Quartet: Eleanor Ch. 01 free porn video

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This is the fourth and final segment of Quartet. I hope you haven’t lost interest in the stories, but I felt the last segment lacked something and I wanted to spend more time on the finale. Thanks for your patience.

Eleanor Charlton married George Sunderland on a rainy, cold day in March, 1970 in Calgary, Alberta. It was an omen. She was twenty two years old and he was thirty seven. She was a junior secretary at a Publicity and Promotions firm and he was the twice-married Manager of the same firm. She was no virgin, but she was not very experienced with men and George was her polar opposite. He saw women as disposable and some say he only married them to legitimize the tax deductions. Their marriage lasted less than a year when Eleanor discovered her husband deeply embedded in one of his ex-wives on the sofa in their living room. It was an enlightening experience for her and another liberating one for George. The divorce was granted and a kindly judge awarded Eleanor a sizeable portion of George’s income after noting his previous marital adventures and the reasons for their failure, namely an inability to determine which of his various conquests he was married to.

Eleanor had learned a valuable lesson. George was a philanderer and cared little for her conventional marital sensibilities. She would choose more wisely for her next husband, but that would be a long time in the future. In the meantime, she bent her efforts toward developing her career and with a singleness of purpose as she began a steady rise in the Calgary business community. By the time she was thirty, she was recognized as the most influential Promotions person in the city and was sought after for a variety of projects from Major Commercial Property Development to Shopping Centre Promotions. Her income reached almost six figures and she was invited to be the first woman to join the prestigious Calgary Businessman’s Club. She joined, only to find it was a hostile environment for a single woman and she seldom used its facilities. Over time, she indulged herself with occasional male companions and her lusty appetites became the underground talk of the business community. She never lacked for willing companions for any social event.

Eleanor had come from a conventional middle-class family. Her father and mother lived in a modest three bedroom home in the University District and he earned his living as a professor at the University. Eleanor’s younger sister, Evelyn, was six years her junior and was a completely different personality. Quiet and shy, she had married a strong willed oil field engineer, John Payton, and when the downturn hit the oil industry in the eighties, he moved his family to the coast and began a successful career as a process engineer with an international chemical company supplying the Pulp and Paper industry. They had one child, Julia and Eleanor thought the world of her niece. There was nothing in the background, family or environment that would account for the contrast between the two sisters.

On a particularly cold winter evening, Eleanor met Robert Thompson at the Calgary Businessman’s Club where she was hosting a reception for the Heavy Construction Industry. Robert and his brother Harold were the owners of Thompson Bridge and Trestle, a family business they had founded and built from nothing to become the largest rail bridge and trestle constructors in North America. While it sounded impressive, their business largely consisted of repairing, upgrading and maintaining the myriad of wooden trestles already dotting the Western North American landscape. Both Robert and Harold were single, having devoted almost every waking hour to building and running their business. Robert, the elder, was 44 and his brother had just celebrated his 40th birthday. Eleanor, now 35, was intrigued by these two seemingly rough, self-made men. She had never met anyone like them and their openness and straightforward values were a refreshing change from the posturing and posing of the younger businessmen she was accustomed to meeting.

Eleanor’s erect posture and 5 foot 9 inch height caused her to stand out among her female peers. In addition, she chose her business clothes carefully to give a distinctly professional appearance. Her fully developed figure did not go unnoticed despite her dress and it was Robert who sucked up his courage, boldly walked over to her and, when she was finally alone, introduced himself.

‘Good Evening. I’m Bob Thompson and I would very much like to get to know you, Miss …?’ He was clearly expecting Eleanor to fill in the blank. She wasn’t intending to make it that easy for him.

‘How do you do, Mr. Thompson. It’s very nice to meet you.’ she smiled slyly.

‘You wouldn’t do me the honor of joining my brother and me at our table, would you?’ he asked carefully.

‘I’m sorry, that won’t be possible.’ The sly smile was still on her mouth.

‘Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I would truly enjoy spending some time with you. It isn’t very often that I get to have dinner with a beautiful woman.’ He delivered the ‘corny’ line with such sincerity that it was all Eleanor could do not to burst out laughing.

‘No offense, Mr. Thompson, but I’ll be required at the head table. I’m your host this evening.’

‘Oh, well … that’s understandable. I guess that way I’ll learn your name at least.’ he said smiling nervously.

‘I’m Eleanor Charlton and you can call me Eleanor.’ Her smile was all Robert Thompson needed to see to know he had found what he was looking for.

‘I’ll look forward to talking to you some more when the dinner and formalities are finished.’ he said directly.

Eleanor leaned back slightly and took stock of the imposing figure in front of her. Somehow, she was intrigued by what she saw and would like to know more about this big, rough-edged man.

‘Let’s do that.’ she said brightly. ‘Excuse me, I’ve got to get things started. I’ll see you later … Mr. Thompson.’

‘It’s Bob … please.’ he pleaded as she turned gracefully and strode toward the head table without answering his request.

Eleanor smiled to herself as she walked toward the head table. Mr. Bob Thompson was a giant, at least six foot six and he appeared to be very fit. It must be all that outdoor exercise building bridges, she thought idly. During the dinner, she found her mind wandering and she occasionally looked over at the table where the Thompson brothers sat. There were no women at the table, but that didn’t mean anything at this dinner, it was pretty much a men-only Association. She noticed that Bob Thompson was looking over at her on a regular basis as well. She tried to be nonchalant and appear to not notice his glances, but she was drawn to his gaze and was sure he knew that. She noticed that both he and his brother were tanned despite the fact it was January. She idly wondered if it was an all-over tan. She had never bedded a man of his size and wondered if he was that big in every department. She finally awoke from her sexual reverie and realized the evening was coming to an end and she was expected to say a few words to wrap things up, thanking the guests and speakers.

As the room broke up at the conclusion of her comments, Eleanor couldn’t help but look over to the Thompson table and felt a moment of disappointment when she saw no one there. Almost immediately, she heard a strong, masculine voice behind her and smiled inwardly as she knew who it was.

‘You run a very efficient meeting, Miss Charlton.’ he said in a surprisingly soft voice.

‘Thank you. Why don’t we try being less formal, Bob? I’m Eleanor.’ she smiled.

‘You seemed a bit distracted at dinner this evening. I hope I wasn’t the cause of that … or … then again, maybe I hope I was.’ he grinned.

‘You’re hard to ignore, Bob. You stand out in a crowd.’ she said with a sly grin.

Robert Thompson grinned back at her but was, in truth, completely at a loss for words. He couldn’t remember the las
t time he had been in a social setting with a woman that he was this attracted to. His adult life had been pretty well consumed by the family business and he just hadn’t allowed himself time for a woman in his life. He had recently begun to realize just how much he had sacrificed in the past twenty years He intended to change that and couldn’t believe his luck to meet someone as captivating as Eleanor Charlton. What was the word his English friend used? Besotted! Worse than that, tongue-tied.

‘I … I guess I’m not used to the small talk, Eleanor. I’m sorry.’ he said sincerely.

‘Don’t apologize, Bob. It’s a refreshing change from some of the glib young hotshots who specialize in empty small talk.’ She had put her hand on his arm and he felt a shot of adrenalin rush through him. ‘Why don’t we head for the bar and I’ll buy you a drink.’ she offered.

‘Uhhhh … fine. Thank you.’ He was clearly flustered and willing to follow any suggestion she might offer.

They entered the bar and Bob recognized a few of the attendees from tonight’s dinner. They all seemed to notice the attractive hostess of their dinner was on his arm as they settled into a corner booth by themselves. They ordered their drinks and Eleanor quickly began to draw Bob out.

‘What brings you to Calgary on a cold winter’s night, Bob?’

‘My brother and I have business here. Most of the bridges we service in Canada are between here and Kelowna. I was thinking about moving to Calgary. We’re from Revelstoke originally, but this is where the main CPR office is located and that’s where most of our business comes from. Besides, maybe it’s time we tasted life in the big city.’ He was looking directly into her eyes and he hadn’t blinked or wavered since he had started talking.

‘Do you have family here?’ she asked with the intent to find out if he was attached or not.

‘No, our mom lives in Kelowna now since my dad died. Harry and I are both single, so there’s nothing keeping us in Revelstoke any more.’ He had relayed this information as if he was filling out a form at the Post Office and yet his eyes kept their steady gaze on Eleanor’s.

‘No women in your lives?’ she asked directly.

‘Nah. No time and to tell the truth, I hadn’t met anyone that would cause me to take the time … at least … well, you caught my eye tonight and that’s a first.’ he grinned.

‘I’m flattered. But then, you caught my eye too, Bob.’ She was almost shocked at the admission she had just made. She had been so careful around men over the past years that she was astonished that she had let her guard down so easily and quickly with this big, ruggedly handsome man.

‘I thought you would have a line up of guys knocking on your door.’ he said with a serious look.

‘I’m very picky. I have very high standards. No Bozos!’ she laughed.

‘Well, uh … well, if I asked you for a date … uh … would I have a chance?’ he asked as if he were still a high school junior asking the prom queen.

‘Ha! Ha! Oh, Bob. You are special. You aren’t like any of those guys I know. Yes, you can ask me for a date and yes I will go out with you.’ she smiled at him.

‘Hot Damn!’ He had a grin from ear to ear and only after a few seconds noticed that he had hold of her hands in his and was squeezing them in his excitement.

‘Easy, big guy. I have to use these hands tomorrow.’ she said in mock fear.

‘Sorry, Eleanor. I guess I got carried away. Sorry!’ His apology was offered sincerely and Eleanor realized what made him so attractive was his genuine nature. That was the word that best described him to her: genuine.

‘I’ll be OK, Bob. A light working cast should be enough.’ she laughed. She realized she was having fun, but not at his expense. He was so straightforward and honest about what he was thinking that she was truly enjoying him.

They continued to enjoy each other’s company and when the time came to leave, he asked her if she would have dinner with him the next night and was delighted when she accepted. He agreed to pick her up at her apartment. She had given him her address on the back of her business card and they agreed on seven o’clock. He would get some advice on the best restaurant in the city and then, thought better of it.

‘Before I make a mistake, what’s your favorite restaurant?’ he asked seriously.

‘Well, there’s more than one, but I think you’ll like Chico’s. Why don’t you make a reservation there.’

‘Done. See you at seven tomorrow.’ he said enthusiastically.

Eleanor turned toward him, put her hand on his arm, stood on her tip-toes and kissed his cheek. Robert Thompson, 44 year old successful businessman and almost a foot taller than Eleanor, instantly flushed a bright crimson. She smiled at his reaction and waved her good night as she headed for the parking lot. Robert Thompson just stood where she had kissed him, rooted to the spot, still with a bright red face and felt another surge pass through him. It was a feeling he had never before experienced.


Robert and Harold Thompson were the sons of Ralph and Muriel Thompson, originally of Nova Scotia, but now living in the Rocky Mountain town of Revelstoke. When the mines fell silent in North Sydney, Ralph Thompson looked for work in the West where jobs were more plentiful and opportunity for his sons would be better than a dying mining town in Cape Breton. As it turned out, he was right. He quickly found a good union job with the CPR in Revelstoke and for the first time, he could afford to buy a home and not live in a company cottage. It revitalized him as well as his whole family. Muriel found steady customers for her quilts and other crafts and they made many new friends in the community. The boys, then in their early to mid teens, did fairly well in school but excelled in sports, particularly football. Their size was such that they were all-stars on their high school teams both offensively and defensively. They had girl friends and thrived in their new community throughout their high school years.

Robert graduated first, three years ahead of his brother. While their mother wanted them to attend College, neither Robert nor Harold was enthusiastic about it. When they found steady work on the CPR trestle crews, the ‘big money’ they earned was the seduction that sealed their future. When Robert was almost thirty, he learned from his father that the railroad was going to close the trestle division and farm the work out to private contractors. Instead of being devastated by this news, Robert and Harold approached the division manager and suggested they were competent to take on a contract for repair and maintenance of the trestles in their division. They were quickly informed that they would have to apply to be given an opportunity to bid on these jobs. With the help and guidance of that same manager, they prepared a bid for the section from Revelstoke to Golden, B.C. plus all the branch lines along the way. They spent many an evening working on their costs and deciding how to bid the jobs and their homework paid off. They were awarded a conditional contact for the section and the Thompson Bridge and Trestle Company was officially in business. It was much harder than they imagined. It took them ten years to get themselves to the top of the heap in their profession. It was nothing but self-sacrificing hard work and total commitment to their business.

Neither Robert nor Harold had time for romance or marriage, but that didn’t mean they were celibate. They had enjoyed a lusty youth and had ‘entertained’ many a young lady throughout their late teens and twenties. The formation of their company had put such demands on their time that their sex lives had declined almost to nothing over the ten years they spent building the business. Harold had availed himself of the local ‘professionals’ on occasion since he had no interest in developing a relationship over time, it was the one commodity he had little of. Harold was a couple of inches sh
orter than his older brother but was nonetheless still a big man. Like his brother, he was invariably polite and well liked by both their employees and their customers. Considering the rough-neck nature of their business, they didn’t exhibit what might be thought to be typical behavior in social settings. Their parent’s strong values were carried with them in all aspects of their lives.

As the business had matured and flourished, Robert had acquired a couple of ‘part time girlfriends’. Carol, a buxom waitress at the Golden Mountain Inn Restaurant, was a delightful bed partner. She was a divorcee with two teenage girls and wasn’t looking for a husband at the time. She was a few years older than Robert and they had a comfortable relationship that satisfied both of them. Robert would visit her on his bi-weekly visit to the far eastern end of his district. Carol did not know about Abigail. Abigail was a single mother of a school age boy and worked at the Three Valley Gap office of a road maintenance company. Robert would drive west from his home in Revelstoke the few miles to her home and they would have dinner and talk about events since they had last seen each other then they would have sex until it was time for Robert to head home. Abby, as he called her, did not know about Carol. Unlike Carol, Abby did talk about marriage and saw it as a way to ensure security for her son. Robert had made it clear that he wasn’t the marrying kind but would be happy to help her financially when she needed help. Like Carol, it was a comfortable relationship based on sex and it satisfied Robert. Neither relationship lasted. After almost six years with Robert, Carol set up full-time housekeeping with a local truck driver and ended her relationship with Robert before she committed herself to her new man. Abigail was consistent with her interest in a commitment from Robert and he ended the relationship when, for the umpteenth time, indicated he ‘wasn’t the marrying kind’. They had been together for almost five years. At age 41, he was once again without a reliable source of comfort and joy.


Eleanor drove home from the meeting with her mind in confusion. She had not met a man that caused her to be so unsettled and yet excited since her first husband, the lamentable George. She had been around and involved with many men in the past fifteen years and had wearied of the search for Mr. Right. Now, out of the blue, here comes Mr. Big! He’s nothing like she though she would want and yet she wanted him. She knew it almost from the moment he spoke to her. She wanted <, i>,him <, /i>,.

Just before seven the next evening, Robert pushed the intercom button on Eleanor’s mail slot. She answered almost immediately.

‘I’ll be right down, Robert. Wait for me in the lobby.’ she said brightly.

‘I’ll be here.’ was his quick reply.

She walked out of the elevator less than two minutes later and stepped forward, put her arm on Robert’s, stood on tip-toes and kissed his cheek. She stepped back and smiled at him.

‘Ready to go?’ she asked cheerily.

‘Ah … uh … yah! Ready.’ Once again she had completely caught him by surprise and he was struggling not to appear the fool. He held the door open for her and they walked out to the curb where his taxi was waiting. He opened the door for her and then went around to the other side and got in. He gave the driver their destination and they were off.

‘You look very handsome tonight, Robert.’ she said sincerely. He was wearing the same dark blue suit he had worn last night with a clean, conventional white dress shirt and a red and blue striped tie. Very conservative!

‘Ah … thanks. You look … beautiful. I mean … really nice.’ he stumbled. She was in a classic black cocktail dress that came to her knees and accentuated her voluptuous body. The silver spaghetti straps and the vertical, slim red trim along the side slit at her thigh were the only accents. There was more than a hint of cleavage and the side slits in the dress made sure he knew she was wearing thigh-high stockings. The rest was pure, unadulterated Eleanor. She had created the desired effect on Robert that she had intended. He was once again tongue-tied.

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Seattle, Winter ‘07 Her name was Lucy, or at least that’s the name she used, and she was a junkie. I didn’t need to see the track marks to know. In my line of work, I’d seen enough addicts to ID them quickly. She said she was 25, another lie. Closer to 20 would be my guess. That’s the thing about junkies. Lying comes naturally. It’s second nature. “I want to get clean.” See? Translation. I’d rather go to rehab then the slammer. Eventually, I got the truth out of her, though. Surprisingly,...

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Quartet Chapter 3

“Guys, you mind if I cook a little breakfast?” Shawn asked from the crack he opened in the doorway. Aaron shook his head and said, “Naw, go right ahead man. We’ll be out in a few.” I did not want to get out of bed, but as I watched Aaron pull on a pair of shorts, I moved closer to the edge of the bed. He tossed my robe to me and told me to get up. I sighed and threw my legs over the edge of the bed. Before I was fully out of the bed, Aaron was out the door. My nerves grew as I tied the robe...

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Quartet Chapter 2

About a month later, I met Kristie for lunch and we went to my house afterward for a ‘snack.’ After our ‘play date’, we curled up on the bed and talked about our guys. “I have to know,” I said before taking a deep breath, “Is Aaron the older guy you have a crush on? It will not upset me if he is.” Kristie bit her lip and blushed before she nodded her head. I told her that it was fine and that I had to confess to having a bit of a crush on Shawn. She was surprised that I looked at Shawn that...

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The sound of the key and the flow of the words on the screen were all that I heard and saw until I felt a light kiss on my cheek. With my concentration broken, I looked up at him annoyed that he was disturbing me. “Did you hear anything I just said?” the tall and very cute man said as he loomed over me. “Nope,” I said looking up at him with a smile thinking ‘What a dumb question.’ He leaned down and kissed my lips. I love my husband most days, but when he interrupts my writing, I want to...

4 years ago
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Quartet for Teens in One Movement

I'd been dating Monica for nearly three months and we've been fucking for three weeks now. Mostly at my house, after school, when my parents are at work. Monica just loves sex, she's the most sexed-up girl I've ever known. When she's horny, she just goes at me. I love it. We'd use Monica's house some, but her little sister, Myra, is kind of a snot. She's thirteen and cute like Monica but is really kind of a brat. Anyway, Monica is sixteen, like me, and a cute redhead. She has real...

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Dad knows whats best

Dad knows what’s bestChapter oneThe early yearsI was born in the early sixties on a farm about two miles from anywhere, I never knew my mother because two days after giving birth to my younger brother something happened and she was rushed into intensive care where they tried everything to save her but she slowly slipped away. At this time I was only three years old and to be truthful have not many memories of her only what I’ve been told by either my dad or my three older sisters, my sisters...

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Giselle Clarize a Love StoryChapter 11

When at last her Mistress came, it seemed an isolated moment in time. A slow motioned fata morgana it was. A sun rose, manna rained from the skies. Her pale skin was the floating moonlight. The emerald of her eyes made her skin shiver. It rose in goosebumps. She stared into the calm pools and felt hot piss dribble down her leg. It took her minutes to realize she was being spoken to. But whatever the questionmight be, she knew the answer now. She knew it without hearing any of the soft spoken...

4 years ago
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Rachels Dare Part 4

The music cut through the red-tinged light of the strip club, sending a shiver down my spine as we both entered. The man at the door - topless and in tight pants - had talked to Rachel for a short while, before gesturing at a tall, blonde woman who stood behind the bar. The woman was busy observing the rowdy patrons of "For Her Eyes Only", keeping a keen eye on proceedings, and not bothering to look in our direction. All the way over from the sports bar, I'd held on to the faint hope that the...

2 years ago
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Well Crap

Well, crap. Talk about your mixed emotions, I got them. Several hundred of them hitting in just a few seconds. Let me back up and give you a few details. My name is Lee Davis and I’d be a dirty old man except I’m not 30, for a month or so anyway. I’m 29 and been married to Mary for six years. We met when we both reported to ZXC Corp for our first day, both being recent college grads. I’m a design engineer and Georgia Tech grad and Mary has an MBA from Rhode Island’s Brown University. I had...

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I8217m a Panty Lover

In my line of work [handyman] I need good shoes. And, since my feet don’t match [a 10 and an 11] I have to shop at places where I can get custom services. I am greeted by a 50 ish woman and I sit for a fitting. We discuss the possibilities and she asks what I do and in the chat she says that there are things at her house that I probably could fix. All during the fitting and the chat I am treated to shadowy views up her skirt. She skootches to lace the new shows and I just stare between her...

1 year ago
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The awakening of Jimmy Slade

Jimmy Slade had applied for a position as an apprentice electrician long before he left high school. His father would rather he had become a professional footballer because Jimmy was strong, agile and athletic. But Jimmy knew what he wanted. Although still a teenager he knew that he would soon be finding a girl to make him happy and to be the mother of his k**s. He wanted to prepare for a stable future with a steady job, a comfortable home, a good wife and k**s. He was in for a rude...

3 years ago
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Pregnant girl

*************************************************** I am a simple man, carpenter by trade. I specialize in making furniture and especially beds. I never thought that the day I delivered a particular bed that I would be so thankful for the fruits of my labor. I pulled up to the house of 7777 Lucky Lane, an interesting address to say the least. I wondered if lady luck just so happened to live here as I rang the door bell. When the door opened I was happy to see that I hit the jackpot. Standing...

2 years ago
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Mormon part 2

In part 1 i told how i was seduced and abused by 3 mens at whose house i worked at. I wanted revenge, although i had grown to enjoy my gay side, but i still believed i was forced into that. I planned my revenge, they made me their slave so i wanted to do something familiar. Now i was used by all three men, Eric, Jack and Martin for 2 years. Jack had died, Martin was getting married and Eric was usually busy so they had stopped using me. Infact i had not been used for about a month. It was...

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The Party

Tracey was more than a bit nervous as she knocked on the kitchen door of Emily's house.Emily Chambers was her neighbour but although they lived in the same road the similarities ended there. Tracey's house was a nondescript three bedroomed house whereas Emily's was almost a mansion! It had started out the same as Tracey's but over the years extensions had been added until it now dwarfed Tracey's house and every other house in the road. To be honest the house looked totally garish and out of...

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Sex on the campus

“I can’t just book them for asking for your introduction,” said Ashu ma’am, putting down her glasses. She had called all the boys of MCA 1st year to the faculty office to discuss ragging. I was the last one left after she excused all the other students. I was trying to tell her that they made us masturbate. But I felt embarrassed to say it directly. So I folded and rolled my handkerchief to resemble a dick, then moved my fist around it. Her reaction was unexpected. She smiled, thinking that I...

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The Trial

                                  The Trail My god how could this happen to us. This was just to be a week of hiking for us as part of our attempt to complete the whole trail in the next few years. Here we were naked, our wrists bound by a course and heavy rope, and a rope around our necks from one to the other as the bushes and brambles scratching or bodies. Where was he taking us and what was he going to do to us? This all started just 2 days ago as we had left on our vacation to hike about...

2 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 80

Brock decided he should wait for Esmi and her group by the door to make sure that Jana Jones had time to depart. He stood with the bouncer and talked about baseball until a large SUV with tinted windows pulled up. The photographers who usually stationed themselves out front had seen it roll past and turn down a side street so they ran as quickly as they could to catch up. They had just arrived when Esmi Perez, in a short green dress, stepped out of the vehicle, assisted by the...

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Meeting an old man

I had met William at my husband’s office. I had gone there to meet Victor and have lunch with him; but then I found this handsome gentleman sitting there, having a business talk with my beloved husband…I joined them and soon I knew he was a widower; he was in his late sixties but really looked younger, keeping his body well fit at a gym; hard and toned. He was also a charming man…Victor invited to join him for lunch and William gladly accepted the offer. We enjoyed a nice meal and, when we...

3 years ago
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The Park

There is a park in my home town that has become a gathering place for guys looking to score in one way or another. They park and sit in their cars for awhile and then head off into the woods via a two track path looking to either give or get; at least a blow job. The first time I went to this park, I got out of my car and headed into the woods, there were 7 or 8 cars in the parking lot with 4 of them empty. I found the going hard at first as it's difficult to walk on a dirt path in...

4 years ago
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Color Me Gone

“Stupid cunt” I muttered to myself as I turned and walked away from them. Them? The girlfriend who was now an ex and the guy she was sitting with. Not a new story. In fact it probably happened a hundred times a day on this great big world of ours. Girlfriend breaks a date because of (fill in the blank) and boyfriend finds her out with another guy. In my case she had to go shopping with her mother. Dating another guy isn’t what made her a stupid cunt. I’m not so egotistical that I believe...

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Return to Cala de SirenaPart 1

Author Note-This is the follow-up to Cala de Sirena so if you haven't read it, please use the link at the bottom and read it first as many of the characters are first introduced there, as is much of the background needed to better understand this one.Jenny Edwards sat in at the small table in the little café sipping a soda and waiting. She brushed her light brown hair out of her blue eyes as she drummed her fingers on the table. This was a meeting she’d avoided for over five years, but now, she...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 22 Enlightenment

“I don’t know how you managed to survive those frightening ejaculations”, I said, “but you seemed to like it.” “You can be sure I LOVED IT”, said Lilly. “Know that I MUST experience that but next time we have to get it right.” “Get it right?” I thought how strange that sounded. How would one get an event like that “right”. There seemed little if any control. “I’m still quite frightened by the experience”, I added. “The ever increasing output is an astounding thing. It’s actually explosive.”...

2 years ago
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The CavemanChapter 32

Hugo got drunk last night! Well and truly wasted. Looking back it was sort of funny. He’s a pretty easy drunk, it took about three shots and he was staggering around as he went for the fourth one. Then he sort of just sagged down on the floor and he was out. I think I’ve found something he doesn’t do very well. But it wasn’t all that funny then and when I think about it, it still isn’t. All the inactivity is getting to him big-time. Oh, he’s learning fast, faster than fast, my God he’s...

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Cybersonic Hell

Cybersonic HellIf grown men couldn’t push Big Bill from the seediest Texas bars, there was no way Dominika was going to do it. Big Bill filled the doorway with his broad shoulders and a barrel chest, dwarfing my former girlfriend, who tipped the scale at 115 pounds.Dominika pushed but Big Bill didn’t budge. Her face flushed with frustration as she tried to reach the door. Bill – that hulking leader of a South Texas motorcycle gang – just stood there with crossed arms. The rest of us, including...

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The skate park pays off part II

As time went on Mary (the doc) became a bit more demanding and possessive. I was servicing one of her business/medical associates at least once a week.Many of these ladies were still attractive but after my stint with Brit, I really preferred young pussy, especially BritI was having interludes with Brit about once a week also. She is unpredictable. I would park in the lot by the skate park at least three times a week but she would only come to the car about once a week.When I am with Brit I’m...

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Studs Life

Nick was a bit of a neighborhood bully growing up. He was just always so much bigger than the other kids and from an early age, just had that angry white kid mean streak to him, only unlike the other kids in his class, he certainly had the muscles to do something about that anger. He was able to channel some of it into sports. For a while. But that ultimately just made him bigger and meaner by the time he graduated HS. Most of the girls he grew up with were infatuated with him though, at least...

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College Boy In Prison

COLLEGE BOY IN PRISON by Throne Everything had been going great for Sammy. He was starting college, with courses in art and poetry, and still hadn't decided what his major would be. His jet-setting parents lived on the opposite coast and honestly didn't have much to do with him except to pay his bills. So he had stayed briefly with his Uncle John, a tall dignified man, until the first semester began at the nearby college. While he was on campus he met a guy his own age, Ray, who...

2 years ago
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Getting Over Jake and Under Adin

“Get your ass up, lady.” Harlee snapped at me. “You have been sulking around here since Jake dumped you, and I’m getting freaking sick of it. We’re going out tonight, and you’re going to enjoy yourself if it fucking kills me.” I opened my mouth to argue, but she shut me up with a snap of her fingers. “Don’t you dare make any excuses. You’ll wear my clothes. You are doing this, Taylor.” “Harlee,” I whined. “I don’t know if I can. I haven’t been to a club in months. I don’t even know if I can...

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Owner8217s Pride Neighbors Envy 8211 Part 8

Hello everybody hope you have enjoyed the previous part, and as usual I would like to thank you all for your comments and encouragements that have you have given me . I also would like to request you all to give feedbacks of yours on the story and your take on it. With that being said, I would like to continue to part 8 of erotic series that you all have been reading. After the nonstop fucking and the kink of banging a married woman’s pussy from behind while her husband was on a call was done,...

2 years ago
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The Hockey Game

Lucky was so excited about going to her first hockey game, she couldn't wait to go. It was her twenty-first birthday. Lucky's boyfriend James thought it would be a great experience for her, little did Lucky know what kind of experience it would really be. The game was so noisy and crowded, everyone was happily cheering for the home team. Lucky tried to follow along and James did his best to tell her about the game and the player's. She hadn't realized however, that the player's on the home team...

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Granny Ellie

Ellie was my grand mother, but we could not call her our grand mother so we called her by her name, Ellie. I had always found Ellie to be very attractive, she was skinny and toned about five foot one or two. Beautiful face and eyes, nice ass and small tits but I liked them any way. She was well educated and very smart. She was strict and seemed very straight laced and never cussed. I had always felt she never thought about sex. Especially now that she was in her early sixties. When I hit...

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Cheating Can be FUN part 4

Penultimate one of this series which was also posted by me on another site thank you for your comments and private messages so far enjoy!!!Cheating can be fun 4 ________________________________________Its a little long but I think it is worth whilePat and I made love most of that night but the real events took place the following morning as she awoke to me cooking breakfast.“Smells nice,” she smiled, “Will I have time for a shower?“Sure, but make it quick this is just about ready to dish up.”“5...

1 year ago
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I got to work at 5 in the morning just like any other normal day. Start walking the building and getting everything ready normal chit-chat with fellow associates i get a text from her asking if I want her to pick up coffee. She knows the answer is yes and she says that she is leaving early and says I can put the order in now. I ask what she wants and she tells me what ever I order her will be fine. I get my usual and order her one. When she gets to work I head back to the office and sit down at...

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