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Waiting to Happen... By Lucy Lord I remember the day I started turning into a girl well. It was early April and, lying in bed with the early-morning sun streaming in through my window, I opened my eyes ready for another day. Something was wrong. I couldn't put my finger on it properly - a tightness in my groin, a prickly sensation on my skin and a warm, bubbly feeling over my chest. In those early days I didn't see anything especially to worry about - unusual aches and pains come and go across the course of a lifetime and few have any long-term effect. However, once in a while one of these nagging sensations can turn out to be truly life-changing and the sufferer will always ruefully look back on the time when preventative action could have been taken; my doctor would later inform me that more could have been done to prevent the changes in my body had I been to see him on that late-Spring morning. Regrets, regrets, regrets... Looking back on it now I can only wonder what would have become had my life taken its intended route. I was 17 when the changes hit me, in the first year of my 'A'-Levels and with everything in my favour. Popular and a high achiever at school, I was gratified at the high turnout for my funeral. The headmistress, Miss Crane was in tears, and I felt the briefest stir in my groin when my sister told me that Kate Howells, beautiful Kate, reciprocated the emotion. It is a well-documented phenomenon, of course, that people who have lost a leg can fool themselves into believing they still have sensation in the extremity. My doctor assured me that the experience was no more than a manifestation of this. Still, I live in hope that the changes that beset me so suddenly could reverse themselves just as unexpectedly. A history period, thirty-five minutes in, and I felt faint. The teacher, whose name I have long-since forgotten, fixed me with a glare, instructed me to pay attention or stop wasting his time. I was losing weight, never particularly heavy at any time in my life, but quickly becoming gaunt. More than anything I was becoming weak, no stomach for food, and my muscles, patiently built-up in a scandalously expensive gym, were wasting away. My Mother, in particular, was worried about me, heaping my plate with food that I could not force down and sitting me down for constant talks, worrying that work or personal problems were responsible for my condition. No such sympathy from the nameless history teacher. I was drifting, lost in a semi-coherent dream world. Didn't notice him coming towards me, lifting the book he was holding, slamming it down on the desk: 'Rodgers! Pay attention!' I jerked backwards, shocked into lucidity. My chair teetered; fell, launching me into the desk behind and its startled occupant. Lying there I stared at the ceiling, thought briefly about counting the damp patches, vomited. Waking up in a sterile hospital bed, my first view of Roger, as I came to know him. Strange that my surname and his Christian should be the same. It was the first link in the chain that would come to bind us together. He frowned down at me, called me 'young man', said we 'had a problem'. Miss Crane, the headmistress, was there too looking concerned. She told me that my Mother was on her way - when she arrived, Miss Crane left. Later my Dad turned up too, although he was very distant and there was a strange look in his eye when he talked to me. The hospital wanted to keep me for observation; when he left for the night he insisted that we shook hands before saying 'good night son' and looking over his shoulder at me as he walked off, like he'd never see me again and wanted to remember every detail. Turned out that they thought I was dying - people had been whispering the word 'anorexia' about me, and my aunt especially had got my mum so worked out that she was hardly expecting me to last the night. Doctor Roger Whitley came to sit by my bed on the second day. They didn't know why I was fainting, they said, but he had his own suspicions. Had I been experiencing hot flushes, he asked. I wouldn't have put that name to them myself but, yes, I had. How tall was I? Six foot Two, I told him. Was I aware, he asked, that I had lost almost two inches in height? I stayed in the hospital for a week and didn't go back to my old school. My death was announced to them at an assembly two months later, although most people knew that something was up - friends weren't allowed to visit my sick-bed for obvious reasons, but I had spoken to Robbie Collins a week before my 'death' on the phone and he remarked at how well I sounded (although he didn't recognise my voice at first). Conspiracy theorists went wild at the school for a few weeks after my funeral. A lot of people from my year had been at the 'funeral' and many remarked that something had not been right. Considering my coffin had been filled with stones this was not a surprise. My sister, Elise, was subjected to a lot of awkward questions for a while. In the end the whole family moved to the other side of the country, my sister forbidden to talk to her former friends. If the truth had come out, of course, the media spotlight of the world would have fallen at our front door. The move led to severe rows between my sister and parents. She didn't understand why she had to move away from her home and her friends because of 'that bitch'. Doctor Whitley, Roger, sat by my hospital bed. The results of my blood test were in. Pulling up a chair, he looked me straight in the eyes and began to speak. I interrupted before he had a chance. 'Am I dying?' My voice sounded hollow and soulless. The resigned depression of my mother had rubbed off on me somewhat by this stage and I just wanted to know for sure, so I could plan whatever time was left to me. 'Joseph,' (did I mention that my name is Joseph?) he said, 'you're not dying. In fact the blood test has come back perfectly normal.' Normal. That one word gave me hope, gave me my life back. For a second I was Joseph Rodgers again. Joseph Rodgers kicking a football. Joseph Rodgers getting drunk with friends at a nightclub, kissing girls, stumbling home, living a life. 'Normal, except...' (And my world fell apart)... 'The levels of oestrogen in your blood are many times higher than we would expect in a boy of your age. The symptoms you are experiencing are a direct result of this influx of hormones.' There were other chemicals in there too, he told me, things he'd never seen before. The effects they were having on me, causing my whole frame to shrink, to become more feminine, had never been encountered before. What was more; the chemicals were being produced by my own body. I was doing this to myself. (He looked reproachfully at my stomach). The rapid weight loss was due to the sudden influx of oestrogen, he said. The projected path that the hormones would take unchecked would see my weight levels balance out, although the fat would be redistributed around my chest and hips. Did I understand what he was saying? Yes, no... what was he saying? Was I turning into a girl? 'Can't you do anything?' I asked. 'We've already started,' Roger replied. 'We started pumping you with testosterone the moment that the tests came back. You should notice that the effects of the oestrogen will begin to slow down in the next few days. However, I have to stress that we simply don't know what the effects of these chemicals in your body will have. Some of them are completely new to medical science... if it was just the oestrogen then I would be a lot happier. You should also realise that you have already undergone a lot of changes, some of which may not be reversible. You've been with us a week - in that time you've lost over three inches in height. Your skin has softened and our projection is that breast matter will begin to form within a few days. There are also some problems with your reproductive system. The concentration of chemicals you have received over the last few weeks will almost certainly leave you infertile.' I was reeling, simply couldn't take it all in. Roger went into the next room and gave my parents the same news. When my mother came in she was crying. Sitting down by my bed, she took my hand and kept whispering 'my boy, my beautiful boy'. My father stood behind her, staring into space. After a few minutes he whirled round and walked out of the room. 'I want to go home', I whispered, looking at my Mother with wide eyes. Roger objected, of course. He wanted me kept under close observation. I got the feeling he was secretly very excited - something like this could ensure his own immortality. Eventually he agreed to my return home though. My parents insisted that news of my condition stayed inside the hospital and nobody else be told. The discretion of the NHS cannot be criticised - in the three years since these events happened I have not been contacted by anyone, press or otherwise, about my situation. I put it wholly down to the humanity of Roger, Doctor Whitley, that I haven't lived the last few years as a guinea pig in some secret government lab somewhere. The doctor provided my parents with the concentrated hormones I had to ingest, to rub into myself, to insert. The battle for my gender, he said, would be won or lost in the next few weeks. Lying at home, in my own bed, but not my own body. The hormone treatment was failing. It was early June, less than two months since the onset of my symptoms. My chest was sore, my nipples doubled in size. My hips had widened, my butt feeling strangely round beneath me. My skin was softer, paler, almost translucent. Even my face had changed; the person looking at me in the mirror was a stranger now. My eyes seemed bigger, my lips fuller, my skull had seemingly re- arranged itself. I looked like a girl. My voice was no longer my own. It was higher, girlish. My father could no longer bear to speak to me, until I took to conversing in a husky whisper. Still, when he was in my room he never knew which way to look, particularly when the twin mounds of my breasts began protruding through my pyjama top. Roger came daily. He would look at me pityingly, talking to me softly about football results and music, taking my temperature and blood samples from my arm. He would disappear into the next room with my parents for long sincere talks after which my Mum would stand in the doorway gazing at me whilst I feigned sleep. Only on one occasion did I hear anything of the conversation from the next room - my father screaming, 'He is not a girl, he is my son!' The worst day of my life came on the 23rd of June. I woke early with a full bladder, feeling light-headed. I staggered towards the bathroom, feeling the tight swing of my forming rosebud breasts beneath the thin cotton of my pyjama top. My cock had noticeably shrunk in the last month or so - I hadn't had an erection in over a fortnight - and I had to sit down to urinate. Nothing happened. I was pushing but there was nothing there. Then, suddenly, I felt the rush of my bladder opening but I was not passing water. The most unbelievable pressure in my groin... I sunk to the floor, screaming in my new girl's voice... the ripping of skin... the blessed relief of the liquid gush between my legs... my Father knocking frantically at the door, hurling himself against it, knocking it down... my tiny, shrunken cock floating in a pool of piss and blood in front of my face... blackness... Back in hospital, the same bed, the same doctor looking over me. Forced smile, how are we feeling today? Good. Invigorated. Full of life. I feel great. What am I doing back here? Stifled sobs from behind the doctor's back, the room hidden from view by the genial mound of his stomach. Mum? 'Joseph, we need a talk when you feel up to it.' 'Now, I feel up to it now. I told you, I feel great.' 'Later Joseph. You've had a major shock. Rest a while; we'll talk again tomorrow.' 'But...' A sting in my arm, blackness descending that I could no longer fight. Fading in and out. Brief, nightmarish images that would come to replay themselves over and over in my mind... needles going into my arms, swabs from inside my mouth and, once, a gloved finger probing the crevice between my legs. Later somebody was speaking to me, holding my hand. I don't know how long they'd been there for. If I concentrated I could hear the words... 'You'll always be our son, don't think we don't love you any less, we'll get through this together...' I later found out that they had scooped my poor withered cock and balls up from that messy bathroom floor, bought them to the hospital, me blood smeared, wrapped in a blanket, carried by my father, as light as a feather. My sex was thrown away after a cursory examination; withered, useless, a lifeless husk. I sometimes think about my little twig of manhood, stowed away in some medical waste dumping ground, sharing a secure polythene bag with swabs, bandages, liposuction fat and a dead foetus. Roger came to see me later in the day, once I'd finally recovered from the effects of the tranquilliser and the fit of hysterics I had suffered upon regaining full consciousness and memory. I was calm, my parents on either side of me, holding my hands. They had already been told, accepted the facts. It would take me many years to do the same. I had, said Roger, matter-of-factly the body of a perfectly normal mid-to-late Teenage girl. Externally and internally. I was perfectly capable of becoming pregnant. No vestige of my previous masculinity retained. Later now, after time to think. I sat up in bed, clad only in a flimsy hospital gown. My bedclothes were pulled up to my chin. 'What about a sex change?' Roger looked sombre. 'It is an option Joseph. But you have to realise that the prognosis would not be good. You have to realise that you are a biological female. You would never be able to have children...' 'I don't care...' 'Let me finish. The process would be extremely drawn out. You would go under an intensive course of male hormones - which, I should point out, we have no guarantee would work when you take into account our previous failures at slowing your initial change.' 'But it has to be worth a try.' 'After that you would have various operations. To remove your breasts for a start. Later we would remove a roll of fat from your arm or your buttock and use it to fashion a rudimentary penis. You'd be able to urinate through it, but not a lot else. In order for you to attain an erection we'd implant a small subcutaneous device under the skin of the penis that you could operate. To be honest it's all pretty ineffective. You'd be a sort of half-breed, neither male nor female. This is an option. Is it what you want?' 'Is there an alternative?' I asked, holding back the tears. 'I've discussed this with your parents. We've all decided it would be the best thing in the short-term. With your permission I'd like to proceed.' I gave a little nod, so he continued. 'There's no reason for you to be here anymore. You've regained a bit of weight and all your blood tests have come back completely normal. Physically, as you know, you are a completely normal seventeen or eighteen year old girl. I know that's not easy for you to hear, but I'm a doctor and giving people bad news is part of the job. What I'm suggesting is this. Go home, give it a few weeks, see how you adjust. Don't run head long into a decision yet.' What could I do but agree? So that is how I, Joseph Rodgers, two weeks before my eighteenth birthday, came to be standing in front of the full length mirror in my Mother's bedroom wearing only knickers and bra. My boobs had been steadily growing in the last month and, my Mother informed me as she measured my chest, were up to a C-cup. They looked rather strange, jutting stridently out from my otherwise skinny body. I could no longer easily cross my arms against my chest, as had always been my habit, so they dangled rather awkwardly by my sides. Mum had been out shopping for me earlier that day after taking all my measurements with a forced jolliness that neither of us felt. I couldn't come with her of course; my features had changed, but not unrecognisably. As far as my friends knew I was lying at deaths door, in quarantine from a mystery illness. She bought sparingly, several pairs of knickers, a few bras, trousers, a long skirt, a pair of tights and several tops. Also a plastic bottle of Nair. 'After all,' she said with a tired smile, 'If we're going to do this we might as well do it properly.' My chest and face had long since stopped sprouting hair but the rest of my body was still fairly covered, although the hairs had become finer and lighter in tone. In the privacy of the bathroom I smeared the viscous blue liquid over my legs, groin and armpits, wrinkling my nose at the strange smell. The fifteen minutes that followed seemed to last a lifetime and, when I got in the shower, I watched in bemusement as the hair simply fell away, leaving my legs and armpits as smooth as the day I was born. The black cotton knickers slid up my silky legs and over the sensitive lips of my sex, fitting snugly around my groin. Nothing like the baggy boxer shorts I had always been used to. Predictably, I had trouble with the bra, but eventually fastened it behind my back. There was nobody else in the house. Dad was at work, Elise enjoying (unbeknownst to her) her final few weeks at school. I wandered from the bathroom to my Mother's bedroom. She was sitting at her dresser, effecting nonchalance. When she saw me she gasped, despite herself. The last vestige of her son had been taken from her. I had a chance to look at myself in the mirror whilst she fussed around me. My dark hair, although it had not been cut in the last three months, was dishevelled but not overlong. It was the only part of me that held any resemblance to the boy I had been. My large brown eyes stared back at me. I had shrunk to not much more than five foot seven. The proud breasts barely restrained by the simple black bra, ever so slightly too small, the tapered chest, wide hips, the long smooth legs finished with delicate feet... surely this wasn't me. My Mother spotted my self-appraisal and ventured a shy smile. It was like she was speaking to a stranger. 'You know Jo, you're very beautiful. A lot of girls would kill for legs like yours.' She was trying, but her words were like knife-thrusts through my heart. I felt the bile rising in my throat but stayed still through a superhuman effort. I stepped into the black polyester trousers she was holding out for me, pulled them up around my waist, having to breathe in to get the zip fastened. My tight little bottom stuck out jauntily from my mirror image and I looked for all the world like the sulkiest, poutiest model. The look on my own face disgusted me the most and I felt the directionless tides of desolate violence well up inside me. I pushed my Mother away from me and hurled the stool she had been sitting on at the mirror, smashing it. Ignoring the sobbing form of my Mother draped indecorously on her bed, I ran from the room loathing the bounce of my tits that threatened to throw me off balance. Slamming the door of my bedroom behind me I ripped off the clothes, throwing them outside, before collapsing naked on my own bed, my sobs echoing those of my Mother. The wilderness years. A new identity was created for me, birth certificate in the name of Joanne Rodgers, social security number, passport. If history ever had cause to remember me it would be as a girl. I had little input in the organisation of my own funeral. Both my parents and Roger decided that the feigning of my death was desirable to give me the best chance at a new life. It seemed right to have a funeral, I suppose. To all intents and purposes Joseph Rodgers was dead; the old 'me' would never have spent the day of his funeral curled up on the sofa gazing soullessly at Nickelodeon - watching would have been too strong a word. When my family decided later that we should move away to ensure our continued privacy I merely accepted it. Roger came to say goodbye to me. I received him in the Living Room, boxes stacked around us in preparation for the move. Although he knew my body more intimately than any other living person I was wearing my old boys clothes, baggy jumper to hide my chest and a pair of jeans. I had to punch a new hole in my belt to make them stay up around my tiny waist. Other items of femininity were sadly unavoidable. I found, much to my chagrin, that bras were essential for comfort. My old underwear was also impracticable for obvious reasons. I wore cotton panties and, as I found out, panty liners were equally crucial. My new genitals seemed ridiculous, cumbersome, dirty somehow. Roger had warned me about these problems, called it the transitional process and told me I would get used to it. Big words from someone blessed with the convenience of a cock between his legs. Periods were the worst problem; I had my first about six weeks after the awful day when I literally pissed my cock off in the bathroom. The concept of going inside myself to insert tampons was horrible, still something I can't get used to. I have to remind myself that it is something over half the world's population does regularly and, hence, not a big deal. It is the little things that we all take for granted that seem so menial until we get to do them; like driving a car, or sex. Roger was apologising. His tone of voice almost shocked me out of my lethargy. 'We tried all we could. It was so frustrating. I could see you slipping away in front of me; it was like you were dying. Your whole body was shifting in front of my eyes and there was nothing I could do. If only we'd caught it earlier. I suppose something like this was always going to happen eventually. You hear of so many weird things happening in the world, I guess somebody had this sort of thing coming. Bad luck on you I suppose. It happens in nature, you know that Joseph?' There was no reply necessary; he was talking to himself, lost in thought. 'You hear about rivers where there are too many female fish and half of them turn into males. Maybe that's what happened to you Joseph, eh? Too many boys at your school, Mother Nature unhappy? Or maybe you lived to close to a nuclear power plant, or else not close enough? Been in any chemical spills you didn't tell me about, Joseph? No, don't answer... I'm sorry; I'm annoyed with myself. There was no reason, no cause, if only I knew, if only I fucking knew.' He had sworn. That one word, the only time his aura of utter professionalism had fallen away. For the first time I recognised his complete impotence to help me in any way. I almost fell sorry for him. All his knowledge, all his training and here I was, this pitiful boy/girl curled up in front of him, trying to hide my bosom under a baggy jumper. And him, with the knowledge of his failure and the realisation that if the same symptoms hit someone else then the same inevitable outcome would befall him. An abomination of nature, a halfling. The last support he offered me, that of a counsellor, left me in a deep, dark depression. Even in this last duty to me, he had failed. The next day we moved to Somerset and I never saw him again. Suicide? I thought about it, came through it. The love of my parents sustained me. Even Elise, so bitter at her own upheaval, gave me all her support. She quickly made new friends, urged me to go out with her. I did very little. Moped around in my boys clothes, hid my chest. I started my 'A'-Levels over again, worked from home under the tutorage of a middle-aged lady, Miss Gainsborough. She told my Mother what an 'introverted young lady' I was, 'so pretty', 'would benefit from socialising with her own age group'. I went out on average once a fortnight during the football season, to Bristol City home games with my Dad. I wrapped up warmly even for the temperate games, no flesh below my neck and my large boobs obscured by chunky pullovers. My own beloved Ipswich Town peaked, fell away. Years passed. By the end of last year my Mother, in particular, had had enough. She sat down with me, told me to stop wallowing, to get on with my life. How could I? What did she understand? This wasn't me, this delicate-featured, big-breasted girl with long legs and a flat stomach, my own dream girl, who I woke up to every morning. Even my shadow had tits. An epiphany. Only a few short months ago, this. My Mother wanted me to 'snap out of it' and so I did. I rode that bloke, dry-fucked him, right there by the side of the pool whilst she watched in disbelief. Teenage rebellion? I don't think so. I'm no longer teenaged for a start, although I have still so much to learn I may as well be fifteen again. But I'm coming along. It was something that had to be done, my first step to redemption. We were on holiday, in Majorca. My Father had scraped the money together for us all to go, on my Mother's insistence that it would be good for me. She had no idea just how good, neither did I. At first I refused to go. They persuaded me, of course. It was early in the season, but I was still horribly overheated in my thick jumper. If I hadn't removed it I'd never have survived the fortnight, so, reluctantly, my boobs made their first public appearance in almost two years. I wore a green crop top, borrowed from my sister. Again, a little too small as Elise was somewhat less well endowed. But it was all that was to hand, and so I bottled up my shame at appearing thus in front of my family. Everybody else in the holiday camp could sod off. I didn't know them, had no wish to. My armpits had to be shaved again, to ward off strange looks and, at my Mother's insistence; my legs went the same way 'in case I wanted to go for a swim'. Prophetic. I first saw Paul as we were walking into the holiday resort Dad had booked, for the first time. It was early evening. The asphalt had been heated by the sun all day and was painful to walk on, even through my sandals. As the porter showed us to our apartment we drew mildly interested glances from the other guests. Mostly British, they took great interest in new arrivals, which were few and far between owing to the earliness of the season. One guest held his gaze longer than others. As soon as I made eye contact I realised his interest in me. Looking back on it, even from a distance of only three months, I wonder why. I must have looked a state, in my too-small crop top and baggy jeans, my hair uncut in over two years hanging unkempt around my ears. Yet still, there was the eye contact. I had become used to wandering eyes at the football matches I had attended with my Father, learned to ignore them. This was different, hungry, wandering over the exposed flesh of my bosom, down to my legs and then, piercingly, back into my eyes. I wanted him to leave me alone, yet part of me screamed 'fuck him, don't be intimidated'. So I stared back. He was a bit older than me, well built, close cropped black, curly hair. Slightly dark skin, I wondered if he was Jewish, or even a local. He sat with three other lads who were evidently English. Loud, boisterous, ugly. Skin peeling off red-raw noses. I held his gaze for, perhaps, five seconds, keeping my face neutral. Found I wasn't angry anymore. It felt like something had snapped inside my mind - I wasn't revolted by his interest in me. I didn't fancy him, I knew that. Despite my body I still regarded myself as a straight male. However, part of me wanted to do something, make some sort of statement, stop caring about my shitty situation just for a second, maybe make people sit up and take notice, stop tip-toeing around me like I was an invalid, turning respectfully away when I was in any position to give away any aspect of my femininity. Stop being always so mindful of my fucking feelings. Mum had packed me a swimsuit, more in hope than expectation. It was a black one- piece, as always slightly too small for me. Mum was useless at buying me clothes. I would have to take charge of that myself when we got home. My mind was racing, I felt light-headed and I was out in the warm mid-evening Majorcan air before I realised what I was doing. My parents and Elise had gone out to the pool over an hour ago, taking my non-participation for granted. It was this, admittedly justified, rejection that prolonged my aggressive mood. Realising how little my swimsuit left to the imagination, but not caring, I sauntered to the poolside. The waggle of my hips that had so disgusted me before was now enthralling. The black Lycra was cut very high on my leg, for reasons that escaped me, and I was thankful that my Mother had insisted I removed my body hair before we came. I'm sure she hadn't envisioned me looking like this. I strode past my parent's sun loungers without a word, jumped into the pool. I wish I could have seen their reaction, especially my Dad's. They must have done a comical double take or something. The boy I had noticed earlier was there, at the deep end. Probably hadn't left since I had seen him earlier that evening. I swam confidently out to him. He saw me coming, stopped the horseplay with his friends, looked mildly bemused. 'Hi.' 'Hi.' 'I saw you earlier when I came in. My name's Jo.' He must have known it was his lucky day. His demeanour switched from bewilderment to full-on charm offensive. His ugly friends, obviously well accustomed to his attention being diverted from them, quickly shrank into the background. As we talked I heard occasional suggestive remarks aimed at my back from one or other. 'The uglier they are the louder they shout.' said Paul, by way of an apology. There was more to it though. I knew his sort from my former life. He would say anything, do anything, if it meant he would get his way with a pretty girl. I wondered how far I could push him. We were still in the water, holding onto the edge of the pool at the deep end, oblivious to the shouts and splashing of small children around us. After a little while he moved closer to me, until his chest was almost touching the twin mounds of my boobs, nipples clearly visible beneath the wet material. When he kissed me it wasn't exactly unexpected. What I found truly surprising was that I kissed him back. My parents were watching, of course. They didn't mention it later, even after we had hauled our sopping carcasses out of the water and lain by the side of the pool, moving our bodies slowly against each other in a grotesque parody of intercourse as we talked in the gathering dusk. He was quite an interesting person, too smooth and cocksure to have been my friend in my past life, but good company when he was trying to get more than the quick squeeze of my breast that I had allowed him. He was British, a London boy, utterly enticing. Several hours passed in this way; it became cold and we agreed to call it a night. A last lingering kiss, an arrangement to meet tomorrow, and he was gone. Lying in bed, in the room shared with my sister. She was asleep when I got in. I had kissed girls before, but this was completely different, more submissive. I had tried to take the lead but he had beat me down, dictating the pace with his greater physical strength, reaching the depths of my throat with his tongue. As I drifted off to sleep my last waking thought was 'sod it, why not?' He knocked on the door of our chalet as we were sitting down to breakfast. My parents greeted him civilly; they had made no mention of our embarrassing performance yesterday, for which I was glad. He was taking me to a beach, twenty minutes from the hotel complex. I hadn't told my parents this; they gave each other quizzical looks but said nothing. Elise had lent me a bikini after a bit of pestering. My mind was set on this course of action and I needed to look as good as I possibly could. It felt strange wandering around in little more than panties and bra, so I added a diaphanous sarong that afforded me a little more modesty. My parents, again, remained silent when they saw my costume, whilst Paul could hardly keep his tongue in his mouth. As we walked away from the apartment, Paul with his arm round my waist and his hand on my bottom, I heard my parent's raised voices carried through the still, hot air. We had sex, of course, on the deserted cove he led us to. His friends disappeared as if by magic, whilst he laid me down and did the business. It was pretty unsexy looking back on it. He had his hand behind my back one-second as we kissed, then, suddenly, my bikini top was lying beside us. Although I had been expecting the move I was still surprised by its practiced fluidity. He took my hard, dark nipple in his mouth as I lay there like a rag doll, trying not to think about what was happening, wanting it to be over. I was yet to learn that some participation was necessary from my end but, as first experiences go, I'm sure there have been worse. Paul didn't seem to mind. After eight or nine minutes of frenzied thrusting he came, over-noisily. A hoarse cheer came from the middle-distance - the over- dramatic ejaculation hadn't been for my benefit. I hastily re-arranged myself, waded out into the sea to clean up a bit, hoped there were no incriminating stains on the bikini bottoms. The rest of the day passed un-eventfully. Paul was an inattentive host, spending most of his time with his mates in the water. I lay on a beach towel reading a book and feeling half-disgusted, half-elated. The next day Paul's apartment was empty. I was unsurprised that he hadn't bothered to say goodbye. In all honesty I was pleased he had gone. I had no interest in him now, I had used him up, discarded him, no matter what he thought. The rest of the holiday passed uneventfully, only I had changed. I was twenty years old, but I had already been three different people. Jo the slut was born. Call it overcompensation, say something in my mind had broken, think what you will. I don't care about anyone or anything, not anymore. I experimented, built up a new wardrobe in weeks. Fishnet tights, short rubber skirts, corsets, peephole bras, thongs, stockings, basques, bustiers, knee-length boots, g-strings, bright red lipstick, heavy mascara, flavoured condoms, quick shag behind the nightclub, heavy drinking, heavy hangovers. This was my world now. I tormented my family, wandered around the house in skimpy satin chemises, brought boys home to spend the night. On one occasion I took one of my conquests home for Sunday dinner, unexpectedly. Afterwards we sat around in the Living Room making small talk. I sat on the boys lap, wiggling my arse against his crotch occasionally to preserve the sensation of his erection pressed against my silky skirt. My family watched in desperation as I touched rock bottom, gradually hauled myself out of it, levelled out, came to my senses. So this is it, the fourth 'Me'. We've had Joseph, then the three Jo's - Sulky, Slutty and now Moderate. If we were four different people it would be the teenybopper band from heaven. We're bang up to date. I passed my 'A'-Levels, although things looked a bit dodgy in those wild couple of months. The next step is university - I've got an unconditional offer to study law at Exeter after strings were pulled by friends in high places. I have a feeling that Roger's hand was at work, although I can't prove it and have no wish to speak to him again. The next three years should be interesting. Although my dress sense has also regained some semblance of sanity I still veer towards low-cut tops and short skirts. Why not? I know what men find attractive (after all, I used to be one) and enough of my old self remains to know that I make a bloody attractive girl. I don't have any hang-ups about my body. After all, I didn't ask for it, so it may as well be pretty damn near to perfection. Okay, perhaps I'm going overboard, but let's put it this way, I will never be lonely if I don't want to be. My Mum asked me if I was bitter about what happened to me. The answer can only be 'no, not any more'. After all, what's the point? I have a family that love me, all the help and support I can get. I have full use of my senses, of my body. In degrees of life-changing experiences, this could have been a whole lot worse. I'm alive, I'm reasonably happy, I'm a girl. But so what? As Roger said, it was bound to happen to somebody eventually... END

Same as Waiting to Happen Videos

2 years ago
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Howd that happen3

Comments/criticisms are welcomed by me. These stories are meant to be read serially. The next morning I was barely able to get off the ground. It seems something else did come up and I was able to cope with it. Barely. Those ladies almost did me in. This morning I felt like I might not make it so Sante Fe if this kept up. After thinking about that for a while I smiled to myself and figured, what the hell, if it happens I don't make it I can't think of a better way to go. But we really had to...

Straight Sex
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HAPPENSTANCE The eagerness I felt to suck cock drained slowly away the further I traveled down the corridor. By midway point, I has seen two men; one of which I held no interest in. The other, well, he showed no interest in me, so there I had broken even. I removed my darkened lenses and looked to the back of the corridor. A look in the mirror made me head there after a stop at the head. “Hello.” I said to the 5’10” tall, brown haired and eyed, well built man before me. “How are you?” He...

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Kelly Girl Part 14 Floop and Happenstance

Rated R for context. Nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 14 "Floop and Happenstance" By Wanda Cunningham Kelly stared, squinting a little without his glasses. Andie had just removed Melissa's wig revealing thinning brown hair and a receding hairline, very much at odds with the rest of Melissa's appearance. Moments before,...

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This is how it starts. A crowded Friday afternoon subway car, and my stop coming up. I'm trying to squeeze past you to get to the doors as you're zipping up your jacket, and you catch my hair and necklace in the zipper. We're stuck, tangled together by happenstance and fate, and I can't help but laugh at the consternation on your face. We're jostling the passengers around us, trying to free my hair and your clothing, drawing grumbles of complaint and annoyed looks, as the doors clatter...

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Halloween Happenings

HALLOWEEN HAPPENINGS by Throne The party was really beginning to swing when I arrived. I saw our hostess, Molly, who I had secretly lusted after for nearly a year. She was dressed as a devil girl, with a red body stocking, black boots and one of those plastic hairbands with two little horns on it. Oh, and she had jazzed up her make-up, heavy on the liquid eyeliner. Anyway, I didn't want to stare at her and it became very easy not to when she led me into the den. There, in the...

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Sexual Happenstance

We arrived at the club just after 10pm and wandered up to the bar to get the first round of our nightly alcohol intake, the music was pretty good for an early start as my wife and I sipped on our cider and found an empty table near the dance floor. She was the first to make her way up to dance and show off her figure hugging dress as she moved around to the music, I admired her curves through the black fabric and wondered if maybe her lack of bra was a good choice while noticing her small pert...

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They cruised the block for the 20th day in a row, checking out who was home and who was not. The old van made the turn and stopped, the three of them talking about the job, "What do you think?" Mark asked the other two, they both nodded their ascension, "Tomorrow then," and he pulled out and headed home. They had been friends for years, living off of others, family and mostly strangers. They all lived together in the house Mark's father had left him, but life is not free, so they cased...

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College Happenings

He did what any father would do. When he received a call from the school officials that something had happened to his daughter he was on it in a minute. “What?” he said, assuming it was bad. “When did this happen?” he asked. “I’ll be there as soon as possible. Where do I need to go?” he went on to say. They told him and he immediately threw on his clothes and grabbed his wallet and took off to get his daughter so he could take care of her. “Are you okay?” he asked her. “Are you alright,...

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This Was Not Supposed to Happen

Donna came into the room holding her cellphone and said to her husband, "Dear, it will have to be a raincheck on making pottery tonight. Alice called, she sounds really down." Martin Gahan was as happy as a poker player holding the nuts when his wife said she had to cancel their plans for the night. He loved spending time with his wife, but wanted to actually be the poker player holding the nuts tonight instead. His friends threw together a spur of the moment poker game for this...

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Amariels Adventures Chapter 2 Fey Happenings

It’s too cold today to wear a skirt, so I’ll need pants. I select one of my few pairs I have to choose from, so tight that I can’t imagine them ever seeming comfortable to a person. Black. For a top I have a bit more selection. I’ll wear the dark blue top: silky and breezy, with thin straps. It shows off a lot of chest, and all of my shoulders. I watch myself dress in the dirty mirror in my “room”. It’s more like a cell, with only one small window that is too high to look through, and a small...

2 years ago
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Amariels Adventures Chapter 2 Fey Happenings

Introduction: Im sorry it took so long to get it up! Im hoping you guys enjoy it, despite the long wait. The lacy black underwear which are so transparent that they are almost invisible, or the obscenely small red ones that hardly cover more than my nipples? I guess Ill choose the red ones today. Its too cold today to wear a skirt, so Ill need pants. I select one of my few pairs I have to choose from, so tight that I cant imagine them ever seeming comfortable to a person. Black. For a top I...

3 years ago
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Strange happenings

Strange couplingI had been dating Ann for a year and a half. I was not a favorite of her mother. She was constantly on Ann to break up with me. She didn’t think I was worthy of her daughter and was constantly on Ann about it. Thankfully, Ann was not aligned with her mother on that.Mrs. M , Ann’s mother, was also the principle of the High School. I always treaded lightly around her mother. It was one thing for Mrs. M not wanting me to date her daughter and another to get in trouble at school. We...

1 year ago
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College Happenings

She’d had a horrific experience in her very first year at college. Away from home for her very first time, Kathi had experienced a most frightening occurrence she will scarcely overlook. But once he found out he was there. Her daddy jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes and her daddy was there to comfort her and “take” her into his arms. “Oh honey…ohhh baby…are you alright?” he asked as he held her full figured like body in his arms. It looked like it but he couldn’t be sure. Her mother...

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Some Things Just Happen

Some things just happen. People call it fate. Others think it's luck. Me? I think some things just happen. It's not like there has to be a reason for everything. Like you're at your town's 4th of July celebration, and there are hundreds of people all sitting around on blankets. It's a warm night, maybe a little too muggy, but OK because there's a breeze. And you're walking around because you're there alone. You stop at a corner to decide where to go and you look down and lo and...

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Bound to Happen

Bound to HappenLisa had always been shy. She had grown up in a house where her father was the dominate force. She along with her sister and mother had all strived to do whatever he wanted. Lisa remembered being instructed by her mother on the importance of taking care of the man of the family. Now she was away for her freshman year of college and frankly she felt disoriented as there was no one telling her what to do and when to do it. Frankly Lisa was miserable!The first month she did nothing...

3 years ago
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My cubicle happenings

i was in the cubicle of the mens public loo legs up spread wide trousers off pantys on what a dirty slut i felt! I pour baby oil all over my legs and crotch mmmh it felt so sexy i start rubbing my inner thigs slowly put with sexual intent! I hear two men pissing talking casual about the day gone by.... This made me more horny mmmh my stiff cock was pointing straight up by now as i had crotchless black thongs on..... My veins bulging with excitment up and down my 9inch length! I reached round to...

2 years ago
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it finally happend

Jackie and I have been married for 37 years, and our sex lives have become a little stale, in fact my wife has gone off the idea completely, I keep trying to come up with new ideas some turn her on some don’t, what I will say about her she does go through the motions for my sake, she still has orgasms but on very rare occasions. What is strange to me is she like to pose for erotic pictures for me and she as accepted that I show her off on websites like this one, I'm convinced she is an...

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A Night That Never Happend

I had been working with David, in the office for several years. Over that time, I had developed a secret ‘crush’ on him. It was at that time of year again when the festivals come to an end with a display of fireworks. David invited me to come along with a few of his friends. My only thoughts were, did he know of my secret crush on him? He gave me a time and place to meet him, after I accepted his invite. I arrived at the prearranged meeting, from which we went to meet up with his mates. After...

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A Night That Never Happend

I had been working with David, in the office for several years. Over that time, I had developed a secret ‘crush’ on him. It was at that time of year again when the festivals come to an end with a display of fireworks. David invited me to come along with a few of his friends. My only thoughts were; did he know of my secret crush on him? He gave me a time and place to meet him, after I accepted his invite.I arrived at the prearranged meeting, from which we went to meet up with his mates. After...

Love Stories
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what happend

I think I better start from the beginning?my wife & I have been married for over 30 years, we had good times well as bad times, for me I would say been more good time then bad times over the years.once a month we do a meal in the house.my wife would say meal tonight & fun, so we go into town pick up what we need then come home have sleep for an hour or two?about 4:30 I start the meal then about 5:30 wife go up stairs ask me to give her shave, while she getting ready for me to shave her...

3 years ago
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It Really Does Happen

This story is copyright 2009 by (lipsticked11).? All rights reserved.? No reposting without permission.It Really Does HappenI am owned by a dominant couple and their niece and used as a live-in maid, cook, and sexual slave.  My name was Michael, now I am Michelle.  This is my story:When I was 35, my wife Connie and I lived next door to another married couple, Denise and Steven Taylor.  Denise was in her early-30’s, blond, with large breasts, long legs, a small waist and a gorgeous face – a...

3 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 48 The Worst That Could Happen

Friday morning at breakfast I told Mom and Dad about my upcoming date with Angela. I guess waiting until the last minute wasn't the brightest idea I'd had. They looked at each other for a second, and then they looked at Allison to see what her reaction to this was. I can't say they were disappointed, but they obviously were not getting the reaction they were expecting. "What?" Allison asked, when she saw them staring at her. Mom shook her head in confusion and said, "Your brother just...

3 years ago
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Bound to Happen

Lisa had always been shy. She had grown up in a house where her father was the dominate force. She along with her sister and mother had all strived to do whatever he wanted. Lisa remembered being instructed by her mother on the importance of taking care of the man of the family. Now she was away for her freshman year of college and frankly she felt disoriented as there was no one telling her what to do and when to do it. Frankly Lisa was miserable!The first month she did nothing but go to class...

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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 11 Couldnt Never Happen

It shouldn’t happen. It couldn’t happen. It did happen. Helva’s almost panicked voice rang throughout. Inkie woke slowly, barely aware for some extended time. She couldn’t see or hear, and she was breathing through a SCUBA-like full-face mask. Her wrists were fastened together as were her legs at the ankles. After a while,...

2 years ago
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After our first innocuous, though very flirtatious date he invited me for dinner at his inner-city apartment. Before I arrived I had decided to play the vamp and seduce Zac. I had phoned one of my my experienced girlfriends, Meg, earlier in the day for some advice. “I want to fuck him tonight, what should I wear to make it happen,” I asked her. She offered to call around to help choose a suitable outfit. “Show me what sexy lingerie you have. Try that one on for me. You are a very fuckable...

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How Did This Happen

How Did This Happen By Cheryl Lynn This is a first person account of a young man who is forced to become a woman by his step aunt. It is more about his strict training and mental adaptation than a description of his clothing and other characters involved. There is no sex but very humiliating and I have left the ending up to your imagination. There is diaper play but it only sets the stage for the rest of his development. All the usual disclaimers apply and may be downloaded for...

2 years ago
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After our first innocuous, though very flirtatious date he invited me for dinner at his inner-city apartment. Before I arrived I had decided to play the vamp and seduce Zac. I had phoned one of my my experienced girlfriends, Meg, earlier in the day for some advice. “I want to fuck him tonight, what should I wear to make it happen,” I asked her. She offered to call around to help choose a suitable outfit. “Show me what sexy lingerie you have. Try that one on for me. You are a very fuckable...

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Sometimes Miracles Happen

Normally, I never let my dogs loose in the city. On this late winter afternoon however, as I shifted the bag of groceries I was carrying, they somehow managed to wiggle from my grasp, tearing off, side by side with leashes trailing. They were two little fugitives running free. Feeling foolish, I sped after them calling their names, ‘SEPTEMBER SNOW! SCRAPPY!’ I hollered, racing down the snowy sidewalk in a wasted effort to catch them. Running through the snow with a bag of groceries isn’t...

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Accidents Happen

There are some things in life that are not planned. They just happen! My sister Donna is 4 years older than me and we have never been real tight. We were just typical siblings with an age difference. We would fight all the time over just about anything, but as we got older we managed to become friends. My sister was a wild c***d; I caught her more than once having sex with her boyfriends at our parents' house. I never said anything but she knew that I knew. There were times, and I am sure it...

2 years ago
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Accidents happen

There are some things in life that are not planned. They just happen! My sister Donna is 4 years older than me and we have never been real tight. We were just typical siblings with an age difference. We would fight all the time over just about anything, but as we got older we managed to become friends. My sister was a wild c***d; I caught her more than once having sex with her boyfriends at our parents' house. I never said anything but she knew that I knew. There were times, and I am sure it...

2 years ago
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I never thought it would actually happen

So, I had just got off a day of work, and I hadn’t taken my little road trip in almost a month and a half. I hit all the spots and got to the old truck stop. Nothing out of the ordinary, I got undressed and headed for the shower. When I got in, there was just one other guy there. I had seen him there a few times before. He was older, probably 40 something, fairly overweight, and much larger than me. I did my usual routine. When I got in, I chose a shower head fairly close to him, not right...

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Have You Ever Had the Feeling That Something Was Going to Happen

Have you ever had the feeling that something was going to happen? I knew something was going to happen today. I had no idea what, but something was going to happen. I’d felt that way all day long and couldn’t figure out why. Maybe because it was Monday. The wife and I had been on the cool side of our relationship for a few weeks. It had happened before. She would just withdraw from me, telling me it was just her. After several weeks she would be back to her normal self. Then we would be back...

2 years ago
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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 8 Bad Thing Happen

I slept most of the ride back. When I was about a half hour out, I called Mona to see if she wanted to pick me up. I then called home and Mom answered. I told her Dad was off the hook for picking me up. She laughed and said they forgot they were supposed to come get me. It must suck getting old. They say your memory is the first thing to go. Mona was waiting for me when we pulled up. She suggested going to her place to talk, but her parents were home. I told her we could go to my place. I...

1 year ago
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This is what Happens

This is what happens. You got an old woman living alone in a far older house in a tiny northern town. The house has been in the family forever. The old lady has enough intelligence and taste to care for the roomsful of good taste she inherited. Then she dies. Guess what happens. One guess, baby. That's right. It's instant family-reunion time. There's the funeral and stuff, but even I didn't come up for that. The old house is sold and contents up on the block. Us rats arrive in unison...

2 years ago
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how did this happen

Disclaimer! This story is totally fiction and if you are under 18 years old you shouldn't be reading this or on this website! This story has been written as being told by each character By: G Lacy panties How did this happen? John: I had been seeing Julie for a while, but things were getting stale and boring I tried to introduce some fun into the relationship I bought her Lingerie, costumes and suggested sum games she said she wasn't in to that and we slowed things down,...

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Charlotte and the Chocolate FactoryChapter 3 Whats The Worst That Could Happen

"If you think Virana and I are going to stay one more minute in this awful place after what just happened, you're insane!" Mrs. Pepper said angrily. "Like I said earlier, you can't go back the way we came," Ms. Wilco said, pulling a lever on the wall. "And don't worry. I assure you there won't be anymore surprises. Scout's honor." A large red paddle boat appeared from one of the tunnels in the wall and came to a slow stop where Wilco was standing. "I don't believe you," Mrs....

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How did this happen

The knock at the door woke me up from a very restful sleep. 3:00 am, who on earth could be knocking on my door at 3:30 am? I trudged downstairs in my sleeping shorts, and peeked through the little hole on my front door…it was Amy and her daughter Jesse. I had worked with Amy for the past five years, and we had become best friends through discussion around her marital problems and my divorce from my wife of 15 years. We both shared some common frustrations, regrets, and disappointments that the...

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How Did This Happen

How Did This HappenI sat looking into the vanity's mirrors. Reflected back was the face ofa pretty but not beautiful girl. Long strawberry blond hair piled up incurls held in place by a white feathered band. Pillow soft strawberrycolored lips. The nose a bit too big but not that detracting, archedbrows, smoky eyelids and large golden hoop pierced earlobes stared backat me.What the mirrors didn't show was my attire. I was wearing a whitecrystal beaded square necked leotard with spaghetti...

2 years ago
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Neighbours It Can Happen

Tony couldn’t resist it just as he had been unable to resist talking to Angela whenever he saw her. They were long-standing neighbours. Tony was fifty-four-years-old and Angela lived next door and was now thirty-two-years-old. It had started as flirting between the two of them, except it was Angela doing the flirting. When Tony visited some years earlier and they played cards it was Angela who would steal glances at Tony and when Tony caught her eye it was Angela who blushed. That carried on...

3 years ago
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It seems no matter how much she tries to avoid them, my lovely voluptuous blond wife, Dot, is accident prone. She keeps having accidental falls or body collisions with people. If it's not in our bathroom, it's at the supermarket. She's also had a fall at a furniture store.These accidents started occurring not long after we were married 12 years ago.CHAPTER 1: THE EARLY DAYS: AT THE UNIVERSITYDot was the dream I never thought I could even get a date with, much less end up marrying. She was...

1 year ago
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Mom let it happen

Note : This story is completely fictional! Back when I was in High School, I lived with my Mom in a two bedroom apartment. We had been living in the apartment the past few years. Before that, we lived in a house with my step Dad. My Mom and step Dad were married a little over ten years. My Mom got pregnant with me while she was still in High School. She was on vacation with a friend of hers and her parents. She never really knew my dad, or even his last name. Being a single Mother, she...

4 years ago
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I have to make it happen

my first bestiality video showing a dog fucking a woman. Once I found some of dogs fucking a guy I have been obsessed with hoping to get mounted. Every stray dog I see I look to see if it is a male and once I see it is, I gaze at its cock fantasizing the dog mount me. I have tried to get a stray dog to follow me somewhere that I could drop my pants and underwear to see if the dog is horny enough to take me. Some of the dogs appear to have big cocks even if they aren't a big dog. I...

2 years ago
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Mistakes Happen

I like to write stories like this, but I'm no good at it. It's all in good fun I'm Gre9ory. My household consist of just me and my mom. It's been that way since as long as I can remember. I don't know my dad. All I know is that he's black. Mom never mentions him. She won't even tell me his name or age. My mom is a fat lady. She's both fat and not so attractive. I know since she's my mom, I should think she's beautiful, but she's a little below average. For some reason, she...

4 years ago
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It had been a quiet night. I’d spent the evening out with my friends watching girls, watching a movie, watching the girls. I’d been on my home from the cinema when it happened, I didn’t see the car that did it but I woke up yesterday with my mother and sister looking at me in concern.It turns out a car, driven by a drunk driver had swerved onto the sidewalk and knocked me off my feet. I’d managed to break my leg, and both arms, but what had the doctors concerned was the blow to my head. They’d...

4 years ago
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Occasions that started to happen

Pleasure can be quite addictive. Especially when solid ground is a bit shaken. Morals. Integrity. And so on.It wasn't an appropriate way to fight boredom, yet still... Somehow it didn't seem like anything new to them. Moreover, at certain point they both looked as if they have totally forgot an initial intent not to repeat all the thing again and again 'till it was too late to stop. They both been kinda exhausted from unevenful days of complete sultriness. When the evening brought nice fresh...

3 years ago
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Bound to happen

They got me off the street, I was just out shopping. They pulled me into an upstairs office, and talked me into signing the waiver and release form, I knew it was a porn film, I looked forwards to meeting the ladies, and I throbbed at the thought of what I was going to do to them. I was escorted to a changing room and told to strip off my clothes and put on the straps. A large comfortable leather belt around my abdomen and smaller straps under and between the legs – attaching at the front...

1 year ago
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Bound to happen

Introduction: A guy gets into something he didnt expect. WARNING. extreme bondage. They got me off the street, I was just out shopping. They pulled me into an upstairs office, and talked me into signing the waiver and release form, I knew it was a porn film, I looked forwards to meeting the ladies, and I throbbed at the thought of what I was going to do to them. I was escorted to a changing room and told to strip off my clothes and put on the straps. A large comfortable leather belt around my...

2 years ago
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Things Just Happen

It's funny how things happen sometimes. You're stumbling along as normal and suddenly because of some random event everything flips upside down. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright KLS 2008. Things Just Happen By Kristina.L.S. 1. She sat back in her saggy old lounge and sighed quietly as a small smile crept across her face. ~Hey, 11 o'clock, what a...

3 years ago
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Now How Did That Happen

NOW HOW DID THAT HAPPEN NOW HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?  By Aaron Oliver  At first it was irritating.? Then unbelievably frustrating.? But I never expected what came next. It began one Friday evening just before midnight.? I was deep inside my wife, moving rhythmically and rapidly approaching the brink.? Jeanne was bucking beneath me, gasping, then exploding into a noisy orgasm.? I started to follow ? and then the telephone rang. Jeanne pushed me off, reached over and grabbed the receiver.? I...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 19 That Might Happen

September 3, 1984, McKinley, Ohio When Lara and I returned to campus just before lunchtime, two McKinley police officers were in the lobby, blocking access to the elevators. “What’s going on?” I asked Nicky, a Senior, who was manning the desk. “An OD on 5,” she said. “Bad?” “The paramedics went up about ten minutes ago. The cops will let you up, but you can’t go to 5.” “Thanks. Any idea who it was or what they took?” “No.” Lara and I headed to the mailboxes where I retrieved letters...

1 year ago
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It had been too long It had to happen

100% fiction! I was well into my eigth year on a fifteen year prison sentence for robbery when the unthinkable happened. Either my mother or my sister would come stay a couple days on in the prison sponsored conjugal visit program, designed to help hold families together. On this one particular visit my sister came up with her daughter and the visit proceeded to go about as they normally do. She would update me on the latest news while I helped her unpack the food bags. She would then head into...

1 year ago
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that cant happen

I was in Brazil having the time of my life , my gf with me for the last week going from places to places with our pack sack, nothing but the 2 of us the Salvador lodge near the beach on a island was gorgeous on the picture i bookedthe next days will be so relaxing , walking on the beach together before sleeping , listening to the sound of the wavesWe were off soon in the morning to another nice trip ,looking foward to our remote island, my sexy gf blond hair floating in the air i got carried...

4 years ago
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Hello guys bbc story happen

Sorry guys my stories r truth so some time takes time big event happenSorry in advance my English and grammar not good As u guys know I'm shemale skinny and cute pic in my profile Lately I start my new business remodeling small business retail stores I meet this client 7ft tall very muscular and very rich and yes his black from Africa some island and he open new shop here in my city for female clothing and undies and after my team finish Remodel his store they left I'm at his waiting for him to...

3 years ago
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Cleaning lady 3 ndash Had to happen

Well guys, and galls alike I suppose, looking back, I imagine t had to happen. I’m pretty busy with clients and stuff these days but yesterday was cleaning day and I decided to work at home. You know the set up. I’m in my office and Theresa comes in on her own every two weeks.The temperature yesterday was 89 degrees and humid. I have to admit I was looking forward to seeing what she would wear and I wasn’t disappointed. White T-Shirt, as usual, lacy bra, as usual but this time transparent. You...

1 year ago
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Silver ArrowChapter 1 Accidents Happen

There's a myth about fat people that they are almost always happy, fun-loving men and women. It is false. In fact, it isn't even close to being true. Most fat people are desperately unhappy. Why? Because they are fat. An object of ridicule in a world that prizes slim, elegant men and women. Now, this is somewhat of a contradiction, of course. As the average adult population gets more and more overweight, fat people cease to be a noticeable minority and become ... part of the mainstream....

2 years ago
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Waiting 20

I published the start of this as a story on its own, but I only wrote the start because I wanted to write the end. So here it is in one piece. It is best read slowly, take your time. I hope you enjoy it, and my other stories, please comment, Vix.I walked through the door, following your instructions to the letter. I sat on the chair you had left in the middle of the room, put the mask over my eyes shutting out the light. The chair was wooden, with a spindle back which lowered and came round the...

1 year ago
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I started this as a means to get to another idea I have, but I got so into the intro, I thought it worked as a story on it's own. I will post this and then post it again with my original ending so you can make up your own mind.I walked through the door, following your instructions to the letter. I sat on the chair you had left in the middle of the room, put the mask over my eyes shutting out the light. The chair was wooden, with a spindle back which lowered and came round the sides to make 2...

3 years ago
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Waiting is always the hardest part. She was waiting for a man she had met through a friend and had never actually met, yet he invoked feelings in her she thought had long ago been lost. She knew him, as anyone knows another person. They had talked online, over the phone and even through conventional mail. Letters, love letters really, forbidden fantasies detailing longings to help cope with lonely nights. They talked regularly, about everything. They were both from broken families, keeping in...

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