Oh So Versatile free porn video

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Introduction: He is horny as hell. She is frigid. She suggests their ten year old daughter. His secretary, her daughter, his wife, their daughter and the Mexican maid find their own balance in life. Oh So Versatile

The Frazier family was no different from other families in most aspects. Walt Frazier was a highly sexed man. It seems most executive salesmen are. However his wife Amanda was not interested in sex. She never had been and she never would be. His secretary had taken up the slack with his wifes blessings. Please be discreet, dear, thats all I ask. She gave him a distant kiss on the lips, more that of an affectionate sister than one from a wife.

For nine years the arrangement worked very well. Then the secretary decided that she was not getting any younger, so she quit and began to look for a husband. Walt came home, told his wife the bad news and took her sexually for the first time in six months. It was not a satisfying coupling for either one of them. She was filled with disgust and he with resentment that she had not satisfied him even a little.

Jesus, if I dont find me a replacement Im going to go crazy, he complained.

Please Walter, do not swear in my presence.

The next morning was Saturday. In his weekly ritual Walt donned a pair of loose joggers shorts, fixed himself a tall but not strong Gin and Tonic and went outside to laze around the pool and think. He listened to a talk station on the poolside radio and sipped his drink. There were so many designer diseases floating around it was foolish to even consider a blowjob from a stranger, let alone begin a new relationship without a sexual pedigree from the person..

Dear, I am needed over at the church, Amanda told him. Meredith and a couple of her friends are coming over for a poolside party. Would you please chaperone them?

He waved his drink at her to show he understood and went back to the pressing business of finding another supply of pussy. Just as he sipped the last of his drink he heard young girls voices coming from the house. Meredith and her friends had arrived. It sounded more like ten or twelve than the two or three he expected.

Thirteen young girls ranging in age from about eight to perhaps barely twelve came out of the house. He opened his eyes, counted them and decided to get up and make himself another drink. He needed to be amply fortified to ride herd on all those girls. Suddenly, one girl squealed and began to whisper to another. They giggled and squealed until the one he thought to be about twelve years of age came over to him and said, Your cock is hanging out.

Oh for Christs sake, he exclaimed and stood up in a hurry. His face burned with embarrassment as he apologized. Sorry girls, I wasnt aware. He grabbed his empty drink glass and fled to the house.

Meredith followed him into the house. She looked down at the still half hard penis poking its way below the cutaway legs. His ten year old daughter told him, You better not come back outside until that thing goes down. Youre bigger than the boys we see at school, a lot bigger.

He tugged the leg down to cover his errant penis and apologized. Oh god, Honey, I did not mean to embarrass you in front of your friends.

Daddy, you did not embarrass me. I thought it was kind of cute the way you blushed. We all thought it was funny.

She giggled and took a small jar down from the spice rack. Here, see if this works, she told him and ran out the door as he read the label. It said, Meat tenderizer.

He moaned and tried to not laugh. He failed. Jesus Christ, meat tenderizer? Oh that fresh little brat.

After a while, new drink in hand, he wandered back out and sat in a reclining lounge chair. Walt made certain everything was tucked back in place. The radio had been changed to a country western station. Meredith had done that to bug him. He dozed and relaxed as he listened to the kids splash in the pool.

Suddenly he felt a wet girl sit on his lap. Merry honey, go play and let me think pure thoughts.

His eyes popped wide open when he heard the one he had estimated to be about twelve or so said, It isnt Meredith, Mister Frazier. Its me, Ruby Slater.

She twisted around until she was sitting astraddle of him, looking into his eyes. Boo, she told him and kissed his lips. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and licked his tongue. Then she jumped off and ran away.

Jesus Christ! he exclaimed. He felt his cock get hard and sat up straight to better hide it. All the other girls watched his reaction and laughed. Ruby made a face and stuck her tongue out at him. The girls went back to swimming and Walt headed back into the house to mix himself a third drink.

Meredith and Ruby grinned as they watched his hard penis bulge out the front of his shorts. He built his fresh drink and sat at the kitchen table. Jesus Christ, I am in bad shape if a little kid like that Ruby has me this hard.

He took another long pull on his drink and thought about where he might find a new secretary. He wanted one that fucked and was safe. Most of the willing ones wanted a commitment. Not quite thirty, Walt had been the target of a half dozen thinly veiled offers from other female employees. When he told them he was married and happily so, the offers were withdrawn.

He sat sprawled in the kitchen chair deep in thought. Meredith came in the back door and said, Daddy, it is five oclock and the girls are all going home. You might want to go into the front room or the den. They will all get undressed on the back porch and get dried off. Unless you want to watch us all get naked you better go.

Walt looked out the back window that opened onto the covered back porch and saw some of the girls were already naked. Shit, he mumbled. He beat a hasty retreat into the den.
Minutes later eleven young girls traipsed though the house and out the front door. Some called out their thanks, some giggled and two said nothing. He sighed his relief and headed back to the kitchen. He needed one last drink to settle his nerves. Even though he made his drinks tall and weak they had started to work their magic on him. Walt had a little buzz going for him by then.

Daddy? Ruby came in from the back porch, Ruby was invited to spend tonight and tomorrow night with us. Mama knew said it was okay. Did she tell you?

This is the first I knew anything about it, he answered.

Well, is it okay? She smiled with confidence because she knew he would not object.

You already know that, Honey. He bent over and kissed her forehead.

See, Ruby? Didnt I tell you Daddy was way cool. She hugged him, stepped back and grinned. Ruby came in from the back porch wearing a terrycloth robe.

Meredith hugged him again and said, It worked, didnt it?

Ah, what worked?

Why the meat tenderizer! She smirked at her punch line and the two girls ran into the front room laughing before he could reply.

Jesus, thank god Amanda will be here soon. Then the phone rang.


Dear, My sister Carrie is quite ill and there is no one to be with her. She just called me on my cell phone. I shall be late coming home this evening. We are trying to contact her daughter or Clarice right now. As soon as someone relieves me I shall be right home.

I like Carrie, he told his wife. By the way, did you know a friend of Merrys is spending the weekend?

Oh dear, I forgot to tell you. You wont mind too awfully would you Dear? Amanda had a bad habit of forgetting to tell him things.

No Amanda, you watch over Carrie and I shall muddle along here at home. He was not pleased with the idea of babysitting two young girls. Especially when one gave him a hard on.

Thats a dear, bye. She hung up.

Walt tossed out his no longer cold drink and mixed a fresh one. He carried it into the den and turned on the television. He half watched the news and brought his mind to bear on the problem at hand, a woman who took dictation and dispensed sex with equal ease. He could think of no one.

His musings were cut short when Meredith and Ruby climbed up onto his lap. What are you watching, Daddy? Meredith asked.

He was very aware of Rubys plump ass sitting on one leg as he answered, I was just thinking.

You wondered where to get a replacement for your secretary. Meredith answered.

Say what? What are you talking about? He felt a jolt in his stomach.

Daddy, I know you and Mama do not fuck. When your old secretary quit you did Mama just once. Then you went in the bathroom and masturbated.

Where are you coming up with all this? Walt was very nervous to discuss anything about sex with his daughter, especially his own sex life.

Daddy, I do hear things and you and Mama talk real loud sometimes. Grandpa fucked all his other daughters except her because she hated sex. I know all about her family.

Ruby grinned and opened her terrycloth robe. She was naked underneath. Meredith continued, Ruby does her dad and her uncle and two teachers at school. No one outside of them know what is happening. She has&hellip, discretion. Ruby grinned and nodded.

Meredith continued, We had planned that after Mama went to sleep, Ruby would slip to your room and let you fuck her. Her dad says she is the best he ever had. Now Mama is with Aunt Carrie&hellip, She finished her sentence with a shrug.

Walt became fascinated in spite of himself. How long have you and your father been doing it?

The girls slipped off his lap and Ruby dropped the robe to the floor. Her two cupcake sized breasts looked inviting to him. Her naked pussy made him salivate. She smiled and told him, We been doing it for almost three years. We went sixty-nine at first and then we started fucking. His cock is not near as big as yours.

How do you hide it from your mother? He felt like a male counterpart to Alice as things became curiouser and curiouser.

Oh we dont My folks swing and she says as long as we are discreet shes okay with it.

Stand up, Daddy, Meredith told him. He stood and she pulled his shorts down. She grabbed his hard cock and worked it loose when it got hung up on his waist band. She giggled.

Oh Meredith you shouldnt&hellip, he could not continue as Ruby came up to him and dropped to her knees. She brought her mouth down on it while Meredith held it and cupped his balls. He held back for a long time just so he could he could savor the sensations shimmering through him. He cum and she swallowed and sucked him dry.

Walt dropped back down into the chair and Meredith climbed up on his naked lap. She kissed him and slipped her tongue into his mouth He responded and got hard again.

Finally she broke the kiss. She slipped off his lap, kissed his cock and stood back.
Ruby lay down on the floor and said, Get down here with me. Her legs were spread wide open and she waited for him to fill her. Walt crawled on top of the young girl and slipped his cock inside her. It was a tight fit, but not as tight as it would have been if she had not already had a few lovers. She whimpered once as his head hit bottom. Meredith sat on the couch and watched as he fucked her friend. She pulled her panties aside and fingered herself.

Walt exploded inside the young girl and kept trying to drill deeper as he cum. Holy Christ! he exclaimed.

The phone rang again. Meredith got up to answer it. Daddy, Its Mama, she told him and brought the phone to him.

Still buried inside the cute little twelve year old he asked, Hello? Whats wrong? His first thought she had been in a wreck or became ill herself.

Dear, Carrie is worse and she refuses to go to the hospital until either one of our other sisters or her daughter gets here. I will see you in the morning. Amanda did sound sorry.
Thats okay, Dear. The girls and I shall keep each other entertained. Meredith and Ruby grinned and laughed when they heard him. All three knew what the entertainment would consist of. He smiled as he hung up.

Well, what do we do next? he asked.

Lets watch a movie, Ruby said.

A fuck flick, Meredith cut in.

Honey, I have never heard you talk or act like you have been today. Whats up?

Well Daddy, you never showed my friends your penis before. And you never fucked one of my friends before, right? She gave him an impish grin.

Okay, I give up. You win. However, when your mother is around, you knock off the stuff she would not approve of.

Sure, Daddy, she said. Thats cool.

Can we go rent a porno? Ruby asked.

You have any title in mind? Walt asked.

I would like to watch A Boy, His Sister And Their Dog. My math teacher, Mister Bradley said it was great.

Oh yes, from the title I can tell it addresses many civic issues, he told her in a dry voice.

Yeah, and a girl gets fucked by a German shepherd too. His wry humor went right over her head.

Very well, and what would you like to watch, Merry? Walt asked.

Oh, I dont care, so long as there is a daddy and his daughter in the movie. They got to have a lot of sex. Meredith smiled at him.

Well, lets go, he said and went into his bedroom to get dressed. When he came back out Meredith had on a mini skirt and no panties. She flipped up the hem so he could see. Ruby was wearing a mini skirt also. She showed him her naked pussy.

Walt shook his head and told them, Somehow I have gotten very accustomed to bare assed girls running around with me, all in a very short time. In his own mind he wondered about how easy it had been for him to make the transition from straight laced father and husband with a mistress to a full blown pedophile. It troubled him a little.

Then he pushed the thoughts out of his mind and asked, Who you planning to flash besides me? He got a thrill at the thought of his daughter showing her young pussy to a stranger. His defenses were fast crumbling. Lets go, he told them in an unsteady voice.
They drove down into the seediest part of town and parked in front of a brightly lit store named XXX Movies. He led the way inside and asked for a father and daughter movie.
Then he requested the one about a brother, sister and their dog. The man behind the counter told them, I cant let no underage kids in here. You might be cops for all I know.
The girls grinned at each other and lifted their skirts high enough for him to see their young pussies. Would a cop do that? Ruby asked.

The man behind the counter laughed. No, they would not. I guess you are okay. Here is a popular Father Daughter movie. I also got one real extreme, but it will cost you. The brother sister one is listed under Pets/Incest. Knock yourself out. Walt hurried to get the brother and sister movie while the girls each took charge of the two movies the man behind the counter had brought out.

When he returned to the counter the girls were putting on a show for the counter man and two new customers. They stood with their hands under each others skirts. Oh wow! Ruby exclaimed, for the benefit of their mini audience. I just cum again. She kissed Meredith on the lips.

Walt laughed at their antics and paid the man. One of the customers followed them out.

You want to make a fast thousand? he asked.

Hell, the little one makes that much pissing on our customers and the older one gets ten thousand a night for a single sleep over. Walt laughed as he saw his lie was believed.

We would do better than that but Daddy insists we get our sleep so we can keep our grades up, Meredith chimed in.

Lets go kids, Walt said and herded them toward the car. The three laughed all the way home.

Meredith hurried to open the door when they arrived. Ruby brought the three movies in and was quick to slip the brother, sister and dog in first. The girls undressed. Walt made himself a fresh drink and took his clothes off. He lay down on the floor between the two girls on his belly. The movie began.

There was the usual disclaimer at the beginning that all the actors were over the age of eighteen and the animal scenes were computer generated. Then came the opening shot of a girl about Rubys age. A boy perhaps a year older came from off camera and joined her. They kissed, separated and began to undress each other.

The girl paused and looked into the camera and said, This is my brother Tim and we love each other. I want his baby.

She resumed the undressing while the boy said, This is my sister Cindy. I want her to have my baby. We fuck every chance we get just so I can cum in her to get her pregnant. Walt noticed the strong resemblance and decided perhaps they were related by blood in the real world.

They went sixty-nine until he came. Then a big German shepherd came on camera, licked the boys ass until he got out of the way. Cindy got up on her hands and knees and the dog mounted her. Tim guided the dogs big cock into his sister and leaned back to watch.
The dog rammed his blood red cock in and out of her young pussy in hard driving surges of energy until he cum He stayed buried in her until the last drop left his cock. In an instant he dismounted and walked away, all interest in the girl was gone. Just like some of the guys at school, Ruby said.

The brother licked the dog cum out of his sisters pussy and the movie ground down to a happy ever after. My turn, Meredith said. She inserted the father and daughter disk the man at the porn shop had recommended.

The movie started without sound. Silent still pictures of young girls and adult males replaced each other in an ever changing montage as the title scrolled across the screen. Then the screen dimmed and brightened again. A man in his thirties and a young girl about eight or nine walked hand in hand down a gravel path in a park.

In the first sound heard in the movie, she looked up at him and said, You make me happy, Father. I hope to please you today.

You shall, my little one, you shall. The man, dressed in a sports shirt and shorts told her, Lets sit on the bench over there. He pointed with his free hand at a nearby park bench. When they reached it He sat and she climbed up on his lap. One of his hands went up under her skirt.

Father, wait, she said and wiggled down off his lap. She removed her panties just as a gray haired man in his late forties came by and stopped to watch her.

My little girl has a fine ass doesnt she? the father asked the man. Come feel it for yourself. The man looked embarrassed as he hurried away without answering.

Come, my sweet, the father said and she climbed back up on his lap again.
Put your finger in me Father, the little girl requested. He buried his middle finger in her all the way. This is very pleasurable, Father.

A young woman in her early twenties jogged by, did a double take and backed up to watch the father finger fuck his daughter.

See how easy my finger goes in and out of my daughter? the man asked the young woman. Come closer. You can see much better over here.

The woman came near and watched his finger work in and out of the little girls pussy. My father did me like that until I grew too old, she told him sadly.

Nonsense, you are not too old, you are just right as is my daughter. Come closer and kiss my little daughters pussy. I shall remove my finger.

She kept staring at the young, bald pussy and answered, I do not dare, someone might see us.

So what if they do? he asked.

The woman sat down beside him. The little girl turned sideways on his knee and spread her knees apart. The woman twisted sideways and lowered her head. The little girl began to moan. Oh yes, lick it good, she whimpered.

A man and woman walked by together. They stopped and watched. They like each other, the father told the couple. Come closer, you can see much more if you stand near. The woman started to approach and the man jerked her back and frowned.

Do you have a little girl?

Almost against her will she nodded yes. Y-yes, she answered in a shaky voice.

You, the father told the man, Come over here and sit next to our friend. He seemed in a trance as he obeyed.

The young woman with him stood in front of him. Take his penis out of his pants and suck it. She got down on her knees and took his soft penis in her mouth.

The woman who had been licking the little girl told them, My tongue is tired. Permit me to join these people. She slipped off her shorts and asked the couple to join her on the grass. As they did she sat on the mans face while his wife sucked his cock.

Come Father, lets go home. The camera followed them as they walked home side by side. Whenever they meet someone on the street she flipped her skirt up and showed off her hairless little pussy. Ruby got up on her hands and knees so Walter could enter her dog fashion. They both watched the action on the screen while he pounded in and out of her young cunt.

On the screen the father had taken his daughter into their house and undressed her and then himself. Some day soon I shall enter your beautiful little ass, he told her.
However the time is not yet. She lay down on the carpet on her back and he began to fuck her.

The scene shifted back to the man, his wife and the jogger. The women were going sixty-nine while he watched, When the women broke apart, he took the jogger in the ass while his wife watched. As soon as he cum the wife told the jogger, please come home with us. We have much in common.

The scene shifted back to the man and daughter. He cum and rolled off and another woman came into the room naked. She knelt and began to lick all the cum out of the little girls pussy. Walt shook his head at the stiff and artificial dialogue.

Oh Christ yes, Walt moaned and cum in Ruby another time. The third movie was watched but not too closely. Ruby and Walt were both satisfied for the moment.
He sat back in his recliner and Meredith climbed up on his lap and sat her naked ass on his cock. He reached around and gave her pussy slit a one finger rub. I want you to do this all the time, Daddy. He kissed the back of her head and continued to fondle her. Ruby watched them and smiled to herself.

We shall have to be very careful around your mother, he told Meredith. There is no telling how she would react if she found out.

Well, if she doesnt want you, I do, she answered in a firm voice.

Honey, your mother loves me and I love her but she has some issues she cannot handle yet. Perhaps never. She has agreed that I need a sexual outlet that she cannot give me. Yet I doubt she would favor me fucking you. I mean, there are limits. He smiled at what he imagined Amandas response might be.

Well, I shall talk to her and tell her I want sex. I just wont tell her who I want it with just yet. Lets see what she says to that.

Walter looked at his headstrong daughter and cautioned her, I dont believe that is a good idea Sweetie. Lets just take things easy and slow for right now.

Meredith did not answer. Instead she took hold of his soft dick and began to lick it. After so much intense activity it stayed soft. Meredith took the head into her mouth and sucked gently as a baby would a pacifier. Walt thought it was great.

Mild pleasure sensations traveled through the head and into the empty ball sack. Rather than passion, he felt placid, calm as a lake after a storm. He was going to look for all the excuses he could invent to let her suck his soft cock after sex was over. Ruby smiled at them. Her grandfather loved it when she sucked him like that.

Finally they went to bed in Walters room and slept naked. He half woke a couple of times, squeezed a young pussy and went back to sleep. Its good to be the king, he quoted from an old Mel Brooks comedy. He woke up in the morning feeling more rested than he had in a long time.

They showered together and got dressed. Amanda was due home some time during the day. Walt did not care to cause her to become suspicious or upset. He also wondered about the possibility of any of Merediths friends coming over to play. He grinned as he plotted to have Meredith pimp for him. Again he decided he must be extra cautious. There were so many ways to get caught up and end up in trouble.

They barely had set down to eat breakfast when Amanda called from the front door, Yoo hoo, Im home.

We are in the kitchen eating breakfast, Dear. Will you join us? Walt smiled affectionately at his wife.

Oh, I was so glad when Carries sister in law arrived this morning. I know she is my oldest sister, but I still have problems relating to her. We are so different.

Dear heart, you are so different from all of your family, Walt told her. It is no wonder___

Amanda interrupted him. We have a guest. Perhaps we could continue this conversation later. He noticed she seemed agitated for some reason. He nodded while she went to change clothes and get ready for church. She had long ago stopped inviting Walt to attend with her. She also gave up on Meredith after the young girl disrupted Sunday school and church services a few times.

She came down five minutes later and headed out the door with an affectionate Bye, as she closed the door behind her.

Walt put on a fresh pair of shorts and carried a cup of coffee outside to watch the girls play. He closed his eyes and dozed. The warm sun and the muted laughter of the girls helped him to feel calm. The cordless phone he brought out twittered. Hello? he answered it.

This is Kathy Slater, may I speak to my daughter?

Ruby, its your mom, Walt called, She wants to talk to you.

Hi Mother, Ruby greeted her. She listened and said okay and disconnected.

My father will be by in a few minutes to pick me up. Mother has agreed to let my got to the grown up parties with them. Theres a new group called The Salt Lake Fathers Club.

Walt laughed, A fathers club? That sounds boring.

Not this club. All the members are into incest and there are quite a few others around my age who are regulars. She hurried to get her overnight bag packed. Soon a horn honked outside and she ran to join her father.

Meredith came over to him sopping wet and climbed up on his stomach. I want to suck you some more, Daddy. She leaned over and stuck her tongue in his mouth.

Lets go into the house then. I dont want the neighbors to get a free peep show out here. He lifted her down and sat up.

Come on, Daddy, lets hurry. Mama will be back from church in a few minutes. She tugged at his hand, impatient to give her father a blow job. Amanda was in the kitchen looking out through the back window.

Meredith continued on to her room. You are home early, Amanda. Is something wrong? Her agitation seemed to have grown.

Well yes. A lot is wrong. I could not sit through services because of my inner turmoil. It is my sister Clarice. You are aware of my environment growing up.

Yes, your whole family practices incest. For some reason you rebelled against family custom and have been left with feelings of revulsion about sex.

Walt, you misunderstand the situation. I have no revulsion about sex unless it is me who must endure it. Then I loathe it. However if it is someone else enjoying herself, I have nothing against it.

It still boils down to the same thing, you refuse to suck and will only fuck under duress.
Please do not be vulgar, dearest. She took a deep breath. Have you worked out a solution to our present problem?

No, I havent. Is this what has you so worked up?

In a way. I told Clarice about my dilemma and she suggested you&hellip, ah, keep it in the family, so to speak.

Do you mean have sex with your sisters? My god, they all have gray hair. Walt was not going to fuck gray haired women.

Although they would all be more than willing, what Clarice suggested was Meredith. Amanda looked down at the floor. She insisted if you havent already you would before long. Have you? She looked at him with tortured eyes.

No I have not fucked out little daughter. She flinched at his raw language.
Walt went in to the living room. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and called up, Meredith, come down here.

She ran down the stairs. Whats up Daddy?

Come out into the kitchen and take your panties off. She looked at him in surprise and obeyed.

Once in the kitchen she removed her panties. What now?

Amanda, insert your finger in your daughters vagina, Walt ordered.

Wh, why? she asked.

Feigning hurt innocence he said, You accused me of having intercourse with our daughter. You stick your finger inside her and tell me if it has been stretched. You know how large mine is.

That will not be necessary, she told Walt.

Then she said, Amanda please put your panties on.

She looked at Walt as Meredith put her panties on again. What about the future? Are you going to want her in the future?

What are you getting at here? Walt asked. Have you gone crazy?

She flinched at the word crazy. Clarice insisted that I should encourage you to take up with Meredith. She said it would be safest and best all the way around.

So? Walt thought furiously and could not come up with an answer.

Mama, Meredith cut in. I have already sucked boys cocks at school and have been eaten out a couple of times. I already like it.

Why didnt you act surprised when you heard her admit to having sex?

Amanda, most girls in this state have already started to have sex regular by age nine. It is a fine old Utah tradition. If you would get your head out of the sand you would know that. Kids start early. I bet if you polled the preteens in your church they would nearly all admit to sex, usually with a family member in the beginning.

Amanda looked at the floor. She was still for a long time. Finally she said, Meredith, sleep with your father tonight. We shall discuss this more tomorrow or the next day.

Do I got to? Meredith whined in an almost convincing manner. She had trouble with the smile she fought to hide.

I will not force you to, but I would appreciate it greatly if you would at least try. Besides, I worry now that you have admitted to oral sex with some of the boys at your school. Amanda saw the answer to two problems, to keep her daughter from having dangerous sex at school and also to stop Walt from making future unwelcome sexual advances at her.

All right, but I hope daddy does not snore. When Amanda was not looking at Meredith as she grinned at her father. He winked back at her.

I am troubled by this decision. Yet I see no other solution. Amanda thought of the prospect of sex with her husband and decided she was not so troubled after all.


Come bed time Meredith followed her father into his room and undressed. Walter took his clothes off and joined her under the sheet. Come here baby, I want to feel your naked body against me. She crawled on top of him and brought her mouth to his. Their tongues met and they licked and kissed the inside of each others mouth.

When the kiss was over she climbed up on his chest and eased her pussy up against his mouth. He licked her tight little hole. Then he eased her up a little further and licked her butt hole. He switched back and forth between pussy and ass until his tongue was tired.
Suck my cock, he ordered.

She could get no more than the head in her mouth. Walt lay back while his daughter worked her mouth up and down until he cum. As it surged into her mouth she worked her throat muscles and swallowed. Then she rested with his soft cock in her mouth. She liked that she could get more into her mouth when it was soft.

Rinse your mouth out, Honey. Cum is bad for your teeth. She got up, rinsed her mouth and came back to bed. She crawled up on top of him, closed her eyes and went to sleep. Walt smiled in the darkness and slowly closed his eyes.
They showered together and came downstairs dressed for the day. Amanda smiled as father and daughter entered the kitchen together. She looked at her daughter for signs of unhappiness or discomfort. Meredith seemed as happy as if she had just come from a party. Walt seemed to glow with an inner light of his own as he crossed the kitchen and kissed his wife good morning.

Did you sleep well, Dear? she asked her husband.

Quite well, Dear, he replied. I believe you were right. This morning I feel ready to tackle the world.

My eldest sister was correct. I am still troubled by the morality of the situation, but over all we seem to have achieved balance in our lives. She mentally brushed her qualms away, mostly thankful her daughter would serve as surrogate wife to Walter. Amanda so hated the touch of a mans penis.

And how did you sleep Meredith? she asked her daughter.

Oh it was great, Mama. I went to sleep on top of Daddy and he rubbed my bottom and I went right to sleep. I like to sleep with Daddy. She smiled at her mother.

Well be careful, Amanda told Walt. I do not care to have my daughter hurt or discomfited by bringing her along too quickly. She is a little girl yet, you know. We must remember that. Now that she had expressed her concern for Merediths comfort, she felt much better about the arrangement.

Walt nodded and dug into his breakfast as it was served. Meredith, I must return those movies we rented yesterday. Ill pick you up after school and take you with me if you would care to come along. He had other plans for his daughter for the afternoon.

Please, Daddy, that would be great. My friend Marcy might like to come along. Then we can drop her off at her house. She has to take the city bus home and there are some real creeps at one of her transfers. Her parents both have to work and right now her mother is looking for a job.

Whoa down my sweet daughter. You are going too fast. He laughed at her enthusiasm to help a friend. Of course we can give her a ride. I remember some of the things I saw on the bus rides I had to take when I was first starting out. No young girl should have to undergo the indignities some of them do as a matter of course.

Amanda had started to look at her daughter with suspicion when Meredith first mentioned her friend Marcy. Then she thought she understood Meredith was merely interested in helping her friend and had no ulterior motives. Walt appeared to be amused rather than conniving for another little girl to have sex with. Perhaps she was too suspicious for her own good.

Meredith did have plans for Marcy and Daddy. Neither Amanda nor Walt had any idea of what a conniving little bitch their daughter was where sex was concerned. Meredith did not have a harmful or evil goal in mind, rather she liked the idea of another girl along for the ride. Her limited adventures at school had opened whole new vistas for her. She had also been fascinated when she watched her father while he fucked Ruby. She also liked the idea of threesomes with another girl.

Daddy, would you take me to school this morning. I know where Marcy lives and we can go by and pick her up if we start soon. Its almost on our way.
Walt frowned and looked at his wristwatch. Well have to leave right now, I have a ten oclock appointment to prepare for. Are you ready?

Meredith nodded and Walt crossed the kitchen to kiss his wife goodbye. Dear, I intend to make an appointment for Merry with the doctor. She is almost of the age when&hellip, well you know. I shall ask for her to get the six month shot so that when we do &hellip, well you know, when we do there will be no chance of an unwanted pregnancy.

Walt, you are so thoughtful. I wish I had considered this solution immediately when your secretary quit. It is much neater and safer than a non family member and you doing&hellip, She blushed. Well it is.

Dearest one, I sorely misjudged you. He kissed her with a deep but not passionate love and felt Meredith tug at his suit coat.

Come on, Daddy. We are going to be late. Hurry.

Walt let go of his wife and hurried toward the open door. He called out, Im late, Im late for a very important date. He laughed as his daughter closed the door behind them and ran to the car.

Once in the car, a new Mercedes convertible, he told her, Okay, Princess, where are we going?

Meredith gave him directions and plotted her next move. I liked to watch you and Ruby fuck, Daddy. I liked it a lot.

Well then , if her parents are willing, we might invite her over for another weekend. Walt thought that would be a great idea.

No, now that she has been accepted into the Fathers Club, she may only have sex with other members. That is a very strict rule they enforce. Too many chances to catch a disease you know.

Perhaps we should look into joining. Salt Lake City has all too many people who have brought diseases with them when they moved here and I am positive you will want more than one sex partner. You are just like all the women in your mothers family.

Yeah, except for Mama, she said in a snide voice.

Merry, I believe it is time to tell you why your mother is the way she is. Your mother is a very loving person who tries to be the best wife and mother she can be.

However, she was gang raped by six adults when she was a couple of years younger than you are right now. Sometimes three of them penetrated her at the same time. Grandpa shot three of them and the other three turned themselves in before he could kill them also. Your mother was a very damaged little girl. For the longest time she could not bear for any male to touch her. Over time she overcame some of her problems.

Then she met me in college and we fell in love. We married. Our honeymoon was heaven for me and hell for her. I was not aware of her problems. A month after we were married, a month of nonstop sex three and four times a day she had a nervous breakdown.
We suffered our way through her problems and reached a balance in our own lives. We loved each other very much and still do.

You are now the one who brings us all back into perfect balance again.

Meredith nodded. Daddy, I want more than balance. I want to watch you fuck someone else. I loved to watch you eat out Ruby. I played with my pussy all the time you had your tongue in her.

Merry, lets not get in too big a hurry here. We have a nice balance with each other, both within our family and with the world. Lets not hurry to disturb things.

Okay Daddy, she agreed. She agreed too quickly and Walt became suspicious. He had already learned his daughter was becoming an accomplished manipulator.

Theres Marcys apartment house on the right up ahead. Let me run in and see if she has left yet. I dont think she has.

When he parked in front of the run down old apartment building, Walt shuddered at the thought of living in such squalor. He got out, locked the car doors and followed his daughter into the building and up the stairs. Jesus, this whole area ought to be razed to the ground.

Meredith knocked on a door and stood back. The door opened and an attractive young woman not quite thirty opened the door cautiously, sat Walt standing there in a three piece suit and looked alarmed. What is it? she asked, fearful of the answer. I made arrangements to pay the rent weekly until I can get a job.

Wait a minute, Im Walt Frazier, Merediths father. We came by to offer Marcy a ride to school. Merry likes your daughter a lot.

The woman blushed. Oh! I&hellip, I am sorry for the greeting I just gave you. I feel so ashamed.

Walt liked her looks. She had a sultry mouth that looked great for fucking. When she asked them to enter he saw the tits were firm and the generous nipples looked very suckable as they pushed against the thin fabric of her robe. She turned away to get her daughter. Walt saw her rear end and decided it was as great as the rest of her.

Marcy came back out into the front room with her mother. Hi Meredith, she greeted her friend.

I asked Daddy to come by and pick you up and take you to school with us. Then you wont have to ride the busses and get bothered by those creeps.

Hey, great. Is that okay with you? she asked her mother.

Yes honey, you go right ahead. Marcys mother smiled a sad smile at her daughter.
Walts cock twitched. Meredith saw it shove against his shorts. She smiled to herself. Walt asked Marcys mom what type of work she was looking for.

I was head of the movie rights department for a major publisher until they merged with an even larger company. Then I was let go. Between downsizing and outsourcing, there are no jobs to be had.

Right now I am willing to do anything. Walts cock twitched again.

Look, I am pressed for time right now. But if you would get dressed and come down to my agency, perhaps there is an opening you can handle.

She looked down at the floor in shame and began to cry. Walt put an arm around her and hugged her close. She buried her face in his chest and cried louder. Hey, its alright.

She hugged closer against him. Her soft breasts pressed against him and her belly was hard against his belly. She felt his hard package when she hugged him close. Oh! I dont make it a habit of&hellip, Oh my god, I am so embarrassed. She dropped her hands to her side and her robe fell open enough to show one of those great breasts.

Holy Christ, Walt exclaimed, embarrassed for the womans plight and shame.

Im sorry, I am not the type that&hellip, She could not continue. She began to cry in shame and could not stop.

Walt started to take her and hug her again to comfort her. He hesitated and then put his arms around her and held her close, careful not to shove his hard cock against her belly.
Look, Ill help you if I can. There are no strings attached. Just get dressed and come on down to the agency and ask for me. Ill leave word to send you right up to my office. Okay?

Marcy interrupted. My dad stuck his finger in me and hurt me and Mom hit him with a lamp. She grabbed my hand and took me outside.

When we got back he had taken all of Moms dresses and stuff and left. He is a dirty low life son of a bitch.

Her angry denouncement of her father caused Walt to be thankful of his own family balance. What do you have to wear? he asked her in a gentle voice.

Just some ragged jeans that were in the clothes closet and a ragged tee shirt. This is like some kind of a nightmare and I cant wake up.

Look, get dressed in whatever you have and lets go. We shall drop the girls off at school and you and I will talk things from there. Im interested in your work history and experience.

She nodded and hurried to the bedroom. When she came back out seconds later, the tight tee shirt bounced and bobbled up and down. Her generous nipples stuck out and the tight jeans accentuated her prominent Venus mound. He took my shoes even.

Jesus Christ, he breathed in a whisper as he looked at her.

Im sorry, she whimpered.

Lady, you have nothing to be sorry about. You are by god beautiful. If you can answer a phone you are hired. Lets get the girls to school and go down town and get a dress and things for you, just something to make it through the day. Well take care of the rest later.

Submissive, she had no resistance left inside her. Walt sensed he could have fucked her in front of the girls and she would not have fought him very hard. With all her defenses gone, the woman had given up. The girls got in the back seat as soon as Walt unlocked the door. He held the door open for her to enter and closed it tight as soon as she was seated.

He drove straight to school and let Meredith and Marcy out. Meredith slipped her tongue in his mouth when she kissed him goodbye. He noticed Marcy had watched that bit of action and grinned. Cool that shit, he whispered to his daughter.

Bye Daddy, see you after school. Meredith and Marcy jumped out as soon as Walt stopped, got out and brought the drivers seat forward for them to exit.

He got back in behind the wheel and drove to an exclusive womens shop where he had purchased presents for his secretary from time to time. What is your name? Walt asked her.

Elspeth, she answered listlessly.

Lets call you Ell, he told her in a kindly voice. She nodded.

He parked in front of the boutique. It had not opened yet. He began to wonder if this was such a great idea or not. There was no way in hell he could have her answer the phones or do anything else the shape she was in. He turned toward her. Ell, you have to snap out of it. Right now, the shape you are in you will lose your daughter. You are unfit to care for her.

She exploded from the rage simmering deep inside her. Damn you! Dont you dare tell me I am unfit. I was ready to do anything to please you just so I could keep my daughter safe. I felt you shove that hard thing against me. I knew what you wanted and I was willing to&hellip, willing to willing&hellip, She began to sob again.

Get your head out of your ass, lady, he told her in a harsh voice. I dont fuck emotional cripples. This past weekend I had more and more varied sex than you can imagine.

My wife, whom I love very much, is understanding of my needs and has given me her blessings long ago to get outside sex. I dont need to come crawling around a filthy, rat infested shit house like you live in to get a strange piece.

She bent her head down. Im sorry. After last night I just dont have any fight left in me. Im so alone and scared and afraid Ill lose the only thing left in my life that means anything to me, my daughter Marcy.

Walt saw the owner open the front door of the store. Well you just showed me a little fight just then. Lets go inside and get you outfitted. He opened his door and stopped.
Look Ell, lets start all over. You are drop dead beautiful. You have a pornographic as hell mouth and the rest of your body is world class desirable.

Listen to me now, I do not poach where I am not wanted. If you are hired by me, it is as my secretary and alter ego. If we ever do have sex, which I would definitely like from you, it will be with your complete acceptance and willingness to share with me. Thats it.

Tears filled her eyes as she said in wonder, You mean that, dont you?

You better believe it. Lets get out. He came around the car and escorted her out of the car and into the store.

Hello Walt, the owner of the boutique greeted them. I havent seen you since Jane quit to get married.

Hi. We need a power outfit for the lady. Walt smiled at Ell.

Oh god, please tell me you are a little bit bi, the store owner looked at Ell with open hunger.

Down girl, Walt ordered, irritated at the woman.

You do not realize just how desirable she is.

The hell I dont, Walt told her in a firm voice. Now either take care of our needs or we shall go elsewhere.

Im sorry. I never hit on a woman in front of her escort before.

Well? Show us what you have. Start with underwear and work your way out. I have an appointment and I cant wait for a lot of show and tell. One each of panties, bra, power
dress and low cut shoes with no more than one inch heels.

Ell looked amazed at the way the woman hopped to fill Walts order. A complete outfit was brought to her in seconds. Go into the dressing room and put this stuff on.

Two minutes later they were out the door and back in his car. He drove straight to the agency. They hurried inside the rear entrance and took the elevator to the top floor. Walt escorted her into his office and told her to sit in a chair by his desk. His phone rang.

Hello, Walt here, he said into the phone.

This is Joshua Benson. We have an appointment in ten minutes. Would you mind very much if I bring my daughter with me? Im grooming her to take her old mans place when I retire.

Of course Joshua, that charming young lady will be more than welcome. My secretary will show you right in. Benson hung up.

Walt smiled and said, Thank god I found you. Old Joshua Benson demands all the four star treatment he can get. His daughter will be with him. Show them right in.

Come out into the outer office and sit. As soon as they arrive, he told her and led the way to the outer office. They had arrived by way of his private door and Ell had no way to judge his importance in the company. The reception area told her he was top of the heap.

She sat at the desk and waited while Walt returned to his inner office and began to make his calls. I hope she works out, he told himself. I need someone to take care of these calls. I am spread too thin.

He heard squeals coming from the outer office. He ran to the door and opened it to see Joshua Benson as he stood to one side while Ell and a woman her age hug and grin at each other.

Joshua? What is going on out here?

Well, it seems that my daughter and this young lady are acquainted. They were room mates in college. I was afraid to come between them. I would have been crushed in mammary opulence.

You mean four big tits might injure you?

Precisely. Josh looked at Walt and said, From what I can see, you have a rare find in that young woman. Janet told me many things about Elspeth over the years since the two graduated.

There was no business meeting as it had been planned. Ell and Janet sat and talked. Walt showed Joshua his ideas for a new campaign directed at the Mormons that proliferated Utah. They reached a quick agreement and left. Lets get together soon, Janet told Ell. I truly missed you after college. They hugged, then father and daughter departed.

Well, that was a surprise. It was a good one though. Now, I have cleared the decks for the rest of the day. Lets go down to payroll and get you signed up. You are now my executive secretary. Christ, I expected to have to schmooze Joshua for the rest of the week. Your presence just cinched the largest account this agency has ever snagged.
He locked the office door as they went out the front entrance. Every few steps Walt had to stop and introduce her. Payroll was their first snag. The personnel director stated,
Until we have run a background check on her and her work record she cannot be hired
here. You know that. You got by the last time when you hired that first secretary because I was out sick. It shall not happen again, not on my watch.

Walt looked down at the lemony faced individual. Fuck you, I quit.

He took Ells hand. Come on. We have to find office space and hire a crew. He led her back to his office. He opened a small wall safe and removed a handful of flash drives. He slipped them in his coat pocket.

A big, florid man rushed into the office. What is this about you just quit. You cant do that to me.

The hell I cant, I just did. I warned you that if your nasty little son ever crossed me again in any way I quit. He just tried so I quit.

All at once the pompous man lost his air of authority. If you leave, I know the important accounts you handle will follow you. Is that what you want, to break this company?

Its not what I want but what I refuse to put up with. Your nasty little jerk of a son has delusions of humanity. I told you before that if he tried any of this on me again it was either him or me. Goodbye.

Please, lets talk it over.

Too late. Goodbye. Walt took her hand and led her out the front way.
Enough people heard the fight through the open doors to spread the word.

Take me with you, a few said as he left the floor with Ell in tow. He smiled and nodded.

Once on the ground floor he led her back to the parking area and retrieved his Benz. What are you the original unstoppable force? she gasped as they pulled out from the curb.

He smiled, We need to hurry, the girls get out of school at two thirty today and I want to pick them up. I have a hunch your idiot other half might try to grab one or both. From what you told me he is crazy enough to. So we shall use an ounce of prevention.

He would not dare! she exclaimed. Then she thought for a moment and looked at Walt.
He might, she admitted in a small voice.

Walt looked at his watch. We have two hours until noon. That is barely time to order you a new wardrobe and get lunch out of the way. Then we have to pick up the kids. I want to be there a little early, just in case. After that we must start looking for an office in a secure building. We are going to be busy for the rest of this week. I need to get two more cell phones at least and order in a bank of eight phone lines minimum. As soon as I can get to a computer Ill make a list of people you are to call and start wooing them over to us.

Suddenly he made a u-turn went back up to South Temple and headed east to a luxury apartment building. Come on. He jumped out of the car and hurried into the building.

As they entered he turned left along a narrow corridor and opened a door marked Manager. The woman behind the desk looked up and asked, Yes sir?

I need a four room office that opens into the lobby. I remembered you have a couple you cannot keep rented very long at a time. Give me a deal and Ill sign a five year lease and post all necessary guarantees. I want to move in tomorrow.

What is the nature of your enterprise, sir? She looked up in surprise at the hard driving man and the beautiful woman that stood behind him.

We shall open a new ad agency. We already have the Benson account and probably the
Kimball Enterprises as well. She handed him a standard lease application. He filled it out with the efficiency of long experience dealing with trivial things.

He handed it to Ell when he was finished. Read this and remember it. You fill out the next one if this office is unsatisfactory. By implication he served notice on the manager he would not be prey to any games.

Ell read it and handed it back. Show us, he ordered.

Ten minutes later he was back in the managers office. He wrote a check for first and last months rent plus all deposits. The shook hands around, Ell took the keys to the new office and they were out the door. Suddenly he stopped. Lets go to the school. I have a bad feeling.

They pulled up to the passenger loading zone in front of the school in time to see a scruffy looking man as he dragged two young girls outside and down the steps. One was
Meredith and the other was Marcy. He threw them into an old pickup truck and started around to get in the other side.

Hang on! Walt yelled and drove the Benz straight at the man. He jumped back barely in time to avoid being run over. Walt stopped his car and blocked anyone from entering by the drivers door. Ell jumped out and blocked the person from getting in on the passenger side. She grabbed the keys to the new office out of her pocket and stabbed at his eyes.

Walt yelled, Gotcha! He grabbed the man by the neck and slammed his face into the side of the truck. Meredith climbed out as Ell opened the door, ran at her almost abductor and bit hard on his crotch. Her powerful little teeth crushed a testicle. He screamed.
Meredith got a new bite on the other one and crushed it. Walt kicked him in the side and Marcy ran toward her fathers head, jumped in the air and landed with both feet on his face.

When the police finally arrived Walt was still pumped up on adrenaline and looking for a new enemy to attack. Ell hugged both girls to her and tried to comfort them. They did not want comfort, they wanted someone to fight also.

Walt explained the trouble Ell had with her husband, the abusive past and his own hunch the girls were in trouble. The bleeding heart female cop said, This is the use of excessive force. You are liable to be arrested for aggravated assault.

Fuck you, Officer Cunt, Walt barked at her. You rationalize your stupid ass off and reason with someone who tries to kidnap your child. Ill do my best to kill the son of a bitch that tries anything with mine. Then Ill reason with him.

Just then a plain clothes detective came up. Everything was explained, the attempted kidnapping, the gouged out eye, the ruined face and the broken ribs. The detective laughed, It looks like everybody got into the act here.

I have your name and phone number. He turned to Ell, What is your address and your phone number?

Ell gave her name and Marcys name. She looked at Walt to supply an address. Walt answered for her. Use my phone number and address. My wife will know where to contact her.

The female officer made one last try to assert herself and arrest Walt. Meredith piped up,
I bit both his nuts and tried to bite them off. The detective laughed.

I jumped up and down on my dads face for what he did to me last night, Marcy told him.

I poked the bastards eye out with a key for all the abuse he put us through for the past two years, Ell was angry all over again.

Almost as an apology Walt said, They only let me slam his head into the side of the truck and kick him in the ribs once. They already claimed the rest of his body. The other cops laughed and left with their prisoner. The female cop was argued they should wait for the paramedics. Nobody listened to her.

Walt pulled the Benz ahead enough to permit the passenger side door to be opened. The girls piled in the back and Ell got in front. Put the top down, Daddy, Meredith begged.

Okay, Buckle up. As soon as the girls and Ell were buckled up the top went back and the wind ruffled their hair as he drove toward Sandy and the big mall there.

The cell phone on the dash board sounded. Answer that, he said as he kept his eyes on the road..

She answered the phone, paused and said, Its your wife. She sounds very agitated.

Walt pulled over to the curb and said, You drive.

They changed places. As she drove away from the curb Walt said, Hello, Dear.

Walt, what in heavens name happened? You and Meredith and one of her friends are splashed all over the television. That mans wife has bragged she put out one of his eyes
with a key, for heavens sake.

You havent called me even once. The people you work with want to come to work for you in your new company. What new company? I am you wife and I havent a clue about what is happening. The television says you are a hero and that our daughter bit a mans testicles off.

When will you be home?

We are on our way to Sandy to buy a new wardrobe for my new office manager. As soon as we get that chore out of the way we shall be home. Tell Gladys to set two extra plates for dinner.

I fired Gladys today. She refused to do what I told her. Consuela is our new house keeper. I call her Connie. We eat Mexican tonight.

Walt laughed. See you in two hours.

What was that all about? Ell asked.

It seems we were captured on television while we had our high adventures.

How can you treat something so casually? We almost lost both our daughters to a sadistic monster and here, an hour later you are as relaxed as if it never happened.

The danger is past and the crises is over. So lets get on to the next set of problems.

Walt thought a moment and said, I am of the opinion we had better home teach our kids for a while, perhaps for the rest of the school year. That publicity could draw some very cockroachy types out of the woodwork.

Let Marcy and Merry study together. The new company will foot the bill. I have my eye on another office space to house our creative staff when we get one. He leaned back in the seat and relaxed.

Marcy has a few issues you are not aware of, Ell told him.

Oh? How old was she when he began to engage in sex of some sort with her? Im guessing she was about seven or eight.

Ell stiffened. Her back tensed. She did not answer. Walt continued. I have a hunch it was very pleasurable at first. She loved all the good feelings and fondling. Then something happened and he went through some sort of personality change and turned cruel. How am I doing.

How? she started to ask and stopped.

I am observant. Marcy said he stuck his finger in her as if it was something that happened quite often. You did not correct her. You went into emotional meltdown for a few minutes.

For at least one year you two have been living in a madmans paradise. He controlled you like you were puppets on strings. You are no stranger to incest in your own life.

What do you want of me? she exclaimed. Neither noticed the two little girls hanging over the back seat listening to their every word.

I want you to be the executive you once were. I have seen flashes of a damned sharp mind. I have a hunch the Benson account will be your responsibility before long. He likes you.

You would trust me with the Benson account? She was astounded.

Ill have you on a short leash in the beginning, but I would guess you can schmooze with the best of them.

What about my daughter? What are your plans for her. She had her guard up again.

He turned his head and bumped noses with Marcy. What th&hellip,? He laughed. We have had an audience all the time we have been talking.

You have not answered my question. Ell was gearing up to be in a combative mood.

Ell, I have Merry. I do not care to complicate my life with Marcy, no matter how beautiful she is. Frankly, I would prefer you.

She gave a ragged laugh, You made that abundantly clear this morning. Are you telling me if you were offered sex with Marcy you would refuse?

Walt took a deep breath to give him a chance to clear his mind. No, that is not what I said. It would depend on who did the offering and how Marcy felt about it. Do you understand?

Look, you already are aware Merry and I are very close. We discovered each other this past weekend. It was a revelation to me.

Are you saying you started to screw your daughter?

No, not at all. We fondled each other and she gave me head. She shows great promise. I cant get my little finger in her so we wait. I will not cause her pain.

You sound just like my father sounded before he died. She smiled at him in a tender way. Then she reached over and squeezed his cock. He began to harden immediately. If
Marcy wants to participate with you and Meredith and Meredith is willing, with your acceptance of course, then well see.

Now, about you and me, he started. I want you but with no strings. You come first. No pun intended.

Thank you Walt. God, it would be so easy to fall in love with you.
Lets just settle for a strong like right now. He squeezed her inner thigh and withdrew his hand.

She drove up into the parking lot and parked. She opened her door and the girls jumped out over the side of the car. Walt got out and joined Ell. The four of them strolled into the upper level of the mall and looked for a womens clothing store.

Order five outfits and ten changes of underwear. These will do for every day wear. We need to get you some power clothes for business meetings. You need more shoes, everything from moccasins to loafers to high heels. As soon as you bring the first advance from Benson Ill put you on allowance for clothing. Nothing looks worse than when a person makes a presentation wearing off the rack clothing. The third outfit she tried on was perhaps too daring for office wear.

Walt? Please come back here and tell me what you think.

He stared at the long skirt with the slit up each side. When she moved it showed her ass for a second. He reached inside the front panel of the skirt and fondled her pussy. She smiled as he said, Get it. He let go and returned to the front.

The girls had been playing the arcade games. They came into the store and Meredith asked, We about ready to go?

Marcy said, Were hungry.

As soon as your mom gets out here we can head out

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We pulled in early in the afternoon. We were close to the home of my mother's parents and had called them on the way. They were to meet us at the park for supper. We had talked to the campground manager and had all that approved. We noted our spot and put a few things out to make it look occupied and left to shop. Karen had quite a list of groceries. She wanted enough for a few days with emphasis on supper tonight. She had put together a menu that would utilize the limits of the RV's...

2 years ago
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Zacs story

Hey, my name's Zac, I'm 22 years old 5 feet and 10 inches tall 170 pounds athletic build but not ripped or really well defined. I have brown shaggy hair no facial hair and not much body hair only armpits and little on my arms and legs but no hair by the time you get up my thighs. No hair on my butt and I keep a clean trimmed 'area' with a little strip of hair going up to my naval but no further. I'm average to small in length, 5 inches cut, but pretty thick. I act totally straight...

3 years ago
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A Craving Kid

Hi friends this is my first iss blog which is about the feelings I went through in my early days.Hope you like it!! My name is Sushant from Kolkata and I am currently 27 years of age as a college student. Now some of you might be thinking why I am so much frank in a way to share my exact details which usually not happens.The reason being I have seen so much which tends me to just try to fuck myself and in a way to fuck the entire world that now I don’t feel ashamed of myself.!! So it all...

2 years ago
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Owning Cousin StaceyChapter 3

“So, I note that Aunt Mary is always referred to in the past tense. Did she die or something?” I asked Stacey as we ate the chili. “Yes, as a matter of fact, she had lung cancer toward the end of her days and was too far gone by then for any kind of treatment plan to put it into remission. Stage IV. She was always a heavy chain smoker, as you know. Daddy/Uncle Troy regularly visited her grave shortly after that, just to piss on her headstone. No joke! He was still very pissed at her for...

1 year ago
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My Neighbour Part 1

Hello there, all Readers, Namastae, I'm Mr. Kumar and I'm from Southern India, I'm 28 years old single male, 6" feet tall and 90 kg ( little overweight) my optimum weight should be around 83 kg so I workout occasionally to cut out my excess 7 kg of weight. I work in industrial sector and I moved to a new rented apartment in a Metropolitan city in South India. The rent is okay compared to my previous flat. The best thing about the apartment, the neighborhood is peaceful suburban away from city's...

Cheating Wifes
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JanChapter 6

We spent the night making love and napping; from time to time one of us got up and fetched something to snack on or drink. We showered a couple of times, and took turns wiping each other dry. Sometime in the dead of night, I fell asleep lying next to him. My happiness knew no bounds. I was alone in the bed when I awoke. A single flower from the bouquet was on the nightstand on top of a note. It said he was sorry, but he'd left as soon as I'd gone to sleep. Work came early, and he'd call...

2 years ago
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Dolore Dolce

An unwelcomed sliver of sunlight slowly crept its way to her sleeping eyes. It invaded the bedroom from a small gap between the curtains and woke her from a peaceful slumber. “Ohhhhhh, five more minutes, please go away!” she complained and threw a pillow at the curtains. She slowly lifted her arms over her head and carefully stretched. Her bare breasts slipped free from under the bed sheet. She looked down at her firm breasts and smiled to herself. There was a thick, long, purple and blue...

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Too Much LoveChapter 83

As an SSCS field agent, Tanvi Agnihotri prided herself on being unflappable. No client request, no matter how strange, could make her lose her cool or even show surprise. Working for Nick Coyle these last few years had only served to reinforce that pride. She trusted Nick implicitly and wanted to be an extension of his will as much as it was possible for a person to do so for another. She recognized how easily this desire could be seen as a pathology by others, but it was a pathology that...

3 years ago
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Teasing Bitches

Friday afternoon, not always the easiest time as many teachers will attest, but Miranda Collins had her pupils' full attention. Visual attention at least. No-one was paying much heed to the message – the importance of time and place in the 'new realist' novels of the 1950s – but the messenger, that was another matter. They were rapt, eyes fixed on Miranda as she held forth at the front of the class. As for Miranda, she was perfectly aware her pupils were ogling rather than taking in the...

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The Rose of DevonshireChapter Two

Rubbing my wrists and ankles, I stared at the clothes that they wanted me to put on. There was a yellow sundress, some strappy sandals and a silver bangle and ring. I stared at myself in the mirror and anger filled me as I saw for the first time what they had done to me. My brown hair was now long like a girl's, and there were breasts on my chest, and only a soft patch of hair where my penis used to be. Tears came to my eyes and I sat there and howled at the thought that I could never...

2 years ago
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The Last Train

8:35 a.m. on Sunday April 15, 1906, San Francisco, California Abrigal Crowley awoke in her comfortable bed in the master bedroom of her home on Nob Hill. She had lived here for the last twelve years. Ever since she had returned from China. She had spent five years traveling all through Eastern Asia, something that normal white women did not do. But she was not normal by any stretch of the imagination. There in Asia, she had studied all matter of mystical arts. From the native Fakirs of India,...

1 year ago
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What moms go through for their boys Part 2

The next day it was Saturday. The boys were at home and John was already up getting ready for a day at the golf course. Jackie woke up to sounds of water splashing in the pool. She yawned, streched, and glanced over her right shoulder to see John findling with the golf clubs. "Oh great you're awake, where's my nine iron honey?" He asked his wife. Jackie responded "How could I be asleep with all the noise going on, I don't know, did you check in the basement?" John raced downstairs to look for...

1 year ago
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More Than Friends part 2

For some unknown reason I still wasn’t going out with Jamie after that night when we first gave in to our feelings. My cousin was coming to stay for a week whilst her parents went to a friend’s funeral in Germany. The last time I had seen her was when she was 12, which was 4 years ago. Although we hadn’t seen each other for a few years we still kept in touch, generally with emails and msn. Lindsey was due to get here at about 1 a.m so I had a day to kill, It was hot and sunny out side...

2 years ago
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My Life With Allison Part 2

“So, this generally works a few ways. No of that is important because this is only how I want it to work. I paid for you and you agreed to be bought. We are going to play until you understand that you will submit to me. Not in that fake groveling bullshit so many people do. ‘Oh mistress this and oh mistress that.’ I am going to break you and you are going to find such divine pleasure in submitting to my will. “She paused for several seconds. I swallowed hard in anticipation. “I am going to make...

3 years ago
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Turnabout Part 4

"Do I look OK?" We were going to my parents for Rosh Hashanah. I was wearing a blue v neck three quarter sleeve top with a black wool skirt that fell 2" above the knee and white Tory Burch espadrilles with a black toe. I was wearing a blue quartz necklace. I was down another 3 pounds. "Should I have worn the blue dress?" "You are so adorable." "I'm serious. They haven't seen me like this." "You look beautiful. Plus, it's not like you transitioned or something. As far as they...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 874

A minister was seated on a plane bound from Hong Kong to the US with a stopover in Honolulu... After the stopover a crusty old Marine boarded and as fate would have it he was seated next to the minister. After the plane was airborne, drink orders were taken. The flight attendant asked the Marine if he wanted a drink. The Marine asked for Rum & Coke, which was prepared and placed before him. The flight attendant then asked the minister if he would like a drink He replied in...

4 years ago
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if only you knew

you and i walking home from the pub late at night..weve both had a few to many.we kiss in the street then.you pull me towards you.i put my hand between your legs and to my suprise you have no underwear on.you naughty so and so.i finger you and you put your tounge in my mouth(this means you want me to fuck you) and start breathing heavy.luckily theres a derelict house and we make our way through the front door.you walk to the stairs and hitch your skirt and coat up,i get the message and drop my...

3 years ago
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Jaya my friend8217s mom

My name is vignesh. I am 18 years of age. I was born in Tamil nadu. Now I am living with my parents in pune. I was a bit hesitant in writing this in the beginning. But I wanted to share my feelings, deeds and thoughts to like minded. Since this is a long story extracted from my “secret diary” you will get the clear picture of my feeling and dreams with regard to a neighbor aunty, even though it is common for a boy generating erotic thoughts about neighboring ladies, but no one ever tried to put...

3 years ago
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Punished for teasing Master

I was still wearing my swishy black cocktail dress from dinner, with the high strappy heels showing off my muscular legs, just like you like. You had already made me take off my lacey black thong in the car, on the way home, and I could feel the cool air washing over my wet pussy. I was blindfolded at the edge of the bed, my arms tied behind me with a soft rope just above my elbows, which was fastened to the upper crossbar of your fourposter bed, forcing me to lean slightly over the bed. I...

1 year ago
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Deflowered petal

* based on a true story I am female 30 my name is Jessica The family had rented a cabin for the weekend in the old south. I thought it would be boring (although interesting). And I had never been to the old south before. We had dinner and I was sharing a room with my aunt Kim. Kim and I had always been close, today seemed different. She looked at me almost gazing. Spellbound. Ahh.. she moaned . Thinking nothing, all innocent. I jumped into the shower.my breasts wet, pale. I began stroking my...

1 year ago
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Stretching It To The Limits

Hi. My name is Kim. I am 5'8" 133 lbs. Black hair, green eyes. Olive skin with 40D breasts. I have fooled around with a lot of guys but only slept with two. While I enjoy having sex with my boyfriend's 6.5 inch cock... a girl craves to be stretched. My boyfriend's name is Tim. He is 5'10" and 175 lbs. He has a nice body and an even nicer cock... close to 7 inches. We had a normal straight relationship and a good sex life until one day last week. Last Friday after we made love Tim asked me if I...

Group Sex
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Harley Girls

My name is Rachel Wahlberg and at first,I've had such a perfect life with a loving husband and a pretty good job with a New York City law firm. However,the only problem with my life is that it was so perfect that it was boring me to death and I was in need of a way to escape it,but I was unable to find a way to do so. But that was before my old high-school friend,Linda Cooksey had roared her way into town on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle,which had suddenly made me realize that the means to...

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When Two Fools Collide

Tuesday usually was a quiet night in the pub, and after eating my evening meal, I was sitting there watching a couple of young lads teaching their girls how to play darts; but very badly. It had become my habit to have one decent meal a day, usually in the pub of an evening; the rest of the time I ate fast food. Not the healthiest of diets — what with all the beer as well — but I didn't really give a damn any more. Also, as usual, I was alone, having been away so long I had lost contact...

1 year ago
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The young asian girl

I have always had a sexual desire to make love to a young asian girl; but never had the opportunity. My friend Mark jokingly mentioned that my fetish for asian girls was so strong that I needed to go right to the source. He laughed and said,"make a trip to Thailand and check out one of those asian brothels." I went along with the comment and laughed with him. But, I knew that this was no joke in my mind and it would be a great way to fulfill my desire to meet a pretty young asian girl. At age...

First Time
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Changed Neighbour To Lesbian And Did Threesome With Cab Driver

This incident happened with me some 9 months back. 3 years before we came to Mumbai from Kanpur because of my husband’s job and we came and settled here only. From first only we stayed at rented home my husband is in late 35 and he is a sr. Marketing manager. His sex stamina is ok. But I am bisexual I prefer female more than male. From first sight only sapna has attracted me towards her that why I made love to sapna. About ourself  I am 5. 5 ft tall,  skin color light brown, age 32, mere boob...

3 years ago
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Knowledge Too Soon

I was always a smart kid, always reading, always trying to learn something new. The search for new knowledge was exciting in and of itself, but I never dreamed knowledge could come unexpectedly. Or in such an unforeseen manner. I was fifteen years old when it happened, but I remember what Dee taught me to this day. I didn't learn until much later that the knowledge she gave me also gave me power, and with power you also get The Twins. The Twins of Responsibility and Accountability, and they...

3 years ago
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Compound X131Chapter 29 New orders

The police station had not undergone as many changes despite its importance to the Vagran cause. The only obvious change to the building was the shiny new sign under the station motif it read: Dedicated to the servants of the people by its Corporate Sponsors Drexel Pharma. Inside the briefing room the session was just getting underway. Blakey called the role to each name there was an associated 'Yo' or whoop in reply; Anita, Greta, Julie, Merrill, Ada and Joelle "Permission requested for...

2 years ago
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T girls first time with a Man

Sharing a story of my first time, with a masculine man.I was 19, and had recently moved to Vancouver, Canada. I was living with a friend and 3 other roommates in a large shared house. My room came partially furnished which was great, I was particularly happy about the large mirrored dresser that I could use to privately practice my makeup and try on outfits.By this time I'd been privately dressing and doing makeup for many years, I had also been shaving my body for a long time, I really hated...

3 years ago
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The Recruit A Porn Story Chapter 1

The Recruit That feels so good! Deeper, deeper!! Hit it, daddy, harder, ohhh yes! Yes! To you, it may seem a bit odd! Being fucked from behind like a dog, But it's my job. Like you show up to work every day, I do too; however, my job is to be a sexy hot receptacle for men. I'm a female porn star, a slut a whore whatever you chose to call me; I don't care I've been called worse. But I haven't always looked like this! I used to be a 19-year-old high school student. "A handsome...

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Agent Aphrodite

You are Jennifer Beasley, codenamed Agent Aphrodite. You work as a field agent for the Bureau of Obscured Operations Begetting Subversion, or BOOBS for short, a secretive semi-private intelligence agency working to obstruct the plans of national and international evildoers. You are twenty-seven years old, a natural blonde and have to keep very fit because of your job. Right now you're in a seedy nightclub with your partner for this mission, Bobby Bartek. You're here because you've recently...

2 years ago
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Hottie at work pt 3

I was trying to hide the obvious cum stains on the front of my pants. God, I looked like a 12 year old. Arriving at work, sheepishly sliding into the office without being noticed, I saw an envelope lying on the desk. I dropped everything to get to it, forgetting about work AND the cum stains. The note was from Katie, and it instructed me to replace the note with $300 cash and then leave the envelope on her desk before she left for the day. I don’t carry cash hardly anymore, who does now days....

1 year ago
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Story of my Life My Sister and I

This story and all the stories that follow are true, but the names of most of the people (except my own) have changed. Everything else is as true as I can remember it.__________________________________________My name is Vanessa Abigail Genai. This is a story of the first time I ever started masturbating.At the time I was only nine years old. I had not yet begun puberty so I was still flat and hairless. Those who knew me, always said I was beautiful, even back then. I had long blonde hair that...

3 years ago
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What a Deal Chapters 14 and 15

From the last story Brittany frigged herself, really getting into it as I got off at a small country road and reentered the highway on the other side. I drove back to the Subway and she masturbated to a tremendous orgasm. As we came back into civilization, she slouched again and I let her. "Still a little self-conscious?" "Yes. I'm afraid I'll be arrested." "Okay. I'll find another way to get you more into exhibitionism. Deal?" She eyed me suspiciously, but then...

2 years ago
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Lovely Mistress Suzy

Lovely Mistress SuzyMistress Suzy answered the door, quickly, as if she had been waiting.She was dressed in her bathrobe, nothing exciting at first glance."Upstairs, my bedroom and strip" she said, I went upstairs, I stripped, shaking and wondering what was about to happen.Suzy led me towards the bed and told me to lay face up and took hold of the straps she had already fixed in place, after a bit of readjusting, she strapped my arms and legs down and I lay spread-eagled and helpless.She...

3 years ago
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Sophies birthday present to her hubby

This is one that Sophie wrote about a little birthday surprise for her hubby (not me unfortunately... but I'm working on that!)They were having drinks for her husband's birthday. Just your usual "tuesday night" - or so she thought... The wine and conversation was flowing and eventually everyone left - except Nicky. Her, her husband and Nicky were all fairly toasted and having a good time. They started talking about porn sites on the computer and she showed Nicky some porn that she had...

2 years ago
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Bad Seed

An hour later she'd made the space port with still no pursuit at all. Cripes! Were they really that nonchalant about the whole business? Boarding the space liner she kept her guard up, it had saved her in the past and she wasn't about to stop. Finally alone in her cabin she removed the vial from the protective case. Opening it up, she looked at her loot. Damn if it didn't appear to be a vial of...? What the hell? Semen? Smirking she thought well guess it takes all kinds. She'd be...

2 years ago
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Timing Is Everything

Men are naturally aggressive creatures taking what we want. Predatory. Horny and male can be acceptable. Horny and female, taboo. Creating your closet freaks. A personal favorite still.....My personal preference to leans to attraction which for me, is not race specific. Luscious and wet is what it is all about. The mind and the body. The persona of the moment. The contrast or consistency of color is all part of the eroticism. The passion that makes the pie. Apple. Blueberry. Peach or Pumpkin....

3 years ago
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SacrificesChapter 2

Maya had a difficult night. Sonia kept tossing and turning, heedless of her presence. It wasn’t just that she shoved her smelly feet in her face now and then, but that she kept kicking and prodding her as she moved through the night. The smell only got sharper and cheesier, in the sweltering heat under the sheets. She kept getting streaks of damp, sticky sweat on her clothes and skin as her friend wiped her soles on her. Her sleep was constantly interrupted, and she had weird, disturbing...

2 years ago
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An Ass Can Stretch for Miles

A visual voice mail alert rang through the dining room area. I had grabbed my phone from the charger and see the message I had missed. It was the little piece of shit, Charles, the slave. I had not heard from him in two years since my last encounter with him. Charles is 41 years old. He is an anti-social man with an asshole which can stretch for hours. He loves to be a cum slut and eats his own cum. I have trained Charles to be subservient to me, yet I was bored with him. I had sought out other...

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My wife and the repairmen

It was a lazy Sunday morning, the schedule is that our electricians will fix some wirings in our house. Me and my wife was still sleeping and our two c***dren were out with my in-laws for a Sunday church and malling afterwards, it usually ended late at nigh so my wife and I are alone on Sundays. I was in my boxer shorts and Sando, my wife is in her nighties, a thin almost see-through satin skintone nighties.At 9am, someone is knocking on the door. I am so tire the night before so I didn't...

1 year ago
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Mixed Metaphors

Antonio had legally changed his last name to Miller, as it had originally been the same as a well-known Mafia boss. He was the epitome of a Madison Ave. Advertising agency writer and designer, and only thirty-two years old. Antonio had spent much of his time in college taking classes in Psychology, design and photography. His ability to see beyond the normal feelings of an individual were phenomenal, thereby allowing him to peek into the soul, and market an Ad that would sell refrigerators to...

4 years ago
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Kuntas VIndication

He smiled with a sense of palpable satisfaction, listening to the hungry slurping sounds rising up from below. Justice. Sweet justice. Memories came as goose bumps prickled the back of his neck. He was getting close. Any other time, the tragic memories would have been too painful to bear. But not anymore. Now they only heightened his sexual pleasure and vindication.He remembered the time he was chained to a pole in the plantations courtyard and whipped. All this because he laid hands on...

4 years ago
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Best Friend8217s Fiance

Hi readers, I am Iqra from Karachi, Pakistan. I have done bachelors in Biotechnology and my age is 22. I am a very traditional girl and I was not involved with any guy till the incidence that I am going to narrate. Now let me describe myself I have fair complexion, black eyes and my hairs are not very long. I am slim my figure is 32-24-34 and my height is 5.2” the most beautiful part of my body are my pink lips and hips. Now coming to the story. i have one childhood friend name Neha. We were in...

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Confessions of a Housewife Chapter Three

Back in happier marriage times, when my husband and I had both started experimenting with our wants, needs, and desires, I had purchased a sex toy. It wasn't anything frivolous if such a thing can be said about adult playthings, it was just a plain dildo, flesh colored with a large vein running from underneath the cock head to near the base. I had purposely looked for one that was similar in size and girth to my husband, so it seemed as realistic as possible. Anything that was too large, long...

1 year ago
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My New Neighbor

I live in a real “uptown” apartment building, it was right off of a lake so you could go boating if you desired, has a swimming pool and a host of other amenities to make life real livable. I was coming home from work, saw a moving van unloading and figured they finally rented the apartment at the end of the hall. There was a, how do you say it, Rubenesque type young woman unloading a car, so I asked her if she was moving into the vacant apartment and she replied, “yes I am, why”? I told her I...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Christie Stevens Mom Makes Me Cum

Christie Stevens and her stepson Tony have been at the airport all day for their flight. When it was ultimately canceled, the two relocated to a hotel. Even worse, they have to share a bed because the hotel is out of rooms with two queens. Christie is exhausted and totally over the day, so she decides to go to sleep in her bra and thong. Tony is a bit weirded out, but he agrees to share the bed. Once he thinks his hot stepmom is just about asleep, Tony gets naked and slides into bed so he can...

2 years ago
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My First Time My First MILF

This is a true story that happened to me a week ago. I was sitting in my room looking at some porn on the internet. My parents were out of town for the weekend and I had some alone time. Then I got a call on my phone. It was my buddy's mom, Carol. She said she and a friend were at a club on the other end of the city and had had to much too drink and needed a ride home. She said she could not reach any one else and she was desperate. I told her I would head that way. I had been just got my...

4 years ago
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The Rain of Pharaoh

She slammed her hand on the countertop. “What do you mean, there’s no reservation? Rhianne Fitzgerald, PhD. I made the reservation a month ago.” “Sorry miss,” said the harried clerk behind the counter. “I’ve got one room left with a king sized bed. I can give you a cot.” It was late afternoon, and a few rays of sunlight faded to yellow through the tinted windows of the lobby. Dr. Fitzgerald was flipping through the pages of her pocket calendar. “Here it is… Oh wait.” She turned to me...

3 years ago
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The Lady and The Gentleman or A

The day after my surprising date I wrote my friend a text to thank him for the amazing date he had set me up on. He wrote back how happy he was that it had been a success and he was the one thanking me as I had really helped him being able to show up with short notice. It turned out he had many celebrities as clients at his dating bureau and he asked me if he could call me another time since I didn't seem intimidated by going on a date with a celebrity. Obviously, I told him I was up for it.I...

1 year ago
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A Walk on the Wild Side

" ... and for those just joining us, you're listening to the Arnie Crew Show here on WKTX Talk Radio," the twenty-five-year-old woman said into the microphone. "I'm Stormy Knight, sitting in for the ailing Arnie Crew. Our guest tonight has been Crystal McKay, known to many of you as the First Lady of Adult Video." Stormy smiled at the tall fortyish redhead sitting across from her at the console. Almost twice her age, Crystal was dressed in jeans and a low cut white T-shirt. A shirt that...

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