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Tilly liked me swinging her from the front, by pushing on her feet, and I liked doing it, because I could see her laughing face, and we could talk. Today, though, she was wearing a short-skirted jumper, and when she got going, she spread her legs to show me she wasn't wearing any panties, and laughed at my slack jaw. The next swing, her feet were together.

"Catch me, Onkie!"

Well, not 'Uncle', really, just the handyman who'd been doing this and that for the charming lovelies since they'd moved in down the cul-de-sack a few months ago. The little one had taken a bit of a shine to me, constantly underfoot. Pestering brat that she was, I was pretty taken with her as well.

"Catch me!"

I was supposed to grab her ankles, hoist her up over my head, and let her dangle for a moment before releasing her.

Instead, I pulled her legs apart and set her ankles on my shoulders.

"Interesting view. Hey, Pam! Come look at this!"

Tilly twisted in the swing, trying to break loose.

"Mom! Make him let me go! I wanna swing!"

Twenty one year old Pam wasn't Tilly's mother, either. The details were complicated (unknown father, mother OD'd), but Pam had ended up with court-ordered custody of her cousin, full adoption. They'd been close all Tilly's life; Pam had cared for the girl more than her real mother had. "Mom" had been her nickname for years. But in fact, they were more like sisters. The decrepit little cottage at the end of the cul-de-sac was a family heirloom of sorts, along with a trust fund for maintenance. Tilly's mother had not used the proceeds from the fund wisely.

Now, Pam looked annoyed that I'd disturbed her studies, art history, I believe.

"Yeah, yeah. Very exciting. Seen that trick before."

"Pam. Seriously. You need to come over and see this."

She sighed theatrically and got up.


"Look where I'm looking."

"Tilly! What have I told you about wearing panties?"

"That they should go with the skirt?" She was fidgeting; it was kinda uncomfortable, even scary being held up for so long. And she hadn't thought I'd show anybody else what she'd shown me, that was clear.

"That we wear them in public and around company!"

Tilly was sullen. She was supposed to be having fun! And I'd ratted her out to Pam!

"I forgot."

Defeated by this logic, Pam turned to me. "I'm sorry to pester you with this..."

"You're not the pest."

" ... But would you haul her inside so she can finish getting dressed?"

"Sure. C'mon, twerp, dismount."

We'd practiced this move. I turned my back to Tilly and hooked her knees over my shoulders. I walked as far from the swing as I could get, and Tilly slid off the seat onto my back. Usually, I'd stoop over and pull her up to sit on my shoulders, but this time I just let her hang there by one leg, like the sack of spoiled rotten trouble she was. Her usual snort and giggle turned to panic.


"Brian, you goober." said Pam.


"What do you think happens to short skirts when you hang bad little girls with no panties on upside down?" Pam slid open the patio door and I stepped inside.

"Uhh ... Gosh, I dunno. Let me check."

I swung Tilly around to dangle her in front of me. Charming. A perfectly charming cleft, barely visible majora, and a burgeoning mons sprouting soft black fur.

I frowned and shook my head.

"Tsk tsk. It's a kitty. A bad, bad, little kitty. Probably needs to be spanked, don't you think, Pam?"

"Mom! Don't let him ... Mom! MOM!"

I lugged her into Pam's bedroom.

"Starfish," I ordered. This too was a well-oiled maneuver. I grabbed an arm and swung my burden around in a circle, once, twice, and tossed it on the bed. She tried to escape, but I pinned her face down, and took a couple of idle swipes at her bottom, with very satisfying results, even through the skirt.

Pam had followed us in. "Did you know, Brian, I found a folder with your initials on it on my computer? In the Windows folder? Some interesting images."

"Mom! NO!"

"Ooh, I'm flattered. Did she get my manly butt crack? A manly butt crack is a badge of honor amongst my people, you know."

"Oddly, they weren't of you."


"They were GIFs of big cocks pounding cute little cunnies."

Outraged gasp.


"How little? Isn't that illegal? Should we call the cops?"

"No, no, nothing like. Kinda on the skimpy side, though."


"My oh my. What prompted you to look for them?"

"Not everybody knows this, but as a security feature, I had a friend, who turns out to know more than plumbing and carpentry, rig the web cam to silently turn on when other than my login gets used. It caught a cute but disobedient fool pounding her pussy as hard as she knew how, and I was curious as to what stimulated this display."


"Did you, by any chance, archive the evidence for forensic purposes?"

She picked up the remote for the bedroom TV. We watched for a few moments.


"Fetching. I mean, shocking. So ungraceful."


"If she isn't careful, she might fall out of ... oh dear."


"Pam, any idea why naughty girls like this might want to show strange men their cooters?"


"Oh, it's an invitation, no question, a dare, even. Why, I remember when I showed mine to Davey, from Mrs. Buckley's seventh grade class. Course, I did it hiking a football..."

"And your gameplan was?"

"Romantic smooching, followed by some sort of soft-focus pleasantry below our waists, the mechanics of which I was still rather unsure of."

"Did you make your goal?"

"Davey was a clumsy idiot, just as ignorant as I was. It was kinda fun for a minute or two, and then it just hurt." Her voice, and face, betrayed some lingering bitterness. "Hurt a lot, in fact, despite his wiener being barely big enough to get in. He was so ashamed of making me cry and bleed he left me lying in the dirt with his dick-snot dribbling out of me and never spoke to me again."

Complete silence from the trouble at hand.

"Just what you deserved."


"So, what do you think we can do to discourage that kind of sluttery? Twenty or thirty whacks with a two by two?"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm..."

"Might leave bruises, even break a rib or two. No, I think a belt will be fine."

"Oh god, please don't hurt me please, please don't..."

"As happens, I am wearing my favorite belt today. Two inches wide, well oiled leather--I particularly like these pyramid studs they decorated it with, and the metal tip. Notice the excellent engraving work on the buckle."

"NO! NO! NO!"

"Very handsome. But you know, I think you might wear her butt out with that."

"Naked, then, so I can do her entire backside? Spread the damage?"

"Yeah, that would be best. Not like she has a shred of modesty."

Pam grabbed a fistful of black curls, and lifted the terrified head trying to burrow into the mattress. "There are rules about running around the house without enough clothes on. Apparently those rules have been suspended in the last few weeks, although I didn't get the memo." She threw the sobbing noggin back to the mattress.

"Naked it is, then."

We spent an entertaining minute or two getting the jumper unbuttoned and over its wearer's head. We also took the opportunity to fasten a pair of velcro cuffs Pam found in her nightstand behind our captive's back. The strap between them was almost, but not quite, long enough to let her bring her balled fists around to the front, so while they wouldn't be secure left to herself, they weren't unduly uncomfortable, and did make her easier to control.

Pam demonstrated that by trapping the struggling Tilly in her arms and legs, she could restrain her in a close hug at the edge of the bed for my inspection.

I almost fainted with pleasure. Gum-drop nipples just beginning to stand proud of tidy aureoles, atop soft fluffy pancakes not much bigger around than my palm. Waist beginning to narrow above slim but widening hips. I'd been given glimpses over the past few weeks, of course, which I'd studiously ignored, but to see her now in all her angry glory ... devastating.

"Seems a pity to spoil such lovely skin, but..." Pam stroked the glowing hide.

"Actions have consequences. Sad, I know. Going by the last underage tramp I had to thrash, the marks will heal in a week or two, for the most part."

"Shouldn't there be some permanent reminder... ?"

"'For the most part', I said. I'm actually something of an artiste at beating children."


I stood in front of the terrified truant, and slowly, deliberately, unbuckled The Belt, and pulled it out of the loops.

Tilly's eyes bugged out of her head.


In my typical working man's sartorial clumsiness, I had offended the dignity of the occasion by allowing my jeans to fall to my ankles, which exposed a half-erection poking out from the center of a large satin bow in lavender, Tilly's favorite color after pink.

"Happy Birthday Tilly!" we shouted together, laughing.


"I'm sorry, honey," said Pam. "I know you wanted a pony, but I'm afraid you'll have to settle for riding this little stick horse. Budget, you know."

I tweaked the bow, waggling my dick like a puppet. "Howdy pardner!," I mickey-moused, "Let's play rodeo!"

"FUCK Y..." She trailed off, aghast at her own invitation.

"Buckaroo, we know your birthday isn't until next week, but I've got a new job site starting up Monday, so I'll be too busy to do anything on Der Tag. That makes now the time. Here, give it a kiss and make it feel welcome."


"Mommy, she said she'd bite my winkie, make her stop."

"'Oh, wee lamb.' Perhaps now would be a good time for the other present. Check under the bed."

It was a huge gaudy pink purse with red hearts all over it. It clattered and clunked on the bedside table. I rummaged through it, showing Tilly each implement.

"Let's see ... Butt plug, harness dildo, bolt cutters, carpet knife" [an ugly hooked blade] "branding iron..." [I'd let Tilly use it on a built-in cabinet I recently installed.]

"YOU MURDERING THUG! YOU MONSTER! YOU NAZI! STAY AWAY ... PAM! DON'T LET HIM DO THIS! LET! ME! GO!" She kicked and twisted, but to no avail.

"Ah! This should do!" I have a friend who likes to cast strange objects in gel. This one looked like a fat, over-sized ergonomic pacifier. It hung from a pair of elastic straps ending in a bayonet quick release buckle, sleeved in pink velvet.

"Let's change places so I can hold her while you put in the bit, little filly's a'gonna buck."

The handoff went pretty smoothly until I pulled Tilly in close and my cock prodded her ass crack. Buck she did, like a mule backing into a wasp nest. While I got her back under control, Pam slicked the gag with edible lube.

Tilly clamped her jaws shut as Pam tried to poke the gag between her teeth. Ever helpful, I pinched a nipple, hard, to make her scream. The pecker slipped between her teeth and pressed against the tip of her tongue. The flexible pink cap, barely larger than the pecker, slipped in front of her teeth. Her yelling inflated her cheeks and settled her lips on it.

The flattish cap didn't stick out as far as a ball of the same diameter would, giving a good view of the mouth. Personally, I've never liked a full ball, even on adults; this was perfect for a smaller face and shaped a lovely pair of eminently kissable lips without obtruding. It rendered her complaints amusingly incomprehensible, and took the whiny edge off. We let her carry on for a bit while Peg arranged towels, lubricants, and so forth.

I put my hand over her mouth to block her vocal air. "Careful there with the shrieking, kiddo. We might want to discuss issues of epistemology arising from quantum wave mechanics later, and wouldn't it be a pity if you were too hoarse to contribute?"

My advice was not taken. Kids today, no interest in exploring complex ideas in an atmosphere of reasoned discourse.

"Why, baby doll, what's this?" Peg leaned in for a closer look after I gave up and took my hand away. Her lips and tongue mopped up the drool on Tilly's chin. "Delicious! Cherry, is it not?"

"Indeed yes; it seemed appropriate for the occasion. It's flavored to stimulate saliva production. They also comes in strawberry, grape, sour apple, and watermelon."

"Very Jolly Rancherish. Gosh, she looks so cute! Here, baby doll, I'll bring the mirror over so you can see your new look."

Tilly whimpered in pleasure -- I assume it was pleasure -- at the mirror image of her helpless self in the loving bonds of my arms and legs. A tear of happiness ran down her cheek as more cherry drool dripped from her chin.

She tried to evade me as I stroked her hair and kissed her neck. "Baby girl," I whispered into her ear, "the cat chases the mouse because it tries to run away."

She froze. I rewarded her by not pursuing, for the moment.

"Pam, you know, Tilly and I are naked. You're completely clothed, and I think Tilly may resent that. I'm not sure I don't."

"Oh, dear. Let me fix that."

She moved the mirror out of the way but not out of our line of sight.

Pam twirled enough for her skirt to rise and show us the white stockings underneath. She'd pull it up to expose a calf, then let it drop. She'd unzip it, let it sag, then pull it back up modestly. When she finally dropped it, she kicked it away, letting us admire the lace at the top of her thigh-highs, lace that harmonized with lace panties that were, frankly, more holes than not.

Honestly, I missed her undoing the first button on her blouse. She'd turn away, undo a button, then turn back to expose a bit more decolletage for us, caressing the exposed skin. When she finally removed the blouse, she used it as a drape, slipping it across her torso, her thighs, her breasts, her delta.

Somewhere in there Tilly stopped objecting, stopped wriggling, and just watched. She behaved so well I relaxed my grip. I began to run my hands along her shoulders, across her belly, trying to mimic the feel of Pam's blouse play, although with the pressure of a massage rather than the tickle of fabric. She flinched at first, but soon began to follow my hand like a cat being petted. Her breathing got heavy.

I could see her face, her body, in the mirror. Her brows and jaw softened. When she caught glimpses of herself, she'd stiffen, but before long she was swaying, ever so slightly, in time with her cousin-Mom.

Pam ran the blouse again over her lace bra, as she had done several times, but this time, like magic, the bra came open as she released a front catch.

Tilly gasped as Pam's lovelies spilled into view. They swayed as she continued to caress herself with the blouse, but now the bra began to slip from her shoulders, and soon the bra and the blouse were gone, discarded as casually as the skirt.

Pam's figure was by no means Rubenesque, but she wasn't slight, either. Her breasts had full bellies, and the nipples would gaze upwards towards an approaching viewer. They swayed and jiggled quite nicely. She ran her hands over them, and I followed suit on Tilly's, who gasped and moaned, but did not try to pull away.

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Bikini Beach Friends with Benefits

Bikini Beach: Friends with Benefits By: Light Clark Synopsis: Andy seems like the kind of guy that has it all, rich parents, good looks, and smarts. However, in spite of all that, he leads a double life while hoping to find a special friend who might be willing to share in it. A heavy sigh slid out of my lips as I plunked down at one of the round, common area tables with my lunch tray in hand. It wasn't because of the low-quality, lukewarm meal. I wasn't picky. Nor was it...

2 years ago
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When no better word than profane language applies

When I was 22 and a senior in college I had the great fortune to go out with an 18 year old named high school senior named Julie. Julie was tall, 5'7', and buxom. She had at least C-cup breasts with a nice, curvy ass in perfect proportion. The most memorable thing about Julie, however, was not her height, age, or Amazonian build, but her labia minora. I have always avoided the use of this term as it is really too profane for polite company, but here on xhamster, I will tell you that these...

3 years ago
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"Rich, what happened to the water?" I blinked myself awake. Amanda was decorated with something white. It took me a minute to figure out what. "Amanda!" I said. "You're all covered with soap." I love the girl, but she is less accident-prone than disaster-prone. On the other hand, the suds weren't thick enough to disguise her sexy shape. "I noticed," she said. "I took a shower while you were napping, and the water petered out as soon as I had lathered up." "I told you that the...

2 years ago
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A wild night with an ex girlfriend Part 2

The night continue.....After our dinner at the hotel restaurant and a couple of hours in the lobby bar chatting and a few drinks we headed back to Maree room. When we got in we lay in the bed giving each other soft kisses for a while then sje gave me a nice massage. After the massage we went to shower together and in the shower I started to massage Maree perfect tits and sucking the nipples. This make her moan softly and start stroking my now rock hard cock. After a few minutes of this we...

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In The Outdoors

The day was hot and the camera was heavy round my neck. Much heavier than usual with the 100-300mm Nikkor lens in place of the standard 50mm prime that had come with the camera. The lens weighed almost two pounds, more than double the weight of the camera it was attached to, the Nikon FG I had received earlier that year as my 18th birthday present. The camera was mine but the lens was on loan and expensive. Quite how expensive I am not sure but Dad had made sure that Mum did not find out...

1 year ago
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Friends with Benefits pt1

Hello my name is John. It was about mid summer of my 19th year when my girlfriend of 3 years and I had called it quits. We just weren’t working and we decided to just say screw it. Now her best friend Carey and I were pretty close friends as well. The day after the break up Carey gave me a call in the morning. “Hey John, I know you had a rough day yesterday, how about we hang out, get your mind off things,” she told me. “Sure why not, I got nothing going on today,” I said. “Great, we...

3 years ago
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Bust In Cars 8211 Part I

This is divya with another story of my friend. This is story of my friend Rahul with his mom. I will narrate the story for his mommy. Story: I was a single mother divorced from my husband after my 5 years of marriage life; I got to do various jobs to get money meanwhile I went to so many places allover India. I was 36 years old but will look like 25 year old girl because of my care about my body. My son was now 20 year old boy with good physic. I used to do heavy makeup and as I was a manager I...

1 year ago
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Office Whore

On a rainy day I was outside at work trying to smoke under a awning to stay dry. When the side door opened and out walked the sexy MILF office chick. Long black hair, glasses, purple blouse, black pants holding an umbrella. She walked away and had a phone call and just when I was about to go back inside she yelled for me to join her under the umbrella. She asked how my day was going and we complained about the rain and then she got to what she really wanted to ask me. Do you know who I could...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Aubrey Ride em Cowgirl

20 year old Aubrey is a real life Cowgirl. That’s right a horse ridin’, cattle driven’, Cowgirl. We think that’s pretty cool, but I’d never do that. Sounds dangerous and dirty. Aubrey however, isn’t dangerous, but she’s awfully dirrrrrty. She’s fantastic, she’s got great energy, she’s super friendly, smiley, sexy. The whole damn package. I was excited from the moment she walked in the door. You can see she didn’t bother to wear a bra. I’ll bet those tits are just awesome *spoiler alert: they...

1 year ago
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Women Warriors

Women of The Civil War. This tale is fiction based on real life events. There were about 2,000 women in the U S Civil War on both sides as fighters. Their reasons varried. Peace. Belle. Hello everyone. This is Bobbie again. I was reading some more journals of my husband Barry's ancestors. This story comes from Captian Adam Remington and takes place durning and shortly after the U S Civil War. Today is 21 March in the year of our Lord 1863. This war has lasted too long. The Rebels...

3 years ago
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A Week In A Dungeon Day 4A

Ashley kneels in her cage. She isn't hungry or thirsty, she's in heat. It has been over 48 hours now, of being teased, tied up and tongued, with no release offered. And now, she's staring at her beautiful Miss Rose, who stands next to an overwhelming amount of devices, most of which Ashley has no understanding of. "Do you trust me, dear?" Miss Rose asks, lovingly. Ashley does. She knows nothing but trust for Miss Rose. She's been her guiding light ever since she arrived here. Ashley nods her...

2 years ago
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The Six Pills of DominationPill 6

I held the door open for Miss Malone, Samantha, and Michelle to march into the office shared by the girls' Physical Education instructors. "Elizabeth?" I heard Miss Stone, the cheerleading coach, say. I walked in, locked the door, and took a moment to study Jacqueline Stone. "Samantha, Michelle?" Miss Stone continued querying the women that stood around her desk. "Sit," I ordered. Miss Malone sat in the chair in front of Miss Stone's desk while the sisters took over the couch in...

2 years ago
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Kellis girlfriend

On a cross country trip we stopped for an overnight stay at a friend's house. The couple we visited were very nice and gracious. They had a young college age daughter. The daughter Kelli was in her early 20's and apparently gay. In a matter of fact tone they talked about their daughter's girlfriend and how much they liked her and were pleased that they had found each other. At first, I was shocked as my background is much more conservative. But, after the initial shock, I forgot about...

3 years ago
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Sex Encounter With Virgin Classmate

By : Mohitkmr2626 Let me introduce myself first. I am Mohit from Delhi. It is a true incident I’m going to tell. I’m 18 yrs of age. I have a slim built body with an average look. My height is 5’10. Now let’s come to the story. It all started when I was studying in std X two years back. I had a friend named Pooja. She was a complete sex bomb having 34-28-32 figure with fair complexion. We always talked about sex and porn movies with each other. Anyone would want her in bed. Whenever I see her,...

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Asian Flower

It's been a while since I wrote about my asian flower, because she and I have not been together for a while, schedules, jobs, k**s, all the areas of life have been in full swing. Well let me tell you, I thought my Asian Flower didn't want any more loving from her black prince, but I was wrong. I was at her home while she worked, and she knows the things that turn me on! I love when she wears those very small shorts where you can see the ass cheeks hanging out, and she has the most gorgeous legs...

2 years ago
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A New Start in Life Part 8

A New Start in Life 8 The three of us spent the night cooking sausage rolls, vol-au-vents cheese straws and the like, 'Mum was right Kell was rubbish in the kitchen, but she was a great moral booster, supplying 'mum and I with wine to keep us working, and filling the dishwasher, so by nine thirty we had everything done and cooling, Kell's dad was; and her brother and his wife was at their house, so it was just the three of us. We went into the living room and flopped down, 'mum...

2 years ago
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Hey Guy

Author's Note: This story is quite difficult to write, as it is more personal than any I've committed to paper before. First, some backstory: I first met Karl about a decade ago when he was just a friend of Daniel P. Small, quiet, soft-spoken ... he seemed cool and we got along alright - even though he talked alot. He was a D&D and EQ fan and that was the basis for our relationship. He was just a 'dude' to me, nothing special. After Daniel got his own place, I lost contact with Karl...

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My Samantha

This is a true story about my first MILF experience. I have changed the lady’s name for obvious reasons and I’m not disclosing mine…well, just because I don’t want to . Old beats before my time filled the nightclub; it was Friday Disco night – a place where Flock of Seagulls could combine with Jimi Hendrix in the same setting. It usually catered with people slightly older than average than the usual nightclub, yet young people still enjoyed it, I enjoyed it. Nostalgia combined with the buzzing...

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Was it good for you Baby TS

I was in my sophomore year of college when I first met Penny. I remember the exact night I saw her face. It was a warm one in early October, and I was in my room on my computer. I was also wearing a CB6000 male chastity cage.I know, it sounds crazy, right? I mean, why would any guy willingly lock up his own cock?Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, the idea of orgasm denial always sort of turned me on. I also figured that it would cause me to focus on something other than my dick,...

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Trauma in Skirts

Trauma in Skirts Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I was ready I looked in the mirror, seeing a girl with sexy legs, boobs that looked just right, blond hair brushed out nicely, and a wonderful smile. Every time she moved her hands the nail color flashed in the light, merely completing the picture. I was in heaven as I sat on the bed to put on the heels. Open toed with an ankle strap, the pale green color matched the dress, which was offset by the white pullover top...

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As time went by i thought i would spice up my sex life.Helen was always a good fuck but,getting her to have sex with other people was a no no.I bought her a see through blouse and she never knew that, when the light passed through it, you could see her tits and her very proud nipples as she didnt wear a bra.The young guy next door was a mechanic and often got me parts cheap but, one day i needed a part for my jeep and couldnt afford it and, he knew when he saw her in her blouse you could see...

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Lihns Story The Attorney and the Intern Ch 3

When I walked into Sean’s master bedroom I glanced around quickly.  The room was huge.  I still had not seen Sean’s entire loft apartment, but from the rooms, I had seen the apartment was very large. The master bedroom was like the rest of the apartment, neat, clean, and very organized.  There was a door that led to his master bathroom and another door that would open into a walk-in closet.  The bedroom was furnished with a comfortable-looking chair in one corner of the room; against one wall...

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Naughty Sunday

As I got dressed I slipped my ben-wa balls into my wet pussy. I could feel every move as I put my skirt on. I slipped on a set of heels just for the extra wiggle factor, and left my husband sleeping in bed. He was totally unaware of what he was missing by skipping church. As I drove, I could feel every bump in the road vibrating directly to my pussy, and one particularly bad spot almost had me coming right then. As I stood in the lobby to greet people, I got several compliments on what an...

1 year ago
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Advanced Fantasy

The Age of Wonder is dead. The Age of Progress is now upon us. Ancient races of Man, Elf, Dwarf, Goblin and Orc have put aside their long standing embittered grudges to stop a terrible evil from ravaging the land and in this following new found peace they have produced feats that had been previously the jurisdiction of the Gods. Modern miracles are now so common that they’re available to everyone in this fantastic new era of learning and understanding. Cities have sprawled across the land, vast...

Mind Control
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The New Hole

Introduction: This is a fantasy of ours. I hope you like it. The New Hole I have always considered myself a straight guy and am very attracted to girls and women of all ages. I am married to a sexy attractive woman and we are both 30. We have very similar likes and dislikes when it comes to sex and are both turned on by the same things almost all the time. My wife is a little over 5 feet tall and has a curvy build with huge tits and a nice round ass. We were surfing for porn on the internet...

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Island Holiday For Two Ch 3

Amanda could not believe she just told Marcus she wanted him forever. However the more she thought about it the more she wanted it; he was all she wanted in a man. She wondered if she was to direct, after all he was just coming out of a divorce too. She threw caution to the wind and blurted out. “Oh Marcus, I love you, I have since the first day we met.”As they finished the first round of making love on the beach, Marcus lay there thinking about what she had said. He had wanted her for his own...

Straight Sex
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 251

One December day we found an old straggly cat at our door. She was a sorry sight. Starving, dirty, smelled terrible, skinny, and hair all matted down. We felt sorry for her so we put her in a carrier and took her to the vet. We didn’t know what to call her so we named her ‘Pussycat.’ The vet decided to keep her for a day or so. He said he would let us know when we could come and get her. My husband (the complainer) said, ‘OK, but don’t forget to wash her, she stinks.’ He reminded the vet...

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Time of Eden and ElvesChapter 25

EDEN The physician came back into the small examining room, the solid door closing behind her. She held the small data pad in her hand and looked at Selene with a gentle smile. "Minister Torcrum ... you are the picture of health." She spoke with confidence. "All your vitals are well within normal, no remarkable chemical imbalances though I do recommend not drinking as much caffeine. Your red blood cell count is a little low, but not alarmingly so. Surprisingly ... your elf genes and not...

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The Best PolicyChapter 2

By five o'clock on a cold winter's afternoon, the interior of St. Stephen's was warm, welcoming, and filled with any number of partially-inebriated students celebrating the imminent end of the university term. Over the muted thump of the music, voices were raised in convivial chatter, punctuated by laughter and the occasional squeal of delight or excitement. Lucas ducked through the low doorway into the main bar, unbuttoning his heavy winter coat and pulling his snow-spotted scarf from...

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