Forbidden Love In Zootopia 1 (rewritten) free porn video

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Fantasy, Bestiality, Consensual Sex, Erotica, Female solo, First Time, Male/Teen Female, Masturbation, School, Teen Female Solo, Young

Forbidden love in zootopia 1 (rewritten)

In another dimension of reality, there is a world much like our own, in some ways and in other ways completely different. Man did not become the head of the food chain by way of a bigger brain. No not in this world, all higher life forms evolved simultaneously. It didn't matter if you were carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore. We learned to live together in harmony or so most thought, under the surface, not all was peaceful.

Some believed that the strongest should rule. That the carnivore should be allowed to eat smaller and weaker animals. Many small animals disappear from time to time but most meat is harvested from funeral homes and hospitals in an attempt to keep the peace and harmony of the world. But most carnivores struggle with fighting the instinct to hunt and kill. some even going so far as to not eat meat at all. Smaller animals have to fight their instincts as well, the thoughts to run and hide is a hard thing to overcome. it's not easy to trust others with your life.

This story is about two of these animals. One is a white dwarf short hair girl rabbit named Judy Cotton shes from a rural community that's just outside of town. And the other an also a young gray timber wolf boy named Oliver Gray, he was from the older parts of town. Both of them are starting the first year in high school and the first time away from there families and the relative safety of home. But they couldn't have been further apart in maturity.

Judy was a stunningly beautiful snow-white rabbit standing only 3 foot 4 inches of pure unbridled sexiness. Her breasts even though looking very large on her small frame, we're not much more than a handful to most of her special male friends. She has a slim waist leading to voluptuous hips and the cutest round ass that turned the heads of every male as she walks by and some females. Judy was the youngest of 8 and the only pure white one of them, her parents were older and let's face it they were tired after trying to raise 7 rambunctious kittens. Judy was allowed to do about anything she wanted Judy was a quiet girl who stayed mostly to herself for most of her years she had chosen to hide and never standing out.

one day in the middle of her 1st year in Jr. high school something happened as she walks home from the library late one Friday night. She was attached and carried into the woods it was someone taller and stronger then her one of his hands was over her mouth the other hand almost wrapped around her waist. She got away but it changed her, no one knows what happened that night but her. when she walked through the front door naked, her head held high one hand over a large bunch of scratches on her arm blood running down to her hand. she walked straight to the shower then to bed. Her family was out at her sister's volleyball game so they didn't know anything was wrong they saw the bandages on her arm the next morning as she got ready for school she said she tripped on the way home the library the family believed her. but something about her changed. Judy was talkative and interacting with the family she started to dress more like an adult woman. She took her babysitting money and bought new clothes more revealing clothes some her mother didn't like or approve of, but it was too late to start acting like a true mother to her. Judy even bought new lace bra and panties sets. Some peek-a-boo bras and some crotchless panties. But most were just very sexy lace underwear. So, in other words, she just oozed sex, in the last 3 years she also learned she can get whatever she wanted from a man if you make then happy very happy. And trust me she gets whatever she wants.

On the other hand, Oliver was a shy young mottled gray and white wolf who lead a sheltered life, he was tall when he stood up straight, but he rarely did he instead chose to slouch seldom looking up. He was raised by an older moose couple he was adopted, of course, he was found wandering the streets as a small pup who's eyes had barely opened. They suspected he was the first coupling of a young wolf girl. And she couldn't tell anyone so she dumped him by a church. But luckily for him Mrs. Gray the kindly old moose who played the organ for her church. Found him and took him home, later Mr. and Mrs. Gray adopted him after no relatives were found. He was raised to respect all animals big or small. And the sins of the flesh were strictly forbidden whether it was the eating of meat or giving in to the carnal acts of the flesh(sex), both were unknown to him. He acts completely innocent on the outside but in his mind, he fights his instincts both as a male and as a timber wolf.

Judy who's just dripping of sexuality, she thinks she knows how the world works. But from going from a small jr. high school where all the boys and most of the men were wrapped around her finger. To a huge high school in the city was going to be a rude awakening. Both in how she feels like a woman but also in how she feels about being prey for others. It excites her body knowing every male is looking at her like she is either going to be their food or their mate. And most females see her as a completion for there boyfriend's or as a meal. For the first few months in high school were agonizing for her for the last few years all of her needs were met in a whim. She never had much experience with carnivores she always tried to stay away from them there big teeth sent shivers through her little body, but now she has to deal with them on a daily basis. she has to look inside herself because those shivers don't just run down her backbone but it sometimes starts deep in her womanhood. She can't count how many times a boy carnivore looked at her licking his lips she had to run not for her life or out of fear but it was for a place to hide. A hiding spot where she could calm her self the best way she knows how.

She slowly pulls up her skirt as her heartbeat is racing she starts rubbing her pussy slowly through her panties trying to avoid touching her clit she doesn't want to cum that quickly. Her juices wetting her panties to the point of saturation and starting to drip down her leg, she pulls them off her beautiful round ass. The crotch of her sexy lace panties stuck to her pussy as she pulled them off looking at how wet the panties have become. She brings them to her nose and sniffed her own scent. The smell drives her closer to a release. She folds her panties carefully not to avoid wrinkles in them but to make sure the whole wet crouch fit in her mouth, she loves the taste of her sex. There's nothing better than sucking their juices off a hard cock after a good fuck, but for now, sucking on her panties will have to do as she pleasures herself. Judy started to rub her fingers over her outer labia lips slowly spreading the moisture all over her fingers And her pussy. She then licks her fingers clean before giving her tits a firm squeeze and her nipple a hard pinch, then going back to her pussy. She slides two fingers in and out of her dripping sex, her pussy was so wet you could hear her fingers squishing as she pumps them in and out. Her eyes are closed as she was imagining that big hairy creature, running his hands over her sexy little body. He had torn her clothes to shreds and leaving her in her plain panties and bra. His red eyes staring at her and his low growling voice said " take them off your panties and bra I don't want then in the way while I eat you".

she remembers. pleading " no please will do anything if you just don't kill me I don't want to die" he yells forcefully, " I SAID TAKE THEM OFF NOW" she again pleaded " I will do anything and not tell anyone about this just please don't kill me". As the dark figure reaches out to rip the rest of her clothes off, these claws raked across her arm leaving deep bloody scratches. After staring at her nimble young body he huffed " fine get down on the ground you arm isn't going to be the only blood that will be spilled tonight". She gives herself up to him freely.

In her mind, the fingers in her pussy were those of a dark shadowy figure of a carnivore in her mind's eye she can see the shadowy figure licking his sharp teeth and lips as his fingers squish in and out of her dripping wet pussy. Back in the bathroom stall, she shivers with excitement and the wantonness of needing to orgasm. She suddenly remembered the carrot she brought for lunch or should we say she brought it to tease the boy in the lunchroom as she was going to slide the carrot down her throat showing everyone how skilled she is. She reached into her purse and got the carrot licking it from the small end of about one inch across down the eight-inch phallic vegetable to the big end of about two and a half inches across. Pushing the fake cock in and out of her pussy quickly. She needed to cum she needs that release using her other hand she began stroking her clit.

If it wasn't for the panties in her mouth you could have heard her scream throughout the whole school as she climaxed her orgasm was so strong she felt like the carrot would be pulled out of her hand as she tries to pull it out of her pussy. This time as well as many other times she fantasized about that dark shadowy carnivore having his way with her body. Her fingers were his fingers the carrot was his big cock in her. her climax was so strong she squirted pussy juice all over the bathroom stall and it dripped into a puddle on the floor. Satisfied for now she takes the panties out of her mouth and puts them back on. she hopes no one can smell the scent of sex on her as she hurries to put the carrot in her purse not even taking the time to clean the juices off it as she stuffs it in her purse and runs to her sanctuary, the flower club no one else is in the flower club the other students graduated last year and she's the only one that volunteered for it this year it was a lot of work, but which was nice there were no boys there to distract or excite her.

Oliver on the other hand was a total opposite of Judy, he was about six feet two inches when he stood up straight but he rarely did he instead chose to slouch, he was very strong even though he didn't show it. He would get into fights with smaller animals, well more like the smaller animals would fight with him because he never fought back he never wanted to hurt someone. He was raised in a large herbivore area of the city mostly moose and elk but some bears that also went to his church and the churches school that he went too it was kindergarten through 9th grade. Boys and girls were strictly separated even having different entrances at school, the only time boys and girls were allowed to be in the same room together was during daily sermon services with the Headmaster father Flanagan at school but even then the boy's on one side and girls on the other.

Oliver was always told that the sins of the flesh were totally forbidden. And he never wanted to disappoint the Gray's they're so nice to him all these years. How would they react if the knew the dark secret he carried in his mind, the dreams or nightmares depending on how you look at it. His dream was always the same he would chase a small white girl rabbit down and pounce on her, ripping her yellow sundress to shreds then he would start licking her face. Next, it would be as if someone turned off all the lights everything would go black except for sounds of small puddles of liquid. he could not really see the liquid pool but he could hear it drip drip drip that's when he would wake up in terror and excitement. His blood boiling his ears ringing his mouthwatering and his cock was big, hard, and standing proudly. This always confused Oliver he was scared he might attach and kill a fellow animal or was it he was scared/excited about the thought of having sex for the first time. Or maybe both only time will tell. Oliver joined the drama club not as an actor but as the lighting man, where he could stand in the rafters and watch the girls on stage.

Was it luck or Kismet may be just part of a grand design but the two of them were going to be thrust together like lovers in the night. As Oliver, Judy, and the other students are preparing for the spring solstice carnival. The drama club puts on a play every year. They match the theme of the play to the carnival, this year they needed flowers for the performance. Miss Pananeenee the teacher who oversees the drama club yelled "Oliver will you come here please". "Yes, ma'am Oliver replied quietly as he walked towards her, his head down as usual not making eye contact with anyone. As he approached her he couldn't resist looking at her body unlike most of the other teachers miss Pananeenee was young for a teacher she's just out of University this is her first teaching job. Miss Pananeenee was a 23-year-old fan and white gazelle she was quite tall for a girl 5'11" skinny with small pointed boobs who's nipples always seem to be hard and poking through her blouse, well I guess it was a blouse as with all her outfits her tops were usually white or nude in color and always skin tight and see-through. Never needing a bra Her hard dark mahogany nipples were easily seen through her shirts, and she always wore a tight dark-colored short skirt. Not quite a miniskirt but short enough to see lots of shapely leg and thigh and tight enough to see she had no ass to speak of and never wore panties. That was one of the reasons Oliver loved the drama club

As Oliver stared at miss Pananeenee he was lost in his own mind she was talking but he couldn't hear her over the beating of his heart. Sure he had sex Ed in 7th grade well that's what his church ran school called it but it was merely a biology class they explained the differences between boy's and girl's body's but never explained how or what sex was, so he knew very little about a woman's body. But oh how they excited him there looks and smell ohh, even though he didn't know what to do with a girl if he had the chance to be intimate with her,.

As he was thinking about what to do if he got her alone. Miss Pananeenee touched his face slowly stroking his cheek. That snapped him out of his trans, he finally looked at her face she was smiling at him. He blushed and immediately looked back at the floor and started to apologize for staring. She put her finger to his lips to shush him and said in a quiet sexy voice " Oliver did you hear me" she put her hand under his chin to lift his head up to look her in the eye. He began to shake his head no as he once again tried to look at the ground. "No no no look at me," she said while lifting his head up again. "I said can you please go to the flower club we need some flowers for the performance in a week there's only one student in the flower club so you might need to help her get the flowers ready for our show".

As she handed him a list of flowers she would like he started to stammer and studded " help a girl you mean I would be a-a-a lone w-w-with a girl to-to-together a-a-a girl i-i-i can't be alone with a g-g-girl". Once again miss Pananeenee put a finger to his lips and leaned in to whisper in his ear with that sexy tone in her voice "you will be fine I trust you you are a hard worker and I can always trust you to do your job without me supervising your every move and besides it might help with your self-confidence you are a very handsome young man that all of ussss girls would loooove to be alone with you". As she pulled back to look at his face Oliver's eyes were as big as dinner plates and he had a surprised look on his face from her confession that she wanted to be alone with him. His mind raced trying to figure out what she wanted to do with him, sure he has heard other boys talk about girls and sex but he has never been alone with a girl before he didn't know what to say or not to say. As all of this was running around in his head miss Pananeenee could see the scared look on his face and she started to laugh " you will be fine Oliver girls don't bite" as she got a sexy glint in her eye " well girls don't bite unless you want us to. Now go on off to the flower club with you young man"! She gave his butt a playful swat and winked at him.

As he slowly walked towards the flower club he was lost in his own thoughts "why would like miss Pananeenee or any girl want to like bite me bitting is not good" those thoughts and other not so pure thoughts keep running through his mind. As he walked into the garden he thought maybe she will be ugly like the big grizzly bear he has seen lifting weights in gym class. He looked around but he didn't see anyone he was relieved maybe if he went back miss Pananeenee she would send someone else to help with the flowers.

He was ready to leave when his nose caught the alluring scent of an excited girl, the smell was strong thick in the air he could almost taste her sex. yes he has smelled other excited females but nothing this strong and delicious He never smelled something so intoxicating in his life it was sweet and musky, It's making his mouth water, he has to swallow to keep from drooling. If something smells this delicious he wants to taste it.

He follows his nose through the garden looking for the source of the smell, he didn't know what to do if or when he finds the source. His instincts took over he was on the hunt to devour what's putting off that intoxicating smell he was crouched down stocking his pray every muscle in his body was on fire. He felt amazing he felt like he could run a hundred miles an hour or pick up a car and throw it he's never felt like this in his life and he likes it. As he rounded the corner of an old potting shed his eyes spotted a small white rabbit on her knees with her hand up her dress frantically trying to scratch the itch between her legs. He froze in his tracks his eyes bulging and he was drooling all over himself, his cock was swelling becoming as hard as a steel bar. His mind was racing he thought (I shouldn't be here, stop looking at her, I need to move why can't I move what's wrong with me why can't I move ) as he was lost in his mind his body betrayed him. He let out a low growl as the growl came out it snaps him back to reality slapping his hand over his mouth and ducked back around the corner out of sight. He heard the bunny squeal that made him run thinking he scared her.

Oliver was making his way to the garden. Judy was trying to get her work done but it wasn't going well she was running late all day, it started with her sleeping in late not hearing her alarm. She purposely sets her alarm 45 minutes earlier than the other girls in the dorm so she could masturbate in the shower before school. She slept in late because she was so horny all night long and couldn't sleep but she had no privacy so she couldn't just throw caution to the wind and have a mind-bending orgasm. She could only slowly rub her pussy, pulling her panties to the side she began to slowly stroke her puffy outer pussy lips while trying to not make any noises to alert her roommate. She was already wet she slid first one finger in and out fucking herself slowly then adding another tiny finger to her steaming cunt. She was getting more and more frustrated the longer it took to get off, she curled a finger up to find her g-spot trying to bring herself off.

She even fantasized about the last man she fucked. He was a middle-aged raccoon she met in the park last weekend, after flirting with the raccoon for a while she took his hand and lead him into the bushes by the walking path she pulled her panties to her knees then getting down on all fours and lifting her dress up over her nice round ass. Looking back at the raccoon she said "fuck me now I need your cock I need it now" the raccoon got behind her pulling his 5-inch cock out and ramming it in, he fucked her hard and fast just like she wanted. Not needing a lover to tenderly make love to her she needed a good hard fucking, someone to ram there hard cock in her cunt and fuck the hell out of her then ending with blowing his baby batter way up to deep in her womb. But try as he might the older raccoon couldn't give her the fucking she needed his cock was too small yes it might have been five inches long but it wasn't much bigger around then one of her fingers. She rubbed her clit frantically trying to cum before he does, she gave a tiny yelp just before he busted his nuts in her cunt she had a small orgasm. It helped release the tension but it's never as good as the shadowy man in her dreams.

She was about to put her panties on when she slid a finger up her puffy pussy lips to see how much nut juices she could wipe up and then lick off her fingers. As she slid her finger along her puffy slit it was barely wet.she sucked on her digit and thought I can taste my flavor but I can't taste him. Turning to face the raccoons asked " was it good for you did you cum" He said "oh yes that was fantastic I didn't hurt you did I and boy I'm glad you not a raccoon I'm sure I would have knocked you up with that load of my seed." she smiled to herself as he said that, then she took her panties and wiped what mess was left on her slit. Wadding the panties up she walked over to him and stuffed her panties in his pocket then leaned close to his ear and whispered "here is a souvenir don't let your wife find them you better hurry back she's probably waiting for you". She couldn't get off feeling frustrated she gave up and tried to sleep.

Judy was frantically trying to get off but slowly failing until she heard a low growling her mind instantly snapped to the dark shadowy figure of her dreams and she came she gave off a squeal, she then heard movement someone is here. She jumped up and ran to see who was watching her as she rounded the potting shed.

All she saw was a tall dark animal running for the door to the school he was almost to the door when she yelled "STOP RUNNING WHO ARE YOU". Oliver stopped he doesn't know why but he froze in he couldn't move. As Judy moved closer she was only about five feet away from him, she said "turn around and face me who are you ". Oliver thought ya right I'm not turning around, but once again his body betrayed him he felt himself turning around to face her.

When their eyes met they both froze with fear and surprise. Oliver thought oh my God it's her from my dream it can't be but it is she was the identical white rabbit from his dream she was even wearing the same yellow sundress he couldn't believe it.

Judy was weak in the knees her body trembling it was him the shadowy figure it couldn't be him he's is to young it was three years ago and a long ways away from here, there no way it could be him but it was she knew it even her body knew it.

To be continued


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The Hidden Princess Brian felt his mother staring and turned to see her standing in the doorway. She sheepishly smiled, turned and continued down the hall. Money had lost its importance once she had won the lottery and now Brian and his mother were starting over in a new house without Him. The one who claimed to be his father. The furniture was already gone; they were doing everything new including his clothes (Which had been crated away before he could see them.). Carolynn was...

3 years ago
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Back in Time Day 1 rewritten

Andre went to prom with his friends, but it didn’t quite feel right. He was always a bit awkward, so getting into relationships was next to impossible for him. Spending senior prom without a date made him feel unworthy, so he looked up at the night sky and whispered. “If only I could have another chance with Lila. If only I could tell her how I felt back then. Maybe things would be different.” That night Andre went to sleep, and when he awoke, he could help but feel different. He seemed to...

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The Weekend Trip rewritten

My girlfriend, Patti, knew and somewhat tolerated my crossdressing. She would occasionally allow me to sleep in a nightie - but that was the limit. We were having Saturday morning sex - her favorite was to sit on my face while I satisfied her orally. Once she climaxed, she would scoot down, mount and ride me until I came. This time, after I brought her to a massive crescendo, she scooted down and mounted me, but didn't move. She looked down at me and said, "I have a surprise...

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Gamer of FutaMultiverse Rewritten

An infinite, never-ending black void... check. Can’t feel my own body, check. A blue text box hovering in front of me, check. ‘Wait, wait wait… Hold up, something ain’t right…’ It was at this moment, that I remembered, I died. Well, at least it’s not by a truck, that’d be too cliché. No, I died in a plane crash. What are the odds? It just so happened that a storm appeared right smack dab in the middle of the Pacific Ocean for no reason and somehow my plane is nearby. My last thoughts were,...

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Free Use part 1 rewritten

Danny was a junior researcher for an organization that studied the strange and unnatural things in the world. Danny was assigned to help study a rift in reality located in a cave in the Appalachian Mountains in the United States. The rift led to different worlds, but which world someone was sent to was random chance. One was a world that looked very steampunk. Another was one where aliens had visited earth long ago and advanced human technology. Still another was one where humans had more...

2 years ago
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A Chance Encounter Part One Rewritten

A Chance Encounter Part One (Jeremy’s POV) I pulled my truck into a parking space outside of the coffee bistro I’d heard about from Peter, one of my childhood best friends. Looking at the building it didn’t look like much, so I just shook my head and hoped that he was right. “Doesn’t look like much.” My best friend and co-worker Theodore says, from the passenger seat. “Well, Peter did tell me it didn’t, but that the inside and the food makes up for it.” “That’s good ‘cause I’m...

4 years ago
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Swms 4 the Fourth Edition Revised and Rewritten

“How beautiful; You two stayed together all that time.” - Heather Swartz- Sex with My Sister Joshua and Andrea set down the boxes just inside the door of their apartment. They had just moved finished moving in officially. It had only been six months since their parents had died, and now that they had executed the wills they had gotten the house on the market and sold it. Andrea was only five foot two. She was a skinny little thing with a nice body. She wore a tank top that showed off her flat...

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It was a pleasantly warm summer evening. The trees leaves around rustle in the light breeze, as wind chimes sparkle in the distance. The sun's just set, a beautiful stretch of pink and gold painting the wispy clouds in the sky as lights start to turn on, it being that time of day. Suddenly, a mailbox begins to rattle, shaking the metal casing, as brilliant light spills through the cracks, and with it, a package manifests. As quickly as the commotion began, it disappeared, only leaving the...

Mind Control
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Forbidden Love

I like my job. First, because I’m good at what I do, and second because my coworkers are amazing. I always had an affinity for them, on and off work, and we regularly go out for drinks. One day, there was an unfamiliar man. His name was Robert. They transferred him, and he was going to work with us. What I didn’t imagine was that something else was going to happen.Robert was a charismatic person. It was easy to be comfortable around him, and I soon found out he was going to work directly with...

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Introduction: When Laurel goes for an audition, she fails to follow instructions and the result is deadly. Forbidden Room The cab dropped her at the entrance of the huge house, mansion really, and was now gone. Laurel checked her make up one last time before walking up to the front door and pushing the small black button next to the door. She thought she looked good and had certainly tried to look like someone theyd want to cast in their film. The announcement had asked for a look a little on...

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Forbidden Fruit 1 The Beach House Meeting

Introduction: The following is a story about a forbidden romance of a man 33 far too old to mess with a teenager girl. But their paths cross and they feel a forbidden attraction that neither should act on. The first two chapters were written together as one but it made too long a chapter so I broke it into two. I wanted to build the story with detail to share their thoughts and emotions and it is pretty long and detailed for two chapters. So please read them both and I hope you will enjoy the...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Thoughts Of You

You're so fucking beautiful; I love your long silky jet black hair and your brown eyes. Your cherry-red lipstick complements your silky red and black lingerie and red hills. Your pheromones are just so intoxicating the way they ricochet off your body, capturing my entire being up into a cloud of forbidden and erotic passion.You have no idea how long I have been craving you, how hot you make me, and how badly I desire you. I’m trying so hard to just walk you slowly into my room of forbidden...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Lovers

(An erotic story in the form of poetry)Darkness shrouds my ill desiresThe forbidden love that has made us liarsThrough the dim-lit park she walks my wayTo enjoy the night, for we cannot enjoy the dayOver the shoulder she looks, but no-one comesTo mask her guilt, she walks, not runsBut I can see the tension in her strideMy eyes know her well, she cannot hideShe spots me on my shrouded seatHer face lights up, and with quickened feetShe heads my way with a secret smileOf heat, and lust, and wicked...

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The cab dropped her at the entrance of the huge house, mansion really, and was now gone. Laurel checked her make up one last time before walking up to the front door and pushing the small black button next to the door. She thought she looked good and had certainly tried to look like someone they'd want to cast in their film. The announcement had asked for a look a little on the wild side but not too wild, so Laurel had tried to come up with the right half slutty, half girl next door...

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Forbidden Fruit

A masturbation and suck storyThe following is a true story about a recent meeting I had with Suzi and another man in Arkansas.For those of you familiar with Suzi and I you'll remember that I met with her a few months back at her home, where she was gracious enough to let me masturbate for her view. She and I have collaborated in several Yahoo groups and exchanged some very racy e-mails, chats and photos. Another similar opportunity to meet her came up for me, but this time I wanted to go...

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Forbidden love

Forbidden Love Ramona was bored, went to Reddit to her favourite subreddit. Maybe something new there. Maybe she's is there as well. She loved reading her blunt comments. Loved how the persons those comments were targeted at reacted, obviously not sure how to properly react and with each reply only provoking a more sarcastic blunt reply. She knew nothing about her. Only that she's on Reddit. Trans, just like her, and hated people who don't respect them and treated them like their...

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Forbidden Love

This is a true story which took place in my life purely accidentally last year and I really liked what happened to me at that time and thereafter. Obviously I am using fake names as incest is forbidden by any standard in our society and culture. My name is Lilly. I am 37 years old divorcee having twins, a daughter named Sheela and a son named Vicky. Both of them are 18 years old now. My son is a college student and lives in the boarding house. My daughter however, got pregnant at the age of...

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Forbidden Fruit 1 The Beach House Meeting

John was a handsome man, who had maintained his weight by working out at the gym three to five days a week. Since the divorce he had put in more gym time and actually was getting to be cut in his abs and upper body. He was relieved that his hair had not begun to recede or to turn gray and he looked to be younger then he really was. He was 6’3 and weighed 210 pounds. He had sandy blond hair and blue eyes and tanned nicely in the summer sun. Three months ago, John met a friend of a...

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FORBIDDEN FRUIT (2) Farmer’s Daughter (part two) There was something I had to do today, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember what it was! I was a farmer, so perhaps it had something to do with farming. Suddenly, my mind cleared enough for me to recall. I had twenty acres of hay to bale and another twenty acres to cut! This was a chore I needed to begin working on pretty-damn soon. The sun had already crested over the eastern pastures and daylight was burning brightly. ...

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Forbidden Part 2

The weekend has arrived and Sasha finds herself trying to come up with a rational explanation why Liam all of a sudden thinks he has a chance at getting into his mother's best friend's pants. She sent no mixed signals, she has never flirted with him, she has never shown any sexual interest in someone who is young enough to be her son, so what makes him think he stands any chance at all with her? She is now thinking maybe she needs to put some much needed distance between them."Sasha, will you...

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Forbidden Passions in a Darkened Room by Millie Dynamite

Beyond desire, beyond obsession, their love is everything! An Incestual Erotic Short Story in “Millie’s Vast Expanse” Millie Dynamite   © Copyright 2021 by Millie Dynamite NOTE: This work contains material not suitable for anyone under eighteen (18) or those of a delicate nature. This is a story and contains de***********ive scenes of a graphic incestuous sexual nature. This tale is a work of pure fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s...

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Forbidden Desires

When his wife Susan took off for parts unknown with some guy she'd apparently been fucking for a while, what seemed to overshadow all logical thinking was Jason's anger. That she broke off sixteen years of marriage, leaving him and his daughter stranded, with only a handwritten note to him and a short letter to 15-year-old Megan was so hurtful for both him and his daughter. In the note to him Susan said that she was 'unsatisfied' with the life they had, and Jason wondered what the fuck she...

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Forbidden Love With My Sister

Hi this is Manu Pen Name, coming to the story I have had many affairs and relationship in my life the one I cherries the most is the current relationship. That is with Rati name changed I call her rati as I know she is sex goddess. Rati is a average 30 year old married lady very committed to her family and she was my classmate. In college people used to respect us as we were brother and sister. I made her my sister when I met her. Though gradually watching her and feeling her love for her...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Love 8211 Part 1

Rani and Kumar had been married for more than 15 years. It was a marriage by arrangement. Rani came from a poor family background, one of the six daughters to a lowly paid blue collar worker. They lived in a village in the deep south of Tamil Nadu. To get a daughter married, it cost an arm and a leg, especially for the dowry demanded by the groom’s parents. Rani’s father had hell of a job to scrounge enough dowries to get his elder two daughters married and he was dreading how on earth he was...

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forbidden love part 3

please read forbidden love part one and 2 before reading this thanks. ….screams with excitement as she had never(and hopfully still hasnt) had a dick in her luciouse pussy lips that could split her if it went all in at once, as i start to slowly make love to this goddess of love and beauty i am thinking we are like one and cause of that she starts to say ″this is pure ectasy ~, and i believe as our lips form to make 1 being of life we have one of the greatest and still is the greatest kiss of...

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forbidden love part 3

please read forbidden love part one and 2 before reading this thanks.....screams with excitement as she had never(and hopfully still hasnt) had a dick in her luciouse pussy lips that could split her if it went all in at once, as i start to slowly make love to this goddess of love and beauty i am thinking we are like one and cause of that she starts to say ″this is pure ectasy ~, and i believe as our lips form to make 1 being of life we have one of the greatest and still is the greatest kiss of...

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Forbidden Love Chapter 3 The infatuation

Love. A simple and small word, but it carries such a strong meaning. Is it possible to love two people? Or better. Could I love two people? Questions and more questions.Three months have passed since our first “incident.” My passion for him was stronger than ever, and we used every opportunity we had to be together. I had gone back on birth control because I honestly hate condoms. My husband had a vasectomy after the birth of our children, so I never had to worry, but now with the affair,...

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Forbidden Love Chapter 2 The Aftermath

The return home was hard. Fear of the unknown took over me. Anguish of coming home and seeing my husband consumed me. Guilt, remorse, and fear flooded my mind. Was that the price of infidelity?I couldn’t go home in this state. He would know right away that something was wrong. I decided that spending the night in a hotel would be better. That time alone would be good for me to put my thoughts in order. I took a deep breath and called my husband. I told him I would spend the night at my best...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Furry Love Part 2

Introduction: This is my second story in what I hope to become a series, as asked last time please leave somePlease leave some constructive criticism and please dont leave any messages saying that your looking for a girl and have a 9 dick, cause we both know thats not true Forbidden Furry Love Part 2 As Caity moaned from ecstasy beneath me, I started feeling the familiar sensation in my balls and cock, that I felt every time I masturbated thinking of her and other women, mainly porn stars,...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Lizzy

This is a tale of forbidden love and lust, featuring an alpha male, and a cheeky, but sexually submissive, t-girl.* * * *"Fucking hell, Lizzy," I shouted angrily, as I bolted to my feet from my garden sun-lounger. "Don't you dare do that again."I'd just been hit by a jet of freezing-cold water: water that had come straight from Lizzy's large, pump-action water gun. As the June sun beat down, she grinned at me over the three-foot garden wall and began to purposefully jerk the pump all over...

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Forbidden Fruit and Consequences II Jessica

Jessica checked the time on her Breitling wrist watch. It was just a few moments before her husband Nathan would come home with their daughters Emily and Katie. It was his turn to pick them from school – and Jessica's to fix dinner. She sighed, taking a short break from her otherwise rather turbulent day. Were it a day like any other, she would have found fulfilling her share of chores relaxing, recreating even. This day, nonetheless, her daily routine seemed to cause her trouble. Or was it her...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit and Consequences Michael

A loud, thounderous knock on the door distracted Michael from the action on his TV screen. He hit the Pause button on his PS4 controller, slid his cordless headset off his ears to rest on his nape, and granted his roommate entrance by shouting out the permission. Nathan, Michael's best friend and longtime roommate, opened the door, and started talking in a seeming hurry: “Listen, bro, I gotta hit the road. I won't be back till, like, nine or so. I know this comes on short notice, but it's...

3 years ago
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I am a good girl. I work really hard academically; I get top marks. I do my best not to judge others. I’m ethical and modest. I don’t break laws, I don’t even illegally download. And I would never, ever even think of cheating on my boyfriend of six years. That was until I met you. You were tall, strong, fit and healthy. You cared about your physique. Your smile was bright and it made my stomach erupt in butterflies. And your accent. Oh I am such a sucker for a nice accent and yours was so...

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Forbidden Fruit The Sg JC girl

I sometimes work at my old JC in coaching football. I used to be a school team player. I was quite useless lah but i played defense and was quite a strong tackler so I got into the team. Anyway i have been a good alumnus for my school and try to take part in a lot of events. About two years back, they're part time coach left and they asked me if i was interested. Only twice a week - one Saturday morning and one Wed evening. Pay is nothing much but it was more for fun so i accepted.The team is...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit By: Doctor Wankenstein Well, you could argue low - hanging fruit, but you would have to saytotally totally FORBIDDEN fruit. Okay, not u******e, and and not a relative, but my god daughter and themiddle c***d of my best friend of over thirty years standing. I was in my mid 40's and she was 19. I can't say I'd never looked at her, even as a c***d she was precociousand attention hungry. We even joked about how much trouble she would be when she hit her teens. Her dad predicted...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit By: Doctor Wankenstein Well, you could argue low - hanging fruit, but you would have to saytotally totally FORBIDDEN fruit. Okay, not u******e, and and not a relative, but my god daughter and themiddle c***d of my best friend of over thirty years standing. I was in my mid 40's and she was 19. I can't say I'd never looked at her, even as a c***d she was precociousand attention hungry. We even joked about how much trouble she would be when she hit her teens. Her dad predicted...

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Forbidden Temptation

I smile up at you sweetly, teasingly. My plump red lips inviting. Nothing so simple as a look has ever been so arousing. But my smile ends to soon. A look as if I'm debating whether this is the right thing to do or not crosses my face before I press my forehead to your chest.I shudder. Just as your aching erection is becoming impossible to deny I lift my face to you and my expression changes.A flush creeps across my cheek bones, and my lips subtly part. My fingers clutch your shoulders. As I...

5 years ago
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"Deeper, deeper. Deee... peeer!" I was telling Peter to go deeper in me. I was down on all fours on the kitchen floor where Peter was doing me. I was just making pasta one Saturday afternoon when he dropped by my apartment unannounced. And with a hard-on. Who could resist that?My shirt was pulled up, my bra unhooked. My tits were bouncing like crazy and Peter was giving them lots of squeezes as he continued to penetrate me from behind. Turning to Peter, I saw him sweating and panting and making...

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