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This is the story of events leading up to and the accounts of a life-changing event for my sister Sharon and I.  Sharon was 17, almost 18 at the time, and I was 22.  It was late last summer on a hot weekend.  My parents had gone out of town on one of their getaways, and my sister was at home by herself.  I live alone, not far from my Mom and Dad’s

It was a Saturday morning, and it was pretty outside with the smell of flowers in the air, birds singing, and not to mention a lot of sunshine.  The phone rang and it was my sister Sharon on the other end.  Sharon told me her friend was sick and could not come over and asked if I wanted to come hang out at the pool all day.  Hm-mm, good idea, I thought, because there was nothing going on that I could not do later so I told her I would be right over

“Thomas, I am making us some lemonade for today”, she answered.

I gave her a side hug and she did the same with her arm.  Sharon told me that she needed to change, and asked if I could take the lemonade out to the little fridge by the pool.  Then she asked if I was changing.  I told her that I was just going to wear the shorts I was wearing, and that I would bring the lemonade out.

I went out beside the pool and kicked off my sneakers and took my shirt off and laid back in one of the lounge chairs beside the pool. After a few minutes, Sharon came walking out with some towels in her arms and some tan lotion.  The sun was on her and I could see the impressions of her dark bikini through her long white t-shirt.  The first thing that crossed my mind was that she looked really good.

Sharon put the towels and lotion down on the pool deck and as I watched, she pulled the t-shirt up over her head and off.  I looked, and couldn’t help but notice that she had a great body, which filled out her bikini really nicely.  As all of this happened, I could not help but compliment her, and jokingly asked her if she was going to model. Sharon giggled and turned all way around with a few body sways giving me a peek, and I did feel that sinking feeling in my gut and that tingle up my spine when beauty is in view.

For a while, we just talked.  We talked about what was going on in our lives, and about boyfriends and girlfriends or the lack thereof.  The subject of sex even came up and we told each other some of the details.  I felt myself get flushed once, while on this subject with Sharon, and I had already had to put a bunched up towel over my shorts to cover the crotch area and a hard rise.

After a few minutes, things in that area calmed down and Sharon and I went for a swim.  We swam close to each other, but not really so close as to touch each others bodies, only friendly pats etc.  By that time the sun was really beating down, and the day was heating up.  Sharon laid a couple of mats out on the pool deck and then laid towels over them.  She then lay face down and asked me to put lotion on her back.  Of course, I said sure.

I knelt down and started rubbing lotion over her back and rubbing it into her skin.  I rubbed some up beside the sides of her breasts, but I stayed away with my fingers, not touching them.  I couldn’t help but admire them though; it had been a while for me.   I moved down her back and along the top of her bikini line.   I was enjoying the feel of her skin, and I couldn’t help but think to myself, hm-mm not a bad ass either.

Sharon then told me to do her legs too so I rubbed some lotion on her thighs, below her butt, and even a good distance from her crotch and then down her calves.  Then, as I was coming back up her legs with a little more lotion, Sharon spread her legs a little and told me to not miss anything.  Wow!  I could not help from viewing the sweet crotch area of her bikini, and suddenly I was wishing she was not my sister.  I did as she asked, and I got the inside of her thighs really good and ever so close to her crotch area, careful not to touch the area of her pussy.  Even so, I was still getting a hard-on.

I went in the pool after finishing the lotion rub, trying to forget and let the hard-on go away.  After a few minutes, I got out of the pool and went to sit down.  By this time, Sharon had spread lotion over the front of her tight little body, and was enjoying the sun.  The view was nice, even though she was my sister.  I really have no idea if she saw me catching glimpses or not, but I’m sure she had to know.

We spent more time talking, and after few glasses of lemonade, and some more swimming, Sharon decided she needed more sun on her backside.  Once again, she asked if I would do the lotion duties. This time was much the same as before.  Believe me, my hands were enjoying her soft skin, only this time, as I was rubbing back up from the bottom of Sharon's legs to her thighs, she spread her legs even further, giving me a wide view of her goodies.  Although everything was covered by the bikini, this time, a little bit of one of her pussy lips were peeking out from the sides.  I got pretty turned on at the sight as I massaged the lotion up in the area so close to the intimate area of her pussy.

My fingers brushed the side of her pussy and Sharon didn’t move, and so I lingered there and took the opportunity to bush her pussy a few more times.  Suddenly, I realized my hard-on was touching her leg.  Embarrassed, I apologized, and I told her I was going for another swim.  We finally finished with all the swimming and sun-tanning, and decided to call it a day.

We went inside, and I walked upstairs with my change of dry clothes with Sharon.  I went into my old room to change.  About the time I was undressed and naked, Sharon suddenly walked in, asking what I was doing the next day. I did not have a chance to cover myself very quickly, and she sure got an eye full.  

“Oops sorry”, she gasped.  She looked embarrassed, and quickly walked out.

After changing, I went downstairs and in a few minutes Sharon came down, changed out of her bikini and into dry clothes, just ready for a shower.  We said our goodbyes and Sharon gave me a pretty close hug as I left and I felt all the softness of her breasts.  It was the first time I had started thinking about her in a different way, other than just as my sister.

Nothing happened for a couple of weeks after that day by the pool.  Everything seemed normal again until the Sunday I called and asked Sharon if she could come over and help me rearrange and clean out my closets.  That was the day things really started to turn.

While we were working in the closets, Sharon and I were in close quarters, and I was thinking how great she looked in that little pair of shorts and top.  My mind started to wander to the Saturday by the pool, and then up came an unexpected hard-on. I did not pay much attention to it, although it was quite uncomfortable.  Somehow, my hard-on brushed Sharon's ass pretty good and of course, I apologized.  She said it was no big deal, and gave me that familiar smile I have known for years.

Then, after a few minutes, she somehow backed into it and turned to the side with it up against her legs.  Sharon let out a little gasp, and looked down at what was up.  She smiled but didn’t say anything else about it.

Next we had to put things up on the top shelves and Sharon was on a step stool and I was handing her things.  When we finished with that, she jumped down from the stool, and I was still behind her with a boner. Somehow Sharon had came off the stool in a backwards motion, and while coming down she caught my cock with her backside.  This did not feel too good either, because her weight sort of caught my cock and put a lot of pressure downward. I went “oomph”, and held my hand over my crotch. Sharon laughed at me and asked me if she broke it. We had a good laugh out of that. But there was nothing else that happened that day.

 Now, fast forward about 3 weeks, until a few days after Sharon's 18th birthday. Sharon called me and asked if I would come to Silverados that night to help her celebrate, and that she was going to ride over there with some of her girlfriends.   I could not pass up a dance and some good times, plus this was my sister's special birthday celebration.

That night I put on some jeans, a white shirt and just a casual black jacket and headed out for Silverados.  When I got there, the place was packed and I looked everywhere.  Finally I heard my name

Sharon shouted “Thomas, over here!”.
Sharon walked up and pointed to their table and I looked in awe at my sister. She was really looking fine tonight. Sharon was wearing black flats, a black dress and it looked like she had on something lacy, like a slip underneath, because you could see the top of the lace just a little.  I paid her a nice compliment.  Sharon hugged me really tight and thanked me for coming, and we walked over to the table and sat down.

Sharon walked up and pointed to their table and I looked in awe at my sister. She was really looking fine tonight. Sharon was wearing black flats, a black dress and it looked like she had on something lacy, like a slip underneath, because you could see the top of the lace just a little.  I paid her a nice compliment.  Sharon hugged me really tight and thanked me for coming, and we walked over to the table and sat down.

After a few minutes of talking, one of Sharon's friends asked me to dance so we went out onto the dance floor. There had been a bit of a sexual dry spell for me, so dancing with Sharon's friend Kim was nice.  Yes, I did get a whole lot turned on but I did keep my distance from her, and when we got finished dancing, I walked behind Kim back to the table and sat down pretty fast.

In a few minutes, Sharon asked me to dance and two of the other girls were already out on the floor with guys, so I took Shelia by the hand and we walked out to the dance floor. This dance was going to be a slow one and I had just recovered from a hard-on from a dance with Kim mind you, and here I was out there with Sharon. I smiled down at Sharon, taking her in my arms, one on my hands on her shoulder and the other at her waist right at the small of her back.

As I held and danced with Sharon, her breasts were touching my chest. I smelled her light perfume and just enjoyed the dance, but somehow my mind, once again, wandered back to that Saturday at the pool.  As we danced, my cock got hard again but I did not mind. I don't know how or why but during all this, I guess I had pulled Sharon gently toward me and now her breasts were really pressing into my chest.  Then I felt my cock brush up against Sharon but instead of either of us backing away, Sharon did not pull back.

By that time we were dancing and swaying to what could have been 3 songs and Sharon moved her body up close against my hard cock and I know I was pressing it harder into her too.

That's when Sharon whispered in my ear.  “I think you have a problem down there”, she said, and giggled.

“Tell me about it”, I agreed.

After that song was over, we went back and sat down at the table before the others got back.  We sat there, and got soft drinks while we talked and laughed. Sharon heard a slow number come up and before anyone could say a word, she asked me if I wanted to go dance again. 

Once again I took Sharon by the hand and led her out on the floor far from her friends. All during that walk out on the dance floor my arms were tingling, and my stomach felt like it had bottomed out.  My cock was already stirring. Without a word my sister looked up at me straight in the eyes and we came together in a dancing embrace only this was more than just that.  Sharon came straight into me, pressing up against my hard cock with her pelvic region, just above her pussy. We danced like that to the song, swaying back and forth.  I guess I was lost in the moment again because it was like a reflex without thinking, and I gave Sharon a couple of thrusts into her body and in a moment to my surprise Sharon gave me two thrusts back, and then my hand moved down to her ass feeling it a little.  After that song, we went back to the table by ourselves.  I was sitting next to Sharon who was sitting next to the wall.  When nobody was looking, I discreetly put my hand on her thigh and moved her dress up a little.  I did feel the lace of a slip.  I then felt Sharon move her legs apart ever so slightly and that's when Sharon put her hand on my thigh right beside my cock.  I eased down a little and her hand touched my hard-on. Wow! Her touch of my thighs was great but this had more of an electric feeling.  I looked over at Sharon and we smiled back and forth. 

Learning in, I told her “I wanna do something about this”.

In response, she gave my cock a squeeze. I then saw Kim and Sharon's other two friends walking toward the table, and I asked Sharon if she wanted to go out to dance again. We got up and out to the floor in a hurry.  Again we came together, our bodies enjoying the closeness, my hard-on up against Sharon. 

I looked at her and said, “Sharon we’ve got to get outta here”

“OK, let me tell my friends”, agreed.

Sharon went over and said a few words to her friends, and came back and said we could go.  As we were walking out, I kept her in front of me.  She asked if I still had that problem.  In response, I eased my hard-on into her backside and at the same time she  reached back for a feel. 

Sharon said, “ we can't let anyone see that so stay close to me”.

And, you bet I did!

 We got in my car, and on the way to my house, Sharon and I kept going what we had started by feeling each other up most of the way home. We pulled into the driveway and I parked the car.  I told Sharon that we better not even touch walking into the house because someone might see us.  We opened the door and walked in, and as soon as I locked the door, Sharon and I held each other.  We didn’t say a word.  My hard-on was pressing into her body, lost in that moment, and I kissed Sharon on the forehead and ran my fingers through her hair.  I then kissed her nose and cheek , slowly traveled down her neck. That is when I felt Sharon's lips kissing my neck.  I moved from kissing her cheek to her lips. I gave her one small kiss on the lips and it was nice.  Both of us must have opened our eyes at the same time, and then I felt I had to kiss her again.  Our lips met, mouths opened, and we enjoyed a great tender kiss as my hands massaged her breasts.  I kissed down to her cleavage, my hand on her ass, feeling it.  Sharon then raised her dress and I saw her lower her panties a little and then I responded by unbuttoning my jeans and unzipping them for her.

Holding her and kissing her, my hand made its way up her thighs to her pussy, and my fingers slid under her panties and I felt all her wetness and her soft folds.  Sharon unbuttoned a couple of buttons on my shirt and kissed my chest, and then I felt her hand in my boxers and fingers grabbing hold of my cock ever so gently. With all of this going on, I reached behind Sharon and unzipped her dress and my fingers unbuttoned another button for Shelia.  Then we kissed with even more passion, like two lovers. 

Slipped the straps of Sharon's dress down her shoulders, and she let her arms fall to her sides, letting the dress fall to the floor. I was then looking at Sharon in a really lacy black slip.  She was so beautiful. I carried Sharon piggy back to my bedroom, and stood her back on the floor by my bed. Lust seemed like it had taken over.  I moved the slip upTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Sharing My Room With Sis 7 Secrets

Mom was already gone to work for the day. As I went to the bathroom I realized I was again a free man. On Saturday I had become Abby's slave for the day after loosing a childish bet and a childish argument. Abby had not only made me do a school project for her, but had made me walk around naked all day except for a bowtie. She had teased dick with soft touches and kisses, and when she found me jerking myself, she made me show her porn while she masturbated. Finally, she had me give her a...

3 years ago
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The nights sinful secrets

~ Chapter 1 ~ Athena giggled to herself as she ran through the Marquis’s maze. She heard the hushed ramblings of boots pounding the dirt in the far off distance. It has to be him and a few of his men searching for me. They didn't sound close enough to catch up with her yet. She ran deeper into the maze at a playful pace. The image of shock flashing over him pushed her further to the limits of just plain naughty foolishness and if she was honest with herself, she loved every second of it. Jase's...

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David 2 Family secrets

When David got home he was relieved to see the house in darkness. It was unusual for his parents to go to bed early on a weekend but he was thankful that he didn’t have to face them.Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed.He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for...

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David 2 Family secrets

Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed. He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for mother and son. He tapped on the first thumbnail and immediately the screen switched to a scene with a middle aged woman sucking the cock of a boy who looked to be about David’s...

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Learning Family Secrets

We climbed out of Norma’s car and went in through the front door. Francine, George, Brenda and Marcia were waiting for us in the living room. George stood as we entered, offering me his hand to shake. He had a good grip, and smiled as he told me, “We’re glad to have you in the family, Darrell. Norma and I both appreciate how willing you have been to share bodies with all the women in my life. I know you had a good time yesterday fucking Norma and her mom, and I certainly have missed fucking...

1 year ago
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My Pet Lucy Chapter 1 Secrets

It was early summer and Sam was helping Lucy get ready to move house. They had only been dating for a couple of months, but things were going pretty well. Neither of them had been looking for anything serious but they got on well, shared some genuine affection and had a lot of fun together.Lucy's mum would be arriving soon to begin ferrying her stuff to the new place. They had packed up most of the other rooms, which just left Lucy's room to sort out."So, what needs to be done?" Sam asked,...

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High School Secrets

High School Secrets By JRD Jimmy and his friend, Elmer, were walking home when they passed the house of David Bender, the school's star quarterback. David was sitting on the front porch with his girl, Amanda, the head cheerleader. Getting close, Elmer asked, "Want to make a break for it?" Before Jimmy could respond, David yelled out, "Hey, boy, get over here." Jimmy sighed. "Naw, indulging David means he protects me from the other bullies at school." Jimmy was an...

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I guess we all have them, I certainly did, but you don't realize that others do too until something happens, that many times brings them out into the open. My mother had been sick for quite some time, dad having passed away a few years before so she had pretty much lived alone, though she had many friends that she spent a considerable amount of time with, which I was very grateful for as at the time, I lived a considerable distance away out of state. So I guess depending on how you look at...

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Lamour de deux femmes

L'amour de deux femmes By Jessie For those who wanted to hear more detail about my feminine adventures I have decided to tell you about my first feminine sexual encounter. I really hope you enjoy it, please let me know if you do! (Yes, I have embellished it a bit, well, a lot! But some of it really did happen... have a fun read!) As some of you will already know I sometimes crossdressed with my mother's friends Helen and Madeline. (See 'Delicious Adventure') After my first...

4 years ago
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Detours Part 1 of 3

It was Bonnie’s dad who had instilled in her the love of a good, long road-trip. Her appreciation of the finer things such as a car loaded with snack-food and CDs, rest stops, and the nuances of “roadkill bingo” were all because of him. He enjoyed planning his routes as much as he did just tossing the bags in the trunk on a whim and picking a direction and driving. And Bonnie always went with him. “North American roads have more total distance than the rest of the world combined,” he told...

Straight Sex
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Courtney and Tony start their life together

Tony and Courtney start their lives together This is a sequel to the story Wrestling with myself, by Katie Leone. Tony, a senior, befriended Courtney (formerly Corey) when she appeared as a 9th grader at Dunedin HS, in Florida. Tony is a deeply committed Christian, who never expected to fall in love with a transgendered girl, or face harassment from his Christian friends to the point of being attacked and hospitalized. The last scene of the book shows them at the homecoming dance...

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ScourgeChapter 2

Upon arrival at the stalker’s camp, Audra notices that there are two massively built men at the gates, acting as guardians. Neither of the men moves as she and her captors pass by. She begins to wonder how fast the large men would move if she decided to suddenly escape. But why would I? She is led through the encampment, which with the exception of the two men at the gates, have no guards. There are, however, a slew of breeders. They are lined up in rows and too far gone. Their limbs are...

1 year ago
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ScourgeChapter 7

Audra wakes up in a very cushiony and comfortable bed. She can’t remember the last time she was in a bed that felt this good. She also finds herself alone in a private room. Looking around the simple room, she is struck by how luxurious it seems to be. The clean sheets are crisp and fresh, the furniture looks brand new. As a rebel she never came close to being in a room this nice let alone having crisp, clean sheets. Often times, before and after joining the rebels, she was lucky to have...

3 years ago
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Dark Secrets

Chapter One - NaomiEveryone has dark secrets right? Take Naomi for instance. She’s a bright girl, young, attractive. She’s married to a hardworking man, Buddy. They live in a nice house, on a large ranch, right along the Trinity river in Texas. There’s a horse barn and some cattle. Naomi loves to ride all over their property. Probably the only thing that she doesn’t have is the company of her husband. You see he works in the oilfield and is rarely home. When he does finally make it there, he’s...

2 years ago
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Courtesan Ch 07

We pulled onto Jackson Street. Jackson was a three lane one way street going towards downtown. Charles Street was one block west. It was a three lane one way street leaving downtown. Kelly and I both agreed that when we were driving downtown it was faster to take Jackson and Charles than to drive a mile east and get onto the freeway. It was 5:00 o'clock, rush hour. Most of the cars were on Charles Street heading south out of downtown, but Jackson was still busy. As soon as Kelly settled her...

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Courtesan Ch 06

"So how did you make the transition from having sex with your bosses to becoming a courtesan?" Looking at me with a puzzled expression, Kelly asked, "Why do you keep using the word courtesan?" "I thought that was the term you and your fellow workers preferred." "It was. It makes what we do seem almost elegant, but why would you use it? I'd think you'd choose a word like hooker or even whore." "Those words are pejoratives, especially whore. They imply that there was something wrong with what you...

3 years ago
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Dirty Secrets

Her Dirty Secrets from Her Lover and The Naughty Chef It began as a usual Saturday in the big infamous oval track town, racing capital of the world, home of the black and white checkered flag, the Indianapolis 500. Deanne was extremely tired. She had talked to her friend with benefits, her lover, in NYC through the night. Slowly over a period of about four months, they had been getting to know one another as friends and lovers. It was safe to say they were both pretty much suffering...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 3 Sojonit Secrets

The woman in the red dress led me through a labyrinth of hallways, corridors and after an elevator ride, into the secret basement facilities of the Temple far below the surface accessible only through a complicated process of ID verification that made the Blue-Blue-Red Code process look like child’s play. We ended up in a small conference room of sorts with several chairs and a kidney shaped table in the middle. A Sojonit entered and handed the Mother Superior a PDD and said. “Arrangements...

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Meriweather Way Secrets

We all have secrets…Elise Fairborough had many! Living at number twelve, Meriwether Way for the last six years she had discovered the very best way to press her husband’s shirts, the perfect stain remover for her white sheepskin rug even the best way to brew coffee in the morning to give it the strongest taste. Yet if one thing Elise had learned above all that she had perfected in the last six years, it was how to keep a secret behind closed doors. ‘Yeah of course just set up the meeting, I...

2 years ago
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Tell Me Your Secrets

Going through emails was normally quite tedious when you owned a website. Joseph's website, however, was a niche site that only attracted specific viewers, so the emails he received were very specific, and much more interesting.He scanned the list until he found the one that interested him. It was from Marie, his current client. She confirmed that everything was a 'go' for tomorrow night. Joseph smiled. Marie was a hot and horny one. This was going to be fun.His website catered to husbands or...

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Dirty Little Secrets

Dirty Little Secrets By Couture"Are you done yet Millie?" Victoria called from the living room."Almost finished ma'am."  The petite young woman hurriedly loaded the cups in the dishwasher and looked around beneath the sink for the detergent.  She was a pretty girl of only twenty four.  However, with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, cheeks with a light coat of blush, sky blue eyeshadow, and pink lipstick, she looked nineteen."Hurry, you're embarrassing me in front of my friend.""I'm sorry...

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I Spy with my Little Eye Something Beginning with S Secrets

Part 4 I woke up the next morning and groaned deeply as I felt a pair of lips sliding down my morning erection. Even before I was fully awake I was thrusting my hips upwards to meet that willing mouth. “Isn’t your sister good at sucking cock, my little baby!” came the whisper in my ear. My eyes shot open and I would have been panic stricken except for the feeling of a pair of cheeks hollowing against the side of my cock. I looked at my mother lying beside me as her pointed nails took hold of...

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Do you have a secret stash? Of course, you fucking do! We all do! Whether you are talking about that ounce of reefer you have stuck behind your bookshelf or all those old VHS porno tapes you are hiding from your mother for some reason, we all have one! Or did have one, until we moved out of our parent’s basement like the big boys we are!Well, Secret Stash also has its own secret stack. So much that it named the premise Secret Stash! The platform has a fuck load of videos available for you to...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Courtney and Robin Meet

Courtney and Robin meet Again, here are two characters originally created by other writers of TG fiction-Courtney by Katie Leone and then expanded on by me in a previous sequel to her work. Robin Smith was created by Zoe Taylor in a (so far) three volume trilogy. Since martial arts figures so prominently in many of my stories, and Robin is already established as a student of Kenpo Karate, it seemed a natural to write her into one of my own crossovers. Again, I take no credit for...

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Chapter 1 "And the world's shrunken to a heap of hot flesh straining on a bed." -E.R. Dodds British Classical Scholar To be frank, I wanted her the moment I saw her, which is strange because she was 20 years older than me. But there was that certain something about her that attracted me to her, and I knew that if the feeling was even slightly mutual, I would act on it. Courtney was the wife of a co-worker. Don had come to our company first as a consultant, and then as he proved himself...

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CourtneyOne Crazy Little Bitch Part 2

I knew what we were doing was wrong. What more can I say? That I knew it was wrong and that I didn't care? Well,fine. "I didn't care!". There. I said it. Does That Make You Happy? I had pleaded with Samantha,Courtney's Mother,never to ask me to babysit for her again! Granted,I didn't go into any great detail,but that's besides the point,damnit! I'm sure She has a pretty good idea as to my reasons why.I mean,it's not My fault,that Courtney is litterally "certifiably insane"! It's not My...

2 years ago
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CourtneyOne Crazy Little Bitch Part 1

Courtney has been a bubble off plumb since she was a toddler. There's just no two ways about it. If You don't keep a constant eye on the girl,she'll do the damndest things! Like the last time I had to watch her. We were in the den,watching cartoons on the TV,and all I did was go to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. When I got back she was gone! I searched the whole house and finally found her,after I heard her voice coming from the back yard. I was in the attic by then,so I looked out the...

3 years ago
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Courtney Part 1

The wind was blustering outside Adam’s window. October’s colored tears swirled in the streets as a chill descended upon the town. The trees were almost completely bare and heavier jackets were becoming an essential part of any trip outside. Winter was slowly creeping in. Courtney stared out his bedroom window into the gray dismal sky. Heavy snow was forecasted to begin falling this evening and continue into the next day. Like every other teenager, she couldn’t help but hope school would be...


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