Incident Worth Reading
- 2 years ago
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By Shabbadew2002
Email me at [email protected]
Item in a Manila newspaper (March 27, 2007)
Professor, writer and peace advocate, Maricel Castaneda, 41, filed a formal complaint today alleging the military illegally arrested her during the Women’s Day on March 8, 2007 and subjected her to molestation and torture. She claims her 17-year-old son was detained, bound and forced to witness her interrogation.
?I pleaded for mercy for me and my son,? Castaneda said in her written statement issued, but all they said was, ?wala nay kalooy-kalooy dinhi.? (?We have no mercy.?)
The human rights group KARAPATAN (Alliance for the Advancement of Peoples’ Rights) said Castaneda was arrested after attending a late night meeting on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. David Orante, a KARAPATAN spokesperson, said her arrest was illegal as no warrant was issued at the time she was seized. He said a warrant was only issued on March 17 - nine days after she was arrested.
Castaneda spoke to the media on March 15. Afterwards, Lt. Gen. Narciso Claveria, commander of the Armed Forces Southern Command, made a statement to the press that Castaneda was known to be the deputy secretary of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) in Mindanao.
In her prepared statement for the media, Castaneda said six armed men wearing ski masks and fatigues abducted her at Anastacia Mission Village in Barangay Lumbayao as she was leaving the meeting hall at 11 pm. She said she was dragged into a white van, handcuffed and blindfolded.
After being driven for two hours, her blindfold was removed and she found herself inside a hut. Pictures were taken and she was offered food, but refused to eat. She said she was again blindfolded and driven away in the van. Later, she found herself in a room and left there incommunicado.
Two men entered the room to interrogate her. She was not allowed to go to the toilet. She was subjected to another round of interrogation lasting an hour. While she denied all allegations, a man warned her that if she did not cooperate, a berdugo (villain) would come to torture her.
Then the men left taking her purse. An hour later, another man whom she described in her statement as ?nice? came and removed her blindfold. This time, she wrote, her interrogator used a different tactic. She said this man offered her food and asked her how he could help. She complained about her purse being taken away. The man left. Later, her purse was returned to her.
The next day, March 13, another man entered the room to interrogate her. Two men followed him, bringing her son, whom they had also detained with them. They began a very severe round of interrogation. Castaneda said she was subjected to sexual abuse, and intense psychological and physical torture.
All of these things were done in front of her son, Castaneda alleged. After a full day of this treatment, she claims, she broke down. The ?nice? man came back, gave her a pen and paper and asked her to sign. It was then that she answered ?yes? to all her captors’ allegations, including her membership in the CPP. After that, she wrote, the whole atmosphere changed. She was told that she could see counsel and have visitation rights.
On March 18, she and her son, after an hour long flight, were brought to the Pagadian City jail. It was only on March 21 that she was allowed to see her lawyer and a representative of KARAPATAN. The human rights group alleges that numerous violations of human rights have been perpetrated by the military in this region and says that Castaneda’s case is the 14th illegal arbitrary detention in the region. Since her release, Castaneda is reportedly writing a book based on her arrest and interrogation.
Maricel Castaneda’s Testimony:
?The interrogators did not wear any identification on their uniforms. In fact, during the whole time, they all wore black ski masks. There were no signs of rank. And there were no real names used. I knew people had disappeared and I had heard stories of torture and abuse. Since I am known as a human rights advocate, I was suspect. The government has become very crazy lately. These illegal arrests are always done in the name of the ?nation?. So I was very frightened.
I always felt I could stand up to terrorism. I found out what my limits are. On March 13, I was brought to a room with no windows. There was a single bare light bulb in the ceiling. There was a table and chairs, a cabinet, several buckets and a hose. The floor was bare concrete with a drain in the center of the room. It gave me the chills to be there. Then the berdugo showed up.
He was middle-aged I could tell - even though he wore a mask, and paunchy. He had a folder in his hand. He sat down and began studying the papers without acknowledging me or paying any attention to me. I sat in a chair facing him across the table. He finally introduced himself. He said I should call him, ?Major Meatball?. He read to me lies that were on the papers he had. He asked me if the statements he read were mine.
I said, ?No.?
I knew they were not my words and told him so. He began yelling at me.
He said, ?Do you think you can get away with lying? I am going to take make it very hard on you if you continue to be uncooperative. Understand??
I pleaded for mercy.
He said, ?We have no mercy.?
Then he said he knew I was a Communist. I told him I was not. He asked me who my friends were. Who shares your ideas, he wanted to know? He wanted to know the names of members of the CPP. I would not give him any names. If I named anyone, I knew this would be used against them. This made him very angry. He began to attack me verbally.
He called me names like puta and bruja and threatened me. He kept asking me for names. It was clear he wanted me to inform on colleagues and friends. All I could do was say ‘no’.
Suddenly two men burst into the room. They had my 16-year-old son, Jonathan, with them. I was shocked. I never expected that they would abduct someone in my family. Over my protests, they forced him into a chair next to me. When I tried to protest, one of the men grabbed me and twisted my arms.
It hurt. They handcuffed Jonathan to the chair and gagged him to silence him. My heart went out to him. I stifled my tears. He looked terrified, but from what I could see, he seemed unharmed. Nevertheless, I was very upset. He was in this place because of me.
I tried to say something, but I was told to, ?shut up.?
I tried to make eye contact with him to reassure him.
Major Meatball stopped me and said, ?If you don’t want to see your son tortured right in front of your eyes, you follow my orders – understand??
He explained that my son was there to witness my ?questioning?. I could make it stop at any time. All I had to do was tell him I was a Communist. And tell him who the others were in my cell. I am not a Communist, so I could not do this. When I refused, he grabbed me, shook me and threatened me. I had not gone to the bathroom and I needed to urinate very badly. I asked to go. I was refused.
Then he told me to stand up and lift the hem of my dress. I hated to have to do this, but I did not want to see my son harmed. My hands were shaking, but I did it. I pulled it up and then he told to pull it up higher. I was showing my underwear. Then he told me to turn around. I was showing my son more than he should see - I was very embarrassed and ashamed!
Then he said, ?Take off your dress.?
I felt a cold feeling like a knife was right at my throat. I did not want to, but I had to, so I obeyed. My fingers were clumsy. My hands were trembling as I took my dress off. They took it from me and tossed it on the table. I crossed my arms over my bosom. I was now just in my bra, panties and shoes.
?Walk over there,? he told me. ?Then walk back.?
I looked at Jonathan and then looked away. I could not look him in the eye. I did not want to see what I would find there! I was perspiring from embarrassment and in shock at being made to expose myself to my son. I needed to urinate so badly too. It was extremely uncomfortable. I wanted to die from shame and I struggled not to cry, but I felt tears come to my eyes. I remember I did not know what to do with my hands. I kept wringing them as I walked. He had me walk all around in my underwear. My face was red with shame! I was overwhelmed and began sobbing. I did not want to lose control of my emotions for my son’s sake. However, my feeling of shame was so strong that I could not stop the tears. And after this, he told me to take off my bra and panties.
I had stopped crying, but now I was more upset than ever....I had no choice. I took off my bra and my panties. One of the men came over and took them from me. Then, he sniffed my panties! He handed them to the Major. He examined them and made a comment about how ?crusty? the crotch was. Then he smelled them! This was so shaming to me. After this, he shoved them under my son’s nose and made him smell them. He told my son he thought I had a ?stinky pussy?. I wanted to die!
They insulted me. The told me I had a fat bottom. I kept my private area covered with my hands, but my breasts were exposed. The Major made crude remarks, since I have a large bosom. The other men began mocking and taunting me. I looked at my son and I realized how much this was hurting him. He was looking at my breasts and I wanted him not to. But I guess there was no way he could not.
Having to show my naked body to my son was worse than I could have ever imagined. I tried to cover myself, but I was told to put my hands down. I was terribly embarrassed. I was sweating, not only under my arms but everywhere because the room was hot and because of the stress. The Major continued to verbally abuse me and the others joined in.
They made lewd remarks about me. They said that women with nipples like mine were whores. I was horrified Major Meatball held up a file folder. He said he knew all about me. He said I had a history of exposing myself to young men at the University. It was all made up lies. He said I slept with my students. I was appalled. He was trying to tear me down in front of my son. With my eyes I told my son to ignore what he was saying.
?Oh God, please let me be strong, please let me be strong for my son,? I prayed silently to myself.
These men were animals! But it got worse. He had me stand in front of Jonathan, facing away, to show him my naked buttocks. Then he had me spread my cheeks to display my anus to him. Next I had to bend over, put my hands on my knees and spread my legs. In this position I was showing EVERYTHING to my teenage son.
I would have preferred to have my teeth drilled at the dentist without anesthesia than be in that situation. I am a very modest woman. My son had never seen me naked. You cannot imagine the shame I felt.
Major Meatball told my son, ?She does not wear panties when she teaches class. She spreads her legs like this so all the boys can see her pussy. Look at her pussy. Are you excited by Mommy’s pussy??
He reminded me that I was harming my son. Was I ready to name names? When I kept silent, he asked me if this is what I wanted my son to see. I tried to be calm. He told me it was going to get worse if I did not cooperate. I could see that my son was very overcome seeing me, his mother, like that.
Next, they began to molest me. They grabbed my breasts and squeezed them. They pulled and pinched my nipples. Then they began feeling me between my legs. I begged them to stop. I was sick with shame as they felt me all over. I felt so much shame as they did this in front of my son. The Major kept talking to me and asking me questions. I was getting mixed up. I felt a lot of distress. Our lives were in the hands of these monsters. We were in a deep hole and there was no one to help us.
I found the strength to say to my son, ?please baby...It will be ‘OK’... we will survive.?
Poor Jonathan - there was nothing he could do. All he could do was look at his naked mother being molested in front of him. Major Meatball felt my breasts and touched me between my legs. Then he pushed me to the next man. They kept taking turns, feeling my private areas.
I began to show signs of arousal in spite of my desire to control my reactions. This was pointed out. It was very humiliating! Again, I was called a whore and a slut. Then they began putting their fingers in me. I was so ashamed that I got wet. My son could hear it. They showed my son their wet fingers! I kept my eyes down. I could not bear to see the look on my son’s face. Then, to give me a deeper emotional shock, they put me in a very obscene position on the table.
They tied me on my back with my legs spread open and my hands behind my head. They tied me to the table with my thighs on my chest. In this position, I was spread open - very shaming. Even my anus was exposed. This is the position a woman is put in at the doctor’s office for a pelvic exam. The Major made sure that Jonathan could see my intimate areas.
He told me that he had to give me a complete ?strip search?. He then performed a cavity search on me. The Major asked me if I was embarrassed. I couldn’t answer him; I was so overcome with emotion. Also the pressure in my bladder was very bad.
He said, ?Your son can see everything you have. He has a bulge in his pants. You are exciting him. If you want me to stop, all you have to do is give me what I want.?
Jonathan kept looking. In this position I was exposing EVERYTHING to him! The Major told my son that I was a puta. He said this to him as he played with me between my legs. I could not help myself... I did not want to feel anything, but I was very wet between my legs. It was so humiliating! I began praying for God to spirit my son and I away from this place. I prayed for a miracle; some way out of this hell. I thought about giving in. I had done everything I could to hold out.
The Major said, ?See your Mama’s pussy. Look at how wet your Mama’s pussy is! You can always tell a whore by her wet pussy. Can you smell her? Her pussy has a strong smell. Does it not??
He examined my vagina thoroughly and then my anus. I felt terribly violated. His words were worse than the penetration. I hated him for doing this to me in front of my son. I was overwhelmed thinking about what this was doing to him. It would scar him for life! He pointed out my reactions. Especially how wet I had become. Then one of the men pulled my son’s pants down. I was shocked to see he was excited. He had an erection.... a full erection! I was sick inside....
I realize now that it was not Jonathan fault. He is young and he was getting such an eyeful. I was as exposed as if I was in the gynecologist’s office and up on the table with my feet in the stirrups. The Major put his fingers in me, one by one. He turned his hand so that his palm was up. He probed inside me. I had to pee so badly. He found a sensitive spot inside my vagina – on the front wall and kept rubbing that spot....harder and harder.
He was relentless and soon, despite every effort on my part to control myself, he made me have a very wet orgasm. Against my will, hips began rocking and rolling; I could not control myself. When I climaxed, I squirted a lot. I think I peed at the same time. I was so ashamed that Jonathan saw this. It splashed all over the table - I had squirted so much.
My horror was doubled when I realized that Jonathan had ejaculated without anyone touching him. He had a spontaneous orgasm probably as I was climaxing. He had spurted a lot and it was all over this pants and lap. He was whimpering with the gag in his mouth and when our eyes met, he looked away. He was as embarrassed as I was.
?See - your Mama behaves like a slut. This is what a whore smells like, boy,? the Major told my son as he shoved his wet fingers under his nose so he could smell my arousal!
I tried not to cry because I did not want to upset my son any more than he was. But I was overcome by shame. To have my son see me climax and know that he had done the same by being aroused by me was mental torture of the worst kind. I was so ashamed I wanted to die.
But it was not over. The other men took turns ?examining? me. I kept my eyes closed and tried to will my body not to react. Not to shame myself anymore in front of my son. It was very difficult to get complete control of myself. They forced their fingers into my vagina and my rectum.
One man forced four fingers into me and then he formed a fist and got his whole hand in my vagina. My eyes flew open. It hurt going in, but he made it fit and God help me, when he twisted it around and thrust it in and out - he made me climax a second time. I had another very wet orgasm to shame me. I closed my eyes; I felt I was in disgrace. I knew my son would never see me the same way again!
The Major told my son, ?Your Mama needs big things in her pussy, because she is a big whore.? Then he said, ?See her shit hole,? as he spread my cheeks open wider, pointed to my anus and began touching me there. He worked his finger inside me and then he took it out. He held his finger under my nose to make me smell it and then said, ?Mama needs something big in her shit hole. I’m going to take care of that.?
He showed me a big, thick rubber truncheon. The kind the police use to beat someone. He greased it up and then he forced it into my anus. It hurt so much when it stretched my sphincters. He pushed it in until he got it deep in my rectum. Jonathan I saw, much to my dismay, still had an erection. The baton inside me hurt do and soon I began panting. I began to feel cramps in my lower abdomen. The sensation quickly moved deeper. I felt like I had to have a bowel movement. My face probably told what was in my mind: resistance, disgust, shock and horror!
I was sweating so much; it was very slippery under my shoulders on the table. I was very ashamed as the cramps got worse. I began to sweat even more as I labored under the strain. I glanced over and saw the Major grinning at me. He was enjoying my predicament.
The men laughed and mocked me. My anus was spread open so wide by the thick baton and the awful tool filled me so horribly. The strain on my face made the men laugh at me. I felt their cruel taunts and mocking like arrows in my flesh.
It was hell. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I couldn’t think straight. With sweat pouring me, I felt my bowels begin to spasm because of the thick thing inside me. The pain and the horrible feeling of being thoroughly violated tore at my soul. With my legs and my cheeks spread, I was in the most shameful position.
The Major came over – smirking and taunted me, ?you will talk to me soon.?
My son could see everything. I wanted to die. The psychological torment was unbelievable. I felt shame. I kept my eyes closed tight, totally mortified.
In the exposed position I was in, with the rubber baton so far up inside me, it was unendurable. I began to sob. I felt so helpless. My face was flaming; I was completely mortified. The Major smiled. After a short while, the baton was pulled out of my rectum. It felt like my guts were being pulled out too. Following this, I was untied. Hands grabbed me and pulled me up. The Major pushed me over to stand facing my son. He made me spread my legs open as wide as I could to display my womanly parts, which were still wet from my orgasms.
?Look at this whore, boy. Is she not a sight??
He made him look! Having to stand there facing him was torture. I felt so humiliated and ashamed. So did he.
Major Meatball asked me again, ?Are you are a Communist??
I still could not admit ....what was not the truth.
He said, ?I have taken it easy with you.?
He had one man hold me with my arms behind my back. Then he began to hurt me on my breasts. He squeezed them as hard as he could; and he had big, strong hands! He pinched and pulled on my nipples. Then he began giving me smacks across my nipples with his open hand. I cried out each time he slapped them. It hurt a lot. I was horrified when one of the men, at that point, began masturbating my son.
He grinned at me evilly and then took Jonathan’s erection in hand. He played with it teasingly. It had begun to drool from excitement again, and this man....this monster, spread it all over the head of his penis in a way that said, ‘your boy is very excited watching you being tortured and humiliated - and he’s about to ejaculate. Just watch’.
Then he began squeezing my boy’s penis and stroking him gently up and down. Jonathan began breathing heavier and was squirming around a little on the chair, but this man had control of him. He began stroking him a little faster.... and Jonathan began to hyperventilate....
?If you cum, boy, we will stop torturing your mother,? he said to my son.
Inside my head I was screaming, ?no!?
But it was no use. The man knew what he was doing, and my boy was no match for him. His young body was screaming for release again and this man was going to make him ejaculate as Jonathan watched the Major hurting my breasts.
I cried out to my son, ?It is going to be OK, baby.?
I wished I believed it myself. To punish me for talking to my son, the Major smacked each of my nipples very hard, making me cry out. Afterwards, as I stared, the man began speeding up his masturbation and I watched as Jonathan began ejaculating. He strained against the handcuffs holding him; and he began to grunt and then, his penis just exploded. As his ejaculation went on, the man continued to milk his penis.
He, amazingly, stayed erect. Afterwards, I saw, in my boy’s eyes, how torn he was by how his body reacted. It is a picture frozen forever in my brain. I caught his eye. Then we both looked away. We were both ashamed. It was a sad moment. However, the Major had stopped what he was doing to me, as promised.
I was totally distraught. I was upset that he got excited looking at me. All this was real torture. This was as bad as the physical abuse. It was sexual humiliation. My shame grew with each violation. They were experts in mental torture.
The Major said to Jonathan, ?if you cum again, we will stop what we are doing to her - understand??
This upset him, I could tell. The mental pain for him was very great too. They had put him in a bad position. They had connected his sexual release to my torture.
?Let’s get her up on the table. I’m going to shock her now,? I heard the Major say.
I cringed in fear when I heard this. I had heard about electro torture and how they shocked a woman on her nipples and her sex. I had no time to prepare myself. They grabbed me, got on my back on the table again and tied me with my legs spread and my arms over my head. They got Jonathan facing me on my left. Next, the Major went to the cabinet and brought out a leather covered box, about the size of a make-up case.
He opened it and inside was phone headset in a cradle. It was a portable phone of some type. There were red and black knobs on the top and a hand crank on the front. He made sure we saw everything. My son and I saw the panic in each other’s eyes. But there was nothing either one of us could do. The feeling of helplessness for both of us was overpowering!
Tied, I felt extremely helpless. They wound a long strip of wet gauze around my right ankle and then wrapped a lot of copper tape over that. They clipped a wire to the tape and then connected it to the black knob on the phone. The Major told me this was ?ground?. As he said this, he was smiling. I could see he was enjoying tormenting me mentally.
Next, he took a scrubbing pad out of the plastic bag it came in. It was the kind made from copper rings that you use to clean pots. He began squirting a gel all over it. He made sure it was soaked. He clipped a wire to it and connected it to the red knob.
?This is the positive electrode. Guess where it goes??
I lay there stupidly....I didn’t even want to think where it could go....
I groaned when he spread my labia and then worked the pad inside my vagina. He got it in me deep behind my pubic bone, so that it was just in front of my cervix. I was sweating in fear now. The table was soaked and slippery with my sweat. Then the Major got two clips. There were coins soldered to the jaws. He squirted some of the cold gel on my nipples. He pinched them and clamped one onto each nipple. They compressed the nipple and hurt. He shoved a piece of rubber in my mouth - for me to bite on.
He said, ?So you don’t bite your tongue off. Get ready. I’m going to make a ‘local call’?.
He explained that when he spun the handle slow...that was a ‘local call’. And when he spun it fast....that was a ‘long distance call’. He grabbed the handle. He grinned at me, savoring his control over me and then slowly turned the handle. I felt the current. It felt like an electric shock does. It was not that painful, but it made me squirm. It felt extremely unpleasant. Then he told me he was going to make a ‘long distance call’. He turned the handle faster, and as more current went into me.
The sensation went up my leg and thru my crotch. It was much more painful. So much so that I bit the rubber in my mouth hard and arched up off the table. My breasts wobbled and flew all over my chest. It hurt a lot! It felt like I had something tearing at me deep inside. He waited a moment, and then made another ‘long distance call’. Again, I was lifted from the table. When he made a third ‘long distance call’, I spit out the rubber and began screaming... The sounds coming from my mouth seemed like they were coming from another person.
He played with me. He asked me a question. Then when I didn’t answer right, he made a ‘local call’ to let me know what was coming. When I continued to resist him, he made the ‘long distance call’. After a while, I became so disoriented, that I really didn’t hear the questions. That’s when he disconnected the wire to my vagina and hooked up the wire to my nipples and began shocking me there.
A ‘local call’ hurt and made them swell. A ‘long distance call’ made me scream and scream! My breasts soon turned bright red. My nipples got bigger and darker in color. I collapsed on the table each time he stopped. My brown nipples swelled up and turned purple, almost black in color!
He reconnected the wire to my vagina again. It was unbelievable. My vagina and my belly were on fire. I had a picture in my mind that bees were swarming in my vagina - jabbing me with the stingers and injecting me with venom. The pain was so sharp that I lost my breath. In between shocks, he asked me more questions. When I did not give him the answers he wanted, he shocked me again and again. It made me feel like I had to pee too. It was excruciating.
I could hear myself howling and shrieking like an animal. I do not know how to describe it. I have to compare it to a sensation like a firecracker exploding. I began twitching from the current even when he stopped. When he cranked it fast, the feelings were indescribable! I screamed like a lunatic.
My vagina was wet and I was sweating so much it made the electricity spread even more I’m sure. I was forced into convulsions; my whole body went into spasms! It felt my guts were being squeezed inside. The shocks made my anal sphincters clench really hard and when he stopped, they relaxed. Over and over, clenching and relaxing. He used the machine to rape me.
I could feel wetness; I think I pissed myself. He questioned me over and over again. When I did not respond, he shocked me repeatedly. The feelings and the tension in my pelvis become completely intolerable. My whole body went rigid and my body was bent into a bow. I was making all kinds of noises.
I screamed until I was hoarse. I thought I was going to go out of my mind. I had never felt anything like it in my life. Then he stopped. In the background, I could hear the men laughing and joking. Then he hooked up the wire connected to my breasts to shock me in both places at give me a total body shocking.
Every time I did not answer his question, he made a ‘call’ and I arched up like I was trying to touch the ceiling with my hips. I jerked, twitched and heaved up and down. My whole body flushed a deep red, not just my breasts. My hips humped up and down, my buttocks smacked the table and made a wet, hard sound each time. I begged like a child, after each shock, for him to stop and soon began babbling like an idiot...
?Please! Please! Please! Do not hurt me anymore,? I begged him.
I looked over and the man had taken Jonathan’s penis in hand again and was masturbating him as I was tortured. There was nothing he could do. I could see his penis was drooling. I was revolted by this. I closed my eyes so I would not have to see it.
But I could hear him teasing my boy and my son trying to resist, but becoming more and more excited. The man played with his penis until he made him ejaculate again. I found myself watching semen spurting from my son’s penis, like a fountain, to land all over his thighs and lap.
This just devastated me. I realized I was risking Jonathan’s mental health. They had made him ejaculate watching a woman, his own mother, being tortured with electric shocks. I was devastated. But the thought of yielding was just as hideous. I was paralyzed. I am not a violent person and I hate violence, but at that moment I wanted to kill all of them for what they were doing to me and my son.
The Major stopped shocking me when Jonathan ejaculated, as promised. The ordeal left me a mess. My nose ran. Tears wet my cheeks and I had drooled a lot. I had clenched the muscles in my buttocks so hard they were sore. My back ached. I was exhausted. Someone undid the ropes holding me...
I was untied, but I do not know how long I lay there. Eventually, they got me up. That’s when I lost control of my bladder. I grabbed my stomach and began to urinate uncontrollably. I pissed and pissed - it splashed all over the floor. After that, I felt cramps - like I was going to have a bowel movement. The pressure became stronger and then there was nothing I could do to hold it in. I found myself squatting down, with my hands on my knees and defecating.
My feces landed on the cement floor. Each one a humiliation. This was so gross - a terrible thing. The shocks disturbed my system and this was just one of the effects. I could not imagine what else they could do to me. I could not feel any more shame or humiliation. I knew that if the Major tortured me again, I could not take it.
They pushed me into a chair. I sat there like a dead person. I felt I had no life left in me. They untied Jonathan and Major Meatball and his henchmen left – taking my son with them and leaving me alone. A few minutes later the man who returned my purse came in. He had a paper in his hand.
He said, ?If you sign this, Maricel, I will make sure the berdugo does not come back.?
I could not take anymore, so I signed. My son and I may never heal; not completely. And for that I can never forgive them. The experience has scarred both of us for life. Now we are trying to deal with the damage. What happened to us could happen to anyone in the Philippines.?
?2010 Shabbadew2002. All Rights Reserved.
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Incident at Tow Truck BluffRozDate April 22, 2017My unexpected date with a tow truck driver - First time out in dragOr 2nd title - Roz goes out on a 3 hour WTF tour.....You are not going to fucking believe this. And, I don't have any pics to prove it. So.... did this happen? I'm home now, caming on Seabiscuit (chaturbate) the last couple hours, 2:30am now, drinking the beers i was supposed to be drinking at the GNO Marble Door event, finally getting the story down while I'm a bit loopy and safe...
Incident at a Porno Theaterby Mitzi36B©They pushed through the swinging door and stood at the back of the theater waiting for their eyes to adjust to the semi-darkness. The only light came from that reflected by the screen. It showed a long-haired, full-breasted girl on her knees between two guys. All three were naked, the men fully erect as the girl alternated sucking first one cock then the other while using her free hand to stroke the other.Typical porno scene, thought Sheila, glancing at...
Hi, it’s David I’m a huge fan of Indian sex stories so I decided to share my sex diaries. I was brought up in Vizag, as my dad works in NTPC. We stay in quarters(apartments) allowed by the company. I’m 24 and an unemployed engineer so most of the times I use to roam with my friends on streets. Even though I don’t go to gym and all, I’m 6’1 and fair complexion with decent body. One day we saw a recently married couple (5 months ago) came to our friend George’s quarter on the top floor. The lady...
Hi guys, I’m Srikanth here from Hyderabad, this incident happened 1.5 years before with my girlfriend Pooja. I am a regular guy with the regular physique and 23 years old. I am a great follower of Indian sex stories since 2014. The Story revolves around me and my girlfriend. I’m interested in girls and aunties for sex, sex chat or any kind fun that you want. Privacy will be maintained strictly. Please contact me on Looking for more fun with corporate beauties, beautiful...
Incident with a Baby by shalimar This past Friday night we had a Kaballat Shabbat service followed by dinner. Because of my dietary needs that involve allergies some of the other women cooked for me special. After the Kiddush and blessing over the bread I got up to get a small drink and retrieve my special food. On the way I met a man holding his daughter. She was cute in her pajamas. "Hello, little one," I said to this baby. "What is your name?" "Rachel," replied the...
Hi this is my first story on ISS and like many others get inspired from ISS and post their story and I am also sharing one of my experience as I am not a writer by profession so please excuse me for any mistakes but I try my best to make you feel same which I felt on that night. I am going to narrate my one of the first and full fledged sexual experience which happens with me when I was in class XIth and How I say Good Bye to my Virginity. First of all I want to describe myself and I am Sunny...
Incident in Whitechapel 1888 "Ere, what you doin ere? This is my pitch! You can't take my gen'lemen orf me! Git aht of it! Clear orf, you 'ear me? Clear orf!" The woman - the figure was clearly a woman, though tall - was standing just outside the circle of sickly light thrown by the gas lamp through the fog. As the angry Millie Naismith came forward, clutching a now somewhat faded shawl around her shoulders, she turned, and Millie could see for the first time that she wore fine...
HorrorIncidentsRon and Mack had a feeling they had met before but could not remember where or when. They were at a mall where their teenage daughters had decided to go shopping. The girls had met on a previous “Dad’s turn weekend.” Their Dads had mostly just nodded and said hello each time they found themselves at the same place until that day. Neither would remember where they had met for years.Time passed and they became friends. After each had attended the other’s daughters wedding they did not...
IncidentsRon and Mack had a feeling they had met before but could not remember where or when. They were at a mall where their teenage daughters had decided to go shopping. The girls had met on a previous “Dad’s turn weekend.” Their Dads had mostly just nodded and said hello each time they found themselves at the same place until that day. Neither would remember where they had met for years.Time passed and they became friends. After each had attended the other’s daughters wedding they did not...
Sarah wanted to become a professional nature photographer. Her prized possession was a Nikon SLR digital camera with 12 mp resolution and three lenses, a gift from her parents on her sixteenth birthday. She was still learning to use its many features. Sarah was of average height for a girl of 16, with a body that was limber and well developed. She wore her dark brown hair in a pony tail and dressed neatly. Today she was dressed in a white linen blouse and gray pleated skirt that descended to...
***Here’s a story to keep you warmed up in this freezing cold weather. I hope you like it!*** It was snowing all day and I really didnt want to drive in this nasty weather. My car was already over due for an oil change and it was already acting strange on my way home from work. From the distance I see a Midas, but the heavy traffic was preventing me from go any further. The snow soon turned heavier and I already knew this was not a good sign. I looked at my gas gage a noticed that I could...
***Here's a story to keep you warmed up in this freezing cold weather. I hope you like it!*** It was snowing all day and I really didnt want to drive in this nasty weather. My car was already over due for an oil change and it was already acting strange on my way home from work. From the distance I see a Midas, but the heavy traffic was preventing me from go any further. The snow soon turned heavier and I already knew this was not a good sign. I looked at my gas gage a noticed that I could use a...
Hi iss Readers, my first story is here and it is my real story Sali wo larki hoti hai jis k sath ap k rishta ki buniyad he sex pe hoti hai. Ap 1 larki ko with the consent of society chodtay hain to husband/wife ka rishta wjood ma ata hai or is sex based rishtay ki buniyad pe kuch aur rishtay wajood main atay hain sali unhi khoobsuat rishton ma se 1 rishta hai. dunia ka har mard kisi na kisi waqt aur kisi na kisi tarah sali ko seduce karnay ki khahish rakhta hai. sali ko seduce karna har umar...
The next few days flew by as far as Paul was concerned. On the one hand, he wanted to arrange another get together with Nadine, but was stuck on just who to bring into their little game playing. On the other hand, that morning Carol had called to tell him that Regal Publishing was ready to market his novel--that he would be expected to appear on the Today Show that Friday and Oprah on Tuesday and that he needed to come in to Regal’s offices that afternoon to cram for both shows--meaning the...
There was a sudden jolt as a rear wheel bounced over a rock and came rolling off the axle. Tom reined in the horses and they both jumped down to survey the damage. "Can you fix it?" she asked. "Yes," he said retrieving the wheel. "Looks like the wheel itself isn't damaged. I can fashion a makeshift pin to hold until we get to Sierra Verde. The big job is going to be lifting the wagon to get the wheel back on. I'll have to see if we've got anything I can use for a lever. This may...
"How about that coffee?" Tom's question brought Miranda out of her reverie. "Oh... yes. It'll be ready in a couple of minutes." "Well in the meantime you can give me a hand." She walked over to the wagon where Tom had wedged a pole over a rock and under the wagon. "If we both put our weight on this end, we should be able to raise it enough for me to get the wheel back on." But even though they could raise the wagon, as soon as Tom reached for the wheel, Miranda could no longer...
Miranda turned to Vasquez suddenly, as if finally, once again, capable of rational thought, aware of his betrayal and fearful of Tom's reaction to her not-so-unwilling participation. "You're a vile and disgusting man!" she said, spitting out the words. Retrieving his gun, he stood, putting on his pants. Vasquez looked first to the woman and then to her husband. "That's not what you were saying only moments ago Senora. You are an apt pupil. You learn fast and well. She will make you a...
Miranda struggled to get her semi-conscious husband to his feet and into the wagon. She stemmed the tide of bleeding with a tablecloth from their belongings, jumped onto the seat and, whipping the horses unmercifully, headed for town as fast as the work team and old wagon could bear. Despite the makeshift wheel repair which she expected to let loose at any time, they rolled into the outskirts of town in a little over forty minutes. She asked a young girl for directions to the doctor's...
"Mrs. Willis?" Miranda looked up to see Dr. Welty standing in the doorway. "Your husband is going to be fine. I got the bullet out. Actually, he's a very lucky man. Another inch or two and the bullet would have cut through an artery. He probably would have bled to death before you could get him here." "May I see him now?" Miranda asked anxiously. "Of course," said the doctor, motioning her in. "He's still pretty groggy and he needs rest, but you can talk with him for a few...
"Mrs. Graves?" The woman who answered the door was tiny, standing less than five feet tall. Her clothes were plain and although she wore no makeup, her features were pleasant. She was trim with green eyes and dark auburn hair which she wore long. She was younger than Miranda had imagined, not more than three or four years older than Miranda herself. Given a little attention, thought Miranda, she could be quite attractive. The reverend's wife smiled self consciously. "You must be Mrs....
In late afternoon of the next day, Miranda told Ellen she would love some company and asked if Ellen would come to her room after supper, Ellen was still shaken and embarrassed after last night and wasn't sure she could face Miranda even though she thought she had slipped away unseen when Miranda had come to the door. However, lacking any logical excuse and feeling a strange sense of excitement, she agreed to stop by as soon as she got Elijah to bed. Miranda answered the timid...
Miranda awoke and immediately looked to the floor. Ellen lay curled up asleep, thumb in mouth, two fingers of her other hand in her nest. As Miranda stirred slightly, the minister's wife also awoke. "Come here," commanded Miranda. Ellen obeyed silently. "Did you do last night as I told you?" inquired Miranda threateningly. "I... I..." Miranda grabbed the labial ring, pulling it down painfully and forcing Ellen closer. "Better tell me the truth! You know my demons are...
"Then we have a deal?" "Let me get this straight," said Bart Manning, the saloon owner who also ran the brothel upstairs, "you have your own girl - working out of Pastor Graves upstairs bedroom of all places - and you're willing to cut me in for half if I supply you with customers?" "Right," said Miranda assuredly. They sat at a back table in the saloon. "Why should I send you customers when I can get ninety percent of the take here? Because you said yourself you sometimes...
Within only a few days, Miranda's business was thriving. The first night, Ellen had "entertained" only four customers, but the word soon spread and now from sundown until the early morning hours, Ellen virtually never left the bed, as an endless parade of cowboys, vagrants, and, not a few, "respectable" businessmen partook of her pleasures. Even Ellen's cousin with whom she had gown up, had paid his money for a tumble with what was being billed as the tightest little piece in...
Tom was finally up and about, arm in a sling. He was still avoiding Miranda, his anger paling, but not yet to the point where he wished to confront her. The doctor had suggested a short walk and so he headed down the street, pausing in front of the saloon. He wasn't much of a drinker, however the piano music, which came wafting from inside, was good and he felt he needed something to brighten his spirits. Looking around briefly as he entered, he saw the usual assortment of card games and...
Miranda and Ellen had also become aware of the rumors circulating about their "business". So they decided Ellen should at least give the appearance of paying her respects as a good religious wife. She wore a long plain black dress, her hair done into a conservative bun. As she stood at the grave side, her mind was on one thing only, her demon lover who awaited her at home. As her thoughts ran to Miranda and the outrageous sexual acts they had committed together, she felt her nest begin to...
"Come in," said Manning, responding to the timid knock at his office door. "Well, look who's here. And what can I do for you little lady?" "I... I need a job. No one else in town will even speak to me, I have nowhere else to go." "Word on the street is, you're broke and pregnant," he said, eying the woman who had pleasured him several times since that initial evening. "I'll do ANYTHING!" Ellen sobbed, "just please don't turn me away. I slept in the livery stable last night....
"Come in," said Randy Barrett. Tom opened the door. He still could not believe he was here. "She left me," was all he could manage. Barrett offered him a seat and Tom eased himself onto the sofa, exhausted. "What you need is a good drink," said the rancher, moving to a small bar at one end of the room. "She ran off with Vasquez." "Vasquez? Why the little whore... oops, sorry." "It's all right. That's exactly what she is and I've been a fool to think she was anything...
It was near sundown when they rode into Vasquez's camp, she in the wagon, he on horseback. There were fifteen or twenty men milling about, along with about a third as many women. A huge pot suspended over a roaring fire contained a stew which was quickly rising to a boil. Three of the women greeted them as they dismounted. The women were actually only in their late twenties, but any observer would have guessed between forty and fifty. There were smiles on their faces, but each had that look...
Hopefully you will enjoy this collaboration between Neff Trebor and Darkside... With the same lack of affection and inconsideration Joe swiftly led the stumbling and totally exhausted Katherine back from the central well directly inside the embassy compound's courtyard. Wordlessly Joe handed her lead rope over to an armed Arab wearing a ski mask. Shouting orders in Hassaniya two Arab women completely covered with black burqas rushed over relieving him of Katherine's lead rope. Not a word...
How I wish I knew more about cross-dressing when I was young and attractive.I had an Auntie James who cross dressed with his friends but I was way too shy to ask about it. It was not until I was home on leave from the Marines that I had my first experience with dressing. I went to Rocky Horror Picture Show with James and his friends who were all dressed up. Some of them were very hot. We went to a coffee shop where all the Gays go after the bars close. A lot of Gurls where hitting on me. I have...
My first "outing" was with a female fuck buddy. She loved sex. Any time, place, or person. Damn she was a great fuck buddy! She asked about any fantasies I had. I mentioned I always wanted to cross dress in pantyhose, panties, bra, and a great wig. We spent the afternoon shopping and found all of my needs and a great wig that matched my natural hair color. There is a nice pic of me labeled "first pic." in the gallery. My nipples and cock were rock hard the whole time, especially while she...
Fred looked around the hotel room, then tossed the bags on the floor. Walking over to the single queen sized bed, he fell over onto his face, bouncing twice before coming to a stop. A loud snoring sound was soon heard, which got him a laugh and a light swat on the butt. He turned over to see Taylor standing next to him with a tired expression on her face. "Is air travel always that bad?" She sat down next to him with a plop, and as Fred sat up she leaned against his large frame. It had...
He had a family. That's the only way Fred could describe the feelings he had as the three of them made their way through the streets of Merida. Well, five, although two weren't doing much walking and one of those really couldn't see all that much from where they were. They had slept late, partly due to being awoken at various points by Violet and partly due to the resulting time up together leading to sex. He didn't know how common that was among new parents, but this wasn't a common...
My girlfriend loved shock value. It really didn’t matter who got shocked, as long as they had that, “Oh My God, I can’t believe this is happening” look. Together, we were about as kinky and compatible as you could get. She hadn’t gotten me shocked for a while. But that was about to change… She had worked in sex for years. Stripping, Phone sex operator, Escort, and currently doing home sex parties. You know the ones, invite your friends over, and get them to buy sexy stuff. Lotions, vibrators,...
Mature white wife was visiting a secluded nude beach in Italy. She received many stares as she walked along the beach, few bathers here and there. They loved her curvy figure, 44EE-37-45, gorgeous long blonde hair (okay, it's dyed now, she can't stand grey), stunning blue eyes, chiseled jaw, basically a gorgeous voluptuous mature woman!She notices a young handsome black man lying in a semi-shaded area on his towel facing upward. She stops to say hi to him, makes sure her towel is over her far...
Hello girls and guys. I am Shivang here with another incident. Thanks to your love and praises for “Saath Chudwaana Saathiya”. I am Shivang, early twenties, from Mumbai. Tall about 6’2 with a few extra kilos and my tool measuring around 6″ . So friends, you know now this story is between me, my neighbour’s cousin sister and her mother! First a character introduction- my neighbour’s cousin Ishita. She is a busty girl, not an hourglass figure, having extra pounds around her body. She is 21,...
Hi friends from ISS this is rocky from Mumbai. I am 22 year guy with 6.2 feet height and very good body. I regularly read ISS various stories and that stories insist me to do try sex with my aunty on whom i have a crush since 3-4 year. Friends please read my story and send me your valuable reply on my email id now i am starting my staring my story without making bore to you all. I am writing this story in Hindi so that you can enjoy it very well with desi words and feelings. Ye story abhi just...
My girlfriend loved shock value. It really didn’t matter who got shocked, as long as they had that, “Oh My God, I can’t believe this is happening” look. Together, we were about as kinky and compatible as you could get. She hadn’t gotten me shocked for a while. But that was about to change… She had worked in sex for years. Stripping, Phone sex operator, Escort, and currently doing home sex parties. You know the ones, invite your friends over, and get them to buy sexy stuff. Lotions, vibrators,...
BDSMMixed-race cutie June has a marketing degree from college and wants to run her own business one day, but she still has a lot to learn about making great first impressions and presenting herself. She walks in like it’s casual Friday at the office. But we can forgive all that when June turns out to be as sunny and warm as the month with the same name. She learned all about giving blowjobs from watching porn so we can’t wait to see what she picked up. Vince’s pants get tight when...
xmoviesforyouIt was June and time for sunbathing by the pool in my backyard. To my pleasant surprise, I saw that the pool man the company sent this year was young and handsome with a muscular body and porn star mustache. I was instantly attracted to him the first time he came and we hit it off quickly. I was wearing a pair of cut-off shorts with a sexy black thong panty underneath. And I felt very sexy being near such a big, strong hunk. He had a way of looking at me like he could see through my nature and...
Chapter 1 I've always been a pretty average guy; medium height throughout my life so far, average build, always got Bs and Cs in school, graduated pretty much in the middle of my high school class, did basically average work in college, got a pretty good job, better than some of my friends, not nearly as good as a few. So, I'm a pretty average fellow like so many of us. But, I do stand out in one area and I really didn't begin to realize it until I had started into middle school; it's my...
The room is dark, was that a noise. I am trying desperately to rouse from a deep sleep. I can sense something is not right, but can not place the feeling. My senses are rushing back to me? my heart stops. I see a shadow where I would not expect it, and another. I am awake now and I can clearly see two shapes one on either side of my bed. Oh my god! I try to scream, but can not breathe. Suddenly a hand grabs my hair and I am pulled forcefully up-right. I yelp, I see the back of his hand to late...
Ronda Blake was a fierce woman who never let anyone bother her, she wasn’t taking any shit, she didn’t have time for that sort of things. While she currently was between jobs and that things have been tranquilly going south with her husband, she recently chose to go on a road trip, completely lone wolf style.Her husband had been cheating on her for a while now, she knew about it since the very beginning almost and this trip was more or less linked to this infidelities. Ronda was hoping to cheat...
Luckily it wasn't long before I got some good news from Kate. We had plans that Friday night with some friends to go bowling and Kate suggested we invite Ali. I didn’t want her to suspect anything on my end so I pushed back. “Umm.. well idk, we kinda had plans with Devin and Ash, are you sure we should invite her? “ I replied. “They always invite other people when we go, you know that, remember last time it ended up being like 10 of us.” She fought back. That was more than enough to...
Emma was finally on her way to Japan! She had been invited by a very rich Japanese business man to a fete in her honor. There would be dancing, dinner, and an award show. She already knew she would be the winner of the very prestigious Emperor’s Cup for best actress of the last twenty years. She first starred in films at the age of ten and she had just turned thirty.Turning thirty had been traumatic for her. She had yet to show her beautiful body nude in any movie, and she knew gravity and the...
To be an incubus in this modern era is exceedingly easy. Declan St. Clare, a high level sex demon, needed to get his required amount of souls for the century, and by looking at the log of sinners in front of him, it was going to be simple. He would be able to get all seven off one list. Lifting his 6'5” frame from his computer chair, he opted to walk into his bathroom, rather than teleport there. Contrary to popular belief, he was able to see his reflection in the mirror. It's funny that most...
BDSMI’m stupid. I mean you think I would be able to think stuff through like Lisbeth Salander or better yet Milady de Winter. I’d be cunning and see five steps ahead. I should have asked for more money. The shirt I wanted at Ross would definitely be perfect, but according to the website the price went up. Plus I really wanted some skinny jeans to go with it. I mean my good butt jeans are nice, but they are still loose on me, and if I was going to wear a blouse like that, it demanded a whole...
Matt sat in the front seat, silent. His mom spoke first, "So, honey, how are you feeling? You look much better." "Fine." "I should have made sure you were okay before we came here," she said. "It doesn't matter now," he answered. "Oh. Well... " she paused. "So, are you going to be seeing a lot of her?" "No," said Matt, sullenly. God, why did his parents always have to be so nosy? "Oh. I was just wondering," she said. "She seems very nice actually......
My wife and I had been out drinking and dancing and went back to Tony and Judy's house for a nightcap. Tony had a lot to drink and after another shot and a beer he was passed out. My wife Susan who hardly ever drinks also was passed out on the couch after another drink. Tony and Judy are both several years older than Susan and I. We have gone on vacations together and gone out numerous times. Judy and I went into the kitchen and were talking as Tony and Susan slept it off. She complained that...
Tuesday morning the first call before the day had even started was from party chairman Carl Isham. The party had succeeded in purchasing two blocks of time on the three major networks at 2000; the beginning of prime time. Each was on Monday evening so one would air the evening before most states opened early voting and the other eve of the general election. General Ingram was the next in with updates on the troop withdraw and the fleet exercise in the South China Sea. North Korea had...
Mom had been going through ammunition for her Ruger pretty fast, so I figured that we should loop by for more of the steel balls and more .22 hollowpoint bullets. I took Mom in with me so that she would know exactly what to buy if she had to make the purchase without me. We stepped through the entrance and immediately somebody screamed, “LOOK OUT! OVER YOUR HEAD!” We both knew enough to duck at that warning. I looked up and saw a thing, I don’t know what else to call it, hanging from the...
I wrote this story about a visit with a guy in Tahoe, Please be warned that this story is about a man sucking a man and if that is not your thing, please do not read this. Pics have been added in my photos page. Tripper I was able to get away on Tuesday evening, and Tony said I could call anytime before 11:00 PM to visit and make a quick stop and get my cock sucked. I called from the Carson Valley around 9:15 and he told me he was looking forward to my visit tonight. He expressed that he...
Martian wastelands — 12 kilometers west of Eden September 1, 2146 The latest artillery bombardment came raining down across the area, shells bursting just above the ground sending shrapnel into anyone unfortunate enough to be underneath and unprotected. Callahan was jerked awake once more as he felt the ground quake beneath him, as he felt the concussions hammer into him. He checked his time display and saw it had been less than fifteen minutes since he'd gone unconscious. That was typical....
XVideos Red includes Shemale videos, though I didn’t really touch on the subject of trannies when I wrote up my full review of the service last time. Chicks with dicks occupy kind of a weird place in pornography; some folks swear it’s gay if the girls are packing, but the market caters mainly to dudes who call themselves straight. I’ve never been one to split hairs or over analyze things, though. If it gets you going, that’s all that really matters, isn’t it?Just about everyone is familiar with...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesI was in my late 20's and spreading my wings after seven years of failed marriage. My sometimes boyfriend Larry and I were invited to a Halloween swingers party at a home north of San Diego. I was surprised that I said yes and the whole week before the party I was alternating between backing out and fantasizing about what could be. We rented costumes for the event and Larry was going as Pancho Villa and I was going as Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind. My costume was really sexy with a...
Group SexConnie, Troy and the rest of my staff had been in the outer offices taking phone calls and making notes. When Frank and the generals left they came in with handfuls of notes and a fresh mug of coffee. It’s going to be that kind of morning, I thought. Connie grabbed all the notes from everyone and began to put them into their order of importance. On the top - needing immediate attention - was our UN ambassador; he was between a rock and a hard spot wanting guidance. Iranian aligned countries...