Warrior of The Chevaan
- 4 years ago
- 30
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The plane ride had been pleasant, first class all the way. Her husband looked over at her smiling face.
“Your mom told me that she and your bio-dad honeymooned in Mexico too,” said Herman.
“Yes, but in Ensenada, not Puerto Vallarta,” she said. He nodded and smiled back at her.
“We are going to have fun,” he said.
“Yes,” she said. “I insist on it!” and they laughed.
It was clear to me as another Father’s Day passed in this year of Our Lord 2017, that the bunch of them, the Hardys, had gotten the message. Even the Longstreets had been more or less absent from my existence for these past few years. I did get visits from Tina now and again, and she never did miss a Father’s Day or my birthday; but it wasn’t what I’d hoped things would be like had I had my way.
Tina and Ronald Hardy had long been an item, so that might have been part of the reason that I hadn’t seen much of the Longstreets since the catastrophe of Zoe’s wedding four years gone. I’d only met her then intended once and never since. No holiday cards no contact whatever. But that was about to change. And, I was put in a position that would make it hard if not impossible to object.
Tina and Ronald were about to get married. And, yes, in this marriage I was slated to be the actual daddy of record not my ex-wife’s, Glory’s, husband, Ian Longstreet. I’d said yes to all of their requirements and one or two of which were kind of a tough nut for me. One: she was marrying into the Hardy clan. And two, obviously: the Hardys would be at the wedding and at the wedding table though on the other end of it from me. Uncomfortable? Not for me. I wondered if it would be for them, especially Zoe and Penelope.
And one other thing, I insisted on paying for it, the wedding. We argued hard core over that, had Ian and I. We ended up agreeing to split the cost. Why the argument: because he was trying to make amends for things done and not done in the past, while I was trying to demonstrate my fatherhood’s responsibilities. After the fact I realized we both had had defensible positions. I guess I was satisfied.
The organist of 2nd Baptist church played the wedding march, and the march began, well I was wheeling, but with a big smile on my face at the honor I was feeling for being recognized, this time, as the daddy and father of the beautiful bride, and she sure as heck was that! I had to grant as well, that her hubby about-to-be was a handsome young man at the least. It should be remembered that it had been 2nd Baptist where Pen and I had married those many years ago.
I was not put in the position of having to deal with any of the Hardys. It was my one and only set in stone requirement. It was respected by Tina and Glory and hence things went smoothly. I do need to mention that Lance had negotiated with the Hardys to not bother me nor approach me nor embarrass me during the festivities. They had agreed. I figured they felt as strangely as I did about the situation, but of course I had no way of actually knowing any of that for sure.
“Who give’s this woman in marriage today,” intoned the minister.
“I do,” I said, and I said it loud. And the ceremony continued as I wheeled myself back to my station next to the front pew on the bride’s side of the church. I never even glanced once toward the groom’s side of things. I was making a statement. It might be their son marrying my girl, but they were not in any way being recognized as such by me.
“I was fifty-two years old and single and doing quite well overall in my law practice working for Costley and Michaels.
The ceremony took some little time, but it did end and we did all adjourn to the auditorium for the reception. Glory and I were next to each other in the line, and the bad guys did nod in my direction as they passed me, but they did not attempt to shake my hand or otherwise embarrass me. That had been at the instance of Lance who had, as stated, negotiated with them for me. They knew how I felt about them, all of them.
The food was good, as I had expected it to be. Everyone ate and talked and drank and had a good time. Milt and Liz were seated at a nearby table as were Lance and his squeeze Ann Willis. I kinda wished I was with them; we had more in common than I did even with my daughter and my ex. I did like Ian, in spite of everything; but we had almost nothing in common apart from Glory and Tina, mainly Glory.
Eating done, the father-bride dance was announced and Ian’s dad did the honors for me. Tina did come up to me just before the dance.
“Dad, he’s standing in for you, not replacing you. Okay?” she said. We’d already had the conversation, but I smiled and nodded my enthusiastic okay anyway.
After the father-daughter thing. There was dancing all around. Tina with Ronald, Zoe with her man, Penelope with Grant. I just watched. Well, with no legs I had damn little choice.
I had the feeling that Zoe wanted to talk with me, but she kept her distance sticking to the deal she’d verbally signed onto with Lance.
The new marrieds left about an hour after dinner. I learned that they’d opted for Paris; well, Glory’s hubby was rich. I wished them well. I’d gotten a goodbye kiss from her as she sashayed out hand in hand with Ronald. I noticed Penelope watching the proceedings. The environment, 2nd Baptist, held memories for me; I had to believe that they did for her as well, but who knew for sure.
I did join my gang after the couple skedaddled. We were drinking and hurrahing the place for some time. The gathering had included a good hundred and fifty people but dwindled little by little. We were among the last of the crowd to cut country. Lance held me back for a word just as the Gromleys walked out.
“Grant asked to have a word with you,” said Lance.
“No,” I said. “Not now, not ever. Please tell him that.” Lance nodded and went to inform the man.
Then we were all on our way home, and a new chapter in the life of one Lee Wyatt was about to begin.
“I guess they, our new couple will be staying at the Longstreet’s place for a while: until they get out of college is the word,” said Penelope.
“Yes, that’s what Ronald told me,” said Grant.
“So, well, things seemed to go okay,” said Penelope.
“Think so?” said Grant.
“Yes, well I mean there were no incidents or looks or trouble that I saw,” she said. “Did you see something, anything?”
“Yes, I saw nothing. He never even looked our way, not once; and I was paying attention,” he said. “He’s still holding a grudge and it’s hard core.”
“Yes, I see what you mean,” she said. “And no, I never saw him look our way either. Well, apart from a slight nod when I passed him in the receiving line well...”
“Yes, exactly,” he said. “I did ask Lance to let him know that I would like to have had a word with him. But he sent word back with Lance that that would not be happening any time soon, actually he said ever.” She shook her head.
“Well it has been four years. No surprise there,” she said.
“I guess not. I just wish...” he started.
“Me too, I guess,” she said. “I felt kinda funny being there today. As you know, it’s where he and I were married all of those years ago. It just felt kinda strange.”
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Penelope’s dad funded a short vacation for his successful daughter. He sent her to Florida to see the sights and visit some family in the peninsular state. She had the time now. She was a nurse, but one so far without an actual job. She’d find one, and it would not be long in the doing either. She was certain of that, and so was I. Me, I still had to work, I was still studying on my own. But now, it was mostly languages. I wanted to be able to speak five languages. No good reason; it just...
My mother was smirking. “Well son, has the bureaucracy finally beaten you down?” she said. “Almost mom, almost,” I said. I fell into a chair at our dining room table and dropped my briefcase onto the floor beside my chair. “So, are you in school?” she said. “Yes, yes, and now to get ready for work. It’s all in the office today,” I said. “That’s a plus.” She smiled. “I would imagine,” she said. “But why are you here. You should be home with your wife?” she said. “I will be after work....
It had been two months. She’d never missed before. But she had now. She inserted the device and waited to see the color. “Shit!” she exclaimed. Her husband was at the Pasture with Lance and Milton, the old guy, who taught PE classes at the college and who hung with them. He’d be getting home late. It was Friday: she and her Grant had an off day, a once a month thing. Twice a month the three musketeers met and drank too much beer. She did not begrudge him that, and he appreciated her...
Home was nice, it was comfortable, and it was a place, for the moment, that was rife with questions and concerns. “To tell or not to tell,” he said. She nodded. “If he ever finds out” she said. “I mean if we do not tell him. On the other hand, if we do tell him...” “Yes, potential problems if we don’t, for sure problems if we do. You tell me,” he said. “Whatever we do we lose.” “Like you say, it’s no win either way. But I think we should wait. Yes, maybe tell him, just not so soon,” she...
The two of them handled me, literally. Brought me into the house, showed me the room I’d be staying in for the short term was how the man put it. Liz unpacked my duffel bag stocked the dresser drawers with the stuff she found therein, and set up the bathroom to accommodate, to the degree possible, a man with no legs. Then we went to dinner. Where else? We ate at the Pasture. Oh, and we drank a little too. “So, tell us?” he said finally broaching the question I’m sure the both of them had...
“You sure man?” said Lance. “You know you got a place here as long as you want.” “Yeah, and Lance you’ve been great. And I do apologize for hating you so much in high school. But it’s time, man. I gotta have my own place. So, in a couple of weeks?” I said. “No problem man, you know that. I’ll help you move, and so will Milt. You have collected a lot of shit in these past months that needs to be packed up,” he said. And then I was moved in to my new place. It was May 1995. Sands Apartments...
She fell into a seat across from her husband who had greeted her and led the way into the den. They stared at each other for a minute or two. He broke the ice. “So, you did get hold of the man,” he said. “Yes, but needless to say his is no longer my boyfriend,” she said. “That bad,” he said. “Well, almost. We did have a drink together, more to get past the impasse than to drink per se. He will deliver our message. And he will advise Lee, as he told me, to not accept our proposal. So yes,...
It was 6:40 p.m. according to the clock behind the bar at the Pasture. I was a little early. I wanted to get me a drink before I had to look at the woman who was once the love of my life and was now my singular worst enemy, Penelope Hardy. I already had my manhattan in front of me and it was half empty. I saw her come in. Maybe she needed a drink too. I smiled inwardly at the thought. Guilt can be the cause of any number of psychological reactions. She saw me and waved. I did not wave back....
“Yes, Zoey, it was your other daddy that saved you that day, and your daddy here too,” said Penelope, nodding toward her husband. “You need to be very nice to him, okay?” said her mom. “Okay, momma. I’ll be nice,” said the six-year-old, and she was smiling. It was September and it was very warm. Things would likely be cooling off in the not too distant future even here in the desert, but not yet, thought Grant Hardy. “Erwin, I need a favor,” said Grant, sitting across from his...
Friday couldn’t come fast enough for me. This woman had the cojones to deal with most anything was my evaluation of her spirit. Her fiancée might have dumped her for her injuries, well he had, but he was going to play hell connecting with her equal. At any rate, I was on the hunt now. I wondered how my ex would react to meeting her if she ever did. I know that Liz was arranging a meeting for the near future, and that with not just Grant Hardy, but with the both of them. Yes, maybe I would...
“Well we’re here,” said Glory, “They’ll be here, reluctantly on her part I’m sure, and likely his too, but they’ll show up of that I am certain,” I said. “You are a trusting soul,” said Glory. “Hmm, am I?” I said. “There they are.” She watched as the two strangers, to her, approached our waiting selves. “Have a seat,” I said. They did so. Seated, I glanced toward Penelope and introduced my new girlfriend. “Penelope Hardy this is Glory Harris, Grant, this is Glory,” I said. The two of...
And it was 1997. Glory and I had been getting along very good. It would turn out that Penelope and Grant would be alternating in delivering my Zoey to our place during the year. Yes, things had turned out for the better. I had my woman, he had my used-to-be woman and there did not appear to be any attempt to try and turn Zoey against me, or, toward them. I could live with the situation as it was developing. But then things began to get a little dicey. It was March, March 6th actually, Glory...
She was happy, so I guess I was happy too. I was also concerned that other men would be hitting on her and that she would feel pressured to reciprocate. Well, as they say, the die was cast. She was going to get the operations. I was figuring out the funding of it. Doctor Hardy was doing his part gratis, but the hospital and support stuff was on me, all on me: ten thousand plus on me, all of my savings and a sizable loan as well. But, if it fixed her up; well, I would be glad that we, I, went...
Zoe had been first visiting then residing part time with her biological daddy, me, for four years. She was nine years old now, and seeing things as a fourth grader not as a first grader and her outlook and wants were changing. Genius though I was, Lee Wyatt, me, did not see it coming: the maturation of my daughter, Zoe Hardy. Whenever the Hardys brought my daughter over for my time with her, I was uniformly in the house, or, at most just outside waiting on them. The same when they came to...
“No, you heard me right. He does not want her to come for the week-long thing anymore; well, at least for the near future. He says he’s afraid she will learn to resent him if he continues to insist on it. I mean her staying there as usual,” said Penelope. “Jesus!” said Grant. “Was it something that Zoe said, did?” “No, just the opposite. She’s been so nice these last couple of months that he figured we’d done something, coached her, to be nice and I guess it was so obvious that he just...
“December 11, 2004,” he said. “Okay?” said Glory. “Next week is our sixth anniversary,” said Ian. “Funny, not,” said a naked Glory Wyatt. “Well, I think it’s something worth celebrating. I mean our monthly get together is not a bad thing, but it is majorly inconvenient, and way not enough,” he said. “You should be mine.” “Ian, we’ve talked about this. One: you can’t be trusted. Two: I love my husband, and he loves me and our daughter. Talk about divorce is out of the question. Get that...
She saw the man come in. He was wearing a big smile. Looked like he might have some news. “This is a big night for me,” I said. I was so nervous and so positive, but she was looking down and seriously not happy. “I guess it’s not going to be as big a night as I thought,” I said. I knew the look. I worked for lawyers and it had happened to me too, before. And now it was again, I was being dumped. No doubt about it. “You’re dumping me, aren’t you?” I said, dropping into a seat across from...
“So, you really are transferring to where the poor people go to get their band aids,” said Penelope. “Yes, gotta do it. No more staff nursing. It’s surgery from now on. Maybe I’ll hook up with some big shot doctor like you did,” said Cherry Willis. “Hmm,” said Penelope. “Yeah, yeah, I know, at my age...” “Hah! You’re younger than me,” said Pen. “Yes, but at forty-two, I can for sure see the top of the hill, and it’s all downhill on the other side,” said Cherry. “Anyway, when you gonna...
“So how did it go?” said Ian. “No, let me guess. He wanted to start the quarterly thing now.” “Hah,” said Glory. “Exactly the opposite. He wants to make a change all right. He wants Tina to stay over at his place for an end of the month weekend only. Says, she is showing signs of missing her mom. I have to say, Ian, that I’ve seen the signs too, but she does love the man, but as he said, Tina is a momma’s girl.” “Wow!” he said. “He and I agreed to disagree and to revisit the arrangement in...
Penelope Hardy answered the door buzzer and stared. “Glory!” she said, in a very surprised voice. Surprised because the man standing beside her was not her husband Lee Wyatt. “Yes, can we come in?” said Glory. The look on the face of Penelope Hardy said no, but her voice said okay. “Okay,” said Penelope. The trio settled into seats in the living room and kinda stared at each other. “Pen, I will get right to the point. Lee asked me not to advertise what I am about to tell you, but we broke...
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Well, as the world turns things change as some wise man once said, can’t remember who. My Tina has a boyfriend that turns out to be my first wife’s son. How weird is that. Well, they did go to the same school, HTS, so I guess it wasn’t exactly a wonder how they were able to get close enough to hook up, so to speak. And then there was my first born, Zoe Hardy: yeah and it did piss me off that she’d taken, been given, the other guy’s last name. And, as it turned out, Tina wasn’t the only one...
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Dkehi Mera naam aditi hai meri umar 24 saal hai mai panna m.p me rahti hu mujhe sex bahut pasand hai uska karan ye hai ki mere papa mummy bahut sex karte hai mai unko bachpan se sex karte dekhti aa rahi hu ye meri Sachchi ghatnao me se ek hai wo log itne sexy hai ki daily raat me 2 baar to sex pakka karte hai unke sex ka aalam ye hai ki kai baa to din me bhi kamre me band ho ke sex karte hai kuch saal pahle tak to aisa hota tha ki jab kabhi mummy mere bagal me raat me so jati thi to papa mere...
So i'm a str8 guy (or so i thought). I was really horny one night and decided to look at craigs list. there were no women looking for any immediate action but there were many men. My family happened to be out of town this weekend too, leaving me alone in the house. I like to 420 so i smoked a big bowl before this happened.I had always imagined fucking or (mainly) getting fucked by a guy. So i decided to click on m4m. I looked through the posts for several hours before i decided to just...
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It has been a while...sorry about that. Sometimes life interferes. Anyway, I had a lot of fun writing this story and I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know what you think.As always, this is a work of fiction and the characters are imaginary, existing only within the confines of the story and my imagination. Enjoy! *It felt fairly strange to be back in college after nearly thirty years. Sitting amidst all those young graduate students made me feel a bit old, even though I was only fifty-one...
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Laura skipped a step or two after hopping off the bus only a block from her apartment after a long day at work. If her walk seemed a bit jauntier than normal there was a very good reason for it, after all this was Wednesday. Wednesday, the absolute best day of the week! It was shaving day, the day she and her room mate, Bobbi, spent the evening shaving each other's pussy! It was incredibly erotic to sit on the edge of the tub while having your lover carefully lather and shave your most intimate...
Tom returned home from his second semester at Lyling Military University to find out that his mother and father would be gone for the next year to France leaving him home for his 2 week semester break alone with Deana; the Woman left in charge of the care of the house and to manage the servants until their return. This was not the news Tom had hoped for, Deana was a very strict by the rules woman. She was middle aged, had 2 children that had left home, and her husband had long been gone...
Straight SexWe had bee involved in threesomes for about five years when we felt we needed to meet some new guys we were down to two due to guys getting married and moving interstate. This time we used a local contact magazine for our add also this time we included a photo of Anne, of course in the replies we got the usual rubbish written by people who had not read the content of the add or who were obviously semi literate where the reply consisted of I would like to fuck your wife or similar phrasing....
My fingers ranged closer and closer to her anus, and Amy sighed when I brushed my thumb across it. My other hand found her breast, and I rolled the fat nipple between my fingers. Amy arched her chest down into my hand, and I increased the pressure, triggering a moan of approval while she pushed her ass into my other hand.My thumb now hovered over her sphincter, rubbing and prodding the slightly rough flesh while Amy bucked beneath me. I let my fingers drift down over her slit, and they found...
I lay there on Debbie’s bed as I stared up at George, I gasped seeing his cock spring to life, like I said it was amazing. I whimpered and cried with joy as he lay down next to me and started to caress my body. He ran his fingers up my belly and gently cupped my small breast as he nuzzled my neck and then began to tug at my hard nipples. I gasped and groaned. I didn’t know what to do. I had to submit, but he was being so tender it was feeling nice. He kissed and suckled my earlobes as he worked...
My brother and I have always been competitive with girlfriends, although he is older than me. I had once fucked an ex of his that he was not happy about, jump 13 years later we are both married, my wife is much hotter than his and his turned a bit plump as well. His wife and k**s went on a vacation and he had to stay behind for work so on the Friday night I invited him over for dinner as he was alone. Dinner went well and I could see my wife was very flirty with my brother, which I did not mind...
Teri Sue walked down the yellow brick-road wearing her trademark red-riding hood and carrying a basket with cake and wine for her grand-aunt. She was in a rather good mood as the sun shone on her smiling face with its rosy cheeks. The weather was perfect for the delighting trip she had been looking forward to for so long.Her shoes, also the same color red as her hood, clapped on the yellow bricks in an upbeat rhythm and you could tell how full of energy she was having just started on her trip....
I have mentioned before that Diane was a natural exhibitionist. My previous stories focused on my own exhibitionism and submissiveness with her. I will now relate some of her own techniques and episodes, in which I was a willing and enthusiastic accomplice, while still being submissive.She was blessed with full, round and sumptuous breasts, and took every opportunity, away from the office, to show them off. Being a competent dressmaker, she designed or altered clothes that could easily reveal,...
ExhibitionismThis is the third chapter of a long story about a vicious and remorseless criminal and a group of people with unusual lifestyles who attempt to combat him. It is written in two ways. Sections which tell the personal lives of the participants are told in the form of memoirs. These are headed with personal names e.g. Philip and Denise, Ivy and Ginny. They contain graphic sex of various kinds. Sections that tell the Rotkoff story are written in the third person. These do not contain any explicit...
I have been divorced for over a year after twenty one years with one man. Now, here I am at 43 and alone for the first time in my adult life. It had hurt when he told me that he was seeing a younger woman and wanted to be with her. It hurt even more when I happened to see the two of them together. I was walking past a local bar and saw the two of them having drinks, laughing, holding hands. He had not held my hand in years. I felt even worse when I looked at her. I thought...
BDSMJane, feeling humiliated, remained tied spread eagle on her bed. The only changes in her situation from the morning were that she was now sitting upright a bit with pillow propping her up and she was wearing an adult diaper. There is no way to maintain any dignity as an adult while wearing a diaper. She had asked Jack to cover her with a sheet but he had refused stating that he wanted to see her bindings. When she had complained, he had reached over and pinched her nipple. He found her...