Warrior of The Chevaan
- 4 years ago
- 29
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I was jealous, I was bitter, I was sad; and I was a major success. I finished on time and I am now the proud possessor of a Juris Doctor degree, bestowed by Arizona State University. The J.D. meant that when I passed the state bar, and I would, that I would be able to practice law in the state of my birth.
The ceremony, in spite of the small group of graduates, was long. All of the professors had words to say, and the dean of the law school did all of the presentations; and, following that, I was up for my key note address. I did good. Lance and Liz and Milt were all there to applaud me. They were joined by maybe a hundred attendees. I felt pretty good.
I did get queried by the news outlets at the reception held in the auditorium where we did the whole ceremony. Kind of an honor, I guess.
Oh, and none of the Hardys or Longstreets were there, nor was Miss Christina Wyatt. It was hurtful, but I was getting used to it, the neglect, and they had all been appraised that I would be graduating and speaking; well, Lance said that they had been, by him.
So, okay, I was done with them—forever!
“I don’t know,” said Lance. “I’m sure they all got the notices. I mailed them myself!”
“Notices?” I said. “Mailed them.” I had thought that he had told them in person. So...
“Yes, something must have happened in the mail,” he said.
“Still, I know that they knew it was this month. Still, no one asked me about exactly when, not even the children,” I said.
“They must have been waiting for the formal invite, but didn’t get them. I guess I screwed up,” said Lance. “But I just don’t know...”
“It’s all right. They have their lives and I have mine. It’s okay,” I said. “Forget it.”
“No, they should have been here. If it’s my fault, I will get to the bottom of things. In the meantime, do not blame them, Lee. At least wait till I get this checked out. I mean it.” I shrugged.
“Whatever,” I said.
“Lance!” said a surprised Penelope. “I mean what?”
“Question,” said Lance, still standing on the porch.
“Okay, would you like to come in?” she said. He nodded and entered.
They took seats in the receiving room.
“Okay, Lance. You look worried. What’s happening?” She said.
“Pen, did you get the invite to Lee’s graduation?” he said.
“Well, yes, but Grant and I were committed to a formal thing at the hospital. Otherwise we would have come.”
“And Zoey?” he said. Penelope smiled.
“Zoey has a new boyfriend and it looks serious. They went up to the river for the weekend,” she said.
“Okay, I understand. I’ll be leaving. Have a good day,” he said.
“Lance what... ?”
“None of you or the Longstreets showed at the do. He is, well, heartbroken. It was a big deal. I hope you remember what he looked like. You’ve likely seen the last of him for sure,” he said, and he rose and walked out.
“Lance... !” But he was gone.
“You say it was the same with the Longstreets?” I said.
“Well, almost. Tina had a school event that she was involved with and was lost for the week because the team had to travel to California for it. The Academic Challenge Bowl actually,” he said. I was nodding.
“Well, that pretty much says it all. Actually, I’m kinda glad, sadly glad. At least now I have no doubt about my standing with them; and they for sure will soon know their standing with me; well, if they try to contact me. I won’t be bothering them for damn sure,” I said.
“I know I’ve said it before, well about Penelope. I figured Glory to be a cut above her, but I guess not,” said Lance. “Neither of them can be trusted. The kids are young, but they are being raised by those two women to be just like them. Just forget them, Lee. It’s best.”
“I have to agree with you, Lance. I surely do,” I said. My friend nodded.
“Like I said, at least I know where I stand now rather than later. I have the bar to take in two months. Now I won’t have any distractions. Lance, I have a favor to ask,” I said.
“Done deal,” he said. “Whaddya need?”
“Since you’ve cued them about stuff, I figure one or another of them might try to bother me. I’d really appreciate it if you would let me shack up at your place till after the bar. I need to not be bothered until then. It’s not even the academics of it; it’s the emotional thing. They’ve really stung me this time, especially the girls,” I said.
“Like I said, a done deal. And I will let Milt and Liz know what’s going on too, so that they won’t give up the ghost so to speak,” he said.
“Yes, do so, please. And, I know their cars so, if I see any of them at the Pasture, I’ll travel somewhere else. I really need them to be the hell away from me, but especially for the next couple of months.
“I’m taking off from the firm until after the bar. I already got Mister Michaels okay for that, and at full pay, by the way. How cool is that!”
I was actually feeling good. Let the bad guys do what they wanted. One day their neglect would come back to bite ‘em; I was sure of that.
Lance was actually smiling; I know for a fact that he liked the intrigue; he’s just got to get into the criminal law division at the firm, I thought
It was cloudy, but it was also hot outside. Well it was August, and in the desert of course it was hot.
The room was comfortable. There were thirty-one of us at the venue for the bar. It was a two-day event Wednesday and Thursday the 8th and 9th. There were two administrators one in the back and one in the front of the largish room at the court house.
The test was sweaty palm time for most of the takers. I wonder how many of them would need to take it again. It was just a pass or fail thing, so scores would not be given out. The good news for me was that, as it turned out, I was the first one done both days. I guess I still had it. My exes might not have given a shit, but my friends would, and we’d be celebrating that night, the 9th. I didn’t even know for sure that I’d passed, but really, I knew I had. I was feeling good: especially about the raise I was about to get. Seventy-five grand wouldn’t be too hard to take.
We were all seated at the largest booth at the Pasture. Smiles all around.
“Okay, we know you passed, but just how easy was it for you?” said Lance. Lance had passed it the first time around too. But he had had sweaty palms regardless.
“Not that hard. A couple of tricky sets, but not really a big deal this time around,” I said.
And then it was déjà vu all over again. Well, I did it to him once, so I guess it was his turn.
“Mister Hardy,” I said. “What a surprise.” He pulled up a chair from one of the tables and set it in the aisle as I had once done when I caught her dissing me to him an eon gone.
I walked the ten centimeter ledge as if it were a wide path and ignored the thousand meter drop to my left. The cliff bent and then I was walking onto a very wide ledge covered in thick moss. In the center was a tent and in front of the tent were three human males around a holographic fire, drinking. To one side was a collapsible stasis container with six spike-like horns on it. I moved closer and finally stepped into the light. It was still several moments before I was seen. The men jerked...
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FantasyThe queens in your clan gather around your small body as you slowly blink your eyes open for the first time. The dull light shining in through the den hurts your eyes and you turn your face into the fur of a she-cat laying beside you, letting her block the light from your face. You purr at her familiar, comforting scent, and you know this is your mother. Then you hear another cat enter the small den, but this one has a different scent than the warm smell of the nursing she-cats. You slowly...
Penelope’s dad funded a short vacation for his successful daughter. He sent her to Florida to see the sights and visit some family in the peninsular state. She had the time now. She was a nurse, but one so far without an actual job. She’d find one, and it would not be long in the doing either. She was certain of that, and so was I. Me, I still had to work, I was still studying on my own. But now, it was mostly languages. I wanted to be able to speak five languages. No good reason; it just...
My mother was smirking. “Well son, has the bureaucracy finally beaten you down?” she said. “Almost mom, almost,” I said. I fell into a chair at our dining room table and dropped my briefcase onto the floor beside my chair. “So, are you in school?” she said. “Yes, yes, and now to get ready for work. It’s all in the office today,” I said. “That’s a plus.” She smiled. “I would imagine,” she said. “But why are you here. You should be home with your wife?” she said. “I will be after work....
It had been two months. She’d never missed before. But she had now. She inserted the device and waited to see the color. “Shit!” she exclaimed. Her husband was at the Pasture with Lance and Milton, the old guy, who taught PE classes at the college and who hung with them. He’d be getting home late. It was Friday: she and her Grant had an off day, a once a month thing. Twice a month the three musketeers met and drank too much beer. She did not begrudge him that, and he appreciated her...
Home was nice, it was comfortable, and it was a place, for the moment, that was rife with questions and concerns. “To tell or not to tell,” he said. She nodded. “If he ever finds out” she said. “I mean if we do not tell him. On the other hand, if we do tell him...” “Yes, potential problems if we don’t, for sure problems if we do. You tell me,” he said. “Whatever we do we lose.” “Like you say, it’s no win either way. But I think we should wait. Yes, maybe tell him, just not so soon,” she...
The two of them handled me, literally. Brought me into the house, showed me the room I’d be staying in for the short term was how the man put it. Liz unpacked my duffel bag stocked the dresser drawers with the stuff she found therein, and set up the bathroom to accommodate, to the degree possible, a man with no legs. Then we went to dinner. Where else? We ate at the Pasture. Oh, and we drank a little too. “So, tell us?” he said finally broaching the question I’m sure the both of them had...
“You sure man?” said Lance. “You know you got a place here as long as you want.” “Yeah, and Lance you’ve been great. And I do apologize for hating you so much in high school. But it’s time, man. I gotta have my own place. So, in a couple of weeks?” I said. “No problem man, you know that. I’ll help you move, and so will Milt. You have collected a lot of shit in these past months that needs to be packed up,” he said. And then I was moved in to my new place. It was May 1995. Sands Apartments...
She fell into a seat across from her husband who had greeted her and led the way into the den. They stared at each other for a minute or two. He broke the ice. “So, you did get hold of the man,” he said. “Yes, but needless to say his is no longer my boyfriend,” she said. “That bad,” he said. “Well, almost. We did have a drink together, more to get past the impasse than to drink per se. He will deliver our message. And he will advise Lee, as he told me, to not accept our proposal. So yes,...
It was 6:40 p.m. according to the clock behind the bar at the Pasture. I was a little early. I wanted to get me a drink before I had to look at the woman who was once the love of my life and was now my singular worst enemy, Penelope Hardy. I already had my manhattan in front of me and it was half empty. I saw her come in. Maybe she needed a drink too. I smiled inwardly at the thought. Guilt can be the cause of any number of psychological reactions. She saw me and waved. I did not wave back....
“Yes, Zoey, it was your other daddy that saved you that day, and your daddy here too,” said Penelope, nodding toward her husband. “You need to be very nice to him, okay?” said her mom. “Okay, momma. I’ll be nice,” said the six-year-old, and she was smiling. It was September and it was very warm. Things would likely be cooling off in the not too distant future even here in the desert, but not yet, thought Grant Hardy. “Erwin, I need a favor,” said Grant, sitting across from his...
Friday couldn’t come fast enough for me. This woman had the cojones to deal with most anything was my evaluation of her spirit. Her fiancée might have dumped her for her injuries, well he had, but he was going to play hell connecting with her equal. At any rate, I was on the hunt now. I wondered how my ex would react to meeting her if she ever did. I know that Liz was arranging a meeting for the near future, and that with not just Grant Hardy, but with the both of them. Yes, maybe I would...
“Well we’re here,” said Glory, “They’ll be here, reluctantly on her part I’m sure, and likely his too, but they’ll show up of that I am certain,” I said. “You are a trusting soul,” said Glory. “Hmm, am I?” I said. “There they are.” She watched as the two strangers, to her, approached our waiting selves. “Have a seat,” I said. They did so. Seated, I glanced toward Penelope and introduced my new girlfriend. “Penelope Hardy this is Glory Harris, Grant, this is Glory,” I said. The two of...
And it was 1997. Glory and I had been getting along very good. It would turn out that Penelope and Grant would be alternating in delivering my Zoey to our place during the year. Yes, things had turned out for the better. I had my woman, he had my used-to-be woman and there did not appear to be any attempt to try and turn Zoey against me, or, toward them. I could live with the situation as it was developing. But then things began to get a little dicey. It was March, March 6th actually, Glory...
She was happy, so I guess I was happy too. I was also concerned that other men would be hitting on her and that she would feel pressured to reciprocate. Well, as they say, the die was cast. She was going to get the operations. I was figuring out the funding of it. Doctor Hardy was doing his part gratis, but the hospital and support stuff was on me, all on me: ten thousand plus on me, all of my savings and a sizable loan as well. But, if it fixed her up; well, I would be glad that we, I, went...
Zoe had been first visiting then residing part time with her biological daddy, me, for four years. She was nine years old now, and seeing things as a fourth grader not as a first grader and her outlook and wants were changing. Genius though I was, Lee Wyatt, me, did not see it coming: the maturation of my daughter, Zoe Hardy. Whenever the Hardys brought my daughter over for my time with her, I was uniformly in the house, or, at most just outside waiting on them. The same when they came to...
“No, you heard me right. He does not want her to come for the week-long thing anymore; well, at least for the near future. He says he’s afraid she will learn to resent him if he continues to insist on it. I mean her staying there as usual,” said Penelope. “Jesus!” said Grant. “Was it something that Zoe said, did?” “No, just the opposite. She’s been so nice these last couple of months that he figured we’d done something, coached her, to be nice and I guess it was so obvious that he just...
“December 11, 2004,” he said. “Okay?” said Glory. “Next week is our sixth anniversary,” said Ian. “Funny, not,” said a naked Glory Wyatt. “Well, I think it’s something worth celebrating. I mean our monthly get together is not a bad thing, but it is majorly inconvenient, and way not enough,” he said. “You should be mine.” “Ian, we’ve talked about this. One: you can’t be trusted. Two: I love my husband, and he loves me and our daughter. Talk about divorce is out of the question. Get that...
She saw the man come in. He was wearing a big smile. Looked like he might have some news. “This is a big night for me,” I said. I was so nervous and so positive, but she was looking down and seriously not happy. “I guess it’s not going to be as big a night as I thought,” I said. I knew the look. I worked for lawyers and it had happened to me too, before. And now it was again, I was being dumped. No doubt about it. “You’re dumping me, aren’t you?” I said, dropping into a seat across from...
“So, you really are transferring to where the poor people go to get their band aids,” said Penelope. “Yes, gotta do it. No more staff nursing. It’s surgery from now on. Maybe I’ll hook up with some big shot doctor like you did,” said Cherry Willis. “Hmm,” said Penelope. “Yeah, yeah, I know, at my age...” “Hah! You’re younger than me,” said Pen. “Yes, but at forty-two, I can for sure see the top of the hill, and it’s all downhill on the other side,” said Cherry. “Anyway, when you gonna...
“So how did it go?” said Ian. “No, let me guess. He wanted to start the quarterly thing now.” “Hah,” said Glory. “Exactly the opposite. He wants to make a change all right. He wants Tina to stay over at his place for an end of the month weekend only. Says, she is showing signs of missing her mom. I have to say, Ian, that I’ve seen the signs too, but she does love the man, but as he said, Tina is a momma’s girl.” “Wow!” he said. “He and I agreed to disagree and to revisit the arrangement in...
Penelope Hardy answered the door buzzer and stared. “Glory!” she said, in a very surprised voice. Surprised because the man standing beside her was not her husband Lee Wyatt. “Yes, can we come in?” said Glory. The look on the face of Penelope Hardy said no, but her voice said okay. “Okay,” said Penelope. The trio settled into seats in the living room and kinda stared at each other. “Pen, I will get right to the point. Lee asked me not to advertise what I am about to tell you, but we broke...
Our after passing, well taking, the bar party ended a little after midnight. I actually got a ride home from Liz and Milt, well, she hadn’t imbibed as much as the rest of us. I’d be picking up my ancient, but still good-running truck on the morrow. I still had the rest of the week off, so I was good, drunk, but good. Friends weren’t exactly family, but in my case they almost were. And I was grateful for them, boy was I ever. It was the 11th two days after the test. And it a little after...
Well, as the world turns things change as some wise man once said, can’t remember who. My Tina has a boyfriend that turns out to be my first wife’s son. How weird is that. Well, they did go to the same school, HTS, so I guess it wasn’t exactly a wonder how they were able to get close enough to hook up, so to speak. And then there was my first born, Zoe Hardy: yeah and it did piss me off that she’d taken, been given, the other guy’s last name. And, as it turned out, Tina wasn’t the only one...
He was faster than me; he got to the door first. Well, I was in my wheelchair. “Can I have a word?” he said. I sighed and nodded, reluctantly nodded. “Inside, I nodded toward the kitchen. “Beer.” He looked surprised. Well, I was thirsty. I rolled to the table and waited. He was back in half a minute. “It is what it is. You’re her daddy not me. I’m resigned to it,” I said. “But you’ve got it wrong,” he said. “Really. I’m her father not you and she, they, were celebrating Father’s Day with...
The plane ride had been pleasant, first class all the way. Her husband looked over at her smiling face. “Your mom told me that she and your bio-dad honeymooned in Mexico too,” said Herman. “Yes, but in Ensenada, not Puerto Vallarta,” she said. He nodded and smiled back at her. “We are going to have fun,” he said. “Yes,” she said. “I insist on it!” and they laughed. It was clear to me as another Father’s Day passed in this year of Our Lord 2017, that the bunch of them, the Hardys, had...
And I once again had a girlfriend. For a guy with no legs, and also no big money, I was doing pretty good. Now, if I could just get one of them to not run off with some other guy. She wasn’t actually snoring but she was breathing kind a loudly. But that was okay, she wasn’t wearing any clothes so that kind of made up for the not quite snoring noise she was making. It had been kind of a marathon evening, and I had slept after our third and final; attempt—two of which had been successful. I...
I had two jobs now. Lawyering during the day, and playing the currency markets after hours. It was kinda fun actually, playing the markets. I’d fooled with it some in the past and I knew the game. I’d never tried to make any money; I just studied the systems—the international systems—and figured it out. The biggee? I need to make me a minimum of four million, maybe five, in six months. I used the second million that I’d gotten from the sergeant as my seed money, and the other million to get...
“Daddy,” said Tina Hardy. She and her husband were unexpected. I mean showing up at 9:00 p.m. on a week night. “Christina!” I said, “and Ronald.” “Daddy we are here to talk to you. I know you and mom talked, but she won’t say anything about what you all talked about. And that’s not fair!” “And you, Ronald, are you on her side?” I said, half tongue in cheek. “Sir, Tina and I are married. I’m trapped. Of course, I’m on her side,” he said. “Hmm, point taken,” I said. “Look, I have a few...
“You kicked her out?” said Cherry. “If I am not at the very least her main daddy; then, as far as I’m concerned, I’m nothing,” I said. “Not at the very least, huh,” she said. “I think that you are a bit more than the very least with her, and, well, with everybody,” said Cherry. “Hah! Show me your evidence,” I said. “You can’t because there is none!” I said, kinda loudly. “The evidence, Mister, is right there in front of your face: they keep trying to connect with you. Yes, they want to...
Lance and I were able to recover the bugs fairly easily. I got the one in the dinette; he got the one on the patio. I felt like a bum doing it, but I had to know. I really didn’t want to be succored any more than I already had been. It would be a day or two before we could listen to them. And yes, we, was the operative term. I wanted a witness. I needed to have a witness that I trusted absolutely. Lance was the only one at this point. Cherry was a candidate for a “trustee” position, but I...
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'Five Minutes' I said, this being the accepted trigger, and looked at my watch as she raced upstairs . The five minutes came and went without Cathy re-appearing. When she came down, showered and dressed in the chosen clothing she was a full five minutes late. I indicated that she should place herself across my knee and reaching under the sofa pulled out a leather soled slipper and hit her hard across the bottom with it. Over the next five minutes I hit her another eleven times....
I'd been secretly crossdressing and keeping my body and little cocklet hairless and smooth for about six months, having recently discovered internet shopping and blitz shopping for wigs and slutty lingerie and bigger and more challenging toys. My ass pussy was stretched and always aching to be played with. I had been lurking on Craigslist for a few months when one day I suddenly worked up the courage to place an add searching for an older daddy to fuck me senseless while I played the panties...
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The next day continued in much in the same manner as her first full day on the ship had. When Brianna woke up she immediately felt the slave collar around her neck. It immediately confirmed her slave status to her and the fact that she had an owner. Brianna was then forced to use the chamber pot in full view of her Master. It was still as humiliating as it was the first time. After feeding her, again on the floor, some cleaning supplies were brought in. Just as Brianna was done her cleaning,...
It was a hot and sultry Sunday afternoon. I had been running errands all day, and my jeans were saturated with sweat. The last thing on my list was to move my SUV in preparation for Monday's street cleaning, and then I was going to hit the shower and call it a day.As I walked to the car, I noticed two petite, slutty teens standing on the sidewalk next to my vehicle, one blonde, one brunette. They were wearing tank tops and short skirts, and were talking to some guy who was sitting on his...
Gay Beginnings Part-2 Further Lessons Other Wonders. Bunty was true to his word. When we returned from our respective schools on the evening of what was to be the fourth night he was spending in my room, he asked me to go with him to a rather secluded and lonely spot near the river. He said he had much to tell me and that would be the ideal spot where we would not be overheard. Initially the things he told me made me go red with embarrassment and confusion. But Bunty was clever. He...
We met them at one of the semi private pools, open only to guests of the hotels. We said hello and introduced ourselves, Max and Lina to Paco and Veronica. Veronica a voluptuous Latina, wearing a turquoise wicked weasel bikini, and giving him a footjob as he sat in the water below her.I sat on the edge of the hot pool across from them watching her reveal the turquoise patch over her plump vagina with her leg motions, my hardon was tenting in my shorts. Lina, smiled at me and slipped into the...
"Halloween," she agreed as she held still under his pinning hold. The beast inside of her snarled. She had very little time left. "Now, let me go, Dustin, before you tempt the beast to attack." He dropped his hands and backed away from her, seeming to be satisfied that he had gotten his promise. He didn't seem concerned about her beast attacking but Rebekah was. She never wanted to hurt either of her best friends. Settle down. she tried to sooth the animal inside of her that was...
When they arrived at the party, Jamey escorted Cindy in with his arm around her waist, while Sara walked with her arm hooked in Brad's. Cindy was wearing a one piece pullover knit that ended halfway up her thighs and clung to her tightly. Jamey looked at his beautiful daughter, feeling her hips as they brushed against his, and pulled her a little closer to him. She responded by laying her head against his shoulder, her blonde hair settling softly and the wonderful woman fragrance of her...
Jacob Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, Captain of the Flying Dutchman, 2:34 pm, October 28th 2006. I sat on the bench watching Kevin do incomprehensible things with the game. We were nearing the end of the second half and I think the opposing team just received some sort of penalty. That meant Fred got to kick the football. It went through the goal posts. Even I know that meant we got 6 points. Touchdown I think that move is called. When I remarked on this, I was informed that a penalty...
Die folgende Story ist nicht von mir sondern ein Netzfund und lediglich als Fanpost zu verstehen. Ich bin 21, 184 groß und schlank. Sexuell hatte ich bislang nur mit einem Kumpel Erfahrungen gemacht. Wir haben oftmals zusammen gewichst, und er hat ihn mir auch einmal kurz in den Hintern gesteckt, aber nach ein paar Stössen wieder rausgezogen, weil er meinte das wäre ihm zu "schwul". Er hatte er einen relativ kleinen Schwanz und ich hatte ihn kaum gespürt.Das alles schrieb ich "türkMacho" im...
1947 & 1948 - Do You Believe In Coincidences The year was 1947. Some of you will recall that on July 8, 1947, 70+ years ago, numerous witnesses claim that an Unidentified Flying Object, (UFO), with five aliens aboard, crashed onto a sheep and mule ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered-up by the U.S. Air Force, as well as other Federal Agencies and Organizations. However, what you may NOT know is that during the month of...
My new 18 year old boyfriend Roy really wanted to go to this new movie that was playing at the theater. I couldn’t imagine why, as it seemed pretty boring to me from what I’d seen from the commercials advertising it. I like him a lot though, so I figured a couple of hours of my time wasn’t much to ask me to sacrifice for making him happy. I knew once we got back home after it was over the real excitement would begin. He was the hottest lover I’d ever had and I’d been making good use of his...
Years of hard work on the indie circuit have finally paid off. You are a WWE wrestler just signed to a contract a week ago. The excitement gets to you as you walk into the arena. All that hard work you've done has finally paid off. After showing your ID card to security, you head to the locker room and find a locker. You were told to meet Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley before the event to discuss your involvement in the event. As you walk into the locker room, you see some of the WWE superstars...