OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 13 Seeing Claudia
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The Humiliation of Claudia
Carmenica Diaz
1. Rajani
I felt triumphant as I walked through the glass entry doors, buoyed by victoryand smiled at Cherry, the receptionist.
?Congratulations Ms Somerset,' Cherry called as I strode past. I gave a graciouswave, walked into the inner office as Maurice, the Managing Partner steppedfrom his office to greet me.
?Claudia,' he smiled broadly, ?congratulations.'
He was immaculate in a three piece pin-striped suit and a white shirt thatwas so bright one almost had to squint against the light. His cologne was subtleand the tie was perfect so I knew his wife had selected it for him.
Maurice pecked my cheek and I grinned. ?Thank you.'
?This is a fine way to begin the week. A superb piece of work, the client'shappy and we make money ? rather a lot of money! You're gaining a rather splendidreputation in the legal community.'
?Thank you again. It was an interesting case.'
?Congratulations, Claudia,' Ben called from his office and I waved to him.
Ben looked so sexy with his suit coat off, shirt sleeves rolled up and a pencilbehind his ear. Big strong hands and steel grey hair, perhaps I shouldgive him a few signals? I haven't had a man for a while.
?We've already had enquires from potential clients,' Maurice enthused. ?You'regoing to be a busy girl. I've organised champagne in the conference room atfive to celebrate. Well done.'
Maurice walked off and I watched him talk to Mary, his secretary before vanishinginto his office.
One day , I thought, I'll have an office like that!
?Congratulations Ms Somerset,' Tim said shyly as he walked by me.
Tim was a young man who had joined the firm just six months ago and had fallenfor Roberta, one of the secretaries. The office girls were agog with the officeromance especially as Tim and Roberta were getting married in a few weeks time.
?Thank you, Tim and all the best for the wedding.'
Peter and Roger, the senior partners also congratulated me and several ofthe junior solicitors softly applauded me as I walked towards my office.
I smiled at Louise, my secretary and slumped into my office chair, kickingmy shoes off and rubbing my toes through the nylon of my hose.
?Everyone's talking about it, Ms Somerset,' Louise said, grinning broadly, ?everyoneis so proud.'
?Thanks Louise,' I said, looking through the open door at the pink dress inclear plastic that was hanging on the wall behind her desk. Louise was oneof Roberta's bridesmaids and there had been momentous discussions on the styleand colour of the dresses. ?Any messages?'
She consulted her pad. ?Solicitors from the Justice Department wanted a chatso I squeezed them in at four thirty. And Roberta wants to know if you're comingto the Girls night on Friday?'
Being the only female Barrister had its disadvantages. The blokes all wentto the Bachelor night and bonded, probably did deals while I was supposed togo with the secretaries and the girls from the typing pool to giggle at someoverweight male stripper! ?I think I'm busy,' I lied, ?a family thing I can'tget out of.'
?Oh,' Louise said, looking disappointed, ?that's a shame.'
?I know,' I shrugged, ?but families can be difficult?'
?I know.' Louise rolled her eyes. ?Poor thing.'
She left and I began to massage the cramped toes of my left foot. The highheels were Italian, outrageously expensive, uncomfortable in the narrow toesand the stiletto heels were downright dangerous to walk in.
I always insisted on wearing the best and being at the height of conservativefashion. It was costly but I always created a good impression in my designerskirts and jackets which showed off my figure in a restrained manner. I sawmany a Judge's eyes pop a little when I walked into the courtroom.
Of course, it didn't work on the female judges ? Emily Wilkinson always scowledat me and made it all very difficult for me but, thankfully, female judgeswere few and far between.
I spun my chair around as I continued to massage my toes and watched the drizzlerun down the window glass.
Although I knew I should be looking through files for tomorrows appointments,I resisted. I was mentally exhausted and I had one appointment in fifteen minutesand then a few celebratory champagnes.
Funnily, the idea of the champagne didn't excite me and I dreamed of my softand warm bed. I had worked all through the weekend and even though it was Monday,I was already exhausted.
A tap on the door, I spun around in the chair and saw Louise in the doorway.'Your four thirty appointment is early; do you want??'
?Yes,' I said, slipping my shoes back on, ?I'll see them now. Did you offera tea or something?'
Louise shook her head. ?Didn't want anything.'
I nodded, Louise stepped back and ushered a woman into my office. The womanwas about my age but we could not be more different. I was blonde with fairskin and considered by many to be a statuesque beauty. She, on the other handwas dark ? obviously Indian or of Indian descent ? a little shorter but worecomfortable court shoes which made her appear shorter and was dressed in aplain charcoal business suit ? knee length skirt, jacket and blouse. She peeredat the world through black rimed sensible glasses which gave her a serious,almost bookish air.
?Hello,' I said with a smile, ?I'm Claudia Somerset. Please sit down.' I lookedat her a little more closely. ?Have we met?'
She smiled thinly and nodded. ?I'm Rajani Patel. I was assisting the Prosecutorin today's case. Congratulations on your win.' Rajani inspected me, her darkeyes appearing large through the glasses.
I vaguely remembered some Indian woman seated at the Prosecution's bench andpasted another smile, trying to be the gracious victor. ?Thank you, it wasa difficult?'
?Does it bother you that your client was guilty and yet you freed him on atechnicality?'
I blinked at her calm words. ?The law is technical and the courtdecided my client was innocent?'
?Correction,' Patel said calmly, ?the court said a mistake had been made inthe Prosecutions case and some evidence was inadmissible. That does not meanyour client was innocent.'
?The result was appropriate,' I said coldly. ?What is it, exactly ,that I can do for you, Ms Patel?'
?It's more what I can do for you. You might wish to shut the officedoor.'
?Whatever for?' I said coolly, tapping my long finger nails on the top ofthe desk.
?The matter I wish to raise with you is of a private nature. However,' sheshrugged, ?if you have no secrets from your secretary, I am happy to discussthe issue. Tell me, do you remember Tom Effingham?'
?Tom? Yes,' I said slowly, ?I dated him a few times?'
?He was my boyfriend until you sashayed in, wriggling your bottom,displaying your legs and bosom. Do you feel any qualms when you use your sexualityto seduce men and influence judges?'
?I think,' I said icily, ?it is time for you to leave?'
?How long did you stay with Tom ? two weeks? I was with him for almost sixmonths until you decided you wanted him. He was devastated when you threw himaside and he ran away to Canada.'
?I see no benefit in discussing this,' I said as I tried to remember how longI had dated Tom. Was it two weeks? He became boring after a whileand I tried to remember how I had broken it off.
?You think you are so successful,' Rajani calmly continued, ?butit is always easier for an Anglo, especially one that looks like you and ishappy to display her body. It is much more difficult for me ? people whisperand call me Paki behind my back. Anglos cannot tell the difference betweenthose from India or Pakistan ? but I am still successful in my own way.'
?I'm sure you are,' I said coldly, standing to indicate the meeting was overand gestured at the open door. ?I'd like to say it's a pleasure meeting youbut that would be a lie?'
?And you are very good at lying, aren't you?' Rajani said blithely, openingthe folder that had been resting on her lap. ?I would rather like to discussthe matter of Colleen Stevenson.'
Her words assaulted me and I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach.
?Who?' I said weakly.
Patel smiled at me impassively and those big dark eyes seemed to bore intome. ?Are you sure you don't wish to shut the door, Claudia?'
Mutely, I walked to the door and smiled nervously at Louise who was seatedat her desk and obviously chatting on the telephone. ?No calls, thank you,'I said shakily and shut the door.
?I don't know what?' I tried to bluster as I sat behind my desk but Rajanismiled coldly.
?We both know you do, Claudia.'
I felt a flicker of fear at the way the woman was calmly treating me, theway she confidently used my name and her cold but condescending eyes ? darkeyes that suddenly appeared to be a little predatory.
?I?' I spluttered weakly but she ignored me, reading from the file.
?Colleen Stevenson, born in Liverpool on the 15 th December?' She looked upand smiled. ?When is your birthday, Claudia?'
?I'm guessing you already know it's December 15 th ?'
?How interesting; Colleen was a bit of a lass, wasn't she? I see she was arrestedand convicted for possession of narcotics and suspicion of possessing narcoticsfor purpose of sale. And what's this? Convicted for soliciting; Colleen wasa prostitute?'
?Very ingenious of you to change your name and your background so you couldstart again, have a clean slate, so to speak. Colleen Stevenson morphed intoClaudia Somerset who sailed through University apparently and graduated withHonours. And then you're the youngest woman called to the Bar? Extraordinary- a script from Hollywood!'
?I don't know what you're playing at?'
?I'm not playing, Claudia,' she said mildly. ?I have all the evidence here,'Rajani said, patting the folder, ?and copies elsewhere. Lot's of lovely documentsand photographs. The photographs from the police files are very grainy butit is plainly you. Time to confess, Claudia!' Rajani said evenly and I swallowed. ?Itwas you wasn't it, Colleen ?'
I stared at her calm dark eyes for a long moment and then looked down at mydesk.
?Yes,' I whispered, ?it was me.'
?You didn't answer my earlier question. Was Colleen a prostitute, Claudia?Were you a prostitute?' Rajani smiled slightly.
?No,' I protested, ?I had a lot of money on me and the police thought I hadmore than the value of the drugs so they slapped me with prostitution?'
?How thorough of them,' Rajani cut me off and smiled coldly. ?We are ratherold fashioned in this country, aren't we? A Barrister can not practice if heor she has been convicted of a felony. I imagine the glorious career of ClaudiaSomerset would implode if this information was made available to the Bar Association,the police and the media?'
My stomach churned at her relentless words.
?You would be disbarred immediately, sacked from this firm and probably chargedwith perjury for lying about your past in official documents of the court.I suppose a number of your clients would also be involved in mistrials as itcould be claimed you weren't able to rightfully represent them. It would bea divine mess, wouldn't it?'
I gritted my teeth and tried to outstare this calm dark women but she wouldnot be deterred.
?And then there would be the question of your degree. How did you graduatewith Honours? Did you sleep with all of your professors? Or was itjust furtive blowjobs in the tutor rooms?'
?What do you want?' I muttered.
?Whatever I want,' Rajani said steadily as she closed the folder.
?How much?'
Rajani laughed as she stood up.
?I don't want money, Claudia. That is so short sighted of you. Here.'She dropped a card onto the desk. ?This is my address. Be there at seven tonight.If you arrive at one minute past seven, I will distribute the evidence immediately.Believe me, in this age of electronic mass communication, I only have to pressthe send button once!'
Jumping to my feet, I desperately asked, ?I'll pay?'
?Weren't you listening? I'm not here to blackmail you for money. I want somethingfar more worthy.'
?What?' I asked weakly.
?You'll find out tonight. I'll leave the folder for you to look through butif I were you, I'd be very careful with it. It would be so unfortunateif it fell into the wrong hands.'
Rajani smiled and calmly opened the office door. ?Is your firm celebratingyour momentous victory?' she asked in a polite and somewhat conversationaltone. Louise turned to look at us and smiled.
?Yes,' I replied in a small voice.
?Champagne all round, I expect. Enjoy it but don't linger. It would be simplyawful for you to be late for your seven o'clock appointment.'
Rajani stepped through the door, smiled at Louise and paused. ?That is a lovelydress,' I heard her say, pointing at the bridesmaid's dress.'
Stunned, I numbly groped my way back to my desk and collapsed into my seat.
I thought it was all in the past! All gone and long forgotten!
My fingers trembled as I opened the folder and winced as my younger self sneeredback from the police photographs. Taking a deep breath, I tried to rehearseexcuses, reasons, anything for when it all came out but knew there was no excuse.
That Indian bitch was right! I would be disbarred, my job wouldvanish, I could no longer afford my house, car ? anything! And I would facepublic ridicule and, worse, prison!
I sat there for sometime, staring at the photos, my mind racing with possibilities,searching for a way out but, I realised, there was no easy way out of this!
?Excuse me, Ms Somerset,' Louise ventured, ?but Maurice wants you in the conferenceroom.'
?All right,' I said slowly, sliding the folder into a drawer and carefullylocking it.
?Are you alright, Ms Somerset?' Louise asked, concerned.
?Yes,' I said softly, feeling my forehead, my stomach doing somersaults, ?I'mjust worn out; it's been a terrible day.'
Maurice gestured at me with a champagne glass, smiled and announced, ?hereshe is ? the scourge of the Police Prosecutor's Department!'
Everyone burst into applause and I willed a smile to my lips, accepted a glassof champagne and accepted hugs, pats on the shoulder and small kisses as Iwalked through.
?Well done,' Ben said with a smile and I looked into those twinkling blueeyes. ?Quite an accomplishment.'
?Thank you,' I said softly.
He leaned closer and I could smell his cologne. ?I'll have to keep an eyeon you; you are a lady with exceptional talent.'
An hour earlier and I would have lapped up the compliments, flirted with himand probably ended with him in my bed. Now, I was sick to the stomach and justwanted to get out of there; run away to my bed where I could feel safe andwarm.
You can never feel safe and warm again! A cruel mental voice remindedme again of my situation and I felt my lips tremble. Don't cry , Iwarned myself, don't let on to anyone! Act ? just like you've always done!
?I heard you were fabulous, Ms Somerset,' Tim said, his face a little pinkand I guessed he had a glass or two of wine or beer before I arrived.
?Thank you, Tim,' I said as Roberta appeared, slipped her arm protectivelythrough Tim's and smiled at me.
Women are very protective when another female, especially one they perceiveas predatory, appears near their man. The gloves are off, sweet smiles withfirm, possessive grips and the poor men have no idea what's occurring rightbefore their very eyes.
?Roberta,' I said sweetly, even though my stomach was churning with the thoughtof the seven o'clock appointment, ?everything in order for the big day?'
?Yes, all under control. You can't come to the Girls night?' She feigned disappointmentand I tried to appear vaguely distraught at the loss. Roberta was always thesmart one.
?I'm soo disappointed,' I smiled falsely, ?but I have a dreadfulfamily function.'
?Really? I always thought you were an orphan?' Roberta smiled brightly. Therewas the evidence that she was, indeed, the smart one in the typing pool, theone to watch and Tim was putty in her hands.
?That's true, Roberta,' I said evenly, ?but I still have distant family whoseem to take an interest in me.'
?How nice.'
?Claudia!' Maurice appeared and steered me towards the male partners, ?timeto celebrate with the big boys!'
He winked and I smiled weakly as he guided me towards Ben and the other seniorpartners, Peter and Roger were also there, holding glasses up in a mock saluteand I suddenly thought how tiresome it all was. I had to get out; had to runas I had bigger problems. Suddenly, the great celebration seemedfake and insincere and I didn't want to be there anymore.
Excusing myself, I slipped into the ladies bathroom and stared at my reflectionin the wall mirror. My mind was reeling and my stomach turned over and over.
What was I going to do? That Indian bitch was going to reveal my past;it's over! Unless I persuade her not to! Money! What can I give her? Whatdoes she want?
I managed to glide through the celebration and then feigning exhaustion, exitedand almost ran to my car. As I settled into the leather seats, my stomach churnedagain at the thought I would have to give it and everything else up.
Rajani lived in a middle class area in a small townhouse and I parked outsideat five to seven. Taking a deep breath, I stepped from the car, locked it andclutching my handbag, walked up the stairs and rang the bell.
I waited. Maybe she's not here; maybe she's already distributed the evidence ?I rang the bell again and this time I heard footsteps on the other side ofthe door.
The door opened and Rajani smiled coldly at me. ?You're a little early,' shesaid, ?eager, are we?'
Rajani turned and gestured for me to step inside and closed the door behindme.
The townhouse was well furnished and I saw bookcases lined with many booksagainst one wall of the living room, a comfortable sofa, classic coffee tableand a fireplace. The fire crackled and I longed to stand in front of it inorder to warm myself and to stop the trembling. It wouldn't help as I was shiveringfrom fear, not cold.
Rajani sat down and crossed her legs. A crystal wineglass half-filled withred wine stood on the end table and she studied me carefully.
?Sit down, Claudia. And I might point out if you have any ideas of threateningme or inflicting violence, it would be a waste of time. If I am hurt in anyway, the evidence will automatically distributed if I don't sign in withinforty-eight hours. You'd better pray I'm not involved in an accident and confinedto hospital.'
I sat down and perched on the edge of the sofa, handbag in my lap. ?What doyou want?' I asked in a low voice.
?Straight to the point,' Rajani said, sipping wine. ?At least you're not offeringmoney anymore.' She carefully placed the wineglass on the end table and staredat me through her glasses. ?I don't like you Claudia,' she said evenly, ?infact, you represent everything I despise. I am going to punish and humiliateyou?'
?What?' I mean?' I stuttered.
?Silence! I am going to punish and humiliate you,' Rajani repeated firmly, ?and you aregoing to help.'
My mind spun and I gaped at her as she picked the wineglass up again. I noticedher hand trembled and guessed Rajani was also nervous.
Why would she be nervous?
?I've been watching you for sometime, watching as you wiggled your way throughcourtrooms and dazzling men to get what you want, stealing other women's boyfriends.I saw many a sweaty old judge ignore proper legal argument while trying topeer down your blouse.'
?You've been watching for ome time?' I found myself asking.
?Yes,' Rajani laughed dryly, ?you didn't see me, of course as I tend to mergeinto the background ? Anglos don't see Pakis!' Her tone was sharp and I shiveredat the resentment in those words. ?And of course, what you did with Tom!'
?Tom was?'
?Be quiet! Your behaviour made me very angry and I used my position to enquireinto your background. Very naughty of me but I was a little cranky. On thesurface, you looked very proper but I do have great attention to detail and,after a time, discovered the real story!' She replaced the wineglass. ?Of course,that made me even angrier. I suppose your qualifications aren't even valid.'
?That's not true,' I said hotly. ?I worked hard at University?'
?Very commendable of you but that is required at University. No, I want topunish you and humiliate you. Of course, if my carefully accumulated evidenceis released, you will suffer public humiliation but I decided that wasn't enough.'
My ears had pricked at the word if and I hopefully seized on it. Maybeshe wasn't going to release the evidence if I play along.
?I want to make you pay for all the awful things that have been said and doneto me; for how hard I had to work while you have manipulated men with coquettishlydisplayed flesh. No,' she said calmly, although her fingers still trembledslightly, ?I'm going to inflict private humiliations and it will always beyour choice.'
?Choice?' I croaked. What choice did I have?
?Yes. I'm going to tell you the rules and I suggest you listen very carefully.Are you listening?'
I nodded, heart pounding.
?Rule number one ? you will never lie to me. It will only be a matter of timebefore I discover your lie and I will immediately distribute the evidence ofyour misspent youth to a rather extensive list of interested parties, includingthe tabloids. Is that understood?'
?Yes,' I said softly.
?In case you think you can fool me, may I point out that I am an expert indiscovering falsehoods and my reaction will be swift and absolutely merciless.'
I swallowed, blinked at her dark eyes as she carefully watched me and knewshe wouldn't hesitate to destroy me ? perhaps she was even looking forwardto it.
?Rule number two - it will always be your choice to do what I say.I will ask you to do some rather humiliating things and it will be your choiceas to whether you do them or not. If you choose to perform the tasks, that'sall well and good but if you choose not to, I will accept your decision andsimply distribute the information.'
?That's blackmail!'
?No,' Rajani said mildly, ?I don't think so as it's hard to see what benefitI am receiving in this enterprise.'
?That's semantics! There must be something you?'
?Obviously, there is no monetary value, just the sheer enjoyment of watchingsomeone I despise humiliate themself.'
I stared at those dark unforgiving eyes. ?What sort of things?' I finallyasked in a low voice.
?All in good time. Rule number three ? when we are in public, you will treatme as a friend and I will do likewise; two colleagues in the legal professionwho have become friends. You shall call me Rajani and I will call you, my soonto be best friend, Claudia. If you appear to be sulky, mischievous or rude,I will end the friendship through distributing the information. I'm sure youand I will be such good friends!'
Miserably I stared at my shoes and waited as my stomach churned. She'smad , I thought wildly, really insane !
Rule number four ? you are perfectly free to tell anyone about your situationincluding the police. Of course, the moment you do, I will?'
??distribute the information!' I finished and she smiled.
?Such a fast learner ? perhaps you really did do all that work inuniversity.'
I sat waiting as Rajani sipped her wine again. ?Rule number five?' I askedafter a moment.
?There isn't one,' she smiled. ?Do you understand the situation ? completelyunderstand?'
I was in a fix and I knew it.
What could I possibly do to escape her clutches? There was no doubt inmy mind that she was ruthless and hated me. My life ? my entire world ? wouldbe destroyed if that information was distributed. I would lose everything!I was poor once; I don't wish to be poor again!
She had me and there was nothing I could do about it!
?Yes,' I murmured sadly.
?Are you sure?'
?Excellent.' Rajani placed the wineglass down with a shaking hand. ?I've alwayswanted to say this; your time starts now!' She smiled nervously and said, ?let'shave a demonstration. Take off your clothes.'
I gaped at her, shocked as this was one element I had not considered!
Rajani smiled wryly. ?It appears you choose not to strip for me. The experimentdidn't last so long after all.'
?No! Wait!'
Those dark eyes watched me through her glasses. ?Wait?' she said coolly. ?Ithink you have made the decision not to remove your clothes. Goodbye, Claudia,I will read about you in tomorrow's newspapers.'
I quickly stood up, kicking my shoes off. ?I'll do it?'
?No, I think you've had your opportunity...'
?Unless you ask me to watch you take your clothes off.'
Ask her? But?if I didn't?if I didn't?
My face burned brightly and I felt hot and weak. ?Please watch me take myclothes off, Rajani,' I murmured.
?What a good idea,' she said sarcastically. ?Completely naked,' she addedin a calm voice and I slipped the jacket off.
?That looks rather expensive,' Rajani said conversationally, ?what designer?'
?Valentino,' I said, pulling my blouse out of my skirt.
What I am doing, my mind silently screamed, stripping in front of anotherwoman! Is she a lez? Wait, didn't she say Tom was her boyfriend? Bisexualthen?
?It's lovely. Are you a natural blonde?'
I was about to automatically answer when I remembered the rule about lying. ?Notreally,' I said as I slowly unbuttoned the blouse.
?I suppose I'll see in a moment,' Rajani said with a sly grin, reaching forher wineglass and I blushed even more deeply.
Taking a deep breath, I peeled the blouse off and dropped it on the sofa.Immediately, I felt exposed as Rajani looked at my La Perla bra but I triedto ignore her, telling myself to treat this as if I was at a medical examination.
?A lovely bra,' Rajani said, ?expensive but tasteful. What I rather hopedfrom you - rather than something tawdry and overtly sexual.'
Unzipping my skirt, I stepped out of it, placed it on top of my jacket and,face now very hot, stood in front of my tormentor in bra, knickers and pantyhose.
?Pantyhose?' Rajani said with some surprise, ?For some reason, I had thoughtyou would wear stockings and a suspender belt. Do you wear stockings?'
?Sometimes,' I mumbled.
?Ah, when you want to bedazzle some poor unsuspecting male? A little flash,a small peek and they'd be putty in your skilful hands.'
Was she laughing at me?
Another deep breath and I peeled the hose down; sitting on the sofa to removeit completely. Staring fixedly at a point above Rajani's head, I unclippedthe bra and it joined the other clothes on the sofa.
?I thought you were larger,' Rajani said conversationally, eyes fixed on myswinging breasts, ?but you're about a C-cup?' I nodded, face red and foughtthe urge to fold my arms.
She had a slight smile on her face as I peeled my knickers down and off; standingwith my hand in front of my groin and the other across my breasts.
?Don't be shy,' Rajani teased, ?I want to see all of you; hands on head.'
I blinked small tears back and placed my hands on my head while my tormentor'seyes swept over me.
?Such white skin,' she said softly, ?and I see you trim down there?'
?Yes,' I mumbled, face still hot and eyes lowered.
?Attractive. Rather a neat kitty,' she said casually, ?but the outer labiaare reasonably prominent.'
I hated her! There she was casually discussing my private bits whileI stood exposed. I had never felt as vulnerable before as I did at that moment.
?Your nipples are hard ? are you cold? Stand in front of the fire.'
I kept my hands on my head and walked, conscious of my jiggling, loose breasts,to stand in front of the fire.
There was no sound in the room apart from the crackling fire and my own distraughtbreathing. Awash with shame and humiliation, I stood facing the fire, hopefulshe wouldn't order me to turn around.
She didn't but what Rajani did say was much worse.
?Bend over.'
I gulped but did as she said; my breasts hanging like udders, my hands stillon my head and my face alive with embarrassment.
?Tight bottom ? do you exercise?'
?Yes,' I mumbled, ?three times a week.'
?How disciplined.' I heard her giggle. ?You can stand up, turn around anddrop your hands.'
Rajani was grinning at me as I lowered my hands and something made me notcover myself ? what was the point ? it would just emphasise to her just howvulnerable I felt.
?When did your period finish?'
?Last week,' I muttered, looking everywhere but her smiling face. Whywas she asking these questions?
?What birth control do you use?'
?The pill,' I murmured.
?Well,' she said, sipping her wine, ?this has been very educational. You don'tlook so powerful without your knickers on, do you?'
?I suppose not,' I muttered.
?You look vulnerable. Do you feel that way?'
?Yes,' I answered softly, wondering how she saw so easily into my thoughts.
?You can get dressed.'
Quickly, I scrambled for my clothes and dressed while she watched. ?I thinkyou understand everything Claudia,' Rajani said calmly as I stepped into myshoes.
?Yes,' I murmured bitterly, tucking my blouse into my skirt.
?Everything is your choice; you have the right to say no to me.'
?Yes, and then my life is over!'
Don't cry , I told myself, don't cry in front of this bitch !
?Every action has a consequence, Claudia,' she said gently. ?Even those actionswhich occurred many years ago. I think,' she said evenly, eyes holding mine, ?weshould have lunch together. Why don't you telephone me tomorrow?'
It wasn't a request, I knew that, and I nodded dumbly, standing and waiting.
?Goodnight, Claudia,' Rajani said calmly, ?you can see yourself out.'
Fighting the tears, I almost ran down the corridor, out the front door andto my car. The tears began to flow when I was safely inside my car and I sobbedquietly for a few moments, head against the steering wheel until I could regaincontrol.
That bitch! She enjoyed it; I know that she did, the evil kinky Paki bitch!
Her voice murmured softly within my reeling mind. People whisper and callme Paki behind my back. Anglos cannot tell the difference between those fromIndia or Pakistan.
Guiltily, I glanced at her front window, started the car and drove away, wipingmy eyes with one hand, the other on the wheel.
I have just stood naked in front of a woman who inspected me as casuallyif I was a kitten in a pet shop!
What am I going to do?
The tears began again and I cried as I drove as I knew I could do nothing.What was more frightening was the thought of what she would make me do next!
Note from the Author.
This is the first chapter from my recently published e-novel, TheHumiliation of Claudia.
This is my first attempt at a story focussing on female domination of anotherfemale. It was an experiment, one I'm not sure if I will repeat.
I experimented with a D/s story where the male is dominant and the femalesubmissive ( Kryztal ) and the response to that was not large.
Thank you for reading and, as always, enjoy your comments.
CD London ? July.
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Die Idee zu der Story kam mir, als ich wieder an dem alten Haus im wald vorbei kam. es gibt es also wirklich, im Taunus, nicht weit von Frankfurt. Langsam verf?llt es, aber man kann immer noch sehen, dass es einst sehr stattlich war. Und auch den schon lange nicht mehr betretenen Raum gibt es. Allerdings habe ich nicht mehr als einen Blick hinein geworfen, das Betreten ist viel zu gef?hrlich. Trotzdem hat der Ort eine ganz eigenartige "Ma...
my friend claudiaThis is a story I told claudia and with his permission I will tell, Claudia is my old friend and her mulatto but born in Milan, he told me that when he was young was very hard to find work because of his color and the bigotry of a city like Milan in the eighties did not yet know all this multiracial Milan, then she finds work in a large clothing store near the train station was a tailor of high board with few staff she was hired as a second secretary of the shop his boss was a...
My Twin Sister, ClaudiaBy: Londebaaz ChohanI remember, it was the very early Sunday morning of hot August; summer vacation time. I and my twin sister, who is younger than me by 1 or 2 minutes, were home from school; mom and dad were away on a trip to see our ailing grandparents. We both were considered old enough to take care of our home chores as well as the food to eat other than ordering pizza or the junk Chinese food or sandwiches etc.Once again; I was out all night with my friends and...
Introduction: A brother and sister discover the each other sexually–together This is partially based on a true story. The sexual part and the second half are pure fiction. this is my first story, its not perfect, please dont use the comments section for ads. When I was nine years old, my twin brother and I loved to play games. A favorite game was called Naked Boy. We would both go into my parents bathroom and undress. The two of us would strip naked and ignore our clothes for the rest of the...
this is my first story, it's not perfect, please don't use the comments section for ads. When I was nine years old, my twin brother and I loved to play games. A favorite game was called Naked Boy. We would both go into my parents bathroom and undress. The two of us would strip naked and ignore our clothes for the rest of the game. He would go into the shower and stand behind the glass door. I would pretend he was an animal at the zoo or something. That all changed one day when we were...
once claudia choose a boy at the pool where she teaches pool yoga , nothing can stop her from wanting to discover every inches of the little boy ass with her strapon less toy she keeps in her officeshe always enjoy it too much, looking at helpless lil cock white boy succomb to her charmher well preserve latina brown body contrasting so well when she teach her new lil friendshe had a good look at her soon to be new pet , his lil boy ass so tight made her want to shove her finger inside right...
Dépucelé, comment à 15 ans je suis devenue Claudia: - De façon cachée voir même très cachée depuis ma petite enfance je mettais de temps en temps les fringues de ma soeur à son insu. - Alors que j'étais encore scolarisé, avec un voisin de mon age nous nous retrouvions dans une grange pour jouer avec nos sexes, mais ça n'allait pas plus loin. c'était en quelque sorte notre éducation sexuelle. J'ai aussi, tel que bon nombre d'entre vous jouer au docteur ou au papa et la maman avec une voisine....
I hated going to family parties. I found the small talk unbearable. 'How's college? Have you decided what you want to do after leaving? How's that essay coming along?' I could think of a million ways I'd rather spend my Saturday night than answering those questions to relatives I only saw once or twice a year."Do I have to go?""Yes Mike, it's your cousins wedding." Mom said, trying her best to make it seem appealing. "Besides, your Aunt Claudia's going; she said she's looking forward to seeing...
IncestCatherine felt hands on her body. They were not gentle touches but neither were they the hard blows she had become used to after a fashion. After the ordeal of the last several days that was a welcome change. She returned slowly to consciousness. The cuffs pinning her elbows behind her and the ropes on her ankles were removed and she realized that the loud music that had been assaulting her ears had stopped. She shook her head and tried to make sense of her surroundings. The events of the...
A story based off of Chase sat up in bed as they looked up to the clock. 3am the worst part of the day. Chase had just finished thier last exam just a week before but the stress of it remained. They repeatedly were waking up, unable to sleep and increasingly horny at all times of night and normal porn was beginning to not be enough. As they threw the covers back they saw..
Proposed special pain and humiliation training for My slaveDear Goddess: Please do not think of this as a script. You are now aware of his particular vulnerabilities. I realize how skilled and creative you are and will leave the details to You. I only wish to suggest certain aspects, as I know him intimately and have spent a vast amount of time thinking about how to achieve the maximum impact upon him. My current work and school schedule still make it impossible for me to provide the...
Please do not think of this as a script. You are now aware of his particular vulnerabilities. I realize how skilled and creative you are and will leave the details to you. I write only to suggest certain aspects, as I know him intimately and have spent a vast amount of time thinking about how to achieve the maximum impact upon him.My current work and school schedule still make it impossible for me to provide the necessary training to My slave (and I like him too much to provide this level of...
"Impossible!!" I bluttered out...My name is Veena and was happily married to my husband Vivek. Ours was an arranged marriage as it still happens in India. Our initial days of marriage went passionately, sex 3 to 4 times a day. I really enjoyed it as it was the first taste of sex with a man that I was experiencing then. I was a virgin when I married and the sexual experiences before marriage were just masturbating, which too started late, as late as, when I was in college.In college it started...
It was my birthday and two members of the local bdsm club to which I belonged had decided to take me to dinner I was told to b It was my birthday and two members of the local bdsm club to which I belonged had decided to take me to dinner I was told to be ready at 8-00pm..I was to be taken to a good restaurant so I was to dress elegantly.I was ordered to wear white and nothing else I had no rights, no choice and no free will.Garth and Sally instructed me to wear a white very lacy bra,...
Catherine whimpered through the gag jammed between her teeth. It was forcing her lips back and stretching her mouth out. Her shoulders ached from the rope pulling her elbows close together. But those pains were minor compared to the increased throbbing coming from her tightly bound tits. The thick rough rope was full of little slivers that dug into her skin. Plus her father had wound the rope very tightly around the base of her tits and that alone was pinching into the tender flesh. The blood...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
A fantasy by dahCopyright © 1999 by dahLeila's Humiliation, Part 1Leila arrived at the medical building just five minutes before her 10:30 a.m. appointment and took the elevator to the tenth floor. Her new job required a complete physical, and she had decided to combine that with her annual checkup. Since her old schoolmate Maria worked in Doctor Hillock's office, she had decided to make him her new doctor. It would be good to see someone she knew, as she had just moved to the city.She entered...
In the dingy motel room where my life turned around in such a short time is where this story begins but the beginnings of this story were many years in the past, a past in which dressing up, spanking, bondage, cocksucking, public outings and humiliation had occurred in bits and pieces. I was not so much a real submissive as much as someone who felt like it was edgy to see how far I could come to the precipice of my fantasies that aroused me so much without becoming trapped by them. In the end...
Hoofdstuk 1. Langzaam blader ik de dagbladen door. Ik zit lekker warm in de bibliotheek en struin alle dagbladen door naar een baantje. Maar in de Hollandse dagbladen zit niemand op me te wachten. Ik heb wel een redelijke opleiding, maar verder niet bepaald een vak geleerd. Uit verveling en ook omdat ik nog geen zin heb om de kou in te gaan, pak ik een Duitse krant. Er zit een heel pak met advertenties bij, maar ze vragen van alles. Op de laatste bladzijde staan ook nog wat...
Hi,As English isn’t my mother tongue, it wasn’t easy to write down this story. Sometimes it’s hard to find the right term, so I hope the story isn’t getting boring soon, especially because this is the first story I ever wrote. But I wanted to write this in English, to give as many people as possible the chance to read it. Any corrections or comments are welcome. The chapter about my childhood is mostly based on real life events. Because of legal matters some details were changed, because of my...
Chapter 5 - humiliation With my last evening as a free woman finished and now officially Masters Sissy Slave I had assumed that things would return to the way they had been for the previous 2 weeks. Waking up in bed with Master inside me I received my first fucking as an official slave. After he was finished with me I went to prepare myself for the day by returning to my morning routine. Taking in my gruel I remembered how good the food felt last night. I never thought that the day...
Husbands HumiliationLosing my job devastated me. All my life I'd learned that the man must support his family. Any man who can't be the breadwinner is not a man; he's a loser - beneath contempt. Being a stock broker only made this worse. I was used to pushing around lots of money, of being in total control over people's lives. Now I'd lost control of my own. I could push anyone around: a multi-national company, a millionaire client, my wife. For weeks, I woke up every morning wishing I could...
Sissy's Humiliation-4 by: SissyFellatrixFL There I was, with three other slaves -one dressed as a harem girl, another as a cheerleader, the third in a mini bridal dress, and me in my frilly little girl party dress - ready to be auctioned off to the highest bidder to be used as their "toy" for the evening. Mistress Victoria introduced a tall, extremely muscular man as the slave master. As the audience quieted down, the slave master began instructing the audience on the rules of the...
Losing my job devastated me. All my life I'd learned that the man must support his family. Any man who can't be the breadwinner is not a man; he's a loser - beneath contempt. Being a stock broker only made this worse. I was used to pushing around lots of money, of being in total control over people's lives. Now I'd lost control of my own. I could push anyone around: a multi-national company, a millionaire client, my wife. For weeks, I woke up every morning wishing I could just crawl into a hole...
It had been a very busy day for Sarah at the office. She was having to prepare a presentation for the accounts team describing changes to the various systems that they were going to use for the next financial year. This came straight after the month-end when Sarah and her team were all particularly busy.Sarah took her job seriously but there were some very rare occasions, like today when she became short-tempered when things weren't going well enough. She was in the accounts office which was...
SpankingUther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Before continuing with the second part, let me give a brief background about this human anatomy class. This story is of a country that was male dominant. A girl studying in a college commits the mistake of stealing the exam paper. She is punished and humiliated by the Dean. She is stripped nude and punished. The main character of this story is Juhi, and she is narrating this. The Dean had asked all college students to go to their classes. He ordered me to go to my class as well. I was stunned...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Sarah had her nose pressed against the wall with her hands on her head. She had already removed her skirt and knickers and knew that her vest top had ridden up so that the whole of her bottom and her lower back were on show. She wasn’t ashamed of her body. Far from it in fact. However, she hadn’t expected to be facing discipline today.Sarah was dressed in a red vest top and white short skirt. It was summer and she had bare legs. Her blonde hair flowed down to her shoulders and she had a quite...
SpankingIntroduction: Life of a secret humiliation fucktoy. This is the longest erotic story Ive written thus far, and so Im really excited to post it. Im sorry about any spelling/grammatical errors, though I did give it a quick edit. I love writing stories about humiliation and bdsm, so if you all like this, Ill be sure to write up some more. Be sure to leave a comment if you liked it or have any suggestions. Enjoy! ________________ Little Humiliation Fucktoy Hed told me hed call me whenever, so I...
This story needs a little introduction first. I am Chris, or shall I say Chrissy? I have a friend in Belgian. Her name is Sarah, she is a 30 years old woman. I have never met her before but we for about 6 years we are sharing our fetish (bondage, hosiery, cross-dressing in my case) by writing mails to each other. One of my hobbies is to make fakes with me as feminised cross-dresser and her, Sarah as pretty damsel in distress or as dominant woman having fun by humiliating sissified...
Sarah had her nose pressed against the wall and was rubbing her bottom having been spanked really hard by Yvonne, her very dominant work colleague and lover. Both were married but that didn't stop them making love in all different places around the office and more lately at Yvonne's house when her husband was at work. They both loved the surreptitious affair although several of their friends knew about it. Yvonne was thirty-eight-years-old and one of Sarah's many office liaisons. Yvonne was a...
SpankingDo you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Chapter 1Wed., 07-21-07 Even after a year and a half after my husband died I still didn’t feel like dating. I do get offers. I’m 38 but look younger. I have a ?full figure? and have to work hard to keep the pounds off but as a result I have very large breasts and ample hips and still a slim waist. With long auburn hair and killer big eyes, I get lots of second looks. I still get horny but just can’t bring myself to be with some other guy after 19 years with Bill. I am a high school...
Just last week, I received some amazing news at work. Because of all the new contracts I had recently won for our company, which equated to a shit-load of money for the Boss, I was given a promotion which came with a substantial pay raise. Unfortunately, it also had its drawbacks too. The new job meant that I would have a lot of traveling to do, which translated into being away from home regularly. Sally was happy for me about the promotion, but I could also tell she was upset about the...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesChapter 1My wife Sally and I have had a pretty interesting marriage thus far. We had dated/been engaged for just over a year before we finally got married. And for the first year of the marriage, things were great. We had sex frequently, and to try and keep things exciting, we would often try new things to add variety to our sex lives. Sometimes it was just a matter of trying new locations, or perhaps new sexual positions. But the thing that seemed to rev both our engines the most was when we...
I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn Sites"It looks unusually small tonight darling – did you have a sneaky wank when you were in the shower?" I asked my husband, as I climbed into bed, fresh from my own shower, and nuzzled up to him, putting my head on his chest and reaching down to gently feel his turtled manhood between my thumb and forefinger."No!" he replied indignantly. "It's cold in here and I've been waiting for you for ages. What were you doing in there for so long?!""Just shaving my pussy darling – it takes a while to do it...
We were colleagues and it always felt dangerous between us. She was in her early thirties and I had just turned fifty. At first we actively disliked each other, perhaps reacting to the arrogance that we are both prone to, but that slowly changed. We found that we worked well together and started to flirt, particularly after a drink or two on overnight business trips. She was tall, blond, beautiful, posh, and very fond of wearing designer high heels that made her almost as tall as my 6’ 1”. It...
FemdomShe didn’t waste any time once the pleasantries were done getting down to asking me what she called for, I was afraid she was going to ask for money but it was nothing like that at all. She said “So I was hanging out with my sister this weekend and she was telling me about the two of you and I just wanted to talk to you and find out your side of the story.” That took me aback but I replied with “Well, what did she tell you and what can I straighten you out about?” She laughed at that, and...
What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...
BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn SitesThe Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...
FantasyWoah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...
Creampie Porn SitesNo matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...
Cuckold Porn SitesI browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...
Extreme Porn WebsitesThank you guys for your appreciation. Before continuing with the sixth part, let me give a brief background. This story is of a country that was male dominant. A girl studying in a college commits a mistake and is punished by the Dean of the college. She had a very humiliating session in the Anatomy class. Then she had a pee compilation punishment. Later she had a blowjob compilation. She is exposed to body shaming, and her nipples are pierced. The story continues with the next part now. The...
Dale Brown and Mary Barton, both sixty-six-year-old grannies, still couldn’t believe how silly they had been to try to defraud three of their students' parents of enough money to repay their debts. It had been bad enough being disciplined by Lucy Armstrong and Emma Lamb, the eighteen-year-old head and deputy head girls at the college they taught at, albeit both got aroused and masturbated afterwards.Then, they had to be spanked that same evening by two members of the resident's committee of...
SpankingAnna did not like the setup one bit. She crossed her arms stubbornly as her husband started the car and roared off into the night. "I think we're pretty much on time." He said as he glanced over his shoulder while merging with the traffic. He tried to lighten the conversation to see if he could get his wife to talk about something. He knew she was not happy about going to the gathering tonight. Anna was pissed, but agreed to go. She did not like Jim Wellswood; did not care for the way he...
________________ Little Humiliation Fucktoy He'd told me he'd call me whenever, so I expected him even when I went out. Today was one such day, I was out with my family, shopping at a mall when I got the call. I picked it up, lagging behind a bit. 'Hello?' 'Hey fuck toy, meet me in the largest stall in the men's bathroom in 2 minutes, pronto. I've left a bag in there, put all your clothes into it and be on all fours when I get there.' With that, he hung up, leaving me...
Thank you, guys, for the appreciation. Before continuing with the seventh part, let me give a brief background. This story is of a country which was male dominant. A girl studying in a college commits the mistake of stealing the exam paper and is punished and humiliated by the Dean of the college. She is stripped nude and punished. She had a humiliating session in Anatomy class. She had a pee compilation punishment. Later she had a blowjob compilation. She is exposed to body shaming, and her...
Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn SitesDale and Mary, both grannies and with Dale turning sixty-seven-years-old today, they were both being walked along the road with their upper arms clasped tightly by two eighteen-year-old girls who lived in their apartment block. Neither granny was wearing knickers as they had been told to remove them and knew if they tripped at all then the very short hems of their sleeveless dresses would rise up and their bare bottoms and hair mounds would be seen by those walking close by. The day had started...
Spankinglt has been few hours since l fell asleep after our crazy fucking party last night, l was hungover and sound asleep from exhaustion and sleeping pill l took. Until l felt hot and hard cock being forced in my mouth.~Jesus, not now, l am so sleepy and tired~ l thought to myself, but did not get a chance to say a word of protest as hot stream of piss started to flow down my throat. l was not ready for it and l started to resist which made him shove his cock even deeper and making me choke. l...
Hello guys, this is my story about college humiliation is fictional. It is based on a virtual world, which is male dominant and is on BDSM. There was a small country which was highly self-dependent and followed their own rules. Males dominated the country, and they held all senior positions. The country had only one college specializing in medical, engineering, commerce, arts, etc. Being the only college, there was a good strength of students. However, the students had to live in a hostel and...