Brandy Ch. 03-04 free porn video

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Chapter 3


In my experience it seems that there is one, really big difference between men and women’s attitude to sex. Not that it applies to all men of course and there are some women who don’t fit the pattern either – but, as a general rule I think it’s true. Men like a ‘show’, a ‘production’, whereas women go much more for the atmosphere created by the emotions and circumstances of the meeting.

I, for one don’t fit the stereotype of a woman that I’ve just described – but I think most women do. Certainly nearly all the men I have met fit the mould. If I’m ever unsure as to what a man expects or wants of me, because he’s too shy or too unsure of himself or just can’t verbalise his needs, I’m nearly always safe if I put on a ‘show’ for him. Very few men fail to respond to that.

Of course lots of them know exactly what they want – some of them in minute detail – and I’ve had some strange requests in my time I can tell you!

One of those was quite early on, I had only been in the escort business for a short time and wasn’t as experienced as I am today. So, at first it threw me a bit when I found that I was enjoying what I had been asked to do, that was when I realised just how much of an exhibitionist I can be – and just how much I can get turned on by doing it!

He said he had been given my number by a friend, most of my clients come from that sort of referral of course and he wanted to know if I was prepared to visit him at his home, rather than meet at a hotel. I said I would ring him back and, after checking my records of his friend, as I knew the suburb where he said he lived and my intuition said he was O.K., I rang back and accepted.

I asked him if there was anything he particularly wanted to tell me over the phone and he asked if I could bring with me a short, full skirt and would I please wear stockings, not pantyhose. I told him that I never wore pantyhose and that I would certainly wear a skirt that I thought he would like.

My legs are one of my best attributes and I guessed that his friend had passed on my name because of that – leg men stick together!

I took a cab – I was wearing a tight fitting, black top that showed off my breasts to their full advantage, cut low so that plenty of cleavage showed – and the driver was so keen to get an eyeful through his rear-view mirror that he nearly ran off the road a couple of times. With that I wore a very short, pleated skirt, sheer black stockings and the highest-heeled shoes I possessed. Underneath I had on a skimpy suspender belt and a pair of black, g-string panties.

I knew I looked a bit ‘tarty’ but guessed that that was just what the new client was looking for – and the look on his face when he opened the door told me immediately that I had been right…

His eyes nearly popped out of his head! But even though my breasts got a passing, appreciative look, like any true leg-man his eyes then dropped to stare lower. He smiled broadly and said – ‘Lovely, quite lovely my dear. Please come in’.

The man was in his early fifties but he looked as though he had kept himself in pretty good shape and, from both the address and the little I had seen of the house, there didn’t appear to be a shortage of money and I felt comfortable on both a personal and a financial level – that’s always nice with a new client. His name was Wilton – but I was to call him Will. ‘Will and Brandy’, it sounded like characters in a kid’s book, but as I found out soon enough, I wasn’t there to play any kids’ games!

He offered me a drink, which I accepted and took that opportunity to get the financial business out of the way. He made a bit of a show of telling me that he would be happy to tip me extra, later – if I was all that his friend had told him I was. I always take that line with a pinch of salt – it’s amazing how many men try that on, expecting you’ll perform miracles in the hope of getting something extra, which you hardly ever see. Once a man has climaxed their need to say ‘thank you’ seems to vanish with their erection…

When I asked him what he would particularly like me to do, he asked if I would mind walking around for him, without my panties on, in itself that’s not an unusual a request. But, when I went to take them off straight away, he stopped me, saying that he had a special room where he would like me to do it. At that I began to get a bit suspicious – ‘special room’ sounded to me like B & D and I told him I was certainly not into that.

He laughed, assuring me that he wasn’t that way inclined either and that I could be absolutely sure that I was in no physical danger at all – he just liked looking and had a room where he could see what he wanted to see, much better – if I didn’t mind that.

I told him I was there for his pleasure and if looking was what pleased him then he could look at me as much as he liked – in any way and in any room that he liked. When I said that I could see that he was already starting to get excited – but he controlled himself and then apologised for his odd request.

I went into my little set speech about – how we all have these personal fantasies and needs, that so long as nobody gets hurt there is nothing wrong with wanting to fulfil them. That people like myself get far more peculiar requests than this one and that I’m very happy to be of help – most of which is actually true.

More to the point, it settled him down and, unlike most clients, he began to talk about himself – some men never do, no matter how many times you go with them, most need several meetings before they open up much but Will was different, he had a need to explain himself to me, before we started anything. He told me how he had had his fetish for as long as he could remember and that during his life he had devised all sorts of tricks to get to see up girls’ and women’s dresses.

Apparently one of his earliest memories was of crawling around under his parents’ dining table when they had friends for dinner, trying to see up beneath the women’s’ frocks. Then, when he went to school he started to get into trouble for his activities, being caught in places where he shouldn’t be but from where he thought he might have a chance of looking up the dress of one of the passing girls.

But he admitted that most of his truly memorable ‘sightings’ had resulted from chance rather than planning. Of a girl climbing on to a bus on a windy day – revealing a quite tiny pair of flame-red panties. Of a woman falling just behind him in a shop, turning at the sound, to find himself staring straight into a naked, hairy ‘quim’ – as he called it.

The pleasure a young librarian had given him – he felt sure she must have had a touch of exhibitionism about her since she seemed to spend a large amount of her time on top of the ladder that gave access to the higher shelves, always wearing full skirts made of a light material, that tended to fly up in the draught caused by the opening of the entrance door. He explained that until then he had never been a great reader but his apparent appetite for books was voracious so long as she had continued to work there.

When he came into money, following his father’s death, he had the idea to provide himself with a way of gratifying his needs from time to time, by building his special room. He admitted that he had got some strange comments from the various workmen – but he had told them that his daughter was a dancer and needed these things for her practice and rehearsals. He didn’t think they had believed him – and in fact he wasn’t even married – but he was paying them well and didn’t really care what they thought.

After all that I was more than intrigued, I was actually dying to see this room of his – and said so.

Will was delighted that I had asked to see it and except for refilling our drinks, wasted no time before taking me by the arm and leading me down the corridor. The room was fairly large, perhaps twenty feet by ten, with curtain covered wi
ndows down the long, furthest wall. The two side walls were mirrored from the floor to about head high and dark, expensive wallpaper above. A parquet floor, with a large, loose rug in the centre. A single piece of furniture – a tall, very tall chair, somewhere between a baby’s high chair and a tennis umpire’s! Other than two speakers set high up in the corners and another door, that was it!

He saw my puzzled look and grinned gleefully, like a schoolboy who knows you’ll never guess the answer to his riddle. He told me he would show me everything, when I was ‘ready’ – and I knew what he meant by that, after I had my panties off! But now that I knew more about his fetish I was getting what I felt sure were better plans – always try to improve on the client’s idea if you can is one of my mottoes, keep them happy – and they’ll keep coming back for more!

I told him that though I had no idea what he was up to or how he was going to ‘stage’ what he wanted me to do, he should leave the actual ‘performance’ to me.

‘Wouldn’t you rather see me both ways, with first – without, later?’ I asked.

Naturally the idea appealed to him immediately and he nodded vigorously. I was to go outside again, give him a few minutes to get things ready and then, when he called, to come in and not to be surprised at what I would find.

I went out and although of course I listened at the door, I couldn’t hear much except for something being moved around, a door opening and closing and then the sound of some music. But I only had to wait three or four minutes before he called out to me and I opened the door and went back in.

I couldn’t believe the transformation!

The overhead light was turned right down – the main lighting now coming up from underneath the floor! A line of lights, about three feet in from each wall, forming a rectangle, each light angled inwards. In their centre, set flush with the surrounding parquetry, a highly polished mirror! All this had previously been hidden beneath the rug – now I understood how I was to help him live out his fantasy.

As I walked across the mirror the lights would shine up under my skirt, illuminating me – and he could enjoy the reflection of everything he wanted, needed to see. The mirrors on each end of the room would add a further dimension of reality to the ‘show’ for him.

I turned, to see him sitting up in the high-chair, looking down at me. Of course, his viewing angle would be even better from up there.

He was naked! ‘You don’t mind me being – being like this I mean?’ he asked in a concerned tone of voice.

I told him it was his ‘show’ and I was there to ensure he enjoyed it – he couldn’t do that properly if he was still dressed, could he. His happy expression returned. I also said that I wasn’t surprised that he had got funny comments from the workmen – but that I admired his ingenuity. At which his smile widened even further for a minute or two – but then that nervous tension reappeared on his face and he asked me, almost shyly, if I would now start to walk about for him, please.

So, the ‘show’ began!

As, until I had entered the room for the second time I had no real idea of how the whole thing was to work I hadn’t had time to think up a ‘routine’ for him. But I had a few ideas and I used those to get started while I continued thinking through how best to use the unusual features of the room to generate Will’s fantasy. I needed to give him enough time to react to the scene, allow it to generate some anticipation, suspense, in his mind – and, presumably, arousal of his body – before the final, satisfying climax.

So I began by walking, slowly up and down the far side of the room, on the strip of parquetry between the wall and the mirror. From where Will was sitting he wouldn’t be able to see anything that he couldn’t out on the streets. An attractive, provocatively dressed lady, pacing to and fro.

Every now and then I stopped, looked at my watch and then off into the distance, hoping he could use those actions to create a fantasy of him watching a girl who was waiting for someone who is running late for their meeting. I knew that even without the room’s ‘special effects’ I looked good enough and sexy enough to arouse most men and, as my legs are probably my best feature, the combination of the short skirt, sheer stockings and very high-heeled shoes should soon get Will, as a genuine leg-man, more than interested!

Without actually looking directly up at him, I kept watch for his reactions and was pleased when, out of the corner of my eye I saw one hand drop down into his lap and he began to fondle himself – my ‘show’ had definitely grabbed his interest.

So then I moved on to the next stage, still playing the part of a girl waiting for someone. I appeared to become more agitated, stopping every now and then and turning sharply to look around me. Of course, as I turned the skirt swirled and rose up and away from my legs, exposing a few more inches of nylon clad thigh and, when I made an even more dramatic turn, stocking tops, suspender and the pale curve of the flesh above.

Occasionally, as if by accident, I walked across the corner of the actual mirror in the floor and made one of those dramatic turns while I was on it. I doubted that Will could actually see as much as wanted to from where he was sitting but felt sure that the combination of the real me, the reflections from the side walls and the occasional flash in the floor mirror, would be steadily arousing him.

Sure enough, after two or three of those turns I caught sight of his cock for the first time. The seat of his special chair was roughly level with my head so until then his cock and balls had been shielded by his knees and thighs but now, as he had become more excited, it had become erect and I could just see its dark pink head poking up. Will was stroking the shaft almost leisurely, gliding his finger-tips up and down its still growing length.

I changed the routine again, staying on the surface of the mirror all the time, still turning in the far corner but then continuing down along the shorter side, heading towards the corner closest to where he sat, repeating my agitated turn there too. Knowing that as the angle improved the reflection of me would allow him to see even further up my legs.

After several more of those I again altered my pattern and began to actually walk across the centre of the mirror, at that point Will should be able to see virtually straight up under by skirt and catch glimpses of the tiny strip of black nylon covering my sex and the string that was embedded in the crack between my arse cheeks.

As I went into each twisting turn I tried to keep my legs a little apart, knowing that although it might look a bit awkward, Will’s improved view up me would more than make up for that. After a bit of that routine I finally stopped, directly in front of him – my legs splayed wide, hands on hips, pelvis and breasts thrust forward – and looked straight up into his eyes for the first time.

His face was tense, flushed, his eyes staring down into the mirror beneath me, getting his first really good look at me. His cock had grown to what appeared to be its full size, thin but long – its head now a darker colour and, as I watched him staring at my sex I saw his fingers tighten their grasp and begin to pump it.

Then I turned my back on him, taking up the same stance, giving him time to enjoy the other aspect of the view of me. Holding that pose for a while before walking away from him, to the far corner of the room, where I discretely, without giving him the satisfaction of even a brief glimpse, stripped off the g-string and ostentatiously dropped it to the floor

Basically I repeated my earlier routine – but took less time on each stage of it, judging from the look of him that Will wasn’t going to take too much longer to reach his point of no return – and I already had a ‘finale’ in mind for that!

I was feeling good. I always lik
e the sense of freedom I get when I have no panties on and I found that I was reacting to what was for me, a new situation – exhibiting myself like that – with a very pleasant, tingling sensation. My breasts felt sensitive and I knew my nipples had become erect, the tightness of my thin top grazing, almost bruising them as they continued to swell as I moved sensuously around the mirror. There was also a growing warmth between my thighs and I could tell that my pussy-lips were starting to become puffy and moist from the steadily increasing wetness inside me.

Now, as I walked, turned, posed, I kept my eyes on Will, gauging his reaction to his views of my bare sex, increasing the number of turns and poses I did immediately in front of him – seeing the effect of his now swiftly growing tension in both the expression on his face and the faster, jerky pumping of his cock.

Then, as I was strutting slowly across the mirror towards him I heard a small, squealing grunt – and somehow knew he was about to climax. Given that warning I was able to time my last move perfectly, which I certainly wouldn’t have been able to do if I hadn’t heard that sound.

Instead of just stopping in front of him I did a series of fast spins, so that my skirt flared right up level with my waist and he could see all of me, not just the reflection. Then, as I stopped I went back into the splay-legged position – but, as I thrust out my pelvis, I also lifted up my skirt, so he could see me both ways, in the reflection -and in the flesh!

His eyes flicked up and down from the real me to the even more revealing image below, that I knew must include the now wet pinkness of my pouting pussy.

He exploded with a series of gasping groans. His hand, flashing up and down the shaft of his cock sent the cum jetting up and out in an arc, to land on the floor beneath him. Even at that final moment, although his face was contorted from the force of the sensations ripping through him, he didn’t close his eyes, they bulged but continued to stare down at the reflection of my sex in the mirror.

Afterwards, when he had dressed and we had returned to the other room to sit quietly with a drink, he thanked me – verbally and with a generous tip – for the wonderful experience I had given him. I appreciated both the words and the money, as I have said before – not many men actually remember to do that.

I asked him if he was satisfied, not actually having had sex with me. I still remember his gentle smile as he said that what he had experienced in his head was, for him far better than any ‘normal’ act of sex he could imagine.

I understood what he meant – the brain really is the most powerful of all our erogenous zones!

He rang me fairly regularly, every two or three months for the next year or so – I developed some interesting and obviously totally satisfying variations on my ‘show’ for him. Then there were simply no more phone calls – I have no idea what happened to Will, presumably he simply found a new, even better ‘showgirl’.

But the idea of needing the stimulation of some sort of a ‘show’ affects different men in different ways of course – some men, like Will are quite happy just being voyeurs, the girl is a sort of live picture-show, what goes on in their head is more than enough stimulation for their need. However, there are others for whom the ‘show’ is merely the curtain-raiser, these sort of men need both the girl and the man himself to take on – and for a time at least – actually play the parts.

Chapter 4


I suppose a good example of what I mean was Frank – but who I more frequently think of as ‘The School-teacher’. I couldn’t say he was a typical client because I found myself physically enjoying our times together and that isn’t usual at all – but what he wanted was a reasonably typical example of what I’m talking about, in his case the ‘show’-girl had to also be a ‘school’-girl. He’d got my name and number from a business colleague, called me and explained what he wanted and as that involved me wearing a school-girl’s uniform it meant I’d have to change when I got to his hotel room – wandering through a hotel lobby dressed like that tends to attract unwanted attention from the staff.

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[This story is set after the events of Milky MILF including recollections of events from years before that.] After a small group dinner, the six of us moved our drinks poolside and our chatter scattered randomly. The booze loosened lips and maybe too much was said ... I tried to drag the talk to more G rated stories, but that didn't last long. "Lou and I had a weekly ritual. With up to two other riders, we'd ride carefully thru three towns before we got to our favorite motorcycle road....

4 years ago
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Candy for Aaron Part 2

Part Two: The Party After a shower the next morning, I tried to make it up to Bryan. I told him that I had sat on Aaron's lap and that I had let him go so far as to feel my tits and ass—through my clothes, of course, not bare. It was enough. Bryan got very aroused and fucked me as well as he could with his equipment, I guess. It was hard not to fantasize about Aaron and Troy plundering my pussy, but Bryan was happy, and though I was a tiny bit hung over, the memory of last night made me happy,...

Wife Lovers
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Blame it on James Brown Part 2 of 2

They held each other for a time, her head on his shoulder and his arm around her. Dixie had gotten some sleep after she’d left the radio station, but she was already spent. Daniel was exhausted and nodded off. Dixie eased herself out of the bed, put on her robe and went to the kitchen to finish making breakfast. Her man could sleep, and whenever he awoke his meal would be ready.----When Daniel awoke it was after eleven. Dixie was gone, but left him a note. It said that she’d gone to church and...

3 years ago
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Wife And Neighbor Wali At Resort

Hi Friends, This is Aditya from Delhi again with a new story. I got a bundle of mails for my previous story “Me & My Wife’s friend Anita”. Please do respond me at my mail id This is an incident that happened with me about three years ago. Due to hectic life style and busy schedule of life I planned a weekend outside home to relax and have uninterrupted sex fun with my wife. So, I took leave from my office for Friday and booked a resort in Gurgaon for two nights for Friday and Saturday night...

2 years ago
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Sex Prisoner

The two brothers had been captured and ther was no way out. The leader of the other side was brute of man, 300 pounds and as rough as can be. He had a reputation for being vicious in his treatment of the prisoners.He walked in to the room wher the brother were shackled to chairs, naked and guarded by an armed men. The leader looked them up and down and without hesitaion began to strip. "This can happen two ways" he announced "I can **** both of you viciously or one of you can give yourself to...

3 years ago
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first love with mom

Well this my 1st story, i have been the continuous visitor to this site. It is amazing site and i guess it is the place where we all share our experiences. I am 21 yr old , completing my I am 5`7 tall and he is well built guy, with a shy nature. Well i was into incest when i never knew the meaning of it. At first when i was 18yr, i got attracted to my granny, she was 68 then. She has gray hairs and bit of wrinkles on her face as her aged woman do have, but she has a fair complexion...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 893

This one is compliments of Pigs41 A blonde walks into a pharmacy and asks the assistant for some bottom deodorant. The pharmacist, a little bemused, explains to the woman that they don’t sell bottom deodorant, and never have. Unfazed, the blonde assures the pharmacist that she has been buying the stuff from this store on a regular basis, and would like some more. “I’m sorry,” says the pharmacist, “we don’t have any.” “But I always get it here,” says the blonde. “Do you have the container...

2 years ago
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Bureau 69

In the year 2010, the Bureau 69 was created after the outbreak incident. The bureau is a branch of the FBI, a branch responsible for classified top secret missions that the FBI didn’t want or failed at completing. The Bureau only hired females age’s 18 to 35. The bureau was so classified, no one but the director of the FBI knew of the groups existence. The bureau’s main Goal is like the scp foundation mixed with law in order, the teams are sent out to ether retrieve items of sexual nature, or...

2 years ago
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PornMegaLoad Loraine Del Sol Fucks Her Sons Best Friend

Loraine Del Sol, a 48-year-old divorcee and mom from Cuba, is doing some housework, and the way she’s dressed has not escaped Tyler’s attention. Tyler is the best friend of Loraine’s son, and he stayed back while Jimmy went to do some errands. And what’s Tyler doing while waiting for Jimmy? Talking on the phone and checking out Ms. Del Sol’s sexy body: big tits, big, round ass, all dressed up in a tight top and a very tight skirt. She keeps bending over. “I...

3 years ago
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My Son in Law Part 1

By Dina PetroWriter’s Note:Dearest Fans & readers, this is a true story that happened to one of my very close friends, not me personally, but she had given me the full consent and approval to go ahead and write it, of course I have done my best to alter all of the personal facts and informations, to protect the privacy and personal life, of her and her family, it will be written as the first person, in my own words for making it more fun to read and enjoy, the story was broken into a few...

2 years ago
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new girlfriend part 1

Hey, my names mark. After chatting to a girl on the internet for several months, I got to know her name, where she lived and what she wanted from a boy... I just never realized the darker side to her. Katie who lived only 20 miles away from me was a beautiful, slim, busty, brunette. who was only 18.She described herself as fun, sexy and allways up for a good time. perfect, I thought. We met up for the first time in our closest city for coffee. We spoke about college, music, intrests and even a...

4 years ago
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The Wise Man

The mountain was so high it seemed to hang above my head. A long, twisting path wound up its side, disappearing in the clouds. "Enlightenment isn't easy," I told myself and began to climb. I sought a Wise man; said to be here by the Town's people I had met as I entered this Vale. After an hour of climbing, I lay exhausted on the twisted branches of a crooked little pine clinging to the side of the mountain. The Vale lay far below, almost invisible in the thickening mist. "I bet the...

2 years ago
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My Virgin Wife Back In 1984

I could not believe how terribly aroused I had become after the events of the long, long wedding day. I could tell that her struggling was mostly for show. She felt her resistance weakening, just as my thick, painfully hard penis touched the small red lips of my young bride’s vagina. The bloated head was shiny and it slightly resembled something that should have whiskers! "Just for a second!” She finally gasped, even as I slipped into her tightness. "Uh, uh, you can break me, but...

2 years ago
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Poetry Thoughts About You

The thoughts of you still haunts me here.Your loving words when things were clear.You'd embrace me openly with love in your heart.Until the days when we drifted apart. I still hear your sighs and your soft purring moans.I hear your laughter and your pleasured tones.Your love, your warmth, your sweet loving kiss.Your look, your smile and other things like this. My days have grown lonelier, since you've journeyed away.But know that I dream of you every single day.Why did we drift apart? Only God...

2 years ago
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The Stalker Epilogues and Author Notes

The Stalker – Epilogue 1 The twin metal shards beneath my heel clatter discordantly down the concrete steps and onto the platform, their normal staccato rhythm off-beat and out of time. Carefully I place one foot the required 6 inches before its partner in a perfectly straight line willing my hips to wiggle and my pert, toned buttocks to undulate seductively beneath my fitted skirt. Gradually, I make my progression amongst the assembled throng, my feverish eyes darting hither and thither, fine...

Love Stories
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Nice Ass

Back in the days when hubby and I were still more together than apart we were walking one day by the front.Not in season...not specially warm...not many about.We saw him at the same time,standing on his own with his head bowed tied to a rail.Don't know if he was alone but there was nobody about and he looked rather sad.As we drew closer hubby said "Fuckin' hell! Look at that"...I could see the massive cock swinging between his legs and I thought I wouldn't be sad with a cock like that to play...

4 years ago
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The Three of Us

I was lying on my back looking up at a jungle of wires in the avionics package of a newly designed heat seeking missile in Hanger One but my mind wasn't on the missile it was mulling over the options in my marriage. Hanger One at the GE Test Center is the maintenance hanger for the Air Force F-15 Strike Eagle fighter plane and I was suppose to be trying to see if I could figure out a quick fix for a new concept in heat seeking missiles, an instant lock-on of the enemy heat source before the...

4 years ago
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slut of a wife

we arrived at home went inside,i poured myself a wee scotch as she went into the bedroom, returning dressed in her P.J.s sat down and asked me what else i wanted to know..well i said the k**s are asleep so tell me what happened after he sucked your she continued, he took my top off, then my skirt n pants ,i in turn stripped him,my hands found his balls and hard cock,he asked me ,have you sucked a cock before, i answered in the negative finding my panting to get a breath as i jerked...

4 years ago
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alone can be alot of fun

its my first story, please be kind..;) bored and alone one night i decide i ll hop on the computer for a bit. My first stop is always hampster and today was no exception. No sooner than the page pulled up i could already feel myself getting wet. As i prowled the site i found myself aching to be touched, i ran my hand across my tits my body trembled, oh my i thought to myself whats gotten into me today.. with a few more clicks my hand found its way to my throbbing sloppy wet pussy my body...

3 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 16

PRESTIRA They tortured me all day. Hours and hours, I begged like a whore for them to make me come, but they just drove me to the brink, then stopped. They injected me with more poison when they were done, worsening the torment tenfold. I humiliated myself just for a touch; not even a fuck, but a caress, a slap, a punch. Every part of me was electrified, my nerves raging beneath the flesh, my synapses overloaded with sensation. I wasn’t Prestira anymore; I told them as much. “My name isn’t...

4 years ago
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Family Curiosity Made Me a Sex Toy

With me being considerably younger, of course I would be sent to bed earlier but this particular Friday night our parents were obviously in a good mood as they had let me stay up later to watch the end of the movie. They had enjoyed some wine and were being a little touchy feely, causing us to protest at the open displays of affection but there were zero complaints when the relaxed parenting kicked in. Eventually we were both chased off to bed, presumably so they could enjoy some adult time...

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My first time

I used to have a girlfriend, Sandy, who used to dress me in femme and we would play for hours. I think this all started when I was sixteen and started wearing my sister’s bras, slips and panties. I loved it back then. I was insecure about telling Sandy about all this, so one afternoon while we were playing, I hinted that I loved the feel of her panties against my balls. She let me try on her panties and I immediately got hard, this turned her on. One thing led to another and she would let me...

2 years ago
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Growing Up A MasterChapter 20 Cheryls Big Night

I was very excited about Friday night. I had set up as much as I could in advance, and I hope that it did not freak out the Harrisons too much. I rushed home from school, and discovered my parents were already gone. I pushed Girl immediately into service. I had spent half of the night before discussing with her in detail what her role would be. I finished all preparations by 6:00, and there was still another hour before my ladies would arrive. I paced for a while, and actually considered...

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Rachel and Stephen Ch 08

2 months later It was a Saturday afternoon, but I was still in bed. I had the comforter thrown back, luxuriating in the sunlight that splashed in through my window across my naked body. My window faced open air on an upper story, so I knew the chances that I was being watched through there or through my open door were minute, but I still stretched in an intentionally appealing way as I ran my hands across my breasts, enjoying the tension of my stiff nipples against my palms. I left my left...

4 years ago
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Stage One Of My Journey To Becoming Joann

My name is Joseph and I want to explain how I started on the road to eventually becoming Joann. I grew up with my sister Amanda, who is two years older than me. I have always called her Sis. My father left my mother when I was around sixteen years old and we continued to live in the house. Eventually, my mother had to start working as a bartender in a high-end hotel bar at nights.I still remember my sister prancing around after school in her panties and a nightshirt, exercising our new found...

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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 4

Scarsdale, NY: Sunday 21st December 2014Two voices, pushing me in opposite directionsI’d had a strange feeling as I’d watched how Sue reacted to Francis as they laughed and flirted in the bar. At first, I’d thought it was all just part of the game we were playing, done for my benefit.But as I’d watched Sue, my gut told me she’d forgotten that the camera was there and that what I was seeing was the real Sue. As they talked and laughed, throwing off a hundred little signs of how she was attracted...

Wife Lovers
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Paulas Story Yet Another Shade of Gray

We were driving home from another stupid client entertainment dinner. I was getting fed up with being eye candy on my husband’s arm. After all, I was a Phi Beta Kappa in Psychology at State before being wooed and wedded by advertising guru Paul James. Paul was a master at selling. I swear—Paul could sell shit to hog farmers who usually had more shit than they could ever possibly use. I sat back in the thick luxurious seat of Paul’s Mercedes CLS 550. I was almost asleep when he spoke,...

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My stepmom

I was 22 year old living with my dad and he’s new parents divorced when i was quite young,anyways,my father remarried a divorcee of 45,she was a mother of five kids who were living with their father.we lived in a 2 bedroom apartment.i was unemployed at the time and my step mom maryam was at home wife.she was nice not to bad looking with medium size breasts, a nice big ass,she was a pleasant woman who always talked about many things ,we had a good relationship ,at first i didnt pay much...

3 years ago
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Hema Bhabhi Ko Diya Birthday Gift

Hello dosto… My name is jai, me ambala me rehta hun, aur mera hometown kanpur hai, koi bhi bhabhi ya aunty within age grop 25-40 jo sex ki bhuki hi wo mujhe mail kar sakti hain meri id hai.. (), she will get full satisfaction wid my 6.5″ lund,my height is 5.8 ft complexion fair dikhne me bura nahi hu , me kaafi time se iss ka reader hoon aur pehli baar yaha apni real story post kar raha hu. Hope aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Baat aaj se kuch 3 saal pehle ki hai me 1 shopping mall me khada tha apna...

2 years ago
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The CureChapter 60

“There will be no change in the tax rate for the ordinary citizens of the Hegemony,” Nild stated flatly to the Command Group. “Not if we hope to hold the Starlit Hegemony together after my brother’s lunacy.” “O Most Radiant of the Heavens...” Kli began. “Kli old friend,” Nild interrupted, “when it’s just this group, call me Nild. I insist. Same goes for the rest of you. In an official capacity keep to protocol, naturally, but please, for the moment drop it, this is far too important.” “Yes...

3 years ago
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Wet in the wildneress

The silence was almost deafening, even the small camp fire in front of Mona had burned down to the point where the crackling sound was barely audible anymore. The forest had long fallen asleep and the sounds of nocturnal a****ls were few and far between.It reminded Mona of her c***dhood, growing up in an age when a Diskman was the state of the art she had never listened to much music. When she had finished school everyone was suddenly running around with smartphones, ipods were long outdated...

4 years ago
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Touching my sisterinLaw

Two grown adults who should know better cross the line and have anintensely erotic experience./I had fantasized about my sister-in-law for years. There was nothingwrong with my wife but the thought of doing something naughty and taboowith my sister-in-law was such a turn on for me. I did wonder when Ifirst met her if she found me attractive; there were a few signs but itturned to nothing. My wife and I even had sex one night while she wassleeping downstairs on the couch. It turned me on so much...

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Dads Prescription

Present Day:“Dad… Dad, are you in there?”Silly question really because I know he is in the house somewhere.I work as a Family Physician in a local medical clinic and visit home a couple of times a week to check on my father who lives alone. This evening when I enter the house, it is dark, no lights, and the heating is set excessively low. I turn up the thermostat and switch on the kitchen and living room lights.I find dad asleep, sitting in his recliner in front of the switched off...

3 years ago
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Betty Part Two

I stood up, and reached down, to pull up the undergarment and bathing suit bottom. As I did, I looked over at Betty, climbing the ladder out of the shallow end. Her bathing suit gapped forward slightly, and I could see faint stretch marks at the top of her breasts. She looked at me, and caught me trying to peek down her bathing suit. “Having a liitle look, are we?” she asked, smiling up at me. “Guilty as charged, Your Honor,” I replied with a grin. “Well, Dearie, hold your horses, you’ll...

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