A Charming ChoiceChapter 17 free porn video

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Maddie’s head snapped around at the familiar voice. It was her brother, Jason, but a different version of Jason. He looked older somehow, more muscular, especially as the green blazer he sported was too small. He had beard stubble. Never in her life had she ever thought that Jason would actually need a shave.

He leaned over, tapped the notebook and said, “Act like we’re talking about this. We think you’re being watched.”

As Maddie turned her attention back to the binder, circumstances and events snapped into place in her mind. “The women who arrived after I was kidnapped back at the inn,” Maddie said thoughtfully, “tracked me here in hopes of retrieving me ahead of the swap. You’re here because you’re my brother and I trust you. In case it might help, you’ve been hyper-exposed to the charm. Did they shove it up your ... no, only an idiot would think they’d do that. It must be under your skin somewhere. If you got my message to stay home, it was too late. You were already in Vegas.” As she spoke, Jason slid onto the barstool next to hers. When she stopped, he merely sat there looking at her. “Am I right?” she prompted.

“Sorry,” said Jason. “I was just waiting for you to tell me how the story ended.”

Maddie smiled down at the binder. She was afraid if she laughed she might start crying. “Okay, smartass, how does it go? And uh ... it’s wonderful to see you.” she said, glancing up from the binder long enough to give him her warmest smile.

“Hey ... me too.” He flipped a page in the binder and said, “Yes, the charm is under the skin of my thigh ... and I’m, like, supercharged. And except for about a thousand details, you nailed the bare bones of the rest of it. I guess the end depends on if you want to get out of here or not. Nice dress by the way.”

“Thanks,” said Maddie. “And I take you’re not too subtle hint that I might be enjoying this life too much.” Any uncertainty about what she had to do left her. She had to get them both to safety. “If you have a secure method to get us out of here, I’d love to hear it. You’re right about me being followed. Followed by people who don’t want me to leave here. Very dangerous people I want to emphasize.” She didn’t want to say anything about being killed.

“Cool,” said Jason. “At first we thought I’d simply say ‘hi, how’s it going, ‘ and then we’d go downstairs, get in a car and drive off into the sunset. But that seems to be out of the question.”

“Really,” Maddie said in agreement.

“So the next plan is pretty cut and dried,” Jason said. “This swap thing is almost set up. We simply go through with it. Now you know that you don’t have to fear being turned over to some strangers, or fear leaving the charm behind. We have a replica of it to give in trade. Car ... sunset ... done deal.”

“Not so cut and dried,” Maddie said. “These guys have someone who can detect the charm. I think they’re a step ahead of you on the replica front.”

“Wow,” said Jason. “My people didn’t think of that. It makes sense of course. Your guys got to us before the ladies did. But they, meaning the ladies, figured that was because one or more of them was being followed. And a little detective work would have led them, your guys, to you. I mean it’s not like the manager and owner of the Riddick Inn didn’t have an entire team of workers ready to leap into action every time you lifted a finger. I mean those two were creaming in their underwear in the hopes that you might smile at them. They...”

“I get the picture,” Maddie said. “I could have been a little less conspicuous. So is there a plan B or maybe that should be plan C?”

“More like plan H. H for helicopter. We make a run for the roof and hop into a chopper,” Jason said. “Or maybe it really is plan C, because it’s the coolest plan of them all.”

“So how long to set that up?” Maddie asked.

“It has to be now. By tomorrow your guys will probably begin moving you into place for the swap,” he said. “First though, I have to get somewhere I can call Sandy, she’s in charge of our great escape. Then we have to get to the roof without your followers being aware. Impossible to tell who’s watching you in this crowd. Or maybe I should say it’s impossible to tell which one of the guys gawking at you in that dress is a follower.”

“Yeah, well, let’s turn that to our advantage,” Maddie said. “I’ll take your arm and let’s walk up the stairs into the demonstrator. If anyone’s paying attention, maybe they’ll think I’ve picked you to fool around with. You should try to look like a sex addled young male. Oh wait ... that’s the way you usually look, isn’t it?”

“Ha ha,” Jason said. He flipped the binder closed and stepped back so Maddie could slip off the stool. She put her hand in the crook of his elbow and they made their way up the curving staircase. There were still salespeople and prospects in the apartment, but this late into the party there were also a few couples tucked into corners dry-humping or making out with serious intent.

Maddie stopped in front of the library door. The stanchion and sign were still there. She opened the door, looked to see that it was still unoccupied and then entered. The room was just as she’d left it; one of the desk lamps still shown on the place where the hidden door should be.

She wanted to lock the room’s main door behind them, but there was no lock or deadbolt. “Find a chair or something to wedge under this knob,” she told Jason.

“I hate to question your plan,” he said as he took one of a pair of substantial wooden chairs that sat on either side of the desk and rammed it under the doorknob, “but barricading ourselves in here doesn’t seem all that productive.” He turned to see Maddie peering intently at the wall and tapping at it here and there with her knuckles. “And you’re about to tell me there’s another way out.”

“There’s a door here somewhere,” she said.

“A hidden door leading to a helicopter escape. This is getting cooler by the second,” Jason said as he walked up behind his sister. “Is there a button? Do we pull out a certain book? Pull on a candlestick?”

“I think you mean candle sconce,” Maddie said. “While I look, why don’t you make that call?”

Jason pulled out his phone and frowned at the display. “Lousy signal strength for such a fancy place,” he muttered as he moved the phone in first one direction and then the other. “Hey,” he said when the connection was made. “Looks like it’ll have to be the helicopter. No, it’s not for grins and giggles. Maddie said they have someone who can detect the charm, so using the replica at the exchange is out and she agrees about the followers.”

“Tell them we’ll probably have to take the stairs up to the roof,” Maddie said.

“What? You’re kidding? No not you,” Jason said. “Look, we’ll meet on the roof. You may have to wait on us. Okay. Okay. Bye.” He joined Maddie. “Any luck?”

“The secret latch may not be all that secret,” she said. Her fingers had found a small gap in one of the decorative strips. She pulled on it, there was a click and the door swung open. They stepped into a small room, bare except for a couple of desert landscapes hung on the wall opposite a pair of elevator doors. There was another click as the door to the library closed behind them.

“How did you know about this?” asked Jason.

“It’s a long story,” she said as she pushed the up button for the elevator. “Prepare to look lost and embarrassed in case there’s someone on there looking for us.”

“Lost would be easy at this point,” Jason said.

The elevator doors opened on an empty car. Maddie held the door open as she looked at the control panel inside. Like the others she’d seen in the Gold Stack, this panel had the plastic sheet over the buttons for the upper floors. She ran her fingers under the plastic and pushed the button for the top floor. The indicator light did not come on. She tried some of the other buttons, but none lit except for the one for the floor immediately above.

“Onward and upward ... one floor,” said Maddie as she released the door.

“What if it’s another private floor and we can’t get in?” Jason asked.

Maddie gestured at the panel. “There are other floors below us.”

“In the end I suppose we could fall back on our allies ... dazed and confused.” A second passed. “And sex addled,” he added.

“There you go,” said Maddie. The car slid smoothly to a stop and opened on a richly appointed, but otherwise ordinary hotel corridor. “We should have known that not all the floors would be immense apartments,” Maddie said as they exited the car.

“Still private though,” Jason said, pointing to the keypad needed to access the elevator.

“The stairwell should be this way,” Maddie said. She stepped smartly down the hallway and Jason hustled to catch up.

Forty feet away a door opened and a woman stepped out. She was speaking into a cellphone. “Two PM in the club room at the Brandywine. That sounds about perfect. I ... uh...” Her voice faltered as she saw Jason and Maddie approaching. She put her head down and said something about looking at a floorplan.

When they were within twenty feet Jason said in a whisper, “I know that woman.” As they were about to pass, he threw up his hand. “Hi...”

Maddie pirouetted around Jason’s back. She grabbed the woman’s wrist with her left hand and snatched the phone with her right. She deftly flipped the phone around and thumbed off the call. She tossed the phone to Jason who seemed only dimly aware that he had caught it.

“Wait, that’s one of the women I’ve been working with,” said Jason. “Janet. Yeah she’s the one ... Hey, are you zapping her?” He glanced up and down the corridor.

“I recognized her by her voice,” said Maddie. “She told me her name was Susan and she’s definitely affiliated with my kidnappers. And yes, I’m giving her a pretty good jolt.”

Susan staggered and threw her hand against the wall for support. Her back arched until her prominent breasts were nearly pointed at the ceiling. Her body trembled in orgasm as she took desperate gulps of air.

Maddie was angry and more apprehensive about what they were doing than she’d like Jason to know. She zapped Susan-Janet with nothing but dominance in mind. She had stunned Mme. Marchand. She had won over April Meadows with the equivalent of a warm invitation. This woman, she was practically beating over the head with a baseball bat. Realizing what she was doing, Maddie abruptly shut off her power. She had to steady Susan-Janet against the wall so the woman wouldn’t collapse.

“Was that your room?” Maddie asked, tilting her head in the direction from which Susan-Janet had come.

“Yes,” the woman said in a dreamy voice.

“Is there anyone in there?” Maddie asked.


“Do you expect anyone to be there shortly?” Jason asked.

Susan-Janet turned her head as if she was only now seeing Jason. “You’re even more handsome than I remember,” she said. She turned her adoring gaze back to Maddie. “No, we should be all alone,” she said seductively.

“Is the person on the other end of that call going to be alarmed that it ended?” Maddie asked.

“No, my dearest Maddie,” she said. “The cell and Wi-Fi connections this high in the building are atrocious. It has something to do with the trick windows they use. Cell calls are dropped all the time.”

A minute later they were all standing in a suite of rooms. It made Maddie’s place look like a hole in the wall. “After the swap,” said Susan-Janet when she saw Maddie looking around, “or I guess that would be the non-swap, you’ll be moved into a place as nice as this ... probably nicer if you insist.”

“How many people are following me?” Maddie snapped.

“I’m supposed to believe that only a couple of men are keeping an eye on you,” Susan-Janet said. “But I have a friend close to Finn. He said that there may be as many as twenty men either watching you or watching the watchers.”

“Watching the watchers?” Maddie said.

“In case you turned one of the men following you. Someone in the second tier would take him out of play,” Susan-Janet said.

“And who’s Finn?” Maddie asked.

“Finn is the man who interviewed you,” she said. “I take it he didn’t introduce himself.”

“No,” said Maddie. “Was he the one wearing a hat? Doing all the talking?”

Janet-Susan chuckled and said, “Yes, Finn loves his hats and sunglasses.”

Jason spoke up. “What’s your real name? Are you the one who told this Finn where Maddie was so they could snatch her? And how can we trust anything you say? You obviously betrayed the women who thought you were on their team.”

“My name is Janet Elizabeth Hennesy” she said. “Susan is a code name, or working name if you like. And there never was a team to betray. Everyone did as Marie Smathers directed as individuals.” She turned to Maddie with an adoring gaze and said, “Now, you can order me about as you wish.”

“It still doesn’t feel right,” said Jason. “No one else who knew Smathers has gone rogue like this.”

Maddie raised an inquiring eyebrow.

“Your handsome brother has met only a fraction of Queen Marie’s women,” Janet said. “But the real answer to his concerns is literally under his nose.” Both women turned to look at Jason.

Jason wiped his finger across his upper lip. “What?” he said.

“DNA, my darling Jason, DNA,” Janet said. “Because you share so much DNA with your sister, your exposure to the charm has changed you. I can’t believe by how much, but I’m sure that’s the answer.”

“So you’re saying that you’re related to Marie Smathers?” asked Maddie.

“Yes,” said Janet. “I am or was her first cousin ... many times removed of course. Somehow our shared DNA left me with the ability, when I’m dead drunk unfortunately, to sense the charm and people who have interacted with it.”

“And the loyalty issue?” prompted Maddie.

Janet shrugged. “It never came up. Don’t get me wrong. I loved the body, the health and the unbelievable orgasms Cousin Marie gave me, but I never felt compelled to grovel at her feet like the other women. Oh I did my share of groveling so that I wouldn’t look out of place, but I didn’t feel compelled. I kept the way I felt about my dear cousin to myself.” She stepped closer to Maddie and stroked her arm. “I now know how those women felt about Marie. I will grovel. I will worship you, Maddie Parton. I want to have your cock. With your youth ... your vitality, I bet your cock is like hot velvety steel that never tires.”

Maddie put her forefinger on the woman’s chest and pushed her back an arm’s length. Maddie had hoped that her cock wouldn’t put in an appearance given the circumstances. But she had zapped Janet too thoroughly. She could feel the stirrings in her groin. In an effort to head it off she said, “Who is Finn and how does he know about the charm?” When Janet took a deep breath and looked upward in thought, Maddie added, “Make it a condensed version.”

“Right,” said Janet. “The man you met tonight is Eamon Finn. Let me go back to his grandfather, Seamus, first. Seamus was a well-known researcher for magazines and newspapers a generation before the Internet. Marie Smathers sent a woman called Dorothy Wells to seduce and to hire Seamus to discover the history of the charm. This was in the early fifties. Dorothy and Seamus genuinely fell in love and spent twenty years or so scouring the world for the bits and pieces of data they could find on the charm. Seamus sent regular reports back to Queen Marie and those reports eventually became the basis for “The Book of Power.” That’s sort of the handbook on the charm.

“They had one child, Edward, who became a teacher and novelist. He and his wife lived quite well because of Edward’s inheritance from Seamus. Queen Marie had paid him a small fortune for his work. Edward had one son, our Eamon. Eamon was a senior at Yale during the events of nine-eleven. When CIA recruiters showed up on campus looking to expand their ranks, he applied and was accepted. Eventually, he was assigned to Iraq and Afghanistan.

“Eamon was more of a paper shuffling analyst than a spy. He was amazed at the amount of money being spread around by the agency. To him, the war against terror seemed to be populated by profiteers who wrapped themselves in the flag, talked of their noble sacrifices and then triple-billed the American taxpayer for already grossly overpriced supplies.

“Anyway, after a long tour of duty, Eamon came home to find that an unscrupulous investor had lost the family fortune in the recession. His parents were hardly destitute but they had to cut expenses. One of those expenses was the lease on a storage space where Grandfather Seamus’ things had been stored for years. Eamon went there to empty the place and close the lease. There, he found a file cabinet full of the notes and journals Seamus had written in his travels while investigating the charm.

“Eamon put his analytical skills, and maybe some CIA resources to good use, and figured out who Marie Smathers was and also my name as her only living relative, not to mention the existence of the charm itself. He approached me and we had a long talk about the charm. He could be a real charmer when he wanted to be ... no pun intended. In the end, I went to Queen Marie about his scheme to examine the charm and her semen for medical research. She turned me down flat and forbade me to mention it again when I pressed the case.

“At that point, Marie was beyond elderly and her health was failing. I told Eamon to be patient and that I could find the charm, or at least the new owner, once the Queen had passed. He took a job with a mercenary firm in the meantime. Marie lingered on for a couple of years and when she died the charm duly disappeared. I called Eamon to say the charm was missing. He returned, a much more bitter and harder man than before, but a well-connected man. With me at his side, we were able to put together a group of backers to finance this operation.”

Janet shrugged massively. “I’m sure you can surmise the rest.” She approached Maddie and went to her knees. “Please, my Queen, allow me to relieve you. It would be an honor.”

Maddie looked down past the unlikely sight of a massive hard-on bulge in a cocktail dress to see Janet’s pleading eyes. “Jason,” she said, “would you give us girls some alone time?”

Jason simply smiled and crossed his arms across his chest. “Oh, I think I’ll stay and watch,” he said.

Maddie shot him a look to let him know she didn’t appreciate his annoying brother act. She sighed and said to Janet’s upturned face, “Okay, go to it.”

Janet lifted Maddie’s skirt as if she was a priestess unveiling a priceless religious relic. “Oh my,” she said as the thick base came into view. Her eyes widened as more and more of the shaft came was revealed. She had to waddle forward on her knees in order to get close enough to lift Maddie’s skirt fully over the head of her quivering cock. “It’s unbelievable ... it’s magnificent,” she said in awe. Maddie’s panties were frilly boyshorts that matched her dress. They had been rolled up and pushed to the top of her thighs as Maddie’s cock had grown. Her dick shivered and clear, hot pre-cum surged out of her cock-slit and bathed the head.

“Ohhh,” Janet gasped. Her hands shot forward and grasped Maddie’s cock before the pre-cum could flow any farther. Eagerly, she licked and slurped at the continuing flow of clear liquid.

“Mmm, that’s nice ... yessss.” Maddie sighed as Janet’s lips and tongue danced over the distended head of her cock. She glanced at Jason only to see his cock jutting from the front of his pants. He had both hands flying up and down his cock-shaft. Maddie caught his eye. She pointed at herself and then Janet. Then she pointed at Jason and made the universal gesture of jacking off by moving her hand up and down, fingers circled, all the while shaking her head in shame. Jason lifted his hand and gave her the universal gesture of ‘fuck you’ by lifting his middle finger in her direction.

Maddie smiled and turned her mind back to the feelings Janet was generating in her cock. Her lips and tongue swirled around Maddie’s distended cock-head. This is crazy, Maddie thought. We don’t have time for this. But the pressure between her legs was not to be denied. She had thought that she had the zapping business under control, but clearly she lost that control when under emotional stress. She needed practice ... lots of practice and tons of orgasms. She giggled. That would be for the future, for the now she suddenly wanted to do something for Jason.

“Stand up,” she ordered Janet, “and spread your legs.”

“Yes, my Queen,” Janet said. “Are you going to fuck me?” She sounded like a child anticipating a toy she really, really, really wanted.

“No, but I don’t have the only gigantic cock in the room,” Maddie said.

Jason didn’t need a written invitation. His cock bobbed and weaved as he moved behind Janet and lifted the hem of her skirt onto her back. He fingered aside the thin piece of underwear that lay in his way and eased the head of his monster dick into Janet’s pussy. “Mmm, nice ... very nice ... talk about hot and wet...” he said with a blissful look on his face.

This is depraved, thought Maddie. A brother and sister sharing a sex partner at the same time. How often did that happen? It probably happened more than she wanted to know and illegally to boot. Still, here and now, it was very sexy. Regrets could wait. Jason shoved Janet’s body forward with each thrust. That forced her lips over Maddie’s cock-head.

Maddie looked at Jason, but he was staring at the ceiling with a look of rapture on his face. She felt a pang of jealousy. He was getting the full sensations of a hot pussy surrounding his dick, while she had to make do with little more than licks and kisses. She began to thrust in time with Jason, forcing Susan to take more of her cock-head. Susan held onto Maddie’s shaft with both hands. She seemed desperate to not choke on the beautiful teen’s hard-on, but she was more than eager to bring on the immense rush of cum that would be hers alone.

Maddie’s cock exploded in the woman’s mouth causing her cheeks to bulge like a cartoon character. Susan struggled to down huge gulps of hot cum, but Maddie’s second blast overfilled her mouth and gushed onto the carpet. Susan fought to keep every drop of cum. It covered her face and her hair. It filled her bosom and coated her dress. Unfortunately for Jason, she had completely pulled away from the big cock ravaging her pussy. He was left to beat his meat on his own. When he came, only four thin strings of cum sprang from his cock. They landed on and disappeared into the ocean of cream Maddie had produced.

When the euphoria of her orgasm passed, Maddie strided through Susan’s bedroom and into her bathroom. She took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. Her cheeks were flush and her hair was messy from where she’d tossed her head about. She swept her hair off her face and said to her reflection, “You need to get this stuff under control. We can’t go around over zapping everybody because we’re upset. Learning control under duress is key. Susan seems to know a lot of the charm’s history, maybe she could teach us.” Her reflection shrugged and made a wry smile. “Too bad we don’t have the time right now.”

She voided her bladder, rearranged her underwear into a more comfortable state and washed her hands. Grabbing a thick towel from its rack she joined Susan and Jason. Susan was on her knees. She was busy scooping Maddie’s cum off various parts of her body and licking it off her fingers. She tossed the towel in Susan’s direction saying, “Stand up and clean yourself off.”

Jason was slumped in a chair. He was gazing blankly at the floor. “You okay?” she asked.

“Fine,” he said, looking up.

“You look tired, and when you came, that was a pathetic load of cum,” she said.

‘First of all,” he said indignantly as he stood, “I had a lot of sex this morning ... a lot. And second, I can’t believe you were looking.”

Maddie shrugged. “Okay then, you’re fine ... I just happened to notice.” She turned to see Susan wipe cum from her hair onto the towel, and then she promptly licked the towel. “That’s not what I meant ... oh never mind,” said Maddie. “Susan, listen to me carefully. Jason and I are going back to the party. I want you to immediately rinse away all of my liquid evidence.” Susan looked crestfallen, but she nodded. Then I want you to go out just as you’d planned. Make sure you’re not being followed and then get the hell away from the resort. Find a motel or something and then call... ?” She looked at Jason.

“Uh, Beverly ... I guess,” he said.

“Call Beverly and tell her that I said you need to be hidden and protected. Do you think you can do that without leaving a trail? Without being caught by Finn and company?”

Susan looked perplexed, but considered the question. “Yes, Finn gave me plenty of ready cash, but if I run, then he will be suspicious as hell and I won’t be available to help you here.”

“Don’t worry about me,” Maddie said. “Consider that an order or an imperial decree or whatever it takes. Just do as I said.”

Susan looked as if she’d been slapped. She mumbled, “Yes, My Queen.”

Maddie patted a dry spot on the woman’s back. “Get with Beverly. I look forward to having you suck my dick many times in the future.”

“Thank you, My Queen,” Susan said with eyes about to spill over with tears of appreciation.

“Let’s go,” Maddie said to Jason.

Once Susan’s door was firmly closed and they had moved away from it, Jason said, “We’re going back to the party?”

“Of course not,” Maddie said. “I wouldn’t deprive you of your helicopter ride.”

“So you said that just to throw her off?” he said. “I thought you thought you had her completely won over.”

Maddie sighed. “Look, I don’t have this charm stuff all figured out yet. Yes, I’m sure I won her over. It was her getting all weepy eyed at the thought of giving me a blow-job that really convinced me. Or maybe I’m wrong. Do you tear up at the thought of sucking a guy off?”

“Ha,” said Jason. “One thing the charm hasn’t given you is the capacity for witty insults.”

They paused under the exit sign to the stairs. The sign’s industrial look contrasted horribly with the hallway’s expensive décor. Maddie pushed open the door. “We need to move along,” she said. “I can’t believe we stopped long enough to have sex.”

“I’d argue that we, plural, didn’t make that decision, but I guess I’d better save my breath,” he said glancing up the stairs.

Maddie began to climb. The treads were metal with safety-yellow edges and a raised diamond pattern for traction. She glanced upward between the handrails, but she couldn’t get any perspective on the height; the view dissolved into a gray and black blur. They went up a flight to a landing, made a one-eighty and climbed another flight to the next story. The stairs were easily wide enough to walk two abreast, but Jason elected to stay a couple of steps behind. Maddie set a fast and yet what she felt was a sustainable pace; it didn’t seem wise to try and sprint their way to the top.

Maddie found that she plenty of time to worry during their climb. How long until her watchers discovered that she wasn’t at the party or the apartment above it? Would they assume she had picked up a boy toy at the party and was screwing his brains out behind the suddenly locked door of the library? Would they use the private elevator to access the library? How long would that take? Would they assume she’d gone down that elevator, presumably to some obscure exit from the hotel? Did they have the key or code to operate the elevators in the upper floors? Or would they simply come streaking up the stairs? How long until that happened? Maddie shook her head. Now she was allowing her mind to run in circles.

“Maddie,” Jason gasped from behind her.

She turned to see sweat running down her brothers face. He was taking deep, ragged breaths. “Okay?” she asked.

He grinned sickly at her. “I’m afraid the charm didn’t give me the aerobics package you seem to have.”

She nodded and tried to give him an encouraging smile. “I guess not,” she said. “Here, you take the lead. Just set the best pace you can.” She stood aside and Jason trudged past, using the guardrail to pull himself along.

Maddie followed. Her gut went from worry about Jason to frustration at how slowly they were moving and then back again. Her ears strained to pick up any sound of pursuit. They covered five stories at a snail’s pace, and then Jason stopped at one of the mid-story landings. He turned to her, his hand on his chest, eyes pleading and slumped over the guardrail.

“Jason!” Maddie cried in alarm and rushed to his side. “What’s wrong?” Jason didn’t respond. His breathing was rapid, shallow and ragged. His eyes were only half open, and he did nothing when Maddie shook his shoulder and urgently called his name several times.

Maddie’s heart and mind raced with indecision. What the hell was she supposed to do? Her instinct was to call for help. Earlier, she had seen Jason put his phone in the inner pocket of his blazer. She fished it out and brought the screen to life. “Shit,” she muttered. There was not the least sign of a signal. She wouldn’t be calling anyone from this spot.

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Charmed BunsChapter 5

Phoebe had a hairbrush that hurt as much as any paddle. That’s what Paige took from her sister’s vanity table. Cole / Belthazor And all that always getting everything he wanted without serious consequences Paige believed led to not just uncaring brat behavior, but psychotic, don’t give a damn attitude that dangerously trumped helped for their fellow man. Most boys would have his type of narcissistic behavior spanked/ whacked with red rump action that trains it out of them. Left to his own...

3 years ago
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Charmed 1

Disclaimer: This is an erotic story. You must be 18 to read this story, be able to read erotica in your community, and not be offended by the contents of it. If you are not 18, live in an overly repressed community, or are easily offended, move on. This is not for you.This is also a parody and as such is protected under the first amendment. I do not claim to own the characters used herein, I'm just borrowing them for a little while, and there is no intent to use the characters for profit. Any...

2 years ago
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Charmed Dauphin To contact dauphin, send an e-mail to [email protected] If you want to chat with Dauphin, add him on msn: [email protected] Dauphins Homepage: http://www.asstr.org/~dauphin/index.htm Sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes. I do my best, but I am not perfect. I hope you like the story despite these. Based on a TV series. My family is famous in the world of magic. The Halliwell sisters were famous for defeating evil wizards and warlocks. My two aunts are...

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Charmed to the Tenth Ch 05

** There are significant changes in this chapter, although the essential story remains unchanged. I draw you attention to this name: Elsie Kuhn-Leitz. The actions she is attributed to be responsible for in this chapter, which is fantasy, are actions she undertook during WWII, for which she was named a Righteous Gentile. *Merci M. Tootallday * ‘Dogs. Jesus Christ you have four dogs? As if one of these beasts isn’t enough?’ Jeff stood in the doorway of Eva’s home, staring down the big black...

3 years ago
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Charmed Right Out of Yourself

Note: We are just having fun with the characters of 'Charmed'. NO copyright infringement intended. If this story could possibly happen, it would be in season 2. Charmed Right Out of Yourself By Eric and Jacquie Windsor Edited by Caleb Jones Prologue Prue was very worried. What if the succubus had possessed her sister Piper at her club when it was exorcized? True, why would a succubus possess Piper when a red-hot babe like herself was available was open to question? But...

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Charmed Kitten

Charmed Kitten By Maggie O'Malley Rebecca stared intently into the computer screen. Frustration was etched on her lovely young face, and a frown turned at the corners of her mouth. Her chin rested on the thumb and forefinger of her right hand, while her left hand worked from the top of her head through her thick brown hair, stopping at the base of her neck to massage her aching muscles. Her beautiful brown eyes were tired from hours spent at the computer and pouring over...

4 years ago
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Charmed BunsChapter 2

Cole still in full-masked grabbed Phoebe’s long brown hair, tugged on it and pulled the youngest Charmed One to the rear exit. Phoebe disappeared from the ballroom. Soon Cole magically transported her to his apartment or more specifically the master’s bed. “Okay Phoebe, I’m going to give you something you have deserved for years. Now it’s going to happen!” Cole announced. As he positioned himself behind the nineteen year-old kneeling girl and pushed Phoebe down on all fours Phoebe gasped and...

3 years ago
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Charmed BunsChapter 4

I don’t own the television show, Charmed or the characters nor do I get any money from the writing or posting of this story. This is fan fiction based loosely on events that take place in the episodes of Charmed. This plot is loosely based on Season Four. Please note codes include future chapter plans. Please read and vote and consider its development in your vote as new chapters are added. Don’t every try any of these scenarios. They are fantasies and not to be acted upon home. All actions...

4 years ago
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Charmed to the Tenth Ch 03

She was warm. A limbic, peaceful warmth that, had she any memory, sensory or tangible, of being cuddled and swaddled as a babe, this would be what it would feel like. But then something changed. Something was moving, something that should be still, was moving. The warmth of her slumber was slipping away as the movement continued to creep into her consciousness. ‘Oh Bingo, No, no, no. Go lie down.’ Bingo, the old, white muzzled, golden retriever was standing on the other side of Eva’s bed,...

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There seems to be a lack of Charmed so lets see how this develops. Pick your scenario involving the trio of gorgeous San Francisco white witches as they battle demons in sexy outfits. Add whatever you want as the sisters engage in whatever sexual scenarios you can think of, fall victim to evil demonic plots anything goes. Choose to set during the first three seasons with Prue, processing the power of telekinesis and later astral projection, Piper with the power to freeze time and blow things...

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Inspired by the painting "La Charmeuse" (1868) by Charles Gleyre, as it inspired Mat Twassel to ask people to write about it. The story will be more meaningful if you first look at the painting. It's a full-figure nude woman seen from the rear. If that gives offense, or anything else in this story gives offense, your remedy is obvious. Stop reading, and gradually, over the years, try to forget. Charmed by Vickie Tern In those days paintings were often stillpoints...

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Charmed To Know You

Charmed to Know You By Geneva Chicago 1890. It was dusk, and a setting sun shone fitfully between ragged clouds, illuminating the gray buildings with flashes of golden light. A cold north wind whipped the dust and snow into dirty skeins on the cracked sidewalk in front of the store. From the shadows opposite, the lighted stub of a tossed cigarette blew into the gutter in a shower of sparks. Two men stood in the deepening gloom, an older squat man, gray stubble on his...

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Charm Point

I'm such a great big Wapanese loser that I've used a lot of Japanese terms in this very manga-themed story. If you're not familiar with these, I have described them below: Moe: a Japanese culture concept and slang term for the qualities that make things hopelessly adorable. Sozu: a type of water fountain used in Japanese gardens. A small tube of bamboo is filled with water, causing it to tip and hit a rock. Gakuran: a common male uniform in Japanese schools. It is usually, but not...

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Important Notice: On my vacation just now, I found out that I lost some of my fun at writing ever since posting what I created, because I always thought about what would be good for the readers. Something I never did in the years before. I wrote a story just as it came to my mind once again and can tell, that it does far more to relax me than what I did in the last months. As a consequence, I will not post anymore in the foreseeable future and go back to write just to relax without...

1 year ago
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Charmed Monkey Business

Chapter One Only a few months prior to this story, Piper had almost died because of a deadly disease. Her doctor during this emergency, a Dr. Williamson, did not offer much hope to her two sisters as to her prospectus. The disease seemed to be a deadly mutation of a less fatal strain and the doctors were helpless in saving her. Luckily for her, Leo had betrayed his trust of the White-Lighters and saved her life as she was rising to the legendary white light that every near-death experimenter...

3 years ago
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I fucked the bosses wife

I was working in a garage for a local family firm and I had been dating the daughter with out her mum and dad knowing, his daughter was gorgeous and had jet black hair and a beautiful slim body so when I was lucky enough to help her out when she broke down one day I made my move and asked her out.To my surprise she said yes and I made arrangements to meet her the following Friday evening. When the friday came I was a bit nervous as she turned up at the Bar we had agreed to meet at and when we...

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The Revenge Of Vyvian

Vyvian’s Revenge Ch 1It had been a long engagement and though it was finally over Vyvian was slightly disappointed in it. She          had been planning it for months and had been stressing about the little things involved with the planning of the wedding. But as she sat there at the wedding parties table she felt the anticipation and excitement that most brides feel on the wedding night. Not for the normal reasons that would be associated with a wedding night. They were most definitely very...

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Milfy City

Let’s talk about the hottest unfinished game you’ll find on the internet as of early 2022. I learned of Milfy City a few years ago when I thought that the screenshots were fake. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was sure that games couldn’t possibly be this hot. I thought it was a scam. Well, I played the game shortly after and holy shit – it really is every single bit as hot as the screenshots they’re using to market it. The game is unfortunately still in production, but there are hours of...

Free Sex Games
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Chaos Calls 05 Island GirlChapter 03

There’s a fair breeze blowing us toward the beach, if it was much stronger it would be too rough for us to sail such a wide and flat boat. When we get closer to the island we can see where the water is disturbed by hitting the coral reef. We can also look over the side to see a lot of marine life with lots of teeth swimming in the waters here. For most of the trip to the island we let the sails push us and use the rudder to guide us, but when we get close to the reef the men start rowing...

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Book 7 New DragonsChapter 10

Raimi wiped the tears off her face, cleaned the soup off the floor, then went and took another bath, getting dressed in a skirt and blouse, she went back into the kitchen to fix herself something to eat and drink. She was surprised to see Nedra in the kitchen, with a slight smile she said hello then poured herself a glass of water "I guess I made a mess of things didn't I Nedra?" Nedra purred with a chuckle "not at all my sweet bonne bou'che, what you did was shake our ohhhhh sooo staid...

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New Apartment

Another chapter from my hot selling Book Hotwife Chronicles. Available now on Amazon and Kindle for Ereader an paperback. Under my pen name Raul MontanaJanine and Fred had recently moved into an apartment complex in Florida. The apartments were excellent, and the complex included a beautiful pool and exercise facility. One afternoon Janine was tanning by the pool while a group of high school boys was swimming. She pretended not to notice when the boys would glance her way to check her out....

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Bounty Hunting For Fun And ProfitChapter 9

They got their receipt for Carmichael's body from the Comanche marshal and were ready to leave by noon. They had some lunch at the hotel's restaurant and were on their way to Johns Springs. Both were riding in the buckboard so that conversation would be easier. Rafe commented, "Ya know, Hank, I thunk ya wuz crazy when ya said that ridin' in the buckboard wuz better than ridin' a hoss, but this here cushion has made me change my mind! I used ta hate long trips, but this here way to travel...

2 years ago
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On line submission

This is the ?report? of a very hot emailconversation between two complete strangers. His name is Thomas, hers is Laura.we decide after all the e-mails to meet for real. i invite you to my place and i pick you up at the airport. we go into a pub there, to give each other the chance to back out if it doesn't work. we have a gin & tonic and i start to fondle you tits and you legs. suddenly you say: "i am horny". i say "very good, go to the loo and take your knickers and you bra off". you go and do...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 344

Some of this is priceless! Men Stuff I'm fed up with the excuses women come up with to avoid having sex, like: "I'm tired." "I'm washing my hair." "I've got a headache." "I'm your sister." A woman in labor is in pain and screaming profanity at her husband from her hospital bed. He says, "Hey, don't blame me! I wanted to stick it in your ass, but N-O-O-O-O, you said that might hurt!" I spent $5,000 on a boob job for the wife. She was delighted. I spent another...

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Toms AdventuresChapter 12 The Time has Come

When Fighting Hawk got back to the village the warriors all separated to their lodges. Fighting Hawk went to the lodge of Gray Eagle. As they sat around the cook fire Fighting Hawk told him of the news from the scout. Gray Eagle asked if he could be trusted, and Fighting Hawk thought for a long moment before he answered. "He has always been honest with me, and he could not benefit from telling me. It could be a trap, but our scouts would see them. I think that he has told me the truth. I...

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Only On Paper

As I picked up the diary with blue pages I thought twice about reading it… it wasn’t locked Dear Diary I saw him again last night… I wonder if he has noticed the way I look at him yet… how my eyes move over him like hands, I wonder if he feels them. Being married I knew the thoughts I had where wrong… at least that’s what I thought… but how could they be. Feelings I thought where long gone… had died long ago, you know the one’s… little butterflies in your stomach… the warmth of the blush as...

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Two Worlds Collide Part 3

Note: This installment doesn't contain sex, it is a buildup of the two characters, so you know more about them. There will be some in the next part though... and I will most likely be writing 1 more part, maybe another 2 parts, I will see where it goes...It has been a month since the first weekend Amber and Hanna spent in each others arms. The past month has been the happiest of either of their lives, and they were finally happy. Every date they went on seemed like it was the first. The spark...

Love Stories
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Sex With My Pinni 8211 Part II

Hi this is Chandu again. You know me by first story of Sex with My Pinni and today I am going to narrate my part-II of this story as in the previous story I have said that I didn’t had sex with her but only she used to masturbate for me. But in this narration and in the second part I had sex with her, though it was somewhat difficult for me as it was for the first time for me. You know that her name is Renuka(now name changed) and her age is now 36 years and figure is 36-36-38 and height5.4feet...

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Blacked Brandi Love Sexy Mom Takes 2 Young BBCs

Beautiful MILF Brandi’s husband is out of town on business for the whole summer and it’s been months since she has had any satisfaction. When her stepdaughter invites some of her friends over from college, she can’t help noticing two of the hot guys. She can tell that they like the look of her too. They go to get changed in one of the bedrooms and Brandi sees the perfect opportunity. She sneaks in uninvited and puts her seduction technique to the test. Needless to say, it has the desired effect...

2 years ago
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First time older and younger

His name was Ben. Ben worked with my father at the same firm. I met him at one of my parents get togethers. Ben was big and athletic looking, the type of guy, "tall dark and handsome" was written about. Ben had told my parents about how much yard work was needed at his new home and when I was asked if I'd help with it for some extra money I agreed. The the next weekend, I rode my bike to his house. Ben showed me the back yard and where to get started. It was all over grown and dense, I'd would...

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AntagonistsChapter 5

The visit to Molly's parents marked a turning point in the relationship between Dan and Gina. The later visit to Ned's parents was a success and Jean formed a favourable opinion of Gina. The turning point did not mean that the children became bosom pals but at least Gina no longer ignored Dan although their lack of common interests meant that they still did not do a lot together. If they were cooped up in the house too long without friends they would squabble. This continued into their...

4 years ago
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The Neighbor

Dr. Allen Janowicz talked excitedly to his research assistant, Doug Gunderson. "Doug, I'm starting a revolution! A revolution in skin care. You know how women's skin is so much smoother and healthier than men's? It's hormonal. And we can use that advantage to make a cream for men who suffer from damaged, rough, cracking skin. I've combined a number of vitamins and minerals that are more abundant in the skin of women, and just a touch of estrogen, in this skin cream. It's going to...

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BabySitter Gets Deflowered

My wife and I hired the neighbor’s seventeen year old daughter to baby sit our son. Cathy was a cute girl and although I secretly admired her high school cheerleader-like body, I knew better than to even look in her direction. It was around eleven when we got home and the lights were off in the living room. The glow of the television was the only thing lighting the room. Betty, my wife, was a bit on the tipsy side as we stumbled in, so she headed straight for the bedroom. I stepped over the...

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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IChapter 3 Discovering the Bawdy Nature of the Household

Charity did not stay long that evening, simply a period sufficient for the both of us to make the most intimate acquaintance and cuddle afterwards. The next morning, I awoke refreshed and relaxed, lazing in bed sinfully until I felt the first pangs of hunger. I disdained the need for servants to dress, so I made my way to the bath and drew water in the sink, then with a small towel made a whore’s-bath for myself, and yes, I had heard the term before and understood the implications. It...

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My deepest desire

The musty smell of the barn filled my nostrils with each breath. The hay, the a****ls and just the general smell all barn seem to have. There in the rubber matted wash bay stood a small bench. Having been modified several time until now in which it stood 34 inches tall. It was about 4 feet wide and just a little bit longer than 4 feet long. On top it has a pad running down the center and on each side of it more of the same rubber mat that covered the stall floor. The pad was meant as a non slip...

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BoundGangBangs Holly Lace School of Hard Cocks Hot Teacher Disciplined by Students Headmaster

Holly Lace arrives to class ready to teach! Unfortunately, her rowdy students aren’t interested in getting taught. Instead of breaking out their books, they check her out and convince her that to be a good teacher, she’s got to fuck all of them. They feel her up, and push her to the floor. Holly is a little overwhelmed, but she wants to be the best teacher for her students, so she starts sucking. She sucks every cock put in front of her with gusto. Suddenly, the Headmaster, Stirling...

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Return to KrellChapter 3 Field Work

The Courser emerged from superlight like a whale breaching the surface of the ocean, a spray of colorful gases expanding in its wake like a miniature nebula as it tore a hole back into reality. The long, slim ship drifted for a moment, inertia carrying it along as it tumbled slowly. After a brief delay its engines flared to life, thrusters spaced along its sleek hull righting it with bursts of blue flame as the flight computer took control. Lena opened her eyes and blinked away stinging...

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3 Coins in the Fountain

The ads. We see them in a million places at all times of the day. They urge us to be more than we are. They urge us to be brave. They urge us to go beyond our ordinary existence and shoot for the stars. They urge us to go for our dreams. "Just do it," they say. "No Fear!" "YOLO!" "Be all you can be!" That bullshit is what got all of this started. My name is Madelyne Richards and this is my story. It's a really fucked up story so far but I'm still working my way towards the happy...

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MylfExtras Havana Bleu Full Focus On My Stepmom

Sweet Latina MILF Havana Bleu has not seen her stepson in quite some time, so when she finally welcomes him home, she is overjoyed. But when she reaches for a warm hug, she finds that her stepson is packing some kind of heat in his pants. She asks if it is a gun, but her boy reveals that it is nothing of the sort. Its just a stiff boner that is ready to shoot hot cum in her direction! Havana is embarrassed, but she cannot deny being turned on. She shows off her brand new tit job and then jerks...

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GenCon By Shrike "Alexander Tipton, you are accused of assault and battery on Mrs. Debra Tiessing. How do you plead?" asked the Judge. Before I answered, I thought back to the events leading up to me standing trial here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debra said to me, "Thank you for your help." I had just helped her carry some boxes to her beat up old car. She was going to take it to the homeless shelter to...

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Texting my wife

This story follows a man and his wife on their journey through a year of having a long distance relationship after having been married for only a few months. First off let's meet the lovely couple. Your name is John. You are a 25 year caucasian guy. You are of average height and build. You have blue eyes and dirty-blond hair. You work for a big IT firm as a programmer. Your hobbies include gaming, making music, cooking and wrestling. In your sparetime you help your best friend with his social...

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Not Normal mom

It all began when I started going trough puberty; I was about 14 years old when I started noticing my mother. She was about 39 or 40 years old, and most boys my age would not have thought of her in the way I did, because when she left the house she always wore clothes that did not show off her hugely curvaceous body. She was only about 5' 2” tall, and she didn’t have the longest legs in the world. But she had great thighs that led to and even better ass. She had quite a big waist but her round...

1 year ago
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Introducing Granny To Anal Sex

Introducing Granny to Anal SexI sat by Dawn’s luxurious backyard pool overlooking the city of Tucson. I looked down at my 66 year old granny lover Dawn as she emerged from the pool, she was dressed in a black two piece bikini swimsuit which highlighted her small breasts and supple thin body and long grey hair. I laid back on a chaise lounge as Dawn approached me and went down on her hands and knees and crawled to my awaiting cock. It was only three weeks ago that I had taught Dawn the fine art...

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The Chauffeur 45 John and Dallas

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 The trip to Seattle was fun and exciting. It’s not that I wanted to get the three district managers to quit, but I was very glad to have plan B ready to go at a moment’s notice. Now, I’m going to head to Dallas once again. Plan B needs to be ready as their numbers have not improved since Jill and I were there before. I also checked the Pinetree that we stayed in, the one that I had met the President of that division. I don’t see very many district...

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HouseOfTaboo Ania Kinski BDSM Fantasy Cum True

French bombshell Ania Kinski lives out her kinky BDSM fantasies today being bound, spanked, and submissive to DP. After the horny Milf tells her man Erik Everhard about her dream, he invites his buddy Lutro over to help fulfill her deep and dark fetish wishes. The two studs bind her with ropes and take full advantage of all of the busty brunette’s holes. They face fuck her with their stiff rods so that she takes them deepthroat, and then they give her a hardcore pussy and ass pounding in...

4 years ago
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I want to share some events that happened on our honeymoon trip to Haiti ten years ago and our bizarre encounter with the world of voodoo. The resort we visited was practically empty and after spending the first few days in our suite doing what most newlyweds do we ventured out to explore the island. During those first few days I discovered that my beautiful bride, Toni, had a powerful sex drive and seemed determined to make up for all those years of being a good girl. To be perfectly honest,...

2 years ago
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Our vacation

This was before we had k**s, we made plans to go on a trip with my brother, his wife and my sister. Someone told of an all-inclusive resort on the French side of St. Marteen and it sounded like the kind of place we could have fun. Our very first day there I was greeted by a sight I couldn't believe. Topless women all over the pool and beach area. It was a little uncomfortable with my sister there, but soon it was no big deal. We were having drink after drink and just having a great time. After...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 1Intro to The Agreement

The Agreement Note on the second version: If you read LNDtH v1, completed 3/23/2015, you will find a few changes in this version. The story and action are the same, but a few of the names (mostly last names) are slightly different. Occasionally, I pluck names out of my memory as likely for a particular character and later realize they are the same or very similar to the names of people I knew at one time or another, even though the character bears no resemblence to the actual person. So,...

3 years ago
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A Tale Of Two Sisters

"Sophie, hurry up!" "All right.! I'm coming!" And I was. I let out a small moan as my fingers hit my g-spot and sent me flying over the edge. I pushed past my sister as I left the bathroom. There's nothing better than a nice hot bath after a long day at school. Well at least it was friday, and tomorrow I had the house to myself as my parents were going to Atlanta for their anniversary and Tara was going round to her boyfriends house. It was my 18th birthday last week and one of my friends...

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Girls Who Wear Glasses0

This is a story of fiction, the author makes no recommendations and does not condone, or condemn, any actions taken by the characters in this story. The characters are completely fictional and any similarities to any person or persons, living or dead, real or fictional, are completely coincidental. The Author takes no responsibility for any actions or inactions taken by any person or persons who read this fictional portrayal – so read at your own risk! This is an original piece of fiction...

3 years ago
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RetributionChapter 5

By ten-thirty I was in bed, compared to other night which was after midnight. I was up from the crack of dawn the next day. It was before Father Petrou arrived, with breakfast prepared for two. It was a full English breakfast, consisting of sausages, eggs, beans and toast. I was preoccupied over the cooker when Father Petrou startled me. “I hope you haven’t prepared anything for me, Tony? I am fasting,” he said. With two plates in my hand, I turned around. “Nativity Fast, right?” I...

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intro to glory hole

It was a warm spring day , I had been in town looking at the sexy display of women in their short skirts... I headed for a quiet public toilets to relieve my 18 year old cock whilst reading the dirty stories written on the walls. I was in one of the two cubicles with stiff 7and 3 quarter inch cock in hand when suddenly a bare leg started to slide under the partition wall into my cubicle.... and before I realised what was happening ..... I found myself staring at my first erect cock apart from...

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