Quartet: Eleanor Ch. 02 free porn video

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Sometime during the night, Eleanor had slipped off Robert and had gotten up to turn out the lamp and return to bed. She had pulled a single sheet over them and had happily wrapped an arm over her new lover and held him close. He snored softly and she thought how nice it was to have a real man in her bed after all these years. Her mind wandered for a few minutes while she tried to think of what the future might bring, but she knew she wanted Robert in that future. She fell back to sleep and didn’t awaken until she felt Robert stir and rise.

‘Where are you going?’ she drawled sleepily.

‘To work. I’m not sure brother Harold hasn’t put out a search party for me yet.’ He leaned back on the bed toward her and kissed her cheek. ‘Don’t you have to go to your office today?’ he asked.

‘Yup. But just not right away. You kept me up last night.’ she said, talking partially into her pillow.

‘Want to have a shower together?’ he offered with a sly grin. ‘That might wake you up.’

‘I’ll bet it would, but not in the usual way. You go ahead. I might meet you there if I can summon the energy.’

He looked down at her and once again kissed her, this time on her exposed shoulder. The taste of this woman was incredible he thought, both inside and out. He unfolded his naked frame from the bed and walked toward the ensuite, gathering his boxers from the floor as he went. He looked at himself in the mirror and realized he needed a shave as well as a shower. He peeked around the corner of the door and asked: ‘Ellie, do you have a spare razor?’

She raised her head a couple of inches off the pillow, blinked her eyes and said: ‘Yes, the drawer next to the sink.’ It was all she could manage before her head once again plopped on the pillow.

Robert found a new Lady Daisy and hoping it wouldn’t remove too many layers of skin, used her liquid soap to create the semblance of lather and began to shave. He was happy that he didn’t cut himself and at least looked presentable again. He turned to the shower and was pleased to find it was large and had a European style spray outlet that allowed him to use it as a wand to rinse himself. The water quickly came up to temperature and he stepped in. He looked around and could find only gels and liquid soaps, no bar soap was evident. He sighed and was about to try the bath gel when a shadow appeared on the other side of the door and Eleanor stepped in to join him.

‘I can’t resist. I haven’t had a man in my shower since … well … I just haven’t.’ she grinned. I’m going to have to stand in front of you, big guy, you can block out the sun, much less my shower head.’ She slipped by him and picked up a soft mitt and poured some bath get on it. ‘I don’t use bar soap, so this will have to do, but I imagine a demonstration will be necessary.’ she said with an arched eyebrow.

Robert just laughed as she began to soap his shoulders and chest. She turned him around and did his back, buttocks and legs and then turned him around again.

‘I saved the best for last.’ she smirked. She squatted down and began lathering his abdomen and then his inner thighs and all the while, she could see his growing erection. ‘I see I have your attention.’ She began to soap his scrotum and then enveloped his now rigid member in her fist and began stroking it back and forth. ‘Can’t be too clean here, can you?’

‘Oh, Ellie, that’s going to cause an eruption soon.’ he gasped.

She stood up and took the shower head off the hook and rinsed his big cock thoroughly. She handed the wand to him and then took his fully engorged member in both hands and began to lick its length on the underside. Robert’s head went back and he eyes closed as she expertly brought him to the edge, only to squeeze his base tightly and let him recover until she would start again and this time taking him into her mouth. She repeated this exquisite torture until finally he could take no more.

‘Oh, god, Ellie, I can’t hold it any more. I’m going to explode.’ he cried in a strangled voice.

She looked up at him and smiled and continued her erotic lavation until he truly could not contain himself and with several gasps he released. She took what she could into her mouth while the rest spurted, then dribbled on her chin and breasts. As Robert began to relax and come down from his immense high, she continued to use her tongue and lips to clean him, finally standing and turning toward the shower head to wash her face and breasts. She turned back to him and pressing herself to him, kissed him deeply. He could taste the slight remains of his semen, but it wasn’t unpleasant and the wonderful experience she had just provided was more than he could have expected or even imagined.

‘Your turn?’ he offered.

‘Yes please.’ she replied coyly.

Her mitt wouldn’t fit his big hand, so he held it as if it were a wash cloth and began soaping her back, then bottom, then her legs. He was determined to save the best for last. As she turned toward him, he squatted down and began with her feet, slowly working his way up to her calves, then thighs and then, passing that most erotic zone, her abdomen. He slowly and generously soaped her breasts, occasionally pinching the now erect nipples between his thumb and finger.

Finally, he began to soap her dark, trimmed pubic hair and then her sex, lingering in her most sensitive place for several moments before beginning to rinse her. As the soap drained from her body, he dropped the mitt and while one hand went again to her slit, he took a nipple into his mouth and began to flick it with his tongue, first one breast and then the other. His tongue circled her aureoles and then returned to the nipples. Again, one breast and then the other.

Eleanor had braced herself as he had begun to wash her breasts and had one hand on the front wall of the shower while the other steadied her on the side wall. Her eyes were closed and now Robert’s fingers had begun their inexorable exploration of her innermost self. His lips and tongue on her breasts were the initiator of her orgasm but as his thick fingers entered her, she knew it was only the first. She began to feel unsteady on her feet and she clung to Robert, wrapping her arms about his neck to hold her in place as his fingers now probed deeper into her. She felt the impending wave of her next climax and pressed against her towering man and allowed it to envelope her.

‘Oh, Oh, that … was … marvelous.’ she slurred into his neck and she squeezed him tightly. ‘I can’t think of a better way to start the day.’

‘One good turn deserves another.’ he said simply. After a few more minutes, they stepped from the shower and Eleanor handed him one of two large bath towels.

‘Robert, where are you staying?’ she asked as they dried each other off.

‘At the Westin. Why?’

‘Why don’t you check out and bring your things over here. My rates are very reasonable. I can even cook.’ she smiled.

‘Are you sure, Ellie?’ he asked seriously.

‘I am. What about you?’ she asked.

‘Would five o’clock be too soon.’ he grinned.

‘It’s settled then. Now, let me run an iron over your shirt and suit and you’ll almost look presentable.’ she grinned.

Robert once again wrapped his arms around this lovely woman and kissed her. ‘I’m getting spoiled already.’

‘What do you want for breakfast?’ she asked.

‘Uh, toast and coffee if it’s not too much trouble.’

‘I’ll get it started. Meet you in the kitchen.’ Eleanor slipped on an elegant black silk robe with silver and red trim, picked up his suit and shirt and headed for the kitchen. To Robert, her robe looked very oriental and yet it suited her appearance perfectly. She disappeared down the hall as he pulled on his boxers

Within ten minutes, Eleanor had made the coffee, the toast and had begun to press Robert’s shirt, pants and his jacket. In a mater of a few minutes, she had finished and he pulled on the shir
t, pants and then stepped into his shoes.

‘There, that should stop any second looks in the elevator.’ he laughed. ‘Thanks, Ellie.’

‘What are you up to today?’ she asked.

‘I’m supposed to start looking for an office for us. We don’t need much, but it should have a decent address to give the customers the idea that we’re an established business.’ he said ruefully.

‘If you don’t have an agent, I can help.’ she said.

‘Great. What do you have in mind?’ he asked.

‘I’ve got some contacts with people who have space to rent. How much do you need?’

‘About 1500 to 2000 square feet, I think. We’ll need all the up-to-date phone and fax connections.’

‘Give me a few minutes and I’ll make a couple of phone calls. It might save you a lot of time.’ she offered.

Within thirty minutes, Eleanor had three possible leads and their agent’s phone numbers. She called all three and set up appointments for the morning and early afternoon. Robert was suitably impressed. He used the phone to call Harold at the hotel and left a message for him to call at Ellie’s. If he hadn’t called by nine-thirty, he would leave a second message with the addresses and times of the appointments. Fortunately, Harold called just before nine and immediately realized he wasn’t calling a real estate office.

‘So what have you been up to, big brother?’ he asked with a laugh.

‘I’ll talk to you later about it, but right now, Eleanor Chapman has some leads on office space for us and we can see them today. Are you OK with that?’

‘Absolutely. I’ll take a cab to the first one and meet you there and we can travel together from there.’

After Robert had given him the address, he signed off. ‘See you at ten, then.’ He would try to be discreet with Eleanor being with him when he explained why he disappeared last night. Harold wasn’t the nosey type, but Robert didn’t want to upset Eleanor.

The day went by smoothly and by the end of their visits, they had a good idea of local costs and what type of office they wanted. Their first choice was the second of the two spaces and Eleanor suggested they let her contact the agent and see if she could negotiate a better rate for a longer term contract. The boys were interested in three to five years and since the space they had selected gave them room to grow, it would allow a longer term commitment. The agent promised to get back to Eleanor by tomorrow noon with an answer and that was that for the day.

Robert’s concern about his disappearance with Eleanor and her presence with him that morning was misplaced. She made it clear they were together and she displayed no embarrassment as he called her Ellie and they held hands a good part of the day. Eleanor got a chance to meet and get to know Harold as they lunched and was just as impressed with his open good nature and refreshing honesty as she had been with Robert. He wasn’t quite as imposing as Robert, but if she had never met her new lover, Harold would have been a candidate too. ‘Good breeding brings good manners’, she thought. ‘You didn’t have to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth to be a class act.’

They agreed to meet for dinner that evening after Robert moved his things from the hotel to Eleanor’s apartment. Harold merely smiled as he learned of the new arrangement and slapped his brother on the back. ‘I’m envious.’ he said. ‘I want one too!’

‘Sorry, only one to a customer.’ Eleanor shot back with a laugh.

Eleanor helped Robert move that afternoon and with that simple act, they began a commitment to each other that would be permanent. When she thought about it afterward, this was easily as reckless as her first relationship and marriage. She had known him for two days, if that. She had been so cautious in the past thirteen years not to make that same mistake and yet, she had plunged headlong into this man’s life, inviting him into her home and preparing to completely let go of all her inhibitions. It was crazy and yet she didn’t hesitate for a moment. She was going purely on instinct and this time, her instincts didn’t let her down.


They married that spring in a civil ceremony attended by her sister Evelyn, brother-in-law John and their three year old daughter, Julia. Robert’s mother came from Kelowna, refusing to fly and forcing Harold to drive her to Calgary. Harold was Best Man and Evelyn was Maid of Honor and the ceremony took all of thirty minutes. They had a small reception at the Westin Hotel with twenty or so friends attending before leaving for Europe on a two week honeymoon. Robert had Eleanor as his guide as they toured London and Paris and then to the south of France. Robert loved every minute of the trip, starting a journal to record all the sights and sounds and savoring the fabulous foods as they encountered them. He kept repeating that he wished he had traveled to Europe sooner and that would make this an annual pilgrimage. He had been bitten by the travel bug.

When they returned to Calgary in early June, Robert began looking for property on which to build their future home. He felt confined and somewhat trapped in Eleanor’s apartment and she was more than delighted when he suggested they plan a proper home for themselves. Robert had fallen in love with Calgary, largely because it was ‘Eleanor’s City’ and he had no other mission in mind than to please her. For her part, Eleanor had not lived in a house since she had left home many years earlier and was excited to be part of the planning process.

Their first objective was to find a piece of property and when they stumbled onto a two acre plot on Discovery Ridge, they knew this was where they would build. It had a magnificent view of the city to the east and the Rocky Mountains to the west. The house would be a sprawling ranch style with almost three thousand square feet of living area in a crescent shape. The inner part of the crescent would be a sheltered cove for their privacy and protection from the winds that blew both from the south and north-west. They spent hours designing the interior and after much debate, settled on a plan with a single large living-family room in the centre with a large master bedroom on one end and two additional bedrooms, kitchen, bathrooms, laundry and services area on the other. A three car garage was integrated into the far north-west end of the house. The living room would have a fourteen foot peaked window-wall on each side to maximize the view of the mountains and city.

Construction began in August and they moved in the day after New Years, five months later. It was everything they had hoped it would be and more. A large stone fireplace formed most of the wall between their Bedroom and the Living Room. Nine foot ceilings gave all of the house light and space and they set about furnishing it. If there was to be conflict between them, it would be over the décor and interior furnishings. Robert wanted traditional and comfortable while Eleanor wanted contemporary. In the spirit of compromise, Robert gave in and asked only that Eleanor hire a proper decorator to make sure she got what she wanted. Eleanor felt guilty that he had given in so easily, but after talking to the decorator, was able to combine her design wants with comfort and the end result was much better than Robert had expected. When you’re six foot six and two hundred and fifty pounds, comfort is a big consideration.

Their sex life had been raucous and uninhibited. Eleanor had been the catalyst for their adventures together and she had been the leader of this conventional man’s rebirth as a lover. He was big and powerful and enthusiastic, but it was her coaxing and teaching and demonstrating that had released him from his former confines. He discovered the true joy of making love to his beautiful woman and he willing schooled himself in satisfying her desires. In return, Eleanor pleased him in so many ways that he could hardly believe that he was truly experiencing this. After their marriage, their bedroom fury had c
ooled only slightly and they continued to delight in each other several times each week.

Robert and Harold had settled in their new offices and were constantly on the road visiting their various sites in both Canada and the United States. They had earned a contract in Alaska to complement their U.S. obligations and their business was thriving. Unfortunately, that meant more travel and Robert was away from Calgary more than Eleanor would like. He offered to take her with him, but a couple of early road trips proved how impractical that would be. Their work took them to remote areas with few facilities and often no room for wives to accompany the employees. As a result, Eleanor resumed her career in Promotions West, this time as an employee. It gave her something to do during the days that Robert was absent and she enjoyed the people and the work.

On Robert’s 50th birthday, Eleanor arranged a party for him that would include his mother, Harold and Harold’s fiancée, Rosalind. It was a happy occasion and Robert, and after consuming a copious quantity of Champagne, decided the time had come to make a speech to the four people most important to him.

‘I’m no guy to be givin’ speeches.’ he began. ‘I just wan’na say I’m luckier than a dog with two dinks.’ The snickers and giggles caught his attention. He looked up and saw his mother’s face. ‘Oops, sorry mom. I just wan’na say how happy I am to be here with you. My beautiful family, mom, Harold and soon Rosalind. I ‘specially wan’na say how happy I am to have Ellie in my life. It took a long time to find the right girl, but when I did, I got a beauty!’ A tear formed in the corner of one eye. He raised his almost drained glass and offered a toast. ‘It’s my birthday and I got all the presents I’ll ever need right he with all you being with me.’ With that, he sat heavily into his favourite chair and put his head back and within a minute, was sound asleep.

Eleanor picked the glass from her husband’s hand and smiled at him. Her little party had been a great success and her gift to him of a very exclusive Abercrombie and Fitch outdoorsman’s jacket was well appreciated by him. Harold had chosen an all-purpose, rugged Swiss wristwatch to replace his aging Omega and his mother chose a simple navy blue cashmere sweater that she knew he would wear. It was a milestone birthday and Robert had every right to celebrate his life. He was a truly happy man and it had all turned out so well for him, even at this late age.

Harold and Rosalind had set their wedding date for mid August. He had met her at a client’s office in Denver and despite his inherent shyness, had asked her for a date that very day. Harold had little experience with dating. He had occasioned himself with the ‘fancy ladies’ in his early days but had little experience with women beyond that. He wasn’t celibate, but he wasn’t very sure of himself around women of his age. Like Eleanor, Rosalind recognized the hidden virtues of the Thompson men, their simple honesty and straightforwardness. Like Eleanor, she also had been under whelmed by the men she had encountered. She had never married, although she had been engaged to a man in her mid-twenties. He turned out to be a bad-tempered and potentially violent man and Rosalind broke their engagement. He didn’t take it well and threatened her with harm until she was able to convince the local Sheriff that he was serious with his intent. As it turned out, he already had a conviction for assault on another woman and that was enough for the Sheriff. Rosalind was able to obtain a restraining order against him and she never heard from him again.

Rosalind and Eleanor had hit if off immediately. They quickly became soul-mates and called themselves the ‘Terrible Thompsons’ as they were prone to misbehave, particularly when on their own. Harold was seen to visibly tremble when the two women went off on ‘shopping excursions’ together. It wasn’t that they couldn’t afford it, it was their reckless, happy-go-lucky attitude when they were out together. Secretly, he was delighted with their friendship and their camaraderie. But they were truly uninhibited when they were together and he was glad he wasn’t anywhere to be found when that occurred. In his more imaginative moments, he expected a phone call from the police telling him they had been arrested for disorderly conduct or some other minor crime and would he please come to the jail and get them off their hands.

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Quartet Chapter 3

“Guys, you mind if I cook a little breakfast?” Shawn asked from the crack he opened in the doorway. Aaron shook his head and said, “Naw, go right ahead man. We’ll be out in a few.” I did not want to get out of bed, but as I watched Aaron pull on a pair of shorts, I moved closer to the edge of the bed. He tossed my robe to me and told me to get up. I sighed and threw my legs over the edge of the bed. Before I was fully out of the bed, Aaron was out the door. My nerves grew as I tied the robe...

4 years ago
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Seattle, Winter ‘07 Her name was Lucy, or at least that’s the name she used, and she was a junkie. I didn’t need to see the track marks to know. In my line of work, I’d seen enough addicts to ID them quickly. She said she was 25, another lie. Closer to 20 would be my guess. That’s the thing about junkies. Lying comes naturally. It’s second nature. “I want to get clean.” See? Translation. I’d rather go to rehab then the slammer. Eventually, I got the truth out of her, though. Surprisingly,...

3 years ago
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Quartet Chapter 3

“Guys, you mind if I cook a little breakfast?” Shawn asked from the crack he opened in the doorway. Aaron shook his head and said, “Naw, go right ahead man. We’ll be out in a few.” I did not want to get out of bed, but as I watched Aaron pull on a pair of shorts, I moved closer to the edge of the bed. He tossed my robe to me and told me to get up. I sighed and threw my legs over the edge of the bed. Before I was fully out of the bed, Aaron was out the door. My nerves grew as I tied the robe...

3 years ago
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Quartet Chapter 2

About a month later, I met Kristie for lunch and we went to my house afterward for a ‘snack.’ After our ‘play date’, we curled up on the bed and talked about our guys. “I have to know,” I said before taking a deep breath, “Is Aaron the older guy you have a crush on? It will not upset me if he is.” Kristie bit her lip and blushed before she nodded her head. I told her that it was fine and that I had to confess to having a bit of a crush on Shawn. She was surprised that I looked at Shawn that...

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The sound of the key and the flow of the words on the screen were all that I heard and saw until I felt a light kiss on my cheek. With my concentration broken, I looked up at him annoyed that he was disturbing me. “Did you hear anything I just said?” the tall and very cute man said as he loomed over me. “Nope,” I said looking up at him with a smile thinking ‘What a dumb question.’ He leaned down and kissed my lips. I love my husband most days, but when he interrupts my writing, I want to...

4 years ago
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Quartet for Teens in One Movement

I'd been dating Monica for nearly three months and we've been fucking for three weeks now. Mostly at my house, after school, when my parents are at work. Monica just loves sex, she's the most sexed-up girl I've ever known. When she's horny, she just goes at me. I love it. We'd use Monica's house some, but her little sister, Myra, is kind of a snot. She's thirteen and cute like Monica but is really kind of a brat. Anyway, Monica is sixteen, like me, and a cute redhead. She has real...

4 years ago
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The Farm LegacyChapter 7

The week went by quickly and happily for both of them. Diana spent much of her time in the shop and baking. The vegetables were over so there was nothing to do there. She found herself making sure she was in the kitchen for Hal's mid-morning coffee and at lunch time. He had not got a lot to do and his coffee breaks became protracted as they chatted on easily. They both looked forward to their evenings. Hal played her more classical music and Diana really enjoyed it. On Tuesday though Diana...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 347

Landfall Space Academy, January 2 Yesterday afternoon, Diana and Selina had gone for another twelve week session at Ship's space academy, then had spent much of today repeating the process. Now, well into their fifth twelve-week session, they were walking down Landfall's concourse toward the sim area. "I confess," Selina said, her voice a bit tight, "I am not at all confident in my ability to successfully complete this mission." "But you were my second yesterday, and you did a...

1 year ago
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Fire Cams! I am pretty sure we all know how cam sites work, but in case you did not know, do not worry, I will explain all the details. From the very beginning, you will be introduced to plenty of gorgeous chicks on firecams.com, and everything from here on should be fairly straightforward. You have a lot of beautiful girls who love to do naughty shit on live cams, and you are more than welcome to watch them.The first annoying thing that I have to mention is the fact that their ‘Join’ shit will...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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Kanpur Ki Kalpana Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hiiiii friends kese ho ap sab meri chooto ki raniyo ko mere kade lund ka chumma.Muje pta h ap sb ko meri  desi hot sex story ka wait rha hoga.To aa gya me. Me naveen phir se apke liye ek new story leker aaya hu phle me apne bare me bta me naveen singh kanpur (u.P.) se hu achi business or ghar h age 29 h or lund ka size bi kafi achi 8″ 3 inch jo sabh I females ko bahut kush krta h.Wese me call boy to ni but kam wahi krta hu or pese bi sb kushi se hi deti h me to pyar ko deta hu or leta hu. Meri...

1 year ago
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Alisons Secret life

I wake up from a hand shaking my leg. Hovering over me, James, with his hand a little higher than it should be on my thigh, specially since I sleep in a tank top and my panties" get up Aliway Another day of school, but at least it's Friday". Summer and I always get ready together since we go to the same school, James is in college and has his own truck. Fridays are late start days, I drive Sum an I to school in dads old junker. We have 20 minutes or so when we get there, so Sum gets her...

3 years ago
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Interracial DormRoom Suck

The girl I was dating was at her college Open House or whatever, and the tour guide was a "cute, charming" black guy with an apparent great body... They were giving each other looks the entire tour...By the time it ended, they were talking about the school, likes and dislikes etc... He claimed to know just about everyone in the school and she didn't believe him... So he said "ok, lets make a bet" She said alright, "what kind of bet?" He said..."if the next person out of...

1 year ago
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Breaking Drake Ch 01

Drake grinned at his parents, and at the military black jeep sitting in their yard. ‘Happy Birthday, son.’ His dad said, throwing the keys to him. ‘Take it out for a spin!’ His mother chirped. Drake obliged, grinning even wider as the engine purred to life. He backed out of the driveway and sped down the road. He hit the back-country highway, wanting to test out the new car. He raced down the road, twisting and turning. He laughed out loud, reveling in the wind coursing through his dark...

2 years ago
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Savagely Assaulted

I had been chased by the six thugs that call them selves the third street gang. They had sent me a not saying if "I knew what was good for me I would let them have some of my sissy ass. If I not they would catch me and fuck me silly." I stayed away from their so call territory. This morning I was headed for the library when I saw one of there members peeping around the next corner. As soon as he ducked his head back, I broke and ran back the way I came and down the street. I could hear them...

2 years ago
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Country GirlChapter 2

Youthful Questions bring on another First Since Jess was older and dating I figured she would know about that stuff. But she told me the guys she went out with didn't do anything. The only fooling around she had ever done was with Tom. I asked her why she didn't just start something herself, but she said, then guys would talk about her being a dirty leg. (A dirty leg is a country expression meaning a girl with come running down her legs, walking home on a dirt road that causes dust to...

3 years ago
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Wife gets all the Cock and I get all the Cum

When I was 25, I married Lana a 19 year old geeky beauty who had just inherited a large amount of money. She had very limited sexual experience before me so the fact that I could only last 4-5 minutes didn't faze her.I have always cum fairly quickly, even if I thought about other things. Early in our relationship, I could last 4-5 minutes most of the time and occasionally longer. Unfortunately, as I have aged the amount of time I can last has decreased. By the time I was 32 I could only last...

2 years ago
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Fucked a married lady by showing my six packs

Hi readers, this is sahil(name changed),this is my first n real story, first I wnt 2 thank those senders who hve sent their real stories n helped me masturbating in d bathroom e1 aftr hvng grlfrnds 2 fuck(as I hve windows phone I open dis site n read d stories frm thre only) Bt I m totally against of dat fake senders who jst send d stories 2 increase their ratings or I dnt knw 4 wat they send pakau n fake stories, coming 2 d point I m gr8 fan of this site n nvr miss a single story m I m sahil...

2 years ago
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FIL Fucking DIL

Hi guys and gals, as far as my first story is concern i.e. “wife sucks my father”, thanks for quite a good response. Here I am to continue from the same… ladies, girls, bhabies and aunties write me on my email id to have more fun .. Here I go with next part of the story..”suddenly the bell rang.. It was my mom, Both of them got up fast and my father rushed to the bathroom… Kashish opened the door. My mom ask her why did she took so much of time to open the door, she gave an excuse that she fall...

2 years ago
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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 22 San Francisco

-- SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 2008 -- The sky outside was dark and gray, not only because “foggy” is the standard daily weather forecast for San Francisco, but it was still quite early, way too early for any reasonable 23-year-old to be awake on a weekend morning. At this hour, the sun had not yet cleared the horizon, its rays not yet angled properly in accordance with simple geometry to shed any light on the floor-to-ceiling windows of our apartment’s great room, and even then they would need to...

3 years ago
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The Legacy Chapter 2 The Storm

In her bedroom, at the foot of the bed, they stopped. He took her in his arms again and they kissed, and she was very aware of the heat of his erect cock where it was pinned between them, against her stomach. His hands slid down her back to grip her buttocks, holding her to him for a moment, and when they separated he brought one hand around to cup her sex, aware of the moist, intense heat of her through her lace panties. Beth thought he’d strip them off of her now, but he didn’t, not...

Wife Lovers
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the Horny Month with Anna and Dave Part 2 500

( before you read this , I just want you to know that you might find some errors in the text , after all … I’m not a professional ) Anna wake up early on the next day … she made sure she wear her pretty PJs that reveal her breasts-vine and pants that can easily slide down … and of course , cute panties and no Bra ! … the first step was to prepare a tasty meal to win his affection , and even a perfume for when she get close to him … it was too much work to make everything perfect so early in...

1 year ago
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Forward to the Stars Ch 04

Okay this is the chapter that gets closer to Mr. Marvels’ story ‘Genesis Project’ in that I get into the psyonic weapons. All mind-to-mind or mind-to-machine communications are Italics. Also to try to be a little more distintual between time gaps *** and location transfers ==== I’ll go with these and and add as necessary. Hopefully I have gotten all unintentional misspellings and discovered all incorrect though correctly spelled words. And I’ll try to catch the astronomy screw ups but as it has...

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Mrs Reginas household

You have been working at Mrs Regina's place for a few months. It doesn't pay very well, despite Mrs Regina's great wealth, but you count yourself lucky working for such a gorgeous woman. You spend most of your time outside, tending her numerous trees and bushes of flowers, mowing the lawn and fulfilling other gardening duties. She spends most of her days outside too, sunbathing, swimming in the pool or criticizing your every move, for she is the kind of person who likes everything done exactly...

1 year ago
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Here I am sitting alone on the banks of the mighty Mississippi contemplating diving in and ending my miserable life. At the tender age of twenty-two years old, I had fallen from being on top of the world to being at the bottom, with no hope in sight. I was born the son of wealthy parents, with my father being the head of a fortune 500 Company, and my mother being a former beauty queen. Some say I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. After an idyllic childhood and attending the finest prep...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 7

"David is on the way with a candidate for a stable hand," Joe said as he hung up the phone. His wife looked pale — morning sickness, he assumed. "Are you up to meeting her?" "Her?" Carol said, looking surprised. "Yes, a woman named Tammy Wilkes, around thirty-five years old, David says, currently homeless, a drunk, but on the wagon. I'd like your opinion before I hire her, but if you're not up to it, I'll speak with her and have her come back when you're feeling better." "I'm...

3 years ago
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Chicken and Waffles Naughty Situations

A waitress led Randall to his table and seated him in a booth. He stared at her voluptuous ass as she walked away. Her panty lines were visible through her short white skirt. It was a real turn on to him, seeing the shape of her panties. She had dirty-blonde, wavy hair. Her pointy nipples poked through her violet top. The contrast between her small boobs and big butt was lovely. He imagined nibbling on her supple behind while fondling her perky breasts. If only he could have some of that, he...

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My patriotic duty

We were traveling through Dallas on our way home from vacation. We stopped at a hotel for the night since we were in no hurry and spent the evening relaxing a bit. We went down to the hotel bar for a late dinner and some drinks. While there we started talking to a guy, Jeff, who was in the military. My husband who had been in the military started trading war stories with him. My husband found out that he was actually on his way home for his two week R&R from Iraq. He came back into the...

2 years ago
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Dilema Molly Tracey and more Ch 20

I did have one pleasant experience, new neighbors moved in a family - husband and wife (Nigerians) and their teenage son and daughter. I did not get to meet them, I plan to at some point. I do have a soft spot for ebony skin or should I say Mr Penis has a deep interest, he stirred when the curvaceous wife and succulent daughter waved as they moved items into their new home. Of course I paid more attention to my neighbors, often peeking out the window, when I heard their comings and goings...

2 years ago
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Silken Chains Part Two

Slipping on a pair of loose black jogging pants he moves to the bathroom. Running the water in the sink he brushes his teeth then swiftly shaves off any new stubble. Walking across the living room once more he makes himself a bagel with some cream cheese. Then he eats it slowly watching her on the screen from the kitchen. Finishing his breakfast he takes a bottle of water from the fridge as well as a small dish of low fat cottage cheese. Moving to the TV he shuts it off then moves to the...

3 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 44

"It's like he's disappeared!" explained Hermione. "I watched carefully during my shift, and I know Angelina and Ginny did the same. We just can't find any sign of Draco on the Marauder's map." Breakfast was still two hours away, and she was in Moaning Myrtle's second floor bathroom, along with Harry, Imogen, Angelina and the Weasley siblings. It was now a routine for them to meet every morning at this hour to discuss their efforts to follow Draco's movements on the Marauder's Map....

3 years ago
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Son keeps his end of the deal

It was almost three years now since dad went to gulf. I still remember the day he left. I had mentioned how i got close to my dad and the deal we made in my last post “unaware of dads intentions”. I was now 27 and dad had phoned one day asking mom about things at home and she mentioned that all was fine and that she could do with a extra hand of help at home. Dad asked her to find a girl for me so that when he comes home on vacation he could marry me off. So search for the right girl for me was...

2 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 29

"... so when you're working the counter," Jake continued, "you just have to watch for shoplifters, ring customers up and keep an eye on people coming in and out the door. We get a few of the underage crowd trying to get in from time to time and the best policy is to ask them for ID. If they're under 18, kick them out. We've had a few clerks busted for sales to under 18 and the boss will fire you on the spot for it." Staci nodded and tried to appear interested in what Jake was telling...

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Jackies New Mans Best Friend

Being a bit of a perv and enjoying chatting about my wife and sharing pics of her etc, I often hook up with guys on the internet. A few months ago I met a guy and we got chatting, we exchanged e-mails and discussed some of our exploites and fantasies. When I mentioned my kink of watching her with other guys and couples, (we’de dabbled on the scene for a bit) he surprised me by asking, completely out of the blue, had I ever seen her mounted by a dog! Well actually he used the term K9. I was a...

4 years ago
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Aur Mom Real Mein Chud Gayi 8211 Part 4

Mom ko dekh kar lund khada ho gaya. Mom aaj bohut khoob surat lag rahi thi. Nighty mein bina bra ke boobs khoob masti mein jhoom rahe the. Mom ke gore gore boob dekh kar man hua ki mom ko choda jaye. Mom bohut khoob surat hai. Uske boob bohut hi mast aur gore hain. Ek dum pake huye santre ki tarah. Mom ke lambe kale baal aur kali aankhe hain. Woh bina make up ke bohut mast lagti hai. Mom ko pichhe se dekhne par kayamat hi lagti hai. Mom ko dekh kar man hota hai ki pakad kar bohut sare kiss kiye...

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