- 5 years ago
- 37
- 0
Dark Mind
She was more than pretty, more than beautiful. She was Jenny Harbert and she was probably the best thing that could ever come out Hargrove city. My name is Ethan Murk. Yeah I know the last name is real cheery?yeah right. Nothing was cheery in my life but thinking about that hot little prize next door, Jenny. She was a package. Had all the friends in the world, had a very wealthy father and she was probably the best at anything in the city. She had won countless medals and plaques for dance class, track, volleyball, you name it and she probably has a medal for it. What do I have you might wonder? I have a small ass trophy on my dresser for passing the final my freshman year in high school with a great score. That was 3 years ago though, now I was a senior, the final stage before life starts. School had been going for some time. Spring break was already upon me. Not a bad break from school, for most is meant beaches, watching girls in bikinis and hardcore party’s. Not for me though, no not at all. I had nothing, no family, no life, nothing. The only thing I really had was Jenny and of course seeing that I was a computer loving little nerd and she was a prize of the school she probably didn’t even know my name. I didn’t look bad at all I didn’t think. 6 foot 3 with no pimples, medium length brown hair and an even face. Everything about me seemed pretty normal I guess, just your average computer guy. Problem was I had a secret that I liked to keep to myself. I had a horrible infatuation with torture and women being involved in it. Every night I pretty much surf the Internet looking for new pictures or stories about chicks being tortured. Does that sound strange? I though it was a bit odd at first, but over a period of time I couldn’t shake my fetish of seeing pretty girls in pain. Something about taking a perfect body and reducing it to nothing but a screaming pile of imperfection. This is exactly what I wanted to do to Jenny next door. I wanted her and wanted her badly. She deserved what I wanted to put her through, the horrible pain that I wanted to make her endure. She turned 18 tomorrow and of course she was going to have a huge pool party. No surprise but an invitation had not come my way, and I knew one would never come. Going over there would probably be a stupid idea but I knew what I wanted and I knew how to get it. I would have to study her, map out her every movement and strike when she was most vulnerable. Sounds like I’m your average stalking rapist right? But in total truth I had no plans to rape her, in fact no sexual arousal had hit me at all whenever I caught a peek at her in her bikini. All I wanted was her luscious breasts and that wonderful little bulge between her legs. I had mapped out everything that I wanted to do to her. I wanted to test exactly which area on her which was the most sensitive and I fully planned to find that area and expose it for everything it was worth. I stayed up sometimes all night thinking about my attack on her, trying to make it perfect to I left no trace of what I was going to do. Tonight though I had decided to sleep so I wouldn’t be tired for tomorrow. I jumped in my sleeping bag on the ground and nestled in. Sadly the bed in my room is almost roof high with junk. My room doubles as a storage closet for the whole house. My dad, whenever the guy is actually home always barks at me to make the room look more presentable. Sad thing is most of the crap on my bed belongs to him; he just keeps piling his extra stuff in my room. I get angry sometimes because of my living space. Our house might as well be a trailer its so small and broken down. Before my mother died she told me to be thankful for everything that I ever had because one day it might all be just a memory. Sort of like her, just a memory that I could only refresh when I studied the very few pictures I had of her. Thinking about all the junk and memories put me to sleep fast thankfully.
The morning seemed to come very fast. I awoke to the sound of body’s hitting water. No surprise either. It was 11:30 in the morning and the pool party right next door sounded like it was going strong. I could hear the thud of the diving board, the happy screams of joy from all the girls and finally the splash, which was probably the loudest of them all. I walked over to the window and peeked though the top of the blinds. I could see over the privacy fence pretty well and my eyes instantly went to Jenny sitting on a plastic lawn chair right next to the deep end. Her breasts were amazing even from as far away as I was. I couldn’t help but think about hurting them. Watching her struggle against bonds as I tortured her with no remorse. Of course all of it was just a wonderful daydream. Something I probably would never be able to accomplish. As I watched on her boyfriend Trevor jump on her almost taking the chair over. They both laughed and smacked a fat kiss on each other’s lips. Trevor’s stuck up friend Daniel jumped on her as well kissing her playfully on the cheek. Two guys on her?a common site at school and now at home as well. She always had guys around her. It made me pretty mad sometimes. Made me feel like I should do something about her playing the role of little miss slut. I felt like it was my duty to punish her for hoaring herself all over the place. Sometimes I thought about it though, was it really right to think such thoughts about another person, to think about doing something awful to them like that. Yes, yes it was, everyone loved Jenny, they loves her just because she had stunning appeal and flaunted it every chance she had and just for that she had to pay. I slipped on a pair of blue jeans and a solid red colored shirt, grabbed my tennis shoes and was out the door headed over to the pool party. I knew this was a horrible move on my part but I didn’t care, I wanted to see just how Jenny would react to me. The backyard gate creaked as I entered looking around at the sizeable area. Large pool, trampoline and all the ponds and fountains you could imagine. I’d say there were around 30 people altogether, most of them talking to Jenny and her boyfriend. I approached over to the group of people and stood up straight smiling as much as I could, trying to hide my burning hate for that busty bitch. When she actually looked over at me I got pretty scared, it felt like she was piercing my thoughts, like she was reading my plans to capture her. At first she smiled at me, but soon it faded into a blank stare. Before I knew it the group of people around her where also staring my way, not looking to impressed. Then she spoke to me, words to this day I will never forget, and even over the sound of laughing and water splashing I heard them. ?What the fuck are you doing at my party?? I thought I would vomit, or maybe scream and run, both options sounded pretty bad to me though. She stood up and walked over to me now with more of an evil smile on her face. She stood right in front of me with a hand on one hip, standing in such a slutty pose that I wanted to slap the shit out of her right then and there. ?I asked you a question Ethan, why the hell are you at my party, I don’t remember giving you an invitation.? I cocked an eyebrow at the fact that she actually knew my name, however what she said only further agitated me and I glared down at her. ?Jenny, I just came by to wish you a happy birthday, nothing wrong with that right?? I said forming a smile on my face. She seemed a bit puzzled by this, trying to judge what I had just said, she finally seemed to agree, gave me a small nod and walked back over to her friends. I didn’t get home for another few hours, I stayed away from Jenny though the rest of the time, had a few beers and smoked a strange tasting cigar as well, overall it was a good time except for the bitch who was hosting it all. It was that very night that I had made my decision; in exactly 2 days I would capture Jenny, torture her and depending on what happened, let her live of kill her. I had a great breakfast the next morning, cooked myself a wonderful amulet and was ready on my roof with a pair of binoculars when she came out that morning to feed her little dogs in her back yard. I felt some commando loser, spying on women from my roof, but I knew it would pay off well. After she fed the dogs she walked out of the yard and up the street to her boyfriends house, conveniently located only 2 blocks away. I climbed back down the ladder to the ground and went inside. I cocked the window open and bit and played around on my laptop, I started with playing some games and ended with reading some great torture story’s written by my favorite author Cortez. It wasn’t long after I was finished that she came back up the street and returned to her house, she seemed worked over and her clothes were ruffled, an obvious sign of sex. Probably with more than on guy as well. I was very startled when the phone rang, it almost never does. Running over to it I picked it up quickly eager to see who it was. ?Um, hello?? I waited for a response on the other end; finally I got one and my stomach turned. ?Hey there you little fucking pervert.? It was Jenny, and she sounded pretty damn angry with me. ?Oh hi there Jenny, how are you today?? ?Cut the shit Ethan.? She said ?You really think I didn’t see you spying on me on your roof earlier, your such a fucking creep and my boyfriend probably on his way over there right now to kick your ass.? She slammed down the phone angrily. Not long after I heard a loud pounding on my side door, my heart stopped as I peeked out the blinds to see that sure enough it was Trevor looking pretty mad himself, he even already had his sleeves rolled up. Instantly I ran to my closet and grabbed my 20-gauge shotgun already loaded with birdshot (birdshot shells are filled with a lot of very small pellets) I hurried over to the door hiding the weapon behind my leg from view. Upon opening it Trevor stormed up and instantly got in my face staring slightly up at me. ?What the FUCK do you think your doing looking at my girl on your roof you sick little prick, I’m gonna beat your ass so badly that your not even gonna know what hit ya.? Upon saying this he pushed me back hard knocking me to the ground, I quickly pulled my gun from underneath me and fired riddling his chest with holes. He let out a scream and fell backwards out the door into my driveway face down. I quickly rose to my feet and aimed the weapon at his groaning body. He turned over facing me, his shirt torn up and his chest seemingly shredded from the shot. I glared down at him aiming the gun in his face ready to fire again if need be. ?Oh my God you shot me you mother fucking prick.? I fired again shooting him point blank in the face spewing blood all over me and the side of my house. Following the shot he crashed back to the ground gurgling blood. After another few seconds I knew he was through. I opened my garage looking around very worried that someone heard all the shooting. When no one seemed to respond I ran into my house and came out with a large blue bed sheet, which I wrapped him in and slid him into my garage. I had just shut the door when up my driveway came Jenny looking pissed. She stormed right up to me and with no warning at all slammed her foot into my balls. I looked shocked for a moment then collapsed to the ground in the horrible writhing agony. ?Did Trevor already show up and kick your ass?? she smiled down at me aware that her boyfriend was dead right on the other side of the door she was standing by. I thought of my gun, which I had placed right inside my side door when I ran into grab the sheet. ?Well why don’t you say something Ethan, you little bitch, or are your little balls hurting to much.? She said with a wicked little smile. Just for my defense my balls weren’t little, I didn’t care what she thought. Jenny gave one final smile and turned to leave, despite the pain I rose and snatched the shotgun from my open side door, she turned around to see the commotion and that was the last thing she saw. I rammed the butt of the gun into her forehead knocking her to the ground in a slump obviously either dead or unconscious, but hopefully the second one. I dragged her body into the house and shut the door, she was pretty light for such big breasts I thought to myself, this is pretty amusing already. Half of me was overjoyed and the other half was scared to death, though I had in acted my plan a bit early to kidnap her whatever works I guess. First things was first, I had to get her restrained before she woke up. Some weeks back I had bought a package of those nylon zip ties. The ones that hold pretty much anything you zip them around which in this case would be Jenny. After furiously throwing everything off my bed to the floor I carried her over and laid her down, her forehead was slightly purple from the impact of the weapon. It didn’t hurt her appearance though by any means. I took great pride in tying her hands, taking the left one and zipping it to my hard ass steel bedpost then doing the same to the right one. I wasn’t sure how tight to zip it though, didn’t want to cut of circulation. Her legs were a bit harder since my ties weren’t really long enough to wrap around them. To solve this problem I fished out a rope from my closet and secured both her legs open to the bedposts. Thankfully I had taken my time learning different knots making it an easy and effective tie. Just to be safe I ran another rope under the bed around her waist to minimize movement. I was pretty surprised when she let out a groan and started to move around a bit. Her eyes opened in a quick motion and instantly panned over to me. ?Jenny? I started ?How are you feeling?? She opened her mouth in a dry voice ?What the hell is going on?what the fuck, where am I Ethan!? I smiled to myself at this outburst and replied quickly. ?You’re currently in my room tied to my bed and about to be tortured for being a little slut bitch all your life.? She looked around at her situation and looked back at me smiling. ?Ethan I know I was a little mean to you back there at the party and the whole crotch kick but I was just playing around you know how it is.? It was sad that she was already getting desperate with me. Without saying anything I removed a large box cutter from my back pocket and drew the thin razor. Her eyes turned frantic and she started to cry, which made me feel happy, happy that I had made that bitch weep and start pleading with me. ?Please Ethan your don’t have to do this to me, stop, please don’t cut me.? She begged, I simply ignored her request and ran the cutter down her shirt cutting it open. I ripped the rest off of her and looking at her wonderful breasts just sitting there waiting for me to strike. After more of her useless pleas I also cut the bra and pulled it off letting her tits bounce and firmly rest on her chest. ?Ethan you fucking bitch, you think your going to get away with this shit, Trevor is going to find out and??I slapped her in the forehead lightly cutting her off. ?Listen to me Jenny, Trevor came over and forced his way into my house and I shot him dead in my doorway. Even if I got caught that would be considered more than self defense, and as far as you go?well I’ll take care of your body after I kill you.? With that said she screamed loudly in my face pulling insanely at her bonds. I laughed at this vain attempt and brought out a sparkler and a lighter. ?Jenny I didn’t get a good chance to celebrate your birthday with you, so I figured maybe some fireworks would be a great idea? Jenny’s glared at me through her red teary face. I lit the sparkler watching as the bright white light burned, after a moment of watching I grabbed her left breast in my hand and gently rubbed the blazing sparkler across her nipple. ?GAhHHHH Fuck!? Jenny’s body jumped but was brought down by the ties. ?Is the hot Jenny?huh, is it a bit stingy.? I asked almost laughing. She started to speak to me as I took the sparkler, lifted up her right breast and gently laid it down on the burning flame. ?AHHHHHH OH MY GOD FUCK! ?Jenny seemed to lose control of herself as she pulled and writhed in pain. I could hear my bed squeaking from the frantic pulls and screams. ?ETHAN PLEASE IT HURTS!? she leaned back her head and let out another horrible scream of agony furiously wiggling and jiggling her breasts in a futile attempt to stop the burning pain. Finally I lifted the firework out from under her breast and dropped it to the floor stepping on it. After the flame died I looked back at Jenny. She was breathing heavily obviously trying to cope with the severe pain of the burn under her breast, which bounced with each one of her short breaths. I once again brought on the box cutter and ran the blade gently down her left breast, which was indeed my next target. ?Ethan, you have to stop this?. She said in between her sobs. ?Jenny just shut the fuck up, you haven’t even felt pain yet?. I replied taking the box cutter and slightly jutting the point into the meat of her breast. She jerked with the sharp pain. Slowly I worked the blade deeper and deeper raising a louder scream from her each time. ?ETHAN!? she screamed frantically. After I had 2 inches of blade in her breast I could see the red whelps on her writs from the frantic tugging at the ties. At this point her screams where nothing but music to my ears, a wonderful tune serenading my room. ?Jenny this little trick will send you over the edge girlie?. I said grinning widely as I started to rotate the blade in her breast tearing the delicate flesh. ‘AHHHH GHHHH NOOO GODDDD.? She ejected a scream from her lips so loudly that I thought someone outside might hear, as I continued the slow rotating she convulsed in her bonds and begged me to stop both with her eyes and her loud mouth. Finally after 4 turns of the blade she stopped screaming and passed out. I looked at her grinning to myself; feeling more than accomplished with myself for putting her through that much pain. However I knew that I still had her wonderful pussy to work on when she woke up, I had to go and get a few things ready.?
End of Part 1
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Mind ControlThis is a continuing story that begins with ‘Darkroom – Monday.’ —- Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn’t told him what time to be there, and he didn’t feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...
This is a continuing story that begins with "Darkroom - Monday."----Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn't told him what time to be there, and he didn't feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...
ExhibitionismDear Literotica Readers: Some random thoughts, in no particular order, about my story that don’t seem to fit into my narrative but should help you know me better, which should help you understand the themes of my transition stories… Thank you to all of the people that have left me positive comments. I haven’t been writing the stories for public approval, however, the positive comments do warm my heart. As to those who have left negative comments, I don’t care about you. After all I have been...
DarkFyre Chapter Seventeen The bear pelt was heavy and warm. Strange, to think that the pelt and meat were keeping them alive and comfortable after the bear had nearly killed him. There was a sort of grim irony in that, he supposed, but it was lost in the relief of being alive, the exhaustion of his ordeal, and the wonder of the woman in his arms. Rael stared down at Silmaria. She slept for now, a deep, peaceful sleep with her face pressed to his solid chest, one small hand resting on his...
The fight in Silithus was going badly for us. Two more mobs (monsters) had spawned while we were already fighting another two. DarkKitten was in ‘cat’ form (she was a Druid and could morph into different forms). Cat form was the best for dealing damage, and she was lashing out at the two mobs effectively, bringing their health bars down quite quickly. But the extra two mobs were a worry. I was MoonFlower, a priest (or priestess, if you like). My main role was as a healer, and to a somewhat...
“Is my Beast resting, dreaming of dark desires for his prey? Are your dreams: taunting, teasing, mocking you?” Anna walks through the darkness, barefoot on soft earth. “I whisper your name ‘Allan’, from a distance. The faint smell of Anna’s heat drifts through the air. The scent stirs and hunger, that can’t be sated. “you feel me. My breath on your skin. You can’t find me. You know I’m here. You’re searching. Your body is cold, it aches” Alone in the darkness stands Allan the Beast....
a slave I still feel like a queen. I sense your eyes on my naked breasts, especially those areas that seem to be painted in the darker chocolate hue that accentuates my areolas. You love to try and get your mouth around it all. From there your eyes travel down my voluptuous chocolate body, over my flat stomach with the butterfly tattoo, to the kinky blackness of my sex; and further on to my softly sculpted things and long legs. I have been waiting for hours. You woke me this morning by sticking...
Silmaria’s heart beat violently, thudding unpleasantly in her breast. As the men stepped into their small camp she swallowed and fought to ignore the rising tide of panic threatening to drown her entirely. There were half a dozen of them, all armed and stepping with the confident, easy swagger of men who were comfortably acquainted with a great many kinds of violence. Dark eyes roved over her. She saw a flare of desire here, a glint of lewd interest there. Mostly, they looked curious, and...
Her eyes slowly opened, brilliant green wide eyes the color of emeralds or the green, green grass that grew in the gardens during the all too brief months of spring and summer. They were slitted. Like a cats, people would always say. Even after all this time, she couldn’t help roll her eyes when someone said that. It was so… cliché. Obvious. Obvious or not, it was still pretty accurate. Like a cats, Silmaria’s eyes were slitted, sure. They also saw incredibly well in the dark. The room was...
The mild weather snuck away in the night, setting the stage for their departure, to be a much more bitterly cold and uncomfortable affair. After sundown the temperature dropped until snow fell in a scintillating curtain of white, crystal-soft flakes. They danced along the wind, dazzling and fleeting in the moonlight as they did somersaults and dizzying spiral dives before collecting in a graceless mass grave all along the docks, their frantic, joyful celebration of cold and movement and life...
Silmaria was on her hands and knees in the drawing room on the west side of the Manor, scrubbing at the wooden floor with a soapy rag. She was not particularly in the best of moods, some idiot had tracked dirt into the room, which was made all the worse by the fact that no one ought to really have been in here in the first place. Of course, given how downhill the upkeep of IronWing Manor was these days, it wasn’t even noticed or addressed until several days later, when she got to be the lucky...
Master Edwin IronWing’s study smelled of oak and wood polish, and leather and old vellum. It was a spacious, open room. A huge window took up the north-facing wall, staring out over the planting fields to the north. In the distance the DrakeSpine Mountains set a breathtaking backdrop, with the crags stretching higher and higher, huge and ancient and enduring. Sitting at the foot of the window was a large lacquered desk of solid oak. The surface was cleaned and lovingly polished until it...
Rael still wasn’t sure he was making the right choice. He was torn between feeling he was abandoning his duty and honor, and the certainty that remaining here at the war camp meant it was only a matter of time before another assassination attempt came. He was no coward, to run from death. Yet at the same time, neither was he a fool. The unusual methods taken against him left him certain that he was dealing with no ordinary assassins, and that his chances of surviving another attempt were grim...
‘If ye can spare a moment, Milord, I’m ready to report.’ Rael looked up from a map covering the huge pinewood table in his tent. A variety of similar maps and charts were arrayed on the table and rolled into tubes propped against the desk. There were writing supplies and a sheaf of fresh paper at the Knight Captain’s elbow. StoneFingers was standing at the flap of Rael’s tent. The Dwarf looked like many of his brothers, short and stout, built like an anvil and twice as hard, with a short,...
A light knock sounded on his door the next morning. Setting aside the remnants of his breakfast, Rael wiped his mouth before rising and answering the knock, half expecting it to be Silmaria. Selm stood on the other side of the door instead. His Halfling advisor bowed low. “Apologies for disturbing your breakfast, Milord.” “It’s all right, Selm. No harm done. How can I help you?” “Milord, I believe we’ve found something that needs your attention.” Rael arched a curious brow. “What could need...
Never had the sun shone so bright and warming north of The Teeth before spring had even come. The breeze was chilling and sharp as it rolled off the mountains and swirled along the rise and fall of the open hilly country, but next to a lifetime of winters in the North, the breeze here was but a refreshingly cool caress. The wind touched everything. It combed through the flat plains to the south, teasing patterns from the high, dense grasses. Ripples and waves, and the constant, minute...
The darkness of the cave was broken only by the small, flickering flames of Rael’s makeshift torch. It had spun off into the corner during the struggle with the bear and there it sat, dying. The flame was weak and feeble, yet it would not go out fully. It swirled, sputtering and pitiful, but it clung stubbornly to the torch and sent a tracery of shadows to sprawl in shapes and flittering figures grand and small along the icy stone walls. The shadows were dramas and tales and romantic battles,...
The next morning was mild, if not as clear and sunny as the day before. Clouds hung in a haze over the sky, drab and dreary and promising cold and snow to come, but all in all it was a favorable day for the middle of a Dale winter. Rael was sitting against a wall in an alley mouth, studying the grand building across the street. He was on the opposite end of Trelling’s Rest, right in the heart of the Palace District, watching the Hall of Valor, home and seat of power for the Knight Brotherhood...
The wilds of DarkFyre Dale were a raw, wretched place, and never more so than in the grip of winter. For the first few days they traveled mostly through the open, sweeping meadows and plains of the western highlands. During the all too brief summer months the highlands were an entirely different place characterized by tall, lush green grasses swaying in the cool wind, speckled with notes of color from wildflowers. They teamed with small, secret life. Bees buzzing, drone-like and purposeful,...
Rain fell in a sporadic icy deluge. No true storm, it was nonetheless a persistent enough spattering of ice and water to make the battleground a wet, slushy mess of melting ice, frigid wind, and watered down puddles of mud and fresh blood steaming in the dawning light. It was miserable conditions, even for the already miserable enterprise of war waging. But if the barbaric Haruke cared at all, they gave no sign. The warriors were far from the plains of their people, having journeyed east and...
Wordless, Silmaria burst into motion, springing forward to dash down to her burning home. Or tried to, at least. Before she’d gone two strides, Lord Rael’s hand shot out and grabbed her by the wrist in a grip like steel. He yanked her back toward him and growled softly into her ear, “Don’t be a fool. We don’t know what’s down there. Follow me and stay quiet! Keep low.” Though it galled her to be slow at all right then, Silmaria gave a reluctant nod and followed her Lord’s lead. Rael took...
When Silmaria came back to herself she was lying on a soft, large, comfortable bed. A bed that size should have been draped in silks and finery, but instead was covered in simple, practical sheets of cotton and a heavy, warm wool comforter. The glow of a fire and a number of candles cast shifting shadows and orange light against the ceiling and walls. Silmaria fought not to panic, she had no idea where she was. The Gnari girl sat up to get a better view of the room. It was a simple and...
DarkFyre Chapter Eighteen The next day, Rael was a busy man. Silmaria sat back and watched him with a sort of amused fascination. After a long night of rest, Rael was renewed and overflowing with energy and robust health. They’d discussed with disappointment how much of the bear meat was going to go to waste as its spoiling became eminent, but Rael gave a good effort at consuming as much of it as possible that morning. Silmaria was shocked and very nearly appalled, and couldn’t quite keep...
The shop was claustrophobic. Despite the blustery cold outside, the room was oppressively hot. Four sooty wall sconces cast off a weak glow. The rest of the light came from two stone hearths in opposite corners of the room banked high with logs, radiating uncomfortable warmth. Several braziers were set around the room, adding to the heat. They threw off a heavy shroud of incense and scented smoke, cloyingly sweet. Behind the sweetness of the incense lingered a pervasive mustiness, the smell of...
Rael sat at the long, ornate dinner table in the main dining hall with his long legs stretched out before him, leaning back in his chair as he rolled a small apple around in his hand. Selm, his whiskers newly trimmed and looking determined, watched him quietly, waiting for the young Nobleman to speak. The Knight had fully expected to have some distractions when he arrived home. He hadn’t been to IronWing Manor in a long time, and so much was left undone from his father’s death. He’d even found...
DarkFyre Chapter Fifteen The next day was lost to the blizzard. They spent the better part of it huddled together in their blankets, pressed in close, as near to their small fire as they dared. The stone cliff was a forbidding face of rock and ice, and even with the nearby fire, the ice held strong, glittering with stubborn beauty in the firelight. The blizzard outside was a wild, angry thing. The winds were a deep, soulful wail echoing through the canyons of the mountains. Very briefly, Rael...
In the late morning hours the sun shone bright and glorious on Trelling’s Rest. The overcast clouds of yesterday’s snowfall had fled in the face of a clear and temperate day, the sort of mild and cheerful day DarkFyre Dale rarely saw this deep into winter. The snow underfoot gleamed pristine white under the sunshine, a blanket of innocence and purity cast over the countryside, a beautiful thing to behold. The Bear’s Maw was Trelling’s Rest’s main gate and the site of the majority of traffic in...