Quartet: Eleanor Ch. 06 free porn video

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Chapter 06: The horror story, the life changes, another visitor and a big decision.
This is the final chapter in the Quartet series. For those of you who have hung in this long, my admiration and thanks. Almost every comment has been supportive and helpful. A big thank you to my wife, who has edited and proofed my work diligently. If anything was missed, it was by me.


Eleanor considered her future as she contemplated her journey through menopause. She alternated between anger and despair that she could not control or at least manage her tomorrows. Would it be an easy passage lasting only a couple of years or would it be a long, protracted process lasting many years? She was conscious of some recent weight gain and she was unhappy with her appearance after all those years of almost automatic satisfaction with her looks. She tried hard not to dwell on it and carry on with her life as normally as she could, but every day there seemed to be a reminder of these changes and her feeling of helplessness as they overtook her. She tried to read books and articles on the subject, but found herself loosing concentration and even interest in the variety of conflicting information and advice they contained. She briefly considered Estrogen Replacement Therapy, but rejected it when she saw the risks of Breast and Uterine Cancer as well as Gallbladder disease. In the end, it was Roger who found her path forward.

Roger approached Eleanor’s announcement of menopause as he would any other issue, he would study, analyze, form a plan of attack and then, act. It was the typical linear approach of an engineer and it was the only way Roger knew how to address this problem. Unfortunately, as Roger was soon to discover, it wasn’t that simple or straightforward. As he began to read more about the exclusively female condition, he quickly understood that each situation and the response by Eleanor could be different than any text-book depiction that he might consider.

He began to notice the changes in Eleanor. She appeared to have gained weight and her skin-tone had changed. She was still a beautiful woman, but he could see that she needed to address these changes and restore her former physical condition. While he couldn’t alter the natural course of her ageing, he could do two important things. First, he could encourage, if not demand, that she better manage her diet and return to her exercise classes. Every book he read placed high importance on these two elements. Second, he could be her cheerleader and her coach. He would not allow her to fall into a state of depression or lose her sense of self-worth. More importantly, he would talk to her and let her know he was aware of what she was going through and that he would be at her side and help her in any way he could.

He knew that some changes in their sex life would also take place. It was possible, if not likely, that she would suffer from vaginal dryness, a lack of the natural lubrication that they had so taken for granted. Her vaginal walls would thin and this could produce soreness and he would have to be aware and sensitive to these changes. Water soluble lubricants and creams with one or two percent estrogen content would help. One thing he couldn’t predict would be her appetite for sex. It could be erratic or it could diminish, or in some cases, she might become very aggressive. He would have to ‘play it by ear’ and respond to her as best he was able.

Roger had postponed talking to Eleanor about his thoughts until he thought the timing was right. Unfortunately, that moment didn’t occur for several weeks and only then quite by accident. They had spent the day together one Saturday and when they got back to the apartment building, Eleanor decided she didn’t want to go out that evening as they had planned. When Roger suggested he cook dinner for them, she declined, saying that she was too tired to enjoy a meal and would be just as happy to have a hot bath a go to bed. Roger then suggested that she should eat something for her own good and Eleanor snapped.

‘Stop telling me what’s good for me, Roger! I’m not a baby and I’m not an invalid. Just leave me alone for now!’ she said angrily.

Roger was initially taken aback and then slowly recovered his wits.

‘No! I will not! Eleanor, you are going to sit down and I am going to explain a few things that I think you need to know.’ he said authoritatively

Eleanor looked at him in a state of almost shock. He had never spoken to her this way before and it was a side of him she didn’t know existed. As the elevator doors opened on the eighth floor, he followed her out the door and waited as she unlocked her apartment door. She was still nonplussed at his outburst and watched him warily as she took off her coat and hung it on the nearby stand.

‘Eleanor, I’m sure you think I’m unaware of what you are going through and to some degree, you are correct. However, let me tell you what I want for you to make this part of your life better, not just for you, but for me as well.’

He looked at her carefully as he sat in a large wing chair while she lowered herself onto the sofa. She hadn’t said a word since his outburst in the elevator and was curious just what he wanted to say.

‘Eleanor, you know I love you very much. You know I will do anything for you. I know these last few weeks have been difficult and if my research is correct, it’s going to go on for some time. I’ve decided that you need some help and that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.’

‘Roger,’ she finally spoke. ‘I know you mean well, but how can you possibly help. This is a woman’s problem and we have to deal with it ourselves.’

‘You’re wrong. You need my help and let me tell you why and how I can help.’ he insisted forcefully.

Once again, Eleanor was surprised by his insistent attitude.

‘Firstly, you need to get back to your exercise program. You need exercise every day and I’m not just going to be a spectator, I’m going to be there with you. Understood?’ he asked.

‘Yes.’ she answered hesitantly.

‘Secondly, you need to change your diet for a couple of reasons. It will make your life easier and healthier all at the same time. I will provide you with a list of the appropriate items and the corresponding benefits. We will both adopt this new dietary regime. Understood?’

‘Yes.’ There was a curious look on her face and just the hint of a smile.

‘Good. Then you will enjoy the benefits of my being your coach and chief motivator over the next years. I want ‘my Eleanor’ and I’m going to do everything I can to keep her one of the most beautiful and charming women on this planet. When you have a problem or you aren’t feeling well, you will come to Doctor Roger! Understood?’

‘Yes, Roger.’ She was laughing now. She stood and went to him and gingerly sat on his lap. ‘You aren’t going to take any shit from me are you?’

‘Not if I can help it. But then, if I do this right, there won’t be any to give!’ he said with a self-satisfied grin. ‘Of course, it won’t be easy in the beginning … that is until I have you fully trained.’

‘What!’ She wrapped her arms around his neck in feigned anger. ‘You are in for quite a time, Roger. I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.’ With that, she turned her head and kissed him passionately.

‘No, not really. But we’re partners, Ellie. We share our lives and if I can, I want to make this … time … easier for you. But, much of it you will have to do for yourself. I’m just not going to let you give up or let yourself go. You’re too important to me.

‘So, what should we be having for our evening meal, Doctor Roger?’

‘Well, let me have a look in your refrigerator. If necessary, I can always zip down to the market before it closes.’ He walked into the kitchen and surveyed the cooler and the freezer compartment. ‘I think we can make do with what’s here, Ellie. Allow me to look after it.’ he said with a confident smile.< br>
‘OK, fine with me.’ Eleanor agreed. She had followed him into the kitchen and was curious what he would prepare from her larder.

‘What we need to do, Ellie, is to cut down on fats and carbohydrates. We need to manage our intake of cholesterol and balance our intake, morning, noon and night.’ he said conversationally.

‘By the way, Roger. What kind of a Doctor are you?’ she grinned.

‘I’m a Doctor of Divinity, Madame. I know when this is all over with, you’ll think of me as a god.’ he answered glibly.

Eleanor laughed heartily. It was the first time she had truly laughed in quite some time. Secretly, she was enjoying this new ‘take charge’ attitude of Roger’s. She knew she needed something to get her motivated and it would seem that Roger had volunteered to give her a kick-start.

Later that night, after the dishes had been done and put away, Eleanor tentatively opened a new line of discussion.

‘Roger, you said you’ve been reading about menopause. I guess you must have read about … well … what happens with our sex life?’ she asked questioningly.

‘Yes. I have.’ he said looking at her. ‘I know that there are some things that we need to talk about, so why don’t we?’ he said seriously.

Roger covered what he had learned about Eleanor’s comfort and enjoyment when they were intimate. ‘You have to talk to me, Ellie. You have to tell what you enjoy and what you don’t. I only want to make you happy and satisfied. If you feel I’m not giving you what you need, you have to tell me that. Don’t be afraid to tell the truth, dear.’ he concluded.

Eleanor leaned toward him and put her head on his lap. He bent to kiss her gently and she placed her hand on the back of his neck to hold him in this tender moment. She felt more optimistic than she had in many weeks. She had the support of the man she loved and she knew he had thought very thoroughly about what their future would entail. If he wasn’t afraid, there was no reason she should be either. She felt relieved to know that she wouldn’t have to face this time alone. It was a feeling that was to last throughout the next five years.


It was almost two years since Steve Inhalt had left Toronto and headed to the West Coast to start his new life. Roger had been talking to him on the phone weekly and was pleased to hear that Steve had found a piece of property in West Vancouver with a spectacular view and a house that was in need of renovations, but otherwise perfectly situated for him. His son was excited and full of enthusiasm for this project and was back to his former self.

It was early one May Saturday afternoon that the phone rang at Eleanor’s apartment. She was just leaving to do a bit of shopping and picked it up rather that letting it go to the answering machine.

‘Hello, Eleanor Thompson speaking.’ she said authoritatively.

‘Ellie, it’s me, Ev.’ came the quiet voice.

‘Hi Ev, what’s up?’ she said brightly. She hadn’t heard from her sister Evelyn for a couple of weeks.

‘Oh, Ellie, it’s horrible. I can’t believe what’s happened. It’s horrible.’ her sister wailed.

‘Ev, calm down … what’s horrible?’ Eleanor asked firmly.

‘It’s Julie. She’s been raped, Ellie. She’s been raped … at a Grad party. She’s in the hospital.’ Evelyn sobbed.

‘Oh, no! That’s awful. How is she? Is she going to be all right?’ Eleanor asked with deep concern.

‘I think so. The doctor thinks so. She was drugged, Ellie. Some guy made her take drugs and then they … raped her. It’s awful … so horrible.’ she continued in her strained voice.

‘Oh, poor Julie. The poor kid. Oh, Ev. I’m so sorry for her and you. Have the police caught the guy yet?’

‘No, but they think they might be able to. They think they know who it was.’ she said angrily. ‘Ellie, they think there was more than one of them. She might … she might have been … you know … ganged up on.’ she sobbed between hesitations. ‘John’s beside himself. I’m afraid he might do something crazy if he gets near them.’

‘Oh Ev. This is so unfair. This should never have happened to my lovely young Julie. I hope they castrate those bastards!’ Eleanor was becoming angrier with each passing minute.

‘I have to go to the hospital with John now. We’ve already talked to the police woman and she was super. She said it wasn’t Julie’s fault. It was some kind of drug … she called it a ‘Date Rape Drug’. I’ve never heard of it but the woman said it was getting to be way too common. Anyway, I’m rambling now. I can hardly think straight. I’ll call you later and let you know how she’s doing, Ellie.’

‘Give her my love and tell her we’re all pulling for her.’ Eleanor said with tears in her eyes. They signed off and she slowly hung up the phone. All thoughts of her shopping excursion were gone and she sank into the chair by the phone, lost in thought. ‘What is it about this family that we seem to carry a curse?’ she wondered to herself. She sat there for some time before picking up the phone and calling Roger.

She recited the call from her sister and wondered aloud if she should go to Vancouver and support her sister. She could afford the time off, but wondered if she could really help her niece. It was Roger who suggested they both go and even if they only stayed a few days, it would give Roger a chance to see Steve as well as support Ellie with Julie and her family. They decided to leave on Saturday and return the following Saturday. Eleanor booked the tickets the next morning and both took emergency leave for the following week.

Eleanor stayed with John and Evelyn at their house while Roger stayed with Steve in his apartment. They visited Julie every day in the hospital and it was a relief to see her progress each day. She was in some pain internally and it would be some time before she would be physically healed, but both Eleanor and Evelyn recognized that it would be her emotional healing that would be the most difficult.

Later that week, Eleanor spoke to John and Evelyn about having Julie stay with her for a while during her rehabilitation. The change of scenery and the removal of the painful memories would be difficult at best, but more likely if she was far from the scene of the crime. They reluctantly agreed that it would be a last resort if they felt she was not making progress at home. They were nervous about her being so far from them, especially after the trauma she had endured.


Eleanor and Roger returned home the following Saturday and resumed their new lives. When they weren’t together, they met in the lobby just before six thirty each morning and walked to the Avenue2 Fitness Club for their morning workout. They stopped afterwards for a coffee and bran muffin before heading home to shower and get ready to go to work. The differences in Eleanor did not take long to appear. She shed the excess weight fairly quickly and her skin tone returned to its previous smooth beauty. She felt better about her appearance and hence, better about herself. She wouldn’t have realized the difference this one step had made in her outlook and as Roger regularly reminded her, she was a strikingly beautiful woman of 56 years.

Doctor Roger persisted in his determination of her diet and physical routine and she was grateful still for his support and guidance. Although she was still a bit temperamental and moody, she still could laugh inwardly at how he persisted in ‘managing’ her lifestyle while she generally followed his orders. As Roger was prone to say, ‘Resistance is futile!’ It was only in bed that she exercised her authority and they celebrated her rejuvenation. Roger had suggested the Estrogen cream and it turned out to be very helpful in thickening the walls of her Vagina. As her natural lubrication declined, Roger would substitute KY Jelly and they invented interesting ways to apply it to each other. Eleanor and Roger’s sexual activity did become more frequent, but also more erratic. Eleanor would have peri
ods of decidedly lower interest, followed by times of heightened desire. Roger learned to ride this surfboard of emotions and was happy that they could still provide intense sexual satisfaction to each other.

Roger, himself, was intensely proud of his role in Eleanor’s life with menopause. He was convinced that the exercise and diet regimen were the main reason for smoothing the path for her. He was delighted as well with her general willingness to submit to his disciplined lifestyle changes and happily surrendered to her in the bedroom. Their life together was even better, if that were possible, than it had been before. His only regret was his inability to convince her to marry him. On the other hand, he was intimate with this glorious woman and he had hardly any cause for complaint. Her mood swings were evident, but Roger learned to manage them within himself. He accepted that they were out of her control and that they were not personal attacks on him, merely manifestations of the changes going on within her.

Roger talked to his doctor about Viagra as a method of sustaining his erection. Eleanor’s renewed sexual appetite and occasional extra demands on his performance created a need for him to improve his ‘staying power’. His doctor reluctantly agreed to a prescription that would permit no more than two 50mg pills per week. It was still a new drug and the doctor was concerned about possible unexpected side effects. If the doctor was concerned, Roger, on the other hand, was delighted. It proved to be the magic elixir that he craved. He could usually anticipate Eleanor’s more aggressive sexual moods and with some protracted foreplay to allow the drug to take effect, he could extend their lovemaking with the new blue pill. Eleanor took to calling them her ‘V days’ and she took full advantage of his rejuvenated powers.


Four months after the rape, Evelyn called Eleanor and asked for her help. Julie was acting erratically and had exhibited signs of depression. Eleanor immediately suggested Julie come to Toronto to stay with her. John and Evelyn reluctantly agreed and Julie arrived on a Friday afternoon and was met at the airport by Eleanor. They loaded her bags into the cab and Eleanor’s regular cab driver helped Julie into the back seat with her Aunt and they were off to her apartment building.

Eleanor was most grateful that Julie was staying with her. It gave her another sense of purpose and something she could focus on for the foreseeable future. They were close and Julie was happy to follow her Aunt’s lead. She enrolled in the Avenue2 Fitness Centre for the early morning session that both Eleanor and Roger had been attending. Eleanor took Julie for a full cosmetic makeover and then new clothes. She knew the young girl would need something to keep her occupied for the time that she would be with her and insisted she look for a job. It didn’t take Julie long to find a job as a waitress in a breakfast and lunch bar near the fitness centre. She did well and within a few months, was promoted to assistant manager.

Within ten months, she had completely recovered from her horrific experience and her mental outlook and physical condition had improved in leaps and bounds. It wasn’t long before she was anxious to return home to North Vancouver. Her stay had not been without some bumps in the road. In the beginning, she was deathly afraid of any relationship with men. Her job, however, had put her in contact with many young men and over time, she began to understand not all of them would treat her the way her attackers had. While she was wary of any serious relationship, she longed for the companionship of boys her own age and this too helped bring her out of her shell.

Eleanor was somewhat sad to see Julie head back to the Coast and knew she would miss her wonderful young niece. While they had a great relationship before she had come to stay with her Aunt, their bond was even stronger and more enduring after the fact. They had shared her fears and joys, her victories and her little losses. They had laughed together when early on, Julie had heard Eleanor and Roger making love. It had been one of Eleanor’s more aggressive nights and she had been quite vocal and demanding with Roger. Julie had gotten up to use the bathroom and had overheard some of the vocalizations from the master bedroom and while initially shocked, soon saw the humour in this revelation. The next morning, her little game of ‘guess what I heard’ didn’t get very far with her Aunt, but provoked her to tell Julie that this wasn’t something she was ashamed of and that she loved Roger and they ‘celebrated’ that love quite often. It was an important lesson and another step in Julie’s rehabilitation.

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Quartet Chapter 3

“Guys, you mind if I cook a little breakfast?” Shawn asked from the crack he opened in the doorway. Aaron shook his head and said, “Naw, go right ahead man. We’ll be out in a few.” I did not want to get out of bed, but as I watched Aaron pull on a pair of shorts, I moved closer to the edge of the bed. He tossed my robe to me and told me to get up. I sighed and threw my legs over the edge of the bed. Before I was fully out of the bed, Aaron was out the door. My nerves grew as I tied the robe...

4 years ago
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Seattle, Winter ‘07 Her name was Lucy, or at least that’s the name she used, and she was a junkie. I didn’t need to see the track marks to know. In my line of work, I’d seen enough addicts to ID them quickly. She said she was 25, another lie. Closer to 20 would be my guess. That’s the thing about junkies. Lying comes naturally. It’s second nature. “I want to get clean.” See? Translation. I’d rather go to rehab then the slammer. Eventually, I got the truth out of her, though. Surprisingly,...

3 years ago
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Quartet Chapter 3

“Guys, you mind if I cook a little breakfast?” Shawn asked from the crack he opened in the doorway. Aaron shook his head and said, “Naw, go right ahead man. We’ll be out in a few.” I did not want to get out of bed, but as I watched Aaron pull on a pair of shorts, I moved closer to the edge of the bed. He tossed my robe to me and told me to get up. I sighed and threw my legs over the edge of the bed. Before I was fully out of the bed, Aaron was out the door. My nerves grew as I tied the robe...

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Quartet Chapter 2

About a month later, I met Kristie for lunch and we went to my house afterward for a ‘snack.’ After our ‘play date’, we curled up on the bed and talked about our guys. “I have to know,” I said before taking a deep breath, “Is Aaron the older guy you have a crush on? It will not upset me if he is.” Kristie bit her lip and blushed before she nodded her head. I told her that it was fine and that I had to confess to having a bit of a crush on Shawn. She was surprised that I looked at Shawn that...

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The sound of the key and the flow of the words on the screen were all that I heard and saw until I felt a light kiss on my cheek. With my concentration broken, I looked up at him annoyed that he was disturbing me. “Did you hear anything I just said?” the tall and very cute man said as he loomed over me. “Nope,” I said looking up at him with a smile thinking ‘What a dumb question.’ He leaned down and kissed my lips. I love my husband most days, but when he interrupts my writing, I want to...

4 years ago
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Quartet for Teens in One Movement

I'd been dating Monica for nearly three months and we've been fucking for three weeks now. Mostly at my house, after school, when my parents are at work. Monica just loves sex, she's the most sexed-up girl I've ever known. When she's horny, she just goes at me. I love it. We'd use Monica's house some, but her little sister, Myra, is kind of a snot. She's thirteen and cute like Monica but is really kind of a brat. Anyway, Monica is sixteen, like me, and a cute redhead. She has real...

2 years ago
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Sunday Morning Chapter 3

"Come on, you promised. Where you lying to me?" "Of course not, Alison, I just-" "Pweeease? Just think about it. All those pretty things you have. Do you really want to hide them?" Tyler whimpered with a finger pressed into his mouth. Alison was touching him again. She knew how much he loved just being touched by her. Not in a naughty way but she seemed to know exactly where to rub and massage to melt him. He was quick to agree to her demands. Alison kissed and thanked him, giving...

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Our First experience Losing Virginity Chapter 1

So, the story starts with my girlfriend(Ruhi) and me(Tushar) were in relationship for the past 2 years. As high school students we did nothing but kissing and we were eager to have new experiences. After our 12th grade exam we went to a trip to Lavasa accompanied by another couple (mutual friends).We had an hour long ride and reached our destination at 2pm. We checked in to the hotel and got ready to do some adventure and water sports, after having a lot of fun we came back to the hotel. It is...

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By The Book

BY THE BOOK By Geneva In the late fifties I was twentyone, and just graduated from college. I'd been slow in getting a job lined up, and as I really wanted a break anyway, I went back to visit my sister Ellen in the family home. Ellen was the only one at home. Our father had been killed nine years previously in Korea, and our mother had died of cancer when I was still a freshman at college. Mom and Dad hadn't been rich, but Dad's parents had left us with some money in their...

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Milfty Alana Cruise Horny Clown Dick Down

Beautiful MILF Alana Cruise hired a clown for a party and she is pissed when he shows up late! All the guests are gone, and the guy does not even have a good explanation. Everything he says just sounds like clown talk! But this guy seems to have some kind of magical power. Not only can he poof into thin air, but he can also convince this pissed MILF to change her tune and suck his thick clown cock! She slides it in her mouth and then rips her panties off to pleasure his hard prick. Then, she...

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The Taking of Rebecca Chapter 4

The Taking of Rebecca - Chapter 4 Linda calls Rebecca's name. Still in a bit of a fog, Rebecca doesn't reply. Lilith shakes her and Linda says her name again. Rebecca slowly comes back to the real world, the fog in her head starting to lift. Where is she, she wonders? Oh yes, the Master Bedroom. That must be where I am, she thinks as her senses start to recognize the familiar surroundings. "Are you alright, dear?," Linda inquires. Rebecca nods, then nods harder, "Yes, yes...I am...

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Nik And Priya Ki Peheli Sex

Mai Priya nik ki mangetar hu ye story likh rahe hu, jab hum 10th me padte the tab humne ek dusre ka bharosa jetne k lia sex kia tha,humne december me kia tha so thand ka seasson tha.. us din me school me the or school k baad hum milne wale the,,nik mujhe school k baad lene aaya or usne nikalne k baad stamina barene ki tablet khai the..then hum dono mile school k bahar or phr hum dono uske ghar par gaye, uske mummy papa out of delhi gaye huye the uske ghar me koi nahe tha… ghar pahuchne k baad...

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Sex with a stanger

Introduction: This is the female point of view on a sexy incounter with a stranger there is some build up but i think it helps paint the picture.. i will post the male version if this one is liked.. this is my first story so please leave comments (please ignor any misspelling) I had been in NYC for 2 weeks and had managed to escape the hands of 4 pimds so far (thank God for my period and my wits!) and was thinking of how to get away from my current one. The whole night i couldnt sleep. i was...

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Italian MILF hunter

Sylvia works in Milan as the Chief Executive of a Fashion House. She always looks smart and sexy as she has to compete with in house young fashion models. Her fashion house specialise in modelling sexy and erotic lingerie. Sylvia is a forty year old working mother of two. She has been divorced for 2 years and still looking for Mr Right. When she has been leaving the office at night she has noticed an older guy standing outside watching her. He looks in his early sixties but dresses very...

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MILFSugarBabes Lyla Storm 26131

My husband almost caught me taking the lingerie with me. Thank God he didn’t. My sugardaddy John requested that I bring something sexy to wear, so I shoved something nice in my purse. I’m so grateful that he’s around and can provide me with what I need. And I’m happy that I can provide him what he needs. Everybody gets what they want, and my kids get their cavities filled. The good sex is just an added bonus, along with the trips and gifts. I actually wouldn’t mind...

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Fucking My Hot Sexy Maami

Hi all this is a true story about me and my hot maami whom I have always wanted to fuck since I was 18 about her she is sexy, long hair, fair, boobs not that big, but a sexy ass. I have wanted to fuck her for a long time and I could never get the chance although I knew that if I do she won’t stop either about me am 33, 5’7″ and well built and strong fellow and well hung. This happened last year when she had come over to our place to spend a few days it was summer and summers in Delhi are very...

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My Wife My Mommie part5 con

"I can hardly wait. You know Daisy, when I first learned aboutTom's desires, I was hurt, confused, wanted a divorce, I reallywanted to kill him. But after I talked with Dr. More, and now you,I feel much better, in fact, it could be fun. "Ann, don't worry, Robin has been a complete baby for over ayear now, and there are moments, but for the most part it is fun.Bob's a P.E. teacher. I haven't yet done anything to him at work,but then you never know. All those cute little tiny bopper's,...

1 year ago
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15 Minutes is NOT Enough

In 1968 Andy Warhol posited "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." Of course neither he nor Marshall McLuhan had ever heard of twitter or Paris Hilton and the sex-tape Kardashian family. As all great geniuses they were simply imagining the post-industrial, post-propaganda world where a simple hand-held digital device would completely democratize media. They imagined a world just like today in which virtually anyone (even those undeserving of legitimate celebrity) can...

First Time
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My sexy mom

100% fiction! My mom was a loving mom for me in my life but when saying physically she was a hot lusty bitch with a huge pair of tits. I wanted my mom physically. Have you people ever imagined your mom as your sex partner ?most of them had and i am one among them. My mom was a divorcee and had only son me. We stayed at our own and was in the countyside. My mom will leave for work at 8 in the morning and will come back only at 6 in the evening. It was my vacations and i was all alone at home...

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Fucking the Married Chick From Up the Street

We had worked together for a time. She sat in the cubicle next to me at the call center. Everyday that we showed up, we were both happy to see one another. God knows that job was boring enough. So just seeing her made my day that much better. But she was off limits to me. She was married with a kid. Had she ever told me that she was off limits? No. But I respected that arrangement and never thought about breaking it. As with most workplace friendships between men and women, we began to...

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The Landladys New Pet Part One

I regained my conciousness as nimble fingers with spikey red nails tightened a leather collar about my neck, nearly choking me. As I gasped, the buxom middle aged redhead who had d**gged me, laughed and sneered down at me as she jerked the leash attached to my new collar. The motion made me attempt to lift myself, only to realise that my hands were bound behind me. Still dazed, I looked at the smiling shapely form before me, in disbelief; an obviously dominant woman in black corset, sheer...

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Mistress WatchingChapter 17

Hy Symington knocked on the door about 5 minutes after Ed got off the phone with Commander Rice. Ed let him in and Ed introduced Hy to Ann. They all sat at the kitchen table. "You said you know who the man in that last picture was," Hy said, "You also have an ID on the ring?" Ed shook his head, "I know who they are. I had the call the State Police and ask them to get involved. They're on the way over here right now. Hy, this is too big for us. All hell is going to break loose. Hy...

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Aunt Megan Part three The renovations

I had a nice long shower until I felt that my body was somewhat under control again. After I dried myself off, I noticed that the door to Megan's room wasn't completely shut. Was it like that before I got in the shower? I couldn't remember. I moved a little closer to it, trying to look through without being obvious about it. I could see her bed from where I was standing but there was no one there. Seeing that Megan wasn't in there and not hearing any movement I looked a little closer. It...

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Hi My Names Amy

You have entered Millie's Vast Expanse, a wondrous empire of the twisted and bizarre. Where things can be turned upside or sideways in a single beat of your heart. Can you feel that little tickle in your soul, that deep-seated fear of embracement? There she is the little girl that makes your life a living hell. She walking up to you, oh God no, she has the mischievous smile on her face. There's a sadistic twinkle in her eyes as she drags you into Millie's Vast Expanse and it will be 7th and...

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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 16

Edward and Deirdre were ready, along with a mountain of luggage. Trae and Kat showed them the accommodations. To say they were shocked at the mobile home would be an understatement. Edward was more than pleased to have what appeared to be the bedroom in the front compartment. Deirdre was amazed at having her own bedroom and a bathroom to use. Her only reservation was, having Kitty and Sampson along for the ride. Considering her experience with their cousins, this was understandable. Kat...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 483 Spring Birthday Break

Camden, Becky, and I caravanned to the commercial airport two towns over. We all had tickets on a flight with a major carrier, so we did the standard luggage check-ins and the like. Ava got checked over twice by security, but they found nothing because her passport and boarding pass were all she had. Ellen got checked over four times. Once behind the partition. They had her strip to her panties to carefully look for anything hidden. I found out that someone sent them information that Ellen...

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The Outsiders

Jackie Thomas was an outsider just about from the day that she was born in Washington. Almost as soon as the little black girl could stand up and walk, she stuck out from the other children, and not only because she was taller than many of them. She was the youngest of four children. By the time she came along, her mother Muriel already had her hands full with the first three children. Her father tried to do what he could to help, but that wasn't really very much. James Thomas worked...

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College Fun

You sigh as you drop your suitcase onto your bed. You're in your junior year of college, and you've just arrived. Classes don't start for a few days, but you came here early to settle, and make some new friends. You opted for a co-ed room those year, just because you wanted to see how it worked. You're roommate is a girl named Christine. She's a junior, like you, but Christine is majoring in physics, unlike you, who's doing computer science, and minoring in math. However, based on what you've...

2 years ago
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2 young girls experimenting with sex

This is an absolutely true story, to the best of my memory. When I was a young girl, my best friend was a girl whom Ill call Heather (not her real name). We were inseparable. Neither one of us were particularly popular, but we had each other, and we did everything together. She was a little bit older than me, about 6 months older, which, when youre a child, can seem like 10 years. She was 10 years old, but she could have passed for a teenager. Heather had medium-length brown hair, big brown...

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The Big Brother Tickle

Introduction: Big Brothers shouldnt be so sexy… I dont really remember the first time I got that tickle, that urge down below that told me I was turned on. But I do remember the first time it was strong enough that I decided to do something about it. I was walking past my past my brother Ryans room and he was taking off his shirt. The sight of his chest and his firm abs, his back when he turned around, all that bare skin…the hint of his navy blue underwear, it made the tickle grow from a tickle...

3 years ago
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Boys Will Play While the Wifes Away Part 2

This Part has plenty of action but for best results I suggest you read Part 1 first. My drive home from the mall flew by in an instant. I had only gone there to buy make-up and ended up with a bag full of cosmetics, panties, blouse and a skirt – not to mention being sucked off in the changing rooms by the cute Asian salesman, Philip. It’s still hard to imagine that I had spent 36 years of my life without experiencing the touch of another man. My legs were still like jelly as I rushed into the...

1 year ago
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TinaChapter 4

Dickie Busby surprised Tina when she first met him. She had seen his photo on the corporate website, along with most of the rest of the managers and owners, but in person he was vastly different. His photo showed a stocky and heavyset, well dressed young man; in person Dickie was a roly-poly teddy bear in his mid-twenties, with a short beard that failed to hide his multiple chins. It was the first Saturday that neither Sam nor Jack had been able to cover the Oneonta office, and he had come...

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Fucking Namitha

Hello iss this is nav, a good looking software engineer working in an mnc in bangalore. The beauty queen of this sex story is an it recruiter and we happened to meet because of a job requirement for her client. To tell about her, her name is namitha with an awesome and lusty body, just by looking at guys will go weak at their knees. This incident happened to me very recently. I was looking for a job change and fortunately, she came across my profile which matched her client requirement and we...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 179 Varsity

Second semester was well underway and I was keeping up with everything by the skin of my teeth. In fact, that was the name of the play we were studying in Ms. Streeter's Drama class. First semester was Speech and Second Drama. Of course, everyone in the class had to try out for the show the first week of March. At least the spring production was after basketball season. Ms. Sullivan started using a portion of our Advanced Culinary Arts class to have me rehearse the presentation for my next...

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