GreeniesChapter 18A free porn video

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Martian wastelands — 12 kilometers west of Eden
September 1, 2146

The latest artillery bombardment came raining down across the area, shells bursting just above the ground sending shrapnel into anyone unfortunate enough to be underneath and unprotected. Callahan was jerked awake once more as he felt the ground quake beneath him, as he felt the concussions hammer into him. He checked his time display and saw it had been less than fifteen minutes since he'd gone unconscious. That was typical. His body was crying out for sleep, was demanding it with every fiber, every molecule, every atom, but he had only been able to provide it with about three hours or so of that most precious commodity since they'd taken the Jutfield Gap seventy-seven hours ago — and that had all been snatched in ten to twenty minute grabs.

Callahan, along with his ever-battered, ever-changing, understrength company, the battalion it was part of, the regiment it was part of, and the division they were all a part of, along with the remaining tanks and APCs, were now less than six kilometers from the Martian main line of defense. If he were to climb out of the hole beneath the burned out APC he was hiding under and stand up he would be able to see the skyline of Eden off to the east, including the AgriCorp Building. Of course he was not so mad as to actually poke his head or any other body part out just to admire the pretty buildings — not with artillery and mortar fire coming in every ten minutes or so, not with Martian snipers hiding in the surrounding hillsides. To show yourself out there was to invite a quick and nasty death.

The artillery barrage went on for another three minutes or so and then petered out, the fire shifting to another sector of what was being called "the line". Callahan stretched out as much as possible, trying in vain to loosen up his sore and cramped muscles. During the battle of Jutfield Gap the division's APCs had been hit very hard — losses were well over fifty percent of the original vehicles. Losses in men, while heavy, were not as bad. What this meant was that there were no longer enough APCs to transport all of the ground troops no matter how many they crammed into each one. He and the remainder of his battalion had basically walked from the Jutfield Gap to here — a distance of more than thirty kilometers.

Of course it had not been a casual stroll through the majestic Martian landscape. Not at all. After pulling back from the gap the Martian forces had installed themselves in another set of hills ten kilometers to the east, forcing yet another bloody battle in which even more APCs were smashed, even more tanks were destroyed, and even more marines were mowed down by gunfire or artillery fire or mortar fire. And when they'd forced the Martians out of those positions — with depressingly little evidence of enemy casualties found — the Martians had fallen back another eight kilometers to yet another set of prepared positions where the entire process started over once again. In all, they'd engaged the Martian armored cavalry regiments a total of four times before finally forcing them off of the last set of hills. While it was true that the engagements became easier and faster as the valley leading to Eden opened up and forced the Martians to spread themselves out thinner and thinner when they made each successive stand — they'd bloodied the marines badly each time, destroying morale and overwhelming the medical resources with wounded.

Callahan took a drink of the lukewarm water from his reservoir — a very small drink. The reservoir was down to twenty-eight percent and there was not enough spare water to go around. The same was true of food paste, waste packs, and even air bottles. Nor was this the only shortage they were dealing with. Ammunition was being severely rationed, with orders given to no longer utilize suppressing fire when advancing, to no longer engage a target unless there was reasonable chance of hitting it. It was absolute madness, and a madness that was destroying the very discipline that held an army together in combat.

"No more suppressing fire?" Corporal Cayenne, the newest leader of his second platoon, said during a private conference Callahan had held with his "officers" (although only one of them was even an NCO at this point) after they'd dug in at this latest position. "How the fuck are we supposed to take a position without suppressing fire?"

"Shit," said Sergeant Nichols, a recent transfer to the company from another unit and the highest-ranking person after Callahan himself, "the fucking suppressing fire doesn't do any good against them anyway. Why shoot the fucking guns at all? We might as well just shoot thirty percent of the troops ourselves and then walk up the hill and save the Martians some time."

"Alexander Industries wouldn't like that very much," one of the other corporals put it. "They wouldn't get to sell us the replacement ammo."

"And meanwhile," Nichols said, "the Martians have all the ammo they need because they've got a secure supply line back to Eden and their base."

"Their wounded get to the hospital right away too," Cayenne said. "They just take them out the back side of them hills and fly them right to the base. When we get hit we have to lie there until the battle is over before a medic even comes to take care of us."

"That's it then," said Corporal Senate, who was leading third platoon, "I'm joining the greenies. They got better benefits, better healthcare, and unlimited ammo."

This was good enough for a small chuckle from the group but Callahan knew there was an underlying message to it. Everything they'd faced to this point had been nothing but a warm-up. Now that the main event was upon them they were being told not to shoot as much, not to breathe as much air, not to eat and drink as much, not to shit as much. In short, they were being told to do something that couldn't be done.

"All company commanders, this is Colonel West," Callahan's radio link suddenly spoke up. "I need you to make your way over to my APC for a conference."

"Fuck that," said the voice of Sergeant Mike Rollins, who was now in charge of Bravo Company (a fucking sergeant leading a company, Callahan thought in amazement every time he was reminded of this).

"What did you just say, Rollins?" West demanded. "I think I must have misheard you."

"Then let me repeat myself," Rollins told him. "I said 'fuck that'. Do you have a death wish or something? What do you think is gonna happen when those Martian snipers see four men go trotting through the open and climb into the same APC? Why don't you just put a fucking sign up that says 'command staff meeting right here, please put a laser through our asses'?"

There was silence on the channel for a few moments and then West said, "You do have a good point, Rollins, but you need to watch how you make them. You were being impertinent to a superior officer. Just because you've been put in charge of a company doesn't mean you can start talking to a lieutenant colonel like he was a plebe in the academy."

"If he wasn't gonna do it, I would've," Callahan said. "I'm sorry, Colonel, but if you want to have a conference I think we'd better all just stay right where we are and do it over the command channel."

"I'm willing to concede that point," West hissed. "But I will not have lieutenants and sergeants speaking to me in that manner."

"Whatever," said Rollins, and you could almost see the jerking-off motion he was making. "So what do you got for us?"

"A pull-back order I trust," said Captain Boothe, commander of Alpha Company. That had been the prevailing rumor of late, what had been deemed to be the only viable solution.

"Of course we're not pulling back," West said, shocked that one of his captains would make such a suggestions. "I've got our battle plans and objectives for penetrating the greenie main line of defense. We will start moving in at 1300 hours. This will be your battle briefing."

Since all four of the company commanders were separated by anywhere from thirty to one hundred meters it wasn't really possible for them to share a disbelieving look with each other — but somehow they managed it anyway.

"We're attacking that line?" asked Lieutenant Strawn, Delta Company's CO. "With only the men and armor we have here?"

"Yes," West said. "Is there a problem with that?"

"Is there a problem with that?" Strawn responded. "Colonel, I've been looking over the reports on that position Intel shipped to us. We can't punch through there without reinforcements."

"And even then we would take heavy casualties," Callahan added. "Have any of you high and mighty battle planners actually looked at what we're facing here?"

Callahan surely had. He had looked over the schematics and briefing material their intelligence department had sent to all company commanders and above. The Martian main defenses, though on much flatter ground and spread across a much greater area than in the Jutfield Gap, were much more formidable. The Martians knew they had to stop an enemy cold with this final defensive network or Eden was lost and they had constructed it with this thought in mind. Stretching all across the vast plain on the western edge of the city was a system of concrete trenches and pillboxes interspersed with concrete and titanium hull-down positions for tanks and APCs. Half a kilometer in front of this were networks of anti-tank ditches and tank traps that would prevent most armor from approaching the line at all and would channel that which did into vicious killing boxes from which there was no escape. Even if there were enough APCs for all the ground troops to mount up in, they wouldn't be able to bring them close to the Martian infantry positions. Any advance would be over five hundred meters of open ground that would be saturated with Martian artillery, mortar fire, heavy and light machine gun fire, tank and APC main gun fire, and, of course, small arms fire from the defending infantry.

"Yes, of course we've read the documents over," West told them. "We understand that our casualties have been a bit heavier than expected, but nevertheless..."

"A bit heavier than expected?" Callahan interrupted. "Save that shit for the media assholes. Those Martians kicked our fucking asses!"

"Goddamn right," agreed Boothe. "How many men have we lost in this sector anyway? I know my company was down almost thirty percent before you sent me that last batch of cooks and dishwashers from the LZ."

"I don't have exact figures on that," West said.

"Bull-fucking-shit," Boothe yelled at him.

"How dare you talk to me like that!" West yelled back.

"Yeah?" Boothe returned. "What are you gonna do about it, sir? Send me to fucking Mars? Oh wait! I'm already here, ain't I? And now you're telling me you want me to lead this ragtag, overtired, ass-kicked company against a defensive emplacement that makes the positions The Corps faced on Callisto look like a kid's tree house? If I'm gonna even consider doing that, I want to know how many goddamn men we've lost and how many we have left. You can throw me in the brig if you want, but that's the way it's gonna be, sir!"

West sighed, seeming to realize he was handling a batch of nitroglycerine that could explode in his face at any second. "We have taken almost eleven thousand casualties moving from the LZ to this point," he admitted.

Silence on the net, stretching out so long it seemed the net was broken.

Eleven thousand casualties? Callahan thought. Jesus fucking Christ! Eleven thousand? And that was just in the Eden sector of operations. How many at Libby? At Proctor? At New Pittsburgh? Not even counting the marines that had been killed in transit by the Martian "suicide attacks" and the so-called "accidents" among the Panamas, they had easily lost more men just getting to the main lines of defense than had been lost in all three attacks on Callisto during the Jupiter War.

"This is insane," whispered Boothe, so softly his words were barely heard.

"Amen to that," agreed Strawn.

"I understand how you men feel," West said. "We underestimated our enemy to a certain degree and we paid the price for it but now we know what kind of positions we're facing. We have a coherent and logical attack plan formulated by the best military minds on this planet and above it."

"Oh really?" said Callahan. "General Jackson was nice enough to come up with an attack plan for us?"

"That's blasphemous, Callahan!" West barked. "Don't ever let me hear you say anything like that again!"

"Truth hurts, doesn't it?" Callahan shot back.

"Look," West said, "I didn't ask you men to like your orders. You are WestHem marines and you will follow them. We will attack at 1300 and we will be standing on the streets of Eden by 1500. Now would you like to hear the briefing on how we're going to do that or not?"

"No," Callahan said. "I wouldn't."

"What?" West demanded.

"I'm sorry, Colonel," he said. "I've been in the Corps my entire career and I've been loyal to the Corps that entire time. I've always believed in our mission no matter where it was — Argentina, Cuba, and even Mars when they first sent us here. But I can't be a party to this. The way I figure it we're standing here with about seventy thousand combat troops and we're facing an enemy of at least twenty-five thousand. That is less than the three to one ratio that doctrine dictates for the best of conditions."

"That is against a professional army," West said. "These are a bunch of greenie weekend warriors we're facing."

"Greenie weekend warriors that have caused eleven thousand fucking casualties with their 'speed bump'," Callahan said. "And you'll note that I said 'the best of conditions'. That is hardly what we're dealing with here. We have lost almost half of our armor and most of us have walked the last thirty kilometers. We've lost most of our captains, lieutenants, and senior NCOs and we have fucking sergeants leading companies (no offense, Rollins), corporals leading platoons, and privates leading squads. We have cooks, dishwashers, toilet plungers, and computer programmers carrying guns out here now. Nobody even knows the names of the people in their unit anymore. We're short on medics, short on ammo, short on breathing air, short on water and food. Each and every one of us that have managed to live this long out here are living on less than six hours of sleep since we left the LZ however many fucking days ago that was. It is impossible for us to take those positions in these numbers under those conditions, sir. Impossible. And I will not order my men to engage this enemy any further unless we are allowed to rest, be fully re-armed, and, most of all, reinforced in some way so we can attack in the strength necessary to achieve our objectives. You can court martial me if you wish, you can execute me on the spot if you feel that's necessary, but I will not walk another foot forward under these conditions, nor will I order my men to walk another foot forward."

"I can't believe you just said that to me, Callahan," West said, his tone sounding more hurt than angry — like that of a father whose son has defied him. "You are relieved of command as of this moment. Your second in command will take over Charlie Company and you will be placed under arrest and transported back to the LZ for processing. I hope you like snow because you're going to be shoveling a lot of it at the penal colony for a very long time."

"At least I'll be alive to shovel it," Callahan said.

"You'd better save some room in the APC for me, Colonel," Captain Boothe said. "I'm with Callahan. I will not order my men forward into a hopeless battle. They will be killed for nothing and I will not be a party to that."

"Put me on the list as well," said Strawn. "That's a meat grinder in front of us."

"Me too," agreed Rollins. "I will not go forward from here."

Now the anger appeared in West's tone. "This is mutiny!" he yelled at them. "I could have you all shot for this!"

"That would certainly help morale, wouldn't it?" asked Callahan.

"Look, Colonel," Boothe said. "None of us are making this decision lightly, I can assure you of that. You're asking too much of us. You're asking us to commit our men to death when there is no possible hope of victory. Now you can sit there and debate the fine points of the legality of our position if you want, but my suggestion would be that you contact regimental command and let them know what we've done. My guess is we're not the only ones."

Colonel West did just that. And it turned out that Boothe was entirely correct.

Mars Orbit

Aboard the WSS Nebraska

General Wrath had just finished another briefing of the WestHem media in which he'd explained yet again why his forces were still not standing in the Martian cities. The story now was that the greenie terrorists manning the main line positions were utilizing "human shields" in the form of Martian civilians and captured Earthling non-combatants. They were placing these hapless civilians in the very trenches they were defending their cities from in order to keep the WestHem marines from unleashing the full fury of their superior training and firepower.

"They've committed this cowardly, unprecedented act in all four of the cities in which combat operations are under way," he'd explained with his usual straight face. "This is an action that defies any and all civilized rules of warfare, an action even more appalling than their use of suicide attacks against troop concentrations and unarmed transit ships. While this will not break our resolve or even bend it, and while we will neutralize and occupy those positions in a matter of hours no matter what, we have pulled back a bit and held in place in order to evaluate the best way to deal with this new tactic in a way that will eliminate or at least minimize the possibility of innocent deaths in this conflict."

And that was it. The explanation was accepted as the gospel without any questions about how the marines knew the Martians were putting civilians into the trenches, about how the Martians were getting these civilians outfitted in biosuits and marching them out there. And there were definitely no questions about the twenty-six thousand men who had been killed in the last three days, or about the thirteen thousand that had been wounded.

Major Wilde was waiting for him in the hallway when he left the pressroom. His expression was one of trepidation mixed with a little bit of sorrow.

"New developments?" Wrath asked, popping his fifteenth antacid tablet of the day.

"Yes sir," Wilde told him.

"By the look on your face I'm guessing it is not a favorable development."

"No sir," Wilde agreed. "Should we talk in your office?"

Wrath sighed and then nodded. They walked through the halls, past a few marine sentries, and entered the luxurious, blue-carpeted office just adjacent to the war room. A large window in the wall looked out over the surface of Mars far below. It was view that had seemed to mock him for days now.

Wrath sat down behind his desk, practically falling into his custom-made chair. Wilde took a seat before the desk without waiting for permission. The two men had long since ceased to adhere to such formalities.

"What is it?" Wrath asked, already bracing himself.

"It's what I was afraid would happen," Wilde said. "The morale problem among the combat units down on the surface has reached the breaking point."

"What do you mean?"

"In all four theaters of operations, company commanders and, in some cases, battalion commanders, are refusing to follow orders to advance."

"Refusing to follow orders?" Wrath repeated. Though Wilde had warned him that something like this might happen just twelve hours before the very concept was so foreign to a man who had spent his life in the Corps that he had trouble acknowledging what he was being told. "You mean... refusing? As in, 'I'm not going to do that'?"

"Yes sir, that's exactly what I mean."

"How many?"

Wilde sighed, almost ashamed to admit the truth even though he had foreseen this. "Nearly all of them," he said. "The dissent is pretty much unanimous at the company level in Eden and New Pittsburgh. In Libby, several of the battalion commanders are in on it too. At Proctor... well... you know how things are going there."

"Yes," Wrath said bitterly. He did. At New Pittsburgh and Eden the units were in position to attack the main line of defense that guarded the cities themselves. In Libby, they had already attacked it once and had been soundly repulsed. But in Proctor — the most mountainous of the four cities and the one protected by the narrowest approaches — the marines had still, after three days of vicious fighting, not pushed through the first line of defense. Every attempt had failed, resulting in bloody, agonizing defeats.

"Everyone from battalion level down to the platoon leaders — those that are left — are refusing to mount another attack on that line. They have defied General Baggenstein's orders and have actually pulled back thirty kilometers, out of the range of the Martian artillery. A message sent to Baggenstein read that we could come down and shoot every last one of them if we wanted but they were not going to attack their objectives any more."

"That's mutinous," Wrath said angrily. "It's absolutely mutinous!"

"I agree," Wilde said. "But it's also the reality we're dealing with."

"You send a message to those men down there that I order them to follow their goddamn orders and take those cities!" Wrath yelled. "How dare they defy me like that!"

"Sir," Wilde said, "I think you need to face some facts here."

"What facts?"

"The Martians have achieved their objectives in this first phase of the conflict."

"They've what?"

"We cannot take their cities, sir. Not with the configuration of forces we now have. I've been over this again and again in the past twenty-four hours and there is simply no way, short of utilizing tactical nuclear weapons, that we can clear those defensive positions with the men we have available. In every one of the theaters of operation our ratio is down to less than a three to one advantage in combat troops. Our armor has been decimated, particularly the APCs. The Martians have air superiority and the ability to suppress our artillery with impunity. Most of all, our unit cohesion has been destroyed by the loss of so many officers and NCOs. The commanders down there on the surface are not throwing a fit or trying to be difficult, they simply realize there is nothing to be gained by pushing forward but the needless deaths of their men. You can punish them if you want but they're only responding to the reality of the situation."

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PornMegaLoad Julia Juggs Big Girl Strip Club

At the Big Girl Strip Club, skinny exotic dancers have no place. This is a club for men who want to be intoxicated by the sweet scent of well-padded ladies with big butts, fleshy hips and huge tits. They come here to get boob drunk in the dim, crowded room where sex lingers in the air and permeates the mind of the horny guy. The Big Girl Strip Club is a feast of flesh for the senses. As Charlie Cooper and Alix Lakehurst bump, grind and shake their moneymakers at separate stages, Julia Juggs...

3 years ago
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The Kincaid Group 1 Balancing the Books

Author's Note: A reader request, asking for a story about "a group or organization, which is dedicated to kidnapping people to turn them into sissy sluts, both physically and mentally.And then sell or auction them." Here's part one. Part two will explain how the organization was founded. Please comment if you have any ideas about what future chapters should include. Enjoy! zoxox Sissy Michelle, aka Emhoninque. [email protected] THE KINCAID GROUP 1-BALANCING THE...

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My ebony lover

This is a fiction story but a huge fantasy of mine! Not sure if people will like it or not so rate and comment if you do and I will write a second part. I hope you enjoy :)--------------I was a lonely guy, never really having many 'friends' as such and I was certainly not a prolific lover. Walking down a street I am invisible to the crowds, not even gaining a glace frmo passers by. As such I sought out fun and friends online and this is where my story starts.I had joined a dating site. I know...

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One Hell of a Party

As you climb the steps to Victoria's house, you feel a chill run down you as the autumn air howls. You've never seen a home this big, before... it's more than a little bit intimidating; especially as the front porch is cloaked in an impenantrable shadow. You ring the bell, and are shocked when the door immediately springs open. Victoria stands, dressed as a slutty angel with a cup of (presumably) beer in her hand. There is a look of pure joy plastered on her face; something you did not expect....

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Teacher a Short Novel Under ConstructionChapter 7

"OK, let's start with some definitions. What's a Progressive?" He mentally took a deep breath, diving in to the same old pool. Hope I drown, said something deep inside. The pool of despair, again and again and again. "Mr. Thompson, I know this is off the subject, but yesterday you said we used to have two school systems around here. That right?" The teacher nodded. "Uh huh. For about a hundred years." "How come I never heard of that?" The young black man looked offended or...

3 years ago
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The Way of the War After the War Part vI

I drifted peacefully down toward the ground. The few seconds after your chute opens and the instant before you have to prepare to land is the most peaceful time a person can go through. Then it gets hectic when you look down and hope there is no big stick waiting to ram itself up your ass. The instant my feet touched the ground I went on autopilot. I began doing the things necessary to make this a safe landing. And trying to look around to make sure that my...

2 years ago
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You Have My Permission Part 1

Anastasia rummaged about this as she got ready to go to bed. She and her husband, Gideon, had been very distant lately. She figured it was because of work, that he was stressed out and worried about his latest project. He had been working late for the last week or so. Or perhaps it was that their sex life was too mild. Anna knew very well it was the latter. In the past couple of months, she hadn't been very attentive with Gideon. Every time he tried to make a move on her, she...

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My girlfriend and I had cycled out to the pub on one of those rare warm summer's days. We had a lovely meal and several beers and then decided to cycle home. After a couple of miles the beer wanted to reappear, so we stopped near some trees and I had a wee. Kim said she needed a wee as well she went deeper into the woods and slide down her cycling shorts, squatted down and let fly an enormous stream of pee as I watched her. I felt my cock stiffen. When she had finished she pulled he lycra...

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Red Hot Summer Pt3

David was barely aware of the conversation happening around him, their voices sounding distant and muffled as though heard underwater. He could hardly think anyway. It was like he could feel the blood draining from his head and flowing into his cock. All his worries and thoughts melted away, replaced by a fluffy cloud of hot, lustful energy.   Tiffany's body felt amazing against his. Relative to the oppressive, humid heat her skin was pleasantly cool and he felt like he could make out every...

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Virgin Babe Wants To Be Fucked Part Two

After my first time masturbating, I knew I couldn’t get enough, but when my friend suggested I use toys, I never in a million years thought how great that could be. That first night, when I was in bed thinking of Nicolas and masturbating with my new toy, it was exciting and hot. I was so lost in pure bliss. It's been a few weeks, and I can’t stop thinking what it would be like to be with Nicolas. Things between us are amazing; we’ve grown even closer. I’ve become daring, doing more with him. I...

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Birthday Party A true story

Back last summer my hubby and I went to a friends birthday party. Our friend Ken and his wife Sharon were new members of a local swingers group we are a part of. Ken is a nice looking guy, sort of on the heavy side with a receding hair line. Sharon is gorgeous! Long blonde hair, 36D breast and a all over tan. They had only been to three of the groups parties so Ken and I had never had a chance to hook up for sex because of me usually being busy with other guys. He had told my husband and...

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Cock Worshipper Part 4 Eighteen

When I was18 is when I came out to everyone, although no one was surprised and I think I always had that “cocksucker” look about me. It was shortly after I had met a guy named Joey who did gay porn. I won’t reveal his stage name, out of respect, but I will say he was in his 20’s, Italian, with black hair and blue eyes and very hot. We met through a party line and I drove to his flat where he lived with his partner who was in his 40’s and flirted with me a lot. But that night when we first...

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A train ride to remember

I was finally out of high school and looking forward to moving out of the house and into my college dorm this fall. My parents were nice enough to give me a European trip over two weeks in the summer. I was going with another high school girlfriend Megan, and we were already one week into our trip.We were at the train station getting tickets to go from Florence to Venice. A all day train ride. We were able to get the crowded Express, which meant we would get there sooner, but there was going to...

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First time with Tom

Paula and Jean brought Tom to my room one night. I was terrified. I had seen his dick before but always soft. We all got naked and Tom's cock started to get hard as soon as he saw us naked. His cock was not small and it stood straight out. Paula said " I will show you how to please a man before sex." She put her mouth over his cock and Tom made a loud grasp. It watched as she slid her mouth over his cock until it disappeared in her mouth. I remember thinking " how is she not choking. It looked...

1 year ago
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Thursday Night Date with Mom

First some hugs and kisses, then a hot bubble bath for her, Was making her dinner she walked up behind me wrapped he arms around my waist and kissed my neck telling me I was her special princess. she pulled up my skirt slid her hand in my panties took my little bald smooth clilit between her finger and thumb and stocked it. Whispering in my ear "I would rather suck this then the biggest fattest cock in the world" I turned we kisses and she went to her knees taking it in her mouth. She was...

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Island Holiday For Two Ch 1

There are nights like tonight, when I feel so hurt and alone that I cannot sleep. The bed I once shared with my husband, now has one occupant, me. He left me eight months ago, and I am glad. I do not need him or any man to keep me going. I awoke to the sound of birds singing, and the sun shining thru my curtains. I stretched, yawned, and looked at the clock. It read ten am. I got up, looked out my bedroom window, and noticed there was about two inches of snow on the ground. Its glistening,...

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Mikes young flirtatious girlfriend

Many years ago, when I was about 20, I had a friend who started bringing his young new girlfriend to parties. She was kinda trampy, from a different school (wrong side of the tracks) but was funny, pretty and sexy... in that “wouldn’t take her home to meet my mother” kind of way. I recall after meeting her a few times, the three of us were sitting together on a couch at a party, drinking, joking around and telling stories, and I noticed she kept staring at my crotch. Suddenly, right in front...

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Sixes and SevensChapter 2

The following week was depressing with regular rain and showers; it did nothing for Aidan’s mood. Vicky went back to her own flat on the Tuesday of that week. Aidan had fed her and got her strength back, and they were both back at work on the Thursday, advertising for more staff. Aidan was surprised he’d heard nothing from Kevin: it was so unlike him. Aidan surmised that perhaps Kevin was knee deep in marriage counselling or divorce, and began to feel regret and guilt at his impulsive action...

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What do I do next

In one of my previous stories here (Caught masturbating naked by neighbor lady) I told how putting on a couple masturbation exhibitions led to a weekly show in the senior village I finally ended up moving in with Sally, the neighbor lady who caught me. Well , as time went on, within a short while the old gals I was performing for wanted more in the show! The first thing I added was doing a number of different dildo tricks which eventually led to audience participation ! This wasn't so bad,...

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BrattyMILF Aria Carson High Stakes Homework With My Stepmom

Aria Carson finds her stepson Charlie Dean in his bedroom studying for his biology exam. Charlie failed his last exam and his dad and stepmom are concerned. Aria offers to help Charlie. When he fails the practice test because he’s too into looking at Aria’s boobs, Aria gets an idea of how to help him. They’re going to play a game where for every question Charlie gets correct he’ll get to see a bit more of his hot stepmommy. Once Aria starts down this road, things...

2 years ago
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Cockroach County

‘Hey little brother, this is a good thing. We are starting a new life in West Liberty. Don’t feel bad about the broken cup in the kitchen. The doctor said it would take time… months or a year… for both of us.’ Sandra, the blond around twenty years old, put her arms around Randalf, the slightly younger looking, black hair man. She snuggled her chest around the side of his body to cover as much surface on him as she could. Randalf sat with his hands around his knees on the stoop, a thin line of...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 26 Temper Tantrums

October 15, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Father, bless!” I said, cupping my hands to receive a blessing. “Bless you, Stephen!” Father Basil said making the sign of the cross over my upturned hands. I kissed his hand and we sat down at the diner in Bridgeport. “How are things?” he asked. “Good, I suppose. I mean, we could be in Cairo right now. That was a terrible earthquake the other day.” “Lord have mercy! Over 500 dead and thousands injured. And serious damage to the Great Pyramid of...

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Great Anticipations

My name is Charles Dickredy and I have lived in the Norfolk Broads, in the year of our lord of eighteen thirty eight, for all of my seventeen years. I know not why I relate this story of love and lust to you simply because of the hurt and trauma that it has caused me, except perhaps, so that others may avoid the pitfalls of kindness and of falling in love with beautiful rich women.  Not that one chooses who they fall in love with, of course.I come from a community of simple folk. My father was...

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Homes for Sale

Cum oozed out of my just-filled snatch, the warm creamy mixture of semen and sperm drifting slowly down both sides of the crack of my ass to drip onto the sheet below. I wondered how many millions of other dying sperm had soaked into the fibers of that cheap sheet in that cheap room in that cheap motel in that cheap neighborhood that the cheap son-of-a-bitch had chosen for our first – and possibly last – fuck. I've been fucking for fun since I was fourteen and fucking for money since I was...

1 year ago
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Enjoying Grandpa and his Friend

Since I moved to grandpa's house I've always fantasized about him. There was something about him that made me horny and wet. Knowing that it wasn't good to seduce him I tried to kill the curiosity by letting every old man fuck me whenever they wanted. Oh and I had fun fucking those perverts...! Till one day I decided to be more obvious and started seducing grandpa's best friend.Bob was a 61 year old man, bald and overweight but always horny as hell. I became Bob's dirty little slut. He used to...

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Vet School Part 4 MF

Vet School Part 4In Part 3, Melissa had just received ten strokes of the cane for not wearing her panties. She hadn’t put on her panties because her poor bare bottom was still tender from the twenty strokes of the addle she received for being late to her first class. So Melissa’s day was not going very well.After Melissa received the ten strokes of the cane, she also had to stay in position for ten minutes. So now she had to hurry to her dorm room and change over to her boots, bib overalls,...

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Sensations without Sensation reposted from Fetlif

The Following is a story about the time after surgery with my now ExAround two months after the Surgery i was able to be at my full potential when it came to sexual intercourse (but of course intercourse!) My then girlfriend was the most lush lipped, sexy plus sized girl i ever had the chance of meeting. Her tanned Hispanic skin and light brown nipples only furthered the attraction. Momma didn't raise a fool though, i knew something that good wouldn't last for long. That is beside the point,...

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Massge To Threesome With Couples In Mysore

Hi, I am Puni from mysore karnataka.I am well built with 6 feet height and athletic body. I give body massage to both men and women if anyone interested in getting massage or any aunties or girls who want wonderful massage sex can contact me at I generally give massage in the customers home itself Coming to the incident which happened recently I ‘m posting this story with permission of the couples. As usual names are changed because of the privacy issue.They were kiran and shilpa both working...

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The Orderly

“Rob, Mr. Littleton’s diaper needs changing. Could you please take care of that and clean him up?” Rob cringed at the sound of Nurse Baker’s awful voice, for there was seldom anything positive uttered from her lips. Rob had been an overnight orderly at The Peaceful Valley Hospital for almost two years now, and the head nurse had been more like a jailer than a supervisor. She loved to dole menial tasks and impose petty torments, knowing there was nothing he could do but her bidding. He had...

Straight Sex
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 13 With A Little Help From My Friends

December 20, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “I didn’t know doctors made house calls these days,” I chuckled. “We usually don’t,” Doctor Robertson said. “But Al didn’t want Jessica at the hospital.” “That’s right,” Al Barton said. “She doesn’t need hospitalization and I suspect you know that the hospital is worse than a High School locker room for gossip.” “So I’ve heard,” I said, shifting my eyes to Alicia. It was just after 9:00pm on Tuesday, and Al Barton, Doctor Robertson, and Doctor Franco,...

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My best friends wife daughter caught in the act

Ashley called me and asked me to come over, I asked her who was there and she said no one, her dad was at work and her mom had just left to go shopping for the day.I arrived and there were no cars in the drive, I rang the bell and Ashley answered the door in a see thru teddy. I must be the luckiest man alive. I entered the house and she began to kiss me passionately. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I carried her to the couch and laid her down. I pulled open the teddy...

Straight Sex
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Stephanies Home Surprise

Introduction: Stephanie was told shed be fucked, just not by whom Stephanie came into the house and turned to close the door. Just as it closed a hand came across her eyes and another across her waist. Shhh., Erik said into her ear. His body was warm against her, she could feel his nakedness, she could feel his cock getting firmer against the jeans covering her ass. Close your eyes. Stephanie did as she was told, closing her mouth unconsciously as well. She tried to steady her breathing, but...

4 years ago
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The Little Purple Dress Part III

The water in the tub was beginning to get a little cool, so we got out and dried off. I dried your back and you did mine. Of course, there was a little friendly play with private parts as we dried off, but it was fun and we laughed at each other. When we were as dry as we were going to get I took our wine glasses to the kitchen for a refill while you headed to the bedroom to find something appropriate to wear. I suggested that nothing would be appropriate, but you insisted that at least a...

1 year ago
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My journey from a Girlfriend to being a Whore

Hello, my name is Namitha and 25 years old now. This story is a journey of what I am today coming from a small town simple girl, who came to Bangalore with dreams and to study engineering. My journey from a Girlfriend to being a Whore! Hello, my name is Namitha and 25 years old now. This story is a journey of what I am today coming from a small town simple girl, who came to Bangalore with dreams and to study engineering. I was 19 when I came to Bangalore to study and living the best year of my...

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Strangers on a Train

NOTE: This is my fourth story, and quite a departure from my first three. If you like a harder, more sexual story, I'd recommend checking those out. Because, as they say, "This ain't that" Enjoy - Bimbo Alison. STRANGERS ON A TRAIN My given name is ... well, my given name you couldn't pronounce. There is a part of it which sounds like "Amy" so I've normally gone by that for the last, say, 250 years. Actually, that's not true. I had to stomach some dreadful Victorian names...

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Barsaat ki raat 8211 1

Yun hi july ka mahina tha. Humare hostel me nayee nayee ladkiyon ne dakhila liya tha. Bahar barsaat hone ki wajah se hum sab ko office se lautne ke baad apne apne kamro me rehna padta tha. Mita aur mein khub masti kartee thi un dino. Shaam hone ke baad kamre me baith ke kitaabe padhti thi. Who najane kahan se aisi aisi kitaabe lati thi, jinme sirf sex ki hi baate hoti thi aur photos bhi. Hum who sab padhti thi aur raat ko waise hi karti thi jaisi in kitaabo me likha jata tha. Waise who sari...

2 years ago
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LostChapter 9

Eddie was a little bit disappointed by the outcome of the bike riding. Sarah was supposed to at least find it a little bit challenging. At lunch time he'd gotten the spare bike out of the shed and greased it up and checked that it worked. Then he'd ridden around the yard to show Sarah how to ride a bike. When he told her that she was going to have a go, she'd sat on it and showered him with questions. When she couldn't think of any more questions, she'd closed her eyes for a few...

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The Atonement 8211 My New Life

I was left standing in the clutch of Mr Kapoor wearing only my black buckle shoes and blue socks. I was still crying, I felt a hand trying to caress my back, trying to grab my boobies. I got out of my stupor to look at his face. Oh!! He was so ugly, I was so petite in front of him. He reminded me instantaneously of the old hindi villan Premnath. Only that he was stout and short he maybe only couple of inches taller around 5’6. I was graced with a beautiful height I was always the last girl in...

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Private Isabella De Laa Ria Sunn Anal Threesome

Isabella de Laa and Ria Sunn are two close friends that love to share everything, and today on, they’ve come to Private Specials, Anal Threesomes to share Joss Lescaff’s BBC! That’s right, these horny stars are craving black meat, and to prepare for the arrival of their meal, they slip into their sexiest lingerie and warm-up with some lesbian play before putting the toys aside for an interracial threesome full of deepthroat blowjobs and non-stop anal action that has them both...


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