Quartet: Eleanor Ch. 05 free porn video

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Chapter 05: Tragic news and a new beginning

It took a while for Eleanor and Roger to work out an acceptable relationship once they had started to have sex together. Eleanor had warned Roger that she valued her independence and wasn’t ready for a permanent address. Roger had sworn his love for her and told her that whatever happened, he would be faithful to her always. In the end, they lived in their own apartments and would sleep in one or the other’s bed fairly consistently three or sometimes four times a week. For a pair of fifty-somethings, they were pretty active and it was satisfying for both of them. Some of the time, they stayed in the other’s bed until morning and often showered and had breakfast together.

They had ‘imported’ some of their toiletries and a few clothes to the other’s apartment for convenience. Often, on weekends, they languished in bed and one or the other made ‘brunch’ before leaving together for their afternoons. They were together at some time almost daily and had developed a relationship that didn’t require sex to complete their companionship. It seemed little different from a married couple with the exception of the separate apartments and the nights they were not together.

Roger had accepted the new relationship with great relief. They would have regular relations and his only regret were the nights they were alone in their own apartment. Their lives were comfortable and for him, exciting. He was making love to a beautiful woman who he desired and would happily marry if she would agree. But nothing ever stays the same and one phone call changed their relationship for some time.

Roger answered the phone just before he was to head up to Eleanor’s for dinner.


‘Dad … it’s me … Steve.’ came the soft and uncertain voice.

‘Hi Steve. How are you? You sound a bit tired. Are you OK?’

‘No … Dad … I have some bad news. Diana was … killed today.’ The line went silent.

‘Oh, God no! What happened Steve?’

‘It was a traffic accident. She was hit by a truck that ran a red light. She never knew what happened.’

‘Oh Steve, I’m so sorry. This is truly awful. Is there anyone there for you?’

‘No … not really. I phoned Diana’s parents and they were pretty devastated. I called mom, but she wasn’t home. I left a message. I’ll be OK Dad … once I get used to the idea.’

‘Steve, I’m going to catch a plane in the morning if I can. I’ll be there as soon as I can.’

‘Thanks Dad. I could use someone to talk to. I haven’t got a very good grip right now.’

‘I’ll let you know when my plane arrives. Don’t worry about picking me up. I’ll catch a cab to the house.’

‘No … don’t do that. I’ll come a get you. Besides, I need something to do and it’ll be great to see you.’

‘Whatever you want Steve. I’ll be there for you. I’ll call you as soon as I have a flight.’

There was a silence on the line for a moment before Steve replied.

‘Dad …thanks. I’ll see you when you get here. Thanks.’

Roger hung up the phone and immediately called Eleanor and explained what had happened. Eleanor volunteered to look after booking the flight through her Travel Agent and insisted Roger come down to her apartment for dinner. Roger had lost his appetite, but wasn’t in the mood to argue with his lover. By the time he arrived at her apartment she was concluding the arrangements for his flight to San Francisco.

‘Your flight leaves at eleven tomorrow morning and you’ll be in San Francisco by three in the afternoon. The ticket will be at the Air Canada desk under your name. Do you want to call Steve now?’

‘Thanks Ellie. I’ll call him in the morning. I’m sure he doesn’t need to know right now and I’ll call in plenty of time for him to meet me. I’ll need to contact my office and let them know what’s going on, but I can do that in the morning too.’

Eleanor moved toward him and hugged him, kissing him soundly. ‘I’m so sorry for you and your son. It must be heartbreaking for him. They were just married not long ago.’ She handed him a glass of wine and they sat at the kitchen counter silently for a few minutes. A silent tear fell from Roger’s eye as he thought of his son and his lost daughter-in-law.


Roger’s plane arrived on time and Steve met him just outside security. They hugged silently for several moments as the many departing passengers passed by them unnoticed.

‘How are you holding up?’ his father asked quietly.

‘OK … well … not really. I’m a mess.’ he answered wearily. ‘I’m angry and hurt and confused. I don’t know what to do next. I feel completely helpless. I never dreamed I’d lose her. No warning.’ he looked at his father with tears in his eyes.

‘I can’t imagine.’ his father said sympathetically. ‘Why don’t we get out of here and head home?’ he suggested.

Steve nodded and took his father’s bag and headed out toward the parking lot shuttle.

When they arrived at his Walnut Creek home, Steve unlocked the door and walked into the silent house. Roger looked around in admiration. The small rancher was immaculate. The grounds were green and well tended, the house bright and painted in light, subtle colours and furnished in a modest, modern style. As he looked around the Living Room, he saw their wedding picture and immediately felt his sharp intake of breath. He had almost forgotten how lovely she had looked on that day and the picture was a somber reminder of what had been lost.

His reaction was not lost on Steve.

‘That’s what I did when I came back from the morgue. I couldn’t connect the loss with that wonderful day and this photograph. I’ve been tempted to put it away and yet it doesn’t seem proper. Then yesterday, I sat here and just stared at it, trying to remember every moment we spent together from high school on.’

They talked for a while, exchanging memories from times past when they were all together.

‘Have you talked to your mother yet?’

‘Yah. She called this morning. She was sorry to hear about Diana, but … I guess she doesn’t know what to say anymore.’ he said ruefully. ‘We aren’t very close anymore dad. I found out about what she did to you and I guess I lost some respect for her. I guess that’s a terrible thing to say about my own mother, but I can’t help the feeling.’

‘I’m sorry to hear that, son.’ his father said quietly. ‘She had a hard time trying to talk to me at your wedding. In fact, we never did talk. I think she might have been embarrassed or maybe even a bit afraid I might say something.’ Roger paused a moment before asking his son the question that had been nagging at him for years. ‘How long have you known about her … affair?’

‘Don’t you mean affairs?’ Steve looked at his father in surprise.

Roger face betrayed his shock. ‘There was more than one?’

‘Sorry dad … I thought you knew. She had two that I ran into. That creepy tennis coach … shit … what a cliché!’ The other guy was someone she knew at work. I don’t know much about him but she wasn’t very discreet and I guess you were just in the process of leaving when she decided she didn’t need to be subtle any more. I think that’s the guy you knew about, isn’t it?’

‘Yes, I suppose so. I’d rather not go back there, Steve. I don’t have very good memories of those days.’

‘Anyway, she knows how I feel about what she did. Actually, I was surprised that she came to the wedding. I was pretty angry with her when I knew what was going on.’ Steve said solemnly.

Roger decided it was time to change the subject.

‘Any idea what you’ll do yet? … Oh … that’s a stupid question.’ Roger said regretfully.

‘I don’t. I just don’t have any sense of purpose right now. All of a sudden, all the things that were important in my day to day life aren’t that important any more. I have a feeling it’s time to make some kind of change, but I don’t know what yet.’< br>
‘Steve, if you need a place to go and take some time to … recover, my place is always there. It would be great if we could spend some time together. It’s been a long time since we have. You’d get to meet the new lady in my life too!’ he said enthusiastically.

‘Thanks dad. I may take you up on that. This house is closing in on me right now. I don’t have anywhere else to go here except our business club downtown. Why don’t we give it a few days and see how I feel then?’

Roger decided that the best thing for Steve was to find something to do with his time for a few days and not dwell on the tragedy. He decided Steve could be his tour guide of the area and they packed a couple of overnight bags and headed for Monterey. From there they headed north up through Santa Cruz to Halfmoon Bay. They were in luck with the weather and they moved further north to Bodega Bay and then inland, up the Russian River Valley to Sebastopol and finally across to Sonoma. They took five days for their little tour and with the fine weather and interesting scenery, both Roger and his son enjoyed the trip and their time together.

They were sitting at a small bistro in Sonoma when Steve finally spoke about his future plans.

‘I’ve decided to head back to Canada, dad. I think that’s were I belong. I’ve never been to Toronto, but I’d like to try it and see how I feel about it. Is your offer still open?’

‘Yes, of course. I’d be delighted to have you there. But, what about your career here and your home?’

‘The career is portable, especially these days with modern communications. The house doesn’t mean what it did when Diana was … alive. It’s just a thing.’

‘Are you sure? Wouldn’t you be better to take a leave of absence or something?’

‘I’m as sure as I’m going to be. Something inside of me is telling me to start over, start … clean. I can’t do that here.’ He looked at his father and then smiled. ‘Having second thoughts about me around the house?’

‘No, not at all!’ Roger replied quickly. ‘I just want you to be sure of yourself. This is a big change, but I’d be delighted to have you around.’

‘It’ll take me a while to get everything in order, but I’ll let my boss know what I plan and put the house up for sale. I’ll probably sell it furnished and just keep a few things with my clothes. I can always put stuff in storage until I’m settled. I don’t expect it’ll take very long.’

Once Steve had made his decision, there seemed to be little point in continuing their tour and they headed back to Walnut Creek the next morning. Roger made arrangements to fly back to Toronto the following day and Steve drove him to the airport. Their parting should not have been emotional since they would see each other again in a few weeks, but they had been apart for several years and this brief reunion had been more important than either realized. They embraced much as they had when Roger had first arrived and they parted with careful smiles and the knowledge that they would see each other again very soon.

Roger had phoned Eleanor almost every night and kept her apprised of his travels and the progress of his son. He told her that Steve would be coming to stay with him for a while and that they would have to change their personal time together, but that Steve knew he was personally involved with her and was delighted to hear it. Eleanor was pleased that she would get to meet Roger’s son and at no time thought of it as an inconvenience on their private lives. She was impressed with how well Roger had managed a difficult situation, particularly since he had learned of his ex-wife’s further infidelities. There was little in Roger’s life that he did not share with her and it gave Eleanor a sense of security and comfort about him.


When Roger arrived home in Toronto, he carried with him two new items. The first was a piece of art, specifically a brass and wire three dimensional wall hanging of a pier with a fishboat along side, seagulls on the shed roof and a couple of fishermen standing on the wharf. It would have been a cliché if it weren’t for the whimsical nature of the rendering and the minute detail wrought into the work. It required close examination to see all the little features and it pleased him greatly. He had found it in a gift shop in Duncan Mills in the Russian River Valley and purchased it within five minutes of spotting it.

The second item was more important to him. Steve and he had visited the market bazaar in Emeryville and there he had found something special for Eleanor. It was a pure silk oriental housecoat, handmade in Shanghai. It was black with dark red Chinese characters embroidered on the left front lapel and the figure of a dragon in red on the back. It was closed with peg-and-loop hooks, the pegs made of ebony and the loops of braided silk. The workmanship was exquisite and it too might have been a cliché except the artwork was subtle and he knew that it would suit her perfectly. He tried it on briefly to establish it would fit her (they were similar in height) and he was sure it would be fine. Again, he purchased it immediately, never asking the price.

After some discussion with the Canada Customs agents at the airport, it was determined that no duty was payable on either item. Roger thought this odd but was not about to argue. Later it dawned on him that it was just about shift change time and perhaps they had decided the paperwork wasn’t worth the effort. In any event, he was pleased with his two purchases and was anxious to show them both to Eleanor.

Eleanor was equally delighted. The new housecoat would replace the aging one she had been wearing for many years. She marveled at the detail of the embroidery and the softness of the material and when she put it on, it looked even more elegant than Roger had hoped. It was a complement to her beauty and he was openly pleased at how well his choice had worked out. Eleanor made it known how happy she was with his gift and hugged him tightly in appreciation, effusively complementing him on his good taste.

Following along a few weeks later, Steve moved into his father’s apartment with little fanfare and less luggage. He had sold the house easily, apparently for a great deal more than they had paid for it and more again than it had been listed for. He had left his employer on good terms with an open offer to return at any time or if he chose to, connect with their Toronto office. But it was a forlorn and unfocussed Steve Inhalt who came to Toronto and while he kept himself busy and respected his father and Eleanor’s privacy, Roger was clearly concerned that his son needed help to get his life back on track.

Steve and Eleanor hit it off immediately. He could see in her everything that his father saw, a beautiful woman both inside and out who had suffered in her own time and was completely dedicated to his father. He felt completely at ease with her and the feeling was mutual. In his private moments, he wished his father had met her a long time ago and avoided all the pain they both had endured. He had no trouble accepting her as his surrogate mother and he disliked the name step-mother. He was sure they would marry as his father had told him of his determination to complete their union, but it really didn’t matter. She was a part of his family and she was welcome.

Steve was never an outgoing, demonstrative young man. He was quiet, thoughtful, somewhat introspective, but to his close friends and associates he demonstrated a wicked sense of humour and the gift of putting people at ease. That he was clever and knowledgeable was a given. But the death of his wife had taken the fun out of him and he was unable to grasp any lifeline offered to him by his friends and family. His father was becoming frustrated with his inability to cope with his loss and yet, he knew, better than anyone, how difficult it was to shake this malaise. Finally, he knew he would have to sit down with his son and try and get him to seek professional help. He ch
ose a Saturday morning to broach the subject.

‘Steve, I want to talk to you about something very sensitive and I hope you’ll hear me out.’ Roger began tentatively.

Steve raised his head from the newspaper and nodded briefly.

‘I realize that you’ve been having trouble coming to terms with the loss of Diana. I also realize … or I think I do … how hard it is to regain a grip on your life and move on. I wanted to tell you about how I coped when I went through something like this myself … I mean … when your mother and I divorced.’

Steve sat silently, watching his father carefully.

‘When I learned of your mother’s infidelity, I was devastated. I was angry and hurt and demoralized and full of doubt about whether I was partly to blame for her behavior. I guess I became a bit reclusive and the only thing that kept me sane was my job. I loved my new job and the people I worked with. But in my private time, I was in despair, lonely, unmotivated, bordering on depression. Finally, a new friend at work suggested I see the H.R. department and talk to them about therapy. My medical plan covered it, so there wasn’t any cost associated with it. But I saw it as a mark against me, the ‘Mental Illness’ tag that might follow me.

Anyway, I went and sat and listened and realized their attitude was much different than I thought. They viewed it like any other illness and they wanted to help. They suggested I talk to their resident consultant, Dr. Weisman and I took a chance and agreed to go. It wasn’t pleasant, but after a while, I realized that I wasn’t to blame for the failure of the marriage and that my humiliation at your mother’s behavior was pretty much normal. I guess, to sum it up, it helped. It took a while, but it helped. I still hurt from what she did to us, but I’ve come to terms with it finally. It made it possible for me to find someone new and I am so happy to have Ellie in my life. I don’t think that would have been possible if I hadn’t gotten some help.’ Roger had finished his long narrative and stopped to see his son’s reaction.

‘So, are you saying you think I should see a Psychiatrist, dad?’ Steve asked carefully.

‘Dr. Weisman takes on private clients. I know him well enough to call him and talk to him and see what he suggests. I won’t do that without your agreement though.’

‘Am I causing you problems, dad?’ he asked seriously.

‘Only that I’m worried about you. You’ve gone through a terrible time and it’s obviously weighing on you.’ he said seriously. ‘Look Steve, I was reluctant too, but I can tell you he helped me and if he can help you … well … why not try?’

‘I’ll think about it dad, I promise … I’ll think about it.’ Steve replied.

Nothing more was said about it that day or the following morning. Roger and Eleanor went to the theatre that evening and on Sunday, he took his car out of the garage and they went for a drive out to Elora and St. Jacobs. It was a beautiful, sunny day and with the exception of the many tourists with the same idea, they enjoyed their outing very much. They had dinner on the way home and arrived back at the apartment building just before nine that evening. They kissed on the elevator and Eleanor continued on up to her apartment after Roger left on the eighth floor.

When Roger entered the apartment, Steve was sitting in the Living Room reading a book. He put the book down as his father entered and they exchanged pleasantries. After Roger had hung up his jacket and poured himself a glass of water, he wandered into the Living Room and sat down. It was Steve who spoke first.

‘I’ve been giving your talk yesterday a lot of thought, dad. I don’t think I’d have agreed if you hadn’t already been through it and felt that it would help. I guess I had to be honest with myself and recognize I can’t do this myself and I can’t just go on the way I’ve been going.’ He paused for a moment, looking at his hands and then at his father. ‘If you can arrange it, I’ll talk to Dr. Weisman.’

His father nodded and said quietly: ‘Good for you, Steve. I think you’ve made a good decision. I’ll call Dr. Weisman’s office in the morning and see if I can get you an appointment.’

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Quartet Chapter 3

“Guys, you mind if I cook a little breakfast?” Shawn asked from the crack he opened in the doorway. Aaron shook his head and said, “Naw, go right ahead man. We’ll be out in a few.” I did not want to get out of bed, but as I watched Aaron pull on a pair of shorts, I moved closer to the edge of the bed. He tossed my robe to me and told me to get up. I sighed and threw my legs over the edge of the bed. Before I was fully out of the bed, Aaron was out the door. My nerves grew as I tied the robe...

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Seattle, Winter ‘07 Her name was Lucy, or at least that’s the name she used, and she was a junkie. I didn’t need to see the track marks to know. In my line of work, I’d seen enough addicts to ID them quickly. She said she was 25, another lie. Closer to 20 would be my guess. That’s the thing about junkies. Lying comes naturally. It’s second nature. “I want to get clean.” See? Translation. I’d rather go to rehab then the slammer. Eventually, I got the truth out of her, though. Surprisingly,...

3 years ago
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Quartet Chapter 3

“Guys, you mind if I cook a little breakfast?” Shawn asked from the crack he opened in the doorway. Aaron shook his head and said, “Naw, go right ahead man. We’ll be out in a few.” I did not want to get out of bed, but as I watched Aaron pull on a pair of shorts, I moved closer to the edge of the bed. He tossed my robe to me and told me to get up. I sighed and threw my legs over the edge of the bed. Before I was fully out of the bed, Aaron was out the door. My nerves grew as I tied the robe...

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Quartet Chapter 2

About a month later, I met Kristie for lunch and we went to my house afterward for a ‘snack.’ After our ‘play date’, we curled up on the bed and talked about our guys. “I have to know,” I said before taking a deep breath, “Is Aaron the older guy you have a crush on? It will not upset me if he is.” Kristie bit her lip and blushed before she nodded her head. I told her that it was fine and that I had to confess to having a bit of a crush on Shawn. She was surprised that I looked at Shawn that...

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The sound of the key and the flow of the words on the screen were all that I heard and saw until I felt a light kiss on my cheek. With my concentration broken, I looked up at him annoyed that he was disturbing me. “Did you hear anything I just said?” the tall and very cute man said as he loomed over me. “Nope,” I said looking up at him with a smile thinking ‘What a dumb question.’ He leaned down and kissed my lips. I love my husband most days, but when he interrupts my writing, I want to...

4 years ago
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Quartet for Teens in One Movement

I'd been dating Monica for nearly three months and we've been fucking for three weeks now. Mostly at my house, after school, when my parents are at work. Monica just loves sex, she's the most sexed-up girl I've ever known. When she's horny, she just goes at me. I love it. We'd use Monica's house some, but her little sister, Myra, is kind of a snot. She's thirteen and cute like Monica but is really kind of a brat. Anyway, Monica is sixteen, like me, and a cute redhead. She has real...

4 years ago
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Come As You Are

The phone rang. Lila fumbled around for it in the pitch darkness, her eyes still stuck together with sleep. She found the receiver, almost knocked it off the stand, grabbed for it, and finally managed to hold it to her ear. ”lo?’ she said sleepily. ‘Répondez s’il-vous-plaît,’ said the voice on the other end. Then a click. Lila was left holding the phone in total confusion. She got up, and set the phone back on the hook. Still blinking sleep out of her eyes, she opened the door and walked out...

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'It is never too late to atone for one's sin's', Geraldine had read and indeed re read The St.Birchwood's Monastery of Repentance website over and over. She was filled with guilt. She knew she was lucky,a loving husband,a great family,she wanted for nothing.Her husband worked hard to give her whatever she wanted.He paid for her to take a holiday with her girlfriends once a year and then took her to the Maldives or some other exotic place,wherever she wanted to go he brought her.He gave her a...

2 years ago
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My FuckBuddy Brother

The sound of the car’s offside grinding against the steel post had filled me with dread. ‘Oh Christ! I had wrecked Richard’s shiny new car!’ I’d only been driving my husband’s new car to the mall for kicks really; while my Ford was being serviced. But it was that old mistake of parking alongside a post; then forgetting it was there when pulling away! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Taking his new car out for a spin had been an act of rebellion; but it had back-fired on me and Richard did not fall into the...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Alex Coal Alex Coal Gets Banged

Alex Coal is ready to make a splash in Miami. She came from dry Las Vagas to moist South Florida. Preston Parker is ready to break her in. He sets the mood by making her show us her beautiful body. She has a nice full ass. She can’t help but shake it. She gets on her back and demands a dick to give a foot job. She guides the cock to her pussy. Preston smashes her cooter she gets crossed eyed. She hops down to give him a sloppy blowjob. She ready for another round of getting pounded, she...

2 years ago
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Friendship To Sex

By : Subir11 Hello friends this is Subir and this is my first story in ISS. I have been reading iss stories from the past few months and finally I decided to submit my own story. Let me first tell me something about myself, I am a college student from Bangalore and I love sex. I had my first sex when I was in class 12. I have an average physique and quite good looking with a 7” dick and expert in sex and sex chat. I was in school when I first me Surbhi (name changed), she was my neighbor and...

2 years ago
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A Chance Encounter

Part Five. I broached the subject while I helped her in the kitchen in preparing dinner after she came in from work. ‘That’s a great idea, ‘she said, quite enthusiastic. She had been shown the bed that she had been dying to see since the moment she had come into the house and went and bounced up and down on it, marvelling at how big it was, giving me a lovely smile. ‘We’ll chip in with the food costs,’ she said. ‘Don’t be silly,’ I said. ‘It’s me inviting you both to stay, so we’ll hear...

1 year ago
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RiseChapter 4 Opus Amarum

In the darkness of the night, after I meditate, and seek my center. After I make peace between the man I have become in The Abbey, and the man I am forced to be in The World After. I dream. My dreams are never haunted by the men and women I am forced to bring The Peace of All. The choices they made, and the actions they took, all lead them down the path to their own ruin. Instead my dreams are often visited by those I was unable to save, but only able to avenge. The night after we welcomed...

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Big Beach Bulges Butts and Boobs Part 2

As soon as he sat next to me and the hostess had wandered away, I hissed at him, “Turn that off! I am not going to have an orgasm right here in the restaurant, so don’t waste your time trying to make me.”It was a lie, of course; with the vibrating egg deep inside of me and the remote in his hands, if he’d kept it at that special pulse-buzz-pulse setting that I like so much I’d probably have turned into a twitching, helpless, orgasming puddle of goo right there at our table!Luckily he didn’t,...

Wife Lovers
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It finally happened SmallTiny Dick 3some Part 2

First off I’d like to apologize to everyone who has been waiting for the second part of our attempt to invite our good friend Irene to have sex with us. With all honesty I can say that both me and my wife Cristina, have made attempts (although not as aggressive as we’d like) to make her give in to our desires. I guess we can say that we are trying to play it safe since both Irene and Cristina are really good friends. I personally don’t want to rift their friendship apart. Irene still comes by...

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The Encounter

I texted you at work, to let you know if you had time that I would be at this hotel. If you wanted to come over for a visit. You texted me back saying that you are leaving work early and that you'll be over soon. I got the suite ready with silk ties that would be put to use on you later You arrive and we embrace one another and kiss passionately. We have not been together in a few months so we decide to get down to business. You want to take off my dress but I say that I will strip for you...

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OhhhMommy I Groaned

"Do you think they've been doing it?""Doing what?" her mother asked."Cathy and Bobby. Do you think they're ...well, you know...having sex?" she asked blushing."PATTY!""What? Look at them mom...she's all over him.""They're far too young.""Gina thinks they're doing it. Her sister was in their class this year.""He's still a virgin," the mother insisted as she watched her son Bobby and his girlfriend Cathy kissing through the kitchen window. "When did you see Gina anyway?""She got home from school...

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BarbaraChapter 10

Barbara Dawson was sitting cross-legged on their king-size bed watching her new sister, Kristin, unpack. They had just arrived at the Kapalua resort on the island of Maui earlier in the afternoon and were settling into their suite. When Bobbie had asked Kris which bedroom she wanted, Kris had just marched her into the master bedroom and informed her that they were sharing it. "What's the sense of having a wonderful brand-new sister if I can't use her to keep me warm at night?" the girl...

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Star ChamberChapter 3 The Lease Agreement

November 19, 2020. Thursday: John was sitting at a table waiting for an emergency Board meeting for the church. They were sitting around two tables in the Recreation Room upstairs. John took a good look at the room. The room was 50’ by 80’ or as John calculated about 4,000 square feet. Reverend Jacobs was smiling. He looked like a man in love. He nodded to the President of the church board Byron Simson to start the meeting. Before he started Bill’s, love interest Nancy brought in a large...

1 year ago
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The Cum Factory

It had all begun quite innocently when Jim phoned in response to the ad he heard each morning when he called the “Weather Line” on his home phone. It announced that healthy, non-smoking males and females could earn up to five thousand dollars assisting with some medical research at a local medical research facility. Mike called and talked to a receptionist who didn’t tell him much but asked him some general health questions and then some personal questions about his sex life which he found sort...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 39 The Rubyrsquos Secret

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Ealaín Aingeal’s body fell from the sky. I cursed. “Greta!” A spout of water burst from Greta, distracting her from the paragon. The fountain caught the falling faerie and cradled her to the ground. I didn’t know what happened to Aingeal. Couldn’t worry about her. I had to stay in front of the Paragon. My ax glanced off her forearms. Blood dribbled from scrapes and cuts, exposing the iron-hard bone beneath. She didn’t feel my blows. She just...

3 years ago
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Warming the IcePrincess Pt 04

Authors note: I strongly urge you to read all of the preceding chapters. With the context they provide, this chapter and those that follow will be much more enjoyable for you. Without knowing the characters and from whence they sprang the story may not make much sense. Many of the chapters contain highly erotic scenes of adults having intimate sexual relations. If you are somehow offended by this or are under 18, please stop reading here. To all the rest I wish you the very best and Thank you...

2 years ago
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The Further Adventures of Kitty Girl Part I

A little background. Our kitty girl games have rules, ones that have been slowly established over time, the most important of which is whenever I am wearing my collar I am no longer Rachel, I am Kitty Girl. That means, unless there is an emergency of some kind (signified by my use of our normal safe word), I communicate only in mews, meows, and purrs, and I am expected to behave as feline as possible. Embarrassing as it is to admit to, I have a box out in the garage in which to pee in, and a...

2 years ago
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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 13

Miles O'keefe received word two months later that he would be the star in John Derek's next movie project, a remake of 'Tarzan.' Now he knew why all the questions regarding animals. After his introduction into Bo Derek's quirky love habits, he had convinced himself that they were for that rather than a movie. Now he knew. What happened back at the Derek Ranch was just a bonus. He could still picture Bo and John along with the dogs. That same night he had given the Derek's young...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 44

On day three I managed to walk to the bathroom, alone. I did it with a hell of a lot of pain and the help of a cane. I could never have gotten out of bed at home. My decision to stay another day was based on that experience. Trying to sit up caused me to cry that first time. Broken ribs are not for sissy, I decided. By the evening of day three I was going to the bathroom on my own. It still was with a great deal of pain. I prepare myself mentally for it and I did it with a lot of grunts and...

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Aunty Ke Sath Hr Raat

Ye story kamal ki hai. Ek 38 sal ki lady ek 21 saal ke ladke ke sath gul chharre udati hai. Baat m.P ki capital bhopal ki hai.I’m harsh from bhopal. Mai army me hu. I’m cool and smart boy. 21 year age & dick more hard & long. Something2 (7 inches) because 21 ki agr tk koi se sex nahi kiya. Ek girlfriend thi uski road accident mai death ho gai. Tb se life ka ek aim hai army vha chala gya. Ye baat chhutiyo ki hai. Jb mai army se lota to dekha ke ghar ke aas pass sb change ho gya hai. Sb new log...

1 year ago
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JJ Discovers Her Sexy Florida Dad Ch 02

Totally exhausted from the California to Florida flight plus the fact I fucked my dad for the first time, I flopped into bed. Just another day in the life of a thirty-five-year-old flight attendant, right? I thought about my eventful day as I drifted off, my last thoughts about Dad's friend, Steve.The dazzling Florida sun blasted through the glass wall. Dad had left a thermos of coffee, a mug and a note saying he was playing tennis with Steve until mid-morning. And to not forget today is game...

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Looking for Sister Sarah

“You have a sister,” she said matter-of-factly. “What?” she exclaimed, as her heart began racing while beads of sweat rimmed her brow. “Yes, according to our records, you have a sister… a twin,” the clerk continued in the same dead pan tone of voice. As she turned away from the counter and walked aimlessly toward the elevator, her mind raced through all the probabilities, potential problems and consequences. She hadn’t counted on this. What would she do now? Should she go on with it? How would...

4 years ago
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Apocalypse BluesChapter 37

28 March, 2014 An Abandoned Methodist Church, Charlottesville, Virginia “Do you, Ted, take this woman, Sarah, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, honor, and obey, for better or worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?” I asked Mayor Ted Lansing according to the rather unorthodox wedding vows that Sarah and he cooked up together. She had always been the dominant partner in their relationship, so...

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Dragons vs DC Universe

Mount Everest, Earth The highest mountain in the World lay quietly within the ranges of the Himalayas. The clouds themselves bowed to its size and hid the top of the mountain. Only a few had ever managed to conquer this mountain. Hundreds had died trying to reach this peak. But the mountain rarely revealed its secrets. Again, and again the bodies of expeditions that had failed on the way were found. Although the mountain was the most famous mountain on the planet, nobody knew its true secret....

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Jennifers Plaything

Jennifer's Plaything By: Naughty Nicole [email protected] My name is Nick, I'm 29 years old, and I have what I expect most people would call a "normal" life. At least I thought I did. I came home from work on a typical weeknight expecting the usual routine of dinner and vegging out on the couch. I work as a network administrator in a technical support help desk and usually come home brain dead after eight hours of dealing with frustrating customers. I stopped by the...

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second adventure with my daughter

She asked me to park up in a side street close to the hotel as she wanted to chat. But I was surprised when, instead of chatting, she got my prick out of my trousers and started sucking it there and then in the car. I was that scared that someone might see I didn’t last very long. But Karen had a wicked teasing manner and just before I started to cum, she took my prick out of her mouth and wanked me very fast aiming my prick at the steering wheel. I said “no Karen, use some tissues” but she...

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Wife Naked for Entire Construction Crew to Enjoy

I have always been very open with my wife. She knows the things that I am into and one of them is light exhibitionism -- not so much me but the thought of her being seen naked is a big turn on. It makes me a bit jealous and I like that. Anyway...We live in a highrise and there is construction going on in the building next to us. Our bathroom faces the construction and there is a large, floor-to-ceiling window opposite of the sinks/mirror. If you are brushing your teeth, then someone would see...

4 years ago
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The Seed Doesnt Fall Far

THE SEED DOESN'T FALL FAR... By Bea After Mom died I got out of the village as quickly as I could. Various interests had to be taken care of and practicality demanded that I had to attend various business activities on short notice, but I just felt that I had to get away. Couldn't move as far away as I wanted, but forty miles wasn't too bad. It was wonderful! It was if I'd broken all ties to my previous life and started coming out of my shell. Gained confidence hand over fist....

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