Sexy Mommy free porn video

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Gerald was on his knees between April's spread legs, and he was just beginning to push the head of his cock between the dripping-wet lips of her cunt when the sound of the front door slamming echoed through the single-story ranch house. "Hi Gerry, I'm home!" a female voice called out.

April stiffened, her eyes going wide. "Jeepers, it's your mom! I thought you said she wasn't going to be home until later!"

"She wasn't supposed to be," Gerald sighed. "I told her..." He shrugged and started leaning forward, sliding more of his cock into April's pussy. "Anyway, forget her. She won't bother us."

"No!" April put her hand on Gerald's chest and started wriggling up the bed and away from him. "I can't do it with your mom right outside the--" she looked in the direction of the bedroom door and made a little squeak of fright. "The door isn't closed!" she said in a frantic whisper.

Gerald twisted around to look at the bedroom door behind him. Freed from April's cunt, his rigid cock jutted upward from his crotch at a sharp angle. At that moment, his mother Madeline appeared at the bedroom doorway, already speaking as she came into view. "Gerry honey, I was wondering-- Oh!" She stood frozen in place for a long moment, her eyes locked on her son's erect cock, which was standing in perfect profile from her point of view. "Oh," she finally said again. She lowered her gaze to the floor and at the same time brought her hand up in front of her eyes, as if to prevent herself from peeking. "I-- I'm sorry. Excuse me." She stepped backwards away from the doorway, and then her footsteps could be heard going back down the hall.

With a snort of exasperation, Gerald got up from the bed and closed his bedroom door. When he turned around again, April was already scrambling into her clothes.

"Oh my god, your mom saw me naked!" she said, fastening her bra and twisting it around to lay her breasts into the cups. "I'm gonna die. I'm totally gonna die. Your mom saw me naked and she saw us doing it. I am totally going to die."

Gerald sat on the edge of the bed, watching his girlfriend step into her panties. "Come on April," he said. "The door's closed now." He reached out to her arm, tugging her toward the bed.

"No way!" April snatched her arm away and bent to pick up her shorts. "I totally couldn't! Not after..." She glanced in the direction of the door. "God, I'm never going to be able to look your mom in the face again!" Her shorts on, she slipped her feet into her sandals. "Um, I'm sorry about leaving you, you know, like this." Her eyes flicked down to Gerald's hard cock. "I'll make it up to you some other time."

"Yeah, sure," Gerald said. He lay back on the bed, supporting himself on his elbows. "I'll see you at the college tomorrow, huh?"

"Yeah." April went to the bedroom door and opened it a crack, peering out. Then she opened it further and slipped through it, trotting on tiptoes down the hall and toward the front door.

Gerald puffed out a loud sigh. Then he bolted up from his bed and grabbed the sweatpants that were hanging from the closet doorknob. A few seconds later he was stalking into the kitchen, his bare feet slapping on the tile floor. His mother was at the sink, filling a teakettle with water. "Damnit Mom," he said, "I told you I was having April over this afternoon. I told you not to come home early!"

Madeline turned to face her son. "Gerald," she began in a firm voice, and then she hesitated. Gerald was bare-chested, wearing only his sweatpants, and her eyes scanned over her son's sculpted chest muscles and the rippling washboard of his abdomen. "Gerald," she began again. "You are not permitted to use either that tone of voice or that sort of language when you speak to me. I'm your mother, and I'm entitled to some respect. I'm sorry about barging in on you. I guess I forgot about you asking me not to come home early."

Gerald's voice was harsh and plaintive. "Mom, this was the third time! How can you keep 'forgetting'?" He stressed the last word to show his disbelief.

"You can't expect to keep track of all your sexual dalliances, young man. I mean, who was this girl, anyway? Have I even met her, or is she just some floozy you picked up on the way home from college?" Madeline's eyes had drifted down to Gerald's crotch, where his erect cock was poking out a tent-like structure in the soft fabric of his sweatpants.

"That was April, Mom. You met her last Saturday. We've been going out for weeks, and this was our first time -- I mean it was supposed to be our first time."

Madeline folded her arms under her breasts. She was a small woman, and several inches shorter than her son. She wore her brown hair in soft curls that covered her ears and she was wearing a white blouse and a snug navy blue skirt. "Well I'm sorry, Gerald," she said, clipping out the words. "I'm sorry I spoiled your little roll in the hay. I apologize to you and to... April, or whatever her name is."

Gerald chuckled ruefully. "No need to apologize to her, Mom. She had three screaming orgasms while I was going down on her."

"All right Gerald, I don't need all the explicit details--"

"Jesus, her pussy tasted good," Gerald interrupted. He tilted his head, his eyes unfocused as he reminisced. "And her tits were beautiful! Just perfect little handfuls..." Suddenly, with a breathy grunt, Gerald pushed down on the elastic waist of his pants, reached into them and brought out his cock, hooking the top of his pants under his balls.

"Gerald!" Madeline yelped. "What are you doing? Put that-- put that thing away!" As she spoke she turned away, facing toward the sink again.

Gerald held his cock in his fist, squeezing it and pumping his hand up and down. "Sorry Mom," he laughed. "It was getting bent and it hurt; I had to let it straighten out. Christ, I am so fucking close right now! I'm right on the edge!"

"Gerald, you're being disgusting!" Madeline said, speaking over her shoulder and avoiding looking at her son. "I don't know what's gotten into you. Now go to your room and... do whatever you have to do to take care of that."

"Yeah, okay Mom." Gerald spoke slowly, breathing hard between the words. "I'll do that... in just a second..." A moment passed in silence as he stood where he was, stroking his cock. "Jesus, your ass looks good in that skirt, Mom."

"What?" Madeline started to turn around but caught herself. "For god's sake Gerald, don't talk like that. I'm your mother!"

Gerald took a few steps forward, coming up close behind his mother. "Yeah," he said. "That makes it kind of kinky, doesn't it, Mom?" Suddenly his body was against hers, his chest to her back and his cock pressed into the furrow between her buttocks. At the same time he brought his hands up to her breasts, cupping one in each hand. Madeline made a wordless squeal of surprise, squirming in her son's embrace. She tried to twist around to face him, but his grip tightened, his hands mashing her breasts and his thrusting groin pinning her belly against the counter. Gerald dropped his head, nuzzling his face into the crook of his mother's neck, and then he began a rhythmic grunting, the sound coming from the back of his throat, each repetition accompanied by a hard thrust of his belly and his cock against her skirt-covered ass.

After a series of repetitions, Gerald's thrusting and grunting slowed and finally stopped. His crushing hold on his mother's body softened, though he kept his hands where they were. He held her for a time, breathing deeply, his head resting sideways on her shoulder. Then he kissed her on her neck, gently and lightly. "Jesus, that felt good," he said, laughing. He inhaled deeply and kissed her neck again. "I love this perfume of yours, Mom. Every time you wear it, I want to grab you and take all your clothes off and eat you up."

As if awoken from a daze by her son's last statement, Madeline stirred suddenly, a shiver running through her body. "Gerald... What on earth has gotten into you?" She grabbed his wrists, pulling his hands away from her. "Let go of me! Get off me!" As Gerald released her and stepped back, she reached a hand around to the back of her skirt. "What have you done? Did you--?" She brought her hand back and looked at it; it was covered with a stringy, dribbling mass of semen. "Oh!" she cried out. "Gerald, how could you?"

Gerald took another step back from his mother, grinning sheepishly. His cock was beginning to soften, and a long thread of cum was hanging from the tip. "Sorry Mom," he said. "I guess I just kind of exploded."

"Oh!" Madeline said again, and then she turned and left the kitchen, walking quickly and holding her cum-laden hand away from her body.

Still grinning, Gerald watched his mother as she went down the hall, her bottom wiggling as she went, the movement emphasized by the splotchy puddle of jism on the back of her skirt. Then he tucked his cock into his sweatpants and went to his bedroom.

* * *

A couple of hours later Madeline called out to Gerald that supper was ready. As soon as the two of them were seated at the table, she said, "Gerald, about what happened this afternoon. I just want to say that I know that with a teenager's hormones, sometimes a boy's impulses and... and lusts can get a little out of control. So we'll just chalk the whole business up to that, and we'll never speak about it again. Is that clear?"

Gerald smiled innocently. "Sure Mom. Say, that little dress looks really good on you. Is it new?"

Madeline was wearing a sleeveless cotton dress. "Um, no. It's just an old summer dress I don't wear very often. I... I didn't have anything else handy to change into."

Gerald nodded, staring at the snug bodice over his mother's breasts. "Sorry about your skirt, Mom. I'll pay the dry cleaning bill, okay?"

Madeline's cheeks reddened and she avoided her son's eyes. "That's all right. It's hand-washable, fortunately. I certainly wouldn't want to take it to the cleaners with that kind of a stain-- Gerald, I told you, we weren't to speak about that-- that incident again!"

Gerald smiled again. "Okay Mom."

After finishing their meal, Gerald and Madeline were clearing the table. "You know, Mom," Gerald said, "I've been thinking that I should start doing more around the house. Like getting supper ready sometimes and things like that. After all, I'm not a k** any more, and with Dad gone I figure I should be acting more like the man of the house."

"Um... that sounds nice, Gerry. That's very mature of you."

Gerald came up beside his mother and put his arm around her waist. "And speaking as the man of the house, I like how you aren't wearing a bra underneath that dress, Mom. It really shows off the nice shape of your tits."

"Gerald, really!" Madeline hissed, twisting away from Gerald and walking quickly out of the room.

* * *

Shortly after Madeline had gone to bed that night, Gerald knocked on her bedroom door and went in without waiting for a response. "Hey Mom," he said. "We didn't get much time to talk tonight, so I thought I'd come in and say goodnight." He walked over to her bed and sat down, angled to face her. Light from the hall shone across his mother's face and the shape of her body under the sheet.

"Oh, goodnight Gerr--" Madeline broke off with a gasp. "Gerald! You're naked!"

"Well, sure Mom. That's how I like to sleep these days, and I figure you've already seen me, so--"

"That's not the point, Gerald! You-- you're-- you have--"

Gerald followed his mother's gaze and looked down at his own crotch, where his erect cock was jutting up. "Oh, you mean my stiffy?" He casually wrapped his hand around his hard-on and stroked it. "Yeah, I get like that a lot, Mom. I guess I'll jerk off before I go to sleep."

"Gerald, this is completely inappropriate--" Madeline's voice faded suddenly when Gerald rested his hand on her thigh, caressing her through the sheet and her nightgown.

Gerald sniffed the air. "It smells good in here, Mom. Were you playing with yourself before I came in?"

Madeline's eyelids fluttered and her parted lips trembled. "Gerald, you mustn't do this," she said in a whisper.

With a flick of his wrist, Gerald lifted the sheet off his mother's leg. Then he put his hand on her thigh again, his skin now separated from hers only by the fabric of her satin nightgown. "Do what, Mom?" He slid his hand up her thigh until his forefinger was pressed to her pussy, pushing the satin up between her outer cunt lips.

"You mustn't... touch me like that," Madeline murmured. "You mustn't be trying to seduce me... To make me want you..." She lowered her eyes to her son's erection. "To make me want you..."

Gerald was moving his fingers up and down, massaging Madeline's pussy, rubbing the now-wet satin across her cunt lips and clit. "Do you want me, Mom?" he asked.

"No..." Madeline whispered. And then, "Yes... No... Yes..." Then she moaned, flexing her stomach muscles to push her cunt down harder against Gerald's fingers. "I'm your mother... We mustn't... I'm your mother!"

"Yeah," Gerald chuckled as he climbed onto the bed, throwing the sheet completely off his mother's body and lifting the front of her nightgown up above her waist. He put his hand between her legs again, now caressing her bare cunt and sliding his fingers up and down in her wetness. "That makes it kind of kinky, doesn't it, Mom?"

"Oh god," Madeline whimpered, closing her eyes. Her arms were out straight at her sides, her hands closed into tight fists.

Continuing to stroke his mother's cunt with one hand, Gerald used his other hand to lift and move her legs one at a time so they were spread wide. Then he lay down on his stomach between her thighs, shimmying down the bed so that his face was over her pussy and his legs were dangling off the end of the bed. "I'm just going to kiss you goodnight, okay Mom?" he said, and moving his hand away from her pussy, he lowered his face until his pursed lips touched lightly on the slick pink pearl of her clit. He pressed down, made a smacking sound and lifted his face again. "Just a little kiss goodnight, right Mom? There's nothing wrong with that, is there?"

"Oh," Madeline sighed, lifting her belly towards her son's face. "Oh Gerry. Oh my god."

Gerald was grinning. "Another kiss, Mom?"

"Please, Gerry. Please don't."

Ignoring his mother's words, Gerald lowered his face again, this time extending his tongue and pressing it down along Madeline's cunt and clit, opening his mouth wide to get as much contact as he could between his lips and tongue and his mother's pussy. He pushed his face down until his nose was buried in the soft, tickling nest of her pubic hair and then curled his tongue forward, slipping it up into his mother's cunt and inside her body as far as it would reach. A long, sighing breath came from Madeline's parted lips.

For several minutes Gerald kept his mouth tight to Madeline's cunt. He lapped at her, sometimes using the flat of his tongue to make broad, luxurious caresses, other times teasing her relentlessly by giving her clit delicate, whisper-soft flicks with just the tip of his tongue. At still other times he would close his mouth around the upper part of her pussy and suck on her, drawing her clit up into his mouth. On and on he continued, working endless variations between his tongue and mouth and her clit, cunt lips, and pussy. Through all of this, Madeline said nothing, only moaning and whimpering as she writhed on the bed, turning her head first one way and then the other, occasionally reaching down to her son's head to run her fingers through his curly black hair.

Finally Gerald lifted his head from between his mother's thighs, wiping her juices from his face with his hand.

"Oh, Gerry sweetheart, don't stop," Madeline moaned. "Please, I need just a little more."

Gerald was already sitting up on his folded legs, holding his rigid cock in his fist. "How about we do something else for a while, okay Mom?" he said.

Madeline lifted her head up from her pillow, looking down at her son's cock. "Are you going to fuck me now, Gerald? Are you going to put your cock inside me?"

"Yes Mom," Gerald said softly. "I'm going to fuck you." Madeline's nightgown was still bunched up at her waist, and he lifted it up her body. "Let's take this off, Mom."

Without speaking, Madeline sat up and lifted the nightgown over her head. As she lay back down she spread her legs wide and propped herself up on her elbows, gazing down at her pussy and her son's cock, now almost touching. Gerald leaned forward over her, reaching out to one of her big, soft breasts, fondling it and then releasing it after a moment to do the same with the other. Then he leaned back again and took his cock in his fist, bending it down so that the head was pointed at the entrance to his mother's cunt. He shifted forward slightly, and his cockhead came into contact with the warm, wet pussy. He moved it around in circles, getting the head slick with her juices.

Then Gerald shifted forward again, and the first inch of his cock disappeared inside his mother. Madeline gasped sharply, her eyes wide and fixed on the place where her son's body and hers were joined. Gerald slid another inch in, and she gasped again. "Oh Gerry," she said. "Oh, my beautiful son, my gorgeous boy... I've wanted you for so long. Even when you were little I used to think about taking you to bed, spreading my legs for you, showing you how to put your hard little thing inside your mother..." She paused to take a deep, trembling breath as Gerald began moving his cock back and forth, sliding the first few inches in and out of her. "And now... now you're a big, beautiful boy, and your cock is huge... A huge, wonderful cock to fill up your mommy's cunt!" She brought her arms forward so she was no longer supporting herself on her elbows and lay back, at the same time reaching out to put her hands on Gerald's hips. "Put all of your cock inside me now, Sweetheart. Lie on top of me and give mommy all of your cock!"

Gerald did as he was told, leaning forward and lying full-length along his mother's body. As he did this his cock slid deeper and deeper inside her, until he was buried to the very root. "That's all of it, Mom," he said, his face hovering above hers.

Madeline lay frozen, her mouth open but no breath coming from her, she stared up into her son's face with her eyes wide and glazed. Then suddenly she moved convulsively, throwing both arms around Gerald's neck and pulling his head down, mashing his lips against her own. In this position of frenzied, spasmodic kissing, Madeline began to scream, as much as a woman can scream when her mouth is sealed tight to another mouth. The sound was muffled and high-pitched and ragged, interrupted occasionally by desperate, gasping breaths through her nose, and was accompanied by a shuddering and twitching of her body. Over and over she thrust her pelvis upward as if hoping to take still more of her son's cock inside her, and again and again she clutched and pulled his body against hers, her hands slipping across the skin of his back and buttocks.

Madeline stayed in her spasming stasis of orgasm for an endless, timeless span. Then, finally and suddenly, she relaxed. Her arms fell back beside her body and her head dropped into her pillow and then lolled to the side. Her mouth was open and slack and her eyes were half-closed and focused on nothing.

Gerald braced himself up on his arms to look down at his mother. "Wow, Mom," he chuckled, pumping his cock in and out of her cunt at an unhurried pace. Several seconds passed with no movement or response from Madeline. "Mom?" Gerald said. Holding himself up with one arm, he put his free hand to her face, turning her head toward him. Still Madeline seemed almost lifeless, her breath gurgling in the back of her throat. "Mom?" Gerald said again, more loudly. "Are you okay Mom?" With his hand holding her chin, he gave her head a shake, and then another shake.

Madeline blinked, then coughed. "What?" she said. "Gerry? What happened, Sweetheart?"

Gerald laughed with relief. "I think you just had a really big orgasm, Mom." He started raising and lowering his hips again, fucking at a faster pace.

"What Gerry?" Madeline's eyes scanned around the darkened room. "What time is it, Sweetie? I can't seem to--" Then Gerald made an especially deep thrust, and she caught her breath. "Oh, that feels good Sweetheart." Suddenly her eyes focused on his face. "Gerry? Are you fucking me?"

"Yes Mom, I'm fucking you." Gerald was pumping faster now, his breath deepening.

"Have-- have we been fucking for long? I can't remember... Wait... I think it's coming back... Was tonight-- is this our first time, Gerry?"

"Yeah Mom. Our first time fucking," Gerald gasped.


"I love being in your cunt, Mom. It feels... fucking... amazing!"

Madeline brought her hands up to Gerald's back and ass, pulling at him. "My god, what an orgasm you gave me, Sweetheart!"

Gerald grinned down at his mother and then lowered his face to hers, kissing her on the lips. His back was arching and flexing as he drew his cock out of her cunt and thrust it back in.

"Oh, Gerry," Madeline sighed when their lips separated. "Your cock feels so wonderful. I've always wanted you, Sweetheart; did I tell you that? Always wanted you just like this, in my bed, between my legs, lying on top of me, your cock inside me..." She paused to kiss her son again, and then continued, her words coming between quick, gasping breaths. "Are you going to come, Baby? Are you going to come in your mommy's pussy? Are you going to shoot inside me, Sweetheart?"

Instead of answering, Gerald began making raspy grunts, synchronized with rough, slamming thrusts of his cock into his mother's belly. These grew louder and louder, until they were like throaty roars, finally culminating with one long, shuddering rumble coming from deep in his chest as his body convulsed in a rapid-fire series of thrusts that jolted Madeline's body, driving her ass down into the mattress.

"Yes, yes, yes," Madeline chanted, clutching at her son's buttocks, her eyes closed tight, her body shivering through its own orgasm. "Give it to mommy. Give it all to mommy!"

* * *

When Gerald woke the next morning in his mother's bed, Madeline was already up. He got up himself and went into the kitchen, his erect cock leading the way. Madeline was at the counter, spooning coffee into the coffee maker. She was wearing a heavy, floor-length bathrobe. Gerald came up behind her, hugging her and reaching one hand inside her bathrobe to cup a breast. "Good morning, Mom," he said, kissing the side of her neck.

"Gerald," Madeline began, taking hold of her son's wrist to pull his hand away from her body, "we need to talk."

"Sure, Mom. Let's go back to bed. We can talk there." He started to lift Madeline's bathrobe off of her shoulders, but she quickly pulled it back on.

"No Gerald!" Madeline said sharply. "Not now. I need some time to think about... about what we did."

Gerald kissed his mother on the neck again. "Oh come on, Mom. What we did was great! You loved it and I loved it, so what's the problem?" With one arm tight around her waist, he reached into the opening of her bathrobe with his other hand and began fondling her pussy.

"Gerald, no." Madeline's voice was softer now, and she made only half-hearted attempts to push her son's hands away. "Gerald, please..."

"You're really wet already, Mom." Gerald pushed a finger into his mother's cunt and brought it out again, using the coating of slick fluid to slide his fingertip over and around her clit.

"Gerald..." Madeline murmured. She reached around behind herself until her hand found Gerald's cock, and she gasped as her fingers closed around it.

Gerald once again lifted the bathrobe off his mother's shoulders, and this time she offered no resistance. She released his cock and held her arms at her sides, letting the robe fall to the floor. As soon as she was naked, Gerald pressed his body to his mother's back, his hands sliding over her stomach and breasts, his cock upright between her buttocks. "Can we fuck here, Mom?" he asked. "I've always dreamed of fucking you while you were bent over the kitchen counter."

A shiver rippled through Madeline's body. "Oh, Gerald... You shouldn't talk that way... I'm your mother..." Then she bent low, thrusting her ass back and planting her hands on the counter in front of her. "Like this, Sweetheart? Is this how you want me?"

"Oh, fuck!" Gerald whispered. He rested his left hand on his mother's ass, caressing the taught, smooth skin, and with his right hand he took hold of his cock, aiming it at her glistening-wet cunt. Then, without pause or hesitation, he pushed it into her up to the hilt.

Mother and son cried out in unison; she with a desperate "Oh, god!" and he with an inarticulate groan. Gerald leaned over Madeline's back, bringing his hands up under her to hold and fondle her breasts. He pumped his cock into her, making long, slow strokes. At the same time he kissed her neck and upper back, sometimes bringing his face up beside hers and extending his tongue to lick her ear. "I love you, Mom," he whispered. "I love having my cock in your sweet, wet cunt!"

After staying hunched over his mother for a time, Gerald straightened up, fucking her cunt faster and harder as his excitement increased. "Such a beautiful ass!" he said, stroking one buttock. Then he brought his hand up and put his thumb in his mouth, wetting it with saliva. A moment later he was rubbing the ball of his thumb over the opening to his mother's asshole. He pressed in, and his thumb popped inside her up to the first knuckle.

Madeline sucked in a breath and her head jerked up, her back and neck arching. Her hands on the countertop closed into fists. "Oh Gerry!"

"You like that, Mom?" Gerald worked his thumb back and forth in the tight grip of his mother's anus, gradually pushing it deeper.

Madeline whimpered wordlessly, her breath coming in quick, ragged gasps. Then she reached a shaking hand out across the counter, to a ceramic butter dish that was against the wall. She lifted the cover off the dish and then slid it back across the counter until it was close beside her, in a place where Gerald could reach it easily. "Gerry... Please..." she said.

Gerald looked at the butter and his eyes went wide. "Wow... Really, Mom?"

"P-- please, Sweetheart," Madeline said. She was staring straight ahead at the wall in front of her.

Grinning, Gerald pulled his thumb from his mother's ass and pawed at the softened butter in the dish, scooping off a generous dollop. Working his thumb and fingers together, he spread the butter over his hand. Then, pulling his cock halfway out of his mother's cunt to make room between her ass and his belly, he slipped his hand into that space and pushed his middle finger into her anus as far as it would go.

Madeline groaned, low and throaty, and groaned again as her son began moving his finger in and out, rotating his wrist and bending his finger to stroke the inside of her.

"Beautiful!" Gerald said. "Beautiful, beautiful ass!"

"Gerry," Madeline panted. "M-- more. Please. Not... just... your finger..."

"I know, Mom," Gerald chuckled. "I was just leading up to that." After one slow, final thrust, he drew his cock out of her cunt, at the same time taking his finger from her ass. Then he wrapped his buttery hand around his cock, stroking and twisting to make sure it was well lubricated from tip to base. He held the head up to the crinkled sphincter of her anus and said, "Here it is, Mom. Here it comes," and started pushing. At first his cock made no headway, but he held the shaft tight in his fist and increased the pressure, leaning his weight forward. Finally his cockhead slid past the tight opening, and the rest of his entire length quickly followed, disappearing into his mother's bowels.

Madeline let out a bellowing, shouting cry. Her knees buckled, causing her upper body to drop down onto the countertop. She laid like this, her legs limp and useless, her face resting sideways on the counter, moaning rhythmically as Gerald began to make hard, violent thrusts into her asshole.

"Oh, fuck!" Gerald groaned. "So... fucking... tight!" With each word he slammed his pelvis forward, pounding his cock deep into his mother. He slid his hands up her back and gripped her by the shoulders, pulling back on her to meet his jolting thrusts. For long minutes he kept up his rough ass-fucking, manhandling his mother's small body in a blindly instinctual drive to force his cock deeper and deeper inside her. Finally his motions reached a frenzied peak, and he croaked out, "Gonna come up your ass, Mom... Gonna... fucking... come!"

As if on cue, just as Gerald began pumping his semen into her, Madeline's head snapped up, and from her wide-open mouth came a long, continuous wail, while at the same time a shuddering spasm shook her body and her arms jerked and twitched at her sides.

Some unknown time later, Gerald's eyes blinked open. He was lying across his mother's back, the two of them d****d over the kitchen counter. "Wow!" he breathed, lifting his chest off of her. "Are you okay, Mom?"

Madeline made only a soft moaning sound. She planted her hands on the counter and slowly lifted her head and chest. She started to stand up but then stopped. "Gerald... you... you're... you're still inside me."

"Oh, yeah," Gerald chuckled. He stepped back from his mother, slowly drawing his half-hard cock from her gripping anus. As his cock dropped free, there was a gurgling sound and a flow of semen began trickling down the back of Madeline's left thigh.

"Oh, god," Madeline said. She quickly put a hand across her bottom and, wobbling unsteadily on her feet, trotted awkwardly out of the kitchen and toward the bathroom.

* * *

Gerald was sitting in the living room when his mother came home from work that afternoon. He jumped up from his chair and went to her. "Hey Mom!" he said, and started to put his arms around her.

"Gerald, stop!" Madeline snapped.

Gerald stepped back, startled and frowning. "What now, Mom?" he said.

"Gerald, I've decided that this -- what we were doing -- it's over. It's over and we will never speak about it again."

"Aw Mom, Come on--"

"No!" Madeline folded her arms, staring down at the floor as she spoke. "What we did... what you did was wrong, Gerald. It was wrong and disgusting, and it showed a complete and utter lack of respect for me." She lifted her head and glared at her son. "I mean really, Gerald.... that you would do... those things... to your own mother!"

"But Mom, you wanted it!"

"That's completely irrelevant, Gerald. If you had any respect for me as your mother, you wouldn't have... done those things. As she spoke, Madeline's hand drifted back toward her bottom.

"Is this about the ass-fucking, Mom? Because if that's what bugs you, we don't have to do that any more--"

"Gerald!" Madeline barked, her face reddening. She took a breath before continuing in a controlled voice. "You see what I mean, Gerald? You will never have any respect for me as long as... as long as things like that are a part of our vocabulary. That's why it has to stop."

"No I don't see, Mom. I respect you. I respect you and I love you, and the fact that we have sex doesn't change--"

"The topic is closed, Gerald. Go to your room. I'll call you when supper is ready."

Gerald sighed loudly and thrust his hands into his pockets. "Supper's all set, Mom. I've got some macaroni and cheese in the oven."

* * *

The next afternoon Gerald and his friend April were in his bed. Gerald was on his back, and April had just climbed on top of him, impaling herself on his cock. "I don't know why I let you talk me into this again," she said as she began to raise and lower herself. "I'm totally paranoid that your mom is going to come bursting through the door any second."

"You weren't too paranoid to have a huge orgasm a minute ago," Gerald said. He put his hand on her belly, lightly rubbing the ball of his thumb over her clit.

April moaned, closing her eyes and smiling. "Ooh, you're so good, Gerry. The way you touch me, the way you--"

The bedroom door swung open, thumping against the wall. Madeline stood there, her face flushed and her hands closed into fists. "You bastard," she said to her son, her voice raspy. "Couldn't you wait one lousy day before sticking your cock into... into..." Striding into the room, she focused her glare on April. "And you, you dirty, stinking whore, get off of my son!" She buried both of her hands in the girl's blonde hair and yanked ferociously, pulling her back toward the foot of the bed. April shrieked, flailing out with both arms in an attempt to keep her balance. Her right hand hooked into the neckline of Madeline's blouse, and as she was dragged off the end of the bed she pulled Madeline with her, ripping open the front of Madeline's shirt as the two women crashed to the carpeted floor.

Stunned by the impact, Madeline lost her grip on April's hair. She had landed underneath April, and she instantly renewed her attack by reaching up and grabbing the girl by the breasts, digging her fingers into the soft flesh. "Fucking skank!" she yelled. "Whore!"

"Ow ow ow!" April squealed. She took hold of Madeline's wrists, trying to dislodge the clawing hands. As the two women struggled they staggered to their feet, still locked together. Finally April brought her right arm up in a sweeping arc, hammering her fist against the point of Madeline's chin in a classic uppercut. Madeline's head snapped up and she fell backwards until she hit the wall behind her, and then her legs crumpled, dropping her to the floor in an awkward sitting position.

"Fricking crazy lady!" April yelled. "Totally fricking crazy! Jeepers!" She grabbed her clothes from the floor and ran out of the room, pausing at the front door to hurriedly step into her pants and pull her blouse on over her head. Then she ran out of the house, still clutching her underwear in one hand and her sandals in the other. The door slammed shut behind her.

Gerald swung his legs off the side of the bed, facing his mother where she sat slumped against the wall. "Jesus Christ, Mom," he said. "Are you okay?"

Madeline put a hand to her chin, and then to the back of her head. "Ow," she said, wincing. "Yes... I'm all right. God, what have I done... That poor girl... She's right, I must be totally fricking crazy." Her voice was calm and resigned.

"You did kind of wig out there, Mom," Gerald said with a chuckle. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes..." She touched her chin again, wiggling her jaw from side to side. "Your girlfriend's got quite a punch. She sure knocked the fight out of me." She smiled up at her son ruefully.

"Mom, how come you aren't wearing any underwear?"

Madeline looked down at herself. Her skirt was bunched up at her hips and her knees were splayed open, exposing her bare pussy, and her naked left breast was hanging out of her torn-open blouse. "I took them off before I left work," she said. "I guess I was hoping you'd notice and just... you know, take me. Just shove your cock into me without asking." She shrugged and turned her face away from Gerald. "But you're getting it from whatsername now, so I guess you don't want your old hag of a mom any more."

Gerald got up from the bed and went to his mother. "You're not an old hag, Mom," he said. "And I still want you. I want you more than anybody." He took his hard cock in his hand and brushed the head over her face, leaving behind a trail of shining pre-cum. "See how much I want you?"

"Oh, my baby!" Madeline exclaimed. Pushing his hand away she took her son's cock in her own hand and fed it into her mouth, sucking on it and bobbing her head back and forth.

For several minutes Madeline sucked Gerald's cock, taking it deep to the back of her throat and then drawing it most of the way out again, pumping it with her hand as well as her lips, sometimes rotating her head one way and then the other, bathing it in her mouth and teasing it with her tongue. Often she would whimper around the shaft that filled her mouth, making desperate little sounds of lust and desire.

Gerald braced one arm on the wall above his mother's head to support himself, grunting and moaning with pleasure as she serviced him, watching his cock disappear between her lips and then emerge again. Sometimes he would grab her by the hair at the top of her head and fuck himself deep into her mouth until he could feel the constriction of her throat against the sensitive head of his cock, and he would hold her there, only releasing her when he heard her making sounds of gagging.

At last Gerald was panting out deep, ragged gasps and his head rolled back. "Gonna come, Mom," he groaned. Madeline kept her son's cock in her mouth for the first two pulses of his cum, and then she took it out. She held it in her fist, pumping it hard and fast and aiming it at her face so that jet after jet of semen squirted onto her lips, her cheeks, her nose, and across her eyes. "Yes," she cooed, "yes, my beautiful boy, my baby. That's what mommy needs. Mommy needs Baby's cum. All of Baby's sweet cum!"

Later, after she had squeezed and sucked the last drops of jism out of Gerald's cock, Madeline relaxed back against the wall. She released him and reached down to her bare pussy, caressing herself. "That's what I need," she said, looking up at her son. "I realized that today. I need your cock. More than I need you to respect me as your mother, I need you to want me and fuck me and use me as a woman. So I guess I'll just have to live without your respect, eh, Sweetheart?"

Gerald took a slow breath before speaking. "Mom, I wish you'd quit telling me I don't respect you." He moved his hand to her face, caressing her cheek and smearing his cum into her skin, using his thumb to spread some of it onto the tip of her nose. "Of course I respect you, Mom!"

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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 8 Punishing the Naughty Mommy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Eight: Punishing the Naughty Mommy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Cum dripped off Mrs. Armstrong's face. My brother's cum. A shudder rippled through my body. This was so hot. Melody, my half-sister, and I made the MILF cum. She wasn't supposed to. Her wimpy husband, being trained to be her dominant master by my brother, had given her orders. I was surprised she held off from cumming as long as she...

2 years ago
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Melissas Lovely Mommy

Melissa's Lovely Mommy: Silk, Satin and Sissy Delights Johnny entered the office with his magnificent mother holding his lovely delicate hand. The click - clack - click their stiletto high heeled shoes made on the marble floor announced the two wondrous women had just made their fashionably late grand and great entrance. The women looked in awe of Miss Styles, the power she commanded on this day left the ladies she employed stunned, shocked and speechless. She looked divine in...

4 years ago
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Oh God Mommy

My husband left me for a younger slut at his office. I got the house and alimony plus support for my sixteen-year-old son. I was devastated at first but my son has been great. He is a handsome young man and he takes care of the guy things around the house. Well, not all the guy things at first, but that leads me to my problem.I have been looking at my son more as a man rather than a boy. I have tried to resist the temptations I have been feeling toward him but with little success. It all came...

4 years ago
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Billy And Mommy

Then his father said the fatal words that Billy had dared hoped might somehow be said that eve. "Now Billy". Gail turned and looked at her husband in a wide-eye, startled expression. "That is really i****t, not education, Frank!" "Both, but let him just put the tip in, to see how a pussy feels, as a reward for doing what you asked him to do. 'Fair is fair' thought Gail and she began to spread her legs again. "Okay, Billy but just the tip, no further, you understand?" Billy nodded, too excited...

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Sexy mommy

Hello readers here is my another magnum opus for you It’s an Incest Story I assure You like this and when it finished you must want to masturbate. So ready for that read and write to email me. “Mom, oh Mom, I am home” Aravind yelled as he walked into the back door of his house. Aravind had just turned 18 a month earlier; he was already a handsome, strong young man for his age. His 6″2″ 190 pounds of solid muscle made him look much older, of course his deep back eyes and sandy blonde hair only...

2 years ago
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Dont Tell Mommy

Don’t Tell Mommy When my brother asked us to watch his daughter for a week while he took his wife to Florida, of course I said yes and then I told my wife. Fortunately she was okay with it. So it came to pass that Summer showed up on Friday to live with us for a whole week. She was my favorite niece, she was my only niece but she was still my favorite. I needed a very special and very long screwdriver to do a particular job. I had ordered it over the Internet and had received it....

1 year ago
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Call Me Mommy

Hi, my name is Karl Radvanyi. This story is about a time in my life that I’ll never forget. It is a true story, not the whole story, but as much of it as I’m willing to tell the world. It took place just about a month before my 16th birthday, when my parents sat me down and told me the news that they were getting a divorce. I wasn’t really suprised since they had been sleeping in different rooms for over a year, but the worst part was that they wanted me to spend the...

3 years ago
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Playing With Mommy

My name is Ashley and I live with my mom Kayla in a smallish apartment in a small town. When my dad left my mom I think it was harder for her then me I think because I just found things to focus on and even when he was around he really didn't pay much attention to me anyways. Mom tried dating again but after awhile I guess that she had realized she lost her trust in all men and would tell me how she was going to spend her time with me now helping me when I needed it and that we could have fun...

2 years ago
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Harpy Mommy

Harpy Mommy By Kachakali Read this and other captions/stories over in my other site: ~~~~ "Fweed Me Mommy! I'm Hungwy!" said the little harpy chick by my side. I had been picking mushrooms off the cliff walls since the sun came up. I found a nice patch of them and I was putting them in my pouch when the little pink haired chick came out from behind some rocks. I paid it no attention. It will go back to its nest anyways, I thought. I...

3 years ago
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The Domination of Mommy

Denise was rummaging around in her mothers room looked for a pair of her underwear that she thought got mixed up when she last did the laundry. Denise's mom, Sylvia often had her daughter's panties in her laundry closet. Denise never gave it much thought, both women were of similar build. Both were five foot seven and weighted 120 pounds, Sylvia had slightly bigger breasts, 36 C - 24 - 32, compared to Denise's 34C. But the similarities didn't stop there, they had the same deep blue eyes,...

4 years ago
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Cuckqueen Mommy

Her eighteenth birthday was just a couple months back. Just before the start of school. I couldn’t help noticing just what a young woman she was becoming. Slim, with a pretty face. Her budding breasts already looking big on her frame. Just like her teammates. All of them quite pretty. My pussy shamefully quivers when I look at them. I’m not attracted to little girls, of course. I’m not even a lesbian. I love my husband. But these girls set something off in me. I get flustered being around...

2 years ago
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Futas Wild Passion 10 Futa Shops with Mommy

Chapter Ten: Futa Shops with Mommy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I couldn't believe I was hearing my straight-laced, Christian mother eating out her boss's pussy. I pulled my ear from the door to Ms. Petrov's office and shook my head. I could not have just heard that. It was impossible. My mom thought homosexuality was a sin. She only thought it was okay I was dating a girl because I'd become futanari. I had a cock, so it...

1 year ago
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My Daddy is my Mommy

Hello my name is Sally. I am 12 years old and I love my Daddy to bits. He is so kind and does his best looking after a little girl whose mommy had died a year ago. The trouble is he doesn’t really know how I like to feel feminine – all my nighties are flannel and my panties are white cotton ones, though they do have a rosebud in the front! My skirts are much longer than my friends and my blouses are very plain. He seems not to have noticed that my breasts are growing – they are not very round...

3 years ago
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Daddy and Rachel Play for Mommy

"I don't think you have the fucking balls..." Rhonda said as she squeezed her pussy through her jeans. "You would puss out as soon as you walked up to her fucking door." She puffed a cigarette with her other hand and exhaled towards her cracked passenger window. She and her husband Ron had just finished Christmas shopping for their daughter Rachel. Ron chuckled to himself while he gave his cock a squeeze. His wife may have been right. He may very well just 'puss out' as she had put it, but what...

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