Forbidden Lovers free porn video

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Starlight and candlelight gave warmth to the night as nobles and royalty danced intricately choreographed dances to the soft sighs of strings and the rolling trills of woodwinds. In the flickering light, priceless jewels shone darkly against powdered white skin. Brightly colored dresses that billow from tightly laced waists swirl gracefully as those who wear them are twirled around by their partners in the elegant courtyard. The air is heady with the scents of many different perfumes mingling together, and their wearers also mingle as they laugh and flirt with each other.

Despite the light and music and plentiful women (whose morals became progressively looser the richer they were), Luc Devaux was utterly bored. He was not royalty nor nobility, but a very wealthy businessman. A businessman whom held the purse strings of a great many of the nobles who were now dripping in the very same jewels his loans helped them to keep. That alone would have given cause for his invitation to a royal ball. It was for his devastatingly handsome face, perfectly sculpted body, and a reputedly sinfully, experienced mouth that kept the invitations continuously flowing from shamelessly expectant hostesses.

His current hostess, the unfortunately plain Madame Le roux, the first cousin of the King of France, was all but plastered against him as he waltzed her around the dance floor. Each step he took was done with all the grace and elegance his royal partner did not possess. To all those watching, he was an attentive partner - smiling and gracious as he responded to her questions with poetic ease - yet his mind a million leagues away. So, when the song ended, Luc bowed low and excused himself from Madame Le roux’s none so subtle hints and poorly executed flirtations.

Desperate to get away, he snaked through the crowd before the woman could suggest they retire to one of the dark niches that was so thoughtfully provided for the guest‘s convenience (not to mention their impatient lusts). Luc snatched a glass of Champaign from a wandering servant, downed it in a single gulp, and took another. This one he nursed as he leaned against a wall. The tangy taste of the wine bubbled and snapped in his mouth while his golden eyes languidly surveyed the revelers.

Everyone was having a good time eating delectable food, drinking expensive wine, and dancing to fine music. It was a party for the rich and powerful, and though he was now both, he did not feel as one of them. He remembered a time of cold and hunger; a hunger that none of these puffed up popinjays could ever imagine. The old fears he held as a child continued to haunt his dreams, though none would ever believe it of the exceptionally self-possessed man he had become.

Luc inwardly grimaced at himself, at the way his thoughts had turned. Here he was in high society, and all he could think of was his pitiful past. Suddenly determined to drown that past in the man he had become, he cast his critical eye about the courtyard for a suitable candidate.

There, trying unsuccessfully to avoid the advances of Madame Le roux’s portly husband was the answer to his prayers. She was small - more than a head shorter than he - and exceptionally exquisite. Her waist was so tiny Luc imagined that he could easily circle it with his hands. Delicately pale skin was flushed from her attempts in keeping the large, sweating man’s hands off her breasts. Those breasts, Luc noticed, were rather large for her small stature, and they rose invitingly from the low bodice of her royal blue gown, lined prettily with golden embroidery, in soft ivory swells. He could not blame the hideous man for trying his hand at her, but Luc wouldn’t have it. The moment he laid eyes on her, every nerve in his body cried out: mine.

And he would have her.

He made his was to the couple, ignoring the hands and eyes of women (and a few men) that caressed him as he went, so intent was he on obtaining his woman.

“Monsieur Le roux, I do believe your lovely wife is looking for you,” Luc said in an amused voice, watching as the man snatched his hands off the woman as if her lovely curves could burn. Not out of guilt that his wife might see him with another woman, for both husband and wife enjoyed the flavor of variety in lovers, but that he was going about it in such an indiscreet and reckless manner. As the King’s cousin, it would shame the Madame Le roux to have her husband so scandalously blatant in his infidelity.

“Ah, yes, thank you Monsieur Devaux,” he turned towards the woman, bowed, and hastened away to find his wife. The now very relieved woman faced Luc, and he could now see that her face was just as tempting as her body.

She had no need for the powder others used, for it was a small oval of porcelain, with green eyes commanding the center. She had a small nose and a forehead that rose till it gave way to blond curls piled high with little white flowers entwined. She had eschewed the fad of elaborate white wigs just as he had, and was all the more beautiful for it. Plump red lips parted and a husky, low voice spoke; “Monsieur Devaux? I am very much grateful for your timely rescue.”

“Not at all, Mademoiselle…”

“Madame Rousseau. Jessamine Rousseau.” She stressed emphasis on her married title, and offered him a charming smile and a small hand. It fit neatly in the palm of his, and he curled his fingers around hers and whispered a kiss along the satin smooth skin.

“And I am Luc. You are quite enchanting, Jessamine,” he said, addressing her by her given name, though propriety required otherwise. Instead of being insulted, he received another smile, so continued; “You took my breath away from across the room.”

Instead of giggling foolishly like the other women, Jessamine raised a perfectly curved eyebrow, “My, my, such compliments. This can only mean you want something.”

Not just a little taken aback, Luc stared in surprise before he broke out in laughter. Never before had he met such an intelligently brazen woman. She had accurately summed up his intent in less than five minutes into conversation, delighting him with the realization that he would actually have to work for this conquest rather than have her falling into his arms like all the other woman of Paris. So, instead of trying to deny what was so obvious to them both, he said, “Am I that transparent?”

He enjoyed the way her emerald eyes roamed over his physique, hesitating ever so slightly in the general vicinity of his growing desire, before meeting his golden gaze. When she dryly answered, “So it would seem,” he threw back his head and laughed again.

“Madame, would you do me the honor of the next dance?” He offered an arm, and she promptly took it.

“I would be delighted.”

He led her out onto the dance floor, took up a fragile hand into his large calloused one, and then wrapped the other around her waist. As the music began, Luc led her into the steps of the dance. Though her back was rigidly straight, she moved like flowing water beneath his hands. She drifted into each turn with soft little footfalls, keeping her face diverted just so that her profile was presented to him. The column of her throat was long, the skin so fine that he could see the light, steady beating of her pulse.

“Where is your husband, Madame?”

Jessamine turned her head slightly so that she could see his face, “Oh, he’s over by the buffet table with Madame and Monsieur Le roux.”

Luc glanced over and saw a tall man speaking with the hosting couple. He was old - nearly sixty years in age - and looked every minute of it. His face sagged with age, his hair, still fully black, was nothing but a wisp that was combed over his age spotted skull. Though Luc had never actually met the man, he knew that Monsieur Rousseau was reputed to be a ruthless man in business, yet impeccably pious in the church.

“My dear, you have my complete admiration.”

“How so?”

Luc swung her closer to the opposite side of the courtyard from her husband’s prying eyes. “That you are able to speak of your husband without the slightest sign of revulsion. I commend you.”

Jessamine laughed, stunning the cynical Luc Devaux with the beauty of her unabashed amusement. She stood on the tips of her toes, and breathed in his ear, “A great deal of money is a fantastic incentive to marry such a nauseating old man. I don‘t suspect he shall live much longer.”

“I dare say you are correct.” He had long since given up being shocked by her behavior. She was as cold-blooded as a man, with the beauty of a goddess. Such a formidable creature she was.

Luc made sure that the Monsieur Rousseau’s attention was elsewhere before he tugged Jessamine off the dance floor. He was about to speak - to make certain she understood - when she pulled him behind the inadequate shelter of a large bush. Knowing now that they were of the same mind, he hauled her up against his hard body. Without hesitation, he plundered her mouth with his. Jessamine’s lush lips parted willingly beneath his, and she slid her tongue alongside his. The friction was erotic as they twined and caressed with only their mouths, nipping and tasting ferociously as if they were battling. Luc groaned when she rubbed a hand over his hard, throbbing shaft.

“Oh no, now this won’t do,” she mumbled into his mouth, “everyone will hear you.”

He broke away from her, chest heaving with the effort of controlling himself just long enough to get her into a somewhat secluded place. After a moment of looking around, he took Jessamine by the hand and strode into the grand house of Le roux. All around were couples looking, as they were, for a bower where forbidden lusts and cravings can be assuaged discreetly. Yet all the rooms that were not taken by guests staying overnight were taken by incestuous lovers.

Unwilling to wait, they went out onto the balcony that rose directly over the courtyard where the party was taking place. From there, they could see everyone. Likewise, everyone could see them if they stood by the balcony wall.

“What are we going to do up here?” Jessamine sounded exasperated as she leaned against the half wall and found her husband still standing by the buffet table.

“Not what are ‘we’ going to do, my dear,” he said from behind her as he ground his erection against the cleft of her derriere. They then both waved at her husband who had just spied them from their perch, “but what I am going to do.”

Hidden by stone, he lifted the heavy folds of the front of her gown up to her waist and quietly commanded her to hold them in place with her body and the wall. Then he dropped down at her feet when Jessamine’s husband was excusing himself from the Le roux’s company. Monsieur Rousseau strode closer to the balcony and called out to his wife, “Where now did Monsieur Devaux run off to?”

“I believe he went home, husband,” she answered clearly, despite that Luc’s tongue had just then slipped between the lips of her womanhood. Jessamine widened her stance just enough to provide him better access to her without looking suspicious to her self-righteous husband. When Luc’s rough fingers spread her delicate folds, exposing the sensitive core to the cold air and his hot tongue, she gasped slightly at the unbelievable sensations that assaulted her body.

Suddenly her nipples hardened into tight nubs, and they rubbed with painful pleasure against the fabric of her gown. Her hips rocked unconsciously with each lapping of his tongue, her body silently pleading Luc for more, more, more.

“My love, are you well? You seem a bit pale”

Jessamine could barely hide her distaste at the man whom she was pledged to love until death. Only her hope that his death would come soon made her face and answer a pleasant; “Very well, sir. Just getting some fresh air and a lovely view.”

“Would you like some company, now that Monsieur Devaux is gone?”

Just as her husband said the word “gone,” Luc drove two fingers into her dripping wet well. He continued to work her with his mouth, nipping and lapping at her until Jessamine thought she would scream with pleasure. Instead, she managed; “Of course not, husband. Do not concern yourself with me. I may very well go home soon anyway. Stay and enjoy your friends.”

“As you will.” And with that, he turned and went back to his friends, not sparing his lovely wife another glance.

With his back and attention turned away, Jessamine could focus completely on what Luc was doing to her. His fingers were no longer buried in her, his teeth no longer sending jolts of wicked ecstasy through her body, his tongue no longer slipping between her lips that were pulsing with anticipation. Instead, he was tickling that spot that made her want to melt with the very tip of his tongue, and though it felt exquisite, Jessamine’s body craved to be filled with this man.

“More, Luc.” Her husky whisper nearly undid him, nearly forced him to bend her over the wall and pound his need into her body in front of her husband and the fancy world of Paris. But he managed to chain the monster that demanded to take, and delved in again into Jessamine’s moist heat to give.

She tasted of the sea; hot and salty. He ran his tongue over the little nub before drawing it into his mouth. He wrapped his lips around it, bit down gently, and sucked as hard as he could while he swirled his tongue around it. The small, muffled cry of surprise made him feel like a god.

He ran his hands up the insides of her long silken legs, his thumbs leading the way to the very core he was feeding upon. When they reached the apex of her thighs, he slid his two thumbs inside as deep as they would go. Then, in tandem with his violent sucking, he thrust his fingers into her body. Jessamine rocked her hips back and forth with each thrust, absorbing the impact of the deep penetration with wordless rapture. Only the heavy rise and fall of her breasts could give her away to those below. Otherwise she was the picture of silent contemplation.

He continued to push her higher into wild abandon, until he tasted a sudden gush of salted wetness, and felt the sudden clench of her muscles on his fingers. Luc, high on the musky pheromones of her orgasm, jumped up and dragged her just out of sight from the eyes of society. Jessamine’s legs were weakened from the force of her release, so he picked her up, and wrapped her legs around his waist.

While one hand was loosening his breeches, the other holding onto her derriere, Luc pressed his woman against the closed glass door. He freed his cock, and, without hesitation, plunged wildly into her still convulsing body. Again and again, he lost himself in her wet fire. Her hands were grasping at his shoulders; soft little whimpers urged him on. He paused a moment long enough to free a breast from its confine, and ravished it with his mouth.

While he bit and kissed and sucked her pebble hard nipples, his hands caressed the insides of her thighs. He spread the cheeks of her plump ass, and stroked the line from the hilt of his cock to the base of her spine. Each time his fingers brushed lightly across the puckered hole between her cheeks, her body jolted.

Everything that Luc did to her was a lot sinful and a little depraved. He didn’t hide their affair behind closed doors, but flaunted it before an unsuspecting audience. Instead of rising over her, like most men, with gentle needs, he punished her with pain all while soothing it with pleasure. Luc touched her body in places that were forbidden even to her; so much so that she would not willingly tell him to stop or continue. And oh, did she want him to continue.

With each thrust of his hips, his thick cock dived deeper and deeper. It filled her up, caressing her walls all the way to her womb. As he pulled back, Jessamine felt his smooth thickness of his shaft swelling to the hard edge at the head of his cock, give way to emptiness, just before he plunged back in again and again. There was nothing she could do but hold on, and let him ride her till they both exploded from the intensity.

They rested there for a moment, against the cool glass doors, Luc’s forehead pressed against Jessamine’s. His hand that had been stroking between her thighs, made one last careless caress. When her body quivered with one last orgasm at the touch of his hand, Luc grinned naughtily.

“Like that, do you?” When she tried to deny it, he dragged his fingers more deliberately over the tight little hole, eliciting an involuntary convulsion of her muscles around his deeply imbedded cock. “Oh yes,” he moaned, “you like that a lot.”

Luc pulled himself from her warmth, air hissing from between clenched teeth from the cold that softened his desire. He let Jessamine slide down his body till her toes touched the ground. She arranged her skirt so that it fell again to the floor, yet a breast still hung enticingly from her gown that was falling off her shoulders. Before she could tuck that in, his big hand covered it.

He massaged it, twisting and swirling her nipple between his expert fingers, as he looked down at her as if absorbed thought. Jessamine watched as his big tanned hand elicited little sparks of desire that ran straight to the core of her, wondering how she could possibly want more of this man after everything they had already done.

Then Luc seemed to come out of his musings. “Yes, “ he said, as he slipped the breast he had been fondling back into its place, “I think we should do something about that.”

He tucked her arm into the crook of his, opened the glass door they just made love against, and swept her back into the house.

“Do something about what?” Jessamine asked.

He opened the front door for her, and when she moved to precede him out the door, he stepped up close behind her. “About this,” he said, discreetly rubbing a hand over the cleft of her derriere. When Jessamine blinked up at him in surprise, he laughed delightedly. He finally had shocked the woman. “Shall we away, then, to my home? This is no place for such a lesson!”

“Where have you been, my dear?”

Jessamine started at the sound of her husband’s voice. She had thought, as she sneaked through the servant’s door at the rear of the house, that he was again holed up in his library.

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Forbidden Love

I like my job. First, because I’m good at what I do, and second because my coworkers are amazing. I always had an affinity for them, on and off work, and we regularly go out for drinks. One day, there was an unfamiliar man. His name was Robert. They transferred him, and he was going to work with us. What I didn’t imagine was that something else was going to happen.Robert was a charismatic person. It was easy to be comfortable around him, and I soon found out he was going to work directly with...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Country Cunnilingus

The afternoon sunlight played upon my breasts gayly as I loosened the buttons of my dress and allowed the coarse cotton to fall freely away from my bare skin. My fair chest glistened in the shimmering sway of the trees, the air carrying away the heat of my body and cooling me. I felt my nipples swelling in the caress of it. It was intoxicating, the capricious pixie between my legs finding the sensation stimulating and answering with a gentle billow that gave me the urge to slip my fingers up...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Attraction 2 Revised

It was also safe to say that we had sex in almost every room in the school... And that's not an exaggeration. Our situation was quite complicated. Tim and I (he hated when I called him Mr. C if we weren't having sex) were spending so much time together, but we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend...but at the same time we were. I don't know what you would call our relationship. Maybe friends with benefits or just his side bitch. But we were much more than that. He'd leave...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Love2

He spied a wood-nymph by the enchanted pond, on the enchanted rock, in the shade of the enchanted tree. “Awrite hen.” He called to the wood-nymph, in an incongruous accent typical of his kind. “Want tae give jiggly wi’ it?” The wood-nymph raised her head, topped by its crown of auburn hair, her milk white skin glowing in the soft light. She saw Medium-Sized Magnus, all two feet of blue tattoos, and said in a faint, week voice, “Fuck me please.” “Ne’er swatch a gift cuddle in th’ gob.”...

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Forbidden Lust Part 2

Chapter two: When we all woke up, we had some coffee, a beer, and then George and I were on our way. George’s friend Kenny came and picked us up, then we went to a gas station for some shots and beers. I kept looking over at George, looking at his bright blue eyes. They got me every time. Since I was a minor, I had to wait in the car with George while Kenny got the drinks. While waiting, George rolled a joint for me, and I smoked it up with him. Out of the corner of my eye, I kept seeing him...

3 years ago
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Forbidden fruit tastes best

Tags: brother and sister incest A brother finds he really loves his sister in more ways than one then ........... View Author's Copyright Information                 Forbidden Fruit Tastes Sweetest.                                                               The sun beat down upon the weary traveler, the heat full of humidity dried up all the moisture in the air, including the last dregs of his self esteem.   With his head hanging low, he fumbled for the collection of his keys, only...

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FORBIDDEN FRUIT (1) Farmer’s Daughter (part one) There ought to be a law against a man’s daughter growing up to be so goddamn sexy! If there was such a law, that daughter of mine would most certainly be breaking it. Why, they’d throw the book at her, lock her up, and throw away the key! These were just a few of the thoughts running through my mind as I stood at my daughter’s bedroom door watching her sleeping. Morning sunlight beamed through her window illuminating her...

1 year ago
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Forbidden in Salinas Pt 2

Continuation of “Forbidden in Salinas – Pt.1” Chapter 7: The morning after. The beam of sunlight through the bedroom window made Rachel stirred. Drowsily, she placed her arms across her face to block out the irritating glare. As she moved her other arm to her side, she touched something. Grudgingly, her senses began to focus and she forced her eyes to open. The image of a naked man lying in her bed almost made her jump in shock. Looking at him, she realized that it was Daniel. ...

2 years ago
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Forbidden in Salinas

This is my first try. Kindly provide feedback as I require them to improve. If the story is acceptable, the will be a continuation of this story. This is fictitious, only letting my imagination run wild. Thank you all. Chapter 1: The siblings meet after 5 years. Daniel looked out of the greyhound’s window as it made its way down the highway, heading towards Salinas. The vast acres of rolling hills seem to flow forever, beyond what his eyes could see. Somewhere, along this stretch...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Ch 02

Dear Reader, Thank you for taking the time to read chapter Two of forbidden, and if you read the first one and left me comments! Big hug and lots of kisses xxx Even though, every precaution has been taken to make sure the historical side to the story is accurate, there are no doubt some areas that can be disputed. However, I must stress, and i don’t mean to be rude, this is a romance novel! I am human, i do make mistakes, and I’m not some, historical buff that lives in the past researching...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Affair

I am a married 38 year old man, a professor of medicine. I am happy, successful, my life is full of joy and meaning. I don’t work too hard. I am a good father, and spend lots of time with my children. And I am a good husband, I spend lots of time with my wife, we are good friends. She is beautiful, and our sex life is okay. We are not ‘soul mates’ though, and occasionally I have yearned to meet someone–even just a friend–with whom to feel that thrill of passion, as though the two of us were...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Furry Love Part 2

Introduction: This is my second story in what I hope to become a series, as asked last time please leave somePlease leave some constructive criticism and please dont leave any messages saying that your looking for a girl and have a 9 dick, cause we both know thats not true Forbidden Furry Love Part 2 As Caity moaned from ecstasy beneath me, I started feeling the familiar sensation in my balls and cock, that I felt every time I masturbated thinking of her and other women, mainly porn stars,...

3 years ago
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forbidden love part 3

please read forbidden love part one and 2 before reading this thanks. ….screams with excitement as she had never(and hopfully still hasnt) had a dick in her luciouse pussy lips that could split her if it went all in at once, as i start to slowly make love to this goddess of love and beauty i am thinking we are like one and cause of that she starts to say ″this is pure ectasy ~, and i believe as our lips form to make 1 being of life we have one of the greatest and still is the greatest kiss of...

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Forbidden Fruit 2 The Beach House Virgin no more

Introduction: This is the second chapter in the continuing story of the forbidden romance of John 33 and Larissa 16. After kissing John more passionately then she knew two people could kiss Larissa returns to prepare and share a lunch with him. But he has more then lunch on his mind. Read on to find out how far it goes. The next day John got up early and started getting things ready to prepare lunch with Larissa. He had thought about her almost constantly since she had left. He couldnt stop...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Attraction 2

Introduction: You guys have been so good to me… Thank you for reading! Comment and inbox me thoughts and ideas. Two years had passed since Mr. Connor and I took our relationship to a new level. It was also safe to say that we had sex in almost every room in the school… And thats not an exaggeration. Our situation was quite complicated. Tim and I (he hated when I called him Mr. C if we werent having sex) were spending so much time together, but we werent boyfriend and girlfriend…but at the same...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Passion

“Fuck You,” Veronica screamed at him as she raised her middle finger up in the air while she stormed out of the house. She couldn’t believe he had done it… again. What the hell was she thinking, taking him back!?!? She honestly loved Kyle, he was her everything, and apparently, she was nothing to him. Kyle ran out the house after Veronica, “I’m sorry! Veronica!!! I love you!!” He couldn’t seem to get her attention. He knew he had really messed up this time around. He had ventured off into...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Part 1

When Sasha Lake and Monica Brown became best friends in the sixth grade, they could never have imagined that one day one of them would betray the other by not being able to control her erotic desires for someone who is forbidden. She never planned to have such a strong erotic attraction, but as she says, the erotic fate gods stepped in, and her attraction for the young, good-looking twenty-one-year-old took control and their heated passion also took control. It all started when Sasha moved back...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Part 1

When Sasha Lake and Monica Brown became best friends in the sixth grade, they could never have imagined that one day one of them would betray the other by not being able to control her erotic desires for someone who is forbidden. She never planned to have such a strong erotic attraction, but as she says, the erotic fate gods stepped in, and her attraction for the young, good-looking twenty-one-year-old took control and their heated passion also took control. It all started when Sasha moved back...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Sex

Author’s note: I’m not going to shy away from a fact that the story is about something which is highly forbidden in the African Society but there is no crime as writer to experiment in dark plots. It’s a fiction, after all and it’s my hope you will enjoy the story. I’m a young guy, just starting out on my own. I live in apartment with few other guys, friends of mine. I have a good job, I’m going to school and I have a beautiful girlfriend. For now thing are going Ok but sexuality is still in...

2 years ago
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Forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest

               Forbidden Fruit Tastes Sweetest.                                                               The sun beat down upon the weary traveler, the heat full of humidity dried up all the moisture in the air, including the last dregs of his self esteem.   With his head hanging low, he fumbled for the collection of his keys, only to find the door was already open.             “Is that you Kevin?” a beautiful spoke from within. He instantly recognized the sweet sonorous voice of...

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Forbidden fruit

First a little reminder of my unique situation. When I was born my doctor's had to figure out whether I was a boy or a girl; so, they decided to make me a boy. In the process; they left me with an infant little cock and, what I now call my little boy "pussy". It's a hole at the base of my cock, with the sensitivity of a woman's cunt!! Also, the following story is a fantasy. At 35 I decided to get back in church. I started going to a Baptist Church in my small town. On my third visit; my...

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Forbidden fruit pt 2 her motherrsquos daughter

Veronica and Chris had been having sex more and more regular, the risk of getting caught was exciting, Chris had popped around to see Veronica’s husband one evening and he had invited him to stay for tea, Chris duly accepted. As they sat in the living room Veronica said she was going to do the washing up and leave us 2 men to chat, I did offer to help but she said it would be ok, after a few moments I decided to go and offer again and walked into the kitchen “mmmmm nothing like seeing a woman...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

I was in school and my parents signed me up for a self defense class. Being a growing girl my parent's wanted me to be able to defend myself from predators. They felt I was becoming a target. I was 5'1, slender, had big blue eyes, long brunette hair, and my breasts were just growing in at around a 34A. That's where I met Jack. He looked young at the time but I didn't find out till a few months in that he was actually 26 years old and I was exactly half his age. He looked so much younger than...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit is always the sweetest

Not too long ago, I was friends with the most amazing guy. Due to circumstance, we could not be together. But I always felt SO attracted to him... and deep down, i knew he felt the same towards me.One weekend, he and his girlfriend came over to stay with me and my man. I was so excited to see him. We had finished dinner, so I took our plates into the kitchen... Only to have this hunk of a man follow me! I asked him 'Is everything OK?'. He responded by by slowly rubbing my ass and trying to kiss...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Sex Desires 8211 Part 2

The next morning I woke up with nothing more than a blanket on my body. I stood up and got dressed. It was 8 in the morning. Dad was in the dining hall and my stepmom in the kitchen. I went towards the dining table. “Hey, did you sleep well? Your mom told me you reached yesterday,” asked dad. “Yeah, I slept fine, dad,” said I sitting on the chair, my stepmom Roja brought tea for me. “Ah, I believe you guys are meeting for the first time. Roja, this is Shahid, and Shahid, this is Roja, your...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Desires 8211 Part 1

It’s been 3 months since Abba (father) got married to a 25-year-old woman (Roja), despite having already being married to my mother. In Islam, men can have multiple wives. Attending their marriage ceremony was the last thing I wanted to do. So I made excuses for upcoming exams to stay in the hostel and avoid attending their marriage ceremony. It has been almost 3 years since I’ve visited home. I always found reasons not to go home during the vacations. I wonder how dad treats my mom, Wahida,...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Sex With Teenage Crush

When I heard people talking about her, I thought she’s just another girl from India that our desperate college boys were after. During every intake, all 4 batches of MBA boys would go after the new girls. I saw her in the orientation dinner – a shy girl with center-parted hair tied in a bun. Wearing a white shirt and grey trousers. The only thing I noticed about her was that she was the tallest girl in the fresh batch. Her girl-next-door personality was so attractive that I had an instant crush...

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Forbidden Desires 8211 An Unexpected Erotic Night On Terrace

Hello guys …. My name is Rohit , I am from Navi- Mumbai, a suburb of Mumbai. I have been reading a lot of stories from here and I realised there was a specific pattern to all stories (intro-sex-more sex-sex again-sex reloaded-end)… But all I know is that in real world things don’t move on this fast .There is a lot of seduction and lot of situational events that eventually lead to the main action. So here is a similar story . It would be a long one but I am sure readers would like it. Everything...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Fruits

Forbidden Fruits by Heidi "It's a deal then, guys? Tonight at 11:00 we'll meet in the alley behind our house. And then we will go to old Mr. Jones' house and strip his tree of all those lovely peaches!" Mike, who was sort of the leader of the pack, looked around to see if everyone was in agreement. John did not like the way things were going. Besides he liked Mr. Jones and the thought of stealing his fruit just did not seem right. "And you John?" asked Mike. "Naw, I...

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Forbidden Love With My Sister

Hi this is Manu Pen Name, coming to the story I have had many affairs and relationship in my life the one I cherries the most is the current relationship. That is with Rati name changed I call her rati as I know she is sex goddess. Rati is a average 30 year old married lady very committed to her family and she was my classmate. In college people used to respect us as we were brother and sister. I made her my sister when I met her. Though gradually watching her and feeling her love for her...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit Part 1

Welcome to my first published TG story, my friends. This is a rather explicit story, so as usual, if you are not of age, please refrain from continuing past this point. I would like to credit the "Simply Captions" website by Polecat for the idea of using fruit as the vessel for the transformation. As usual, with all of my stories, I beg you to give me some feedback at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you all. Enjoy the show and I hope you look forward to the next...

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Forbidden Fruit Part 2

This continues the saga of Rob as he seeks to create his own personal harem. However, some unknown elements are starting to take objection to the people he is taking control of. Forbidden Fruit II By Thomas J. Hyde Betty paced her bedroom, pondering the events that had occurred within the last few days. Her boyfriend, Stephan, had apparently vanished off the face of the Earth. Two days ago, she had gone to his apartment, where she had visited dozens of times before, only to find a...

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