Incident At Pima MesaChapter 12 free porn video

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Within only a few days, Miranda's business was thriving. The first night, Ellen had "entertained" only four customers, but the word soon spread and now from sundown until the early morning hours, Ellen virtually never left the bed, as an endless parade of cowboys, vagrants, and, not a few, "respectable" businessmen partook of her pleasures.

Even Ellen's cousin with whom she had gown up, had paid his money for a tumble with what was being billed as the tightest little piece in town.

When Ellen had recognized him, she had refused, but to Miranda a paying customer was a paying customer. So with Miranda looking on, Ellen had been forced to take him in mouth, nest and anus. He had been back three times and admittedly was using rent money for what he called "the best cousin money could buy"!

Tom still refused to see Miranda, but the doctor told her he would be up and around in a week or so. At her request, he also said he would talk with Tom to see if Tom would at least agree to talk with her.

Miranda was pleased. Even with a fifty-fifty split with Manning, she was still clearing forty to sixty dollars a night. She was, of course, giving Ellen nothing. Her only inconvenience was having to occupy another room down the hall, since Ellen and her customers kept her original bedroom busy.

Miranda was aware, however, that she could double or triple her intake by catering to a higher clientele. It was with this in mind that she had been busy most of the day in arranging a "special" evening.

Returning in late afternoon, she found Ellen in the kitchen preparing Elijah's supper.

"Hurry up and finish with the old man. I have something special planned tonight!"

Ellen looked up from tired eyes saying nothing.

"I have arranged for some special guests to get a look at you tonight. Williams the banker, Russet the cattleman, Billings the owner of the silver mine. When they get a look at you in bed, I'll have no trouble tripling our current prices. Wear the black outfit. I'll do your hair. With an important audience like this, I want a special performance from you tonight!"

"Master, please. I can't keep this up. I'm up most of the night. I..."

"If you need more sleep," sneered Miranda, "just sleep through in the morning."

"But I have to see to Elijah."

"To hell with the old man! What does it matter anyway? All he does is sit and stare!'

"But he's my..."

Ellen gasped wishing she could take back what had just escaped her lips.

"Your what Ellen?... Your what?"

Miranda grabbed her hair, pulling the shorter woman to her and looking directly into Ellen's eyes. Ellen looked up through tears, in fright. Miranda's sudden savage kiss was strong and deep. Ellen yielded, giving herself to the woman whose slave she had become.

"Whose wife are you Ellen?" Who's ring do you wear? Who owns your mind, your body, your soul?"

"... You Master."

"You belong to me! No one else! Make that mistake again and I'll throw the old man out in the street!:

"... Yes my Master of Darkness."

And with that Ellen silently served Elijah's meal and prepared her bath.

The small bedroom was crowded. All ten men were wealthy by southern Arizona standards. Some had already heard about Ellen, others hearing about her for the first time when approached by Miranda. About two thirds were married, but far more important to Miranda, all had brought a wallet brimming with cash. They were anxious to see what had been promised them and were more than willing to pay.

"Gentlemen," said Miranda stepping to the center of the gathering, "I apologize for the cramped quarters, but I assure you, you will consider it a small inconvenience when you see what I have to offer you!"

The door opened and Ellen walked seductively to the bed as Miranda had prompted her.

The black corset-like bodice held her breasts high, showing lots of cleavage and barely covering her nipples. It narrowed at her small waist and ended in high cut legs trimmed in frilly lace which only began to cover her cheeks. She wore black fishnet stockings and matching high heel shoes.

The men were dumbfounded. They stood in stunned silence as Ellen, at Miranda's cue, began to slowly and sensually undress.

"Gentlemen," said Miranda, "this is Ellen, who is about to perform for you. As she does so I will accept bids for the honor of being the first to do more than look. Bids close when the last item of clothing is gone and whoever has the high bid at that point has her for as long as he likes, in any way he likes. The rest of you may, of course, have your turn... but isn't being the first always best?

Ellen stepped out of one of the shoes.

"Twenty dollars!" came out of the crowd.

The other shoe was discarded.

"Thirty!" came another offer.

She raised a leg onto the edge of the bed and began rolling down a stocking.

"Fifty!" said one of the out of towners.


She began taking down her other stocking and stroking her legs from toes to hips.


She ran her hands sensuously over the black bodice cupping her breasts while Miranda watched her pupil with approval.

"One hundred dollars!" said the mine owner.

Ellen's hands went between the cups of her garment and began to tantalizingly undo the hooks which would allow the garment to fall, completing her nudity and closing the bidding.

"One ten!"

"One twenty!"

The first two hooks were undone and the top of her bodice fell slightly, revealing her firm full breasts.

Despite Miranda's coaching and threats, Ellen's eyes lowered momentarily in shame and embarrassment.

"One fifty!" offered the banker.

Her fingers began to undo the next hook.

Miranda was smiling broadly

"Wait a minute!" said one of the men closest to the door.

They all turned as he opened the door and listened.

"There's somebody calling for Ellen down there," he said, motioning downstairs. "I'm not sure, but I think it's that old man I saw in the living room as I came in."

"Elijah!" said Ellen.

"Never mind!" commanded Miranda, just ignore him!"

"But he needs me!" pleaded Ellen.

"I said ignore him!"

"I... can't... I'm sorry. I must see that's he's all right!" said Ellen rushing toward the door.

"Who is he?" asked one of the men as she pushed past, "your father?"

"No," said Ellen hurrying out the door and down the stairs, "he's my husband!"

Miranda was infuriated, but determined not to let this opportunity escape.

"Sorry about this little interruption gentlemen, but..."

Her mind was racing. A new plan was forming, a plan of punishment and profit.

"... this room is not really big and comfortable enough anyway. Why don't we reconvene downstairs where you'll find the accommodations more to your liking."

"But her husband?" someone asked.

"He Is an old man who gets his entertainment from watching his young wife with other men!"

"But what about the bids?" asked the banker.

"We can continue them down there, she said, "or I have something else in mind which you may like even better!"

Miranda led the way. As they filed into the living room, Ellen looked up in surprise.

"He had a leg cramp. It's all right now."

"That's good, Ellen", said Miranda in front of the others.

She walked over taking Ellen firmly by the arm and starting into the kitchen.

"Gentlemen, make yourselves comfortable. We'll be right back."

Once in the kitchen, Ellen, knowing Miranda was incensed, began to apologize.

"I'm sorry, Master. I was afraid it might have been something serio..."

The vicious slap brought her up short.

Miranda whispered so as not to be overheard, but there was venom in her words.

"You bet you're going to be sorry you little slut!"

"Master, please!"

"Shut up you little whore. Not only did you once again refer to that worthless piece of meat in the other room as your husband but..."

"I'm sorry, Master. I know I am Satan's bride. I know I have given myself to you, that I am yours for eternity. I know I shall burn in everlasting damnation for what I have done but..."

"Silence! One more word and I'll kill that old man. Do you understand?"

Ruled by fear, Ellen nodded silently, her head hung in subjugation.

"Not only that, but you nearly ruined a great business deal! Well, there will be a change in plans. You're going in there and give them a performance they won't soon forget!"

"In there?" gasped Ellen, "but Elijah... ?"

"You should have thought of that before you damn near ruined everything. Anyway, perhaps it's time he found out what his pretty little caretaker does from dusk until dawn!"

"No, please!"

"What did you say?"

"Please, Master! He'll see me!"

Miranda grabbed Ellen's hair and pulled her face close.

"That's the whole idea! Now get your tight cunt out there and give them what they want. And they had better be well satisfied or you and Elijah will both suffer!"

Ellen began weeping softly.

Miranda slapped her twice, hard.

"Stop your sniveling you mindless little religious bitch. Your soul is already lost. There is nothing left to be ashamed of, nothing more your God can do to you. But I can! Now get out there!"

Silently Ellen obeyed.

Miranda walked back into the room with a broad smile.

"Gentlemen, with your permission, Ellen has suggested an alternate form of entertainment. She wishes to make you a wager."

Miranda took ten small pieces of paper and numbered them one to ten. She then dropped them into a cup.

"The game is this. Each of you will wager fifty dollars which you will deposit with me and then draw a number from the cup. Numbers one through five will go first. Ellen will take all five of you at once and if any one of you is disappointed, you will get your money back. Numbers six through ten will get the same offer. Agreed? After all how can you lose?"

It was only moments until Miranda had five hundred dollars in her hand.

"Now let's see," said Miranda arranging a small low table in the middle of the room and covering it with a blanket.

"What about her husband?" asked one of the men.

"Oh Elijah just loves to watch, don't you Elijah?" said Miranda pulling his chair up front where he could not help but see what was about to transpire.

Ellen burned with shame and anguish.

"Show them what they're getting Ellen!"

The housewife's hand finished unlatching the last hooks and the bodice slid to the floor.

Ellen Graves stood naked in front of the ten leering men whose erections already bulged their pants, her husband whose tired eyes lifted in pain to see her standing nude before him and a roomful of strangers and the woman Ellen believed was Satan incarnate. Ellen despised herself for what she allowed Miranda to command her to do, but knew she was helpless to resist.

"Show them Ellen!"

Ellen laid back on the small table, lifted her legs high grasping each ankle as she spread herself to the leering customers.

"Here Elijah!" said Miranda keeping the old man's face toward Ellen as he tried to look away, "see what you've been missing!"

"And now gentlemen, the payoff begins," announced Miranda.

"Who has slip number one?" she asked.

One of the men from out of town came forward. Ellen stood up as he undressed and lay on his back on the table.

At Miranda's cue, Ellen straddled him and lowered herself onto his erect penis. Leaning her hands on his chest, she began lifting and lowering herself to meet his thrusts.

That's one!" said Miranda. "Now if we may have numbers two and three!"

The two men stood on either side of Miranda and dropped their pants. Ellen took a waiting penis in each hand. She leaned first to one side, then to the other and took each cock down her throat. Returning to her original position, she began the stroking with her hands that would lead to their eventual orgasms.

"That's three!" announced Miranda, "and now for number four!"

The mine owner came forward. Dropping his pants, he stood beside the shoulder of the man lying on his back. Ellen had been averting Elijah's disbelieving eyes, but now her eyes closed as she tried to put out of her mind the knowledge that her husband was watching her deprave herself. She leaned forward and took the throbbing erection in her mouth. He began thrusting and she took him completely as Miranda had taught her, then began the repeated alternation of mouth to throat as her lips and tongue played over his phallus.

"And now for number five!" smiled Miranda.

The burley rancher came forward and Miranda positioned him directly behind Ellen and between the legs of the prone man whose penis was filling her nest. Ellen's rear was high in the air. Miranda put her finger briefly in her mouth and then thrust it into Ellen's anus. Withdrawing, Miranda looked at the erect rancher.

"She's all yours!'

He took her eagerly, ramming his penis completely inside her with one powerful and massive thrust.

Ellen almost fainted with the pain but recovered quickly, knowing her mentor/tormentor would reck even greater punishment if she failed in the slightest way.

And so as the others watched, Ellen humped, jerked, sucked and thrusted in wild abandon. Sweat poured off her as her body writhed in constant contortions to assure the men would get what they wanted.

The near simultaneous orgasms filled her rectum, vagina, hands and mouth with what seemed a river of semen.

Dripping wet and exhausted, she lay momentarily on the table as the men withdrew. Her eyes fleetingly met those of Elijah whose face showed pain and revulsion. Again Ellen closed hey eyes. Why, oh why, had she ever allowed that she-devil to seduce her? How could she ever have allowed her body and soul to be taken, to agree to such unpardonable sin as she was now committing? Tears welled in her eyes. She was lost! Damned forever for her lust and depravity! Miranda was right. She was nothing but a common whore, who deserved everything which was happening to her.

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My first "outing" was with a female fuck buddy. She loved sex. Any time, place, or person. Damn she was a great fuck buddy! She asked about any fantasies I had. I mentioned I always wanted to cross dress in pantyhose, panties, bra, and a great wig. We spent the afternoon shopping and found all of my needs and a great wig that matched my natural hair color. There is a nice pic of me labeled "first pic." in the gallery. My nipples and cock were rock hard the whole time, especially while she...

4 years ago
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Incidents of TaylorChapter 2

Fred looked around the hotel room, then tossed the bags on the floor. Walking over to the single queen sized bed, he fell over onto his face, bouncing twice before coming to a stop. A loud snoring sound was soon heard, which got him a laugh and a light swat on the butt. He turned over to see Taylor standing next to him with a tired expression on her face. "Is air travel always that bad?" She sat down next to him with a plop, and as Fred sat up she leaned against his large frame. It had...

3 years ago
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Incidents of TaylorChapter 3

He had a family. That's the only way Fred could describe the feelings he had as the three of them made their way through the streets of Merida. Well, five, although two weren't doing much walking and one of those really couldn't see all that much from where they were. They had slept late, partly due to being awoken at various points by Violet and partly due to the resulting time up together leading to sex. He didn't know how common that was among new parents, but this wasn't a common...

1 year ago
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Incidental Slave

My girlfriend loved shock value. It really didn’t matter who got shocked, as long as they had that, “Oh My God, I can’t believe this is happening” look. Together, we were about as kinky and compatible as you could get. She hadn’t gotten me shocked for a while. But that was about to change… She had worked in sex for years. Stripping, Phone sex operator, Escort, and currently doing home sex parties. You know the ones, invite your friends over, and get them to buy sexy stuff. Lotions, vibrators,...

2 years ago
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Incidental black pregnancy

Mature white wife was visiting a secluded nude beach in Italy. She received many stares as she walked along the beach, few bathers here and there. They loved her curvy figure, 44EE-37-45, gorgeous long blonde hair (okay, it's dyed now, she can't stand grey), stunning blue eyes, chiseled jaw, basically a gorgeous voluptuous mature woman!She notices a young handsome black man lying in a semi-shaded area on his towel facing upward. She stops to say hi to him, makes sure her towel is over her far...

3 years ago
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Incidental Sex With Ishita

Hello girls and guys. I am Shivang here with another incident. Thanks to your love and praises for “Saath Chudwaana Saathiya”. I am Shivang, early twenties, from Mumbai. Tall about 6’2 with a few extra kilos and my tool measuring around 6″ . So friends, you know now this story is between me, my neighbour’s cousin sister and her mother! First a character introduction- my neighbour’s cousin Ishita. She is a busty girl, not an hourglass figure, having extra pounds around her body. She is 21,...

3 years ago
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Incidental Sex With Aunty

Hi friends from ISS this is rocky from Mumbai. I am 22 year guy with 6.2 feet height and very good body. I regularly read ISS various stories and that stories insist me to do try sex with my aunty on whom i have a crush since 3-4 year. Friends please read my story and send me your valuable reply on my email id now i am starting my staring my story without making bore to you all. I am writing this story in Hindi so that you can enjoy it very well with desi words and feelings. Ye story abhi just...

1 year ago
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Incidental Slave

My girlfriend loved shock value. It really didn’t matter who got shocked, as long as they had that, “Oh My God, I can’t believe this is happening” look. Together, we were about as kinky and compatible as you could get. She hadn’t gotten me shocked for a while. But that was about to change… She had worked in sex for years. Stripping, Phone sex operator, Escort, and currently doing home sex parties. You know the ones, invite your friends over, and get them to buy sexy stuff. Lotions, vibrators,...

3 years ago
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Susan Takes a Drive

Susan was in a rental car driving from NY to the Cabelas in Reading, PA after being persuaded to hand deliver one of her thongs to Sean. She didn’t know what made her agree to meet Sean, especially since she had to take time off from work. It was something in Sean that got her to say yes. She kept thinking ‘What the fuck did I get myself into?’ Susan drove a bit fast because she was late to meet Sean and she wanted to get back to work. Susan would daydream every so often on the drive when her...

2 years ago
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Huge 4 Chris and the Cheerleaders

Heather must have looked at her watch a hundred times that day. She couldn't keep her mind on her work. She hadn't been this distracted since... well, she was too distracted to think about it. She looked at her watch for the hundred and first time. What was her son, Chris, doing right now? Let's see, he would be leaving his last class and going to basketball practice. He'd be putting on those shorts that showed his long, thickly muscled legs. He'd be wearing a tank top that revealed the...

2 years ago
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Subway Heat

Subway Heat By billy69boy My name is Tori. I’m a 26 year old medical researcher at General Scientific downtown. I usually keep my private life private, especially my sex life. But I recently experienced the most extraordinarily erotic encounter I’ve ever had, and I can’t seem to stop thinking about it. So, I thought if I wrote about it, and shared my story with other people, perhaps I could finally get beyond it, and go about living the rest of my life in peace. I usually drive to work, but...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 92

these are compliments of hal NAME YOUR PENIS This guy walks into a bar and takes two steps in; he realizes it's a gay bar. "But what the heck", he says, "I really want a drink." When the gay waiter approaches, he says to the customer, "What's the name of your penis?" The customer says, "Look, I'm not into any of that. All I want is a drink". The gay waiter says, "I'm sorry but I can't serve you until you tell me the name of your penis. Mine for instance is called Nike, for...

1 year ago
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First Class POV

First-Class POV is no second-rate porn site, at least if the name is to be believed. The joint’s been around since 2011, which doesn’t seem like very long until you compare them to the rest of the Internet. A decade is practically an eternity in Internet years, and means the site is about as old as my humble little review site here. That longevity alone tells me they’re doing something right, and it’s my job to poke my nose around, shake my dick all over the place, and figure out what the magic...

Premium POV Porn Sites
3 years ago
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My Sujatha My Love And My 1st Girl

Hi readers I am Ratheesh age 23.From Kerala. This is the real sex experience that happened to me before 2 months. The story is about my dad’s elder sister’s daughter. Her name is Sujatha she is 45 years old with 34 28 36. She is very sexy woman. Her husband is abroad he is a heart patient they have 1 son he is 18 years old studying engineering. Sujatha has a great sexy oily body with the color of ghee. She has great shaped boobs that have proper curves. Has a sexy navel hole which looks sexy...

3 years ago
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Preacherman Ch 4 The Devil has Blue Eyes

“Doll, that won’t be hard to do, because I have fallen head over heels in love with you. You are my angel in disguise.” He guided her over to the futon, and unfolded it. The two of them climbed onto it, curled up in each others arms and then talked most of the night. It was kind of weird as no man had ever just talked to Cindy before. They all couldn’t wait to get into her panties. She curled up closer to him ran her finger across his chin and asked, “Where do we go from here Reverend?” His...

3 years ago
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Independent CommandChapter 2 Month 72 Getting Organized

"It's enough to drive you crazy if you let it" -Dolly Parton The change-of-command ceremony the next day was as quick and simple as we could make it, since we were on a warship in contested space. Afterwards, Jimmy had a small promotion ceremony for me, which was the first that the girls knew about my promotion. Okay, maybe Exeter doesn't tell Hannah all my secrets. The two couriers showed up that afternoon, both of them full of crew, no-longer-pregnant concubines, and critical...

2 years ago
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Neha8217s Compromise To Recover Her Porn Addicted Brother

Author – Varun Following is just a fictional tale. Hi All, I am Neha. Married, a beautiful 24-year-old girl with wheatish complexion, 5.3” height and well-maintained and structured body with round firm boobs and curvy hips. Anyone seeing me will lust to have me in bed. When first time I stood nude in front of my hubby Navin, Navin told me “Hey your face looks very homely, innocent, cute and romantic, whereas your body structure looks like a top foreign porn model with firm erected round boobs...

2 years ago
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Barnyard OrgyChapter 3

Just as Tyler had predicted, Seth could smell Candy Lee stronger than he could smell his and Tyler's combined sweat. The aroma of Candy Lee filled the big Lincoln as Candy squealed away from the Dingle Dangle Bar and roared down dark streets. Candy Lee smelled like cunt - pure cunt. Seth felt himself getting drunk on her scent, and his ramrod-stiff cock bubbled precum like a drinking fountain bubbling water. The fuck juice rolled down his vertical cock like warm tears. Seth held his breath...

3 years ago
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Project Eldest SonChapter 14

Inside the Attorney General’s office, Bruce Schact and Annette Giancarlo were talking with Christopher Wray and Gina Haspel regarding Svetlana’s offer. The recording of the interview that special agent Miller had made was playing “I am willing to give you the names of the victims, the contractors that did the work, and the bank accounts where the payment was sent. In exchange for all of this, all I ask is immunity from prosecution.” The AG stopped the recording. “What do you think...

3 years ago
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How Not to Babysit part 6

PART SIX: GARBED What is this supposed to mean? I stare at the laundry basket and the piece of clothing I was stuck in for several hours yesterday. That stupid, bright-ass pink, ruffled, girly-girl set of plastic panties. I hate them. A minute went by, and I finally pull the basket in to my room and push it out of the way. I have to move, the bus was coming. I run down the stairs and into the kitchen. Jenny is here, playing with her food, as usual. Mom hands me my lunch, a...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 2 Liz

Liz lives on a small ranch off of CR 269 near Cobb Rd.’ Gypsy said, giving me directions to my 6pm appointment. ‘Make sure you close the gate behind you coming and going. Whatever you do, do not let Widow Maker, her prized Brahman rodeo bull get out. If you think we make a lot of money on your sperm, you should hear what she makes in stud fees off of this bull.’ she laughed. ‘Seriously, Liz will kill you if anything happens to that bull, that is unless Widow Maker gets to you first.’ Gypsy...

2 years ago
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Wife Surprises Me out of no where

True story that just happened and it’s to good not to wife and I just went out with one of her oldest friends. We hadn’t seen her in years and used to do everything with her. She was like a 3rd wheel and it was a running joke of ours. We’d go out drink way to much and she always ended up sleeping at our place with my wife taking care of her when she would drink to much. She would for some reason strip naked and lay by the toilet when she would drink to much. I only ever caught a...

3 years ago
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My Pizza Slut

We live in a small Midwestern town on the shores of Lake Michigan. Making a very comfortable living from the small business we own, my wife and I have one child, a stunningly beautiful and extremely intelligent girl named Amanda. This story involves her although in an indirect way. My step-daughter Amanda works part-time at the local Pizza Parlor; a job my wife and I got her because the owners are our clients. We asked them about a summer job when Amanda was sixteen and they told us to send her...

2 years ago
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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 16 MindControlling the Kinky Lesbians

Kimberly “Kimmie” Michael I pulled my car into the parking lot before the Pink Pussycat. The sex shop didn’t look too sleazy. It had a bright, neon sign with a cat perched on the end of the sweeping cursive words. There was something bold and suggestive about the pose of the mascot. “I can’t believe we’re going in there,” Natalie said. My friend was a more strait-laced Christian than I was. I had been into the sex shop a few times to buy the naughty schoolgirl outfits to wear in the bedroom...

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Revenge a mothers love part 3

He was sweating beneath me. His cock, hard, thrust up, and into me. Pumping, thrusting. All the way in, then all the way out, almost. He was careful not to slip out of my wet cunt. He was coming. He gripped my hips, trying to go even deeper inside me, pulling me down, pushing up. I felt his hard cock throb. As I felt it, so I forced the knife deep into him, it was harder than I‘d expected, and it took all my strength. I held him with my thighs, with my arms. His back arched, a mixture of...

1 year ago
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Nik And Priya Ki Peheli Sex

Mai Priya nik ki mangetar hu ye story likh rahe hu, jab hum 10th me padte the tab humne ek dusre ka bharosa jetne k lia sex kia tha,humne december me kia tha so thand ka seasson tha.. us din me school me the or school k baad hum milne wale the,,nik mujhe school k baad lene aaya or usne nikalne k baad stamina barene ki tablet khai the..then hum dono mile school k bahar or phr hum dono uske ghar par gaye, uske mummy papa out of delhi gaye huye the uske ghar me koi nahe tha… ghar pahuchne k baad...

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