his hair tightly and pulling him into her.

He grasped her hips and twisted her around, putting her onto her knee’s ?Do you want me?? he whispered to her.

?Yes, Yes Sir, fuck me please? she said as she buried her head into the pillow.

He pushed her legs open slightly and fondled her belly as he kissed her back, following her spine right down past her tail bone, then he spat silently onto his fingers and ran them over her anal opening.

Amanda moved forward slightly, she had only ever had fingers near there once, and that wasn’t exactly a pleasant experience. She didn’t want to move away from him though, she didn’t want to upset him.

He placed a hand on her back and held her steady as he gently pushed two fingers inside her anus, rotating them around the opening at first for a smooth entry.

She began to relax, then started to rock slightly onto his hand, feeling his fingers slip inside her deeper and deeper as she moved onto him. Just as she was getting into it he took them out and put his solid cock to her rear entrance. As he began to push it into her, he stretched her wider and she leant forward a bit to relieve the pressure on her skin. Rubbing his fingers in his mouth to gather more saliva he ran them over his shaft to lubricate it before pushing a little harder. More and more, further, deeper, she buried her head and cried out into the pillow as his whole cock finally made its way inside her. Rhythmically he began to move, rolling his hands over her belly as he began to gain momentum, faster and harder, his cock getting thicker and stretching her more. One hand cupping her belly and fondling her breasts, the other pushing her head into the pillow, drowning the sounds that escaped her. 

?Ssshhhh? he whispered as he grasped her breast tightly.

Amanda did her best to keep the noises she made down, she bit down hard into the pillow as he pulled at her vigorously, ramming himself into her as entirely as he could.

She shifted a little awkwardly, the weight of them both on her knee’s started to take its toll.

He held her fast as moved closer, kissing her neck as he thrust as hard into her until finally he burst inside her, filling her.

He pulled out and helped her to roll over onto her side before lying behind her, wrapping his arm around her bump.

?Are you ok?? he asked,

?Yes, I just, well I didn’t expect it that’s all? She replied as she tucked her pillow further under her head.

?I just didn’t want to hurt the baby that’s all? he told her as he rubbed her belly? you’re getting heavy now and I don’t want to do anything that might upset you either?

?I’m not upset Sir? she explained ?I understand? and she rolled over and kissed him.

By the time February came she couldn’t wait to leave, her mum came to meet her outside the gates. Amanda had already told her that her boyfriend would be taking care of her, that she had somewhere to go and he had a job and everything was sorted.

She hung around town till George’s shift had finished.

George met her near the bus station and picked her up in his car.

?I didn’t tell you before as I didn’t want you to be upset? he said to her ? I don’t want to cause any issues so I thought it best to get you a little flat for now, ive done the baby room and everything. It’s only for a little while until I can be sure that it won’t cause problems for me at work?

Amanda didn’t know what to say, all this time she had been expecting to go to his place, to live with him like he had said.

?I can’t afford much as they don’t pay that great but I’ve made it comfortable and nice? he said as they drove.

Amanda was silent.

When they pulled up to a block of flats she looked at them in disbelief, half of them where boarded up and rubbish littered the strip of grass along the front.

?It isn’t forever? he said as he opened the door. He took her to the ground floor flat, the paint was coming off the door and the lock jammed slightly as he tried to turn the key.

The room was twelve feet by twelve feet. There was a tiny kitchen also, with a door either side, one to a small bedroom and another to the bathroom. The bedroom had a single bed and a cot in it, painted magnolia with stickers of ducks on the wall.

?it’s lovely? She said as she threw her bags onto the floor and hugged him.

?Your lovely? he replied as he grabbed her right breast and kissed her, pushing her against the wall. He lifted her shirt revealing her now tightly stretched skin over the massive bump that was well formed in front of her.

Holding her hands he lifted them above her head and pressed them together against the wall, he moved his hands down her arms, pressing them firmly as he went, letting her know that’s how he wanted her to stay.

Tearing her blouse open he grasped her breasts tightly, squeezing them and rolling her now very dark, pert nipples in his thumbs as he went.

As he squeezed a little harder Amanda bought her arms down and put them over his hands. He grabbed them, kissed her on the lips and put them back where he had previously placed them. Pressed firmly against the wall above her head.

She obliged him as he resumed position.

Slowly he began to remove her trousers and panties, slipping them off her legs and getting her step out of them, before tossing them over into a corner of the room, the way they had done that very first night.

He ran his palm gently across her belly in large circles as he used his other hand to part her legs slightly and rub her now hot, sticky pussy.

Slipping his tongue between her pubic hairs, he hunted hungrily for the opening as he caressed the huge curves of her heavily pregnant belly. She moaned in pleasure as his tongue found her little sweet spot, he teased her with the length of it and tickled her cliterous with the tip for a few moments before plunging his head ravenously between her legs. Holding her belly to steady him as he went, taking her to the peak, he could feel the warm, sweet juice begin to flow freely as he lapped.

Her legs began to buckle slightly as her concentration began to wander, she fought hard to keep her hands pinned against the wall as the waves of passion rolled over her. One after the other, unending they seemed as they began to engulf her. Her whole body began to tingle and she rocked her head from side to side, longing to be engulfed in this ecstasy.

Just as she was falling into the perfection of his attentions he stood up, remnants of her over his face. She moaned to show her displeasure that he had stopped just as she was getting going and he took her arms and bent her over the bed.

Her huge belly dangling freely, he plunged his solid shaft deep into her well lubricated entrance, she dropped onto her elbows and whimpered in a mixture of disdain at his ceasing to pleasure her orally and her pleasure in his desire to join with her.

His pace built quickly and his hands continued his attentions on her huge, distended abdomen. Holding it steadily and embracing it as it swung slightly with his actions, their rhythms connected. Her breasts swung also, bumping into her stomach as he continued, pounding himself inside her, a rush of desire passed over him, his body lurching into her uncontrollably as his emotional state reached its peak. He could hold it no longer, grasping her hips firmly he thrust as hard as he could as he let what felt like whole being drain inside her.

He kissed her cheek and promised he would pop around on Saturday and that they would spend the day together.

When Saturday came they spent the day in the bedroom, George was his usual energetic self and Amanda loved having him there. She had been so lonely all week but she understood he worked long hours and didn’t have time during the week to go there. Sundays he spent at his mother’s. He had promised her she would meet his mum one day before the wedding.

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Chapter 7, In which Jenny and I come to an understanding It was mid-afternoon and instead of walking into a meeting downtown, I was gazing out the car window at suburbia. My friend Jenny was driving, since she was familiar with the area. I turned back to study Jenny with mixed feelings. She was an attractive girl, only a year younger than I — I’d seen her license — and quite vivacious once I’d gotten past her shell. Twenty-four hours ago, she’d been a waitress working the respectable side of...

2 years ago
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Thank you Angela

I got to visit Ted and Angela again. We had such a wild and hot night last year but I always thought that Ted was uncomfortable with it. We’ve bumped into each other here and there when our friends get together for dinner and drinks. I will flirt with Angela but respectfully keep my distance. This because I didn’t know how Ted felt about things.Ted and Angela had another dinner party. I plan on doing a lot of drinking so I asked if I could stay over tonight. "Yes... but only if you behave."...

3 years ago
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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 4 What the Fuck

Taking a shower before dinner almost caused us to miss the meal. We’d studied hard and then all of a sudden it was just Jas and me and we were naked. We stepped into the shower together and started washing each other like we had Sunday morning. I was still pretty much in awe that she would allow me to touch her ... encourage me to touch her in ways I’d seen her pleasure herself on vid. And she wanted me ... wanted to touch me. If Dad hadn’t pounded on the bathroom door and yelled, “Five...

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A Bad Situation

This is a story about a guy, Alan that I briefly dated when I was 16. I had only known him for maybe a month at the time that this happened. He was staying in a motel with an older friend/coworker, Ray, and they were working on a construction site in that town. The day after this happened, they left town, so I guess they had planned to do it the night before they were leaving. That night we were all drinking in their motel room and I ended up passing out early. The next thing that I really...

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Sister In Law

100% fiction! This all occured several years ago, so I feel confident in the retelling now. For name change sake, let's call my ex sister in law "Laura". My wife's a-hole brother traveled to Italy for business purposes and ended up meeting, and marrying an incredibly sweet as pie Italian woman named Laura. How a complete jerk like him got such a perfect creature like her does remain a mystery to me. As Laura and I were both Italian (me by descent, her by nationality), and my wife's messed-up...

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I Started VII Our Pregnancy

Chapter-7 Our Pregnancy. I Started Getting nervous as Dr. William Monte placed my feet in the stirrups. The tests showed that I was ovulating and I would be the first to be artificially inseminated. Cindy would need to wait a couple of weeks. Dr. Carol Hanson and Cindy were in the room with me, which made me feel better. I was going to be inseminated with one of the sperm deposits Carol had taken from me when I was a man. If this worked this would gain worldwide...

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It Begins

We were both a little drunk. "Goodnight," you said, hugging me for perhaps a beat too long. "Goodnight," I replied, and I watched you walk away before turning to go to my own room. I got to my room, closed the door, and stood there inside for a moment or two that seemed like an eternity. Was there... ? Could I... ? Maybe... ? Leaving my room, I walked down the hallway. More than once, I stopped, staring into space as if hypnotized. Thankfully the hallways were empty at that hour, for...

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Stacey needs a job

Plans fall through, life is full of detours, and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? That's what Stacey kept telling herself, as the days went by without her finding a job or even getting an interview or call back from what felt like a hundred applications she had completed and resumes she had submitted. Even the baristas at the coffee shop, where she went for its free internet with a $4 cup of coffee, were starting to feel bad for her as they saw her at the small table for two in...

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Kicking and ScreamingChapter 8

Nine months later... Nadia and James’s house “So, we’re all agreed to the terms listed herein, namely that Mr. Jackson will formally sell and quit any claim to this residence at 345 Sandwich Drive to Mrs ... and Mrs. Cardigan? And Mrs. Jackson consents to this as well, given her own rights to it as marital property? Please sign whenever you’re ready. Very well, then. And Mrs. Cardigan, are you prepared to hand over all remaining possessions of Mr. Jackson’s that were on your new property?”...

4 years ago
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The Train Journey

I sat there stroking my cock in my pants for while but I just got this feeling that it wasn’t enough and I was gagging for more. I then had a brainwave and pulled out my phone to load up my Grindr app that allows me to search for guys nearby. It was a little hit and miss because I was on a moving train but it picked up a few guys who seemed to be on the same train. I updated my profile name to say I was on the train in a hope that someone would notice. It didn’t take long before I got a...

2 years ago
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Doctors Orders

The sullen schoolgirl and the short-tempered woman in my examination room were unmistakably mother and daughter. Although one was only thirteen years old and the other well into her thirties, the lustrous dark hair, the arrogant cheekbones, and the full pouty lips they shared paired them so clearly that I would have been certain of their relationship even if I hadn't already known them both for years. The Dormonds had been friends of my family for nearly a decade. We lived in the same...

1 year ago
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Chatting with Elaine

Chat Guest: Elaine On Sunday July 18, 1999 12:30PM PST Moderated by Wendy-J Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Elaine at: [email protected] She wishes to thank Nikkie, Rhonda Wagram and Kim! Elaine arrived a little late and so Wendy started the log late... (Elaine) I was watching the Toronto Grand Prix, a Scotsman was in front. (*Wendy-J) LOL! A girl after my own heart! Fast cars and good Scotch! (Elaine) I do write a Motorsport column. (*Wendy-J) WOW, a professional...

3 years ago
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Perris Drinking Game

perri was getting drunk and horny, and judging by the looks and the states of undress of those around her, so was everybody else. on the next turn, the guy next to perri had to lose his jeans, and in doing so, perri could make out the shape of his semi hard cock in his boxers. as he saw her notice this, his "in-betweener" started to visibly grow. perri, being only a few feet away, and never one to miss a chance at doing something dirty, pulled at her skirt and stuck her ass out in his...

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Theres Something About Fucking a Married Couple That Dream 2

I woke up from 'that dream' again. It's only been a week, but already it's become 'that dream.' It's just like that video she sent me. Well, not just like. In this dream, it's my stiff prick that the lovely lady slobbers all over. Oh, it's a lot like that video, but not quite. She sucks my cock and slaps it against her rosy cheeks. She speaks all manner of obscenities that would make a sailor blush. Her husband becomes the enamoured onlooker feverishly tugging his cock. Just like the video so...

1 year ago
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Emperors BodyguardChapter 9 Gamma Station

The first few hours were tense as we accelerated quickly. We received updates on the Duke and Michelle’s family. We were two days out and I had just gotten to sleep when Michelle had Silvia wake me up. I walked out of my cabin blinking and Brit handed me a cup of her coffee. I looked at the coffee and Silvia laughed. I took a sip as I walked toward my seat, “What do you have Kitten?” She gestured to Peaches, “A Major Alterson wants to speak with you?” I looked at Peaches before taking my...

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The Magic Candles

I carefully stood each candle upright in the holder and held a lighted match to each first to make sure they stayed in the holder. I looked down at them. There were several and each colour had a meaning. Red was for courage and love. I so needed courage. I was seventeen-years-old and a goody goody at school. I had always been good. I didn’t even know how to be naughty yet I so wanted to be just the once. Red was also for love. I knew it was only a schoolgirl crush but Mrs Bell was so special....

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night before my weddig

it was the night before my wedding and i was in the house with my step son and my wife to be was at her parents. i was just sitting watching t.v my step son was in bed only 7 at the time and there was a knock at the door it was our brides maid the wifes best friend she had come to ask for a lend of some money for the night time do after the wedding she had ben to a friends house and had had a few drinks she asked what i was doing just in the house by my self and i said just having a few drinks...

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HandsOnHardcore Tiffany Tatum Blonde Shaft Swallower

Tiffany Tatum returns to Hands On Hardcore and Pornworld co-starring alongside Vince Karter in this steamy triple-X seduction production. The glamour model is completely irresistible clad in black lacy lingerie with her legs spread showing off that perfect pink pussy that we’ve all lusted over in the past. As she masturbates and her man watches he can only hold back for so long before he just must take the temptress in every position. But not before the blonde Hungarian hottie enjoys his...

2 years ago
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My first time with an older man

When I was growing up, I would do pretty much anything for a bit of cash in my pocket. I worked in a sweet shop/newsagent every weekend from age 14 through until I had just turned 17. Our customer base was pretty much older men who would pop in during the day and spend as much time as was reasonably possible in the shop buying their sweets and papers, and chatting to the shop owner and me. It was during these years that I learnt how to deal with and appreciate the older man.My boobs had started...

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A Song of Mine

The autumn wind blows a soft lullaby as the ruffle of the trees’ dying leaves pay homage to the color of the season. Together with the cold breeze came the hymn of a young ballad that sung with the season’s call. The innocent tune resounded through the stone paths and old foliage, leading to the windows of a humble home. In a little room, one can glance at the image of a little girl and a grand piano. From her little fingers, she played the keys in the ways of a budding talent. Inexperienced...

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The Truth About Sarah

The dream came again that night. As she lay in a fitful sleep upon the bed she had once found both comforting and restful, Sarah woke to what she thought was the sound of thunder. But as she opened her eyes onto her dark bedroom, the girl found the eerily twisted shapes of tree branch shadows upon her ceiling, shed by the moon on a cloudless night. "I'm dreaming," she told herself for the thousandth time. Sarah knew it was a lie. She knew that whatever the unspeakable horror was lurking in...

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Lindsay ist auf der Suche nach einem neuen Kick. Ihr Leben langweilt sie seit geraumer Zeit. Die Arbeit ist eintönig und ihre Freunde langweilen sie nur noch. Sie sitzt vor ihrem PC und surft lustlos im Internet. Durch Zufall gerät sie in einen dubiosen Chatraum. Dort lernt sie Paul kennen. Paul macht auf sie nicht den hellsten Eindruck. Seine Wortwahl ist recht einfach. Lindsay streicht sich eine blonde Haarsträhne aus dem Gesicht, reibt sich ihre sommersprossige Nase und chattet völlig...

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A La Creme Yogurt

A La Cr?me Yogurt By Darkstar In a richly decorated dining room, a grayed hair, middle- aged man with a bit of a balding head sits at the end of a long oak table with a French maid in her thirties serving him food. The man has a conservative look to him with a nice patterned wool sweater while the maid's outfit simply screamed sex. She wore a frilly, satin uniform with the hemlines coming halfway down her thigh. Her creamy white breasts were partially revealed by a low h...

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Breeding Partners

Day 1 Max sat in her tiny cell with its grey, unpainted concrete walls, staring at nothing as thoughts of escape filled her mind. That had been her only constant thought ever since she had woken up in the infirmary two weeks ago. No, she corrected. Her mind had also been filled with thoughts of Zack. What Zack had done for her was so typically Zack, sacrificing himself to keep her alive. She had stared, numb in shock when that bitch, Renfro had told her in that smug voice of hers that Zack...

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Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 10 Sluts Frustrated Passion

Chapter Ten: Slut's Frustrated Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Justin Sampson “Now you listen here, you naughty little bitch!” Coach Johnson snarled as she ripped down Sam's panties, a look of shock crossing my girlfriend's face. “I can eat any cunt I want in this locker room.” I couldn't believe this was happening. Shock rooted me in place as my girlfriend's brown bush came into view. Sam struggled to stop the lesbian coach from eating her pussy. She cried out my name as she...

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Kyles Misfortune Part II

Kyle's Misfortune - Part 2 By Mister Double U Kyle Belmont felt like he had been hit with a couple dozen bowling balls. Every part of his body ached. He tried to lift his head, but he didn't have the strength. He blinked his eyes a few times to adjust to the light. A figure sat on a small chair next to the bed. As he saw Kyle's eyes open, he got up and ran out the door. "She's awake!" he yelled. "She's awake!" Kyle turned his head. He could see that he was now in a small...

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Fuck my friend in the BathroomMike

Fillmeup2's Fantasy (I want my man to fuck my friend inside a gas station restroom)She gets inside of the car."Thanks for the ride guys." she says. We are all headed for a weekend at the beach. She is one of my closest friends. Mike is at the wheel as we laugh and get our buzz on going down the highway.I start to doze off,from the long ride.Finally I can no longer hear the radio and I have drifted off into tranquility.My friend has been drinking a little too much. The conversation between she...

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In Love With My Married Boyfriend

(This narration is factual.) I’m Kanika, 24, owner of a glamour firm, doing well professionally and highly traditional at heart. Not the same body measurements but you can hardly tell a difference between Alia Bhatt’s face and mine. We’ve got exactly the same eyes, face cut and dimples. I’m not too sure if I’ll be able to write expressively but I would definitely like to attempt sharing my story with you. I fell in love with the wrong man- Dhiraj! He’s six feet tall, fair, good-looking, well...

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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 34

"Okay, that's the easy part," Jean announced. Teela was reclining on her elbows at the side of the bed, her feet on the floor. Beside her was a towel and a washcloth. Jean was wiping shaving foam from her razor onto the towel, which contained ample evidence that Teela's hair was not naturally black, but rather a rich, dark brown. The pair had messed around a bit, trying to get a diamond pattern shaven into the unusually dense but relatively straight fur on Teela's mons -- the classical...

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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 15

Just over a week had passed without interruption and it was definitely what Dan needed. Taking that time out from everyone and everything, other than the birds and wildlife had helped his mind become more relaxed and clear. It also gave him the time to go over the plans systematically. There were a couple of points in the plan where luck had to play a part but most of it would be down to timing and teamwork. The time had come to get everyone together to make sure everything that was...

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Fingered in the Bar part 2 glory hole

This once more is dedicated to my very special friend Missy ... One day your dreams will come true !!!!Charlie has arranged to watch the rugby again in the bar this time --- I don't complain this time -- not after the little fun I had the last time I was there!!!I go upstairs and take my time to choose a very tight mini dress --- not only is it very short to show off my wonderful legs but hugs my tight ,firm ass --- the 3 inch heels I’m going to wear just emphasises these assets too ...The...

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A Nice Tight Taboo Ass His Birthday Present pt2

My asshole felt like it was being destroyed by Walt's enormous cock! For nearly 20 minutes He plowed into me with total abandonment! I was getting fucked so hard,my cock slapped against my stomach with every thrust,and my asshole felt like it was on fire! When He pulled me hard against him and started to shake,I knew the moment of his climax was upon Us!Tears of joy slid down my face mixing with Winnie's cunt juice,as I felt the rivers of his cum erupting into me! He filled me to the point of...

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Samantha The Tales

This is the an experimental set of tales written in the style of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. It relates the story of several youths on a Pilgrimage to some far-off land. If this experiment is a success I shall continue this endeavour. Samantha: The Tales by Samantha THE FIRST TALE as told by AMY I tell you a tale, as time of old When I was not brave or gallant or bold But rather a lonely boy of school For not one friend could recognise the jewel Of promise my unfortunate male...

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Angry Sex

As I slammed the door of my car and slumped into the driver’s seat, I could literally feel something inside me snap. Tears sprang to my eyes and I began to shake. This was not only a bad day, it was one of the worst days I’d ever had. My boss had chewed me out for something that was out of my control, my favorite colleague announced she was putting in her two weeks’ notice, and my deadline for a high-stakes presentation had been unexpectedly moved up. To make things even worse, my asshole...

1 year ago
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Forced to be a Pansy

FORCED TO BE A PANSY BY CHERYL LYNN This is a story of pure fiction and is copywritten by the author. No one under legal age should read this story. May be downloaded for personal use or posted to other free access sites is authorized. Pat strolled into the kitchen sweat dripping from his sodden hair and discoloring his clothing. Grabbing a dishtowel, he turned on the cold water and stuck his head under its flow. He washed his face and the back of his neck, and then sipped the cool...

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You Wont Adam And Eve It

Adam’s tongue waited expectantly for Eve’s pussy. She was squatting across him and slowly lowering her pussy onto his face. Her outer lips were gorged, her inner lips glistened with the strawberry red body paint he had spent a good five minutes diligently painting into her folds. His cock throbbed as he waited to taste her.He had used his chat room surname of Chandler when he collected the envelope left for him by Mark, Eve’s husband at the hotel reception. It was her name, Eve, that had...

Wife Lovers
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 349

Heard a Dr. on TV say to get through the boredom of self-isolation we should finish things we start and thus have more calm in our lives. I looked through the house to find all the things I’ve started but hadn’t finished... So I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiumun srciptuns, an a box a chocletz. Yu haf no idr how feckin fablus I feel rite now. Sned this to all who need inner piss. An telum u luvum. ✧ ✧...

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School and Mall Ch 02

This story came in for some criticism as being too complicated. I was trying to make the story succinct and subtle and all who commented said it was too obscure. Therefore I have hammered out all the subtlety, adding half as many words again and submitting it for your comments. ***** SCHOOL AND MALL – Pass it on. ‘Don’t go too far, Katie,’ I cautioned, ‘Karate’ll only be five minutes.’ Katie was two and fearless. I was 62 and wired fearful whenever I babysat my grandchildren. At half-term...

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Miss-Spelled (Part 10) We went straight to the police station to report the attack by Richie. Alex and Barry had failed to find him after he fled down the alley. We don't know how he managedto disappear but he had. After taking fifteen reports from twelve Moulin Rouge dancing girls and three MMA fighters, all confirming the attack, they immediately put out a warrant for Richie's arrest. Unfortunately, nobody knew where he was. He hadn't at his home or work for months. His family...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 358

Say Thanks to NipSC4328 for these Enlightening Comments: THINGS THAT SOUTHERN BOYS WILL NEVER SAY 30. When I retire, I’m movin’ North. 29. I’ll take Shakespeare for $1000, Alex. 28. Duct tape won’t fix that. 27. Come to think of it, I’ll have a Heineken with a slice of lime. 26. We don’t keep no guns in this house. 25. You can’t feed that to the dog. 24. No kids in the back of the pickup, it’s just not safe. 23. Wrestling is fake. 22. We’re vegetarians. 21. Do you think my gut is too...

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Earths CoreChapter 37 Decisive Decision

The first realm line of defense could only rely on their defensive formation to block the enemy's force, much like the cluster of first level Core Masters, Hagen and her group dealt with. The only one with high spirit on the battlefield was none other than Ilen-Tar. The leader of the Furless Rat tribe, in his skinny, old and fragile human form, was confident in his ability to preserve through the war due to three things, his high cultivation level, the fact, which he believed, that the...

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My Girlfriend and Her Daughters

My Girlfriend and Her Daughters By Reeb   I’ve been dating a gorgeous brunette for about six years now. Her name is Robin and she is very sexy, has a great figure and a super personality. We get along great and we really accent each others personalities. I am deeply in love with this woman as we both near the age of forty.   Robin is about five feet six inches tall, long jet black hair wavy hair down to the middle of her back, gorgeous steel blue eyes and she has a body to die for. Her...

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Past Life

I've been very happily married to Kate for the last five years, sex was terrific if a little predicable. Kate was still very beautiful with a slim but curvy figure; great legs and a small by shapely bust. Things changed when Kate had to go and stay with her mother because she was having her hip replaced operation and needed someone to look after her for a few weeks. I was looking for a receipt so I could finished off my monthly expenses, I had looked everywhere, so now I was looking in places...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 38

When they finally went outside through the backdoor of the castle, Laura saw a river flowing behind the castle. Over it, there was a drawbridge that they had to cross. The twins were still holding on to her, while they walked over this bridge. Laura loved how the sun warmed her body while that soft summer breeze made her nipples tingle. At the other side of the drawbridge, there was a sandy road going to the left and right. Except from the two couples walking in front of them, and those two...

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Porta Potty An Adult Story

I had just drank 2 bottles of water running through the park. It washot near the lake and I now had to use the bathroom very badly. Ihad to really take a piss. I scanned the park and saw some portabletoilets near some trees at the edge of the park. It was still earlyand I was hoping they had not been used just yet.There were five large blue porta potties that I open the door andthey were very small inside. There was just the toilet and no whereto wash your hands. All of them did not have toilet...

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The DilemmaChapter 17 Jennifer Chancelor Wednesday Evening

After school, I picked up Bonnie and we went to the hospital to check on Mum. She comes home tomorrow morning so that’ll be good. Dad was sitting there as well, and they were watching a farming show on TV. We get a lot of farming shows on TV in this part of the country. Dad switched off the TV when we came in and we spent time catching up with each other. Dad told us how Mum’s outbursts when she screamed nonsense at us were a brain thing called IED that was probably related to the cyst that...

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One chance Part 1

This is another stories of mine. A work out a gym that happens to be located in Boystown. Consequently, a lot of gay guys work out there. You could say that I am bi-curious, so I fantazied about some of the guys at my gym, but never acted on it. But, there is one lucky guy however that caught my attention. I would always catch him staring at me from one of the many mirrors while I was working out. At first he'd just look away or pretend to be preoccupied with something else, but eventually he...

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The Wishing Stone

I was walking in the woods in my backyard when I It was a round,blue stone,glowing eerily in the light. Picking it up,I saw a small note beside it as well. Dear Sir or Madam, This stone is a magical artifact,forged from the ancient fires of blacksmiths long past,and imbued with the power of a wizard. It will grant any wish you can think,,and make that wish a reality. I thought it was fake. A hoax. So I jokingly made a wish. "I wish that my neighbor,Summer,was my sex slave." The...

Mind Control

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