Venus Flytrap Ch. 03 free porn video

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(This is part three of a three part series. Please read the first two parts first. As always, your constructive comments and your votes are very much appreciated.)


Jessica stood almost naked, dressed only in her sheer g-string in the living room of her apartment, frozen with fear. Of course she recognized Gerald Hershberger from the many pictures of the Country Club board members that she had seen. And while Gerald was about the only man on the board of the Country Club who hadn’t hit on her incessantly during her time employed there, Jessica knew that this was probably more because he was almost never there.

Jessica also now knew that the man, holding her at gunpoint was a mob associate who was presumed to be dead in the explosion that killed his wife onboard their family yacht nearly a month ago.

It took no time at all for Jessica to add up all of the pieces: obviously Gerald had killed his wife to cover his own trail. And Muffy, Gerald’s only daughter had been told the wrong information. Now Jessica saw that she was in mortal danger from a man who had little or nothing left to lose.

Gerald looked Jessica over appreciatively and casually reached over to the kitchenette counter for his half finished glass with his free hand, ‘Well the photo that my man in New Jersey sent me doesn’t do you any real justice Jessica.’

Jessica glanced quickly at the opened and now empty vodka bottle on the counter. Then she looked at Gerald with a questioning look on her face.

Gerald casually slugged the last sip from the glass then put the empty glass down, ‘You, Jesshica Fallon are eminently fuck-able!’

Jessica heard the slight slurring of speech and quickly realized that something was about to go very, very wrong for Gerald Hershberger. She knew instinctively that she had to stop him thinking the same thing.

Jessica tried to look terrified and knelt down on the floor with her legs spread and her hands laced over her head. She gave her crystal pendant an experimental wiggle to see how it rolled between her breasts. She saw instantly that the lighting here near the back of the apartment was wrong, so she gave up on it.

‘Are you with the Police?’

Gerald smiled a cruel smile and leered, ‘No, I’m Melissa Hershberger’s father. Melissha has been sending you money, don’t bother to deny it!

If there’s one thing I know about, its money laundering. Melissa has been withdrawing money from her trust fund and deliberately losing it to you on that poker WEB site for months now.

Although, I can’t quite understand why she feelz that sshee has to do it sherecretly… Why doesn’t shee shust ssend it to you for your little love nest here…?’

Jessica quickly lowered her head and stifled her smile: the fool had obviously helped himself to her supply of drugged vodka. Now the only trick would be to make him feel in control and relaxed until he became so relaxed that he would do whatever he was told.

Jessica knew from her own experience after Van had first slipped the drug into her drink then with using the drug on Veronica and then with Jim, once it got to that point, she would have to work fast: Gerald Hershberger was going to be taking a long nap very soon.

Gerald tried to puzzle it out and took a step into the living room. ‘Unlessh shee doesn’t know that shees doing it…’

Suddenly Gerald put it together, ‘Shomehow, you and that fucking guy Arron… you’ve been shcamming her, haven’t you? You lying, fucking cunt!’

Jessica waited and continued to try to look terrified while Gerald was obviously beginning to have trouble organizing his thoughts.

‘I’ve already killed my wife… I shoulda killed the stupid little air head before I left too. Then I coulda got all her money before I hadta leave.’

Ar-ite bitch! Hereshs what you’re going to do. You will call Melissha back and have her come right out here. I’ll just take the little cunt licking bish’sh money when shee gets here. Then I’ll have you and all the money!’ Gerald made a quick movement with the gun barrel towards a blue bag under the table, that Jessica knew wasn’t hers.

‘If your boyfriend Aaron wants to shee you alive again, he’ll fork over the resht of the money. But you… instead of killing you, I might shee what I’ve been misshing out on firsht! I’ll tie you up and let you shee what a real man can do for you instead of some little pushy licker like Melissha!’

Gerald began to fumble with his pants, with his free hand. ‘Ya kno… with Melisha out of the way… I could use a new daughter… It would help with my cover… with looksh like yoursh… You and me, we could jusch shail out on my boat… I can finally get what I want… any time I want, for the resht of my fucking life!’ Gerald’s pants slid to the floor, followed by his shorts.

Jessica looked up with her best pleading face, ‘I’ll do anything that you want. Just don’t hurt me please.’

Gerald stepped unsteadily towards her and nearly tripped over the pants around his ankles. Jessica saw that his eyes were completely glazed over.

Jessica stood up tentatively.

Gerald reached out to take hold of Jessica, but missed her and had to steady himself by holding onto a chair.

Jessica calmly took her crystal necklace off. Then she held it up and began to let it swing slowly back and forth, ‘If its money that you want, you should look at my necklace Gerald. It’s worth thousands of dollars! See how it sparkles.

The most valuable jewels always sparkle so nicely!

It always makes me feel very relaxed, relaxed and confident, so relaxed and confident, your arms are getting heavy Gerald.

A powerful man like you shouldn’t need a gun to make a woman do everything that he wants.

Gerald, you feel that you don’t need that gun to make me do exactly what you want.

You should put the gun down on the table.’

Gerald swung his heavy arm over to the table and let go of the pistol.

‘That’s right. Now count with me Gerald. Count from ten all the way back to zero, the more you count, the more relaxed and confident you feel. Ten.’


‘That’s right Gerald, you feel so relaxed and confident. Nine.’


‘Yes that’s right Gerald. A powerful man like you can always kill someone after you get them to do anything that you want! Eight.’


It took almost no time at all to install the two control words that Jessica needed to feel that she could just tie Gerald up with her pantyhose and let him sleep it off on the floor.

Jessica looked down contemptuously at Gerald as he lay sleeping, hog-tied on her floor, ‘I already know what a real man could have done for me. A real man could have been mine, except that I got mixed up with greedy men like you. But now I’ll have to remember the one good man in my life as the one that got away… and that’s only one of the problems that you are about to pay for, you murdering bastard!’

Jessica resisted the urge to kick the heartless, murderer in the head and went to look at the strange blue bag. She opened it and found bundles of money. Jessica looked closer at the money. She looked at the dates on the bills. She saw none that were printed more recently than ten years ago. This must be Gerald’s ‘get-away’ money. He was planning all along for the day when he would leave his life in the U.S. behind.

Jessica sat and wondered what she was going to do now. She looked at the murdering, thief on the floor and realized that there was really only one thing that separated her from Gerald: it was a matter of degree. Jessica threw her business suit back on and went out to start her laundry.

Jim watched as the Aruban Postal worker locked the front door for their lunch hour closure. All morning, there had been no sign of Jessica at the only place on the Earth where he could think to look for her.

Jim had thought that all he had to d
o was to fly out to Aruba and camp out in front of the Post Office, then sooner or later Jessica would come strolling in to pick up her mail. But, after a day and a half, Jim was very disappointed to find that he was wrong.

Jim testily looked at his watch. He had just enough time to grab his bag from the hotel, checkout and fly back to do his hastily arranged double shift at the fire house. Then he could fly back for a full week here.

Jim had made some progress though, it seemed that they recognized Jessica, from the picture on Jim’s cell phone, here at the Post Office. But to Jim’s disappointment, they couldn’t give him an address for her here on the island.

Jim did take the time to ask if they knew American money. Sure enough, two good old ‘Ben Franklins’ insured that Jim would get a phone call as soon as Jessica came to pick up her mail. Jim hesitated and wondered if there was anything more that he could do before he left for his six day shift back home. Jim decided that he could always hire a private detective if he needed to when he came back next week.

On the way back to the hotel, Jim reflected that he didn’t give a furry rat’s little ass what it cost: he was going to find Jessica. He was going to find her and ask her… well, he didn’t have a clue what he would ask her. Jim just knew that he needed to find her!

After checking out from the hotel and taking a cab back to the airport, Jim stalked wearily through the airport lobby to find his gate and fly home.

Jim slowed down to before reaching his gate when he thought that he saw a familiar face in the crowd. A man was standing with a blue bag, watching a group of arriving tourists. The man was slowly reaching under the arm of his wind breaker.

Jim quickly looked over the large group of arriving tourists and saw just a bunch of people heading towards the baggage pickup area. He looked back at the man who was now pointing the pistol at the tourists. Jim instinctively sprang into action shouting, ‘Gun! Gun! Everybody get down!’

Jim closed the short distance between himself and the man in seconds, grabbing the gun with one hand and the hand that held the bag with the other hand, while pinning the man up against a column with the weight of his own body.

The man struggled weakly in Jim’s grip and tried to get off a shot. The gun seemed to misfire and just clicked once. Everybody scattered just as the first two security guards arrived.

Within seconds, more security guards arrived and disarmed the man. Then the four uniformed security guards hustled both Jim and the man off to a detention area. Jim was placed alone in a secure room.

After about fifteen minutes, a man who identified himself as the airport’s chief of security came. After examining Jim’s papers, his boarding pass and taking Jim’s statement, the man thanked Jim and confirmed that the video surveillance tapes from the airport’s security cameras agreed with Jim’s statements about the whole incident.

After their business was done, the security man escorted Jim to his gate. On the way, the security man would only confirm that they still didn’t know who the target was, but the shooter, who had forgotten to load his gun, appeared to be an American who was traveling under a false passport. More would come to light as soon as they had a chance to contact the authorities in the U.S. Jim boarded his plane and flew out.

Jessica drove back to her apartment from a quick sales trip through towns of Aruba’s southern coast. When she arrived home, she was surprised to find Muffy sitting with her luggage on the bench, outside of her door.

Jessica was surprised and happy to see Muffy, ‘Muffy, when did you arrive? You should have called. I would have picked you up at the Airport!’

Muffy sobbed as she stood up to hug Jessica, ‘Oh Jessica, I didn’t even find a place to stay here on the island first.

I have nothing left at home! None of my friends will even talk to me. Everybody at the club looks at me and whispers about me. I just had to come right out to see you!

And then at the airport this afternoon, there was a man with a gun! Some undercover guy started to yell at us to get down and started to arrest the guy!’

While they hugged warmly, Jessica guiltily realized that she had just dropped Gerald off near the Airport this morning. The man that Muffy saw being arrested must have been her own father! To make matters worse, Jessica hadn’t had time to finish de-programming everybody from her scam back at the Country Club. She had so far only managed to start on Fred, Veronica and Aaron. Muffy had been occupied with her mother’s funeral and Van wasn’t answering his phone.

‘Did you get to see the guy that was being arrested?’

‘No. The undercover guy was all over him, it all happened so fast, we all just ran!’

‘Come inside Muffy, you must have been so frightened and you look so tired. Don’t worry about anything, you are staying with me! I’ll make us some dinner then you can tell me all about it.’

Jessica grabbed her sling bag and unlocked her door while Muffy gathered her two weekend bags. Jessica quickly let them in and went to put her sling bag away. Muffy stopped inside the door and opened one of her bags.

Jessica turned and found Muffy smiling shyly, holding up two matching bathing suits, a black one piece with a floral band that wrapped across one bosom all around the waist. The second one was a bikini with the floral band covering one cup and ending as the waist band of the bottom of the bikini.

Muffy held up the bikini and said earnestly, ‘Jessica, I bought you a present. I hope that it pleases you.’

‘Oh Muffy, that is so sweet! When did you have the time to go shopping for bathing suits?’

Muffy tried to remember, ‘I’m not really sure. But this one will look just so cute on you! Can we try them on?’

Jessica left her sling bag on the table, came to Muffy and kissed her fondly on the cheek. ‘I think that I’d like to try the one piece. You should try on the bikini!’

Muffy demurred miserably, ‘Oh with my body, I can’t possibly wear the…’

Jessica giggled and gently snatched the one piece, ‘Of course you can. You’re just a little bit shorter than I am and you have a perfect body for a bikini Muffy! I’ve always been so jealous of your big boobs, let’s try them on right now and you’ll see.

If you don’t like it, we can switch. Then we can relax and I’ll make us something to eat!’

Both women quickly slipped out of their clothes and started to put on their new bathing suits.

Muffy slipped on the bottoms of her suit and watched Jessica as she finished pulling her suit up and settling it in for a perfect fit.

‘Well you look wonderful, with those long legs and your perfect sized boobs.’ Muffy giggled, ‘Jessica, you should have heard all the women at the Club, everybody just hated how you looked when you were at the pool, with your slim waist and your gorgeous firm butt!’

Muffy put on her top and soon the two were giggling and comparing themselves to each other in the full length mirror on the back of Jessica’s front door.

Muffy was still convinced that the bikini top didn’t fit her right. She felt that it looked a bit too saggy and dumpy on her.

Jessica started to adjust the shoulder straps and lifted Muffy’s boobs up a bit so that they were working much better with the suit. ‘Nonsense! Here let me adjust the straps for you and you’ll see. As soon as the guys at the beach see you, they’ll be all over you with these two scrumptious blouse bunnies teasing them from this beautiful top!’

Jessuca turned Muffy back to the mirror and let her see what she looked like in a properly adjusted bikini. Even Muffy had to agree: she looked absolutely beautiful.

Jessica stood behind Muffy and admired her before she began to sadly caress the girl’s hair, ‘Now let’s fix your hair, do you think that you’d like to wear it loos
e, or would you like for me to make a French braid?’

Muffy turned around and slipped her arms around Jessica’s waist, ‘Let’s wear the same hair style so that everybody will see that we’re together!’

Jessica tried to think how she was going to tell Muffy the truth as she rested her arms around Muffy’s shoulders.

Muffy shyly stood up on her toes and kissed Jessica on her lips. Jessica guiltily enjoyed the soft kiss. It had been so long since anybody had held her, or kissed her with such love. But Jessica stopped just as Muffy tried to hold her tighter and lick her lips with her tongue.

Jessica continued to caress Muffy’s face and hair while looking at Muffy sadly, ‘Muffy, there are some things that I have to tell you.’

‘Jessica, I love you! I know how much I have hurt you and I am so sorry. I broke up with Aaron before I came to you, I don’t want to have anything to do with his nasty dirty cock anymore. I want to belong to you!’

Jessica began gingerly, ‘Muffy, Aaron never loved you, I don’t think that he ever really loved me either. What he did may have hurt me at first, but you have to know that what he was really wanted was to get at the money in your trust fund.’

Muffy looked up in disbelief, ‘At the funeral, my broker told me that there was money missing from my trust fund, but he was sure that I withdrew it! Eighty thousand dollars… do you think that Aaron could have stolen it?’

Jessica dropped her arms from Muffy’s shoulders and took a step back, ‘No Muffy, it wasn’t him. I made sure that Aaron never got the chance. I hypnotized him and made him do everything that you told him to do.

Then I hypnotized you. I lied to you by making you believe that you really love me Muffy… I seduced you. Then I stole your money to get back at you for something that Aaron did to me. You never deserved what I did to you, I was wrong Muffy. I’m the one who should be saying that I’m sorry to you.’

‘Wait, you hypnotized Aaron… you hypnotized me…? I can’t believe that. I love you Jessica!’

Jessica looked at Muffy, ‘Muffy you only think that you love me because I told you that you love me. Let me prove it to you, try not to touch your nose with your finger.’

Muffy stood still and waited.

‘Little slut’

Muffy closed her eyes and slouched a little.

‘Muffy, you will do everything that I tell you to do. When you wake up, you will touch the end of your nose with your finger. You won’t be able to take your finger from your nose until I tell you to. Muffyberger.’

Muffy woke up and immediately put her finger on her nose. Muffy giggled, ‘Oh my God! What am I doing? Jessica!’ Muffy giggled again while trying to take her finger from her nose, ‘What else can you make me do?’

Jessica admitted sheepishly, ‘Just about anything that I want you to do.

Muffy, you can stop touching your nose now. I want for you to turn around and look at yourself in the mirror.’

Muffy immediately turned around and looked at herself in the mirror.

‘Muffy, I want for you to see how really beautiful you are. I want for you to know how smart you are. I want for you to know how good-hearted you are. I want for you to know that you are the only woman that I have ever been jealous of.

I wasn’t only jealous of you and Aaron, I was jealous because I really felt something for you and felt guilty about what Aaron wanted me to do to you. Aaron wanted me to help him to steal your money. But he didn’t think that I would go through with it. That’s why he dumped me.

Muffy I want for you to know how sorry I am that I got angry at you and that I ever hurt you.

Muffy, you will no longer feel that you love me, or that you have to do anything to please me.

Muffy, you will remember everything that I made you do while you were under a trance. You will remember everything that I made you do at the Country Club and later at the beach with Veronica.’

Muffy suddenly turned around, and looked at Jessica with a shocked look on her face, ‘You bitch! You called me a little slut?’

Muffy immediately closed her eyes and slouched a little.

Jessica sighed her exasperation. ‘Yes Muffy, I called you my ‘little slut’ because I was hurt.

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My Dads New Wife

Dad’s New WifeMy brother, sister and I were really happy when my dad found a new wife to share his life with. Our mother died three years ago and for a couple of years Dad just went through the motions of life. Then he started dating and we knew that he was being laid pretty regular. Then he met Teri. A 5’ 2” good-looking redhead, ten years younger than him but they were happy together. Dad was 52 and Teri 42 years old. He was still in the prime of his life and apparently she really enhanced...

3 years ago
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Naughty Mummy

"How do I look mummy?" He stood beside me wearing just the "Junior Miss" panties I bought for him, his beautiful little penis fully erect and completely upright, almost touching his navel, not a single hair marred my view of it through the transparent lace and I felt a moistness between my legs as I looked at him. "You look gorgeous darling" I said and I meant it, with his big blue eyes and curly blonde hair, he was achingly beautiful. "How about me?" I stood up in front of him,...

3 years ago
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My Female Boss was a Sex Addict

Because I was a sexual girl with a history spanning my early teens, I had both the experience and confidence to control a woman more then twice my ageShe was my boss, and her addiction to sex, was the tool I used, feeding my voyeuristic and sometimes sadistic needs, whilst abusing my position to gain control over my destiny.My name is Mariel and I have been trained in the arts of pleasuring men since I first watched my first porn movie, long before entering those double digits that see those...

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nina new hotwife

Hi there. This is my first time posting so I'll do my best. This is a true story of my crazy experience with my husband's friends. I tried to describe it as best as I could. This was the first time something like this happened, but not the last. I have included both part 1 and part 2.If there is demand, I will post part 3.PART 1My name is Nina, I'm Canadian-Lebanese [27 F], 5 ft 1, 115 pounds, and dark hair. This is the story of me and my husband [30, M, White] and his group of friends.My...

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The Ice Cream Man Ch 04

This is the final chapter. Thank you for everyone who stayed with me on this story. Roden Addison edited this last chapter for me and made it a much better read. Chapter 4 Jen and I were a bit at odds before she left for her vacation with her parents. Since I found out her friends Nicole and Marty were going I developed a distrust very quickly. That’s when I asked my friend Keith, who was a Private Investigator, to get me a background check on Nicole. He previously had gotten pictures for...

4 years ago
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New Family

He was 18 and looking at his breakfast finally safe from his step sister. Everything had changed so much over the course of the year. It all happened in a few months, my new step-mother, Natasha, came to town, she quickly bought the company that my father worked for and rumored he quickly became her plaything. The first time, he saw her was at company picnic , she more resembled a model, blonde almost six feet tall with c-cup tits and long legs. He remembers his father told me to play nice with...

4 years ago
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Fucked a hot married event manager

Hi, I am rover from Delhi. I have been reading ISS for quite sometime now and after much thinking I thought of sharing my own experience with all of you guys. I work in a marketing team in a telecom company here and the nature of the job entails a lot of traveling. This particular incident happened when I was on a 3 day trip to Jaipur last month. The event was being supervised by a hot female Vijaya. She was very fair and looked almost western, short with nice assets. Her boobs were 34c and she...

3 years ago
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New World 15

We all rested and watched Sam suck and lick Bert’s cum from Linda’s sloppy pussy. Linda gripped his hair, rubbing her well used pussy all over his face. “That’s a good girl, clean it all up,” she breathed. Riley and Kristy sat close together, whispering. Kristy giggled and glanced first at Sam then me and back again. Her face flushed and she stifled another giggle as she turned back to Riley. They shared conspiratorial smiles and crawled toward my chair. Riley placed her hand on one thigh as...

Group Sex
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 50

Dinner was pretty good, I had enchiladas. Rosie surprised me when she ordered a half carafe of wine, and poured each of us half a glass. We toasted my baby on her birthday, and enjoyed the meal.When we got back to their apartment, Linda had to go through the routine I was more than familiar with by now. She was made to sit on the couch and eat her cake, then one by one presents were brought to her which she opened with almost c***dlike glee. Sweaters, a collection of albums, and a few gift...

3 years ago
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From Mother to Slut 1

“No l was out last night and to be honest l don’t have much in common with the old crowd these days, they only want to talk about football or girls. What are you going to watch?” Paul sat on the other end of the sofa, holding his bottle of beer. It was the last weekend of the Easter break before going back to University for his final term. “Don’t tell me you’re not interested in girls,” Susan laughed, “l’m sure you get to take your pick back at College.” “I don’t bother with them,” he...

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As I made my way home from high school for the last time, I felt a tinge of sadness. After five happy years, I had just written my final exam and was looking forward to six glorious weeks of summer vacation. The next chapter in my life would be attending college and several weeks later, another milestone would begin attained when I finally turned eighteen. The thought of finally entering early adulthood was an exhilarating prospect for me. The mixed feelings I was experiencing were both...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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1 of 4 CL encounters lately

1st of the four, was this young guy. OMG he was absolutely perfect in every way from the moment I got a glimpse of him getting out of his truck. His look, his aditude, clothes, perfect. I sat him in my chair and pulled his shorts off immediately. I sucked him the best I could considering his size, like a fiend. He gave me some direction, and really responded when i'd push it down my throat. But he seemed to prefer to have me work his head, and stroke his balls more than anything. Now and then...

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Bathroom Sex With A Babe In Delhi

Hi, this is Samir again with another story. Its about a bathroom sex fantasy which came true with a girl who I met in a night club. For new readers, I am samir, young smart goodlooking and very horny and hot boy from Delhi, im well educated and well placed too. For comments, suggestions and any other things plz email me on Coming to story, in my quite a previous story, I did tell you I met a girl in a night club in Delhi. Well after we had sex, we became friends and used to catch up often. We...

1 year ago
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Hunt for new blood

It's been a long day, for you that meant you just got out of the bed after a long sleep. You could feel the tension building in your body as the warm water form the shower slowly began to wake it up form it's sleep. At the same time you started to feel that familiar thirst building up. You heard rumors of older kin able to feed on weekly, or even yearly basis. But you still needed your fix every night. With out a willing partner, that luxury you wasn't even close to, it was out for hunt every...

1 year ago
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A New Friend and She Might Be the One

I’d always been picked on for my size, topping out at 5’5″ on the dot at my tallest I was always the smallest throughout my school life. Ever since I started my second year of middle school the bullying began. I was a pretty decent goalie in soccer, played decent basketball despite being the shortest in the team, and had even taken up skateboarding during the weekends. I gradually lost interest in these as my interest in writing and English grew. I’d spend less time...

2 years ago
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Air Buns

I travel fairly regularly for work. I'm a salesperson and I handle the southwestern part of the US. Naturally, I'm always looking for the most reasonable airfares, or at least the most benefits for those super high ticket prices. While planning my latest trip to Dallas, TX, I came across an interesting airline website. The airline was named Southern Air, and I couldn't help but notice all over the website were pictures of very attractive black women who appeared to be dressed as flight...

4 years ago
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The Car Wash Did It

Her smile was engaging. Her beauty turned heads as she entered the room full of dignitaries gathered to hear her husband speak to a small crowd of influential citizens. She stood dutifully behind her husband and off to the side, as he took the small stage to greet other candidates and dignitaries that had gathered to hear his speech. She wore a very stylish outfit with a modestly low plunging neckline, accentuated by a single strand of pearls that matched the pear drop earings she wore.She...

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The Shower

The Shower . It’s been a long day at work.   The runs keep coming in, the radio keeps talking and the miles add up.   For a few short minutes, you get a chance to check your email.   The clock on the computer reads six-forty five, and seems to go backwards.   You scroll down the email list and notice an email from an old co-worker.   You open it up and read every word.   You smile and squirm in your seat.   It sends your mind into frenzy.   You read it again and focus in on its content.  ...

1 year ago
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An Erotic Threesome In Delhi Me Rich Woman And Shemale

Hi reader, Now I am back with sex story of me (Sam) and the rich woman (Geet) name changed due to privacy. I am Sam a 27 year from Delhi. I had many casual sex encounters with married women and girls. Any women or girl can contact me at hangout Geet is a rich Delhi-based woman who has lots of money to waste on anything but that’s not much for a living. She sometimes feels alone even having around her as her hubby who is businessman always out for business. By looks, she is a gorgeous lady...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Casey Playing To Win

Casey and her love interest Nick Ross play a game of badminton but spunky Casey has a different kind of game in mind. She draws Nick inside and then gives him a reason to put the racket down. Helping Casey hop up onto the kitchen counter, Nick covers her in kisses from her lips to her neck to her perky little titties. As Nick slowly unveils Casey’s incredible body, she’s all smiles and warm welcome. By the time she’s naked, her pussy is nice and wet for Nick’s touch....

2 years ago
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My introduction to power transfer

My introduction to power transfer.I had a great marriage, my husband earned an obscene amount of money, we loved each other, and lived an a large house in leafy suburbia. I played tennis and golf , swam daily, and met the girls at the health club. Then one awful day, my husband announced he was leaving me. I got a reasonable settlement, and the house. I would never be short of money, but I searched on the computer for some sort of voluntary work to keep me occupied. I derived a lot of pleasure...

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The Ultimate Male GSpot Bonking Machine for Unlim

So ~~~~ after many years of wondering how it worked, and after investing in several name brand prostate simulators with little success, I decided to build my own prostate stimulating machine.Soon I will attach a picture of my "p-spot stimulator" which I have entered into a production agreement ~~~~ and hope to have a retail line.Here are my observations:#1 ~ do not touch your penis. An erection is not required, or necessary.#2 ~ use Vaseline as your lubricant ~ you need something that is...

4 years ago
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She was not prepared for the blast of heat as she left the artificial cool of the Metro station. The summer was like an oven and bathed the street in brilliant, harsh, white light. The sand in the vacant block beside her blazed brilliant  white, while the breeze lifted it into little columns and eddies which seemed to hang in the air for the moment before collapsing. The ubiquitous hotel and apartment buildings lined the street, behind which rose the odd oblong of the Ski Dubai construction....

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Kelly the Hooker

"Sorry to bother you miss," he said, staring at her breasts, "but I couldn't help but notice that you looked a little flustered? She smiled at the man, judging him, "You look a little lost..."  "Yeah actually, I'm from a small town in california, NYC is a little crazy."  He chuckled, "It can be miss, perhaps I can help," "Could you? Thanks for that, the city scares me a little," she said in a small innocent voice. The man laughed, "Nothing to be afraid except for the odd...

2 years ago
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Gimme An A

I’m Brigitte and I am a dork. I’m not saying that in a mean way, I just am well aware of my limitations when it comes to any sort of physical activity. I’m clumsy, which doesn’t help and extremely uncoordinated. I mean how many people do you know can trip over their own feet while crossing an empty gym floor? But after years of being selected last for team sports and always seemed to hurt myself through the first couple of years of high school trying all those sports they kept trying to teach...

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office wank

I closed my eyes while rotating my head it had been a long day, and now it was almost ten thirty at night and had a pile of work to do before tomorrow! Deciding to take a break, I stretched, and , cupped my full chest All of the tension in my body seemed to have moved down to my pussy, which by now was literally dripping and throbbing iwaiting for a much needed orgasm!!! "better not I've got loads of work todo," but I knew the only way that Id ever get done was if I could get some...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hello dosto mera nam aditya hai.Main meerut ka rahne wala hn.Mere lund ka size 6.5 inch h aur meri lambai 6 feat h.Accha ab bor nhi kar rha hn apne lund ko pakad lo aur jo bhabhiya ya ladkiya h wo chut mn hath lgana suru kar do.Mn ab story pe aata hn. Dosto mn flat mn rhta hn.Pura din sex dimaag mn ghumta h.Ek din ki baat h mn lift se niche aa rha tha to ek bhabhi bhi mere sath lift mn aayi unke sath unki bacchi bhi thi badi pyaari si jaise hi wo lift mn aayi mne unhe ek halki si smile di aur...

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My First Girlfriend vol4

Chapter 11: SaturdayI woke up early on Saturday so I could be ready to head to Rebecca's place around 10am. Normally I don't like being awake before noon if I don't have to, but my urge to cum was at an emergency state. Also, I just missed my girlfriend and was excited to spend a couple days with her. I had already packed some overnight supplies, including some extra socks and panties (I assumed she'd still want me in girls underwear). I left a note saying I was staying over at my friend tom's...

2 years ago
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Carly and Tilly Being Silly

Here we have a choice between the embarrassing adventures of two fairly well off ladies in the 1920’s. Carly is a white woman, wishing to make her stamp in America so she will be remembered for all time, possibly as a singer or an actress, possibly even model. She’s his only child and he doesn’t trust anyone else so… who else could it be? Tilly is a black girl, wishing to be a famous artist and become famous in America. This story is just going to be them getting into silly naked moments and...

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Helping myself to Rita Part 4

After running Rita a bath and leaving Rita to soak I went back downstairs to make us both a cup of tea and order a takeaway. After doing this I take the tea up to the bathroom. Without knocking I walk into the room and sit on the side of the bath handing the cup to Rita. With a small smile she takes it from me and sips carefully of the hot liquid. I look down at her face to see she is looking at me as well. “What?” I ask her. “Oh nothing, it’s just that.... oh I don’t know, forget it.” “No go...

Oral Sex
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The Neighbor 1

I recently moved into a really nice high rise apartment complex in New York. Rent is way too high, however my friends keep telling me I need to start enjoying life a little. I have been single for a quite a few years and I am now on my 8th vibrator. Hopefully someday they will make a vibrator that can outlast my sexual needs. I need to find a man soon though before I lose my mind with this constant sexual desire I have 24/7. It’s getting to the point where I can’t even function at work and now...

Group Sex
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Himura BattousaiChapter 30 Two DestiniesAoshi

Sanosuke: Aoshi's gone?! Chief: There's no windows... and no one's gone in or out the doors. Sanosuke: He's really gone!? How'd you let him escape?! Chief: Don't be foolish! We have every exit covered. It's impossible that anyone could have gone in or out without our noticing. The perimeter of the mansion is also secured. Yahiko: Well, then he really is a spy. He disappeared like smoke... Kenshin: No... there's another entrance below us. Megumi: Kanryuu's secret passage! While...

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My Dream Queen Chitti

Hi friends. This is Harish from Coimbatore. I am fan of Indian sex stories and a regular reader. I am going to narrate a true incident with my chitti which happened last week. Now lets begin the story. This incident takes place in Coimbatore.I am a 22 age boy staying in my chitti’s house in search of job. I am a fit muscular type body of height 5.9 weight 63kg. Now the heroine of the story my chitti name rani of age 36 height 5.6 weight 58 kg. Her structure was 34 30 34. Imagine her ass. She...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Capture Collared

Curiosity feminized me I have no idea why, but for some reason, when I was first introduced to being feminized by a powerful woman, it has been something I have secretly gone back to again and again. Finding videos on You Tube by women who through hypnosis puts a male subject under her control and feminizes him. I also enjoyed the multiple video’s on Xhamster showing so many sissy boys being feminized and worshiping large cocks of every kind. Although I have fallen asleep many times, with my...

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Banana Cream

Shopping, I come across fresh bananas in their bins.  My mind wonders….That damn job of his is consuming him!  We've only been married six months, but he hardly notices me anymore.  "I'm tired honey," I can hear him say again.  Has the honeymoon already ended?  I need to do something….The decision is made.  I grasp a bunch and lovingly caress them before carefully bagging them."Please put the bananas on the top of the bag," I ask.The bagger smiles as if she knows my thoughts, my plans.Getting...

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Going to See my Big Black Cock King in miami

Ok...first off...if you don't worship Black Cock please leave now, if you are a hater of Black cock...Fuck you!!!im so tired of little dick men saying that they are better...maybe to some women who don't want to have the best sex of their NOT TO ME!!I LOVE MY BIG BLACK COCK KING and no other. I don't want to fuck any of you guys..even thesexy black ones...but i do like looking....lolAnyway, Im going to see Eugene; my Black Cock king who lives two blocks from Miami Beach. i bought...

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