Warrior of The Chevaan
- 4 years ago
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“You sure man?” said Lance. “You know you got a place here as long as you want.”
“Yeah, and Lance you’ve been great. And I do apologize for hating you so much in high school. But it’s time, man. I gotta have my own place. So, in a couple of weeks?” I said.
“No problem man, you know that. I’ll help you move, and so will Milt. You have collected a lot of shit in these past months that needs to be packed up,” he said.
And then I was moved in to my new place. It was May 1995. Sands Apartments Room #103, in Chandler, Arizona. And time passed as usual.
“Thanks Doctor Hardy,” said James Winters, as he was being unwrapped. His burned face was fixed, well, fixed as much as possible.
“You’re welcome,” said Doctor Hardy.
“You’re the guy who married Penelope Wyatt, right?” said his now ex-patient. The doctor looked up from the paperwork he’d been perusing.
“Yes, but you...” he said.
“No, no, I went to school with her and well her ex. We were all together for years: grade school through high school, well, actually I was a year behind them. I read about the divorce and her marrying a Doctor Hardy. It was in the papers. It had to be you; I mean the pictures,” he said.
Doctor Hardy, smiled. “Yes, I’m the lucky guy,” he said.
“Yeah she was a looker. Her ex is back from Iraq,” said James. All of a sudden, the doctor was interested.
“Back?” he said.
“Yeah, me and couple of other guys from back in the day saw him, talked to him at the Pasture not too long ago,” he said.
“Oh, okay,” said Doctor Hardy. Just then a nurse came in with the patient’s scheduled meds. She didn’t realize it, but she had interrupted a very serious Q-and-A betwixt the doctor and his patient. Doctor Hardy, waved to the man in the bed and casually walked out; he had someone to talk to, and that immediately.
“He’s back in town, and evidently he’s been back for a long time,” said Grant. She nodded.
“Well, we didn’t exactly expect to be invited to his welcome home party. But your patient said he saw him at the Pasture?” said Penelope.
“Yes, says he knows you and of course Lee as well,” said Grant. “James Winters?”
“Jimmy! Yes, I knew him, we knew him. He was a year behind us, but a good ball player as I recall: football and baseball. How is he? Is he okay?” said Penelope.
“Yes, pretty much. He’s going to need some follow up, they always do. But overall, he should be okay when all is said and done,” said Grant.
“So now what? Do we try to talk to our hero?” she said.
“Why the sarcasm?” he said. “Just a while back you were ready to do anything to help the guy get by the—situation,” he said.
“Yes, and I still am. We did bad, you and me, but he isn’t, wasn’t back then, even willing to talk to us, let us apologize, nothing. And frankly the more I think about things the more I’m ready to give him what he says he wants,” she said.
“Our absence from his life,” he said.
“Yes,” she said.
“We should give it one more go. Try and get him to want to see his child if not exactly raise her,” he said. She nodded, but it was a sarcastic nod.
“You’re right of course. But it’s just like I said, I’m just at the end of my rope worrying about him worrying us, and all,” she said. “But one more go at him? Okay.” The man nodded.
Grant Hardy didn’t especially like bars like the Pasture, but beer was pretty much generic, so here he was. He’d been here before, actually several times over the years, and that with Penelope, but it had been a long while since the last visit. But Curtiss remembered him.
It was Friday night. The place was dimly lit. It was May of ‘95. It was hot outside even in the evening which it now was, 8:00 p.m. and the sun had finally gone down. Curtiss, was tending bar.
“Doctor Hardy as I recall,” said Curtiss. The customer seemed surprised.
“Yes,” said Grant. “You remember.”
“I’m good with names and faces. Not everyone can say that,” said Curtiss, obviously proud of himself.
“Well, your right about that,” said Grant.
“What can I getcha?” said Curtiss.
“Anything on tap. A tall one,” he said. Curtiss nodded and went to fill the order.
“You married Lee Wyatt’s ex if I remember rightly,” said the talkative Curtiss, returning with the beer.
“Yes,” said Grant. “Met him once, but that was a long time ago.”
“Really? Just one time?” said Curtiss.
“Yes,” he said. Curtiss let his knowing eyes float toward a table maybe ten feet away from them.
A guy in a wheelchair wheeled himself up to the bar and raised his glass for Curtiss to refill. Curtiss took the one step to his left to answer the call.
“Another one Lee?” he said.
“Yeah, if you will old bud. I’m waitin’ on Lance,” said Lee. He noticed the handsome, and fairly tall guy next to him looking down at his legless self. In spite of the dim light he seemed familiar, but not really.
“The war,” said Lee. “Whaddya gonna do?”
“Yeah,” said Grant, trying to choke back his obvious feelings.
“It is what it is, man, I don’t whine about it, well, not anymore,” said Lee.
“Oh, I didn’t mean...” started Grant.
“No problem,” said Lee. Just then another man came up and got the attention of Lee Wyatt.
Grant Hardy, downed his drink in one go. Threw a ten onto the bar’s surface and left. Hurriedly left. He’d gotten lucky, he guessed it was lucky: the man had not recognized him.
“I saw him. He was there, at the Pasture,” said Grant.
“Okay, did you talk to him? Did he even recognize you?” said Penelope.
“Not really, and no,” he said.
“Huh?” she said.
“He came up to the bar where I was having a beer to order one for himself, He just kinda acknowledged me, and me him. But then some guy came up to him and they went off, back to his table,” said Grant.
“Why the glum look. He’s back. He’s okay. He’s drinking beer,” she said. She looked askance at the man’s demeanor.
“Grant?” she said pressing him.
“He’s not okay, Pen. He’s got no legs. He’s a double amputee,” he said. She gave him a look that clearly indicated that she didn’t actually understand what he was saying.
“Huh? What?” she said.
“Penelope, he has no legs. They’ve been amputated, all the way to his hips if I judged his situation correctly. And, well, I did,” he said.
“Oh my God! No!” she screamed. The tears just would not stop; well, they didn’t for almost an hour. The man holding her most of that time was also feeling down.
“Grant, is there anything we can do? Artificial legs anything?” she said. She had finally gotten a degree of control.
“From what I saw, nothing like what I’m sure you are imagining. There are machines, sort of, that make it possible for amputees to get around in an upward posture, but they are not pretty and really not an improvement on a simple wheelchair, like the one he was in tonight,” he said. “I gotta tell yuh, I was real glad he didn’t recognize me. I would have had a hard time holding it together myself if he had.” She nodded.
“Pen we just ran out of excuses. He’s gotta meet Zoey, and on his terms,” he said. “It’s going to be a tough nut, oh yes, it is. I mean given his feelings about you and me, but it has to happen. We have to figure something out.”
I walked the ten centimeter ledge as if it were a wide path and ignored the thousand meter drop to my left. The cliff bent and then I was walking onto a very wide ledge covered in thick moss. In the center was a tent and in front of the tent were three human males around a holographic fire, drinking. To one side was a collapsible stasis container with six spike-like horns on it. I moved closer and finally stepped into the light. It was still several moments before I was seen. The men jerked...
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Penelope’s dad funded a short vacation for his successful daughter. He sent her to Florida to see the sights and visit some family in the peninsular state. She had the time now. She was a nurse, but one so far without an actual job. She’d find one, and it would not be long in the doing either. She was certain of that, and so was I. Me, I still had to work, I was still studying on my own. But now, it was mostly languages. I wanted to be able to speak five languages. No good reason; it just...
My mother was smirking. “Well son, has the bureaucracy finally beaten you down?” she said. “Almost mom, almost,” I said. I fell into a chair at our dining room table and dropped my briefcase onto the floor beside my chair. “So, are you in school?” she said. “Yes, yes, and now to get ready for work. It’s all in the office today,” I said. “That’s a plus.” She smiled. “I would imagine,” she said. “But why are you here. You should be home with your wife?” she said. “I will be after work....
It had been two months. She’d never missed before. But she had now. She inserted the device and waited to see the color. “Shit!” she exclaimed. Her husband was at the Pasture with Lance and Milton, the old guy, who taught PE classes at the college and who hung with them. He’d be getting home late. It was Friday: she and her Grant had an off day, a once a month thing. Twice a month the three musketeers met and drank too much beer. She did not begrudge him that, and he appreciated her...
Home was nice, it was comfortable, and it was a place, for the moment, that was rife with questions and concerns. “To tell or not to tell,” he said. She nodded. “If he ever finds out” she said. “I mean if we do not tell him. On the other hand, if we do tell him...” “Yes, potential problems if we don’t, for sure problems if we do. You tell me,” he said. “Whatever we do we lose.” “Like you say, it’s no win either way. But I think we should wait. Yes, maybe tell him, just not so soon,” she...
The two of them handled me, literally. Brought me into the house, showed me the room I’d be staying in for the short term was how the man put it. Liz unpacked my duffel bag stocked the dresser drawers with the stuff she found therein, and set up the bathroom to accommodate, to the degree possible, a man with no legs. Then we went to dinner. Where else? We ate at the Pasture. Oh, and we drank a little too. “So, tell us?” he said finally broaching the question I’m sure the both of them had...
She fell into a seat across from her husband who had greeted her and led the way into the den. They stared at each other for a minute or two. He broke the ice. “So, you did get hold of the man,” he said. “Yes, but needless to say his is no longer my boyfriend,” she said. “That bad,” he said. “Well, almost. We did have a drink together, more to get past the impasse than to drink per se. He will deliver our message. And he will advise Lee, as he told me, to not accept our proposal. So yes,...
It was 6:40 p.m. according to the clock behind the bar at the Pasture. I was a little early. I wanted to get me a drink before I had to look at the woman who was once the love of my life and was now my singular worst enemy, Penelope Hardy. I already had my manhattan in front of me and it was half empty. I saw her come in. Maybe she needed a drink too. I smiled inwardly at the thought. Guilt can be the cause of any number of psychological reactions. She saw me and waved. I did not wave back....
“Yes, Zoey, it was your other daddy that saved you that day, and your daddy here too,” said Penelope, nodding toward her husband. “You need to be very nice to him, okay?” said her mom. “Okay, momma. I’ll be nice,” said the six-year-old, and she was smiling. It was September and it was very warm. Things would likely be cooling off in the not too distant future even here in the desert, but not yet, thought Grant Hardy. “Erwin, I need a favor,” said Grant, sitting across from his...
Friday couldn’t come fast enough for me. This woman had the cojones to deal with most anything was my evaluation of her spirit. Her fiancée might have dumped her for her injuries, well he had, but he was going to play hell connecting with her equal. At any rate, I was on the hunt now. I wondered how my ex would react to meeting her if she ever did. I know that Liz was arranging a meeting for the near future, and that with not just Grant Hardy, but with the both of them. Yes, maybe I would...
“Well we’re here,” said Glory, “They’ll be here, reluctantly on her part I’m sure, and likely his too, but they’ll show up of that I am certain,” I said. “You are a trusting soul,” said Glory. “Hmm, am I?” I said. “There they are.” She watched as the two strangers, to her, approached our waiting selves. “Have a seat,” I said. They did so. Seated, I glanced toward Penelope and introduced my new girlfriend. “Penelope Hardy this is Glory Harris, Grant, this is Glory,” I said. The two of...
And it was 1997. Glory and I had been getting along very good. It would turn out that Penelope and Grant would be alternating in delivering my Zoey to our place during the year. Yes, things had turned out for the better. I had my woman, he had my used-to-be woman and there did not appear to be any attempt to try and turn Zoey against me, or, toward them. I could live with the situation as it was developing. But then things began to get a little dicey. It was March, March 6th actually, Glory...
She was happy, so I guess I was happy too. I was also concerned that other men would be hitting on her and that she would feel pressured to reciprocate. Well, as they say, the die was cast. She was going to get the operations. I was figuring out the funding of it. Doctor Hardy was doing his part gratis, but the hospital and support stuff was on me, all on me: ten thousand plus on me, all of my savings and a sizable loan as well. But, if it fixed her up; well, I would be glad that we, I, went...
Zoe had been first visiting then residing part time with her biological daddy, me, for four years. She was nine years old now, and seeing things as a fourth grader not as a first grader and her outlook and wants were changing. Genius though I was, Lee Wyatt, me, did not see it coming: the maturation of my daughter, Zoe Hardy. Whenever the Hardys brought my daughter over for my time with her, I was uniformly in the house, or, at most just outside waiting on them. The same when they came to...
“No, you heard me right. He does not want her to come for the week-long thing anymore; well, at least for the near future. He says he’s afraid she will learn to resent him if he continues to insist on it. I mean her staying there as usual,” said Penelope. “Jesus!” said Grant. “Was it something that Zoe said, did?” “No, just the opposite. She’s been so nice these last couple of months that he figured we’d done something, coached her, to be nice and I guess it was so obvious that he just...
“December 11, 2004,” he said. “Okay?” said Glory. “Next week is our sixth anniversary,” said Ian. “Funny, not,” said a naked Glory Wyatt. “Well, I think it’s something worth celebrating. I mean our monthly get together is not a bad thing, but it is majorly inconvenient, and way not enough,” he said. “You should be mine.” “Ian, we’ve talked about this. One: you can’t be trusted. Two: I love my husband, and he loves me and our daughter. Talk about divorce is out of the question. Get that...
She saw the man come in. He was wearing a big smile. Looked like he might have some news. “This is a big night for me,” I said. I was so nervous and so positive, but she was looking down and seriously not happy. “I guess it’s not going to be as big a night as I thought,” I said. I knew the look. I worked for lawyers and it had happened to me too, before. And now it was again, I was being dumped. No doubt about it. “You’re dumping me, aren’t you?” I said, dropping into a seat across from...
“So, you really are transferring to where the poor people go to get their band aids,” said Penelope. “Yes, gotta do it. No more staff nursing. It’s surgery from now on. Maybe I’ll hook up with some big shot doctor like you did,” said Cherry Willis. “Hmm,” said Penelope. “Yeah, yeah, I know, at my age...” “Hah! You’re younger than me,” said Pen. “Yes, but at forty-two, I can for sure see the top of the hill, and it’s all downhill on the other side,” said Cherry. “Anyway, when you gonna...
“So how did it go?” said Ian. “No, let me guess. He wanted to start the quarterly thing now.” “Hah,” said Glory. “Exactly the opposite. He wants to make a change all right. He wants Tina to stay over at his place for an end of the month weekend only. Says, she is showing signs of missing her mom. I have to say, Ian, that I’ve seen the signs too, but she does love the man, but as he said, Tina is a momma’s girl.” “Wow!” he said. “He and I agreed to disagree and to revisit the arrangement in...
Penelope Hardy answered the door buzzer and stared. “Glory!” she said, in a very surprised voice. Surprised because the man standing beside her was not her husband Lee Wyatt. “Yes, can we come in?” said Glory. The look on the face of Penelope Hardy said no, but her voice said okay. “Okay,” said Penelope. The trio settled into seats in the living room and kinda stared at each other. “Pen, I will get right to the point. Lee asked me not to advertise what I am about to tell you, but we broke...
I was jealous, I was bitter, I was sad; and I was a major success. I finished on time and I am now the proud possessor of a Juris Doctor degree, bestowed by Arizona State University. The J.D. meant that when I passed the state bar, and I would, that I would be able to practice law in the state of my birth. The ceremony, in spite of the small group of graduates, was long. All of the professors had words to say, and the dean of the law school did all of the presentations; and, following that,...
Our after passing, well taking, the bar party ended a little after midnight. I actually got a ride home from Liz and Milt, well, she hadn’t imbibed as much as the rest of us. I’d be picking up my ancient, but still good-running truck on the morrow. I still had the rest of the week off, so I was good, drunk, but good. Friends weren’t exactly family, but in my case they almost were. And I was grateful for them, boy was I ever. It was the 11th two days after the test. And it a little after...
Well, as the world turns things change as some wise man once said, can’t remember who. My Tina has a boyfriend that turns out to be my first wife’s son. How weird is that. Well, they did go to the same school, HTS, so I guess it wasn’t exactly a wonder how they were able to get close enough to hook up, so to speak. And then there was my first born, Zoe Hardy: yeah and it did piss me off that she’d taken, been given, the other guy’s last name. And, as it turned out, Tina wasn’t the only one...
He was faster than me; he got to the door first. Well, I was in my wheelchair. “Can I have a word?” he said. I sighed and nodded, reluctantly nodded. “Inside, I nodded toward the kitchen. “Beer.” He looked surprised. Well, I was thirsty. I rolled to the table and waited. He was back in half a minute. “It is what it is. You’re her daddy not me. I’m resigned to it,” I said. “But you’ve got it wrong,” he said. “Really. I’m her father not you and she, they, were celebrating Father’s Day with...
The plane ride had been pleasant, first class all the way. Her husband looked over at her smiling face. “Your mom told me that she and your bio-dad honeymooned in Mexico too,” said Herman. “Yes, but in Ensenada, not Puerto Vallarta,” she said. He nodded and smiled back at her. “We are going to have fun,” he said. “Yes,” she said. “I insist on it!” and they laughed. It was clear to me as another Father’s Day passed in this year of Our Lord 2017, that the bunch of them, the Hardys, had...
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“Daddy,” said Tina Hardy. She and her husband were unexpected. I mean showing up at 9:00 p.m. on a week night. “Christina!” I said, “and Ronald.” “Daddy we are here to talk to you. I know you and mom talked, but she won’t say anything about what you all talked about. And that’s not fair!” “And you, Ronald, are you on her side?” I said, half tongue in cheek. “Sir, Tina and I are married. I’m trapped. Of course, I’m on her side,” he said. “Hmm, point taken,” I said. “Look, I have a few...
“You kicked her out?” said Cherry. “If I am not at the very least her main daddy; then, as far as I’m concerned, I’m nothing,” I said. “Not at the very least, huh,” she said. “I think that you are a bit more than the very least with her, and, well, with everybody,” said Cherry. “Hah! Show me your evidence,” I said. “You can’t because there is none!” I said, kinda loudly. “The evidence, Mister, is right there in front of your face: they keep trying to connect with you. Yes, they want to...
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Chapter 13 — Commencement August 1974 It was four in the Saturday afternoon of August 24. Jim was in the driver’s seat and Hildy was next to him in the passenger’s bucket seat of the ’71 Mercury Cougar that Douglas Chemical had sold to him. They were in the parking lot of the Erie Canal Inn as about a dozen people surrounded the car, wishing them well. After a few moments, the small crowd stepped aside. Jim put the car in gear and it was official that he and Hildy were on their honeymoon. ...
My partner once working in this shop, and one of the members of staff there were well cute but a boy (17+) we got to talking and got on well, lets call him Darren, We'd met up many a time chatted not about anything in particular, (this is a pretty short story) One night he got off early but my partner had another two hours left so he said ''well, lets go back to yours for a bit and hang out'', we got to my flat and sat got talking, the atmosphere started to change, I could feel my skin...
Many people blamed the Solar Eclipse that happened in August 1999, while others blamed the strange Phenomenon as an act of God. Even the poor Russians and the Chinese didn't escape blame. The first documented case of this Phenomenon did not occur until 13 years later, October 2012 when a young boy aged just 12 years old was brought to the Accident and Emergency department of a UK hospital experiencing severe pain in his stomach area and for the previous few days he was passing blood in...
I hadn't discussed getting back to my apartment with anyone, so I planned on walking. At the corner of South Nedderman and Cooper, I was waiting for the crosswalk light when I heard someone honk and call my name. I looked and found Jordan waving at me from the parking lot just south of Davis Hall. She was in a body hugging pale yellow dress that dipped low enough in front to show her blue and white bra. The hem of the skirt stopped halfway down her thighs and she wore knee-high leather...
John and I had been friends since high school. We were both now in college together. I had always thought his mom was smoking hot. I'm nothing too impressive though. At 5'8" and overweight, I was never exactly in high demand. Not that I hadn't gotten anything, I had girlfriends in the past, just not many. I knew that there would never be anything between Suzanne (John's mom) and I . She was 5'6" and had the most amazing body. Well that's what I thought anyway. One day I was headed over to...
MILFStarlight and candlelight gave warmth to the night as nobles and royalty danced intricately choreographed dances to the soft sighs of strings and the rolling trills of woodwinds. In the flickering light, priceless jewels shone darkly against powdered white skin. Brightly colored dresses that billow from tightly laced waists swirl gracefully as those who wear them are twirled around by their partners in the elegant courtyard. The air is heady with the scents of many different perfumes mingling...
Straight SexThe crossing in the sleigh was wonderful. As we rode along, I studied the historic old buildings that lined much of the way. I thought about the men who had left their families back home, and had come to the New World to find work as lumbermen. I thought about the camps where the men would labor under dangerous working conditions. Many of them had perished as river rats. Those were the men who had climbed out onto the pileups on the water, in an attempt to free jams, so that the fallen trees...
I saw him walking toward me from across the yard as I played with my toy cars outside my play house. I was excited to see him, but nervous too. I didn't know how to act around him, he didn't treat me the same way other grownups did. But I really liked him. He came up beside me and gently placed his hand on my hair, smoothing over the tangles. I looked up at him and smiled. "How's my favorite little girl?" "I'm playing with my cars." He knelt down next to me, his...
As if Sasha’s masturbatory pleasures hadn’t been strange enough, she found herself dreaming of Jay Miles and the weird creepy face all night. All sorts of different scenarios, Sasha trying to find Jay in an abandoned carnival and finding that horrible face everywhere she looked, Jay on the beach calling out for her, but as much as she reached forward she couldn’t quite reach him, till their fingertips touched and the strange face appeared in the way, Jay working on his designs and asking...
She knew it was HIS special day, so she prepared her body for the taking. She lathered extra-long for him. She wanted this night to be perfect just for him because he was special to her. And because she was special to Him, he got a room close by in the same town she lived in and he knew she would be relaxed and hot to do whatever HE wanted done that night and all-night long and every time he saw her from this day forward. She vowed to do “everything” and “anything” he wanted to...
We lay back for a while ,all four of us on the bed ,happy and content though Keiths cock was still hard and ready for more . It was decided that the three of us would bend over for keith in a line on the the bed .Pam was first ,then me and last but not least ,Carol .Keith knelt behind Pam first ,lifting her sexy silky slip up and using his clever tongue and fingers pleasured Pam .Then it was my turn ,Keith hitched up my dress and his tongue went straight up my bottom hole .His fingers pulling...