Questions, Questions, Questions free porn video

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Another story by Pagan.

Questions, questions, questions.

Look at you now, was it only four weeks ago I said those same words.

Sitting on my big double bed I remember looking in the ornate dressing tablemirror, look at you now Mrs Susan Watts; it was so strange to be called Watts,21 years as Harbert, and for the last month Mrs Rupert Watts.

A month of bliss. My mind went back to that lovely honeymoon in the Seychellesand the things a new wife experienced.

I had saved myself; a refined bringing up, all girl school, and an importantfamily had kept me from the seedier side of life.

Rupert had experience and did things to me, exciting things, his tongue andfingers made me putty in his hands, I thought I will, no, I knew I must learnwhat to do to give him such pleasures but as he said at the time, there's norush, the excitement will be in him teaching me the, as he called it, kinkierside of love making and just the thought of innocent me learning how to givehim oral sex was giving me a thrill, I wasn't so sure about the words Analsex, but?

Newly married and I am here in this huge house in the country with all itsexpensive extras and my own Mercedes coming next week, oh its great to be blond,beautiful and 21, I even laughed as I remember some-one saying I was like BritneySpears, yes I was happy and going to spend the rest of my life with the manI love.

Still there is a down side, there I was packing for him as he goes back towork, the firm could have been kinder and not sent him to the Berlin officefor a week on his first day back but with his executive status and money comesresponsibility and I was so proud of him.

I always kept a dairy with me, logging his progress, he had been the fastestperson in the firm to have risen to this important level, so he had to go awayand conclude another of his big deals, I thought it will give me time to sortthe house out, with the kind of money he was earning it was a big house.

He came in from the bathroom, now clean-shaven and handsome in his businesssuit, this evening I was taking him to the airport so I could keep the car.

We chatted for a while along the long country roads but it was silence aswe hit the main roads, every man for himself until we got round and in to terminalfour, no chance to stop and say our goodbyes before we new it I was being movedon by the airport security; bumper to bumper until I got back to the lightercountry roads, it was then I noticed the petrol gauge, it was flashing red.

Mile after mile I drove on, searching, panicking, then I saw one, I musthave been travelling on fresh air as I pulled in under the one light, hellit's shut.

I got out the car, maybe there was a phone, phone yes my mobile, I delvedin to my handbag no, in the hurry at the airport Rupert had taken mine withhim, my last hope maybe some one lived on the premises.

I walked around, there was nothing, I felt a little chill, the cool of theevening reminded me I had only got on pants, blouse and a skirt, I didn't expectthis to be happening to me so by now I was panicking.

I sat in the car for a while thinking, should I risk the drive or wait; Igot out and walked to the road nothing, there had been nothing since I gotthere, so much for living in the middle of no-where, I turned back to the car.

I set of headlights suddenly illuminated the fore court, where had they comefrom; I was dazzled. I moved to the side of the office building as a largevan pulled along side me, there was the driver and another man; he rolled thewindow down, I couldn't see him but I heard "You lost or something?"

I moved to the door, he shone a torch in my face as I spluttered, "I'm almostout of juice; do you know where the next garage is?"

The other man past him a map, he opened it and pointed the light of the torchat it, I looked through the window, "Now we are here, this road leads backto Roundly, and this is the city road."

Like a fool I blurted out, "I know, I've just taken my husband to the airport."

He still didn't look at me but carried on saying, "Look this road takes youup to ------," I never heard anymore as a hand clamped over my face, my handbagclattered to the floor and I was jerked back and up, my feet left the ground.

The man in the van jumped out and grabbed my legs, "Nice one Jake, glad weopened the back first, come on sweetheart, Christ you got nice soft legs."

I was carried to the back of the van, the driver was already in the backof the van waiting, he waved his arms at the man carrying me, then his strongarms took me, I had just one chance to scream before I was in the back andthe door rolled closed.

As the door hit the floor a light came on, but a hand was over my eyes; withmy arms pinned painfully behind I started to whimper, "Please don't hurt me."

I heard one of them laugh, "Why is it the first thing they always say is,please don't hurt me, Christ lady its up to you whether we hurt you are not,Bren, pass the rope, lets get her secure and see what we got to play with."

A gruff voice growled in my ear, "Keep still, keep your eyes shut and doas your told, I'm going to let go of you, move and you do get hurt, big time."

I felt my arms released and the fingers left my eyes; I didn't move or tryto look

I stood there shaking, I jumped as my coat was jerked off my shoulders anddown my arms, I heard it crumple on to the floor, then I heard a ripping sound, "Kneeldown," I was so scared I couldn't move.

I sudden thump caused incredible pain in my back, "Kneel now," screamed inmy ear; trying to catch my breath and keeping my eyes closed I dropped to myknees, knocking my handbag to the side, my head was held firm and tape wasstuck across my eyes.

My wrists were held outwards and I felt rope fastened to them then my armswhere dragged out and secured to the sides slats of the van, I knelt thereon my knees, crucified and helpless as a hand patted the top of my head anda patronising voice said, "There's a good girl, nothing to get upset about,you look just like that aeroplane your husbands in."

I swallowed hard to stop myself from crying out, but I lost that battle asI heard, "You drive, I'll find the agents key, we'll use the second of therenovated barns, its got more beams."

As I tried to whimper I felt tears through the tape, I heard movement assome-one bent in front of me, "Don't cry, we knew we were going to take youand have some fun when we saw you walking round the forecourt, pretty girlswith big tits shouldn't be out alone at night."

He bent forward and I was almost sick as I felt his tongue touch my lips,his rough stubble scraped against my cheek as his face slid round to my ear,licking at it he whispered, "You said you were out of juice and needed some,well its your lucky night, you see we've got plenty of juice and we will beonly to happy to pump it in to you," the van started up and moved off the forecourt.

The two men must have moved behind me I heard them talking quietly to thedriver. My shoulders ached as I swayed helplessly, my knees began to hurt;my short pleated skirt didn't give any protection to my naked legs; as wellas scared I was cold, the short-sleeved top was only supposed to be for thewarmth of the car but suddenly my mind was taken off those problems.

The men had gone quiet when suddenly I felt a hand on my bottom then a voicewhispered, "You got a nice round ass." I mumbled, "Please don't do that."

The voice continued, "And what are you going to do if I don't?"

I tried so hard not to start sobbing again but when another hand squeezedmy left breast I cried, "Oh god no."

Another voice said, "God's not here love but we are, now lets look at thissensible, I'm gona ask you a few questions and you gona give me some answers?"

I didn't say anything until I felt his hand squeeze my breast hard and Icried out, "Yes, yes what ever."

He stopped squeezing and said, "Now my friend asked you what you were goingto do to stop him, lets look at that, ready?"

As the hands continued to rub my body, "Yes but please, I beg you don't hurtme," was all I could say.

The van lurched to the right as he said, "Told you before, it's up to youif we hurt you, now I want answers, try this, are you beautiful?"

I muttered, "I eerr," as I did I felt a hand cup over my skirt and squeezehard at the flesh between my legs, as it began to hurt I said, "Yes, yes Isuppose so."

I heard him laugh, "No suppose about it, now try faster next time, have yougot nice firm tits?"

I felt so scared, but I knew I had to answer him, "Yes."

"Have those nice firm tits got big nipples?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen many others but they are, are quite eerrr long."

I felt his hand over my blouse searching for them, he suddenly squeezed one,he licked my ear as he tormented me with "And they feel thick, see I told you,you are beautiful, does your old man like sucking them?"

I chocked out, " Ya, Yes."

He pulled on them, "I bet he does, and do you like it when he licks themand sucks them out, so they're all wet, long and hard."

I was trying so hard not to sob; I knew I was in a hopeless situation asI tried to say what he wanted to hear, "Yes."

He laughed, "Yes what?"

In panic I spluttered out, "Yes I like my nipples sucked."

He almost giggled, "Well ain't that nice, I'll be glad to be doing somethingyou like, now getting down to the nitty gritty, here's the next question, whathave you got snuggling in your pants?"

As the van lurched I tried to plead again, "Please don't make me say thesethings, I haven't done anything to you."

But his voice came straight back, "I don't give a shit, we are the ones whoare going to do anything we want to you, now lets try again, tell me what yougot between those long, gorgeous, soft legs of yours."

I was beaten, taking a deep breath and trying to think what to call it Isaid, "My husband calls it my love shut."

The bellowing of his laughter nearly deafened me, "Aahh ain't that nice,but now you call it a cunt, a wet juicy highly fuckable cunt, now answer thequestion again."

"My, mmmyy, wet juicy," my nipple was pinched again, "Go on."

My wet juicy highly fuckable cunt."

My torment continued, "And has your juicy cunt got hair on it?"

I had now realised resistance was futile, "Some, but I trim them."

He was ready with another obscene question, "What shape is your little blondbush, I take it your are a real blond?"

"Its in the shape of an arrow head and yes."

"Yes what?"

"Yes I am a real blond."

"Mmmmm, so we got a little blond arrow pointing down to your fuckable cunt,sounds nice. I'm not bothered how you like to be fucked, your going to be fuckedso many times tonight we will find that out anyway and the same goes for yourass."

Oh god not there, the thought of these men being able to take me howeverthey wanted, use me and I would be unable to stop them, my mind was in a whirlbut worse was to come.

"Can you suck cock all the way, do you swallow or have I got to shove itdown your long pretty throat?"

My sob only made him laugh as I said, "No please, not that, I, I don't nowhow."

He almost choked on his laughter as he said, "You will by the end of this,my god with a mouth like yours you will."

Suddenly another voice said, "Does a little spanking on that cute ass ofyours turn you on, it will me?"

My mind shot back to the words, "We'll use the second of the renovated barnsits got more beams," oh god they were going to string me up and spank me.

An uncontrollable sob came from my mouth followed by a groan as I felt thevan stop.

There was movement all around me, suddenly I heard the shuttered door rollup; hand grabbed at me, holding me, then my arms were free, there was a wonderfulfeeling as they dropped to my side but it was short lived as the ropes wereyanked and I was wrenched forward.

I nearly fell forward but some-one was behind me, I felt arms come round,hands gripped me between my legs, I was quickly dragged upwards, that samesick voice whispered, "Feels nice, how's this feel?"

I felt his hips grind it to my bottom, his hard penis pushed in between thelight material of my skirt and between my cheeks.

I fought to keep my feet on the floor as he deliberately kept squeezing mebetween my legs pinning me to his crutch until I felt the cold air and thedoorway. Another pair of hands clamped around my waist as I was lifted down.

I knew there was a man ether side of me as the third pulled my arms forward.The words, "Watch out for the step," had me stumbling up three steps.

Hands held me as I heard a door unlock, then a quick tug propelled me througha door, the smell of new wood filled my nostrils; little words like, "Pleaseno, don't do this to me, have mercy," kept falling from my lips, but they onlyfell on deaf ears.

The hands came back from behind plunging even further between my legs, thehard penis touching my bottom felt long and he made sure I felt it.

I heard a slapping sound then again, something swung close to my face, withhorror I heard, "No, put the rope the other side of the strut."

My hands were held forward, I could feel movement with the attached ropes,then the one holding me said, "Up she goes," and my hands suddenly pulled upand out, I cried out, "Stop, please stop its hurting me."

The one holding me pulled his hands hard up between my legs, "We could alwaysput you on a stand, pull your arms up again, then take the stand away, you'dknow how Jesus Christ felt, you want to try it?"

I sobbed a pathetic, "No, don't do that to me," I sensed the other two werenow standing closed to me as the one holding me said, "Then we will have tofind out what you do want us to do to you."

They moved away from me, a voice said, "Get the cans," I stood there, myarms pulled up and out making me look like a clock at ten to two. I heard thingsbeing pulled around the room, then the hissss sound of cans opening.

The same voice that had tormented me in the van started at me again, "Nowlets get back to our little game."

"Hay gorgeous, you listening?" I nodded, "Now you didn't want us to crucifyyou, so what can we do to you?" those words drilled in to my mind and I knewthey would make me answer.

As my brain tried to take in my situation another voice said, "Come on sweetheartdon't be shy you can tell us," I could hear them sniggering.

I tried another, "Please let me go," but that got the worst answer I wantedto hear.

"You remember me telling you how turned on I get when I take my belt toa cute ass, if not you will if you don't answer my mate here."

I know I'm blond and some what naive but I'm no bimbo so it was obvious fromthe filthy interrogation I got in the van that there was only one answer theywere going to force out of me, and there was the other thought in my mind,I wanted to get out of this, alive.

I took a deep breath, "Why don't you have sex with me?"

This was met with horrendous laughter, with the room being empty the soundechoed round, deafening me, what had I said wrong?

"We don't want to have sex with you, we want to fuck the shit out of you,now answer the question."

Did my tormentors have any mercy, with survival my only thought; again Itook a deep breath, "Why don't you fuck the shit out of me."

The laughter went down to stupid cat-calls, "At last our fun tonight hasgot the idea, time to unwrap the goodies," I felt them gather round me, mybody was being fondled, suddenly a tongue licked my face.

"mmmmmmm, taste good, does the rest of you taste the same, you gona let usfind out?" I stayed silent, but they weren't going to let it rest, my hairwas grabbed and shook, I squealed, "Yes, yes."

The evil voice whispered, "Now our night of funning with you is about tostart, I want you to remember what you said at the beginning, remember, pleasedon't hurt me?" I nodded, "Then you answer the question the way I have taughtyou and quickly, there will be no more second chances, only the chance of pain."

I felt some-one squeeze my arse cheek very hard, and a voice said, "Oh howI could spank this," my position was hopeless, I had to do anything these filthymen wanted me too, I blurted out, "I want you to lick me and find out if Itaste good," I swallowed, "All over."

"All over it is," I don't know who said it but fingers pulled at the buttonsof my blouse, hands were on the back of my legs, sliding up under my skirt,the same thing at the front, hands were on my inner thighs, stroking up towardsmy pants, I choked back tears as I heard, "You grab the back I got the front,lets get this accommodating ladies pants down."

As I felt my pants pulled down over my thighs their revolting voices filledmy ears, " Oh yes what a cute ass, round, smooth and for the moment white."

"She has got a little blond arrow head and what its pointing at is gorgeous,I real tight slit with fat full lips, oh I'm gona enjoy tonguing that, justas much as splitting it open with my dick."

I squirmed and wriggled, fingers were now rolling and pinching my nippleas a mouth covered the other; fingers where pushing up my pussy and in betweenthe cheeks of my arse.

My pants were pulled all the way down, then a mouth covered my pussy, therough unshaved face scratched my inner thighs, I could now open my legs ifonly to ease the pain but that only allowed a tongue to push up and in to me.

Their mouths were so busy, sucking at my nipples, licking me between my legsboth back and front for them to taunt me, no, I was taunting myself, I feltthe tongue at my pussy starting to do things to me, the same things my husbanddid.

I knew my nipples were hard as his tongue flicked at them, his fingers coulddo the same; even the tongue tickling up between the cheeks of my arse seemedto enflame my body but it was the tongue between my legs, buried so deeplyin my pussy that was forcing me to open my legs further.

They sensed I was aroused, that same voice said, "She seems to be enjoyingour tongues, lets enjoy hers."

Suddenly they stopped playing with me, there was movement around me, my legswere held together and a rope held them firm, then suddenly pulled back, asthat happened my arms were slowly lowered.

I felt my legs pulled up behind me as my knees brushed the floor my armswere locked off again, as I half knelt half swung, a voice said, "Just theright height," then the pain in my arms returned.

The dark of the blindfold heightened my senses, I knew they were close, Icould hear them, I knew they were taking their trousers off.

I jumped when something slapped on the side of my face, a voice said, "Openthat gorgeous mouth sweetheart and keep it open," then I knew what had slappedmy face.

Slowly I gave in to the filthy men who had me at their mercy, my mouth opened.

I felt sick as I heard, "Me first then you and you can finish her," I didn'thave time to argue as my mouth filled with one fat cock.

Hands grabbed at my head as he carried on, "Then we can strip her, hang herup by all fours and see if her other holes are as tight as they feel."

I chocked and gasped as this huge thing filled my mouth, I found myself beingforced to stretch my mouth open as wide as possible, it thumped in, the filthymeat was trying to push down my throat and there was nothing I could do tostop him.

I tried so hard to swallow, to open my throat as much as I could, all I coulddo was try to keep breathing as more hands pulled at my nipples or touchedmy pussy and arse. Suddenly the length pushed further down.

I had been thinking about the hands abusing me and had relaxed my throat,the cock was now fully in me, his sweaty body pressed to my nose. He quicklytold the others that I was a fucking good face fuck, took it all the way; heshook my head, "Have I fucked any shit out yet, no, well there's time yet,hope your hungry, cause it ain't everyday I get a pretty mouth like yours todump a load in."

With my head held tight there was no way I could dislodge the fat meat stuckin my throat, he was just jerking it back and forth and I was breathing throughmy nose.

I could feel him getting more excited, the cock was getting fatter and Iknew he was going to cum, god I was so relieved when he slid it back and said, "Keepyour mouth open and your tongue out its feeding time."

I knew he was using his hand to pump his filthy juice out, suddenly the firstsplatters hit my face and then in to my mouth, I felt the tip of his cock restingon my tongue as he jerked the rest of his cream in to me.

I felt movement in front of me some-one said, "Get the fuck out the way,my turn to fuck her mouth, come on sweetheart get a man sized cock in yourmouth."

Though this next cock wasn't so long it was fatter, I had to keep my mouthfully open not to catch it with my teeth and again my concentration was compiledby hands playing with my tits, pussy and arse, all the time this fat meat pluggedmy mouth completely.

My mouth fucking began all over again; my hair held as he forced my headup and down like some nodding dog, his voice sniggering, " Your right abouther being a fucking good face fuck, reckon she was telling lies in the van,she's been having her mouth fucked plenty of times, and she must like it, she'sgot a mouth like a sucking cunt, ain't you darlin, now show me how good a suckinyour gona give me."

I wanted to scream at these filthy animals as they abused me, tell them thatI wasn't like that but all the time all the things they were doing to me washaving an effect.

It was the same feeling as Rupert caused in me, my pussy was wet and theyknew it. The fingers pushing up my arse tickled more than hurt and my hipswere involuntarily moving, the fingers up my pussy were now slipping up easilyand to my disgust I suddenly realised I was actually sucking on the foul thingin my mouth.

I must have been because the cock in my throat slid back and a voice shoutedat me, "Keep them lips tight, keep it all in darlin, I want to see you swallowit all before you start suckin my mate."

As my mind reeled at the thought of another cock stuck in my mouth this oneexploded its juice in to the back of my throat, there was so much, more thanthe last and I found myself sucking it hard down my throat, I was so scaredat what they may do to me if I spilt any.

The voice of the animal fingering my pussy laughed, "Go on sweetheart drinkit down, your lovin your face fuckin ain't you, your so wet, and you told meyou didn't know how to do it, and the way your ass is moving, I reckon theway these two holes feel you can't wait for us to fill them."

As I tried to protest the third cock forced its way in to my mouth, thisone really used my lips, he kept telling me to suck it tight, keep my lipsclosed tight around it. He didn't shove it down my throat he wanted me to continuallytickle the fat swollen end with my tongue as he fucked in and out of my mouth.

The men relentlessly fingered my pussy and my arse as I played my tongueover the invading meat in my sore mouth. I'd lost all track of time, my lifewas held in suspension as these three men used me for their perverted lust.

What drilled in to my brain was their voices, was it me they were talkingabout, "She's got a great ass, feels like she loves something up it." " Reckonher cunts the same, wet enough to take two, my fingers are soaking." "If shefucks like she sucks we got a great night ahead, there's no stopping her tongue,oh jesus the bitch is making me cum."

Again my mouth was filled with a mans juice, I swallowed this load easilybut as I did the fingers that had been toying with me moved away and I chockedwith the fear at what was to come next.

The moans of relief as my legs were lowered soon changed to squeals of, "No,please no more," instead of them leaving them down they were quickly pulledforward, as I swung backwards I heard, "No over that beam."

My legs were pulled wide as they went up, I swung there completely exposedand helpless, I groaned at the pain as my head lolled back, I groaned louderas a voice said, "Still the right height, come on babe open up, you know youlove having a cock stuck in your mouth, you suck great cock and it'll be funwatching while they have your cunt."

Before I could say anything fingers pulled at my nipples forcing a squealfrom my mouth, to do that I had to open my mouth and immediately it was filledby a cock; he carried on squeezing my nipple as he said, "You've already cleanedmy cock but in this position your tongue can clean my balls."

I tried to shake my head, to remove it but suddenly I felt something touchingme between my leg and it wasn't fingers.

It thrust in, it was the long one and it pushed up and up filling me morethan Rupert ever had; I thought it would stop but it pushed up thumping into my cervix bone and I was already so wet and sensitive, a surge of sexualpleasure exploded through me.

He was slowly fucking me, in a way I had never felt, the length of it wastouching places and as he slid it in and out it rubbed on my inner walls, therewas a spot, a place that ever time he touched it I jumped, moans sighed aroundthe cock in my mouth, I even forgot the pain of the ropes.

He must have sensed my movement as he deliberately rubbed the spot as muchas possible and to add to the sensation he started using his fingers on thesensitive nub of my clit, the my own disgust my body began to wraith, my kneespulled at the ropes as I pushed up.

The cock in my mouth slid out as I heard, "Think you found it."

I tried not to speak but moans were still being forced from me as this tormentof my pussy continued unabated, I was almost delirious as I heard, "Oh yesshe's got one hot G spot and I do believe she didn't know she had one."

As I surcome to the words, " Yes, oh god yes." I voice gloated in triumph, "Wellshe does now."

A voice whispered in my ear, "Yes what?"

As fingers played with my nipples my whole body wriggled in the ropes, "Yesdon't stop please, don't, don't stop."

"Don't stop what?"

As his length penetrated me again I heard me say, "Don't stop fucking me,please don't stop fucking me."

The same voice whispered, "Then lick my balls and I'll make sure you getthe fucking a body like yours deserves," I felt his legs ether side of my headas he lowered his balls on to my mouth and I immediately stuck my tongue outand licked at his hanging sack.

The long cock fucking me thrust in hard and drove me in to an orgasm; I lickedand sucked at the filthy balls, squealing at the way I was being used, suddenlyI felt him come, his hot juice filled me again.

The balls in my mouth moved and as I gasped for air the cock drove back inmy mouth, I didn't have time to think as another cock pushed in to my pussyand he had watched the first one, he soon found the spot again and soon I wasrushing towards another climax.

Again I found myself squealing at another orgasm, but still he worked onme, I found my climax's coming thick and fast. I was sucking at the meat inmy mouth as I was fucked relentlessly, I thought that this was the most I couldfeel but I was wrong.

As the man fucking my mouth enjoyed the pleasures of my tits, the other manfucking my pussy rubbed my clit, I could hear them sniggering at the way mybody was being forced to respond then suddenly I felt a finger push up in toarse, I went rigid as I experienced my first multiple orgasm.

The man in my mouth started to shove further down I could feel him gettingfatter as I tasted the first squirt of his come; my cheeks filled out as Iheld his juice then he pulled out.

Due to the feeling between my legs my head fell back I could feel the juicerunning over my face as it bubbled from my mouth with me squealing in to theorgasms.

The finger up my arse tickled against the thin membrane as the cock spewedits cum in to me, then the two left me, I hung there, my body exhausted butmy pussy was still aroused.

My legs were lowered and arms came round from behind, grabbed my tits andpulled me up. He held me as my arms were untied, then I felt a rope aroundmy waist, it quickly went tight holding me up, my arms were dragged down andmy wrists tightly tied to my ankles, I couldn't move, I was in the most vulnerableposition of being tied, bent over.

Fingers again played around my pussy and arse, I moaned a pathetic, "No more," butmy hair was dragged up and a voice said, "Oh yes plenty more, here taste this."

I felt the soft cock rub on my face; then on to my lips, it smelt of me, "Comeon get it in your mouth, bet you've never tasted your cum before, try it, itsreally nice."

Soon I was sucking at the floppy cum soaked cock, swallowing the taste ofmy own pussy juice and still the other two were behind me pushing in to mypussy, thank god they couldn't get their fingers to that spot again.

I heard movement and a noise, then one side, "Here it is," no their fingerscouldn't get to me but there was something hard being pushed in me, it wasrubber, fat and to my horror in was heavily ridged, it was a handle with thinkfinger grips and as I sucked the cock hard with my mouth so it was slidingup my wet aroused pussy.

My mind screamed stop; stop this thing, the ridges on the fat handle wererubbing inside me and it was going deeper, then they pulled it back only toshove back and further, it was filling me, then it was touching; my knees buckledbut I was held by the rope, I couldn't escape and that feeling was returning.

I moaned around the hardening cock in my mouth as fingers started to ticklemy pussy and arse again; the handle excited me so their fingers continued totickle me extenuated the heat inside my pussy.

The cock in my mouth, now hard, started to force its way in to my throat,gagging my squeals; my hips jerked in the ropes but still they fucked my pussywith this obscene object and then they mocked my helplessness.

"Come on sweetheart, lets have you humpin again, you love a fucking don'tyou?"

"Can't get enough of the fucky, fucky can you, ready for some more, there'sa good cock sucker."

"Ether of you wants to fuck her mouth? I'm gona have me a piece of thatcute hot ass."

As he pulled out of my mouth I spluttered, "No, not there," but no soonerhad I said that than another cock was pushing at my mouth, the handle had beenpushed fully up me and the hard cock that was still wet from my sucking waspushing at the entrance to my arse forcing the little pink hole to my bowelsto open for my next rape.

The word rape drilled in to my mind, was I being raped, was I hating it,where they hurting me?

The cock in my mouth was getting hard, it was the fat one and my lips werestretched around it, I'd learnt to tickle the head with my tongue and by doingthat he didn't choke me, he just let me play around it.

The cock head pushed in to my arse, I couldn't stop him, his fingers heldmy cheeks wide.

His thrusts were slow and somewhat gentle, I almost relaxed until his hipscame in contact with the handle still in-cased up my pussy.

As it touched me it was sending more shock waves of pleasure and he knewthat the sensation had increased.

Giggling he said, "Come on bitch take it up the ass, you know your fuckinglove it," as he started to pick up speed, fucking both my holes.

These men had done something to me, as the sensation grew in my pussy itwas too much to stop, my hips pushed at the invading poles. I found myselfsucking at the cock in my mouth, my tongue deliberately tickling the littlehole at the tip of the fat head, I was virtually making the man face fuck meand I could take it.

There was something about being helpless, being tied up and unable to refusewhat they did to me, the sensations weren't my fault, after all I'm a youngwomen with a sensuous body, yes its my bodies fault, they are making it respond,not me, I can't help it.

I felt a slap, "Wiggle it, you know your loving it, you fucking hot assedlying bitch."

I wiggled my arse like a obedient dog as my first climax had me squealinground the fat cock, some-one was under me, sucking at my nipples playing withthem with their tongue, and it wasn't long before I felt my next orgasm buildas the fat cock pumped more juice in to my stomach.

My body jumped as my arse was filled for the first time, he pumped me fullbut as he did he slid out but continued to fuck me with the handle until Ibegged him to finish me, he did and I came, again.

They didn't let me hang down for long, my hair was suddenly yanked up, Ifelt the ropes on my wrists untied and slowly I straightened up, the rope wastaken from my waist but I had to be held, some-one took great delight in standingbehind me and holding me up by my tits.

I finger scooped the dried cum from my face and pushed it in my mouth, avoice said, "Suck it all in," I did.

"Now sweetheart, do you want to go home?" I whispered, "Please."

"Well I don't see why not, you've been a good fuck and you've enjoyed itso don't come, ha that's something you have down so many times I've lost count,anyway, don't come the little miss innocent with us."

He licked my face and winked at me, "Anyway we will take you back to yourcar, put petrol in and you can be on your way."

I managed a small smile, but he shook his head, "Oh no, not that easy, thatwill be in about an hour, should give us time to have you again and maybe again,and you will say nothing to no-one understand?"

Another whispered, "Yes" sealed my fate.

"We ain't gona tie you up, no point, we ain't letting you go nowhere, youjust let us lead you where we want and you will get home, now for your nextlittle duty lets have you sat on my mates pole and you do the old bouncy, bouncywhile you fuck him."

Still blindfolded I was lead forward, told to straddle and lowered myselfon to the waiting cock, I felt it slide in, further and further, oh god itwas the long one and it seemed to go on forever.

I sat there impaled on this long cock, it was fully in me and still had ainch to go; slowly I moved up and down, I'd done this with Rupert but he hadn'tfilled me like these men did.

He started to move his hips making his cock move around inside me, I triedto steady myself with my hands but they were soon pulled away and wrapped aroundthe two cocks ether side of me and I could feel that strange feeling again,I jumped even more every time I slid down.

With in minutes I was pumping up and down, squealing as I raced head longin to another orgasm, my pussy was on fire and I needed to put it out.

The cocks in my hand had moved forward, enough so I could move my head suckingon one then the other, like a deranged whore I fucked myself to two orgasmsbefore he filled me and I had sucked one of them off deep in to mouth untilI swallowed more juice.

They lifted me off him and pinned me to the wall, my hands were fastenedin front with sticky tape; they dressed, told me they had my clothes and Iwas ushered out in to the night air.

Bundled back in the van it soon moved off, as I sat in the back of the vana voice said, "You forgetting something?" I looked toward the sound and hopefullyshook my head.

"Oh I think you have, you fucked my mate off and sucked another but I ain'tcome yet, so we have a little time for you to get on all fours, I been fancyingyour ass all night."

My hands bound in front made it possible for me to kneel on the van flooras this man mounted me, his cock quickly buried up my ass as he slowly fuckedme, making sure it would last all the way back to my car.

He was still enjoying me as we stopped, he kept pumping himself in to meuntil petrol had be put in my car and they were ready to leave, then with afew hard powerful thrusts he empty himself up me.

Still naked I was put back in my car, my clothes slung on the back seat andmy handbag returned to the passenger seat, I sat there, still bound as theypulled away.

It took me ten minutes to get loose, and another five to readjust to seeingagain, the bastards had kept my pants and the seat was wet from the cum dribblingout from my arse but I did make it back home unseen.

I laid in the bath, looking at my body; after I washed the dried cum frombetween my legs I could see no visible marks but I felt very different, itwas going to be hard to except that but my love for Rupert and the fact thatit would never happen again made me confident I would able to return to a normalmarried life.

I worked the following day and I worked hard, blotting out the thoughts ofthe day before, what could I do, tell some one, tell Rupert, if I knew whothey were or where they were was one thing.

What if I did and it was found out how I reacted, how many times did I climax,oh no I decided there and then it would be my memories and that was that besidesI was excited by the thought of my new Merc soon.

The next day I woke and I felt better; I was going to have a nice bath, agood breakfast and look over the garden, maybe it was warm enough for a dipin the pool.

I was just putting the last of the breakfast dishes in to the washer whenthere was a knock on the door, I thought my new car had arrived; excitedlyI rushed to the front door.

A woman and two large men stood at the door, they looked very official; thewoman flashed a small card at me, "Mrs Susan Watts?"

I nodded, she continued, "We are investigating company fraud, you have yourcomputer in the home?"

I was now petrified, "Yes its in the study."

Her foot moved to the step, "May we see it?"

I was scared, stupidly I moved back allowing her in; she swept past me asthe two men followed; all of them were taller than me and I felt intimidated,her neat blue suit accentuated her slim strong body, I made for the study.

She stood at the computer desk and put her brief case on the table; I wassandwiched between the two men, she looked at me, "I have documents allowingme to inspect this unit; do you have any objections?" I stuttered a weak, "No."

She pressed buttons, and the computer loaded until the password box appeared,she looked at me, "The password please," I just looked back at her and shookmy head.

I was surprised when she muttered a quiet, "Shit." She pulled the seat backand sat, "O K lets try a few ideas, what's your name again?"

"Susan," she typed my name, the screen flicked and returned to the box.

"Where did you meet your husband?"

"At a party in Kensington,"

She typed in Kensington; still the box remained blank.

She took a deep breath, "Where did you honeymoon?"

"The Seychelles."

She typed it in and the box disappeared, the computer opened, she laughed, "God,men are so predictable."

Her fingers raced across the keys, lines and lines of figures appeared, smilingat me she turned, "This looks interesting, I'm afraid this box and you willbe coming with us."

I pulled back, "No, no it's nothing to do with me."

She leapt from the seat, "Cuff her, we've got what we came for and from whatI've seen maybe she'd be better here."

The two men grabbed me and twisted my arms behind me, then I felt the coldsteel click on to my wrists, as I squirmed in their grip she opened her briefcase and took out a thin disk but what shocked me was, my diary was there undera thick long curved black cock shaped thing that was in the case as well.

She smiled at my pathetic attempts at a struggle then looked up at the men, "Wellour three friends were right, what was written in the dairy makes it obvioushe is an insider dealer and with what this tells me he has hacked in to severalfirms to gain fraudulent information, not only could his firm go to the wallbut this boy could do a lot of time," she looked at me, "But only if we gavethis little lot to the powers at be."

She came closer to me, "You remember an evening with our friends, fancy runningout of petrol," I went cold inside, "Well you fell for my little deception,it got me in and a look at the husbands little secrets, for that I thank ourmutual friends and we crooks must stay together, though my line is a littledifferent to theirs and a little more, shall I say where your concerned, longterm."

She fitted the disk in to a draw that came out of Rupert's computer theninserted it back.

I stood not daring to speak but my mind raced at what Rupert could have done.I watched as lines upon lines filled the screen then she pressed a few morekeys and I sign saying, Downloading, followed by, there is 1hr 20min left.

She turned back to me, "Now where was I, oh yes, these friends tell me yourquite a little goer, or is it cumer, anyway lets see if I can find out, I seemto have an hour twenty to spare," she turned back to her case and took outthat black thing, waving it at me she said, "This should help, take her upstairsboys and strip her."

My futile attempts at fighting were laughable as the two men dragged me upstairs,found our bedroom and started pulling and tearing my clothes off. My screamsand hysteria meant nothing to them and soon I was naked, they had made surethat they had a good feel of me before she arrived and I was thrown on thebed.

She had taken her jacket off and was touching her face with that thing, "Thanksboys, there's drink downstairs, I'll call if I need you."

She dropped the black thing on the bed, moved up and stood beside. As shestarted to unbutton her blouse she spoke, "My, my you are a pretty thing, thosethugs were right, a real beauty and everything right in the right places," shelet her blouse drop on the floor.

Hitching her skirt up to her stocking tops she crawled on to the bed, sheput her arms ether side of my head, her mouth twisted in to a sneer, "Seemsyour new husband has been making his way in life on the back of others andthe way he's done it, its against the law."

I felt a tear run down the side of my face as she carried on, "There, there,there's no need to get upset as I said before, we crooks must stick togetherand there's a way he can keep his good name, but if you want him to stay outof jail, you can't keep yours."

I went to speak but she shook her head, "Oh no, you do the listening, nowI have it on good authority that you fuck as good as you look, which is goodnews for me, you see I run a very exclusive business for very exclusive clients,rich clients that would pay very, very well to play with you."

She put her finger on my lips, "Now I won't show anybody that hard disc ofyour husband playing Nick Leeson and you won't say anything to him, he willstill go on his business trips and you will ether entertain here or at anotherlocation."

She took her finger away and kissed it before sticking it back on my lips, "OhI'm not bad to work for, you will get a percentage of your take, enough toreplace your sexy underwear, you'd be amazed at the amount that get rippedoff by my clients and of course for petrol, hate you to run out, again anda little something for yourself, looking as desirable as you do you shouldbe in high demand."

I shook my head but she just laughed, "Don't even think about saying no,you ether become a working girl or a very poor homeless one," she unclippedher bra, "Now a know you fuck well but what are you like with women?"

I squeezed my eyes shut, my head shook from side to side but I still heardher laugh, "And who better to try you out than your new boss."

She tossed her bra on the floor and slid back down me, she stood at the bottomof the bed and dropped her skirt and then panties.

I looked, her body was that of a slim strong athletic woman, she had a tattooover a bald pussy; her small firm breasts hardly moved as she bent forwardand picked up the black thing.

She licked her lips, "Do you like it, I like to decorate it, it gives yousomething to look at while it's stuck on your face, anyway yours looks cute,mind if I take a closer look?"

Sarcasm etched in her voice, "Come on, don't be shy, there's ten years ofgood fucking in you and at a thousand a fuck, its good long term business,so lets have those shapely legs spread nice and wide and have a good look atwhat's so special about you."

My mind switched off to the outside world, as I stared at the ceiling I feltmy legs open, what was to become of me? How could this be happening? How couldI get out of----, suddenly I felt it, then a droning noise, it slid betweenthe folds of my pussy and tingled.

My knees moved up but her elbows soon pinned them down again, my mind triedto comprehend, here I was trying to come to terms with what had just been said,yet still there was sexual awareness. She was laid between my legs, her tonguelicked across the thing that was going in me then over my pussy and I shuddered.

I lifted my head and tried to look down, I could feel her working the blackrubber cock in to me, gently but firmly she worked it around, opening me, excitingme as she pushed further inside.

I moaned, "Please don't," she looked up at me and grinned, "Don't you worry,soon---" she suddenly stop, "My god from this angle you quite look the BritneySpears."

She nodded her head, "mmmm, not a bad idea, I could advertise you as, Fuckthe look a like, she's really beautiful."

She looked down at my pussy, "Anyway soon you'll be begging for it, justlike you did to them."

I squirmed trying to move but all I did was give her easier access to me,she immediately took advantage and pushed her arm under my arse keeping myhips up, her mouth moved closer as she pushed further.

To my shame I felt the vibration inside, I blew my cheeks out and groaned,she pushed further, then the vibration increased I squirmed more, I knew Iwas wet, my hips were jumping up and I realised that soon I wouldn't be ableto control myself because any second the thick black cock would be touchingme there.

She increased the vibration as it slid all the way in to me, I jumped andgroaned; as I did she moved.

She slid out from between my legs and moved to the side of me. Her fingersmoved the black cock faster, driving the curved end over that incredible spot.

I jumped and squirmed in my excited torment, her tongue licked under my breastand then tickled its way up to my nipple.

She mmmmd as she pulled my hard long nipple up with her teeth, the sensationof her teeth was exaggerated by her tongue, tickling over it, it had me squealing.

I was only just aware of her saying, "I've known some G-spots but you reallyare one hot pussy, you will be popular with the clients, your pure sex on legs.

I pushed my heels in to the bed and thrust my hips up to gain the entirelength, but she slowly started to pull it out. My pussy shook as the vibrationslowed and pitifully I did what she said I would; yes I begged her to pushit back in.

She let go of the black cock, it slid even further out, she smiled as herface came close to me, she kissed me hard on the mouth, I immediately openedit and sucked her tongue.

She pulled back and looked down, "You want it back up?" I nodded, she shookher head, "Oh no, beg again, tell me what you want."

The head of the vibrator was just inside me, the sensation was exciting myclit and I had to have more so I begged, "Please put it in me, fuck me withit, I'm begging you, please, please put it back."

"Oh my little sex on legs, beg to be fucked as much as you like but it goesback up you when your tongue goes in my pussy, ready?"

As a tried to keep my legs together, trapping the head of the cock on me,I squealed, "I, I dooonn't no how."

She squeezed my breast, "Don't worry, I'll sit on your face and I'll makeyou stick your tongue up me, right up me, its easy, just do to me what it wouldseem you love done to you."

She swung her leg over me, facing my pussy, she lent forward and pressedher pussy over my mouth, she rubbed back and forth until I fully opened mymouth, I tasted her as her fleshy lips came in to contact with my own lips.

I felt her touch the black cock and start to push it back, I gasped, my tonguemoved out licking her open slit.

She ground her pussy in to my face, "Go on, go on lick it, get in, get yourtongue up me."

I licked at her as she pushed the vibrator up to my spot, I jumped, suckingat her as my hips bucked. Rocking to her fucking she gasped, "Go on fuck it,fuck the cock, I knew you loved fucking, now your proving it, come on you cockhungry bitch, fuck it".

I jumped and humped, degrading myself as I fucked myself on plastic, shebent further, opening her pussy to my mouth as I licked, sucked and tickledhers, tasting her juice as she got wetter and wetter.

Suddenly she moved her mouth back to the black cock, she licked at me, hertongue tickled my clitoris then her mouth covered it, sucking it up in to hermouth, her tongue was driving me to an incredible orgasm.

As I came I gyrated my pussy in to her mouth, my muscles twitched as I forcedmyself to keep the cock on that spot. I licked at her furiously making sureshe kept that thing firmly on that spot, humiliated I might be but I didn'twant her to stop fucking me.

Suddenly I felt a surge in her pussy, she was getting wetter, she was liftingherself up slightly then pushing down on to my tongue and I made sure I wasflicking it at her as far up her as I could.

She started to buck in to my mouth, she wiggled herself, the more she rammedthat curved plastic cock in me the more I attacked her pussy, we were bothin a frenzy of lust.

As both our pussies spasmed in to our climax's she collapsed forward passionatelykissing my pussy making me scream as I pumped my juice over the plastic cock.

As my body subsided, I stared as the fat wet lips that had just pumped juicein to my mouth; I felt her kiss my legs as she climbed off, she whispered, "Notbad for a first timer," then she went to her blouse lifted it and put it on.

Next she pulled her pants on, I could still hear the cock buzzing on thebed.

As she picked up the rest of her clothes she went to the door and called, "Rightyou two, up."

She moved back towards me, her fingers disappeared in to her blouse pocketand brought out keys, the two men entered. As she bent to pick the rest ofher clothes up she threw the keys at them, "You can take them off, she won'tfight, it might be fun for you if you use bendy on her before you fuck her,I'll be downstairs getting a lot more information on Mr Watts movements, afterwhat I've just witnessed I think I will be needing that hot pussy on its ownquite a lot."

They moved towards me, all I heard was her going downstairs singing; Moneymakes the world go around.

I looked at them as they stripped their clothes off, I couldn't believe myeyes both of them where bigger than the biggest of the men who had defiledmy body the other night.

The bald one told me to turn over, I did, thinking they wanted to take thecuffs off but suddenly I felt my legs pulled wide open, I tried to look backbut they held me tight.

A slap on my arse kept me still; then I felt the tickling sensation of thecock touching me between my legs, the first thing the bearded one said scaredme, "Come on shove it up her cunt, lets get her hot, I want to fuck this onetill she screams."

With my chin on the pillow I gazed and my own bed head, I was lying on mybed, the bed that Rupert and I had made love on, yet I'd just had lesbian sexwith one woman, the woman who was now in control of our lives and as I feltthe black tormenter being pushed up me, I knew I was going to be given anotherhard fucking and these men would be expert at making me cum again.

It pushed in and I groaned, a voice sniggered, "Ya gorgeous you grunt whileyou can, my cock will soon be reversing anything coming out of your mouth.

The fear of what these men were going to do to me was over shadowed be thesudden tingling between my legs. He wasn't gentle; thank god I was still wetfrom her as he pushed up trying to find what he wanted.

He was turning the vibrator around, it was at maximum power; the curved endtouching every part of my cervix channel; a low groan escaped my throat asmy arse jumped, my body betraying me told them they had found what they wanted.

There was no mercy, they just laughed as I groaned and grunted. They weredriving, ah, ah, ah sounds from me as he just curled the black cock in andout, rubbing it hard inside me, he was fully aware of what he was doing tome.

As my arse rose, bucking at the intrusion, my body was electric, uncontrollableand enjoying it.

I felt the cuffs unlocked and a voice told me to get on all fours. I did,my legs involuntary opened, shame had nothing to do with it, I couldn't helpmyself my body was building to yet another climax.

As again little grunts where forced from me the bearded one slid on the bed,sat, pushed his back against the headboard, spread his legs ether side of me,he didn't have to speak, even if I was in the throws of a climax it was obviouswhat I had to do.

My mouth closed over the thick, long monster cock that stuck up in frontof my face.

Even as I struggled, I was starting to cum over the thick black cock butI knew I had to work on the real one stuck in my mouth. Though my mind wasclouding in its climatic ecstasy I knew if I didn't use my tongue to play withthe end, use what I'd learnt to excite him, this man would drive his huge cockdown my throat.

The buzzing vibration being concentrated on that spot was driving me fromthat orgasm on to another.

The bald one just kept working on me, he knew I could do nothing to stophim and the way my arse was moving he knew I wouldn't want him too.

My tongue tickled over the knob end in my mouth, every part of me being forcedto enjoy what I was doing when the first real slap stung me. Then another andanother, each cheek started to burn, but as I jumped to the spanking the thingup my touched me more and more and I climaxed again.

He wouldn't stop, more slaps rained down, I was virtually eating the cockin my mouth, sucking at the end, kissing it all over to allowing myself breathas I moaned and grunted towards more uncontrollable orgasms.

Then with out warning the slaps stopped and the black cock withdrew, to bereplaced with it tickling the little join between my two holes.

I whined and whimpered but my hair was yanked up and the bearded one grinnedat me, "My friends tell me you play a game, lets play it, ready?"

As my arse moved to the tickling sensation I moaned, "What."

His grin grew wider, "That's right, what, as in what do you want?"

I felt fingers touch my clit; the rubbing sensation was too much for me andI whispered, "Put it back."

A grunted laugh from him heralded, "Oh louder and with more, you weren'tthat shy with my friends, try again."

The black cock slid in, tickled me, relight my aroused pussy just enoughto get me breathing hard again then pulled back, oh how I needed it, I moaned, "Dome, please do me."

My pussy was dribbling and they knew it, he held my hair as he rubbed theend his cock on my lips, still he said, "Do what?"

I had to have relief, so as I was forced to kiss the fat knob-end I said, "Fuckme, I need you to fuck me,"

Then a finger screwed up my pussy, I jumped yelling, "Gemme a fucking cock,fuck my cunt you shits, just fuck me, that's what you want, you want my cuntso just fuck me."

I felt the tip of his cock at the entrance to my pussy, just toying withme. My head was held by the other, making me lick the full length of his cockas well as his balls, the way I was held stopped me from moving back, stoppedme from impaling myself on what I wanted.

Slowly he shoved it in, then out, then a bit further. My arse bucked andwiggled as I felt it filling me, his long fat length getting closer to thatspot, suddenly it was in there, I sucked the other fat cock fully in to mymouth and let them both just stay there as I did the work, bouncing my arseback, driving my head down on the cock in my mouth fucking both cocks myself.

I was oblivious to their remarks, "What a hot assed fuck, what I slut, shefucks like a race horse, all you got to do is start her up and ride the fuckerin," none of it mattered as long as I got to another climax.

I came and was building again when they came. They sneered at me, laughing,knowing I wanted more. The bald one threw the black cock at me and both ofthem watched as I fed it up in to my pussy, I just had to relieve myself again.

I degraded myself for their viewing pleasure until they stood in front ofme, dragged me to my knees and let me suck them hard while I fucked myself,it was unbelievable, I came again and again.

I had cum but they were hard again. I was forced down over one cock and thenpushed forward so my arse could be fucked at the same time. Yet another newexperience which had my body wanting more. I lay sandwiched on the bed untilall three of us had cum again.

She walked in, dropped a list of instructions on the bed and they dressedand left me.

Well as I said in the beginning that has all happened in the last four weeksof my life.

I'm sitting here now, Rupert is none the wiser; he's away, Japan I think.As for me, well I must say I look different.

I've got on a white studded dog collar, a white crutchless basque, suspendersand white lace stockings, white ankle strapped high heels, I have on a bride'svale, my hair pulled up and through the circular tiara and I'm made up to thenines.

I'm sitting here waiting for three clients, there are two more this afternoonand I'm in town at a five star hotel suite tonight, all night.

This is my fourth time as a working girl, my mistress say's I'm booked heavilyevery time Rupert's away so I was to get used to it, and to think six weeksago I was an innocent virgin bride, just look at you now.


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Question of a curious son part two

When James first woke up in his father’s bed he wondered how he had gotten there. He then remembered that not nine hours ago he and his father had some of the best oral sex James had ever had. After he sat up in bed he heard his father down stairs in the kitchen. James got out of bed and reached for a robe, but before he put it on he thought why am I doing this, my father has already seen all there is to me. After he had walked down the stairs to the living room he peered outside and looked out...

2 years ago
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Question of a curious son

“What’s wrong my boy?” asked his father. “Nothing dad.” “Do you remember when we were able to tell each other anything?” asked James “We’re still like that son, nothing has changed.” replied his father “Well, okay then I have something to ask you.” “Have you ever had gay sex of any kind?” asked James nervously. “I did have it several times in college…Why do you ask son?” “I ask because I saw you last night blow your load all over your room” “I see.” “Did you like what you saw?”...

3 years ago
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Question of Lust

PLEASE READ: This is open to other people to submit story sections. Only want to say that impregnation is highly encouraged, and in general keep it filled with smut. No kinks are off limits when you're adding your own chapters. Jake woke up on his eighteenth birthday with his usual sexual urges. He grew up with two incredibly attractive twin sisters. Ciara was pale skinned and freckly, with B cup boobs and an incredibly impressive ass. She was at least bisexual, but a virgin. Furthest she went...

3 years ago
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I'm thinking for thanksgiving I will have my husband baste our girlfriends kunt with Cum so I can clean it up for her, just wondering if you think he should put it inside so I can suck it out or on the outside so I can lick it up off her lips????? Maybe we can post some pics....any other ideas?

2 years ago
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Question for the men

I have been talking with men, and, most men say 'They like to fuck a smelling foul pussy!' because, it give them pleasure during sex, and, like the smell of sex in the room, more like a workout. My quesion is, What do you prefer, a smelling foul pussy? or, a pussy don't have no scent at all?PS. If wondering about my pussy, my pussy don't have no scent.

1 year ago
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It was already eight twenty-five and the twins were not ready. If they didn’t leave in five minutes they would be late for school…..again! She screamed up the stairs for them to hurry. Although it was raining hard she managed to get the pair of ten year-olds to class on time. I always seem to be rushing these days she thought as she made her way to the old part of town and Sanger’s Food Market. She preferred Sanger’s to the new super stores, it was less crowded, friendlier and their produce and...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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A Question of Time Ch 03

Maggie wasn’t thinking about anything. Friends, work, stress, worries, cares, troubles, fears, all of them gone. She just listened to the soft, emotionless voice, and watched the landscape as it drifted past. She felt numb inside, detached from her surroundings…nothing felt real anymore, and although she heard the voice speaking to her, she didn’t react at all. It was all just too big to take in. She’d trusted this man with her life, with her mind, with her soul, and to find this out… She...

2 years ago
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The Hardest Answer First Question

The one joy Lauren had every week to unwind, was her trip to the library on Saturday. The first weekend, she dumped her papers from work unceremoniously on the floor and then went to the pile of books she had by her bed and began to stuff the nearly twenty books into her briefcase. With a quick reluctant look at her checkbook, she knew she would also have to make one extra stop as the memo from her principal glared at her from her desk, a thinly disguised reminder that she was a role model for...

3 years ago
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A Question of Time Ch 01

Maggie wasn’t thinking about anything. Friends, work, stress, worries, cares, troubles, fears, all of them gone. She was dancing, eyes closed, feeling the beat thrum through her body like a wave breaking over her, moving like a puppet on a string and loving every moment of it, feeling like a hand in a glove, a flash in the pan, a storm in a teacup, a needle in a haystack, a prize for the winning, a dead for the raising, a catch for the chasing, a jewel for the choosing, a man for the making...

4 years ago
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Incestuous Harems Passion 22 Questioning Incest

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Twenty-Two: Questioning Incest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! July 22nd, 2027 – Jaiden Walsh I lounged on the couch in the small living room of the apartment I rented with my sister. Our neighbors thought she was my wife. None of them knew our background, where we came from, or that our mother had freaked out when she'd caught Alysha and me together in bed over a year ago. The AC kept everything cool,...

2 years ago
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Sisters question

I was late afternoon when my 19 year old sister bust into my room, my back was to her and before I could turn around she blurted out “Do you want to have sex with me?” As I turned around all I could managed to say was “WHAT?” Mia was standing there, her hands on her hips said “Do you want to fuck me?” “Hell yes” I answered. With that she turned and left my room. I got up from my desk and followed her, as I entered her room I asked “What was that all about?” She didn't answer, just asked...

3 years ago
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A Question of Time Ch 04

Maggie wasn’t thinking about anything. Friends, work, stress, worries, cares, troubles, fears, all of them gone. She just lay there, focusing on the sensations of pleasure as she gently drifted on hypnotic currents, her mind sinking down, deeper and deeper, unable to move, unable to think, unable to resist…she could hear a voice speaking to her, and it felt so good to do what the voice said. So good. So relaxing to not think, to just do as she was told like a good girl, and obey instructions....

1 year ago
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GSP Chapter 413 The Question of Ownership

G.S.P. Chapter 4 The Question about Ownership Jennifer ran down the street of the sleeping city. She didn't like the attention she attracted from the people that did not sleep. Yet it could not be helped, again and again she felt waves of nausea filled her body. It could be her imagination, but it felt like the period between bursts of weakness became smaller. "The magical energy we feel follow the breathing of the person invoking the spell," the demon inside her commented. The demon's...

4 years ago
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A Question of Time Ch 02

Maggie wasn’t thinking about anything. Friends, work, stress, worries, cares, troubles, fears, all of them gone. She was lost in a pleasant, dreamless oblivion, and the one slim part of her consciousness that remained was the part that was aware of just how nice it all felt, not to think, just to feel the soft sheets, the pillow under her head, and just wanted to stay like this forever… Then Burke touched her on the shoulder, and after a moment of gentle shaking, she woke up. The sunlight...

1 year ago
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A Teenage Tale of Love and Spanking Part 2 Questions and More Questions

Later that day, I emerged from the detention classroom after a tedious hour of writing lines, to find Kate leaning against the wall in the hallway, school bag clasped to her chest.‘Oh – hi, Kate.’I had no idea why she was there. Or what she was thinking. As I looked at her, I couldn’t help flushing, though. After everything that had happened this morning, I felt attracted to her more than ever; she looked so desirable.‘I want a word with you, Little Miss Two-Shoes!’I started walking. I didn’t...

Love Stories
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A Question For Black Ladies

Sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with me. My name is Samuel Voltaire. A big and tall young Black man of Haitian descent living in the town of Nepean, Province of Ontario. I study Criminology at Carleton University in the City of Ottawa. And I am a Black man who loves Black women. You don’t hear that every day. I have a question for Black women. Actually, a question for all women. Why is it that good men of all ethnicities are ignored by women everywhere? I don’t think my problem...

2 years ago
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The Million Dollar Question

Martin sighed under his breath as he had heard it all before but since losing his job at the local factory, the meagre redundancy pay had gone in the blink of an eye, he had been unable to get another job so all they had was income support and the few quid that his wife earned in the local pub, cash in hand doing the odd shift behind the bar. He would like to say they were making ends meet but he knew he would be lying as they were slipping deeper and deeper into debt. “Well I got a chance...

1 year ago
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Curiosity and Questions A Sons Perspective Part 2

Monday after school, Tommy stopped by a friends house to hang out for a little bit before heading home. He was tempted to tell someone what happened over the weekend with Susan but he knew he needed to keep it a secret. When he got home and walked in, his mom and step dad were in the kitchen. His mom had already changed from work, now wearing a curve hugging pair of black leggings and a cutoff sweatshirt. He heard his mom laughing as he walked in and she said, ‘Maybe, we’ll see.” to my stepdad...

3 years ago
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Sometimes Questions

We met beside the creek that runs below Palmers’ Cottage. They do say folks named Palmer actually did live in the cottage, back when, but it was before my day. The shabby old house had stood empty all my life. It was a hot day. I’d sat on the flat gray slab of rock where the Palmers had probably pounded their laundry clean. I’d tucked up my skirt and dangled my 12-year-old feet in the creek to cool them off. ‘What’re you doin’, there?’ The question startled me so, I nearly fell in the water...

1 year ago
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Nicole the MILF and Her Morally Questionable Actions INCIDENTS 15 EDITS

First off, I haven’t written anything in years, something possessed me this last week and all I did was work on this. Very strange behavior, don’t expect anything else for a while, if ever. The following is a fantasy (as in porn fantasy) story about an abnormally well hung teenager and a MILF. The major theme here is mother/boy. Contrary to my older written works, this is not a xxx story filled with fucking, this is more sensual and erotic. Romantic even. ******* Nicole the MILF and...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Question The Finale

The meal was fantastic, and we all had a wonderful time teasing each other's accessible parts.  The ladies kept their dresses untucked, and I kept my zipper open but covered by my napkin.  Throughout the meal, we played with each other and even caused a couple more orgasms.  The best ones were when the ladies flicked each other's clits during dessert.  Their arms were crossed in front of me as their fingers worked furiously.  Jane was the first to succumb, but she kept stroking Sharon's...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Question Part Four

Later in the day, Sharon called me to touch base.  "So, I had a few minutes between appointments and wanted to call.  I know that we all had a great time last night and this morning.  I wanted to say thank you for understanding that we needed to blow off a little steam before we talked about the particulars of our agreement.  Why don't the three of us meet for dinner at a restaurant tonight and go over everything."After a short pause, I answered, "That sounds great!  To be honest, I thought...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Question Part Three

As the three of us left the office, arm in arm, Jane decided to ride with me.  I opened the passenger side for her, and she plopped down in the seat.  By the time I made it around to the driver's side door, Jane had already pulled off her dress.  As I sat in my seat and started the car, she removed her shoes and panties, leaving her completely naked.  Once nude, she moved closer and asked, "Is there something that you'd like to touch, rub, or maybe taste?"I hastily replied, "Yes, to...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Question Part Two

Monday morning came too soon as I realized that I'd had far too much to drink last night.  After my morning workout, I showered and headed for work.  Monday mornings are always a bitch, and this one was no exception.  It wasn't until almost two o'clock that I remembered the sperm count test. I quickly called Sharon's office and got her on the phone. "In all the talk and drink last night, I forgot to ask you when you wanted me to stop by for that test.""You don't need an appointment,...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Question

Would you help my wife and I have a child?This question came from a customer of mine that also happens to be my Doctor.  Sharon and I have been friends for many years but travel in different circles, so we don't socialize often.  I ran into Sharon at the local grocery store last Sunday morning.  Since we both seemed to be following the same direction through the store, we chatted along the way.We started with the weather and slowly moved into more personal material.  We were about...

2 years ago
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The Babysitter III Question

I awoke the next morning after a night of intense lucid dreams with no recollection of how I had ended up in my own bed. All I remembered was venting my unmet desire to get laid with a quick, loveless wank. It took me a while to realize Emily had come to my room to wake me up.She was gently rubbing my cheek with the back of her hand when she spoke, “Rise and shine, sleepyhead. Breakfast is ready?”I looked at her through half-closed, drowsy eyes and mumbled something unintelligible about...

4 years ago
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Dad I Have a Question Part 5

PLEASE NOTE: These are completely fictional tales about a single father, his daughter, and her friends. No actual virgins were harmed in the making of this story. Previously: Jamie, teenage daughter of single parent Bill, asked him questions about sex. The answers involved practical demonstrations. When this chapter begins, Bill and his daughter have been having making love almost daily for a few weeks. Jamie's best friend, Kiersten, figured out what was happening and had Bill...

2 years ago
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Dad I Have a Question Part 4

PLEASE NOTE: This is part of a completely fictional series about a single father, his daughter, and her friends. No actual virgins were harmed in the making of this story. Brief synopsis of events so far: Jamie, teenage daughter of single parent Bill, asked him a question about sex. One thing led to another. When this chapter begins, Bill and his daughter have been having wild and satisfying sex almost daily for a few weeks. Jamie's best friend, Kiersten, who is spending the weekend...

2 years ago
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Dad I Have a Question Part 3

PLEASE NOTE: This is part of a completely fictional series about a single father and his daughter. No actual virgins were harmed in the making of this story. Two nights before this chapter begins, the girl, a senior in high school, approached her father with some frank questions about sex. * * * * * * * * * * In the morning, I woke up on my side, Jamie spooned up tight against me. Her fragrant blond hair caressed my face. She held my hand in hers, cupping a firm young breast, the...

4 years ago
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Dad I Have a Question Part 2

PLEASE NOTE: This is a completely fictional story about a single father and his daughter. The night before this chapter begins, the girl, a senior in high school, approached her father with some frank questions about sex. * * * * * * * * * * My daughter said, “I've heard about the 'morning-after pill'. Can you get me one? I have another question.” “Jamie, no! I can't do that!” I said. “Do you want to take a chance of getting me pregnant?” Jamie asked. “Of course not,” I...

2 years ago
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The Rod Stewart Question

There's an old saying, "If you don't ask you don't get," and it applies to all sorts of aspects of life. I once read an interview with Rod Stewart, at that time one of rock's leading lotharios, in which he revealed a pulling technique he used at parties.Early in the evening, he would start talking to the girl he most fancied and after a few preliminaries he would say, "Would sex be out of the question?" And of course, most of them either told him to get lost or slapped him in the face....

Group Sex
2 years ago
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20 Questions the final part

“Ohh, that was hot,” she said! “Believe it or not, that was the first time I’ve played in front of someone like that. Not even my husband has seen me do that and cum in person.” She finally used the word! “Really?” “Ohh, that was really good,” Rachel said as she lazily continued to caress along her pussy lips with one hand and up and down her belly and over her breasts with the other, catching her breath. I excused myself and went to the tiny bathroom to clean up. When I returned...

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20 Questions Part 2

If you recall I left off after reminding Rachel she didn’t tell me what was the most erotic thing she had done; after she let the hotel elevator on her floor and she motioned me to follow her. When I stepped out of the elevator Rachel said she didn’t want to have “that” conversation in the hall. When we got to her room she said, “You said you were happily married and I was safe with you, right?” “Right, I don’t sleep around on Lisa. I promise I won’t try anything funny.” I put one hand...

2 years ago
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20 questions

It gets very lonely on the road but I try to stay in touch with my wife of almost 15 years with calls every second or third night. Some of these calls become very steamy following which, or during, we will each masturbate to relieve some of the tension. Just hearing my sexy, lovely wife panting and getting off on those times when we ‘do it’ while on the phone together is enough to send me over the edge as I imagine her fingering her wet pussy and convulsing in climax. Unfortunately, while it...

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Freedom Question Mark

It's bumpy in here again. Fourth time today I'm being tossed around, bashing into Josh and Alfie and that new guy with the extra long tail. Ben, I think he's called. He's a strong swimmer. Gonna have to watch him; learn from him.I try to focus, throbbing headache, tumbling until I don't know which way I'm facing, crashing into the sides of the pink sphere. I try to latch onto its mottled surface, grappling with every molecule of strength to steady myself, catching a break as the movement...

1 year ago
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The Question

It all started out with a question, admittedly an incredibly personal one, but a question nevertheless. Laurie was no more than a casual acquaintance I’d met her at the school where I dropped off my two grandkids that I babysit during the day while my daughter and her husband are at work. Laurie on the other hand was a stay at home mum, with a child in kindergarten, which to start with shows the age disparity between the two of us. Anyway after the usual chit-chat, such as nice day, lousy...

2 years ago
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A Question of Incest

In the past I never really understood my fascination with incest, especially in light of the way I was brought up. I was born out of wedlock when my mother was 14 and raised by the strictest of grandparents until I was 12. My Grandfather was an old fashion bible-thumping minister who had the strongest theological morals of anyone you would ever meet. His view concerning sex was one of procreation and that's all it was meant for. It was a pure evil that had to be fought with on a minute by...

2 years ago
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The Right Question

‘People always ask the wrong questions.’ A cloud of beer breath enveloped me and I looked up to see a typical Friday night lager jockey. Six pints in, tie askew, sweaty, aging skin loose and jowly. Washed up on my table, spun into me by a social eddy, pushed loose from his office friends by a strange current in the busiest pub in London. He looked down at me, searching for comprehension in my eyes. ‘And then they get the wrong answers,’ he continued, his logical emphatic. There seemed to be...

2 years ago
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His Question What

As they sat there watching television she glanced down at the foot of the couch where he was sitting. She loved looking at him. To her every bit of him was something beautiful to look at and take in. She never tired of taking those looks, the ones that made him turn to her and ask ‘what’ like she wanted something. She did, she wanted him, and she always wanted him. He stirred feelings inside her that scared her and excited her. The love she fought but now allowed was amazing. She would look at...

1 year ago
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Tackling an age old question

Tackling the age old question… are two heads better than one? I remember some years back, I was about 25-26 tears old and working my ass off building homes. The constant back pain was always on my mind and consequently a part of several conversations I had trying to find relief. I tried massage, heating pads and enough liniments to stock a pharmacy shelf, with little success. Then one day my buddy Ian invited me and my girlfriend over for an evening of dinner and drinks, which sounded great. I...

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No More Questions Ch 0203

Chapter 2 As he lay there, he couldn’t quite believe that she left. He had honestly thought she would wait for him to go with her so they could leave together, the way they came. Her words hit him hard. Was she gone from his life? What was he to do now, how was he supposed to act dammit? The best thing that he had come into his life, he just let walk out the door. How could she do this to him. Hell, he planned on making love to her the whole afternoon, and she just gets up and leaves after...

4 years ago
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Popping the Question

Mal was still asleep when I got up. It was a Sunday so she’d probably bask in her slumber as long as she could. God, she was beautiful as she slept. I stopped and watched her for a moment before going to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. Her hair was sprawled out over the pillow and I could barely make out her silhouette beneath it. She was wearing one of my t-shirts and making it look better than it ever had. Knowing her, she was wearing my boxers as well, but I’d just have to wait until...

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No More Questions Ch 0405

Thomas. That was all she said. He said hello to her in that sexy voice of his. She asked him how he was. He told her he was fine, doin good, but he missed her so much. She said really, did I go somewhere, change my number, forget my email? She wasn’t going to make this call easy for him. He told her he had been busy, so busy he could never find the time to be alone with her. Funny she thought, how hard is it to make a phone call, send a quick message, a short email. He must be horny she...

4 years ago
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A Question Answered

Suzanne lay against me, her back beside my chest, my arms around her, in the dimly-lit den. We each held a cold beer (drinking beer was a common passion of ours, and something I had not been used to in previous relationships). I took a swig of mine, closed my eyes and felt her warmth on my body, thinking of her beauty, so understated yet stunning. There was no doubt I was falling for her, I had suspected the same was true from her standpoint, but couldn’t be 100 percent sure-not yet. As is...

2 years ago
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That Questioning Look

That Questioning Look I pull in to the parking lot of the hotel, in town again for a conference. The place is familiar, well-known to me and comforting. My life has been so prosaic – I’ve been in a rut that feels as deep as a canyon. I feel as if I could die from ennui. I’m resigned to attending the conference, but can’t help feel a slight breeze of optimism, with this welcome break in routine and typical of my nature, like a sailboat, I tack into it. Almost against my will, my spirits lift as...

3 years ago
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To Fuck or Not to Fuck That is the Question

Bob climbed up the stairs of the German building to his top floor flat with a 23 year old brunette who had been giving him the eye since he arrived three weeks earlier. 5’7′, an ass that bulged in the pair of jeans she was wearing and a pair of gorgeous 36D tits that strained under the grey t-shirt, the girl was apparently travelling in Europe after splitting from her long term boyfriend. Bob wasn’t sure she was really over him, wondered if she wanted to get back with him, but right now she...

1 year ago
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random sexy questions to ask yourself

-if you could have any piece of medical equiptment what would it be? who would you use it on? and what would you do to them? -what part of the body (other than penis vagina breasts etc) turns you on most when touched? -what part of the body (including penis vagina breasts etc) turns you on most when touched? -what object do you use (if any) to masturbate? -where is the weirdest place you have ever had sex? -how many times (be honest) have you had sex? -if straight have you ever had a homosexual...

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