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Charmed to Know You By Geneva Chicago 1890. It was dusk, and a setting sun shone fitfully between ragged clouds, illuminating the gray buildings with flashes of golden light. A cold north wind whipped the dust and snow into dirty skeins on the cracked sidewalk in front of the store. From the shadows opposite, the lighted stub of a tossed cigarette blew into the gutter in a shower of sparks. Two men stood in the deepening gloom, an older squat man, gray stubble on his face, and a younger, sharp featured, his dark hair pomaded back from his forehead. His fingers tapped his thighs impatiently. "Take your time, Des," said the older man. "Still too many people around. Wait till the sun sets. Have another smoke." Des leaned back against the wall, breathing hard. "You just make sure you cover me, and keep a good look-out, Lou." "Yeah, yeah. This your first job?" "No, I whacked a guy in a barber shop over on a street by the Loop two months ago." After some time, Lou looked up and down the street. "Okay, I think it's good now". The younger man blew on his hands and lifted a package at his feet. After checking round about him, he crossed to the store doorway, placed his bundle at the door, and knelt briefly. There was a brief glow as he inhaled deeply on his cigarette, and then touched it to the object. He then sprinted to the opposite side to rejoin the older man. "Okay, let's get out of here." "Hell! Someone's coming." "Nothing we can do. It will go off any second." They ran into the shadows. A young couple, with a boy between them, had barely reached the front of the store when the bomb blew. The woman, walking on the inside, was killed instantly. The man lasted until hospital, but died on the operating table. The young boy, sheltered between them, was unscathed. *** Baton Rouge 1910 After a brief spell in hospital, I went with my uncle Milton to live with his sprawling family in Louisiana, in the Shreveport area. He and my aunt Rebecca were kind to me and I have fond memories of my days there, but the violent manner that my parents had been taken from me was a continual wound in my mind. When it came time to leave school and go to college, I debated what to do. Milton wanted me to join him in his medical practice, but in truth I was more attracted to the law, and in a few years I graduated with a high standing from law school. I first articled with a firm in Baton Rouge, then, with Milton's support, opened my own office. Another uncle, Morley, was also generous, and directed quite a bit of business my way. In a year or so, I started calling on Diane Carmichael, the daughter of a prominent old established southern family, and when I thought I was secure we got married. If I had thought I was marrying a shy and demure southern lady, I found I was mistaken. Diane was a passionate and inventive lover and we were very happy. It was during my articling year that I had met Bernie Hirsch. Bernie had started law school, as his parents had expected, but rapidly got distracted by the college glee club, and scraped through with an arts degree. Perhaps in some deference to his parents he had then started a detective agency. I ignored my uncle's raised eyebrows and occasional comments at my association with Bernie, he and I became good friends. He referred some business my way, and in turn I used him in a number of investigations. One day we were sharing some beers in a bar and the talk got to our backgrounds. Eventually our talk drifted to my parents' deaths. "What happened?" "It was a gangster affair, in Chicago. Some crooks bombed a little grocery store that wouldn't pay them enough protection. Unfortunately, my parents were walking outside the place at the time, and got caught in the blast. I was with them, but I was walking between them so I was protected, didn't get a scratch." "Did they get anyone for it?" "No, my uncle showed me some press clippings about it later, when I was old enough to understand. The papers suggested a gang run by a crook called Big John Akers, although he wasn't the one who did the actual bombing. He had too good an alibi. It must have been some of his gang." Bernie sucked his teeth. "Too bad. I can see by the way you talk it bothers you." He raised his eyebrows. "Yes, a bit. My uncle and aunt have been very good to me, but I tell you, Bernie, that if there were one thing I could do in my life, it would be to get revenge on those hoodlums. Trouble is, I'm not sure how to get started on finding who did it. And even if I did find out, what could I do about it?" "Then you'd be better to forget it. Get on with your life." "I know, but still, it's eating away at me. I want revenge." Bernie looked at me, tapping his chin. "You know, Barry, I've got some contact with detective agencies in Chicago, and some of them use retired policemen. Do you want me to contact them? See what they can find out? I'm sorry though, it will cost a bit, but they'll be glad of the work. Business is a bit slow with them as well." "Sure Bernie, that's a good idea. Financially, I'm okay and the law business is good." My grandfather had been a shrewd businessman, and his heirs had benefited from his foresight. I gave Bernie as much details as I could, and he said he would see what could be found. *** Three weeks afterwards, Bernie called into my office. "Barry, I got something for you." He closed the door to my inner office. "Keep it confidential. I got a reply from the Trident Group in Chicago. I know one of the investigators there, called Leon Roth. I don't know if it's good or bad news." "How do you mean?" "Well, first, the bombing that killed your parents was almost certainly ordered by Akers, but he's past your reach now. He was killed in a gangland shooting ten years ago, but the police think the actual bombing was the work of a Des Toner." "Should I know that name?" "Probably not. He's better known now by an alias. Changed around his name a bit too, to Tony Dice. There was something about him in one of the papers a month or so back. He's worked his way up in the gang, so he's now the boss. They say he's involved in all kinds of crooked stuff, murder, extortion, prostitution... you name it. He also runs a night club, but that's a front for the rest of the activities." "Has he ever been arrested for anything?" "Just some minor stuff when he was a street punk. The cops suspected he was involved in your parents' deaths, and they even pulled him in for questioning. But they couldn't make it stick, and Tony's been careful ever since. He's a smart bastard." "I still like to nail him." "Well, be careful. You don't play around with these guys. And you wouldn't get anyone to testify against him in court. Besides, it was twenty years ago." "Maybe I don't need a court. I'd be satisfied to just kill him myself." Bernie shook his head. "Barry, just be sensible. You don't know guns. You've had a protected upbringing. You're just a successful young lawyer in a small town, well, compared to Chicago. Besides, he's too well protected, and even if you managed, you'd be a target for the gang's revenge, even the cops. But, tell you what, I could go to Chicago and see what I can uncover. Then if get good solid evidence we'll pass it onto the authorities. That's the legal way. You're a lawyer. You know that. You are supposed to uphold the law." I nodded. "Do you mind, Bernie? Of course, I'd pay you." "Yeah, you'd better. Business isn't so brisk these days." I did not hear from Bernie for a week or so, and then I got a letter from him, postmarked Chicago. "I'd forgotten how cold and windy it gets here in winter. I've been asking around in the underworld, and I may be on to something. One of Tony's gang is called Lou. He's an old guy, but he was with Tony on some jobs a number of years ago. Lou says his wife is badly ill and she has a lot of medical bills, so he's a bit short of money, and might be willing to talk. I'll let you know how I get on. But I warn you. It may cost you money." "That was all right," I thought grimly. I'd give a lot to get revenge on Tony. Then, a week later, I got another letter. "Barry, I'm really onto something. It 's beginning to look as if I can get enough evidence to nail Tony. But now I definitely need money. You'd better start off with $200." I had few qualms about the money. I was reasonably well off, and the thought of finally getting some justice made it worthwhile. Then, a week later, I got a visit from the local sheriff. "Mr. Strong, we had a call from the police in Chicago. You wrote recently to a Mr. Bernard Hirsh, care of Trident Investigations in Chicago? I gather, sir, you had hired Mr. Hirsch on a matter?" "Yes, I did. He was helping me in an investigation. What's wrong?" "I'm sorry to tell you, sir, he was found dead, murdered, about five days ago. He'd been shot. He may also have been tortured beforehand." His words hit me like a blow in the stomach. I had to sit down. "My God! What happened? Do you know why? I mean, is there any information why he was killed." "Off the record, sir, I never told you this, but the Chicago police think Mr. Hirsch was getting into things he shouldn't, too close to some powerful people. Could he have been working on some investigations on your behalf?" "Yes, he was, but how did you know to come to me?" "We were contacted by the Chicago police. Apparently they found your letter in his pocket. So, just be careful, sir. The people responsible for the murder may have sources in the Chicago police, and there is a possibility they could be looking for you as well. You or your wife may be in danger." I felt an icy hand grip my heart. "Do you have any more information?" "I'm sorry, Mr. Strong, you would have to contact the Chicago police yourself, but I do urge you to be careful. That could also alert someone that you are involved, if they don't already know." I watched his parent's distress at Bernie's funeral, and I began to feel a cold fury. I knew it was time I made a trip to Chicago. I would have preferred to keep Diane out of it, but she insisted on accompanying me. I had thought of it as a quick business trip, but she was more enthusiastic. "Barry? I've always wanted a trip to Chicago. Besides, I will then be able to keep an eye on you in the big city. Make sure an innocent country boy like you keeps out of mischief." I knew from our years of marriage that when Diane got something into her head it was no use arguing so I booked space on a Pullman coach, one with a sleeping berth. I was a bit nervous, but Diane was over the moon about the shopping she could do. We took a horse drawn coach into New Orleans for the Chicago train. At one point we passed a procession of black musicians, all soberly dressed, obviously returning from a funeral. Their music was catchy and bouncy, strange for a funeral. I had heard they called it jazz. I must say, it was nice to sit in the luxury of the dining car and be served our meal, while the train roared through northern Mississippi. Diane had insisted we dress formally for dinner. I was wearing a conservative black suit, but she was wearing a lovely dark red dress that complemented her brown eyes. She was in a very flirtatious mood and we were barely back in our compartment when she pulled me to her and pressed her lips onto mine, grinding her body to mine, her hand seeking my groin. "Ooh Barry, trains get me feeling all excited." We made passionate love in our berth while the train hurtled North. The Trident Investigations Agency was larger and more prosperous looking than I had expected, and there was not a whisky bottle in sight, none of the three detectives listed had their feet up on desks, and the receptionist/stenographer was no overly glamorous female, just a friendly woman in her thirties, dressed conservatively in a long tweed skirt and severe white blouse. Her nametag said Mamie Smolicz (Mrs). Maybe I had read too many cheap detective novels. I explained my business. "Good morning, Mrs. Smolicz. My name is Barry Strong. I'm visiting here from Louisiana. I'm a lawyer. A Mr. Bernie Hirsch was doing some work for me, and he gave this office as a contact address." She looked at me sadly. "Oh, Mr. Strong, you've heard Mr. Hirsch was found murdered?" "Yes, That's why I am here. He was also a friend of mine." "I'm very sorry, Mr. Strong. I only met Mr. Hirsh on a few occasions, but he was a real nice man." "Yes, I know. Now, do you know if Mr. Hirsh was working with any one here? Anyone he maybe confided in, or was familiar with what he was investigating?" "He was friendly with Mr. Roth. They worked together quite a bit." "Would it be possible to speak to Mr. Roth?" "I'm sorry sir, Mr. Roth is out on a case at the moment. He said he would be back after two." She checked her notes. "I don't think he has any appointments then. Would you like to wait? There's the newspaper on the table there, and I can make some coffee as well." I looked at Diane. It was only ten in the morning. She shook her head. Maybe I detected some glee in her eyes. "Let's go out and come back at two. I have some shopping to get started on." As I had expected, Diane happily immersed herself in the clothing department at one of the big stores. In fact I had to drag her away for a fast lunch. When we got back in the agency about two thirty. Mrs. Schulz informed us that Leon Roth had still not returned, so we sat down and I read the newspaper. About ten minutes later I heard some feet on the stairs, and a small portly man puffed into the office, running his finger around his high starched collar. "Mr. Roth?" called Mamie, "There's a lady and a gentleman to see you." He looked us over warily, sizing us up. "Mr. Roth, my name is Barry Strong," I shook his hand, "And this is my wife Diane. I wonder if we could take a little of your time?" "Oh yeah, Barry Strong," he nodded. "How do you do, sir. I've been half expecting you. So I guess you want to know about Bernie?" "Yes, anything you can tell us. He was working on a case for me." "Sure, but I think it would be best if you came into my office." He shut the door carefully behind us, and waved us to two chairs. "Mr. Strong, Bernie Hirsch made himself known to some... nasty characters, the kind that don't do the reputation of Chicago any good. In fact he got into some bad trouble, as you know. I had warned him to be careful, but I guess he wasn't careful enough, and now he has paid for it. I gather you had him ask some questions about a hoodlum, Desmond Toner, alias Tony Dice. Just to warn you, Mr. Strong, our friend Tony is now a powerful man around the city. He is into a lot of stuff, controls a lot; he even has a pipeline into the police. So I suspect he may even know that you had sent some money to Bernie." "The police at home warned me about that. Have you any idea what Bernie had found?" "Yeah, he wrote some things down for me, to give to you if you came calling. Maybe he had a premonition." "Did you show the stuff to the police?" "I told you. Tony has his sources in the police too. So no one has seen these except me." He opened a drawer in his desk, but leaned underneath. I heard a click as a hidden drawer opened and he handed me a manila envelope. "Just being careful, Mr. Strong. Good thing too. This office was burglarized earlier last week. Maybe they were looking for this." I shook the contents of the envelope onto the desk. Bennie had made a summary of his investigation, listing sources by some letters and numbers. It only took me ten minutes to read his notes, but it seemed pretty conclusive that Tony and another man had indeed been responsible for my parents' murder. "Have you read this, Mr. Roth?" "Yes, but in case you're asking, the stuff isn't any good for the police. Most of the sources would probably be too scared to talk, even if we knew who they were, because Bernie has their names in code." "Do you know their names?" "No, and he didn't leave a copy of his code either." I bit my lip. "When I heard from Bernie last, he mentioned he had been speaking to a man called Lou." Leon gave a sardonic smile. "I wonder if that's Louis Cantafio. He's pretty high up in the gang. More likely he set up Bernie." He saw the look in my eyes. "Like I told you, Mr. Strong, these guys are vicious and ruthless. They don't fool around." "This Tony Dice, I'd like to get a look at him." "Mr. Strong," said Leon carefully, "I advise you to do nothing foolish. Tony Dice is well protected. Unless you are tired of living, you would not have a chance of getting to him. I advise you to take in some entertainment with your lovely wife here, do some shopping, go to some nice eating places. Then you should go back to Louisiana, to your law practice, and forget all this." "No, Mr. Roth, I will not do anything foolish, but I would like to put a face to this man. What do you know about him?" "Upbringing, if you can call it that, the usual street punk, then a small time hoodlum. A muscleman first, but he has some smarts too, worked his way up in the gangs. May even have bumped off some of his bosses so he could move up. Even if he wasn't directly involved he sure benefited." "What about his personal life?" "He was married about twenty years ago, but his wife has been dead, of consumption, about five years. No kids. Now he has a string of girlfriends. Come to think of it, he had a lot of girlfriends or mistresses before his wife died. He fancies himself as a ladies man. His women are all good lookers, so the son-of-a-bitch may be justified too. Excuse my language, Mrs. Strong." "What about his house?" "He has a house in a ritzy area, but he carries on a lot of his business -and his womanizing- at a suite on the top floor of the Hotel Grande. Your best chance might be to view him at an establishment he owns. I'm not sure what you would call it, cabaret, drinking place, dance hall or what. It used to be a low- class dump, but Tony's put a lot of money into it, and it's gone upscale, maybe even a fashionable place for some of the wilder types to be seen in." "Where is this place?" "It's just a little off the downtown area. It's called 'The Blue Garter', after the dancing girls." "How would I recognize this Tony Dice?" "Oh, Don't worry. He'll be the one that's well surrounded by hangers-on and bodyguards. He often gets there about eleven at night. He'll be dressed quite smart. Likes the way he looks. Quite a change from rags and the back streets he was raised in." Leon recommended a nice hotel, and we had supper there. Diane enjoyed it, but I was too much on edge. Then around nine we dressed to go out and took a cab to The Blue Garter. With the right tipping of the maitre d', I managed to get us a table in a fairly central spot. We ordered drinks and sat back to watch the floor show. True to it's name, in the club's attempt at a French cabaret, the dancers were all clad in various fancy outfits, but, all with prominent blue garters. I was no dance expert, but the show was entertaining and the music bouncy, the dancers appealing enough in their frothy lingerie and blue tucked satin garters stretching over their thighs to black stockings. At first Diane sat back and scowled at the scanty outfits, but was soon tapping her fingers to the rhythm of the music. Just before eleven there was a slight commotion at the door and a group of men entered. As Leon had said, there was no doubt about it. Tony Dice was in his forties, slightly under average height, but with a broad and powerful build. His dark hair was sleeked back, showing just a trace of gray at the temples, and his beard was gray. He was immaculately dressed, in what I recognized was a well tailored black suit, with a dove gray vest and a white flower in his lapel. The girl with him appeared to be barely in her twenties, dark haired, very glamorous, in a fashionable jeweled white satin gown and a large hat, plumed with an ostrich feather. Both were shielded by a group of well muscled men, all smartly dressed also. They moved to a reserved table set at the back, one that gave them a good view of the whole club. I watched him as much as I dared, but he caught my eye once, staring back at me for several seconds. It did not take me long to realize that I would be lucky to get one shot at him before his bodyguards were blazing away at me. Anyway, I wanted him to know why he was dying when I killed him. I watched him all that night, but it was no better. Tony was always too well protected. I even got up and walked past his table, his bodyguards watching me carefully. The dark-haired girl was fawning over him. Then Tony patted one of the dancers on her rear, the girl spoke sharply to him, and a row erupted. In a minute she rose and stamped out. Tony just laughed and switched his attention to another of the dancers. Then several minutes later, I realized he was now watching our table, especially Diane. I decided it was time to leave. "Did you see anyway of getting too him?" asked Diane, as we were getting ready for bed. She was wearing a very attractive new nightgown. "No, I wonder if he's alone any time, other than in bed." "Maybe he's not alone even in bed. It looks like he changes partners often. I wonder if that girl, the one he had the fight with, slept with him." "Probably, Diane. I bet he takes his pick of the showgirls as well. Did you know he was watching you?" "Yes, but relax, Barry, he doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. But I know. Maybe I'll dress you as a girl, in a clinging dress with a low neckline, and you can pick him up in the club. Get him alone, and do the deed." She giggled. "It's no laughing matter. Come here, you insolent wench. I'll show you the deed I want to do to you." "Oh! Please have mercy on me, sir." She flung her arms around my neck and we fell on the bed together. I was first to awake the next morning. I looked down at Diane. She was still naked, her dark brown hair tousled sexily over her eyes. She was so beautiful I did not want to disturb her, but there was business to be done. I shook her gently. "Come on, darling, I'd like to have a look at the hotel and Tony's suite." She groaned and made a face at me. "You rotter, can't you relax and let a girl recover from a night of passion? Okay, but you have to promise to let me do more shopping. I've hardly made a start on the stores on Michigan Avenue anyway." Tony's suite was on the fifth floor of the hotel. It was opulent and tasteful, but a bench in the carpeted corridor was occupied by one of Tony's bodyguards, reading a racing paper. When he looked at us suspiciously as we walked past, I pretended we were lost and beat a hasty retreat. From the street I looked up at the top floor. There was no ledge and there did not seem to be a way in. Diane's shopping expedition distracted me a little, but I was depressed as we returned south. It looked as if I would have to forget the whole business. Even another bout of lovemaking on the train home failed to raise my spirits. Back home, a week or so later, I was catching up on some work by the light of a lamp when I heard a shot and the window by me shattered. I threw myself to the floor, but there was no other shot and I cautiously raised myself as I heard a horse's hooves clattering outside. When Diane rushed in. I pulled her to the floor. Her hand went to her mouth. "Oh God, is that what I think it is. Is someone after us?" There was a neat round hole in one of the stained glass panels. We spent the rest of the night on the floor in each other's arms. "It's difficult to say if anyone wanted to kill you, Mr. Strong." said the sheriff the next morning. "The hole is a bit too high. Maybe it's just vandalism, or, say; didn't I warn you about a Chicago gang? Could they be giving you a message?" Luckily, there were no more attacks, but in the days after, I found the thought of Tony Dice, and our danger still preying on my mind. One day at breakfast Diane took my hand. "Barry, are you still thinking about that crook? Come on, forget it. There's nothing we can do. Tell you what, do you have any appointments this afternoon?" "No, just some property documents to work on. Boring stuff." "Then why don't you come out with me, to the old Johnson place. It says in the paper," she waved it under my nose, "The family is selling the place, and they are auctioning off some of the furnishings. Maybe we can get some stuff that would suit our house. We'll make a picnic of it and get your mind off things. We'll take the carriage. The horses need a bit of exercise. And it's a nice spring day. Do you a lot of good to get out. You like driving." "Where is the Johnson place?" "Near a place called Frenchman's Bend, just a bit up the river from us. If my memory serves me right, the property once belonged to a Colonel Jim Johnson. He served in the state legislature for a number of years. He raised a big family in the house, but it looks like his heirs have no sentimental attachment to the place." "Yeah, sure." Actually, it sounded like fun, much better than my stuffy office. We had a pleasant ride through Frenchman's Bend on our way. The little town was neat and tidy, with even a statue of Jim Johnson in the square. The surrounding country was pretty, it was a nice morning, and I was in a good mood when we arrived at the Johnson place, but I shook my head when I saw the furniture lying outside on the front driveway. I looked apprehensively at some thunderheads building to the south. It just needs a quick downpour to ruin the furniture. In a few minutes Diane was having a great time. I just followed behind her as she pounced on some of the old pieces. "Barry, just look at this! It's genuine French fruitwood. Gorgeous stuff! It must be a hundred years old. I've just got to try for it." I shrugged. I had never paid much attention to antiques, but the dining table and chairs looked quite elegant and in good condition. I thought the chest looked a bit bulky, but if Diane wanted it, I was happy to go along. Eventually, we made a successful bid for the table and chairs and chest and arranged for the delivery to our home. I was some dollars poorer, but it was worth it for the beaming smile on Diane's face as we headed home. The next day, I had an exhausting morning with several clients, followed by a prolonged afternoon session in court, and I got home fairly late. I watched in apprehension as some draymen struggled to maneuver the chest from a wagon through our front door. We had had the entrance way redecorated, expensively, at the same time as we had the glass repaired. Diane grabbed my hand when I was getting in the door. "Come on, the table and chairs are already in the dining room." She was almost bouncing up and down with glee, and I had to admit that the table and chairs looked really good, despite their covering of dust. Then, when the workmen brought in the chest, I looked at it skeptically. "That definitely looks out of place in our dining room." She made a face. "Yes, I think you are right, but it's still a nice piece. I know, I'll put it upstairs in one of the bedrooms." The workmen rolled their eyes at our stairs and grumbled a bit, but with the offer of a bigger tip we got the chest manhandled upstairs. At one point it tilted and there was a sound of something sliding. It passed through my mind that something had been left in one of the drawers. That weekend, as she did not trust it to either of our maids, Diane asked me to polish all of our new acquisitions. I made a nice job of the table and chairs, and then started on the old chest. Remembering the sliding sound, I looked at all the drawers, but they were empty. With an effort, I tipped the chest on its side, and again heard the noise. Intrigued now, I checked the dimensions with a measuring stick. Diane had come into the room to look at my progress. "What are you doing?" "I think there must be something in the chest. I heard something sliding about, and the inside and outside measurements don't tally. You know, I think there's a false back, with a cavity of about an inch." "Any way of getting into it?" "I can't see how. Now if I carefully pried off the back panel..." "Do be careful, Barry. It's an antique!" "Okay, okay, I know." When I finally pried out the small nails at the back and lifted off the panel, a small cloth package fell out. Diane pounced on it first, and unwrapped an old book, bound in a kind of pale hide. A letter fell out as she opened it. She adjusted her glasses. "'To whosoever finds this book'," she read. "Now that sure sounds mysterious." "Who's the letter from?" "Oh!" she squealed. "It's signed Jim Johnson. You know, the one who used to own the place." "What does he say?" "'This book'," she read, "'came into the family's possession just before the war'. I wonder which war that was?" "I think he means the Civil War. After all, Jim Johnson was a colonel during it. Anyway, go on. What does he have to say?" Diane read slowly. "'I have found that it contains a number of magic spells, and that this magic is very effective. Use these spells with care and caution. They affect all within earshot. The later spells are powerful but are very weakening'. Gee, I wonder if he tried them all himself? Just imagine, using spells, and I heard he was a pillar of society." I turned over the first pages. The book was in bad condition, the pages stained, even mildewed in parts, the writing faded. "That's a nuisance, it's not in English." I looked closer. "In fact, I think it's in German, and in their funny Gothic writing too. There also seem to be two sets of handwriting." "Let me see," Said Diane. "I took some German at ladies school." She scanned the writing. "You're right. There are two sets of writing. The first spell says, 'To remove birthmarks.' Hmm, that seems harmless at least." Her brow furrowed. "That's funny, it's followed by some words I don't understand, in a different writing. The sounds are not German anyway." She flipped to the middle of the book. "Here's one. Gosh, how to cure a hunchback, and hah, look here, helping in childbirthing. Well, maybe that would be some use, if it weren't a lot of nonsense. Oh well, too bad, I was hoping there might be money hidden away in it." "But then it would have been Confederate money anyway. Then again, you could always use it to paper a wall with." Diane chuckled, and laid down the book. "Let me see." She scratched her head. "Now, I wonder if the chest would be better over by the wall here..." "What will we do with the book?" "I'll look at it again tomorrow. Maybe some antique book dealer would want to see it, or I'll give it to the Historical Society. Or maybe I'll try it with the Ladies Literary Society." "A book of old spells?" "It might be better than some of the pretentious junk they read. And some of them are real old witches anyway." *** I had hardly got back from work the next day when Diane grabbed my hand. "Sit down. I've got something for you." There was hot and humid south wind and I really wanted a cool drink but she was so serious I sat down anyway. "What's the matter? Did someone die?" "Oh no, but do you notice anything about me?" "I don't think so." I said slowly. "Oh yes, I like your dress." "Barry," she said in exasperation, "thank you, but I had it on a week ago. Anything else?" "Noooo..." "Look at my face." In truth there was something different, but I couldn't tell what. "How about my left cheek, just below my eye?" "Oh, you had a beauty spot there. It's missing!" "Finally!" she shouted. "So much for my husband noticing how I look! How long have we been married? Almost a year! Barry, that book we found yesterday. Remember it had a bunch of supposed spells in it? Well. I translated a lot of it this afternoon. The beginning pages have a bunch of spells for medical stuff. One of them was to remove a mole. I didn't believe it, but I recited it out loud and in a minute my spot disappeared. These things really work." "Oh, come on. There must be a rational explanation. Spells? That's just a bunch of nonsense. Snake oil. You don't really believe it, do you, do you..." She glared at me. "No, Barry, I didn't either at first, but it's stuff that works. It's mostly minor medical stuff, but there is some really weird stuff at the end. Have a look at it." She gingerly lifted the worn book off a shelf and opened it towards the end. "This one. It supposedly changes a woman to a man, and then over the page, there's a spell to reverse that and then, at the next page..." She carefully turned over another page. "'How to make a man into a beautiful woman', and there's its reverse spell as well at the very end." I laughed. "Now why would any man want to become a woman?" Diane glared at me. "And what's wrong with being a woman?" It suddenly felt much cooler. "Nothing," I said hastily, "except if I was a woman, then I wouldn't be able to appreciate you as much as I do now. Come on..." I pulled her onto my lap and kissed her, my arms looped round her slim figure. Her waist was slender, although hard from her corset underneath. By contrast her bosom was wonderfully soft and yielding. I stroked her thighs, feeling the hard ridges of her garters, and the curves of her tautly attached stocking tops. A sudden thought hit me. "Diane, the spell? Being a woman. I wonder if that would work? You know you suggested to me there was no way of getting Tony Dice alone unless I was a woman?" It was as if Diane had frozen, then she lifted her hands from around my neck and pushed herself out of mine. She was looking at me in horror. "You mean to say you still want revenge on Tony Dice?" she said slowly. "No, I don't think, Barry, that's a good idea at all. I don't want my husband changing to a woman, even temporarily. And it would be dangerous for you." We looked at each other in silence for about ten seconds. She had gone very pale. "Diane," I said, "I think I have to try it. It's a great opportunity to get even for my parents and for Bernie. And remember, that shot through our window. We are now in danger as well. Tony Dice could be successful the next time. If we want any peace or safety we have to destroy him. I'll try the spell, and if it works -it says I will be a woman- you could dress me as one, help me behave as one so I can fool him. We know he has a roving eye for women. I'd hope I became pretty enough to get his notice." "And then you'll kill him? As easy as that!" "I know. It won't be easy, and I'm taking the law into my own hands, but I have no choice. We could be in danger here unless we ran away, and I don't like running away. I'm prepared to take the risk." "Barry, it's not just that. You know I love you, as a man. I'm not sure of my reaction if you changed to a woman." "It need only for a week or so. Then I can change back." Diane bit her lip. "There's a lot more to being a woman than having the body of one. If you wanted to be convincing, you'd have to practice behaving like a woman, getting used to women's clothes, learning their mannerisms, and so on. That might take a lot longer than a week. More like a month." She looked at me and sighed. "I can see you are determined, so I think I had better make sure of my translation. I don't want to turn you into a frog." She opened the book again, and even got her old school German dictionary from a bookshelf. "Yes, it says 'to make a man into a beautiful woman', and then there are the words of the spell on the opposite page." She shook her head. "Goodness knows what these words are. It's not a language I have ever seen. I wonder if they are really sounds that correspond phonetically to some ancient language." She sighed. "When do you want to try them?" "Maybe next week. I have some client's business to finish first." "Have you wondered what to do about Theresa and Mary? You wouldn't want them around at the time." Theresa and Mary were our two Irish maids. "Yes, we'll have to keep them out of the way. We can give them two or three days off, and I'll say that I am going off on a business trip, and you've invited some female friend to stay with you for company. That will serve for any of our friends too if they start asking." "You know, Barry, we'll have to give you a woman's name too. I can't call you Barry if you are looking like a woman. What do you think? Something beginning with a B? Beatrice, Beulah, Bessie, Blanche?" "Oh God, please no, nothing like that. No, just change the first letter. How about Carrie, short for Carolyn?" "Okay, Carrie it is when you change. If you change. But I really don't like this." The next Sunday night I was ready. I was wearing only my dressing gown. My heart thumping, I opened the worn yellow pages of the book to the spell. "Well. Here goes!" I sounded the words out carefully. When I had finished the last word I waited in silence. I looked at Diane. There were tears in her eyes. Nothing seemed to be happening. "Oh well, maybe it's not going to work." I felt a letdown feeling, whether from relief or disappointment I could not say. "Come on, let's go to bed, or do you want a nightcap?" Diane was looking relieved. "No thanks. I'm sorry for your sake, Barry, but we are not sure what would happen. I'm glad for my own sake. I like having my husband around, as a man." She embraced me. I was feeling a bit cold, and I drew my dressing gown closer. I went to my liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle. Damn! I noticed my hand was shaking. A delayed reaction, my nerves acting up, I supposed. The liquor tasted good as I sipped it, and then I started to shiver, violently this time. "Diane!" I called. "I think something's happening." I was shaking uncontrollably now, and I saw Diane looking at me in terror. Then I remember no more. I can hardly remember my return to consciousness. It was a time of pain, nausea, and confusion. My body and head ached, and I had alternative hot and cold flashes. I vaguely remember my brow being bathed, my body being wiped down, strange sensations from my chest and belly, then the gradual realization that my body, apart from its aching, felt different somehow. "Barry? Do you hear me?" The voice seemed to be coming from a great distance. "Yessh," I slurred. My mouth was dry. My tongue felt cracked, furry even. It hurt to open my eyes. I could just make out Diane standing above me, her lovely face filled with concern. "Here, a drink of lemonade." It tasted wonderful. I drank it greedily. "Take it easy. Drink it slowly. Do you want another?" "Yes." I croaked. I drank another glass. My throat still felt thick, and my voice was funny, but I could now talk. "Is it the spell? Has it worked?" "Ye-es, but only after a fashion. In fact, to be honest, you look terrible." She bathed my eyes with a cloth. "Come on. Can you sit up?" Trying to ignore my aching muscles I struggled to raise myself, but I only managed to get onto my elbows. I felt awkward, uncoordinated. I realized I was still naked. Then my chest caught my view and I was shocked by the view of two female breasts, each tipped by a prominent pinkish brown nipple, but covered in hair. It jolted me more awake. I pushed down the sheet and felt at my belly. My penis was gone, also my scrotum. In their place was mound, then a set of folds. I opened my legs, and in wonder felt the small, but immensely sensitive nub of a clitoris, and still further down, the delicate soft lips of a vagina. It was just like my wife's. "So it's worked," I said in awe. I became aware that my voice, although still husky, was higher pitched. Diane was shaking her head, her eyes wet with tears. "In a way, but you look awful, like a freak. You've shrunk. You've a woman's body and face right enough, even a woman's voice, but I'm sorry Barry, you're still all hairy, just like a man. Do you want a mirror? I warn you, you're not a pretty sight." I grasped the mirror in unsteady hands and stared at the sight. True, I was looking at a woman's face, her head set on a long elegant neck, but the chin and upper lip, close shaven as I was, were prickly with dark hair. The eyes were ringed by dark circles; the hair was oily and disheveled. The shoulders were slim and graceful, but the chest below was still covered with hair. The image looked dreadful, like an ogress, a freak. I sagged in despair. "Oh God, what a mess. I thought it was supposed to make me into a beautiful woman." I was almost in tears. Looking like this there was no way I could pass myself off as a woman, or at least an attractive one. I tried to think rationally. "I guess I'd better wait a day or so, and then use the reverse spell. What a mess. How long was I unconscious, Diane?" "About a day and a half. It was awful. You fell unconscious, and then it was like your body started pulsating from end to end. First you started shrinking, then your proportions changed as well. Your private parts started shriveling, your shoulders and waist getting narrower while your hips were swelling, and then your chest, swelling too, into breasts. Quite a bust line you have now! Too bad it's all hairy. The funny thing is the spell slightly affected me too. I got a tingly feeling, then I felt faint and I had to sit down, but it didn't last nearly as long, and you know, I think the spell has changed me too. My bust is fuller, and my waist is a bit slimmer and higher. -I was a bit long in the waist before- and I think my face is even changed. Don't you think my cheekbones are higher, my nose smaller?" "Maybe you are right, but you were pretty just the way you were." I looked at my own face again. "But I'm not." I shuddered. "I wonder what I can do now?" "I don't know, Barry. I think you'd be better to wait a day or two to get your strength back before you use the reverse spell. God, I hope it works to get you back. Come on now. Are you hungry?" "No, sorry, I couldn't face it." The thought of food made me feel nauseous. "Do you want me to wash you? Get rid of that fevered smell?" As I lay back in the bed I vaguely heard her running some water. I was almost in tears from despair and frustration. Diane put a basin of water beside me. "Barry, come on, a wash will make you feel better." I got up but my legs collapsed under me. Diane helped me back into bed. "Better let me do it. There," she said, as she rubbed my face with a cloth, "You even look a bit better." She peered at me closer. She frowned. "That's funny! The hair on your beard is not so noticeable. Say, it's actually falling out!" "What? Ahh! Careful, don't rub so hard!" "Oh, sorry! Yes, your beard is falling out. Let me see your chest. All right, don't wince. I know that nipples are sensitive. I have breasts too, in case you've forgotten. I won't rub hard. Look! Your hair on your chest, it's just falling out! It's breaking off at the roots!" She began to rub further down. "Yes, and the hair on your privates are going too. My God, it's almost all gone. Look!" Yet another shock. There was now only a small triangular patch of soft blonde hair left. When I now viewed myself in the mirror, there was no longer any doubt about my female appearance, except that I still looked worn out. I must have been still exhausted, as I next remember waking up in bed. I was still naked. Remembering what had happened, I felt at my chest, the two soft mounds of my new breasts. They felt just as wonderful as Diane's did, soft, yet firm, the nipple and surrounding areola fitting so easily between my thumb and forefinger, yet it was my own chest feeling the exploring hand, and my own nipple generating the little electric shocks. I rubbed my face cautiously. It was altogether smoother, softer. I looked at my hands. They were smaller, more delicate. My arms were shorter, slimmer, more rounded, set with only some fine hairs. My legs were the same. My wide hips curved to a generous rear. I felt a mixed elation and shock. My stomach tightened with the thought of the events before me. I must have dozed off yet again as I awoke to Diane shaking me gently. "Barry, I mean Carrie, you have to try to get up now." She levered me out of bed. My hips were different, my feet smaller, and I was still wobbly from weakness. She supported me as I edged carefully to a chair. Diane and I were now much closer in height. Before using the spell, I had been six inches taller. Even through my weakness I was aware of the round smoothness of my new body, its different proportions, the changed set of my hips and thighs, the weight of breasts on my chest. "Well Carrie? Are you going to carry on with your plan, or have you changed your mind?" "I have to carry on, now that I've come this far." "I was afraid of that. I must say you look quite well now. Look at your face. Your complexion has changed too." I looked closely in the mirror. My skin was unlined, smooth as fine china. Altogether my features were rounder, yet finer. In wonder I ran my fingertips over my cheeks. They felt so soft. "Yes, many women would kill for a complexion like that," said Diane. "Well, the next step. We'd better get you dressed. Are you prepared for that? Wearing women's clothes?" "Yes, I guess so." "Then I have to get your measurements. We'll have to get some of your clothing made, but hope I can get all the rest of the stuff you'll need in the stores. And we have to decide how you are to be dressed. You know, like a cheap woman, or more upper scale, ladylike." "What do you think will work for Tony?" "That girl he was with at his club was well dressed, a bit suggestive, but expensive. Maybe that will work for you too. Stand over here, in front of the mirror, where the light is good." She pulled out a tape measure from a sewing box. "Okay, Carrie, stand up straight." I looked in awe at my new figure, the rounded breasts with their prominent nipples, the narrow waist, flaring to a softly curved belly and prominent hips, long straight legs, smooth thighs and calves, over neat ankles. She began to check my measurements. "Your bust is thirty five, your waist, twenty three, your hips, thirty six." And so it went on, even my neck and shoe size. "You're lucky. You're a nice slim build. You're a bit tallish, but not too much. I think we'll be okay with most underwear. I'll loan you some of mine, although I'm not sure how I feel about my husband, even though he is changed into a woman, walking around in my underwear. You can wear one of my corsets temporarily, but we'd better see about some new ones. I was slightly long-waisted before the spell changed me too, so the top of the corset will poke into your breasts, a bit. You'll need new stockings too, and shoes, as your feet are a bit larger than mine. You'll also need a dress, maybe two or three, and a blouse and skirt outfit. Then definitely something a bit more dressy, slightly revealing, for you to act as bait." She rummaged in a drawer. "Okay, there are a couple of pairs of drawers, and two chemises. Try them on. This is only temporary, remember! Bridget and Mary will be back tomorrow. They may start to ask questions if they see you wearing my clothes, with none of your own." She looked squarely at me. "All right, Carrie, your big moment. We'd better get you dressed. See how you look. The sooner the better for you get used to it. Now first, a chemise." She picked up a delicate pink garment, trimmed top and bottom with ruffles of lace. I had not thought too much previously about dressing as a woman, but now my stomach began to get butterflies. "This is a nice one in a silk knit. Come on, hold out your arms." I took a deep breath and she slid it over my head. I shivered as the fine material settled over my shoulders. It tickled my breasts. It was cool against my belly and thighs. "You see there is a drawstring at the neck? That's so you can adjust your neckline to suit your dress. Now, you'll need a corset. Try this on. I'll loan you one of mine temporarily." The corset looked fearsome, a heavy pink material, alarmingly boned, and with six dangling garters. "Do I have to?" "Yes you do, if you want any outer clothes to fit and look right. Hold your arms up." She wrapped the garment round me. "To put it on you fix the clips at the front, like this, and adjust it loosely. Just let me draw in the laces a bit. I'll tighten them more in a minute. Now sit down and I will fix your stockings. Here is a pair of black silk ones." She drew a stocking up to my thigh, fastening it to the three garters, and repeated with the other one. The stockings felt smooth on my legs. Diane grinned. "How do you like me fiddling with your garters, for a change? Anyway, stand up, and I'll give the laces a final tightening. Hold onto the bedpost there." She yanked on the laces. I felt my waist tightening as she worked up and down my back, my waist getting more and more constricted. I grunted with each pull she gave. I wondered what I had let myself in for. The top of the corset pulled my chemise in more around my breasts, slightly compressing them, but supporting them as well. "There" she gasped. "God, I didn't think it took so much effort. Next time I'll have Bridget do it." Our maid Bridget usually helped my wife dress, but occasionally she allowed me to help if she was dressing for the evening with an especially tight corset. Diane looked at me critically. "I think that's good for the moment anyway. Now, next item. Women usually wear a camisole on top of their corsets, and drawers at the bottom, but it's really hot in summer. You may be more comfortable if you just wear the dress on top, at least in Louisiana. When we get to Chicago you may want to wear more." She stood back and looked at me. She began to cry. "What's the matter?" "It's just that, looking like that in women's underwear," she sniffed, "I'm more and more aware I have lost my husband. Barry, are you sure you won't give this up?" "No, I've come this far. I must see it through, for our own safety." "Have a look at yourself." She stood me in front of the mirror again. "Oh God, have I ever changed!" I have to admit I almost panicked. I saw only a pretty girl in her corset, chemise, and stockings. There was only a trace of Barry Strong in her appearance. I took a deep breath to muster my courage. "Okay, what's next?" "How do you find the corset? Too tight?" "Yes, it is tight, but how tight do women wear them?" Diane grimaced. "Usually as tight as we can get them without fainting, but that's as much as we can tighten that one anyway. It's now completely closed at the back. Even though the spell has made me slimmer too, your waist is even slimmer. Damn you! Oh excuse me, but I never thought my husband would get a narrower waist than mine!" She made a face at me. "That's why we should get you a corset of your own. Anyway I think you look fine. I mean... that you look just like a woman should, but..." She blew her nose into a lace handkerchief. "At least your feet are bigger than mine. I have the daintier feet, but try these dress boots of mine. They are soft, so you should be able to get your big feet in them. That's it, push into them." "That pinches!" "Sorry. It will have to do until you get your own. Now, here's a book. I want you to balance it on your head and walk back and forwards with it, get you a start in walking gracefully." It was difficult at first, and it was not helped by the tight high-heeled boots. I wobbled around for a bit before I got the hang of it. Or so I thought. Diane was holding her head in her hands. "That's awful. I've seen more graceful cattle," she snorted. "Try it again!" I did so, but I could see from her face my gait was not much improved. "Oh well," she eventually shook her head in disgust. "That's enough practice for today. Put on one of my dressing gowns and we'll have something to eat. You hungry yet?" "Yes, As a matter of fact I am." "Why don't you sit at the table, and I'll get something from the kitchen." I was shocked when I tried to sit. I could hardly bend at the waist, and I had to lever myself gently into the seat. Diane was grinning at me "Yes, you see what women have to put up with, but take heart. You are actually moving not too bad. Another day's practice and you should be okay." Now I knew how women managed to sit so straight. My appetite had returned, and I ate quite well, but found I was falling asleep. "Come on, sleepyhead," said Diane, "Looks like it's time for your bed. I can see you are still tired." I stumbled as she led me to bed and I was barely awake as she undressed me. I felt something being slid over my head, and then I remembered no more. *** I was awakened the next day by Diane thrusting back the drapes. "What's going on?' I said, as I painfully screwed up my eyes at the sunshine. "Why so early?" "It's more like midday. Time you were up out of bed. We should get going." She held put one of her dressing gowns for me. It was then I discovered I was dressed in one of her nightgowns. Bewildered I raised my arms and looked at the lace. "What's the matter?" asked Diane. "You've put me in one of your nightgowns. Did you have to?" "It was either that or your old plain cotton nightshirt, and it would be much too big for you. You would look ridiculous. At least now you look like a woman, a pretty one too. That's what you wanted, wasn't it?" After breakfast she led me to our bedroom. "I am still not sure about this at all, but I suppose the sooner we get going the sooner it will be over. Now, off with your dressing gown and the nightdress." It was strange standing undressed, uncomfortably aware of the beautiful girl standing in front of me in the mirror, duplicating my every move. "Well, the spell obviously worked," said Diane. "You really are beautiful. You've a body will attract any man. Oh well, that's the cake, now for the icing. Some pretty clothes," She helped me on with a chemise, corset and stockings. "I went out earlier while you were still sleeping, and I got you a wig. Let me see how that is." She unwrapped it and set it on my head. "It's color will match your blonde hair. This is a pompadour style. A lot of women are wearing their hair that way. There!" She adjusted some of the strands. "Look at yourself now." The illusion was perfect. For better or worse I had no male features left. "One more thing," said Diane. "Your eyebrows. You've lost some hair, but they are still too hairy. Hold still!" I winced as she plucked them with some tweezers. "Now, be with you in a minute." Diane returned with one of her dresses. It was a pale gold, in fine cotton, well trimmed with lace. "You can try this dress of mine. Up with your hands." She slid it over me and fastened it. She stood back and looked at me, then tugged down the skirt a little. Turn around, slowly." She made a face. "Yes, a bit short, but it will keep you respectable while we get out and get you your own dresses. These colors don't really suit you. Oh, you'll need a hat too. Here's a nice broad brimmed one. It will be good for your complexion. You're a bit too tanned for a lady, but if we keep you out of the sun you should soon fade to a ladylike respectable pallor." She adjusted the hat on my head, and slid a long lethal-looking hatpin through it. "There, that should hold your hat fine, unless you are out in a gale." "Now, something for your feet." She pulled her boots over and forced my feet into them. Fortunately, she laced them up without me asking. "Yes, we will definitely need new boots for you, and light evening shoes. So we'll need a visit to my tailor, my corsetiere, and the shoemaker as well. We can get most of the other things we need ready made at the clothing store down near the square. They have good quality stuff and with your nice figure, fitting you should not be a problem. I like my stuff made-to measure, but we don't have time for that. Now, on your feet, let's have a good look at you." She viewed me critically. "Not bad. You should be fairly convincing as a woman. All right, are you ready for some shopping?" "Yes, I guess so." I took a deep breath and followed her out the door. It was a strange feeling as we walked along the street to the stores, the dress flapping against my calves, the rigidity of the corset, and the effort to balance in the high-heeled boots. I fought down my panic that I would be recognized. Diane must have read my mind. "Try to relax, Carrie, don't worry. No one would recognize you. They may notice you're walking a bit awkward, that's all, and that will be better when you have better fitting footwear." She took my arm. "Just take it slow. Keep your walk graceful, your back straight. Ladies don't hurry anyway. Yes, you are doing well. We are almost half way there." "Where are we going?" "I think we should visit my corsetiere first. Get you a good foundation for your other clothes. The old one you have on is too long for you. It's poking your bust." Indeed I was almost wincing in pain by the time we reached my wife's corsetiere. This was a small shop with only one mannequin, with a tiny waist, but discreetly fully dressed, in its window. A small bell rang as we entered. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Dixon," said Diane. "Oh, good afternoon, Madame Strong. What can I do for you?" "I will be needing a new corset, maybe two. I think my old ones don't fit as well. And this is my old school friend, Carolyn Jones. She is visiting me for a bit and will need a new corset as well. I wonder if you can fit her?" I smiled nervously to Mrs. Dixon. "Why, I think so, Madame. Do you wish to make an appointment?" "Well, if possible, Mrs. Dixon, could you do it now? Miss Jones urgently needs it. She is visiting me and some of her luggage was stolen." "Oh, how terrible! But certainly, Madame Strong. Perhaps you would come this way, ladies, to my fitting room?" The fitting room was fairly small, equipped with a screen and some chairs. I saw a workroom off to one side with tailor's dummies and a worktable. "Well, ladies, I wonder if you would mind undressing to your chemises, so I can get your sizes. There is a screen there. You can disrobe behind it. I will be with you in a minute, as soon as I get a measuring tape from my workroom." "Carrie?" whispered Diane, as she helped me of with my dress, "I do believe you are blushing." "Yes," I muttered. "It's seeing all this female underwear around." "It's still not to late to change your mind." "No, I'm committed now, but can you help me get this damned corset off?" "Shh! Remember you are a genteel lady. Watch your language! Yes, but you should get used to doing it yourself. I'll slacken your laces then you can ungarter your stockings." I gave a gasp of relief when she slackened my corset laces and unhooked it. In a minute there was a discrete knock and Mrs. Dixon reentered carrying a notebook and a tape. She looked askance at my hat, still on my head, but did not say anything. "Very well, Miss Jones, as with all my customers. I would like to get some particulars. First, can I have your address?" "Oh, I will be staying with Mrs. Strong for a bit so perhaps you can use the same address." "Certainly, Miss Jones. Now, for your size?" She slipped the measuring tape around me. "Oh, you have a lovely slim waist, and such a nice firm bust too! Ah yes, but a little help from a pretty corset will still make it so much better." She started entering my measurements in her book in a purple ink. "And what style would Madame like?" Diane broke in. "I hear there is a straight front style fashionable nowadays. It is supposed to be healthier." "I don't know about that." said Mrs. Dixon. "But it is certainly fashionable. Now, Miss Jones, what material would you like?" "Oh, a nice fabric, silk perhaps," Diane added before I could reply. "You know, Miss Jones, I have one I just completed, in a pale blue. I think that would fit well with little adjustment. Would blue be suitable?" Diane gave me a quick glare when I shrugged. "Oh yes," she said, "I think that would be nice." Mrs. Dixon rummaged through a drawer and pulled out a garment. "Can you lift your arms, Miss Jones?" I did so and she fastened the front clips. I let out a gasp as she tightened the laces, and I was only slightly gratified by Diane's squeals of admiration. "Oh, that looks so fashionable, and I love the pretty tulip pattern on the fabric," she said. Mrs. Dixon gave a satisfied smile. "Yes, it looks like an almost perfect fit." I was not so sure. The design of this garment forced me into a strange pose, my bust forward, and my rear sticking out backwards. "Now Miss Jones, let me help you with your stockings and see how it is then." It was a good thing she helped me. I was not sure if I could have bent enough to fasten the garters myself. "That looks wonderful, Mrs. Dixon," said Diane." but I see why they call the style an 'S' shape. Now, perhaps Miss Jones should get two." "Oh, I'm sorry, Madame Strong. That was the only one I had ready in that style, but I can make another for Miss Jones in two days. The same style?" "Yes, but in white, this time. Is that fine for you, Carrie?" "Whatever you say," I gasped, trying to get my breath, and trying to figure out how I would be able to walk. Diane gave me an encouraging look. "Now, Carrie, why don't you just keep that one on? Then you should get your dress on and we will get to my tailor. But first, Mrs. Dixon, can you measure me as well?" Mrs. Dixon measured Diane, and then frowned as she checked her records. "That's unusual, Madame Strong. Indeed, your measurements and proportions seem to have changed, and unfortunately I do not have any in stock that will fit you. It will take me several days." Diane pouted, but agreed to come back. "Well, thank you, Mrs. Dixon. I would like two, one in white and one in pink. And please just put that one for Miss Jones to my account." "What was that about a straight fronted style?" I asked, as we got out into the street. "Oh, I read about them in one of my magazines. They are supposed to be the style now, but I was not sure if I wanted one. So I just thought I'd see how they looked on you. If I liked it I'd get that style too." "And do you?" I asked bitterly. "Yes, not bad, I have to say though, you look a bit like a pigeon, with your rear out at the back, and your bust is sticking out the front, as it's not as high at the waist either," She giggled. "But then, that's the fashion. Of course, I'll need to get a new wardrobe too. Won't that be nice?" She gave me a gleeful smile. Fortunately, my wife's tailor, Miss Stephen, was only on the next block. I wondered if I would faint by the time we got there. Again I had to remove my dress and stand while she fussed and fidgeted around me. I was measured for a day outfit, a fancier dress for eveningwear, and a blouse and skirt outfit. "When will these be ready, Miss Stephen?" "It will be about a week, Madame. I have been quite busy." "Ah, a pity. I will need some new outfits too, as I have some new corsets being m

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Charmed Kitten

Charmed Kitten By Maggie O'Malley Rebecca stared intently into the computer screen. Frustration was etched on her lovely young face, and a frown turned at the corners of her mouth. Her chin rested on the thumb and forefinger of her right hand, while her left hand worked from the top of her head through her thick brown hair, stopping at the base of her neck to massage her aching muscles. Her beautiful brown eyes were tired from hours spent at the computer and pouring over...

4 years ago
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Charmed BunsChapter 2

Cole still in full-masked grabbed Phoebe’s long brown hair, tugged on it and pulled the youngest Charmed One to the rear exit. Phoebe disappeared from the ballroom. Soon Cole magically transported her to his apartment or more specifically the master’s bed. “Okay Phoebe, I’m going to give you something you have deserved for years. Now it’s going to happen!” Cole announced. As he positioned himself behind the nineteen year-old kneeling girl and pushed Phoebe down on all fours Phoebe gasped and...

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Charmed BunsChapter 4

I don’t own the television show, Charmed or the characters nor do I get any money from the writing or posting of this story. This is fan fiction based loosely on events that take place in the episodes of Charmed. This plot is loosely based on Season Four. Please note codes include future chapter plans. Please read and vote and consider its development in your vote as new chapters are added. Don’t every try any of these scenarios. They are fantasies and not to be acted upon home. All actions...

3 years ago
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Charmed 1

Disclaimer: This is an erotic story. You must be 18 to read this story, be able to read erotica in your community, and not be offended by the contents of it. If you are not 18, live in an overly repressed community, or are easily offended, move on. This is not for you.This is also a parody and as such is protected under the first amendment. I do not claim to own the characters used herein, I'm just borrowing them for a little while, and there is no intent to use the characters for profit. Any...

3 years ago
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There seems to be a lack of Charmed so lets see how this develops. Pick your scenario involving the trio of gorgeous San Francisco white witches as they battle demons in sexy outfits. Add whatever you want as the sisters engage in whatever sexual scenarios you can think of, fall victim to evil demonic plots anything goes. Choose to set during the first three seasons with Prue, processing the power of telekinesis and later astral projection, Piper with the power to freeze time and blow things...

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Inspired by the painting "La Charmeuse" (1868) by Charles Gleyre, as it inspired Mat Twassel to ask people to write about it. The story will be more meaningful if you first look at the painting. It's a full-figure nude woman seen from the rear. If that gives offense, or anything else in this story gives offense, your remedy is obvious. Stop reading, and gradually, over the years, try to forget. Charmed by Vickie Tern In those days paintings were often stillpoints...

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Todd Knowles Camp Counselor II

Mo followed Mr. Knowles to a dimly lit room. 'Whats going on' she asked. 'Dont worry Mo, i told you i got you. Now what i want you to do is sit right down here.' Mr. Knowles said reassuringly. 'Sit where, Todd?' 'For now Monique, It's Mr. Knowles. And i want you to sit here.' Todd said pointing at his lap as he sat in the brown leather recliner. 'Oh? You want me to sit here on your lap?' Mo said teasingly. 'Yeah bring that fat ass over here and get comfy.' Todd requested. Mo seductively walked...

2 years ago
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Charmed to the Tenth Ch 02

Eva LeMere sprang from her vanity and ran for her bedroom door. She stood like a goalie guarding the threshold, blocking her four dogs from entering her bedroom. The smallest was the most vocal, also the most difficult to keep out. They had reacted to the noise, come to investigate, to see if it might have anything to do with a threat or perhaps some food might be involved. ‘No, you, out.’ She said to the little one she named Ruffian. Of all her dogs over the years, Ruffian seemed the most in...

3 years ago
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Charmed to the Tenth Ch 04

The next morning, Eva felt him with her before she became aware of herself. She yawned and stretched. A happy contented sigh escaped. She heard him chuckle. ‘Now wouldn’t it have been better if we were waking up together?’ ‘Mmmm, but we are together.’ Eva purred. ‘What time is it?’ ‘Don’t change the subject. 6:00 in the morning, God, you’re a difficult woman to pin down. What is your last name, what is your phone number, when can I see you in the flesh? Tell me all that right now before...

4 years ago
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Charmed to the Tenth Ch 01

Prologue The doors slid open allowing the woman to step inside. As her left foot crossed over the threshold of the elevator compartment, she briefly glanced toward its only other occupant. Her eyes registered her shock. The other occupant mirrored the expression and it was in that second a tenuous connection was made. The man watched as she turned away, noting her embarrassment and apparent nervousness. He studied her from behind wondering: Who she was? Had they met before? Would they meet...

3 years ago
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Charmed to the Tenth Ch 05

** There are significant changes in this chapter, although the essential story remains unchanged. I draw you attention to this name: Elsie Kuhn-Leitz. The actions she is attributed to be responsible for in this chapter, which is fantasy, are actions she undertook during WWII, for which she was named a Righteous Gentile. *Merci M. Tootallday * ‘Dogs. Jesus Christ you have four dogs? As if one of these beasts isn’t enough?’ Jeff stood in the doorway of Eva’s home, staring down the big black...

3 years ago
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Todd Knowles Camp Counselor III

It was 10pm; hours after the k1ds from camp had gone home and that Monique had stayed to 'help straighten up.' Monique hadnt gone that far before. She dreamed of it but not with an older man. Not with Mr. Knowles at that. No one had noticed that she just gotten home. Monique grabbed something to drink before heading upstairs to get settled for the night. She was sticky from both the sweat from the day, and from the after activities as well. As Monique got settled in she ran herself some...

4 years ago
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Professor Knowles Realizati

Jack Knowles had been interested in science as far back as he could remember. As soon as he could get his hands on Dad’s tools, he began dismantling and reconstructing household things, always successfully. When he first saw his Mom make bread and saw the dough rise, he became interested in chemicals and their interaction. His parents gave him a chemistry set, which he quickly took to, and completed all the possible experiments in only a couple weeks. They bought him a more advanced one, which...

College Sex
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Charmed to the Tenth Ch 03

She was warm. A limbic, peaceful warmth that, had she any memory, sensory or tangible, of being cuddled and swaddled as a babe, this would be what it would feel like. But then something changed. Something was moving, something that should be still, was moving. The warmth of her slumber was slipping away as the movement continued to creep into her consciousness. ‘Oh Bingo, No, no, no. Go lie down.’ Bingo, the old, white muzzled, golden retriever was standing on the other side of Eva’s bed,...

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Todd Knowles Camp Counselor IV

Monique had on a pair of Vera Wang nighties, it was a pair of black rayon shorts with a white lacy trimming that stopped a half inch below her crotch and while silk sleeveless shirt with grey tropical fish on it. She had brought it from Khols one day while shopping with her friends. She only wore it on nights that she knew she would be doing some serious pussy play. The fact that Todd wanted to see her was an added bonus. 'Whats up? Where you want me to go with you?' Monique inquired. 'I cant...

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Todd Knowles Camp Counselor

When i was younger during the summer i had to go to summer camp. Not the kind when you stay away from home but the kind that you go to during the day as your parents are at work. I enjoyed it, of course, but the boys acted kinda strange towards me. I didnt understand why, these were the same boys that i went to school with and discussed wrestling with. Many girls never understood how a girl could be so obsessed with wrestling, but that was their problem, not mine.One Tuesday i came to camp...

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Important Notice: On my vacation just now, I found out that I lost some of my fun at writing ever since posting what I created, because I always thought about what would be good for the readers. Something I never did in the years before. I wrote a story just as it came to my mind once again and can tell, that it does far more to relax me than what I did in the last months. As a consequence, I will not post anymore in the foreseeable future and go back to write just to relax without...

2 years ago
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Charmed Monkey Business

Chapter One Only a few months prior to this story, Piper had almost died because of a deadly disease. Her doctor during this emergency, a Dr. Williamson, did not offer much hope to her two sisters as to her prospectus. The disease seemed to be a deadly mutation of a less fatal strain and the doctors were helpless in saving her. Luckily for her, Leo had betrayed his trust of the White-Lighters and saved her life as she was rising to the legendary white light that every near-death experimenter...

3 years ago
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St Andrews Gorakhpur Ki Preety Maurya Part II Lucknow Me

Hi, dosto main Aryan from Gorakhpur.Aap logo ko preety ki pahli chudai ki kahani pasand aayi aur uska reply bhi mila. Aap logo ka thanks you.Ye ek real story hai. Meri aur meri gf preety maurya ki hai jo abhi St. Andrew gorakhpur me Bsc 3rd year mai hai. Pahli story me preety kaise chudi thi mere hi ghar mai, uske bad mere family valo ko uske upper sak hone laga to vo muskan naam ki ladki ke sath room mate bangayi. Lakin hum hamesha bahar milte the aur SRS Mall me movie dekhte the. Now coming...

2 years ago
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Met Slutty Priya During Campus Recruitment In Lucknow

It was summers and college 4th semester has just ended. I was selected from my company to go on a recruitment drive. Lucknow was the first city selected in our itinerary. We went to BBD university for campus selections. I was glad to visit north India after a long time. I missed north Indian girls after living for past 9 years in Bangalore.That too Lucknow famously called ‘Randiyon Ka Saher’. I was secretly excited to see hot college girls. And Lucknow did not disappoint me. Fair, beautiful...

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Give Me Some Sugar Part 1 Rochelles Tryout

Introduction: A man goes from an obscure loser to a wealthy writer, and reaps more benefits than just money. ​ Life sure is funny is how it plays out. I have never been a religious man, still am not, but I did listen to the Joel Olsteen guy when the times were bad. He was so positive, that helped, but he also talked about how God could make up for decades of crap, in just a few years through super natural increase. Like I said, I am no Christian and am agnostic about the existence of a deity,...

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Uncharmed Circle

Uncharmed Circle By Bill Hart I stood and stared at the image being reflected back at me from the silvered surface. Everything certainly seemed all right. It was, of course, me that I saw reflected there. That made perfect sense. Who else could it possibly be but me standing before the mirror? Mirrors simply didn't lie. Reflections couldn't possibly be anything or anyone other than what or whom they appeared to be. Whenever I stood in front of some mirror, then whatever I saw...

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Cat and Mouse The Tryout

Cat and Mouse: The Tryout by Bluto "Good afternoon, this is Della Delargio reporting live for WNBC from the financial district. The Protectors, NYC's newest superhero team, has just foiled a bold daylight robbery attempt by The Destroyers, a gang of supervillains who have been increasingly active in recent months. "The Destroyers staged a lightning raid on the Federal Reserve Bank and were about to make a rooftop getaway when The Protectors came charging to the rescue. Here...

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Lucknow Saharaganj

(The Names in this story have not been published as it’s a true story and privacy is required) Lucknow, Nov 2010: I am a 26 years old married guy, 5 feet 11 inches, very fair and smart as most people say, working at managerial level in a multinational bank. Simple fact about me. I simply love married women. After being happily married for 2 years, I have developed a strange fascination and attraction towards married women! And it all started on that evening of 25 Nov 2010 in Saharaganj,...

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Cheerleader Tryouts

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Cheerleading (what else?) Hey Em, it's your very-best-friend-in-the-world, but I guess you knew that when you saw the "from" line, right? Duh, my blond is showing again. Anyway, how are you holding up in godawful Cleveland... I still CANNOT believe that your parents could just up and move from beautiful SoCal to the midwest for gods sake... and break up the dynamic duo of Smithfield High cheereleading... but anyway, I still...

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Lucknow Lady Comes To Bangalore For A Massage

Hey, folks, it took a while to pen down my experience. Busy office schedule, appointments, travel had kept me busy. A quick intro about me. Nishant (Nish) here from Bangalore. Working in an IT firm. Have been offering massages to females and couples for over 6yrs now. Have traveled across India only for massages and on a couple of occasions have offered massages during my business trips overseas as well. You can check the author page for my other experiences submitted on ISS. There are many...

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Lucknow Mein

Hi myself Rahul maine yahan per aage ek story post ki thi kunwari family. Isko pad kar mere ko bahut saare yahoo per messages aaye. Lekin un mein se ek khaas tha. Yeh ek ladki ka tha jo Lunknow ke Indira nagar ki rehne wali thi and uska naam Rati tha. Usne kaha ki uske do bhai hai and woh unse sex karne ki icchha rakhti hai. Fir usne mujhe kaha ki mein usko bhai ke saath sex ke liye kuch tips doon. Hum roz baatein karne lage and deere deere hum role [playing karne lage. Mein uska bhai bhan jata...

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sali ko choda lucknow mein

Sali ko choda lucknow mein Hi friends I m avinash , this is my first story in iss, as I m very big fan of iss , so hello to all gals n boys, my id is I m 26 m lucknow, newly married with strong cock, and average build body , the story begins as this way , meri shaddi one year pehle hyui hai, meri ek choti Sali hai jo ki bahut sexy hai uska rang weathish hai , par uska figure bahut hi sexy hai , use boobs bahut bade hai, jab bhi mein usse dekta tha mera lund hard ho jata tha , mein hamesha se...

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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 10 Baseball Tryouts

First thing, I went looking for Tracy. She didn't see me come up behind her. I figured a little payback was in order so I gave her a hip check. Her head snapped around, and when she saw it was me, she got a big grin. "Hey, sexy boy," she purred. That got everyone's attention, and I actually blushed. She winked at me as she turned to go to her locker. It was nice to see her smiling. After school, I went to baseball tryouts. There were a lot of guys and even a few girls trying out. I...

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Getting Laid With A Tinder Girl From Lucknow 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I am Ankit (name changed) and I am back with a story with a Tinder Girl. I am from Lucknow and I am 25 years of age. This incident occurred a year ago when I got a match from this girl in Lucknow. I promised not to disclose her identity and I won’t. Her name was Kajal (name changed) and she was around 23 years of age and was doing Masters from Lucknow itself. After getting to know each other and sharing our expectations, we sort of hit it off. She was constantly asking me for my...

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Lucknow Ki Aarti Ki Chudai

Hello friends mera nam adi hai mai lucknow ka hu mai ek sportsman hu mera land ka size 7’8 aur 3inch mota hai jo kissi bhi ladki ko santust kar sakta hai mane bohut se ladki ke sath sex kiya hai kaise mai playboy bna aaj batane ja raha hu meri mail id hai ( )koi bhi anty ,bhabhi,ladki lucknow kea as pass sex karna chati ho to mail kare … Ye baat kisi ko nhi pta chalegi .Meri ek dost hai aarti (34,32,36)wo luckow ke hostel mai rahti thi hum ache dost the but dhire dhire humhare mai age baaat...

2 years ago
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Sex With Married Teacher Of Lucknow

Friends, I am a teacher in Lucknow , this story is about my fucking experience with my co-teacher in Lucknow. Her name is Jaya Sinha (name changed) , she is so hot and sexy though short height her eyes is like sea, uska husband busy rehta hai, one day she said that mere ko subject test likhna hai maine bola aap mere ghar chalo wahin aaram se discuss karte hain. Wo maan gayin ghar pahunch kar maine coffee banayi fir hum discuss karne lag gaye uske baad meri nazar uske boobs par gayi jo bahar...

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Lucknow Ki Yaad

Hi friends ek baar fir mai aya hu apke samne apni ek nayi story lekr jo ki baat hai aaj se 3 saal pehle ki jab mai Lucknow mai 2 saal k liye apni company k kaam se posted tha. Jaisa ki aap sab log jante hai ki lucknow navabo ka shehar mana jata hai bada he khubsoorat hai lucknow. Mai jab vha pahuncha toh mere pass rehne ka koi sadhan nhi tha company ki taraf se milne wala room ek hafte baad allot hona tha kyu ki vha ka purana architect 7 din mai usse khali karne vala tha mai badi asamanjas mai...

4 years ago
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Lovemaking In Lucknow

Hey girls and guys this is Aditya again with a smoking and sizzling story that will send tremors and shivers running down your spine. Girls looking for a casual relationship in Delhi or Lucknow may reach to me at Your privacy will be taken care of. This story is about Shwetha (name changed for obvious reasons). I met her through ISS only. I had posted a story “Hot Sex in Lucknow” to which corresponded and mailed me. She was a second year BBA student studying at Amity University. In her email...

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Hot Sex In Lucknow

Hey horny girls and guys, hope you are all doing well. They story that I narrate is a true incident that happened with me during my current stay in Lucknow. I have been in Lucknow for the past one year and have found plenty of opportunities to explore its vices and other evils. This happened during the hot month of August getting Straight to the story the girl in the story is Priya (name changed for Privacy Reasons). Let me describe myself. I am 5’9″ in height, weighing about 200 pounds and...

1 year ago
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NSFW YouTube

It goes without saying that NSFW YouTube is my favorite YouTube. After all, I am a professional masturbator, a world-renown internet pornography expert, and a self-described pervert. I mean, sure, sometimes I’ve got to watch the same SFW tutorial videos as you when I’m figuring out how to upgrade the RAM on my laptop, but it’s only so I can watch higher-tech porn. (Those VR gadgets can be a real motherfucker, can’t they?) ThePornDude ain’t just a clever internet nickname, you...

Porn for Women Sites
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Consequences I No More I Love Yous

Consequences I: No More I Love You's By Myria Looking back it seems like it was all simple fate. If I hadn't had so much paperwork to do that I stayed well past my shift, if I hadn't decided to take the bridge across instead of my usual route home, if the moon hadn't been shining so brightly, if... If so many things hadn't conspired to come together I never would have even seen her. There's something about winter nights that can be almost exhilarating. The way the cold air...

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Defloration Of Pooja In Lucknow

My gf Pooja is 24 year old n studying in college. She is 5 foot 5 inches tall, with awesome figure of 34-26-34. She has nice slim waist with large round n soft boobs. Her cleavage is deep n any1 can get crazy to lick it. Her nipples r pink n invites when get hard n erected. She has flat waist with deep navel. Her hip is soft n round. She is fair like milk. Her round fair milky boobs can make any1 crazy to drink her milk. Her lips r as soft as rose petals. Sexiest part is her pussy with large...

2 years ago
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Being A Male Escort In Lucknow

Hi, everyone (boys/girls, gents/ladies, uncle/aunt). I am here with my another story (you can read my previous stories on iss me and my bubbly niece, My Lustful Journey With My Young Patient and post holi sex with my sexy maid). I am regular iss reader for the last 6 yrs & thankful to iss team for such a good platform and collection of stories. Hi, I’m a doctor with average physique n 7″ long n 3″ thick tool. I’ve experience of satisfying many ladies (some of them friends and few patients too)....

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Lucknow Me Padosan Bhabhi Ki Pyas Bujhayi

Hello friends I am Jay from Lucknow, up. Mai 5 fit 6 in ka ho. Pehalwan nhi ha magar sound figure ka chocolate boy type ka hoo mera land hathi ghode jaisa 10 11 in ka nhi ha, 6in ka hai. Ye meri life ki pahli story hai, mai koi writer nahi ho jo man se kahani likh lo ye mere sath huye ek real ghatna hai jise mai apke samne rakh rha hoo. Koi mistake ho to uske liye sorry. Aap logo se request hai ki apna feed back jaroor de. Koi bhi female mujhse contect karna chahti hai to mujhe….. … Mail...

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Defloration Of Pooja In Lucknow

Hi its vishal again. Today I will tell u how I took virginity of my sexy gf Pooja. U can respond on her mail As u know about her in our previous stories. But for new readers I will tell about us. N story will b in Hindi mixed with English. My gf Pooja is 24 year old n studying in college. She is 5 foot 5 inches tall, with awesome figure of 34-26-34. She has nice slim waist with large round n soft boobs. Her cleavage is deep n any1 can get crazy to lick it. Her nipples r pink n invites when get...

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Free Birds in the Bayou

“If you’re a man in America, and you have a great divorce lawyer, you get the kids every other week. If you have a decent divorce lawyer, you get them on the weekends. If you have a bad divorce lawyer, you get them a week of every month. If you have my divorce lawyer, you get them for one month every year before school starts, and no contact until then. You know, I sympathize with women activists in this country, I really do. It makes no sense that half the population had to claw through...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 20 Tryouts

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty: Tryouts Visit my blog at When Mark slipped out of bed, he jostled me from my dream. It was a reoccurring dream, where my whore of a mother never left us and we were all living together again, happy. There was always that moment of disappointment when I awoke and realized it had been a dream, my mother had run off to whore around with that musician. Anger was starting to roil in my stomach, so I forced the thoughts...

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Cheerleader Tryouts

This all started about a year ago when I was 23 and I was home from work. It was about 3:30 when my sister walked in from school. She had just finished cheer tryouts and was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that they did not think she was good enough“Well what did you do for them?” I asked. “Show me and ill be the judge of that,” I told her.“I don’t know, I don’t even think it was that good,” she replied.“Come on sis, you have been talking about this for so long. Just let me...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 23 Baseball Tryouts

When I went to school this morning I had an extra bounce in my step. I had a girl whom I loved, my movie obligations were done, for now, and best of all was baseball tryouts started today. I was excited about this season. We were finally going to get to play varsity ball. The other thing I noticed was they had broken ground on the new Field House. They planned on having it done by the start of the coming school year, next August. I could hardly wait to be able to use it. Dad was also...

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Marys Porn Tryout

I just posted "Mary Does Porn" about my friend Greg's wife Mary. I'll continue to tell it as he told me.It was a rainy Saturday evening in Hilo as I drove 41 year old Mary to a house on the outskirts of town. We entered and I noticed immediately that there was only one other young female there besides my wife. Stephan, one of Mary's clients in the body waxing business, had invited her to tryout for a part in a porn movie they were shooting.I saw Stephan there along with a large, dark Hawaiian...

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Wife Knowingly or Unknowingly Used By A Stranger

I had been thinking about getting my wife to have sex with a stranger for a while. It added a lot of heat to our sex life together, and to our fantasy life as well. I would get to her to imagine me as a stranger while we were making love, she would get so turned on by this that I knew she needed to be fucked by a stranger one way or another. She told me that she never wanted another man, but I knew that deep down she did.It took months of waiting for the right moment, until one night when we...

2 years ago
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Lucknow Me Anjani Ladki Ke Sath Ek Raat

Hi readers.. Kya hal hai?? I am regular reader of iss. Bahut maja aat hai kabhi kabhi..To maine socha mai bhi apna real incident share karoo.. To friends.. Lets start.. My name amit from lucknow.. 5.10” height good looks.. Working in a mnc. Ye incident ek dum sudden tha.. Mai office se ghar apni pool car se ja raha tha..Wahi koi raat ke 8 baje the.. Ki vikas nagar ke pass ..Ek nayi i10 gaddi ek mod pe thi wo uper nahi chhad rahi thi..Mujhe ussi side jana tha.. 5 min mai utar ke gaya to dekha to...

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Lucknow With My Beautiful Girlfriend

By : Amit.Zxcv Hi to all ISS readers I am a fan of ISS since I was in 10th std and very much like the couple section about myself I am Amit from Lucknow a doctor 5’10” in height and well built age 24 years about my girlfriend she is very attractive and with good assests which I didn’t want to disclose here. We met in an art of living classes and become good friends and subsequently couple so coming to the incident it happened to me 2 months ago. Till then we both had sex chat and phone sex but...

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Lucknow 35 saal ka Male

Yeh story merey kuch personal exp. Kee hai.Main chahta hoon kee appp log iska maza lein. Yeh ek sacchi kahani hain. Main story ko steps mein likhoonga.1st Exp. @ 17 Main jab 18 saal ka tha tab ek din mere mama ka phone aaya aur unhone ne mujhse kaha kee who aaj kahin kaam se jaa rahein hain aur mami ko mein office tak lift de doon. Mama kee shaadi ko saal huyey they. Aur mami ko 6 mahine pehley ladka hua tha. Mami kee umar lagbhag 24 saal thee. Main mama ke ghar pahuncha us samey mami tayyar ho...

4 years ago
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Horny Lucknow girl fingerfucked lewdly as I watch

I was scrolling through a ton of porn one lonely afternoon when I saw a bunch of ADs for cam girls. They just kept popping up, and at one point it made me so curious that I finally clicked on one. It led me to website. This website had so many hot desi Indian models of all shapes and sizes and it blew my mind. I scrolled through the list of models and clicked on a few that I liked. The one that stood out the most was a model named Mallika. She was fucking hot. Her face wasn’t...

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Unknowingly Passable

Robin Kraus was an unknowingly passable transgender lady. Being unknowingly passable meant that Robin's looks did not draw attention to the gender she was assigned to at birth. She was neither attractive nor homely, but average. It also meant as long as being transgender was unknown, then people would see her as a real woman. People got true sight past the illusion as soon as they knew the secret. They saw the giveaway which could never be forgotten. Robin had man hands and feet,...

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Mr Rogers Layout

I had been delivering his papers for just over a year, since I started the paper round at 13. I had to ride down a track to get to his bungalow, and the track was rough and full of holes that made puddles when it had rained. My bike often got very muddy going to his house. He had The Sun and The Daily Sport. The only two good things were that he gave me a decent tip at Christmas, and he also had The Railway Modeller and British Railway Modelling every month. He was pretty much at the end of...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 39 Leaving To The Elite Tryouts

“Do you really have to? Do you really have to? Please stay, big bro! My birthday ... I want to celebrate with you again!” Liz’s big round eyes were moist as she did her best to hold back the tears. Zax kneeled and took her hand. “I’m sorry, Liz, I have to”. He drew her to his arms. “I’ve obligations”. He hated his choice of words, what was she, then? ‘I’m doing it so one day we’ll be able to be together, wherever, whenever, without a worry in the world. It’s all for the betterment if my...

4 years ago
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The Devils PactChapter 20 Tryouts

When Mark slipped out of bed, he jostled me from my dream. It was a reoccurring dream, where my whore of a mother never left us and we were all living together again, happy. There was always that moment of disappointment when I awoke and realized it had been a dream, my mother had run off to whore around with that musician. Anger was starting to roil in my stomach, so I forced the thoughts of my mother away. Last night had been amazing and I was still feeling good about it to ruin it by...

2 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 28 Tryouts

The last semester had started off so bad, but by the end I had decided to stay where I was. With Rory and Gemma, I now had other students to talk to, it wasn’t often, but it was enough for me to get by. During the break I had plans. I had disregarded my Dad’s advice about not researching baseball, I did my normal video research, on all aspects of the game. As well as learning about the game, I discovered a few things about the game. Pitchers got a lot of recognition but didn’t play as...

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